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Academic Year 2023-2024

Correspondence No: 001 – SY2023

Dear Student and Parent,

Welcome to 8th Grade English. Here is the outline of policies, objectives, requirements and course
syllabus for this quarter.
In order to ensure students’ success, learners will increase and refine their communication skills through
word study, writing, speaking, listening, and visual representations. Also, students read extensively from
multiple genres and interpret the influence of historical /societal context on the literature as well as
analyze literary elements and explore author’s craft in both literary and expository tests.

Green and black pens, English Notebook, Quiz booklet notebook paper and portfolio

Most Essential Learning Competencies:

Noting context clues
Use conventions in citing sources
Use modal verbs, nouns and adverbs appropriately
Identify and use signals that indicate coherence
Use a range of verbs, adjectives and adverbs

Expectations for Behavior:

I strongly believe that students who respect one another and the teacher create a safe environment for
learning, sharing, and growing as a classroom community. Therefore,
I expect students to:
 Arrive on time with all the materials needed.
 Handle personal business, restroom usage, and preparation of class materials before class begins.
 Respect individuals’ personal space and property
 Use respectful words, gestures, and tones at all times.
 Follow directions and work during all work times.
 Participate actively in the class.

Due Process
Step One: Polite warning
Step Two: Teacher conference
Step Three: Parent teacher conference w/ the prefect of discipline
*School Policies: All school policies will be strictly enforced in the classroom
Standards -Based Grading Policy
In order to pass, students must have provided clear, consistent, and convincing evidence of having
accomplished all of the assigned standards. In addition to meeting the standards, students are expected to
demonstrate habits of mind. These include, but are not limited to, excellent attendance, punctuality,
timely and completed assignments, class participation and cooperation.

Grading System:
30% Written Work 50% Performance Task 20% Periodic Test

Thank you.

Respectfully Yours,

English Teacher

Correspondence No: 001 – SY2023
I have read and understand the policies and expectations for Mrs. Fabie’s English 8 Class.

_____________________________________ ___________________________
Student’s Signature above printed name Parent’ signature above printed name
Grade and Section: _____________________ Date: ________________________

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