GO.MS.NO-546 Possession Certificate VSP

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Gdve~nment bf Andhra pradesh

Abqtract.~.:; 'I, '

WEi.•;,,,;R PROGf~HME - Medali ties to bE.;c.uo;)ted
il~ ;:"egarp to issue df .. ~OssEissibn certLHcatos by Revenue
A~~) ;J,fi ties, in;r;e6,pec1: of' scatterod house si tes / hou~)r::i3
v~~<.)ge sites ~. drders - issu~d.
-x~·..- x- x·-x-x-~l>,<+'«~
x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x"'x-x-x-x-::- x-x-x
. Rev'c.'?~\d.$)
(;,sn.I) 6epartm~cnt.. '. .

Dated: 30-06-97.
Read the foll' ..'i. ing:-

1) D.O.Lr.N~).493/RH.l/97,dt.4.4.97 of the
Secy.to ~ovt.HPusing Dept.,addressed to
SpI. CS&CLti, Hydel: abad.
2) Frohl CLR. Lr.No.Bl!914/97,dt •.l1.4.91 adc1res::.r]
: to Secy., Hotising Department.

In the Collectors' cOnferl;,nce held on 16.12.19'.;6::11c1

sUbF,Jquont discus.sions with Chi"H'~.Hinister on 11.1.19~·'7 regarding
imrJ.ementation of weaker sections' housing proguammo, the
foll,-,winq decision iJ.mongother things was taken :
overcome legal hurdles to complete documentoJt:hn
and raising equitable morttigaye for the' loans gi'/cn
to the beneficiar18s in respect of scattered housing
it is decided to issuo instrLi.cti:::Jns to all Col.Loct::>rs
that, pattacertificates be issued for the hOIl:>,1 sites,
held by the individual benoficiaries after sun::cllderin9
tha same to th(~ Government to enable, them to n;..:;.::tgage
the some to the. hoLlsinq corporation4 . This is ,~:; be
necessar;l:ly done bofor; th!? basemcnts'i'l!ire compJ.uted
by the beneficiaries.

2( a). Government after careful c::Jhsideration, issue

insLi:-uctions to all the collectorE; to follow the proc0dlJre
of r8linquishments of private hOuSe sites to Governmc~t and
issue D.form pattas as per rules to the person who rcl~lquished
such h':Juse sitl~ in favour of Government.

2(b).. With regaru to pursolls t>lhoare not inclined to Gurrender

the.L: house sites, for enabling thom to rais('> loans from
A.P.3t2.t~ HJuslng Corporation, It \-la3 decided that t.h.o~bcnefi-
aiar ~es ~e g.:W:~na possession certificd te In cases whero they
are :.11 posse~:llon of the house sites for not less than ·12 years,
by tLS compotent Revenue Clutl1orities,so as' to enable chem to
mar l:,
.. ;,gu the same with the corp':Jra tiQn.

3. Government, further. issue the following orden.1 \,;it.h

rog.e:.d to tho authcr ity competent to issue the Possession
CCl'L'£:icuteS. procedure for c:Joduct of ErXiuiry, Mortgaying the
t.itlu of house site / house and time limits for issuinCJ "uch
cert:.ficates .'

1. CC2.L,pE'FENT
The M,RO / lUJOcompetent to issue D.form patta r.'··j~tif~c.:ltcs
Hill be thl!! competent RevenUe Officer to issue tho p(.''':'c'':?8S~0I1
Cert.:".F.:icateS. This means, in: the rural arGoS, the MHO,,; ;\l1d in
Mun:lcipilli ties and Hunicipal corporations, the HOOSlid.11 bo tho
compl:tsnt authorities to issue sl1ch cortificates.
J 2
2. :rnE ENQUI.RY
The Competent Revonue authority aftor .recei'!i'~' the
Ji~t of the prospe6tive beneficiaries from th~ riiGtl ~8t Manayer,
H8i.'sing; who :Lntehd to, seCLlJ:c 102n for cOllstruction ,f a houso,
\\Iill issue a written not.ice to tho Gram Panahayat / 1'Illnicipality
MUi!:Lcipal corporation cClllih9 uponthla geheral public to give
ev j Jenca of lnake any representations indicating their ill tarest
in ,:ho house sites possessed by the' scUd' prospectiVE; hdwfi-
ci cf~~. Thebe notices shell be p~blished in all thG.Gram
P,:l.ohayats / MUnicipalities / M'-lIliG1ipalCorporations .",(;0 in
ad,d. tion by a beat of tom,..tom in the above localities. Tho
no<.ice Shall also contain the sate and the designat:Lc:n of the
Oficer by whom the enquiry would DC.helel. The enqu'j ry shall
be conelucted after expiry of 15 days from t.he date of n:-)tice.
On tho date notified, the neVE'JhueAuthority or an Officer
uuU:or ised by him who is notbeloltl th8 rank of Rovenuo Inspector
skdl· visit the locality I COl1duct a local enquiry anel <~18o
eX".mine evidence with regar:c1 to the genllineness or:)tl~Grvlise
of th("~ownlDrship / possession 0f the site held by thc:-

b. The EnqUiry Officer will examino the other corroborative

idence for establishing
G'V the possession of the belmficiary for
nut less than 12 years. For this purpose, he will ba requireel
to oxamine anyone at:. more of the followig.g documGnts :-
1. Electoral rJlls
2. ;;eceipts of house tax / property tax.
3. aation cards (White)
4. l-\ny eviGence indicating that thE.1property is eit..i-lcr
inhfdrited or'purchased by him'with whatever instruments
that are avc>.ilable "lheth-c)r registered or not. '.~,
5. Enquiry with tho neighbours of the benefici~ry.
6. Statement of VAOand sarpanch / ",ard rnetl\ber, if· pJss ible.

C. BBBing oh this local enquiry and any other information

~\it the Enquiry Officer may deom fit to collect a cortificate
wL.J. be issued by the H.evenue duthori'cy which would J.:w titled
pc~,5essions certificate of the house site for purpose .of
sbcuring grants and loon assistance for construction uf hOlLS e
fr('[J\ ri.p.state Housing cm:poration Limitod.

d. The Enquiry Officer shall also 8ntablish the permanent

rC:3i.Jence of the beneficiary in that village / Municipality
HLilliClbpal Corporati.:"\n ano his 21nnual income from all s:)urc8S1 and
o. Simul tane:Jusly, the enqulry shall also be cJtlCJucted
wh8ther the. beneficiary has beE!n sanctioned any house '.:lr hOllse
site earlier in that ~ villa~e.

4. The 'Possession CGrtificatesi shall be issued in the

f()J::llat prescribed by the Gove nmont. The proforma certificate
in Telugu and English versiJns are appended to this 'Jrder.

5. In respect of Municipality / M1wisipal Corp-:.)r.')ti,:)n

the beneficiary shall also be reql1ired to mortgage the houso
constructed by him on tho land after cornpletion of cOllstructLm
t11L;Ugh a simple mortgago (loeel for which ,specific instructL,ns
wL.l be issueel separately with l:"egard to the stamp (!uty, atc
by i:l1e Hegistrati::-n Department.'
6 The ReV(muQ DivisiJIMI Officer 0r MandaI Rei. (lUG!
0, iCBr CO/lCHhed es tho "a$e may be shall .issll C'C, '.I:!,catos
~,; ',;1i/1 twenty clays oj: rf2ceiving the requqst from e th,
D :·trict Manager, H0l-lsing 0t th!a: c~;t]CGrned District.

'j. '1:h0 above instructi:JllS will n~~t:b~ applicab;.(? tc:-J

n".r,-tribal beneficiaries Xk liVing in Sch~duled Ar8a~
w1",-;,-0 L.T. Heg U1 ati-JllS 1970 are in VogUe.'

in.' 1.11 thescruplilous'ly.

8. tructL:::.ns CDllectors aro! reqUested tOfjl1ow tJ-'Jci:&

;;, 'Y "r der and ih th" hamo 0f th e Gover hor of Andhr" ,'r a desh; ;

. G.SUdhir,
II true Copy 1/ SeC1:'etCit'y tc) dovernment •
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Sr j / om" )"u", .'... • ~ged • • • years "",.l'.k ugh tor /

I'd .<,:. of • • • .' r'es:Lclen t 'of • • • • vil.L ':', l/.lun:i.ci_
~," 1. ',oJ of • ; • • • Maildal • ••••• DJ striat h 'C., POQoDssion
o E ,con 6e-s J.tG i'en tione,' ,.n tho s chedU1eM b"'ow. ThiS.1" COhfinned
!"oc"" ,'" tho pUbli e "" qui r Y con duc t,0d 01> • • • • • i" <;\8 • • ••••
vilL'ge/mU"ic~palitY. Baood on the' public e"quiry it j, certified
fl101 l:han 12 years.
sri/8me/"l>m ••• " • is in l'OsseO.';io" of tho ho"",,, vite for

ViL cft!
l'lll!'!. ~ipQllty fJOltllda,r iGS &
dimensions Any ~\lhE:r
ic)cl~ti.£ica tJ.,:)))

The certificate is isvued SUbject to the followi.ng co"<11Uon,

1. sri/Smt.~<um ••
u 1: Rs. .._ •
• derives an annUal il1c,::>ne
) froIn a II \1'10.'1'11 sources.
TlJ.is pos6esaion certifica te is is::JLtB_d ONLY for the ,purpOse of
oil taining SUbSidy and loan from AP3HcL for the hOlW i.llg schome
3. irnolemoJ1 ted by them and is not 'fCllid for a.ny· other purpose.
Tilis Possession
~;uJ:cs:idy Certifica
I loan from to does n,:>t guarantee
APSHCL. Sanct:i,')11 of
This POssesoion Cortificate has 1.;:)·be mortgaged to ,\l':SHCL
!~::!Wards the lOdl1 to be .sancti.)nl:.~d by thGl11
'l';',i8 l'Osse.s8iotlcurtificiJlr~ sha.ll n"/llain rn.::Jrtgagod with
it will till
MOHec be tho loa" is
reconveYed. rOpaid
. "ith the interest wh""'n ''\
j)llring tho period Of mortgage •.. no trunSactiotl all the
h,.'clse-si te or house conI? tructGd th(~rlOOn shall be ma~Jc 2nd
C'J(m if done, it is illegalancJ n~~t tenable under '.<:":1.

;)2 t<"

RevenUe Divisior",: 1 Officr:1rl

Mancial ReVenUe O:Ulc(:r.

-----=--Div.t:Uon / MiJndal.

1/ tru,.: copy II

~..~ .
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