NIMP 2030 Sector 5
Sectoral Plan Medical Devices Industry
MITI, 2023
Preface i
Introduction 1
Section 1 Background 5
Areas Covered 5
Value Chain 5
Market Players 6
Policies, Laws and Regulations 7
Section 2 Performance 8
Section 4 Challenges 15
Appendix 1: Incentives 18
Malaysia’s strength in the manufacturing sector has been significantly driven by the
implementation of robust and forward-thinking Industrial Master Plans, first launched in 1986.
The success of the IMP3 (2006-2020) was anchored on innovation, research and development
(R&D) and human capital development to drive high value-added industries to transform Malaysia
into a knowledge-based economy.
The journey towards formulating the NIMP 2030 is underscored by the need to build a robust
industrial sector as an important prerequisite to achieve socioeconomic prosperity. Three previous
iterations of the Industrial Master Plans have driven industrial development in Malaysia, with the
Government adopting industrial development strategies relevant to the period to transform the
economy. Malaysia flourished from a low-productivity agrarian-based economy and is heading
towards achieving developed nation status, underpinned by robust manufacturing and services
sectors. The strategy has successfully raised the living standards of the Rakyat and propelled
remarkable growth in Gross National Income (GNI) per capita, increasing 34 times between 1967
to 2019, making Malaysia one of the fastest growing economies in modern history.
Industrial policies have since become more diverse and complex, incorporating new imperatives
including the integration into the global value chain (GVC), development of indigenous capabilities
in a knowledge economy, evolution of environmental, social and governance (ESG) criteria and
disruptions from the new industrial revolution. The question is not about the necessity of such
policies, but rather what new policies are required and how to proceed.
Given the current challenging environment, benchmarking and learning from other country’s
experiences are no longer sufficient. Malaysia needs to embark on its own path into unchartered
territory, to steer the nation into the challenging future. The combined impact of the new
imperatives and the recent pandemic has compelled the Government to rethink Malaysia’s
industrial strategy.
With the NIMP 2030, Malaysia intends to transform the industry into greater heights, capitalising
on emerging global trends, supply chain disruptions, current geopolitical landscape, digitalisation
and ESG considerations. These trends are moving at an unprecedented pace and Malaysia has to
act fast.
Therefore, the NIMP 2030 is designed to achieve the aspirations in a span of seven years and
takes on a Mission-based approach for industrial development. This approach unites Malaysia by
encouraging collaboration between the Government and the private sector to rally the industries.
The NIMP 2030 sets forth Malaysia’s future direction in industrial transformation. It provides a
national integrated plan for resilient industrial development until 2030 – setting the fundamentals
for future policy development and enabling the industry at all levels. It articulates Malaysia’s
position and participation in the global economic environment.
The NIMP 2030 serves to:
New Industrial Master Plan 2030
The Missions and Enablers identified will Projects (MBPs) have been identified to catapult
be executed through 21 Strategies and 62 the mission-based implementation. The NIMP
Actions Plans to unlock the needed enabling 2030 strategic framework is illustrated below:
ecosystems. Several catalytic Mission-based
MISSIONS Advance economic Tech up for a digitally
complexity vibrant nation
1.1 Expand to high value-added activities of the 2.1 Accelerate technology adoption
value chain 2.1.1 Enhance Industry4WRD programmes to
1.1.1 Create global IC design champions from increase technology adoption
Malaysia 2.1.2 Accelerate digital infrastructure rollout
1.1.2 Attract global leader to establish wafer (JENDELA)
fabrication in Malaysia 2.2 Shift away from low-skilled labour model
1.1.3 Shift from basic to specialty chemical 2.2.1 Introduce multi-tiered levy mechanism for low-
1.1.4 Build Malaysian champions for game changing skilled labour to accelerate automation
advanced materials 2.2.2 Introduce automation condition in new
1.1.5 Identify high value-added opportunities in the Manufacturing Licence
aerospace, pharmaceutical and medical devices 2.3 Spur technology innovation
sectors 2.3.1 Nurture local technology solution providers to
1.2 Develop entire ecosystem to support the high support Technology Adoption Programme
value-added activities 2.3.2 Develop generative and industrial AI solution
1.2.1 Build strong local SMEs in manufacturing and leaders and system integrators
related services to support the industry 2.3.3 Drive data analytics through a national digital
champions platform for manufacturing
1.2.2 Integrate value chains between: 2.4 Accelerate government digitalisation and
• M&E and Medical Devices integration
• Semiconductor and EV 2.4.1 Digitalise end-to-end government touch points
• Chemical and Pharmaceutical across business life cycle
1.3 Establish cooperative ‘vertical integration’ for
STRATEGIES global value chain
1.3.1 Leverage alliance with ASEAN countries
AND ACTION to integrate the semiconductor, advanced
PLANS materials and clean energy value chain
1.3.2 Develop vertical integration programmes
21 Strategies through IndustryConnect conferences
62 Action Plans 1.4 Foster Research, Development,
Commercialisation and Innovation (RDCI)
1.4.1 Assign specific topics and KPIs to universities for
industrial-linked R&D
1.4.2 Digitalise IP application and launch enhanced
National IP Policy
1.5 Increase manufacturing exports
1.5.1 Implement national trade advocacy campaign
to increase industry utilisation of FTAs
1.5.2 Rejuvenate “Made in Malaysia” branding
1.5.3 Address trade restrictive non-tariff measures
(NTMs) and compliance of standards
1.5.4 Update FTA based on geopolitical conditions
Push for Net Zero Safeguard economic ENABLERS
security and inclusivity
3.1 Accelerate transition towards 4.1 Develop resilient supply chain E.1 Mobilise financing ecosystem
sustainable practices 4.1.1 Identify specific supply chain E.1.1 Introduce NIMP Industrial Development
3.1.1 Develop sectoral decarbonisation resilience strategies for critical Fund and NIMP Strategic Co-Investment
pathways to guide transition sectors Fund
3.1.2 Decarbonise “hard-to-abate” 4.1.2 Establish supply chain E.1.2 Boost financing for digitalisation and
sectors cooperation and collaboration decarbonisation transition
3.1.3 Introduce carbon policy, through G2G and G2B E.1.3 Establish green sukuk to facilitate transition
accounting and tax programme E.1.4 Establish supply chain financing for SMEs
3.1.4 Launch iESG framework and 4.1.3 Introduce National Mineral Policy E.1.5 Increase utilisation of the capital market
transition programmes for downstream processing of E.1.6 Expand the imSME platform to show
3.2 Transition to renewable and critical minerals all available funding options including
clean energy 4.2 Foster climate resilient government funding and capital market
3.2.1 Enhance adoption scheme for development E.1.7 Review government funding for
energy efficiency or renewable 4.2.1 Develop sectoral adaptation consolidation
energy pathways E.2 Foster talent development and attraction
3.2.2 Accelerate availability and 4.2.2 Foster an adaptation industry to E.2.1 Leverage mynext and MYFutureJobs for
accessibility of renewable energy provide adaptation products and strategic workforce planning to address long-
source for the industry services (including exports) term demand-supply requirement
3.3 Catalyse new green growth 4.2.3 Instil climate resilience E.2.2 Introduce progressive wage system policy
areas measures for critical economic E.2.3 Improve policy to enable fast and hassle-free
3.3.1 Catalyse EV as a key growth infrastructure access to high-skilled foreign talents
driver 4.3 Strengthen industrial clusters E.2.4 Expand TVET programmes for high-skilled
3.3.2 Grow carbon capture, utilisation for regional development jobs in critical sectors
and storage (CCUS) as a new 4.3.1 Expand clusters for spillover E.2.5 Raise profile of high-tech manufacturing
sector regional impact career to attract interest in STEM subjects
3.3.3 Develop circular economy 4.3.2 Align industrial development E.3 Establish best-in-class investor journey for
framework for the industry plan between Federal and States ease of doing business
3.4 Shift towards green 4.4 Empower Bumiputera E.3.1 Establish a unified investment strategy
infrastructure participation and create and align investment evaluation to new
3.4.1 Accelerate transformation of inclusive workforce parameters under NIA
industrial estates into eco- 4.4.1 Uplift capabilities of Bumiputera E.3.2 Harmonise and streamline functions and
industrial parks companies in manufacturing KPIs across IPA landscape
via Tindakan Pembangunan E.3.3 Review and design competitive, agile and
Bumiputera 2030 relevant incentives
4.4.2 Develop programme to E.3.4 Improve One-Stop Portal for seamless
increase women participation investor experience
in high-skilled manufacturing E.4 Introduce whole-of-nation governance
employment framework
E.4.1 Establish public-private collaborative councils
E.4.2 Set up NIMP 2030 Delivery Management Unit
E.4.3 Develop NIMP 2030 dashboard system
Mission-based Projects:
MBP 3.1 Create decarbonisation
pathway role models
MBP 3.2 Launch locally-
manufactured EV
MBP 3.3 Deploy large-scale CCUS
There are individual enclosures of 21 sectors included as a supplementary reference to the main
NIMP 2030 document.
They provide a view of the respective sectoral perspective in the context of the main NIMP 2030
document, and were developed with reference to individual sectoral roadmaps, where applicable.
Category Industry
1. Aerospace
2. Chemical
3. Electrical and Electronics (E&E)
4. Pharmaceutical
5. Medical Devices
This document is the NIMP 2030 Sectoral Plan – Medical Devices Industry.
This NIMP 2030 Sectoral Plan – Medical Devices Industry (Document) provides insights into the
sector and its prospects during the NIMP 2030 period.
This Document offers a comprehensive understanding of the industry’s direction during the
NIMP 2030 period based on its historical performance, opportunities and strategies to overcome
existing challenges and achieve its targets.
1. Background
• This section sets the foundation to help readers understand the industry.
• It delves into the industry’s focus area, encompassing its sub-sectors, for a comprehension of
the industry’s breadth.1
• Readers will find details about the industry’s value chain and its key players, including the
relevant industry associations, in this section.
• The section lists the policies that are related to the industry.
2. Performance
• This section highlights the opportunities and potential avenues for growth that the industry
can leverage during the NIMP 2030 period.
4. Challenges
• This section provides insights into potential obstacles that could impact the industry’s growth
and development.
• The final section of the document outlines the future trajectory for the industry.
• This section provides the Strategies and Action Plans that are intended to catalyse the industry
during the NIMP 2030 period.
• The Strategies and Action Plans set in this Document have been aligned to the Missions set in
the main NIMP 2030 document.
Incentives available for this industry as of time of writing can be found in Appendix 1
Areas Covered
1. The focus areas of the medical devices industry for this NIMP 2030 are as follows:
Value Chain
2. The medical devices value chain can be divided into five key areas (Figure 5.1):
i. research and product development – collaboration among universities, research
institutes and companies to integrate emerging technologies (e.g. information and
communications technology (ICT) and Internet of Things (IoT));
ii. component manufacturing – local players and MNC manufacture parts and components
to be used as medical parts for the manufacture of medical device products;
iii. manufacture and assembly of medical devices;
iv. sales and distribution in domestic and foreign markets; and
v. post-sales services including training and maintenance for products (e.g. healthcare
Source: MITI
3. The industry is supported by services and other infrastructure, which includes but are not
limited to:
i. sterilisation;
ii. clean room services;
iii. medical packaging;
iv. testing, calibration and maintenance;
v. engineering support services;
vi. electronic manufacturing services (EMS);
vii. plastic injection moulded parts;
viii. latex and rubber parts;
ix. warehousing and logistics;
x. distribution;
xi. education and training;
xii. accreditation bodies (i.e. Department of Standards Malaysia); and
xiii. regulatory bodies (i.e. Medical Device Authority (MDA).
Market Players
4. In 2022, 536 medical device manufacturers were approved the Manufacturing Licence (ML)
by MIDA. Of these, 329 (61.4 per cent) companies were in production (CIP).
5. In 2022, there were 199 local manufacturers licensed by MDA. Any establishment2 is required
to apply for the license under Medical Device Act 2012 before it can import, export or sell any
registered medical device in the local market.
6. Currently, the industry players in Malaysia are concentrated in consumable products such
as medical gloves and catheters, followed by surgical instruments, implants and clinical
devices (Figure 5.2).
7. The industry was undergoing a transition as more players are involved in the production of
higher value-added and technologically advanced products such as cardiac pacemakers,
stents, orthopaedic implantable devices, electro-medical, therapeutic and monitoring
Refers to a person who is either a manufacturer, importer or distributor who is responsible for placing any medical
device in the market but does not include a retailer; and an authorised representative appointed by a manufacturer
having a principal place of business outside Malaysia
Figure 5.2: Presence of Industry Players along the Value Chain of Medical Devices
Value Chain
Component Manufacturing Sales and Post-sales
and Product
Manufacturing and Assembly Distribution Services
Consumables High Presence High Presence High Presence High Presence High Presence
Instruments, Medium Medium Medium Medium Medium
Implants and Presence Presence Presence Presence Presence
Clinical Devices
Low Presence Low Presence Low Presence Low Presence Low Presence
Point of Care Low Presence Low Presence Low Presence Low Presence Low Presence
Non and
Minimal Invasive Low Presence Low Presence Low Presence Low Presence Low Presence
Devices from
Low Presence Low Presence Low Presence Low Presence Low Presence
Convergence of
Source: MIDA
8. Apart from industry players, industry associations in Malaysia’s medical devices industry
play a vital role in promoting the interests and growth of the industry, including:
i. Malaysian Medical Devices Manufacturers Association (PERANTIM);
ii. Association of Malaysian Medical Industries (AMMI);
iii. Malaysia Medical Device Association (MMDA);
iv. Malaysia Dental Industry Association (MDIA); and
v. Malaysian Rubber Glove Manufacturers Association (MARGMA).
9. MDA is a federal statutory agency under the Ministry of Health Malaysia (MOH) which
regulates Malaysian medical devices. MDA is entrusted to enforce the Medical Device Act
2012 to address public health and safety issues related to medical devices and facilitate
medical device trade and industry.
10. Ministries and Government Agencies which play important parts in developing the industry,
i. Ministry of Health (MOH);
ii. Ministry of Investment, Trade and Industry (MITI);
iii. Malaysian Investment Development Authority (MIDA); and
iv. Malaysia External Trade Development Corporation (MATRADE).
IMP3 Focus and Performance
12. During the period of the IMP3 (2006 to 2020), the medical devices industry was focused on
several areas including:
i. broadening the range of products towards the higher-end category;
ii. promoting Foreign Direct Investments (FDI) and Domestic Direct Investments (DDI) in
the industry;
iii. expanding range of supporting industries and services for the industry; and
iv. strengthening the institutional support to enhance human resource development,
research and development (R&D) and compliance to international standards and
v. Malaysia was the largest producer and exporter of rubber gloves, contributing 67.0 per
cent of global supply, and the world’s second largest producer of condoms and rubber
13. During this period, the medical devices industry experienced significant growth driven by
i. ageing population;
ii. increased health awareness and willingness to spend on healthcare from the middle-
income class;
iii. rising number of chronic diseases such as cardiovascular diseases; and
iv. emergence of a strong manufacturing ecosystem which includes EMS and engineering
supporting services.
14. Malaysia emerged as Asia’s leading manufacturer and exporter of consumables during this
period as:
i. Malaysia contributed to 80.0 per cent of catheters and 60.0 per cent of rubber gloves to
the global market; and
ii. the production of rubber gloves increased from 55 billion pairs in 2019 to 102 billion pairs
in 2020, growing at a rate of 85.0 per cent.
15. Apart from that, Malaysia became one of the region’s top offshore manufacturing hubs for
medical devices, producing a broad range of high value medical devices such as:
i. orthopaedic products including implants;
ii. pacemakers;
iii. endoscopy;
iv. advanced medical systems; and
v. stent and balloon for angioplasty.
16. The investment performance of the medical devices industry for the period of 2006 to 2022
is recorded in Table 5.2 below.
Items Units 2021 2022 2021-2022
2006 2020 2006-2020
Total Investment RM billion 1.1 6.1 33.4 7.7 8.2 15.9
Domestic Investment RM billion 0.4 3.9 16.2 4.7 3.2 7.9
Foreign Investment RM billion 0.7 2.2 17.2 3.0 5.0 8.0
Number of projects # 29 51 478 38 39 77
Employment persons 3,788 11,409 100,085 12,498 10,452 22,950
Source: MIDA
17. During the IMP3 period, a total of 478 projects were approved in the medical devices industry
with a total investment of RM33.4 billion. These investments committed a total of 100,085
job opportunities.
18. In 2021 and 2022, a total of 77 projects were approved with a total investment of RM15.9
billion. These investments committed a total of 22,950 job opportunities.
20. From 2006 to 2022, 465 (83.8 per cent) of the 555 approved projects were implemented.
21. The export performance of the medical devices industry during the period of 2006 to 2022
is recorded in Table 5.3 below.
22. During the IMP3 period, the industry’s total exports grew by a CAGR of 10.9 per cent, from
RM7.1 billion (2006) to RM30.3 billion (2020).
23. In 2021, exports grew significantly by 36.6 per cent to RM41.4 billion. Exports normalised to
RM31.1 billion in 2022.
24. Overall, the growth in export was driven by the increased global demand of medical devices
such as gloves, face masks and PPE – especially during the COVID-19 pandemic. As countries
started to recover with the increasing vaccination rates, the demand for these products
normalised in 2022.
27. The import performance of the medical devices industry during the period of 2006 to 2022
is recorded in Table 5.4 below.
28. During the IMP3 period, the industry’s imports grew by a CAGR of 9.7 per cent, from RM1.8
billion (2006) to RM6.8 billion (2020).
29. Imports declined by 1.4 per cent to RM6.7 billion in 2021 and increased by 22.5 per cent to
RM8.2 billion in the following year.
30. Malaysia was highly dependent on high-tech medical devices from other countries. As such,
increased healthcare demand resulted in higher imports.
33. The value-added (Gross Domestic Product (GDP)) of the medical devices industry for the
period of 2006 to 2022 is recorded in Table 5.5 below.
34. During the IMP3 period, the industry’s GDP grew by a CAGR of 2.2 per cent from RM1.5
billion in 2006 to RM2.0 billion in 2020.
35. In 2021, the industry’s GDP grew significantly by 17.6 per cent to reach RM2.4 billion. The
GDP normalised to RM2.0 billion in 2022.
36. Throughout the period, the GDP growth was driven by the increased demand for medical
devices – accelerated by the pandemic. As the nation recovered, the demand normalised
and returned to pre-pandemic level.
37. The employment in the medical devices industry for the period of 2019 to 2022 is recorded
in Table 5.6.
Value-added is measured by the GDP of the industry; 2006 GDP data is based on constant 2005 prices, while 2020 to
2022 data are based on constant 2015 prices
IMP3 2019-2022
Item 2021 2022
2019 2020 CAGR
13,359 12,909 12,927 13,120 -0.6%
Source: DOSM
38. The medical devices industry’s employment remained relatively constant across four years,
from 13,359 persons (2019) to 13,120 persons (2022).
39. The industry employment, which was affected by COVID-19 pandemic was slowly recovering
to its pre-pandemic level in 2022.
Labour Productivity
40. The labour productivity of the medical devices industry is recorded in Table 5.7 below.
IMP3 2019-2022
Item 2021 2022
2019 2020 CAGR
Productivity5 163,234 155,528 182,710 154,775 -1.8%
Source: DOSM
41. The industry’s labour productivity declined by a CAGR of 1.8 per cent from RM163,234 (2019)
to RM154,775 (2022).
42. The decline in labour productivity was attributed to reduced output resulting from the
short-term surge in demand caused by the pandemic in 2021.
44. The prominent R&D focus areas were directed towards cardiac rhythm management which
included pacemakers, defibrillators, leads and parts and components.
45. The Malaysian Research Accelerator for Technology and Innovation (MRANTI) set up the
National Technology and Innovation Sandbox (NTIS) initiative in 2020 to encourage more
local R&D activities.
i. The initiative was carried out in collaboration with the MOH.
ii. Five hospitals have been identified as health technology hubs to accelerate the
development, application and commercialisation of local technology and innovation in
the healthcare sector.
iii. The initiative is currently ongoing to spur local start-ups and innovators to develop
innovative solutions and venture into new key focus areas.
This employment data is based on Monthly Manufacturing Statistics December 2022. Due to the change in methodology
for employment statistics tabulation in 2019, industry’s employment breakdown from 2006 to 2018 is not available
Annual labour productivity is derived from value added per employment
47. This will be driven by the industry moving up the value chain to focus on production of
higher value-added medical devices, such as:
i. robotics surgical equipment;
ii. cardiovascular devices; and
iii. point-of-care products (e.g. wearable devices).
48. As part of focusing on high value-added devices, there are opportunities to improve global
presence by enhancing data sharing and the cyber security of these devices.
50. The demand for personalised care medical devices such as wearable and other connected
devices is expected to grow. By 2030, the global wearable technology market size is expected
to hit RM833.7 billion8, with a growth rate of 15.0 per cent.9
52. However, as these devices collect a wide range of personal data, the widespread adoption of
these devices raises the importance of data management and security.
i. All users should be fully aware about how their data is collected, used, shared and stored.
ii. A necessity for cybersecurity and risk management measure exists to safeguard users
against unauthorised access, use or disclosure.
iii. It is essential to establish mechanisms to ensure accountability on organisation or
healthcare providers that collect and utilise the data.
54. Refer to Action Plan 4 (AP4) and Action Plan 5 (AP5) in Section 5 for strategies and action
plans related to data sharing and security.
USD745.0 billion, converted based on exchange rate USD1 to RM4.48
Source: Research and Markets
USD186.1 billion, converted based on exchange rate USD1 to RM4.48
Source: Grand View Research
56. Regulatory harmonisation has expanded market access for local medical device
manufacturers. Malaysia is recognised globally as one of the world’s leading manufacturers
for selected medical devices such as gloves and catheters.
57. MDA plays a vital role in regulating the safety and quality of medical devices and ensuring
products with global requirements.
58. A regulated environment provides strong foundation for local manufacturers to compete
with foreign industry players, especially while tapping into new emerging markets.
Local Participation in Global Value Chain
59. BMedical devices are highly regulated due to their impact on human health and life. As
such, strong emphasis on regulatory compliance are critically required.
60. However, this may pose as a challenge for SME to enter to the market as they have limited
resources and expertise to meet the regulatory requirements.
61. Malaysian companies are still facing issues in exporting overseas as several countries such
as Japan and Australia do not recognise Malaysia’s regulatory approval for medical devices –
Malaysian companies are unable to export their products despite being recognised by MDA.
62. Apart from that, the emergence of e-commerce has increased the distribution of unregulated
and unauthorised medical devices in Malaysia – especially during COVID-19 when there was
an increase demand for oximeters and test kits.
63. To address this challenge, the country can empower a regulatory body like MDA to support
local companies in fulfilling both the local and global regulatory requirements. There
regulatory bodies can support local companies by:
i. streamlining regulatory processes;
ii. providing guidance on regulatory compliance and quality standards; and
iii. tackling issues on unregulated and unauthorised distribution of medical devices.
64. Refer to Action Plan 2 (AP2) in Section 5 for strategies and action plans related to empowering
the regulatory body for regulatory compliance.
66. However, the production of these medical devices are gaining traction reflected by the
growth in orthopaedics, in-vitro diagnostic devices and cardiac minimally invasive products
67. Several areas must be addressed to support the access of Malaysia’s medical devices to the
global markets. These include:
i. mutual recognition of requirements; and
ii. awareness and knowledge in new global regulations.
68. The following efforts are critical to address the challenges, which include.
i. Forming mutual recognition agreements with key markets.
ii. Engaging global organisations such as World Health Organization (WHO) for cross-
border partnerships with MNC and local industry players.
69. Refer to Action Plan 3 (AP3) in Section 5 for strategies and action plans related to strengthening
international relations and supporting industry participation in global events.
R&D Ecosystem
70. Currently, most of the R&D activities by MNCs are conducted in their home countries. The
imposition of the global minimum tax would make it less attractive for MNCs to invest in
other countries, including Malaysia, as investors would no longer be able to benefit from the
lower tax rates offered by these countries.
71. Apart from that, the innovation support system in Malaysia faces structural issues in form of
limited funding, insufficient skilled talents and lack of industry exposure.
i. The funding and grants are limited to support the development of new product and
innovation. The funds may be fragmented across various organisations, agencies and
programmes, causing confusion among companies on the funds that can be accessed.
These funds are also given based on mutual exclusivity to avoid duplication for the same
R&D activities.
ii. There are insufficient collaborative research activities between the public and private
sectors, limiting data and knowledge sharing for R&D purposes.
iii. Talent pool is limited as there is shortage of students pursuing science, technology,
engineering and mathematics (STEM) related fields in local universities.
iv. In terms of institutional support, pre-clinical testing laboratory is limited domestically.
Local players are required to conduct pre-clinical testing overseas to ensure safety and
standards of their medical devices.
72. A more comprehensive support system is required to address these limitations and support
local innovation, including:
i. provide more alternative financing options such as private equity and debt financing at
low interest rate for FDI and DDI that conduct innovation;
ii. build a stronger talent pool by increasing the awareness of students and attracting
skilled researchers and engineers; and
iii. enhance integration of research institutes, regulatory body and health technology
assessment (HTA) as well as other industry partners to allow data and knowledge sharing
as well as to strengthen the ecosystem.
73. Refer to Action Plan 1 (AP1) in Section 5 for strategies and action plans related to developing
a stronger structural support for industry players.
Action Plans
75. Strategies and Action Plans relating to the NIMP 2030’s Missions and Enablers are applicable
to this industry (Figure 5.3).
Figure 5.3: Strategies and Action Plans for Medical Devices Industry
AP2 Empower regulatory body (MDA) as a Advance economic complexity
referral centre and to tackle unregulated
1.2 Develop entire ecosystem
and unauthorised distribution of medical
to support the high value-
devices as well as ensure the development
added activities
of products and services which meet
global requirements 1.5 Increase manufacturing
There is an array of incentives offered for key players of the medical devices industry, these include
the following:
Incentives Agency
Incentives for General Investment Malaysian Investment
Development Authority
Incentives for High Technology Projects
Incentives for Strategic Projects
Incentive for Research and Development (R&D):
• In-House R&D
• Contract R&D Company
• R&D Company
Commercialisation of Public Sector R&D Findings in
Resource-based and Non-Resource-Based Industries
Incentive for Automation Capital Allowance (Automation CA)
Special Tax Incentive (Relocation)
Import Duty and/or Sales Tax Exemption on Machinery/
Equipment/ Raw Materials/ Components
Reinvestment Allowance Inland Revenue Board of
Malaysia (LHDN)