CAI_PS EMU MCB15-07-2024 (2)
CAI_PS EMU MCB15-07-2024 (2)
CAI_PS EMU MCB15-07-2024 (2)
/6288ál3034: 0522-2465738
Tolephone: 451200(Extn. 42502) g -226011
Tolegram:RAILMANAK", Lucknow Government of India - Ministry of Railways
E-mail : Research, Designs & Standards Organization,
LUCKNOW - 226011
No. El/6.8.21 Dated As signed
All Zonal Railways & RCF, ICF, MCF
Sub: Guidelines for continuous power supply to fire and smoke Detection System
(FSDS) shall be provided from terminal Block (TB) X1 of Switch Board Cabinet
Ref: (i) Carriage Directorate note no. MC/ACF/Fire Detection/AC dtd.29.04.2024.
(i)Carriage Directorate note no. MC/ACF/ Fire Detection/AC dated 12.06.2024.
(ii)This office letter of even no. dated 19.06.2024.
(iv) 1CF letter no. MD/D/LHB/103B AC dated 19/24.06.2024.
(v) Southern Railway letter no. E.5/111/ LHB 25.06.2024.
(vi) NWR letter no, EL/245/2 (Spcc.) dated 28.06.2024 & 10.07.2024.
(vi) Central Railway letter no. L.326.TL.RDSO.MOD dated 10.07.2024.
1. Carriage Directorate vide note under ref (i) above, have informed that, "MCB connection
for FSDS electrical supply is not standard and through common MCBs in manycoaches
which need to be standardize". Further, Carriage dte. RDSO vide Note under re(i)
above have mentioned that, "As per information provided by OEM's, maximum power
Consumption requirement for FSDS is 150 watts both at rated load & peak load @ l10V
Based on the above, a draft guidelines was preparcd and communicated to Zonal
Railways/PUs vide RDSO letter under ref (ii) for comments/ suggestions. Commnents
have been received from ICF, SR, NWR &, CR.
Hence, as per maximum electrical load of FSDS al10V DC, current taken by FSDs
system comes out to be 1.36A and further, as per report submitted by NWR, the
maximum current taken by FSDS is lower than this in deep discharge condition of
internal battery (24V, 7AH).
In view of the comments and suggestions received from Zonal Railways and PUs and as
per the design requirements/actual current taken by the FSDS system, following
guidelines to be followed:
a) Power Supply arrangement for FSDS system fitted with internal battery of 24V, 7AH
to be as under:
S. No. Type of Coach Place of Installation
LHB variant of AC Supply may be taken from the place of installation
coaches. of MCBSiF33 with 2A, 2P, C-curve, 110V DC MCB.
The indication of MCB in Sheet no. 11 of 48 of
RDSO drawing no. RDSO/PE/SK/AC/0206-2019
(Rev.0) attached as ANNEXURE A
ICF type SG AC Dedicated 2A, 2P, C-curve 110V DC MCB to be
coaches provided after the common 40A DC MCB as shown
in RCF drawing no. CC70401 (Copy enclosed). The
MCB to be placed in The Power Panel besides other
DC MCBs. New 2A MCB provided to be marked as
FSDS. The indicated drawing is attached as
b) Code of Practice for wiring for 110V DC Self Generation Train Lighting System as per
RDSOSpecification no. EL/TL/48 (Rev. 1)-2005 or latest needs to be followed.
Code of Practice for Train Lighting Maintenance on Prevention of fires on 110V DC
Self generating coaches as per RDSOSpecification no. EL/TL/56-1992 or latest necds
to be followed.
d) Code of Practice for Prevention of fire in AC coaches as per RDSO specification no.
RDSO/PE/0/0008-2005 (Rev.0) or latest needs to be followed.
This is for information and necessary action please.
(Manjay umar)
DA: As above DSE (TL-AC Systm Design)
for Director Genejal/ PS&EMU
Copy to:
ED/Carriage-II/ RDSo- For information and with request to review the rating of MCB provided
inside FSDS Panel as suggested by CR vide letter under ref. (vi) and issue necessary guidelines
to ZRs/ Pus.