The project is located at Lock 4 Allegheny River in Natrona, PA. The work includes a Roof
Replacement on the Lockmaster’s Office.
In general, the tasks required in the performance of this contract include: The contractor shall
replace the shingle roof, gutters, and downspouts on the Lockmaster’s Office. Details of the
building construction are shown on the attached reference drawings “Attachment 2 – Reference
Drawings and Photos”. Representative photos of the roof and details of the required work are
included as well. The work shall include removal and disposal of all roofing materials over the
entire roof, front and back porch roof, including inspection of wood decking for rot, including all
flashing, drip edges, shingles and roof felt, and replacement with new roofing underlayment, ice
barrier and shingles, new roof ridge vent, new rubber roof boots, soffit, facia, and new flashing
around all roof penetrations. Gutters and downspouts on all the eaves including porch roofs shall
be removed and replaced with new aluminum seamless gutters and downspouts. The Chimneys
will need repointed above the roof line and the chimneys roof step flashing replaced. All material
provided in the performance of this contract shall be new and meet the requirements of the
In addition to complying with the requirements outlined in FAR Part 22.13, FAR
Provision 52.222-38, FAR Clause 52.222-35, FAR Clause 52.222-37, DFARS 222.13 and
Department of Labor regulations, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) contractors and
subcontractors at all tiers are encouraged to promote the training and employment of U.S.
veterans while performing under a USACE contract. While no set-aside, evaluation preference,
or incentive applies to the solicitation or performance under the resultant contract, USACE
contractors are encouraged to seek out highly qualified veterans to perform services under this
contract. The following resources are available to assist USACE contractors in their outreach
Prior to commencement of any work being performed on site, the contractor shall participate in a
Pre-work Meeting with the Administrative Contracting Officer (ACO) and the Resource
Manager on-site.
The contractor shall provide submittals for Government Approval. The Government reserves the
right to require the Contractor to resubmit any item found not to comply with the contract. This
does not relieve the Contractor from the obligation to furnish material conforming to the plans
and specifications. It will not prevent the Contracting Officer from requiring removal and
replacement of nonconforming material incorporated in the work. The Contractor shall provide a
submittal register showing items of equipment and materials for which submittals are required by
the specifications. This list may not be all-inclusive and additional submittals may be required.
The attached file titled “Attachment 3 – Submittal Register” has been provided for the
Contractor’s use. The Contractor shall be required to update and maintain the Submittal Register
at all times.
The contractor shall complete and submit a Quality Control Plan. A QCP template is provided as
an attachment at the end of the specifications. There shall be one qualified Superintendent and
one qualified Contractor Quality Control (CQC) Manager. The Site Safety and Health Officer
(SSHO) shall be onsite at all times when work is ongoing. The SSHO must meet the
requirements of the SSHO paragraphs below and the requirements within the EM 385-1-1. The
quality control system shall consist of plans, procedures, and organization necessary to produce a
product that complies with the contract requirements. Cover all construction operations, both
onsite and offsite, and be keyed to the proposed construction sequence. The project
Superintendent will be held responsible for the quality of work and is subject to removal by the
Contracting Officer. The Contracting Officer reserves the right to conduct any inspections or
perform any tests deemed necessary at any time during the execution of the contract to determine
conformance with the requirements of these specifications. Superintendent and CQC Manager
shall be on site while any work is being done.
The Contractor must prepare a written site-specific APP according to the requirements specified
in the Accident Prevention Plan paragraph. In addition to other requirements, the APP shall be
coordinated with and refer to the Site Access and Work Plan to ensure proposed equipment can
be used in a safe manner and fall protection measures are in place during performance of the
work. An example of an APP can be found in “Attachment 4 – Accident Prevention Plan”. The
site-specific working conditions shall also be addressed in the Activity Hazard Analysis (AHA)
“Attachment 5 – Activity Hazard Analysis”.
Submit certificate from the roof system manufacturer attesting that the installer has the proper
qualifications for installing the asphalt shingle roof system. Installer must possess a minimum of
five (5) years’ experience with similar projects, unless otherwise approved by the Contracting
For all proposed materials to be furnished under this contract, the Contractor shall furnish
manufacturer’s descriptive literature or catalog cuts, illustrations, specifications, and other data
to show the proposed materials meet the specified requirements. All appropriate descriptive data
shall be clearly indicated on the submittal. Manufacturer’s literature shall be provided for the
System installer shall be approved, authorized, or licensed in writing by the system manufacturer
and shall have at least the minimum five (5) years’ experience required by the manufacturer as
an approved, authorized, or licensed installer with that manufacturer and be approved at a level
capable of providing the specified warranty. Contractor shall provide documentation of
manufacturer’s certification requirements with own credentials. Credential of Designated Personnel
Contractor shall provide credentials for the following personnel: Superintendent, Quality Control
System Manager (QCSM) and Site Safety and Health Officer (SSHO).
Project Schedule must be provided in bar chart formats. Schedule must be submitted 14 calendar
days after Notice to Proceed (NTP), at least 14 calendar days prior to the proposed start date.
Contractor shall submit for approval a written plan describing in detail all phases of roof
replacement. Plan shall include all requirements specified in paragraph “Site Conditions and Site
Access and Work Plan”. Plan shall address work sequencing, time projections, as well as how
each step will be controlled, tested, and evaluated. Plan shall address safety measures, equipment
specifications, work scheduling around weather and record keeping.
Submit a Roof Plan that displays the layout of insulation to accommodate expansion and how it
will be tapered to have positive drainage, to include the locations of any crickets, saddles, cants,
curbs, etc. Additionally, provide manufacturer recommendations for fastener attachment patterns
of insulation at the field, perimeter, and corners of the roof. Provide manufacturer’s details on
flashing around roof. The Roof Plan shall be reviewed by the Government Technical Lead, prior
to installation.
Certificates include:
a. Manufacturer's Qualifications
b. Applicator's Qualifications
c. Evidence of Acceptable Variation
d. Warranty
Once the roof is bare, the Contractor shall provide an Inspection Report. This Inspection Report
shall give the condition of the roof and any recommendations of the Contractor to include
representative photos of the current condition of each roof.
Resident Engineer
Neville Island Resident Office
3510 Grand Avenue
Pittsburgh, PA 15225
The security requirements described below apply to all contract personnel (including employees
of the prime Contractor (“Contractor”) and all subcontractor employees) supporting the
performance requirement of this contract. The Contractor is responsible for compliance with
these security requirements. Questions regarding security matters shall be addressed to the
designated Government representative (e.g., Contracting Officer Representative (COR),
Requiring Activity (RA) representative, or Contracting Officer (if a COR or other RA
representative is not appointed)). Contract personnel are critical to the overall security and safety
of US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) installations, facilities and activities, and security
awareness training contributes to those efforts. The Department of Defense (DoD) and Army
security training requirements specified below, if applicable, are performance requirements, all
applicable contract personnel shall complete initial training within 30 days of contract award or
the date new contract personnel begin performance on the contract. Within five business days
from the completion of training, the Contractor shall provide written documentation (e.g., email
or memorandum) to the Government representative. The documentation shall include the names
of contract personnel trained and which training they completed; the Contractor shall maintain
training records as part of their contract files and be prepared to provide copies of training
certificates to the Government representative. Contractor personnel and vehicles are subject to
search when entering federal installations. Additionally, all contract personnel shall comply with
Force Protection Condition (FPCON) measures, Random Antiterrorism Measures (commonly
referred to as “RAMs”), and Health Protection Condition (HPCON) measures. The Contractor is
responsible for meeting performance requirements during elevated FPCON and/or HPCON
levels in accordance with applicable RA plans and procedures –this includes identifying mission
essential and non-mission essential personnel. In addition to the changes otherwise authorized by
the changes clause of this contract, should the FPCON or HPCON levels at any individual
facility or installation change, the Government may implement security changes that affect
contract personnel. The Contractor shall ensure all contract personnel are aware of their security
responsibilities, including any site-specific requirements identified in local policies or
All contract personnel requiring physical access to a federal installation or facility shall comply
with the access control procedures of that location. Contract personnel requiring unescorted
access to meet contract performance requirements on a DoD installation in the US shall be vetted
by the installation/facility Provost Marshal/Directorate of Emergency Services/Security Office
using the National Crime Information Center-Interstate Identification (commonly referred to as
“NCIC-III”) and Terrorist Screening Database (commonly referred to as “TSDB”). Contract
personnel shall comply with all personal identity verification requirements specified in
installation/facility policies and procedures. Contract personnel who do not meet requirements
for unescorted access to USACE facilities shall coordinate escorted access with the Government
representative, as needed. Contract personnel who receive keys, access cards, or lock
combinations that provide access to government-owned property shall comply with key and lock
control procedures of the RA.
Contractors shall comply with the requirements set forth in FAR clause 52.222-54 Employment
Eligibility Verification and FAR Subpart 22.18 in using the E-Verify Program at (https://www.e- (website subject to change) to meet the contract employment eligibility
requirements. Contractors are encouraged to cooperate with Federal and State agencies
responsible for enforcing labor requirements to include eligibility for employment under United
States immigration laws in accordance with FAR 22.102-1(i). An initial list of verified/eligible
candidates shall be provided to the COR no later than three business days after the initial contract
award. When contracts are with individuals, the individuals will be required to complete a Form
I-9, Employment Eligibility Verification, and submit it to the Contracting Officer to become part
of the official contract file.
In addition to the requirements included in the provisions of this contract, all work shall comply
with the most recent edition of the USACE Engineering Manual (EM) 385-1-1, “Safety and
Health Requirements Manual”, and all applicable federal, state, and local laws, ordinances,
criteria, rules, and regulations. Where the requirements herein, applicable laws, criteria,
ordinances, regulations, and referenced documents vary, the most stringent requirements govern.
If there are any standards that require interpretation, submit matters to the appropriate
administrative agency for resolution before the commencement of work.
The latest version of the EM 385-1-1 is available online at:
The Superintendent, QC Manager, and SSHO are subject to dismissal if any of the required
regulatory requirements are not being effectively carried out. If dismissal occurs, project work
will be stopped, and no work shall proceed until a suitable replacement is approved and the
appropriate requirements are assured to be effectively carried out.
The Contractor shall ensure that reasonable precautions are taken to protect the public at all
times where work is being performed. The Contractor shall immediately report to the COR any
potential hazards found by their employees on the project. The Accident Prevention Plan (APP)
shall include procedures to be taken to provide for public safety. Additionally, the Contractor
shall not allow any persons, except employees, into work areas that are not otherwise open to the
public; nor shall the Contractor transport in Contractor work vehicles any persons, except
employees, during times the Contractor is on the project performing work under a Task Order.
An Accident Prevention Plan (APP) is a safety and health policy and program document that
shall be contract- and/or job-specific. The APP shall be developed by the Contractor and shall
interface with the Contractor’s overall Safety and Health Program, such that any portions of the
Contractor’s overall program referenced in the APP shall be included as appropriate.
The Contractor shall develop the APP according to EM 385-1-1, Chapter 2, paragraph 7.b. The
contractor must complete and submit ENG Form 9293 Accident Prevention Plan Worksheet.
The APP shall be submitted to the COR for review with the District Safety and Occupational
Health (SOHO) and accepted within 15 calendar days after receipt of the Notice to Proceed
(NTP) and prior to any commencement of work. Work cannot begin without an accepted APP.
Once accepted by the Contracting Officer, the APP and all attachments will be enforced as part
of the contract. Disregarding provisions of this contract or the accepted APP is a cause for
stopping of that portion of the work at the direction of the Contracting Officer until the matter
has been rectified.
A copy of the accepted APP shall be available on the worksite at all times. The Contractor shall
provide on-going evaluations of the APP throughout the life of the project. Changes, revisions,
and updates to the APP shall be reviewed and accepted by the Contracting Officer, project
superintendent, SSHO, and Quality Control Manager.
These risk assessments shall be developed in accordance with EM 385-1-1 Chapter 2, paragraph
6 or as specified by the Contracting Officer. The Contractor may use the AHA form in
“Attachment 5 – Blank AHA Form” to assist with completion of their risk assessments.
Each employee performing work as part of an activity, task, or Definable Feature of Work
(DFOW) shall review the risk assessment for the activity and sign the signature log designated
for the assessment prior to beginning work. A signature log shall be maintained for each risk
Conduct safety meetings to review past activities, plan for new or changed operations, review
pertinent aspects of appropriate AHA (by trade), establish safe working procedures for
anticipated hazards, and provide pertinent Safety and Occupational Health (SOH) training and
motivation. Conduct meetings at least once a month for all supervisors on the project location.
The SSHO, supervisors, or foremen must conduct meetings at least once a week for the trade
workers. Document meeting minutes to include the date, persons in attendance, subjects
discussed, and names of individual(s) who conducted the meeting. Maintain documentation on-
site and furnish copies to the Contracting Officer on request. Notify the Contracting Officer of all
scheduled meetings seven calendar days in advance.
The contractor must employ a minimum of one Level 1 SSHO at each project site to function as
the primary Level 1 SSHO responsible for ensuring all site personnel are implementing SOH
requirements according to the contract, the EM 385-1-1, and applicable federal, state, and local
A designated Level 1 SSHO must be at the site of work whenever work is performed.
The full time Level 1 SSHO requirement may be modified to use a different level SSHO. The
Contractor must submit the request to use a different level SSHO in writing to the Contracting
Officer with justification for the lower/different level. The Contracting Officer in coordination
with the District Safety and Occupational Health Office will review the Contractor’s safety-
related submittals – APP, AHAs, etc. and document the decision and rational.
All SSHOs must be designated in writing on ENG Form 6282 Site Safety and Health Officer
Designation Letter. The form must be submitted to the Contracting Office for acceptance. Work
must not be conducted until the Contracting Officer accepts the form/designation. The
Contractor must maintain a copy of the accepted form at the site of work.
All SSHOs must meet the training/qualifications according to EM 385-1-1, Chapter 2, paragraph
Contractors must arrange for their own emergency medical treatment in accordance with EM
385-1-1. Government has no responsibility to provide emergency medical treatment.
A mishap is any unplanned, undesired event that occurs during the course of work being
performed, to include, accidents, incidents, and near misses. All mishaps shall be reported to the
Contracting Officer within 24-hours after notification from the affected employee(s). Contractors
are responsible for maintaining an OSHA Log of Work-Related Injuries and Illnesses (Form
300) and complying with all reporting and recordkeeping requirements specified in 29 Code of
Federal Regulations (CFR) 1904.
All instances where Government materials, supplies, property, and/or equipment are damaged,
shall be reported immediately to the Contracting Officer.
Comply with EM 385-1-1, NFPA 70, NFPA 70E, NFPA 241, the APP, the AHA, Federal and
State OSHA regulations, and other related submittals and activity fire and safety regulations. The
most stringent standard prevails. PPE is governed in all areas by the nature of the work the
employee is performing. Use personal hearing protection at all times in designated noise
hazardous areas or when performing noise hazardous tasks. Safety glasses must be worn or
carried/available on each person.
Mandatory PPE, at minimum, shall include: hard hat (construction sites), long pants, short sleeve
shirts, and leather or protective work shoes or boots. Personal Floatation Devices (PFDs) shall be
worn at all times when working above or near water in which other fall protection methods do
not provide the appropriate protection.
The Contractor shall provide Qualified and/or Competent Persons in accordance with EM 385-1-
1, OSHA, ANSI, and where specified herein. All Qualified and Competent Persons shall be
designated in writing and shall meet the requirements for the specific activity for which they are
designated. Competent Persons identified in the Contractor’s Safety and Health Program and
Government-accepted APP shall be onsite at all times when the work that presents the hazards
associated with the competency is being performed. Certificates of Qualification/Competency
shall be provided to the Contracting Officer for review and provided as part of the applicable
AHAs and appendices of the APP.
Employees working alone in a remote location or away from other workers must be provided an
effective means of emergency communications (i.e., cellular phone, two-way radios, land-line
telephones or other acceptable means). The selected communication must be readily available
(easily within the immediate reach) of the employee and must be tested prior to the start of work
to verify that it effectively operates in the area/environment. An employee check-in/check-out
communication procedure must be developed to ensure employee safety.
Proof of qualifications for operator must be kept on the project site for review. Manufacturer
specifications or owner's manual for the equipment must be on-site and reviewed for additional
safety precautions or requirements that are sometimes not identified by OSHA or USACE EM
385-1-1. Incorporate such additional safety precautions or requirements into the AHAs.
Before working near electrical equipment and systems, reference the guidelines in the EM 385-1-
1 Section 11 and 29 CFR 1910.269. Employees working in the proximity of electrical equipment
or conductors shall consider them to be energized. If the contractor needs access to the inside of
the machinery house buildings government personnel will lockout and tagout all gate hoisting
equipment. The contractor shall coordinate these activities with the ACO or onsite construction
1.6.15 Hazardous Material Exclusion
Notwithstanding any other hazardous material used in this contract, radioactive materials or
instruments capable of producing ionizing/non-ionizing radiation (with the exception of
radioactive material and devices used in accordance with EM 385-1-1 such as, nuclear density
meters for compaction testing and laboratory equipment with radioactive sources) as well as
materials which contain asbestos, mercury, polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), Diisocyanates,
lead, lead-based paint (LBP), and hexavalent chromium are prohibited. The Contracting Officer,
upon written request by the Contractor, may consider exceptions to the use of any of the above
excluded materials. Low mercury lamps used within fluorescent lighting fixtures are allowed as
an exception without further Contracting Officer approval. Notify the Radiation Safety Officer
(RSO), Safety Office, and the Contracting Officer prior to excepted items of radioactive material
and devices being brought on site.
All known hazardous materials will be identified by the Government to the contractor. If
materials that may be hazardous to human health upon disturbance are encountered during the
performance of contract work, that portion of the work shall be stopped, and the COR
immediately notified. Asbestos testing was performed on the Lockmaster’s Office Roof, and
Asbestos was detected in the window caulking and flashing caulking. The results are contained
within Attachment 6 – “06_Attachment 6 - AsbestosTestingResults AR4 Admin Building- July
The contractor shall complete all work after the notice to proceed within 270 calendar days.
The Contractor shall notify the Points of Contact prior to start of work. The Contractor shall
schedule work through the ACO. The Contractor shall coordinate work with the ACO at least 3
days before starting work. The Contractor shall confine all operations at the work site between
the hours of 7:00 AM and 5:00 PM, Monday through Friday, unless otherwise approved by the
Contracting Officer. Work will not be permitted on weekends or Federal holidays unless
otherwise approved by the Contracting Officer. The following is a list of Federal Holidays:
The contractor shall protect all government property during the performance of this contract. All
damage to existing government property because of the contractor’s work shall be repaired or
replaced to the satisfaction of the Contracting Officer. Work area shall be cleaned by the
contractor after construction is complete.
The contractor shall employ adequate measures are in place to protect workers, facility operation
personnel and the public from injury due to the operations being performed. All protective
measures shall be in accordance with EM 385-1-1.
1.8.1 Superintendent
The Contractor shall employ a minimum of one Competent Person at each project site to
function as the primary Site Safety and Health Officer (SSHO) to implement and administer the
Contractor’s safety program and the Government-accepted Accident Prevention Plan (APP). The
SSHO is a full-time responsibility and shall be an employee other than the superintendent, that
reports directly to a senior, project or corporate, official. The SSHO shall be present at the
project site and be located so they have full mobility and reasonable access to all major work
operations during the shift. The SSHO shall meet all training and experience qualifications as
outlined in EM 385-1-1 and the sections above. The SSHO may also serve as the Quality Control
System Manager (QCSM), but the SSHO may not serve as the Superintendent. SSHO shall
attend the pre-construction conference, pre-work meetings, including preparatory and periodic
in-progress meetings.
Submit one copy of the daily inspection report to the Contracting Officer within 24 hours of the
date recorded.
After approval of submittals and before performing the scope, hold a Pre-work conference to
review the following:
Coordinate pre-work conference scheduling with the Contracting Officer. The conference must
be attended by the Contractor, the Contracting Officer's designated personnel, personnel directly
responsible for the work.
Warranties must begin on the date of Government acceptance of the work. Copies of all
warranties shall be submitted for approval.
Manufacturer's minimum 50-year warranty for defects in materials for the shingles and five (5)
year warranty on workmanship shall be provided from the date of final acceptance. The
Contractor shall provide proof that the installer is certified by the roofing manufacturer to
provide the required warranty. The warranty must run directly to the Government.
Contractor's standard five (5) year warranty for defects in workmanship shall be provided from
the date of final acceptance. The warranty must run directly to the Government. When repairs
due to defective workmanship are required during the Contractor's warranty period, the
Contractor must make such repairs within 72 hours of notification. When repairs are not
performed within the specified time, emergency repairs performed by others will not void the
warranty. Emergency repairs shall be performed at no extra cost to the government. Contractor
shall reimburse the government for emergency repairs.
Reference Drawings and Photos “ Attachment 2 – Reference Drawings and Photos” have been
provided to show existing conditions to the best knowledge of the Government. The photos are
intended to assist the Contractor in evaluating how to perform the work safely and in accordance
with Paragraph “Site Conditions and Site Access and Work Plan”. The Government cannot
guarantee the accuracy of the dimensions, elevations, and features shown or stated, and it shall
be the responsibility of the Contractor, if necessary, to verify all elevations and the dimensions
by measurements in the field. The Contractor shall verify elevations and dimensions before
laying out the work. The Contracting Officer shall be notified of any discrepancies prior to
commencing work.
The Contractor shall be responsible to develop and submit for approval a Site Access and Work
Plan that will clearly show how the Contractor intends to perform the work, and shall include at a
minimum, the following:
The Contractor shall submit a Fall Protection Plan that includes product data on the proposed
anchors, as well as layout and installation details for review and approval prior to installation.
Detail how the roof and building is to be protected from damage due to inclement weather.
The Contractor shall verify all dimensions and conditions in the field and shall advise the
Contracting Officer of any discrepancy before performing any work.
The Contractor shall be fully responsible for determining the methods used to transport materials
and equipment to and from the areas as well as the removal of waste materials from such spaces.
The Contractor shall ensure that his operations will not interfere with the operation of the project
or the duties of project personnel. Transport of materials and equipment shall be the
responsibility of the Contractor. Placement of equipment and staging and storage of materials in
any area shall be coordinated with and approved by the ACO and the Resource Manager. Work
platforms, scaffolding and transport of materials and equipment shall be the responsibility of the
Contractor. Contractor shall be responsible for providing a site-specific fall protection plan to
the ACO for approval, detailing the equipment and methods proposed to ensure the contractor
performs the work in a safe manner in accordance with EM 385-1-1. Any damage to the grassed
or other areas around the perimeter of the building caused by the contractor's operations shall be
repaired or replaced as directed by the ACO at no additional cost to the Government.
The Contractor shall protect all government property during the performance of this contract. All
damage to existing government property because of the Contractor’s work shall be repaired or
replaced to the satisfaction of the Contracting Officer. Exposed roof and building interior shall
be always protected. At areas where existing roofing materials have been removed, the
Contractor shall install and maintain temporary protection from the weather until permanent
installation of roofing materials can be made. The Contractor shall coordinate roof demolition
with the Contracting Officer. Work area shall be cleaned by the Contractor after construction is
Grounds and other grassed areas and any paved surfaces or sidewalks disturbed or damaged by
the Contractor's operations shall be repaired and restored to preconstruction conditions as
directed by the ACO at no additional cost to the Government.
Notwithstanding other provisions of this contract, all materials and work to be performed under
this contract shall be inspected and accepted by the Contracting Officer. The Contracting Officer
shall be the individuals solely authorized to reject materials, disapprove, or approve any work in
progress, or order or direct any revision or change to the plans and specifications as presently
shown and stated. At the completion of the work, a roof leak test will be required as specified in
section 3.11.
All materials removed in the performance of this contract and not reused shall become the
property of the Contractor and be disposed of offsite in accordance with Federal, State and Local
Hazardous, Universal, and Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) waste generated by
construction activities shall be removed from the work area and be disposed at a properly
permitted commercially available disposal facility in compliance with Federal, State, and local
requirements. The Contractor shall maintain separation and/or segregate hazardous waste from
other materials and wastes and shall protect it from the weather by placing it in a safe covered
location; precautionary measures against accidental spillage such as berming or other appropriate
measures shall be taken. Hazardous waste shall be removed from Government property within
60 calendar days. Hazardous waste shall be transported in accordance with 40 CFR 263. The
Contractor shall be responsible for preparing all waste manifests (EPA Form No. 8700-22
"Uniform Hazardous Waste Manifest Form"). A copy of each waste manifest and a copy of the
disposal certificate from the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) facility shall be
furnished to the Contracting Officer or designated representative. Anticipated hazardous waste
shall be communicated during the pre-construction meeting. The Contractor shall verify that the
hazardous waste shipment conforms to the requirements outlined in 49 CFR 172 Subpart H.
Payment shall include all costs of labor, materials, supplies, equipment, supervision, cleanup,
and other costs of completing the work as specified to remove and dispose of the existing roofing
materials, flashing, drain cover, and install a new roofing system, and all other miscellaneous
components. All material provided in the performance of this contract shall be new and meet the
requirements of the specifications.
1.15.2 Decking
Payment: Payment shall constitute full compensation for all costs associated
with the inspection of original wooden decking and replacement
with compatible sheathing in rotten areas if they are present.
Measurement: 45
Unit of Measure: EA
1.15.3 Sheathing
Payment: Payment shall constitute costs for the installation 60 new sheets of
the specified sheathing over existing wooden decking.
Measurement: 60
Unit of Measure: EA
1.15.4 Roof
Payment: Payment shall constitute full compensation for all costs associated
with the demolition, preparation, and installation of a new
fiberglass asphalt shingle roof, and all components as specified
including the repointing of the chimney.
Measurement: 1
Unit of Measure: Job
Asbestos containing materials are known to be in the roofing material. Asbestos testing was
performed on the Lockmaster’s Office Roof, and Asbestos was detected in the window caulking
and flashing caulking. The results are contained within Attachment 6 – “06_Attachment 6 -
AsbestosTestingResults AR4 Admin Building- July 2024.” Asbestos containing material shall be
handled in accordance with local, state, and federal laws, including Allegheny Health
Department (ACHD), Bureau of Air Pollution Control; Article XXI, Part E, Subpart 6, Asbestos
Sources. The work covered by this section includes the handling and control of asbestos
containing materials and describes some of the resultant procedures and equipment required to
protect workers, the environment and occupants of the building or area, or both, from contact
with airborne asbestos fibers. The work also includes the disposal of any asbestos containing
materials generated by the work. More specific operational procedures must be outlined in the
Asbestos Hazard Abatement Plan called for elsewhere in this specification. The asbestos work
includes the demolition and removal of asbestos containing materials located in the buildings to
be demolished. Under normal conditions non-friable or chemically bound materials containing
asbestos would not be considered hazardous; however, this material may release airborne
asbestos fibers during demolition and removal and therefore must be handled in accordance with
the removal and disposal procedures as specified herein. A competent person must supervise
asbestos removal work as specified herein. Notify the Contracting Officer if any previously
untested building components suspected to contain asbestos are impacted by the work.
Before exposure to airborne asbestos fibers, provide workers with a comprehensive medical
examination as required by 29 CFR 1926.1101 or other pertinent State or local directives. This
requirement must have been satisfied within the 12 months prior to the start of work on this
contract. The same medical examination must be given on an annual basis to employees engaged
in an occupation involving asbestos and within 30 calendar days before or after the termination
of employment in such occupation. Specifically identify x-ray films of asbestos workers to the
consulting radiologist and mark medical record jackets with the word “ASBESTOS.”
Maintain complete and accurate records of employees’ medical examinations, medical records,
and exposure data for a period of 50 years after termination of employment and make records of
the required medical examinations and exposure data available for inspection and copying to:
The Assistant Secretary of Labor for Occupational Safety and Health (OSHA), or authorized
representatives of them, and an employee’s physician upon the request of the employee or
former employee.
Submit certificates, prior to the start of work but after the main abatement submittal, signed by
each employee indicating that the employee has received training in the proper handling of
materials and wastes that contain asbestos in accordance with 40 CFR 763; understands the
health implications and risks involved, including the illnesses possible from exposure to airborne
asbestos fibers; understands the use and limits of the respiratory equipment to be used; and
understands the results of monitoring of airborne quantities of asbestos as related to health and
respiratory equipment as indicated in 29 CFR 1926.1101 on an initial and annual basis. Organize
certificates by individual worker, not grouped by type of certification. Train personnel involved
in the asbestos control work in accordance with United States Environmental Protection Agency
(USEPA) Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act (AHERA) training criteria or State training
criteria whichever is more stringent. Document the training by providing dates of training,
training entity, course outline, names of instructors, and qualifications of instructors upon request
by the Contracting Officer. Furnish each employee with respirator training and fit testing
administered by the Product Quality Plan as required by 29 CFR 1926.1101 and 29 CFR
1926.103. Fully cover engineering and other hazard control techniques and procedures. Asbestos
workers must have a current State of Pennsylvania asbestos worker’s license.
Prior to the start of work, obtain necessary permits in conjunction with asbestos removal,
encapsulation, hauling, and disposition, and furnish notification of such actions required by
Federal, State, regional, and local authorities. The contractor shall submit a fully prepared
Allegheny County Asbestos Abatement and Demolition/Renovation Notification and Asbestos
Permit Application for the demolition and asbestos abatement of the four structures. The
Administrative Contracting Officer (ACO) will sign as the Owner. Submit a copy of the
approved ACHD asbestos abatement permit once it is received by the Contractor. Notify the
Regional Office of the United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) and the
Contracting Officer in writing 10 working days prior to commencement of work in accordance
with 40 CFR 61-SUBPART M. Notify the Contracting Officer and other appropriate
Government agencies in writing 20 working days prior to the start of asbestos work as indicated
in applicable laws, ordinances, criteria, rules, and regulations. Submit copies of all Notifications
to the Contracting Officer. The asbestos abatement contractor shall have an Allegheny County
Health Department Asbestos Abatement Contractor license.
In addition to detailed requirements of this specification, comply with those applicable laws,
ordinances, criteria, rules, and regulations of Federal, State, regional, and local authorities
regarding handling, storing, transporting, and disposing of asbestos waste materials. Comply
with the applicable requirements of the current issue of EM 385-1-1, 29 CFR 1926.1101, 40 CFR
61-SUBPART A, 40 CFR 61-SUBPART M, 40 CFR 763 and ND OPNAVINST 5100.23.
Submit matters of interpretation of standards to the appropriate administrative agency for
resolution before starting the work. Where the requirements of this specification, applicable
laws, rules, criteria, ordinances, regulations, and referenced documents vary, the most stringent
requirement as defined by the Government apply. The Contractor shall follow all applicable
State, Federal and Local laws, ordinances, criteria, rules and regulations regarding removal,
handling, storing, transporting, and disposing of asbestos materials.
The contractor shall develop Asbestos and Lead Abatement plans according to the EM 385-1-1
as part of their APP.
Submit written evidence that the landfill is approved for asbestos disposal by the U.S.
Environmental Protection Agency, Region 3, Air Enforcement Section (38W12), and local
regulatory agencies. Within three working days after delivery, submit detailed delivery tickets,
prepared, signed, and dated by an agent of the landfill, certifying the amount of asbestos
materials delivered to the landfill. Submit a copy of the waste shipment records within one day
of the shipment leaving the project site.
Submit written evidence that the transporter is approved to transport asbestos waste in
accordance with the DOT requirements of 49 CFR 171, 49 CFR 172 and 49 CFR 173 as well as
registration requirements of 49 CFR 107 and all other State and local regulatory agency
All roof material, including shingles, underlayment, ice barrier, ridge vent and pipe boots,
flashing and other components shall be compatible with each other and approved by the roofing
manufacturer to provide the required warranty coverage. As required by the manufacturer, a
manufacturer’s authorized representative shall inspect the roofing prior to activation of the
2.2.1 Shingles
New shingles shall be heavy weight Architectural Grade mineral granule-surfaced asphalt
shingles, self-sealing, square tab, strip constructed with a heavy fiberglass mat base conforming
to ASTM D3018/D3018M, Type I, and ASTM D3462/D3462M, weighing not less than 210
pounds per 100 square feet. Shingles must meet the fire resistance requirements of UL 790 for
Class A and the wind resistance requirements of ASTM D3161/D3161M, Class D. Provide
asphalt shingle that is Energy Star labeled. Provide data identifying Energy Star label for asphalt
shingle product. Color shall be similar to the existing shingles unless otherwise directed by the
Ice and water barrier shall be a mat-faced skid resistant surface, self-adhering, self-sealing,
bituminous ice and water barrier meeting the requirements of ASTM D1970/D1970M and
ASTM E108/UL 790 for Class A Fire Resistance. New self - adhering ice and water barrier shall
be installed for a minimum of 3-feet up from the edge of the roof eaves and along all valleys.
2.2.3 Underlayment
Wooden decking which shall be installed as a replacement to the existing roof/roofing material
shall be plywood sheathing or oriented strand board (OSB) and must be of equal thickness to
existing wooden decking.
New roof sheathing covering the wooden decking shall be 7/16”x 4'x8' plywood sheathing or
oriented strand board (OSB).
Nails shall be round head 11 or 12 gauge galvanized steel or equivalent corrosion resistant
roofing nails. Nail heads shall be 3/8 inch minimum diameter, with flat and smooth low profile.
Shanks shall be barbed or otherwise deformed for added pull-out resistance. Nails shall be long
enough to penetrate all layers of roofing materials and achieve secure anchorage into the roof
deck. Nails shall extend through the underside of plywood or wood panel roof decks and shall
penetrate at least 3/4 inch into wood plank decks.
Lead, lead-coated metal, and galvanized steel shall not be used. Flashing shall be of aluminum
fabrication, conforming to ASTM B221, Alloy 6063, minimum thickness as recommended by
the roofing manufacturer. Accessories and other items essential to complete the sheet metal
installation, though not specifically indicated or specified, shall be provided.
New perimeter drip edges shall be of prefinished white aluminum Type D or T-Style, with at
least 2-1/2 in wide nailing surface.
New replacement gutters and downspouts shall be pre-finished, white aluminum 5” wide, 0.032-
gauge and seamless.
New soffit and facia shall be fabricated of either UV resistant plastic or prefinished aluminum.
During performance of the work the contractor shall have means and methods in place to protect
all roofs from water damage during work performance. This shall include temporary measures to
protect the existing roofing system and well as electrical and mechanical components.
The building is a bricked, two story building with multiple gables originally constructed as a
residence for workers in 1927, with a roof consisting of asphalt shingles over roofing felt.
Details of the building construction are shown on “Attachment 2- Reference Drawings”.
Representative photos of the roofs are included in the attached photo file titled "Attachment 2
Reference Drawings and Photos – AR4 LMO Roof". The roof has two chimneys and two attic
ventilators with flashing. New flashing shall be provided around all roof penetrations. New pipe
boots shall be installed around waste stack vents if applicable. New ridge vent shall be furnished
and installed on all ridges and ridge exhaust slot shall be cut thru existing sheathing. New Soffit
and fascia shall be furnished and installed per manufactures instructions. The Contractor shall
remove and dispose of all existing gutters and downspouts, attic ventilators, flashing, drip edges,
asphalt shingles, roofing felt, found rotten wooden decking and other existing roofing materials,
and install new underlayment, new sheathing over existing wooden decking, ice and water
barrier new perimeter drip edges, new pipe boots if applicable, new flashing around all roof
penetrations and chimneys and new gutters and downspouts.
a. Removal and disposal of the fiberglass shingles and roofing felt and nails.
b. Removal and disposal of all flashing around roof penetrations.
c. Removal and disposal of all gutters and downspouts.
d. Removal and disposal of designated attic louvers and all soffit and facia.
e. Removal and disposal of rotten wood decking under existing asphalt shingle roof (if
Do not install building construction materials that show visual evidence of biological growth.
Ensure that roof deck is smooth, clean, dry, and without loose knots. Roof surfaces must be firm
and free from loose boards, large cracks and projecting ends that might damage the roofing.
Vents and other projections through roofs must be properly flashed and secured in position, and
projecting nails must be driven flush with the deck.
Cover knotholes and cracks with sheet metal nailed securely to sheathing. Flash and secure vents
and other roof projections, and drive projecting nails firmly home.
a. Installation of up to 60 sheets of 4'x8' plywood sheathing or oriented strand board (OSB). Will
be installed over original wood decking.
b. Installation of new fully adhered ice and water barrier on sheathing along the edges of all roof
eaves and in all valleys.
c. Installation of new fully adhered synthetic roof underlayment over the sheathing and new ice
and water barrier.
d. Installation of ridge vents on all ridges in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions.
e. Installation of new fiberglass asphalt shingles of the type specified over the synthetic
underlayment in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions.
f. Installation of new flashing around roof penetrations and around the perimeter of each
chimney and ventilator. Waste stack vents shall be provided with new rubber or EPDM pipe
boots. (if applicable)
g. Installation of new perimeter drip edges at all eaves. Drip edges shall be fabricated to drip
into the gutters.
h. Installation of new gutters and downspouts. The Contractor shall install new 5 inch wide
seamless aluminum gutters with downspouts.
New self – adhering ice and water barrier shall be installed for a minimum of 3-feet up from the
edge of the roof eaves and along all valleys and at other locations as recommended by the
New prefinished white aluminum Type D or T-Style perimeter drip edges shall be installed along
the roof eaves and rakes. Vertical flanges of sheet metal drip-edge flashing should be of
sufficient length to permit water to drip off the roof without affecting the underlying
construction. Horizontal nailing flange of sheet metal drip-edge flashing should extend a
minimum of 2-1/2 inches onto the roof.
3.3.8 Underlayment
For roof slopes 4 inches per foot and greater, apply one layer of shingle underlayment to roof
deck. Lay underlayment parallel to roof eaves, starting at eaves. Provide minimum 2 inch head
laps, 4 inch end laps, and 6 inch laps from both sides over hips and ridges. Nail sufficiently to
hold until shingles are applied. Turn up vertical surfaces a minimum of 4 inches.
Apply starter strip at eaves, using 9 inch wide strip of mineral-surfaced roll roofing of a color to
match shingles. Optionally, use a row of shingles with tabs removed and trimmed to ensure that
joints are not exposed at shingle cutouts. Apply starter strip along eaves, overhanging the metal
drip edge at eaves and rake edges 1/4 inch to 3/8 inch; fasten in a line parallel to and 3 to 4
inches above eave edge. Place nails so top of nail is not exposed in cutouts of first course of
shingles. Fasten with 6 nails per strip of shingles. Seal tabs of first course of shingles with
asphalt roof cement.
3.3.10 Shingle Courses
Start first course with full shingle and apply succeeding courses with joints staggered at thirds or
halves. Butt-end joints of shingles must not align vertically more often than every fourth course.
Apply shingle courses as follows:
a. Fastening: Do not drive fasteners into or above the factory-applied adhesive unless adhesive
is located 5/8 inch or closer to top of cutouts. Place fasteners so they are concealed by shingle
top lap and penetrate the head lap.
b. Shingles applied with nails: Nominal 5 inch exposure. Apply each shingle with minimum of
four nails. Place one nail 1 inch from each end, and evenly space nails on a horizontal line a
minimum of 5/8 inch above top of cutouts.
Form with 9 by 12 inch individual shingles or with 12 by 12 inch shingles cut from 12 by 36 inch
strip shingles. Bend shingles lengthwise down center with equal exposure on each side of hip or
ridge. Lap shingles to provide a maximum 5 inch exposure and nail each side in unexposed area
5-1/2 inches from butt and 1 inch in from edge.
Apply shingles up to point where vent or stack pipe projects through roof and cut nearest shingle
to fit around pipe. Before applying shingles beyond pipe, prepare flange of metal pipe vent
flashing by applying a 1/8 inch thick coating of asphalt roof cement on bottom side of flashing
flange. Slip flashing collar and flange over pipe and set coated flange in 1/16 inch coating of
asphalt roof cement. After applying flashing flange, continue shingling up roof. Lap lower part
of flange over shingles. Overlap flange with side and upper shingles. Fit shingles around pipe,
and embed in 1/16 inch thick coating of asphalt roof cement where shingles overlay flange.
Chimney shall be repointed by removing old and deteriorated mortar and replace with a ASTM
C270 Type S mortar. Provide treated wood crickets. Provide metal base and counterflashing.
Uniformly coat masonry surfaces which are to receive flashing with asphalt primer applied at
rate of 1 gallon per 100 square feet. Apply shingles over underlayment up to front face of
chimney. Apply metal front base flashing with lower section extending at least 4 inches over
shingles. Set base flashing in a 1/16 inch coating of asphalt roof cement on shingles and
chimney face. Apply metal step flashing at sides in a coating of asphalt roof cement. Embed
end shingles in each course that overlaps step flashing with asphalt roof cement. Apply metal
rear base flashing over cricket and back of chimney in coating of asphalt roof cement. Apply
end shingles in each course up to cricket, and cement in place. Lap base flashing minimum of 3
inches with metal counterflashing.
The contractor shall ensure that the work areas and all areas around the building are maintained
in a neat and orderly manner. At no time shall the contractor allow materials to accumulate
except as otherwise approved, and all areas shall be maintained clean and free of nails, screws, or
other removed material. Nails, Screws and other items shall be swept from the area around the
building with magnetic sweepers and removed from the work site a minimum of once per day.
Other roofing materials shall be removed from the area around the building at least once per day.
Dumpsters shall be provided by the contractor and placed where approved by the ACO. At the
completion of all work, all work areas shall be restored to original condition and the areas
cleaned of all foreign material.
Prepared By:
Title of Preparer
Approved By:
a. Contractor: Name
City, State Zip
3. Organization
a. Name of the (QCSM) Person will perform the duties and responsibilities of the Quality
Control System Manager (QCSM) for this contract.
b. It is acknowledged that Name of the (QCSM) Person shall conduct 3-phase inspections
for all the definable features of work.
c. The Name of the (QCSM) Person and the Quality Control staff reports to the project
manager or someone higher (President or Owner of the Company) in the organization. List the
name of the Individual that CQC reports too.
d. The Project Superintendent is Name the Superintendent. (if specs permit, the
Superintendent may be the QCSM)
e. The Major definable features of work for this contract List the Major definable features
of work for this contract. Also list any test that may be required to be performed for each
definable feature of work.
A definable feature of work is a task which is separate and distinct from other tasks, has separate
control requirements, and may be identified by different trades or disciplines, or it may be work
by the same trade in a different environment. Although each section of the specifications may
generally be considered as a definable feature of work, there are frequently more than one
definable feature under a particular section. This list will be agreed upon during the coordination
Three Phase Control Inspections will be tracked by the CQC-SM on the Three Phase Inspection
Checklist included in the Attachments Section of this Plan.
ii. The CQC-SM will prepare a Preparatory Inspection Checklist (see sample in Attachments
Section of this plan) and submit it for approval to the Contracting Officer before any Preparatory
Inspection Meetings. At least 48-hour notice will be provided to the government for all
Preparatory Inspection Meetings.
ii. The Contracting Officer will be notified by the CQC-SM at least 48 hours in advance of
beginning the Initial Phase Inspection. The CQC-SM will prepare an Initial Inspection Checklist
(see sample in Attachments Section of this plan) to document the inspection and attach it to the
Daily QC Report. The exact location of the Initial Inspection will be indicated for future
reference and comparison with Follow-Up Inspections.
c. Follow-up-Phase Inspection –
Daily checks will be performed to assure control activities, including control testing are
providing continued compliance with contract requirements until completion of the particular
Feature of Work.
Those daily checks shall be documented on the Contractor's Daily Quality Control Report.
Control testing reports shall be attached to the Daily Quality Control Report.
Final Follow-Up Inspections will be conducted, and all deficiencies corrected prior to the start of
additional features of work that may be affected by the deficient work. All deficiencies will be
addressed before follow-on work is initiated.
6. Completion Inspections
a. Punch-Out Inspection
Near the completion of all work or any increment thereof established in the contract, the
Contractor Quality Control System Manager (CQC-SM) will conduct an inspection of the work
and develop a punch list of items which do not conform to the approved drawings and
specifications. The punch list of deficiencies will be provided to the Project Superintendent for
corrections. The CQC-SM will make a second inspection to ensure that all deficiencies have
been addressed. Once this is accomplished, the CQC-SM will notify the Contracting Officer that
the work is ready for the Government
b. Pre-Final Inspection.
The government will perform this inspection to verify that the work is complete. A Government
Pre-Final Punch List may be developed as a result of this inspection. The CQC-SM will ensure
that items on this list have been corrected before notifying the Contracting Officer that the work
is ready for Final Inspection.
• CQC-SM will prepare a Request for Information (RFI) and submit it to the Contracting
Officer for review and comment.
• All RFls and government responses will be submitted and tracked electronically in the
b. Deficiencies in Workmanship
All Quality Control Representatives will report deficiencies in the work they are inspecting to the
CQC-SM immediately for corrective action. The CQC-SM will report to the Contracting Officer
immediately upon receiving reports from his field staff.
c. Tracking
The QCS/RMS system will be used to track deficiencies. Deficiencies identified by the QC staff
will be numerically tracked using QC punch list items. QCS will be used to maintain a current
log of all QC punch list items. The Contracting Officer will track deficiencies they have
identified using its QA punch list item log. The CQC-SM will regularly update the correction
status of QC punch list items.
The CQC-SM will compile reports received from all QC Representatives and prepare the Daily
QC Report for submission to the Contracting Officer within 24-hours of the period being
recorded. The Daily QC Report will be compiled and submitted on-line within the QCS system
and a written a copy.
Place on Company Letter Head
Reference: Contract Number
Contract Title
Please be advised that you are appointed as the Contractor Quality Control Systems Manager
(CQCSM) for the above referenced project. You are charged with establishing and maintaining
an effective quality control system consisting of plans, procedures, and organization necessary to
produce an end product that complies with the contract requirements. The system shall cover all
construction operations, both onsite and offsite, including work by subcontractors, fabricators,
suppliers and purchasing agents. Your specific responsibilities are as follows.
• Ensure that your Contractor Quality Control staff maintains a presence at the site during
all progress of the work.
• Organize and maintain complete records of all letters, submittals, schedules, and all other
project documentation at the site.
• Certify that all submittals are in compliance with the contract requirements.
• Administer the Corps of Engineers' 3-Phase Control System, consisting of Preparatory
Inspections, Initial Inspections and Follow-up Inspections for each definable feature of work.
• Verify that all materials used in the project conform to the requirements of the contract
by insuring that specified or required tests are performed.
• Conduct Final Inspections and make sure deficiencies are corrected.
• Prepare and submit to the Contracting Officer a Daily Contractor Quality Control Report
that documents all required quality control activities and/or tests that have been performed.
As the CQCSM for the project, you have complete authority and responsibility to take any action
necessary to ensure contract compliance, including the authority to stop work that is not in
compliance with the contract, and shall report directly to me.