The Horseshoe
The Horseshoe
The Horseshoe
Matthew Stahl
Dr. Mahoney
ENG 345
5 May 2024
further and further toward fascist extremism. While this shift has taken place
over a relatively long stretch of time, with some pointing towards Ronald
push towards unbridled fascism in the party, but even more recently the
their approach to social issues within the United States. While economically,
recently taken a new approach that challenges even this “bedrock” of the
interesting development in how the Republican Party has framed its rhetoric
issues as the crux of almost all discussions within the political ecosystem.
progressivism itself for their own purposes. Within this exploration of modern
have all but claimed political ideas like populism and libertarianism, and how
the opposition’s tactics and what implications this has about the modern
issues, with examples like abortion rights and Christian Nationalism being
bastions of the Republican Party for decades, the shift to social issues being
issues like immigration, LGBTQ rights, and racism. Even economic discourse
businesses are failing are often linked to “increasing” crime rates in inner
cities, which is almost always linked to poor minority groups as the root
Biden being in power, with limited information being provided that actually
links the two things. Housing crises are a result of Chinese interference in the
American housing market, and young people being unable to afford living
spaces is a result of laziness and entitlement. The list of this could continue,
This apparent shift in rhetoric was not some haphazard decision by the
despite claiming that economic issues are at the top of their list of concerns
issues much more easily than economic ones. There are quite a few possible
reasons why this is happening in America. For one, while economic issues are
somewhat intangible to many Americans, such as the national debt, the gaps
between the rich and the poor, and wage stagnation, social issues are much
more visible. While these economic issues can be displayed via charts and
graphs, the response from seeing these is much different from seeing, for
conservative can turn on the news and see a man adorned in makeup and
exorbitant wigs walking in a parade, and immediately see the thing that is
have a giant vault of money that is increasingly diminishing over time for all
Americans to see. The tangible threats become seemingly, at least in the
This, however, does not account for all economic issues. For example,
while a person may not be able to see the immediate difference in what they
are earning versus what their employer is, they can certainly see the prices
of their grocery bill increasing, or how they are no longer able to afford
payments that they once were. These issues are more tangible, and thus,
issues becomes necessary for the Republican party. In his book, The
Persuaders: At the Front Lines of the Fight for Hearts, Minds, and Democracy,
political pundit and journalist Anand Giridharadas explains the ways in which
political issues are framed has a vital impact on how they are perceived. In a
well isn’t enough, stimulus doesn’t equal response” (216) and continues to
test which political messages were the most impactful to people, and which
fell flat. This system did not create a “one-size-fits-all” solution, but rather
was a way to create and test messages, failing and learning as these tests
went on, before eventually releasing one to the public which resonated with
find a messaging tactic that resonated with their base: fear. While an innate
human emotion, fear has been shown to be one of the foundational aspects
of conservative ideology (Pedersen et al.). While this is not to say that other
political ideologies do not feel fear, an example being that progressives are
fearful of issues like LGBTQ and abortion rights being stripped away,
the title of “reactionary”. The Republican Party is aware of this and has
individuals aren’t just “odd” or “different” from the audience, they threaten
their very way of life. LGBTQ isn’t an ideology of acceptance to them, it’s
forceful indoctrination into their lifestyle and it’s LGBTQ groups wanting to
take their children and groom them. Immigration isn’t just an issue because
immigrants don’t always speak English, it’s because immigrants will take
their jobs and murder their loved ones. The Republican Party plays into
preexisting biases and turns those into real fears, and coupled with the
likelihood that their voter base will not be interacting with these groups, it
inflame their voter base and make voting a matter of life or death. Placing
economic issues like job security hand-in-hand with immigration issues turns
these economic issues into yet another reason why this social issue is
Progressive Language
“Us versus Them” issue, but with the rise in progressive ideology in America,
their benefit, despite labeling progressives as the enemy. One such example
of this is the term “woke”. Conservatives are quick to label anything and
“woke”, workers’ rights are “woke”, and anything having to do with the
that came into usage in the early 1900s to symbolize an awareness of social
racial issues (Woke). Over the past few years, being “woke” became less of a
but was taken over by the right as a way to label, and therefore trivialize,
any sort of progressive activism that counters their own interests. Despite
this, conservatives have taken the term and morphed it into their own self-
media as “sheep”, framing themselves as the lion in the idiom, “Lions led by
sheep”. Aside from the implications of being courageous, the lion also is used
as a way to say that they are at the top of the hypothetical food chain and
that everyone else who does not agree with them is simply an animal waiting
to be slaughtered.
the progressive understanding, though needless to say there are some very
that the political system is flawed and that there is a disparity between the
wants of the American populous and the wants of the political and economic
elite in the nation. The key differences are found in who, or what, is actually
governing the nation. For progressives, the common idea of what is actually
actions taken by politicians and the funding they receive and have concluded
that politicians are almost always subject to their corporate interests, rarely
acting in a way that would harm them. Conservatives, on the other hand,
often seem to believe that there is an elite cabal of people who run the
nation for one reason or another. These theories are almost always rooted in
racism or antisemitism and often include people like the Obamas, Clintons,
Bidens, and George Soros. Many appear to believe that Barack Obama is still
in charge of the nation and is only using Joe Biden as a way to bypass the
two-term policy, while others say that wealthy billionaires (who are for some
reason almost always Jewish) are in control. Regardless, it is clear that the
“elite” that progressives refer to and the “elite” that conservatives refer to
right’s obsession with corporate groups like “big pharma” and “big tech”.
need to be checked, once again this issue is divided in what is going on.
social media) and Big Pharma poisons them by giving fake vaccines that will,
somehow, either kill, possess, or infect the population in one way or another.
scheme from some elite figure, often Bill Gates, to poison the human
usually stems from their control over things like what media is being
displayed in the case of Big Tech, and how pharmaceutical corporations are
scientific trials that were done concluded that they were safe. In doing so,
biggest arguments against the LGBTQ movement, that it was not supported
modern scientific movement separates sex and gender, was arguably one of
the most overused talking points in the height of the trans-panic of the early
illegitimate, finding niche scientist grifters to talk about how the vaccine was
dangerous, many of which later either took back their claims or were found
“Facts don’t care about your feelings” has been one of the trademark lines of
political party that adopts Christian rhetoric, which also concerns itself over
how life begins at conception, that evolution is not real, and in some sects,
that the Earth came into being only around 6 thousand years ago, all of
and common sense, stating that liberals and progressives lack the ability to
account for science, despite turning a blind eye to any science that disproves
their values.
advantage, making it seem as if, to their voters at least, they are the party of
there are certain societal issues, but rather that those issues aren’t what
examples paint a vivid picture of how conservative rhetoric takes the terms
and phrases popularized by progressives and uses them for their own gain.
combatting gun control, climate control, and other corporate interests. To the
individual, and quite often, even more so. It is up to a company how much
they should pay their workers and how they should be treated as well as
what means they take to produce their products. This is foundationally
receive more wealth, that wealth will “trickle down” to all of those in the
commonly associate themselves with protecting things like the right to self-
defense and free speech. Libertarian advocates state that gun reform takes
argue that the right to free speech is being attacked, which circles back to
speech. This also ties back into corporate interests, as the weapons market is
the United States is technically a third party, they do work closely with the
Republican Party (much as the Green Party does with the Democratic Party),
tactic, is often associated with the far-right and Republican Party, that being
Ocasio-Cortez also fall in line with populist rhetoric, no politician has been as
millions in the 2016 election, with many still being die-hard supporters. He,
and other adjacent far-right politicians, capture the populist ideas of anti-
and set forth a new wave of (conservative) outsiders. Both Sanders and
Trump might use the phrase “political elite”, but as we explored in the
previous section, they mean entirely different things. Trump’s populism has
created a cult of personality behind with, with many voters claiming he can
do no wrong, and him even stating that he could, “I could stand in the
middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot somebody, and I wouldn't lose any
populism does play a large role in how candidates like AOC and Sanders
hate Donald Trump and his populism, they now link populism with his
extreme positions, and thus place Sanders into a box of extremists who
to help the movement. While these are still the core values of these two
backgrounds, and where a person gets their news from is often divisive
and causes small in-groups within the left to form. Conservatives, on the
signs that say statements like “Blacks for Trump”, or less commonly now,
“LGBTs for Trump”. Despite progressive media figures being much more
stick out more and almost make it seem like there are more of them.
Figures like Ben Shapiro, Candice Owens, Hannah Pearl Davis (more
commonly known as “JustPearlyThings” or “Pearl”), and Blaire White stand
making it seem that simply having those identities makes them the most
White and think that because it is a trans person speaking out against
other trans people, they must be better informed on the issue and just not
welcome in their circles as long as they understand that what the left says
isn’t always there. Ben Shapiro is outspokenly Jewish but is often attacked
by the far right, including Candice Owens, for his identity as a Jewish
progressive movement has lately found itself struggling to allow those in.
The fear of inviting newcomers into circles only for them to hurt the
with whom they accept and do not accept while the conservative
and have meaningfully reassessed their values, the fear that they still
could revert back to their old ways of thinking, or that even if they have
always been seen as progressive could shift what they stand for (much
like Kyrsten Sinema did a few years ago), has led to progressive groups
The stakes of this writing off were high: some of the most dangerous
they don’t have strong political ties. Even more startling, as has been
made evident over the past few years, lonely young people (especially
boys) will join groups that they perceive to be welcoming to them, and if
they are even slightly reactionary (as young boys can tend to be) this will
lead them to join online groups that push them into the alt-right rabbit
This writing off could also lead progressives to lose the bigger
Trump and Joe Biden facing off in their second election, the political
stakes of writing off could lead to an extreme shift in how politics work in
not allowing people into their circles, but write off politicians as not
worthy of being voted for in the first place. This was seen in 2016 and
2020 with the “Bernie or Busters”, and is once again coming back to
and make the decision to not vote for him out of their perceived moral
purity. This could lead to Joe Biden losing the 2024 election and making
understand what implications it may have for the future of the Republican
Party and the future of America. For one, focusing on social issues through
from 2009 to 2015 and then stabilizing from then onwards, while
liberalism has been increasing from 2010, dropping off in 2019, before
wavering back and forth between then and 2023 (Jones). This wavering of
now as it has been in the past, and to compensate for this, the Republican
Party decided to change their approach to one that had been shown to be
an establishment that has only been making their lives worse, a topic that
ones which would not benefit most of their voting base, in social policies
that enflame their voters, conservatives are able to kill two birds with one
stone. Not only are they able to enact social policies that attack
marginalized groups and create scapegoats for their voters to blame for
societal issues, but they are able to sneak through pro-corporate policies
undecided voters, who Giradharadas calls the “Good Point People”, or the
persuadables is that they toggle between competing views of the way the
world works, and whatever they hear repeated most frequently becomes
way, the media plays a crucial role in determining what issues this 60% of
voters believe in. If, for example, a voter watches an equal amount of Fox
News and MSNBC coverage of a particular political issue, and Fox News
states that immigrants are dangerous more than MSNBC states that they
likely to think that immigrants are dangerous. Though this is not how this
usually works, Americans are more likely to watch one or the other, the
principle still stands as those voters are now almost exclusively hearing
one side of the argument, and thus, only believing one side is “common-
luckily for progressives, not all of them lend to conservatives’ benefit. For
policies with social policies might sound good on paper, but conservatives
seem to have gone too far too fast with it. Take LGBTQ issues for example;
some of their top issues, yet in 2023, most Americans were not in favor of
and economic issues were still, by a huge margin, the top concerns of
any Republican who doesn’t align with the reactionary social policies of
expanding more into social issues was to distract voters as they push
social issues, the Republican Party has allowed for politicians like Ron
DeSantis and Marjory Taylor Green who openly fight against corporations
and the elite that the Republican Party serves. This could be used to the
are no longer truly being catered to by their party, and if the Democratic
Party were able to hone into economic issues that focus on helping the
middle and lower class, they would be more likely to persuade the
With the 2024 elections coming up soon, the political ecosystem will
necessary as soon as they gain power. While this might seem like an easy
win for Democrats, the Biden administration has lately been mishandling
show up to vote. It is yet to be seen how this upcoming election will play
out, but whatever the result is, the only thing that can be certain is that
decided, for better or for worse. While the Republican Party might rely on
using progressive rhetoric and vocabulary for now, if they were to win
they would likely shift their rhetoric to become strictly fascistic. On the
other hand, if Donald Trump once again loses this election, it might spell
the end for the Republican Party as we know it. With Democratic economic
likely that once the 2024 election comes to a close, whether it be Joe
Works Cited
Dwyer, Colin. “Donald Trump: ‘I Could ... Shoot Somebody, And I Wouldn’t
Giridharadas, Anand. The Persuaders: At the Front Lines of the Fight for
Kindle Edition.