Unit 21 Art Therapy triangular relationship

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Journal of Survey in Fisheries Sciences 10(2S) 898-905 2023

The role of fine art "painting" in psychotherapy

“Art Therapy”
Dliar Qasim Mustafa
Lecturer at the College of Humanities, Department of Fine Arts, University of Duhok,
Kurdistan Region of Iraq, dliar.mustafa@uod.ac

Art is the expression of man or the application of his skills and creative imagination to produce
works that are appreciated primarily for their beauty or emotional strength and be in a visual form
such as painting or sculpture or a performance form such as dance, acting, singing and poetry...etc.
Therefore, art was used as a treatment to help a person overcome his psychological disorders,
disperse his negative thoughts, and transform them into creativity.
Keywords: art, therapy, drawing, psychological, therapist.
1 Introduction improving the psychological status of the
individual, whether they are children, adults,
Art is creativity from the production of human youth and the elderly.
work, which is from the human expression of
his thoughts, intuition, desires and feelings and 1.3 Research Hypothesis
their application in creating creative works,
whether they are visual, audio or kinetic. Since This research puts forward a hypothesis that art
the work of art is permanent and does not is used in psychotherapy, which is a type of
disappear, and it also expresses human feelings psychological treatment, through which the
more than describing them in words, the words individual can reflect his feelings and thoughts
may not express the inner world of the in the drawing, and thus the therapist can
individual as it expresses this world as a communicate with the patient more as they
painting from the depths of the shouting and discuss the drawings and the individual gains
screaming of this inner world of man, as the insight into that, and so on. Achieving progress
painting can be equivalent to thousands of in the psychological treatment of this
words . Therefore, art in its entirety, and plastic individual.
art in particular, was used in psychotherapy, as 1.4 Research Problem
it reflects the reflections of the individual's
personality, abilities, struggles, and interests. The idea of the problematic search stems from
an idea, where the research problem can be
1.2 Research Importance summarized through the following questions:
The importance of the research lies in the lack Is the use of fine art in psychotherapy
of research that dealt with the importance of important? Is there a relationship between
this subject by academics in the field of plastic psychotherapy and art? Has art been used in
painting and their focus on the creative works psychotherapy and has it shown beneficial
of plastic arts and the history of fine art more in results?
academic research. The importance of the 1.5 Research Methodology
research lies in showing the importance and
uses of fine art in psychotherapy and its help in In order to answer the research questions, we
will try to resort to the descriptive approach as

Journal of Survey in Fisheries Sciences 10(2S) 898-905 2023

it is the most flexible and comprehensive and scope of practice, their supervised
approach, so we will resort to it to achieve our education and training prepares them for
goal of the research. culturally proficient work with diverse
populations in a variety of settings. Honoring
1.6 Research Structure the values and beliefs of individuals, art
This research consists of two main sections. therapists work with people who face health
After the introduction, we will begin with the and mental challenges, as well as individuals
first section, which consists of three chapters, who seek emotional, creative, and spiritual
in which we talk about the concept of art growth.
therapy, the history of art therapy, and the Through integrative methods, art therapy
relationship between art as therapy and engages the mind, body, and spirit in ways that
psychotherapy with art. While the second topic, differ from verbal articulation alone.
which consists of three demands, also begins Kinesthetic, sensory, perceptual, and symbolic
with a discussion of the triangular relationship opportunities call for alternative modes of
between the therapist, the case and the artistic receptive and expressive communication,
work, the goals of art therapy and the use of which can overcome the limitations of
plastic art in treatment. Then we continue with language. Visual and symbolic expression
the conclusion, conclusions and gives voice to experience, enabling individual,
recommendations that we reached from this social and societal transformation. (The
research with a list of sources. American art therapy associations , 2017).
2 CHAPTER ONE 2.2 History of Art Therapy
2.1 Art Therapy The founder of art therapy is Adrian Keith
Art therapy is an integrative mental health and Graham Hill. In his 1945 book Art Versus
human services profession that enriches the Illness, Hill documents the birth of art therapy.
lives of individuals, families, and communities During the period of his treatment for
through active art making, the creative process, tuberculosis, which he was infected with and
applied psychological theory, and the human was being treated for in a sanatorium, Hill
experience within a psychotherapeutic became bored, so he began using some simple
relationship. drawing exercises for the purpose of breaking
the boredom routine in the sanatorium. Until
Art therapy, facilitated by a professional art Hill became using drawing as a way to break
therapist, effectively supports personal and boredom and express what he feels.
relational therapy goals as well as community
concerns. Art therapy is used to improve At the suggestion of Hill's doctor, Hill then
cognitive and sensory-motor functions, taught the art to a small group of patients
enhance self-esteem and self-awareness, recovering from tuberculosis at the sanitarium.
develop emotional resilience, enhance insight, This art therapy was considered a magical,
enhance social skills, reduce and resolve mysterious medicine that breaks boredom, and
conflict and distress, and promote societal and it was a form of escape that combines creativity
environmental change.(The American art and therapy, until Hill began organizing a
therapy associations , 2017). special art therapy program in this sanatorium.
(Hill, 1945, p.14)
Art therapists are master-level clinicians who
work with people of all ages across a wide Modern art therapy is based on the basic
range of practices. Guided by ethical standards principle that art can heal. Hill realized his

The role of fine art "painting" in psychotherapy
“Art Therapy”

potential with cases in sanitariums who were art. This path supports the idea of the process
recovering from tuberculosis during World of making art as a therapeutic process. It is also
War I. Hill used several techniques in order to considered This process is sometimes in art as
engage patients more in this program and therapy. Art production is viewed as an
increase their appreciation for art. For those opportunity for spontaneous, pure and
who were beginners in drawing, Hill unchanging self-expression while spontaneous,
encouraged them to make doodles. This simple and is an experience through which self-
task helped them build basic skills and increase realization, emotional compensation and
their confidence in their abilities. The degree of change can take place. This path is also
skill in drawing varied between patients from pervasive. The creative process itself can be a
one case to another, and Hill dealt with them health-promoting and growth-producing
according to their learning needs.(Hill, 1945, experience. (Therapeutic Interventions with
p.30-47)Many of them were initially Children,(2017),P.50).
apprehensive about art therapy, but Hill was
able to promote in each patient an appreciation While the second path, which is psychotherapy
of art and its treatment, as well as their physical with art, is based on the idea that art is a means
ailments. For one of them, a young Canadian of symbolic communication. This approach,
pilot who was on the verge of death, art therapy often referred to as art psychotherapy,
proved to be a stimulating and healing effort. emphasizes products—drawings, paintings,
Hale claims that by encouraging this young and other artistic expressions—as useful in
man to try his hand at watercolor painting, he communicating issues, feelings, emotions, and
actually extended his life.(Hill, 1945, p.59- conflicts. The artistic image that is produced
63)Hill coined the term "art therapy" in 1942. becomes important in enhancing the verbal
Although his work had humble beginnings, exchange between the person and the therapist
Hill's influence spread as more people joined and in achieving insight. Through therapeutic
him in promoting healing through the arts. In guidance and support, art can facilitate new
the mid-1940s, the National Tuberculosis understandings and ideas, and can help resolve
Prevention Society implemented a special art conflicts, solve problems, and craft new
therapy program in more than seventy hospitals perceptions that, in turn, lead to positive
and sanatoriums. This was only the beginning changes, growth, and healing for the person.
of Hale's vision. In 1964 the British Association In fact, most therapists who practice art therapy
of Art Therapists was established. which Hill, incorporate both art as therapy and art
along with other influential members of art psychotherapy into their work to varying
therapy, was instrumental in paving the way for degrees. On the other hand, the idea that
future generations of art therapists. Today, Hill making art can be a healing process and that art
is an inspiration to anyone who wants to products convey information relevant to
conquer an illness with some guidance and a healing is important. Therapists may differ in
little creativity.(Hill, 1945, p.105) their approach from one area to another,
2.3 Art as Therapy and Art in Therapy depending on their philosophy and the person's
art therapy needs and goals. (Therapeutic
Since the advent of art therapy until its Interventions with Children,(2017),P.50).
development, it has been on two parallel paths:
art as a therapy and psychotherapy with art. Art 3 Chapter Two
as a therapy involves full confidence and belief 3.1 The triangular relationship between the art
in the healing process inherent in the therapist, the case and the artwork
performance of the creative process of making

Journal of Survey in Fisheries Sciences 10(2S) 898-905 2023

This dynamic in art therapy is often referred to therapeutic relationship. Within the supportive
as the triangular relationship. Within this environment fostered by the therapist-client
triangular relationship, greater or lesser relationship, it becomes possible for
emphasis can be placed on each axis (for individuals to create images and objects with
example, between the client and his art work or the express purpose of exploring and sharing
between the client and the art therapist) during the meaning they might hold for them; By these
a single session or over time. means the client may gain a better
understanding of himself and the nature of the
The importance given to these respective difficulties or distress he is facing. This, in turn,
positions is central to the whole question of may lead to a positive and lasting change in the
where healing or therapeutic change occurs in client's sense of self, their current relationships,
art therapy. That is, whether this is due and their overall quality of life. creativity
primarily to the creative process itself, to the provides a way to “come to terms with, or find
nature of the relationship forged between client symbolic solutions to, the notions and inner
and therapist or, as many art therapists in the disconnects that all human beings suffer to
UK are now arguing, to a combination of these varying degrees.( Schaverien, J. (1990),p.14-
factors. (Wood, C. (1990), p.7-13). 19).
This dynamic in art therapy is often referred to 3.2 The goal of art therapy:
as the triangular relationship, and in this
triangular relationship more or less focus can be The American Art Therapy Association
placed on each axis (for example, between the (AATA 2004) stated that the goals of art
client and their artwork or between the client therapy are different according to the needs of
and the art therapist) during a single session or the individual, which are determined by the art
over time. therapist, including some of the goals:
1. Enabling a person to control himself from the
inside out after he used to control himself from
the outside to the inside.
2. Changing the personal self and improving its
3. Changing the status from disabled to creative
4. Enable the case to have personal
independence and make his own decision.
Within this triangular relationship, greater or
lesser emphasis can be placed on each axis (for 5. Enable the situation to establish the spirit of
example, between the client and his art work or personal identity.
between the client and the art therapist) during 6. Helping the case to reduce social isolation.
a single session or over time. (Case, C.
(1990),p.20-26). 7. Improving the individual's social relations
and focusing on developing his social skills.
In practice, art therapy includes both the
process of making the image and its outputs 8. Develop manual and motor skills of the case.
(from crude scribbling to more complex forms
of symbolic expression) and providing a

The role of fine art "painting" in psychotherapy
“Art Therapy”

9. Improving the mental focus of the situation the results of drawing therapy on children,
through: imagination, focus and the use of female adolescents who were victims of sexual
visual memory. violence, and their ages ranged from "8 to 17"
years. The treatment lasted for eight weeks in
(Sadiq ,(1982),p. 412) points out that art Each week, the duration of the treatment
therapy is a non-verbal method of great benefit session was one hour, and the results of this
with cases that need treatment. These means are study were the effective effect of drawing
excellent outlets for expressing feelings and therapy to reduce anxiety, depression, anger
ideas without relying on verbal expression in a and post-traumatic stress associated with
direct manner. Moreover, these situations give sexual violence since childhood. The
the mentally handicapped the opportunity to researcher also mentioned that this type of
know his capabilities and abilities, and also violence is a non-verbal type, such as drawing
give him the opportunity to obtain the therapy, which is considered a non-verbal
appreciation of the therapist or the group he treatment. Therefore, this could be a reason for
works with. treating this type of problem, as it is considered
3.3 The use of fine art in therapy an expressive treatment through which the
patient or the case can express what he feels
Fine art has been used in therapy by inside him through His drawing of this feeling,
psychologists, psychotherapists, clinicians, also it could be that these victims are not able
social workers, educational and psychological to describe their feeling with words that is why
counsellors, teachers of children and adults, their practice of drawing therapy could be a
and family teachers. way through which they can describe what they
In this research, we will present some results of feel.( Pifalo, T. (2006),p.181-185)
some studies that have succeeded and proved 3. In the use of drawing therapy for addicts, the
the effectiveness and importance of art therapy. study of Colgan et al. (2008) proved that the use
Through this research, we will present the of art, "drawing", which took place in group
results of one study from each category, such as sessions with female addicts, accelerated their
the use of art therapy with victims of violence, recovery process, as they studied 17 addicted
children with disorders, and other groups. females, and during drawing treatment they
(Brown, et al, 2001). expressed what they felt. And this helped them
1. Where drawing therapy was used with accelerate their treatment of addiction.(
mental patients in the study of Drapeau and Calligan, H.,Washington, O. and Moxley, D.
Krunch (2007) to find out the benefit of group (2008),p,287-295).
drawing therapy for this category of patients 4. As for the use of drawing therapy with cancer
who suffer from mental and psychological patients, in the study of Visser and Hogg
problems, and the Drapeau and Krunch study "2008" drawing therapy was applied with
proved the positive change of cases after breast cancer patients and they were "35" cases,
treatment with drawing, and the study proved and the study proved that the use of drawing
that drawing therapy has A positive effect in the therapy with these cases helped them express
treatment of mental patients and is not their situation and changed their situation for
considered a secondary treatment, but it can be the better After using the drawing therapy
a primary treatment.( Drapeau, M. and Kronish, program, it had a long-term effect on these
N. (2007),p.76-81). cases, as it increased their desire to live and
2. Drawing therapy was also used with victims resist this disease.( Visser, A., Hoog, M.
of violence, as the Bfalo study "2006" showed (2008),p.80-84).

Journal of Survey in Fisheries Sciences 10(2S) 898-905 2023

5. Whereas in the use of drawing therapy for in expressing the pain and sorrow they feel
autistic patients, Martin’s 2008 study proved through their artwork.( Rebekah, L.
that the use of art therapy with children who (2007),p.156-162).
were autistic was aimed at focusing the child on
artistic work so that he could address his lack 8. Painting therapy was used with parents who
of communication, just as drawing is non- suffer from sorrows and pains, as Locke's study
communication. Verbal, through drawing, he "2007" demonstrated the benefit of art therapy
can communicate with psychological comfort with parents who suffer from trauma such as
with whomever he wants. This study also the death of children, children's illness and
demonstrated the improvement of the autistic other griefs. The results of this study proved the
patient's marginal skills through this drawing importance of art therapy for parents and the
therapy, and the improvement of his non-verbal amount of The positive impact on them and the
communication from the social point of view, contribution of drawing therapy in accelerating
and his greater expression of his feelings and their recovery from these sorrows, as they
more easily through this treatment. Therefore, express these sorrows through artistic works.(
the results of this study were positive because Luck, J. (2007),EDT. 04232007 – 124952).
drawing therapy has a significant impact on 9. Fine art therapy was also used with
autistic patients.( Martin, N. (2008),p.15-23). imprisoned persons, as Hans's study of "2008"
6. While drawing therapy was used with the demonstrated the benefits of using art therapy
elderly, as Stefanon's study in 2006 proved that with these cases by the art therapist, who was
art therapy "drawing" was a source of strength able through his treatment program to evaluate
for the elderly who were subject to the study, as the cases and know their behavior and
they reflected their abilities and experiences in intentions, as he was able through this program
life through their artistic work, as this allowed to discover Cases that intend to commit suicide
them Work is the opportunity to express or harm themselves inside prisons.( Hanes, M.
themselves and their perception of life, and the (2008),p78-84).
drawing therapy made them feel the value of 4. Conclusion
their artistic work, being a valuable work, and
made them feel that there is someone who hears Art is of great importance in many fields, as
them and they can talk to him, and it is the work well as in the psychological aspect of man, even
through which they express what they want to if man imagines the opposite, as the human
talk about.( Stephenson, R. (2006),p.24-28). influence of songs and music is clear, and art is
included in the primary educational means of
7. In the use of drawing art therapy with man since his childhood, such as children’s
children who have experienced grief, the study songs, stories, and preliminary drawings of the
of Rebekah "2007" used art therapy "drawing" child. These are the primary educational means
with children who were affected by the that he learns from. The child loves and
"Tsunami" events in Sri Lanka in 2004 when expresses himself. Therefore, in our study, we
more than 30 thousand people died, and the reached several results and recommendations
children who were studied were Survivors of that show us the importance of using art,
these events who were not given the especially plastic art, in human psychological
opportunity to hear how they feel. The study treatment, including the following:
sample consisted of "113" children, whose ages
ranged from 5 to 13 years. The study proved the 4.1 Results
effectiveness and positivity of drawing therapy 1. Studies have proven the effectiveness of art
with these children and the amount of their help therapy, especially plastic art therapy, in

The role of fine art "painting" in psychotherapy
“Art Therapy”

positively changing many cases of many materials in the educational system as it is a

psychological disorders. program through which the student can express
what he feels more than words and so that we
2. Fine art has a major role in contributing to can educate students about these modern
the development of the mental patient's treatment programs For the purpose of using it
condition for the better. in some stages of life in which they need
3. Fine art is a non-verbal communication treatment programs that help them with the
through which the psychopath can difficulties of life.
communicate more comfortably with 4. I recommend academics in particular and
whomever he wants through his artistic work. those interested in general in the Kurdistan
4. The psychological patient is able to describe region of Iraq to increase awareness lectures
what he feels or what he wants to express and education courses on the art therapy
through the artistic work that he performs program to educate the community and
through the plastic art therapy program. specialists more about this program and its
benefits and positive results.
5. Art therapy is one of the modern treatment
methods that the art therapist can use as a main References
treatment program.
1. Case, C. (1990) The triangular relationship
6. The psychological patient can dispel his (3): The Image as mediator. Inscape,
negative thoughts and overcome his winter, 20-26.
psychological problem through the art therapy 2. Hill, Adrian. (1945). Art Versus Illness.
program that the art therapist uses with him. London: George Allen and Unwin.p.3-
4.2 Recommendations 105.
3. Schaverien, J. (1990) The Triangular
1. I recommend that psychological treatment Relationship (2): Desire, alchemy and the
centers and hospitals in the Kurdistan region of picture. Inscape, 1990, winter, 14-19
Iraq include art therapy programs in their 4. Wood, C. (1990) The triangular
treatment programs, rely on them, and give relationship (1): The beginnings and
them a major and non-secondary role in endings of art therapy relationships.
treatment and benefit from this program more. Inscape, 1990, winter, 7-13.
2. I recommend that psychologists in the 5. The American Art Therapy
Kurdistan Region of Iraq who deal with cases Association,(2017)
more rely more on the plastic art therapy https://www.arttherapy.org/upload/2017_
program and use it with cases and their DefinitionofProfession.pdf.
recommendations for cases to use this program 6. American Art Therapy Association (2004):
for the purpose of making more use of it as a Annual Report, Mundelein,
program that was able to prove its positive Illinois.http://www.arttherapy.org.
results in psychological treatment for various 7. Brown, A., Colon, E. Garman, N. and
cases. Chambliss, C. (2001):Educational
Applications of Art Therapy: Increasing
3. I recommend the educational and teaching collegiality within Campus Residential
authorities of the Kurdistan Regional Areas, Ed. 456369,
Government of Iraq in schools, institutes and from,www.eric.ed.gov.
universities to pay more attention to this 8. Therapeutic Interventions with
program and include it within the teaching Children,(2017),unit4, art therapy ,P.50

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