• Radiation response occurs within days to As the whole-body radiation dose increases,
months the average time between exposure and death
• Radiation response increases in severity decreases. This time is known as the mean
survival time.
Death, of course, is the most devastating
human response to radiation exposure. Acute • Whole-body radiation dose increases
radiation-induced human lethality is of only average time between exposure and
academic interest in diagnostic radiology. death
Diagnostic x-ray beams are neither intense
Hematologic Syndrome: dose dependednt
enough nor large enough to cause death
GI Syndrome: Remain constant at 4 days
NOTE: Diagnostic x-ray beams always result in CNS Syndrome: dose dependent
partial-body exposure, which is less harmful
than whole-body exposure
This immediate response of radiation sickness
is the prodromal period.
The latent period is the time after exposure THREE SYNDROMES
during which there is no sign of radiation 1. CENTRAL NERVOUS SYNDROME
• After the period of initial radiation
sickness, a period of Apparent well- CENTRAL NERVOUS SYNDROME
being occurs the ultimate cause of death in CNS syndrome
is elevated fluid content of the brain.
Approximate Dose: 1-100 Gyt
Clinical Signs and Symptoms: None GASTROINTESTINAL PERIOD
Severe damage to the cells lining the intestines
The period of manifest illness is characterized HEMATOLOGIC SYNDROME
by possible vomiting, mild diarrhea, malaise, Reduction of red, white blood cells, and
lethargy, and fever. platelets.
At very high radiation doses, the latent period
disappears altogether. At very low radiation
doses, there may be no prodromal period at all.
When only part of the body is irradiated, in
contrast to whole-body irradiation, a higher
dose is required to produce a response.
Every organ and tissue of the body can be
affected by partial-body irradiation. The effect
is cell death, which results in shrinkage of the
organ or tissue.
Analysis of persons irradiated therapeutically Ovaries - Female Gonad; produces germ cell
with superficial x-rays has shown that the skin • produces oogonia and matures into ovum
erythema dose required to affect 50% of those Germ cells are produced by both ovaries and
irradiated (SED 50 ) is about 5 Gyt (500 rad). testes, but they develop from the stem cell
Before the Roentgen was defined and accurate phase to the mature cell phase at different
radiation-measuring apparatus was developed, rates and at different times. This process of
the skin was observed, and its response to development is called gametogenesis.
radiation was used in formulating radiation
protection practices. The unit used was the
SED 50 , and permissible radiation exposures
were specified in fractions of SED 50 .
Tinea capitis of the scalp, which is common in THE MATURATION PROCESS FROM STEM CELL
children, was successfully treated by grenz TO SPERM CELL IS 3-5 WEEKS
radiation; unfortunately, the patient’s hair
Oogonia - is the stem cell of the ovaries
would fall out for weeks or even months.
Sometimes an unnecessarily high dose of Primordial Follicle - grow to encapsulate
grenz rays resulted in permanent epilation. oogonia
Normal Karyotype
The human chromosome consists of many long
strings of DNA mixed with a protein and folded
back on itself many times. Refer to Figure 29-
11, which shows a normal chromosome as it
would appear in the G1 phase of the cell cycle
when only two chromatids are present and in
the G2 phase of the cell cycle after DNA
replication. The chromosome structure of four
chromatids represented for the G2 phase is
that which is visualized in the metaphase
portion of mitosis.