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Track 02, Unit Test 1, Task 1 So, if you’re that person who doesn’t mind sharing, then it’s
more likely that your Internet identity is actually part and
Hi everyone. Welcome to my talk on the Internet and parcel of your offline personality.
personality. The World Wide Web has become Also worth noting is the fact that lots of people use
a huge part of our lives over the last few decades, with most different parts of the Internet in different ways; some people
people now using social media to a greater or lesser extent change the way they present themselves online according to
every day. According to research, some people spend half the platform they are using. So, for example, someone who
their lives posting photos and videos, clicking on ‘likes’, conveys a strong, confident personality on one platform may
commenting on other people’s posts or chatting online to have a much less outgoing personality on another one.
friends and strangers alike. Others just use social media to On balance, I think it is fair to say that, while in the early
send a few messages here and there. But we can safely say days of the Internet users tended to hide behind fake
that Internet platforms are an important aspect of modern identities, people nowadays generally have
lives and they’re here to stay. a similar personality online and offline.
So, in this talk, I’d like to address the following question:
do we have the same personality online as we do offline? Track 03, Unit Test 2, Task 1
Think about your own behaviour. Are you more confident
Conversation 1
online than you are in the real world? Do you say things to
people in chat rooms and forums that you wouldn’t say face- Interviewer: Being able to fly like Superman or Peter Pan
to-face? Or is the Internet just an extension of your ‘real’ life, is a fantasy that most of us have dreamed
where normal rules of politeness and etiquette apply? about at some point in childhood. Not only is
Perhaps the main thing to point out is that, in the first few today’s guest passionate about all things
years since its inception, the Internet was a place where a related to aerodynamics, he’s also going to tell
person’s online personality was often very different from their us about Richard Browning who actually
real-world persona. From the start, the new technology was made his childhood dream of flying come true.
seen as a chance to be anonymous, to masquerade as Please welcome George Wing. Thank you for
someone else. coming, George.
A famous cartoon caption summed it up nicely that on the Expert: Thank you for having me.
internet, nobody knows you’re a dog. This was the general Interviewer: Now, how did Richard manage to fly?
feeling in the early days – you could invent a completely new Expert: Well, he invented what is called a ‘jet suit’ or a
identity or a better version of yourself to present to the ‘jetpack’, which allows him to hover above the
cyberworld and nobody would know. ground and move around in the air in
But the fact is that as Internet use has grown, online whichever direction he chooses. You can
activities have become an integral part of our real lives. watch him fly in videos he has posted on the
Things like shopping or banking are now inextricably linked Internet. Never before have I seen such a
to the Internet. And these mundane tasks don’t call for a sight — he really is flying! I felt envious when
special online personality that is different to our real persona. I saw him. I’d have given a lot to have been in
In fact, these activities require people to use their real his shoes.
identities above all for security reasons. Invented identities Interviewer: Do you think he feels like a superhero when
are seen as fraudulent and misleading, and anonymity is he’s flying through the air with his jetpack?
discouraged. In other words, our digital habits are beginning Expert: You’d have to ask him that, but I’ll let you know
to mirror our offline habits more and more as the Internet if I ever get a chance to try the jetpack. But in
invades every part of our lives. one interview, Richard said that it feels like
Another effect of the growing role of the Internet is the being in a kind of dreamlike state while
constantly increasing amount of time spent on the web. It everyone else is watching in awe. I imagine
seems that the more time we devote to being online, the less it’s like when you’re riding a bike, you’re not
likely we are to fake aspects of our personality. thinking about turning the handlebars or
It’s fairly easy to manipulate our own identity in short keeping your balance, you’re just thinking, ‘I'm
interactions, such as job interviews or first dates, but going to cycle this way or that, and enjoy
maintaining that kind of deception during longer interactions the thrill of the speed’. Try to imagine yourself
is much more complicated. So, the very fact that we use in a three-dimensional space, entirely free to
social media on a daily basis means there is a better chance move and go wherever you like. Most people
that our online and real-life personalities will get similar at might be in two minds about trying a jetpack,
some point. but it does look thrilling to me.
Of course, not everyone uses the Internet in the same Interviewer: Yes, it sounds exciting! But how did Richard
way. Some people like to remain anonymous in order to come to invent this flying machine?
pursue interests they would rather keep secret – like Expert: Well, I read somewhere that he’s got flying in
following an ‘uncool’ pop group or being a member of a his blood. One of his grandfathers was a pilot
‘nerdy’ birdwatching or trainspotting club. There are also and the other ran a helicopter company. His
those who like everyone to know about their hobbies and father was an aeronautical engineer as well as
interests and broadcast them proudly to anyone interested. a designer and inventor. Richard didn’t even

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Unit Tests | Audioscripts

have to think twice about his future and just Conversation 3

followed in his dad’s footsteps.
Interviewer: Today in the studio we are talking about the
Interviewer: And what about you? Have you got flying in
new, emerging technology of jetpack travel
your blood?
with the managing director of Jetpack Future,
Expert: Not actually in my blood, as it were, but to be
a company specialising in the development of
honest, it wasn’t until I was on my way to this
jetpacks and their practical applications. So
interview that I remembered something.
how is jetpack technology being used at the
I used to spend a lot of time making gliders
with my brother. We never had shop-bought
Expert: You have to realise that it’s still in its infancy.
models - my parents didn’t have money to
It’s dangerous to use without exhaustive
throw around - so we used to hang around in
training, so it’s a long way from becoming
my dad’s shed, making them out of balsa
commonplace. My company makes money by
wood and using his tools. Only later did
doing flying displays at events like the opening
I realise that this wasn’t something that every
of stadiums and exhibitions of all kinds. But we
schoolboy did.
also run training courses for people to have a
I must’ve driven my friends up the wall going
go for fun.
on about flying all the time.
Interviewer: When will this technology become safe
Conversation 2 enough for regular use?
Interviewer: Today in the studio we have Sue Expert: When cars were first invented, it took decades
Propeller who has flown from one end of the before they completely replaced horses. And
country to the other using a jetpack. Good when the Wright brothers first flew their
morning, Sue. What made you do this? aircraft, it wasn't until years later that
Sue: Good Morning. Well, I saw a few videos on the passenger planes became mainstream. I think
Internet of this guy who had developed a we're at that stage with this technology – right
functioning jetpack. It consisted of some micro at the beginning. I'd say that maybe within
gas turbines stuck to your arms and a gas tank twenty years we will have hover suits powered
in a backpack for fuel. And this guy was flying. by safe high-energy-density batteries.
Like really flying! So, I thought I could do that Interviewer: Well, I can’t wait to be able to fly to work.
too. Expert To tell you the truth, as exciting and fun as that
Interviewer: Was it easy to learn how to use the jetpack? might be, I don’t think transport for the general
Sue: Absolutely not. I experimented in a field for a public is where our priorities should focus. It’s
few months. I fell over a lot, but I eventually more about the way it could be used for more
conquered the technique. You have to hang specific purposes, like getting doctors to
on for dear life! At first, you think you’ll never accidents in remote areas that are otherwise
manage to get it to work, but once you've got inaccessible, or flying over earthquake zones,
the idea, you never forget. It's like swimming that kind of thing.
where you scarcely think, you just make the Track 04, Unit Test 3, Task 1
necessary movements because you know Interviewer: What’s up everybody! This is Mike Goggle
you’re left to sink or swim! with another I’ve got the answer! video. Today,
Interviewer: Was there anything else that you struggled we’re talking about online shopping. It’s been
with? described as the biggest revolution in retail
Sue: Well, I think it’s the mental aspect. We all think since mail order catalogues. But research has
that we can’t fly - it’s quite a normal thought, shown that cybercrime has been on the rise in
right? But I knew that I could do it. And I kept recent years and most of these crimes relate
repeating it over and over again. I also kept to online shopping. Obviously, that doesn’t
telling myself that I could train my body to do sound good. Luckily, today’s guest, Grace
pretty much anything if I put my mind to it. Robertson, is an expert in this field and is here
Interviewer: Have you got any plans to fly anywhere else? to offer us some advice. Grace, I know people
Sue: Oh, yes. The experience is so incredible and find it convenient, but shouldn’t we just stop
satisfying that next month I’m going to fly from buying things online for the sake of safety?
London to Paris. Nobody has ever done that Expert: No, absolutely not! You do have to be careful
before! but, if you adhere to some simple rules, you
won’t fall prey to fraudsters and scammers.
The research that you mentioned shows just
how devious these cyber criminals can be. But
they aren’t so different from thieves and
tricksters in the real world, and traditional
shopping is just as popular as it ever was, isn’t

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Interviewer: That’s reassuring, but I think it’s much harder Interviewer: Great advice! I’m naturally distrusting so that’s
to monitor cybercrime. What are your top tips easy for me. I suppose it’s impossible to go
for protecting ourselves? back to life without these conveniences now
Expert: You’d be shocked to know the amount of that we have them. What’s your next piece of
personal information that is collected and advice, Grace?
stored online. Sometimes it is sold to other Expert: Well, payment system scams have been on
companies who use it to send out publicity the increase for a number of years so be
materials. So, my first piece of advice is not to meticulous about only using systems you
give away too many details about yourself. know and trust. If a locked padlock icon is
Nobody needs to know your birthday, or your located to the left of the URL on the payment
passport number to sell you a product. But page, then the retailer probably has a secure
criminals can use this information to steal your set-up. If you can't see one, then the site isn’t
identity. Ask yourself, ‘Am I being asked to safe to use. And if a crafty seller suggests an
provide information that should not be public?’ unusual kind of payment, like a money
If the answer is ‘yes’, then something is amiss. transfer, saying it’ll be fast and easy for
Major sites get hacked all the time, so the less example — watch out! It is a sign that
data you share, the better. And, as hackers something may be wrong. This kind of
are always looking for new ways of stealing transaction is almost never used by a
information, get an antivirus programme reputable company.
installed on your computer and at least make But, if you do get cheated, do something about
their job a bit harder. it as quickly as possible. Not just to help find
Interviewer: It’s scary to think of all that personal data out the criminal, but to prevent further losses. Ask
there! your bank how long you have to dispute
Expert: Yes, which brings me to passwords. Make suspicious charges to ensure you won’t be
sure they’re strong and change them regularly. held liable for any money you lose. Keep an
With shopping online, secure passwords are eye on your credit card statements and bank
key, because if hackers get access to your accounts to make sure that no extra charges
transactions, they could get into your bank have been added.
account. So, make sure your passwords are Interviewer: Better safe than sorry, right? Check your bank
protected at all times. You might not have the statement to see if your money hasn’t been
time to set up your own sophisticated security spent by a scammer – I’d hate to have a card
system for passwords, but you can use rejected because of insufficient funds when
password management software shopping.
which creates uncrackable passwords and Expert: Of course! And, finally, if something goes
remembers them for you. Some of these wrong, you must complain. I’ve read about
packages are expensive but they could end up cases where people have been scammed for
saving you a small fortune. large sums of money, but the crimes haven’t
Interviewer: Uncrackable passwords! That’s what we need! been reported because of the fear of looking
You can never be too careful. like a fool. Lots of people are too embarrassed
Expert: Exactly. Another thing that many of us seem to go to the police when they fall for an Internet
to take for granted is checking the authenticity scam, but there’s no need for embarrassment.
of online shops. Lots of people have had their When your money is stolen online, it’s the
lives destroyed by trusting that the website same as having your money stolen in the real
they’re visiting is what it appears to be. Be world. If you aren’t sure who to contact, start
shrewd! Beware of sites which use slightly with your local police force and ask them for
different names to the original, or have rare advice. Even if they don’t find the guilty party,
domain extensions like .me or .co instead the information you give them will
of .com. Stick to well-known sites and if you be written up, kept on record and help in their
want to try a lesser-known one, check it very fight against cybercrime.
carefully first. Remember, if an offer is too Interviewer: That’s some really good advice, Grace. I really
good to be true, it's probably a rip-off of some appreciate you coming here today and
kind. If you’re not sure about a site, you can sharing all of these tips with us. And, to our
look it up in directories and scam trackers – listeners, don't be afraid of online payments,
websites which log fraud complaints from just make sure you do it safely. Thank you for
shoppers. You can easily find out whether the joining us …
sites you want to use are legitimate or not.
And one final point on bogus websites: if the
address or telephone number of an online
store can’t be found, step away.

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Track 05, Unit Test 4, Task 1 don't regret leaving the restaurant business at all. In fact,
I was working as a head chef in a busy, successful quite a few chefs have contacted me for advice on how to
restaurant in London when I heard about a primary school get into school meals, attracted by the more convenient
that was looking for somebody to take over their kitchen and timetable. Had I remained in my previous post, I’d never
provide school meals. The working hours of a head chef are have achieved the job satisfaction I feel now. I’m certain of
about as antisocial as they come, and I was attracted by the that.
timetable of a school kitchen, nine till three, Monday to Friday,
and all the school holidays. Besides, I needed a change in Track 06, Unit Test 5, Task 1
my life so I decided to go for it. Speaker one
Oh, and should anyone be wondering whether I was I like working in a department store, but there are parts of my
concerned at the prospect of working with children, I’d have job that are quite stressful. It's my job to count the money
to say that I was curious as to what it might involve, but it and send it to the bank every day. At the end of each month,
wasn’t an issue. I have to balance the books and send the account to my
My colleagues at the restaurant thought I was crazy. manager. When I go home, I can’t switch off. I worry about
They said I was going down in the world by moving from a what could go wrong and it stresses me out. A friend of mine
top restaurant to a primary school canteen. But that wasn't told me about a technique called ‘mindfulness’ which is good
the way I saw it. To me, it was a challenge, a new direction. for reducing stress. If you manage to get into the right state
Provided that you think through plans and options carefully, of mind by relaxing your body, you can become aware of the
I think most people thrive when they have new objectives. thoughts that are making you feel stressed. Then you can
I got the job through a charity called Cooks for Education, step back, take a calm look at those thoughts, and deal with
which organises kitchens in 15 schools across the region, them in a stress-free way. It’s easy to get the hang of it once
and serves school meals to 8,000 pupils a day. If it hadn’t you’ve practised it a few times. I wish I’d tried it years ago. I
been for an article I came across by chance in my dentist’s wouldn’t have had to suffer so much at the end of every
waiting room, I‘d never have heard of the charity, or at least month.
not at that particular moment in time. The objective of Cooks
for Education, as you might’ve deduced, is to show that Speaker two
schools can provide nutritious meals cooked from scratch I've got my end-of-term exams coming up next week and I’ve
with fresh, good quality ingredients, and made under the been cramming for them for days. I'm completely stressed
supervision of professional chefs, for the same price or less out as usual. I’m scared because I want to do well in the
than traditional school meals. exam, but the thing is, I find it hard to concentrate when I'm
When I first started in the kitchen, it was very difficult. I revising. I stare into my notes for hours, trying to fight the
had to work with the existing kitchen staff, who weren't used feeling of dread about the exam, but it’s futile. Nothing sinks
to making the kind of food I had in mind. When I told them in. Then, as time passes and the exams get closer, I feel
that stodgy food like frozen pizzas, chips, chicken wings and more and more stressed because I'm not revising as I should
burgers would soon be a thing of the past, there was some do. I read somewhere that you could do yoga to get rid of
resistance. After checking how feasible it was in terms of my stress, so I started doing a few stretching exercises that I
budget, I put the staff’s wages up. This helped enormously saw on the Internet. I do five minutes of these simple
with getting them on my side. I also organised training for stretches before I start a revision session, so that I can at
them so that they could begin to work with fresh ingredients. least start off with a more relaxed attitude. I think it helps me
As long as you develop a good relationship with the people a bit, but it doesn't completely get rid of the stress that I feel.
you are working with, you can move mountains!
Within a very short time, I transformed the school meals Speaker three
from a bland, fast food-based diet to an exciting, creative I first started playing tennis at the age of eight. I wouldn’t say
menu. At first, some of the teachers were sceptical. They that I had raw talent, but I had coaching, and I was a member
thought that the pupils would reject food that they didn't of a great club. By the time I was eleven, I was competing in
recognise. But they couldn’t have been more wrong! The tournaments with players in my club. When I was twelve, I
children devoured the new meals we’d rustled up. They were played in a national tournament and I did quite well. Now, I
delighted. Obviously, not everybody liked every dish, every play regularly in competitions around the country and abroad.
day, but in general, the new menu was well accepted. In fact, The problem is, before matches I get very nervous and I find
the teachers began to come and eat in the canteen with the the stress of the situation difficult to deal with. Once I'm
children because they liked the food so much. It was such a playing, I'm fine – it's just the days and hours before the
joy, watching children and adults alike getting stuck into their match that are stressful. My coach showed me some
lunch with such gusto. When all is said and done, eating breathing techniques that I could use to reduce the feeling of
should always be a pleasure. stress. It's called abdominal breathing, and it helps to focus
One of the charity’s aims is to show children the your mind on the natural cycle of air entering and leaving the
importance of having a good diet by teaching them how to body. It takes your mind off everything else.
make delicious food from scratch. This is why apart from
running the kitchen and sourcing fresh ingredients, my other Speaker four
role is working with the teachers to integrate cooking lessons I've had quite a lot of interviews recently, because I’ve been
into the curriculum. It’s an extremely rewarding job, and I applying for courses at university. I haven't done very well so

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far because I get so nervous and stressed. Before my last impression are gestures, facial expressions, pupil
interview I was awake all night the night before because of dilation, things like that, which count for 55%!
the stress. When I got to the interview, I was so tired I Tom: Isn't that amazing?
couldn't think straight. Anyway, I told my teacher about it and Jen: Yes, I wish I’d known all of this when I was going to
she showed me a way of reducing the anxiety I have before job interviews. And the thing is, we can't control what
an important event. It's called ‘visualisation’. What you do is our bodies are saying in the same way that we can
go through the event in your mind before it happens. You control what comes out of our mouths. Besides all the
imagine the whole thing happening before your eyes, blow training focusing on speech communication, there
by blow, and you deal with any problems that you might are a growing number of events devoted to non-
encounter in the real event. It changes your mental state by verbal communication. I attended one where an
giving you confidence and helping you feel positive. I've got expert informed us that we have around 138,000
an interview next week and I'm trying out this technique. I'm visual and nonverbal cues, but out of these it’s only
not totally stress-free, but it definitely helps. 150 to 200 that we’re capable of controlling. So, it’s
understandable that even if you concentrate hard on
Speaker five what you’re saying, your body won't stop talking.
When I have a barrage of things to do, I become very Tom: That's pretty mind-blowing! It’s hard to believe those
disorganised. You see, I’m not good at multitasking - I can figures. I’m impressed that they can collect that data,
only seem to do one thing at a time. If I've got a limited to be honest. They must be pretty observant. So how
amount of time and several important things to do, I start to can we make sure that our body says what we want
get really stressed. And when I'm stressed, everything I do it to say?
seems to go wrong. I spoke to a friend about it, and she told Jen: You have to teach your body to speak the way you
me about a self-help book she had just read that could be of want it to. Actors are good at this. They are trained to
use. It’s all about organising the hours you have available so change their body language according to the
that you can get everything done. The book is based on the character they are playing.
idea that if you make lists of things, it frees up your mind, and Tom: How can this be done?
it does work in my case. I thought I’d never be the kind of Jen: It isn’t difficult. I’ve tried it and you should too. All you
person who finds joy in organising their life, but here I am: need is a mirror, or a video camera. People usually
making a list of tasks to do every evening – it works wonders. have no idea of how others see them because they
I wake up refreshed and ready to conquer the world! rarely observe themselves. The trick is to watch
yourself talking. Watch out for ticks like flicking your
Track 07, Unit Test 6, Task 1 hair back from your face or biting your lip. Count how
many times you clear your throat or stroke your chin.
Tom: Welcome back to my podcast. I’ll have to start
Become aware of your body language, then you can
thinking about job interviews soon and I’m sure that
start to control it. You could find a volunteer to
many of you will be in the same boat. Some of my
observe you in a mock interview, but self-evaluation
university friends have already got interviews
is better.
scheduled. So, this week I’ve invited Jen Francis, an
Tom: What advice have you got for people who are
expert on body language, to share some tips. The
preparing for an interview right now?
whole world of body language is extremely interesting,
Jen: When in an interview, don't fold your arms or cross
and I don’t remember learning about it at school. Jen,
your legs. Adopt an open posture. Make sure you sit
to start off, could you please explain why body
up straight and lean forward slightly. This gives the
language is so important in job interviews?
impression that you are self-assured and attentive.
Jen: Yes, of course. So, the fact is that however qualified
Try to control your breathing so that you feel relaxed.
you are, however articulate you are, however well
It’s hard work but it’s worth it. To create a positive
prepared you are, if your body language lets you
impression, maintain eye contact with your
down, you won't make a good impression. What your
interviewer, and the most important thing, don't tell
body says can be just as important as what your
lies and don't exaggerate. Interviewers are interested
mouth says.
in knowing who you really are.
Tom: So, basically, if what your body says is different from
Tom: And it's probably a good idea to go to the bathroom
what your mouth says, you're in trouble?
before you go into an interview!
Jen: Exactly. If you make out you were captain of the
Jen: Yes, that's especially important if you're feeling
school football team when you weren't, your gestures
nervous. But if you remember to be relaxed and open,
could give you away. Studies have been done in the
you will transmit confidence and make a good
USA to determine how the credibility of a candidate
is transmitted. I haven’t been involved myself but I’m
Tom: I will definitely put your advice to good use in future.
familiar with the research and watched videos where
Thank you for the interview.
the findings were discussed. One study claimed that
what you actually say only counts for 7%. Your tone
of voice and the manner in which you speak count for
much more – 38%. What makes the biggest

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Track 08, Unit Test 7, Task 1 There is absolutely no waste, which is truly
remarkable when you think about it.
1 Man: Yes, amazing. Probably the greenest trade fair
You hear a woman telling a group of friends about her views I’ve been to yet.
on the fashion industry.
The fashion industry is responsible for a considerable You hear two friends talking about buying second-hand
amount of waste and contamination of the environment. Lots clothes.
of land and water are used to source materials for making
garments. Tons of carbon is emitted in the production of Girl: I've stopped buying new clothes!
clothing and shipping fashion items around the world. The Boy: Really? Why? You love clothes almost as much as I
chemical dyes and other substances used in the industry are do.
often toxic and end up in rivers and aquifers. When clothes Girl: Well, I do, but I think that buying new things all the
are washed, millions of plastic microfibres that pollute the time is bad for the environment. There’s such a lot of
sea are released. The global fashion industry should wake focus now on sustainability that I’ve really changed
up to the fact that they are causing irreparable damage to my way of thinking and want to be sustainable too.
our world! We have to urgently put a stop to ‘fast fashion’ – So, from now on, I'm changing my ways and I’m only
cheap clothes that are thrown away soon after they’re bought. going to wear clothes which are second-hand. There
It’s time for those in the clothing industry to change the way are knock-on benefits too, like the cash I’ll save, you
they work, modify working conditions for workers in their know.
factories, and strive to create a more sustainable industry. Boy: I didn't realise that clothing had such an impact on the
There are voices within the fashion world that are beginning environment. I don’t think I’m ready to give up on
to raise concerns about what is happening. One famous buying cool stuff quite yet, but I don’t want to be
clothes designer said recently that the industry is incredibly accused of contributing to the forces of evil!
wasteful and causes damage to the environment. We need Girl: Did you know that half of the fashion items that
more people like her to make their voices heard. people buy in this country get thrown away? It’s
shocking to think of all that stuff in landfill sites!
Boy: I didn't know the percentage was so high! I’ll have to
You hear two friends talking about a fashion trade fair.
take your word for it. So, are you just going to buy
Man: Did you enjoy the sustainable fashion trade f air? clothes in second-hand shops from now on?
Woman: I did, yes. I think it was great! Girl: Well, shops and on the Internet. I've downloaded an
Man: Yes, I agree. I've never seen so many good ideas app which allows you to buy second-hand clothes
for limiting the damage to the environment. That’s from all over the world and, should you so wish, you
what sold it for me. It was inspirational. Did you can sell your own clothes too.
see that material that was made from fibres from Boy: Have you sold any yet?
the stems of banana plants? Girl: No, I'm not interested in selling my old clothes. For
Woman: Yes! That's a brilliant idea, isn't it? And the leather me, it’s more about how I can put them to good use.
that is made from pineapple leaves! It’s easy to I'm going to repair them.
see why they’re making clothes and accessories Boy: What do you mean?
from it. I actually prefer it to real leather. Girl: Well, I'm going to mend the clothes that I haven't worn
Man: I also got to see the handbags that were made for ages because they are ripped or whatever. I'm
from fermented yeast. That looked a lot like real doing an online course in sewing and mending old
leather, too. stuff. And I'm going to dye some T-shirts a different
Woman: Yes, I saw them too. What I really liked about all colour, make a polo neck sweater into a V-neck, that
the sustainable materials were the hues. Lots of kind of thing. You end up with a much bigger variety
pastel shades: browns and yellows, you know, of styles than if you just wear off-the-peg T-shirts.
natural colours, because there are no toxic Boy: Wow! That’s creative. I’ll see how things turn out for
chemical dyes used. you. But I’ll need to prepare myself mentally before I
Man: Yes, I noticed that too. I prefer those hues to the go down that road.
garish colours that they often use in the fashion
industry. Track 09, Unit Test 8, Task 1
Woman: But my favourite part was the 3D printed clothes.
Man: Did you manage to see how they’re made? Hey! What’s going on, everybody? I’m Trish Style and
Woman: Yes, it was fantastic! First, they 3D scan your this is What’s hot, what’s not!
body so that the clothes they print fit you exactly. I just read yesterday that these days more kids want to
Then you choose your item of clothing from a file be influencers than astronauts – that’s a sign of the times,
on a screen. The scanner keeps a record of your I think. But is it a valid career at all? Well, I’ve done a little
measurements for next time. Then they print it digging and it seems that being a social media influencer is
immediately – I couldn’t believe how quick it was. the thing of the future. Why? Lend me your ears, peeps.
In the last decade, social media has grown rapidly in
importance. According to research, almost 4 billion people

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actively use Facebook, Instagram or other platforms, and Followers are entitled to know if the product is being
that’s 45% of the world’s population! There’s money in it so promoted because it’s good or because the influencer is
it’s no wonder that new careers getting paid.
have emerged – one of them being the social media Well, that’s all for today. Hope you’ve found this topic
influencer. interesting. Let me know in the comments below if you’d like
But who is it exactly? In the most basic sense of the word, to become an influencer. Bye!
it’s a person who has an effect on other people’s actions or
opinions. It’s not a new thing really: traditionally, movie stars Track 10, Unit Test 9, Task 1
or celebrities would happily endorse products in adverts and 1
commercials. Their endorsement would build credibility, add Humans have been seeing ghosts since the beginning of
glamour to a brand and, as a result, encourage a certain kind time. Today, thanks to horror movies, we are probably even
of consumerism. The new breed of influencers also aim to more eager to believe in supernatural beings – I’ve heard
convince people to buy specific products or sway their that 50% of Americans are convinced of that, but not me. I
buying decisions, but they do not appear on TV or the radio. think that when somebody says they’ve seen a ghost, there
Instead, their natural habitat is social media networks like must be a perfectly logical explanation for it. Everybody
Instagram or YouTube, where they slowly but surely gain ‘knows’ that ghosts’ ‘natural habitat’ is a dark, spooky place
more and more followers by building trust and establishing where your imagination gets triggered and you (kind of
credibility in a specific field – social media is highly saturated naturally) see things that are not there. So, a shadow under
and there needs to be a reason why people should follow a the staircase or a strange light in the attic looking like a
certain Instagrammer or a YouTuber so they need to find creepy silhouette sends a shiver down your spine and your
their niche and point of difference to stand out from the crowd. mind starts to play tricks on you. Then it’s really easy to
Having researched a number of influencers, I’ve got to persuade yourself that what you see is definitely real.
say this career is not a bed of roses. It seems that the cream
of the crop devote all their life to their channels and, more
often than not, sacrifice their privacy as the new currency on Over a hundred years ago, there was a gripping story
social media is authenticity. Creating content that is both reported by the press. A family moved into a new house only
authentic and meaningful or helpful can build trust and a to find that strange paranormal things were happening. They
special rapport with their followers. Unfortunately, there’s no heard footsteps at night and saw fleeting visions of what
easy way and no shortcut to becoming a successful appeared to be ghosts. They
influencer – they build up their following from nothing, video
by video, and often start off by posting content without felt that there was some kind of malicious supernatural
making any profits. But literally anybody can become presence living with them. After extensive investigation,
successful at this with time and consistent effort put into it was found that the heating system of the house wasn't
developing their channel. The endorsement of products is working properly, and it was filling the house with carbon
secondary, although for influencers it is of prime importance monoxide – a poisonous gas which is colourless and
because that's how they make their money. Followers odourless, so really difficult to detect. But it can cause
respecting their opinions are willing to accept that they hallucinations, both visual and auditory, and it can create an
wouldn't recommend products unless they really believed in inexplicable feeling that something terrible is going to
them or used them themselves. It is this willingness to be happen. Once they had the heating system fixed, the ghosts
persuaded that is key to the relationship between influencers disappeared.
and their public. 3
But how did this ever so desirable career start? Well, in
the early days of the Internet, users would congregate in Terror, darkness, evil, and supernatural creatures are all
forums and bulletin board sites which were dedicated to common characteristics of ghost stories, but not all spooky
specific topics. Occasionally, someone would recommend a tales are the same. Even though they conform to a certain
product. As far back as 2001, a study found that people who specific formula, we can still distinguish three different types.
read about a product on forums were more likely to buy it First, there's the traditional ghost story, usually set in an
than if they read about it in promotional materials. In the isolated house, a ruined abbey or another ancient building.
2000s, weblogs and bloggers became popular. This was Rooted in history, they have a gothic feel to them. Secondly,
where the influencer as we understand it today was born. there's the psychological type, in which the mental state of
Companies began to seek out individuals who seemed to be the victim is often more important than the actual ghost.
able to persuade their followers to consume certain products. Engaging with the supernatural tends to have a profound
They started to offer money in exchange for endorsing goods. effect on the protagonist who is the centre of the plot. The
As a result, over the last five years or so, influencer third type is the story which draws on mythology and folklore
marketing has become a serious multibillion-dollar business. to make ordinary things seem supernatural. Their origin is in
Unfortunately, the fact that so much money is involved realism and gives everyday things a sense of the paranormal.
doesn’t always mean that the influencer is honest. On top of 4
that, rules around product placement on social media have
I love reading ghost stories. It’s my favourite genre of
changed and now influencers are obliged to disclose if
literature and I adore tales written by Charles Dickens. The
they’re receiving money for any product endorsements.

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best known of his spooky stories is A Christmas Carol, which enthusiasts. So, future trends look positive.
is also one of the most popular Christmas tales of all time. Young fans are growing up with the idea that
But Dickens wrote lots more stories featuring ghosts. They women's football is an exciting sport and no
are not as well-known as his other pieces, but I think they different from men’s football.
are just as good. The one that I like the most is called The Journalist: And that's good news for women who want to
Signal Man. It's about a ghost that appears to a signal man play the game professionally too, I suppose.
beside the railway tracks to warn him of an accident that is Laura: Well, yes. But as far as the professional side
about to happen. The first time the ghost shows up is just of women's football goes, we have a long way
before a terrible train crash. The second time the man sees to go.
the ghost, a lady dies in one of the railway carriages which Journalist: In what way?
is passing. When he sees the ghost for a third time, there is Laura: Gender inequality in the workplace is a
no accompanying misfortune. The story ends with the signal common problem in our society and it’s
man wondering what terrible calamity is going to happen something we often hear about. But in
next. professional football the inequality is beyond
belief! Most professional female players earn
less than one thousand pounds a month and
After some convincing by my friend, I agreed to spend the this already low salary goes down as the
weekend in a haunted house dating back to the 16th century. players get older. A man can earn twice as
It’s famous for several ghosts there: a woman dressed in much in a week as a woman earns in a whole
white who appears at night carrying a candle, walking around year! Not to mention male players in the
the house, looking for something. Then there's the ghost of Premier League who are on about three
a black, green-eyed cat purring outside everyone’s million pounds a year.
bedrooms. Even though it’s clichéd, it still sends chills down Journalist: That's a massive difference!
visitors’ spines. And there's also the ghost of a young girl Laura: At the international level, things are even
who sings to herself. I stayed there for two nights, and I didn't worse. Tournaments like the World Cup have
see a single ghost. I didn't even hear any strange sounds at been responsible for the rise in popularity of
night, no footsteps in the corridors, no mysterious cat. To tell women's football, but can you believe that at
you the truth, the whole thing was a bit of a letdown. least thirty per cent of the national teams that
participated in the World Cup in 2019 paid
Track 11, Unit Test 10, Task 1 their players nothing at all? Some players had
Journalist: Women's football is becoming more and more to pay for the sheer privilege of playing, and
popular around the world, both as a spectator the vast majority of them claimed that what
sport and as a sport for women to play. Today, they were paid didn’t even cover their
we happen to be talking to the coach of one of expenses.
the most successful women's clubs in the Journalist: That's terrible!
English League, Laura Midfield. Good Laura: The fact is that women who enter the game
morning and thanks for joining us. professionally have to put up with low pay,
Laura: Good morning. Thanks for having me. unsatisfactory contracts and no perks. Do you
Journalist: The women's game has never been stronger, know that over half of female professional
has it? players in the UK have no written contracts?
Laura: That's right. Women's football has come on in And very few clubs pay any kind of sick pay
leaps and bounds over the last few years. I’ll when players are injured. Achieving a work-
never forget asking why there were never any life balance for a female footballer is almost
women’s matches on TV when I was a child. impossible as there is no provision for
Now, it’s normal to see top level women's childcare, for example. It’s true that more and
matches on TV and huge crowds at live more women are coming into the game
games that are on a par with men's matches. professionally, but most of them throw it all in
Journalist: The 2019 ‘Women's World Cup’ changed after a few years because of the unfavourable
things, didn't it? conditions. They quickly realise that they have
Laura: Yes, it did. The tournament had a total TV to juggle the unremitting demands of daily life
viewing audience of more than a billion people and the commitment needed to be a
worldwide. The final between the USA and professional sportsperson at the top level.
Holland was watched by more than eighty-two And it doesn’t look as though things are going
million. The whole tournament ended up being to change soon.
a great advert for the women's game. Journalist: So, women who want to develop a career in
Journalist: So, it has a bright future? football have to be aware of all these problems.
Laura: Well, football fans under the age of 35, both Isn't it about time that women were given the
men and women, are more likely to go and same chances as men to shape their future as
see a women’s football match than older professional players?

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Laura: Absolutely. And that goes for all professional

roles in the game. At the moment, I’m one of
sixty-three thousand women coaches around
the world. That sounds like a lot, but it only
represents seven per cent of the total number
of coaches. There are eighty thousand
women referees, which represents only ten
per cent of all referees. It's true that we’re
beginning to see more female officials in both
the men's and the women's game, but there is
still a long, long way to go.

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