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Scalar Functions and Aggregate Functions in SQL

1. Scalar Functions
• Definition: Scalar functions return a single value based on the input value(s). They operate
on individual values and return one result per row.
• Key Characteristics:
o Work on each row independently.
o Often used in the SELECT statement.
SELECT scalar_function(column_name)
FROM table_name
[WHERE condition];

Common Scalar Functions and Examples:

Function Description Example
UPPER()/LOWER() Converts text to SELECT UPPER(emp_name)
uppercase/lowercase. FROM Employees;

LENGTH() Returns the length of a string. SELECT

LENGTH(emp_name) FROM

ROUND() Rounds a number to a SELECT ROUND(salary, 2)

specified number of decimal FROM Employees;

CONCAT() Concatenates two or more SELECT

strings. CONCAT(emp_name, ' - ',
dept_id) FROM Employees;

SUBSTRING() Extracts a part of a string. SELECT

SUBSTRING(emp_name, 1,
3) FROM Employees;

NOW() Returns the current date and SELECT NOW();

Some Example:
I. Convert to Uppercase:

SELECT UPPER(emp_name) AS uppercase_name

FROM Employees;

II. Extract Substring:

SELECT SUBSTRING(emp_name, 1, 3) AS short_name

FROM Employees;

2. Aggregate Functions
• Definition: Aggregate functions perform calculations on a set of rows and return a single
value. They are commonly used with GROUP BY to summarize data.
• Key Characteristics:
o Work on groups of rows.
o Often used in SELECT statements with group-based operations.

SELECT aggregate_function(column_name) FROM table_name [WHERE condition] [GROUP
BY column_name];

Common Aggregate Functions and Examples:

Function Description Example
COUNT() Counts the number of rows or SELECT COUNT(emp_id)
non-NULL values. FROM Employees;

SUM() Calculates the total of numeric SELECT SUM(salary) FROM

values. Employees;

AVG() Calculates the average of SELECT AVG(salary) FROM

numeric values. Employees;

MAX() Returns the maximum value in SELECT MAX(salary)

a column. FROM Employees;

MIN() Returns the minimum value in SELECT MIN(salary) FROM

a column. Employees;
Some Example:
i. Count Employees:

SELECT COUNT(emp_id) AS total_employees

FROM Employees;

ii. Find Maximum Salary:

SELECT MAX(salary) AS highest_salary

FROM Employees;

iii. Group by Department and Sum Salaries:

SELECT dept_id, SUM(salary) AS total_salary

FROM Employees
GROUP BY dept_id;

Assignment No. – 4

Q1. Create the following table “Employees”

Column Name Datatype Size


emp_name VARCHAR2 20
dept_id VARCHAR2 10
salary DECIMAL 10,2
joining_date DATE
Q2. Insert the following data in the Employees table
emp_id emp_name dept_id salary joining_date
1 Alice 10 5000 2020-01-10
2 Bob 20 6000 2019-03-15
3 Charlie 30 7000 2021-07-01
4 David NULL 4000 2022-05-20
5 Emma 10 8000 2018-08-22
6 Frank 20 5500 2020-09-30
7 Grace NULL 3000 2023-01-01

Q3. Create the following table “Departments”

Column Name Datatype Size
dept_name VARCHAR2 20

Q4. Insert the following data in the Departments table

emp_id emp_name
10 HR
20 IT
30 Finance
40 Marketing

Q5. Based on above two tables answer the following Questionaries: -

i. Display all employee names in uppercase along with their salaries.
ii. Retrieve the total number of employees.
iii. Calculate the average salary of all employees.
iv. Count the number of employees in each department.
v. Calculate the total salary paid in each department.
vi. Display the length of each employee's name.
vii. Display the first three characters of each employee's name.
viii. List all employees who joined after January 1, 2020.
ix. Find the department name and total salary paid in that department using LEFT
x. Calculate the total salary paid to employees, rounded to two decimal places.

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