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Read the instructions carefully before you begin

Task Overview

Students will individually write a brief story of their personal experiences, merge these
individual stories with peers to form a cohesive performance with a unified theme, and reflect on
their performance afterward. This task will be evaluated across the four criteria of the MYP
Performing Arts framework.


 Goal: Students will learn to express and share their personal stories through storytelling,
collaborate to merge their stories into a cohesive performance, and evaluate their work.
 Role: Each student is a storyteller and performer, contributing personal stories to create a
holistic and engaging group performance.
 Audience: Fellow classmates, facilitators, and any other audience invited to view the
 Situation: You are part of a team of storytellers who must create a performance based on
the individual stories of each team member. The performance should tell a cohesive story
with a common theme that connects each member’s personal narrative.
 Product, Performance, and Purpose:
1. Individual Story – Type and print a not more than one-page story about a
significant personal experience.
2. Group Performance - Collaborate with peers to merge individual stories into a
unified performance that aligns with a holistic theme.
3. Reflection - Reflect on the group performance, noting areas of success, areas for
improvement, and action steps for future performances.
 Standards and Criteria for Success: This task will be assessed based on Criteria A
(Investigating), B (Developing), C (Creating/Performing), and D (Evaluating). Each
criterion will be scored out of 8 points, totaling 32 points.

Criterion A: Investigating (8 points)

i. investigate a movement or genre in their chosen arts discipline, related to the statement
of inquiry
ii. describe an artwork or performance from the chosen movement(s) or genres(s).
Criterion B: Developing (8 points)

i. practically explore ideas to inform development of a final artwork or performance

ii. present a clear artistic intention for the final artwork or performance in line with the
statement of inquiry.
Criterion C: Creating (8 points)

i. create or perform an artwork.

Criterion D: Evaluating (8 points)

i. appraise their own artwork or performance

ii. reflect on their development as an artist.

Submission Requirements

1. Individual Story:
o Type your individual story (not more than one A4 page), print it, and place it in a
protective sheet.
o Submit your story one week before the performance date.
2. Reflection:
o After the performance, upload a reflection on ManageBac. Address the following
in your reflection:
 How did your group perform overall?
 What challenges or unexpected issues did you face?
 What would you improve in a future performance?

Task-specific clarification

Criterion 0 1-2 3-4 5-6 7-8

Criterion A: The The student The student The student The student
Investigating student demonstrates demonstrates demonstrates a demonstrates
(Researching and does not a minimal some satisfactory an excellent
Planning) reach a understanding understanding understanding understanding
standard of the task, of the task and of the task and of the task,
described with limited provides shows some showing
by any of detail in limited planning in detailed and
the individual planning in creating an thoughtful
descriptors storytelling. the creation of engaging planning in the
below. the individual individual creation of a
Criterion 0 1-2 3-4 5-6 7-8
story. story. individual
The student
The student
The The student The student excellent
student minimally shows some collaboration,
does not participates in effort in merging
merging stories
Criterion B: reach a merging merging stories
with some
Developing standard stories and stories and seamlessly
(Collaborating and described demonstrates developing a with a clear
Combining Stories) by any of minimal effort basic cohesive and cohesive
the in combining theme but theme,
teamwork and
descriptors ideas for the lacks fluid contributing
below. performance. collaboration. significantly to
the group
The student’s
The The student’s The student’s performance is
student performance The student’s performance is highly
does not demonstrates performance engaging and engaging,
Criterion C: reach a minimal shows some demonstrates creatively
Creating/Performing standard creativity or creativity but good creativity, dynamic, and
(Bringing the Story to described engagement, lacks using clear uses
Life) by any of and struggles consistency in storytelling storytelling
the with basic storytelling techniques to techniques
descriptors storytelling techniques. convey the expertly to
below. techniques. narrative. captivate the
The student’s
The student’s
The The student’s reflection is
student The student’s reflection is highly
shows some
does not reflection thoughtful, insightful,
insight but
Criterion D: reach a lacks insight evaluating thoroughly
lacks depth in
Evaluating standard and does not strengths and evaluating the
evaluating the
(Reflection on described address areas weaknesses performance
Performance) by any of of with some with clear,
the improvement insight into actionable
descriptors meaningfully. potential plans for
areas for
below. improvements. future
Note to Students: Remember to submit your individual story on time in a protective sheet and
upload your after-performance reflection on ManageBac.

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