Revelation 5th Trumpet Explained - Watchtower Errors

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The Watchtower of Jehovahs Witnesses Tries To Explain Rev 9:7 The Locusts of The Fifth Trumpet

I ask this question to Jehovahs Witnesses, would you put your trust in a religious organization that has prophesied falsely many times and then tries to explain the book of Revelation? The Watchtower published a book in 1988 titled Revelation - Its Grand Climax At Hand. The governing body desperately tries to explain the book of Revelation in this book. On page 146, they write regarding the fifth trumpet that the 5th angel sounded and out of the ground arose from smoke locusts and they appeared
Like horses, they were ready for battle, eager to fight for the truth in the way described by the apostle Paul. (Ephesians 6:11-13; 2 Corinthians 10:4) [Supposedly these are Jehovahs Witnesses fighting for the truth.] On their heads John sees what seem to be crowns as of gold. It would not be proper for them to have actual crowns because they do not begin ruling while they are still on earth. (1 Corinthians 4:8; Revelation 20:4) [Again, supposedly these are Jehovahs Witnesses] But in 1919 they already had a royal appearance. They were brothers of the King, and their heavenly crowns were reserved for them provided they continued faithful to the end. 2 Timothy 4:8; 1 Peter 5:4. [JWs believe Jesus returned in 1919 and no one can be part of the 144,000 anointed class. These are the ones that will be crowned in the distant future.] In the vision, the locusts have iron breastplates, symbolizing unbreakable righteousness. (Ephesians 6:14-18) [unbreakable righteousness? Of Whom? Let me guess The Watchtower?] They also have mens faces, this feature pointing to the quality of love, since man was made in the image of God, who is love. (Genesis 1:26;1 John 4:16) [a locust that has mens faces is scary. That is not Gods love. It sounds like God is creating a weird creature that looks like men. I certainly do want to look like this creature.] And their teeth resemble a lions teeth. A lion uses its teeth to tear meat. From 1919 onward, the John class has again been able to take in solid spiritual food, particularly the truths about Gods Kingdom ruled by the Lion that is of the tribe of Judah, Jesus Christ. Just as the lion symbolizes courage, so great courage has been needed to digest this hard-hitting message, to bring it forth in publications, and to distribute it around the globe. [Wow, that is a mouth full. Tell me ye men of the Watchtower, what solid spiritual food in your publications have you given to JWs in 1919 onwards? Let me help youyou men taught and worshiped Jesus. Jesus died on the cross. Is that solid spiritual food? Gee, I thought those were apostate teachings according to your beliefs now?] Those figurative locusts have made a lot of noise, like the sound of chariots of many horses running into battle. After the example of first-century Christians, they do not intend to stay quiet. [Let me take a wild guess, these locusts that are making a lot of noise that sound like chariots of many horses running into battle are JWs knocking on doors preaching the Watchtower gospel and they dont intend to stay quiet?]

As you can read, the Watchtower loves to apply many passages unto themselves. JWs who read the book will take it at face value that the Watchtowers explanation is correct. Here is the problemwhenever a person has a vision in the bible and they see weird creatures and statues, the writers always explains what it means. Daniel is a perfect example as he explains the vision of a statue. Daniels gives a detail explanation what the statues means. Joseph, explained the pharaohs vision in complete detail. John the apostle does not explain the locusts characteristics like it having wings and its sounds like 100 horses and chariots, it looks also like faces of men. Obviously, this is a weird locust which everyone knows locusts have no wings and definitely locusts do not sound like horses when it flies because again, it has no wings. In addition a locust does not come closely to a face like a man. Locust are actually insects from the grasshopper

family. So why didnt John explain these weird looking locusts elaborately? Wouldnt you think John the apostle should have explained it clearly to avoid the church calling him weirdo or a nut case? Many would say Hey John, cut down on the wine. Youre beginning to have hallucinations of weird locust. Is the Watchtower correct in their explanation in their book regarding these locusts? John actually explained in great detail what he really saw in his vision. John saw a real physical creature rising from the ground with smoke. It is a real physical creature. So, what is this real creature that appears like locusts?


THERE YOU HAVE IT JEHOVAHS WITNESSES THATS WHAT JOHN SAW HIS VISION. The wings sound like 100s of horses when its in the air. The deadly stings are like scorpions which are the bullets shooting at men. Doesnt this look like a grasshopper AKA locust the way its on the ground? Watch The Video And See This Locust That John Explained That Is Being Prepared For War! v=dN2c_uHJROQ&list=PL9EBD1AC49FE3E273&index=6&feature=plp p_video

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