GO.MS.NO-546 Possession Certificate VSP
GO.MS.NO-546 Possession Certificate VSP
GO.MS.NO-546 Possession Certificate VSP
WEi.•;,,,;R PROGf~HME - Medali ties to bE.;c.uo;)ted
il~ ;:"egarp to issue df .. ~OssEissibn certLHcatos by Revenue
A~~) ;J,fi ties, in;r;e6,pec1: of' scatterod house si tes / hou~)r::i3
v~~<.)ge sites ~. drders - issu~d.
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(;,sn.I) 6epartm~cnt.. '. .
Dated: 30-06-97.
Read the foll' ..'i. ing:-
1) D.O.Lr.N~).493/RH.l/97,dt.4.4.97 of the
Secy.to ~ovt.HPusing Dept.,addressed to
SpI. CS&CLti, Hydel: abad.
2) Frohl CLR. Lr.No.Bl!914/97,dt •.l1.4.91 adc1res::.r]
: to Secy., Hotising Department.
1. CC2.L,pE'FENT
The M,RO / lUJOcompetent to issue D.form patta r.'··j~tif~c.:ltcs
Hill be thl!! competent RevenUe Officer to issue tho p(.''':'c'':?8S~0I1
Cert.:".F.:icateS. This means, in: the rural arGoS, the MHO,,; ;\l1d in
Mun:lcipilli ties and Hunicipal corporations, the HOOSlid.11 bo tho
compl:tsnt authorities to issue sl1ch cortificates.
J 2
2. :rnE ENQUI.RY
The Competent Revonue authority aftor .recei'!i'~' the
Ji~t of the prospe6tive beneficiaries from th~ riiGtl ~8t Manayer,
H8i.'sing; who :Lntehd to, seCLlJ:c 102n for cOllstruction ,f a houso,
\\Iill issue a written not.ice to tho Gram Panahayat / 1'Illnicipality
MUi!:Lcipal corporation cClllih9 uponthla geheral public to give
ev j Jenca of lnake any representations indicating their ill tarest
in ,:ho house sites possessed by the' scUd' prospectiVE; hdwfi-
ci cf~~. Thebe notices shell be p~blished in all thG.Gram
P,:l.ohayats / MUnicipalities / M'-lIliG1ipalCorporations .",(;0 in
ad,d. tion by a beat of tom,..tom in the above localities. Tho
no<.ice Shall also contain the sate and the designat:Lc:n of the
Oficer by whom the enquiry would DC.helel. The enqu'j ry shall
be conelucted after expiry of 15 days from t.he date of n:-)tice.
On tho date notified, the neVE'JhueAuthority or an Officer
uuU:or ised by him who is notbeloltl th8 rank of Rovenuo Inspector
skdl· visit the locality I COl1duct a local enquiry anel <~18o
eX".mine evidence with regar:c1 to the genllineness or:)tl~Grvlise
of th("~ownlDrship / possession 0f the site held by thc:-
;;, 'Y "r der and ih th" hamo 0f th e Gover hor of Andhr" ,'r a desh; ;
. G.SUdhir,
II true Copy 1/ SeC1:'etCit'y tc) dovernment •
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1/ tru,.: copy II
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