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By Mr. Nosiku

Note this pre-op care covers all abdominal surgical conditions

I will prepare the patient for emergency surgery because his condition
is immediately life threatening .

 Note that in an emergency the preoperative preparation is limited to basic


1. To prepare the patient physiologically and psychologically for emergency
2. To resuscitate the patient before surgery
3. To relieve pain
4. To prevent complications such as intestinal necrosis

I will do a quick assessment on the level of consciousness and Get ONLY relevant
history for the patient’s present condition that is useful for resuscitation and approach
for surgery. I will assess and intervene in the following to resuscitate the patient


I will assess the airway for patency and ensure that it is patent by positioning the
patient in a recumbent position with head turned to one side to promote drainage of
the oral secretions

I will assess the breathing status by observing the rate and depth of respirations,
checking oxygen saturation by doing pulse oximetry and checking for presence of
cyanosis. I will commence supplemental oxygen therapy by nasal catheter or mask at 5
Litres per minute to improve tissue oxygenation. I will Insert an NG tube to
decompress the abdomen in cases of abdominal distension which may interfere with
breathing. This promotes full lung expansion since distension tends to push abdominal
organs to the thoracic cage


I will check the pulse and blood pressure to rule out shock and assess the level of
dehydration by checking for skin turgor and sunken eyes or dry lips.

I will quickly cannulate the patient and commence fluids intravenous infusion to restore
intravascular volume and correct shock

I will elevate the foot end of the bed to promote blood flow to the vital organs of the
body such as lungs, brain and the heart and I will cover the patient is with extra linen
to keep him warm.


Most patients with acute abdomen or requiring emergency surgery are usually in
severe pain. (Check stem of the question). I will nurse the patient in the most
comfortable position to avoid pressure against the painful site and I give strong
analgesic such as Pethidine 1mg/kg/bwt to block pain sensation and prevent neurogenic
shock from severe pain.

NB: For a patient who in not passing urine, catheterize the patient to empty the bladder
and relieve pain arising from a full bladder.


I will observe general condition of the patient to determine level of consciousness

I will check vital signs: Temperature, Pulse, Respiration and Blood Pressure to monitor
the conditions of the patient.

I will monitor the flow rate the IV line to ensure that the fluid is flowing at the correct
rate to improve the intravascular volume


Investigations are done at the same time with resuscitative measures and are limited to
essentials. I will ensure that they are done quickly so that surgery is not delayed.

I will quickly collect blood for :

1. Haemoglobin estimation to rule out anaemia

2. Grouping and cross matching to identify the patient’s blood group in case of the
need for blood transfusion.
3. Random blood sugar to rule out hypoglycaemia
Other investigations that will/may be done include

• Plain abdominal X-ray to Evaluate the state of the abdominal cavity

• Abdominal ultra sounds- sound waves are used to show abdominal pictures


The patient who is conscious will be anxious because of severe abdominal pain and not
knowing the outcome of the condition. I will explain the condition and disease process
to the patient and relatives to increase awareness about the condition and allay anxiety.
I will also explain the need for emergency surgery as the only alternative to correct the
condition to gain the patient’s and family cooperation. I will also discuss the benefits
and risks of surgery to help the patient and his family make an informed decision


An informed consent is a legal document signed by the patient or his relative to signify
that he/she has understood the process of the operation and is willing be operated on.
Once the patient has agreed that surgery be performed on him, I will provide a consent
form to either the patient or next of kin to sign to legalize the surgical operation or to
allow the surgeon and his team perform surgery.

This involves the following areas of preparation for surgery


I will immediately put the patient nil per oral and If the patient has eaten a meal within
2hours I will pass a nasogastric tube to empty the stomach content to prevent
aspiration of stomach contents during surgery when patient is under the effects of
General anaesthesia. This may lead to aspirational pneumonia. The nasogastric tube is
left in-situ for continuous drainage. Intravenous fluids are given as prescribed to
maintain fluid and electrolyte balance and prevent shock (hypovolemic) as well as


I will empty the urinary bladder by catheterizing the patient to prevent urinary retention
during induction and operation. A full bladder may interfere with a surgical procedure
by making the site less accessible and it may increase the risk of accidental injury to the
bladder wall. This will also help in preventing urine incontinency and monitoring kidney
function which may be affected by general anaesthesia.


If ordered and necessary I will administer an enema to cleanse the colon of fecal
material.Bowel preparation helps to reduces the possibility of fecal incontinency during
surgery as the muscles will be paralyzed by anesthesia and contaminate the surgical


Preoperative skin care is given in order to have the skin as free as possible of dirty
particles, hair, cells, secretions and organisms .since this is an emergency I will quickly
wipe the skin with antiseptic soap and shave or trim the hair of the skin from nipple line
to mid-thigh to remove hairs that might harbor microbes.


I will administer the following drugs;

1. Atropine 0.6mg IM or IV to reduce over production body secertions
2. Promethazine 12.5 mg to control nausea and vomiting induced by general
3. Diazepam 15mg IM/IV to relax muscles and calm the patient


I will give an identity band containing the patient’s details:-

name, age, diagnosis, type of operation, type of Anaesthesia
This is done to prevent surgical errors.


I will remove the following

Dentures to prevent choking, glasses or artificial lenses if any to prevent infection as

they habour microbes, Jewelry to prevent electric shock where the diathermy machine
is used and nail polish since it can mask cyanosis.


Before the patient goes to the theatre, I will provide clean gown as this will reduce
chances of infection, will allow easy access to the operation site, keep the patient
warm and maintain the patient’s privacy


I will do final observations, collect all patient’s records and do check listing to be sure
that everything has been done. I will explain to the patient that he is being taken to
theatre and while escorting him explain the expectation of the theatre department.


Upon return from theatre I will make post-operative bed and tray in readiness for the
patient after surgery. I will assemble all the emergency equipment and drugs on the
acute bay

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