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select * from EMP where SAL > 1500 and EMPNO in (select MGR from EMP);

select * from EMP where SAL between 1200 and 2000;

select * from EMP where SAL in (1600, 800, 1900);

select * from EMP where ENAME REGEXP '[Rr].$';

select * from EMP where ENAME REGEXP '^[Aa].*[Nn]$';

-- another one

select * from emp where sal > 1251 and deptno = 30;

select * from emp where sal between 1250 and 3000;

select * from emp where sal between 1251 and 2999;

select * from emp where sal in (3000, 1250, 2500);

select * from emp where ename = 'SMITH';

select * from EMP where ENAME REGEXP '^[Ss]';

select * from EMP where ENAME REGEXP '[Ss]$';

select * from emp where ename regexp '^.l';

select * from emp where ename regexp '^[Aa].*[Ll].*[Nn]$';

select * from emp where ename regexp '^[Aa].[Bb].*[Pp].$';

select * from emp where ename regexp '^[AaSsWw]';

-- another one

select job, max(sal), min(sal) from emp group by job;

select count(*) from emp where comm is null;

select sum(sal) from emp where deptno = 10;

select deptno, job, max(sal), min(sal), avg(sal) from emp group by deptno, job
Order by deptno asc;

select deptno, max(sal) from emp group by deptno having deptno > 15 order by deptno

select deptno, sum(sal) from emp group by deptno having sum(sal) > 3000;

select deptno, count(*) from emp group by deptno having count(*) > 4;

select job, count(*) from emp where sal> 2000 group by job;

select lower(ename) from emp;

select lpad(ename, 15, ' '), job from emp;

select mgr, max(sal) , min(sal) , avg(sal) from emp group by mgr;

select deptno, sum(sal +ifnull(comm, 0)), avg(sal +ifnull(comm, 0)) from emp where
sal > 2000 group by deptno having deptno in (10, 20);

select * from emp where extract(month from hiredate) = 8 and extract(year from
hiredate) = 1980 and sal between 1500 and 2500;

select * from emp where extract(month from hiredate) in (8, 5, 12);

select ename, date_format(hiredate, '%d/%m/%y') from emp where job='clerk' and comm
is not null;

select concat(substring(ename, 3, 5), right(job, 2)) as EMPCODE, EMPNO, ENAME, JOB

from emp;

select concat('$',format(ifnull(comm, 0), 2)) as comm_formatted, ename from emp

where ename regexp '^A.*N$';

select empno, ename, comm,

when comm >= 600 then 'Excellent keep it up'
when comm < 600 and comm is not null then 'good'
else 'need improvement'
as remark from emp;

select empno, ename, deptno,

when deptno = 10 then 'Hr'
when deptno = 20 then 'admin'
when deptno = 30 then 'accounts'
else 'purchase'
as deptname from emp;

create table mydept_DBDA

deptid int(4),
deptname varchar(20) not null unique,
dloc varchar(20),
constraint pk_deptid primary key (deptid)
insert into mydept_DBDA values(30,'purchase','Mumbai');
create table myemployee (
empno int(5) primary key,
fname varchar(15) not null,
mname varchar(15),
lname varchar(15) not null,
sal decimal(9,2) check (sal >= 1000),
doj date,
passportnum varchar(15) unique,
deptno int,
constraint fk_deptno foreign key (deptno) references mydept_DBDA(deptid) on
delete cascade

create table student

sid int primary key,
sname varchar(25)
create table course
cid int primary key,
cname varchar(25)
create table marks
studid int,
courseid int,
marks decimal(7, 2),
constraint pk_sidcid primary key (studid, courseid),
constraint fk_studid foreign key (studid) references student(sid),
constraint fk_courseid foreign key (courseid) references course(cid)
insert into student values (1, 'Arya') ,(2, 'megha');
insert into course values (1, 'computers'), (2, 'robotics'), (3, 'electronics');
insert into marks values (1, 1, 99), (1, 3, 98), (2, 1, 95), (2, 2, 97);

alter table emp

add constraint pk_emp
primary key (empno);
alter table dept
add constraint pk_dept
primary key (deptno);
alter table salgrade
add constraint pk_salgrade
primary key (grade);
alter table emp
add constraint fk_emp_deptno
foreign key (deptno) references dept(deptno);
alter table emp
add netsal double default 1000;

update emp
set sal = sal + (sal + ifnull(comm, 0))*0.15;
update emp
set job = 'manager', mgr = 7777
where deptno = 10;'

update emp
set job = 'senior clerk'
where ename = 'smith';

update emp
set sal = sal + 0.15*(sal)
where comm is not null and comm != 0;

select * from emp

where sal > (select sal from emp where ename = 'smith')

select * from emp

where deptno = (select deptno from emp where ename='smith');

select * from emp

where sal between
(select sal from emp where ename='revati') and (select sal from emp where ename =


WHERE deptno = (
SELECT deptno
FROM (SELECT deptno FROM emp WHERE ename = 'Allen') AS temp

set sql_safe_updates = 0;

update emp
set sal = (select sal from (select sal from emp where ename='Miller') as temp_sal)
where ename = 'Allen';

update emp
set sal = (select sal from (select sal from emp where ename='Miller') as temp_sal)
where deptno = (select deptno from (select deptno from emp where ename='Wall') as

select * from emp

where sal > (select min(sal) from emp where ename in ('smith', 'allen'));

select * from emp

where sal > (select avg(sal) from emp group by deptno having deptno = 10);

select * from emp

where sal > (select avg(sal) from emp where deptno = (select deptno from emp where

select * from emp

where deptno = (select deptno from dept where dname = 'purchase');

select * from emp e1 where

e1.sal < (select avg(sal) from emp e2 where e2.deptno = e1.deptno);

select * from emp e1

where sal > (select avg(sal) from emp e2 where e2.job = e1.job);

select ename, (select dname from dept where dept.deptno = emp.deptno) from emp;

select empno, ename, sal, comm, (select grade from salgrade where emp.sal between
salgrade.losal and salgrade.hisal) as sal_grade from emp;

select empno, ename, mgr, (select ename from emp e2 where e2.empno = e1.mgr) as
mgrname from emp e1;


create table salesman

sid int primary key,
sname varchar(25),
address text

create table category

cid int primary key,
cname varchar(25),
category_description text

create table product

pid int primary key,
pname varchar(25),
price double(9,2),
qty int,
cid int,
sid int,
constraint fk_cid foreign key (cid) references category(cid),
constraint fk_sid foreign key (sid) references salesman(sid)


select p.pname, c.cname, s.sname

from product p
join category c on c.cid = p.cid
join salesman s on s.sid = p.sid;

select p.pname, s.sname

from product p
join salesman s on s.sid = p.sid
where s.address = 'Pune, Maharashtra';

select p.pname, c.cname

from product p
join category c on c.cid = p.cid;


create table faculty

fid int primary key,
fname varchar(25),
sp_skill1 varchar(10),
sp_skill2 varchar(10)

create table room

rid int primary key,
rname varchar(25),
rloc text
create table courses
cid int primary key,
cname varchar(25),
rid int,
fid int,
constraint fk_rid foreign key (rid) references room(rid),
constraint fk_fid foreign key (fid) references faculty(fid)

insert into faculty values (10, 'kjzhcjhz', 'a', 'b'), (11, 'sdd', 'x', 'z'),
(12, 'lksjk', 'a', 'x'), (13, 'ksdjlkj', 'a', 'b');
insert into room values (100, 'jasmin', '1st floor'), (101, 'Rose', '2nd floor'),
(105, 'Lotus', '1st floor'), (103, 'Mogra', '1st floor');

insert into courses values (121, 'DBDA', 100, 10), (131, 'DAC', 101, null),
(141, 'DITISS', null, null), (151, 'DIOT', 105, 12);

-- 1
select c.cid, cname
from courses c
where c.rid is null;

-- 2
select f.fid, f.fname
from faculty f
left join courses c on f.fid = c.fid
where c.fid is null;

-- 3
select rid, rname, rloc,
when rid in (select rid from courses) then 'not available'
else 'available'
end as availability
from room;

-- 1,2 / 4
select r.rid, r.rname
from room r
left join courses c on r.rid = c.rid
where c.rid is null;

-- 5
select f.fname, c.cname
from faculty f
join courses c on c.fid = f.fid
where f.sp_skill1 = 'database' or f.sp_skill2 = 'database';

-- 6
select c.cid, c.cname, f.fname, r.rname, r.rloc
from courses c
left join faculty f on c.fid = f.fid
left join room r on c.rid = r.rid;


use iacsd0925;

create table salesman

sid int primary key,
sname varchar(25),
city varchar(10)
create table category
cid int primary key,
cname varchar(25),
description text
create table product
proid int primary key,
qty int,
price double,
catid int,
sid int,
constraint fk_catid foreign key (catid) references category(cid),
constraint fk_sid foreign key (sid) references salesman(sid)

alter table product

add pname varchar(25)
after proid;

insert into salesman values (11, 'Rahul', 'Pune'), (12, 'Kirti', 'Mumbai'), (13,
'Prasad', 'Nashik')
,(14, 'Arnav', 'Amaravati');
insert into category values (1, 'chips', 'very crunchy'), (2, 'choclate', 'very
(3, 'snacks', 'yummy'), (4, 'cold drinks', 'Thanda thanda cool cool');
insert into product values (123, 'lays', 30, 30.00, 1, 12), (111, 'pepsi', 40,
50.00, 4, 11),
(134, 'nachos', 50 ,50.00, 1 ,12), (124, 'dairy milk', 40, 60.00, 2, 14),
(125,'pringles', 40, 60.00, 1, 14);

select * from product where catid = (select cid from category where cname = 'chips'
limit 1);

select * from product

sid = (select sid from salesman where sname='kirti' limit 1);

select s.sid, s.sname from salesman s

left join product p on p.sid = s.sid
where p.sid is null;

select c.cid ,c.cname

from category c
left join product p on p.catid = c.cid
where p.catid is null;

select * from product

where catid is null;

select * from salesman

where city regexp '^[PN]';

alter table salesman

add credit_limit double;

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