DC model
DC model
DC model
If two events of e1 and e2 in two different processor occurs in same time independently.
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What kind of relationship exist between e1 and e2?
6 Name two types of messages used in Richard Agarwal algorithm? 2 BTL-1 CO3
Explain Message passing systems and discuss on the message-oriented middleware and
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its type. Explain their functionality in distributed computing
12. a What is snapshot and what are the need of taking snapshot in distributed systems? 13 BTL1 CO2
Outline candy Lamport snapshot algorithm and illustrate the algorithm
Describe physical clock synchronization and logical clock synchronization and explain 13
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the framework of a system of logical clock
Outline Candy Mishra Hass algorithm to detect deadlock in OR model and illustrate the
13. a 13 BTL3 CO3
algorithm with an example
b Outline Richard Agarwal algorithm and illustrate the algorithm with an example 13 BTL2 CO3
What is Checkpointing and why its need in distributed systems? Illustrate the algorithm
14. a 13 BTL4 CO4
proposed by Juang Venkatesan for asynchronous checkpoint and recovery.
What are the different checkpoint based recovery system available? Explain the
b 13 BTL4 CO4
coordinated checkpointing algorithm with illustration.
Explain the types of cloud computing deployment models with their relative advantages
15. a 13 BTL3 CO5
and disadvantages.
Outline the Koo- Toueg checkpoint and recovery technique and apply this algorithm to
16. a specific case study to demonstrate how this algorithm avoids the domino effects and 15 BTL1 CO4
live lock problems during the recovery.