UT 3
UT 3
UT 3
"The strategy of adjusting and optimizing energy, using systems and procedures so as to
reduce energy requirements per unit of output while holding constant or reducing total
costs of producing the output from these systems"
The objective of Energy Management is to achieve and maintain optimum energy procurement
and utilisation, throughout the organization and:
Example: A flowchart of Penicillin-G manufacturing is given in the figure below. Note that
waste stream (Mycelium) and obvious energy wastes such as condensate drained and steam
leakages have been identified in this flow chart
The audit focus area depends on several issues like consumption of input resources, energy
efficiency potential, impact of process step on entire process or intensity of waste generation /
energy consumption. In the above process, the unit operations such as germinator, pre-fermen-
tor, fermentor, and extraction are the major conservation potential areas identified.
Identification of Energy Conservation Opportunities
Fuel substitution: Identifying the appropriate fuel for efficient energy conversion
Energy generation :Identifying Efficiency opportunities in energy conversion equipment/util-
ity such as captive power generation, steam generation in boilers, thermic fluid heating, optimal
loading of DG sets, minimum excess air combustion with boilers/thermic fluid heating, opti-
mising existing efficiencies, efficienct energy conversion equipment, biomass gasifiers,
Cogeneration, high efficiency DG sets, etc.
Energy distribution: Identifying Efficiency opportunities network such as transformers,
cables, switchgears and power factor improvement in electrical systems and chilled water, cool-
ing water, hot water, compressed air, Etc.
Energy usage by processes: This is where the major opportunity for improvement and many
of them are hidden. Process analysis is useful tool for process integration measures.
The Economic viability often becomes the key parameter for the management acceptance. The
economic analysis can be conducted by using a variety of methods. Example: Pay back method,
Internal Rate of Return method, Net Present Value method etc. For low investment short dura-
tion measures, which have attractive economic viability, simplest of the methods, payback is
usually sufficient. A sample worksheet for assessing economic feasibility is provided below:
• They provide a record of energy purchased in a given year, which gives a base-line for
future reference
• Energy invoices may indicate the potential for savings when related to production
requirements or to air conditioning requirements/space heating etc.
• When electricity is purchased on the basis of maximum demand tariff
• They can suggest where savings are most likely to be made.
• In later years invoices can be used to quantify the energy and cost savings made through
energy conservation measures
Fuel Costs
A wide variety of fuels are available for
thermal energy supply. Few are listed
• Fuel oil
• Low Sulphur Heavy Stock (LSHS)
• Light Diesel Oil (LDO)
• Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG)
Understanding fuel cost is fairly simple and it is purchased in Tons or Kiloliters. Availability, cost
and quality are the mainthree factors that should be considered
while purchasing. The following factors should be taken into account during procurement of
fuels for energy efficiency and economics.
Power Costs
Electricity price in India not only varies from State to State, but also city to city and consumer
to consumer though it does the same work everywhere. Many factors are involved in deciding
final cost of purchased electricity such as:
• Maximum demand charges, kVA
(i.e. How fast the electricity is used? )
• Energy Charges, kWh
(i.e., How much electricity is consumed? )
• TOD Charges, Peak/Non-peak period
(i.e. When electricity is utilized ?)
• Power factor Charge, P.F
(i.e., Real power use versus Apparent power use factor )
• Other incentives and penalties applied from time to time
• High tension tariff and low tension tariff rate changes
• Slab rate cost and its variation
• Type of tariff clause and rate for various categories such as commercial, residential,
industrial, Government, agricultural, etc.
• Tariff rate for developed and underdeveloped area/States
• Tax holiday for new projects
Example: Purchased energy Bill
A typical summary of energy purchased in an industry based on the invoices
Unfortunately the different forms of energy are sold in different units e.g. kWh of electricity,
liters of fuel oil, tonne of coal. To allow comparison of energy quantities these must be con-
verted to a common unit of energy such as kWh, Giga joules, kCals etc.
Production factor
Production factor is used to determine the energy that would have been required to produce this
year's production output if the plant had operated in the same way as it did in the reference year.
It is the ratio of production in the current year to that in the reference year.
Current year' s production
Production factor
Reference year's production
• Natural gas is increasingly the fuel of choice as fuel and feedstock in the fertilizer, petro
chemicals, power and sponge iron industries.
• Replacement of coal by coconut shells, rice husk etc.
• Replacement of LDO by LSHS
Few examples of energy substitution
✓ Replacement of electric heaters by steam heaters
✓ Replacement of steam based hotwater by solar systems
Case Study : Example on Fuel Substitution
A textile process industry replaced old fuel oil fired thermic fluid heater with agro fuel fired
heater. The economics of the project are given below:
A: Title of Recommendation : Use of Agro Fuel (coconut chips) in place of Furnace
oil in a Boiler
B: Description of Existing System
and its operation : A thermic fluid heater with furnace oil currently.
In the same plant a coconut chip fired boiler is
operating continuously with good performance.
C: Description of Proposed system
and its operation : It was suggested to replace the oil fired thermic
fluid heater with coconut chip fired boiler as the
company has the facilities for handling coconut
chip fired system.
Modified System
Type of fuel saving = Coconut chips fired Heater
GCV = 4200 kCal/kg
Average Thermal Efficiency = 72 %
Heat Duty = 15 lakh kCal / hour
Annual Operating Cost = 7200 x 700 Rs./hr = 50 lakh
Annual Savings = 130 - 50 = Rs.80 lakh .
Additional Auxiliary Power +
Manpower Cost = Rs. 10 lakh
Net Annual Saving = Rs. 70 lakh
Investment for New Coconut Fired heater = Rs. 35 lakh
Simple pay back period = 6 months
The requirement for an energy audit such as identification and quantification of energy neces-
sitates measurements; these measurements require the use of instruments. These instruments
must be portable, durable, easy to operate and relatively inexpensive. The parameters generally
monitored during energy audit may include the following:
Basic Electrical Parameters in AC &DC systems - Voltage (V), Current (I), Power factor, Active
power (kW), apparent power (demand) (kVA), Reactive power (kVAr), Energy consumption
(kWh), Frequency (Hz), Harmonics, etc.
Parameters of importance other than electrical such as temperature & heat flow, radiation, air
and gas flow, liquid flow, revolutions per minute (RPM), air velocity, noise and vibration, dust
concentration, Total Dissolved Solids (TDS), pH, moisture content, relative humidity, flue gas
analysis - CO2, O2, CO, SOx, NOx, combustion efficiency etc.
Key instruments for energy audit are listed below.
The operating instructions for all instruments must be understood and staff should familiarize
themselves with the instruments and their operation prior to actual audit use.
Electrical Measuring Instruments:
These are instruments for measuring major
electrical parameters such as kVA, kW, PF,
Hertz, kVAr, Amps and Volts. In addition
some of these instruments also measure
Combustion analyzer:
This instrument has in-built chemical cells
which measure various gases such as O2, CO,
NOX and SOX.
A hand bellow pump draws the flue gas
sample into the solution inside the fyrite. A
chemical reaction changes the liquid volume
revealing the amount of gas. A separate fyrite
can be used for O2 and CO2 measurement.
Contact thermometer:
These are thermocouples which measures for
example flue gas, hot air, hot water tempera-
tures by insertion of probe into the stream.
Infrared Thermometer:
This is a non-contact type measurement
which when directed at a heat source directly
gives the temperature read out. This instru-
ment is useful for measuring hot spots in
furnaces, surface temperatures etc.
Tachometer Stroboscope
Leak Detectors:
Ultrasonic instruments are available which
can be used to detect leaks of compressed air
and other gases which are normally not pos-
sible to detect with human abilities.
Lux meters:
Illumination levels are measured with a lux
meter. It consists of a photo cell which sens-
es the light output, converts to electrical
impulses which are calibrated as lux.
Material and Energy Balance