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Q1) a) What is synchronization?

Operating system support and programming

Language support for synchronization. [6]

b) What is inter process communication? Explain pipes and shared memory.


c) What are classical synchronization problems? Explain any one in detail.


Q2) a) What is deadlock? Explain its characteristics with example. [6]

b) What are different methods of handling deadlock? Explain deadlock

detection with example. [6]

c) Consider a system that contains five processes P1, P2, P3, P4, P5 and the
three resource types A, B and C. Following are the resources types: A has 10,
B has 5 and the resource type C has 7 instances. Determine if the system is

safe or not. [6]

Q1) a) What is a deadlock? State and explain the conditions for deadlock to
Occur. [6]

b) Write the structure of Producer-Consumer problem in bounded buffer using

semaphore. Discuss how critical section requirements are fulfilled?[6]

c) What is semaphore? Explain the concept of binary semaphore. [5]OR

Q2) a) State and explain in brief different methods of handling deadlock. [6]

b) What is Readers-Writers problem? How Reader and Writer processes

synchronize? [6]

c) What is monitor? Explain the concept of monitor with example. [5]

Q1) a) What is Readers/Writers problem? Explain with suitable example. [8]

b) What is deadlock detection and recovery? Explain two options of deadlock

recovery. [6]
c) What do you mean by pipe? Explain anonymous and named/FIFO pipe.

Q2) a) What is Producer-Consumer Problem? How to solve it using

Semaphores And Mutex. [8]

b) Write a short note on (Any Two) [10]

i) Mutual Exclusion
ii) Inter-process Communication
iii) Semaphores

Q1) a) What is deadlock detection and recovery? Explain two options of

Deadlock recovery. [6]

b) What is the producer consumer problem? How to solve it using semaphore

and Mutex? [6]

c) What are different types of classical synchronization problems? Explain

any one in detail. [6] OR

Q2) a) What is Inter Process Communication? Why it is important for

operating System. [6]

b) Write short note on critical section, Monitors and mutex. [6]

c) What do you mean by pipe? Explain anonymous and named/FIFO pipe. [6]

Q3) a) Explain the virtual memory system with suitable diagram. [6]

b) Explain the basic method for implementing paging. Draw the paging
model of logical and physical memory. [6]

c) What is swapping? Does swapping increase the Operating system’s

overheads? [6] OR

Q4) a) Explain the differences between: [6]

i) Logical and physical address space

ii) Paging and segmentation

b) What is internal fragmentation and external fragmentation? How are they

reduced? [6]
c) What are advantages of partitioning the memory? What are different ways
memory partitioning?

Q3) a) Explain segmentation with suitable diagram. [6]

b) How sharing and protection is provided in a paging system? Explain with

suitable diagram. [6]

c) Explain with example first-fit, best-fit and worst-fit memory allocation

techniques. [6]

Q4) a) Explain paging with suitable diagram. [6]

b) Write a short note on swapping. [6]

c) What are the advantages and disadvantages of fixed and dynamic

partitioning of memory? When there is a need of compaction? [6]

Q3) a) List the page replacement algorithms and explain LRU in detail. [7]

b) Explain Buddy system memory allocation with suitable example. [6]

c) Write a short note on Segmentation. [4]OR

Q4) a) Explain the concept of Virtual Memory. [7]

b) Differentiate between paging and segmentation. [6]

c) Explain Fixed Partitioning with suitable example. [4]

Q3) a) Explain the following term : [6]

i) Compaction
ii) Belady’s anomaly
iii) Thrashing

b) Why is the principle of locality crucial to use of virtual memory? Explain

with example. [6]

c) Reference String 1 2 3 2 1 5 2 1 6 2 5 6 3 1 3 6 1 2 4 3. Execute LRU and

OPR on above string. Consider page frame of 3 pages Write page hit and
page faults if any. [5] OR

Q4) a) Write and explain algorithms for : [6]

i) Allocating region
ii) Freeing region

b) Differentiate between : [6]

i) Internal and external fragmentation
ii) Fixed and variable size partitioning

c) Explain in brief what is paging and segmentation. How logical physical

Address Translation is done in both. [5]

Q5) a) List and explain file types and file access methods. [6]

b) What are different disk scheduling policies? Explain SCAN and CSCAN with
example. [6]

c) Explain how free space management is done by Operating Sytem? [5]OR

Q6) a) What are different disk scheduling policies? Explain LIFO and SCAN
With example. [6]

b) Given memory partition of 100K, 500K, 200K, 300K and 600K(in order).
How would each of First fit, best fit and worst fit algorithm place Processes of
size 212K, 417K, 112K, 426K (in order)? Which also makes The most efficient
use of memory. [6]

c) What is Directory? Explain directory implementation and allocation

methods. [5]

Q5) a) Which are different file organization techniques? Describe any one in
Brief. [6]

b) What is an I/O buffer? What is its use? [6]

c) Describe any one disk scheduling policy with an example. [5] OR

Q6) a) What are the file access methods? Explain them in detail. [6]

b) Describe working of FIFO and C-SCAN algorithms with suitable diagrams.


c) Write a note on free space management. [5]

Q5) a) What is file system? Explain File system implementation in detail. [8]

b) Define following term with respect to disk access [6]

i) Seek time
ii) Rotational Latency
iii) Data transfer time
c) Differentiate SCAN and C-SCAN disk scheduling policy. [4]. OR

Q6) a) Explain Directory structure with its types. [8]

b) Write a short note with respect to disk scheduling policies (Any Two)[10]

ii) LIFO
iii) STTF

Q5) a) What is file system? Explain File system implementation in detail. [6]

b) Explain following term with respect to directory structure [6]

i) Two level directory structure (with diagram)

ii) Tree structured Directories (with diagram)

c) Define following term with respect to disk access [6]

i) Seek time
ii) Rotational Latency
iii) Data transfer time. OR

Q6) a) Explain directory structure with types its types. Also discuss directory
Implementation in details. [6]

b) What is free space management (FSM)? Explain how bit vector and linked
list performs on FSM. [6]

c) What is the advantage of the double buffering scheme over single

buffering? [6]

Q7) a) What are goals of Linux? Also interfaces to linux. [6]

b) What is kernel? Explain structure of kernel. [6]

c) Explain various process management system calls in Linux with example.


Q8) a) Define the components of LINUX system with diagram. What is the
Responsibility of kernel in LINUX operating system? [6]

b) What are different Process management system calls in Linux. Explain

exec() and brk() in detail. [6]
c) Explain implementation of process and threads in Linux. [5]

Q7) a) How process and threads are implemented in Linux? Explain. [6]

b) How process scheduling is performed in Linux? [6]

c) What are goals of Linux? Also interfaces to linux. [6]OR

Q8) a) Explain process management system calls in Linux. [6]

b) Write a short note on kernel structure. [6]

c) Define the components of LINUX system with diagram. What is the

responsibility of kernel in LINUX operating system? [6]

Q7) a) Explain in detail the memory management in LINUX system. [7]

b) Explain system calls in Linux. [6]

c) Differentiate between Linux and Unix [4]OR

Q8) a) Explain Linux file system. [7]

b) Explain Linux Shell? [6]

c) Explain Linux booting process. [4]

Q7) a) Explain scheduling in [6]

i) Linux Operating Systems

ii) UNIX free BSD OS

b) Explain grep utility and its variations with examples. [5]

c) Explain system calls exec() and brk(). [6]


Q8) a) What are the requirements for Linux system administrator? Define the

Design principles of LINUX systems. [6]

b) Explain different types of hypervisors. [5]

c) Explain in detail the memory management in LINUX system. [6]

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