3.5 Sulphur and Its Compounds (1)-1-1
3.5 Sulphur and Its Compounds (1)-1-1
3.5 Sulphur and Its Compounds (1)-1-1
Table of Contents
Sulphur and its allotropes.................................................................................................................................. - 3 -
Extraction Of Sulphur: The Frasch process...........................................................................................- 3 -
Allotropes of Sulphur.......................................................................................................................................- 3 -
Rhombic Sulphur.......................................................................................................................................... - 4 -
Monoclinic Sulphur...................................................................................................................................... - 4 -
Physical Properties of Sulphur....................................................................................................................- 5 -
Effect of heat on sulphur........................................................................................................................... - 6 -
Chemical Properties of Sulphur..................................................................................................................- 6 -
Reaction of sulphur with oxygen, iron
powder and copper....................................................................................................................................... - 6 -
Reaction of sulphur with concentrated
acids....................................................................................................................................................................... - 7 -
Uses of Sulphur................................................................................................................................................... - 7 -
The Compounds of Sulphur............................................................................................................................... - 8 -
Oxides of Sulphur................................................................................................................................................... - 8 -
Sulphur(IV) Oxide, SO2.................................................................................................................................... - 8 -
Laboratory preparation of sulphur (IV)
oxide...................................................................................................................................................................... - 8 -
Physical Properties of Sulphur(IV) Oxide..........................................................................................- 8 -
Chemical Properties of Sulphur (IV)
Oxide..................................................................................................................................................................... - 9 -
Bleaching Action of Sulphur(IV) Oxide..........................................................................................- 9 -
Reducing Action of Sulphur(IV) Oxide........................................................................................- 10 -
Oxidising Action of Sulphur(IV) Oxide........................................................................................- 11 -
Sulphur (VI) Oxide, SO3................................................................................................................................ - 11 -
Preparation of Sulphur (VI) Oxide (SO3).........................................................................................- 11 -
Test for Sulphate and Sulphite ions........................................................................................................- 12 -
Uses of Sulphur(VI) Oxide......................................................................................................................- 13 -
Sulphuric (VI) acid.............................................................................................................................................. - 13 -
Large Scale Manufacture of Sulphuric(VI) Acid................................................................................- 13 -
Properties of Sulphuric(VI) acid..............................................................................................................- 15 -
Reactions of Dilute Sulphuric(VI) Acid.................................................................................................- 16 -
Reactions with metals..............................................................................................................................- 16 -
Reactions with carbonates.................................................................................................................... - 16 -
Reaction with metal oxides and hydroxides..................................................................................- 17 -
2 Inorganic Chemistry
By the end of the Chapter, the learner should be able to:
(a) Name the sources of sulphur.
(b) Describe the extraction of sulphur.
(c) Describe the preparation of the allotropes of sulphur.
(d) State the properties and uses of sulphur.
(e) Name and describe the preparation of the oxides of sulphur.
(f) State the properties and uses of the oxides of sulphur.
(g) Describe the contact process for the manufacture of sulphuric acid.
(h) Describe the properties and state the uses of sulphuric acid.
(i) Describe the preparation and state the properties of hydrogen sulphide.
(j) Explain pollution effects of sulphur containing compounds.
Sulphur also occurs in combination with other elements as sulphides and sulphates. The
sulphide ores include copper pyrites (CuFeS 2) and iron pyrites (FeS2).
The sulphate ores include gypsum (CaSO4.2H2O)and anhydrite (CaSO4). Petroleum gas
and coal mines contain sulphur in the form of hydrogen sulphide gas.
Water is heated to about 170°C under pressure of about 10 atmospheres and is forced
down the outermost pipe. The pressure ensures that the water remains in liquid
state at such high temperature.
Hot air at a pressure of 15 atmospheres is forced down the innermost pipe. This
produces a light froth consisting of a mixture of molten sulphur and water.
The high pressure forces the mixture up the middle pipe.
The mixture is run into large tanks on the surface where the sulphur solidifies at 115°C,
Separates from the water and is stored. Sulphur obtained this way in usually over 99%
Allotropes of Sulphur
Sulphur exhibits allotropy. The main allotropes are rhombic and monoclinic sulphur
Rhombic Sulphur
Rhombic sulphur is also referred to as octahedral or α-sulphur. It is a bright yellow
crystalline solid with an octahedral shape.
4 Inorganic Chemistry
Monoclinic Sulphur
Monoclinic sulphur is also referred to as prismatic or ß - sulphur. It is a pale yellow
crystalline solid. The crystals appear needle-like when observed using a hand lens. The
actual shape of the crystal is a hexagonal prism.
Place some powdered sulphur in an evaporating dish and heat gently until the sulphur
melts. Using a glass rod, stir and add more sulphur a little at a time until the dish is
almost full of molten sulphur.
Remove the source of heat and allow the sulphur to cool and form a crust on the
surface. Using a thin glass rod, carefully pierce two holes on widely separated points in
the crust as shown below .
Immediately pour out the molten sulphur. Remove the crust by cutting round the edge
of the dish with a knife. Use a hand lens to observe the crystals that have formed on the
underside of the crust.
Monoclinic sulphur has a melting point of 119°C and a density of 1.98 g/cm 3.
Below 96°C monoclinic sulphur gradually changes to rhombic sulphur. This
temperature of 96°C is the transition temperature for rhombic and monoclinic
The temperature at which one allotrope of an element changes to another is
called the transition temperature.
Non-crystalline – (amorphous) forms of Sulphur
Include plastic, colloidal, and powdery sulphur.
Plastic sulphur is prepared by heating powdered sulphur until it boils. The boiling
sulphur is then poured in a thin continuous stream into a beaker containing cold water.
Long elastic yellow threads of plastic sulphur are formed.
This form of sulphur is insoluble in carbon(IV) sulphide. It turns into hard rhombic
sulphur if left for a few days.
When dilute hydrochloric acid is added to a test-tube containing a dilute solution of
sodium thiosulphate, Na2S2O3, a yellow precipitate of colloidal sulphur is deposited.
N2S2O3,(aq) + 2HCl(aq) 2NaCl(aq) + H2O(l) + SO2(g) + S(s)
Powdery sulphur may be prepared by saturating distilled water with hydrogen
sulphide. The solution is then exposed to air. A white powder is deposited.
H2S(g) + Water H2S(aq)
2H2S(aq) + O2(g) 2H2O(l) + 2S(s)
pouring out. These changes are due to the breaking of the S 8 rings which join to
form long chains with over 100,000 atoms of sulphur. As the chains entangle
with one another, the viscosity of the liquid increases.
Above 160°C, the liquid darkens further and becomes almost black. Near the
boiling point the liquid becomes more mobile. This is due to the breaking of the long
chains to shorter chains.
The liquid boils at 444°C and forms a reddish-brown vapour consisting of S 8, S6 and S2
molecules which cools to form a yellow sublimate. This sublimate is known as “flowers
of sulphur” and consists mainly of S8 rings.
The moist blue litmus paper turns red indicating that the oxides produced
when sulphur burns are acidic.
Sulphur combines directly with some elements to form sulphides.
When a mixture of sulphur, and iron powder is heated, a highly exothermic
reaction occurs. Once the reaction has started at one point, the glow spreads
through the mixture without further heating, forming iron(II) sulphide. This is
because the heat produced during the reaction is high enough to sustain
the reaction.
Hot powdered copper similarly combines with heated sulphur forming copper(I)
Sulphur also combines with some non-metals such as carbon and hydrogen
forming non-metallic sulphides.
Carbon combines with sulphur at high temperatures to form carbon(IV) sulphide.
Hydrogen combines with sulphur to form hydrogen sulphide.
Uses of Sulphur
8 Inorganic Chemistry
Oxides of Sulphur
Sulphur forms two oxides namely sulphur(IV) oxide, SO 2, and sulphur(VI) oxide SO3.
Red brown acidified bromine water is decolourised when reacted with sulphur(IV) oxide.
The bromine water is reduced to hydrobromic acid as the sulphur(IV) oxide is oxidised to
The nitric(V) acid is reduced to nitrogen(IV) oxide while the sulphuric(IV) acid is oxidised
to sulphuric(VI) acid. When a solution of barium chloride is added to the mixture, a white
precipitate of barium sulphate is formed indicating the presence of sulphate, ions.
(Iv) A burning splint is lowered into a gas jar containing Sulphur (IV)
When a burning splint is lowered into a test-tube containing sulphur(IV) oxide, it is put
off showing that the gas does not support combustion or burn. However, in the presence
of a catalyst, the gas is oxidised to sulphur(VI) oxide.
Explain the observations made when a gas jar of dry hydrogen sulphide gas
is inverted over a test-tube containing Sulphur(IV) Oxide and a few drops of
water added.
When a gas jar of dry hydrogen sulphide gas is inverted over a test-tube containing dry
sulphur(IV) oxide, there is no observable change. When a few drops of water are added
into each gas jar and the mixture is shaken, a yellow deposit of sulphur is produced.
2H2S(g) + SO2(g) 3S(s) + 2H2O(l)
The reaction only takes place when the gases are moist. Sulphur(IV) oxide acts as an
oxidising agent.
Other Methods
Decomposing of sodium hydrogen sulphate.
Discussion Questions
1. State the purpose of the following in the set up.
(a) Concentrated sulphuric(VI) acid.
Sulphur(IV) oxide and oxygen gases are dried by passing them through
concentrated sulphuric(VI) acid
(b) Freezing salt ice mixture.
The sulphur(VI) oxide is cooled by the freezing salt-ice mixture and it solidifies.
(c) Anhydrous calcium chloride.
Since sulphur(VI) oxide is deliquescent, calcium chloride is used to keep it free
from moisture
2. Write an equation for the reaction that takes place in the combustion
2SO2(g)+ O2(g) 2SO3(s)
3. Comment on the method of collection of sulphur(VI) oxide.
The sulphur(VI) oxide is cooled by the freezing salt-ice mixture and it solidifes.
This allows it to be collected as illustrated.
The raw materials for its manufacture are sulphur(IV) oxide and air.
Sulphides or sulphur are burnt in air to produce sulphur(IV) oxide.
Burning of sulphur is the most convenient method of producing
sulphur(IV) oxide.
S(s) + O2(g) SO2(g)
The sulphur(IV) oxide contains dust particles as impurities.
The impurities reduce the surface area of the catalyst, thus impairing its
efficiency. These impurities are said to poison the catalyst.
The dust impurities are removed by electrostatic precipitation.
The mixture of gases is passed through concentrated sulphuric(VI) acid in order to
dry it.
After purification, the gaseous mixture is pre-heated in the heat exchanger to attain
suitable reaction temperature before being passed into the catalytic chamber.
In the catalytic chamber, sulphur(IV) oxide and oxygen react to form sulphur(VI)
(b)Sugar crystals.
When concentrated sulphuric(VI) acid is added to sugar crystals, the crystals are
charred to a black mass.
Hydrogen sulphide is formed when dilute hydrochloric acid is added to iron(II) sulphide.
FeS(s) + 2HCl(aq) FeCl2(aq) + H2S(g)
However, any metal sulphide, and dilute acid can be used to prepare hydrogen sulphide
The gas is collected over warm water since it dissolves in cold water.
The gas can be dried by passing it through a U-tube packed with anyhydrous calcium
The gas cannot be dried using concentrated sulphuric(VI) acid because it
would be oxidised to sulphur.
3H2S(g) + H2SO4(l) 4S(s) + 4H2O(l)
Aqueous hydrogen sulphide is a weak dibasic acid. It forms two types of salts, the
hydrogen sulphides, and the sulphides, e.g., sodium hydrogen sulphide (NaHS) and
sodium sulphide (Na2S).
Review Exercises
1. 2006 Q 6
In an experiment to study the properties of concentrated sulphuric acid, a mixture
of the acid and wood charcoal was heated in a boiling tube.
(a) Write the equation of the reaction that took place in the boiling tube.
(1 mark)
(b) Using oxidation numbers, show that reduction and oxidation reactions took
place in the boiling tube.
(2 marks)
2. 2006 Q 16
When hydrogen sulphide gas was bubbled into an aqueous solution of iron (III)
chloride, a yellow precipitate was deposited.
(c) What type of reaction was undergone by hydrogen by hydrogen sulphide in this
(1 mark)
3. 2006 Q 27 P1
Study the flow chart below and answer the questions that follow.
4. 2006 Q 4 P2
(a) The diagram below shows some processes that take place during the industrial
manufacture of sulphuric acid.
(i) Write the equation for the reaction in which sulphur dioxide gas is produced.
22Inorganic Chemistry
(1 mark)
(ii) Why is it necessary to keep the gases pure and dry? (1
(v) State and explain the harmful effect on the environment of one of the gases
named in (iv) above
(1 mark)
(vi) Give one reason why it is necessary to use a pressure of 2-3 atmospheres
and not more.
(1 mark)
(b) (i) Complete the table below to show the observations made when concentrated
sulphuric acid is added to the substances shown. (2 marks)
Iron fillings
Crystals of white
(d) Suggest a reason why BaSO4(a pigment made from sulphuric acid) would be
suitable in making paint for cars.
(1 mark)
5. 2007 Q 30 P1
Below is a sketch of a graph showing the change in viscosity? (Ease of flow) with
temperature when solid sulphur is heated.
Describe what happens to the sulphur molecules when sulphur is heated from 150
°C to about 200 °C.
(2 marks)
6. 2008 Q 8 P1
(a) State the observation made at the end of the experiment when a mixture of
iron powder and sulphur is heated in a test tube.
(1 mark)
(b) Write an equation for the reaction the product in (a) above and dilute
hydrochloric acid.
(1 mark)
(c) When a mixture of iron powder and sulphur is heated, it glows more brightly
than that of iron fillings and sulphur. Explain this observation.
(1 mark)
7. 2008 Q 9 P1
Zinc reacts with both concentrated and dilute sulphuric (VI) acid. Write equations
for the two reactions.
(2 marks)
8. 2008 Q 30 P1
Crude oil contains sulphur. What would be the effect to the environment of using
fuel containing sulphur?
(1 mark)
9. 2009 Q 22 P1
A student added very dilute sulphuric (VI) acid to four substance and recorded the
observations shown in the table below.
(1 mark)
(c) Other than production of sulphuric (IV) acid, state one commercial use of
(1 mark)
11. 2011 Q 17 P1
The set up below was used to prepare a gas and study some of its properties.
Study it and answer the questions that follow:
12. 2011 Q 1 P2
The flow chart below shows some of the processes involved in large scale
production of sulphuric (VI) acid. Use it to answer the questions that follow.
(c) Vanadium (V) Oxide is a commonly used catalyst in the contact process.
(i) Name another catalyst which can be used for this process. (1
(ii) Give two reasons why vanadium (V) Oxide is the commonly used
(2 marks)
(d) State and explain the observation made when concentrated sulphuric acid is
added to crystals of copper (II) sulphate in a beaker.
(2 marks)
(e) The reaction of concentrated sulphuric (VI) acid with sodium chloride
produces hydrogen chloride gas. State the property of concentrated
sulphuric (VI) acid illustrated in this reaction.
(1 mark)
(b) Other than the manufacture of sulphuric (VI) acid, state other use of sulphur (IV)
(1 mark)
(b) In an experiment, sulphur (IV) oxide was dissolved in water to form solution L.
(i) What would be observed if a few drops of barium nitrate solution were
immediately added to solution L?
(1 mark)
(ii) Write an ionic equation for the reaction that occurred between solution L
and aqueous barium nitrate in (b) (i) above.
(1 mark)
15. 2013 Q3 P2
(a) The diagram below shows the Frasch process used for extraction of sulphur.
Use it to answer the question that follows.
(b) The diagram below shows part of the process in the manufacture of sulphuric (VI)
acid. Study it and answer the questions that follow.
(i) Write an equation for the formation of sulphur (IV) oxide from sulphur. (1
(ii) What is the role of concentrated sulphur (VI) acid in chamber A?
(1 mark)
(iii)Name two catalysts that can be used in the catalytic chamber B.
(2 marks)
(iv) State two roles of the heat exchanger. (1
(d) What observation will be made when a few drops of concentrated sulphuric (VI)
acid are added to crystals of sugar? Explain your answer.
(1 mark)
Identify Z and M. (2
28Inorganic Chemistry
(2 marks)
18. 2015 Q17 P1
(a) One of the allotropes of sulphur is rhombic sulphur, name the other allotrope.
(1 mark)
(b) Concentrated sulphuric (VI) acid reacts with ethanol and copper.
State the property of the acid shown in each case. (2
(i) Ethanol
(ii) Copper ............................................................................................
19. 2015 Q5 P2
(a) The set up below can be used to generate a gas without heating. This occurs
when substance M reacts with solid N.
(i) Complete the table below giving the names of substance M and solid N if
the gasses generated are chlorine and sulphur (IV) oxide.
(2 marks)
(ii) Complete the diagram above to show how a dry sample of sulphur (IV) oxide
can be collected. (2
(b) Describe two chemical methods that can be used to test the presence of sulphur
(3 marks)
(c) Other than the manufacture of sulphuric (VI) acid, state two uses of sulphur (IV)
(2 marks)
22. 2018 P1 Q 4.
One of the allotropes of sulphur is rhombic sulphur.
(a) Name the other allotrope of sulphur. (1
(b) Draw a diagram to show the shape of the allotrope named in (a) above.
(1 mark)
(c) Write an equation for the reaction between concentrated sulphuric(VI) acid and
(1 mark)