Unit 2 EC question bank
Unit 2 EC question bank
Unit 2 EC question bank
Unit II Question Bank
Part A
1. Why do we choose Q point at the centre of the load line?
2. When does a transistor act as a switch?
3. What do you mean by thermal runaway?
4. Which transistor configuration is widely used?
5. In a CB configuration the emitter current IE is 10mA and collector current IC is 9.8mA.
Find the value of base current.
6. In a CB configuration the emitter current IE is 6.28mA and collector current IC is 6.20mA.
Determine the common base dc current gain.
7. The transistor has IE=10mA and α=0.98. Determine the values of IB and IC.
8. If a transistor has α=0.97 find the value of β.
9. If a transistor has β =200 find the value of α.
10. Derive the relationship between α and β.
11. Brief the need for keeping the operating point of the transistor fixed.
12. Identify the various factors that should be considered for selecting the operating point Q
of an amplifier.
13. Define the stability factor S of a fixed bias circuit.
14. Justify why fixed bias circuit is not used in practice.
15. Why compensation techniques are need in transistor biasing.
16. Explain thermal runaway.
17. Draw the circuit to show that diode can be used to compensate the ICO
18. Explain the effect of emitter resistance on the stability and performance of transistor
19. Find the Q point of the fixed bias circuit for given Rb and Rc
20. Compare the different biasing circuits of a transistor.
21. Find the value of Rb and RC of fixed bias circuit for the given values of IC and VCE
22. Apply the concept of Miller’s theorem to show its effect on the frequency response of an
23. How do you apply thermistor to increase stability in a CE-BJT amplifier circuit?
24. Illustrate the main idea of compensation techniques.
Part B
1. Compare the performance of a transistor in three different configuration.
2. Explain the input and output characteristics of a transistor in CB configuration.
3. Which configuration is called as emitter follower and why it is called so?
4. Explain the operation of NPN transistor in CE configuration with its input and output
characteristics. Also explain cutoff, saturation and active region.
5. The figure shows the voltage divider bias method. Draw the DC load line and
determine its operating point. Assume the transistor to be of silicon with β = 100.
Also, calculate IE, VCE, and stability factor, S.
6. Elucidate various compensation techniques used in transistor amplifiers to maintain
operating point stable.
7. Find the value of the emitter current IE , VCE and VC for the given circuit parameters
8. For the given circuit with silicon transistor and B =100, draw the dc load lone, find its
stability factor and Q point