daily expences

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Income and Expenses

Income Expense Account Overall

Account Date Description Category
Money IN Money OUT Balance Balance
Cash 9/30/20 ATM [Balance] 5,000.00 5,000.00 5,000.00
Cash 9/30/20 Hospital Utilities 1,500.00 3,500.00 3,500.00
Cash 9/30/20 Sajan dhai Dining 600.00 2,900.00 2,900.00
Cash 9/30/20 Online shoping Groceries 1,600.00 1,300.00 1,300.00
Cash 10/10/20 To/From Savings [Balance] 600.00 1,900.00 1,900.00
Cash 10/10/20 shoping [Balance] 100.00 1,800.00 1,800.00
Cash 10/10/20 shoping Utilities 320.00 1,480.00 1,480.00
Cash 10/10/20 shoping Utilities 160.00 1,320.00 1,320.00
Cash 10/09/20 shoping Utilities 600.00 720.00 720.00
Cash 10/09/20 shoping Utilities 100.00 620.00 620.00
Cash 10/12/20 shoping Utilities 430.00 1,050.00 1,050.00
Cash 10/12/20 shoping Utilities 150.00 900.00 900.00
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Total Err:508 Err:508 900.00

© 2017 by Vertex42.com https://www.vertex42.com/ExcelTemplates/income-and-expense-worksheet.html

Accounts Categories Descriptions Date

Cash [Balance] Beginning Balance Fri 12/6/24

Checking [Transfer] To/From Savings Thu 12/5/24
Savings Cell phones To/From Cash Wed 12/4/24
Credit Dining To/From Checking Tue 12/3/24
Fun To/From Credit Mon 12/2/24
Gas Paycheck Sun 12/1/24
Groceries Jay's Auto Mart Sat 11/30/24
Insurance ATM Fri 11/29/24
Interest Expense Smith's Thu 11/28/24
Interest Income Hospital Wed 11/27/24
Misc Sajan dhai Tue 11/26/24
Offerings Mon 11/25/24
Rent Sun 11/24/24
Savings Sat 11/23/24
Tithing Fri 11/22/24
https://www.vertex42.com/ExcelTemplates/income-and-expense-worksheet.html © 2017-2019 Vertex42 LLC

About this Template

This spreadsheet was designed as a very basic worksheet for tracking your
money. It also lets you list the account in case you want to track your cash,
checking, and credit transactions all within the same register.

For more advanced money tracking systems, see the templates listed below.

To learn how to use Pivot Tables to analyze your income and expense based
on account, category, or date, see the following blog article:

Vertex42 Blog: Using Pivot Tables to Analyze Income and Expenses

Getting Started
The first lines in the Register table should be the beginning balances or carry-
forward balances for each of the accounts you are tracking. If the account has
a positive balance, enter the amount in the Income column. If the account has
a negative balance (like a credit card), enter the amount as a positive number
in the Expense column.

When adding, deleting, inserting, copying, or pasting transactions in the

Register, you will have fewer errors or problems if you delete/insert/copy/paste
the entire row. This is done by first right-clicking on the Row number.

Note: The formula in the Balance column will not work if you leave a blank row
between entries in the table.

Extending the Table (Adding More Rows)

Use the Table drag-handle in the lower-right corner of the table to expand the
table down as many rows as you need. The formulas for the balance columns
should update automatically, but if they don't, you'll need to copy the formulas
down into the new rows you added.

Customize the Drop-Down Lists

Edit the lists in the Settings worksheet to control what shows up in the drop-
down lists.

Deleting a Transaction
To delete a transaction, right-click on the Row number and select "Delete
Row". If you select the Row number and press the Delete key, it will only clear
the contents of the row, instead of removing the entire row.

Additional Help
The link at the top of this worksheet will take you to the web page on
vertex42.com that talks about this template.
Related Templates and Resources

► Money Tracker for Mobile Excel

► Money Management Template

► Account Register Template

► How to Make a Budget with a Spreadsheet

► 12 Principles of Personal Finance

► More Budget Templates

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