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Problem Set #3 Solutions

Brian DeHority
October 2021

1a) When approximating the gate capacitance with the method discussed in
class that matches the delay through several inverter stages with a single output
capacitance, the value turns out to be around 160 fF. Per unit device width,
this translates into 160 fF/[8*(16 um + 8um)]=0.83 fF/um.
1b) Now that the value for the gate capacitance was found in part (a), the
effective resistance can be found for the NMOS and the PMOS. The calculation
is based on the simple RC model that was done in class. Each inverter has an
FO4 delay, which makes the gate capacitance of the third inverter 16(16 um +
8um)*(0.833fF) = 318 fF. From simulation, tPLH = 31.3 ps, and tPHL = 32.1
ps. The resistances can be calculated by:
Rpf et = ×W
Rnf et = ×W
This gives a PMOS resistance for unit device width of 6.3kΩµm and an NMOS
resistance for unit device width of 3.2kΩµm
1c) The simplest method of simulating diffusion capacitance can be found in
section 5.4.4 in the textbook. The same schematic used for part a can be used
here, but replacing the ’load’ inverter with a single transistor, and draining or
charging its diffusion capacitance. However, there are other methods of getting
the diffusion capacitance as well. Using the textbook method, the final values
of drain capacitance for unit device width, all given in fF/um, are:

PLH = 0.484

NLH = 0.422
PHL = 0.531
NHL = 0.406
And this agrees with the theoretical ratio between gate and drain capaci-
tances of 1.5-2.

Vdd = 1.2 V, and C = 100 fF, the expected energy dissipation is 144fJ. For a
slew rate of 25 ps, the total energy was integrated to be
E = i(t)dt × VDD = 163.1f J

For a slew rate of 500 ps, the total energy was integrated to be 167.2 fJ. So the
fraction of energy in the crowbar current was found to be
163.1 − 144f J
t = 25ps − − > = 11.7%
163.1f J
167.2 − 144f J
t = 500ps − − > = 13.8%
The difference in these two scenarios is somewhat small, but can be ratio-
nalized by seeing that a longer slew rate will increase the crowbar current, as
both devices will be on for a longer period of time.

3a) The normalized inverters for the three stages are proportioned: 1um/0.5um,
2w2 /W2 , and 2W3 /W 3. So the path effort can be calculated using the same
method discussed in class: First we find the full path effort:
500um 3W3 5W2
F = × × = 555.56
3W3 3W2 1.5W1
Taking the nth root of the path effort gives the ideal path effort per stage, where
n is the number of stages:
555.56 = 8.22 = F1 , F2 , F3

Then recalculating the widths, using this ideal path effort should give ideal
F3 = = 8.22
W3 = 20.27um
3 ∗ 20.27
W2 = = 2.47um
3 ∗ 8.22
τinv = Cg × 3Rnf et = 2 × 3 × 4 = 24p
Delay = τinv × 8.22 × 3 = 591ps
3b) The delay can be minimized by choosing a total of 7 stages, as

D = N × F 1/N τinv

This makes the ideal path effort per stage of 2.46. So using this, we first find
the sizes of the 4 inverters at the end of the path:
W7 = = 67.7um
2.46 × 3
67.7 × 3
W6 = = 27.52um
2.46 × 3
27.52 × 3
W5 = = 11.18um
2.46 × 3
11.18 × 3
W4 = = 4.544um
2.46 × 3
4.544 × 3
W3 = = 1.83um
2.46 × 3
1.83 × 3
W2 = = 0.735um
0.5 × 3
And to check, the ideal width of the first stage should not have changed, keeping
the ideal path effort:
5 × 0.735
f1 = = 2.46
3 × 0.5
And it works out!
The final delay should be:

D = 7 × 2.46 ∗ τinv = 414.39ps

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