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School Western Philippines Grade 7

DAILY University Level

LESSON Teacher Mabacas, Sheryl Mae A. Learning Science
Teaching February 14, 2024 , 3:00 pm Quarter 1st
date and - 4:00 pm

A. CONTENT The learners demonstrate the understanding
the difference between animal and plant cells.
B. PERFORMANCE The learners shall be able to:
STANDARD employ appropriate techniques using the
compound microscope to gather data about very
small objects.
C. MOST ESSENTIAL The learners should be able to:
LEARNING differentiate animal and plant cells according to
COMPETENCY presence or absence of certain organelles: S7LT-

Specific Objectives:
At the end of the lesson, the learner should be
able to:
a) differentiate between animal and plant cell;
b) appreciate the importance of animal and plant
cell in the survival of organisms.
c) label the parts of animal and plant cell.

II. CONTENT Animal and Plant Cells

A. REFERENCES 1. K to 12 Science Curriculum
2. Grade 7 Science book
B. OTHER 1. Presentation (PPT)
LEARNING 2. 3D-model
RESOURCES 3. E-Textbook
C. TEACHING Cooperative Learning
D. SUBJECT English, Arts
E. VALUE FOCUS 1. Cooperation
2. Discipline
3. Respect

A. Preliminary activity’
Everyone please stand.

Maeca, will you please led the prayer?

Let us pray.
(the student will lead the prayer)
Good afternoon everyone.
Good afternoon Ma’am, and good
afternoon classmates! It’s nice to
Thank you. see you today!

Class who's absent today?

None ma’am.

Before you take your seats, kindly pick

all the pieces of paper and plastics
under your chair and say Hi or Hello to
your seatmate.
(Students will follow.)
Before we start our discussion, I have
5 rule you need to follow.

1. Respect Others:

Treat classmates and the teacher

with kindness. Disrespectful behavior
will not be tolerated.

2. Participate:

Engage actively in class discussions,

activities, and assignment. Listen to
me and focus.

3. Be Punctual:

Arrive on time for class and submit

assignments by the specified

4.Be prepared:

Come to class prepared with the

necessary materials, such as
textbooks, notebooks and etc. Make
sure that before you enter my class,
you studied and reviewed my previous

5. Honesty:

Cheating or any form of dishonesty

will result in consequences.
B. Reviewing or Presenting the new lesson

Before we proceed to our new topic

for today, let us have a short review
about our discussion last meeting.
What was our lesson yesterday? Ma’am, we talked about
chemistry, biochemistry, and also
Very good! the biomolecules.
Who among you can differentiate
chemistry and biochemistry?

Yes, Arron?
Ma’am, chemistry is the
scientific study of the properties,
composition, and behavior of
matter, encompassing element,
compounds, and their
interactions while biochemistry is
the branch of science that
explores the chemical processes
Exactly, Arron. In addition, and substances that occur within
biochemistry focuses on the living organisms.
molecular mechanisms underlying
various biological functions and

How about biomolecules?

Yes, Karen?
Biomolecules are important for
Very good! the functioning of living
C. Establishing the Purpose for the Lesson

To begin with our topic today, I

want you to divide into two groups.
I have here a set of picture and all
you need to do is to match them to
its corresponding name. Yes, ma’am!

Are we clear? 1. Endoplasmic Reticulum

Ok, let’s start! 2. Vacuole
3. Mitochondria
4. Ribosomes
5. Nucleus
6. Lysosomes
1. 7. Cell membrane
8. Golgi body

3. 4.

1. 6.

7. 8.

D. Presenting examples / instances for the new lesson

So, class do you have any idea of

what will be our topic for today? About parts of cell ma’am.

That’s right!
The pictures I have presented to
you are the parts of the eukaryotic
cell--- plant and animal cell.

Today, we are going to tackle about

the animal and plant cell.
Class, who among you can tell me
what cell is?
Ma’am, Cell is the fundamental
unit of life.
That’s right, thank you Lizza.
Class, in an adult human body
consists of about how many cells?
Do you have an idea?
None Ma’am.
Okay class listen. An adult human
body consists of about 50 to 100
trillion cells, the basic units of an
organism. All cells have much in
common, yet they come in at least
260 different varieties. Different
cell types interact to build tissues,
which interact to form organs.

Class take note this. Cells are vary

considerably in size, which we
measure in units called
Again class, it is not possible to
describe a typical cell, because cell
vary greatly in size, shape content,
and functions.
E. Discussing new concepts and practicing new skills #1

Class, what can you observe in this

Ma’am plant cell have parts that
animal cell don’t have and vice
Some parts of animal and plant cell
are the same.
Let’s look first the nucleus. It is
found in the center of the cell.
Can you point out where it is?
(student will point the nucleus)

What do you think is its function?

It controls the activities of the
cell and contains the hereditary
Very good!
material (DNA).
The nucleus is often referred to as
the "control center" of the cell. The
nucleolus is responsible for the
production of ribosomes, which are
responsible for making proteins.

Let’s now proceed to the cell

membrane. The cell membrane is a
thin barrier that surrounds the cells
of all living organisms. It is
composed of a double layer of
phospholipid molecules and
proteins. It keeps the cytoplasm
inside while letting waste products

Next, mitochondria. Do you have an (Student will answer)

idea about its function?

Mitochondria also contain their

own DNA and ribosomes, which
allow them to replicate and
produce proteins.

Endoplasmic reticulum, is an
organelle that helps in the
transport, processing, and storage
of proteins and other molecules.

Golgi body, It is involved in the

sorting and packaging of proteins
and other molecules which are
transported within and out of the
These are the ribosomes, are the
protein factories of the cell. When
ribosomes make proteins, they
release them into the ER. Some
ribosomes are not attached to the
ER, but float in the cytoplasm.

The cytoskeleton is a series of

fibers made from proteins. It
provides structure to the cell and
gives it its shape.

And lysosome, is a membrane-

bound organelle that is responsible
for the breakdown and recycling of (Student will do the activity)
macromolecules that are no longer
needed by the cell.

Now, I want you to find a partner

and observe the picture. Yes Ma’am.
(insert picture of cell)

Have you finished?

F. Discussing new concepts and practicing new skills #2

On the other hand, we have

chloroplast, vacuole and cell wall as
parts of plant cell that can’t be
seen in animal cell.

Let us first talk about the

chloroplast. A chloroplast is
essential for the growth and
survival of plants, as they are
responsible for producing food, in
the form of sugars, for the plant.

The vacuoles on the other hand are

organelles for storage. It is easily
seen in plant cell because they have
large vacuoles. Can someone point (student will point the vacuoles)
out the vacuoles?

Very good.
And we have the cell wall.
What do you think is the function of Cell walls provide structure and
cell wall? support for the plant. Unlike the
cell membrane, the cell wall is
able to withstand high internal
Any questions? Clarifications?
None Ma’am.
Now, I want you to divide your
class into two groups. Kindly read
the direction.
Direction: Using the venn diagram,
differentiate animal cell and plant
cell and its similarities.

G. Developing mastery

Directions: Get one whole sheet of

paper, a ballpen, or a pencil. Study
closely Figures 1 and 2 and label
them to its corresponding parts.
Yes Ma’am.

*After 10 minutes*
Are you through?

Okay pass your papers.

H. Finding practical applications of concepts and skills in daily

Okay class, now I have here 2
pictures, I want you to connect and
relate their functions to the
functions of the organelles that we
discussed above.

Are you ready?

A door ma’am.
What are the first pictures shown?
Yes, a door. The door lets the people enter
What do you think is the function of and out of the place.
the door?

That’s right! The Cell Membrane.

And it resembles what?
Yes. It is the cell membrane
because it
determines what goes in and out of the

cell. The only way for any molecule to

get inside the cell The chef is like the nucleus
is through the membrane, just like the because he/she is
door in a restaurant. On the other the one in control of what food to
hand, the chef is like nucleus, why do cook and how to serve it.
you think so?

That was obviously correct! The

nucleus is the control center of the
cell just like the chef who’s the one
in control in the restaurant of what
food to prepare.
How about the second picture?

They serve as storage for food or


The vacuoles.
Yes, it’s a fridge.
What do you think the fridge does?

And what does it relate to or

represent in the restaurant?
Very Good!
The fridge stores food that the Yes, Ma’am
customers will eventually consume,
and it is the same as the vacuole
which keeps food that the cell takes None, Ma’am

Is it clear class?
Did you fully understand our
discussion today?

Are there any clarifications and

All right. That’s a great thing to
I. Making generalizations and abstractions about the lesson

If you really understand our lesson,

give me the different parts of an
animal cell.
The different parts of an animal
Yes, Sandra. cell are vacuoles, ribosomes,
nucleus, cell membrane, and
That’s right, very good Sandra.
Okay, what else?
Yes, Jerymay? The other parts of an animal cell
are lysosomes,
Cytoskeleton, Golgi body, and
Very Good Jerymay, Thank you! endoplasmic reticulum.
How about in plant cells?

Who wants to give its parts?

Yes, Klay. Please stand up.
In plant cells, we have also a
nucleus, endoplasmic reticulum,
ribosomes, mitochondria, etc. just
like in animal cells but in plant
cells they have chloroplast and
cell wall.
chloroplast is an organelle that
contains a pigment called
chlorophyll. The cell wall is the
outer layer of a plant cell that is
Very well said, Klay. made from cellulose and makes
plant cells rigid.
Now, I want you to guess the
organelles when I said the
functions. Ready?
Yes, ma’am.
It is an organelle that makes
protein, what is this?
Ribosome ma’am.
Very good!

Another one, it is an organelle that

transports protein inside of the cell.
Endoplasmic reticulum ma’am.
Very Good class, I am really glad
that you learn and enjoyed our
lesson today.

J. Evaluating learning
Now, I am sure that you really
understand our topic for today and
you’re ready to take a short quiz.

Get ¼ sheet of paper and answer

this activity. Choose the letter of
the correct answer. Answers only. (Students prepare their ¼ sheet
of paper)

1. How is a plant cell similar to an

animal cell?
A. Both have nuclei, chloroplast, and
1. B
2. B
B. Both have nuclei, cytoplasm, and
cell membranes.
C. Both have cell walls, nuclei, and cell
D. Both have cell walls, chloroplast,
and cell membranes.
2. Which is the powerhouse of the
A. Lysosome
B. Mitochondria
C. Nucleolus
D. Ribosome

For item 3-10, label the picture

below to its corresponding

(Insert the picture)

K. Additional activities for application or remediation

Make a cell model using improvised

A. No. of learners who earned 80% in the evaluation.
B. No. of learners who require additional activities for remediation
who scored below 80%.
C. Did remedial lesson work? No. of learner
D. No. of learners who continue to require remediation.
E. Which of my teaching strategies worked well? Why did these
F. What difficulties did I encounter which my principal or supervisor
can help me solve?
G. What innovation or localized materials did I use/discover which I
wish to share with other teachers?
Prepared by:

Mabacas, Sheryl Mae A.

Observed by:

Dr. Glenda A. Cruz

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