EBMC3103 Engineering Economic Notes
EBMC3103 Engineering Economic Notes
EBMC3103 Engineering Economic Notes
Present worth is an equivalence method of analysis in which a project cash flows are
discounted to a lump sum at present time. This method is popular because future expenditure or
receipts are transformed into equivalent RM now. Present worth is often called discounted cash
flow and interest is called the discounted rate.
This is the problem of calculating the present worth for a project with an annual receipt over an
infinite service life. Projects such as airports, highways, dams and canals are assumed to last
forever and are therefore deemed to have an infinite service life.
(a) Draw the Cash Flow Diagram (CFD) for two cycles.
(c) Find the equivalent uniform annual worth (A value) through one cycle of
(d) Divide the AW from step (c) by the interest rate to get the capitalised cost