Content Plan Template- 2024 - GROUP 2(1)

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Idea: First you need to come up with a topic you want to write about. Topic
specific and focused.

Keywords: Then you use Google Keyword Tool // Answer the Public // othe
identify the keywords related to that topic. That could help you narrow dow
of the article on a more specific topic or to come up with the right wording.

Headline: then you write a tentative headline that describes what you wa
regards to the topic. Headlines should include the keywords of the article.

External links: then you start your research about the topic, searching an
sources where you can learn more about the topic. It is a good chance to c
for the best articles you find (those you may want to use in your article as

Structure draft: as your research progresses you can start drafting a stru
post with the different sections it is going to have.

Images: you list the images that will be required to illustrate the post. You
the source or just explain what you want to include.

Videos: the same but for videos.

URL: it is the address the post is going to have in our Wordpress. It should
keywords separated by hyphens.

Category: is the site’s category where it belongs to.

Tags: the tags used to add an additional level of organisation to the conten

Due date: is for when the post is due to be ready for editorial review (spel
mistakes, etc...)

Publishing date: is when it is going to be published after being reviewed

Owner: is the person in charge of writing the article

Tags: the tags used to add an additional level of organisation to the conten

Due date: is for when the post is due to be ready for editorial review (spel
mistakes, etc...)

Publishing date: is when it is going to be published after being reviewed

Owner: is the person in charge of writing the article

nt to write about. Topics need to be

wer the Public // other tools to

d help you narrow down the focus
with the right wording.

escribes what you want to say in

ywords of the article.

he topic, searching and reading

is a good chance to compile links
use in your article as referenced

an start drafting a structure for the

lustrate the post. You can link to

r Wordpress. It should contain the

nisation to the content.

editorial review (spelling

after being reviewed

nisation to the content.

editorial review (spelling

after being reviewed

Content Plan Matrix based on SEO Keywords

POST NUMBER Idea Keywords

1 CONTENT CREATION ´what is content creation, what is conten

2 CONTENT CREATION what are content creation tools, what are

3 LINKEDIN POSTS What posts are most sucesfull on LinkedIn, what is a popular pos

4 BRAND IMAGE What is brand image?


6 CUSTOMER PERSONA what is customer persona?, how to crea















Headline External Links

What is Content Creation for Social Media?

Content Creation: Choose the Right Tools for your Strategy

ll on LinkedIn, what is a popular post on LinkedIn

What is and How to Create Great Customer Personas

Structure Draft Images

here we should include the different

sections of our article:

- Introduction here we would add the links to

- Definition of content marketing the images that we would like
- diffferent types of content to use
- benefits of a content marketing strategy
- 10 tips to create a great content
marketing straty
Videos URL

here we should add the links to

the videos that we would like to
add to our article
Category Tags Due Date Publishing date

Contents creation, tips and

tricks, best practices, social
content creation 11/6/2024 11/7/2024
media strategy, content tools,



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