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Khwaja Fareed University of Engineering & Khwaja Fareed University of Engineering & Khwaja Fareed University of Engineering & Khwaja Fareed University of Engineering &
Information Technology, R.Y.K Information Technology, R.Y.K Information Technology, R.Y.K Information Technology, R.Y.K
F.T.N : 9020889-0 F.T.N : 9020889-0 F.T.N : 9020889-0 F.T.N : 9020889-0

Account No:0042-79918684-03 Account No:0042-79918684-03 Account No:0042-79918684-03 Account No:0042-79918684-03

Account Title: HBL - CMS Account Title: HBL - CMS Account Title: HBL - CMS Account Title: HBL - CMS

Account No:0038024713410000 Account No:0038024713410000 Account No:0038024713410000 Account No:0038024713410000

Account Title: KFUEIT, RYK Account Title: KFUEIT, RYK Account Title: KFUEIT, RYK Account Title: KFUEIT, RYK

Transaction to be processed through Alfalah Transact Transaction to be processed through Alfalah Transact Transaction to be processed through Alfalah Transact Transaction to be processed through Alfalah Transact
Customer Code: KFUEI Customer Code: KFUEI Customer Code: KFUEI Customer Code: KFUEI
Account Title: Khwaja Fareed University of Engg & Account Title: Khwaja Fareed University of Engg & Account Title: Khwaja Fareed University of Engg & Account Title: Khwaja Fareed University of Engg &
Info Tech Info Tech Info Tech Info Tech

10557502 10557502 10557502 10557502

Challan/Deposit Slip No: 10557502 Due Date: 04/12/2024 Challan/Deposit Slip No: 10557502 Due Date: 04/12/2024 Challan/Deposit Slip No: 10557502 Due Date: 04/12/2024 Challan/Deposit Slip No: 10557502 Due Date: 04/12/2024


CNIC / B.Form 31303-1059015-9 CNIC / B.Form 31303-1059015-9 CNIC / B.Form 31303-1059015-9 CNIC / B.Form 31303-1059015-9

Application No. 1717676645 Application No. 1717676645 Application No. 1717676645 Application No. 1717676645

Cash Cheque Cash Cheque Cash Cheque Cash Cheque

Particular Amount (Rs) Particular Amount (Rs) Particular Amount (Rs) Particular Amount (Rs)

Semester Exam Fee 5000/- Semester Exam Fee 5000/- Semester Exam Fee 5000/- Semester Exam Fee 5000/-

Total 5000/- Total 5000/- Total 5000/- Total 5000/-

Amount (In Words): Five thousand only Amount (In Words): Five thousand only Amount (In Words): Five thousand only Amount (In Words): Five thousand only

Officer Cashier Officer Cashier Officer Cashier Officer Cashier

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