Akansha Relince offer

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BSA Corporation Limited


Date: Sep 16, 2022

NEEM Trainee No.: BSA/NR/BAR/GWA232

Dear Ms. Akansha

NEEM – Trainee Contract letter

We are pleased to engage you as NEEM Trainee subject to the following terms &

1. The period of training shall be Sep 17, 2022 with start date and Sep 19,
2023 end date.
2. It shall not be obligatory on the part of the NEEM Agent to offer any employment
to the apprentices on successful completion of period of trainee in his/her
establishment nor shall it be obligatory on the part of the NEEM trainee to
accept any employment under the employer, As NEEM trainee undergoing
training in an establishment you shall be a trainee and not a worker and as
such, the provisions of any law with respect to a labourer or work shall not
apply to or in relation to you.
3. As NEEM trainee you shall be liable to abide by the rules and regulations of
NEEM in all matter of conduct, discipline and safety and carry out all lawful
orders of the establishment.
4. As NEEM trainee you shall learn your subject field conscientiously and diligently
and attend to practical and instructional classes regularly.
5. As NEEM trainee you shall maintain a record of your work during the period of
the NEEM TRAINING in a Performa Prepared and approved by NEEM agent.
6. When the contract of training is terminated for failure on your part to carry out
the terms of contract, you shall refund to the NEEM agent as cost of training
such amount as may be determined by NEEM agent. In such event, you shall
not be entitled to enter into another contract of training under the National
Employability Enhancement Mission (NEEM).
7. The Contract of training can be terminated without compensation payment to
the NEEM trainee-
i. If you secure gainful employment (on production of copy of the
appointment letter): and
ii. If you are unable to continue training on medical grounds (on production
of a certificate to this effect from a medical officer not below the rank of a
Civil Surgeon attached to any Government Hospital.

Corporate Off.: 18-20, Sukhwani Fortune, Morwadi Road, Pimpri, Pune - 411018.
Tel: +91-020-27474997, Telefax: +91-020-27474962 Email : marketing@bsagroup.in Website : www.bsagroup.in
BSA Corporation Limited

8. For breach of contract by NEEM agent, NEEM agent shall pay compensation to
you in accordance with the Minimum wages specified for that category.
9. Continuance of payment of stipend shall depend on your satisfactory
performance during the training period.
10. NEEM agent will formulate a “Training Programme” for the training of NEEM
Trainee and shall make suitable arrangements for facilitating the same.
11. NEEM trainee shall be imparted training according to normal hours of work of
the department in the establishment to which he/her attached for training.
12. The stipend for a particular month shall be paid before the 10th of the following
13. Any disagreement of dispute between NEEM agent and the NEEM trainee
arising out of the Contract shall be referred to the Governing body of NEEM

I hereby confirm acceptance of the above NEEM contract letter, on the terms and
conditions stipulated therein, I understand and agree that my signing this contract
does not constitute employment by NEEM agent or any guarantee of employment.

For BSA Corporation Ltd. Acceptance and Agreed

Authorized _
Date: Sep 17, 2022 Name:

Corporate Off.: 18-20, Sukhwani Fortune, Morwadi Road, Pimpri, Pune - 411018.
Tel: +91-020-27474997, Telefax: +91-020-27474962 Email : marketing@bsagroup.in Website : www.bsagroup.in

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