English B1.1 PCA-PDU 2nd

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Area: Languages Subject: English

Teacher(s): Lcda. Juliana Montes Mero

Grade/ Course: 2nd Education Level: BGU B1.1





Objectives of the Area Objectives of the Grade/Course

OG.EFL 1 O.EFL 5.1

Encounter socio-cultural aspects of their own and other countries in a thoughtful and inquisitive Encounter socio-cultural aspects of their own and other countries in a thoughtful and inquisitive manner,
manner, maturely, and openly experiencing other cultures and languages from the secure maturely, and openly experiencing other cultures and languages from the secure standpoint of their own
standpoint of their own national and cultural identity. national and cultural identity.

OG.EFL 2 O.EFL 5.2

Draw on this established propensity for curiosity and tolerance towards different cultures to Draw on this established propensity for curiosity and tolerance towards different cultures to comprehend the
comprehend the role of diversity in building an intercultural and multinational society. role of diversity in building an intercultural and multinational society.

OG.EFL 3 O.EFL 5.3

Access greater flexibility of mind, creativity, enhanced linguistic intelligence, and critical thinking Access greater flexibility of mind, creativity, enhanced linguistic intelligence, and critical thinking skills through
skills through an appreciation of linguistic differences. Enjoy an enriched perspective of their L1 an appreciation of linguistic differences. Enjoy an enriched perspective of their L1 and of language use for
and of language use for communication and learning. communication and learning.

OG.EFL 4 Deploy a range of learning strategies, thereby increasing disposition and ability to O.EFL 5.4
independently access further (language) learning and practice opportunities. Respect themselves
and others within the communication process, cultivating habits of honesty and integrity into Deploy a range of learning strategies, thereby increasing disposition and ability to independently access further
responsible academic behavior. (language) learning and practice opportunities. Respect themselves and others within the communication
process, cultivating habits of honesty and integrity into responsible academic behavior.
O.EFL 5.5
Directly access the main points and important details of up-to date. English language texts, such
as those published on the web, for professional or general investigation, through the efficient use Directly access the main points and important details of up-to date. English language texts, such as those
of ICT and reference tools where required. published on the web, for professional or general investigation, through the efficient use of ICT and reference
tools where required.
O.EFL 5.6
Through selected media, participate in reasonably extended spoken or written dialogue with
peers from different L1 backgrounds on work, study, or general topics of common interest, Through selected media, participate in reasonably extended spoken or written dialogue with peers from
expressing ideas and opinions effectively and appropriately. different L1 backgrounds on work, study, or general topics of common interest, expressing ideas and opinions
effectively and appropriately.
O.EFL 5.7
Interact quite clearly, confidently, and appropriately in a range of formal and informal social
situations with a limited but effective command of the spoken language (CEFR B1 level). Interact quite clearly, confidently, and appropriately in a range of formal and informal social situations with a
limited but effective command of the spoken language (CEFR B1 level).

TRANSVERSAL AXES: Intercultural awareness, tolerance, respect, multiculturalism, responsibility, solidarity, etc.


Nº Title of the unit Unit Specific Objectives Contents/skills ** Methodological Orientations Evaluation*** Weeks

(Skills and strategies) Duration

To talk about news. EFL 5.1.1 Display an understanding of the Using context clues to make decisions about CE.EFL.5.1. Display an understanding of
relationship between the practices and verb forms according to the tenses. the integrity of different cultures by
perspectives of different cultures by sharing experiences and by participating
To announce a piece of news recognizing and sharing cross-cultural in class activities and discussions in a
that has happened recently. experiences and ideas. way that shows empathy and respect for
Identifying the lead paragraph of an article. others.

I.EFL.5.1.1. Learners can demonstrate an

To share life experiences. EFL 5.2.1 Deduce the meanings of understanding of the integrity of
unfamiliar phrases and words from a Using quotation marks to report what other
different cultures by sharing experiences
context containing familiar elements. people say or said.
and by participating in class activities
(Example: colloquial greetings, and discussions in a way that shows
exclamations, interjections, etc.) empathy and respect for others. (I.3, S.1,
Writing the lead paragraph of a short article, S.2, J.1, J.3).
providing a clear and concise overview of the
EFL 5.3.1 Find specific predictable main points.
information in short, simple texts in a CE.EFL.5.2. Demonstrate an ability to
BREAKING NEWS range of age- and level-appropriate 5
discuss culture by analyzing cultural
1 topics. (Example: biographies, news Using idiomatic expressions to share your products and referents from Ecuador
articles, narratives, memoirs and own experiences. and other countries while making
personal accounts, formal letters and informed choices about and taking
emails, etc.) action on issues of prejudice and

EFL 5.4.1 Critically evaluate information I.EFL.5.2.1. Learners can exhibit an

from references, including those found ability to discuss culture by analyzing
on the web, and recommend print and cultural products and referents from
digital sources to other learners. Ecuador and other countries while
making informed choices about and
taking action on issues of prejudice and
discrimination. (I.1, I.2, S.2, J.1, J.3)
EFL 5.5.1 Compare and present personal
and formal responses to and
interpretations of published literary texts
and the works of peers, referring to CE.EFL.5.3. Interpret cultural and
details and features of the text. language patterns in English, including
(Example: text structure, plot, ideas, nonverbal communication, and apply
events, vocabulary, etc.) them in appropriate contexts.

I.EFL.5.3.1. Learners can interpret

cultural and language patterns in
English, including nonverbal
communication, and apply them in
appropriate contexts. (I.3, I.4, S.1, S.2)

To speculate about lifestyles EFL 5.1.2 Classifying vocabulary into categories to CE.EFL.5.4. Communicate effectively
in the past. remember it better. using a variety of media and formats,
Demonstrate mindfulness, empathy, including ICT, by saying things in
tolerance and an overall respect for the alternative ways and applying self-
integrity of cultures in daily classroom 5
To express opinion and Understanding the structure of sentences correcting and self-monitoring strategies
activities. when needed.
possibility about past events. that make use of connectors.
2 HEALTHY LIFE, I.EFL.5.4.1. Learners can communicate
HEALTHY WORLD. effectively using a variety of media and
EFL 5.2.2 Identify the main idea and
To describe people, objects, some details of recorded news reports, Identifying the thesis statement in an essay. formats, including ICT, by saying things
and events. documentaries and interviews reporting in alternative ways and applying self-
on seasonal festivities, environmental correcting and self-monitoring strategies
issues, food and international customs, Using sequence connectors such as first of all, when needed. (I.1, I.3, J.4)
climate, weather, etc., where the visuals second of all, in summary, to organize the
support the commentary. ideas of a text.
CE.EFL.5.5. Listening for Meaning:
Identify the main idea in a variety of
EFL 5.3.2 Identify and use reading Writing a short essay. audio recordings (e.g., interviews, radio
strategies to make informative and ads, news reports, etc.) and deduce the
narrative texts comprehensible and meanings of unfamiliar phrases and
meaningful. (Example: skimming, words in familiar contexts, provided
Reading options carefully before listening to speech is clear and visuals help support
scanning, previewing, reading for main the audio to focus your comprehension.
ideas and details, using structural and meaning.
context clues, cognates, format, Using expressions such as Look! Well, I I.EFL.5.5.1. Learners can identify the
sequence, etc.) guess / I know! / I think to engage in a main idea in a variety of audio
conversation. recordings (e.g., interviews, radio ads,
news reports, etc.) and deduce the
EFL 5.4.2 Identify a variety of types and meanings of unfamiliar phrases and
formats of potential resources and the words in familiar contexts where speech
value, purpose and audience of each for is clear and visuals help support
use in the educational domain. (Example: meaning. (I.3, I.4)
audio/video, multimedia, website,
database, book, thesaurus,
scholarly/popular, current/historical, CE.EFL.5.6. Listening for Information:
etc.) Deal with practical, everyday
communication demands in familiar
social and academic contexts, including
EFL 5.5.2 Make predictions, inferences following directions in class activities
and deductions to demonstrate different and identifying main ideas in other
levels of meaning of literary texts curricular subjects when given sufficient
presented orally or in digital form, support.
including literal and implied meanings.
(Example: summarizing, explaining and I.EFL.5.6.1. Learners can deal with
identifying, word choice, symbols, points practical, everyday communication
of view, etc.) demands in familiar social and academic
contexts, such as following directions in
class activities and identifying main ideas
in other curricular subjects when given
sufficient support. (I.1, I.3, S.1)

To talk about people’s EFL 5.1.3.Find parallels between Paying attention to the prefixes added at the CE.EFL.5.7. Production – Accuracy and
characters and personalities. Ecuadorian cultural and political beginning of a word. Intelligibility: Use appropriate
referents and those of other countries by vocabulary and language in a variety of 5
talking about holidays, symbols, customs oral interactions for a range of
To express feelings, attitudes, and schooling. Using grammar books, dictionaries, or the audiences and level-appropriate
and mood. Internet as sources of reference. purposes.

I.EFL.5.7.1. Learners can communicate

EFL 5.2.3 Follow main ideas in topics clearly and effectively by using
To describe events in the life covered in other curricular subjects with Transforming base words into nouns by appropriate vocabulary and language in
of famous people. the help of visual support, using concepts a variety of oral interactions for a range
and vocabulary that have been studied in
advance. adding suffixes. of audiences and level-appropriate
purposes. (I.2, I.3, J.2)
EFL 5.3.3 Determine the main conclusion Looking at the sentences that are
in texts which clearly argue a point of immediately before and after an idea to infer CE.EFL.5.8. Interaction – Interpersonal:
view in order to make informed decisions missing information. Respond to and build on other people’s
about one’s own opinion and reaction to ideas in extended conversations on
the text. familiar social and academic topics by
Writing a biography following a specific expressing opinions and feelings and
structure. clarifying meaning.
EFL 5.4.4 Select and make effective use I.EFL.5.8.1. Learners can respond to and
of a range of digital tools to write, edit, build on other people’s ideas in
revise and publish written work in a way Paying attention to the speakers’ tone of extended conversations on familiar
that supports collaboration, learning and voice to interpret their feelings. social and academic topics by expressing
productivity. (Example: image editing, opinions and feelings and clarifying
GoogleDrive, infographic makers, audio meaning. (I.3, I.4, S.1, J.3, J.4)
and video editing, presentation apps,
etc.) Using an appropriate tone of voice and
gestures to convey your feelings and
emotions when holding a conversation. CE.EFL.5.9. Production – Fluency:
Present information clearly and
EFL 5.5.4 Read aloud with confidence, influence an audience effectively
accuracy, fluency and expression to through well-developed arguments in
demonstrate understanding and to prepared presentations and other forms
convey an interpretation of meaning. of oral communication
EFL I.EFL.5.9.1. Learners can present
information clearly and influence an
audience effectively through well-
developed arguments in prepared
presentations and other forms of oral
communication. (I.2, I.3, J.2)
To talk about changes over EFL 5.1.6 Demonstrate an ability to make Using visual aids to guess meaning. CE.EFL.5.10. Find specific information
time. informed choices about and take action and identify the main points in simple,
on issues of prejudice and discrimination. straightforward texts on subjects of
Using context clues to find missing words in a personal interest or familiar academic 5
To share experiences and passage. topics while making informed decisions
accomplishments. EFL 5.2.4 Follow oral directions in about one’s own reaction to the text.
classroom activities and projects and I.EFL. 5.10.1. Learners can find specific
provide directions to peers in selected Relating new language to concepts already information and identify the main points
to discuss traditions. interactions. known to memorize vocabulary. in simple, straightforward texts on
subjects of personal interest or familiar
academic topics while making informed
EFL 5.3.5 Assess, compare and evaluate Using visual images and relating them to decisions about one’s own reaction to
the quality of written texts and visual language clues to deduce the meaning of new the text. (I.1, I.2, S.2)
presentations using different criteria and vocabulary.
ICT tools related to the organization,
subject area and purpose of a text. CE.EFL.5.11. Identify and apply a range
(Examples of text types: editorials, letters of reading strategies in order to make
to the editor, political speeches, Scanning the text to identify specific
information texts meaningful and to select
illustrations, charts, advertisements, etc.) information within a text that might be
EFL 5.4.6 of practical use for one’s own academic
Produce emails and blog posts describing Writing a comparison and contrast essay.
personal experiences and feelings. I.EFL.5.11.1. Learners can Identify and
apply a range of reading strategies in
order to make texts meaningful and to
Using That’s for sure or No doubt about it to
select information within a text that
EFL 5.5.5 Create original, imaginative express agreement
might be of practical use for one’s own
stories using appropriate vocabulary and academic needs. (I.1, I.2, I.4, S.3)
elements of the literature learners have
read or heard.

CE.EFL.5.12. Engage with a variety of

digital and print texts and resources by
evaluating and detecting complexities
and discrepancies in the information in
order to find the most appropriate
sources to support an idea or argument.

I.EFL.5.12.1. Learners can engage with a

variety of digital and print texts and
resources by evaluating and detecting
complexities and discrepancies in the
information in order to find the most
appropriate sources to support an idea
or argument. (I.2, I.4, J.3)

To check for information. EFL 5.1.7 Interpret and demonstrate Relating new language to concepts already CE.EFL.5.13. Produce emails, blog posts
knowledge of nonverbal and oral known. and other written texts using an
communication features by applying effective voice and a variety of 5

To ask for agreement. them in appropriate contexts. (Example: appropriate writing styles and
use of stress, intonation, pace, etc.) Using language-based clues to guess meaning conventions.

I.EFL.5.13.1. Learners can produce

To report what someone has emails, blog posts and other written
said. EFL 5.2.5 Understand the main idea of Relating the content and the conventions of a texts using an effective voice and a
5 GETTING AWAY radio and audio recordings on subjects of text to its corresponding sub-headings. variety of appropriate writing styles and
personal interest, provided speech is conventions. (I.3, S.3, J.2)

Identifying facts and opinions.

CE.EFL.5.14. Identify, critically evaluate
EFL 5.3.6 Display an appreciation of the and recommend a variety of potential
language by interacting and engaging resources and references, including
with a variety of digital and print texts Using so and such to place emphasis on
descriptions. digital tools, that support collaboration
and resources and by selecting and and productivity, for educational and
evaluating these materials as a means to academic use.
promote and strengthen literacy skills
and language acquisition. Paying selective attention and using general I.EFL.5.14.1. Learners can identify,
world knowledge clues to identify details. critically evaluate and recommend a
variety of potential resources and
Using tag questions to keep the conversation references, including digital tools, that
going support collaboration and productivity,
EFL 5.4.7 Use the process of prewriting, for educational and academic use. (I.1,
drafting, revising, peer editing and I.2, S.3, S.4)
proofreading (i.e., “the writing process”)
to produce well-constructed
informational texts.
CE.EFL.5.15. Plan and produce well-
constructed informational texts by
applying the writing process and while
EFL 5.5.7 Collaboratively produce criteria demonstrating an ability to justify one’s
for evaluating literary texts and the position on an argument through
effectiveness of group work. carefully selected information and
appropriate language, tone and

I.EFL.5.15.1. Learners can plan and

produce well-constructed informational
texts by applying the writing process and
while demonstrating an ability to justify
one’s position on an argument through
carefully selected information and
appropriate language, tone and
evidence. (I.2, I.3, I.4, S.3, J.1)

To talk about what you will EFL 5.1.8 Associating words in order to remember CE.EFL.5.16. Respond to and interpret
normally do in real-life expressions easily. literary texts, including original stories
situations. Discover and employ alternative ways of written by peers, referring to details and 5
saying things in social and classroom literary elements of the text.
Reasoning deductively to apply rules to new I.EFL.5.16.1. Learners can respond to
To talk about what you would language situations. and interpret literary texts, including
6 TEENAGERS generally do in unreal original stories written by peers,
situations. EFL 5.2.6 Use new words and expressions
MATTERS referring to details and literary elements
which occur in conversations in the
personal and educational domains, and Identifying and differentiating between stated of the text. (S.1, S.4, J.2)
make use of such terms and expressions and inferred information
wherever appropriate and necessary.
To express regrets and CE.EFL.5.17. Demonstrate and convey
wishes. different levels of meaning in literary
Writing arguments from authority. texts by identifying distinguishing
EFL 5.3.8 Identify and understand the features, interpreting implicit and
main points in straightforward texts on explicit messages and responding in a
subjects of personal interest or familiar Using say that again, to ask for repetition variety of ways.
academic topics.
I.EFL.5.17.1. Learners can demonstrate
and convey different levels of meaning
EFL 5.4.9 Use a variety of oral, print and in literary texts by identifying
electronic forms for writing to others or distinguishing features, interpreting
for writing for self, applying the implicit and explicit messages and
conventions of social writing. (Example: responding in a variety of ways. (I.3, I.4,
notes, invitations, emails, blog entries J.3)
and comments, notes to self, etc.)

CE.EFL.5.18. Use a range of criteria to

EFL 5.5.9 Engage in collaborative evaluate and recommend literary texts
activities through a variety of student to others, and recognize how chosen
groupings to share, reflect on, express criteria affects evaluation.
and interpret opinions and evaluations of I.EFL.5.18.1. Learners can use a variety
a range of literary texts. (Example: small of criteria for evaluating and
groups, cooperative learning groups, recommending literary texts to others,
literature circles, process writing groups, and recognize how chosen criteria
etc.) affects evaluation. (S.1, S.4, J.2, J.4)


 Villalba, J.& Rosero, I. (Septiembre 2012). Ministerio de Educación del Ecuador - MinEduc.
 Obtenido de http://educacion.gob.ec/wp-content/uploads/downloads/2014/09/01-National-Curriculum-Guidelines-EFL-Agosto-
 Nuñez, P.A (2015). TEACHER´S BOOK – B1.1. Quito: Norma.
Blog: Ismara-ismara.blogspot.com

TEACHER(S): Lcda. Juliana Jacqueline Montes Mero NAME: Lcda. Juliana Jacqueline Montes Mero NAME: Lcda. Diana Mónica Rodríguez Cusme

Signature: Signature: Signature:

Date: Date: Date:

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