Final_Draft_MST with solution
Final_Draft_MST with solution
Final_Draft_MST with solution
Fig. 1
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b) The Stress Vs Strain diagram of two different class of the material is given in Fig. 2.Suggest & 5
identify, kind of chip formation, suitable rake angle (+ve or –ve) of single point cutting tool
(Answer as per Table 1).
Table 1
Material Type of chip Suitable rake angle
Fig. 2
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Q.2 In an automobile manufacturing company, a high-strength steel rod with an initial length of 150 12
a) mm and a diameter of 26 mm needs to be turned down to a final diameter of 22 mm using a lathe
machine. The machining process is conducted in multiple passes with a 1 mm depth of cut. The
lathe spindle operates at 600 revolutions per minute and the tool advancing at a linear rate of 100
mm/min with a pre-travel of 10 mm. Determine the cutting speed, the material removal rate for
each pass, and the total machining time required to complete the operation.
b) Compare the threads manufactured by Thread Rolling and Thread Cutting in terms of 8
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1. Production rates 2. Material wastage 3. Strength of threads 4. Grain Alignment
Thread Rolling Thread Cutting Marks
Production rates Higher Lower 2
Material wastage Lower Higher 2
Strength of threads Increases/Higher No change 2
Grain Alignment Possible/Occurred No Grain Alignments/No 2
Q.3 Design a 2-hole punching machine as shown in Fig.3, capable of creating a 6 mm diameter hole in 12
a) a cardstock sheet with a thickness of 300 microns. The cardstock has a shearing strength of 50
MPa with an allowance of a= 0.065. The key design parameters are:
1. Size of Punch
2. Size of die/guide
3. Total force required to perform the operation
If the operation involves blanking to produce discs of the same size instead of punching, suggest
modifications to the machine's design and compare the force required for blanking to that of
Fig. 3
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b) A manufacturing company needs to produce a large quantity of crank shaft used in automotive 8
parts. The company is considering the forging process to manufacture these parts.
1. Explain why forging would be a suitable manufacturing process for these components.
2. Suggest with a neat sketch which type of forging would be more appropriate for
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Hand Out: CNC Turning
G98 – Feed in mm/min
G00 X_ Z_ – Rapid transverse G99 – Feed in rev/min
G01 X_ Z_ F_– Linear motion with feed M03 – Spindle rotation clockwise
G02 X_ Z_ R_– Tool movement in clockwise direction M04 – Spindle rotation anti-clockwise
G03 X_ Z_ R_– Tool movement in anti-clockwise direction M05 – Spindle stop
G04 – Dwell time (or, waiting time) M06 – Tool change
G20 – Inches mode M08 – Coolant on
G21 – Metric mode (in mm) M09 – Coolant off
G28 U_ W_ – Go to machine home position in incremental mode M30 – Program Stop and Rewind
G90 X_ Z_ F_ – Straight turning cycle U – Incremental mode in X- axis
G94 X_ Z_ F_ – Facing cycle W – Incremental mode in Z- axis
Multiple turning cycle: G71 U_ R_ X – Absolute mode in X- axis
G71 P_ Q_ U_ W_ F_ Z – Absolute mode in Z- axis
Finishing cycle: G70 P_ Q_ F
Multiple drilling cycle: G74 R_
G74 X_ Z_ Q_ F_
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