Corta Chamas Protego-Leser Vol 2

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PROTEGO® Deflagration Flame Arresters

end-of line
and Vent Caps

Volume 2

for safety and environment

PROTEGO® - at a glance

More than 50 years ago, PROTEGO® started developing spe- Our comprehensive product range
cial devices for protecting systems against explosions as well reliably protects systems for
as pressure and vacuum relief valves that meet the highest generating, storing, and trans-
standards for performance, pressure conservation, and tight porting gases and liquids
seals. This yielded the original Braunschweiger FLAMEFILTER® of every hazard category
(Fig. 1) as well as a series of additional innovations that led to against dangers such as
numerous patents and imitators. In close cooperation with scien- endurance burning, defla-
tific institutions, continued technical challenges were overcome gration and detonation. Our
to meet the increasing requirements for safety and environmen- complete line of valves en-
tal protection. ables tank farms to be safely and
economically ventilated. In addi-
Today, these products are used throughout the world under the
tion, PROTEGO® offers unique com-
brand names PROTEGO® and FLAMEFILTER® mainly for the
binations of flame arresters and valves.
following applications:
All of our devices are tested by independent national and inter-
national third parties in the world‘s largest test facility and have
In tank farms for refineries and chemical plants
got at least one of the many certifications. The actual perfor-
In processing plants for chemical and mance of the devices is determined in a modern flow measuring
pharmaceutical industries test rig to obtain reliable data for their practical use.
In vapour combustion plants
In ship building, offshore platforms, in loading facilities
FM Approvals
In vapour recovery systems Specification Tested

As component for machineries and devices

In biogas and landfill applications are international trademarks owned by
In flare systems Braunschweiger Flammenfilter GmbH.

1 2 3 4

5 6 7 8

for safety and environment

KA / 2 / 0507 / D
GB 3
Deflagration Flame Arresters, end-of-line, and Vent Caps

Function and description are equipped with a fusible link, which melts if a flame stabilizes
on the flame arrester element and then allows the weather hood
The different combustion processes and installation locations
to move into the open position. This allows the flame to transfer
of flame arresters are discussed in „Technical Fundamentals“
most of its heat directly to the environment, preventing flashback
(Vol. 1). In this volume we present the PROTEGO® product
through the FLAMEFILTER®.
range for end-of-line deflagration flame arresters and vent
caps. These devices protect against atmospheric deflagration, Vent caps without flame arrester elements, protecting against
atmospheric deflagration and short time burning or atmospheric environmental impact (harsh weather conditions, bird nests,
deflagration and endurance burning, which also includes short etc.) complete our product range.
time burning. Vent caps without flame arrester elements com-
In close cooperation with scientific institutions, PROTEGO® has
plete our range of end-of-line devices.
developed safety devices which can be applied to all explosion
PROTEGO® end-of-line deflagration flame arresters are hazardous locations and provide protection against atmospheric
“state-of-the-art” safety devices which are installed on storage deflagration, short time burning and endurance burning. Our
tanks, vessels or in process plants. They provide safe protection devices are subjected to type examination and certificates
against atmospheric deflagration, short time burning or endu- according to ATEX and other international standards are issued
rance burning if potentially explosive vapours are discharged. (CE, FM, Gost-R, GL, etc.).
They mitigate the impact of atmospheric deflagration and
A broad variety of types, designs, sizes and materials can be
prevent flame transmission to protect equipment which is not
provided. Most importantly we have the capability to custom
designed to be explosion pressure proof.
design and develop solutions in our test facility, which is the
The main component is the FLAMEFILTER® (1), which stops technologically most advanced in the world.
the propagation of flames. The flame arrester unit (2) consists of
one or two flame arrester elements which are secured in a
FLAMEFILTER® cage (3). The gap size and number of Special features and advantages
FLAMEFILTER® depend on the relevant data of the process The following factors should be considered for selecting a
media (i.e. explosion group, pressure, temperature). device: Deflagration protection, deflagration and short time
burning protection including temperature control or defla-
gration and endurance burning protection, which includes
deflagration protection. Vent caps don’t have a flame arrester
2 Flame arrester unit
1 FLAMEFILTER® With regard to operating conditions higher temperatures have
to be considered if standard values for atmospheric operation
are exceeded.
For selecting an appropriate device, the explosion group
according to the MESG value must be considered.
The correct approval has to be chosen or may be requested.
The plant specification needs to be considered to select the
appropriate connection and size.
Depending on the application, it may be important to select a
device with a heating jacket or heating coil, but please note that
not all devices are available with this feature. Electrical trace
heating may be an alternative.
We provide special designs for critical media and product
Deflagration and short time burning proof end-of-line flame
properties (i.e. viscosity, density, crystallization and polymeriza-
arresters are equipped with a temperature sensor, which
detects a stabilized flame on the flame arrester element. If a
flame is detected, measures shall be taken to extinguish the
flame and prevent endurance burning.
Should venting of an explosive mixture over a long period of
time be unavoidable and no secondary measure is implemented
to extinguish a flame, devices which provide endurance burning
protection shall be installed. Deflagration and endurance
burning proof end-of-line flame arresters from PROTEGO®,

4 KA / 2 / 0507 / GB
Preferred applications Sizing
PROTEGO® end-of-line deflagration flame arresters and vent The size of the device is selected or double checked with our
caps are mainly installed on storage tanks and vessels of the volume flow / pressure drop diagrams. Should clogging of the
chemical, petrochemical and pharmaceutical industry in order flame arrester element be likely a safety factor should be con-
protect them. sidered for sizing.
Given: Flow rate V m3/h or CFH
max. all. pressure drop Δ p in mbar or In W.C.
Installation and maintenance
Desired: Size of the device DN
PROTEGO® end-of-line deflagration flame arresters and
vent caps are installed as close as possible to the protected Procedure: Intersection point of straight line through the
equipment. They can be installed in any position. Only short- flow rate and maximum allowable pressure drop
time burning proof end-of-line deflagration flame arresters, is below or on the size curve
which are equipped with a temperature sensor and endurance
burning proof deflagration flame arresters must be installed with .
the FLAMEFILTER® in the horizontal position according to the Given: Flow rate V m3/h or CFH
installation instructions. size of nozzle connection DN

The modular design of the end-of-line deflagration flame Desired: Pressure drop (flow resistance)
arresters assures the easiest possible maintenance. For onsite Δ p in mbar or In W.C.
maintenance purposes, the device has to be installed in a loca-
Procedure: Intersection point of the straight line through the
tion where it can be easily accessed. For larger sizes it may
flow rate and size curve, horizontal straight line
be necessary to provide lifting equipment. With trained personal
provides the pressure drop
maintenance is most efficient.
PROTEGO® end-of-line deflagration flame arresters are
installed in explosion hazardous areas. It is important to select
the correct device for the specific application. The manufacturer´s
statement of conformity confirms the tasks for which the defla- .
gration flame arrester is suitable. The user documents proper aiflow V in thousands of CFH

use in accordance with the applicable safety regulations.

pressure drop ∆p - In W.C.

pressure drop ∆p [mbar]

Based on main process data, the different types of devices can
be selected from our product range:
• Atmospheric deflagration proof, short time burning proof,
endurance burning proof or vent caps
• Explosion group of the processed mixture
• Standard or special operating conditions with higher temper- flow rate V [m3/h]
After that the following criteria have to be verified or selected: Guidance for calculating the volume flow or influence of density
• Size and type of connection is covered in the “Technical Fundamentals” (see Vol. 1).

• Approvals according to ATEX, FM etc. The device can be specified or ordered if all above steps are
• Heating jacket or heating coil
For special applications, please complete the process data
After this pre-selection other details, such as material, coating
sheet from Volume 1 to provide the necessary information for
etc. can be selected or defined in the data sheet.
a quotation.
Should it not be possible to determine a device fitting your re-
quirements, please do not hesitate to contact us: in many cases
we can provide special designs or approvals.

for safety and environment

KA / 2 / 0507 / GB 5
Selection Guide

PROTEGO® Deflagration Flame Arresters, end-of-line, and Vent Caps

X = Heating jacket /heating coil

X = Special design for higher

Type Size ATEX NEC Page
Deflagration flame arrester, end-of-line

15 - 50 IIB3, C
BE/AD ATEX 8 - 10
½" - 2" IIC B

50 - 800 IIB3, C
LH/AD ATEX X 12 - 15
2" - 32" IIC B

Deflagration flame arrester, short time burning proof, end-of-line

50 - 800 IIB3, C
LH/AD-T ATEX X 16 - 19
2" - 32" IIC B

Deflagration flame arrester, endurance burning proof, end-of-line

15 - 32
BE/HZ IIA D ATEX 20 - 21
½" - 1¼"

20 - 80 IIA, D ATEX
BE/HK X 22 - 24
¾" - 3" IIB3 C FM

20 - 80
BE/HK-E IIB1 – ATEX X 26 - 28
¾" - 3"

80 - 100 IIA, ATEX

BE/HR X 30-32
3" - 4" IIB3 FM

All rights and alterations reserved acc. ISO 16016

KA / 2 / 0507 / GB
X = Heating jacket /heating coil
X = Special design for higher

Type Size ATEX NEC Page
Deflagration flame arrester, endurance burning proof, end-of-line (Continuation)

80 - 100
BE/HR-E IIB1 – ATEX X 34 - 36
3" - 4"

150 - 200
BE/HR 400 IIA D ATEX X 38 - 40
6" - 8"

150 - 400
LH/EB 400 I E ATEX 42 - 44
6" - 16"

Vent caps, end-of-line, without flame arrester unit

20 - 80
EH/0 46 - 47
¾" - 3"

100 - 600
EH/0S 48 - 49
4" - 24"

50 - 200
E/KS 50 - 51
2" - 8"

for safety and environment

KA / 2 / 0507 / GB 7
Deflagration Flame Arrester, End-of-Line



3 Flame arrester unit

2 Weather hood

1 Housing


Function and Description Special Features and Advantages

The BE/AD end-of-line deflagration flame arrester provides pro- • Weather hood provides protection against environmental
tection against atmospheric deflagrations. The device is typi- impact (harsh weather conditions, bird nests, etc.)
cally installed on vent lines of small vessels and plants which
• cost effective device
are not pressurized. For safe application it is important that an
endurance burning situation can be excluded, so typically it • almost maintenance free
is installed on vents lines which discharge vapour for a short
• quick removal of FLAMEFILTER®
time period only. The device prevents flame transmission from
atmospheric deflagration into the vessel or plant. • available with threaded connection

The BE/AD consists of a housing (1), a weather hood (2) and • provides protection against atmospheric deflagration
the PROTEGO® flame arrester unit (3). The device is equipped • low operating and lifecycle cost
with a metal weather hood. The FLAMEFILTER® gap size will
depend on the devices intended use. Detailing the operating
conditions such as the temperature, pressure, explosion group
and the composition of the fluid, enables PROTEGO® to select
the best end-of-line deflagration flame arrester for your applica- Design Type and Specification
tion. The BE/AD series end-of-line deflagration flame arrester is
Deflagration flame arrester, end-of-line, basic design BE/AD
available for substances from explosion groups IIA to IIC (NEC
groups B to D). The standard design can be used with operating Special designs available on request
temperature of up to +60°C / 140°F.
Type-approved according to ATEX Directive 94/9/EC and
EN 12874 as well as other international standards.

Table 1: Dimensions Dimensions in mm / inches

To select the nominal size (DN), please use the flow capacity charts on the following pages
DN G ½" / 15 G ¾" / 20 G 1" / 25 G 1¼" / 32 G 1½" / 40 G 2" / 50
a 116 / 4.57 116 / 4.57 116 / 4.57 116 / 4.57 200 / 7.87 200 / 7.87
b 80 / 3.15 80 / 3.15 85 / 3.35 85 / 3.35 150 / 5.91 150 / 5.91

All rights and alterations reserved acc. ISO 16016

8 KA / 2 / 0507 / GB
Table 2: Selection of explosion group
MESG Expl. Gr. (IEC/CEN) Gas Group (NEC/NFPA)
≥ 0,65 mm IIB3 C Special approvals upon request
< 0,5 mm IIC B

Table 3: Selection of max. operating temperature (°C / °F)

≤ 60°C / 140°F ≤ 100°C / 212°F ≤ 150°C / 302°F ≤ 180°C / 356°F ≤ 200°C / 392°F ≤ 250°C / 482°F
* upon request
(Standard) X0* X1* X2* X3* X4*

Table 4: Material selection

Design A B C
Housing Steel Stainless steel Hastelloy
Special materials upon request
Weather hood Stainless steel Stainless steel Stainless steel
FLAMEFILTER® Stainless steel Stainless steel Hastelloy

Table 5: Type of connection

Pipe thread DIN ISO 228-1 DIN other types of thread upon request

ra tur
pe n
up tem on tio
e ro ting le cti nec
l siz ng era l se con
ina lo sio .o
p ria of
pe m xp x te pe
Ty No E Ma Ma Ty
— — — — — —
— — — — — —
— — — — —
b .1 b .2 b.3 b .4 b .5
Ta Ta Ta Ta Ta

Order example

BE/AD – 2“ – IIB3 – (std) – A – DIN

Materials and chemical resistance: Technical information upon request

for safety and environment

KA / 2 / 0507 / GB 9
Deflagration Flame Arrester, End-of-Line
Flow Capacity Charts


airflow in thousands of CFH


pressure drop ∆p - In W.C.

pressure drop ∆p [mbar]

flow rate V [m³/h]

airflow in thousands of CFH

pressure drop ∆p - In W.C.
pressure drop ∆p [mbar]

flow rate V [m³/h]
The flow capacity charts have been determined with a calibrated and TÜV certified flow capacity test rig.
Volume flow V in [m³/h] and SCFH refer to the Technical Standard ISO 6358 (20°C, 1bar). Conversion to
other densities and temperatures refer to Technical Fundamentals.

All rights and alterations reserved acc. ISO 16016

10 KA / 2 / 0507 / GB

for safety and environment

Deflagration Flame Arrester, End-of-Line


2 Weather hood 3 Flame arrester unit 4 FLAMEFILTER®




1 Housing

Function and Description Special Features and Advantages

The LH/AD end-of-line deflagration flame arrester provides pro- • weather hood provides protection against environmental
tection against atmospheric deflagration. The device is typically impact (harsh weather conditions, bird nests, etc.)
installed on vent lines of vessels and plants which are not pres-
• cost effective device
surized. For safe application it is important that an endurance
burning situation can be excluded, so typically it is installed • available in sizes DN 50 (2“) – up to DN 800 (32“)
on vent lines which discharge vapour for a short time period
• easy maintenance
only. The device prevents flame transmission from atmospheric
deflagration into the vessel or plant. • cost effective spare parts

The LH/AD consists of a housing (1), a weather hood (2) and the • available for elevated operating temperatures
PROTEGO® flame arrester unit (3). The device is equipped with • protection against atmospheric deflagration
a metal weather hood. A protection screen is installed between
the weather hood and the housing to keep animals out. The
FLAMEFILTER® (4) gap size will depend on the devices intended
use. Detailing the operating conditions such as the tempera-
ture, pressure, explosion group and the composition of the fluid, Design Type and Specification
enables PROTEGO® to select the best end-of-line deflagration
End-of-line deflagration flame arrester, basic design LH/AD
flame arrester for your application. The LH/AD series end-of-
line deflagration flame arrester is available for substances from Special designs available on request
explosion groups IIA to IIC (NEC groups B to D). The standard
design can be used with operating temperature of up to +60°C /
140°F. Several devices of this design are tested and approved
for higher temperatures.
Type-approved according to ATEX Directive 94/9/EC and
EN 12874 as well as other international standards.

All rights and alterations reserved acc. ISO 16016

12 KA / 2 / 0507 / GB
Table 1: Dimensions Dimensions in mm / inches

To select the nominal size (DN), please use the flow capacity charts on the following pages

DN a b
c c
50 / 2" 100 / 3.94 200 / 7.87 170 / 6.69 185 / 7.28
80 / 3" 150 / 5.91 240 / 9.45 180 / 7.09 195 / 7.68
100 / 4" 200 / 7.87 295 / 11.61 220 / 8.66 235 / 9.25
150 / 6" 300 / 11.81 550 / 21.65 260 / 10.24 270 / 10.63
200 / 8" 300 / 11.81 550 / 21.65 260 / 10.24 270 / 10.63
250 / 10" 400 / 15.75 600 / 23.62 355 / 13.98 370 / 14.57
300 / 12" 400 / 15.75 600 / 23.62 350 / 13.78 365 / 14.37
350 / 14" 600 / 23.62 800 / 31.50 405 / 15.94 415 / 16.34
400 / 16" 600 / 23.62 800 / 31.50 400 / 15.75 410 / 16.14
500 / 20" 700 / 27.56 1000 / 39.37 415 / 16.34 430 / 16.93
600 / 24" 800 / 31.50 1200 / 47.24 485 / 19.09 505 / 19.88
700 / 28" 1000 / 39.37 1400 / 55.12 520 / 20.47 545 / 21.46
800 / 32" 1200 / 47.24 1600 / 62.99 560 / 22.05 585 / 23.03

Table 2: Selection of explosion group

MESG Expl. Gr. (IEC/CEN) Gas Group (NEC/NFPA)
≥ 0,65 mm IIB3 C Special approvals upon request
< 0,5 mm IIC B

Table 3: Selection of max. operating temperature (°C / °F)

≤ 60°C / 140°F ≤ 100°C / 212°F ≤ 150°C / 302°F ≤ 180°C / 356°F ≤ 200°C / 392°F ≤ 250°C / 482°F
* upon request
(Standard) X0* X1* X2* X3* X4*

Table 4: Material selection

Design A B
Housing Steel Stainless steel
Weather hood Stainless steel Stainless steel Special materials upon request
Protection screen Stainless steel Stainless steel
Flame arrester unit A A,B

for safety and environment

KA / 2 / 0507 / GB 13
Deflagration Flame Arrester, End-of-Line


Table 5: Material combinations of flame arrester unit

Design A B
Steel Stainless steel Special materials upon request
Stainless steel Stainless steel

Table 6: Flange connection type

DIN 2501, Form C, PN 16, from DN 200 PN10 DIN
other types upon request

ratur e
pe typ
tem on
g cti
ize g rou tin
ou nit nn
s ion pe
i a l h
i a l ster u e co
n s o ter rre
e mi plo x. ter ng
p No Ex Ma Ma Ma e a Fla
— — — — — — fla m —
— — — — — — —
— — — — — —
b.1 b .2 b .3 b .4 b .5 b .6
Ta Ta Ta Ta Ta Ta

Order example

LH/AD – 800 – IIC – (std) – A – A – DIN

Materials and chemical resistance: Technical information upon request

14 KA / 2 / 0507 / GB
Deflagration Flame Arrester, End-of-Line
Flow Capacity Charts


airflow in thousands of CFH


pressure drop ∆p - In W.C.

pressure drop ∆p [mbar]

flow rate V [m³/h]

airflow in thousands of CFH

pressure drop ∆p - In W.C.
pressure drop ∆p [mbar]

flow rate V [m³/h]

The flow capacity charts have been determined with a calibrated and TÜV certified flow capacity test rig.
Volume flow V in [m³/h] and SCFH refer to the Technical Standard ISO 6358 (20°C, 1bar). Conversion to
other densities and temperatures refer to Technical Fundamentals.

KA / 2 / 0507 / GB 15
Deflagration Flame Arrester, short time burning-proof, End-of-Line


2 Weather hood 3 Flame arrester unit 4 FLAMEFILTER®




1 Housing

Function and Description Special Features and Advantages

The LH/AD-T end-of-line deflagration flame arrester provides • weather hood provides protection against environmental
protection against atmospheric deflagration and short time impact (harsh weather conditions, bird nests, etc.)
burning on the flame arrester element. The device is typically
• cost effective device
installed on vent lines of vessels and plants which are not pres-
surized. The device is equipped with a temperature sensor • available in sizes DN 50 (2“) – up to DN 800 (32“)
which immediately detects a flame on the FLAMEFILTER® sur-
• easy maintenance
face. After the flame is detected, a secondary measure, such as
inerting or closing of a shut-off valve to block the vapour flow to • cost effective spare parts
the device, should activate within 60 seconds and extinguish the • available for elevated operating temperatures
flame, so that the plant can operate safely. The device prevents
flame transmission from short time burning and atmospheric • protection against short time burning and atmospheric
deflagration into the vessel or plant. deflagration

The LH/AD-T consists of a housing (1), a weather hood (2) and

the PROTEGO® flame arrester unit (3). The device is equipped
with a metal weather hood. The FLAMEFILTER® (4) gap size
depends on the devices intended use. Detailing the operating Design Type and Specification
conditions such as the temperature, pressure, explosion group
End-of-line deflagration flame arrester, basic design LH/AD-T
and the composition of the fluid, enables PROTEGO® to select
the best end-of-line deflagration flame arrester for your applica- Special designs available on request
tion. The LH/AD series end-of-line deflagration flame arrester is
available for substances from explosion groups IIA to IIC (NEC
groups B to D). The standard design can be used with operating
temperature of up to +60°C / 140°F. Several devices of this
design are tested and approved for higher temperatures.
Type-approved according to ATEX Directive 94/9/EC and
EN 12874 as well as other international standards.

16 KA / 2 / 0507 / GB
Table 1: Dimensions Dimensions in mm / inches

To select the nominal size (DN), please use the flow capacity charts on the following pages

DN a b
c c
50 / 2" 100 / 3.94 240 / 9.45 530 / 20.87 550 / 21.65
80 / 3" 150 / 5.91 295 / 11.61 560 / 22.05 580 / 22.83
100 / 4" 200 / 7.87 350 / 13.78 585 / 23.03 605 / 23.82
150 / 6" 300 / 11.81 600 / 23.62 630 / 24.80 655 / 25.79
200 / 8" 300 / 11.81 600 / 23.62 630 / 24.80 655 / 25.79
250 / 10" 400 / 15.75 800 / 31.50 750 / 29.53 770 / 30.31
300 / 12" 400 / 15.75 800 / 31.50 740 / 29.13 760 / 29.92
350 / 14" 600 / 23.62 1000 / 39.37 800 / 31.50 820 / 32.28
400 / 16" 600 / 23.62 1000 / 39.37 790 / 31.10 815 / 32.09
500 / 20" 700 / 27.56 1200 / 47.24 810 / 31.89 835 / 32.87
600 / 24" 800 / 31.50 1200 / 47.24 935 / 36.81 960 / 37.80
700 / 28" 1000 / 39.37 1500 / 59.06 975 / 38.39 995 / 39.17
800 / 32" 1200 / 47.24 1700 / 66.93 1015 / 39.96 1035 / 40.75

Table 2: Selection of explosion group

MESG Expl. Gr. (IEC/CEN) Gas Group (NEC/NFPA)
≥ 0,65 mm IIB3 C Special approvals upon request
< 0,5 mm IIC B

Table 3: Selection of max. operating temperature (°C / °F)

≤ 60°C / 140°F ≤ 100°C / 212°F ≤ 150°C / 302°F ≤ 180°C / 356°F ≤ 200°C / 392°F ≤ 250°C / 482°F
* upon request
(Standard) X0* X1* X2* X3* X4*

Table 4: Material selection

Design A B
Housing Steel Stainless steel
Weather hood Stainless steel Stainless steel Special materials upon request
Protection screen Stainless steel Stainless steel
Flame arrester unit A A,B

KA / 2 / 0507 / GB 17
Deflagration Flame Arrester, short time burning-proof, End-of-Line


Table 5: Material combinations of flame arrester unit

Design A B
Steel Stainless steel Special materials upon request
Stainless steel Stainless steel

Table 6: Flange connection type

DIN 2501, Form C, PN 16, from DN 200 PN10 DIN
other types upon request

ratur e
pe typ
p tem g tio
rou tin
g sin nit ne
size g ra h ou l ster u on
al s ion o pe i a l i a e c
e mi
plo x. ter ter rre ng
p No Ex Ma Ma Ma e a Fla
— — — — — — fla m —
— — — — — — —
— — — — — —
b.1 b .2 b .3 b .4 b .5 b .6
Ta Ta Ta Ta Ta Ta

Order example

LH/AD-T – 800 – IIC – (std) – A – A – DIN

Materials and chemical resistance: Technical information upon request

18 KA / 2 / 0507 / GB
Deflagration Flame Arrester, short time burning-proof, End-of-Line
Flow Capacity Charts


airflow in thousands of CFH


pressure drop ∆p - In W.C.

pressure drop ∆p [mbar]

flow rate V [m³/h]

airflow in thousands of CFH

LH/AD-T-IIC pressure drop ∆p - In W.C.

pressure drop ∆p [mbar]

flow rate V [m³/h]

The flow capacity charts have been determined with a calibrated and TÜV certified flow capacity test rig.
Volume flow V in [m³/h] and SCFH refer to the Technical Standard ISO 6358 (20°C, 1bar). Conversion to
other densities and temperatures refer to Technical Fundamentals.

KA / 2 / 0507 / GB 19
Deflagration Flame Arrester, endurance burning proof, End-of-Line


Øa The BE/HZ consists of a housing (1), a weather hood (2) and

the PROTEGO® flame arrester unit. The weather hood is made
Øb out of acrylic glass, which will melt when impacted by flames
and allow heat to dissipate to the environment. The flame
arrester unit consists of two FLAMEFILTER® (3), which are
installed in the housing.
The standard design can be used for operating temperatures up
to +60°C / 140°F.
Type-approved according to ATEX Directive 94/9/EC and
EN 12874 as well as other internationally accepted standards.

2 Weather
1 Housing Special Features and Advantages
• weather hood protects against environmental impact
3 FLAME- (i.e. weather, bird nests, etc.)
• cost effective protection for small vessels and plants

DN • modular design allows replacement of single FLAMEFILTER®

• modular design results in low spare part costs
Function and Description • protection against atmospheric deflagration and endurance
For many years the PROTEGO BE/HZ end-of-line deflagra-
® burning
tion flame arrester has been successfully used to protect small
vessels and plants which are not pressurized. The device pro-
vides protection against atmospheric deflagration and stabilized Design Type and Specification
flames which can burn for very long time on the flame arrester
End-of-line deflagration flame arrester, basic design BE/HZ
element surface, so called endurance burning. Main application
area is on suction and vent lines, with the goal to prevent flame
transmission caused by endurance burning or atmospheric
deflagration from propagating into the vessel or plant.

Table 1: Dimensions Dimensions in mm / inches

To select the nominal size (DN), please use the flow capacity charts on the following pages
DN 15 / ½" 20 / ¾" 25 / 1" 32 / 1¼"
a 87 / 3.43 87 / 3.43 114 / 4.49 114 / 4.49
b 80 / 3.15 80 / 3.15 100 / 3.94 100 / 3.94
c 85 / 3.35 85 / 3.35 90 / 3.54 90 / 3.54

Table 2: Selection of explosion group

MESG Expl. Gr. (IEC/CEN) Gas Group (NEC/NFPA)
Special approvals upon request
> 0,90 mm IIA D

Table 3: Material selection for housing Table 4: Material combinations of flame arrester unit
Design A B Design A B
Housing Steel Stainless steel FLAMEFILTER® Stainless steel Hastelloy
Weather hood Acrylic glass Acrylic glass Spacer Stainless steel Hastelloy
Flame arrester unit A A,B
Special materials upon request

All rights and alterations reserved acc. ISO 16016

20 KA / 2 / 0507 / GB
Table 5: Type of connection
Pipe thread DIN ISO 228T1 DIN other types of thread upon request

up g tio
e ro u sin
nit onne
l siz ng ho r u c
na sio ial ial te f
pe mi plo ter ter rres ype o
Ty No Ex Ma Ma e a T
— — — — — flam —
— — — — — —
— — — — —
b .1 b .2 b .3 b .4 b .5
Ta Ta Ta Ta Ta

Order example

BE/HZ – ½" – IIA – B – B – DIN

Materials and chemical resistance: Technical information upon request

Flow Capacity Chart

airflow in thousands of CFH

BE/HZ-IIA pressure drop ∆p - In W.C.

pressure drop ∆p [mbar]

flow rate V [m³/h]

The flow capacity chart has been determined with a calibrated and TÜV certified flow capacity test rig.
Volume flow V in [m³/h] and SCFH refer to the Technical Standard ISO 6358 (20°C, 1bar). Conversion to
other densities and temperatures refer to Technical Fundamentals.

for safety and environment

KA / 2 / 0507 / GB 21
Deflagration Flame Arrester, endurance burning proof, End-of-Line


FM FM Approvals located in a center position, will melt and let the spring loaded
Specification Tested weather hood move into the open position. The flame arrester
unit consists of two FLAMEFILTER® (4), which are installed in a
2 Weather hood 3 Flame arrester unit FLAMEFILTER® cage. The FLAMEFILTER® gap size depends
on the devices intended use. Detailing the operating condi-
Øa tions such as the temperature, pressure, explosion group and
the composition of the fluid, enables PROTEGO® to select
the best end-of-line deflagration flame arrester for your
application. The BE/HK series end-of-line deflagration flame
arrester is available for substances from explosion groups IIA to
IIB3 (NEC groups C to D). In a modified design, this device is
also available for Ethanol applications.
The standard design can be used with operating temperature of
up to +60°C / 140°F.
Type-approved according to ATEX Directive 94/9/EC and
EN 12874 as well as other international standards.

Special Features and Advantages

• weather hood protects against environmental impact
(i.e. weather, bird nests, etc.)
• weather hood will open and signal the impact of a flame
• weather hood out of metal don’t produce secondary combus-
tion, as created from plexiglass hoods residues
• endurance burning protection for IIB3 and IIA vapour (NEC
DN group C and D)
1 Housing 4 FLAMEFILTER® • fusible link is resistant against chemicals
• modular design allows replacement of single
Function and Description
For many years the PROTEGO® BE/HK end-of-line deflagration
• modular design results in low spare part costs
flame arrester has been successfully used to protect vessels
and plants which are not pressurized. The device provides pro- • protection against atmospheric deflagration and endurance
tection against atmospheric deflagration and stabilized flames burning
which can burn for very long time on the flame arrester element
surface, so called endurance burning. Main application area is Design Types and Specifications
on suction and vent lines, with the goal to prevent flame trans-
There are two different designs:
mission caused by endurance burning or atmospheric deflagra-
tion from propagating into the vessel or plant. End-of-line deflagration flame arrester, BE/HK - –
The BE/HK consists of a housing (1), a weather hood (2) and the basic design
PROTEGO® flame arrester unit (3). During normal operation the End-of-line deflagration flame arrester with BE/HK - H
metal weather hood is in a closed position. If a stabilized flame heating jacket
burns on the flame arrester element surface, the fusible link,
Special designs available on request

Table 1: Dimensions Dimensions in mm / inches

To select the nominal size (DN), please use the flow capacity charts on the following pages
DN 20 / ¾" 25 / 1" 32 / 1¼" 40 / 1½" 50 / 2" 65 / 2½" 80 / 3"
a 163 / 6.42 163 / 6.42 163 / 6.42 183 / 7.20 183 / 7.20 218 / 8.58 218 / 8.58
IIA b 175 / 6.89 175 / 6.89 175 / 6.89 190 / 7.48 190 / 7.48 200 / 7.87 200 / 7.87

IIB3 b 180 / 7.09 180 / 7.09 180 / 7.09 190 / 7.48 190 / 7.48 200 / 7.87 200 / 7.87
Dimensions for deflagration flame arrester with heating jacket upon request

All rights and alterations reserved acc. ISO 16016

22 KA / 2 / 0507 / GB
Table 2: Selection of explosion group
MESG Expl. Gr. (IEC/CEN) Gas Group (NEC/NFPA)
> 0,90 mm IIA D Special approvals upon request
≥ 0,65 mm IIB3 C

Table 3: Material selection for housing

Design A B C
Housing Ductile Iron Steel Stainless steel
Special materials upon request
Weather hood Steel Steel Stainless steel
Flame arrester unit A A B

Table 4: Material combinations of flame arrester unit

Design A B
FLAMEFILTER® cage Stainless steel Stainless steel
Special materials upon request
FLAMEFILTER® Stainless steel Hastelloy
Spacer Stainless steel Hastelloy

Table 5: Flange connection type

DIN 2501, Form C, PN 16 DIN
other types upon request

t up ing cti
e gro nit ne
j l n l r u con
l ho
ing ina sio i a t e
ria e
pe at m plo te ter rres lang
Ty He No Ex Ma Ma e a F
— — — — — — flam ——
— — — — — —
— — — — —
b .1 b .2 b .3 b .4 b .5
Design Ta Ta Ta Ta Ta

Order example

BE/HK – H – 80 – IIA – B – B – DIN

Materials and chemical resistance: Technical information upon request

for safety and environment

KA / 2 / 0507 / GB 23
Deflagration Flame Arrester, endurance burning proof, End-of-Line
Flow Capacity Charts


FM FM Approvals
Specification Tested

airflow in thousands of CFH

pressure drop ∆p - In W.C.

pressure drop ∆p [mbar]

flow rate V [m³/h]

airflow in thousands of CFH

pressure drop ∆p - In W.C.

pressure drop ∆p [mbar]

flow rate V [m³/h]

The flow capacity charts have been determined with a calibrated and TÜV certified flow capacity test rig.
Volume flow V in [m³/h] and SCFH refer to the Technical Standard ISO 6358 (20°C, 1bar). Conversion to
other densities and temperatures refer to Technical Fundamentals.

All rights and alterations reserved acc. ISO 16016

24 KA / 2 / 0507 / GB

for safety and environment

Deflagration Flame Arrester, endurance burning proof, End-of-Line


2 Weather hood 3 Flame arrester unit

flame burns on the flame arrester element surface, the fusible
link, located in a center position, will melt and let the spring
loaded weather hood move into the open position. The flame
arrester unit consists of two FLAMEFILTER® (4), which are
installed in a FLAMEFILTER® cage.
The BE/HK-E end-of-line deflagration flame arrester is available
for alcohols and other substances with MESG ≥ 0,85mm.
The standard design can be used for operating temperatures up
to +60°C / 140°F.
Type-approved according to ATEX Directive 94/9/EC and

EN 12874 as well as other internationally accepted standards.

Special Features and Advantages

• endurance burning protection for alcohols and hydrocarbons
with MESG ≥ 0,85mm.
• weather hood protects against environmental impact
(i.e. weather, bird nests, etc.)
DN • weather hood will open and signal the impact of a flame
• weather hood out of from metal don’t produce secondary
1 Housing 4 FLAMEFILTER®
combustion, as created from plexiglass hoods residues
• fusible link is resistant against chemicals
• modular design allows replacement of single FLAMEFILTER®
Function and Description • modular design results in low spare part costs
The PROTEGO® BE/HK-E end-of-line deflagration flame • protection against atmospheric deflagration and endurance
arrester was specifically developed for vessels which are not burning
pressurized and store Ethanol or other alcohols. The combus-
tion of alcohol requires a modified flame arrester element design
to provide protection against endurance burning. In addition, the Design Types and Specifications
device provides protection against atmospheric deflagration.
Main application area is on suction and vent lines, with the goal There are two different designs:
to prevent flame transmission caused by endurance burning or
End-of-line deflagration flame arrester, BE/HK-E - –
atmospheric deflagration from propogating into the vessel or
basic design
End-of-line deflagration flame arrester with BE/HK-E - H
The BE/HK-E consists of a housing (1), a weather hood (2) and
heating jacket
the PROTEGO® flame arrester unit (3). During normal operation
the metal weather hood is in a closed position. If a stabilized Special designs available on request

Table 1: Dimensions Dimensions in mm / inches

To select the nominal size (DN), please use the flow capacity charts on the following pages
DN 20 / ¾" 25 / 1" 32 / 1¼" 40 / 1½" 50 / 2" 65 / 2½" 80 / 3"
a 163 / 6.42 163 / 6.42 163 / 6.42 183 / 7.20 183 / 7.20 218 / 8.58 218 / 8.58
b 180 / 7.09 180 / 7.09 180 / 7.09 190 / 7.48 190 / 7.48 200 / 7.87 200 / 7.87
Dimensions for deflagration flame arrester with heating jacket upon request

All rights and alterations reserved acc. ISO 16016

26 KA / 2 / 0507 / GB
Table 2: Selection of explosion group
MESG Expl. Gr. (IEC/CEN) Gas Group (NEC/NFPA)
Special approvals upon request
≥ 0,85 mm IIB1 –

Table 3: Material selection for housing

Design A B C
Housing Ductile Iron Steel Stainless steel
Special materials upon request
Weather hood Steel Steel Stainless steel
Flame arrester unit A A B

Table 4: Material combinations of flame arrester unit

Design A B
FLAMEFILTER cage Stainless steel Stainless steel
Special materials upon request
FLAMEFILTER® Stainless steel Hastelloy
Spacer Stainless steel Hastelloy

Table 5: Flange connection type

DIN 2501, Form C, PN 16 DIN
other types upon request

t up ing it cti
ke ize ro ou
un onn
ac ls ng lh
ina io ia i al ester ge c
pe atin m p los ter r
te rr n
Ty He No Ex Ma Ma e a Fla
— — — — — — flam ——
— — — — — —
— — — — —
b .1 b .2 b .3 b .4 b .5
Design Ta Ta Ta Ta Ta

Order example

BE/HK-E – H – 80 – IIB1 – B – B – DIN

Materials and chemical resistance: Technical information upon request

for safety and environment

KA / 2 / 0507 / GB 27
Deflagration Flame Arrester, endurance burning proof, End-of-Line
Flow Capacity Charts


airflow in thousands of CFH


pressure drop ∆p - In W.C.

pressure drop ∆p [mbar]

flow rate V [m³/h]

The flow capacity chart has been determined with a calibrated and TÜV certified flow capacity test rig.
Volume flow V in [m³/h] and SCFH refer to the Technical Standard ISO 6358 (20°C, 1bar). Conversion to
other densities and temperatures refer to Technical Fundamentals.

All rights and alterations reserved acc. ISO 16016

28 KA / 2 / 0507 / GB

for safety and environment

Deflagration Flame Arrester, endurance burning proof, End-of-Line


FM FM Approvals depend on the devices intended use. Detailing the operating

Specification Tested conditions such as the temperature, pressure, explosion group
and the composition of the fluid, enables PROTEGO® to select
the best end-of-line deflagration flame arrester for your applica-
2 Weather hood 3 Flame arrester unit
tion. The BE/HR series end-of-line deflagration flame arrester is
available for substances from explosion groups IIA to IIB3 (NEC
groups C to D). In a modified design, this device is also available
for Ethanol applications.
The standard design can be used with operating temperature of
up to +60°C / 140°F. Several devices of this design are tested
and approved for elevated temperatures.
Type-approved according to ATEX Directive 94/9/EC and
EN 12874 as well as other international standards.

Special Features and Advantages

• protection against atmospheric deflagration and endurance
• endurance burning protection for IIB3 and IIA vapour
(NEC groups C and D)

DN • weather hood protects against environmental impact

(i.e. weather, bird nests, etc.)

1 Housing 4 FLAMEFILTER® • weather hood opens and signal the impact of a flame
• fusible link is resistant against chemicals
Function and Description
• weather hood out of metal don’t produce secondary
For many years the PROTEGO® BE/HR end-of-line deflagration combustion, as created from plexiglass hoods residues
flame arrester has been successfully used to protect vessels
and plants which are not pressurized. The device provides • modular design allows replacement of single
protection against atmospheric deflagration and stabilized FLAMEFILTER®
flames which can burn for very long time on the flame arrester • modular design results in low spare part costs
element surface, so called endurance burning. Main application
area is on suction and vent lines, with the goal to prevent flame
transmission caused by endurance burning or atmospheric Design Types and Specifications
deflagration from propagating into the vessel or plant.
There are two different designs:
The BE/HR consists of a housing (1), a weather hood (2) and
the PROTEGO® flame arrester unit (3). During normal operation End-of-line deflagration flame arrester, BE/HR - –
the metal weather hood is in a closed position. If a flame burns basic design
on the flame arrester element surface, the fusible link, located
End-of-line deflagration flame arrester with BE/HR - H
in a center position, will melt and let the spring loaded weather
heating jacket
hood move into the open position. The flame arrester unit
consists of two FLAMEFILTER® (4), which are installed in Special designs available on request
a FLAMEFILTER® cage. The FLAMEFILTER® gap size will

Table 1: Dimensions Dimensions in mm / inches

To select the nominal size (DN), please use the flow capacity charts on the following pages
DN 80 / 3" 100 / 4"
Dimensions for deflagration flame arrester with heating jacket
a 353 / 13.90 353 / 13.90
upon request
b 250 / 9.84 250 / 9.84

All rights and alterations reserved acc. ISO 16016

30 KA / 2 / 0507 / GB
Table 2: Selection of explosion group
MESG Expl. Gr. (IEC/CEN) Gas Group (NEC/NFPA)
> 0,90 mm IIA D Special approvals upon request
≥ 0,65 mm IIB3 C

Table 3: Material selection for housing

Design A B C
Housing Ductile Iron Steel Stainless steel
Special materials upon request
Weather hood Steel Steel Stainless steel
Flame arrester unit A A B

Table 4: Material combinations of flame arrester unit

Design A B
FLAMEFILTER cage Stainless steel Stainless steel
Special materials upon request
FLAMEFILTER Stainless steel Hastelloy
Spacer Stainless steel Hastelloy

Table 5: Flange connection type

DIN 2501, Form C, PN 16 DIN
other types upon request

t up it ing cti
ke e gro un conn
j ac l siz n r h
ing ina sio ia l t ial
e e
p at m plo ter ter rres lang
Ty He No Ex Ma Ma e a F
— — — — — — flam ——
— — — — — —
— — — — —
b .1 b .2 b .3 b .4 b .5
Design Ta Ta Ta Ta Ta

Order example

BE/HR – H – 100 – IIB3 – B – B – DIN

Materials and chemical resistance: Technical information upon request

for safety and environment

KA / 2 / 0507 / GB 31
Deflagration Flame Arrester, endurance burning proof, End-of-Line
Flow Capacity Charts


FM FM Approvals
Specification Tested

airflow in thousands of CFH


pressure drop ∆p - In W.C.

pressure drop ∆p [mbar]

flow rate V [m³/h]

airflow in thousands of CFH

pressure drop ∆p - In W.C.
pressure drop ∆p [mbar]

flow rate V [m³/h]

The flow capacity charts have been determined with a calibrated and TÜV certified flow capacity test rig.
Volume flow V in [m³/h] and SCFH refer to the Technical Standard ISO 6358 (20°C, 1bar). Conversion to
other densities and temperatures refer to Technical Fundamentals.

All rights and alterations reserved acc. ISO 16016

32 KA / 2 / 0507 / GB

for safety and environment

Deflagration Flame Arrester, endurance burning proof, End-of-Line


2 Weather hood 3 Flame arrester unit

The BE/HR-E end-of-line deflagration flame arrester is available

for alcohols and other substances with a MESG ≥ 0,85 mm.
The standard design can be used for operating temperatures up
to +60°C / 140°F.
Type-approved according to ATEX Directive 94/9/EC and
EN 12874 as well as other internationally accepted standards.

Special Features and Advantages

b • endurance burning protection for alcohols and hydrocarbons
with a MESG ≥ 0,85 mm
• weather hood protects against environmental impact
(i.e. weather, bird nests, etc.)
• weather hood opens and signal the impact of a flame
• weather hood out of metal don’t produce secondary
DN combustion, as created from plexiglass hoods residues
• fusible link is resistant against chemicals
1 Housing 4 FLAMEFILTER®
• modular design allows replacement of single
Function and Description • modular design results in low spare part costs
The PROTEGO® BE/HR-E end-of-line deflagration flame • protection against atmospheric deflagration and endurance
arrester was specifically developed for vessels which are not burning
pressurized and store Ethanol or other alcohols with a MESG
≥ 0,85 mm. The combustion of alcohol requires a modified flame
arrester element design to provide protection against endurance Design Types and Specifications
burning. In addition, the device provides protection against at-
mospheric deflagration. Main application area is on suction and There are two different designs:
vent lines, with the goal to prevent flame transmission caused by
End-of-line deflagration flame arrester, BE/HR - E - –
endurance burning or atmospheric deflagration from propagating
basic design
into the vessel or plant.
End-of-line deflagration flame arrester with BE/HR - E - H
The BE/HR-E consists of a housing (1), a weather hood (2) and
heating jacket
the PROTEGO® flame arrester unit (3). During normal opera-
tion, the metal weather hood is in a closed position. If a flame Special designs available on request
burns on the flame arrester element surface, the fusible link,
located in a center position, will melt and let the spring loaded
weather hood move into the open position. The flame arrester
unit consists of two FLAMEFILTER® (4), which are installed in a

Table 1: Dimensions Dimensions in mm / inches

To select the nominal size (DN), please use the flow capacity charts on the following pages
DN 80 / 3" 100 / 4"
Dimensions for deflagration flame arrester with heating jacket
a 353 / 13.90 353 / 13.90
upon request
b 250 / 9.84 250 / 9.84

All rights and alterations reserved acc. ISO 16016

34 KA / 2 / 0507 / GB
Table 2: Selection of explosion group
MESG Expl. Gr. (IEC/CEN) Gas Group (NEC/NFPA)
Special approvals upon request
≥ 0,85 mm IIB1 –

Table 3: Material selection for housing

Design A B C
Housing Ductile Iron Steel Stainless steel
Special materials upon request
Weather hood Steel Steel Stainless steel
Flame arrester unit A A B

Table 4: Material combinations of flame arrester unit

Design A B
FLAMEFILTER cage Stainless steel Stainless steel
Special materials upon request
FLAMEFILTER Stainless steel Hastelloy
Spacer Stainless steel Hastelloy

Table 5: Flange connection type

DIN 2501, Form C, PN 16 DIN
other types upon request

n typ
t p ing tio
ke ize g rou nit
us ne
ac s ion r u con
gj al a l t e
pe ati
i eri
ter rres lang
Ty He No Ex Ma Ma e a F
— — — — — — flam ——
— — — — — —
— — — — —
b .1 b .2 b .3 b .4 b .5
Design Ta Ta Ta Ta Ta

Order example

BE/HR-E – H – 80 – IIB1 – B – B – DIN

Materials and chemical resistance: Technical information upon request

for safety and environment

KA / 2 / 0507 / GB 35
Deflagration Flame Arrester, endurance burning proof, End-of-Line
Flow Capacity Chart


airflow in thousands of CFH


pressure drop ∆p - In W.C.

pressure drop ∆p [mbar]

flow rate V [m³/h]

The flow capacity chart has been determined with a calibrated and TÜV certified flow capacity test rig.
Volume flow V in [m³/h] and SCFH refer to the Technical Standard ISO 6358 (20°C, 1bar). Conversion to
other densities and temperatures refer to Technical Fundamentals.

All rights and alterations reserved acc. ISO 16016

36 KA / 2 / 0507 / GB

for safety and environment

Deflagration Flame Arrester, endurance burning proof, End-of-Line


patented process. The FLAMEFILTER® cage has inte-

2 Weather hood 3 Flame arrester unit grated cooling channels to allow heat to be transferred
b away from the center of the device.
Øa The BE/HR-400 end-of-line deflagration flame arrester
is available for substances from explosion group IIA
(NEC group D). The standard design can be used for
operating temperatures up to +60°C / 140°F.
Type-approved according to ATEX Directive 94/9/EC
and EN 12874 as well as other internationally accepted

Special Features and Advantages

• protection against atmospheric deflagration and
endurance burning
• endurance burning protection hydrocarbons of
explosion group IIA (NEC group D)
• weather hood protects against environmental impact
1 Housing 4 FLAMEFILTER ® (i.e. weather, bird nests, etc.)
• weather hood opens and signal the impact of a
Function and Description flame

The PROTEGO® BE/HR-400 end-of-line deflagration flame • fusible link is resistant against chemicals
arrester is designed to protect large vessels and plants which
• weather hood out of metal don’t produce second-
are not pressurized. The device provides protection against
ary combustion, as created from plexiglass hoods
atmospheric deflagration and stabilized flames which can
burn for very long time on the flame arrester element surface,
so called endurance burning. Main application area is on suc- • maintenance friendly design
tion and vent lines, with the goal to prevent flame transmission
caused by endurance burning or atmospheric deflagration from
propagating into the vessel or plant.
Design Types and Specifications
The BE/HR-400 consists of a housing (1), a weather hood (2)
There are two different designs:
and the PROTEGO® flame arrester unit (3). During normal
operation, the metal weather hood is in a closed position. If a End-of-line deflagration flame arrester, basic BE/HR - –
stabilized flame burns on the flame arrester element surface, design
the fusible link, located in a center position, will melt and an ex-
ternal counterweight will move the weather hood into the open End-of-line deflagration flame arrester with BE/HR - R
position. The flame arrester unit consists of two FLAMEFILTER® heating coil
(4), which are installed in a FLAMEFILTER® cage. The FLAME- Special designs available on request
FILTER® are arranged concentrically and are manufactured in a

Table 1: Dimensions Dimensions in mm / inches

To select the nominal size (DN), please use the flow capacity charts on the following pages
DN 150 / 6" 200 / 8"
NG 400 / 16" 400 / 16"
Dimensions for deflagration flame arrester
a 600 / 23.62 600 / 23.62
with integrated heating coil upon
b 545 / 21.46 545 / 21.46
c 485 / 19.09 485 / 19.09

All rights and alterations reserved acc. ISO 16016

38 KA / 2 / 0507 / GB
Table 2: Selection of explosion group
MESG Expl. Gr. (IEC/CEN) Gas Group (NEC/NFPA)
Special approvals upon request
> 0,90 mm IIA D

Table 3: Material selection for housing

Design A B
Housing Steel Stainless steel
Special materials upon request
Weather hood Steel Stainless steel
Flame arrester unit A, B B

Table 4: Material combination of flame arrester unit

Design A B
FLAMEFILTER® cage Stainless steel Stainless steel Special materials upon request
FLAMEFILTER Stainless steel Stainless steel

Table 5: Flange connection type

DIN 2501, Form C, PN 16, from DN 200 PN10 DIN
other types upon request

h up ing it cti
o il w idt size n gro hou
un conn
ngc n al n al sio r r iial
a l s t e r
pe ati mi mi plo te te rre lang
Ty He No No Ex Ma Ma e a F
— — — — — — — m —
— — — — — — — fla —
— — — — — —
b .1 b .1 b .2 b .3 b .4 b .5
Design Ta Ta Ta Ta Ta Ta

Order example

BE/HR – R – 400 / 150 – IIA – B – B – DIN

Materials and chemical resistance: Technical information upon request

for safety and environment

KA / 2 / 0507 / GB 39
Deflagration Flame Arrester, endurance burning proof, End-of-Line
Flow Capacity Chart


airflow in thousands of CFH

BE/HR-400 (IIA)

pressure drop ∆p - In W.C.

pressure drop ∆p [mbar]

flow rate V [m³/h]

The flow capacity chart has been determined with a calibrated and TÜV certified flow capacity test rig.
Volume flow V in [m³/h] and SCFH refer to the Technical Standard ISO 6358 (20°C, 1bar). Conversion to
other densities and temperatures refer to Technical Fundamentals.

All rights and alterations reserved acc. ISO 16016

40 KA / 2 / 0507 / GB

for safety and environment

Deflagration Flame Arrester, endurance burning proof, End-of-Line


2 Weather hood 3 Flame arrester unit

d c
The LH/EB series end-of-line deflagration flame
Øa arrester is available for substances from explo-
NG sion group I (NEC group E). The standard design
can be used with operating temperature of up to
+60°C / 140°F.
Special certificates for mining are available and

the device is type-approved according to ATEX
Directive 94/9/EC and EN 12874 as well as other
international standards.

Special Features and Advantages

• most efficient deflagration flame arrester for
1 Housing 4 FLAMEFILTER ® methane/air mixtures
• certificates for mining are available
• protection against atmospheric deflagration and
Function and Description endurance burning

The PROTEGO® LH/EB 400 end-of-line deflagration flame • weather hood protects against environmental
arrester is used to protect plants and vessels which are not impact (i.e. weather, bird nests, etc.)
pressurized and process Methane/Air mixtures. The device • weather hood will open and signal the impact of
provides protection against atmospheric deflagration and a flame
stabilized flames which can burn for a very long time. This
device is specifically applied to vent lines of decommissioned • fusible link is resistant against chemicals
underground mines. Other areas of application are biogas, land- • weather hood out of metal don’t produce sec-
fill gas and sewage gas. The device is installed on suction and ondary combustion, as created from plexiglass
vent lines, with the goal to prevent flame transmission caused hoods residues
by endurance burning or atmospheric deflagration propagating
into the vessel or plant. • maintenance friendly design

The LH/EB 400 consists of a housing (1), a weather hood (2)

and the PROTEGO® flame arrester unit (3). During normal op- Design Type and Specification
eration, the metal weather hood is in a closed position. If a flame
burns on the flame arrester element surface, the fusible link, End-of-line deflagration flame arrester, LH/EB 400
located in a center position, will melt and an externally located basic design
weight will move the weather hood into the open position. The Special designs available on request
flame arrester unit consists of two FLAMEFILTER® (4), which
are installed in a FLAMEFILTER® cage.

Table 1: Dimensions Dimensions in mm / inches

To select the nominal size (DN), please use the flow capacity charts on the following pages
DN 150 / 6" 200 / 8" 250 / 10" 300 / 12" 350 / 14" 400 / 16"
NG 400 / 16" 400 / 16" 400 / 16" 400 / 16" 400 / 16" 400 / 16"
a 600 / 23.62 600 / 23.62 600 / 23.62 600 / 23.62 600 / 23.62 600 / 23.62
b 340 / 13.39 340 /13.39 340 / 13.39 340 / 13.39 340 / 13.39 340 / 13.39
c 600 / 23.62 600 / 23.62 600 / 23.62 600 / 23.62 600 / 23.62 600 / 23.62

All rights and alterations reserved acc. ISO 16016

42 KA / 2 / 0507 / GB
Table 2: Selection of explosion group
MESG Expl. Gr. (IEC/CEN) Gas Group (NEC/NFPA)
Special approvals upon request
> 1,14 mm I E

Table 3: Material selection for housing

Design A B
Housing Steel Stainless steel
Special materials upon request
Weather hood Steel Stainless steel
Flame arrester unit A, B B

Table 4: Material combinations of flame arrester unit

Design A B
FLAMEFILTER cage Steel Stainless steel Special materials upon request
FLAMEFILTER® Stainless steel Stainless steel

Table 5: Flange connection type

DIN 2501, Form C, PN 16, from DN 200 PN10 DIN
other types upon request

up on
h ro sing it e cti
w idt s ize sg ou un onn
al al sio
ia lh i al ester ge c
e m in m in plo ter r
te rr n
p No No Ex Ma Ma e a Fla
— — — — — — flam ——
— — — — — —
— — — — — —
b .1 b .1 b .2 b .3 b .4 b .5
Ta Ta Ta Ta Ta Ta

Order example

LH/EB – 400 / 150 – I – B – B – DIN

Materials and chemical resistance: Technical information upon request

for safety and environment

Deflagration Flame Arrester, endurance burning proof, End-of-Line
Flow Capacity Chart


airflow in thousands of CFH


pressure drop ∆p - In W.C.

pressure drop ∆p [mbar]

flow rate V [m³/h]

The flow capacity chart has been determined with a calibrated and TÜV certified flow capacity test rig.
Volume flow V in [m³/h] and SCFH refer to the Technical Standard ISO 6358 (20°C, 1bar). Conversion to
other densities and temperatures refer to Technical Fundamentals.

All rights and alterations reserved acc. ISO 16016

44 KA / 2 / 0507 / GB

for safety and environment

Vent Cap, End-of-Line


1 Housing 2 Weather hood 3 Protection screen

The vent cap EH/0 main components are a housing (1), a weather
hood (2) and a protection screen (3). The device is equipped
with a fixed weather hood out of metal. The protection screen
prevents particles or rain from entering the line.

Special Features and Advantages

• vent cap provides protection against environmental impact

(harsh weather conditions, bird nests, etc.)

• cost effective device
• almost maintenance free
• certified flow performance curves

Design Type and Specification
Function and Description
The E/H0 vent cap allows vessels which are not pressurized to Vent cap, basic design EH/0
vent. This device prevents rain and dirt from entering the vent Special designs available on request
line. The EH/0 vent cap is not flame transmission proof. It is
often used in combination with detonation flame arresters, when
those are used in vent lines, installed at a position which creates
a long run up distance from the end of the vent line to prevent
endurance burning. The EH/0 vent cap will then be installed at
the end of that vent line to prevent particles or rain from entering
the line.

Table 1: Dimensions Dimensions in mm / inches

To select the nominal size (DN), please use the flow capacity chart on the following page
DN 20 / ¾" 25 / 1" 32 / 1¼" 40 / 1½" 50 / 2" 65 / 2½" 80 / 3"
a 163 / 6.42 163 / 6.42 163 / 6.42 183 / 7.20 183 / 7.20 218 / 8.58 218 / 8.58
b 175 / 6.89 175 / 6.89 175 / 6.89 190 / 7.48 190 / 7.48 200 / 7.87 200 / 7.87

Table 2: Material selection

Design A B C
Housing Ductile Iron Steel Stainless steel Special materials upon request
Weather hood Steel Steel Stainless steel

Table 3: Flange connection type

DIN 2501, Form C, PN 16 DIN
other types upon request

46 KA / 2 / 0507 / GB
e e cti
l siz onn
ina ial ec
pe m ter ng
Ty No Ma Fla
— — — —
— — — —
— — —
b .1 b.2 b.3
Ta Ta Ta

Order example

EH/0 – 80 – B – DIN

Materials and chemical resistance: Technical information upon request

Flow Capacity Chart

airflow in thousands of CFH


pressure drop ∆p - In W.C.

pressure drop ∆p [mbar]

flow rate V [m³/h]

The flow capacity chart has been determined with a calibrated and TÜV certified flow capacity test rig.
Volume flow V in [m³/h] and SCFH refer to the Technical Standard ISO 6358 (20°C, 1bar). Conversion to
other densities and temperatures refer to Technical Fundamentals.

KA / 2 / 0507 / GB 47
Vent Cap, End-of-Line



2 Weather hood

3 Protection screen

1 Housing


Function and Description Special Features and Advantages

The EH/0S vent cap allows vessels which are not pressurized • vent cap provides protection against environmental impact
to vent. This device prevents rain and dirt entering the vent line. (harsh weather conditions, bird nests, etc.)
The EH/0S vent cap is not flame transmission proof. It is of-
• cost effective device
ten used in combination with detonation flame arresters, when
those are used in vent lines, installed at a position which creates • almost maintenance free
a long run up distance from the end of the vent line to prevent
• certified flow performance curves
endurance burning. The EH/0S will then be installed at the end
of that vent line to prevent particles or rain from entering the
line. Design Types and Specification
The vent cap EH/0S main components are a housing (1), a
weather hood (2) and a protection screen (3). The device is Vent cap, basic design EH/0S
equipped with a fixed weather hood out of metal. The protection Special designs available on request
screen prevents particles or rain from entering the line.

Table 1: Dimensions Dimensions in mm / inches

To select the nominal size (DN), please use the flow capacity chart on the following page
DN 100 / 4" 150 / 6" 200 / 8" 250 / 10" 300 / 12" 350 / 14" 400 / 16" 500 / 20" 600 / 24"
a 295 / 11.61 550 / 21.65 550 / 21.65 600 / 23.62 600 / 23.62 600 / 23.62 650 / 25.59 800 / 31.50 1000 / 39.37
b 230 / 9.06 240 / 9.45 240 / 9.45 325 / 12.80 320 / 12.60 335 / 13.19 370 / 14.57 385 / 15.16 520 / 20.47

Table 2: Material selection

Design A B
Housing Steel Stainless steel Special materials upon request
Weather hood Stainless steel Stainless steel

Table 3: Flange connection type

DIN 2501, Form C, PN 16, from DN 200 PN 10 DIN
other types upon request

48 KA / 2 / 0507 / GB
e e cti
l siz onn
ina ial ec
pe m ter ng
Ty No Ma Fla
— — — —
— — — —
— — —
b .1 b.2 b.3
Ta Ta Ta

Order example

EH/0S – 100 – B – DIN

Materials and chemical resistance: Technical information upon request

Flow Capacity Chart

airflow in thousands of CFH


pressure drop ∆p - In W.C.

pressure drop ∆p [mbar]

flow rate V [m³/h]

The flow capacity chart has been determined with a calibrated and TÜV certified flow capacity test rig.
Volume flow V in [m³/h] and SCFH refer to the Technical Standard ISO 6358 (20°C, 1bar). Conversion to
other densities and temperatures refer to Technical Fundamentals.

KA / 2 / 0507 / GB 49
Vent Cap, End-of-Line



2 Weather hood

3 Spacer

1 Housing


Function and Description Special Features and Advantages

The E/KS vent cap allows vessels which are not pressurize to • vent cap provides protection against environmental impact
vent. The vent cap is made out of plastic and is the best solu- (harsh weather conditions, bird nests, etc.)
tion in applications with aggressive media. This E/KS vent cap
• cost effective device
prevents rain and dirt from entering the vent line. The device is
not flame transmission proof. It is often used in combination with • almost maintenance free
detonation flame arresters, when those are used in vent lines,
• certified flow performance curves
installed at a position which creates a long run up distance from
the end of the vent line to prevent endurance burning. The E/KS
vent cap will then be installed at the end of that vent line to pre- Design Types and Specification
vent particles or rain from entering the line.
The vent caps main components are a housing (1), a weather Vent cap, basic design E/KS
hood (2) and spacers (3). Special designs available on request

Table 1: Dimensions Dimensions in mm / inches

To select the nominal size (DN), please use the flow capacity chart on the following page
DN 50 / 2" 80 / 3" 100 / 4" 150 / 6" 200 / 8"
a 135 / 5.31 140 / 5.51 145 / 5.71 195 / 7.68 200 / 7.87
b 170 / 6.69 230 / 9.06 300 / 11.81 375 / 14.76 450 / 17.72

Table 2: Material selection

Design A B C
Housing PE PP PVDF Special materials upon request
Weather hood PE PP PVDF

Table 3: Flange connection type

DIN 2501, Form C, PN 16, from DN 200 PN 10 DIN
other types upon request

50 KA / 2 / 0507 / GB
e e cti
l siz onn
ina ial ec
pe m ter ng
Ty No Ma Fla
— — — —
— — — —
— — —
b .1 b.2 b.3
Ta Ta Ta

Order example

E/KS – 200 – B – DIN

Materials and chemical resistance: Technical information upon request

Flow Capacity Chart

airflow in thousands of CFH


pressure drop ∆p - In W.C.

pressure drop ∆p [mbar]

flow rate V [m³/h]

The flow capacity chart has been determined with a calibrated and TÜV certified flow capacity test rig.
Volume flow V in [m³/h] and SCFH refer to the Technical Standard ISO 6358 (20°C, 1bar). Conversion to
other densities and temperatures refer to Technical Fundamentals.

KA / 2 / 0507 / GB 51


Materials, Terms and Conversion Tables

Pressure DN 10 15 20 25 32 40 50 65 80 100
1 bar = 14.504 psi 1 lb/ft2 = 47,88 N/m2
Size 1/4 1/2 3/4 1 11/4 11/2 2 21/2 3 4
= 29.530 inch Hg = 0,4788 mbar
= 0.987 atm = 0,0470 mm WC
= 401.47 inch H2O DN 125 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 600
1 mbar = 0.0145 psi 1 inch WC = 249,08 N/m2 Size 5 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 24
= 0.0295 inch Hg = 2,4908 mbar
= 0.4019 inch H2O = 25,4 mm WC
= 2.089 lb/ft2 1 inch Hg = 33,864 mbar DN 700 800 900 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000
Size 28 32 36 40 48 56 64 72 80
1 kPa = 10 mbar 1 psi = 68,94757 mbar
1 inch H2O = 2,49089 mbar 1 inch Hg = 33,8639 mbar
1 Pa = 1 N/m2 1 psi = 1 lb/ft2
Temperature 1 cm = 0.3937 inch 1 inch = 25,4 mm
To convent ºC in ºF use TF = 32 + 1,8 TC 1m = 3.2808 ft 1 ft = 12 inch = 0,3058 m
0ºC = 32ºF = 1.0936 yards 1 yard = 3 ft = 0,9144 m
100ºC = 212ºF 1 km = 0.621 miles 1 mile = 1,609 km
5/9 (T - 32)
To convent ºF in ºC use TC = F
0ºF = -17,8ºC
100ºF = 37,8ºC Area
1cm2 = 0.1550 sq inch 1 sq inch = 6,4516 cm2
Material 1 m2 = 10.7639 sq ft 1 sq ft = 0,0929 m2
DIN Material DIN-Material ASTM-Material = 1.196 sq yards 1 sq yard = 0,836 m2
Number 1km2 = 100 hectares
0.6020 GG 20 A 278-30 C.I. = 0.3861 sq miles
0.7040 GGG 40 A 536-77 C.I. = 247 acres
1.0619 GS-C 25 A 216 Gr. WCB C.S.
1.4301 X5 CrNi 18 10 A 240 Gr. 304 S.S.
1.4408 G-X6 CrNiMo 18 10 A 351 Gr. CF 8 M S.S. Volume
1.0425 P 265 GH A 515 Gr. 60 C.S. 1 cm3 = 0.06102 cu inch 1 cu inch = 16,3870 cm3
1.4541 X6 CrNiTi 18 10 A 240 Gr. 321 S.S. 1 liter = 0.03531 cu ft 1 cu ft = 28,317 liter
1.4571 X10 CrNiMoTi 18 10 A 240 Gr. 316 Ti S.S. = 0.21998 gal (UK) 1 gal (UK) = 4,5461 liter
3.2581 G-Al-Si 12 A 413 Alu = 0.26428 gal (US) 1 gal (US) = 3,785 liter
Ta Tantal UNS R05200 1 m3 = 35.315 cu ft 1 cu ft = 0,028317 m3
2.4610 NiMo 16 Cr 16 Ti UNS N06455 C-4 = 6.299 petr. barrels 1 petr. barrel = 0,15876 m3
2.4686 G-NiMo 17 Cr UNS N30107 Casting
2.4602 NiCr 21 Mo 14 W UNS N06022 C-22
2.4819 NiMo 16 Cr 15 W UNS N10276 C-276 Mass
1g = 0.03527 oz 1 oz = 28,35 g
The applicable materials are specified in the quotation or the order 1 kg = 2.2046 lb 1 lb = 16 oz
acknowledgement: = 0,4536 kg
In general the following means
CC (Carbon steel) = 1.0619 or 1.0425
SS (Stainless steel) = 1.4408 or 1.4571 Velocity and Volume Flow
Hastelloy = 2.4686 or 2.4602 1 m/s = 196.85 ft/min 1 ft/min = 0,508 cm/s
1 km/h = 0.6214 mph 1 mph = 1,60934 km/h
Important differences: US decimals in accordance to 1 m3/h = 4.403 gal/min (US) 1 gal/min (US) = 0,227 m3/h
SI-System = 3.666 gal/min (UK) 1 gal/min (UK) = 0,273 m3/h
e.g. 1 m = 100 cm = 100,00 cm (UK/US: 100.00 cm) = 0.5886 cu ft/min 1 cu ft/min = 28,317 liter/min
1 km = 1.000 m = 1.000,00 m (UK/US: 1,000.00 m) 1 kg/h = 0.0367 lb/min 1 lb/min = 27,216 kg/h
1 cu ft/h = 0,028317 m3/h
Sealings and Coatings
PTFE = polytetrafluoroethylene
PVDF = polyvinylidene fluoride Torsion
PFA = perfluoroalkoxy polyme 1 Nm = 0.723 lbf ft 1 lbf ft = 1,38 Nm
FPM 70 = fluor carbon rubber
WS 3822 = aramide and anorganic fibers as well as mineral
reinforcement materials bonded with NBR rubber Density
ECTFE = ethylene chlorotrifluoro etylene 1 kg/dm3 = 62.43 lb/cu ft 1 lb/cu ft = 0,016 kg/dm3
FEP = perfluoroethylene propylene

54 KA / 2 / 0507 / GB
Services and Spare Parts

Safety devices are installed to prevent damage. The Technical Advice

requirements need to be defined as early as the engineer-
Experienced PROTEGO® professionals are available to answer
ing stage so that a suitable device can be specified. After
the many and complex questions regarding application. They
delivery and startup, function must be ensured at all times. The
are trained to consider issues relating to process engineering
comprehensive PROTEGO® program range requires preventive
from a safety perspective. Standard and tailored solutions are
services, assistance during start-up, and qualified maintenance
generated based on current regulations and state-of-the-art
for long term trouble-free operation.

By offering continuing education and regular training for the
employees of our domestic and foreign customers, we make
sure that state-of-the-art knowledge is incorporated into system
engineering. We regularly conduct training seminars that cover
the theory of technical fundamentals, examples of applications
and practice in installing and servicing PROTEGO® devices.
The seminars can be offered either at our place of business or
at the customers.

Research and Development

Our R&D center continuously reviews and develops our devices
and incorporates product features relevant to safety engineer-
ing. In addition, we develop devices jointly with the customer
for customer-specific requirements. The result: Continuous im-
provement of the performance and quality of flame arresters and
valves as well as superior knowledge from basic research, which
is incorporated into the design of process engineering systems.

Installation and Servicing

We value service and maintenance just as highly as
product quality. Qualified operating and service instructions are
sufficient for trained professional technicians to perform
maintenance tasks. We can provide our trained field service
technicians for installation and servicing, or you can use our
authorized workshops. The key is trained personnel who are
sufficiently prepared for their tasks in our manufacturing plant.
Trained qualified professional shops are given a certificate and
are authorized to perform maintenance on PROTEGO® devices.
We will provide you with contacts in your region.

Spare Parts Service

We have original spare parts for you in our headquarter as
well as in support centers worldwide. Original spare parts and
regular servicing tailored to the respective operating conditions
guarantee trouble-free operation.

for safety and environment

KA / 2 / 0507 / GB 55
Germany USA Spain

Braunschweiger Flamefilter GmbH 497 Jessen Lane Pintor Serra Santa, 19

Industriestraße 11 Charleston, SC 29492 08860 Castelldefels
38110 Braunschweig
phone: +1-843-284 03 00 phone: +34-93-6 34 21 65
phone: +49(0)5307-809-0 fax: +1-843-284 03 04 fax: +34-93-6 64 44 64
fax: +49(0)5307-7824
email: email:
Great Britain Netherlands

Studio 1, Europa House Europa Way Britannia Blei 23

Enterprise Park 1261 PG Blaricum
Lichfield, Staffordshire, WS14 9TZ
phone: +31-35-5 26 35 78
phone: +44-15 43-42 06 60 fax: +31-35-5 26 74 13
fax: +44-15 43-42 06 63

Hungary Switzerland
PROTEGO Ungarn Kft. Ramseyer AG

3515 Miskolc-Egyetemvaros Industriestraße 32

phone: +36-46-381 815
fax: +36-46-381 816 phone: +41-31-7 44 00 00
fax: +41-31-7 41 25 55

PROTEGO Austria S.I.D. Steiblé Ingenierie et Distribution SARL
Armaturen- und Apparatetechnik GmbH
43 Rue Jacques Mugnier
Industriestraße B 16 68200 Mulhouse
2345 Brunn am Gebirge
phone: +33-3-89 60 62 70
phone: +43-22 36-3 27 20 fax: +33-3-89 60 62 75
fax: +43-22 36-3 27 21 12

Brasil Middle East

PROTEGO-LESER do Brasil Ltda. PROTEGO Middle East

Rua Montevideu 486 - Penha Emaar Building 2, 5th floor, office no. 0567,
CEP 21020-290 Rio de Janeiro RJ Sheikh Zayed Road (P.O. Box. 261505)
Dubai, UAE
phone: +55-21-25 73 50 90
fax: +55-21-25 73 82 81 phone: +971-4-3 68 98 94
fax: +971-4-4 68 98 95

India China
PROTEGO Equipment Pvt., Ltd. PROTEGO China

R-665, TTC. Industrial Area MIDC, Rabale Room 730A, German Centre, No. 88 Keyuan Rd.
Navi Mumbai, 400 701 Shanghai, 201203

phone: +91-22-27 69 11 56 phone: +86-21-28 98 65 58

fax: +91-22-27 69 20 85 fax: +86-21-28 98 65 90

email: email:

for safety and environment

KA / 2 / 0507 / GB

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