Use Strict Antigo;
Use Strict Antigo;
Use Strict Antigo;
( () => {
var C, p, i, q, V, m, w, y = {
412187: (C, p, i) => {
i.d(p, {
A: () => q
const q = {
baseGrid: "baseGrid--f84d0",
handCursor: "handCursor--03c6c",
selfCenter: "selfCenter--a5186",
immersiveRacetrack: "immersiveRacetrack--87e0e",
french: "french--91861",
disabled: "disabled--43b4e",
disabledNew: "disabledNew--4f1a4",
disabledImmersive2: "disabledImmersive2--6bfee",
disabledInstantRoulette: "disabledInstantRoulette--99c8c",
disabledMobile: "disabledMobile--e741b"
474665: (C, p, i) => {
i.d(p, {
A: () => q
const q = {
token: "token--6bbf8",
animatePositionTop: "animatePositionTop--97a87",
chipPlacementToTopKeyframes: "chipPlacementToTopKeyframes--7c107",
transitionChipsPresent: "transitionChipsPresent--4df93",
chipAppearingKeyframes: "chipAppearingKeyframes--08495",
disableUserInteraction: "disableUserInteraction--78f5f"
349173: (C, p, i) => {
i.d(p, {
A: () => q
const q = {
desktop: "desktop--0fa5b",
mobile: "mobile--ca06f",
finaleEnPlain: "finaleEnPlain--dd0c2",
active: "active--f983e",
disabled: "disabled--7fe92"
984868: (C, p, i) => {
i.d(p, {
A: () => q
const q = {
gravestone: "gravestone--ad5c5",
shown: "shown--14841",
hidden: "hidden--f47d4",
showing: "showing--94a2f",
fadeInKeyframes: "fadeInKeyframes--886b9",
hiding: "hiding--2d45c",
fadeOutKeyframes: "fadeOutKeyframes--b5bf0",
resizedByHeight: "resizedByHeight--587a9",
resizedByWidth: "resizedByWidth--aa5c4",
phoneImmersive: "phoneImmersive--1c873",
luckyNumberText: "luckyNumberText--e027d",
red: "red--e2608",
black: "black--72ee3",
zero: "zero--12307",
failed: "failed--7e857",
luckyMultiplierText: "luckyMultiplierText--29eb1",
luckyChip: "luckyChip--6b52d",
gravestoneBorder: "gravestoneBorder--fb542",
spriteSheetKeyframes: "spriteSheetKeyframes--f86ae",
spriteSheetUcBrowserKeyframes: "spriteSheetUcBrowserKeyframes--
499293: (C, p, i) => {
i.d(p, {
A: () => q
const q = {
graveyard: "graveyard--14578",
graveyardRow: "graveyardRow--920bd",
stickToBottom: "stickToBottom--4b352",
graveyardSingleRow: "graveyardSingleRow--8e3d5",
top: "top--24034",
bottom: "bottom--7c9e0",
center: "center--f5c5a",
adjustedByWidth: "adjustedByWidth--f2333",
defSvg: "defSvg--cbfaf"
801239: (C, p, i) => {
var q, V;
(function() {
var m, w = {
version: "",
use_lines: !0,
use_xyz: !1
}, y = !1;
if (1 && C.exports ? (C.exports = w,
y = !0) : (1 && (void 0 === (V = "function" == typeof (q = w) ?, i, p, C) : q) || (C.exports = V)),
"undefined" != typeof document ? window.ClipperLib = w :
self["ClipperLib"] = w),
l = "chrome",
m = "Netscape";
else {
var l = navigator.userAgent.toString().toLowerCase();
m = navigator.appName
var t, B = {};
-1 != l.indexOf("chrome") && -1 == l.indexOf("chromium") ?
= 1 : = 0,
-1 != l.indexOf("chromium") ? B.chromium = 1 : B.chromium = 0,
-1 != l.indexOf("safari") && -1 == l.indexOf("chrome") && -1 ==
l.indexOf("chromium") ? B.safari = 1 : B.safari = 0,
-1 != l.indexOf("firefox") ? B.firefox = 1 : B.firefox = 0,
-1 != l.indexOf("firefox/17") ? B.firefox17 = 1 : B.firefox17 = 0,
-1 != l.indexOf("firefox/15") ? B.firefox15 = 1 : B.firefox15 = 0,
-1 != l.indexOf("firefox/3") ? B.firefox3 = 1 : B.firefox3 = 0,
-1 != l.indexOf("opera") ? B.opera = 1 : B.opera = 0,
-1 != l.indexOf("msie 10") ? B.msie10 = 1 : B.msie10 = 0,
-1 != l.indexOf("msie 9") ? B.msie9 = 1 : B.msie9 = 0,
-1 != l.indexOf("msie 8") ? B.msie8 = 1 : B.msie8 = 0,
-1 != l.indexOf("msie 7") ? B.msie7 = 1 : B.msie7 = 0,
-1 != l.indexOf("msie ") ? B.msie = 1 : B.msie = 0,
w.biginteger_used = null;
var T = 15715070 == (0xdeadbeefcafe & 16777215);
function I(C, p, i) {
w.biginteger_used = 1,
null != C && ("number" == typeof C && void 0 === p ?
this.fromInt(C) : "number" == typeof C ? this.fromNumber(C, p, i) : null == p &&
"string" != typeof C ? this.fromString(C, 256) : this.fromString(C, p))
function Y() {
return new I(null,void 0,void 0)
T && "Microsoft Internet Explorer" == m ? ( =
function(C, p, i, q, V, m) {
for (var w = 32767 & p, y = p >> 15; --m >= 0; ) {
var l = 32767 & this[C]
, t = this[C++] >> 15
, B = y * l + t * w;
V = ((l = w * l + ((32767 & B) << 15) + i[q] + (1073741823
& V)) >>> 30) + (B >>> 15) + y * t + (V >>> 30),
i[q++] = 1073741823 & l
return V
t = 30) : T && "Netscape" != m ? ( = function(C, p,
i, q, V, m) {
for (; --m >= 0; ) {
var w = p * this[C++] + i[q] + V;
V = Math.floor(w / 67108864),
i[q++] = 67108863 & w
return V
t = 26) : ( = function(C, p, i, q, V, m) {
for (var w = 16383 & p, y = p >> 14; --m >= 0; ) {
var l = 16383 & this[C]
, t = this[C++] >> 14
, B = y * l + t * w;
V = ((l = w * l + ((16383 & B) << 14) + i[q] + V) >> 28) +
(B >> 14) + y * t,
i[q++] = 268435455 & l
return V
t = 28),
I.prototype.DB = t,
I.prototype.DM = (1 << t) - 1,
I.prototype.DV = 1 << t;
var U = 52;
I.prototype.FV = Math.pow(2, U),
I.prototype.F1 = U - t,
I.prototype.F2 = 2 * t - U;
var L, a, v = "0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz", f = new
for (L = "0".charCodeAt(0),
a = 0; a <= 9; ++a)
f[L++] = a;
for (L = "a".charCodeAt(0),
a = 10; a < 36; ++a)
f[L++] = a;
for (L = "A".charCodeAt(0),
a = 10; a < 36; ++a)
f[L++] = a;
function s(C) {
return v.charAt(C)
function c(C, p) {
var i = f[C.charCodeAt(p)];
return null == i ? -1 : i
function O(C) {
var p = Y();
return p.fromInt(C),
function S(C) {
var p, i = 1;
return 0 != (p = C >>> 16) && (C = p,
i += 16),
0 != (p = C >> 8) && (C = p,
i += 8),
0 != (p = C >> 4) && (C = p,
i += 4),
0 != (p = C >> 2) && (C = p,
i += 2),
0 != (p = C >> 1) && (C = p,
i += 1),
function j(C) {
this.m = C
function o(C) {
this.m = C, = C.invDigit(),
this.mpl = 32767 &,
this.mph = >> 15, = (1 << C.DB - 15) - 1,
this.mt2 = 2 * C.t
function x(C, p) {
return C & p
function Z(C, p) {
return C | p
function H(C, p) {
return C ^ p
function b(C, p) {
return C & ~p
function X(C) {
if (0 == C)
return -1;
var p = 0;
return 65535 & C || (C >>= 16,
p += 16),
255 & C || (C >>= 8,
p += 8),
15 & C || (C >>= 4,
p += 4),
3 & C || (C >>= 2,
p += 2),
1 & C || ++p,
function z(C) {
for (var p = 0; 0 != C; )
C &= C - 1,
return p
function M() {}
function P(C) {
return C
function R(C) {
this.r2 = Y(),
this.q3 = Y(),
I.ONE.dlShiftTo(2 * C.t, this.r2), = this.r2.divide(C),
this.m = C
j.prototype.convert = function(C) {
return C.s < 0 || C.compareTo(this.m) >= 0 ? C.mod(this.m) : C
j.prototype.revert = function(C) {
return C
j.prototype.reduce = function(C) {
C.divRemTo(this.m, null, C)
j.prototype.mulTo = function(C, p, i) {
C.multiplyTo(p, i),
j.prototype.sqrTo = function(C, p) {
o.prototype.convert = function(C) {
var p = Y();
return C.abs().dlShiftTo(this.m.t, p),
p.divRemTo(this.m, null, p),
C.s < 0 && p.compareTo(I.ZERO) > 0 && this.m.subTo(p, p),
o.prototype.revert = function(C) {
var p = Y();
return C.copyTo(p),
o.prototype.reduce = function(C) {
for (; C.t <= this.mt2; )
C[C.t++] = 0;
for (var p = 0; p < this.m.t; ++p) {
var i = 32767 & C[p]
, q = i * this.mpl + ((i * this.mph + (C[p] >> 15) *
this.mpl & << 15) & C.DM;
for (C[i = p + this.m.t] +=, q, C, p, 0,
this.m.t); C[i] >= C.DV; )
C[i] -= C.DV,
C.drShiftTo(this.m.t, C),
C.compareTo(this.m) >= 0 && C.subTo(this.m, C)
o.prototype.mulTo = function(C, p, i) {
C.multiplyTo(p, i),
o.prototype.sqrTo = function(C, p) {
I.prototype.copyTo = function(C) {
for (var p = this.t - 1; p >= 0; --p)
C[p] = this[p];
C.t = this.t,
C.s = this.s
I.prototype.fromInt = function(C) {
this.t = 1,
this.s = C < 0 ? -1 : 0,
C > 0 ? this[0] = C : C < -1 ? this[0] = C + this.DV : this.t =
I.prototype.fromString = function(C, p) {
var i;
if (16 == p)
i = 4;
else if (8 == p)
i = 3;
else if (256 == p)
i = 8;
else if (2 == p)
i = 1;
else if (32 == p)
i = 5;
else {
if (4 != p)
return void this.fromRadix(C, p);
i = 2
this.t = 0,
this.s = 0;
for (var q = C.length, V = !1, m = 0; --q >= 0; ) {
var w = 8 == i ? 255 & C[q] : c(C, q);
w < 0 ? "-" == C.charAt(q) && (V = !0) : (V = !1,
0 == m ? this[this.t++] = w : m + i > this.DB ?
(this[this.t - 1] |= (w & (1 << this.DB - m) - 1) << m,
this[this.t++] = w >> this.DB - m) : this[this.t - 1] |= w
<< m,
(m += i) >= this.DB && (m -= this.DB))
8 == i && 128 & C[0] && (this.s = -1,
m > 0 && (this[this.t - 1] |= (1 << this.DB - m) - 1 << m)),
V && I.ZERO.subTo(this, this)
I.prototype.clamp = function() {
for (var C = this.s & this.DM; this.t > 0 && this[this.t - 1]
== C; )
I.prototype.dlShiftTo = function(C, p) {
var i;
for (i = this.t - 1; i >= 0; --i)
p[i + C] = this[i];
for (i = C - 1; i >= 0; --i)
p[i] = 0;
p.t = this.t + C,
p.s = this.s
I.prototype.drShiftTo = function(C, p) {
for (var i = C; i < this.t; ++i)
p[i - C] = this[i];
p.t = Math.max(this.t - C, 0),
p.s = this.s
I.prototype.lShiftTo = function(C, p) {
var i, q = C % this.DB, V = this.DB - q, m = (1 << V) - 1, w =
Math.floor(C / this.DB), y = this.s << q & this.DM;
for (i = this.t - 1; i >= 0; --i)
p[i + w + 1] = this[i] >> V | y,
y = (this[i] & m) << q;
for (i = w - 1; i >= 0; --i)
p[i] = 0;
p[w] = y,
p.t = this.t + w + 1,
p.s = this.s,
I.prototype.rShiftTo = function(C, p) {
p.s = this.s;
var i = Math.floor(C / this.DB);
if (i >= this.t)
p.t = 0;
else {
var q = C % this.DB
, V = this.DB - q
, m = (1 << q) - 1;
p[0] = this[i] >> q;
for (var w = i + 1; w < this.t; ++w)
p[w - i - 1] |= (this[w] & m) << V,
p[w - i] = this[w] >> q;
q > 0 && (p[this.t - i - 1] |= (this.s & m) << V),
p.t = this.t - i,
I.prototype.subTo = function(C, p) {
for (var i = 0, q = 0, V = Math.min(C.t, this.t); i < V; )
q += this[i] - C[i],
p[i++] = q & this.DM,
q >>= this.DB;
if (C.t < this.t) {
for (q -= C.s; i < this.t; )
q += this[i],
p[i++] = q & this.DM,
q >>= this.DB;
q += this.s
} else {
for (q += this.s; i < C.t; )
q -= C[i],
p[i++] = q & this.DM,
q >>= this.DB;
q -= C.s
p.s = q < 0 ? -1 : 0,
q < -1 ? p[i++] = this.DV + q : q > 0 && (p[i++] = q),
p.t = i,
I.prototype.multiplyTo = function(C, p) {
var i = this.abs()
, q = C.abs()
, V = i.t;
for (p.t = V + q.t; --V >= 0; )
p[V] = 0;
for (V = 0; V < q.t; ++V)
p[V + i.t] =, q[V], p, V, 0, i.t);
p.s = 0,
this.s != C.s && I.ZERO.subTo(p, p)
I.prototype.squareTo = function(C) {
for (var p = this.abs(), i = C.t = 2 * p.t; --i >= 0; )
C[i] = 0;
for (i = 0; i < p.t - 1; ++i) {
var q =, p[i], C, 2 * i, 0, 1);
(C[i + p.t] += + 1, 2 * p[i], C, 2 * i + 1, q, p.t -
i - 1)) >= p.DV && (C[i + p.t] -= p.DV,
C[i + p.t + 1] = 1)
C.t > 0 && (C[C.t - 1] +=, p[i], C, 2 * i, 0, 1)),
C.s = 0,
I.prototype.divRemTo = function(C, p, i) {
var q = C.abs();
if (!(q.t <= 0)) {
var V = this.abs();
if (V.t < q.t)
return null != p && p.fromInt(0),
void (null != i && this.copyTo(i));
null == i && (i = Y());
var m = Y()
, w = this.s
, y = C.s
, l = this.DB - S(q[q.t - 1]);
l > 0 ? (q.lShiftTo(l, m),
V.lShiftTo(l, i)) : (q.copyTo(m),
var t = m.t
, B = m[t - 1];
if (0 != B) {
var T = B * (1 << this.F1) + (t > 1 ? m[t - 2] >>
this.F2 : 0)
, U = this.FV / T
, L = (1 << this.F1) / T
, a = 1 << this.F2
, v = i.t
, f = v - t
, s = null == p ? Y() : p;
for (m.dlShiftTo(f, s),
i.compareTo(s) >= 0 && (i[i.t++] = 1,
i.subTo(s, i)),
I.ONE.dlShiftTo(t, s),
s.subTo(m, m); m.t < t; )
m[m.t++] = 0;
for (; --f >= 0; ) {
var c = i[--v] == B ? this.DM : Math.floor(i[v] * U
+ (i[v - 1] + a) * L);
if ((i[v] +=, c, i, f, 0, t)) < c)
for (m.dlShiftTo(f, s),
i.subTo(s, i); i[v] < --c; )
i.subTo(s, i)
null != p && (i.drShiftTo(t, p),
w != y && I.ZERO.subTo(p, p)),
i.t = t,
l > 0 && i.rShiftTo(l, i),
w < 0 && I.ZERO.subTo(i, i)
I.prototype.invDigit = function() {
if (this.t < 1)
return 0;
var C = this[0];
if (!(1 & C))
return 0;
var p = 3 & C;
return (p = (p = (p = (p = p * (2 - (15 & C) * p) & 15) * (2 -
(255 & C) * p) & 255) * (2 - ((65535 & C) * p & 65535)) & 65535) * (2 - C * p %
this.DV) % this.DV) > 0 ? this.DV - p : -p
I.prototype.isEven = function() {
return 0 == (this.t > 0 ? 1 & this[0] : this.s)
I.prototype.exp = function(C, p) {
if (C > 4294967295 || C < 1)
return I.ONE;
var i = Y()
, q = Y()
, V = p.convert(this)
, m = S(C) - 1;
for (V.copyTo(i); --m >= 0; )
if (p.sqrTo(i, q),
(C & 1 << m) > 0)
p.mulTo(q, V, i);
else {
var w = i;
i = q,
q = w
return p.revert(i)
I.prototype.toString = function(C) {
if (this.s < 0)
return "-" + this.negate().toString(C);
var p;
if (16 == C)
p = 4;
else if (8 == C)
p = 3;
else if (2 == C)
p = 1;
else if (32 == C)
p = 5;
else {
if (4 != C)
return this.toRadix(C);
p = 2
var i, q = (1 << p) - 1, V = !1, m = "", w = this.t, y =
this.DB - w * this.DB % p;
if (w-- > 0)
for (y < this.DB && (i = this[w] >> y) > 0 && (V = !0,
m = s(i)); w >= 0; )
y < p ? (i = (this[w] & (1 << y) - 1) << p - y,
i |= this[--w] >> (y += this.DB - p)) : (i = this[w] >>
(y -= p) & q,
y <= 0 && (y += this.DB,
i > 0 && (V = !0),
V && (m += s(i));
return V ? m : "0"
I.prototype.negate = function() {
var C = Y();
return I.ZERO.subTo(this, C),
I.prototype.abs = function() {
return this.s < 0 ? this.negate() : this
I.prototype.compareTo = function(C) {
var p = this.s - C.s;
if (0 != p)
return p;
var i = this.t;
if (0 != (p = i - C.t))
return this.s < 0 ? -p : p;
for (; --i >= 0; )
if (0 != (p = this[i] - C[i]))
return p;
return 0
I.prototype.bitLength = function() {
return this.t <= 0 ? 0 : this.DB * (this.t - 1) + S(this[this.t
- 1] ^ this.s & this.DM)
I.prototype.mod = function(C) {
var p = Y();
return this.abs().divRemTo(C, null, p),
this.s < 0 && p.compareTo(I.ZERO) > 0 && C.subTo(p, p),
I.prototype.modPowInt = function(C, p) {
var i;
return i = C < 256 || p.isEven() ? new j(p) : new o(p),
this.exp(C, i)
I.ZERO = O(0),
I.ONE = O(1),
M.prototype.convert = P,
M.prototype.revert = P,
M.prototype.mulTo = function(C, p, i) {
C.multiplyTo(p, i)
M.prototype.sqrTo = function(C, p) {
R.prototype.convert = function(C) {
if (C.s < 0 || C.t > 2 * this.m.t)
return C.mod(this.m);
if (C.compareTo(this.m) < 0)
return C;
var p = Y();
return C.copyTo(p),
R.prototype.revert = function(C) {
return C
R.prototype.reduce = function(C) {
for (C.drShiftTo(this.m.t - 1, this.r2),
C.t > this.m.t + 1 && (C.t = this.m.t + 1,
C.clamp()),, this.m.t + 1, this.q3),
this.m.multiplyLowerTo(this.q3, this.m.t + 1, this.r2);
C.compareTo(this.r2) < 0; )
C.dAddOffset(1, this.m.t + 1);
for (C.subTo(this.r2, C); C.compareTo(this.m) >= 0; )
C.subTo(this.m, C)
R.prototype.mulTo = function(C, p, i) {
C.multiplyTo(p, i),
R.prototype.sqrTo = function(C, p) {
var Q = [2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29, 31, 37, 41, 43, 47,
53, 59, 61, 67, 71, 73, 79, 83, 89, 97, 101, 103, 107, 109, 113, 127, 131, 137,
139, 149, 151, 157, 163, 167, 173, 179, 181, 191, 193, 197, 199, 211, 223, 227,
229, 233, 239, 241, 251, 257, 263, 269, 271, 277, 281, 283, 293, 307, 311, 313,
317, 331, 337, 347, 349, 353, 359, 367, 373, 379, 383, 389, 397, 401, 409, 419,
421, 431, 433,
439, 443, 449, 457, 461, 463, 467, 479, 487, 491, 499, 503, 509,
521, 523, 541,
547, 557, 563, 569, 571, 577, 587, 593, 599, 601, 607, 613, 617,
619, 631, 641,
643, 647, 653, 659, 661, 673, 677, 683, 691, 701, 709, 719, 727,
733, 739, 743,
751, 757, 761, 769, 773, 787, 797, 809, 811, 821, 823, 827, 829,
839, 853, 857,
859, 863, 877, 881, 883, 887, 907, 911, 919, 929, 937, 941, 947,
953, 967, 971,
977, 983, 991, 997]
, n = (1 << 26) / Q[Q.length - 1];
I.prototype.chunkSize = function(C) {
return Math.floor(Math.LN2 * this.DB / Math.log(C))
I.prototype.toRadix = function(C) {
if (null == C && (C = 10),
0 == this.signum() || C < 2 || C > 36)
return "0";
var p = this.chunkSize(C)
, i = Math.pow(C, p)
, q = O(i)
, V = Y()
, m = Y()
, w = "";
for (this.divRemTo(q, V, m); V.signum() > 0; )
w = (i + m.intValue()).toString(C).substr(1) + w,
V.divRemTo(q, V, m);
return m.intValue().toString(C) + w
I.prototype.fromRadix = function(C, p) {
null == p && (p = 10);
for (var i = this.chunkSize(p), q = Math.pow(p, i), V = !1, m =
0, w = 0, y = 0; y < C.length; ++y) {
var l = c(C, y);
l < 0 ? "-" == C.charAt(y) && 0 == this.signum() && (V = !
0) : (w = p * w + l,
++m >= i && (this.dMultiply(q),
this.dAddOffset(w, 0),
m = 0,
w = 0))
m > 0 && (this.dMultiply(Math.pow(p, m)),
this.dAddOffset(w, 0)),
V && I.ZERO.subTo(this, this)
I.prototype.fromNumber = function(C, p, i) {
if ("number" == typeof p)
if (C < 2)
for (this.fromNumber(C, i),
this.testBit(C - 1) || this.bitwiseTo(I.ONE.shiftLeft(C
- 1), Z, this),
this.isEven() && this.dAddOffset(1, 0); !
this.isProbablePrime(p); )
this.dAddOffset(2, 0),
this.bitLength() > C &&
this.subTo(I.ONE.shiftLeft(C - 1), this);
else {
var q = new Array
, V = 7 & C;
q.length = (C >> 3) + 1,
V > 0 ? q[0] &= (1 << V) - 1 : q[0] = 0,
this.fromString(q, 256)
I.prototype.bitwiseTo = function(C, p, i) {
var q, V, m = Math.min(C.t, this.t);
for (q = 0; q < m; ++q)
i[q] = p(this[q], C[q]);
if (C.t < this.t) {
for (V = C.s & this.DM,
q = m; q < this.t; ++q)
i[q] = p(this[q], V);
i.t = this.t
} else {
for (V = this.s & this.DM,
q = m; q < C.t; ++q)
i[q] = p(V, C[q]);
i.t = C.t
i.s = p(this.s, C.s),
I.prototype.changeBit = function(C, p) {
var i = I.ONE.shiftLeft(C);
return this.bitwiseTo(i, p, i),
I.prototype.addTo = function(C, p) {
for (var i = 0, q = 0, V = Math.min(C.t, this.t); i < V; )
q += this[i] + C[i],
p[i++] = q & this.DM,
q >>= this.DB;
if (C.t < this.t) {
for (q += C.s; i < this.t; )
q += this[i],
p[i++] = q & this.DM,
q >>= this.DB;
q += this.s
} else {
for (q += this.s; i < C.t; )
q += C[i],
p[i++] = q & this.DM,
q >>= this.DB;
q += C.s
p.s = q < 0 ? -1 : 0,
q > 0 ? p[i++] = q : q < -1 && (p[i++] = this.DV + q),
p.t = i,
I.prototype.dMultiply = function(C) {
this[this.t] =, C - 1, this, 0, 0, this.t),
I.prototype.dAddOffset = function(C, p) {
if (0 != C) {
for (; this.t <= p; )
this[this.t++] = 0;
for (this[p] += C; this[p] >= this.DV; )
this[p] -= this.DV,
++p >= this.t && (this[this.t++] = 0),
I.prototype.multiplyLowerTo = function(C, p, i) {
var q, V = Math.min(this.t + C.t, p);
for (i.s = 0,
i.t = V; V > 0; )
i[--V] = 0;
for (q = i.t - this.t; V < q; ++V)
i[V + this.t] =, C[V], i, V, 0, this.t);
for (q = Math.min(C.t, p); V < q; ++V), C[V], i, V, 0, p - V);
I.prototype.multiplyUpperTo = function(C, p, i) {
var q = i.t = this.t + C.t - p;
for (i.s = 0; --q >= 0; )
i[q] = 0;
for (q = Math.max(p - this.t, 0); q < C.t; ++q)
i[this.t + q - p] = - q, C[q], i, 0, 0, this.t +
q - p);
i.drShiftTo(1, i)
I.prototype.modInt = function(C) {
if (C <= 0)
return 0;
var p = this.DV % C
, i = this.s < 0 ? C - 1 : 0;
if (this.t > 0)
if (0 == p)
i = this[0] % C;
for (var q = this.t - 1; q >= 0; --q)
i = (p * i + this[q]) % C;
return i
I.prototype.millerRabin = function(C) {
var p = this.subtract(I.ONE)
, i = p.getLowestSetBit();
if (i <= 0)
return !1;
var q = p.shiftRight(i);
(C = C + 1 >> 1) > Q.length && (C = Q.length);
for (var V = Y(), m = 0; m < C; ++m) {
V.fromInt(Q[Math.floor(Math.random() * Q.length)]);
var w = V.modPow(q, this);
if (0 != w.compareTo(I.ONE) && 0 != w.compareTo(p)) {
for (var y = 1; y++ < i && 0 != w.compareTo(p); )
if (0 == (w = w.modPowInt(2,
return !1;
if (0 != w.compareTo(p))
return !1
return !0
I.prototype.clone = function() {
var C = Y();
return this.copyTo(C),
I.prototype.intValue = function() {
if (this.s < 0) {
if (1 == this.t)
return this[0] - this.DV;
if (0 == this.t)
return -1
} else {
if (1 == this.t)
return this[0];
if (0 == this.t)
return 0
return (this[1] & (1 << 32 - this.DB) - 1) << this.DB | this[0]
I.prototype.byteValue = function() {
return 0 == this.t ? this.s : this[0] << 24 >> 24
I.prototype.shortValue = function() {
return 0 == this.t ? this.s : this[0] << 16 >> 16
I.prototype.signum = function() {
return this.s < 0 ? -1 : this.t <= 0 || 1 == this.t && this[0]
<= 0 ? 0 : 1
I.prototype.toByteArray = function() {
var C = this.t
, p = new Array;
p[0] = this.s;
var i, q = this.DB - C * this.DB % 8, V = 0;
if (C-- > 0)
for (q < this.DB && (i = this[C] >> q) != (this.s &
this.DM) >> q && (p[V++] = i | this.s << this.DB - q); C >= 0; )
q < 8 ? (i = (this[C] & (1 << q) - 1) << 8 - q,
i |= this[--C] >> (q += this.DB - 8)) : (i = this[C] >>
(q -= 8) & 255,
q <= 0 && (q += this.DB,
128 & i && (i |= -256),
0 == V && (128 & this.s) != (128 & i) && ++V,
(V > 0 || i != this.s) && (p[V++] = i);
return p
I.prototype.equals = function(C) {
return 0 == this.compareTo(C)
I.prototype.min = function(C) {
return this.compareTo(C) < 0 ? this : C
I.prototype.max = function(C) {
return this.compareTo(C) > 0 ? this : C
I.prototype.and = function(C) {
var p = Y();
return this.bitwiseTo(C, x, p),
I.prototype.or = function(C) {
var p = Y();
return this.bitwiseTo(C, Z, p),
I.prototype.xor = function(C) {
var p = Y();
return this.bitwiseTo(C, H, p),
I.prototype.andNot = function(C) {
var p = Y();
return this.bitwiseTo(C, b, p),
I.prototype.not = function() {
for (var C = Y(), p = 0; p < this.t; ++p)
C[p] = this.DM & ~this[p];
return C.t = this.t,
C.s = ~this.s,
I.prototype.shiftLeft = function(C) {
var p = Y();
return C < 0 ? this.rShiftTo(-C, p) : this.lShiftTo(C, p),
I.prototype.shiftRight = function(C) {
var p = Y();
return C < 0 ? this.lShiftTo(-C, p) : this.rShiftTo(C, p),
I.prototype.getLowestSetBit = function() {
for (var C = 0; C < this.t; ++C)
if (0 != this[C])
return C * this.DB + X(this[C]);
return this.s < 0 ? this.t * this.DB : -1
I.prototype.bitCount = function() {
for (var C = 0, p = this.s & this.DM, i = 0; i < this.t; ++i)
C += z(this[i] ^ p);
return C
I.prototype.testBit = function(C) {
var p = Math.floor(C / this.DB);
return p >= this.t ? 0 != this.s : !!(this[p] & 1 << C %
I.prototype.setBit = function(C) {
return this.changeBit(C, Z)
I.prototype.clearBit = function(C) {
return this.changeBit(C, b)
I.prototype.flipBit = function(C) {
return this.changeBit(C, H)
I.prototype.add = function(C) {
var p = Y();
return this.addTo(C, p),
I.prototype.subtract = function(C) {
var p = Y();
return this.subTo(C, p),
I.prototype.multiply = function(C) {
var p = Y();
return this.multiplyTo(C, p),
I.prototype.divide = function(C) {
var p = Y();
return this.divRemTo(C, p, null),
I.prototype.remainder = function(C) {
var p = Y();
return this.divRemTo(C, null, p),
I.prototype.divideAndRemainder = function(C) {
var p = Y()
, i = Y();
return this.divRemTo(C, p, i),
new Array(p,i)
I.prototype.modPow = function(C, p) {
var i, q, V = C.bitLength(), m = O(1);
if (V <= 0)
return m;
i = V < 18 ? 1 : V < 48 ? 3 : V < 144 ? 4 : V < 768 ? 5 : 6,
q = V < 8 ? new j(p) : p.isEven() ? new R(p) : new o(p);
var w = new Array
, y = 3
, l = i - 1
, t = (1 << i) - 1;
if (w[1] = q.convert(this),
i > 1) {
var B = Y();
for (q.sqrTo(w[1], B); y <= t; )
w[y] = Y(),
q.mulTo(B, w[y - 2], w[y]),
y += 2
var T, I, U = C.t - 1, L = !0, a = Y();
for (V = S(C[U]) - 1; U >= 0; ) {
for (V >= l ? T = C[U] >> V - l & t : (T = (C[U] & (1 << V
+ 1) - 1) << l - V,
U > 0 && (T |= C[U - 1] >> this.DB + V - l)),
y = i; !(1 & T); )
T >>= 1,
if ((V -= y) < 0 && (V += this.DB,
L = !1;
else {
for (; y > 1; )
q.sqrTo(m, a),
q.sqrTo(a, m),
y -= 2;
y > 0 ? q.sqrTo(m, a) : (I = m,
m = a,
a = I),
q.mulTo(a, w[T], m)
for (; U >= 0 && !(C[U] & 1 << V); )
q.sqrTo(m, a),
I = m,
m = a,
a = I,
--V < 0 && (V = this.DB - 1,
return q.revert(m)
I.prototype.modInverse = function(C) {
var p = C.isEven();
if (this.isEven() && p || 0 == C.signum())
return I.ZERO;
for (var i = C.clone(), q = this.clone(), V = O(1), m = O(0), w
= O(0), y = O(1); 0 != i.signum(); ) {
for (; i.isEven(); )
i.rShiftTo(1, i),
p ? (V.isEven() && m.isEven() || (V.addTo(this, V),
m.subTo(C, m)),
V.rShiftTo(1, V)) : m.isEven() || m.subTo(C, m),
m.rShiftTo(1, m);
for (; q.isEven(); )
q.rShiftTo(1, q),
p ? (w.isEven() && y.isEven() || (w.addTo(this, w),
y.subTo(C, y)),
w.rShiftTo(1, w)) : y.isEven() || y.subTo(C, y),
y.rShiftTo(1, y);
i.compareTo(q) >= 0 ? (i.subTo(q, i),
p && V.subTo(w, V),
m.subTo(y, m)) : (q.subTo(i, q),
p && w.subTo(V, w),
y.subTo(m, y))
return 0 != q.compareTo(I.ONE) ? I.ZERO : y.compareTo(C) >= 0 ?
y.subtract(C) : y.signum() < 0 ? (y.addTo(C, y),
y.signum() < 0 ? y.add(C) : y) : y
I.prototype.pow = function(C) {
return this.exp(C, new M)
I.prototype.gcd = function(C) {
var p = this.s < 0 ? this.negate() : this.clone()
, i = C.s < 0 ? C.negate() : C.clone();
if (p.compareTo(i) < 0) {
var q = p;
p = i,
i = q
var V = p.getLowestSetBit()
, m = i.getLowestSetBit();
if (m < 0)
return p;
for (V < m && (m = V),
m > 0 && (p.rShiftTo(m, p),
i.rShiftTo(m, i)); p.signum() > 0; )
(V = p.getLowestSetBit()) > 0 && p.rShiftTo(V, p),
(V = i.getLowestSetBit()) > 0 && i.rShiftTo(V, i),
p.compareTo(i) >= 0 ? (p.subTo(i, p),
p.rShiftTo(1, p)) : (i.subTo(p, i),
i.rShiftTo(1, i));
return m > 0 && i.lShiftTo(m, i),
I.prototype.isProbablePrime = function(C) {
var p, i = this.abs();
if (1 == i.t && i[0] <= Q[Q.length - 1]) {
for (p = 0; p < Q.length; ++p)
if (i[0] == Q[p])
return !0;
return !1
if (i.isEven())
return !1;
for (p = 1; p < Q.length; ) {
for (var q = Q[p], V = p + 1; V < Q.length && q < n; )
q *= Q[V++];
for (q = i.modInt(q); p < V; )
if (q % Q[p++] == 0)
return !1
return i.millerRabin(C)
I.prototype.square = function() {
var C = Y();
return this.squareTo(C),
var h = I;
h.prototype.IsNegative = function() {
return -1 == this.compareTo(h.ZERO)
h.op_Equality = function(C, p) {
return 0 == C.compareTo(p)
h.op_Inequality = function(C, p) {
return 0 != C.compareTo(p)
h.op_GreaterThan = function(C, p) {
return C.compareTo(p) > 0
h.op_LessThan = function(C, p) {
return C.compareTo(p) < 0
h.op_Addition = function(C, p) {
return new h(C,void 0,void 0).add(new h(p,void 0,void 0))
h.op_Subtraction = function(C, p) {
return new h(C,void 0,void 0).subtract(new h(p,void 0,void 0))
h.Int128Mul = function(C, p) {
return new h(C,void 0,void 0).multiply(new h(p,void 0,void 0))
h.op_Division = function(C, p) {
return C.divide(p)
h.prototype.ToDouble = function() {
return parseFloat(this.toString())
var G = function(C, p) {
var i;
if (void 0 === Object.getOwnPropertyNames) {
for (i in p.prototype)
void 0 !== C.prototype[i] && C.prototype[i] !==
Object.prototype[i] || (C.prototype[i] = p.prototype[i]);
for (i in p)
void 0 === C[i] && (C[i] = p[i]);
C.$baseCtor = p
} else {
for (var q = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(p.prototype), V =
0; V < q.length; V++)
void 0 === Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(C.prototype,
q[V]) && Object.defineProperty(C.prototype, q[V],
Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(p.prototype, q[V]));
for (i in p)
void 0 === C[i] && (C[i] = p[i]);
C.$baseCtor = p
w.Path = function() {
return []
w.Path.prototype.push = Array.prototype.push,
w.Paths = function() {
return []
w.Paths.prototype.push = Array.prototype.push,
w.DoublePoint = function() {
var C = arguments;
this.X = 0,
this.Y = 0,
1 === C.length ? (this.X = C[0].X,
this.Y = C[0].Y) : 2 === C.length && (this.X = C[0],
this.Y = C[1])
w.DoublePoint0 = function() {
this.X = 0,
this.Y = 0
w.DoublePoint0.prototype = w.DoublePoint.prototype,
w.DoublePoint1 = function(C) {
this.X = C.X,
this.Y = C.Y
w.DoublePoint1.prototype = w.DoublePoint.prototype,
w.DoublePoint2 = function(C, p) {
this.X = C,
this.Y = p
w.DoublePoint2.prototype = w.DoublePoint.prototype,
w.PolyNode = function() {
this.m_Parent = null,
this.m_polygon = new w.Path,
this.m_Index = 0,
this.m_jointype = 0,
this.m_endtype = 0,
this.m_Childs = [],
this.IsOpen = !1
w.PolyNode.prototype.IsHoleNode = function() {
for (var C = !0, p = this.m_Parent; null !== p; )
C = !C,
p = p.m_Parent;
return C
w.PolyNode.prototype.ChildCount = function() {
return this.m_Childs.length
w.PolyNode.prototype.Contour = function() {
return this.m_polygon
w.PolyNode.prototype.AddChild = function(C) {
var p = this.m_Childs.length;
C.m_Parent = this,
C.m_Index = p
w.PolyNode.prototype.GetNext = function() {
return this.m_Childs.length > 0 ? this.m_Childs[0] :
w.PolyNode.prototype.GetNextSiblingUp = function() {
return null === this.m_Parent ? null : this.m_Index ===
this.m_Parent.m_Childs.length - 1 ? this.m_Parent.GetNextSiblingUp() :
this.m_Parent.m_Childs[this.m_Index + 1]
w.PolyNode.prototype.Childs = function() {
return this.m_Childs
w.PolyNode.prototype.Parent = function() {
return this.m_Parent
w.PolyNode.prototype.IsHole = function() {
return this.IsHoleNode()
w.PolyTree = function() {
this.m_AllPolys = [],
w.PolyTree.prototype.Clear = function() {
for (var C = 0, p = this.m_AllPolys.length; C < p; C++)
this.m_AllPolys[C] = null;
this.m_AllPolys.length = 0,
this.m_Childs.length = 0
w.PolyTree.prototype.GetFirst = function() {
return this.m_Childs.length > 0 ? this.m_Childs[0] : null
w.PolyTree.prototype.Total = function() {
var C = this.m_AllPolys.length;
return C > 0 && this.m_Childs[0] !== this.m_AllPolys[0] && C--,
G(w.PolyTree, w.PolyNode),
w.Math_Abs_Int64 = w.Math_Abs_Int32 = w.Math_Abs_Double =
function(C) {
return Math.abs(C)
w.Math_Max_Int32_Int32 = function(C, p) {
return Math.max(C, p)
B.msie || B.opera || B.safari ? w.Cast_Int32 = function(C) {
return 0 | C
: w.Cast_Int32 = function(C) {
return ~~C
void 0 === Number.toInteger && (Number.toInteger = null), ? w.Cast_Int64 = function(C) {
return C < -2147483648 || C > 2147483647 ? C < 0 ? Math.ceil(C)
: Math.floor(C) : ~~C
: B.firefox && "function" == typeof Number.toInteger ? w.Cast_Int64
= function(C) {
return Number.toInteger(C)
: B.msie7 || B.msie8 ? w.Cast_Int64 = function(C) {
return parseInt(C, 10)
: B.msie ? w.Cast_Int64 = function(C) {
return C < -2147483648 || C > 2147483647 ? C < 0 ? Math.ceil(C)
: Math.floor(C) : 0 | C
: w.Cast_Int64 = function(C) {
return C < 0 ? Math.ceil(C) : Math.floor(C)
w.Clear = function(C) {
C.length = 0
w.PI = 3.141592653589793,
w.PI2 = 2 * 3.141592653589793,
w.IntPoint = function() {
var C = arguments
, p = C.length;
if (this.X = 0,
this.Y = 0,
if (this.Z = 0,
3 === p)
this.X = C[0],
this.Y = C[1],
this.Z = C[2];
else if (2 === p)
this.X = C[0],
this.Y = C[1],
this.Z = 0;
else if (1 === p)
if (C[0]instanceof w.DoublePoint) {
var i = C[0];
this.X = w.Clipper.Round(i.X),
this.Y = w.Clipper.Round(i.Y),
this.Z = 0
} else
void 0 === (q = C[0]).Z && (q.Z = 0),
this.X = q.X,
this.Y = q.Y,
this.Z = q.Z;
this.X = 0,
this.Y = 0,
this.Z = 0;
else if (2 === p)
this.X = C[0],
this.Y = C[1];
else if (1 === p)
if (C[0]instanceof w.DoublePoint)
i = C[0],
this.X = w.Clipper.Round(i.X),
this.Y = w.Clipper.Round(i.Y);
else {
var q = C[0];
this.X = q.X,
this.Y = q.Y
this.X = 0,
this.Y = 0
w.IntPoint.op_Equality = function(C, p) {
return C.X === p.X && C.Y === p.Y
w.IntPoint.op_Inequality = function(C, p) {
return C.X !== p.X || C.Y !== p.Y
w.IntPoint0 = function() {
this.X = 0,
this.Y = 0,
w.use_xyz && (this.Z = 0)
w.IntPoint0.prototype = w.IntPoint.prototype,
w.IntPoint1 = function(C) {
this.X = C.X,
this.Y = C.Y,
w.use_xyz && (void 0 === C.Z ? this.Z = 0 : this.Z = C.Z)
w.IntPoint1.prototype = w.IntPoint.prototype,
w.IntPoint1dp = function(C) {
this.X = w.Clipper.Round(C.X),
this.Y = w.Clipper.Round(C.Y),
w.use_xyz && (this.Z = 0)
w.IntPoint1dp.prototype = w.IntPoint.prototype,
w.IntPoint2 = function(C, p, i) {
this.X = C,
this.Y = p,
w.use_xyz && (this.Z = void 0 === i ? 0 : i)
w.IntPoint2.prototype = w.IntPoint.prototype,
w.IntRect = function() {
var C = arguments
, p = C.length;
if (4 === p)
this.left = C[0], = C[1],
this.right = C[2],
this.bottom = C[3];
else if (1 === p) {
var i = C[0];
this.left = i.left, =,
this.right = i.right,
this.bottom = i.bottom
} else
this.left = 0, = 0,
this.right = 0,
this.bottom = 0
w.IntRect0 = function() {
this.left = 0, = 0,
this.right = 0,
this.bottom = 0
w.IntRect0.prototype = w.IntRect.prototype,
w.IntRect1 = function(C) {
this.left = C.left, =,
this.right = C.right,
this.bottom = C.bottom
w.IntRect1.prototype = w.IntRect.prototype,
w.IntRect4 = function(C, p, i, q) {
this.left = C, = p,
this.right = i,
this.bottom = q
w.IntRect4.prototype = w.IntRect.prototype,
w.ClipType = {
ctIntersection: 0,
ctUnion: 1,
ctDifference: 2,
ctXor: 3
w.PolyType = {
ptSubject: 0,
ptClip: 1
w.PolyFillType = {
pftEvenOdd: 0,
pftNonZero: 1,
pftPositive: 2,
pftNegative: 3
w.JoinType = {
jtSquare: 0,
jtRound: 1,
jtMiter: 2
w.EndType = {
etOpenSquare: 0,
etOpenRound: 1,
etOpenButt: 2,
etClosedLine: 3,
etClosedPolygon: 4
w.EdgeSide = {
esLeft: 0,
esRight: 1
w.Direction = {
dRightToLeft: 0,
dLeftToRight: 1
w.TEdge = function() {
this.Bot = new w.IntPoint0,
this.Curr = new w.IntPoint0,
this.Top = new w.IntPoint0,
this.Delta = new w.IntPoint0,
this.Dx = 0,
this.PolyTyp = w.PolyType.ptSubject,
this.Side = w.EdgeSide.esLeft,
this.WindDelta = 0,
this.WindCnt = 0,
this.WindCnt2 = 0,
this.OutIdx = 0,
this.Next = null,
this.Prev = null,
this.NextInLML = null,
this.NextInAEL = null,
this.PrevInAEL = null,
this.NextInSEL = null,
this.PrevInSEL = null
w.IntersectNode = function() {
this.Edge1 = null,
this.Edge2 = null,
this.Pt = new w.IntPoint0
w.MyIntersectNodeSort = function() {}
w.MyIntersectNodeSort.Compare = function(C, p) {
var i = p.Pt.Y - C.Pt.Y;
return i > 0 ? 1 : i < 0 ? -1 : 0
w.LocalMinima = function() {
this.Y = 0,
this.LeftBound = null,
this.RightBound = null,
this.Next = null
w.Scanbeam = function() {
this.Y = 0,
this.Next = null
w.Maxima = function() {
this.X = 0,
this.Next = null,
this.Prev = null
w.OutRec = function() {
this.Idx = 0,
this.IsHole = !1,
this.IsOpen = !1,
this.FirstLeft = null,
this.Pts = null,
this.BottomPt = null,
this.PolyNode = null
w.OutPt = function() {
this.Idx = 0,
this.Pt = new w.IntPoint0,
this.Next = null,
this.Prev = null
w.Join = function() {
this.OutPt1 = null,
this.OutPt2 = null,
this.OffPt = new w.IntPoint0
w.ClipperBase = function() {
this.m_MinimaList = null,
this.m_CurrentLM = null,
this.m_edges = new Array,
this.m_UseFullRange = !1,
this.m_HasOpenPaths = !1,
this.PreserveCollinear = !1,
this.m_Scanbeam = null,
this.m_PolyOuts = null,
this.m_ActiveEdges = null
w.ClipperBase.horizontal = -9007199254740992,
w.ClipperBase.Skip = -2,
w.ClipperBase.Unassigned = -1,
w.ClipperBase.tolerance = 1e-20,
w.ClipperBase.loRange = 47453132,
w.ClipperBase.hiRange = 0xfffffffffffff,
w.ClipperBase.near_zero = function(C) {
return C > -w.ClipperBase.tolerance && C <
w.ClipperBase.IsHorizontal = function(C) {
return 0 === C.Delta.Y
w.ClipperBase.prototype.PointIsVertex = function(C, p) {
var i = p;
do {
if (w.IntPoint.op_Equality(i.Pt, C))
return !0;
i = i.Next
} while (i !== p);
return !1
w.ClipperBase.prototype.PointOnLineSegment = function(C, p, i, q) {
return q ? C.X === p.X && C.Y === p.Y || C.X === i.X && C.Y ===
i.Y || C.X > p.X == C.X < i.X && C.Y > p.Y == C.Y < i.Y &&
h.op_Equality(h.Int128Mul(C.X - p.X, i.Y - p.Y), h.Int128Mul(i.X - p.X, C.Y - p.Y))
: C.X === p.X && C.Y === p.Y || C.X === i.X && C.Y === i.Y || C.X > p.X == C.X <
i.X && C.Y > p.Y == C.Y < i.Y && (C.X - p.X) * (i.Y - p.Y) == (i.X - p.X) * (C.Y -
w.ClipperBase.prototype.PointOnPolygon = function(C, p, i) {
for (var q = p; 1; ) {
if (this.PointOnLineSegment(C, q.Pt, q.Next.Pt, i))
return !0;
if ((q = q.Next) === p)
return !1
w.ClipperBase.prototype.SlopesEqual = w.ClipperBase.SlopesEqual =
function() {
var C, p, i, q, V, m, y = arguments, l = y.length;
return 3 === l ? (C = y[0],
p = y[1],
y[2] ? h.op_Equality(h.Int128Mul(C.Delta.Y, p.Delta.X),
h.Int128Mul(C.Delta.X, p.Delta.Y)) : w.Cast_Int64(C.Delta.Y * p.Delta.X) ===
w.Cast_Int64(C.Delta.X * p.Delta.Y)) : 4 === l ? (i = y[0],
q = y[1],
V = y[2],
y[3] ? h.op_Equality(h.Int128Mul(i.Y - q.Y, q.X - V.X),
h.Int128Mul(i.X - q.X, q.Y - V.Y)) : w.Cast_Int64((i.Y - q.Y) * (q.X - V.X)) -
w.Cast_Int64((i.X - q.X) * (q.Y - V.Y)) == 0) : (i = y[0],
q = y[1],
V = y[2],
m = y[3],
y[4] ? h.op_Equality(h.Int128Mul(i.Y - q.Y, V.X - m.X),
h.Int128Mul(i.X - q.X, V.Y - m.Y)) : w.Cast_Int64((i.Y - q.Y) * (V.X - m.X)) -
w.Cast_Int64((i.X - q.X) * (V.Y - m.Y)) == 0)
w.ClipperBase.SlopesEqual3 = function(C, p, i) {
return i ? h.op_Equality(h.Int128Mul(C.Delta.Y, p.Delta.X),
h.Int128Mul(C.Delta.X, p.Delta.Y)) : w.Cast_Int64(C.Delta.Y * p.Delta.X) ===
w.Cast_Int64(C.Delta.X * p.Delta.Y)
w.ClipperBase.SlopesEqual4 = function(C, p, i, q) {
return q ? h.op_Equality(h.Int128Mul(C.Y - p.Y, p.X - i.X),
h.Int128Mul(C.X - p.X, p.Y - i.Y)) : w.Cast_Int64((C.Y - p.Y) * (p.X - i.X)) -
w.Cast_Int64((C.X - p.X) * (p.Y - i.Y)) == 0
w.ClipperBase.SlopesEqual5 = function(C, p, i, q, V) {
return V ? h.op_Equality(h.Int128Mul(C.Y - p.Y, i.X - q.X),
h.Int128Mul(C.X - p.X, i.Y - q.Y)) : w.Cast_Int64((C.Y - p.Y) * (i.X - q.X)) -
w.Cast_Int64((C.X - p.X) * (i.Y - q.Y)) == 0
w.ClipperBase.prototype.Clear = function() {
for (var C = 0, p = this.m_edges.length; C < p; ++C) {
for (var i = 0, q = this.m_edges[C].length; i < q; ++i)
this.m_edges[C][i] = null;
this.m_UseFullRange = !1,
this.m_HasOpenPaths = !1
w.ClipperBase.prototype.DisposeLocalMinimaList = function() {
for (; null !== this.m_MinimaList; ) {
var C = this.m_MinimaList.Next;
this.m_MinimaList = null,
this.m_MinimaList = C
this.m_CurrentLM = null
w.ClipperBase.prototype.RangeTest = function(C, p) {
p.Value ? (C.X > w.ClipperBase.hiRange || C.Y >
w.ClipperBase.hiRange || -C.X > w.ClipperBase.hiRange || -C.Y >
w.ClipperBase.hiRange) && w.Error("Coordinate outside allowed range in
RangeTest().") : (C.X > w.ClipperBase.loRange || C.Y > w.ClipperBase.loRange || -
C.X > w.ClipperBase.loRange || -C.Y > w.ClipperBase.loRange) && (p.Value = !0,
this.RangeTest(C, p))
w.ClipperBase.prototype.InitEdge = function(C, p, i, q) {
C.Next = p,
C.Prev = i,
C.Curr.X = q.X,
C.Curr.Y = q.Y,
w.use_xyz && (C.Curr.Z = q.Z),
C.OutIdx = -1
w.ClipperBase.prototype.InitEdge2 = function(C, p) {
C.Curr.Y >= C.Next.Curr.Y ? (C.Bot.X = C.Curr.X,
C.Bot.Y = C.Curr.Y,
w.use_xyz && (C.Bot.Z = C.Curr.Z),
C.Top.X = C.Next.Curr.X,
C.Top.Y = C.Next.Curr.Y,
w.use_xyz && (C.Top.Z = C.Next.Curr.Z)) : (C.Top.X = C.Curr.X,
C.Top.Y = C.Curr.Y,
w.use_xyz && (C.Top.Z = C.Curr.Z),
C.Bot.X = C.Next.Curr.X,
C.Bot.Y = C.Next.Curr.Y,
w.use_xyz && (C.Bot.Z = C.Next.Curr.Z)),
C.PolyTyp = p
w.ClipperBase.prototype.FindNextLocMin = function(C) {
for (var p; ; ) {
for (; w.IntPoint.op_Inequality(C.Bot, C.Prev.Bot) ||
w.IntPoint.op_Equality(C.Curr, C.Top); )
C = C.Next;
if (C.Dx !== w.ClipperBase.horizontal && C.Prev.Dx !==
for (; C.Prev.Dx === w.ClipperBase.horizontal; )
C = C.Prev;
for (p = C; C.Dx === w.ClipperBase.horizontal; )
C = C.Next;
if (C.Top.Y !== C.Prev.Bot.Y) {
p.Prev.Bot.X < C.Bot.X && (C = p);
return C
w.ClipperBase.prototype.ProcessBound = function(C, p) {
var i, q, V = C;
if (V.OutIdx === w.ClipperBase.Skip) {
if (C = V,
p) {
for (; C.Top.Y === C.Next.Bot.Y; )
C = C.Next;
for (; C !== V && C.Dx === w.ClipperBase.horizontal; )
C = C.Prev
} else {
for (; C.Top.Y === C.Prev.Bot.Y; )
C = C.Prev;
for (; C !== V && C.Dx === w.ClipperBase.horizontal; )
C = C.Next
if (C === V)
V = p ? C.Next : C.Prev;
else {
C = p ? V.Next : V.Prev;
var m = new w.LocalMinima;
m.Next = null,
m.Y = C.Bot.Y,
m.LeftBound = null,
m.RightBound = C,
C.WindDelta = 0,
V = this.ProcessBound(C, p),
return V
if (C.Dx === w.ClipperBase.horizontal && ((i = p ? C.Prev :
C.Next).Dx === w.ClipperBase.horizontal ? i.Bot.X !== C.Bot.X && i.Top.X !==
C.Bot.X && this.ReverseHorizontal(C) : i.Bot.X !== C.Bot.X &&
i = C,
p) {
for (; V.Top.Y === V.Next.Bot.Y && V.Next.OutIdx !==
w.ClipperBase.Skip; )
V = V.Next;
if (V.Dx === w.ClipperBase.horizontal && V.Next.OutIdx !==
w.ClipperBase.Skip) {
for (q = V; q.Prev.Dx === w.ClipperBase.horizontal; )
q = q.Prev;
q.Prev.Top.X > V.Next.Top.X && (V = q.Prev)
for (; C !== V; )
C.NextInLML = C.Next,
C.Dx === w.ClipperBase.horizontal && C !== i && C.Bot.X
!== C.Prev.Top.X && this.ReverseHorizontal(C),
C = C.Next;
C.Dx === w.ClipperBase.horizontal && C !== i && C.Bot.X !==
C.Prev.Top.X && this.ReverseHorizontal(C),
V = V.Next
} else {
for (; V.Top.Y === V.Prev.Bot.Y && V.Prev.OutIdx !==
w.ClipperBase.Skip; )
V = V.Prev;
if (V.Dx === w.ClipperBase.horizontal && V.Prev.OutIdx !==
w.ClipperBase.Skip) {
for (q = V; q.Next.Dx === w.ClipperBase.horizontal; )
q = q.Next;
(q.Next.Top.X === V.Prev.Top.X || q.Next.Top.X >
V.Prev.Top.X) && (V = q.Next)
for (; C !== V; )
C.NextInLML = C.Prev,
C.Dx === w.ClipperBase.horizontal && C !== i && C.Bot.X
!== C.Next.Top.X && this.ReverseHorizontal(C),
C = C.Prev;
C.Dx === w.ClipperBase.horizontal && C !== i && C.Bot.X !==
C.Next.Top.X && this.ReverseHorizontal(C),
V = V.Prev
return V
w.ClipperBase.prototype.AddPath = function(C, p, i) {
w.use_lines ? i || p !== w.PolyType.ptClip || w.Error("AddPath:
Open paths must be subject.") : i || w.Error("AddPath: Open paths have been
var q = C.length - 1;
if (i)
for (; q > 0 && w.IntPoint.op_Equality(C[q], C[0]); )
for (; q > 0 && w.IntPoint.op_Equality(C[q], C[q - 1]); )
if (i && q < 2 || !i && q < 1)
return !1;
for (var V = new Array, m = 0; m <= q; m++)
V.push(new w.TEdge);
var y = !0;
V[1].Curr.X = C[1].X,
V[1].Curr.Y = C[1].Y,
w.use_xyz && (V[1].Curr.Z = C[1].Z);
var l = {
Value: this.m_UseFullRange
for (this.RangeTest(C[0], l),
this.m_UseFullRange = l.Value,
l.Value = this.m_UseFullRange,
this.RangeTest(C[q], l),
this.m_UseFullRange = l.Value,
this.InitEdge(V[0], V[1], V[q], C[0]),
this.InitEdge(V[q], V[0], V[q - 1], C[q]),
m = q - 1; m >= 1; --m)
l.Value = this.m_UseFullRange,
this.RangeTest(C[m], l),
this.m_UseFullRange = l.Value,
this.InitEdge(V[m], V[m + 1], V[m - 1], C[m]);
for (var t, B = V[0], T = B, I = B; ; )
if (T.Curr !== T.Next.Curr || !i && T.Next === B) {
if (T.Prev === T.Next)
if (!i || !w.ClipperBase.SlopesEqual4(T.Prev.Curr,
T.Curr, T.Next.Curr, this.m_UseFullRange) || this.PreserveCollinear &&
this.Pt2IsBetweenPt1AndPt3(T.Prev.Curr, T.Curr, T.Next.Curr)) {
if ((T = T.Next) === I || !i && T.Next === B)
} else
T === B && (B = T.Next),
I = T = (T = this.RemoveEdge(T)).Prev
} else {
if (T === T.Next)
T === B && (B = T.Next),
I = T = this.RemoveEdge(T)
if (!i && T === T.Next || i && T.Prev === T.Next)
return !1;
i || (this.m_HasOpenPaths = !0,
B.Prev.OutIdx = w.ClipperBase.Skip),
T = B;
do {
this.InitEdge2(T, p),
T = T.Next,
y && T.Curr.Y !== B.Curr.Y && (y = !1)
} while (T !== B);
if (y) {
if (i)
return !1;
for (T.Prev.OutIdx = w.ClipperBase.Skip,
(U = new w.LocalMinima).Next = null,
U.Y = T.Bot.Y,
U.LeftBound = null,
U.RightBound = T,
U.RightBound.Side = w.EdgeSide.esRight,
U.RightBound.WindDelta = 0; T.Bot.X !== T.Prev.Top.X &&
T.Next.OutIdx !== w.ClipperBase.Skip; )
T.NextInLML = T.Next,
T = T.Next;
return this.InsertLocalMinima(U),
var Y = null;
for (w.IntPoint.op_Equality(T.Prev.Bot, T.Prev.Top) && (T =
T.Next); (T = this.FindNextLocMin(T)) !== Y; ) {
var U;
null === Y && (Y = T),
(U = new w.LocalMinima).Next = null,
U.Y = T.Bot.Y,
T.Dx < T.Prev.Dx ? (U.LeftBound = T.Prev,
U.RightBound = T,
t = !1) : (U.LeftBound = T,
U.RightBound = T.Prev,
t = !0),
U.LeftBound.Side = w.EdgeSide.esLeft,
U.RightBound.Side = w.EdgeSide.esRight,
i ? U.LeftBound.Next === U.RightBound ?
U.LeftBound.WindDelta = -1 : U.LeftBound.WindDelta = 1 : U.LeftBound.WindDelta = 0,
U.RightBound.WindDelta = -U.LeftBound.WindDelta,
(T = this.ProcessBound(U.LeftBound, t)).OutIdx ===
w.ClipperBase.Skip && (T = this.ProcessBound(T, t));
var L = this.ProcessBound(U.RightBound, !t);
L.OutIdx === w.ClipperBase.Skip && (L =
this.ProcessBound(L, !t)),
U.LeftBound.OutIdx === w.ClipperBase.Skip ? U.LeftBound =
null : U.RightBound.OutIdx === w.ClipperBase.Skip && (U.RightBound = null),
t || (T = L)
return !0
w.ClipperBase.prototype.AddPaths = function(C, p, i) {
for (var q = !1, V = 0, m = C.length; V < m; ++V)
this.AddPath(C[V], p, i) && (q = !0);
return q
w.ClipperBase.prototype.Pt2IsBetweenPt1AndPt3 = function(C, p, i) {
return !(w.IntPoint.op_Equality(C, i) ||
w.IntPoint.op_Equality(C, p) || w.IntPoint.op_Equality(i, p)) && (C.X !== i.X ? p.X
> C.X == p.X < i.X : p.Y > C.Y == p.Y < i.Y)
w.ClipperBase.prototype.RemoveEdge = function(C) {
C.Prev.Next = C.Next,
C.Next.Prev = C.Prev;
var p = C.Next;
return C.Prev = null,
w.ClipperBase.prototype.SetDx = function(C) {
C.Delta.X = C.Top.X - C.Bot.X,
C.Delta.Y = C.Top.Y - C.Bot.Y,
0 === C.Delta.Y ? C.Dx = w.ClipperBase.horizontal : C.Dx =
C.Delta.X / C.Delta.Y
w.ClipperBase.prototype.InsertLocalMinima = function(C) {
if (null === this.m_MinimaList)
this.m_MinimaList = C;
else if (C.Y >= this.m_MinimaList.Y)
C.Next = this.m_MinimaList,
this.m_MinimaList = C;
else {
for (var p = this.m_MinimaList; null !== p.Next && C.Y <
p.Next.Y; )
p = p.Next;
C.Next = p.Next,
p.Next = C
w.ClipperBase.prototype.PopLocalMinima = function(C, p) {
return p.v = this.m_CurrentLM,
null !== this.m_CurrentLM && this.m_CurrentLM.Y === C &&
(this.m_CurrentLM = this.m_CurrentLM.Next,
w.ClipperBase.prototype.ReverseHorizontal = function(C) {
var p = C.Top.X;
C.Top.X = C.Bot.X,
C.Bot.X = p,
w.use_xyz && (p = C.Top.Z,
C.Top.Z = C.Bot.Z,
C.Bot.Z = p)
w.ClipperBase.prototype.Reset = function() {
if (this.m_CurrentLM = this.m_MinimaList,
null !== this.m_CurrentLM) {
this.m_Scanbeam = null;
for (var C = this.m_MinimaList; null !== C; ) {
var p = C.LeftBound;
null !== p && (p.Curr.X = p.Bot.X,
p.Curr.Y = p.Bot.Y,
w.use_xyz && (p.Curr.Z = p.Bot.Z),
p.OutIdx = w.ClipperBase.Unassigned),
null !== (p = C.RightBound) && (p.Curr.X = p.Bot.X,
p.Curr.Y = p.Bot.Y,
w.use_xyz && (p.Curr.Z = p.Bot.Z),
p.OutIdx = w.ClipperBase.Unassigned),
C = C.Next
this.m_ActiveEdges = null
w.ClipperBase.prototype.InsertScanbeam = function(C) {
if (null === this.m_Scanbeam)
this.m_Scanbeam = new w.Scanbeam,
this.m_Scanbeam.Next = null,
this.m_Scanbeam.Y = C;
else if (C > this.m_Scanbeam.Y) {
var p = new w.Scanbeam;
p.Y = C,
p.Next = this.m_Scanbeam,
this.m_Scanbeam = p
} else {
for (var i = this.m_Scanbeam; null !== i.Next && C <=
i.Next.Y; )
i = i.Next;
if (C === i.Y)
var q = new w.Scanbeam;
q.Y = C,
q.Next = i.Next,
i.Next = q
w.ClipperBase.prototype.PopScanbeam = function(C) {
return null === this.m_Scanbeam ? (C.v = 0,
!1) : (C.v = this.m_Scanbeam.Y,
this.m_Scanbeam = this.m_Scanbeam.Next,
w.ClipperBase.prototype.LocalMinimaPending = function() {
return null !== this.m_CurrentLM
w.ClipperBase.prototype.CreateOutRec = function() {
var C = new w.OutRec;
return C.Idx = w.ClipperBase.Unassigned,
C.IsHole = !1,
C.IsOpen = !1,
C.FirstLeft = null,
C.Pts = null,
C.BottomPt = null,
C.PolyNode = null,
C.Idx = this.m_PolyOuts.length - 1,
w.ClipperBase.prototype.DisposeOutRec = function(C) {
var p = this.m_PolyOuts[C];
p.Pts = null,
p = null,
this.m_PolyOuts[C] = null
w.ClipperBase.prototype.UpdateEdgeIntoAEL = function(C) {
null === C.NextInLML && w.Error("UpdateEdgeIntoAEL: invalid
var p = C.PrevInAEL
, i = C.NextInAEL;
return C.NextInLML.OutIdx = C.OutIdx,
null !== p ? p.NextInAEL = C.NextInLML : this.m_ActiveEdges =
null !== i && (i.PrevInAEL = C.NextInLML),
C.NextInLML.Side = C.Side,
C.NextInLML.WindDelta = C.WindDelta,
C.NextInLML.WindCnt = C.WindCnt,
C.NextInLML.WindCnt2 = C.WindCnt2,
(C = C.NextInLML).Curr.X = C.Bot.X,
C.Curr.Y = C.Bot.Y,
C.PrevInAEL = p,
C.NextInAEL = i,
w.ClipperBase.IsHorizontal(C) || this.InsertScanbeam(C.Top.Y),
w.ClipperBase.prototype.SwapPositionsInAEL = function(C, p) {
if (C.NextInAEL !== C.PrevInAEL && p.NextInAEL !== p.PrevInAEL)
if (C.NextInAEL === p) {
var i = p.NextInAEL;
null !== i && (i.PrevInAEL = C);
var q = C.PrevInAEL;
null !== q && (q.NextInAEL = p),
p.PrevInAEL = q,
p.NextInAEL = C,
C.PrevInAEL = p,
C.NextInAEL = i
} else if (p.NextInAEL === C) {
var V = C.NextInAEL;
null !== V && (V.PrevInAEL = p);
var m = p.PrevInAEL;
null !== m && (m.NextInAEL = C),
C.PrevInAEL = m,
C.NextInAEL = p,
p.PrevInAEL = C,
p.NextInAEL = V
} else {
var w = C.NextInAEL
, y = C.PrevInAEL;
C.NextInAEL = p.NextInAEL,
null !== C.NextInAEL && (C.NextInAEL.PrevInAEL = C),
C.PrevInAEL = p.PrevInAEL,
null !== C.PrevInAEL && (C.PrevInAEL.NextInAEL = C),
p.NextInAEL = w,
null !== p.NextInAEL && (p.NextInAEL.PrevInAEL = p),
p.PrevInAEL = y,
null !== p.PrevInAEL && (p.PrevInAEL.NextInAEL = p)
null === C.PrevInAEL ? this.m_ActiveEdges = C : null ===
p.PrevInAEL && (this.m_ActiveEdges = p)
w.ClipperBase.prototype.DeleteFromAEL = function(C) {
var p = C.PrevInAEL
, i = C.NextInAEL;
null === p && null === i && C !== this.m_ActiveEdges || (null !
== p ? p.NextInAEL = i : this.m_ActiveEdges = i,
null !== i && (i.PrevInAEL = p),
C.NextInAEL = null,
C.PrevInAEL = null)
w.Clipper = function(C) {
void 0 === C && (C = 0),
this.m_PolyOuts = null,
this.m_ClipType = w.ClipType.ctIntersection,
this.m_Scanbeam = null,
this.m_Maxima = null,
this.m_ActiveEdges = null,
this.m_SortedEdges = null,
this.m_IntersectList = null,
this.m_IntersectNodeComparer = null,
this.m_ExecuteLocked = !1,
this.m_ClipFillType = w.PolyFillType.pftEvenOdd,
this.m_SubjFillType = w.PolyFillType.pftEvenOdd,
this.m_Joins = null,
this.m_GhostJoins = null,
this.m_UsingPolyTree = !1,
this.ReverseSolution = !1,
this.StrictlySimple = !1,,
this.m_Scanbeam = null,
this.m_Maxima = null,
this.m_ActiveEdges = null,
this.m_SortedEdges = null,
this.m_IntersectList = new Array,
this.m_IntersectNodeComparer = w.MyIntersectNodeSort.Compare,
this.m_ExecuteLocked = !1,
this.m_UsingPolyTree = !1,
this.m_PolyOuts = new Array,
this.m_Joins = new Array,
this.m_GhostJoins = new Array,
this.ReverseSolution = !!(1 & C),
this.StrictlySimple = !!(2 & C),
this.PreserveCollinear = !!(4 & C),
w.use_xyz && (this.ZFillFunction = null)
w.Clipper.ioReverseSolution = 1,
w.Clipper.ioStrictlySimple = 2,
w.Clipper.ioPreserveCollinear = 4,
w.Clipper.prototype.Clear = function() {
0 !== this.m_edges.length && (this.DisposeAllPolyPts(),
w.Clipper.prototype.InsertMaxima = function(C) {
var p = new w.Maxima;
if (p.X = C,
null === this.m_Maxima)
this.m_Maxima = p,
this.m_Maxima.Next = null,
this.m_Maxima.Prev = null;
else if (C < this.m_Maxima.X)
p.Next = this.m_Maxima,
p.Prev = null,
this.m_Maxima = p;
else {
for (var i = this.m_Maxima; null !== i.Next && C >=
i.Next.X; )
i = i.Next;
if (C === i.X)
p.Next = i.Next,
p.Prev = i,
null !== i.Next && (i.Next.Prev = p),
i.Next = p
w.Clipper.prototype.Execute = function() {
var C = arguments
, p = C.length
, i = C[1]instanceof w.PolyTree;
if (4 === p && !i) {
var q = C[0]
, V = C[1]
, m = C[2]
, y = C[3];
if (this.m_ExecuteLocked)
return !1;
this.m_HasOpenPaths && w.Error("Error: PolyTree struct is
needed for open path clipping."),
this.m_ExecuteLocked = !0,
this.m_SubjFillType = m,
this.m_ClipFillType = y,
this.m_ClipType = q,
this.m_UsingPolyTree = !1;
try {
(t = this.ExecuteInternal()) && this.BuildResult(V)
} finally {
this.m_ExecuteLocked = !1
return t
if (4 === p && i) {
q = C[0];
var l = C[1];
if (m = C[2],
y = C[3],
return !1;
this.m_ExecuteLocked = !0,
this.m_SubjFillType = m,
this.m_ClipFillType = y,
this.m_ClipType = q,
this.m_UsingPolyTree = !0;
try {
var t;
(t = this.ExecuteInternal()) && this.BuildResult2(l)
} finally {
this.m_ExecuteLocked = !1
return t
return 2 !== p || i ? 2 === p && i ? (q = C[0],
l = C[1],
this.Execute(q, l, w.PolyFillType.pftEvenOdd,
w.PolyFillType.pftEvenOdd)) : void 0 : (q = C[0],
V = C[1],
this.Execute(q, V, w.PolyFillType.pftEvenOdd,
w.Clipper.prototype.FixHoleLinkage = function(C) {
if (null !== C.FirstLeft && (C.IsHole === C.FirstLeft.IsHole ||
null === C.FirstLeft.Pts)) {
for (var p = C.FirstLeft; null !== p && (p.IsHole ===
C.IsHole || null === p.Pts); )
p = p.FirstLeft;
C.FirstLeft = p
w.Clipper.prototype.ExecuteInternal = function() {
try {
this.m_SortedEdges = null,
this.m_Maxima = null;
var C, p, i, q = {}, V = {};
if (!this.PopScanbeam(q))
return !1;
for (this.InsertLocalMinimaIntoAEL(q.v);
this.PopScanbeam(V) || this.LocalMinimaPending(); ) {
if (this.ProcessHorizontals(),
this.m_GhostJoins.length = 0,
return !1;
q.v = V.v,
for (p = 0,
i = this.m_PolyOuts.length; p < i; p++)
null === (C = this.m_PolyOuts[p]).Pts || C.IsOpen ||
(C.IsHole ^ this.ReverseSolution) == this.Area$1(C) > 0 &&
for (this.JoinCommonEdges(),
p = 0,
i = this.m_PolyOuts.length; p < i; p++)
null !== (C = this.m_PolyOuts[p]).Pts && (C.IsOpen ?
this.FixupOutPolyline(C) : this.FixupOutPolygon(C));
return this.StrictlySimple && this.DoSimplePolygons(),
} finally {
this.m_Joins.length = 0,
this.m_GhostJoins.length = 0
w.Clipper.prototype.DisposeAllPolyPts = function() {
for (var C = 0, p = this.m_PolyOuts.length; C < p; ++C)
w.Clipper.prototype.AddJoin = function(C, p, i) {
var q = new w.Join;
q.OutPt1 = C,
q.OutPt2 = p,
q.OffPt.X = i.X,
q.OffPt.Y = i.Y,
w.use_xyz && (q.OffPt.Z = i.Z),
w.Clipper.prototype.AddGhostJoin = function(C, p) {
var i = new w.Join;
i.OutPt1 = C,
i.OffPt.X = p.X,
i.OffPt.Y = p.Y,
w.use_xyz && (i.OffPt.Z = p.Z),
w.Clipper.prototype.SetZ = function(C, p, i) {
if (null !== this.ZFillFunction) {
if (0 !== C.Z || null === this.ZFillFunction)
w.IntPoint.op_Equality(C, p.Bot) ? C.Z = p.Bot.Z :
w.IntPoint.op_Equality(C, p.Top) ? C.Z = p.Top.Z : w.IntPoint.op_Equality(C, i.Bot)
? C.Z = i.Bot.Z : w.IntPoint.op_Equality(C, i.Top) ? C.Z = i.Top.Z :
this.ZFillFunction(p.Bot, p.Top, i.Bot, i.Top, C)
w.Clipper.prototype.InsertLocalMinimaIntoAEL = function(C) {
for (var p, i, q = {}; this.PopLocalMinima(C, q); ) {
p = q.v.LeftBound,
i = q.v.RightBound;
var V = null;
if (null === p ? (this.InsertEdgeIntoAEL(i, null),
this.IsContributing(i) && (V = this.AddOutPt(i, i.Bot))) :
null === i ? (this.InsertEdgeIntoAEL(p, null),
this.IsContributing(p) && (V = this.AddOutPt(p, p.Bot)),
this.InsertScanbeam(p.Top.Y)) : (this.InsertEdgeIntoAEL(p,
this.InsertEdgeIntoAEL(i, p),
i.WindCnt = p.WindCnt,
i.WindCnt2 = p.WindCnt2,
this.IsContributing(p) && (V = this.AddLocalMinPoly(p, i,
null !== i && (w.ClipperBase.IsHorizontal(i) ? (null !==
i.NextInLML && this.InsertScanbeam(i.NextInLML.Top.Y),
this.AddEdgeToSEL(i)) : this.InsertScanbeam(i.Top.Y)),
null !== p && null !== i) {
if (null !== V && w.ClipperBase.IsHorizontal(i) &&
this.m_GhostJoins.length > 0 && 0 !== i.WindDelta)
for (var m = 0, y = this.m_GhostJoins.length; m <
y; m++) {
var l = this.m_GhostJoins[m];
l.OffPt.X, i.Bot.X, i.Top.X) && this.AddJoin(l.OutPt1, V, l.OffPt)
if (p.OutIdx >= 0 && null !== p.PrevInAEL &&
p.PrevInAEL.Curr.X === p.Bot.X && p.PrevInAEL.OutIdx >= 0 &&
w.ClipperBase.SlopesEqual5(p.PrevInAEL.Curr, p.PrevInAEL.Top, p.Curr, p.Top,
this.m_UseFullRange) && 0 !== p.WindDelta && 0 !== p.PrevInAEL.WindDelta) {
var t = this.AddOutPt(p.PrevInAEL, p.Bot);
this.AddJoin(V, t, p.Top)
if (p.NextInAEL !== i) {
i.OutIdx >= 0 && i.PrevInAEL.OutIdx >= 0 &&
w.ClipperBase.SlopesEqual5(i.PrevInAEL.Curr, i.PrevInAEL.Top, i.Curr, i.Top,
this.m_UseFullRange) && 0 !== i.WindDelta && 0 !== i.PrevInAEL.WindDelta && (t =
this.AddOutPt(i.PrevInAEL, i.Bot),
this.AddJoin(V, t, i.Top));
var B = p.NextInAEL;
if (null !== B)
for (; B !== i; )
this.IntersectEdges(i, B, p.Curr),
B = B.NextInAEL
w.Clipper.prototype.InsertEdgeIntoAEL = function(C, p) {
if (null === this.m_ActiveEdges)
C.PrevInAEL = null,
C.NextInAEL = null,
this.m_ActiveEdges = C;
else if (null === p &&
this.E2InsertsBeforeE1(this.m_ActiveEdges, C))
C.PrevInAEL = null,
C.NextInAEL = this.m_ActiveEdges,
this.m_ActiveEdges.PrevInAEL = C,
this.m_ActiveEdges = C;
else {
for (null === p && (p = this.m_ActiveEdges); null !==
p.NextInAEL && !this.E2InsertsBeforeE1(p.NextInAEL, C); )
p = p.NextInAEL;
C.NextInAEL = p.NextInAEL,
null !== p.NextInAEL && (p.NextInAEL.PrevInAEL = C),
C.PrevInAEL = p,
p.NextInAEL = C
w.Clipper.prototype.E2InsertsBeforeE1 = function(C, p) {
return p.Curr.X === C.Curr.X ? p.Top.Y > C.Top.Y ? p.Top.X <
w.Clipper.TopX(C, p.Top.Y) : C.Top.X > w.Clipper.TopX(p, C.Top.Y) : p.Curr.X <
w.Clipper.prototype.IsEvenOddFillType = function(C) {
return C.PolyTyp === w.PolyType.ptSubject ? this.m_SubjFillType
=== w.PolyFillType.pftEvenOdd : this.m_ClipFillType === w.PolyFillType.pftEvenOdd
w.Clipper.prototype.IsEvenOddAltFillType = function(C) {
return C.PolyTyp === w.PolyType.ptSubject ? this.m_ClipFillType
=== w.PolyFillType.pftEvenOdd : this.m_SubjFillType === w.PolyFillType.pftEvenOdd
w.Clipper.prototype.IsContributing = function(C) {
var p, i;
switch (C.PolyTyp === w.PolyType.ptSubject ? (p =
i = this.m_ClipFillType) : (p = this.m_ClipFillType,
i = this.m_SubjFillType),
p) {
case w.PolyFillType.pftEvenOdd:
if (0 === C.WindDelta && 1 !== C.WindCnt)
return !1;
case w.PolyFillType.pftNonZero:
if (1 !== Math.abs(C.WindCnt))
return !1;
case w.PolyFillType.pftPositive:
if (1 !== C.WindCnt)
return !1;
if (-1 !== C.WindCnt)
return !1
switch (this.m_ClipType) {
case w.ClipType.ctIntersection:
switch (i) {
case w.PolyFillType.pftEvenOdd:
case w.PolyFillType.pftNonZero:
return 0 !== C.WindCnt2;
case w.PolyFillType.pftPositive:
return C.WindCnt2 > 0;
return C.WindCnt2 < 0
case w.ClipType.ctUnion:
switch (i) {
case w.PolyFillType.pftEvenOdd:
case w.PolyFillType.pftNonZero:
return 0 === C.WindCnt2;
case w.PolyFillType.pftPositive:
return C.WindCnt2 <= 0;
return C.WindCnt2 >= 0
case w.ClipType.ctDifference:
if (C.PolyTyp === w.PolyType.ptSubject)
switch (i) {
case w.PolyFillType.pftEvenOdd:
case w.PolyFillType.pftNonZero:
return 0 === C.WindCnt2;
case w.PolyFillType.pftPositive:
return C.WindCnt2 <= 0;
return C.WindCnt2 >= 0
switch (i) {
case w.PolyFillType.pftEvenOdd:
case w.PolyFillType.pftNonZero:
return 0 !== C.WindCnt2;
case w.PolyFillType.pftPositive:
return C.WindCnt2 > 0;
return C.WindCnt2 < 0
case w.ClipType.ctXor:
if (0 !== C.WindDelta)
return !0;
switch (i) {
case w.PolyFillType.pftEvenOdd:
case w.PolyFillType.pftNonZero:
return 0 === C.WindCnt2;
case w.PolyFillType.pftPositive:
return C.WindCnt2 <= 0;
return C.WindCnt2 >= 0
return !0
w.Clipper.prototype.SetWindingCount = function(C) {
for (var p = C.PrevInAEL; null !== p && (p.PolyTyp !==
C.PolyTyp || 0 === p.WindDelta); )
p = p.PrevInAEL;
if (null === p) {
var i = C.PolyTyp === w.PolyType.ptSubject ?
this.m_SubjFillType : this.m_ClipFillType;
0 === C.WindDelta ? C.WindCnt = i ===
w.PolyFillType.pftNegative ? -1 : 1 : C.WindCnt = C.WindDelta,
C.WindCnt2 = 0,
p = this.m_ActiveEdges
} else if (0 === C.WindDelta && this.m_ClipType !==
C.WindCnt = 1,
C.WindCnt2 = p.WindCnt2,
p = p.NextInAEL;
else if (this.IsEvenOddFillType(C)) {
if (0 === C.WindDelta) {
for (var q = !0, V = p.PrevInAEL; null !== V; )
V.PolyTyp === p.PolyTyp && 0 !== V.WindDelta && (q
= !q),
V = V.PrevInAEL;
C.WindCnt = q ? 0 : 1
} else
C.WindCnt = C.WindDelta;
C.WindCnt2 = p.WindCnt2,
p = p.NextInAEL
} else
p.WindCnt * p.WindDelta < 0 ? Math.abs(p.WindCnt) > 1 ?
p.WindDelta * C.WindDelta < 0 ? C.WindCnt = p.WindCnt : C.WindCnt = p.WindCnt +
C.WindDelta : C.WindCnt = 0 === C.WindDelta ? 1 : C.WindDelta : 0 === C.WindDelta ?
C.WindCnt = p.WindCnt < 0 ? p.WindCnt - 1 : p.WindCnt + 1 : p.WindDelta *
C.WindDelta < 0 ? C.WindCnt = p.WindCnt : C.WindCnt = p.WindCnt + C.WindDelta,
C.WindCnt2 = p.WindCnt2,
p = p.NextInAEL;
if (this.IsEvenOddAltFillType(C))
for (; p !== C; )
0 !== p.WindDelta && (C.WindCnt2 = 0 === C.WindCnt2 ? 1
: 0),
p = p.NextInAEL;
for (; p !== C; )
C.WindCnt2 += p.WindDelta,
p = p.NextInAEL
w.Clipper.prototype.AddEdgeToSEL = function(C) {
null === this.m_SortedEdges ? (this.m_SortedEdges = C,
C.PrevInSEL = null,
C.NextInSEL = null) : (C.NextInSEL = this.m_SortedEdges,
C.PrevInSEL = null,
this.m_SortedEdges.PrevInSEL = C,
this.m_SortedEdges = C)
w.Clipper.prototype.PopEdgeFromSEL = function(C) {
if (C.v = this.m_SortedEdges,
null === C.v)
return !1;
var p = C.v;
return this.m_SortedEdges = C.v.NextInSEL,
null !== this.m_SortedEdges && (this.m_SortedEdges.PrevInSEL =
p.NextInSEL = null,
p.PrevInSEL = null,
w.Clipper.prototype.CopyAELToSEL = function() {
var C = this.m_ActiveEdges;
for (this.m_SortedEdges = C; null !== C; )
C.PrevInSEL = C.PrevInAEL,
C.NextInSEL = C.NextInAEL,
C = C.NextInAEL
w.Clipper.prototype.SwapPositionsInSEL = function(C, p) {
if (!(null === C.NextInSEL && null === C.PrevInSEL || null ===
p.NextInSEL && null === p.PrevInSEL)) {
if (C.NextInSEL === p)
null !== (i = p.NextInSEL) && (i.PrevInSEL = C),
null !== (q = C.PrevInSEL) && (q.NextInSEL = p),
p.PrevInSEL = q,
p.NextInSEL = C,
C.PrevInSEL = p,
C.NextInSEL = i;
else if (p.NextInSEL === C)
null !== (i = C.NextInSEL) && (i.PrevInSEL = p),
null !== (q = p.PrevInSEL) && (q.NextInSEL = C),
C.PrevInSEL = q,
C.NextInSEL = p,
p.PrevInSEL = C,
p.NextInSEL = i;
else {
var i = C.NextInSEL
, q = C.PrevInSEL;
C.NextInSEL = p.NextInSEL,
null !== C.NextInSEL && (C.NextInSEL.PrevInSEL = C),
C.PrevInSEL = p.PrevInSEL,
null !== C.PrevInSEL && (C.PrevInSEL.NextInSEL = C),
p.NextInSEL = i,
null !== p.NextInSEL && (p.NextInSEL.PrevInSEL = p),
p.PrevInSEL = q,
null !== p.PrevInSEL && (p.PrevInSEL.NextInSEL = p)
null === C.PrevInSEL ? this.m_SortedEdges = C : null ===
p.PrevInSEL && (this.m_SortedEdges = p)
w.Clipper.prototype.AddLocalMaxPoly = function(C, p, i) {
this.AddOutPt(C, i),
0 === p.WindDelta && this.AddOutPt(p, i),
C.OutIdx === p.OutIdx ? (C.OutIdx = -1,
p.OutIdx = -1) : C.OutIdx < p.OutIdx ? this.AppendPolygon(C, p)
: this.AppendPolygon(p, C)
w.Clipper.prototype.AddLocalMinPoly = function(C, p, i) {
var q, V, m;
if (w.ClipperBase.IsHorizontal(p) || C.Dx > p.Dx ? (q =
this.AddOutPt(C, i),
p.OutIdx = C.OutIdx,
C.Side = w.EdgeSide.esLeft,
p.Side = w.EdgeSide.esRight,
m = (V = C).PrevInAEL === p ? p.PrevInAEL : V.PrevInAEL) : (q =
this.AddOutPt(p, i),
C.OutIdx = p.OutIdx,
C.Side = w.EdgeSide.esRight,
p.Side = w.EdgeSide.esLeft,
m = (V = p).PrevInAEL === C ? C.PrevInAEL : V.PrevInAEL),
null !== m && m.OutIdx >= 0 && m.Top.Y < i.Y && V.Top.Y < i.Y)
var y = w.Clipper.TopX(m, i.Y)
, l = w.Clipper.TopX(V, i.Y);
if (y === l && 0 !== V.WindDelta && 0 !== m.WindDelta &&
w.ClipperBase.SlopesEqual5(new w.IntPoint2(y,i.Y), m.Top, new w.IntPoint2(l,i.Y),
V.Top, this.m_UseFullRange)) {
var t = this.AddOutPt(m, i);
this.AddJoin(q, t, V.Top)
return q
w.Clipper.prototype.AddOutPt = function(C, p) {
if (C.OutIdx < 0) {
(q = this.CreateOutRec()).IsOpen = 0 === C.WindDelta;
var i = new w.OutPt;
return q.Pts = i,
i.Idx = q.Idx,
i.Pt.X = p.X,
i.Pt.Y = p.Y,
w.use_xyz && (i.Pt.Z = p.Z),
i.Next = i,
i.Prev = i,
q.IsOpen || this.SetHoleState(C, q),
C.OutIdx = q.Idx,
var q, V = (q = this.m_PolyOuts[C.OutIdx]).Pts, m = C.Side ===
return m && w.IntPoint.op_Equality(p, V.Pt) ? V : !m &&
w.IntPoint.op_Equality(p, V.Prev.Pt) ? V.Prev : ((i = new w.OutPt).Idx = q.Idx,
i.Pt.X = p.X,
i.Pt.Y = p.Y,
w.use_xyz && (i.Pt.Z = p.Z),
i.Next = V,
i.Prev = V.Prev,
i.Prev.Next = i,
V.Prev = i,
m && (q.Pts = i),
w.Clipper.prototype.GetLastOutPt = function(C) {
var p = this.m_PolyOuts[C.OutIdx];
return C.Side === w.EdgeSide.esLeft ? p.Pts : p.Pts.Prev
w.Clipper.prototype.SwapPoints = function(C, p) {
var i = new w.IntPoint1(C.Value);
C.Value.X = p.Value.X,
C.Value.Y = p.Value.Y,
w.use_xyz && (C.Value.Z = p.Value.Z),
p.Value.X = i.X,
p.Value.Y = i.Y,
w.use_xyz && (p.Value.Z = i.Z)
w.Clipper.prototype.HorzSegmentsOverlap = function(C, p, i, q) {
var V;
return C > p && (V = C,
C = p,
p = V),
i > q && (V = i,
i = q,
q = V),
C < q && i < p
w.Clipper.prototype.SetHoleState = function(C, p) {
for (var i = C.PrevInAEL, q = null; null !== i; )
i.OutIdx >= 0 && 0 !== i.WindDelta && (null === q ? q = i :
q.OutIdx === i.OutIdx && (q = null)),
i = i.PrevInAEL;
null === q ? (p.FirstLeft = null,
p.IsHole = !1) : (p.FirstLeft = this.m_PolyOuts[q.OutIdx],
p.IsHole = !p.FirstLeft.IsHole)
w.Clipper.prototype.GetDx = function(C, p) {
return C.Y === p.Y ? w.ClipperBase.horizontal : (p.X - C.X) /
(p.Y - C.Y)
w.Clipper.prototype.FirstIsBottomPt = function(C, p) {
for (var i = C.Prev; w.IntPoint.op_Equality(i.Pt, C.Pt) && i !
== C; )
i = i.Prev;
var q = Math.abs(this.GetDx(C.Pt, i.Pt));
for (i = C.Next; w.IntPoint.op_Equality(i.Pt, C.Pt) && i !== C;
i = i.Next;
var V = Math.abs(this.GetDx(C.Pt, i.Pt));
for (i = p.Prev; w.IntPoint.op_Equality(i.Pt, p.Pt) && i !== p;
i = i.Prev;
var m = Math.abs(this.GetDx(p.Pt, i.Pt));
for (i = p.Next; w.IntPoint.op_Equality(i.Pt, p.Pt) && i !== p;
i = i.Next;
var y = Math.abs(this.GetDx(p.Pt, i.Pt));
return Math.max(q, V) === Math.max(m, y) && Math.min(q, V) ===
Math.min(m, y) ? this.Area(C) > 0 : q >= m && q >= y || V >= m && V >= y
w.Clipper.prototype.GetBottomPt = function(C) {
for (var p = null, i = C.Next; i !== C; )
i.Pt.Y > C.Pt.Y ? (C = i,
p = null) : i.Pt.Y === C.Pt.Y && i.Pt.X <= C.Pt.X &&
(i.Pt.X < C.Pt.X ? (p = null,
C = i) : i.Next !== C && i.Prev !== C && (p = i)),
i = i.Next;
if (null !== p)
for (; p !== i; )
for (this.FirstIsBottomPt(i, p) || (C = p),
p = p.Next; w.IntPoint.op_Inequality(p.Pt, C.Pt); )
p = p.Next;
return C
w.Clipper.prototype.GetLowermostRec = function(C, p) {
null === C.BottomPt && (C.BottomPt = this.GetBottomPt(C.Pts)),
null === p.BottomPt && (p.BottomPt = this.GetBottomPt(p.Pts));
var i = C.BottomPt
, q = p.BottomPt;
return i.Pt.Y > q.Pt.Y ? C : i.Pt.Y < q.Pt.Y ? p : i.Pt.X <
q.Pt.X ? C : i.Pt.X > q.Pt.X || i.Next === i ? p : q.Next === q ||
this.FirstIsBottomPt(i, q) ? C : p
w.Clipper.prototype.OutRec1RightOfOutRec2 = function(C, p) {
do {
if ((C = C.FirstLeft) === p)
return !0
} while (null !== C);
return !1
w.Clipper.prototype.GetOutRec = function(C) {
for (var p = this.m_PolyOuts[C]; p !==
this.m_PolyOuts[p.Idx]; )
p = this.m_PolyOuts[p.Idx];
return p
w.Clipper.prototype.AppendPolygon = function(C, p) {
var i, q = this.m_PolyOuts[C.OutIdx], V =
i = this.OutRec1RightOfOutRec2(q, V) ? V :
this.OutRec1RightOfOutRec2(V, q) ? q : this.GetLowermostRec(q, V);
var m = q.Pts
, y = m.Prev
, l = V.Pts
, t = l.Prev;
C.Side === w.EdgeSide.esLeft ? p.Side === w.EdgeSide.esLeft ?
l.Next = m,
m.Prev = l,
y.Next = t,
t.Prev = y,
q.Pts = t) : (t.Next = m,
m.Prev = t,
l.Prev = y,
y.Next = l,
q.Pts = l) : p.Side === w.EdgeSide.esRight ?
y.Next = t,
t.Prev = y,
l.Next = m,
m.Prev = l) : (y.Next = l,
l.Prev = y,
m.Prev = t,
t.Next = m),
q.BottomPt = null,
i === V && (V.FirstLeft !== q && (q.FirstLeft = V.FirstLeft),
q.IsHole = V.IsHole),
V.Pts = null,
V.BottomPt = null,
V.FirstLeft = q;
var B = C.OutIdx
, T = p.OutIdx;
C.OutIdx = -1,
p.OutIdx = -1;
for (var I = this.m_ActiveEdges; null !== I; ) {
if (I.OutIdx === T) {
I.OutIdx = B,
I.Side = C.Side;
I = I.NextInAEL
V.Idx = q.Idx
w.Clipper.prototype.ReversePolyPtLinks = function(C) {
if (null !== C) {
var p, i;
p = C;
do {
i = p.Next,
p.Next = p.Prev,
p.Prev = i,
p = i
} while (p !== C)
w.Clipper.SwapSides = function(C, p) {
var i = C.Side;
C.Side = p.Side,
p.Side = i
w.Clipper.SwapPolyIndexes = function(C, p) {
var i = C.OutIdx;
C.OutIdx = p.OutIdx,
p.OutIdx = i
w.Clipper.prototype.IntersectEdges = function(C, p, i) {
var q = C.OutIdx >= 0
, V = p.OutIdx >= 0;
if (w.use_xyz && this.SetZ(i, C, p),
!w.use_lines || 0 !== C.WindDelta && 0 !== p.WindDelta) {
if (C.PolyTyp === p.PolyTyp)
if (this.IsEvenOddFillType(C)) {
var m = C.WindCnt;
C.WindCnt = p.WindCnt,
p.WindCnt = m
} else
C.WindCnt + p.WindDelta === 0 ? C.WindCnt = -
C.WindCnt : C.WindCnt += p.WindDelta,
p.WindCnt - C.WindDelta == 0 ? p.WindCnt = -
p.WindCnt : p.WindCnt -= C.WindDelta;
this.IsEvenOddFillType(p) ? C.WindCnt2 = 0 ===
C.WindCnt2 ? 1 : 0 : C.WindCnt2 += p.WindDelta,
this.IsEvenOddFillType(C) ? p.WindCnt2 = 0 ===
p.WindCnt2 ? 1 : 0 : p.WindCnt2 -= C.WindDelta;
var y, l, t, B, T, I;
switch (C.PolyTyp === w.PolyType.ptSubject ? (y =
t = this.m_ClipFillType) : (y = this.m_ClipFillType,
t = this.m_SubjFillType),
p.PolyTyp === w.PolyType.ptSubject ? (l =
B = this.m_ClipFillType) : (l = this.m_ClipFillType,
B = this.m_SubjFillType),
y) {
case w.PolyFillType.pftPositive:
T = C.WindCnt;
case w.PolyFillType.pftNegative:
T = -C.WindCnt;
T = Math.abs(C.WindCnt)
switch (l) {
case w.PolyFillType.pftPositive:
I = p.WindCnt;
case w.PolyFillType.pftNegative:
I = -p.WindCnt;
I = Math.abs(p.WindCnt)
if (q && V)
0 !== T && 1 !== T || 0 !== I && 1 !== I || C.PolyTyp !
== p.PolyTyp && this.m_ClipType !== w.ClipType.ctXor ? this.AddLocalMaxPoly(C, p,
i) : (this.AddOutPt(C, i),
this.AddOutPt(p, i),
w.Clipper.SwapSides(C, p),
w.Clipper.SwapPolyIndexes(C, p));
else if (q)
0 !== I && 1 !== I || (this.AddOutPt(C, i),
w.Clipper.SwapSides(C, p),
w.Clipper.SwapPolyIndexes(C, p));
else if (V)
0 !== T && 1 !== T || (this.AddOutPt(p, i),
w.Clipper.SwapSides(C, p),
w.Clipper.SwapPolyIndexes(C, p));
else if (!(0 !== T && 1 !== T || 0 !== I && 1 !== I)) {
var Y, U;
switch (t) {
case w.PolyFillType.pftPositive:
Y = C.WindCnt2;
case w.PolyFillType.pftNegative:
Y = -C.WindCnt2;
Y = Math.abs(C.WindCnt2)
switch (B) {
case w.PolyFillType.pftPositive:
U = p.WindCnt2;
case w.PolyFillType.pftNegative:
U = -p.WindCnt2;
U = Math.abs(p.WindCnt2)
if (C.PolyTyp !== p.PolyTyp)
this.AddLocalMinPoly(C, p, i);
else if (1 === T && 1 === I)
switch (this.m_ClipType) {
case w.ClipType.ctIntersection:
Y > 0 && U > 0 && this.AddLocalMinPoly(C, p,
case w.ClipType.ctUnion:
Y <= 0 && U <= 0 && this.AddLocalMinPoly(C, p,
case w.ClipType.ctDifference:
(C.PolyTyp === w.PolyType.ptClip && Y > 0 && U
> 0 || C.PolyTyp === w.PolyType.ptSubject && Y <= 0 && U <= 0) &&
this.AddLocalMinPoly(C, p, i);
case w.ClipType.ctXor:
this.AddLocalMinPoly(C, p, i)
w.Clipper.SwapSides(C, p)
} else {
if (0 === C.WindDelta && 0 === p.WindDelta)
C.PolyTyp === p.PolyTyp && C.WindDelta !== p.WindDelta &&
this.m_ClipType === w.ClipType.ctUnion ? 0 === C.WindDelta ? V && (this.AddOutPt(C,
q && (C.OutIdx = -1)) : q && (this.AddOutPt(p, i),
V && (p.OutIdx = -1)) : C.PolyTyp !== p.PolyTyp && (0 !==
C.WindDelta || 1 !== Math.abs(p.WindCnt) || this.m_ClipType === w.ClipType.ctUnion
&& 0 !== p.WindCnt2 ? 0 !== p.WindDelta || 1 !== Math.abs(C.WindCnt) ||
this.m_ClipType === w.ClipType.ctUnion && 0 !== C.WindCnt2 || (this.AddOutPt(p, i),
V && (p.OutIdx = -1)) : (this.AddOutPt(C, i),
q && (C.OutIdx = -1)))
w.Clipper.prototype.DeleteFromSEL = function(C) {
var p = C.PrevInSEL
, i = C.NextInSEL;
null === p && null === i && C !== this.m_SortedEdges || (null !
== p ? p.NextInSEL = i : this.m_SortedEdges = i,
null !== i && (i.PrevInSEL = p),
C.NextInSEL = null,
C.PrevInSEL = null)
w.Clipper.prototype.ProcessHorizontals = function() {
for (var C = {}; this.PopEdgeFromSEL(C); )
w.Clipper.prototype.GetHorzDirection = function(C, p) {
C.Bot.X < C.Top.X ? (p.Left = C.Bot.X,
p.Right = C.Top.X,
p.Dir = w.Direction.dLeftToRight) : (p.Left = C.Top.X,
p.Right = C.Bot.X,
p.Dir = w.Direction.dRightToLeft)
w.Clipper.prototype.ProcessHorizontal = function(C) {
var p = {
Dir: null,
Left: null,
Right: null
this.GetHorzDirection(C, p);
for (var i = p.Dir, q = p.Left, V = p.Right, m = 0 ===
C.WindDelta, y = C, l = null; null !== y.NextInLML &&
w.ClipperBase.IsHorizontal(y.NextInLML); )
y = y.NextInLML;
null === y.NextInLML && (l = this.GetMaximaPair(y));
var t = this.m_Maxima;
if (null !== t)
if (i === w.Direction.dLeftToRight) {
for (; null !== t && t.X <= C.Bot.X; )
t = t.Next;
null !== t && t.X >= y.Top.X && (t = null)
} else {
for (; null !== t.Next && t.Next.X < C.Bot.X; )
t = t.Next;
t.X <= y.Top.X && (t = null)
for (var B = null; ; ) {
for (var T = C === y, I = this.GetNextInAEL(C, i); null !==
I; ) {
if (null !== t)
if (i === w.Direction.dLeftToRight)
for (; null !== t && t.X < I.Curr.X; )
C.OutIdx >= 0 && !m && this.AddOutPt(C, new
t = t.Next;
for (; null !== t && t.X > I.Curr.X; )
C.OutIdx >= 0 && !m && this.AddOutPt(C, new
t = t.Prev;
if (i === w.Direction.dLeftToRight && I.Curr.X > V || i
=== w.Direction.dRightToLeft && I.Curr.X < q)
if (I.Curr.X === C.Top.X && null !== C.NextInLML &&
I.Dx < C.NextInLML.Dx)
if (C.OutIdx >= 0 && !m) {
w.use_xyz && (i === w.Direction.dLeftToRight ?
this.SetZ(I.Curr, C, I) : this.SetZ(I.Curr, I, C)),
B = this.AddOutPt(C, I.Curr);
for (var Y = this.m_SortedEdges; null !== Y; ) {
if (Y.OutIdx >= 0 &&
this.HorzSegmentsOverlap(C.Bot.X, C.Top.X, Y.Bot.X, Y.Top.X)) {
var U = this.GetLastOutPt(Y);
this.AddJoin(U, B, Y.Top)
Y = Y.NextInSEL
this.AddGhostJoin(B, C.Bot)
if (I === l && T)
return C.OutIdx >= 0 && this.AddLocalMaxPoly(C, l,
void this.DeleteFromAEL(l);
if (i === w.Direction.dLeftToRight) {
var L = new w.IntPoint2(I.Curr.X,C.Curr.Y);
this.IntersectEdges(C, I, L)
} else
L = new w.IntPoint2(I.Curr.X,C.Curr.Y),
this.IntersectEdges(I, C, L);
var a = this.GetNextInAEL(I, i);
this.SwapPositionsInAEL(C, I),
I = a
if (null === C.NextInLML || !
(C = this.UpdateEdgeIntoAEL(C)).OutIdx >= 0 &&
this.AddOutPt(C, C.Bot),
p = {
Dir: i,
Left: q,
Right: V
this.GetHorzDirection(C, p),
i = p.Dir,
q = p.Left,
V = p.Right
if (C.OutIdx >= 0 && null === B) {
for (B = this.GetLastOutPt(C),
Y = this.m_SortedEdges; null !== Y; )
Y.OutIdx >= 0 && this.HorzSegmentsOverlap(C.Bot.X,
C.Top.X, Y.Bot.X, Y.Top.X) && (U = this.GetLastOutPt(Y),
this.AddJoin(U, B, Y.Top)),
Y = Y.NextInSEL;
this.AddGhostJoin(B, C.Top)
if (null !== C.NextInLML)
if (C.OutIdx >= 0) {
if (B = this.AddOutPt(C, C.Top),
0 === (C = this.UpdateEdgeIntoAEL(C)).WindDelta)
var v = C.PrevInAEL;
a = C.NextInAEL,
null !== v && v.Curr.X === C.Bot.X && v.Curr.Y ===
C.Bot.Y && 0 === v.WindDelta && v.OutIdx >= 0 && v.Curr.Y > v.Top.Y &&
w.ClipperBase.SlopesEqual3(C, v, this.m_UseFullRange) ? (U = this.AddOutPt(v,
this.AddJoin(B, U, C.Top)) : null !== a && a.Curr.X ===
C.Bot.X && a.Curr.Y === C.Bot.Y && 0 !== a.WindDelta && a.OutIdx >= 0 && a.Curr.Y >
a.Top.Y && w.ClipperBase.SlopesEqual3(C, a, this.m_UseFullRange) && (U =
this.AddOutPt(a, C.Bot),
this.AddJoin(B, U, C.Top))
} else
C = this.UpdateEdgeIntoAEL(C);
C.OutIdx >= 0 && this.AddOutPt(C, C.Top),
w.Clipper.prototype.GetNextInAEL = function(C, p) {
return p === w.Direction.dLeftToRight ? C.NextInAEL :
w.Clipper.prototype.IsMinima = function(C) {
return null !== C && C.Prev.NextInLML !== C && C.Next.NextInLML
!== C
w.Clipper.prototype.IsMaxima = function(C, p) {
return null !== C && C.Top.Y === p && null === C.NextInLML
w.Clipper.prototype.IsIntermediate = function(C, p) {
return C.Top.Y === p && null !== C.NextInLML
w.Clipper.prototype.GetMaximaPair = function(C) {
return w.IntPoint.op_Equality(C.Next.Top, C.Top) && null ===
C.Next.NextInLML ? C.Next : w.IntPoint.op_Equality(C.Prev.Top, C.Top) && null ===
C.Prev.NextInLML ? C.Prev : null
w.Clipper.prototype.GetMaximaPairEx = function(C) {
var p = this.GetMaximaPair(C);
return null === p || p.OutIdx === w.ClipperBase.Skip ||
p.NextInAEL === p.PrevInAEL && !w.ClipperBase.IsHorizontal(p) ? null : p
w.Clipper.prototype.ProcessIntersections = function(C) {
if (null === this.m_ActiveEdges)
return !0;
try {
if (this.BuildIntersectList(C),
0 === this.m_IntersectList.length)
return !0;
if (1 !== this.m_IntersectList.length && !
return !1;
} catch (C) {
this.m_SortedEdges = null,
this.m_IntersectList.length = 0,
w.Error("ProcessIntersections error")
return this.m_SortedEdges = null,
w.Clipper.prototype.BuildIntersectList = function(C) {
if (null !== this.m_ActiveEdges) {
var p = this.m_ActiveEdges;
for (this.m_SortedEdges = p; null !== p; )
p.PrevInSEL = p.PrevInAEL,
p.NextInSEL = p.NextInAEL,
p.Curr.X = w.Clipper.TopX(p, C),
p = p.NextInAEL;
for (var i = !0; i && null !== this.m_SortedEdges; ) {
for (i = !1,
p = this.m_SortedEdges; null !== p.NextInSEL; ) {
var q = p.NextInSEL
, V = new w.IntPoint0;
if (p.Curr.X > q.Curr.X) {
this.IntersectPoint(p, q, V),
V.Y < C && (V = new
w.IntPoint2(w.Clipper.TopX(p, C),C));
var m = new w.IntersectNode;
m.Edge1 = p,
m.Edge2 = q,
m.Pt.X = V.X,
m.Pt.Y = V.Y,
w.use_xyz && (m.Pt.Z = V.Z),
this.SwapPositionsInSEL(p, q),
i = !0
} else
p = q
if (null === p.PrevInSEL)
p.PrevInSEL.NextInSEL = null
this.m_SortedEdges = null
w.Clipper.prototype.EdgesAdjacent = function(C) {
return C.Edge1.NextInSEL === C.Edge2 || C.Edge1.PrevInSEL ===
w.Clipper.IntersectNodeSort = function(C, p) {
return p.Pt.Y - C.Pt.Y
w.Clipper.prototype.FixupIntersectionOrder = function() {
for (var C = this.m_IntersectList.length, p = 0; p < C; p++) {
if (!this.EdgesAdjacent(this.m_IntersectList[p])) {
for (var i = p + 1; i < C && !
this.EdgesAdjacent(this.m_IntersectList[i]); )
if (i === C)
return !1;
var q = this.m_IntersectList[p];
this.m_IntersectList[p] = this.m_IntersectList[i],
this.m_IntersectList[i] = q
return !0
w.Clipper.prototype.ProcessIntersectList = function() {
for (var C = 0, p = this.m_IntersectList.length; C < p; C++) {
var i = this.m_IntersectList[C];
this.IntersectEdges(i.Edge1, i.Edge2, i.Pt),
this.SwapPositionsInAEL(i.Edge1, i.Edge2)
this.m_IntersectList.length = 0
B.msie ? w.Clipper.Round = function(C) {
return C < 0 ? Math.ceil(C - .5) : Math.round(C)
: B.chromium ? w.Clipper.Round = function(C) {
return C < 0 ? -Math.round(Math.abs(C)) : Math.round(C)
: B.safari ? w.Clipper.Round = function(C) {
return C < 0 ? (C -= .5) < -2147483648 ? Math.ceil(C) : 0 | C :
(C += .5) > 2147483647 ? Math.floor(C) : 0 | C
: w.Clipper.Round = function(C) {
return C < 0 ? Math.ceil(C - .5) : Math.floor(C + .5)
w.Clipper.TopX = function(C, p) {
return p === C.Top.Y ? C.Top.X : C.Bot.X + w.Clipper.Round(C.Dx
* (p - C.Bot.Y))
w.Clipper.prototype.IntersectPoint = function(C, p, i) {
var q, V;
if (i.X = 0,
i.Y = 0,
C.Dx === p.Dx)
return i.Y = C.Curr.Y,
void (i.X = w.Clipper.TopX(C, i.Y));
if (0 === C.Delta.X)
i.X = C.Bot.X,
w.ClipperBase.IsHorizontal(p) ? i.Y = p.Bot.Y : (V =
p.Bot.Y - p.Bot.X / p.Dx,
i.Y = w.Clipper.Round(i.X / p.Dx + V));
else if (0 === p.Delta.X)
i.X = p.Bot.X,
w.ClipperBase.IsHorizontal(C) ? i.Y = C.Bot.Y : (q =
C.Bot.Y - C.Bot.X / C.Dx,
i.Y = w.Clipper.Round(i.X / C.Dx + q));
else {
q = C.Bot.X - C.Bot.Y * C.Dx;
var m = ((V = p.Bot.X - p.Bot.Y * p.Dx) - q) / (C.Dx -
i.Y = w.Clipper.Round(m),
Math.abs(C.Dx) < Math.abs(p.Dx) ? i.X =
w.Clipper.Round(C.Dx * m + q) : i.X = w.Clipper.Round(p.Dx * m + V)
if (i.Y < C.Top.Y || i.Y < p.Top.Y) {
if (C.Top.Y > p.Top.Y)
return i.Y = C.Top.Y,
i.X = w.Clipper.TopX(p, C.Top.Y),
i.X < C.Top.X;
i.Y = p.Top.Y,
Math.abs(C.Dx) < Math.abs(p.Dx) ? i.X = w.Clipper.TopX(C,
i.Y) : i.X = w.Clipper.TopX(p, i.Y)
i.Y > C.Curr.Y && (i.Y = C.Curr.Y,
Math.abs(C.Dx) > Math.abs(p.Dx) ? i.X = w.Clipper.TopX(p,
i.Y) : i.X = w.Clipper.TopX(C, i.Y))
w.Clipper.prototype.ProcessEdgesAtTopOfScanbeam = function(C) {
for (var p = this.m_ActiveEdges; null !== p; ) {
var i = this.IsMaxima(p, C);
if (i) {
var q = this.GetMaximaPairEx(p);
i = null === q || !w.ClipperBase.IsHorizontal(q)
if (i) {
this.StrictlySimple && this.InsertMaxima(p.Top.X);
var V = p.PrevInAEL;
p = null === V ? this.m_ActiveEdges : V.NextInAEL
} else {
if (this.IsIntermediate(p, C) &&
w.ClipperBase.IsHorizontal(p.NextInLML) ? ((p = this.UpdateEdgeIntoAEL(p)).OutIdx
>= 0 && this.AddOutPt(p, p.Bot),
this.AddEdgeToSEL(p)) : (p.Curr.X = w.Clipper.TopX(p,
p.Curr.Y = C),
w.use_xyz && (p.Top.Y === C ? p.Curr.Z = p.Top.Z :
p.Bot.Y === C ? p.Curr.Z = p.Bot.Z : p.Curr.Z = 0),
this.StrictlySimple && (V = p.PrevInAEL,
p.OutIdx >= 0 && 0 !== p.WindDelta && null !== V &&
V.OutIdx >= 0 && V.Curr.X === p.Curr.X && 0 !== V.WindDelta)) {
var m = new w.IntPoint1(p.Curr);
w.use_xyz && this.SetZ(m, V, p);
var y = this.AddOutPt(V, m)
, l = this.AddOutPt(p, m);
this.AddJoin(y, l, m)
p = p.NextInAEL
for (this.ProcessHorizontals(),
this.m_Maxima = null,
p = this.m_ActiveEdges; null !== p; ) {
if (this.IsIntermediate(p, C)) {
y = null,
p.OutIdx >= 0 && (y = this.AddOutPt(p, p.Top)),
V = (p = this.UpdateEdgeIntoAEL(p)).PrevInAEL;
var t = p.NextInAEL;
null !== V && V.Curr.X === p.Bot.X && V.Curr.Y ===
p.Bot.Y && null !== y && V.OutIdx >= 0 && V.Curr.Y === V.Top.Y &&
w.ClipperBase.SlopesEqual5(p.Curr, p.Top, V.Curr, V.Top, this.m_UseFullRange) &&
0 !== p.WindDelta && 0 !== V.WindDelta ? (l = this.AddOutPt(ePrev2, p.Bot),
this.AddJoin(y, l, p.Top)) : null !== t && t.Curr.X ===
p.Bot.X && t.Curr.Y === p.Bot.Y && null !== y && t.OutIdx >= 0 && t.Curr.Y ===
t.Top.Y && w.ClipperBase.SlopesEqual5(p.Curr, p.Top, t.Curr, t.Top,
this.m_UseFullRange) && 0 !== p.WindDelta && 0 !== t.WindDelta && (l =
this.AddOutPt(t, p.Bot),
this.AddJoin(y, l, p.Top))
p = p.NextInAEL
w.Clipper.prototype.DoMaxima = function(C) {
var p = this.GetMaximaPairEx(C);
if (null === p)
return C.OutIdx >= 0 && this.AddOutPt(C, C.Top),
void this.DeleteFromAEL(C);
for (var i = C.NextInAEL; null !== i && i !== p; )
this.IntersectEdges(C, i, C.Top),
this.SwapPositionsInAEL(C, i),
i = C.NextInAEL;
-1 === C.OutIdx && -1 === p.OutIdx ? (this.DeleteFromAEL(C),
this.DeleteFromAEL(p)) : C.OutIdx >= 0 && p.OutIdx >= 0 ?
(C.OutIdx >= 0 && this.AddLocalMaxPoly(C, p, C.Top),
this.DeleteFromAEL(p)) : w.use_lines && 0 === C.WindDelta ?
(C.OutIdx >= 0 && (this.AddOutPt(C, C.Top),
C.OutIdx = w.ClipperBase.Unassigned),
p.OutIdx >= 0 && (this.AddOutPt(p, C.Top),
p.OutIdx = w.ClipperBase.Unassigned),
this.DeleteFromAEL(p)) : w.Error("DoMaxima error")
w.Clipper.ReversePaths = function(C) {
for (var p = 0, i = C.length; p < i; p++)
w.Clipper.Orientation = function(C) {
return w.Clipper.Area(C) >= 0
w.Clipper.prototype.PointCount = function(C) {
if (null === C)
return 0;
var p = 0
, i = C;
do {
i = i.Next
} while (i !== C);
return p
w.Clipper.prototype.BuildResult = function(C) {
for (var p = 0, i = this.m_PolyOuts.length; p < i; p++) {
var q = this.m_PolyOuts[p];
if (null !== q.Pts) {
var V = q.Pts.Prev
, m = this.PointCount(V);
if (!(m < 2)) {
for (var y = new Array(m), l = 0; l < m; l++)
y[l] = V.Pt,
V = V.Prev;
w.Clipper.prototype.BuildResult2 = function(C) {
for (var p = 0, i = this.m_PolyOuts.length; p < i; p++) {
var q = this.m_PolyOuts[p]
, V = this.PointCount(q.Pts);
if (!(q.IsOpen && V < 2 || !q.IsOpen && V < 3)) {
var m = new w.PolyNode;
q.PolyNode = m,
m.m_polygon.length = V;
for (var y = q.Pts.Prev, l = 0; l < V; l++)
m.m_polygon[l] = y.Pt,
y = y.Prev
for (p = 0,
i = this.m_PolyOuts.length; p < i; p++)
null !== (q = this.m_PolyOuts[p]).PolyNode && (q.IsOpen ?
(q.PolyNode.IsOpen = !0,
C.AddChild(q.PolyNode)) : null !== q.FirstLeft && null !==
q.FirstLeft.PolyNode ? q.FirstLeft.PolyNode.AddChild(q.PolyNode) :
w.Clipper.prototype.FixupOutPolyline = function(C) {
for (var p = C.Pts, i = p.Prev; p !== i; )
if (p = p.Next,
w.IntPoint.op_Equality(p.Pt, p.Prev.Pt)) {
p === i && (i = p.Prev);
var q = p.Prev;
q.Next = p.Next,
p.Next.Prev = q,
p = q
p === p.Prev && (C.Pts = null)
w.Clipper.prototype.FixupOutPolygon = function(C) {
var p = null;
C.BottomPt = null;
for (var i = C.Pts, q = this.PreserveCollinear ||
this.StrictlySimple; ; ) {
if (i.Prev === i || i.Prev === i.Next)
return void (C.Pts = null);
if (w.IntPoint.op_Equality(i.Pt, i.Next.Pt) ||
w.IntPoint.op_Equality(i.Pt, i.Prev.Pt) || w.ClipperBase.SlopesEqual4(i.Prev.Pt,
i.Pt, i.Next.Pt, this.m_UseFullRange) && (!q || !
this.Pt2IsBetweenPt1AndPt3(i.Prev.Pt, i.Pt, i.Next.Pt)))
p = null,
i.Prev.Next = i.Next,
i.Next.Prev = i.Prev,
i = i.Prev;
else {
if (i === p)
null === p && (p = i),
i = i.Next
C.Pts = i
w.Clipper.prototype.DupOutPt = function(C, p) {
var i = new w.OutPt;
return i.Pt.X = C.Pt.X,
i.Pt.Y = C.Pt.Y,
w.use_xyz && (i.Pt.Z = C.Pt.Z),
i.Idx = C.Idx,
p ? (i.Next = C.Next,
i.Prev = C,
C.Next.Prev = i,
C.Next = i) : (i.Prev = C.Prev,
i.Next = C,
C.Prev.Next = i,
C.Prev = i),
w.Clipper.prototype.GetOverlap = function(C, p, i, q, V) {
return C < p ? i < q ? (V.Left = Math.max(C, i),
V.Right = Math.min(p, q)) : (V.Left = Math.max(C, q),
V.Right = Math.min(p, i)) : i < q ? (V.Left = Math.max(p, i),
V.Right = Math.min(C, q)) : (V.Left = Math.max(p, q),
V.Right = Math.min(C, i)),
V.Left < V.Right
w.Clipper.prototype.JoinHorz = function(C, p, i, q, V, m) {
var y = C.Pt.X > p.Pt.X ? w.Direction.dRightToLeft :
, l = i.Pt.X > q.Pt.X ? w.Direction.dRightToLeft :
if (y === l)
return !1;
if (y === w.Direction.dLeftToRight) {
for (; C.Next.Pt.X <= V.X && C.Next.Pt.X >= C.Pt.X &&
C.Next.Pt.Y === V.Y; )
C = C.Next;
m && C.Pt.X !== V.X && (C = C.Next),
p = this.DupOutPt(C, !m),
w.IntPoint.op_Inequality(p.Pt, V) && ((C = p).Pt.X = V.X,
C.Pt.Y = V.Y,
w.use_xyz && (C.Pt.Z = V.Z),
p = this.DupOutPt(C, !m))
} else {
for (; C.Next.Pt.X >= V.X && C.Next.Pt.X <= C.Pt.X &&
C.Next.Pt.Y === V.Y; )
C = C.Next;
m || C.Pt.X === V.X || (C = C.Next),
p = this.DupOutPt(C, m),
w.IntPoint.op_Inequality(p.Pt, V) && ((C = p).Pt.X = V.X,
C.Pt.Y = V.Y,
w.use_xyz && (C.Pt.Z = V.Z),
p = this.DupOutPt(C, m))
if (l === w.Direction.dLeftToRight) {
for (; i.Next.Pt.X <= V.X && i.Next.Pt.X >= i.Pt.X &&
i.Next.Pt.Y === V.Y; )
i = i.Next;
m && i.Pt.X !== V.X && (i = i.Next),
q = this.DupOutPt(i, !m),
w.IntPoint.op_Inequality(q.Pt, V) && ((i = q).Pt.X = V.X,
i.Pt.Y = V.Y,
w.use_xyz && (i.Pt.Z = V.Z),
q = this.DupOutPt(i, !m))
} else {
for (; i.Next.Pt.X >= V.X && i.Next.Pt.X <= i.Pt.X &&
i.Next.Pt.Y === V.Y; )
i = i.Next;
m || i.Pt.X === V.X || (i = i.Next),
q = this.DupOutPt(i, m),
w.IntPoint.op_Inequality(q.Pt, V) && ((i = q).Pt.X = V.X,
i.Pt.Y = V.Y,
w.use_xyz && (i.Pt.Z = V.Z),
q = this.DupOutPt(i, m))
return y === w.Direction.dLeftToRight === m ? (C.Prev = i,
i.Next = C,
p.Next = q,
q.Prev = p) : (C.Next = i,
i.Prev = C,
p.Prev = q,
q.Next = p),
w.Clipper.prototype.JoinPoints = function(C, p, i) {
var q = C.OutPt1
, V = new w.OutPt
, m = C.OutPt2
, y = new w.OutPt
, l = C.OutPt1.Pt.Y === C.OffPt.Y;
if (l && w.IntPoint.op_Equality(C.OffPt, C.OutPt1.Pt) &&
w.IntPoint.op_Equality(C.OffPt, C.OutPt2.Pt)) {
if (p !== i)
return !1;
for (V = C.OutPt1.Next; V !== q &&
w.IntPoint.op_Equality(V.Pt, C.OffPt); )
V = V.Next;
var t = V.Pt.Y > C.OffPt.Y;
for (y = C.OutPt2.Next; y !== m &&
w.IntPoint.op_Equality(y.Pt, C.OffPt); )
y = y.Next;
return t !== y.Pt.Y > C.OffPt.Y && (t ? (V =
this.DupOutPt(q, !1),
y = this.DupOutPt(m, !0),
q.Prev = m,
m.Next = q,
V.Next = y,
y.Prev = V,
C.OutPt1 = q,
C.OutPt2 = V,
!0) : (V = this.DupOutPt(q, !0),
y = this.DupOutPt(m, !1),
q.Next = m,
m.Prev = q,
V.Prev = y,
y.Next = V,
C.OutPt1 = q,
C.OutPt2 = V,
if (l) {
for (V = q; q.Prev.Pt.Y === q.Pt.Y && q.Prev !== V &&
q.Prev !== m; )
q = q.Prev;
for (; V.Next.Pt.Y === V.Pt.Y && V.Next !== q && V.Next !==
m; )
V = V.Next;
if (V.Next === q || V.Next === m)
return !1;
for (y = m; m.Prev.Pt.Y === m.Pt.Y && m.Prev !== y &&
m.Prev !== V; )
m = m.Prev;
for (; y.Next.Pt.Y === y.Pt.Y && y.Next !== m && y.Next !==
q; )
y = y.Next;
if (y.Next === m || y.Next === q)
return !1;
var B = {
Left: null,
Right: null
if (!this.GetOverlap(q.Pt.X, V.Pt.X, m.Pt.X, y.Pt.X, B))
return !1;
var T, I = B.Left, Y = B.Right, U = new w.IntPoint0;
return q.Pt.X >= I && q.Pt.X <= Y ? (U.X = q.Pt.X,
U.Y = q.Pt.Y,
w.use_xyz && (U.Z = q.Pt.Z),
T = q.Pt.X > V.Pt.X) : m.Pt.X >= I && m.Pt.X <= Y ? (U.X =
U.Y = m.Pt.Y,
w.use_xyz && (U.Z = m.Pt.Z),
T = m.Pt.X > y.Pt.X) : V.Pt.X >= I && V.Pt.X <= Y ? (U.X =
U.Y = V.Pt.Y,
w.use_xyz && (U.Z = V.Pt.Z),
T = V.Pt.X > q.Pt.X) : (U.X = y.Pt.X,
U.Y = y.Pt.Y,
w.use_xyz && (U.Z = y.Pt.Z),
T = y.Pt.X > m.Pt.X),
C.OutPt1 = q,
C.OutPt2 = m,
this.JoinHorz(q, V, m, y, U, T)
for (V = q.Next; w.IntPoint.op_Equality(V.Pt, q.Pt) && V !== q;
V = V.Next;
var L = V.Pt.Y > q.Pt.Y || !w.ClipperBase.SlopesEqual4(q.Pt,
V.Pt, C.OffPt, this.m_UseFullRange);
if (L) {
for (V = q.Prev; w.IntPoint.op_Equality(V.Pt, q.Pt) && V !
== q; )
V = V.Prev;
if (V.Pt.Y > q.Pt.Y || !w.ClipperBase.SlopesEqual4(q.Pt,
V.Pt, C.OffPt, this.m_UseFullRange))
return !1
for (y = m.Next; w.IntPoint.op_Equality(y.Pt, m.Pt) && y !== m;
y = y.Next;
var a = y.Pt.Y > m.Pt.Y || !w.ClipperBase.SlopesEqual4(m.Pt,
y.Pt, C.OffPt, this.m_UseFullRange);
if (a) {
for (y = m.Prev; w.IntPoint.op_Equality(y.Pt, m.Pt) && y !
== m; )
y = y.Prev;
if (y.Pt.Y > m.Pt.Y || !w.ClipperBase.SlopesEqual4(m.Pt,
y.Pt, C.OffPt, this.m_UseFullRange))
return !1
return !(V === q || y === m || V === y || p === i && L === a ||
(L ? (V = this.DupOutPt(q, !1),
y = this.DupOutPt(m, !0),
q.Prev = m,
m.Next = q,
V.Next = y,
y.Prev = V,
C.OutPt1 = q,
C.OutPt2 = V,
0) : (V = this.DupOutPt(q, !0),
y = this.DupOutPt(m, !1),
q.Next = m,
m.Prev = q,
V.Prev = y,
y.Next = V,
C.OutPt1 = q,
C.OutPt2 = V,
w.Clipper.GetBounds = function(C) {
for (var p = 0, i = C.length; p < i && 0 === C[p].length; )
if (p === i)
return new w.IntRect(0,0,0,0);
var q = new w.IntRect;
for (q.left = C[p][0].X,
q.right = q.left, = C[p][0].Y,
q.bottom =; p < i; p++)
for (var V = 0, m = C[p].length; V < m; V++)
C[p][V].X < q.left ? q.left = C[p][V].X : C[p][V].X >
q.right && (q.right = C[p][V].X),
C[p][V].Y < ? = C[p][V].Y : C[p][V].Y >
q.bottom && (q.bottom = C[p][V].Y);
return q
w.Clipper.prototype.GetBounds2 = function(C) {
var p = C
, i = new w.IntRect;
for (i.left = C.Pt.X,
i.right = C.Pt.X, = C.Pt.Y,
i.bottom = C.Pt.Y,
C = C.Next; C !== p; )
C.Pt.X < i.left && (i.left = C.Pt.X),
C.Pt.X > i.right && (i.right = C.Pt.X),
C.Pt.Y < && ( = C.Pt.Y),
C.Pt.Y > i.bottom && (i.bottom = C.Pt.Y),
C = C.Next;
return i
w.Clipper.PointInPolygon = function(C, p) {
var i = 0
, q = p.length;
if (q < 3)
return 0;
for (var V = p[0], m = 1; m <= q; ++m) {
var w = m === q ? p[0] : p[m];
if (w.Y === C.Y && (w.X === C.X || V.Y === C.Y && w.X > C.X
== V.X < C.X))
return -1;
if (V.Y < C.Y != w.Y < C.Y)
if (V.X >= C.X)
if (w.X > C.X)
i = 1 - i;
else {
if (0 == (y = (V.X - C.X) * (w.Y - C.Y) - (w.X
- C.X) * (V.Y - C.Y)))
return -1;
y > 0 == w.Y > V.Y && (i = 1 - i)
else if (w.X > C.X) {
var y;
if (0 == (y = (V.X - C.X) * (w.Y - C.Y) - (w.X -
C.X) * (V.Y - C.Y)))
return -1;
y > 0 == w.Y > V.Y && (i = 1 - i)
V = w
return i
w.Clipper.prototype.PointInPolygon = function(C, p) {
var i = 0
, q = p
, V = C.X
, m = C.Y
, w = p.Pt.X
, y = p.Pt.Y;
do {
var l = (p = p.Next).Pt.X
, t = p.Pt.Y;
if (t === m && (l === V || y === m && l > V == w < V))
return -1;
if (y < m != t < m)
if (w >= V)
if (l > V)
i = 1 - i;
else {
if (0 == (B = (w - V) * (t - m) - (l - V) * (y
- m)))
return -1;
B > 0 == t > y && (i = 1 - i)
else if (l > V) {
var B;
if (0 == (B = (w - V) * (t - m) - (l - V) * (y -
return -1;
B > 0 == t > y && (i = 1 - i)
w = l,
y = t
} while (q !== p);
return i
w.Clipper.prototype.Poly2ContainsPoly1 = function(C, p) {
var i = C;
do {
var q = this.PointInPolygon(i.Pt, p);
if (q >= 0)
return q > 0;
i = i.Next
} while (i !== C);
return !0
w.Clipper.prototype.FixupFirstLefts1 = function(C, p) {
for (var i, q, V = 0, m = this.m_PolyOuts.length; V < m; V++)
i = this.m_PolyOuts[V],
q = w.Clipper.ParseFirstLeft(i.FirstLeft),
null !== i.Pts && q === C && this.Poly2ContainsPoly1(i.Pts,
p.Pts) && (i.FirstLeft = p)
w.Clipper.prototype.FixupFirstLefts2 = function(C, p) {
for (var i, q, V = p.FirstLeft, m = 0, y =
this.m_PolyOuts.length; m < y; m++)
null !== (i = this.m_PolyOuts[m]).Pts && i !== p && i !== C
&& ((q = w.Clipper.ParseFirstLeft(i.FirstLeft)) !== V && q !== C && q !== p ||
(this.Poly2ContainsPoly1(i.Pts, C.Pts) ? i.FirstLeft = C :
this.Poly2ContainsPoly1(i.Pts, p.Pts) ? i.FirstLeft = p : i.FirstLeft !== C &&
i.FirstLeft !== p || (i.FirstLeft = V)))
w.Clipper.prototype.FixupFirstLefts3 = function(C, p) {
for (var i, q, V = 0, m = this.m_PolyOuts.length; V < m; V++)
i = this.m_PolyOuts[V],
q = w.Clipper.ParseFirstLeft(i.FirstLeft),
null !== i.Pts && q === C && (i.FirstLeft = p)
w.Clipper.ParseFirstLeft = function(C) {
for (; null !== C && null === C.Pts; )
C = C.FirstLeft;
return C
w.Clipper.prototype.JoinCommonEdges = function() {
for (var C = 0, p = this.m_Joins.length; C < p; C++) {
var i, q = this.m_Joins[C], V =
this.GetOutRec(q.OutPt1.Idx), m = this.GetOutRec(q.OutPt2.Idx);
null !== V.Pts && null !== m.Pts && (V.IsOpen || m.IsOpen
|| (i = V === m ? V : this.OutRec1RightOfOutRec2(V, m) ? m :
this.OutRec1RightOfOutRec2(m, V) ? V : this.GetLowermostRec(V, m),
this.JoinPoints(q, V, m) && (V === m ? (V.Pts = q.OutPt1,
V.BottomPt = null,
(m = this.CreateOutRec()).Pts = q.OutPt2,
this.Poly2ContainsPoly1(m.Pts, V.Pts) ? (m.IsHole = !
m.FirstLeft = V,
this.m_UsingPolyTree && this.FixupFirstLefts2(m, V),
(m.IsHole ^ this.ReverseSolution) == this.Area$1(m) > 0 &&
this.ReversePolyPtLinks(m.Pts)) : this.Poly2ContainsPoly1(V.Pts, m.Pts) ? (m.IsHole
= V.IsHole,
V.IsHole = !m.IsHole,
m.FirstLeft = V.FirstLeft,
V.FirstLeft = m,
this.m_UsingPolyTree && this.FixupFirstLefts2(V, m),
(V.IsHole ^ this.ReverseSolution) == this.Area$1(V) > 0 &&
this.ReversePolyPtLinks(V.Pts)) : (m.IsHole = V.IsHole,
m.FirstLeft = V.FirstLeft,
this.m_UsingPolyTree && this.FixupFirstLefts1(V, m))) :
(m.Pts = null,
m.BottomPt = null,
m.Idx = V.Idx,
V.IsHole = i.IsHole,
i === m && (V.FirstLeft = m.FirstLeft),
m.FirstLeft = V,
this.m_UsingPolyTree && this.FixupFirstLefts3(m, V)))))
w.Clipper.prototype.UpdateOutPtIdxs = function(C) {
var p = C.Pts;
do {
p.Idx = C.Idx,
p = p.Prev
} while (p !== C.Pts)
w.Clipper.prototype.DoSimplePolygons = function() {
for (var C = 0; C < this.m_PolyOuts.length; ) {
var p = this.m_PolyOuts[C++]
, i = p.Pts;
if (null !== i && !p.IsOpen)
do {
for (var q = i.Next; q !== p.Pts; ) {
if (w.IntPoint.op_Equality(i.Pt, q.Pt) &&
q.Next !== i && q.Prev !== i) {
var V = i.Prev
, m = q.Prev;
i.Prev = m,
m.Next = i,
q.Prev = V,
V.Next = q,
p.Pts = i;
var y = this.CreateOutRec();
y.Pts = q,
this.Poly2ContainsPoly1(y.Pts, p.Pts) ?
(y.IsHole = !p.IsHole,
y.FirstLeft = p,
this.m_UsingPolyTree &&
this.FixupFirstLefts2(y, p)) : this.Poly2ContainsPoly1(p.Pts, y.Pts) ? (y.IsHole =
p.IsHole = !y.IsHole,
y.FirstLeft = p.FirstLeft,
p.FirstLeft = y,
this.m_UsingPolyTree &&
this.FixupFirstLefts2(p, y)) : (y.IsHole = p.IsHole,
y.FirstLeft = p.FirstLeft,
this.m_UsingPolyTree &&
this.FixupFirstLefts1(p, y)),
q = i
q = q.Next
i = i.Next
} while (i !== p.Pts)
w.Clipper.Area = function(C) {
if (!Array.isArray(C))
return 0;
var p = C.length;
if (p < 3)
return 0;
for (var i = 0, q = 0, V = p - 1; q < p; ++q)
i += (C[V].X + C[q].X) * (C[V].Y - C[q].Y),
V = q;
return .5 * -i
w.Clipper.prototype.Area = function(C) {
var p = C;
if (null === C)
return 0;
var i = 0;
do {
i += (C.Prev.Pt.X + C.Pt.X) * (C.Prev.Pt.Y - C.Pt.Y),
C = C.Next
} while (C !== p);
return .5 * i
w.Clipper.prototype.Area$1 = function(C) {
return this.Area(C.Pts)
w.Clipper.SimplifyPolygon = function(C, p) {
var i = new Array
, q = new w.Clipper(0);
return q.StrictlySimple = !0,
q.AddPath(C, w.PolyType.ptSubject, !0),
q.Execute(w.ClipType.ctUnion, i, p, p),
w.Clipper.SimplifyPolygons = function(C, p) {
void 0 === p && (p = w.PolyFillType.pftEvenOdd);
var i = new Array
, q = new w.Clipper(0);
return q.StrictlySimple = !0,
q.AddPaths(C, w.PolyType.ptSubject, !0),
q.Execute(w.ClipType.ctUnion, i, p, p),
w.Clipper.DistanceSqrd = function(C, p) {
var i = C.X - p.X
, q = C.Y - p.Y;
return i * i + q * q
w.Clipper.DistanceFromLineSqrd = function(C, p, i) {
var q = p.Y - i.Y
, V = i.X - p.X
, m = q * p.X + V * p.Y;
return (m = q * C.X + V * C.Y - m) * m / (q * q + V * V)
w.Clipper.SlopesNearCollinear = function(C, p, i, q) {
return Math.abs(C.X - p.X) > Math.abs(C.Y - p.Y) ? C.X > p.X ==
C.X < i.X ? w.Clipper.DistanceFromLineSqrd(C, p, i) < q : p.X > C.X == p.X < i.X ?
w.Clipper.DistanceFromLineSqrd(p, C, i) < q : w.Clipper.DistanceFromLineSqrd(i, C,
p) < q : C.Y > p.Y == C.Y < i.Y ? w.Clipper.DistanceFromLineSqrd(C, p, i) < q : p.Y
> C.Y == p.Y < i.Y ? w.Clipper.DistanceFromLineSqrd(p, C, i) < q :
w.Clipper.DistanceFromLineSqrd(i, C, p) < q
w.Clipper.PointsAreClose = function(C, p, i) {
var q = C.X - p.X
, V = C.Y - p.Y;
return q * q + V * V <= i
w.Clipper.ExcludeOp = function(C) {
var p = C.Prev;
return p.Next = C.Next,
C.Next.Prev = p,
p.Idx = 0,
w.Clipper.CleanPolygon = function(C, p) {
void 0 === p && (p = 1.415);
var i = C.length;
if (0 === i)
return new Array;
for (var q = new Array(i), V = 0; V < i; ++V)
q[V] = new w.OutPt;
for (V = 0; V < i; ++V)
q[V].Pt = C[V],
q[V].Next = q[(V + 1) % i],
q[V].Next.Prev = q[V],
q[V].Idx = 0;
for (var m = p * p, y = q[0]; 0 === y.Idx && y.Next !== y.Prev;
w.Clipper.PointsAreClose(y.Pt, y.Prev.Pt, m) ? (y =
i--) : w.Clipper.PointsAreClose(y.Prev.Pt, y.Next.Pt, m) ?
y = w.Clipper.ExcludeOp(y),
i -= 2) : w.Clipper.SlopesNearCollinear(y.Prev.Pt, y.Pt,
y.Next.Pt, m) ? (y = w.Clipper.ExcludeOp(y),
i--) : (y.Idx = 1,
y = y.Next);
i < 3 && (i = 0);
var l = new Array(i);
for (V = 0; V < i; ++V)
l[V] = new w.IntPoint1(y.Pt),
y = y.Next;
return q = null,
w.Clipper.CleanPolygons = function(C, p) {
for (var i = new Array(C.length), q = 0, V = C.length; q < V;
i[q] = w.Clipper.CleanPolygon(C[q], p);
return i
w.Clipper.Minkowski = function(C, p, i, q) {
var V = q ? 1 : 0
, m = C.length
, y = p.length
, l = new Array;
if (i)
for (var t = 0; t < y; t++) {
for (var B = new Array(m), T = 0, I = C.length, Y =
C[T]; T < I; Y = C[++T])
B[T] = new w.IntPoint2(p[t].X + Y.X,p[t].Y + Y.Y);
for (t = 0; t < y; t++) {
for (B = new Array(m),
T = 0,
I = C.length,
Y = C[T]; T < I; Y = C[++T])
B[T] = new w.IntPoint2(p[t].X - Y.X,p[t].Y - Y.Y);
var U = new Array;
for (t = 0; t < y - 1 + V; t++)
for (T = 0; T < m; T++) {
var L = new Array;
L.push(l[t % y][T % m]),
L.push(l[(t + 1) % y][T % m]),
L.push(l[(t + 1) % y][(T + 1) % m]),
L.push(l[t % y][(T + 1) % m]),
w.Clipper.Orientation(L) || L.reverse(),
return U
w.Clipper.MinkowskiSum = function(C, p, i) {
if (p[0]instanceof Array) {
t = p;
for (var q = new w.Paths, V = (y = new w.Clipper,
0); V < t.length; ++V) {
var m = w.Clipper.Minkowski(C, t[V], !0, i);
y.AddPaths(m, w.PolyType.ptSubject, !0),
i && (l = w.Clipper.TranslatePath(t[V], C[0]),
y.AddPath(l, w.PolyType.ptClip, !0))
return y.Execute(w.ClipType.ctUnion, q,
w.PolyFillType.pftNonZero, w.PolyFillType.pftNonZero),
var y, l = p, t = w.Clipper.Minkowski(C, l, !0, i);
return (y = new w.Clipper).AddPaths(t, w.PolyType.ptSubject, !
y.Execute(w.ClipType.ctUnion, t, w.PolyFillType.pftNonZero,
w.Clipper.TranslatePath = function(C, p) {
for (var i = new w.Path, q = 0; q < C.length; q++)
i.push(new w.IntPoint2(C[q].X + p.X,C[q].Y + p.Y));
return i
w.Clipper.MinkowskiDiff = function(C, p) {
var i = w.Clipper.Minkowski(C, p, !1, !0)
, q = new w.Clipper;
return q.AddPaths(i, w.PolyType.ptSubject, !0),
q.Execute(w.ClipType.ctUnion, i, w.PolyFillType.pftNonZero,
w.Clipper.PolyTreeToPaths = function(C) {
var p = new Array;
return w.Clipper.AddPolyNodeToPaths(C,
w.Clipper.NodeType.ntAny, p),
w.Clipper.AddPolyNodeToPaths = function(C, p, i) {
var q = !0;
switch (p) {
case w.Clipper.NodeType.ntOpen:
case w.Clipper.NodeType.ntClosed:
q = !C.IsOpen
C.m_polygon.length > 0 && q && i.push(C.m_polygon);
for (var V = 0, m = C.Childs(), y = m.length, l = m[V]; V < y;
l = m[++V])
w.Clipper.AddPolyNodeToPaths(l, p, i)
w.Clipper.OpenPathsFromPolyTree = function(C) {
for (var p = new w.Paths, i = 0, q = C.ChildCount(); i < q; i+
C.Childs()[i].IsOpen && p.push(C.Childs()[i].m_polygon);
return p
w.Clipper.ClosedPathsFromPolyTree = function(C) {
var p = new w.Paths;
return w.Clipper.AddPolyNodeToPaths(C,
w.Clipper.NodeType.ntClosed, p),
G(w.Clipper, w.ClipperBase),
w.Clipper.NodeType = {
ntAny: 0,
ntOpen: 1,
ntClosed: 2
w.ClipperOffset = function(C, p) {
void 0 === C && (C = 2),
void 0 === p && (p = w.ClipperOffset.def_arc_tolerance),
this.m_destPolys = new w.Paths,
this.m_srcPoly = new w.Path,
this.m_destPoly = new w.Path,
this.m_normals = new Array,
this.m_delta = 0,
this.m_sinA = 0,
this.m_sin = 0,
this.m_cos = 0,
this.m_miterLim = 0,
this.m_StepsPerRad = 0,
this.m_lowest = new w.IntPoint0,
this.m_polyNodes = new w.PolyNode,
this.MiterLimit = C,
this.ArcTolerance = p,
this.m_lowest.X = -1
w.ClipperOffset.two_pi = 6.28318530717959,
w.ClipperOffset.def_arc_tolerance = .25,
w.ClipperOffset.prototype.Clear = function() {
this.m_lowest.X = -1
w.ClipperOffset.Round = w.Clipper.Round,
w.ClipperOffset.prototype.AddPath = function(C, p, i) {
var q = C.length - 1;
if (!(q < 0)) {
var V = new w.PolyNode;
if (V.m_jointype = p,
V.m_endtype = i,
i === w.EndType.etClosedLine || i ===
for (; q > 0 && w.IntPoint.op_Equality(C[0], C[q]); )
for (var m = 0, y = 0, l = 1; l <= q; l++)
w.IntPoint.op_Inequality(V.m_polygon[m], C[l]) && (m++,
(C[l].Y > V.m_polygon[y].Y || C[l].Y ===
V.m_polygon[y].Y && C[l].X < V.m_polygon[y].X) && (y = m));
if (!(i === w.EndType.etClosedPolygon && m < 2) &&
i === w.EndType.etClosedPolygon))
if (this.m_lowest.X < 0)
this.m_lowest = new
w.IntPoint2(this.m_polyNodes.ChildCount() - 1,y);
else {
var t = this.m_polyNodes.Childs()
(V.m_polygon[y].Y > t.Y || V.m_polygon[y].Y === t.Y
&& V.m_polygon[y].X < t.X) && (this.m_lowest = new
w.IntPoint2(this.m_polyNodes.ChildCount() - 1,y))
w.ClipperOffset.prototype.AddPaths = function(C, p, i) {
for (var q = 0, V = C.length; q < V; q++)
this.AddPath(C[q], p, i)
w.ClipperOffset.prototype.FixOrientations = function() {
if (this.m_lowest.X >= 0 && !
for (var C = 0; C < this.m_polyNodes.ChildCount(); C++)
((p = this.m_polyNodes.Childs()[C]).m_endtype ===
w.EndType.etClosedPolygon || p.m_endtype === w.EndType.etClosedLine &&
w.Clipper.Orientation(p.m_polygon)) && p.m_polygon.reverse();
for (C = 0; C < this.m_polyNodes.ChildCount(); C++) {
var p;
(p = this.m_polyNodes.Childs()[C]).m_endtype !==
w.EndType.etClosedLine || w.Clipper.Orientation(p.m_polygon) ||
w.ClipperOffset.GetUnitNormal = function(C, p) {
var i = p.X - C.X
, q = p.Y - C.Y;
if (0 === i && 0 === q)
return new w.DoublePoint2(0,0);
var V = 1 / Math.sqrt(i * i + q * q);
return i *= V,
q *= V,
new w.DoublePoint2(q,-i)
w.ClipperOffset.prototype.DoOffset = function(C) {
if (this.m_destPolys = new Array,
this.m_delta = C,
for (var p = 0; p < this.m_polyNodes.ChildCount(); p++)
(V = this.m_polyNodes.Childs()[p]).m_endtype ===
w.EndType.etClosedPolygon && this.m_destPolys.push(V.m_polygon);
else {
var i;
this.MiterLimit > 2 ? this.m_miterLim = 2 /
(this.MiterLimit * this.MiterLimit) : this.m_miterLim = .5,
i = this.ArcTolerance <= 0 ?
w.ClipperOffset.def_arc_tolerance : this.ArcTolerance > Math.abs(C) *
w.ClipperOffset.def_arc_tolerance ? Math.abs(C) * w.ClipperOffset.def_arc_tolerance
: this.ArcTolerance;
var q = 3.14159265358979 / Math.acos(1 - i / Math.abs(C));
for (this.m_sin = Math.sin(w.ClipperOffset.two_pi / q),
this.m_cos = Math.cos(w.ClipperOffset.two_pi / q),
this.m_StepsPerRad = q / w.ClipperOffset.two_pi,
C < 0 && (this.m_sin = -this.m_sin),
p = 0; p < this.m_polyNodes.ChildCount(); p++) {
var V = this.m_polyNodes.Childs()[p];
this.m_srcPoly = V.m_polygon;
var m = this.m_srcPoly.length;
if (!(0 === m || C <= 0 && (m < 3 || V.m_endtype !==
if (this.m_destPoly = new Array,
1 !== m) {
for (this.m_normals.length = 0,
I = 0; I < m - 1; I++)
this.m_srcPoly[I + 1]));
if (V.m_endtype === w.EndType.etClosedLine ||
V.m_endtype === w.EndType.etClosedPolygon ?
this.m_normals.push(w.ClipperOffset.GetUnitNormal(this.m_srcPoly[m - 1],
this.m_srcPoly[0])) : this.m_normals.push(new w.DoublePoint1(this.m_normals[m -
V.m_endtype === w.EndType.etClosedPolygon) {
var y = m - 1;
for (I = 0; I < m; I++)
y = this.OffsetPoint(I, y,
} else if (V.m_endtype ===
w.EndType.etClosedLine) {
for (y = m - 1,
I = 0; I < m; I++)
y = this.OffsetPoint(I, y,
this.m_destPoly = new Array;
var l = this.m_normals[m - 1];
for (I = m - 1; I > 0; I--)
this.m_normals[I] = new
w.DoublePoint2(-this.m_normals[I - 1].X,-this.m_normals[I - 1].Y);
for (this.m_normals[0] = new
y = 0,
I = m - 1; I >= 0; I--)
y = this.OffsetPoint(I, y,
} else {
var t;
for (y = 0,
I = 1; I < m - 1; ++I)
y = this.OffsetPoint(I, y,
for (V.m_endtype === w.EndType.etOpenButt ?
(I = m - 1,
t = new
w.IntPoint2(w.ClipperOffset.Round(this.m_srcPoly[I].X + this.m_normals[I].X *
C),w.ClipperOffset.Round(this.m_srcPoly[I].Y + this.m_normals[I].Y * C)),
t = new
w.IntPoint2(w.ClipperOffset.Round(this.m_srcPoly[I].X - this.m_normals[I].X *
C),w.ClipperOffset.Round(this.m_srcPoly[I].Y - this.m_normals[I].Y * C)),
this.m_destPoly.push(t)) : (I = m - 1,
y = m - 2,
this.m_sinA = 0,
this.m_normals[I] = new w.DoublePoint2(-
V.m_endtype === w.EndType.etOpenSquare ?
this.DoSquare(I, y) : this.DoRound(I, y)),
I = m - 1; I > 0; I--)
this.m_normals[I] = new
w.DoublePoint2(-this.m_normals[I - 1].X,-this.m_normals[I - 1].Y);
for (this.m_normals[0] = new
I = (y = m - 1) - 1; I > 0; --I)
y = this.OffsetPoint(I, y,
V.m_endtype === w.EndType.etOpenButt ? (t =
new w.IntPoint2(w.ClipperOffset.Round(this.m_srcPoly[0].X - this.m_normals[0].X *
C),w.ClipperOffset.Round(this.m_srcPoly[0].Y - this.m_normals[0].Y * C)),
t = new
w.IntPoint2(w.ClipperOffset.Round(this.m_srcPoly[0].X + this.m_normals[0].X *
C),w.ClipperOffset.Round(this.m_srcPoly[0].Y + this.m_normals[0].Y * C)),
this.m_destPoly.push(t)) : (y = 1,
this.m_sinA = 0,
V.m_endtype === w.EndType.etOpenSquare ?
this.DoSquare(0, 1) : this.DoRound(0, 1)),
} else {
if (V.m_jointype === w.JoinType.jtRound)
for (var B = 1, T = 0, I = 1; I <= q; I++)
w.IntPoint2(w.ClipperOffset.Round(this.m_srcPoly[0].X + B *
C),w.ClipperOffset.Round(this.m_srcPoly[0].Y + T * C)));
var Y = B;
B = B * this.m_cos - this.m_sin * T,
T = Y * this.m_sin + T * this.m_cos
else {
B = -1,
T = -1;
for (I = 0; I < 4; ++I)
w.IntPoint2(w.ClipperOffset.Round(this.m_srcPoly[0].X + B *
C),w.ClipperOffset.Round(this.m_srcPoly[0].Y + T * C))),
B < 0 ? B = 1 : T < 0 ? T = 1 : B = -1
w.ClipperOffset.prototype.Execute = function() {
var C = arguments;
if (C[0]instanceof w.PolyTree)
if (m = C[1],
(V = C[0]).Clear(),
(q = new w.Clipper(0)).AddPaths(this.m_destPolys,
w.PolyType.ptSubject, !0),
m > 0)
q.Execute(w.ClipType.ctUnion, V,
w.PolyFillType.pftPositive, w.PolyFillType.pftPositive);
else if (l = w.Clipper.GetBounds(this.m_destPolys),
(y = new w.Path).push(new w.IntPoint2(l.left - 10,l.bottom
+ 10)),
y.push(new w.IntPoint2(l.right + 10,l.bottom + 10)),
y.push(new w.IntPoint2(l.right + 10, - 10)),
y.push(new w.IntPoint2(l.left - 10, - 10)),
q.AddPath(y, w.PolyType.ptSubject, !0),
q.ReverseSolution = !0,
q.Execute(w.ClipType.ctUnion, V,
w.PolyFillType.pftNegative, w.PolyFillType.pftNegative),
1 === V.ChildCount() && V.Childs()[0].ChildCount() > 0) {
var p = V.Childs()[0];
V.Childs()[0] = p.Childs()[0],
V.Childs()[0].m_Parent = V;
for (var i = 1; i < p.ChildCount(); i++)
} else
else {
var q, V = C[0], m = C[1];
if (w.Clear(V),
(q = new w.Clipper(0)).AddPaths(this.m_destPolys,
w.PolyType.ptSubject, !0),
m > 0)
q.Execute(w.ClipType.ctUnion, V,
w.PolyFillType.pftPositive, w.PolyFillType.pftPositive);
else {
var y, l = w.Clipper.GetBounds(this.m_destPolys);
(y = new w.Path).push(new w.IntPoint2(l.left -
10,l.bottom + 10)),
y.push(new w.IntPoint2(l.right + 10,l.bottom + 10)),
y.push(new w.IntPoint2(l.right + 10, - 10)),
y.push(new w.IntPoint2(l.left - 10, - 10)),
q.AddPath(y, w.PolyType.ptSubject, !0),
q.ReverseSolution = !0,
q.Execute(w.ClipType.ctUnion, V,
w.PolyFillType.pftNegative, w.PolyFillType.pftNegative),
V.length > 0 && V.splice(0, 1)
w.ClipperOffset.prototype.OffsetPoint = function(C, p, i) {
if (this.m_sinA = this.m_normals[p].X * this.m_normals[C].Y -
this.m_normals[C].X * this.m_normals[p].Y,
Math.abs(this.m_sinA * this.m_delta) < 1) {
if (this.m_normals[p].X * this.m_normals[C].X +
this.m_normals[C].Y * this.m_normals[p].Y > 0)
return this.m_destPoly.push(new
w.IntPoint2(w.ClipperOffset.Round(this.m_srcPoly[C].X + this.m_normals[p].X *
this.m_delta),w.ClipperOffset.Round(this.m_srcPoly[C].Y + this.m_normals[p].Y *
} else
this.m_sinA > 1 ? this.m_sinA = 1 : this.m_sinA < -1 &&
(this.m_sinA = -1);
if (this.m_sinA * this.m_delta < 0)
w.IntPoint2(w.ClipperOffset.Round(this.m_srcPoly[C].X + this.m_normals[p].X *
this.m_delta),w.ClipperOffset.Round(this.m_srcPoly[C].Y + this.m_normals[p].Y *
this.m_destPoly.push(new w.IntPoint1(this.m_srcPoly[C])),
w.IntPoint2(w.ClipperOffset.Round(this.m_srcPoly[C].X + this.m_normals[C].X *
this.m_delta),w.ClipperOffset.Round(this.m_srcPoly[C].Y + this.m_normals[C].Y *
switch (i) {
case w.JoinType.jtMiter:
var q = 1 + (this.m_normals[C].X * this.m_normals[p].X
+ this.m_normals[C].Y * this.m_normals[p].Y);
q >= this.m_miterLim ? this.DoMiter(C, p, q) :
this.DoSquare(C, p);
case w.JoinType.jtSquare:
this.DoSquare(C, p);
case w.JoinType.jtRound:
this.DoRound(C, p)
return C
w.ClipperOffset.prototype.DoSquare = function(C, p) {
var i = Math.tan(Math.atan2(this.m_sinA, this.m_normals[p].X *
this.m_normals[C].X + this.m_normals[p].Y * this.m_normals[C].Y) / 4);
w.IntPoint2(w.ClipperOffset.Round(this.m_srcPoly[C].X + this.m_delta *
(this.m_normals[p].X - this.m_normals[p].Y *
i)),w.ClipperOffset.Round(this.m_srcPoly[C].Y + this.m_delta * (this.m_normals[p].Y
+ this.m_normals[p].X * i)))),
w.IntPoint2(w.ClipperOffset.Round(this.m_srcPoly[C].X + this.m_delta *
(this.m_normals[C].X + this.m_normals[C].Y *
i)),w.ClipperOffset.Round(this.m_srcPoly[C].Y + this.m_delta * (this.m_normals[C].Y
- this.m_normals[C].X * i))))
w.ClipperOffset.prototype.DoMiter = function(C, p, i) {
var q = this.m_delta / i;
w.IntPoint2(w.ClipperOffset.Round(this.m_srcPoly[C].X + (this.m_normals[p].X +
this.m_normals[C].X) * q),w.ClipperOffset.Round(this.m_srcPoly[C].Y +
(this.m_normals[p].Y + this.m_normals[C].Y) * q)))
w.ClipperOffset.prototype.DoRound = function(C, p) {
for (var i, q = Math.atan2(this.m_sinA, this.m_normals[p].X *
this.m_normals[C].X + this.m_normals[p].Y * this.m_normals[C].Y), V =
Math.max(w.Cast_Int32(w.ClipperOffset.Round(this.m_StepsPerRad * Math.abs(q))), 1),
m = this.m_normals[p].X, y = this.m_normals[p].Y, l = 0; l < V; ++l)
w.IntPoint2(w.ClipperOffset.Round(this.m_srcPoly[C].X + m *
this.m_delta),w.ClipperOffset.Round(this.m_srcPoly[C].Y + y * this.m_delta))),
i = m,
m = m * this.m_cos - this.m_sin * y,
y = i * this.m_sin + y * this.m_cos;
w.IntPoint2(w.ClipperOffset.Round(this.m_srcPoly[C].X + this.m_normals[C].X *
this.m_delta),w.ClipperOffset.Round(this.m_srcPoly[C].Y + this.m_normals[C].Y *
w.Error = function(C) {
try {
throw new Error(C)
} catch (C) {
w.JS = {},
w.JS.AreaOfPolygon = function(C, p) {
return p || (p = 1),
w.Clipper.Area(C) / (p * p)
w.JS.AreaOfPolygons = function(C, p) {
p || (p = 1);
for (var i = 0, q = 0; q < C.length; q++)
i += w.Clipper.Area(C[q]);
return i / (p * p)
w.JS.BoundsOfPath = function(C, p) {
return w.JS.BoundsOfPaths([C], p)
w.JS.BoundsOfPaths = function(C, p) {
p || (p = 1);
var i = w.Clipper.GetBounds(C);
return i.left /= p,
i.bottom /= p,
i.right /= p, /= p,
w.JS.Clean = function(C, p) {
if (!(C instanceof Array))
return [];
var i = C[0]instanceof Array;
if (C = w.JS.Clone(C),
"number" != typeof p || null === p)
return w.Error("Delta is not a number in Clean()."),
if (0 === C.length || 1 === C.length && 0 === C[0].length || p
< 0)
return C;
i || (C = [C]);
for (var q, V, m, y, l, t, B, T = C.length, I = [], Y = 0; Y <
T; Y++)
if (0 !== (q = (V = C[Y]).length))
if (q < 3)
m = V,
else {
for (m = V,
y = p * p,
l = V[0],
t = 1,
B = 1; B < q; B++)
(V[B].X - l.X) * (V[B].X - l.X) + (V[B].Y -
l.Y) * (V[B].Y - l.Y) <= y || (m[t] = V[B],
l = V[B],
l = V[t - 1],
(V[0].X - l.X) * (V[0].X - l.X) + (V[0].Y - l.Y) *
(V[0].Y - l.Y) <= y && t--,
t < q && m.splice(t, q - t),
m.length && I.push(m)
return !i && I.length ? I = I[0] : i || 0 !== I.length ? i && 0
=== I.length && (I = [[]]) : I = [],
w.JS.Clone = function(C) {
if (!(C instanceof Array))
return [];
if (0 === C.length)
return [];
if (1 === C.length && 0 === C[0].length)
return [[]];
var p = C[0]instanceof Array;
p || (C = [C]);
var i, q, V, m, w = C.length, y = new Array(w);
for (q = 0; q < w; q++) {
for (i = C[q].length,
m = new Array(i),
V = 0; V < i; V++)
m[V] = {
X: C[q][V].X,
Y: C[q][V].Y
y[q] = m
return p || (y = y[0]),
w.JS.Lighten = function(C, p) {
if (!(C instanceof Array))
return [];
if ("number" != typeof p || null === p)
return w.Error("Tolerance is not a number in Lighten()."),
if (0 === C.length || 1 === C.length && 0 === C[0].length || p
< 0)
return w.JS.Clone(C);
var i, q, V, m, y, l, t, B, T, I, Y, U, L, a, v, f, s =
C[0]instanceof Array;
s || (C = [C]);
var c = C.length
, O = p * p
, S = [];
for (i = 0; i < c; i++)
if (0 !== (l = (V = C[i]).length)) {
for (m = 0; m < 1e6; m++) {
for (y = [],
V[(l = V.length) - 1].X !== V[0].X || V[l - 1].Y !
== V[0].Y ? (Y = 1,
X: V[0].X,
Y: V[0].Y
l = V.length) : Y = 0,
I = [],
q = 0; q < l - 2; q++)
t = V[q],
T = V[q + 1],
B = V[q + 2],
v = t.X,
f = t.Y,
U = B.X - v,
L = B.Y - f,
0 === U && 0 === L || ((a = ((T.X - v) * U +
(T.Y - f) * L) / (U * U + L * L)) > 1 ? (v = B.X,
f = B.Y) : a > 0 && (v += U * a,
f += L * a)),
(U = T.X - v) * U + (L = T.Y - f) * L <= O &&
(I[q + 1] = 1,
for (y.push({
X: V[0].X,
Y: V[0].Y
q = 1; q < l - 1; q++)
I[q] || y.push({
X: V[q].X,
Y: V[q].Y
if (y.push({
X: V[l - 1].X,
Y: V[l - 1].Y
Y && V.pop(),
V = y
y[(l = y.length) - 1].X === y[0].X && y[l - 1].Y ===
y[0].Y && y.pop(),
y.length > 2 && S.push(y)
return s || (S = S[0]),
void 0 === S && (S = []),
w.JS.PerimeterOfPath = function(C, p, i) {
if (void 0 === C)
return 0;
var q, V, m = Math.sqrt, w = 0, y = 0, l = 0, t = 0, B = 0, T =
if (T < 2)
return 0;
for (p && (C[T] = C[0],
T++); --T; )
y = (q = C[T]).X,
l = q.Y,
w += m((y - (t = (V = C[T - 1]).X)) * (y - t) + (l - (B =
V.Y)) * (l - B));
return p && C.pop(),
w / i
w.JS.PerimeterOfPaths = function(C, p, i) {
i || (i = 1);
for (var q = 0, V = 0; V < C.length; V++)
q += w.JS.PerimeterOfPath(C[V], p, i);
return q
w.JS.ScaleDownPath = function(C, p) {
var i, q;
for (p || (p = 1),
i = C.length; i--; )
(q = C[i]).X = q.X / p,
q.Y = q.Y / p
w.JS.ScaleDownPaths = function(C, p) {
var i, q, V;
for (p || (p = 1),
i = C.length; i--; )
for (q = C[i].length; q--; )
(V = C[i][q]).X = V.X / p,
V.Y = V.Y / p
w.JS.ScaleUpPath = function(C, p) {
var i, q, V = Math.round;
for (p || (p = 1),
i = C.length; i--; )
(q = C[i]).X = V(q.X * p),
q.Y = V(q.Y * p)
w.JS.ScaleUpPaths = function(C, p) {
var i, q, V, m = Math.round;
for (p || (p = 1),
i = C.length; i--; )
for (q = C[i].length; q--; )
(V = C[i][q]).X = m(V.X * p),
V.Y = m(V.Y * p)
w.ExPolygons = function() {
return []
w.ExPolygon = function() {
this.outer = null,
this.holes = null
w.JS.AddOuterPolyNodeToExPolygons = function(C, p) {
var i = new w.ExPolygon;
i.outer = C.Contour();
var q, V, m, y, l, t, B = C.Childs(), T = B.length;
for (i.holes = new Array(T),
m = 0; m < T; m++)
for (q = B[m],
i.holes[m] = q.Contour(),
y = 0,
t = (l = q.Childs()).length; y < t; y++)
V = l[y],
w.JS.AddOuterPolyNodeToExPolygons(V, p);
w.JS.ExPolygonsToPaths = function(C) {
var p, i, q, V, m = new w.Paths;
for (p = 0,
q = C.length; p < q; p++)
for (m.push(C[p].outer),
i = 0,
V = C[p].holes.length; i < V; i++)
return m
w.JS.PolyTreeToExPolygons = function(C) {
var p, i, q, V, m = new w.ExPolygons;
for (i = 0,
V = (q = C.Childs()).length; i < V; i++)
p = q[i],
w.JS.AddOuterPolyNodeToExPolygons(p, m);
return m
65402: (C, p, i) => {
var q = i(301654);
p.__esModule = !0,
p["default"] = void 0;
var V = function() {};
q(i(450679)).default && (V = document.addEventListener ? function(C, p,
i, q) {
return C.removeEventListener(p, i, q || !1)
: document.attachEvent ? function(C, p, i) {
return C.detachEvent("on" + p, i)
: void 0);
var m = V;
p["default"] = m,
C.exports = p["default"]
609622: (C, p, i) => {
var q = i(301654);
p.__esModule = !0,
p["default"] = void 0;
var V = function() {};
q(i(450679)).default && (V = document.addEventListener ? function(C, p,
i, q) {
return C.addEventListener(p, i, q || !1)
: document.attachEvent ? function(C, p, i) {
return C.attachEvent("on" + p, (function(p) {
(p = p || window.event).target = || p.srcElement,
p.currentTarget = C,, p)
: void 0);
var m = V;
p["default"] = m,
C.exports = p["default"]
427728: (C, p, i) => {
var q = i(301654);
p.__esModule = !0,
p["default"] = p.animationEnd = p.animationDelay = p.animationTiming =
p.animationDuration = p.animationName = p.transitionEnd = p.transitionDuration =
p.transitionDelay = p.transitionTiming = p.transitionProperty = p.transform = void
var V, m, w, y, l, t, B, T, I, Y, U, L = q(i(450679)), a = "transform";
if (p.transform = a,
p.animationEnd = w,
p.transitionEnd = m,
p.transitionDelay = B,
p.transitionTiming = t,
p.transitionDuration = l,
p.transitionProperty = y,
p.animationDelay = U,
p.animationTiming = Y,
p.animationDuration = I,
p.animationName = T,
L.default) {
var v = function() {
for (var C, p, i = document.createElement("div").style, q = {
O: function(C) {
return "o" + C.toLowerCase()
Moz: function(C) {
return C.toLowerCase()
Webkit: function(C) {
return "webkit" + C
ms: function(C) {
return "MS" + C
}, V = Object.keys(q), m = "", w = 0; w < V.length; w++) {
var y = V[w];
if (y + "TransitionProperty"in i) {
m = "-" + y.toLowerCase(),
C = q[y]("TransitionEnd"),
p = q[y]("AnimationEnd");
return !C && "transitionProperty"in i && (C = "transitionend"),
!p && "animationName"in i && (p = "animationend"),
i = null,
animationEnd: p,
transitionEnd: C,
prefix: m
V = v.prefix,
p.transitionEnd = m = v.transitionEnd,
p.animationEnd = w = v.animationEnd,
p.transform = a = V + "-" + a,
p.transitionProperty = y = V + "-transition-property",
p.transitionDuration = l = V + "-transition-duration",
p.transitionDelay = B = V + "-transition-delay",
p.transitionTiming = t = V + "-transition-timing-function",
p.animationName = T = V + "-animation-name",
p.animationDuration = I = V + "-animation-duration",
p.animationTiming = Y = V + "-animation-delay",
p.animationDelay = U = V + "-animation-timing-function"
var f = {
transform: a,
end: m,
property: y,
timing: t,
delay: B,
duration: l
p["default"] = f
450679: (C, p) => {
p.__esModule = !0,
p["default"] = void 0;
var i = !("undefined" == typeof window || !window.document || !
p["default"] = i,
C.exports = p["default"]
686418: C => {
var p = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty
, i = "~";
function q() {}
function V(C, p, i) {
this.fn = C,
this.context = p,
this.once = i || !1
function m(C, p, q, m, w) {
if ("function" != typeof q)
throw new TypeError("The listener must be a function");
var y = new V(q,m || C,w)
, l = i ? i + p : p;
return C._events[l] ? C._events[l].fn ? C._events[l] =
[C._events[l], y] : C._events[l].push(y) : (C._events[l] = y,
function w(C, p) {
0 == --C._eventsCount ? C._events = new q : delete C._events[p]
function y() {
this._events = new q,
this._eventsCount = 0
Object.create && (q.prototype = Object.create(null),
(new q).__proto__ || (i = !1)),
y.prototype.eventNames = function() {
var C, q, V = [];
if (0 === this._eventsCount)
return V;
for (q in C = this._events), q) && V.push(i ? q.slice(1) : q);
return Object.getOwnPropertySymbols ?
V.concat(Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(C)) : V
y.prototype.listeners = function(C) {
var p = i ? i + C : C
, q = this._events[p];
if (!q)
return [];
if (q.fn)
return [q.fn];
for (var V = 0, m = q.length, w = new Array(m); V < m; V++)
w[V] = q[V].fn;
return w
y.prototype.listenerCount = function(C) {
var p = i ? i + C : C
, q = this._events[p];
return q ? q.fn ? 1 : q.length : 0
y.prototype.emit = function(C, p, q, V, m, w) {
var y = i ? i + C : C;
if (!this._events[y])
return !1;
var l, t, B = this._events[y], T = arguments.length;
if (B.fn) {
switch (B.once && this.removeListener(C, B.fn, void 0, !0),
T) {
case 1:
case 2:
return, p),
case 3:
return, p, q),
case 4:
return, p, q, V),
case 5:
return, p, q, V, m),
case 6:
return, p, q, V, m, w),
for (t = 1,
l = new Array(T - 1); t < T; t++)
l[t - 1] = arguments[t];
B.fn.apply(B.context, l)
} else {
var I, Y = B.length;
for (t = 0; t < Y; t++)
switch (B[t].once && this.removeListener(C, B[t].fn, void
0, !0),
T) {
case 1:
case 2:
B[t][t].context, p);
case 3:
B[t][t].context, p, q);
case 4:
B[t][t].context, p, q, V);
if (!l)
for (I = 1,
l = new Array(T - 1); I < T; I++)
l[I - 1] = arguments[I];
B[t].fn.apply(B[t].context, l)
return !0
y.prototype.on = function(C, p, i) {
return m(this, C, p, i, !1)
y.prototype.once = function(C, p, i) {
return m(this, C, p, i, !0)
y.prototype.removeListener = function(C, p, q, V) {
var m = i ? i + C : C;
if (!this._events[m])
return this;
if (!p)
return w(this, m),
var y = this._events[m];
if (y.fn)
y.fn !== p || V && !y.once || q && y.context !== q || w(this,
else {
for (var l = 0, t = [], B = y.length; l < B; l++)
(y[l].fn !== p || V && !y[l].once || q && y[l].context !==
q) && t.push(y[l]);
t.length ? this._events[m] = 1 === t.length ? t[0] : t :
w(this, m)
return this
y.prototype.removeAllListeners = function(C) {
var p;
return C ? (p = i ? i + C : C,
this._events[p] && w(this, p)) : (this._events = new q,
this._eventsCount = 0),
, = y.prototype.removeListener,
y.prototype.addListener = y.prototype.on,
y.prefixed = i,
y.EventEmitter = y,
1 && (C.exports = y)
131382: (C, p) => {
var i = function() {
function C(C) {
if (void 0 === C && (C = {}),
C.hasOwnProperty("amplitude")) {
if ("number" != typeof C.amplitude)
throw new Error("options.amplitude must be a number");
this.amplitude = C.amplitude
} else
this.amplitude = 1;
if (C.hasOwnProperty("frequency")) {
if ("number" != typeof C.frequency)
throw new Error("options.frequency must be a number");
this.frequency = C.frequency
} else
this.frequency = 1;
if (C.hasOwnProperty("octaves")) {
if ("number" != typeof C.octaves || !isFinite(C.octaves) ||
Math.floor(C.octaves) !== C.octaves)
throw new Error("options.octaves must be an integer");
this.octaves = C.octaves
} else
this.octaves = 1;
if (C.hasOwnProperty("persistence")) {
if ("number" != typeof C.persistence)
throw new Error("options.persistence must be a
this.persistence = C.persistence
} else
this.persistence = .5;
if (C.hasOwnProperty("random")) {
if ("function" != typeof C.random)
throw new Error("options.random must be a function");
this.random = C.random
} else
this.random = Math.random;
var p, i;
if (C.hasOwnProperty("min")) {
if ("number" != typeof C.min)
throw new Error("options.min must be a number");
p = C.min
} else
p = -1;
if (C.hasOwnProperty("max")) {
if ("number" != typeof C.max)
throw new Error("options.max must be a number");
i = C.max
} else
i = 1;
if (p >= i)
throw new Error("options.min (" + p + ") must be less than
options.max (" + i + ")");
this.scale = -1 === p && 1 === i ? function(C) {
return C
: function(C) {
return p + (C + 1) / 2 * (i - p)
for (var q, V, m = new Uint8Array(256), w = 0; w < 256; w++)
m[w] = w;
for (w = 255; w > 0; w--)
q = Math.floor((w + 1) * this.random()),
V = m[w],
m[w] = m[q],
m[q] = V;
for (this.perm = new Uint8Array(512),
this.permMod12 = new Uint8Array(512),
w = 0; w < 512; w++)
this.perm[w] = m[255 & w],
this.permMod12[w] = this.perm[w] % 12
return C.prototype.raw2D = function(p, i) {
var q = .3660254037844386 * (p + i)
, V = Math.floor(p + q)
, m = Math.floor(i + q)
, w = (V + m) * C.G2
, y = p - (V - w)
, l = i - (m - w)
, t = y > l ? 1 : 0
, B = y > l ? 0 : 1
, T = y - t + C.G2
, I = l - B + C.G2
, Y = y - 1 + 2 * C.G2
, U = l - 1 + 2 * C.G2
, L = 255 & V
, a = 255 & m
, v = this.permMod12[L + this.perm[a]]
, f = (this.permMod12[L + t + this.perm[a + B]],
this.permMod12[L + 1 + this.perm[a + 1]],
.5 - y * y - l * l)
, s = C.GRAD3D[v]
, c = f < 0 ? 0 : f * f * f * f * (s[0] * y + s[1] * l)
, O = .5 - T * T - I * I
, S = C.GRAD3D[v]
, j = O < 0 ? 0 : O * O * O * O * (S[0] * T + S[1] * I)
, o = .5 - Y * Y - U * U
, x = C.GRAD3D[v];
return 70.14805770653952 * (c + j + (o < 0 ? 0 : o * o * o * o
* (x[0] * Y + x[1] * U)))
C.prototype.raw3D = function(p, i, q) {
var V, m, w, y, l, t, B = (p + i + q) / 3, T = Math.floor(p +
B), I = Math.floor(i + B), Y = Math.floor(q + B), U = (T + I + Y) * C.G3, L = p -
(T - U), a = i - (I - U), v = q - (Y - U);
L >= a ? a >= v ? (V = y = l = 1,
m = w = t = 0) : L >= v ? (V = y = t = 1,
m = w = l = 0) : (w = y = t = 1,
V = m = l = 0) : a < v ? (w = l = t = 1,
V = m = y = 0) : L < v ? (m = l = t = 1,
V = w = y = 0) : (m = y = l = 1,
V = w = t = 0);
var f = L - V + C.G3
, s = a - m + C.G3
, c = v - w + C.G3
, O = L - y + 2 * C.G3
, S = a - l + 2 * C.G3
, j = v - t + 2 * C.G3
, o = L - 1 + 3 * C.G3
, x = a - 1 + 3 * C.G3
, Z = v - 1 + 3 * C.G3
, H = 255 & T
, b = 255 & I
, X = 255 & Y
, z = this.permMod12[H + this.perm[b + this.perm[X]]]
, M = this.permMod12[H + V + this.perm[b + m + this.perm[X +
, P = this.permMod12[H + y + this.perm[b + l + this.perm[X +
, R = this.permMod12[H + 1 + this.perm[b + 1 + this.perm[X +
, Q = .5 - L * L - a * a - v * v
, n = C.GRAD3D[z]
, h = Q < 0 ? 0 : Q * Q * Q * Q * (n[0] * L + n[1] * a + n[2]
* v)
, G = .5 - f * f - s * s - c * c
, $ = C.GRAD3D[M]
, W = G < 0 ? 0 : G * G * G * G * ($[0] * f + $[1] * s + $[2]
* c)
, k = .5 - O * O - S * S - j * j
, A = C.GRAD3D[P]
, F = k < 0 ? 0 : k * k * k * k * (A[0] * O + A[1] * S + A[2]
* j)
, K = .5 - o * o - x * x - Z * Z
, E = C.GRAD3D[R];
return 94.68493150681972 * (h + W + F + (K < 0 ? 0 : K * K * K
* K * (E[0] * o + E[1] * x + E[2] * Z)))
C.prototype.scaled2D = function(C, p) {
for (var i = this.amplitude, q = this.frequency, V = 0, m = 0,
w = 0; w < this.octaves; w++)
m += this.raw2D(C * q, p * q) * i,
V += i,
i *= this.persistence,
q *= 2;
return this.scale(m / V)
C.prototype.scaled3D = function(C, p, i) {
for (var q = this.amplitude, V = this.frequency, m = 0, w = 0,
y = 0; y < this.octaves; y++)
w += this.raw3D(C * V, p * V, i * V) * q,
m += q,
q *= this.persistence,
V *= 2;
return this.scale(w / m)
C.G2 = (3 - Math.sqrt(3)) / 6,
C.G3 = 1 / 6,
C.G4 = (5 - Math.sqrt(5)) / 20,
C.GRAD3D = [[1, 1, 0], [-1, 1, 0], [1, -1, 0], [-1, -1, 0], [1, 0,
1], [-1, 0, 1], [1, 0, -1], [-1, 0, -1], [0, 1, 1], [0, -1, -1], [0, 1, -1], [0, -
1, -1]],
C.GRAD4D = [[0, 1, 1, 1], [0, 1, 1, -1], [0, 1, -1, 1], [0, 1, -1,
-1], [0, -1, 1, 1], [0, -1, 1, -1], [0, -1, -1, 1], [0, -1, -1, -1], [1, 0, 1, 1],
[1, 0, 1, -1], [1, 0, -1, 1], [1, 0, -1, -1], [-1, 0, 1, 1], [-1, 0, 1, -1], [-1,
0, -1, 1], [-1, 0, -1, -1], [1, 1, 0, 1], [1, 1, 0, -1], [1, -1, 0, 1], [1, -1, 0,
-1], [-1, 1, 0, 1], [-1, 1, 0, -1], [-1, -1, 0, 1], [-1, -1, 0, -1], [1, 1, 1, 0],
[1, 1, -1, 0], [1, -1, 1, 0], [1, -1, -1, 0], [-1, 1, 1, 0], [-1, 1, -1, 0], [-1, -
1, 1, 0], [-1, -1, -1, 0]],
p.A = i
504825: (C, p, i) => {
var q = i(578278);
Object.defineProperty(p, "__esModule", {
value: !0
p["default"] = void 0;
var V = q(i(377810))
, m = (q(i(746365)),
function(C) {
var p = C.children;
p["default"] = m
454767: (C, p, i) => {
var q = i(578278);
Object.defineProperty(p, "__esModule", {
value: !0
p["default"] = function(C) {
var p, i = C.children, q = C.startIndex, w = C.startX, y = C.pageX,
l = C.viewLength, t = C.resistance, B = V.default.Children.count(i) - 1, T = q + (w
- y) / l;
return t ? T < 0 ? T = Math.exp(T * m.default.RESISTANCE_COEF) -
1 : T > B && (T = B + 1 - Math.exp((B - T) * m.default.RESISTANCE_COEF)) : T < 0 ?
p = ((T = 0) - q) * l + y : T > B && (p = ((T = B) - q) * l + y),
index: T,
startX: p
var V = q(i(377810))
, m = q(i(262164))
262164: (C, p) => {
Object.defineProperty(p, "__esModule", {
value: !0
p["default"] = void 0,
p["default"] = {
813659: (C, p, i) => {
var q = i(578278);
Object.defineProperty(p, "__esModule", {
value: !0
p["default"] = void 0;
var V = q(i(377810));
p["default"] = function(C, p) {
var i = !1
, q = function(C) {
return C ? C.key : "empty"
if (C.children.length && p.children.length) {
var m =, q)[C.index];
null != m && m ===, q)
[p.index] && (i = !0)
return i
25706: (C, p, i) => {
var q = i(578278);
Object.defineProperty(p, "__esModule", {
value: !0
Object.defineProperty(p, "checkIndexBounds", {
enumerable: !0,
get: function() {
return V.default
Object.defineProperty(p, "computeIndex", {
enumerable: !0,
get: function() {
return m.default
Object.defineProperty(p, "constant", {
enumerable: !0,
get: function() {
return w.default
Object.defineProperty(p, "getDisplaySameSlide", {
enumerable: !0,
get: function() {
return y.default
Object.defineProperty(p, "mod", {
enumerable: !0,
get: function() {
return l.default
var V = q(i(504825))
, m = q(i(454767))
, w = q(i(262164))
, y = q(i(813659))
, l = q(i(981794))
981794: (C, p) => {
Object.defineProperty(p, "__esModule", {
value: !0
p["default"] = void 0;
p["default"] = function(C, p) {
var i = C % p;
return i < 0 ? i + p : i
578278: C => {
C.exports = function(C) {
return C && C.__esModule ? C : {
default: C
717284: (C, p, i) => {
var q = i(737202);
Object.defineProperty(p, "__esModule", {
value: !0
p.getDomTreeShapes = o,
p.findNativeHandler = Z,
p["default"] = void 0;
var V = q(i(609562))
, m = q(i(288215))
, w = q(i(678967))
, y = q(i(704643))
, l = q(i(22132))
, t = q(i(103088))
, B = q(i(7511))
, T = q(i(377810))
, I = q(i(575826))
, Y = (q(i(746365)),
, U = q(i(609622))
, L = q(i(65402))
, a = i(25706);
function v(C, p, i, q) {
return (0,
U.default)(C, p, i, q),
remove: function() {
L.default)(C, p, i, q)
var f = {
direction: "ltr",
display: "flex",
willChange: "transform"
, s = {
width: "100%",
WebkitFlexShrink: 0,
flexShrink: 0,
overflow: "auto"
, c = {
root: {
x: {
overflowX: "hidden"
"x-reverse": {
overflowX: "hidden"
y: {
overflowY: "hidden"
"y-reverse": {
overflowY: "hidden"
flexDirection: {
x: "row",
"x-reverse": "row-reverse",
y: "column",
"y-reverse": "column-reverse"
transform: {
x: function(C) {
return "translate(".concat(-C, "%, 0)")
"x-reverse": function(C) {
return "translate(".concat(C, "%, 0)")
y: function(C) {
return "translate(0, ".concat(-C, "%)")
"y-reverse": function(C) {
return "translate(0, ".concat(C, "%)")
length: {
x: "width",
"x-reverse": "width",
y: "height",
"y-reverse": "height"
rotationMatrix: {
x: {
x: [1, 0],
y: [0, 1]
"x-reverse": {
x: [-1, 0],
y: [0, 1]
y: {
x: [0, 1],
y: [1, 0]
"y-reverse": {
x: [0, -1],
y: [1, 0]
scrollPosition: {
x: "scrollLeft",
"x-reverse": "scrollLeft",
y: "scrollTop",
"y-reverse": "scrollTop"
scrollLength: {
x: "scrollWidth",
"x-reverse": "scrollWidth",
y: "scrollHeight",
"y-reverse": "scrollHeight"
clientLength: {
x: "clientWidth",
"x-reverse": "clientWidth",
y: "clientHeight",
"y-reverse": "clientHeight"
function O(C, p) {
var i = p.duration
, q = p.easeFunction
, V = p.delay;
return "".concat(C, " ").concat(i, " ").concat(q, " ").concat(V)
function S(C, p) {
var i = c.rotationMatrix[p];
return {
pageX: i.x[0] * C.pageX + i.x[1] * C.pageY,
pageY: i.y[0] * C.pageX + i.y[1] * C.pageY
function j(C) {
return C.touches = [{
pageX: C.pageX,
pageY: C.pageY
function o(C, p) {
for (var i = []; C && C !== p && !C.hasAttribute("data-swipeable");
) {
var q = window.getComputedStyle(C);
"absolute" === q.getPropertyValue("position") || "hidden" ===
q.getPropertyValue("overflow-x") ? i = [] : (C.clientWidth > 0 && C.scrollWidth >
C.clientWidth || C.clientHeight > 0 && C.scrollHeight > C.clientHeight) && i.push({
element: C,
scrollWidth: C.scrollWidth,
scrollHeight: C.scrollHeight,
clientWidth: C.clientWidth,
clientHeight: C.clientHeight,
scrollLeft: C.scrollLeft,
scrollTop: C.scrollTop
C = C.parentNode
return i
var x = null;
function Z(C) {
var p = C.domTreeShapes
, i = C.pageX
, q = C.startX
, V = C.axis;
return p.some((function(C) {
var p = i >= q;
"x" !== V && "y" !== V || (p = !p);
var m = C[c.scrollPosition[V]]
, w = m > 0
, y = m + C[c.clientLength[V]] < C[c.scrollLength[V]];
return !!(p && y || !p && w) && (x = C.element,
var H = function(C) {
function p(C) {
var i;
return (0,
w.default)(this, p),
(i = (0,
l.default)(this, (0,
t.default)(p).call(this, C))).rootNode = null,
i.containerNode = null,
i.ignoreNextScrollEvents = !1,
i.viewLength = 0,
i.startX = 0,
i.lastX = 0,
i.vx = 0,
i.startY = 0,
i.isSwiping = void 0,
i.started = !1,
i.startIndex = 0,
i.transitionListener = null,
i.touchMoveListener = null,
i.activeSlide = null,
i.indexCurrent = null,
i.firstRenderTimeout = null,
i.setRootNode = function(C) {
i.rootNode = C
i.setContainerNode = function(C) {
i.containerNode = C
i.setActiveSlide = function(C) {
i.activeSlide = C,
i.handleSwipeStart = function(C) {
var p = i.props.axis
, q = S(C.touches[0], p);
i.viewLength = i.rootNode.getBoundingClientRect()
i.startX = q.pageX,
i.lastX = q.pageX,
i.vx = 0,
i.startY = q.pageY,
i.isSwiping = void 0,
i.started = !0;
var V = window.getComputedStyle(i.containerNode)
, m = V.getPropertyValue("-webkit-transform") ||
if (m && "none" !== m) {
var w = m.split("(")[1].split(")")[0].split(",")
, y = window.getComputedStyle(i.rootNode)
, l = S({
pageX: parseInt(w[4], 10),
pageY: parseInt(w[5], 10)
}, p);
i.startIndex = -l.pageX / (i.viewLength -
parseInt(y.paddingLeft, 10) - parseInt(y.paddingRight, 10)) || 0
i.handleSwipeMove = function(C) {
if (i.started) {
if (null === x || x === i.rootNode) {
var p = i.props
, q = p.axis
, V = p.children
, m = p.ignoreNativeScroll
, w = p.onSwitching
, y = p.resistance
, l = S(C.touches[0], q);
if (void 0 === i.isSwiping) {
var t = Math.abs(l.pageX - i.startX)
, B = Math.abs(l.pageY - i.startY)
, I = t > B && t >
if (!y && ("y" === q || "y-reverse" === q) &&
(0 === i.indexCurrent && i.startX < l.pageX || i.indexCurrent ===
T.default.Children.count(i.props.children) - 1 && i.startX > l.pageX))
return void (i.isSwiping = !1);
if (t > B && C.preventDefault(),
!0 === I || B >
return i.isSwiping = I,
void (i.startX = l.pageX)
if (!0 === i.isSwiping) {
i.vx = .5 * i.vx + .5 * (l.pageX - i.lastX),
i.lastX = l.pageX;
var Y = (0,
children: V,
resistance: y,
pageX: l.pageX,
startIndex: i.startIndex,
startX: i.startX,
viewLength: i.viewLength
, U = Y.index
, L = Y.startX;
if (null === x && !m && Z({
domTreeShapes: o(, i.rootNode),
startX: i.startX,
pageX: l.pageX,
axis: q
L ? i.startX = L : null === x && (x =
var v = function() {
w && w(U, "move")
!i.state.displaySameSlide && i.state.isDragging
|| i.setState({
displaySameSlide: !1,
isDragging: !0
}, v),
} else
i.handleSwipeEnd = function() {
if (x = null,
i.started && (i.started = !1,
!0 === i.isSwiping)) {
var C, p = i.state.indexLatest, q = i.indexCurrent, V =
p - q;
C = Math.abs(i.vx) > i.props.threshold ? i.vx > 0 ?
Math.floor(q) : Math.ceil(q) : Math.abs(V) > i.props.hysteresis ? V > 0 ?
Math.floor(q) : Math.ceil(q) : p;
var m = T.default.Children.count(i.props.children) - 1;
C < 0 ? C = 0 : C > m && (C = m),
indexLatest: C,
isDragging: !1
}, (function() {
i.props.onSwitching && i.props.onSwitching(C,
i.props.onChangeIndex && C !== p &&
i.props.onChangeIndex(C, p, {
reason: "swipe"
q === p && i.handleTransitionEnd()
i.handleTouchStart = function(C) {
i.props.onTouchStart && i.props.onTouchStart(C),
i.handleTouchEnd = function(C) {
i.props.onTouchEnd && i.props.onTouchEnd(C),
i.handleMouseDown = function(C) {
i.props.onMouseDown && i.props.onMouseDown(C),
i.handleMouseUp = function(C) {
i.props.onMouseUp && i.props.onMouseUp(C),
i.handleMouseLeave = function(C) {
i.props.onMouseLeave && i.props.onMouseLeave(C),
i.started && i.handleSwipeEnd(j(C))
i.handleMouseMove = function(C) {
i.props.onMouseMove && i.props.onMouseMove(C),
i.started && i.handleSwipeMove(j(C))
i.handleScroll = function(C) {
if (i.props.onScroll && i.props.onScroll(C), === i.rootNode)
if (i.ignoreNextScrollEvents)
i.ignoreNextScrollEvents = !1;
else {
var p = i.state.indexLatest
, q = Math.ceil( / + p;
i.ignoreNextScrollEvents = !0, = 0,
i.props.onChangeIndex && q !== p &&
i.props.onChangeIndex(q, p, {
reason: "focus"
i.updateHeight = function() {
if (null !== i.activeSlide) {
var C = i.activeSlide.children[0];
void 0 !== C && void 0 !== C.offsetHeight &&
i.state.heightLatest !== C.offsetHeight && i.setState({
heightLatest: C.offsetHeight
i.state = {
indexLatest: C.index,
isDragging: !1,
renderOnlyActive: !C.disableLazyLoading,
heightLatest: 0,
displaySameSlide: !0
return (0,
B.default)(p, C),
y.default)(p, [{
key: "getChildContext",
value: function() {
var C = this;
return {
swipeableViews: {
slideUpdateHeight: function() {
}, {
key: "componentDidMount",
value: function() {
var C = this;
this.transitionListener = v(this.containerNode,
Y.default.end, (function(p) { === C.containerNode && C.handleTransitionEnd()
this.touchMoveListener = v(this.rootNode, "touchmove",
(function(p) {
C.props.disabled || C.handleSwipeMove(p)
), {
passive: !1
this.props.disableLazyLoading || (this.firstRenderTimeout =
setTimeout((function() {
renderOnlyActive: !1
), 0)),
this.props.action && this.props.action({
updateHeight: this.updateHeight
}, {
key: "componentWillReceiveProps",
value: function(C) {
var p = C.index;
"number" == typeof p && p !== this.props.index &&
displaySameSlide: (0,
a.getDisplaySameSlide)(this.props, C),
indexLatest: p
}, {
key: "componentWillUnmount",
value: function() {
}, {
key: "setIndexCurrent",
value: function(C) {
if (this.props.animateTransitions || this.indexCurrent ===
C || this.handleTransitionEnd(),
this.indexCurrent = C,
this.containerNode) {
var p = this.props.axis
, i = c.transform[p](100 * C); = i, = i
}, {
key: "handleTransitionEnd",
value: function() {
this.props.onTransitionEnd && (this.state.displaySameSlide
|| this.state.isDragging || this.props.onTransitionEnd())
}, {
key: "render",
value: function() {
var C, p, i = this, q = this.props, w = (q.action,
q.animateHeight), y = q.animateTransitions, l = q.axis, t =
q.children, B = q.containerStyle, I = q.disabled, Y = (q.disableLazyLoading,
q.enableMouseEvents), U = (q.hysteresis,
q.slideStyle), L = q.slideClassName, a = q.springConfig, v
=, S = (q.threshold,
m.default)(q, ["action", "animateHeight",
"animateTransitions", "axis", "children", "containerStyle", "disabled",
"disableLazyLoading", "enableMouseEvents", "hysteresis", "ignoreNativeScroll",
"index", "onChangeIndex", "onSwitching", "onTransitionEnd", "resistance",
"slideStyle", "slideClassName", "springConfig", "style", "threshold"])), j =
this.state, o = j.displaySameSlide, x = j.heightLatest, Z = j.indexLatest, H =
j.isDragging, b = j.renderOnlyActive, X = I ? {} : {
onTouchStart: this.handleTouchStart,
onTouchEnd: this.handleTouchEnd
}, z = !I && Y ? {
onMouseDown: this.handleMouseDown,
onMouseUp: this.handleMouseUp,
onMouseLeave: this.handleMouseLeave,
onMouseMove: this.handleMouseMove
} : {}, M = (0,
V.default)({}, s, U);
if (H || !y || o)
C = "all 0s ease 0s",
p = "all 0s ease 0s";
else if (C = O("transform", a),
p = O("-webkit-transform", a),
0 !== x) {
var P = ", ".concat(O("height", a));
C += P,
p += P
var R = {
height: null,
WebkitFlexDirection: c.flexDirection[l],
flexDirection: c.flexDirection[l],
WebkitTransition: p,
transition: C
if (!b) {
var Q = c.transform[l](100 * this.indexCurrent);
R.WebkitTransform = Q,
R.transform = Q
return w && (R.height = x),
T.default.createElement("div", (0,
ref: this.setRootNode,
style: (0,
V.default)({}, c.root[l], v)
}, S, X, z, {
onScroll: this.handleScroll
}), T.default.createElement("div", {
ref: this.setContainerNode,
style: (0,
V.default)({}, R, f, B),
className: "react-swipeable-view-container"
},, (function(C, p) {
if (b && p !== Z)
return null;
var q, V = !0;
return p === Z && (V = !1,
w && (q = i.setActiveSlide,
M.overflowY = "hidden")),
T.default.createElement("div", {
ref: q,
style: M,
className: L,
"aria-hidden": V,
"data-swipeable": "true"
}, C)
H.displayName = "ReactSwipableView",
H.propTypes = 0 ? 0 : {},
H.defaultProps = {
animateHeight: !1,
animateTransitions: !0,
axis: "x",
disabled: !1,
disableLazyLoading: !1,
enableMouseEvents: !1,
hysteresis: .6,
ignoreNativeScroll: !1,
index: 0,
threshold: 5,
springConfig: {
duration: "0.35s",
easeFunction: "cubic-bezier(0.15, 0.3, 0.25, 1)",
delay: "0s"
resistance: !1
H.childContextTypes = {
swipeableViews: I.default.shape({
slideUpdateHeight: I.default.func
var b = H;
p["default"] = b
866302: (C, p, i) => {
var q = i(737202);
p.A = void 0;
var V = q(i(717284)).default;
p.A = V
915755: C => {
C.exports = function(C) {
if (void 0 === C)
throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised -
super() hasn't been called");
return C
678967: C => {
C.exports = function(C, p) {
if (!(C instanceof p))
throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function")
704643: C => {
function p(C, p) {
for (var i = 0; i < p.length; i++) {
var q = p[i];
q.enumerable = q.enumerable || !1,
q.configurable = !0,
"value"in q && (q.writable = !0),
Object.defineProperty(C, q.key, q)
C.exports = function(C, i, q) {
return i && p(C.prototype, i),
q && p(C, q),
609562: C => {
function p() {
return C.exports = p = Object.assign || function(C) {
for (var p = 1; p < arguments.length; p++) {
var i = arguments[p];
for (var q in i), q) && (C[q] =
return C
p.apply(this, arguments)
C.exports = p
103088: C => {
function p(i) {
return C.exports = p = Object.setPrototypeOf ?
Object.getPrototypeOf : function(C) {
return C.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(C)
C.exports = p
7511: (C, p, i) => {
var q = i(308964);
C.exports = function(C, p) {
if ("function" != typeof p && null !== p)
throw new TypeError("Super expression must either be null or a
C.prototype = Object.create(p && p.prototype, {
constructor: {
value: C,
writable: !0,
configurable: !0
p && q(C, p)
737202: C => {
C.exports = function(C) {
return C && C.__esModule ? C : {
default: C
288215: (C, p, i) => {
var q = i(326973);
C.exports = function(C, p) {
if (null == C)
return {};
var i, V, m = q(C, p);
if (Object.getOwnPropertySymbols) {
var w = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(C);
for (V = 0; V < w.length; V++)
i = w[V],
p.indexOf(i) >= 0 ||, i) && (m[i] = C[i])
return m
326973: C => {
C.exports = function(C, p) {
if (null == C)
return {};
var i, q, V = {}, m = Object.keys(C);
for (q = 0; q < m.length; q++)
i = m[q],
p.indexOf(i) >= 0 || (V[i] = C[i]);
return V
22132: (C, p, i) => {
var q = i(544634)
, V = i(915755);
C.exports = function(C, p) {
return !p || "object" !== q(p) && "function" != typeof p ? V(C) : p
308964: C => {
function p(i, q) {
return C.exports = p = Object.setPrototypeOf || function(C, p) {
return C.__proto__ = p,
p(i, q)
C.exports = p
544634: C => {
function p(C) {
return p = "function" == typeof Symbol && "symbol" == typeof
Symbol.iterator ? function(C) {
return typeof C
: function(C) {
return C && "function" == typeof Symbol && C.constructor ===
Symbol && C !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof C
function i(q) {
return "function" == typeof Symbol && "symbol" ===
p(Symbol.iterator) ? C.exports = i = function(C) {
return p(C)
: C.exports = i = function(C) {
return C && "function" == typeof Symbol && C.constructor ===
Symbol && C !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : p(C)
C.exports = i
746365: C => {
var p = function() {};
if ("production" != "production") {
var i = function(C, p) {
var i = arguments.length;
p = new Array(i > 1 ? i - 1 : 0);
for (var q = 1; q < i; q++)
p[q - 1] = arguments[q];
var V = 0
, m = "Warning: " + C.replace(/%s/g, (function() {
return p[V++]
"undefined" != typeof console && console.error(m);
try {
throw new Error(m)
} catch (C) {}
p = function(C, p, q) {
var V = arguments.length;
q = new Array(V > 2 ? V - 2 : 0);
for (var m = 2; m < V; m++)
q[m - 2] = arguments[m];
if (void 0 === p)
throw new Error("`warning(condition, format, ...args)`
requires a warning " + "message argument");
C || i.apply(null, [p].concat(q))
C.exports = p
157647: (C, p, i) => {
i.d(p, {
aS: () => w,
qn: () => V,
xG: () => m
const q = [1, 1, 1];
function V(C) {
return [C >> 16 & 255, C >> 8 & 255, 255 & C]
function m(C, p) {
switch (C.type) {
case "rect":
return {
type: "rect",
x: C.x * p,
y: C.y * p,
width: Math.round(C.w * p),
height: Math.round(C.h * p)
case "path":
return function(C, p) {
const i = []
, q = []
, V = []
, m =
document.createElementNS("", "path");
m.setAttribute("d", C);
const w = m.getTotalLength()
, y = w / 80;
for (let C = 0; C <= w; C += y) {
const w = m.getPointAtLength(C)
, y = w.x * p
, l = w.y * p;
i.push([y, l])
const l = Math.max(...q)
, t = Math.max(...V)
, B = Math.min(...q)
, T = Math.min(...V);
return {
type: "polygon",
points: i,
x: B,
y: T,
width: l - B,
height: t - T
}(C.d, p);
case "polygon":
return function(C, p) {
const i = []
, q = []
, V = [];
C.split(" ").forEach((C => {
const [m,w] = C.split(",").map(Number)
, y = m * p
, l = w * p;
i.push([y, l])
const m = Math.max(...q)
, w = Math.max(...V)
, y = Math.min(...q)
, l = Math.min(...V);
return {
type: "polygon",
points: i,
x: y,
y: l,
width: m - y,
height: w - l
}(C.points, p);
case "ellipse":
return {
type: "ellipse",
x: * p - C.rx * p,
y: * p - C.ry * p,
width: 2 * C.rx * p,
height: 2 * C.ry * p,
rx: C.rx * p,
ry: C.ry * p
throw new Error(`Unknown shape type: ${C.type}`)
function w(C, p, i, V) {
const {color: w, multiplier: y=1} = V
, l = m(i, y);
(function(C, p, i, q, V) {
const [m,w,y] = V
, l = C.getImageData(q.x, q.y, q.width, q.height);
for (let C = 0; C < i.length; C += 4)
1 === i[C] && 1 === i[C + 1] && 1 === i[C + 2] &&
([C] = m,[C + 1] = w,[C + 2] = y,[C + 3] = 255);
C.putImageData(l, q.x, q.y)
)(C, 0, function(C, p) {
switch (C.canvas.width = p.width,
C.canvas.height = p.height,
C.clearRect(0, 0, p.width, p.height),
C.fillStyle = `rgb(${q.join(",")})`,
C.imageSmoothingEnabled = !1,
p.type) {
case "rect":
C.fillRect(0, 0, p.width, p.height);
case "polygon":
const i = function(C) {
const p = new Path2D
, {x: i, y: q} = C;
return C.points.forEach(( (C, V) => {
0 === V ? p.moveTo(C[0] - i, C[1] - q) :
p.lineTo(C[0] - i, C[1] - q)
case "ellipse":
C.ellipse(p.width / 2, p.height / 2, p.rx, p.ry, 0, 0, 2 *
return C.fill(),
C.getImageData(0, 0, p.width, p.height).data
}(p, l), l, w)
70419: (C, p, i) => {
i.d(p, {
nO: () => Z,
Sj: () => x,
wW: () => S,
ZD: () => H
var q = i(160739)
, V = i(751267)
, m = i(84932)
, w = i(171526)
, y = i(157647)
, l = i(95772)
, t = i(718284)
, B = i(903622);
const T = 1 / 10
, I = 9999
, Y = ["red", "1st12", "4", "top2to1", "0&0"]
, U = .95
, L = .85
, a = .8
, v = .55
, f = .85
, s = .7
, c = .7
, O = t.A((function(C, p, i, q) {
const V = Y.reduce(( (p, i) => {
const q = C[i];
return q && "rect" === q.type ? Math.min(q.w, q.h, p) : p
), I);
if (V === I)
return T;
const m = V / i;
return l.A(m * function(C, p, i) {
const q = C > p;
return i === B.jJ.Mini ? c : q && i === B.jJ.Standard ? U : q
|| i !== B.jJ.Standard ? q && i !== B.jJ.Standard ? C / p > 3.9 ? v : a : q || i
=== B.jJ.Standard ? s : f : L
}(p, i, q), 3)
function S(C) {
return void 0 !== C.points
const j = 1.68
, o = 2.16
, x = (C, p) => {
var i;
return null !== (i = p[C]) && void 0 !== i ? i : {
centerX: 0,
centerY: 0,
w: 0,
h: 0,
x: 0,
y: 0,
chipSize: 0
function Z(C, p) {
return i => {
const q = x(i.betSpotId, C.betSpotData);
return {
startPointBetSpotCellData: {
...x(i.betSpotId, C.betSpotData),
centerX: q.centerX + i.positionOffset[0],
centerY: q.centerY + i.positionOffset[1]
endPointBetSpotCellData: x(i.targetBetSpotId,
chipSize: C.chipSize,
color: w.uH(i.amount, p)
const H = q.Mz(( (C, p) => p), ( (C, p) => V.jq(C, p.gridType)),
(function(C, p) {
const i = {
, q = p.width > 1
, V = q ? p.width : C.width
, w = q ? p.height : C.height
, y = V * j
, l = w * o
, t = q ? p.width / C.width : 1
, B = {
gridOffsetX: .5 * (y - V),
gridOffsetY: .5 * (l - w),
gridWidth: V,
gridHeight: w,
canvasWidth: y,
canvasHeight: l,
gridScale: t,
chipSize: C.staticChipSize ? C.staticChipSize * t / y : O(i, y,
l, C.gridType),
shapes: i,
disableAnimations: m.yj().disableCanvasAnimations,
gridBounds: C.boundingBox.reduce(( (C, p) => (C.push([p[0] * V,
p[1] * w]),
C)), [])
, T = function(C, p) {
return Object.keys(C).reduce(( (i, q) => {
const V = C[q];
return V && (i[q] = function(C, p) {
return {
...b(C, p),
chipSize: C.chipSize
}(p, V)),
), {})
}(i, B)
, I = {
betSpotData: T,
baseStraightUpReference: x("1", T)
, Y = m.DA();
return Y && (Y.getCanvasConfig = () => I),
function b({canvasWidth: C, canvasHeight: p, gridOffsetX: i,
gridOffsetY: q, gridWidth: V, gridHeight: m, gridScale: w}, l) {
const t = V / C
, B = m / p
, T = i / C
, I = q / p
, Y =[0]
, U =[1]
, L = y.xG(l, w)
, a = {
type: l.type,
centerX: T + Y * t,
centerY: I + U * B,
x: T + L.x / V * t,
y: I + L.y / m * B,
w: L.width / V * t,
h: L.height / m * B
if ("polygon" === L.type) {
const C = Math.max(L.width, L.height);
a.points = => [(p[0] - L.x) / C, (p[1] - L.y) /
return a
201768: (C, p, i) => {
i.d(p, {
AP: () => F,
Yj: () => A,
hV: () => k,
ij: () => R,
oV: () => $,
qA: () => K,
sA: () => M
var q = i(64922)
, V = (i(377810),
, m = i(436794)
, w = i(515549)
, y = i(539674)
, l = i(903622)
, t = i(806974);
const B = q.jsx(q.Fragment, {
children: "1 1"
, T = {
11: B,
red: "",
black: "",
top2to1: "",
middle2to1: "",
bottom2to1: "",
"1st12": C => q.jsx(y.Sk, {
left: "12",
super: "P",
superSize: "60%",
leftOffset: y.wF.FrenchLeft,
superOffset: y.wF.FrenchSuper,
"2nd12": C => q.jsx(y.Sk, {
left: "12",
super: "M",
superSize: "60%",
leftOffset: y.wF.FrenchLeft,
superOffset: y.wF.FrenchSuper,
"3rd12": C => q.jsx(y.Sk, {
left: "12",
super: "D",
superSize: "60%",
leftOffset: y.wF.FrenchLeft,
superOffset: y.wF.FrenchSuper,
"1st12_top": C => q.jsx(y.Sk, {
left: "12",
super: "P",
superSize: "60%",
leftOffset: y.wF.FrenchLeft,
superOffset: y.wF.FrenchSuper,
"2nd12_top": C => q.jsx(y.Sk, {
left: "12",
super: "M",
superSize: "60%",
leftOffset: y.wF.FrenchLeft,
superOffset: y.wF.FrenchSuper,
"3rd12_top": C => q.jsx(y.Sk, {
left: "12",
super: "D",
superSize: "60%",
leftOffset: y.wF.FrenchLeft,
superOffset: y.wF.FrenchSuper,
from1to18(C) {
const [p,i] = y.J8(C);
return q.jsxs("text", {
x: p,
y: i,
className: C.className,
children: [q.jsx("tspan", {
x: p,
dy: "-0.2em",
children: "MANQUE"
}), q.jsx("tspan", {
className: "small",
fontSize: "0.85em",
x: p,
dy: "1.3em",
children: "1 - 18"
from19to36(C) {
const [p,i] = y.J8(C);
return q.jsxs("text", {
x: p,
y: i,
className: C.className,
children: [q.jsx("tspan", {
x: p,
dy: "-0.2em",
children: "PASSE"
}), q.jsx("tspan", {
className: "small",
x: p,
fontSize: "0.85em",
dy: "1.3em",
children: "19 - 36"
even(C) {
const [p,i] = y.J8(C);
return q.jsxs("text", {
x: p,
y: i,
className: C.className,
children: [q.jsx("tspan", {
x: p,
dy: "-0.2em",
children: "PAIR"
}), q.jsx("tspan", {
className: "small",
x: p,
fontSize: "0.8em",
dy: "1.3em",
children: "EVEN"
odd(C) {
const [p,i] = y.J8(C);
return q.jsxs("text", {
x: p,
y: i,
className: C.className,
children: [q.jsx("tspan", {
x: p,
dy: "-0.2em",
children: "IMPAIR"
}), q.jsx("tspan", {
className: "small",
x: p,
fontSize: "0.8em",
dy: "1.3em",
children: "ODD"
orphelins_a_cheval: L,
jeu_zero: "ZERO",
tiers_du_cylindre: "TIER",
voisins_du_zero: "VOISINS"
, I = {
"1st12": C => q.jsx(y.Sk, {
left: "P",
super: "12",
superSize: "60%",
leftOffset: y.wF.FrenchLeft,
superOffset: y.wF.NewFrenchSuper,
"2nd12": C => q.jsx(y.Sk, {
left: "M",
super: "12",
superSize: "60%",
leftOffset: y.wF.FrenchLeft,
superOffset: y.wF.NewFrenchSuper,
"3rd12": C => q.jsx(y.Sk, {
left: "D",
super: "12",
superSize: "60%",
leftOffset: y.wF.FrenchLeft,
superOffset: y.wF.NewFrenchSuper,
from1to18: "MANQUE",
from19to36: "PASSE",
even: "PAIR",
odd: "IMPAIR"
function Y(C) {
return q.jsx(y.Sk, {
left: "2",
super: "TO",
right: "1",
superOffset: y.wF.Super2To1,
leftOffset: y.wF.Left2To1,
rightOffset: y.wF.Right2To1,
const U = {
11: B,
red: "",
black: "",
top2to1: Y,
middle2to1: Y,
bottom2to1: Y,
"1st12": C => q.jsx(y.Sk, {
left: "1",
super: "ST",
right: "12",
leftOffset: y.wF.LeftIsOne,
rightOffset: y.wF.Right,
"2nd12": C => q.jsx(y.Sk, {
left: "2",
super: "ND",
right: "12",
leftOffset: y.wF.Left,
rightOffset: y.wF.Right,
"3rd12": C => q.jsx(y.Sk, {
left: "3",
super: "RD",
right: "12",
leftOffset: y.wF.Left,
rightOffset: y.wF.Right,
from1to18: "1-18",
from19to36: "19-36",
even: "EVEN",
odd: "ODD",
orphelins_a_cheval: L,
jeu_zero: "ZERO",
tiers_du_cylindre: "TIER",
voisins_du_zero: "VOISINS"
function L(C) {
const {orientation: p} = C
, i = p === m.t.Portrait;
return q.jsx(y.cC, {
label: i ? "ORPH." : "ORPHELINS"
function a(C) {
return q.jsx(y.Sk, {
left: "8",
super: "TO",
right: "1",
leftOffset: "-0.7em",
superOffset: "0",
rightOffset: "0.7em",
function v(C) {
return q.jsx(y.Sk, {
left: "3",
super: "TO",
right: "1",
leftOffset: "-0.7em",
superOffset: "0",
rightOffset: "0.7em",
function f(C) {
var p;
const {orientation: i, short: V, className: w, transform: l, label:
t} = C
, B = i === m.t.Portrait;
let T, I;
return (null === (p = null == C ? void 0 : C.deviceSupport) || void
0 === p ? void 0 : p.IS_DESKTOP) ? (T = .18 * V,
I = -.27 * V) : (T = .15 * V,
I = -.2 * V),
q.jsxs(q.Fragment, {
children: [q.jsx(y.cC, {
label: t,
className: `outside-top ${w} ${i}`,
transform: `translate(${B ? T : "0"}, ${B ? "0" : -T}) $
{null != l ? l : ""}`
}), q.jsx(v, {
className: `outside-bottom ${i}`,
transform: `translate(${B ? I : "0"}, ${B ? "0" : -I}) $
{null != l ? l : ""}`
function s(C) {
var p, i;
const {orientation: V, short: w, className: y, transform: l, label:
t} = C
, B = V === m.t.Portrait
, T = w * ((null === (p = null == C ? void 0 : C.deviceSupport)
|| void 0 === p ? void 0 : p.IS_DESKTOP) ? .18 : .15)
, I = w * ((null === (i = null == C ? void 0 : C.deviceSupport)
|| void 0 === i ? void 0 : i.IS_DESKTOP) ? -.27 : -.2)
, Y = t;
return q.jsxs(q.Fragment, {
children: [q.jsx(Y, {
className: `outside-top ${y}`,
transform: `translate(${B ? T : "0"}, ${B ? "0" : -T}) $
{null != l ? l : ""}`
}), q.jsx(a, {
className: `outside-bottom ${V}`,
transform: `translate(${B ? I : "0"}, ${B ? "0" : -I}) $
{null != l ? l : ""}`
function c(C) {
let p;
const {shape: i, orientation: V, rectColor: w} = C
, y = V === m.t.Portrait;
if ("black" === w || "red" === w)
"rect" === i.type && (p = q.jsx("rect", {
x: y ? i.x + 13 : i.x + 5,
y: i.y + 5,
width: y ? i.w - 26 : i.w - 10,
height: i.h - 10,
className: `${w}-${w}_color ${l.GA.ClickThrough}`
else if ("rect" === i.type) {
const C = q.jsx("rect", {
x: y ? i.x + 13 : i.x + 5,
y: i.y + 5,
width: y ? i.w - 26 : i.w / 2 - 5,
height: y ? i.h / 2 - 5 : i.h - 10,
className: `${l.GA.RedRed} ${l.GA.ClickThrough}`
, V = q.jsx("rect", {
x: y ? i.x + 13 : i.x + 5,
y: i.y + 5,
width: y ? i.w - 26 : i.w - 10,
height: i.h - 10,
className: `${l.GA.BlackBlack} ${l.GA.ClickThrough}`
p = q.jsxs(q.Fragment, {
children: [V, C]
return p || null
function O({x: C, y: p, w: i, h: V}) {
return q.jsx("svg", {
x: C,
y: p,
width: i,
height: V,
viewBox: "0 0 54.5 44.1",
children: q.jsx("path", {
className: "icon",
d: "M21.4 13.3c-4.6 0-8.4 3.8-8.4 8.4 0 4.6 3.8 8.4 8.4 8.4
4.6 0 8.4-3.8 8.4-8.4 0-4.6-3.7-8.4-8.4-8.4zm2.8-8.9c-8 .3-15.9 2-23.4 5l-.8.3 7.9
34.4 1-.3c12-3.3 24.8-3.3 36.8 0l1 .3 7.8-34.3-.8-.3c-2.7-1.1-5.4-2-8.1-2.7l-.5
1.9c2.3.6 4.7 1.4 7 2.3l-7 30.7c-11.7-3-24.1-3-35.8 0L2.3 11c7-2.7 14.5-4.3 22-
4.6zM35 0c-3.6 0-6.6 2.9-6.6 6.6 0 3.7 2.9 6.6 6.6 6.6 3.6 0 6.6-2.9 6.6-6.6 0-3.7-
const S = {
11: B,
black: "",
red: "",
top2to1: a,
middle2to1: a,
bottom2to1: a,
red_red: C => q.jsxs(q.Fragment, {
children: [q.jsx(c, {
rectColor: "red"
}), q.jsx(v, {
className: "double-ball_label"
black_red: C => q.jsxs(q.Fragment, {
children: [q.jsx(c, {
rectColor: "both"
}), q.jsx(y.Sk, {
left: "1",
super: "TO",
right: "1",
leftOffset: "-0.7em",
superOffset: "0.05em",
rightOffset: "0.8em",
className: "double-ball_label"
black_black: C => q.jsxs(q.Fragment, {
children: [q.jsx(c, {
rectColor: "black"
}), q.jsx(v, {
className: "double-ball_label"
any_two_number(C) {
const {orientation: p, anyTwoNumberData: i} = C
, V = i;
let w, l, B = 0, T = 0;
return p === m.t.Portrait ? (B = t.cH(V.x - .06 * V.w),
T = t.cH(V.y + .25 * V.h),
w = `translate(${.47 * V.h}, 0)`,
l = .5 * V.h) : (B = V.x + .3 * V.w,
T = V.y + .25 * V.h,
w = `translate(${.12 * V.w}, ${.17 * V.w})`,
l = .2 * V.h),
q.jsxs(q.Fragment, {
children: [q.jsx(O, {
x: B,
y: T,
w: .6 * V.w,
h: l
}), q.jsx(y.Sk, {
left: "35",
super: "TO",
right: "1",
leftOffset: "-1em",
superOffset: "0",
rightOffset: "0.8em",
className: `label any-two ${p}`,
transform: w
"1st12": C => q.jsx(s, {
label: U["1st12"]
"2nd12": C => q.jsx(s, {
label: U["2nd12"]
"3rd12": C => q.jsx(s, {
label: U["3rd12"]
from1to18: C => q.jsx(f, {
label: U.from1to18
from19to36: C => q.jsx(f, {
label: U.from19to36
even: C => q.jsx(f, {
label: U.even
odd: C => q.jsx(f, {
label: U.odd
orphelins_a_cheval: L,
jeu_zero: "ZERO",
tiers_du_cylindre: "TIER",
voisins_du_zero: "VOISINS"
function j(C) {
return q.jsx(y.Sk, {
left: "2",
super: "ZU",
right: "1",
superOffset: y.wF.Super2To1,
leftOffset: y.wF.Left2To1,
rightOffset: y.wF.Right2To1,
const o = {
11: B,
red: "",
black: "",
top2to1: j,
middle2to1: j,
bottom2to1: j,
"1st12": "1. 12",
"2nd12": "2. 12",
"3rd12": "3. 12",
from1to18: "1-18",
from19to36: "19-36",
even: C => q.jsx(y.cC, {
className: `${C.className} german`,
label: "GERADE"
odd: C => q.jsx(y.cC, {
className: `${C.className} german`,
label: "UNGERADE"
orphelins_a_cheval: L,
jeu_zero: "ZERO",
tiers_du_cylindre: "TIER",
voisins_du_zero: "VOISINS"
function x(C) {
return q.jsx(y.Sk, {
left: "2",
super: q.jsx("tspan", {
fontSize: "80%",
children: "TILL"
right: "1",
superOffset: y.wF.Super2To1,
leftOffset: y.wF.Left2To1,
rightOffset: y.wF.Right2To1,
const Z = {
11: B,
red: "",
black: "",
top2to1: x,
middle2to1: x,
bottom2to1: x,
"1st12": C => q.jsx(y.cC, {
className: `${C.className} ${C.orientation}`,
label: "FØRSTE 12"
"2nd12": C => q.jsx(y.cC, {
className: `${C.className} ${C.orientation}`,
label: "MIDTERSTE 12"
"3rd12": C => q.jsx(y.cC, {
className: `${C.className} ${C.orientation}`,
label: "SIDSTE 12"
from1to18: "1-18",
from19to36: "19-36",
even: "LIGE",
odd: "ULIGE",
orphelins_a_cheval: L,
jeu_zero: "ZERO",
tiers_du_cylindre: "TIER",
voisins_du_zero: "VOISINS"
, H = (C, p="a") => i => q.jsx(y.Sk, {
left: C,
super: `:${p}`,
right: "12",
superSize: "70%",
leftOffset: y.wF.Left,
rightOffset: y.wF.Right,
, b = {
11: B,
red: "",
black: "",
top2to1: x,
middle2to1: x,
bottom2to1: x,
"1st12": H("1"),
"2nd12": H("2"),
"3rd12": H("3", "e"),
from1to18: "1-18",
from19to36: "19-36",
even: "JÄMN",
odd: "UDDA",
orphelins_a_cheval: L,
jeu_zero: "ZERO",
tiers_du_cylindre: "TIER",
voisins_du_zero: "VOISINS"
function X(C) {
return q.jsx(y.Sk, {
left: "2",
super: "A",
right: "1",
superOffset: y.wF.Super2To1,
leftOffset: y.wF.Left2To1,
rightOffset: y.wF.Right2To1,
const z = {
11: B,
red: "",
black: "",
top2to1: X,
middle2to1: X,
bottom2to1: X,
"1st12": C => q.jsx(y.Sk, {
left: "1",
super: "RA",
right: "12",
leftOffset: y.wF.LeftIsOne,
rightOffset: y.wF.Right,
"2nd12": C => q.jsx(y.Sk, {
left: "2",
super: "DA",
right: "12",
leftOffset: y.wF.Left,
rightOffset: y.wF.Right,
"3rd12": C => q.jsx(y.Sk, {
left: "3",
super: "RA",
right: "12",
leftOffset: y.wF.Left,
rightOffset: y.wF.Right,
from1to18: "1-18",
from19to36: "19-36",
even: "PAR",
odd: "IMPAR",
orphelins_a_cheval: L,
jeu_zero: "ZERO",
tiers_du_cylindre: "TIER",
voisins_du_zero: "VOISINS"
var M;
(function(C) {
C[C["ENGLISH"] = 0] = "ENGLISH",
C[C["DANISH"] = 1] = "DANISH",
C[C["GERMAN"] = 2] = "GERMAN",
C[C["SPANISH"] = 3] = "SPANISH",
C[C["FRENCH"] = 4] = "FRENCH",
C[C["SWEDISH"] = 5] = "SWEDISH",
)(M || (M = {}));
const P = {
[M.GERMAN]: o,
, R = .2
, Q = {
numbers: .41,
row_shape: .39,
dozen_shape: .41,
evenChance_shape: .41,
sector_color: .5
, n = {
dozen_shape: .28,
evenChance_shape: .28
, h = {
evenChance_shape: .33
, G = {
[M.GERMAN]: h,
numbers: .37,
row_shape: .35,
dozen_shape: .41,
evenChance_shape: .2,
sector_color: .5
function $(C, p) {
var i;
const q = null !== (i = A(p)[0]) && void 0 !== i ? i : W(C);
return G[q]
function W(C) {
switch (C) {
case "danish":
case "serif_dk":
return M.DANISH;
case "german":
case "serif_de":
return M.GERMAN;
case "spanish":
case "serif_es":
return M.SPANISH;
case "serif_sv":
case "base_sv":
return M.SWEDISH;
return M.ENGLISH
function k({labelType: C, availableLanguages: p, isMobileLayout: i}) {
if (1 === (null == p ? void 0 : p.length)) {
const C = p[0];
return i && C === M.FRENCH ? I : P[C]
const q = W(C);
return (null == p ? void 0 : p.length) && !p.includes(q) ?
function A(C) {
switch (C) {
case l.JT.French:
return [M.FRENCH];
case l.JT.DoubleBall:
return [M.ENGLISH_DBR];
case l.JT.DoubleZero:
return [M.ENGLISH];
return []
function F() {
const {goldenRacetrackLabelScale: C} = w.vL();
return C
function K(C, p, i) {
return q.jsx("g", {
transform: !C && p && i ? `rotate(90, ${p / 2},${i / 2})` :
void 0,
children: q.jsx("text", {
className: "text-layer text-layer-lang",
x: "50%",
y: "50%",
children: V.Tl("dbr.racetrack")
312929: (C, p, i) => {
i.d(p, {
GD: () => l,
Ke: () => t,
em: () => y
var q = i(436794)
, V = i(60199)
, m = i(502715)
, w = i(500704);
function y(C) {
return "any_two_number" === C ? ["any_two_number"] : V.GB(C) ?
[...m.bk[C], C] : C.split("_")
function l(C) {
return C === w.FJ.Classic ? "classicStandard-wrapper" :
function t(C, p) {
const i = C["0"];
try {
if (p === q.t.Portrait) {
const C = i.points.split(" ").map((C => Number(C.split(",")
return Math.min(...C) || 0
const C = i.points.split(" ").map((C => Number(C.split(",")
return Math.min(...C) || 0
} catch (C) {
return 0
683586: (C, p, i) => {
i.d(p, {
dZ: () => R
var q = i(64922)
, V = i(699695)
, m = i(266600)
, w = i(163456)
, y = i(605283)
, l = i(377810)
, t = i(282427)
, B = i(13799)
, T = i(436794)
, I = i(486717)
, Y = i(903622)
, U = i(576386)
, L = i(443136)
, a = i(40629)
, v = i(857734)
, f = i(935371)
, s = i(843520)
, c = i(997660)
, O = i(661548)
, S = i(263371)
, j = i(751267)
, o = i(209727)
, x = i(351285)
, Z = i(78657)
, H = i(806974)
, b = i(647479)
, X = i(812738);
const z = {
bettingGridWrapper: "bettingGridWrapper--d03d4",
safariZOrderingFix: "safariZOrderingFix--586f6",
safariFonsSizeRecalculation: "safariFonsSizeRecalculation--6b5b3",
winningAnimationContainer: "winningAnimationContainer--73f87",
safari: "safari--1d6d1"
function M(C) {
const {svgGridOrCreator: p, layout: i, gridLayout: q, gridType: V,
gridBorderThickness: m, gridRect: w, gridLabelStyle: y, gameScale: l,
rouletteGameType: t, gridCacheKey: B, putToCache: I} = C;
if (!w.height || 1 === w.height)
const Y = U.LQ(B);
if (!Y && H.z2(p)) {
const C = p({
width: w.width,
height: w.height,
left: 0,
top: 0,
gridLayoutType: q,
gridType: V,
gridLabelStyle: y,
orientation: T.t.Landscape,
borderThickness: m,
layout: i,
rouletteGameType: t,
isDesktop: !0,
gameScale: l
return I(B, C),
return Y
class P extends l.Component {
static getDerivedStateFromProps(C, p) {
return p.gridRect !== C.gridRect ? {
gridRect: C.gridRect,
svgGrid: M(C)
} : null
constructor(C) {
this.isComponentUnmounted = !1,
this.fontRecalculationTimeout = 0,
this.elRef = l.createRef();
const {rouletteGameType: p} = C;
a.q("bettingGrid", this.elRef),
I.B7(p) && i.e(96902).then(i.bind(i,
804983)).then(( ({LuckyNumbersGroup: C}) => {
this.isComponentUnmounted || this.setState({
LightningComponent: C
)).catch((C => {}
C.useChipCanvasV2 && i.e(19085).then(i.bind(i,
276878)).then(( ({CanvasChipsConnected: C}) => {
this.isComponentUnmounted || this.setState({
CanvasChipsConnected: C
)).catch((C => {}
const q = M(this.props);
this.state = {
gridRect: C.gridRect,
LightningComponent: void 0,
CanvasChipsConnected: void 0,
svgGrid: q,
applyFontSizeRecalculation: !1
shouldComponentUpdate(C, p) {
const {resolvedRound: i, isWinningAnimationVisible: q,
bettingEnabled: V, gridRect: w, gridCacheKey: y, layout: l, gameScale: t} =
, {LightningComponent: B, CanvasChipsConnected: T,
applyFontSizeRecalculation: I} = this.state;
return C.resolvedRound !== i || C.isWinningAnimationVisible !==
q || C.bettingEnabled !== V || p.LightningComponent !== B || p.CanvasChipsConnected
!== T || !m.A(C.gridRect, w) || C.gridCacheKey !== y || C.layout !== l ||
C.gameScale !== t || p.applyFontSizeRecalculation !== I
componentDidMount() {
const {isSafari: C} = this.props;
C && (this.fontRecalculationTimeout = window.setTimeout(( () =>
applyFontSizeRecalculation: !0
), 200))
componentWillUnmount() {
this.isComponentUnmounted = !0
render() {
const {svgGrid: C, applyFontSizeRecalculation: p,
CanvasChipsConnected: i} = this.state;
if (!C)
return null;
const {bettingEnabled: m, isSafari: y, layout: l,
rouletteGameType: t} = this.props
, B = C.className({
layout: l
, T = o.w$({
layout: l,
gridType: C.gridType,
isDoubleBallRoulette: t === I.vS.DBR,
dynamicGrid: !0
return q.jsxs("div", {
ref: this.elRef,
className: V.A(z.bettingGridWrapper, {
[z.safariZOrderingFix]: y,
[z.safariFonsSizeRecalculation]: p
}, w.A(z, B, B)),
children: [q.jsxs(X.YH, {
gridType: C.gridType,
isDynamicGrid: !0,
svgGrid: C,
tmpCanvasChips: i,
children: [q.jsx(b.vT, {
gridType: C.gridType,
layout: l,
grid: C,
disabled: !1
}), this.getChipsLayer(C, T)]
}), this.getCanvasChipsLayer(C, m),
this.renderLightningComponent(), this.renderWinningAnimation(C)]
renderLightningComponent() {
const {LightningComponent: C, svgGrid: p} = this.state;
return C && p && q.jsx(C, {
svgGrid: p
getCanvasChipsLayer(C, p) {
const {useChipCanvasV2: i, gameScale: V} = this.props
, {CanvasChipsConnected: m} = this.state;
if (i && m) {
if (C.calculateDynamicSize) {
const p = C.calculateDynamicSize(V);
C.width = p.width,
C.height = p.height
return q.jsx(m, {
svgGrid: C,
bettingEnabled: p
return null
getChipsLayer(C, p) {
const {useChipCanvasV2: i} = this.props;
if (i)
return null;
const {gridRect: V, chipType: m, layout: w, betType: y} =
return q.jsxs(q.Fragment, {
children: [q.jsx(O.W4, {
layout: w,
gridType: C.gridType,
chipType: m,
betType: y,
svgGrid: C,
isDynamicGrid: !0
}), q.jsx(c.Fb, {
svgGrid: C,
gridType: Y.jJ.Standard,
boundingRect: V,
chipSize: p
renderWinningAnimation(C) {
const {isSafari: p, isWinningAnimationVisible: i, gameResult:
m, useChipCanvasV2: w, stationaryWinningTokens: y, winLoseTokens: l, chipType: t} =
return w ? null : q.jsxs(q.Fragment, {
children: [this.getWinningAnimationPositions(m).map((C =>
q.jsx("div", {
className: V.A(z.winningAnimationContainer, {
[z.safari]: p
children: q.jsx(S.x, {
left: C.left,
visible: i
}, `${C.left}&${}_${m[0]}`))), q.jsx(Z.f, {
svgGrid: C,
tokens: l,
chipType: t,
stationary: y,
gridType: C.gridType
getWinningAnimationPositions(C) {
const {svgGrid: p} = this.state;
return p ? y.A(C).map((C => {
const i = f.y(p, C);
return {
left: 100 *[0],
top: 100 *[1]
)) : []
const R = t.Ng(( (C, p) => {
const i = j.Fx(C)
, q = s.uA(i, p.gridType)
, V = L.Or(C)
, m = j.UX(C)
, w = s.nX(j.IA(C))
, y = m.getRouletteGameType()
, l = j.of(C, V);
return {
svgGridOrCreator: x.$q(C, p.gridType),
rouletteGameType: y,
gridRect: j.jq(C, p.gridType),
gridLayout: j.XS(C),
gridBorderThickness: l.grid.thickness,
resolvedRound: i,
isWinningAnimationVisible: v.D(C),
bettingEnabled: w,
gameResult: j.qR(C),
isSafari: B.uD(C).IS_SAFARI,
winLoseTokens: q,
useChipCanvasV2: m.useChipCanvasV2(),
gameScale: B.pv(C),
gridCacheKey: x.cT(C, Y.jJ.Standard),
putToCache: U.Xs
539674: (C, p, i) => {
i.d(p, {
J8: () => w,
Sk: () => Y,
cC: () => T,
wF: () => I
var q = i(64922)
, V = (i(377810),
, m = i(903622);
function w(C, p=!0) {
return => {
const i = 100 * C;
return p ? `${i.toFixed(3)}%` : i
const y = "0em"
, l = "0em";
function t(C) {
var p, i;
const q = C.isSerif && C.isInsideNumber && (null === (p =
C.deviceSupport) || void 0 === p ? void 0 : p.IS_DESKTOP) && C.gridType ===
, w = C.isFrench && "0" === C.label;
return C.gridType !== m.jJ.Standard || C.orientation !==
V.t.Portrait || !(null == C ? void 0 : C.shouldOffsetZero) || "0" !== C.label &&
"00" !== C.label ? (null === (i = C.deviceSupport) || void 0 === i ? void 0 :
i.IS_SAFARI) && C.deviceSupport.IS_DESKTOP ? y : q && !C.isFrench ? "0.03em" : q &&
!w ? "0.02em" : C.isFrench && C.orientation === V.t.Portrait && C.gridType ===
m.jJ.Standard ? "0.06em" : y : "0.1em"
function B(C) {
var p;
return (null === (p = C.deviceSupport) || void 0 === p ? void 0 :
p.IS_DESKTOP) || C.gridType !== m.jJ.Standard || C.orientation !== V.t.Landscape ||
!(null == C ? void 0 : C.shouldOffsetZero) || "0" !== C.label && "00" !== C.label ?
l : "0.1em"
function T(C) {
const {label: p, className: i, transform: V} = C;
if (!p)
return null;
const [m,y] = w(C);
return q.jsx("text", {
className: `${i} vertical_center`,
x: m,
dx: B(C),
dy: t(C),
transform: V,
children: p
var I;
function Y(C) {
const [p,i] = w(C)
, {super: V, className: m, transform: y, superOffset: l,
superSize: t, leftOffset: B, topOffset: T, left: Y, right: U, rightOffset: L} = C;
return q.jsxs("g", {
className: m,
transform: y,
children: [q.jsx("text", {
x: p,
y: i,
dx: B,
dy: T || "0.36em",
children: Y
}), q.jsx("text", {
className: "small",
fontSize: null != t ? t : "50%",
x: p,
y: i,
dx: null != l ? l : I.Super,
children: V
}), U && q.jsx("text", {
x: p,
y: i,
dx: L,
dy: "0.36em",
children: U
(function(C) {
C["LeftIsOne"] = "-1em",
C["Left"] = "-1.2em",
C["Right"] = "0.7em",
C["Super"] = "-0.8em",
C["Super2To1"] = "0.14em",
C["Left2To1"] = "-0.65em",
C["Right2To1"] = "0.75em",
C["FrenchLeft"] = "-0.3em",
C["FrenchSuper"] = "1em",
C["NewFrenchSuper"] = "0.7em"
)(I || (I = {}))
313730: (C, p, i) => {
i.d(p, {
CH: () => I,
GF: () => v,
Hw: () => Y,
LA: () => U,
No: () => B,
g4: () => L
var q = i(64922)
, V = i(377810)
, m = i(282427)
, w = i(13799)
, y = i(78350)
, l = i(625678)
, t = i(43129);
function B(C, p="cb", i=!0) {
return ? C.split(":").map((C => T(C, p, i))).join(":") :
T(C, p, i)
function T(C, p, i) {
return !i && function(C) {
return C.length > 7
}(C) ? C : `${C.slice(0, 7)}${p}`
function I(C="") {
return C ? function(C, p) {
const i = C.replace("#", "").match(/.{1,2}/g)
, q = "#ffffff77".replace("#", "").match(/.{1,2}/g)
, V = parseInt(q[3], 16) / 255;
return `rgba(${ (C, p) => {
if (3 === p) {
const q = i[p] ? y.bB(i[p]) : 1;
return Math.max(q, y.bB(C))
const q = parseInt(C, 16)
, m = parseInt(i[p], 16);
return Math.round(m * (1 - V) + q * V)
}(C) : ""
const Y = "instant_roulette_border_pattern"
, U = "instant_roulette_border_pattern_portrait"
, L = "instant_roulette_border_blur";
class a extends V.PureComponent {
constructor() {
this.renderRadialGradientDef = C => {
const {gridStyle: p} = this.props
, i = p.cells[C];
if (i && {
const p = i.split(":");
return q.jsxs("g", {
children: [q.jsxs("radialGradient", {
id: `${C}${t.y}`,
children: [q.jsx("stop", {
offset: "5%",
stopColor: p[0]
}), q.jsx("stop", {
offset: "95%",
stopColor: p[1]
}), q.jsxs("radialGradient", {
id: `${C}${t.s6}`,
children: [q.jsx("stop", {
offset: "5%",
stopColor: I(p[0])
}), q.jsx("stop", {
offset: "95%",
stopColor: I(p[1])
}, C)
return null
render() {
const {gradientIdPostfix: C, gameType: p, gridStyle: i} =
return q.jsxs(q.Fragment, {
[Object.keys(i.cells).map(this.renderRadialGradientDef), p === l.Z.InstantRoulette
&& this.renderInstantRouletteBorderGradient(C)]
renderInstantRouletteBorderGradient(C) {
const p = C ? `_${C}` : "";
return q.jsxs(q.Fragment, {
children: [q.jsxs("linearGradient", {
id: `instant-roulette-border-gradient${p}`,
x1: "100%",
y1: "0%",
x2: "0%",
y2: "0%",
children: [q.jsx("stop", {
offset: "0%",
stopColor: "#ceb676"
}), q.jsx("stop", {
offset: "50%",
stopColor: "#fcf1d5"
}), q.jsx("stop", {
offset: "100%",
stopColor: "#ceb676"
}), q.jsx("pattern", {
id: Y + p,
x: "0",
y: "0",
width: "100%",
height: "100%",
patternUnits: "userSpaceOnUse",
children: q.jsx("rect", {
x: "0%",
y: "0",
width: "100%",
height: "100%",
fill: `url(`
}), q.jsxs("linearGradient", {
id: `instant-roulette-border-gradient-portrait${p}`,
x1: "0%",
y1: "100%",
x2: "0%",
y2: "0%",
children: [q.jsx("stop", {
offset: "0%",
stopColor: "#ceb676"
}), q.jsx("stop", {
offset: "50%",
stopColor: "#fcf1d5"
}), q.jsx("stop", {
offset: "100%",
stopColor: "#ceb676"
}), q.jsx("pattern", {
id: U + p,
x: "0",
y: "0",
width: "100%",
height: "100%",
patternUnits: "userSpaceOnUse",
children: q.jsx("rect", {
x: "0%",
y: "0",
width: "100%",
height: "100%",
fill: `url(`
}), q.jsx("filter", {
id: L + p,
width: "110%",
height: "110%",
x: "-5%",
y: "-5%",
children: q.jsx("feGaussianBlur", {
in: "SourceGraphic",
stdDeviation: "2"
const v = m.Ng((C => ({
gameType: w.DB(C).getGameType()
221078: (C, p, i) => {
i.d(p, {
iv: () => c
var q = i(64922)
, V = i(377810)
, m = i(282427)
, w = i(13799)
, y = i(436794)
, l = i(738699)
, t = i(850083)
, B = i(806974)
, T = i(903622)
, I = i(576386)
, Y = i(997660)
, U = i(661548)
, L = i(751267)
, a = i(209727)
, v = i(351285)
, f = i(647479)
, s = i(812738);
const c = m.Ng(( (C, p) => {
var i;
const q = L.UX(C).getRouletteGameType()
, V = null !== (i = p.gridType) && void 0 !== i ? i :
, m = L.of(C, T.jJ.Special);
return {
svgGridOrCreator: v.$q(C, V, p.layout),
gridRect: L.jq(C, V),
gridBorderThickness: m.grid.thickness,
gridLayout: L.XS(C),
gameScale: w.pv(C),
rouletteGameType: q,
putGridToCache: I.Xs,
gridCacheKey: v.cT(C, V)
))((function({layout: C, gridType: p=T.jJ.Special, svgGridOrCreator: i,
gridRect: m, gridBorderThickness: w, gridLayout: L, gridLabelStyle: v, gameScale:
c, putGridToCache: O, rouletteGameType: S, gridCacheKey: j}) {
const o = V.useMemo(( () => {
if (1 === m.height)
return null;
const q = I.LQ(j);
if (!q && B.z2(i)) {
const q = i({
width: m.width,
height: m.height,
left: 0,
top: 0,
gridLayoutType: L,
gridType: p,
gridLabelStyle: v,
orientation: y.t.Landscape,
borderThickness: w,
layout: C,
rouletteGameType: S,
isDesktop: !0,
gameScale: c
return O(j, q),
return q
), [m, i, j]);
return o ? q.jsxs(s.YH, {
gridType: null != p ? p : T.jJ.Special,
isDynamicGrid: !0,
svgGrid: o,
children: [q.jsx(f.vT, {
gridType: null != p ? p : T.jJ.Special,
layout: C,
grid: o
}), p === T.jJ.Golden && q.jsxs(q.Fragment, {
children: [q.jsx(U.W4, {
layout: C,
gridType: p,
chipType: l.p.Default,
betType: t.uu.DoubleBall_1_1300,
svgGrid: o,
isDynamicGrid: !0
}), q.jsx(Y.Fb, {
svgGrid: o,
gridType: p,
boundingRect: m,
chipSize: a.w$({
layout: C
}) : null
955414: (C, p, i) => {
i.d(p, {
TX: () => j,
m3: () => o,
py: () => x,
yY: () => O,
yp: () => S
var q = i(64922)
, V = i(699695)
, m = i(266600)
, w = i(377810)
, y = i(13799)
, l = i(346160)
, t = i(850083)
, B = i(903622)
, T = i(355601)
, I = i(870658)
, Y = i(843520)
, U = i(263543)
, L = i(994647)
, a = i(751267)
, v = i(218389)
, f = i(312929);
const s = {
jeu_zero: "tooltip.racetrack.jeuZero",
orphelins_a_cheval: "tooltip.racetrack.orphelins",
tiers_du_cylindre: "tooltip.racetrack.tiers",
voisins_du_zero: "tooltip.racetrack.voisins"
, c = 20;
function O(C, p={}) {
switch (C.type) {
case "rect":
return q.jsx("rect", {
x: C.x,
y: C.y,
width: C.w,
height: C.h
case "path":
return q.jsx("path", {
d: C.d
case "polygon":
return q.jsx("polygon", {
points: C.points
case "polyline":
return q.jsx("polyline", {
points: C.points
case "ellipse":
return q.jsx("ellipse", {
rx: C.rx,
ry: C.ry
case "circle":
return q.jsx("circle", {
r: C.r
return null
class S extends w.Component {
constructor() {
this.onMouseLeave = () => {
const {gridType: C, tooltipSupport: p, onMouseLeave: i} =
i(C, p)
this.onMouseEnter = () => {
const {betSpotId: C, gridType: p, tooltipSupport: i, shape:
q, onMouseEnter: V} = this.props;
V(p, i, q, C)
this.onClick = C => {
const {gridType: p, onClick: i, tooltipSupport: q,
betSpotId: V} = this.props;
i(C, p, q, V)
shouldComponentUpdate(C) {
const {highlighted: p, transition: i, shape: q} = this.props;
return p !== C.highlighted || i !== C.transition || !m.A(q,
render() {
const {shape: C, highlighted: p, betSpotId: i, gridCellStyle:
m, hasDataBetSpotId: w=!0, transition: y} = this.props
, l = {
onClick: this.onClick,
onMouseLeave: this.onMouseLeave,
onMouseEnter: this.onMouseEnter,
className: V.A(C.classNames, {
highlighted: Boolean(p),
transition: Boolean(y)
"data-bet-spot-id": w ? i : void 0
, t = O(C, l);
return "spots" === m ? q.jsxs(q.Fragment, {
children: [t, && q.jsx("path", {
className: `spot ${l.className}`,
}) : t
function j(C, p) {
return (i, q) => {
const V = q();
null !== S.highlightBetSpotsTimerId &&
S.highlightBetSpotsTimerId = null),
S.highlightBetSpotsTimerId = window.setTimeout(( () => {
y.DB(V).chipDragAllowed() && i(T.zt())
), c),
C === B.jJ.Special && (i(,
Y.nX(a.IA(V)) && p.clearTooltipWithDelay())
function o(C, p, i, q) {
return (V, m) => {
var w;
const U = m();
if (null !== S.highlightBetSpotsTimerId &&
S.highlightBetSpotsTimerId = null),
C !== B.jJ.Special)
C === B.jJ.Standard ? V(I.z6({
[B.jJ.Standard]: f.em(q)
}, t.n1.StandardGrid)) : V(I.z6({
[B.jJ.Golden]: [q]
}, t.n1.SpecialGrid)),
y.DB(U).chipDragAllowed() && V(T.Er(q));
else {
const {neighbours: m} = v.Yq(U)
, T = null !== (w = Y.E1(q, m)) && void 0 !== w ? w : [];
if (V(I.z6({
[B.jJ.Special]: T.concat(q),
[B.jJ.Standard]: T
Y.nX(a.IA(U))) {
const w = a.VZ(U);
V(L.sB(, w, m, a.s6(U) ? t.uu.SplitBets :
t.uu.Special, a.UX(U).getRouletteGameType())));
const B = s[q] ? l.Tl(s[q]) :
l.Tl("tooltip.statistics.betOn", {
0: q
}) + (m > 0 ? ` $
{l.Tl("tooltip.racetrack.andItsNeighbors", {
0: m
})}` : "")
, T = a.jq(U, C)
, {left: I, top: v} = y.Ay(U);
p.showTooltipWithDelay(B, {
left: Math.round([0] * T.width + T.left -
top: Math.round([1] * T.height + - v)
}, !0)
function x(C, p, i, q) {
return (V, m) => {
const w = m();
if (a.UX(w).useChipCanvasV2() && p === B.jJ.Standard &&
const y = a.UL(w);
y && y.gridType === p && y.betSpotId ||
Y.$Y(q) ? V(U.Ay(q, B.Q2(p), {
left: C.clientX,
top: C.clientY
})) : V(U.he({
position: {
left: C.clientX,
top: C.clientY
betSpotId: q,
betSource: B.Q2(p)
S.highlightBetSpotsTimerId = null
452152: (C, p, i) => {
i.d(p, {
p: () => B,
z: () => T
var q = i(377810)
, V = i(699695)
, m = i(486717)
, w = i(201768)
, y = i(539674)
, l = i(903622)
, t = i(653080);
class B extends q.PureComponent {
render() {
const {gridStyle: C, svgGrid: p, deviceSupport: i, gridType: B,
gridLayout: T, orientation: I, isBettingGridVisible: Y, transitionActive: U,
rouletteGameType: L} = this.props;
if (!p.useRealFontForLabels)
return null;
const a = w.hV({
availableLanguages: p.availableLanguages
, v = p.labelOverrides;
return Object.entries(p.shapes).map(( ([p,w]) => {
var f;
const s = V.A(null !== (f = w.labelClassName) && void 0 !==
f ? f : `${w.classNames}_label`, {
transition: Boolean(U)
, c = {
deviceSupport: i,
shape: w,
className: s,
isSerif: "serif" ===,
isInsideNumber: t.qN(p),
gridType: B,
isFrench: T === l.JT.French,
shouldOffsetZero: T === l.JT.DoubleZero && L !==
orientation: I
, O = [p];
void 0 !== (null == a ? void 0 : a[p]) && O.push(a[p]),
void 0 !== (null == v ? void 0 : v[p]) && O.push(v[p]);
let S = "";
for (let C = 0; C < O.length; C++) {
const i = O[C]
, V = C === O.length - 1 ? `labelFor${p}_${Y}` : void
if ("" !== i)
if ("function" != typeof i)
S = q.createElement(y.cC, {
label: i,
key: V
else {
const C = i;
S = q.createElement(C, {
label: S,
key: V
S = void 0
return S
class T extends q.PureComponent {
render() {
const {gridStyle: C, svgGrid: p, deviceSupport: i, gridType: w,
gridLayout: t, orientation: B, isBettingGridVisible: T, transitionActive: I,
rouletteGameType: Y} = this.props;
if (!p.useRealFontForLabels)
return null;
const U = p.labelOverrides;
return Object.keys(p.shapes).map(( (L, a) => {
var v;
const f = p.shapes[L]
, s = a < 37 || "00" === L;
if (!f)
return null;
const c = V.A(null !== (v = f.labelClassName) && void 0 !==
v ? v : `${f.classNames}_label ${B}`, {
transition: Boolean(I)
, O = {
deviceSupport: i,
shape: f,
className: c,
isSerif: "serif" ===,
isInsideNumber: s,
gridType: w,
isFrench: t === l.JT.French,
shouldOffsetZero: t === l.JT.DoubleZero && Y !==
orientation: B
, S = `${L + a.toString()}${T}`;
if (void 0 !== (null == U ? void 0 : U[L])) {
if ("function" == typeof U[L]) {
const C = U[L];
return q.createElement(C, {
key: S
return q.createElement(y.cC, {
label: U[L],
key: S
return q.createElement(y.cC, {
label: L,
key: S
647479: (C, p, i) => {
i.d(p, {
vT: () => R,
ob: () => X
var q = i(64922)
, V = i(699695)
, m = i(266600)
, w = i(377810)
, y = i(282427)
, l = i(185214)
, t = i(13799)
, B = i(436794)
, T = i(368e3)
, I = i(500704)
, Y = i(486717)
, U = i(304642)
, L = i(452152)
, a = i(903622)
, v = i(307169)
, f = i(205676)
, s = i(952762)
, c = i(843520)
, O = i(751267)
, S = i(955414);
class j extends w.PureComponent {
constructor() {
this.tooltipSupport = new
render() {
const {onShapeMouseLeave: C, onShapeClick: p,
staticSvgShapeMap: i, onShapeMouseEnter: V, hasDataBetSpotId: m} = this.props;
return Object.entries(i || {}).map(( ([i,w]) => q.jsx(S.yp, {
betSpotId: i,
shape: w,
gridType: a.jJ.Standard,
tooltipSupport: this.tooltipSupport,
gridCellStyle: "none",
onMouseLeave: C,
onMouseEnter: V,
onClick: p,
hasDataBetSpotId: m
}, i)))
const o = {
removeAllAbsTooltips: l.u0,
addAbsTooltip: l.$y,
onShapeMouseLeave: S.TX,
onShapeMouseEnter: S.m3,
, x = y.Ng((function(C, p) {
var i;
return {
staticSvgShapeMap: null === (i = p.svgGrid) || void 0 === i ?
void 0 : i.staticShapes
), o)(j)
, Z = y.Ng((function(C, p) {
var i;
return {
staticSvgShapeMap: null === (i = p.svgGrid) || void 0 === i ?
void 0 : i.hitBetSpotShapes,
hasDataBetSpotId: !1
), o)(j)
, H = "classicSpecialDesktopSafari--de8f6"
, b = "withOverflow--b1f61"
, X = ({draggedBetSpotId: C, isDraggingInProgress: p, layout: i,
useInHelp: m, disabled: w, gridType: y, grid: l, deviceSupport: t,
rouletteGameType: U, isLightningRoulette: f, gridStyle: s, phase: O,
inHelpForceSlingshotColors: S, gridLayout: j, logFontNotLoaded: o, orientation: X,
isBettingGridVisible: z, transitionActive: M}) => {
const R = V.A(l.className({
layout: i,
inHelp: m
}), w && "disabled")
, Q = y !== a.jJ.Standard
, n = y === a.jJ.Standard;
return q.jsxs("svg", {
viewBox: l.viewBox,
textRendering: "geometricPrecision",
className: V.A({
[H]: t.IS_SAFARI && i === I.FJ.Classic && y ===
[b]: U === Y.vS.InstantRoulette
children: [q.jsx(, {
gridStyle: s,
layout: i,
isInstantRoulette: U === Y.vS.InstantRoulette,
isBettingOrWinnersKnownPhase: c.nX(O) || O ===
logFontNotLoaded: o,
orientation: B.t.Landscape,
serifFontRendersBuggy: t.IS_FIREFOX && t.IS_DESKTOP &&
t.DeviceProperties.os === T.OS.WINDOWS && i === I.FJ.ImmersiveV2,
inHelpForceSlingshotColors: S,
useInHelp: m,
isLightningRoulette: f
}), q.jsxs("g", {
className: R,
children: [n && q.jsx(Z, {}), q.jsx(P, {
svgGrid: l,
gridType: y,
bettingEnabled: c.nX(O),
useInHelp: m
}), !Q && q.jsx(x, {
svgGrid: l
}), q.jsx(l.Background, {
gridStyle: s,
layout: i,
isInstantRoulette: U === Y.vS.InstantRoulette,
isIos: t.IS_IOS,
isPhone: t.IS_PHONE,
bettingEnabled: c.nX(O),
gridType: y,
draggedBetSpotId: C,
isDraggingInProgress: p
}), q.jsx(L.p, {
svgGrid: l,
gridStyle: s,
gridType: y,
gridLayout: j,
deviceSupport: t,
bettingEnabled: c.nX(O),
draggedBetSpotId: C,
isDraggingInProgress: p,
orientation: X,
isBettingGridVisible: z,
transitionActive: M,
rouletteGameType: U
class z extends w.Component {
constructor() {
this.tooltipSupport = new
shouldComponentUpdate(C) {
const {svgGrid: p, highlightedBetSpots: i, transitionActive: q,
bettingEnabled: V} = this.props;
return i !== C.highlightedBetSpots || q !== C.transitionActive
|| V !== C.bettingEnabled || !m.A(p, C.svgGrid)
render() {
const {svgGrid: C, gridType: p, gridCellStyle: i,
highlightedBetSpots: V, transitionActive: m, onShapeMouseLeave: w, onShapeClick: y,
onShapeMouseEnter: l} = this.props
, {shapes: t} = C;
return Object.entries(t).map(( ([C,t]) => q.jsx(S.yp, {
shape: t,
betSpotId: C,
gridType: p,
tooltipSupport: this.tooltipSupport,
gridCellStyle: i,
highlighted: V.includes(C),
transition: m,
onMouseLeave: w,
onMouseEnter: l,
onClick: y
}, C)))
const M = []
, P = y.Ng(( (C, p) => ({
highlightedBetSpots: p.useInHelp ? M : c.nX(O.IA(C)) ?
O.cQ(C).highlights[p.gridType] || M : O.RN(C)[p.gridType] || M,
transitionActive: O.Np(C)
})), {
addAbsTooltip: l.$y,
removeAllAbsTooltips: l.u0,
onShapeMouseLeave: S.TX,
onShapeMouseEnter: S.m3,
, R = y.Ng((function(C, p) {
var i;
return {
rouletteGameType: O.UX(C).getRouletteGameType(),
isLightningRoulette: O.UX(C).luckyNumbersEnabled(),
gridStyle: O.of(C, p.gridType),
deviceSupport: t.uD(C),
phase: O.IA(C),
gridLayout: O.XS(C),
draggedBetSpotId: null === (i = O.UL(C)) || void 0 === i ? void
0 : i.betSpotId,
orientation: t.V6(C),
isBettingGridVisible: s.O5(C),
transitionActive: O.Np(C)
), {
logFontNotLoaded: f.gB
575122: (C, p, i) => {
i.d(p, {
a: () => m
var q = i(64922)
, V = i(377810);
class m extends V.Component {
shouldComponentUpdate() {
return !1
render() {
return q.jsx("svg", {
style: {
position: "absolute",
visibility: "hidden"
children: q.jsxs("defs", {
children: [q.jsxs("radialGradient", {
id: "svg-radial-red",
children: [q.jsx("stop", {
offset: "5%",
stopColor: "#DC3A19"
}), q.jsx("stop", {
offset: "95%",
stopColor: "#B31C24"
}), q.jsxs("radialGradient", {
id: "svg-radial-red-highlighted",
children: [q.jsx("stop", {
offset: "5%",
stopColor: "#ED9B8B"
}), q.jsx("stop", {
offset: "95%",
stopColor: "#D98D91"
812738: (C, p, i) => {
i.d(p, {
YH: () => c
var q = i(64922)
, V = i(699695)
, m = i(377810)
, w = i(282427)
, y = i(13799)
, l = i(625678)
, t = i(500704)
, B = i(903622)
, T = i(307169)
, I = i(355601)
, Y = i(843520)
, U = i(134904)
, L = i(751267)
, a = i(412187);
const v = "svg-wrapper--d666e";
class f extends m.Component {
constructor() {
this.containerEl = null,
this.setContainerEl = C => {
this.containerEl = C
componentDidMount() {
const {isDynamicGrid: C} = this.props;
C || (this.setBoundingRectAnimFrame =
window.requestAnimationFrame(( () => {
if (this.containerEl) {
const {setGridBoundingRect: C, gridType: p} =
gridType: p
this.setBoundingRectAnimFrame = void 0
shouldComponentUpdate(C) {
const {isBetSpotsHighlighted: p, scale: i, layout: q, phase: V,
gridType: m, hidden: w, tmpCanvasChips: y, svgGrid: l} = this.props;
return p !== C.isBetSpotsHighlighted || i !== C.scale || q !==
C.layout || V !== C.phase || m !== C.gridType || w !== C.hidden || y !==
C.tmpCanvasChips || l !== C.svgGrid
componentDidUpdate(C) {
const {hidden: p, gridType: i, scale: q, setGridBoundingRect:
V, isDynamicGrid: m} = this.props;
!1 === m && (q !== C.scale || !p && C.hidden) && V({
boundingRect: this.containerEl.getBoundingClientRect(),
gridType: i
componentWillUnmount() {
this.setBoundingRectAnimFrame &&
render() {
const {styleType: C, layout: p, phase: i, gameType: m,
children: w, isDesktop: y, gridType: I, isBetSpotsHighlighted: U} = this.props
, L = Y.nX(i)
, f = I === B.jJ.Special
, s = p === t.FJ.ImmersiveV2
, c = m === l.Z.InstantRoulette
, O = f ? {
[a.A.disabled]: !L
} : {
[a.A.disabledImmersive2]: s && !L,
[a.A.disabledInstantRoulette]: c && !L && i !==
, S = V.A(a.A.baseGrid, {
[a.A.handCursor]: L && U,
[a.A.french]: t.Lq.French === C,
[a.A.selfCenter]: f && p !== t.FJ.Classic,
[a.A.immersiveRacetrack]: f && p === t.FJ.ImmersiveV2
}, y ? {
[a.A.disabledNew]: !s && !L,
[a.A.disabledImmersive2]: s && !L,
[a.A.disabledInstantRoulette]: c && !L
} : O);
return q.jsx("div", {
className: v,
children: q.jsx("div", {
className: S,
ref: this.setContainerEl,
children: w
const s = {
setGridBoundingRect: I.x
, c = w.Ng((C => {
const p = y.DB(C);
return {
scale: y.pv(C),
gameType: p.getGameType(),
isBetSpotsHighlighted: U.f(L.cQ(C).highlights) > 0,
styleType: L.of(C).style,
phase: L.IA(C),
isDesktop: y.uD(C).IS_DESKTOP
), s)(f)
874287: (C, p, i) => {
var q;
i.d(p, {
E$: () => c,
K7: () => y,
MS: () => l,
Mc: () => U,
OP: () => q,
RX: () => v,
Tc: () => O,
UX: () => L,
Wx: () => S,
Yo: () => m,
Zt: () => o,
b7: () => t,
d$: () => f,
e8: () => B,
m: () => V,
mw: () => T,
pP: () => I,
pg: () => a,
qk: () => Y,
rg: () => x,
sY: () => s,
uI: () => w,
vT: () => j
function(C) {
C["Horizontal"] = "horizontal",
C["Vertical"] = "vertical"
}(q || (q = {}));
const V = {
left: ["30", "8", "23", "10", "5", "24"],
right: ["35", "3", "26", "0", "32"],
top: ["16", "33", "1", "20", "14", "31", "9", "22", "18", "29",
"7", "28", "12"],
bottom: ["11", "36", "13", "27", "6", "34", "17", "25", "2", "21",
"4", "19", "15"]
, m = {
left: ["13", "1", "00", "27", "10"],
right: ["14", "2", "0", "28", "9"],
top: ["25", "29", "12", "8", "19", "31", "18", "6", "21", "33",
"16", "4", "23", "35"],
bottom: ["36", "24", "3", "15", "34", "22", "5", "17", "32", "20",
"7", "11", "30", "26"]
, w = {
left: ["25", "26", "27", "28", "29", "30"],
right: ["7", "8", "9", "10", "11"],
top: ["31", "32", "33", "34", "35", "36", "0", "1", "2", "3", "4",
"5", "6"],
bottom: ["24", "23", "22", "21", "20", "19", "18", "17", "16",
"15", "14", "13", "12"]
, y = {
5: {
central: 38,
outer: 33
6: {
central: 32,
outer: 26
, l = .013
, t = 1.275
, B = 3
, T = 12
, I = 12
, Y = .85
, U = {
shortSideRatio: {
zero: 3,
outsideDozenBetSpots: .68,
outsideEvenChancesBetSpots: .68,
outsideRowBetSpots: 1
longSideRatio: {
zero: 1.03,
outsideRowBetSpots: .89,
outsideDozenBetSpots: 4,
outsideEvenChancesBetSpots: 2,
outsideDoubleBallSpecificBetSpots: 1.333
, L = {
shortSideRatio: {
zero: 3,
outsideDozenBetSpots: .9,
outsideEvenChancesBetSpots: .9,
outsideRowBetSpots: 1
longSideRatio: {
zero: .95,
outsideRowBetSpots: .89,
outsideDozenBetSpots: 4,
outsideEvenChancesBetSpots: 2,
outsideDoubleBallSpecificBetSpots: 1.333
, a = {
shortSideRatio: {
zero: 3,
outsideDozenBetSpots: 1.34,
outsideEvenChancesBetSpots: 1.34,
outsideRowBetSpots: 1
longSideRatio: {
zero: 1,
outsideRowBetSpots: .8,
outsideDozenBetSpots: .9,
outsideEvenChancesBetSpots: 4,
outsideDoubleBallSpecificBetSpots: 1.333,
outsideGapBeforeDozenBetSpots: .15
, v = {
shortSideRatio: {
zero: 3,
outsideDozenBetSpots: .68,
outsideEvenChancesBetSpots: .68,
outsideRowBetSpots: 1
longSideRatio: {
zero: 1.2,
outsideRowBetSpots: 1.2,
outsideDozenBetSpots: 4,
outsideEvenChancesBetSpots: 2,
outsideDoubleBallSpecificBetSpots: 1.333
, f = {
shortSideRatio: {
zero: 3,
outsideDozenBetSpots: .68,
outsideEvenChancesBetSpots: .68,
outsideRowBetSpots: 1
longSideRatio: {
zero: 1.2,
outsideRowBetSpots: 1.2,
outsideDozenBetSpots: 4,
outsideEvenChancesBetSpots: 2,
outsideDoubleBallSpecificBetSpots: 1.333
, s = {
shortSideRatio: {
zero: 3,
outsideDozenBetSpots: .68,
outsideEvenChancesBetSpots: .68,
outsideRowBetSpots: 1
longSideRatio: {
zero: .89,
outsideRowBetSpots: .89,
outsideDozenBetSpots: 4,
outsideEvenChancesBetSpots: 2,
outsideDoubleBallSpecificBetSpots: 1.333
, c = {
shortSideRatio: {
zero: 3,
outsideDozenBetSpots: .9,
outsideEvenChancesBetSpots: .9,
outsideRowBetSpots: 1
longSideRatio: {
zero: .89,
outsideRowBetSpots: .89,
outsideDozenBetSpots: 4,
outsideEvenChancesBetSpots: 2,
outsideDoubleBallSpecificBetSpots: 1.333
, O = {
red_red: "outsideDoubleBallSpecificBetSpots",
black_black: "outsideDoubleBallSpecificBetSpots",
black_red: "outsideDoubleBallSpecificBetSpots",
from1to18: "outsideEvenChancesBetSpots",
even: "outsideEvenChancesBetSpots",
red: "outsideEvenChancesBetSpots",
black: "outsideEvenChancesBetSpots",
odd: "outsideEvenChancesBetSpots",
from19to36: "outsideEvenChancesBetSpots",
"1st12": "outsideDozenBetSpots",
"2nd12": "outsideDozenBetSpots",
"3rd12": "outsideDozenBetSpots"
, S = [["1", "2", "3"], ["4", "5", "6"], ["7", "8", "9"], ["10",
"11", "12"], ["13", "14", "15"], ["16", "17", "18"], ["19", "20", "21"], ["22",
"23", "24"], ["25", "26", "27"], ["28", "29", "30"], ["31", "32", "33"], ["34",
"35", "36"]]
, j = [["1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6"], ["7", "8", "9", "10", "11",
"12"], ["13", "14", "15", "16", "17", "18"], ["19", "20", "21", "22", "23", "24"],
["25", "26", "27", "28", "29", "30"], ["31", "32", "33", "34", "35", "36"]]
, o = [["1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9"], ["10", "11",
"12", "13", "14", "15", "16", "17", "18"], ["19", "20", "21", "22", "23", "24",
"25", "26", "27"], ["28", "29", "30", "31", "32", "33", "34", "35", "36"]]
, x = .0833
806974: (C, p, i) => {
i.d(p, {
E4: () => L,
IZ: () => I,
Jd: () => B,
K6: () => t,
Z0: () => a,
cH: () => U,
nh: () => Y,
u5: () => l,
uw: () => v,
z2: () => T
var q = i(95772)
, V = i(228174)
, m = i(500704)
, w = i(903622)
, y = i(874287);
function l(C, p, i) {
return [q.A((C.x + C.w / 2) / p, 3), q.A((C.y + C.h / 2) / i, 3)]
function t(C, p) {
return Number(C) - Number(p)
function B({angle: C, width: p}) {
const i = C * Math.PI / 180;
return Math.tan(i) * p / 2
function T(C) {
return "function" == typeof C
function I(C, p, i, V, m) {
const w = (m - 90) * Math.PI / 180;
return {
x: q.A(i * Math.cos(w) + C, 3),
y: q.A(V * Math.sin(w) + p, 3)
function Y(C, p) {
return C[p]
function U(C) {
return q.A(C, 3)
function L({gridType: C, layout: p, gameDimensions: i,
isGoldVaultRoulette: q, isFrench: V=!1}) {
const y = q ? .265 : V ? .34 : .225
, l = V ? .52 : .495
, t = p === m.FJ.ImmersiveV2 ? .113 : p === m.FJ.Classic ? .118 :
, B = p === m.FJ.ImmersiveV2 ? .246 : p === m.FJ.Classic ? .259 :
return {
width: C === w.jJ.Standard ? i.width * l : C ===
w.jJ.Golden ? .24 * i.width : i.width * B,
height: C === w.jJ.Standard ? i.height * y : C ===
w.jJ.Golden ? .12 * i.height : i.height * t
function a(C, p=1) {
return 1 === C ? p : V.GB(y.rg * C * p, 1)
function v(C) {
return C / 225
941069: (C, p, i) => {
i.d(p, {
CG: () => m,
Qk: () => w,
bD: () => y
var q = i(486717);
let V = {};
async function m(C) {
const p = [];
function m(C, i) {
C.then(( ({[i]: C}) => {
V[i] = C
switch (C) {
case q.vS.GoldVault:
m(i.e(68289).then(i.bind(i, 972276)), "GoldVaultChipModule");
case q.vS.RedDoorRoulette:
case q.vS.AmericanRedDoorRoulette:
m(i.e(31646).then(i.bind(i, 233044)), "RedDoorChipModule");
case q.vS.CustomRoulette:
m(i.e(3652).then(i.bind(i, 142116)), "CustomChipModule")
return Promise.all(p)
function w() {
return Object.values(V)
function y() {
V = {}
676507: (C, p, i) => {
i.d(p, {
Bv: () => w,
CP: () => O,
Ep: () => a,
LL: () => c,
OI: () => l,
Ox: () => y,
Tc: () => b,
Uy: () => v,
Vj: () => H,
W2: () => t,
WD: () => Y,
WF: () => Z,
Xo: () => m,
ak: () => L,
eY: () => q,
fc: () => U,
g9: () => s,
mS: () => I,
og: () => B,
p0: () => S,
qf: () => f,
sK: () => V,
tX: () => X,
wB: () => j,
xF: () => o,
y3: () => x,
yO: () => T
const q = 335
, V = 1030
, m = 330
, w = 1720
, y = 1320
, l = 65
, t = 255
, B = 135
, T = [0, 330, 730, 850]
, I = [0, 257, 92, 100]
, Y = [0, 307, 92, 100]
, U = 100
, L = 30
, a = 665
, v = 985
, f = 865
, s = [0, 365, 865]
, c = [0, 203, 100]
, O = 135
, S = [0, 365, 850]
, j = [0, 100, 0]
, o = 1670
, x = 465
, Z = 2e3
, H = 400
, b = 13500
, X = 3e3
952918: (C, p, i) => {
i.d(p, {
p7: () => l,
hU: () => I,
Dz: () => t,
Jo: () => B
var q = i(500704);
const V = i.p + "images/100x.37df7751.png"
, m = i.p + "images/150x.0b9a131c.png"
, w = i.p + "images/500x.d627c2cc.png"
, y = i.p + "images/50x.7f73f85c.png"
, l = [{
offset: 0,
hexColor: "#F8FABA"
}, {
offset: .15,
hexColor: "#F7EAA9"
}, {
offset: .2999,
hexColor: "#F0D77E"
}, {
offset: .4556,
hexColor: "#D9B341"
}, {
offset: .6056,
hexColor: "#E9D27D"
}, {
offset: .6889,
hexColor: "#BD8F3A"
}, {
offset: .7667,
hexColor: "#D7B762"
}, {
offset: 1,
hexColor: "#B38739"
, t = [{
offset: 0,
hexColor: "#E3C2E1"
}, {
offset: .2085,
hexColor: "#7D96B9"
}, {
offset: .4224,
hexColor: "#E3C2E1"
}, {
offset: .6149,
hexColor: "#7D96B9"
}, {
offset: .8021,
hexColor: "#EAAEFF"
}, {
offset: 1,
hexColor: "#7D96B9"
function B(C) {
return C === q.FJ.ImmersiveV2 ? T[C] : T["default"]
const T = {
[q.FJ.ImmersiveV2]: {
goldBar: {
sizeToCellSizeRatio: .82
multiplier: {
heightToGoldBarHeightRatio: 1,
offsetToGoldBarHeightRatio: .8
default: {
goldBar: {
sizeToCellSizeRatio: .82
multiplier: {
heightToGoldBarHeightRatio: .85,
offsetToGoldBarHeightRatio: .45
, I = {
50: y,
100: V,
150: m,
500: w
836294: (C, p, i) => {
i.d(p, {
s: () => y,
R: () => w
var q = i(718284)
, V = i(952918);
const m = {
gold: i.p + "images/goldbar.35258943.png",
platinum: i.p + "images/platinumba.f509016e.png"
, w = 500;
class y {
constructor(C, p, i, V) {
this.value = C,
this.goldBarData = p,
this.rouletteLayoutType = i,
this.baseStraightUpReference = V,
this.opacity = 1,
this.multiplierOffsetY = 0,
this.transformScaleMultiplier = 1,
this.transformScaleBrick = 1,
this.brickGlowIntensity = 0,
this.multiplierOpacity = 1,
this.goldBarOpacity = 1,
this.brickDataOriginal = {},
this.brickOriginalCenterY = 0,
this.generateImageBaselines = q.A(( (C, p, i, q, V) => {
this.brickDataOriginal = this.getGoldBarImageDrawData({
x: C,
y: p,
height: i,
width: q
}, V),
this.brickOriginalCenterY = p + this.brickDataOriginal.y +
this.brickDataOriginal.height / 2
), ( (C, p, i, q) => `${C}_${p}_${i}_${q}`)),
this.uniqueId = `${p.betSpotId}_${C}`
resetAnimationProps() {
this.opacity = 1,
this.transformScaleMultiplier = 0,
this.transformScaleBrick = 0,
this.brickGlowIntensity = 0,
this.multiplierOpacity = 0,
this.multiplierOffsetY = 0
draw(C) {
const p = C.assets.getImageAsset(this.getGoldBarImage())
, i = C.assets.getImageAsset(this.getMultiplierImage());
if (!p || !i)
return !0;
let q, V, m;
1 !== this.opacity && (q = C.context.globalAlpha,
C.context.globalAlpha = q * this.opacity),
"0" === this.goldBarData.betSpotId ? (V = C.width *
this.goldBarData.betSpotCellData.centerX - this.baseStraightUpReference.w * C.width
* .5,
m = C.height * this.goldBarData.betSpotCellData.centerY -
this.baseStraightUpReference.h * C.height * .5) : (V = C.width *
m = C.height * this.goldBarData.betSpotCellData.y);
const w = this.baseStraightUpReference.w * C.width
, y = this.baseStraightUpReference.h * C.height;
return this.generateImageBaselines(V, m, y, w, p),
this.drawBrick(C.context, this.generateCellDataByScale(w, y, V,
m, this.transformScaleBrick), p),
this.drawMultiplier(C.context, this.generateCellDataByScale(w,
y, V, m, this.transformScaleMultiplier), i, p),
void 0 !== q && (C.context.globalAlpha = q),
getCurrentValue() {
return this.value
getColor() {
return this.getCurrentValue() === w ? "platinum" : "gold"
getGoldBarImage() {
return m[this.getColor()]
getMultiplierImage() {
return V.hU[this.getCurrentValue()]
generateCellDataByScale(C, p, i, q, V) {
const m = C * V
, w = p * V;
return {
x: i - (m - C) / 2,
y: q - (w - p) / 2,
width: m,
height: w
drawMultiplier(C, p, i, q) {
const V = C.globalAlpha;
1 !== this.multiplierOpacity && (C.globalAlpha = V *
const m = this.getGoldBarImageDrawData(p, q)
, w = this.getMultiplierImageDrawData(p, m, i);
C.drawImage(i, p.x + w.x, p.y + w.y, w.width, w.height),
C.globalAlpha = V
drawBrick(C, p, i) {
const q = C.globalAlpha;
1 !== this.goldBarOpacity && (C.globalAlpha = q *
const V = this.getGoldBarImageDrawData(p, i)
, m = p.y + V.y + V.height / 2 - this.brickOriginalCenterY
, w = C.shadowColor
, y = C.shadowBlur;
if (0 !== this.brickGlowIntensity) {
const q = 500 === this.goldBarData.totalValue
, w = q ? `rgba(197, 171, 255, $
{this.brickGlowIntensity})` : `rgba(255, 246, 152, ${this.brickGlowIntensity})`;
C.shadowColor = w;
const y = p.width * (q ? .35 : .222);
C.shadowBlur = y * this.brickGlowIntensity;
for (let w = 0; w <
Math.max(Math.ceil(this.brickGlowIntensity * (q ? 7 : 4)), 1); w++)
C.drawImage(i, p.x + V.x, p.y + V.y - m, V.width,
} else
C.drawImage(i, p.x + V.x, p.y + V.y - m, V.width,
C.globalAlpha = q,
C.shadowColor = w,
C.shadowBlur = y
getGoldBarImageDrawData(C, p) {
const i = V.Jo(this.rouletteLayoutType)
, q = C.width / C.height
, m = p.height * (1 +
if (q > p.width / m) {
const q = C.height * i.goldBar.sizeToCellSizeRatio
, V = q * (1 / (1 +
, m = V * (p.width / p.height)
, w = (C.width - m) / 2
, y = (C.height - q) / 2;
return {
x: w,
y: C.height - V - y,
width: m,
height: V
const w = C.width * i.goldBar.sizeToCellSizeRatio
, y = w * (p.height / p.width)
, l = (C.width - w) / 2;
return {
x: l,
y: C.height - y - l,
width: w,
height: y
getMultiplierImageDrawData(C, p, i) {
const q = V.Jo(this.rouletteLayoutType)
, m = p.height * q.multiplier.offsetToGoldBarHeightRatio +
p.height * this.multiplierOffsetY
, w = p.height * q.multiplier.heightToGoldBarHeightRatio
, y = w * (i.width / i.height);
return {
x: (C.width - y) / 2,
y: p.y - m,
width: y,
height: w
903622: (C, p, i) => {
i.d(p, {
$h: () => w,
CD: () => v,
GA: () => s,
JT: () => V,
P2: () => a,
Q2: () => B,
Xn: () => L,
jJ: () => m,
m_: () => t,
sW: () => U,
uT: () => f
var q, V, m, w, y = i(850083), l = i(500704);
function t(C) {
return "statistics"in C
function B(C) {
return {
[m.Golden]: y.n1.GoldenGrid,
[m.Special]: y.n1.SpecialGrid,
[m.Standard]: y.n1.StandardGrid,
[m.Mini]: y.n1.MiniGrid
(function(C) {
C["BASE"] = "base",
C["DE"] = "de",
C["DK"] = "dk",
C["ES"] = "es",
C["SV"] = "sv",
C["SERIF"] = "serif"
)(q || (q = {})),
function(C) {
C["Standard"] = "Standard",
C["French"] = "French",
C["DoubleBall"] = "DoubleBall",
C["DoubleZero"] = "DoubleZero"
}(V || (V = {})),
function(C) {
C["Standard"] = "STANDARD",
C["Golden"] = "GOLDEN",
C["Special"] = "SPECIAL",
C["Mini"] = "MINI"
}(m || (m = {})),
function(C) {
C[C["Golden"] = 0] = "Golden",
C[C["DoubleZero"] = 1] = "DoubleZero",
C[C["Standard"] = 2] = "Standard"
}(w || (w = {}));
const T = {
[l.FJ.Classic]: "table_classic_style",
[l.FJ.Tablet]: "table_classic_style",
[l.FJ.TabletImmersive]: "table_immersive_style",
[l.FJ.TabletSlingshot]: "table_slingshot_style",
[l.FJ.Chat]: "table_classic_style",
[l.FJ.PhoneImmersive]: "table_immersive_style",
[l.FJ.Slingshot]: "table_slingshot_style",
[l.FJ.ImmersiveV2]: "table_immersive_style"
, I = {
[l.FJ.Classic]: "racetrack_classic_style",
[l.FJ.Tablet]: "racetrack_classic_style",
[l.FJ.TabletImmersive]: "racetrack_immersive_style",
[l.FJ.TabletSlingshot]: "racetrack_slingshot_style",
[l.FJ.Chat]: "racetrack_classic_style",
[l.FJ.PhoneImmersive]: "racetrack_immersive_style",
[l.FJ.Slingshot]: "racetrack_slingshot_style",
[l.FJ.ImmersiveV2]: "racetrack_immersive_style"
, Y = {
[l.FJ.ImmersiveV2]: "golden_style",
[l.FJ.Classic]: "golden_style",
[l.FJ.Tablet]: "golden_style",
[l.FJ.Chat]: "golden_style",
[l.FJ.TabletImmersive]: "golden_style",
[l.FJ.PhoneImmersive]: "golden_style"
, U = {
[m.Standard]: T,
[m.Special]: I,
[m.Golden]: Y,
[m.Mini]: T
var L, a, v, f, s;
(function(C) {
C["Green"] = "green_shape",
C["Red"] = "red_shape",
C["RedRed"] = "red_red_shape",
C["RedNum"] = "red_num_shape",
C["Black"] = "black_shape",
C["BlackBlack"] = "black_black_shape",
C["BlackRed"] = "black_red_shape",
C["BlackNum"] = "black_num_shape",
C["Even"] = "even_shape",
C["Third"] = "third_shape",
C["LowHigh"] = "low_high_shape",
C["Row"] = "row_shape",
C["Odd"] = "odd_shape",
C["None"] = "color-none",
C["Disabled"] = "disabled",
C["Highlighted"] = "highlighted",
C["Transition"] = "transition",
C["Sector"] = "sector_color",
C["Unknown"] = "unknown_shape",
C["Transparent"] = "color-transparent"
)(L || (L = {})),
function(C) {
C["Green"] = "green_shape_label",
C["Red"] = "red_color_label",
C["RedNum"] = "red_num_shape_label",
C["BlackNum"] = "black_num_shape_label",
C["Black"] = "black_color_label",
C["Called"] = "called_bets_label",
C["Outside"] = "outside_color_label",
C["OutsideSmall"] = "outside_small_color_label",
C["Disabled"] = "disabled_label",
C["Row"] = "row_shape_label",
C["None"] = "color-none_label",
C["Third"] = "third_shape_label",
C["LowHigh"] = "low_high_shape_label",
C["Even"] = "even_shape_label",
C["Odd"] = "even_shape_label",
C["Small"] = "small",
C["Sector"] = "sector_color_label",
C["Unknown"] = "unknown_label",
C["Transparent"] = "color-transparent_label",
C["Transition"] = "transition"
}(a || (a = {})),
function(C) {
C["Border"] = "border",
C["GoldBorder"] = "gold-border",
C["Blurred"] = "border_blurred"
}(v || (v = {})),
function(C) {
C["Vertical"] = "vertical_center",
C["Portrait"] = "portrait",
C["Landscape"] = "landscape",
C["BetsClosed"] = "bets_closed"
}(f || (f = {})),
function(C) {
C["RedRed"] = "red-red_color",
C["BlackBlack"] = "black-black_color",
C["ClickThrough"] = "click-through",
C["BottomGradient"] = "bottom_gradient",
C["SideGradient"] = "side_gradient",
C["Icon"] = "icon",
C["AnyTwo"] = "any-two",
C["Label"] = "label",
C["OutsideTop"] = "outside-top",
C["OutsideBottom"] = "outside-bottom",
C["DBLabel"] = "double-ball_label"
}(s || (s = {}))
186763: (C, p, i) => {
i.d(p, {
defaultDoubleZeroTabletSlingshotRacetrackCellStyle: () => w,
defaultSingleBallSlingshotGridColor: () => m,
doubleZeroSlingshotGridCellStyles: () => y,
singleBallSlingshotGridColors: () => V
var q = i(500704);
const V = {
[q.Lq.Blue]: {
red: "#EC4326",
black: "#0E0E0E",
green: "#229264"
[q.Lq.Speed]: {
red: "#D93521",
black: "#0E0E0E",
green: "#166958"
[q.Lq.Tan]: {
red: "#BF2B1F",
black: "#0E0E0E",
green: "#2A6338"
[q.Lq.Murcia]: {
red: "#CE2C1E",
black: "#0E0E0E",
green: "#337549"
[q.Lq.Bucharest]: {
red: "#E23320",
black: "#0E0E0E",
green: "#377A45"
[q.Lq.Bclc]: {
red: "#CE2C1E",
black: "#0E0E0E",
green: "#388154"
[q.Lq.PiramitCasino]: {
red: "#00000000",
black: "#00000000",
green: "#00000000"
[q.Lq.Imajbet]: {
red: "#00000000",
black: "#00000000",
green: "#00000000"
[q.Lq.Baymavi]: {
red: "#00000000",
black: "#00000000",
green: "#00000000"
[q.Lq.Padisahbet]: {
red: "#00000000",
black: "#00000000",
green: "#00000000"
[q.Lq.Galabet]: {
red: "#00000000",
black: "#00000000",
green: "#00000000"
[q.Lq.Ultrabet]: {
red: "#00000000",
black: "#00000000",
green: "#00000000"
, m = {
red: "#DB3421",
black: "#0E0E0E",
green: "#388263"
, w = {
style: "solid",
red_color: "#00000000",
black_color: "#00000000",
green_color: "#00000000"
, y = {
[q.Lq.NewJersey]: {
style: "solid",
red_color: "#E93F23",
black_color: "#0E0E0E",
green_color: "#499D60",
outsides_color: "#ffffff00"
[q.Lq.Pennsylvania]: {
style: "solid",
red_color: "#A70100",
black_color: "#0E0E0E",
green_color: "#034328",
outsides_color: "#ffffff00"
, l = .303
, t = .322
, B = 800
, T = [[0, 0], [0, 1], [1, 1], [1, 0], [0, 0]]
576386: (C, p, i) => {
i.d(p, {
LQ: () => l,
N8: () => w,
NU: () => B,
Xs: () => t,
et: () => V,
gy: () => m
const q = Symbol("use_static_resolution");
function V({orientation: C, gridType: p, layoutType: i}) {
return `${C}_${p}_${i}`
function m(C) {
return `${C.containerWidth}x${C.containerHeight}`
function w(C) {
return `${C.width}x${C.height}`
const y = new Map;
function l(C) {
const p = y.get(C.key);
if (p && (p.gameResolution === C.gameResolution || p.gameResolution
=== q) && (p.gridContainerResolution === C.gridContainerResolution ||
p.gameResolution === q))
return p.grid
function t(C, p) {
return y.set(C.key, {
gameResolution: C.gameResolution,
gridContainerResolution: C.gridContainerResolution,
grid: p
function B() {
351285: (C, p, i) => {
i.d(p, {
OG: () => v,
iA: () => O,
zs: () => U,
Fw: () => I,
Aj: () => f,
$q: () => c,
cT: () => s
var q = i(163456)
, V = i(718284)
, m = i(13799)
, w = i(500704)
, y = i(486717)
, l = i(903622)
, t = i(576386);
var B = i(751267);
const T = ["dynamicSingleBall", "dynamicSingleBallRacetrack",
"dynamicDoubleBall", "dynamicMiniGrid", "dynamicFrench", "dynamicGoldenRacetrack",
"doubleZeroStandardSlingshot", "doubleZeroRacetrackSlingshot",
"singleBallSlingshotStandardTablet", "singleBallSpecialSlingshotDesktop",
"singleBallSpecialSlingshotLandscapeFrench", "singleBallSpecialSlingshotTablet",
"singleBallStandardSlingshotDesktop", "singleBallStandardSlingshotFrenchLandscape",
function I(C) {
function Y(C) {
return C.gridType === l.jJ.Golden ? "dynamicGoldenRacetrack" :
C.gridType === l.jJ.Mini ? "dynamicMiniGrid" : function(C) {
const {layout: p, gridType: i, gridLayout: V, styleType: m,
rouletteGameTypeV2: y} = C
, t = i === l.jJ.Special ? function() {
const C = {
[l.JT.Standard]: "dynamicSingleBallRacetrack",
[l.JT.French]: "dynamicSingleBallRacetrack",
[l.JT.DoubleBall]: "dynamicSingleBallRacetrack",
[l.JT.DoubleZero]: "dynamicSingleBallRacetrack"
return {
[w.FJ.Tablet]: C,
[w.FJ.PhoneImmersive]: C,
[w.FJ.TabletImmersive]: C,
[w.FJ.Classic]: C,
[w.FJ.ImmersiveV2]: C,
[w.FJ.Chat]: C,
[w.FJ.TabletSlingshot]: {
[l.JT.French]: "singleBallSpecialSlingshotTablet",
[l.JT.DoubleZero]: "doubleZeroRacetrackSlingshot"
[w.FJ.Slingshot]: {
[l.JT.DoubleZero]: "doubleZeroRacetrackSlingshot"
}() : function() {
const C = {
[l.JT.Standard]: "dynamicSingleBall",
[l.JT.DoubleZero]: "dynamicSingleBall",
[l.JT.DoubleBall]: "dynamicDoubleBall",
[l.JT.French]: "dynamicFrench"
return {
[w.FJ.PhoneImmersive]: C,
[w.FJ.Chat]: C,
[w.FJ.Tablet]: C,
[w.FJ.TabletImmersive]: C,
[w.FJ.Classic]: C,
[w.FJ.ImmersiveV2]: C,
[w.FJ.TabletSlingshot]: {
[l.JT.French]: "tabletSlingshotStandardFrench",
[l.JT.DoubleZero]: "doubleZeroStandardSlingshot"
[w.FJ.Slingshot]: {
[l.JT.French]: {
[l.JT.DoubleZero]: "doubleZeroStandardSlingshot"
, B = q.A(t, [p, V, m].join("."), q.A(t, [p, V].join("."),
q.A(t, p)));
if (!function(C) {
return T.includes(C)
throw new Error(`\n Can't find grid for\n
rouletteGameTypeV2 ${y},\n layout ${p},\n gridType ${i},\n
gridLayout ${V},\n styleType ${m},\n `);
return B
function U(C) {
return C === y.vS.DBR ? [l.jJ.Standard, l.jJ.Special,
l.jJ.Golden] : y.YR(C) ? [l.jJ.Standard, l.jJ.Special, l.jJ.Mini] : [l.jJ.Standard,
let L = {};
const a = new Map;
function v() {
L = {},
function f(C, p, q) {
const V = new Set(["dynamicSingleBallRacetrack"])
, m = U(p);
C.forEach((C => {
m.forEach((i => {
var m, t;
const B = null === (t = null === (m = q[l.jJ.Standard]) ||
void 0 === m ? void 0 : m[C]) || void 0 === t ? void 0 :
, T = function(C, p) {
return C === y.vS.DBR ? l.JT.DoubleBall : y.Fe(C) ?
l.JT.DoubleZero : p === w.Lq.French ? l.JT.French : l.JT.Standard
}(p, B);
layout: C,
gridType: i,
gridLayout: T,
styleType: B,
rouletteGameTypeV2: p
const t = [];
return V.forEach((C => {
t.push(function(C, p) {
return new Promise((q => {
1 && (p[C] = {}),
0 || i(212859)(`./${C}`).then((i => {
p[C] = i[C] || i[`${C}Creator`],
), (p => {
var i;
null === (i = window.EVO_LOADER) || void 0 === i ||
reason: "gameLoader",
failureDetails: new Error(`Loading grid "${C}"
}(C, L))
function s(C, p) {
return function(...C) {
const p = JSON.stringify(C);
if (a.size > 6 && a.clear(),
return a.get(p);
const [i,q,V,m,w,y] = C
, l = {
orientation: i,
gridType: q,
layoutType: m ? "" : w
gridContainerResolution: t.N8(y)
return a.set(p, l),
}(m.V6(C), p, m.Ay(C), B.UX(C).DeviceSupport.IS_TABLET,,
B.jq(C, p))
function c(C, p, i) {
const q = i ||
, V = Y({
layout: q,
gridType: p,
gridLayout: B.XS(C),
styleType: B.Cd(C, p),
rouletteGameTypeV2: B.UX(C).getRouletteGameType()
, m = L[V];
if (!m)
throw new Error(`Grid ${V} is not loaded ${JSON.stringify({
layout: q,
gridType: p
}).replace(/"/, "")}`);
return m
const O = V.A(( () => L["dynamicSingleBallRacetrack"]))
633863: (C, p, i) => {
i.d(p, {
E: () => q
class q {
constructor() {
this.canvasesInUse = new Map([["temp",
document.createElement("canvas")], ["tempReadFrequently",
this.dispose = () => {
this.canvasesInUse.forEach((C => {
q.instance = void 0
static getInstance() {
if (!q.instance)
throw new Error("CanvasManager not initialized");
return q.instance
static init() {
q.instance || (q.instance = new q)
getCanvas(C) {
if (this.canvasesInUse.has(C))
return this.canvasesInUse.get(C);
const p = document.createElement("canvas");
return this.canvasesInUse.set(C, p),
getTempCanvas(C=!1) {
const p = this.getCanvas(C ? "tempReadFrequently" : "temp");
return this.clearCanvas(p, C),
clearCanvas(C, p=!1) {
const i = C.getContext("2d", {
willReadFrequently: p
if (!i)
throw new Error("No 2d context");
i.clearRect(0, 0, C.width, C.height),
C.width = 0,
C.height = 0
884033: (C, p, i) => {
i.d(p, {
v6: () => a
var q = i(282427)
, V = i(13799)
, m = i(185214)
, w = i(545401)
, y = i(486717)
, l = i(903622)
, t = i(263543)
, B = i(870658)
, T = i(994647)
, I = i(205676)
, Y = i(751267)
, U = i(843520);
const L = {
setHoveredTokens: T.sB,
clearHoveredTokens: C => ? {
delay: C
} : void 0),
setHighlights: C => B.z6({
[l.jJ.Standard]: C
addBet: t.xB,
addAbsTooltip: m.$y,
removeAllAbsTooltips: m.u0,
log: I.GQ
, a = q.Ng((function(C) {
return {
isVisible: V.DB(C).DeviceSupport.IS_DESKTOP || function(C) {
return V.DB(C).autoplayApiEnabled()
selectedTokenAmount: Y.VZ(C),
bettingEnabled: U.nX(Y.IA(C)),
hasEnoughFunds: Y.zn(C),
gameDimensions: V.Ay(C),
isDoubleZeroRoulette: w.H9(C.settings) === y.F7.DZR
), L)
464050: (C, p, i) => {
i.d(p, {
CF: () => Y,
El: () => m,
Hq: () => y,
K9: () => q,
KQ: () => L,
Sg: () => I,
Yw: () => v,
Zy: () => a,
as: () => s,
im: () => l,
nc: () => f,
nf: () => U,
pT: () => w,
r: () => T,
rw: () => V,
sG: () => t,
v5: () => B
const q = 1e3
, V = 300
, m = 1e3
, w = 4e3
, y = 5
, l = 7e3
, t = 16e3
, B = 1e3
, T = 18
, I = 500
, Y = 5e3
, U = 500
, L = [["#757272", "#1A1A1A"], ["#757272", "#1A1A1A"], ["#1A1A1A",
"#757272"], ["#757272", "#1A1A1A"], "rgba(0,0,0,0.40)"]
, a = [["#A1701B", "#fff", "#A1701B"], "rgba(255,255,255,0.30)"]
, v = [["#3B7A6A", "#132724"], ["#519A88", "#224A44"], ["#224A44",
"#519A88"], ["#519A88", "#224A44"], "rgba(0,0,0,0.40)"]
, f = [["#A1701B", "#fff", "#A1701B"], "rgba(255,255,255,0.30)"]
, s = [["#3B767A", "#132027"], ["#4FA6AC", "#1D3E4E"], ["#1D3E4E",
"#4FA6AC"], ["#1D3E4E", "#4FA6AC"], "rgba(0,0,0,0.40)"]
769060: (C, p, i) => {
var q;
i.d(p, {
R: () => q
function(C) {
C[C["NoAnimation"] = 0] = "NoAnimation",
C[C["IconActionShrinking"] = 1] = "IconActionShrinking",
C[C["IconCheckGrowing"] = 2] = "IconCheckGrowing",
C[C["AnimationsFinished"] = 3] = "AnimationsFinished"
}(q || (q = {}))
289138: (C, p, i) => {
i.d(p, {
B1: () => I,
qK: () => U
var q, V = i(64922), m = i(70533), w = i(346160), y = i(198617), l =
i(462566), t = i(464050), B = i(199482), T = i(854663);
function I(C) {
const {isRebetEnabled: p} = C;
return V.jsx(B.b, {
label: w.Tl(p ? "button.rebet" : "playNow"),
possibleLabels: [w.Tl("button.rebet"), w.Tl("playNow")],
textColor: "#F2E2B8",
fillColor: p ? : t.Yw,
dataRole: q.Role
(function(C) {
C["Role"] = "play-now-button"
)(q || (q = {}));
const Y = y.v((function(C) {
const p = T._(C);
return V.jsx(I, {
, U = m.T(l.u(Y), {
enhancers: ["bets", "currency", "orientation"]
199482: (C, p, i) => {
i.d(p, {
b: () => s
var q = i(64922)
, V = i(699695)
, m = i(377810)
, w = i(500704)
, y = i(95772)
, l = i(464050)
, t = i(769060)
, B = i(856464);
const T = {
buttonFill: "buttonFill--278ba",
buttonInnerBorder: "buttonInnerBorder--d6f5e",
button: "button--888b4",
animatingIconAction: "animatingIconAction--60449",
seatKeyframes: "seatKeyframes--bd5ea",
big: "big--a60a2",
enabled: "enabled--a1069",
visible: "visible--62621",
pressed: "pressed--b7cf9",
buttonSVG: "buttonSVG--996ce",
shouldAnimateFill: "shouldAnimateFill--8776f",
fillPulseKeyframes: "fillPulseKeyframes--aeb29",
textFadeOut: "textFadeOut--c2692",
textFadeKeyframes: "textFadeKeyframes--c1069",
textFadeIn: "textFadeIn--7f21c",
iconActionContainer: "iconActionContainer--6efbe",
shrinkKeyframes: "shrinkKeyframes--cc881",
iconAction: "iconAction--fbb87",
autoplayRunning: "autoplayRunning--0e72d",
spinOnceKeyframes: "spinOnceKeyframes--e272f",
iconCheckContainer: "iconCheckContainer--0a4c7",
animatingIconCheck: "animatingIconCheck--f4360",
growKeyframes: "growKeyframes--6b339",
disabledAnimations: "disabledAnimations--7645f",
pulseKeyframes: "pulseKeyframes--a80f5"
var I, Y;
(function(C) {
C[C["Left"] = 0] = "Left",
C[C["Right"] = 1] = "Right",
C[C["Center"] = 2] = "Center"
)(I || (I = {})),
function(C) {
C[C["Default"] = 0] = "Default",
C[C["Hovered"] = 1] = "Hovered",
C[C["Pressed"] = 2] = "Pressed",
C[C["Accepted"] = 3] = "Accepted",
C[C["Disabled"] = 4] = "Disabled"
}(Y || (Y = {}));
const U = {
[I.Left]: "xMinYMid meet",
[I.Center]: "xMidYMid meet",
[I.Right]: "xMaxYMid meet"
, L = {}
, a = {
transition: `${}ms`
function v(C) {
const {fillColor: p, borderColor: i, textColor: w, label: Y,
position: v=I.Right, animationStep: f, pulsateButton: s=!0, possibleLabels: c,
iconActionPath: O, className: S, onMouseDown: j, onMouseEnter: o, onMouseLeave: x,
onTouchStart: Z, onTouchEnd: H, onClick: b, dataFields: X, hasCircleAroundIcon: z=!
0, borderWidth: M=3, maxBorderWidth: P=3, innerBorderWidth: R=1, showInnerBorder:
Q=!0, fontWeight: n=500, shouldShowReminder: h, onRemindAnimationFinished: G,
shouldAnimateStateTransition: $=!1, shouldAnimateTextDuringStateTransition: W=!1} =
, k = m.useId()
, A = m.useRef(null)
, F = m.useRef(null)
, K = `actionNowBGGradient-${k}`
, E = `actionNowGradient-${k}`
, g = 204
, N = 60
, J = N / 2 - M
, r = R > 0 ? 1 : 0
, d = 18
, D = 13
, u = N / 2 - d
, _ = g - (P + R + r + D + 2 * d)
, e = Array.isArray(i) ? `url(` : i
, CC = Array.isArray(p) ? `url(` : p
, pC = s && f < t.R.IconCheckGrowing
, {rect: iC, setRef: qC} = B.F()
, {rect: VC, setRef: mC} = B.F()
, {rect: wC, setRef: yC} = B.F()
, [lC,tC] = m.useState(20)
, [BC,TC] = m.useState(_)
, [IC,YC] = m.useState(!1)
, UC = m.useRef(c ? c.reduce(( (C, p) => {
const i = C.replace(/\s+/, "")
, q = p.replace(/\s+/, "");
return i.length > q.length ? C : p
)) : Y);
m.useEffect(( () => {
if (iC && VC && wC) {
const C = iC.width
, p = VC.width
, i = wC.width / g
, q = 12
, V = 15;
if (C <= p - (q + V) * i)
TC(_ - V);
else if (C > p - q * i) {
const i = (p - q) / C;
tC((C => y.A(C * i, 3)))
), [iC, VC, wC]);
const LC = m.useCallback(( (C=1e3) => {
F.current && (F.current.setAttribute("dur", `${C}ms`),
"beginElement"in F.current && F.current.beginElement())
), []);
B.Z3(LC, h ? l.El : null),
B.Z3(( () => null == G ? void 0 : G()), h ? l.pT : null),
m.useEffect(( () => {
h && A.current && F.current && "beginElement"in F.current &&
), [h]),
m.useEffect(( () => {
$ && LC(
), [$]);
let aC = "";
$ && Array.isArray(c) && (aC = c[0]);
const vC = $ ? a : L
, fC = h
, sC = h || $;
return q.jsx("button", {
type: "button",
className: S,
onTouchStart: Z,
onMouseDown: j,
onMouseEnter: o,
onMouseLeave: x,
onTouchEnd: H,
onClick: b,
children: q.jsxs("svg", {
className: V.A(T.buttonSVG, {
[T.shouldAnimateFill]: pC
width: "100%",
height: "100%",
viewBox: `0 0 ${g} ${N}`,
preserveAspectRatio: U[v],
ref: yC,
children: [q.jsxs("defs", {
children: [Array.isArray(i) && q.jsx("linearGradient",
id: E,
children: (C, p) => q.jsx("stop", {
stopColor: C,
offset: `${p / (i.length - 1) * 100}%`
}, C + p.toString())))
}), Array.isArray(p) && q.jsxs("linearGradient", {
id: K,
x1: "0%",
y1: "0%",
x2: "0%",
y2: "100%",
children: [q.jsx("stop", {
style: vC,
offset: "0%",
stopColor: p[0]
}), q.jsx("stop", {
style: vC,
offset: "100%",
stopColor: p[1]
}), q.jsx("filter", {
id: `glowBlur-${k}`,
children: q.jsx("feGaussianBlur", {
in: "SourceGraphic",
stdDeviation: "4"
}), q.jsx("filter", {
id: `lightStripeBlur-${k}`,
children: q.jsx("feGaussianBlur", {
in: "SourceGraphic",
stdDeviation: "6"
}), q.jsx("rect", {
className: T.buttonFill,
rx: J,
ry: J,
width: g - 2 * P,
height: N - 2 * P,
x: P,
y: P,
stroke: e,
strokeWidth: M,
fill: CC
}), q.jsx("clipPath", {
id: `effectsClip-${k}`,
children: q.jsx("rect", {
rx: J - R,
ry: J - R,
width: g - 2 * (M + R + r),
height: N - 2 * (M + R + r),
x: M + R + r,
y: M + R + r
}), fC && q.jsxs(q.Fragment, {
children: [q.jsx("rect", {
id: `glow-${k}`,
filter: `url(`,
rx: J - R,
ry: J - R,
width: g - 2 * (M + R + r),
height: N - 2 * (M + R + r),
x: M + R + r,
y: M + R + r,
stroke: "#69EFCD",
strokeWidth: "0",
fill: "transparent",
clipPath: `url(`
}), q.jsx("animate", {
xlinkHref: `#glow-${k}`,
attributeName: "stroke-width",
values: "0;8;8;0",
dur: "4s",
ref: A
}), sC && q.jsxs(q.Fragment, {
children: [q.jsx("path", {
d: "m 220 1 h 30 l -30 58 h -30 z",
fill: "#fff",
clipPath: `url(`,
filter: `url(`,
opacity: "0.4",
id: `lightStripe-${k}`
}), q.jsx("animate", {
xlinkHref: `#lightStripe-${k}`,
attributeName: "d",
attributeType: "XML",
from: "m 220 1 h 30 l -30 58 h -30 z",
to: "m -5 1 h 30 l -30 58 h -30 z",
dur: "1s",
ref: F
}), Q && R > 0 && q.jsx("rect", {
className: T.buttonInnerBorder,
rx: J - R,
ry: J - R,
width: g - 2 * (M + R + r),
height: N - 2 * (M + R + r),
x: M + R + r,
y: M + R + r,
stroke: "#20201C",
strokeWidth: R
}), z && q.jsx("circle", {
cx: D + d,
cy: u + d,
strokeWidth: 1,
stroke: w,
r: d,
fill: "none"
}), f < t.R.IconCheckGrowing && q.jsx("svg", {
viewBox: `0 0 ${2 * d} ${2 * d}`,
width: 2 * d,
height: 2 * d,
x: D,
y: u,
children: q.jsx("g", {
className: T.iconActionContainer,
fill: w,
children: O
}), f > t.R.IconActionShrinking && q.jsx("svg", {
viewBox: `0 0 ${2 * d} ${2 * d}`,
width: 2 * d,
height: 2 * d,
x: D,
y: u,
children: q.jsx("g", {
className: T.iconCheckContainer,
fill: w,
children: q.jsx("path", {
d: "m24.4,11.7c.3,-.3 .8,-.3
1.2,.0l1.7,1.7c.0,.0 .0,.0 .0,.0c.3,.3 .3,.8 -.0,1.2l-8.6,8.5l-2.3,2.3c-.3,.3
-.8,.3 -1.2,-.0l-2.3,-2.3l-4.2,-4.1c-.3,-.3 -.3,-.9 .0,-1.2l1.7,-1.7c.3,-.3 .8,-.3
}), q.jsxs("svg", {
width: BC,
height: N - 2 * (M + R + r),
x: D + 2 * d,
y: M + R + r,
children: [q.jsx("rect", {
width: "100%",
height: "100%",
fill: "none",
ref: mC
}), W && q.jsx("text", {
ref: qC,
className: T.textFadeOut,
textAnchor: "middle",
fontFamily: "Inter, Arial, sans-serif",
fontSize: lC,
fontWeight: n,
fill: IC ? w : "none",
y: "50%",
x: "50%",
dominantBaseline: "central",
children: IC ? aC : UC.current
}), q.jsx("text", {
ref: qC,
className: W ? T.textFadeIn : "",
textAnchor: "middle",
fontFamily: "Inter, Arial, sans-serif",
fontSize: lC,
fontWeight: n,
fill: IC ? w : "none",
y: "50%",
x: "50%",
dominantBaseline: "central",
children: IC ? Y : UC.current
const f = (C=window.outerWidth) => l.r / (C / window.outerWidth);
function s(C) {
const {isHovered: p=!1, isEnabled: i=!0, isVisible: y=!0,
animationStep: l=0, isDesktop: I=!1, isSafari: U=!1, isStatic: L=!1, isIOS: a=!1,
shouldShowReminder: s=!1, isAutoplayRunning: c=!1, onClick: O, phase: S,
gameDimensions: j, layout: o, dataRole: x, onMouseLeave: Z, onTouchEnd: H,
onMouseEnter: b, onPressed: X, fillColor: z, textColor: M,
actionButtonBorderColors: P, possibleLabels: R, label: Q, refreshReminder: n,
shouldAnimateTextDuringStateTransition: h, shouldAnimateStateTransition: G} = C
, $ = function(C) {
return C.isEnabled ? C.animationStep > 0 ? Y.Accepted : C.phase
=== B.UG.Pressed ? Y.Pressed : C.phase === B.UG.Hovered && C.isDesktop ?
Y.Hovered : Y.Default : Y.Disabled
animationStep: l || t.R.NoAnimation,
phase: S || B.UG.Inactive,
isDesktop: I,
isEnabled: i
, W = I && U
, [k,A] = m.useState(f(null == j ? void 0 : j.containerWidth));
m.useEffect(( () => {
j && A(f(j.containerWidth))
), [j]);
const F = V.A(T.button, {
[T.big]: o === w.FJ.Classic,
[T.autoplayRunning]: c,
[T.enabled]: i && y,
[T.visible]: y,
[T.animatingIconAction]: !a && l === t.R.IconActionShrinking,
[T.animatingIconCheck]: l === t.R.IconCheckGrowing,
[T.pressed]: S === B.UG.Pressed,
[T.disabledAnimations]: L
, K = q.jsx("path", {
className: T.iconAction,
style: {
transformOrigin: W ? `${k}px ${k}px` : void 0
d: "M3 18C3 9.72 9.72 3 18 3c8.28 0 14.985 6.72 14.985 15 0
8.28-6.705 14.985-14.985 14.985S3 26.28 3 18Zm28.71 2.415c.134-.79.224-1.58.225-2.4
0-.805-.076-1.58-.21-2.34l-2.37.765c.075.51.12 1.02.12 1.575 0 .555-.06 1.095-.135
1.635l2.37.765Zm-15.72 8.88c-1.08-.195-2.1-.54-3.06-1.005l-1.47 2.025c1.38.735 2.91
1.23 4.53 1.47v-2.49Zm7.02-.975c-.945.465-1.98.81-3.06.99v2.49a13.828 13.828 0 0 0
4.53-1.455l-1.47-2.025ZM7.575 18.015c0 5.745 4.68 10.425 10.425 10.425 5.745 0
10.425-4.68 10.425-10.425C28.425 12.27 23.745 7.59 18 7.59c-5.745 0-10.425 4.68-
10.425 10.425Zm-3.3-2.415c-.135.78-.225 1.59-.225 2.415V18c0 .81.075 1.59.21
2.355l2.37-.765a10.49 10.49 0 0 1-.12-1.575c0-.57.06-1.11.135-1.65l-
2.37-.765Zm15.72-8.88c1.08.195 2.1.54 3.06 1.005v-.03l1.47-2.025a13.975 13.975 0 0
0-4.53-1.47v2.52Zm-7.02.975c.945-.465 1.98-.81 3.06-.99v-2.49c-1.605.225-3.135.72-
4.53 1.455l1.47 2.025ZM28.14 12.66l2.355-.765h.015a13.93 13.93 0 0 0-2.79-3.855l-
1.47 2.01c.75.78 1.38 1.65 1.89 2.61ZM9.765 10.005 8.31 7.995a13.992 13.992 0 0 0-
2.805 3.84l2.355.765c.51-.945 1.155-1.83 1.905-2.595ZM7.83 23.355l-
2.355.765H5.46a13.93 13.93 0 0 0 2.79 3.855l1.47-2.01c-.75-.78-1.38-1.65-1.89-
2.61Zm18.375 2.655 1.455 2.01a13.992 13.992 0 0 0 2.805-3.84l-2.355-.765c-.51.945-
1.155 1.83-1.905 2.595Zm-2.325-8.535c.21-.555.735-.96 1.365-.96l-.015-.015c.81 0
1.47.66 1.47 1.47 0 .81-.66 1.47-1.47 1.47-.63 0-1.155-.405-1.365-.96l-3.72.3a2.239
2.239 0 0 1-1.365 1.365l-.285 3.705c.57.195.975.735.975 1.365 0 .81-.66 1.47-1.47
1.47-.81 0-1.47-.66-1.47-1.47 0-.63.39-1.155.945-1.365l-.3-3.735a2.273 2.273 0 0 1-
1.32-1.335l-3.72-.285c-.21.555-.735.96-1.365.96-.81 0-1.47-.66-1.47-1.47 0-.81.66-
1.47 1.47-1.47.63 0 1.155.405 1.365.96l3.72-.3a2.273 2.273 0 0 1 1.32-1.335l.285-
3.735a1.49 1.49 0 0 1-.93-1.365c0-.81.66-1.47 1.47-1.47.81 0 1.47.66 1.47 1.47
0 .645-.42 1.185-.99 1.38l.3 3.705a2.34 2.34 0 0 1 1.38 1.365l3.72.285Z"
, E = m.useCallback(( () => {
O && O(B.UG.Hovered)
), [O])
, g = {
"data-role": null != x ? x : "action-button"
return q.jsx(v, {
fillColor: z[$],
pulsateButton: !L && i && !p,
textColor: i ? M : "rgba(255,255,255,0.30)",
showInnerBorder: i,
maxBorderWidth: 3,
borderWidth: i ? 3 : 1,
borderColor: i ? P[0] : P[1],
label: Q,
possibleLabels: R,
animationStep: l,
iconActionPath: K,
className: F,
onMouseDown: I ? X : void 0,
onTouchStart: I ? void 0 : X,
onClick: E,
onMouseEnter: b,
onMouseLeave: Z,
onTouchEnd: H,
onRemindAnimationFinished: n,
dataFields: g,
shouldShowReminder: s,
shouldAnimateStateTransition: G,
shouldAnimateTextDuringStateTransition: h
193632: (C, p, i) => {
i.d(p, {
O5: () => H,
lY: () => o,
q$: () => X
var q, V = i(64922), m = i(377810), w = i(282427), y = i(13799), l =
i(70533), t = i(346160), B = i(843717), T = i(762923), I = i(484152), Y =
i(228314), U = i(751267), L = i(462566), a = i(858765), v = i(843520), f =
i(464050), s = i(769060), c = i(198617), O = i(856464), S = i(199482), j =
function o(C) {
return V.jsx(S.b, {
label: t.Tl("button.spin"),
fillColor: f.KQ,
actionButtonBorderColors: f.Zy,
textColor: "#FFF"
(function(C) {
C["Role"] = "spin-now-button"
)(q || (q = {}));
const x = {
sendSpinNowMessage: a.Fm
, Z = w.Ng((function(C) {
return {
bettingEnabled: v.nX(U.IA(C)),
hasValidBets: Y.j(C),
isDesktop: y.uD(C).IS_DESKTOP
), x)((function(C) {
const {hasValidBets: p, bettingEnabled: i, sendSpinNowMessage: w,
initialButtonState: y, isStatic: l=!1, onMouseEnter: t, onMouseLeave: Y,
onTouchEnd: U, isDesktop: L, layout: a, tooltipComponent: v} = C
, f = O.TE(y)
, c = !p || !f.isVisible || !i || f.animationStep !==
m.useEffect(( () => {
), [i]);
const S = m.useCallback((C => {
t && !p && t(C)
), [f, p])
, j = m.useCallback((C => {
Y && Y(C)
), [f])
, x = m.useCallback((C => {
void 0 !== C && f.setPhase(C),
c ? I.Ak(B.Wo.ClickingFail) : (w(),
), [f, c])
, Z = m.useCallback((C => {
const i = C.changedTouches[0]
, q = document.elementFromPoint(i.clientX, i.clientY);
(null == q ? void 0 : q.isSameNode( ?
!p && U && U(C)) : f.setPhase(O.UG.Inactive)
), [f, p, x])
, H = m.useCallback(( () => {
f.animationStep === s.R.NoAnimation && f.setPhase(O.UG.Pressed)
), [f]);
m.useEffect(( () => {
const C = C => {
T.gN(C) && C.preventDefault()
return window.addEventListener("keyup", C, !0),
() => {
window.removeEventListener("keyup", C, !0)
), []);
const b = i && f.isVisible && p
, X = i && f.isVisible
, z = !!L && f.phase === O.UG.Hovered;
return V.jsxs(V.Fragment, {
children: [V.jsx(o, {
onMouseEnter: S,
onMouseLeave: j,
onTouchEnd: Z,
onClick: x,
onPressed: H,
layout: a,
isAutoplayRunning: !1,
phase: f.phase,
isEnabled: b || f.animationStep !== s.R.NoAnimation,
isHovered: z,
isVisible: X,
isStatic: l,
animationStep: f.animationStep,
shouldShowReminder: !1,
dataRole: q.Role,
isDesktop: L
}), v || null]
, H = L.u(Z)
, b = c.$((function(C) {
const p = j._(C)
, {isRebetEnabled: i} = C;
return V.jsx(S.b, {
label: t.Tl(i ? "button.rebet" : "button.spin"),
possibleLabels: [t.Tl("button.rebet"), t.Tl("button.spin")],
textColor: "#F2E2B8",
actionButtonBorderColors: f.Zy,
fillColor: i ? : f.KQ,
dataRole: q.Role,
, X = l.T(L.u(b), {
enhancers: ["bets", "currency", "orientation"]
198617: (C, p, i) => {
i.d(p, {
$: () => v,
v: () => a
var q = i(282427)
, V = i(13799)
, m = i(55798)
, w = i(228314)
, y = i(263543)
, l = i(205676)
, t = i(263943)
, B = i(858765)
, T = i(53834)
, I = i(751267)
, Y = i(843520);
const U = C => p => {
const i = V.uD(p);
return {
bettingEnabledOrButtonAnimating: Y.nX(I.IA(p)) || I.QJ(p),
hasValidBets: w.j(p),
isMessageSent: C(p),
gameDimensions: V.Ay(p),
buttonReminderCounter: I.rO(p),
isFirstRound: I.jc(p),
isDesktop: i.IS_DESKTOP,
isSafari: i.IS_SAFARI,
isIOS: i.IS_IOS,
isConnectionLost: m.LC(p),
draggedBetSpot: I.UL(p),
, L = {
rebet: y.C9,
incrementButtonReminderCounter: t.O2,
logClientShortcutSpacebarRepeat: l._,
logPlayNowReminded: l.R2
, a = q.Ng(U(I.XI), L)
, v = q.Ng(U(I.Xv), {
sendMessage: B.Fm
856464: (C, p, i) => {
i.d(p, {
F: () => L,
TE: () => Y,
UG: () => q,
Z3: () => l,
Z_: () => I,
pl: () => U
var q, V, m = i(377810), w = i(464050), y = i(769060);
function l(C, p) {
const i = m.useRef(C);
m.useEffect(( () => {
i.current = C
), [C]),
m.useEffect(( () => {
if (null !== p) {
const C = window.setTimeout((function() {
), p);
return () => {
), [p])
function t(C, p) {
switch (p.type) {
case V.ShrinkIcon:
return {
animationStep: y.R.IconActionShrinking,
case V.GrowIcon:
return {
animationStep: y.R.IconCheckGrowing,
animationStep1Duration: null,
case V.FadeButtonOut:
return {
isVisible: !1,
animationStep: y.R.AnimationsFinished,
animationStep2Duration: null,
animationStateToResetDelay: w.K9
case V.ResetButton:
return {
phase: q.Inactive,
animationStep: y.R.NoAnimation,
animationStateToResetDelay: null
case V.SetVisible:
return {
isVisible: p.payload
case V.SetPhase:
return {
phase: p.payload
(function(C) {
C[C["Inactive"] = 0] = "Inactive",
C[C["Hovered"] = 1] = "Hovered",
C[C["Pressed"] = 2] = "Pressed",
C[C["InTransitionBetweenActiveStates"] = 3] =
C[C["InTransitionBetweenInactiveAndActive"] = 4] =
)(q || (q = {})),
function(C) {
C["ShrinkIcon"] = "ShrinkIcon",
C["GrowIcon"] = "GrowIcon",
C["FadeButtonOut"] = "FadeButtonOut",
C["ResetButton"] = "ResetButton",
C["SetVisible"] = "SetVisible",
C["SetPhase"] = "SetPhase"
}(V || (V = {}));
const B = {
isVisible: !0,
phase: q.Inactive,
animationStep: y.R.NoAnimation,
animationStep1Duration: null,
animationStep2Duration: null,
animationStateToResetDelay: null
let T;
function I() {
T = void 0
function Y(C) {
const [p,i] = function(C={}) {
const [p,i] = m.useReducer(t, T || {
return m.useEffect(( () => {
T = p
), [p]),
[p, i]
, q = m.useCallback(( () => {
type: V.GrowIcon
), [i])
, w = m.useCallback(( () => {
type: V.FadeButtonOut
), [i])
, y = m.useCallback(( () => {
type: V.ResetButton
), [i]);
return l(q, p.animationStep1Duration),
l(w, p.animationStep2Duration),
l(y, p.animationStateToResetDelay),
isVisible: p.isVisible,
phase: p.phase,
animationStep: p.animationStep,
launchClickAnimation: () => {
type: V.ShrinkIcon
launchButtonTransitionAnimation: C => {
type: V.SetPhase,
payload: C
setPhase: C => {
type: V.SetPhase,
payload: C
setIsVisible: C => {
type: V.SetVisible,
payload: C
function U(C, p, i, q=!1) {
const [V,w] = m.useState(C)
, y = m.useRef(q)
, t = !y.current && i;
return q && (y.current = q),
m.useEffect(( () => {
t || w(C)
), [C, t]),
l(( () => {
), t ? p : null),
t ? V : C
function L() {
const [C,p] = m.useState(null)
, i = m.useRef(0)
, q = m.useCallback((C => {
if (C) {
const V = C.getBoundingClientRect();
0 === V.width && i.current < 3 ? (i.current++,
window.setTimeout(( () => {
), 0)) : p(V)
), []);
return {
rect: C,
setRef: q
854663: (C, p, i) => {
i.d(p, {
_: () => I
var q = i(377810)
, V = i(901577)
, m = i(762923)
, w = i(670723)
, y = i(843717)
, l = i(484152)
, t = i(464050)
, B = i(769060)
, T = i(856464);
function I(C) {
var p, i;
const {hasValidBets: I, bettingEnabledOrButtonAnimating: Y,
isRebetEnabled: U, sendMessage: L, rebet: a, initialButtonState: v,
buttonReminderCounter: f=0, incrementButtonReminderCounter: s, isFirstRound: c=!1,
isConnectionLost: O=!1, draggedBetSpot: S, totalBet: j, isStatic: o,
logPlayNowReminded: x} = C
, Z = T.TE(v)
, H = V.O()
, b = I && c && !U
, X =!O, t.CF, !O)
, z =, t.Sg, b, U)
, M = X && (U || z && Y);
q.useEffect(( () => {
!M || U || o ? M || U || o || Z.setPhase(T.UG.Inactive) :
), [M, U, o]);
const P = !!C.isDesktop && Z.phase === T.UG.Hovered
, R = function(C, p, i, V, m, w, y) {
const [l,B] = q.useState(0)
, [T,I] = q.useState(!1)
, [Y,U] = q.useState(;
q.useEffect(( () => {
if (I(!1),
m < t.Hq && V > 0 && !C && !p && i) {
const C = window.setTimeout(( () => {
), Y);
return () => {
), [V, C, p, Y, l, i, w]),
q.useEffect(( () => {
T && y()
), [T]);
const L = q.useCallback(( () => {
B((C => C + 1))
), []);
return {
shouldShowReminder: T,
refreshReminder: L
}(P, U, Y, j, f, S, x);
q.useEffect(( () => {
Z.isVisible || Y || Z.setIsVisible(!0)
), [Y, Z.isVisible]);
const Q = q.useRef(C.isMessageSent);
q.useEffect(( () => {
C.isMessageSent && !Q.current && Z.launchClickAnimation(),
Q.current = C.isMessageSent
), [C.isMessageSent]);
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var i, q;
(null === (i = H.autoplay) || void 0 === i ? void 0 :
i.isRunning.value) || (void 0 !== p && Z.setPhase(p),
(z || U) && Z.isVisible && Y && Z.animationStep ===
B.R.NoAnimation ? U ? (l.Ak(y.Wo.RepeatDouble),
null === (q = C.onClick) || void 0 === q || : (f <
t.Hq && s(),
L(t.v5)) : Y && Z.isVisible && l.Ak(y.Wo.ClickingFail))
), [Z, Y, z, U, f])
, h = q.useCallback(( () => {
Z.animationStep === B.R.NoAnimation && Z.setPhase(T.UG.Pressed)
), [Z])
, G = q.useCallback((p => {
I || U || !C.onMouseEnter || C.onMouseEnter(p)
), [Z, I, U])
, $ = q.useCallback((p => {
Z.phase !== T.UG.InTransitionBetweenActiveStates &&
C.onMouseLeave && C.onMouseLeave(p)
), [Z])
, W = q.useCallback((p => {
const i = p.changedTouches[0]
, q = document.elementFromPoint(i.clientX, i.clientY);
(null == q ? void 0 : q.isSameNode( ?
z || U || !C.onTouchEnd || C.onTouchEnd(p)) :
), [Z, z, U, n]);
return q.useEffect(( () => {
const p = p => {
m.gN(p) && U && X && ?
n()) : m.gN(p) && p.preventDefault()
return window.addEventListener("keyup", p, !0),
() => {
window.removeEventListener("keyup", p, !0)
), [U, n, X]),
onClick: n,
onPressed: h,
onMouseEnter: G,
onMouseLeave: $,
onTouchEnd: W,
isAutoplayRunning: null !== (i = null === (p = H.autoplay) ||
void 0 === p ? void 0 : p.isRunning.value) && void 0 !== i && i,
phase: Z.phase,
isEnabled: M,
isHovered: P,
isVisible: Z.isVisible && Y,
animationStep: Z.animationStep,
refreshReminder: R.refreshReminder,
shouldShowReminder: R.shouldShowReminder,
shouldAnimateStateTransition: new
shouldAnimateTextDuringStateTransition: Z.phase ===
899774: (C, p, i) => {
i.d(p, {
$M: () => S,
NW: () => j,
T5: () => o
var q = i(64922)
, V = i(699695)
, m = (i(377810),
, w = i(13799)
, y = i(346160)
, l = i(500704)
, t = i(53834)
, B = i(751267)
, T = i(289138)
, I = i(193632);
const Y = "immersive2LayoutContainer--12fc2"
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const {isAvailable: p, isMobile: i=!1, isPhoneV2Layout: m=!1,
isPortrait: w=!0, layout: y, isTablet: t, footerCollapsed: B, children: T} = C;
return p ? q.jsx("div", {
className: V.A({
[L]: !i && y === l.FJ.Classic,
[Y]: y === l.FJ.ImmersiveV2,
[U]: B,
[a]: i && w,
[v]: w && m,
[f]: i && !w,
[s]: t
children: T
}) : null
function O(C) {
return p => {
const i = w.DB(p);
return {
isAvailable: C(p),
footerCollapsed: t.qH(p),
tableBetMinLimit: i.getTableBetMinLimit(),
isTablet: i.DeviceSupport.IS_TABLET
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const {tableBetMinLimit: p, layout: i} = C
, V = y.Tl("tooltip.minBetIs", {
amount: p
return q.jsx(c, {
children: q.jsx(T.qK, {
layout: i,
tooltipLabel: V
, j = m.Ng(O(B.GM))((C => {
const {tableBetMinLimit: p, layout: i} = C
, V = y.Tl("tooltip.minBetIs", {
amount: p
return q.jsx(c, {
children: q.jsx(I.O5, {
tooltipLabel: V,
layout: i
, o = m.Ng(O(B.GM))((C => {
const {tableBetMinLimit: p, layout: i} = C
, V = y.Tl("tooltip.minBetIs", {
amount: p
return q.jsx(c, {
children: q.jsx(I.q$, {
tooltipLabel: V,
layout: i
759152: (C, p, i) => {
i.d(p, {
m: () => SC
var q = i(64922)
, V = i(377810)
, m = i(282427)
, w = i(13799)
, y = i(923968)
, l = i(60199)
, t = i(361494)
, B = i(587698)
, T = i(346160)
, I = i(486717)
, Y = i(545401)
, U = i(218389)
, L = i(821023)
, a = i(119771)
, v = i(843520)
, f = i(699695)
, s = i(837557)
, c = i(653677)
, O = i(671860)
, S = i(509407)
, j = i(808432)
, o = i(525019);
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function H(C, p, i, V) {
return q.jsx("use", {
xlinkHref: C,
x: p,
y: i,
height: V
const b = V.memo(( ({rank: C, suit: p}) => {
let i;
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case "2":
case "6":
i = "36";
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case "9":
i = "35";
case "4":
i = "34";
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case "J":
i = "38";
case "7":
i = "40";
case "8":
i = "39";
case "10":
i = "0";
case "Q":
case "A":
i = "19";
i = "17"
const V = [j.KY.D, j.KY.H].includes(p) ? x : Z
, m = H(`#rank-${C}`, i, "10", "86")
, w = H(`#suit-${j.KY[p]}`, "100", "0", "106");
return q.jsxs("svg", {
xmlns: "",
viewBox: "0 0 184 106",
preserveAspectRatio: "xMidYMid meet",
className: V,
children: [m, w]
b.displayName = "RankAndSuit";
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, u = V.memo((C => {
const {betKey: p, betTitle: i, min: m, max: w, payout: y,
isIndented: l=!1, areLimitsInlined: t, cards: I, middleComponent: Y,
hasBottomBorder: U=!0, isMobile: L=!1, currencySymbol: a="", fixedColumnWidths: v=!
0, showPayouts: o=!0, isSectionHeader: x=!1, hasSectionPadding: Z=!1, disabled: H=!
1, legacyMenuMode: u} = C
, _ = l && Z
, e = f.A({
[X]: !_ && (l || Z),
[z]: _
, CC = void 0 === i && p ? q.jsx(c.q, {
className: e,
"data-role": "title",
children: p
}) : q.jsx("span", {
"data-role": "title",
className: e,
children: null != i ? i : String.fromCharCode(8203)
, pC = V.useMemo(( () => {
if (m && w)
return S.Q({
lowerLimit: m,
upperLimit: w,
currencySymbol: a
const C = null != m ? m : w;
return C ? B.ej(C, {
currencySymbol: a
}) : void 0
), [m, w, a])
, iC = V.useMemo(( () => null == I ? void 0 : (C, p) =>
function(C, p) {
const i = C.slice(0, -1);
let V = null;
switch (C.slice(-1)) {
case "C":
V = j.KY.C;
case "D":
V = j.KY.D;
case "H":
V = j.KY.H;
case "S":
V = j.KY.S
return "|" === C ? q.jsx("span", {
className: G,
children: C
}) : i && null !== V ? q.jsx(b, {
rank: i,
suit: V
}, p) : null
}(C, p)))), [I])
, qC = !!(i || p || pC || iC || Y || y);
return q.jsxs("tr", {
"data-role": `bet-limits_${p}`,
className: f.A({
[A]: L,
[$]: H,
[E]: qC,
[J]: U,
[N]: v,
[d]: s.DS.HAS_NOTCH,
children: [q.jsx("td", {
className: f.A(P, {
[M]: !l && !L,
[W]: t,
[K]: x
colSpan: t ? 2 : 1,
children: q.jsxs("div", {
className: F,
children: [CC, t && !!pC && q.jsxs("span", {
className: R,
"data-min": m,
"data-max": w,
"data-role": "limits",
children: [, pC]
}), !t && q.jsx("td", {
className: g,
children: q.jsx("div", {
className: F,
children: iC ? q.jsxs("div", {
"data-role": "ranks-and-suits",
className: f.A(n, {
[h]: L
children: [...iC]
}) : Y || !t && q.jsx("div", {
"data-role": "min-max",
className: R,
"data-min": m,
"data-max": w,
children: pC
}), o && q.jsx("td", {
className: f.A(Q, {
[W]: t
children: q.jsx("div", {
className: f.A(F, {
[D]: u,
[k]: T.sU()
"data-role": "payout",
children: y
u.displayName = "BetLimitsAndPayoutsRow";
const _ = "footerContentWrapper--24329"
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, CC = V.memo(( ({children: C, isMobile: p}) => q.jsx("tr", {
"data-role": "bet-limits-footer",
children: q.jsx("td", {
colSpan: 3,
className: f.A(_, {
[e]: p
children: C
CC.displayName = "BetLimitsAndPayoutsFooter";
var pC = i(413327);
const iC = ({settings: C, isMobile: p}) => {
const i = y.V((C => C.currencySymbol));
return q.jsxs("tbody", {
children: [q.jsx(u, {
isSectionHeader: !0,
isMobile: p,
betTitle: T.Tl("limitPlate.bothBalls")
}), q.jsx(u, {
isMobile: p,
betKey: "betLimits.selectedTwoNumber_uppercase",
min: C.minSelectedTwoNumberBet(),
max: C.maxSelectedTwoNumberBet(),
payout: `${B.ej(1300)}:1`,
currencySymbol: i,
hasSectionPadding: !0
}), q.jsx(u, {
isMobile: p,
betKey: "betLimits.anyTwoNumber_uppercase",
min: C.minAnyTwoNumberBet(),
max: C.maxAnyTwoNumberBet(),
payout: "35:1",
currencySymbol: i,
hasSectionPadding: !0
}), q.jsx(u, {
isMobile: p,
betKey: "column_uppercase",
min: C.minColumnBet(),
max: C.maxColumnBet(),
payout: "8:1",
currencySymbol: i,
hasSectionPadding: !0
}), q.jsx(u, {
isMobile: p,
betKey: "dozen_uppercase",
min: C.minDozenBet(),
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payout: "8:1",
currencySymbol: i,
hasSectionPadding: !0
}), q.jsx(u, {
isMobile: p,
betKey: "even_uppercase",
min: C.minEvenBet(),
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payout: "3:1",
currencySymbol: i,
hasSectionPadding: !0
}), q.jsx(u, {
isMobile: p,
betKey: "odd_uppercase",
min: C.minOddBet(),
max: C.maxOddBet(),
payout: "3:1",
currencySymbol: i,
hasSectionPadding: !0
}), q.jsx(u, {
isMobile: p,
betKey: "red_uppercase",
min: C.minRedRedBet(),
max: C.maxRedRedBet(),
payout: "3:1",
currencySymbol: i,
hasSectionPadding: !0
}), q.jsx(u, {
isMobile: p,
betKey: "black_uppercase",
min: C.minBlackBlackBet(),
max: C.maxBlackBlackBet(),
payout: "3:1",
currencySymbol: i,
hasSectionPadding: !0
}), q.jsx(u, {
isMobile: p,
betKey: "low_uppercase",
min: C.minLowBet(),
max: C.maxLowBet(),
payout: "3:1",
currencySymbol: i,
hasSectionPadding: !0
}), q.jsx(u, {
isMobile: p,
betKey: "high_uppercase",
min: C.minHighBet(),
max: C.maxHighBet(),
payout: "3:1",
currencySymbol: i,
hasSectionPadding: !0
}), q.jsx(u, {
isMobile: p,
betKey: "betLimits.redBlack_uppercase",
min: C.minRedBlackBet(),
max: C.maxRedBlackBet(),
payout: "1:1",
currencySymbol: i,
hasSectionPadding: !0
}), q.jsx(u, {}), q.jsx(u, {
isSectionHeader: !0,
isMobile: p,
betTitle: T.Tl("limitPlate.oneBall")
}), q.jsx(u, {
isMobile: p,
betKey: "straight_up_uppercase",
min: C.minStraightBet(),
max: C.maxStraightBet(),
payout: "17:1",
currencySymbol: i,
hasSectionPadding: !0
}), q.jsx(u, {
isMobile: p,
betKey: "split_bet_uppercase",
min: C.minSplitBet(),
max: C.maxSplitBet(),
payout: "8:1",
currencySymbol: i,
hasSectionPadding: !0
}), q.jsx(u, {
isMobile: p,
betKey: "trio_uppercase",
min: C.minTrioBet(),
max: C.maxTrioBet(),
payout: "5:1",
currencySymbol: i,
hasSectionPadding: !0
}), q.jsx(u, {
isMobile: p,
betKey: "corner_uppercase",
min: C.minCornerBet(),
max: C.maxCornerBet(),
payout: `${B.ej(3.5, {
padWithZeros: "never"
currencySymbol: i,
hasSectionPadding: !0
}), q.jsx(u, {
isMobile: p,
betKey: "six_number_uppercase",
min: C.minSixNumberBet(),
max: C.maxSixNumberBet(),
payout: "2:1",
currencySymbol: i,
hasSectionPadding: !0
, qC = i.p + "images/rdrkey.74d219bc.webp"
, VC = {
rowWithIconWrapper: "rowWithIconWrapper--16a94",
icon: "icon--fe452"
, mC = ({settings: C, isMobile: p, isBetSplittingEnabled: i,
payoutLimit: m, straightUpPayoutOverride: w}) => {
const l = y.V((C => C.currencySymbol))
, U = C.getRouletteGameType();
if (U === I.vS.DBR)
return q.jsx(iC, {
settings: C,
isMobile: p
const L = function(C, p, i, q) {
const V = function(C, p, i) {
const q = Math.max(C.minRedBet(), C.minBlackBet())
, V = Math.max(C.maxRedBet(), C.maxBlackBet())
, m = Math.max(C.minOddBet(), C.minEvenBet())
, w = Math.max(C.maxOddBet(), C.maxEvenBet())
, y = Math.max(C.minLowBet(), C.minHighBet())
, l = Math.max(C.maxLowBet(), C.maxHighBet());
return {
straightUp: YC(C, p, i),
splitBet: {
betKey: "split_bet_uppercase",
min: C.minSplitBet(),
max: C.maxSplitBet(),
payout: "17:1"
trio: {
betKey: "trio_uppercase",
min: C.minTrioBet(),
max: C.maxTrioBet(),
payout: "11:1"
corner: {
betKey: "corner_uppercase",
min: C.minCornerBet(),
max: C.maxCornerBet(),
payout: "8:1"
fiveNumber: {
betKey: "five_number_uppercase",
min: C.minFiveNumberBet(),
max: C.maxFiveNumberBet(),
payout: "6:1"
sixNumber: {
betKey: "six_number_uppercase",
min: C.minSixNumberBet(),
max: C.maxSixNumberBet(),
payout: "5:1"
column: {
betKey: "column_uppercase",
min: C.minColumnBet(),
max: C.maxColumnBet(),
payout: "2:1"
dozen: {
betKey: "dozen_uppercase",
min: C.minDozenBet(),
max: C.maxDozenBet(),
payout: "2:1"
redOrBlack: {
betTitle: `${T.Tl("red_uppercase")} / $
betKey: "red-black",
min: q,
max: V,
payout: "1:1"
evenOrOdd: {
betKey: "even-odd",
betTitle: C.frenchRules() ? `$
{T.Tl("evenFrench_uppercase")} / ${T.Tl("oddFrench_uppercase")}` : `$
{T.Tl("even_uppercase")} / ${T.Tl("odd_uppercase")}`,
min: m,
max: w,
payout: "1:1"
frenchRules: {
betTitle: C.frenchRules() ? `$
{T.Tl("lowFrench_uppercase")} / ${T.Tl("highFrench_uppercase")}` : `$
{T.Tl("low_uppercase")} / ${T.Tl("high_uppercase")}`,
betKey: "low-high",
min: y,
max: l,
payout: "1:1"
emptyRow: {},
tableLimits: {
betTitle: T.Tl("tableLimits_uppercase"),
betKey: "table-limits",
min: C.getTableBetMinLimit(),
max: C.getTableBetMaxLimit()
}(C, i, q)
, m = Y.H9(C) === I.F7.DZR
, w = C.displayTableLimit() && !!C.isTableBetMinLimitSet() &&
, y = !p && w;
return [V.straightUp, V.splitBet, V.trio, V.corner, m ?
V.fiveNumber : null, V.sixNumber, V.column, V.dozen, V.redOrBlack, V.evenOrOdd,
V.frenchRules, ...y ? [V.emptyRow, V.tableLimits] : []].filter((C => null !== C))
}(C, p, i, w)
, a = B.ej(null != m ? m : 0, {
currencySymbol: l
return q.jsxs("tbody", {
children: [ (C, i) => {
const q = t.A(C, "betSpotType");
return q.isMobile = p,
q.currencySymbol = l,
V.createElement(u, {
key: q.betKey || `index_${i}`
)), C.frenchRules() && q.jsx(CC, {
isMobile: p,
children: q.jsx("p", {
children: T.Tl("betLimits.laPartageRule")
}), C.completeFrench() && q.jsx(CC, {
isMobile: p,
children: q.jsx("p", {
children: T.Tl("betLimits.completeLaPartageRule")
}), C.isXLRoulette() && q.jsx(CC, {
isMobile: p,
children: q.jsx("p", {
children: T.Tl("", {
amount: B.ej(null != m ? m : 0, {
currencySymbol: l
}), U === I.vS.RedDoorRoulette && q.jsx(CC, {
isMobile: p,
children: q.jsx("p", {
children: `${T.Tl("limitPlate.payoutLimit")} ${a}`
function wC(C) {
const p = w.DB(C);
return p.isXLRoulette() ? p.getPayoutLimit() :
I.YR(p.getRouletteGameType()) ? a.L(C) : void 0
function yC(C) {
const p = L.wv(C)
, i = L.w9(C);
if (!p || !i)
const {straightUpPayout: q} = p;
return pC.Q(q.min, `${q.max}:1`)
const lC = C => ({
isBetSplittingEnabled: Boolean(U.TG(C,
settings: w.DB(C),
payoutLimit: wC(C),
straightUpPayoutOverride: yC(C)
, tC = m.Ng(lC)(mC)
, BC = 18;
function TC(C) {
switch (C.getRouletteGameType()) {
case I.vS.AmericanLightning:
return C.isNewAmericanLR() ? pC.Q("29", "999:1") : pC.Q("29",
case I.vS.Lightning:
return pC.Q("29", "499:1");
case I.vS.XXXtremeLightning:
return pC.Q("19", "1999:1");
case I.vS.GoldVault:
return pC.Q("24", "499:1");
case I.vS.AmericanRedDoorRoulette:
return pC.Q("19", "15999:1");
case I.vS.RedDoorRoulette:
return pC.Q("19", "3999:1");
return "35:1"
function IC() {
return q.jsxs("div", {
className: VC.rowWithIconWrapper,
children: [q.jsx("img", {
className: VC.icon,
src: qC,
alt: ""
}), " ", T.Tl("straight_up_uppercase")]
function YC(C, p, i) {
const V = p ? Math.min(...v.Rw(C.minStraightBet(), BC)) :
return {
betSpotType: "straight",
betTitle: I.YR(C.getRouletteGameType()) ? q.jsx(IC, {}) : void
betKey: "straight_up_uppercase",
min: V,
max: C.maxStraightBet(),
payout: null != i ? i : TC(C)
var UC = i(353096)
, LC = i(25581)
, aC = i(897899)
, vC = i(744327);
const fC = ({betMinLimit: C, betMaxLimit: p, currencySymbol: i,
tableMinLimit: m, tableMaxLimit: w, tableName: y, tBodyComponent: l, preSection: t,
areLimitsInlined: B=!1, hideTitle: I=!1, isTablet: Y=!1, showPayouts: U,
legacyMenuMode: L}) => {
const a = V.useContext(
, v = V.useMemo(( () => S.Q({
lowerLimit: C,
upperLimit: p,
currencySymbol: i
})), [C, p, i])
, s = V.useMemo(( () => {
if (w && m)
return S.Q({
lowerLimit: m,
upperLimit: w,
currencySymbol: i
), [m, w, i]);
return q.jsxs(q.Fragment, {
children: [q.jsx(LC.y, {
className: vC.A.container,
useMobileScrollable: !0,
dataRole: L ? void 0 : "drawer-scrollable",
hasContentFadeOut: !L,
refCallback: null == a ? void 0 : a.assignScrollable,
children: q.jsxs("div", {
className: vC.A.scrollContainer,
children: [!I && q.jsxs("div", {
className: f.A(vC.A.tableInfo, {
[vC.A.tablet]: Y
children: [q.jsxs("div", {
children: [`${T.Tl("table")}: `, q.jsx("span",
className: vC.A.tableName,
children: y
}), q.jsxs("div", {
children: [q.jsx("span", {
children: T.Tl("betlimits3")
}), " ", q.jsx("span", {
className: vC.A.limits,
children: v
}), !!s && q.jsxs("div", {
"data-role": "table-limits",
children: [q.jsx("span", {
children: T.Tl("tableLimits3")
}), " ", q.jsx("span", {
className: vC.A.limits,
children: s
}), t, q.jsxs("table", {
className: vC.A.table,
children: [q.jsx(aC.V, {
isMobile: !0,
areLimitsInlined: B,
showPayouts: U,
legacyMenuMode: L
}), l]
}), L && q.jsx("div", {
className: f.A(vC.A.shadow, {
[vC.A.tablet]: Y
fC.displayName = "MobileBetLimitsAndPayoutsTable";
const sC = C => {
const {settings: p, isBetSplittingEnabled: i, payoutLimit: V,
straightUpPayoutOverride: m} = C
, w = y.V((C => C.currencySymbol))
, t = p.DeviceSupport
, B = p.displayTableLimit() && p.isTableBetMinLimitSet() &&
return q.jsx(fC, {
tableName: p.getTableName(),
currencySymbol: w,
betMinLimit: l.OZ(),
betMaxLimit: l.Cm(),
tableMinLimit: B ? p.getTableBetMinLimit() : void 0,
tableMaxLimit: B ? p.getTableBetMaxLimit() : void 0,
tBodyComponent: q.jsx(mC, {
settings: p,
isMobile: !0,
isBetSplittingEnabled: i,
payoutLimit: V,
straightUpPayoutOverride: m
isTablet: t.IS_TABLET
function cC(C) {
return {
settings: w.DB(C),
isBetSplittingEnabled: Boolean(U.TG(C,
payoutLimit: wC(C),
straightUpPayoutOverride: yC(C)
const OC = m.Ng(cC)(sC)
, SC = m.Ng((C => ({
isDesktop: w.uD(C).IS_DESKTOP
})))(( ({isDesktop: C}) => C ? q.jsx(tC, {
isMobile: !1
}) : q.jsx(OC, {})))
656666: (C, p, i) => {
i.d(p, {
jj: () => T
var q = i(282427)
, V = i(13799)
, m = i(367823)
, w = i(707790)
, y = i(260390)
, l = i(751267)
, t = i(866378);
const B = {
, T = q.Ng((function(C) {
const p = w.W(C, "betSpotId")
, i =
, q = V.V6(C);
return {
items: p,
layout: i,
orientation: q,
splitPoint: t.m(i, q, p.length)
), B)(m.uL)
866378: (C, p, i) => {
i.d(p, {
$: () => l,
m: () => T
var q = i(765198)
, V = i(436794)
, m = i(939347);
function w(C, p) {
return "00" === C.betSpotId && "0" === p.betSpotId ? 1 : "0" ===
C.betSpotId && "00" === p.betSpotId ? -1 : Number(C.betSpotId) -
function y(C, p) {
const i = p.multiplier - C.multiplier;
return 0 === i ? -w(C, p) : i
function l({numbers: C, chains: p, splits: i, sortBy: V}, m) {
var l;
const t = new Set(q.A(Array.from(null !== (l = null == p ? void 0 :
p.values()) && void 0 !== l ? l : [])));
return Array.from(C.entries()).map(( ([C,p]) => {
var q;
const V = null == i ? void 0 : i.get(C)
, w = V ? V[0] + V[1] : p;
let y = "base";
return t.has(C) && (y = "chain"),
V && (y = "double"),
type: y,
betSpotId: C,
multiplier: w,
chipAmount: null !== (q = m.get(C)) && void 0 !== q ? q : 0
)).sort("multiplier" === V ? y : w)
const t = {
[V.t.Landscape]: {
1: 0,
2: 0,
3: 0,
4: 3,
5: 3,
6: 3,
7: 4,
8: 4,
9: 5,
10: 5
[V.t.Portrait]: {
1: 0,
2: 0,
3: 0,
4: 0,
5: 0,
6: 3,
7: 3,
8: 4,
9: 4,
10: 5
, B = {
1: 0,
2: 0,
3: 0,
4: 0,
5: 0,
6: 0,
7: 3,
8: 4,
9: 4,
10: 5
function T(C, p, i) {
return 0 === i || !1 == ((q = i) > 0 || q <= 10) ? 0 : m.VC(C) ?
t[p][i] : B[i];
var q
422551: (C, p, i) => {
i.d(p, {
h: () => w
var q = i(282427)
, V = i(733381)
, m = i(751267);
const w = q.Ng((function(C) {
return {
statisticsBranding: m.of(C).statistics
476037: (C, p, i) => {
i.d(p, {
jH: () => o,
Xg: () => Z
var q = i(64922)
, V = i(699695)
, m = i(163456)
, w = i(377810)
, y = i(282427)
, l = i(13799)
, t = i(185214)
, B = i(436794)
, T = i(764522)
, I = i(843717)
, Y = i(304642)
, U = i(500704)
, L = i(903622)
, a = i(939347)
, v = i(205676)
, f = i(751267)
, s = i(218389);
const c = {
neighborsNumberPicker: "neighborsNumberPicker--21bcc",
red: "red--6de45",
serif: "serif--4ff47",
hitArea: "hitArea--61fa5",
plus: "plus--62210",
minus: "minus--4d462",
inactive: "inactive--caea6",
"plus-sign": "plus-sign--8e91d",
"minus-sign": "minus-sign--e1c59",
classic: "classic--fa0d6",
classicLayout: "classicLayout--de62e",
mobile: "mobile--e5da9",
tabletLayout: "tabletLayout--52375",
immersive2: "immersive2--b2354",
number: "number--6c873",
slingshot: "slingshot--868e7",
french: "french--d2134",
frenchnetgaming: "frenchnetgaming--23bf3",
bclc: "bclc--9b416",
blue: "blue--be6c9",
tan: "tan--3f300",
bucharest: "bucharest--638e6",
murcia: "murcia--8148a",
lottomatica: "lottomatica--9f65b"
, O = 9;
class S extends w.Component {
constructor(C) {
this.onPlusEnter =
this.onNumberEnter =
this.onMinusEnter =
this.removeTooltip = () => {
const {removeAllAbsTooltips: C} = this.props;
this.showTooltip = C => {
const {addAbsTooltip: p} = this.props;
this.onMouseLeave = () => {
this.changeNeighboursNumber = C => {
const {setNeighboursNumber: p, clientSelectNeighborCount:
i} = this.props;
, = C => {
const {neighbours: p} = this.props;
p < O && (this.changeNeighboursNumber(p + 1),{
src: I.Wo.ClickUIButton
this.dec = C => {
const {neighbours: p} = this.props;
p > 0 && (this.changeNeighboursNumber(p - 1),{
src: I.Wo.ClickUIButton
this.tooltipSupport = new
shouldComponentUpdate(C) {
const {orientation: p, neighbours: i, gridAnimationState: q} =
return C.orientation !== p || C.neighbours !== i ||
C.gridAnimationState !== q
render() {
const {orientation: C, neighbours: p, racetrackStyle: i,
layout: w, standardGridStyleType: y} = this.props
, l = function({button_color: C}) {
if (C)
return {
stroke: C,
fill: C
, t = function({label_color: C}) {
if (C)
return {
fill: C
, T = a.VC(w)
, I = "serif" ===
, Y = V.A(c.neighborsNumberPicker, m.A(c, y), {
[c.classicLayout]: w === U.FJ.Classic,
[c.immersive2]: w === U.FJ.ImmersiveV2,
[c.slingshot]: a.Ei(w) || a.s3(w),
[]: T,
[c.serif]: I,
[c.tabletLayout]: [U.FJ.Tablet, U.FJ.TabletImmersive,
, L = V.A(, {
[c.inactive]: p >= O
, v = V.A(c.minus, {
[c.inactive]: p <= 0
, f = p < O ? "inc" : "inc-inactive"
, s = p > 0 ? "dec" : "dec-inactive";
let S = {
onMouseEnter: this.onPlusEnter,
onMouseLeave: this.onMouseLeave
, j = {
onClick: this.dec,
onMouseEnter: this.onMinusEnter,
onMouseLeave: this.onMouseLeave
, o = {
onMouseEnter: this.onNumberEnter,
onMouseLeave: this.onMouseLeave
return T && (S = {
j = {
onTouchEnd: this.dec
o = {}),
a.Ei(w) || a.s3(w) ? q.jsx("div", {
className: Y,
"data-role": "neighbours-number-picker",
children: q.jsx("svg", {
viewBox: "0 0 103.53 57.38",
children: q.jsxs("g", {
children: [q.jsx("path", {
style: l,
className: v,
"data-role": s,
21.92,4.96C0.35,20.69-1.48,13.24,3.43,7.22 C8.37,1.15,18.27-1.15,25.49,2.12z"
}), q.jsx("polygon", {
style: l,
className: c["minus-sign"],
points: "24.27,15.04 10.57,8.86 8.69,10.99
22.37,17.17 "
}), q.jsx("text", {
style: t,
transform: "matrix(0.947 0.412 -0.6441 0.765
38.4503 31.4047)",
className: c.number,
children: p
}), q.jsx("path", {
style: l,
className: L,
"data-role": f,
"M96.32,33.96c7.17,3.24,8.66,10.67,3.36,16.54c-5.26,5.83-15.22,7.94-22.3,4.74 c-
}), q.jsx("polygon", {
style: l,
className: c["plus-sign"],
points: "90.38,38.25 86.5,42.96 80.91,40.43
79.12,42.62 84.7,45.14 80.85,49.8 83.43,50.97 87.29,46.31 92.87,48.83 94.68,46.65
89.1,44.13 92.99,39.43 "
}) : T && C === B.t.Landscape ? q.jsx("div", {
className: Y,
"data-role": "neighbours-number-picker",
children: q.jsxs("svg", {
viewBox: "0 0 74.5 20.5",
children: [q.jsxs("svg", {
x: "18.625",
y: "5.125",
viewBox: "0 0 74.5 20.5",
width: "37.25",
height: "10.25",
children: [q.jsx("circle", {
style: l,
className: v,
"data-role": s,
cx: "13.5",
cy: "10",
r: "8.5"
}), q.jsx("rect", {
style: l,
className: c["minus-sign"],
x: "9.1",
y: "9.1",
width: "9.1",
height: "1.7"
}), q.jsx("text", {
style: t,
className: c.number,
transform: "matrix(1 0 0 1 32 17)",
children: p
}), q.jsx("circle", {
style: l,
className: L,
"data-role": f,
cx: "59.7",
cy: "10",
r: "8.5"
}), q.jsx("polygon", {
style: l,
className: c["plus-sign"],
points: "11.2,12.8 11.2,9.1 9.5,9.1 9.5,12.8
5.8,12.8 5.8,14.5 9.5,14.5 9.5,18.2 11.2,18.2 11.2,14.5 14.9,14.5 14.9,12.8 ",
transform: "matrix(1 0 0 1 49.5 -4)"
}), q.jsx("rect", {
className: c.hitArea,
"data-label": "minus",
x: "-75",
y: "0",
width: "110",
height: "20.5",
}), q.jsx("rect", {
className: c.hitArea,
"data-label": "plus",
x: "40",
y: "0",
width: "110",
height: "20.5",
}) : T && C === B.t.Portrait ? q.jsx("div", {
className: Y,
"data-role": "neighbours-number-picker",
children: q.jsxs("svg", {
viewBox: "0 0 20.5 74.5",
children: [q.jsx("circle", {
style: l,
className: L,
"data-role": f,
cx: "10.4",
cy: "13.5",
r: "8.5"
}), q.jsx("polygon", {
style: l,
className: c["plus-sign"],
points: "14.9,12.8 11.2,12.8 11.2,9.1 9.5,9.1
9.5,12.8 5.8,12.8 5.8,14.5 9.5,14.5 9.5,18.2 11.2,18.2 11.2,14.5 14.9,14.5 "
}), q.jsx("text", {
style: t,
className: c.number,
transform: "matrix(1 0 0 1 5 43)",
children: p
}), q.jsx("circle", {
style: l,
className: v,
"data-role": s,
cx: "10.4",
cy: "59.7",
r: "8.5"
}), q.jsx("rect", {
style: l,
className: c["minus-sign"],
x: "5.8",
y: "59",
width: "9.1",
height: "1.7"
}), q.jsx("rect", {
className: c.hitArea,
"data-label": "plus",
x: "-4",
y: "-99",
width: "28.5",
height: "125",
}), q.jsx("rect", {
className: c.hitArea,
"data-label": "minus",
x: "-4",
y: "48",
width: "28.5",
height: "125",
}) : q.jsx("div", {
className: Y,
"data-role": "neighbours-number-picker",
children: q.jsxs("svg", {
viewBox: "0 0 20.5 74.5",
children: [q.jsx("circle", {
style: l,
className: L,
"data-role": f,
"data-label": "plus",
cx: "10.4",
cy: "13.5",
r: "8.5",
}), q.jsx("polygon", {
style: l,
className: c["plus-sign"],
points: "14.9,12.8 11.2,12.8 11.2,9.1 9.5,9.1
9.5,12.8 5.8,12.8 5.8,14.5 9.5,14.5 9.5,18.2 11.2,18.2 11.2,14.5 14.9,14.5 "
}), q.jsx("text", {
style: t,
className: c.number,
transform: "matrix(1 0 0 1 5 43)",
children: p
}), q.jsx("circle", {
style: l,
className: v,
"data-role": s,
"data-label": "minus",
cx: "10.4",
cy: "59.7",
r: "8.5",
}), q.jsx("rect", {
style: l,
className: c["minus-sign"],
x: "5.8",
y: "59",
width: "9.1",
height: "1.7"
onMouseEnter(C) {
return p => {
const i =
, {gameDimensions: {left: q, top: V}} = this.props;
this.tooltipSupport.showTooltipWithDelay(C, {
left: Math.round(i.left + .5 * i.width - q),
top: Math.round( + .5 * i.height - V)
}, !0, 250, !0)
const j = {
setNeighboursNumber: s.mP,
clientSelectNeighborCount: v.dH,
addAbsTooltip: t.$y,
removeAllAbsTooltips: t.u0
, o = y.Ng((function(C) {
return {
racetrackStyle: f.of(C, L.jJ.Special),
standardGridStyleType: f.of(C, L.jJ.Standard).style,
gameDimensions: l.Ay(C),
neighbours: s.Yq(C).neighbours,
orientation: l.V6(C),
gridAnimationState: f.vI(C)
), j)(S)
, x = 50;
function Z({width: C, height: p, left: i, top: V, layout: m,
orientation: w}) {
let y = {
height: p,
width: .125 * C,
top: 0,
left: .5 * (-i + .125 * C),
position: "absolute",
transform: "translate(-100%,0)",
zIndex: 2
return m !== U.FJ.TabletSlingshot && (y.height = p - x, = V,
y.left = 0,
y.transform = `translate(-150%, ${x / 2}px)`),
w === B.t.Landscape && (y = {
height: .25 * p,
width: "100%",
top: 0,
left: 0,
position: "absolute",
transform: `translate(0,${a.dv(m) ? "-180%" : "-100%"})`,
zIndex: 2
a.s3(m) && (y = {
top: 0,
height: "100%",
width: "100%",
position: "absolute"
q.jsx("div", {
style: {
children: q.jsx(o, {
layout: m
462258: (C, p, i) => {
i.d(p, {
h6: () => Y,
pO: () => U
var q = i(282427)
, V = i(13799)
, m = i(486717)
, w = i(168064)
, y = i(678985)
, l = i(903622)
, t = i(821023)
, B = i(751267)
, T = i(3359);
const I = C => {
const p = B.UX(C)
, i = p.getRouletteGameType() === m.vS.CustomRoulette;
return {
items: B.Hw(C),
isDoubleBallGame: V.DB(C).isDoubleBallGame(),
statisticsBranding: B.of(C, l.jJ.Standard).statistics,
isTablet: V.uD(C).IS_TABLET,
isPhone: V.uD(C).IS_PHONE,
drawerEnabled: V.DB(C).autoplayApiEnabled(),
isMultiplierHidden: !!i && !t.w9(C),
customColor: i ? p.getCustomBaseColor() : void 0
, Y = q.Ng(I)(
, U = q.Ng(I)(y.FQ)
3359: (C, p, i) => {
i.d(p, {
m9: () => X,
pL: () => b,
mq: () => x
var q = i(282427)
, V = i(13799)
, m = i(486717)
, w = i(288530)
, y = i(64922)
, l = i(377810)
, t = i(168064);
const B = C => C.getBoundingClientRect()
, T = t.iz(w.I);
T && (T.displayName = "RecentNumbersWithInteraction");
const I = l.memo((C => y.jsx(T, {
getTooltipBoundingRectangle: B,
I.displayName = "InteractiveRecentNumbers";
var Y = i(903622)
, U = i(263543)
, L = i(870658)
, a = i(821023)
, v = i(994647)
, f = i(751267)
, s = i(843520)
, c = i(307169)
, O = i(295432)
, S = i(850083);
const j = C => ({
bettingEnabled: s.nX(f.IA(C)),
hasEnoughFunds: f.zn(C),
selectedTokenAmount: f.VZ(C)
, o = {
addBet: U.he,
setHoveredTokens: v.sB,
setBetSpotHighlights: L.z6
function x(C) {
const p = (i = C,
V = class extends l.PureComponent {
constructor() {
this.onNumberHover = C => {
const {bettingEnabled: p, selectedTokenAmount: i,
setBetSpotHighlights: q, setHoveredTokens: V} = this.props;
if (p) {
const p = C;
[Y.jJ.Standard]: [C]
V(O.q([[p, i]]))
this.onNumberLeave = () => {
const {setBetSpotHighlights: C, clearHoveredTokens: p}
= this.props;
this.onNumberClick = (C, p) => {
const {bettingEnabled: i, addBet: q} = this.props;
i && q({
position: {
left: p.clientX,
top: p.clientY
betSpotId: C,
betSource: S.n1.RecentNumbers
render() {
const {bettingEnabled: C, hasEnoughFunds: p, items: q} =
return y.jsx(i, {
numbersEnabled: C && p,
tooltipTranslationId: C ? "tooltip.balanceTooLow" :
onHoverInteraction: this.onNumberHover,
onLeaveInteraction: this.onNumberLeave,
onClickInteraction: this.onNumberClick,
items: q
V.displayName = `BettingNumbers(${i.displayName ||})`,
var i, V;
const m = q.Ng(j, o)(p)
, w = p.displayName ||;
return m.displayName = `withBetting(${w})`,
const Z = q.Ng((C => ({
animate: f.IA(C) === c.a.WinnersKnown
, H = q.Ng((function(C) {
const p = f.UX(C)
, i = p.getRouletteGameType() === m.vS.CustomRoulette;
return {
items: f.Zd(C),
isDoubleBallGame: V.DB(C).isDoubleBallGame(),
statisticsBranding: f.of(C, Y.jJ.Standard).statistics,
isTablet: V.uD(C).IS_TABLET,
isPhone: V.uD(C).IS_PHONE,
isDesktop: V.uD(C).IS_DESKTOP,
isMultiplierHidden: !!i && !a.w9(C),
customColor: i ? p.getCustomBaseColor() : void 0
, b = H(Z(w.I))
, X = H(Z(x(I)))
78657: (C, p, i) => {
i.d(p, {
f: () => Q
var q = i(64922)
, V = i(263601)
, m = i(377810)
, w = i(282427)
, y = i(13799)
, l = i(436794)
, t = i(738699)
, B = i(903622)
, T = i(552854)
, I = i(843520)
, Y = i(935371)
, U = i(58413)
, L = i(467309)
, a = i(699695)
, v = i(825420)
, f = i(939347)
, s = i(209727);
const c = "winning-token--2a605"
, O = "stationary--9063f"
, S = "winning-token-perspective--8a7c8"
, j = "slingshot-perspective--cef72"
, o = "mobile--62cdc"
, x = "slingshot-french--2ee60";
function Z(C) {
const {chipType: p, layout: i, styleType: V, center: w, stationary:
y, isAnimating: l, children: B, getDestinationRect: T, flyingDuration: I} = C
, [Y,U] = m.useState({})
, L = m.useRef(null);
m.useEffect(( () => {
if (l && !y && L.current) {
const {x: i, y: q} = (C =
x: (p = T()).x + .5 * p.width - (C.x + .5 * C.width),
y: p.y + .5 * p.height - (C.y + .5 * C.height)
, [V,m] = v.AP(L.current)
, w = {
x: i * (1 / V),
y: q * (1 / m)
, y = `translate(-50%, -50%) translate(${w.x}px, $
, l = "cubic-bezier(0.16, 1, 0.3, 1)"
, t = v.a_(L.current) > 0
, B = I * (t ? 1 : .8);
transform: y,
opacity: 0,
transition: `\n transform ${I}ms ${l},\n
opacity ${B}ms ${I - B}ms ${"cubic-bezier(0.16, 1, 0.3, 1)"}\n `
var C, p
), [l, y, I, T]);
const Z = {
fontSize: `${s.w$({
layout: i,
slingshotStyleType: V,
x: w[0],
y: w[1]
left: `${100 * w[0]}%`,
top: `${100 * w[1]}%`,
, H = p === t.p.SlingshotPerspective
, b = !!i && f.VC(i)
, X = {
[c]: !H,
[S]: H,
[j]: H,
[O]: !!y,
[o]: b,
[x]: !b && s.Nh(i, V)
return q.jsx("div", {
ref: L,
className: a.A(X),
style: Z,
children: B
var H = i(253613)
, b = i(43129)
, X = i(474665);
function z({betSpotId: C, amount: p, hasShadow: i, type: V=t.p.Default,
placedAmount: m, dataKey: w}) {
const y = b.pM[V];
return q.jsx("div", {
className: X.A.token,
id: `bet_${C}`,
"data-role": "table-token",
"data-key": w || C,
"data-value": p,
"data-placed-amount": m || p,
children: q.jsx(H.w, {
value: p,
hasShadow: i
var M = i(751267)
, P = i(307169);
class R extends m.Component {
constructor() {
this.state = {
visible: !1
this.getWinningChipDestination = () => {
const {useGameDimensionsForDestination: C, orientation: p}
= this.props;
if (C)
return this.getDestinationRectFromGameDimensions();
const i = L.du();
if (!i)
return new DOMRect;
const q = i.getBoundingClientRect()
, V = p === l.t.Landscape ? q.height : 0;
return {
x: q.x,
y: q.y + V,
width: q.width,
height: q.height,
top: + V,
right: q.right,
bottom: q.bottom,
left: q.left
this.getWinningChipDestinationDebounced =
V.A(this.getWinningChipDestination, 100, {
leading: !0,
trailing: !1
static getDerivedStateFromProps(C) {
return C.phase === P.a.WinnersKnown ? {
visible: !0
} : C.phase === P.a.BetsClosed ? {
visible: !1
} : null
shouldComponentUpdate(C) {
const {tokens: p, phase: i, shouldWinningTokensAnimate: q,
shouldLeaveWinningBetsOnTable: V, orientation: m} = this.props;
return [P.a.WinnersKnown, P.a.BetsClosed, P.a.BetsOpen,
P.a.BetweenGames].includes(C.phase) && C.phase !== i || C.tokens !== p ||
C.shouldWinningTokensAnimate !== q || C.shouldLeaveWinningBetsOnTable !== V ||
C.orientation !== m
renderTokenWinAnimation() {
const {tokens: C, winningBetCodes: p,
shouldWinningTokensAnimate: i, svgGrid: V, chipType: m, layout: w, stationary: y,
styleType: l, flyingDuration: t} = this.props;
let T = I.pz(p);
return V.gridType === B.jJ.Special && (T = U.yP(T,
Array.from(C.keys()))), ([C,p]) => {
try {
return q.jsx(Z, {
isAnimating: i,
center: Y.Vp(V, C),
chipType: m,
layout: w,
stationary: y,
styleType: l,
flyingDuration: t,
children: this.renderChip(C, p.amount, p.payout)
}, C)
} catch (C) {
return null
render() {
const {visible: C} = this.state;
return C ? q.jsx("div", {
children: this.renderTokenWinAnimation()
}) : null
getDestinationRectFromGameDimensions() {
const {gameDimensions: {width: C, height: p, boxHeight: i, top:
q}} = this.props
, V = 2
, m = V / 2
, w = C / 2 - m
, y = q + i - m;
return {
x: w,
width: V,
height: V,
top: y,
right: C - w - V,
bottom: p - y - V,
left: w
renderChip(C, p, i) {
const {shouldLeaveWinningBetsOnTable: V,
shouldWinningTokensAnimate: m, layout: w, chipType: y} = this.props
, l = V && m ? i - p : i
, B = f.s3(w) ? y || t.p.SlingshotPerspective : y;
return q.jsx(z, {
type: B,
amount: l,
betSpotId: C,
dataKey: `winning-${C}`
const Q = w.Ng((C => ({
winningBetCodes: M.qc(C),
phase: M.IA(C),
styleType: M.Cd(C, B.jJ.Standard),
gameDimensions: y.Ay(C),
shouldWinningTokensAnimate: M.hp(C),
orientation: y.V6(C),
shouldLeaveWinningBetsOnTable: M.H6(C),
flyingDuration: T.j(M.S(C)).flyingDuration,
useGameDimensionsForDestination: y.uD(C).IS_DESKTOP
130147: (C, p, i) => {
i.d(p, {
W: () => q
class q {
static getInstance() {
if (!q.instance)
throw new Error("Disposer not initialized");
return q.instance
static init() {
q.instance || (q.instance = new q)
constructor() {
this.dispose = () => {
this.disposables.forEach((C => C())),
this.disposables.length = 0
this.disposables = []
add(C) {
895790: (C, p, i) => {
i.d(p, {
BA: () => q,
br: () => V,
oi: () => m
const q = "topcard.common."
, V = "255, 0, 0"
, m = "14, 94, 255"
327523: (C, p, i) => {
i.d(p, {
Lc: () => f,
Pq: () => U,
og: () => T,
tc: () => Y,
zG: () => I
var q = i(277082)
, V = i(716262)
, m = i(304463);
function T(C, p) {
return i => {
const V = C.reduce(( (C, i) => [...C, =>
q.convertMatchPayloadToClient(i.league, p, C, C.penaltiesShootout)))]), []);
var y;
0 !== V.length ? (i({
type: w,
payload: V
i((y = V,
(C, p) => {
const i = p();
if (m.V$(i) || C(L(!0)),
y.find(( ({state: C}) => q.isMatchStateActive(C)))) {
const i = m.WD(p());
void 0 !== i && (a = window.setTimeout(( () => C(L(!
1))), i))
))) : i(L(!1))
function I(C) {
return p => {
const i = C.reduce(( (C, {news: p, league: i}) =>
[...C, ({id: C, title: p, published: V}) => ({
id: C,
published: new Date(V.toString()),
source: i,
title: q.decodeNewsTitle(p)
})))]), []);
type: y,
payload: i
function Y() {
return C => {
type: t
function U() {
return {
type: B
function L(C) {
return {
type: l,
payload: C
let a = 0;
const v = {
matches: [],
news: [],
matches_enabled: !1,
isSelectLeaguesOpened: !1
function f(C=v, p) {
switch (p.type) {
case l:
return {
matches_enabled: p.payload
case w:
return {
matches: p.payload
case y:
return {
news: p.payload
case t:
return {
isSelectLeaguesOpened: !0
case B:
return {
isSelectLeaguesOpened: !1
return C
879734: (C, p, i) => {
i.d(p, {
I6: () => y,
Nx: () => l,
f6: () => w
var q = i(160739)
, V = i(13799)
, m = i(277082);
function w(C) {
return y(C.settings)
function y(C) {
var p;
return (null === (p = C.rawConfig) || void 0 === p ? void 0 :
p["edp.studio_league"]) || m.DEFAULT_FAVORITE_LEAGUE
const l = q.Mz(V.DB, (C => {
var p;
const i = null === (p = C.rawConfig) || void 0 === p ? void 0 :
, q = y(C);
return i ? [...i.split(","), q] : []
716262: (C, p, i) => {
i.d(p, {
Go: () => y,
Kp: () => m,
YW: () => w
var q, V = i(733381);
function m() {
return V.createLoggableAction(q.OpenAddLeagues)
function w(C) {
return V.createLoggableAction(q.SelectFavoriteLeagues, {
leagues: C
function y(C) {
return V.createLoggableAction(q.SelectLeague, {
league: C
(function(C) {
C["SelectFavoriteLeagues"] =
)(q || (q = {}))
202111: (C, p, i) => {
i.d(p, {
J0: () => B,
Mp: () => t,
SH: () => I,
zE: () => T
var q = i(556392)
, V = i(277082)
, m = i(218389)
, w = i(879734)
, y = i(716262)
, l = i(396564);
const t = C => (p, i) => {
const q = i()
, V = I(q)
, t = function({leagues: C, currentLeague: p, defaultTableLeague:
i}) {
return 0 === C.length ? i : C.includes(p) ? p : C.includes(i) ?
i : C[0]
leagues: C,
currentLeague: V,
defaultTableLeague: w.f6(q)
t !== V && setTimeout(( () => p(B(t))), 300),
key: l.J.SelectedLeagues,
value: C.length ? C : [w.f6(q)]
, B = C => p => {
key: l.J.CurrentLeague,
value: C
function T(C) {
return V.getLeaguesWithoutEuro20(q.Yq(C).selectedLeagues)
function I(C) {
return q.Yq(C).currentLeague
304463: (C, p, i) => {
i.d(p, {
KT: () => U,
Lk: () => y,
Ot: () => v,
V$: () => B,
WD: () => I,
cc: () => T,
iY: () => L,
k4: () => f,
pK: () => t
var q = i(160739)
, V = i(277082)
, m = i(879734)
, w = i(202111);
function y(C) {
return C.settings.isFootballEntertainmentEnabled()
const l = q.Mz((function(C) {
return V.sortMatches(C.fifa.matches)
), w.SH, ( (C, p) => C.filter((C => C.source === p))));
function t(C) {
return l(C)
function B(C) {
return C.fifa.matches_enabled
function T(C) {
function I(C) {
if (t(C).find((C => V.isMatchStateActive(C.state))))
return C.settings.matchesApiExpirationTime()
q.Mz((C => y(C)), (C => C.fifa.matches_enabled), ( (C, p) => C && p));
const Y = {
FIFARss: ""
, U = q.Mz(T, w.SH, (function(C, p) {
return C.filter(( ({source: C}) => C === p)).map(( ({source: C,
title: p, ...i}) => ({
source: Y[C] || "News",
text: p
function L(C) {
return C.fifa.isSelectLeaguesOpened
function a(C, p) {
const i = m.Nx(C);
return 0 === i.length ? p : i.filter((C => p.includes(C)))
const v = C => a(C,
, f = C => a(C, w.zE(C))
396564: (C, p, i) => {
var q;
i.d(p, {
J: () => q
function(C) {
C["SelectedLeagues"] = "selectedLeagues",
C["CurrentLeague"] = "currentLeague"
}(q || (q = {}))
325386: (C, p, i) => {
i.d(p, {
Y: () => l
var q = i(160739)
, V = i(949570)
, m = i(850083)
, w = i(265989)
, y = i(751267);
const l = q.Mz((C => C.roulette.favoriteBets.bets), y.ud,, y.zn,
y.UX, ( (C, p, i, q, V) => i ? => {
if (! || !m.Ih(C) || C.disabledReason)
return C;
const y = w.bE({
currentRound: p,
tokens: C.tokens,
balance: i,
hasEnoughFunds: q
}, V);
return C.validationErrorMessage !== (null == y ? void 0 : y.key) ?
validationErrorMessage: y
} : C
)) : C))
913362: (C, p, i) => {
i.d(p, {
Hf: () => Dw,
Ts: () => uw
var q = i(614203)
, V = i(755073)
, m = i(581262)
, w = i(980348)
, y = i(625678)
, l = i(212429)
, t = i(436794)
, B = i(346160)
, T = i(764522)
, I = i(545401)
, Y = i(700447)
, U = i(500704)
, L = i(733381)
, a = i(64922)
, v = i(974486)
, f = i(148999)
, s = i(790874)
, c = i(699204)
, O = i(324050);
class S {
constructor({eventEmitter: C}={}) {
this.timelines = new Map,
this.eventEmitter = C || new v.b
createTimeline(C) {
const p = {
eventEmitter: this.eventEmitter,
, i = new s.q(p);
return this.timelines.set(, i),
this.eventEmitter.emit(c.V.TimelineCreated, {
id: f.MZ(),
name: c.V.TimelineCreated,
getTimeline(C) {
return this.timelines.get(C)
getDebuggedTimelines() {
const C = [];
return this.timelines.forEach((p => {
p.isDebugOn && C.push(p)
subscribeToTimelineEvent({timelineName: C, eventsToSubscribeTo: p,
callback: i, once: q=!1}) {
const V = m => {
C && m.timelineName !== C || (i(m),
q && p.forEach((C => {, V)
return p.forEach((C => {
this.eventEmitter.on(C, V)
() => {
p.forEach((C => {, V)
dispose() {
this.timelines.forEach((C => {
disposeTimeline(C) {
const p = this.getTimeline(C);
p && (p.clear(),
var j = i(862760)
, o = i(853717)
, x = i(486717)
, Z = i(484152)
, H = i(442954)
, b = i(433085)
, X = i(867956)
, z = i(234562)
, M = i(261189)
, P = i(751267);
var R = i(941069)
, Q = i(929307)
, n = i(313730)
, h = i(939347);
function G(C, p, i=[]) {
!i.some(Boolean) && h.W2(p) && (C.cells.green_color =
n.No(C.cells.green_color, "cb", !1),
C.cells.red_color = n.No(C.cells.red_color, "cb", !1),
C.cells.black_color = n.No(C.cells.black_color, "cb", !1),
C.cells.outsides_color && (C.cells.outsides_color =
n.No(C.cells.outsides_color, "4c", !1)))
function $(C, p) {
p === x.vS.DBR && (C.cells.red_red_color || (C.cells.red_red_color
= C.cells.red_color),
C.cells.black_black_color || (C.cells.black_black_color =
var W = i(903622);
function k(C, p, i=[]) {
if (p !== W.jJ.Standard || i.some(Boolean) || !1 === W.m_(C))
const q = {
red_diamond_color: "#B51C12",
black_diamond_color: "#000000",
green_color: "#166958"
Object.keys(C.statistics.advanced).forEach((p => {
"green_color" === p && C.statistics.advanced[p] === q[p] ?
C.statistics.advanced.green_color = C.cells.green_color.match("000000") ?
q.green_color : C.cells.green_color : "green_color" !== p &&
C.statistics.advanced[p] === q[p] && C.labels[p] && (C.statistics.advanced[p] =
var A = i(487440)
, F = i(609835)
, K = i(735821);
const E = new Set(["serif", "base", "spanish", "danish", "german",
"base_bold", "serif_es", "serif_de", "serif_dk", "base_sv", "serif_sv"])
, g = {
style: "raceTrackCellStyle",
red_color: "gradientColor",
black_color: "gradientColor",
green_color: "gradientColor"
, N = {
style: "labelStyle",
red_labels_color: "nonGradientColor",
black_labels_color: "nonGradientColor",
green_labels_color: "nonGradientColor"
, J = {
thickness: "number",
thickness_mobile: "number",
color: "nonGradientColor"
, r = {
style: "baseStyle",
diamond_border_color: "nonGradientColor",
diamond_border_thickness: "number",
cells: {
style: "tableCellStyle",
outsides_color: "gradientColor",
red_red_color: "gradientColor",
black_black_color: "gradientColor"
labels: {
style: "tableLabelStyle",
outsides_big_color: "nonGradientColor",
red_diamond_color: "nonGradientColor",
black_diamond_color: "nonGradientColor",
outsides_small_color: "nonGradientColor"
grid: J,
statistics: {
labels: {
style: "labelStyle",
black_color: "nonGradientColor",
black_color_highlighted: "nonGradientColor",
black_color_highlighted_box: "nonGradientColor",
red_color: "nonGradientColor",
red_color_highlighted: "nonGradientColor",
red_color_highlighted_box: "nonGradientColor",
green_color: "nonGradientColor",
green_color_highlighted: "nonGradientColor",
green_color_highlighted_box: "nonGradientColor",
frame_color: "nonGradientColor"
placeholder_color: "nonGradientColor",
advanced: {
green_color: "nonGradientColor",
black_diamond_color: "nonGradientColor",
red_diamond_color: "nonGradientColor"
, d = {
style: "baseStyle",
button_color: "nonGradientColor",
label_color: "nonGradientColor",
cells: g,
labels: {
style: "labelStyle",
called_bets_color: "nonGradientColor"
grid: J,
selector: {
labels: {
style: "labelStyle"
, D = {
table_immersive_style: r,
custom_table_immersive_style: r,
table_classic_style: r,
custom_table_classic_style: r,
table_slingshot_style: r,
racetrack_immersive_style: d,
racetrack_classic_style: d,
racetrack_slingshot_style: d
function u(C) {
let p = D;
if (C.split(".").forEach((C => {
"object" == typeof p && (p = p[C])
"string" == typeof p)
return p
const _ = /^#([\da-f]{6}|[\da-f]{8})(:#([\da-f]{6}|[\da-f]{8}))?$/i
, e = /^#([\da-f]{6}|[\da-f]{8})$/i
, CC = /^(\d){1,2}%:(\d){1,3}%$/i
, pC = {
nonGradientColor: function(C) {
return e.test(C)
gradientColor: function(C) {
return _.test(C)
gradientAlpha: function(C) {
return CC.test(C)
number: function(C) {
const p = "string" == typeof C ? parseFloat(C) : C;
return F.A(p) && K.A(p)
tableLabelStyle: function(C) {
return E.has(C)
labelStyle: function(C) {
return ["serif", "base"].includes(C)
raceTrackCellStyle: function(C) {
return ["none", "solid"].includes(C)
tableCellStyle: function(C) {
return ["none", "solid", "spots"].includes(C)
baseStyle: function(C) {
return Object.values(U.Lq).includes(C)
, iC = {
number: C => {
const p = parseFloat(C);
return K.A(p) ? p : 1
function qC({style: C, prefix: p, tableConfig: i,
forbidStylesForPrefix: q}) {
var V;
if (null === (V = q[p]) || void 0 === V ? void 0 : V.includes(!0))
const m = new RegExp(`^${p}.[A-z0-9]+`)
, w = Object.keys(i).filter((C => m.test(C)))
, y = {};
w.forEach((C => {
const p = i[C];
if ("string" != typeof p)
const q = function(C, p) {
const i = u(C);
return !!i && (0,
}(C, p);
if (!q)
const V = C.split(".").slice(1)
, m = V.length - 1;
V.reduce(( (i, q, V) => (m === V ? i[q] = function(C, p) {
const i = u(C);
if (!i)
return p;
const q = iC[i];
return q ? q(p) : p
}(C, p) : i[q] || (i[q] = {}),
i[q])), y)
A.A(C, y)
function VC(C, p) {
U.De.includes(p) &&"serif_") &&
( = {
serif_dk: "danish",
serif_es: "spanish",
serif_de: "german",
serif_sv: "base_sv"
}[] || "base")
const mC = {
labels: {
style: "base",
red_color: void 0,
red_color_highlighted: void 0,
black_color: void 0,
black_color_highlighted: void 0,
green_color: void 0,
green_color_highlighted: void 0,
frame_color: "#fff"
placeholder_color: "#fff",
advanced: {
green_color: i(78350).qw("#3be35452"),
red_diamond_color: "#E4240D",
black_diamond_color: "#000000"
, wC = {
labels: {
style: "base",
red_color: "#B51C12",
red_color_highlighted: "#F9E1CC",
red_color_highlighted_box: "#B51C12",
black_color: "#F9E1CC",
black_color_highlighted: "#F9E1CC",
green_color: "#166958",
green_color_highlighted: "#F9E1CC",
green_color_highlighted_box: "#166958",
frame_color: "#F9E1CC"
placeholder_color: "#F9E1CC",
advanced: {
red_diamond_color: "#B51C12",
black_diamond_color: "#000000",
green_color: "#166958"
, yC = {
labels: {
style: "base"
, lC = {
style: U.Lq.Classic,
cells: {
style: "solid",
red_color: "#B51C12",
black_color: "#000000",
green_color: "#166958",
outsides_color: "#00000000"
labels: {
style: "base",
red_labels_color: "#F9E1CC",
black_labels_color: "#F9E1CC",
green_labels_color: "#F9E1CC",
outsides_big_color: "#F9E1CC",
outsides_small_color: "#F9E1CC",
red_diamond_color: "#B51C12",
black_diamond_color: "#000000"
grid: {
thickness: 1.5,
color: "#F9E1CC"
diamond_border_color: "#F9E1CC",
diamond_border_thickness: 1.5,
statistics: wC
, tC = {
style: U.Lq.Classic,
cells: {
style: "solid",
red_color: "#B51C12",
black_color: "#000000",
green_color: "#166958",
outsides_color: "#00000080"
labels: {
style: "base",
red_labels_color: "#F9E1CC",
black_labels_color: "#F9E1CC",
green_labels_color: "#F9E1CC",
outsides_big_color: "#F9E1CC",
outsides_small_color: "#F9E1CC",
red_diamond_color: "#B51C12",
black_diamond_color: "#000000"
grid: {
thickness: 1.5,
color: "#F9E1CC"
diamond_border_color: "#F9E1CC",
diamond_border_thickness: 1.5,
statistics: wC
, BC = {
style: U.Lq.Classic,
cells: {
style: "solid",
red_color: "#B51C12",
black_color: "#000000",
green_color: "#166958"
labels: {
style: "base",
red_labels_color: "#F9E1CC",
black_labels_color: "#F9E1CC",
green_labels_color: "#F9E1CC",
called_bets_color: "#F9E1CC"
grid: {
thickness: 1,
color: "#F9E1CC"
selector: yC,
button_color: "#F9E1CC",
label_color: "#F9E1CC"
, TC = {
style: U.Lq.Classic,
cells: {
style: "solid",
red_color: "#B51C12",
green_color: "#166958",
black_color: "#000000"
labels: {
style: "base",
red_labels_color: "#F9E1CC",
black_labels_color: "#F9E1CC",
green_labels_color: "#F9E1CC",
called_bets_color: "#F9E1CC"
grid: {
thickness: 1,
thickness_mobile: 1.5,
color: "#F9E1CC"
selector: yC,
button_color: "#F9E1CC",
label_color: "#F9E1CC"
function IC(C) {
return {
style: null != C ? C : U.Lq.Red,
cells: {
style: "solid",
red_color: "#B51C12",
black_color: "#000000",
green_color: "#166958",
outsides_color: "#00000000"
labels: {
style: "serif",
red_labels_color: "#FFDC07",
black_labels_color: "#FFDC07",
green_labels_color: "#FFDC07",
outsides_big_color: "#FFDC07",
outsides_small_color: "#FFDC07",
red_diamond_color: "#B20B19",
black_diamond_color: "#0D0D0D"
grid: {
color: "#CE9515",
thickness: 3
diamond_border_color: "#F3E40A",
statistics: wC
function YC(C) {
return {
style: null != C ? C : U.Lq.Red,
cells: {
style: "solid",
red_color: "#DC3A19:#B31C24",
black_color: "#1a1a1a",
green_color: "#00a031"
labels: {
style: "serif",
red_labels_color: "#FFDC07",
black_labels_color: "#FFDC07",
green_labels_color: "#FFDC07",
called_bets_color: "#FFDC07"
grid: {
thickness: 3,
color: "#CE9515"
selector: yC,
button_color: U.w9[C],
label_color: U.w9[C]
const UC = {
style: U.Lq.Classic,
cells: {
style: "solid",
red_color: "#B51C12",
black_color: "#000000",
green_color: "#166958",
outsides_color: "#00000000"
labels: {
style: "base",
red_labels_color: "#F9E1CC",
black_labels_color: "#F9E1CC",
green_labels_color: "#F9E1CC",
outsides_big_color: "#F9E1CC",
outsides_small_color: "#F9E1CC",
red_diamond_color: "#B51C12",
black_diamond_color: "#1A1A1A"
grid: {
thickness: 1.5,
thickness_mobile: 1.5,
color: "#F9E1CC"
diamond_border_color: "#F9E1CC",
statistics: wC
, LC = A.A({}, UC, {
cells: {
outsides_color: "#0000004c"
grid: {
color: "#F9E1CC88"
, aC = {
style: U.Lq.Classic,
cells: {
style: "solid",
red_color: "#B51C12",
black_color: "#000000",
green_color: "#166958"
labels: {
style: "base",
red_labels_color: "#F9E1CC",
black_labels_color: "#F9E1CC",
green_labels_color: "#F9E1CC",
called_bets_color: "#F9E1CC"
grid: {
color: "#F9E1CC",
thickness: .6,
thickness_mobile: 1.5
selector: yC,
button_color: "#F9E1CC",
label_color: "#F9E1CC"
, vC = A.A({}, aC, {
grid: {
color: "#F9E1CC88"
, fC = C => ({
mobile: {
[U.FJ.Classic]: {
[W.jJ.Standard]: UC,
[W.jJ.Special]: aC
[U.FJ.ImmersiveV2]: {
[W.jJ.Standard]: LC,
[W.jJ.Special]: vC
[U.FJ.Slingshot]: {
[W.jJ.Standard]: {
style: C
[W.jJ.Special]: {
style: C
default: {
[U.FJ.Classic]: {
[W.jJ.Standard]: lC,
[W.jJ.Special]: BC
[U.FJ.ImmersiveV2]: {
[W.jJ.Standard]: tC,
[W.jJ.Special]: TC
[U.FJ.Slingshot]: {
[W.jJ.Standard]: IC(C),
[W.jJ.Special]: YC(C)
, sC = {
cells: {
green_color: "#166958"
grid: {
thickness: 2
, cC = {
grid: {
color: "#F9E1CC",
thickness: 1
labels: {
red_labels_color: "#F9E1CC",
black_labels_color: "#F9E1CC",
green_labels_color: "#F9E1CC"
button_color: "#F9E1CC",
label_color: "#F9E1CC",
cells: {
red_color: "#B51C12",
black_color: "#000000",
green_color: "#166958"
, OC = {
style: U.Lq.Classic,
cells: {
style: "solid",
red_color: "#B51C12",
black_color: "#000000",
green_color: "#166958",
outsides_color: "#00000000"
labels: {
style: "base",
red_labels_color: "#F9E1CC",
black_labels_color: "#F9E1CC",
green_labels_color: "#F9E1CC",
outsides_big_color: "#E5E5E5",
outsides_small_color: "#E5E5E5",
red_diamond_color: "#B51C12",
black_diamond_color: "#000000"
grid: {
thickness: 2,
color: "#F9E1CC"
diamond_border_color: "#F9E1CC",
diamond_border_thickness: 1.5,
statistics: wC
, SC = A.A({}, UC, {
labels: {
outsides_big_color: "#f2f2f2",
outsides_small_color: "#f2f2f2"
, jC = A.A({}, SC, {
cells: {
outsides_color: "#0000004c"
grid: {
color: "#F9E1CC88"
, oC = {
style: U.Lq.Classic,
cells: {
style: "solid",
red_color: "#B51C12",
black_color: "#000000",
green_color: "#166958",
outsides_color: "#00000000"
labels: {
style: "base",
red_labels_color: "#F9E1CC",
black_labels_color: "#F9E1CC",
green_labels_color: "#F9E1CC",
outsides_big_color: "#F9E1CC",
outsides_small_color: "#F9E1CC",
red_diamond_color: "#B51C12",
black_diamond_color: "#000000"
grid: {
thickness: 2,
color: "#F9E1CC"
diamond_border_color: "#F9E1CC",
diamond_border_thickness: 1.5,
statistics: wC
, xC = {
style: U.Lq.Classic,
cells: {
style: "solid",
red_color: "#B51C12",
black_color: "#000000",
green_color: "#166958"
labels: {
style: "base",
red_labels_color: "#F9E1CC",
black_labels_color: "#F9E1CC",
green_labels_color: "#F9E1CC",
called_bets_color: "#F9E1CC"
grid: {
thickness: 1.5,
color: "#F9E1CC"
selector: yC,
button_color: "#F9E1CC",
label_color: "#F9E1CC"
, ZC = A.A({}, oC, {
cells: {
outsides_color: "#00000080"
, HC = {
style: U.Lq.Classic,
cells: {
style: "solid",
red_color: "#B51C12",
black_color: "#000000",
green_color: "#166958",
outsides_color: "#ffffff00"
labels: {
style: "base",
red_labels_color: "#F9E1CC",
black_labels_color: "#F9E1CC",
green_labels_color: "#F9E1CC",
called_bets_color: "#F9E1CC",
outsides_big_color: "#F9E1CC",
red_diamond_color: "#B51C12",
black_diamond_color: "#000000"
grid: {
thickness: 0,
thickness_mobile: 1.5,
color: "#FFF9E3"
diamond_border_color: "#F9E1CC",
diamond_border_thickness: 1,
statistics: wC
, bC = A.A({}, HC, {
cells: {
outsides_color: "#1A1A1A4c"
, XC = {
style: U.Lq.Classic,
cells: {
style: "solid",
red_color: "#B51C12",
black_color: "#000000",
green_color: "#166958"
labels: {
style: "base",
red_labels_color: "#F9E1CC",
black_labels_color: "#F9E1CC",
green_labels_color: "#F9E1CC",
called_bets_color: "#F9E1CC"
grid: {
color: "#FFFFFF",
thickness: 0,
thickness_mobile: 1.5
selector: yC,
button_color: "#F9E1CC",
label_color: "#F9E1CC"
, zC = C => A.A({}, XC, {
style: C,
labels: {
red_labels_color: "#FFDC07",
black_labels_color: "#FFDC07",
green_labels_color: "#FFDC07",
called_bets_color: "#FFDC07"
grid: {
color: "#CE9515",
thickness: 2,
thickness_mobile: 2
button_color: U.w9[C],
label_color: U.w9[C]
, MC = {
style: U.Lq.French,
cells: {
style: "none",
red_color: "#ffffff00",
green_color: "#ffffff00",
black_color: "#ffffff00"
labels: {
style: "serif",
red_labels_color: "#F8D604",
black_labels_color: "#F8D604",
green_labels_color: "#F8D604",
outsides_big_color: "#F8D604",
outsides_small_color: "#F8D604",
red_diamond_color: "#DA212A",
black_diamond_color: "#F8D604"
grid: {
color: "#F8D604"
statistics: mC
, PC = {
style: U.Lq.French,
cells: {
style: "none",
red_color: "#ffffffff",
black_color: "#ffffffff",
green_color: "#ffffffff"
labels: {
style: "serif",
red_labels_color: "#f8d604",
black_labels_color: "#f8d604",
green_labels_color: "#f8d604",
called_bets_color: "#f8d604"
grid: {
color: "#f8d604"
selector: yC
, RC = {
style: U.Lq.French,
cells: {
style: "solid",
red_color: "#000000B3",
black_color: "#000000B3",
green_color: "#000000B3",
outsides_color: "#000000B3"
labels: {
style: "serif",
red_labels_color: "#ffdfae",
black_labels_color: "#ffdfae",
green_labels_color: "#ffdfae",
outsides_big_color: "#ffdfae",
outsides_small_color: "#ffdfae",
red_diamond_color: "#d9252a",
black_diamond_color: "#ffdfae",
called_bets_color: "#00000000"
grid: {
thickness: 2,
color: "#ffdfae"
diamond_border_color: "#ffdfae",
statistics: wC
, QC = {
style: U.Lq.French,
cells: {
style: "solid",
red_color: "#000000B3",
black_color: "#000000B3",
green_color: "#000000B3",
outsides_color: "#000000B3"
labels: {
style: "serif",
red_labels_color: "#ffdfae",
black_labels_color: "#ffdfae",
green_labels_color: "#ffdfae",
outsides_big_color: "#ffdfae",
outsides_small_color: "#ffdfae",
red_diamond_color: "#d9252a",
black_diamond_color: "#ffdfae",
called_bets_color: "#ffdfae"
grid: {
thickness: 2,
color: "#ffdfae"
selector: yC,
button_color: "#ffdfae",
label_color: "#ffdfae"
, nC = {
style: U.Lq.French,
cells: {
style: "none",
red_color: "#00000033",
black_color: "#00000033",
green_color: "#00000019",
outsides_color: "#00000019"
labels: {
style: "base",
red_labels_color: "#FF3006",
black_labels_color: "#FAF64A",
green_labels_color: "#00F800",
outsides_big_color: "#FFFB4C",
outsides_small_color: "#FFFB4C",
red_diamond_color: "#B51C12",
black_diamond_color: "#1A1A1A"
grid: {
thickness: 1.5,
thickness_mobile: 1,
color: "#FFFB6C"
diamond_border_color: "#FFFB6C",
statistics: wC
, hC = {
style: U.Lq.Classic,
cells: {
style: "solid",
red_color: "#00000000",
black_color: "#00000000",
green_color: "#00000000"
labels: {
style: "serif",
red_labels_color: "#ffdfae",
black_labels_color: "#ffdfae",
green_labels_color: "#ffdfae",
called_bets_color: "#ffdfae"
grid: {
color: "#ffdfae",
thickness: .6,
thickness_mobile: 1
selector: yC,
button_color: "#ffdfae",
label_color: "#ffdfae"
, GC = A.A({}, hC, {
cells: {
red_color: "#00000057",
black_color: "#00000057",
green_color: "#00000057"
function $C(C) {
const p = [U.FJ.PhoneImmersive, U.FJ.TabletImmersive,
U.FJ.ImmersiveV2].includes(C) ? "#00000057" : "#00000000";
return A.A({}, RC, {
cells: {
red_color: p,
black_color: p,
green_color: p,
outsides_color: p
const WC = {
grid: {
color: "#8D7C55",
thickness: 1,
thickness_mobile_v2: "1"
cells: {
red_color: "#762A12",
green_color: "#0D5243"
labels: {
red_diamond_color: "#762A12"
diamond_border_color: "#A57A5B",
diamond_border_thickness: 1
, kC = {
grid: {
color: "#8D7C55",
thickness: 1
cells: {
red_color: "#762A12",
green_color: "#0D5243"
, AC = {
grid: {
thickness: 3
cells: {
style: "solid",
red_color: "#DE2201",
black_color: "#1A1A1A",
green_color: "#22594B",
outsides_color: "#00000000"
labels: {
style: "serif",
red_labels_color: "#F2E2B8",
green_labels_color: "#F2E2B8",
black_labels_color: "#F2E2B8",
outsides_big_color: "#F2E2B8",
red_diamond_color: "#DE2201",
black_diamond_color: "#1A1A1A"
diamond_border_color: "#F2E2B8",
statistics: {
labels: {
style: "serif",
black_color: "#F2E2B8",
black_color_highlighted: "#F2E2B8",
red_color: "#DE2201",
red_color_highlighted: "#F2E2B8",
green_color: "#22594B",
green_color_highlighted: "#F2E2B8",
black_color_highlighted_box: "#3f3f3f",
red_color_highlighted_box: "#DE2201",
green_color_highlighted_box: "#22594B",
frame_color: "#F2E2B8"
, FC = {
grid: {
thickness: 2
labels: {
style: "serif",
red_labels_color: "#F2E2B8",
green_labels_color: "#F2E2B8",
black_labels_color: "#F2E2B8",
called_bets_color: "#F2E2B8"
cells: {
style: "solid",
red_color: "#DE2201",
green_color: "#22594B",
black_color: "#1A1A1A"
button_color: "#F2E2B8",
label_color: "#F2E2B8",
selector: {
labels: {
style: "serif"
, KC = A.A({}, AC, {
cells: {
outsides_color: "#0000004d"
, EC = {
statistics: {
advanced: {
green_color: "#4B9036"
labels: {
black_color: "#FFF4D2",
black_color_highlighted: "#FFF4D2",
red_color_highlighted: "#FFF4D2",
green_color: "#4B9036",
green_color_highlighted: "#FFF4D2",
green_color_highlighted_box: "#4B9036",
frame_color: "#FFF4D2"
labels: {
red_diamond_color: "#FF0D0D",
style: "base",
red_labels_color: "#FF0D0D",
black_labels_color: "#FFF4D2",
green_labels_color: "#4B9036",
black_diamond_color: "#000000",
outsides_big_color: "#FFF4D2",
outsides_small_color: "#FFF4D2"
cells: {
style: "none"
grid: {
color: "#FFF4D2"
diamond_border_color: "#FFF4D2"
, gC = {
labels: {
called_bets_color: "#FFF4D2",
style: "base",
red_labels_color: "#FF0D0D",
black_labels_color: "#FFF4D2",
green_labels_color: "#4B9036"
cells: {
style: "none",
black_color: "#FFF4D2"
grid: {
color: "#FFF4D2"
button_color: "#FFF4D2",
label_color: "#FFF4D2"
, NC = {
statistics: {
advanced: {
green_color: "#4B9036"
labels: {
black_color: "#FFF4D2",
black_color_highlighted: "#FFF4D2",
red_color_highlighted: "#FFF4D2",
green_color: "#4B9036",
green_color_highlighted: "#FFF4D2",
green_color_highlighted_box: "#4B9036",
frame_color: "#FFF4D2"
labels: {
red_diamond_color: "#FF0D0D",
style: "base",
red_labels_color: "#FF0D0D",
black_labels_color: "#FFF4D2",
green_labels_color: "#4B9036",
black_diamond_color: "#000000",
outsides_big_color: "#FFF4D2",
outsides_small_color: "#FFF4D2"
cells: {
style: "solid",
outsides_color: "#000000d1",
red_color: "#000000d1",
black_color: "#000000d1",
green_color: "#000000d1"
grid: {
color: "#FFF4D2"
diamond_border_color: "#FFF4D2"
, JC = {
cells: {
red_color: "#000000d1",
black_color: "#FFF4D2",
green_color: "#000000d1",
style: "none"
labels: {
called_bets_color: "#FFF4D2",
style: "base",
red_labels_color: "#FF0D0D",
black_labels_color: "#FFF4D2",
green_labels_color: "#4B9036"
grid: {
color: "#FFF4D2"
button_color: "#FFF4D2",
label_color: "#FFF4D2"
, rC = C => A.A({}, fC(C), {
mobile: {
[U.FJ.Classic]: {
[W.jJ.Standard]: EC,
[W.jJ.Special]: gC
[U.FJ.ImmersiveV2]: {
[W.jJ.Standard]: NC,
[W.jJ.Special]: JC
default: {
[U.FJ.Classic]: {
[W.jJ.Standard]: EC,
[W.jJ.Special]: gC
[U.FJ.ImmersiveV2]: {
[W.jJ.Standard]: NC,
[W.jJ.Special]: JC
, dC = {
grid: {
thickness: 2,
color: "#FFCD82"
cells: {
style: "solid",
red_color: "#291c15cc",
black_color: "#291c15cc",
green_color: "#291c15cc",
outsides_color: "#291c15cc"
labels: {
style: "serif",
red_labels_color: "#DE0101",
green_labels_color: "#3AC63A",
black_labels_color: "#FFD5A5",
outsides_big_color: "#FFD5A5",
red_diamond_color: "#DE0101",
black_diamond_color: "#0D0C0F"
diamond_border_color: "#FFD5A5",
statistics: {
labels: {
style: "serif",
black_color: "#F2E2B8",
black_color_highlighted: "#F2E2B8",
red_color: "#DE2201",
red_color_highlighted: "#F2E2B8",
green_color: "#22594B",
green_color_highlighted: "#F2E2B8",
black_color_highlighted_box: "#3f3f3f",
red_color_highlighted_box: "#DE2201",
green_color_highlighted_box: "#22594B",
frame_color: "#F2E2B8"
, DC = {
grid: {
thickness: 2,
color: "#FFCD82"
labels: {
style: "serif",
red_labels_color: "#DE0101",
green_labels_color: "#3AC63A",
black_labels_color: "#FFD5A5",
called_bets_color: "#FFD5A5"
cells: {
style: "solid",
red_color: "#291c15cc",
green_color: "#291c15cc",
black_color: "#291c15cc"
button_color: "#F2E2B8",
label_color: "#F2E2B8",
selector: {
labels: {
style: "serif"
, uC = A.A({}, dC, {
cells: {
outsides_color: "#0000004d"
, _C = C => A.A({}, fC(C), {
mobile: {
[U.FJ.Classic]: {
[W.jJ.Standard]: uC,
[W.jJ.Special]: DC
[U.FJ.ImmersiveV2]: {
[W.jJ.Standard]: uC,
[W.jJ.Special]: DC
default: {
[U.FJ.Classic]: {
[W.jJ.Standard]: dC,
[W.jJ.Special]: DC
[U.FJ.ImmersiveV2]: {
[W.jJ.Standard]: dC,
[W.jJ.Special]: DC
var eC = i(351285);
const Cp = {
[x.vS.SBR]: fC,
[x.vS.DBR]: C => ({
mobile: {
[U.FJ.Classic]: {
[W.jJ.Standard]: SC,
[W.jJ.Special]: aC,
[W.jJ.Golden]: TC
[U.FJ.ImmersiveV2]: {
[W.jJ.Standard]: jC,
[W.jJ.Special]: vC,
[W.jJ.Golden]: TC
[U.FJ.Slingshot]: {
[W.jJ.Standard]: {
style: C
[W.jJ.Special]: {
style: C
[W.jJ.Golden]: TC
default: {
[U.FJ.Classic]: {
[W.jJ.Standard]: OC,
[W.jJ.Special]: BC,
[W.jJ.Golden]: TC
[U.FJ.ImmersiveV2]: {
[W.jJ.Standard]: OC,
[W.jJ.Special]: TC,
[W.jJ.Golden]: TC
[U.FJ.Slingshot]: {
[W.jJ.Standard]: IC(C),
[W.jJ.Special]: YC(C),
[W.jJ.Golden]: TC
[x.vS.DZR]: C => ({
mobile: {
[U.FJ.Classic]: {
[W.jJ.Standard]: HC,
[W.jJ.Special]: XC
[U.FJ.ImmersiveV2]: {
[W.jJ.Standard]: bC,
[W.jJ.Special]: XC
[U.FJ.Slingshot]: {
[W.jJ.Standard]: HC,
[W.jJ.Special]: zC(C)
default: {
[U.FJ.Classic]: {
[W.jJ.Standard]: oC,
[W.jJ.Special]: xC
[U.FJ.ImmersiveV2]: {
[W.jJ.Standard]: ZC,
[W.jJ.Special]: xC
[U.FJ.Slingshot]: {
[W.jJ.Standard]: IC(C),
[W.jJ.Special]: YC(C)
[x.vS.French]: C => ({
mobile: {
[U.FJ.Classic]: {
[W.jJ.Standard]: $C(U.FJ.Classic),
[W.jJ.Special]: hC
[U.FJ.ImmersiveV2]: {
[W.jJ.Standard]: $C(U.FJ.ImmersiveV2),
[W.jJ.Special]: GC
[U.FJ.Slingshot]: {
[W.jJ.Standard]: {
style: C
[W.jJ.Special]: {
style: C
default: {
[U.FJ.Classic]: {
[W.jJ.Standard]: RC,
[W.jJ.Special]: QC
[U.FJ.ImmersiveV2]: {
[W.jJ.Standard]: RC,
[W.jJ.Special]: QC
[U.FJ.Slingshot]: {
[W.jJ.Standard]: {
style: C
[W.jJ.Special]: {
style: C,
button_color: U.w9[C],
label_color: U.w9[C]
[x.vS.InstantRoulette]: C => A.A({}, fC(C), {
mobile: {
[U.FJ.Classic]: {
[W.jJ.Standard]: KC,
[W.jJ.Special]: FC
[U.FJ.ImmersiveV2]: {
[W.jJ.Standard]: KC,
[W.jJ.Special]: FC
default: {
[U.FJ.Classic]: {
[W.jJ.Standard]: AC,
[W.jJ.Special]: FC
[U.FJ.ImmersiveV2]: {
[W.jJ.Standard]: AC,
[W.jJ.Special]: FC
[x.vS.Lightning]: rC,
[x.vS.GoldVault]: C => A.A({}, fC(C), {
mobile: {
[U.FJ.Classic]: {
[W.jJ.Standard]: WC,
[W.jJ.Special]: kC
[U.FJ.ImmersiveV2]: {
[W.jJ.Standard]: WC,
[W.jJ.Special]: kC
default: {
[U.FJ.Classic]: {
[W.jJ.Standard]: WC,
[W.jJ.Special]: kC
[U.FJ.ImmersiveV2]: {
[W.jJ.Standard]: WC,
[W.jJ.Special]: kC
[x.vS.AmericanLightning]: rC,
[x.vS.American]: C => A.A({}, fC(C), {
mobile: {
[U.FJ.Classic]: {
[W.jJ.Standard]: sC,
[W.jJ.Special]: cC
[U.FJ.ImmersiveV2]: {
[W.jJ.Standard]: sC,
[W.jJ.Special]: cC
default: {
[U.FJ.Classic]: {
[W.jJ.Standard]: sC,
[W.jJ.Special]: cC
[U.FJ.ImmersiveV2]: {
[W.jJ.Standard]: sC,
[W.jJ.Special]: cC
[x.vS.RedDoorRoulette]: _C,
[x.vS.AmericanRedDoorRoulette]: _C,
[x.vS.CustomRoulette]: fC,
[x.vS.XXXtremeLightning]: rC
function pp(C, p, i, q) {
var V;
const m = q.match(/Slingshot/i) ? C.slingshot_style || C[`$
{p}.style`] || U.Lq.Red : C[`${p}.style`] || U.Lq.Classic
, w = h.VC(q)
, y = (null !== (V = Cp[i]) && void 0 !== V ? V : fC)(m);
return w ? {
} : {
table_classic_style: y.default[U.FJ.Classic][W.jJ.Standard],
table_immersive_style: y.default[U.FJ.ImmersiveV2]
table_slingshot_style: y.default[U.FJ.Slingshot]
racetrack_classic_style: y.default[U.FJ.Classic][W.jJ.Special],
racetrack_immersive_style: y.default[U.FJ.ImmersiveV2]
racetrack_slingshot_style: y.default[U.FJ.Slingshot]
golden_style: y.default[U.FJ.Classic][W.jJ.Golden]
var ip = i(576386)
, qp = i(633863)
, Vp = i(856464)
, mp = i(130147)
, wp = i(687650)
, yp = (i(377810),
function lp(C, p) {
const i = C.renderGameComponent(,, p.AbstractGameRoot);
return wp.A(function(C) {
return p => a.jsx(O.S.Provider, {
value: C.timelineManager,
children: p
}(p), function(C) {
return p => {
var i;
const q = null === (i = C.autoplayProvider) || void 0 === i
? void 0 : i.AutoplayProvider;
return yp.pA(q, p)
var tp = i(332451);
function Bp({dispatch: C}) {
return p => i => {
i.type === V.ABSTRACT_GAME_SELECT_LAYOUT && C(tp.up(i.layout)),
var Tp = i(13799)
, Ip = i(949570)
, Yp = i(446967)
, Up = i(181118)
, Lp = i(307169);
const ap = "lowBalanceTracker/SET_HAS_ENOUGH_FUNDS"
, vp = {
hasEnoughFunds: !0
function fp(C) {
return {
type: ap,
payload: C
function sp(C=vp, p) {
return p.type === ap ? {
hasEnoughFunds: p.payload
} : C
var cp = i(843520);
function Op({dispatch: C, getState: p, getAG: i}) {
let q = !1;
return V => {
function m({currPhase: V, currTotalBet: m, currBalance: w,
prevHasEnoughFunds: y, action: l}) {
const t = p()
, {balance: {checkIsBalanceLowWithPopup: B}} = i()
, T = Tp.DB(p()).getTableBetMinLimit()
, I = V || P.IA(t)
, Y = m ||
, U = w || Ip.Ts(t)
, L = y || P.zn(t)
, a = (U || 0) >= T || null == U || Y > 0;
a || !cp.nX(I) && q || (null == l ? void 0 : l.type) ===
Yp.ux ? a && !L && (C(fp(!0)),
C(Up.H7())) : (C(fp(!1)),
q = !0
return function(C) {
const i = p();
const w = p()
, y = Ip.Ts(w)
, l = Ip.Ts(i)
, t = P.zn(i);
q && l === y || m({
action: C,
prevHasEnoughFunds: t
const B = P.IA(i)
, T = P.IA(w)
, I =
, Y =;
B !== Lp.a.BetsOpen && T === Lp.a.BetsOpen && m({
currPhase: T
I !== Y && m({
currTotalBet: Y
var Sp = i(304642)
, jp = i(154022)
, op = i(483397)
, xp = i(43129)
, Zp = i(277082);
function Hp({orientation: C, layout: p, isFullscreen: i, instantZoom:
q, isVideoZoomed: V, streamId: m}) {
return (w, y) => {
const l = y()
, t = P.UX(l)
, B = op.LM({
orientation: C || Tp.V6(l),
layout: p ||,
isFullscreen: null != i ? i : Zp.selectVideoFullScreen(l)
, T = 1 === (null != m ? m :
, I = B || T || !1
, Y = I ? 1 : t.wheelZoomInFactor()
, U = I ? xp.GK : t.wheelZoomInTargetPosition();
if (void 0 !== V) {
const C = T || q ? 0 : V ? t.wheelZoomInDuration() :
w(V ? jp.QJ(Y, C, U) : jp.QJ(1, C, xp.GK))
} else if (P.A0(l)) {
const C = void 0 !== p ? 2e3 : 0;
w(jp.QJ(Y, C, U))
var bp = i(50415);
const Xp = (C, p) => C === t.t.Landscape && p === U.FJ.PhoneImmersive
, zp = Sp.HZ(Xp)
, Mp = ({dispatch: C, getState: p}) => (bp.Y8((i => {
const q = Xp(i, ? {
orientation: i,
isVideoZoomed: !1,
instantZoom: !0
} : {
orientation: i
i => q => {
const V = p();
if (Xp(Tp.V6(V),
else {
if (q.type === jp.q9)
isVideoZoomed: q.payload
else if (q.type === {
const p = Xp(Tp.V6(V), q.layout) ? {
layout: q.layout,
isVideoZoomed: !1,
instantZoom: !0
} : {
layout: q.layout
} else
q.type === Zp.actions.SET_FULL_SCREEN ? C(Hp({
isFullscreen: q.fullScreen
})) : q.type === Zp.actions.REQUEST_STREAM_ID && C(Hp({
streamId: q.requestedStreamId
var Pp = i(53834);
const Rp = {
1: [0, 100],
2: [34, 100],
3: [66, 100],
4: [100, 100],
5: [0, 66],
6: [34, 66],
7: [66, 66],
8: [100, 66],
9: [0, 34],
10: [34, 34],
11: [66, 34],
12: [100, 34]
function Qp(C) {
return Rp[C] || [50, 50]
var np;
function hp({orientation: C, layout: p, isFullscreen: i, zoom: q,
instantZoom: V}) {
return (m, w) => {
const y = w()
, l = Tp.DB(y);
if (P.CV(y)) {
const w = P.DK(y);
if (0 !== w) {
const t = {
deviceSupport: Tp.uD(y),
layout: p ||,
orientation: C || Tp.V6(y),
isFullscreen: null != i ? i :
, B = l.instantRouletteWheelZoomAndCenter(w, t)
, T = B.wheelCenter || Qp(w)
, I = Pp.G0(y);
if (q && V && m(jp.QJ(q, 0, T)),
I.transformOrigin.every(( (C, p) => C === T[p])) &&
I.zoom === B.zoom)
const Y = void 0 !== p ? 2e3 : 0;
m(jp.QJ(B.zoom, Y, T))
function Gp({dispatch: C, getState: p}) {
return bp.Y8((i => {
const q = Xp(i, ? {
orientation: i,
zoom: 1,
instantZoom: !0
} : {
orientation: i
i => q => {
if (q.type === {
const i = Xp(Tp.V6(p()), q.layout) ? {
layout: q.layout,
zoom: 1,
instantZoom: !0
} : {
layout: q.layout
return q.type === Zp.actions.SET_FULL_SCREEN && C(hp({
isFullscreen: q.fullScreen
(function(C) {
C["BetsOpen"] = "BetsOpen"
)(np || (np = {}));
var $p = i(399620);
function Wp({dispatch: C}) {
return p => function(i) {
i.type === $p.o && C(jp.iw(i.latency)),
var kp = i(209587)
, Ap = i(556392)
, Fp = i(499532)
, Kp = i(613567)
, Ep = i(947567);
function gp(C) {
return function({getState: p, dispatch: i}) {
return q => function(V) {
const m = p()
, {volumeMusic: w, volumeMaster: y} = Ap.Yq(m)
, l = Zp.selectVideoIsPlaying(m)
, t = V.type === Fp.Vy && V.payload.key === Kp.Jq
, B = V.type === Zp.actions.SET_IS_PLAYING
, T = B && V.isPlaying
, I = V.type === Fp.Vy && V.payload.key === Kp.AE;
return C.isInitialized ? C.isInitialized && B && (l ?
C.pause() : C.resume()) : (T && w > 0 && y > 0 || t && V.payload.value > 0 && l &&
y > 0 || I && w > 0 && l && V.payload.value > 0) && (C.start(),
var Np = i(807990)
, Jp = i(552913)
, rp = i(234199)
, dp = i(267288)
, Dp = i(997660)
, up = i(74136)
, _p = i(850083)
, ep = i(806974)
, Ci = i(263543)
, pi = i(355601)
, ii = i(790602)
, qi = i(553003)
, Vi = i(935371)
, mi = i(653080)
, wi = i(78670)
, yi = i(263904)
, li = i(582761);
const ti = 7;
function Bi(C, p) {
const i = C.getState()
, q = P.IA(i);
(q === Lp.a.BetsOpen || q === Lp.a.BetsClosingSoon) &&
C.dispatch(function(C) {
return (p, i) => {
var q;
const V = i()
, m = null === (q = P.UL(V)) || void 0 === q ? void 0 :
let w = P.H1(V);
if (void 0 === m)
const y = li.vS(m);
let l = eC.$q(V, y);
if (ep.z2(l) && (l = ip.LQ(eC.cT(V, y)),
const t = P.XS(V)
, B = Tp.Ay(V)
, T =
, I = P.jq(V, y)
, Y = Vi.Vp(l, m)
, L = B.width / xp.Ph.fullHd.WIDTH * ti
, a = Y[0] * I.width + I.left
, v = Y[1] * I.height +;
let f, s;
if (w.mouseOffsetFromChipCenter || (p(pi.gP({
mouseOffsetFromChipCenter: {
x: C.pageX - a,
y: C.pageY - v
w = P.H1(i())),
!w.draggedEnoughToConsiderMovingChip &&
w.mouseOffsetFromChipCenter && (f = Math.sqrt((C.pageX - a -
w.mouseOffsetFromChipCenter.x) ** 2 + (C.pageY - v - w.mouseOffsetFromChipCenter.y)
** 2)),
!w.draggedEnoughToConsiderMovingChip && void 0 !== f && f >
L && (p(pi.O9({
betSpotId: m,
gridType: y
draggedEnoughToConsiderMovingChip: !0
ii.DB(y, m, !1)),
T === U.FJ.Slingshot)
s = wi.D({
gameDimensions: B,
gridBoundingRect: I,
points: yi.K(T, t),
center: Y,
dragCoords: {
x: C.pageX,
y: C.pageY
s || (s = {
x: C.pageX - w.mouseOffsetFromChipCenter.x,
y: C.pageY - w.mouseOffsetFromChipCenter.y
else {
const p = .0075 * I.width
, i = .05 * I.height;
s = {
x: up.qE(C.pageX - w.mouseOffsetFromChipCenter.x,
I.left - p, I.right + p),
y: up.qE(C.pageY - w.mouseOffsetFromChipCenter.y, - i, I.bottom + i)
s && (w.draggedChipPosition ? p(pi.JP({
draggedChipPosition: s
})) : p(pi.gP({
draggedChipPosition: s
function Ti({setAutoPlayAdjustedFlag: C=!1}) {
return (p, i, {getAutoplay: q}) => {
const V = q().autoplayAPI;
p(pi.O9(void 0)),
(null == V ? void 0 : V.isRunning.value) && C &&
function Ii(C, p) {
const i = C.getState()
, q = P.IA(i);
(q === Lp.a.BetsOpen || q === Lp.a.BetsClosingSoon) &&
C.dispatch(function(C) {
return (p, i) => {
const q = i()
, V = Tp.DB(q)
, m = P.ud(q)
, w = P.Ym(q)
, y = P.H1(q)
, l = cp.nX(P.IA(q))
, t = P.UL(q)
, B = null == t ? void 0 : t.betSpotId;
if (void 0 === B)
const T = (null == t ? void 0 : t.betSpotId) &&
mi.TI(t.betSpotId) ? W.jJ.Golden : W.jJ.Standard;
if (T !== W.jJ.Standard || !V.useChipCanvasV2()) {
if (!y.draggedEnoughToConsiderMovingChip && l)
return p(Ci.he({
position: {
left: C.clientX,
top: C.clientY
betSpotId: B,
betSource: W.Q2(T)
void p(Ti({
setAutoPlayAdjustedFlag: !1
if (w && ii.DB(T, w),
B !== w || !w)
return qi.M4(m).has(B) ? w && cp.$Y(w) ? (p(Ci.Uv({
betSpotId: B,
position: {
left: C.clientX,
top: C.clientY
betSource: _p.n1.StandardGrid
p(Ci.Ay(w, _p.n1.StandardGrid, {
left: C.clientX,
top: C.clientY
void p(Ti({
setAutoPlayAdjustedFlag: !0
}))) : void (w ? (p(Ci.LM({
position: {
left: C.clientX,
top: C.clientY
from: B,
to: w,
betSource: W.Q2(T)
setAutoPlayAdjustedFlag: !0
}))) : (l && p(Ci.Uv({
position: {
left: C.clientX,
top: C.clientY
betSpotId: B,
betSource: W.Q2(T)
setAutoPlayAdjustedFlag: !1
})))) : void 0;
setAutoPlayAdjustedFlag: !1
var Yi = i(398573)
, Ui = i(878804)
, Li = i(349165);
function ai({dispatch: C, getState: p}) {
return i => q => {
const V =;
q.type === Yi.KQ && q.payload && V === U.FJ.ImmersiveV2 &&
C(Ui.Ip(Li.B.PerspectiveFooterTransformation, xp.A0, ( () => {
function vi({dispatch: C, getState: p}) {
return i => function(q) {
const V = p()
, m = Tp.DB(V).isSlingshot();
return q.type !== || P.CV(V) || m &&
C(Zp.requestVideoStreamById(q.layout === U.FJ.ImmersiveV2 ? 1 : 0)),
const fi = C => C.type === Zp.actions.SET_FULL_SCREEN && C.fullScreen
, si = C => C.type === Zp.actions.SET_FULL_SCREEN && !C.fullScreen;
function ci({dispatch: C, getState: p}) {
return i => function(q) {
const V = p();
if (si(q) && C(jp.J6(!1)),
fi(q) && !V.preferences.autoZoom) {
const p = P.Mg(V) + 1;
p >= 5 && C(jp.J6(!0)),
var Oi = i(821023)
, Si = i(988737)
, ji = i(218389)
, oi = i(994647)
, xi = i(452081)
, Zi = i(811522)
, Hi = i(443136)
, bi = i(40629);
const Xi = i.p + "images/key.7e021b55.webp"
, zi = "keyIcon--cdbdc"
, Mi = "rdrInbroBubble"
, Pi = 2
, Ri = 7e3
, Qi = 2e3
, ni = C => C >= Pi;
function hi(C) {
return (p, i, {getAG: q}) => {
var V;
const m = q();
if (p(Ui.w3(Li.B.OnboardingBubbleShowingDelay)),
(null === (V = m.onboardingBubbles.current.value) || void 0 ===
V ? void 0 : === Mi) {
const q = P.E2(i())
, V = C ? Pi : q + 1;
const Gi = (C, p, i, q) => ({
id: Mi,
element: p,
anchorPosition: "TopCenter",
bubbleData: {
withArrow: !0,
contentTranslationMapping: {
key: `<img src="${Xi}" class="${zi}" />`
position: "TopCenter",
showHintsOption: !0,
width: i ? `${p.getBoundingClientRect().width * (q ===
t.t.Landscape ? .93 : 1)}px` : void 0,
autoClose: {
timeout: Ri,
callback: C(!1)
hintsButtonCallback: C(!1),
onClose: C(!0)
, $i = 10;
function Wi() {
let C, p = 0;
return ({dispatch: i, getState: q}) => V => m => {
const w = q()
, y = Tp.uD(w).IS_PHONE
, l = ji.TG(w, "rdrMiniGridPopupEnabled");
if (function(C, p) {
p.type === && [W.jJ.Special,
W.jJ.Mini].includes(p.payload) && C(hi(!1))
}(i, m),
!y || !l)
return V(m);
switch (m.type) {
m.payload === W.jJ.Mini && (i(Zi.A3()),
case oi.D2:
const q = m.payload;
if (q === C)
if (q === Lp.a.BetsClosed) { > 0 && p++,
C = q;
q === Lp.a.BetsOpen && (p >= $i && (i(Zi.pT()),
C = q)
return V(m)
function ki({dispatch: C}) {
return bp.Y8(( () => {
C => p => C(p)
var Ai = i(170877);
const Fi = "customRouletteFeaturePromo"
, Ki = "customRouletteFeaturePromoPause"
, Ei = 8e3;
var gi = i(892510);
const Ni = "command"
, Ji = "roulette.winSpots"
, ri = "instantroulette.winSpots"
, di = "roulette.winnersList"
, Di = "instantroulette.winnersList"
, ui = "reddoorroulette.winnersList"
, _i = "roulette.switchRouletteBGameModeError"
, ei = "roulette.tableState"
, Cq = "instantroulette.tableState"
, pq = "roulette.betActionResponse"
, iq = "instantroulette.betActionResponse"
, qq = "reddoorroulette.betActionResponse"
, Vq = "roulette.betsAccepted"
, mq = "instantroulette.betAcceptedResponse"
, wq = "reddoorroulette.betsAccepted"
, yq = "roulette.betsRejected"
, lq = "instantroulette.betsRejected"
, tq = "reddoorroulette.betsRejected"
, Bq = "roulette.betsPartiallyValidated"
, Tq = "reddoorroulette.betsPartiallyValidated"
, Iq = "roulette.recentResults"
, Yq = "instantroulette.recentResults"
, Uq = "favouriteBets.onBetsLoaded"
, Lq = "favouriteBets.onBetSaved"
, aq = "favouriteBets.onBetEdited"
, vq = "favouriteBets.onBetDeleted"
, fq = "privateTables.idleWarning"
, sq = "privateTables.sessionInfo"
, cq = "instantroulette.spinFailure";
function Oq(C) {
var p;
return void 0 !== (null === (p = C.payload) || void 0 === p ? void
0 : p.goldVaultBoxes)
var Sq = i(751942);
const jq = (C, p) => {
const {getState: i, dispatch: q} = p;
(function(C, p, i) {
const q = Oi.Ry(p());
if ("rouletteBSubTypeEnabled"in C) {
const p = C.rouletteBSubTypeEnabled;
"disabled" !== q && !1 === p ? i(Sq.c5()) : "enabled" !== q
&& !0 === p && i(Sq.Ln())
} else
"default" !== q && i(Sq.lI())
)(C.payload.betState, i, q)
, oq = "roulette.mathInfo"
, xq = (C, p) => {
const {payload: i} = C
, {dispatch: q} = p;
q(Sq.DJ(function(C) {
return {
name: C.math,
rtp: C.RTP,
straightUpRtp: C.straightUpRTP,
straightUpPayout: C.payoutsToOne,
multiplierCount: C.multiplierAmounts,
multiplierValues: C.multiplierValues
var Zq = i(151739);
const Hq = (C, p) => {
const {dispatch: i} = p;
let q;
C.payload.rouletteBSubTypeEnabled ? (i(Sq.Ln()),
q = "custom.settings.too.late.enabled") : (i(Sq.c5()),
q = "custom.settings.too.late.disabled"),
var bq = i(304463)
, Xq = i(477062);
const zq = (C, p) => {
const {dispatch: i} = p;
var Mq = i(223443);
const Pq = "dealer.changed"
, Rq = (C, p) => {
const {dispatch: i} = p;
"dealer"in C.payload ? i(Mq.GF( :
var Qq = i(327523);
const nq = (C, p) => {
const {dispatch: i} = p
, q = (C.timestamp || -;
i(Qq.og(C.payload, q))
, hq = (C, p) => {
const {dispatch: i} = p;
function Gq(C) {
return bq.Lk(C) ? {
} : {}
function $q(C) {
return {
[Pq]: Rq,
[Iq]: zq,
[Yq]: zq,
var Wq = i(445238);
const kq = "reddoorroulette.autoAssignedFlapper"
, Aq = (C, p) => {
const {payload: i} = C
, {dispatch: q} = p;
var Fq = i(924935);
function Kq(C) {
return Object.entries(C).map(( ([C,p]) => ({
betSpotId: C,
multiplier: p
const Eq = "reddoorroulette.bonusSpotsReveal"
, gq = 9500
, Nq = (C, p) => {
const {payload: i} = C
, {dispatch: q, ag: V, getState: m} = p
, w = m()
, y = P.UX(w); -
y.winningNumberCaptureDelay()).then(( () => {
q(( (C, p, {getAG: i}) => {
const q = i();
if (!function(C, p) {
const i = P.E2(C)
, q = Boolean(p.popups.current.value)
, V = void 0 !== P.YH(C,
return Hi.Or(C) !== W.jJ.Special && !ni(i) && !q && !V
}(p(), q))
const V = p => () => C(hi(p));
C(Ui.Ip(Li.B.OnboardingBubbleShowingDelay, Qi, ( () => {
const C = bi.o("bettingGrid");
C && q.onboardingBubbles.addOrUpdate(Gi(V, C,
Tp.uD(p()).IS_PHONE, Tp.V6(p())))
q(Ui.Ip(Li.B.WaitForZoomIn, gq, ( () => {
Hi.d9(m(), W.jJ.Special) && q(Fq.VF())
const Jq = "reddoorroulette.recentResults"
, rq = (C, p) => {
const {payload: i} = C
, {dispatch: q} = p
, V = => C[1] ? [`${C[0]}x${C[1]}x5`] :
recentResults: V
var dq = i(620277)
, Dq = i(4944);
const uq = "reddoorroulette.tableState"
, _q = [Dq.E.BonusGameInitializing, Dq.E.BonusGameOpeningDoor,
Dq.E.BonusGameShowingMultipliers, Dq.E.BonusGameUpdatingMultipliers,
Dq.E.BonusGameDecisionTime, Dq.E.BonusGameSwitchingToButtonCamera,
Dq.E.BonusGameSpinningWheel, Dq.E.BonusGameCelebrating, Dq.E.BonusGameIdle,
var eq = i(185214)
, CV = i(864355)
, pV = i(369372)
, iV = i(167937)
, qV = i(127370)
, VV = i(470265)
, mV = i(768519)
, wV = i(813330)
, yV = i(676507);
var lV = i(205676)
, tV = i(260390)
, BV = i(329883)
, TV = i(946855)
, IV = i(783388)
, YV = i(678264)
, UV = i(584260);
function LV() {
return !z.O.isSlingshot() && z.O.closeBetsAfterSpin()
function aV(C) {
return P.Pm(C) || P.IA(C)
var vV = i(30348);
function fV(C) {
return [Lp.a.BetsClosed, Lp.a.BetsAccepted,
Lp.a.NotAllBetsAccepted, Lp.a.BetsRejected, Lp.a.NoBets, Lp.a.WinnersKnown,
const sV = {
[Dq.E.GameCancelled]: Lp.a.Canceled,
function cV(C) {
return C in sV
function OV(C) {
return (p, i) => {
const q = aV(i());
if (!fV(q) || C === Dq.E.GameCancelled)
switch (C) {
case Dq.E.BetsClosingSoon:
LV() || p(oi.A(sV[C]));
case Dq.E.BetsClosedAnnounced:
if (LV() && q !== Lp.a.BetsClosed) {
cV(C) && p(oi.A(sV[C]));
case Dq.E.GameCancelled:
p(( (C, p) => {
P.sL(p()) || C(Zq.yy()),
number: "-1"
cV(C) && p(oi.A(sV[C]))
var SV = i(306815)
, jV = i(885537);
function oV(C, p) {
return Object.keys(C).reduce(( (i, q) => (i[q] = {
amount: C[q],
errorCode: p
i)), {})
const xV = 3004;
var ZV = i(598217);
const HV = 12e3;
function bV(C, p, i) {
const q = P.UX(p())
, V = q.betsClosingTime() || 5e3;
return m => {
const w = p()
, y = aV(w);
i && m <= V && y === Lp.a.BetsOpen && (P.sL(w) && C(BV.gI(!1)),
const l = XV(m);
x.YR(q.getRouletteGameType()) &&
T.triggerEvent(kp.y.BetsOpenCountDown, l),
l <= 0 && (y === Lp.a.BetsClosingSoon && q.showCountDownTimer()
&& C(oi.A(Lp.a.BetsClosed)),
function XV(C) {
return Math.max(0, Math.round(C / 1e3))
var zV = i(263943)
, MV = i(858765)
, PV = i(563710)
, RV = i(296464)
, QV = i(150826);
function nV(C, p, i, q, V) {
var m;
const {betState: w, state: y, gameId: l, gameNumber: t} =
const B = {
backendData: w,
gameResolved: y === Dq.E.GameResolved || y === Dq.E.BetsClosed
const I = V.createTimeline({
name: "BetsOpen"
}).addEvent(c.V.BetsOpen, {
onEventStart: () => {
C(( (C, p, {getAG: i}) => {
var q;
const V = p()
, m = P.CV(V)
, w = P.DK(V)
, y = i().video.currentStreamId.value;
m && !0 !== (null === (q = i().autoplay) || void 0 ===
q ? void 0 : q.isRunning.value) && w !== y && (C(Zp.requestVideoStreamById(0)),
C(jp.QJ(, P.UX(V).wheelZoomOutDuration(), xp.GK)))
C(function({isBetweenGames: C, isBetsOpen: p, gameId: i,
gameNumber: q}) {
return (V, m, {getAG: w}) => {
const y = m();
if (C)
else {
const C = w().gameRoundId.value
, p =
, m = P.FN(y);
if (p && C && C === m) {
const C = p + Ip.F4(y) + Ip.bI(y);
p && V(function(C=!1) {
return (p, i) => {
const q = i();
C && p(QV.v()),
function(C) {
const p = {
volume: .25
switch (C.getRouletteGameType()) {
case x.vS.XXXtremeLightning:
return void
Z.Ak(b.Ck.XxxtremeLightningInvite, p);
case x.vS.Lightning:
case x.vS.AmericanLightning:
return void
Z.Ak(b.Ck.LightningInvite, p);
case x.vS.GoldVault:
return void
Z.Ak(b.Ck.GVRBetsOpenAttention, p);
case x.vS.AmericanRedDoorRoulette:
case x.vS.RedDoorRoulette:
h.W2( && p(PV.FS()),
C || p(oi.Hx(null))
gameId: l,
gameNumber: t,
isBetsOpen: y === Dq.E.BetsOpen || y ===
isBetweenGames: y === Dq.E.NoGame
function(C) {
var Y, U;
(null === (m = V.getTimeline("GameResolve")) || void 0 === m ? void
0 : m.isEventInProgress(c.V.GameResult)) ? V.subscribeToTimelineEvent({
once: !0,
timelineName: "GameResolve",
eventsToSubscribeTo: [c.V.GameResultAnimationEnd],
callback: () => {
}) : I.start(),
q || i.settings.isPrivateTable() || p.type === Cq || (ZV.V(),
C((Y = p.payload.betState.closeInMillis ? 1e3 *
Math.round(p.payload.betState.closeInMillis / 1e3) : 0,
U = p.timestamp,
(C, p) => {
const i = p()
, q = P.UX(i)
, V = Y + q.maximumBetCloseTime() + q.safetyTimerDelay();
if (
C(oi.QG(1 / 0)),
C(oi.gX(1 / 0)),
else {
const m = Y + q.getDesktopPlayerTimerGap();
let w = Math.min(m, V);
const y = + w;
P.jc(i) && w < HV && (w = HV),
0 !== Y && ZV.t({
completeAt: y,
onTick: bV(C, p, LV())
function hV(C) {
return (p, i, {getAG: q, videoSync: V, timelineManager: m}) => {
const w = q();`New table state came: ${C.payload.state}`,
const {betState: y, state: l, luckyNumbers: t, luckyChains: B,
luckySplits: T, gameId: I, gameNumber: Y} = C.payload
, U = y ? y.bets : void 0
, L = i()
, a = P.sL(L)
, v = P.CV(L)
, s = P.UX(L)
, c = !w.gameRoundId.value || w.gameRoundId.value !== I;
if (c && (p(eq._B(I)),
!U && a && p(iV.Cp()),
t && !s.isGoldVaultRoulette()) {
const i = () => {
luckyNumbers: t,
luckyChains: B,
luckySplits: T,
hasJustConnected: a
, q = "phone" === s.deviceType() &&
!a && C.timestamp && q ? : i()
} else
l === Dq.E.GameResolved || Oq(C) || (p(tV.m6()),
if (Oq(C)) {
const i = () => {
var i, q;
p((i = C.payload.goldVaultBoxes,
q = a,
(C, p) => {
const V = =>
Object.entries(C).reduce(( (C, [p,i]) => {
const q = CV.m4(p);
return q && "00" !== q && mi.qN(q) && (C[q] =
), {})));
if (C(mV.sG(V)),
else {
const i = p()
, q = P.UX(i)
, w = (m = wV.$(i, {
betSpotData: {}
}, q.tempGetGVRBettingGridAnimationTimings()),
yV.Uy + yV.Ep + m.reduce(( (C, p) =>
Math.max(C, p.multipliers[p.multipliers.length - 1].startTime)), 0))
, y = 2e3;
let l = 0;
for (let C = V.length - 1; C >= 0 && 0 ===
Object.values(V[C]).length; C--)
C(Fq.VF(w + y + 1e3 * l))
var m
a || !C.timestamp ? i() : V.wait(C.timestamp).then(i)
} else
s.isGoldVaultRoulette() && l !== Dq.E.GameResolved &&
switch (l) {
case Dq.E.BetsOpen:
if (v && s.betWaitTime() && !a) {
const i = P.q$(L)
, q = Math.max(s.betWaitTime(), i || 0);
p(Ui.Ip(Li.B.InstantRouletteBetWaitTime, q, ( () => {
nV(p, C, w, v, m)
} else
nV(p, C, w, v, m),
s.luckyNumbersEnabled() && s.isSlingshot() &&
Z.Ak(b.Ck.LightningBetsOpenBackground, {
volume: .1
case Dq.E.BetsClosingSoon:
a && nV(p, C, w, v, m),
s.luckyNumbersEnabled() && s.isSlingshot() &&
Z.Ak(b.Ck.LightningBallDropBackground, {
loop: !0,
volume: .1
})), && p(oi.gX(xp.hJ - 1));
case Dq.E.BetsClosedAnnounced:
if (a)
nV(p, C, w, v, m),
p(oi.A(U ? Lp.a.Wait : Lp.a.BetweenGames));
else {
if (fV(aV(L))) {
const C = P.Af(L);
void 0 !== C && p(lV.Dc( - C))
case Dq.E.BetsClosed:
c || function(C, p, i) {
const q = p()
, V = qi.M4(P.ud(q))
, m = P.UX(q);
if (!i && V.size > 0) {
const p = {};
V.forEach(( (C, i) => {
const q = cp.cH(i, m.luckyNumbersEnabled(),
p[q] = C
const i = oV(p, jV.O4.LateBet);
numberOfValidBets: 0,
totalAcceptedSum: 0
}, !1)),
} else if (i) {
const p = {};
V.forEach(( (C, q) => {
const V = cp.cH(q, m.luckyNumbersEnabled(),
if (V in i == !1 || C > i[V]) {
const q = i[V] || 0;
p[V] = C - q
Object.entries(i).forEach(( ([C,i]) => {
let q = CV.m4(C);
if (!q)
q = cp.F1(q);
const m = V.get(q);
(void 0 === m || m < i) && (p[C] = (null != m ?
m : 0) - i)
Object.keys(p).length > 0 && C(,
}(p, i, U),
v ? p(Ui.Ip(Li.B.InstantRouletteHideWinnersDelay, xp.H4,
( () => {
))) : w.winnersList.hide(),
U && p(Ci.d1(U)),
a ? v || p(oi.A(U ? Lp.a.Wait : Lp.a.BetweenGames)) :
case Dq.E.BetsAccepted:
const q = aV(L);
v && (U && [Lp.a.Welcome,
Lp.a.NotAllBetsAccepted].includes(q) && p(Ci.d1(U)),
q === Lp.a.Welcome && p(oi.A(Lp.a.BetsAccepted)));
case Dq.E.GameResolved:
const V = P.Le(L);
Object.keys(V).length > 0 && p(lV.NZ([], V, s)),
const O = i()
, S = P.ud(O)
, j = P.FP(O);
a && 0 === j.length && S.length > 0 && (p(iV.vt([{
accepted: !0,
actionId: f.MZ(),
bets: S,
gameId: w.gameRoundId.value
a && p(BV.gI(!1))
const GV = ({message: C, state: p, dispatch: i, videoSync: q}) => {
const V = P.UX(p);
switch (C.payload.state) {
case Dq.E.BetsOpen:
const m = P.sL(p) ? 0 : C.timestamp -
q.wait(m, np.BetsOpen).then((p => {
C.payload.betState.closeInMillis &&
(C.payload.betState.closeInMillis -= p),
)).catch(( () => {}
case Dq.E.BetsClosedAnnounced:
const w = V.getRouletteGameType();
x.B7(w) || w === x.vS.RedDoorRoulette || w ===
x.vS.AmericanRedDoorRoulette || w === x.vS.GoldVault ||
q.wait(C.timestamp).then(( () => {
, $V = {
dark: "99, 8, 8",
light: "99, 8, 8"
, WV = ["E4A935", "D64D00", "008EF5", "6B0655"];
var kV = i(929598)
, AV = i(900466);
function FV() {
return function(C) {
function KV() {
return function(C) {
const EV = {
mobile: {
transitionDuration: 1e3
function gV() {
return function(C) {
mobile: $V,
classicView: WV
}, EV))
const NV = "RDRBonusRound";
const JV = [Dq.E.BonusGameUpdatingMultipliers,
Dq.E.BonusGameSwitchingToButtonCamera, Dq.E.BonusGameDecisionTime,
Dq.E.BonusGameSpinningWheel, Dq.E.BonusGameCelebrating];
var rV = i(119771);
const dV = !1
, DV = 5900
, uV = 500
, _V = (C, p) => {
const {payload: i} = C
, {getState: q, dispatch: V, ag: m} = p
, w = q();
function(C) {
return C.payload.state === Dq.E.GameLocked
}(C) && (V(,
const y = C.timestamp - + uV;
if ( () => {
function(C, p, i) {
if (!1 === P.UX(C).isRDRWith3Flappers())
return dV && "not an 3f rdr";
const q = P.UX(C).DeviceSupport.IS_PHONE
, V = Tp.V6(C) === t.t.Portrait;
if (!q || !V)
return dV && "is not phone or portrait";
if ([Dq.E.BonusGameDecisionTime,
Dq.E.BonusGameSwitchingToButtonCamera, Dq.E.BonusGameSpinningWheel,
Dq.E.BonusGameUpdatingMultipliers, Dq.E.BonusGameCelebrating,
Dq.E.GameResolved].includes(p)) {
const q =;
if (p === Dq.E.BonusGameUpdatingMultipliers && q ===
return dV && "skip squeezing during multipliers
!1 === rV.t9(C) && i(Zi.UV())
} else
rV.t9(C) && i(Zi.Bm())
}(w, C.payload.state, V);
const p = i.betState["autoAssignFlapperInMs"];
var q, m;
void 0 !== p && !i.betState["chosenFlapper"] && eV(i) && V((q =
p - y,
m = C.timestamp + y,
C => {
completeAt: + q,
onTick: p => {
const i = XV(p);
i <= 0 && C(IV.Y())
P.IA(w) !== Lp.a.BonusGame) {
if (V(oi.zn([])),
i.state !== Dq.E.BonusGameInitializing && V(gV()),
return void V(FV());
const p = eV(i);
p && V(Zi.Ew()),
V(function(C) {
return function(p, i, {timelineManager: q}) {
const {tableState: V} = C
, m = function(C, p, i, q) {
const {resultBetSpotId: V, isPlayerInBonusRound: m,
skipEnterAnimation: w, hideMultiplier: y} = q
, l = i();
return C.createTimeline({
name: NV
}).addEvent(c.V.RDRStartBonusGame, {
postponeUntil: dp.X(),
onEventStart: () => {
if (m) {
const C = dp.Ct();
if (w)
return y ? void
C.fadeInWithoutMultiplier() : void C.fadeIn();
const p = 1e3;
C.startEnterBonusRoundAnimation(function(C, p) {
return function(C) {
const p = Tp.Ay(C)
, i =
return {
x: p.containerWidth / 2 -
i.width / 2,
y: p.containerHeight + 50,
width: i.width,
height: i.height
}(l), function(C) {
const p = Tp.Ay(C).top;
return .1 * window.innerHeight + p
}(l), p, !0)
}).addEvent(c.V.RDRHideUIElements, {
duration: 0,
onEventEnd: () => {
}(q, p, i, {
skipEnterAnimation: V !==
hideMultiplier: JV.includes(V)
V !== Dq.E.BonusGameInitializing && m.fastForward()
tableState: i.state,
resultBetSpotId: i.result[0],
isPlayerInBonusRound: p
0 === P.qR(w).length && V(oi.uN(i.result,;
const q = i.betState.bets;
return q && P.sL(w) && V(Ci.d1(q)),
i.betState["chosenFlapper"] &&
void (!1 === im(C) && function(C, p, i) {
const {result: q, betState: {bets: V, hasSideWinnings: m}}
= p;
if (void 0 !== V)
if (eV(p)) {
const [p] = q;
Cm(C, V[CV.i3(p)], pm(i))
} else
Cm(C, 0, m ? pm(i) : "")
}(m, i, Tp.uD(w).IS_DESKTOP))
var l;
(function(C) {
return C.payload.state === Dq.E.BonusGameOpeningDoor
)(C) && () => {
function(C) {
return C.payload.state === Dq.E.BonusGameUpdatingMultipliers
}(C) && V((l = C.timestamp,
(C, p, {getAG: i}) => {
const q = p()
, V = i()
, m = dp.Ct();
if (m.isTicketVisible) {
const C = P.UX(q); +
C.getRDRMultiplierFlyDelay()).then(( () => {
m.startMultiplierFlyAnimation(...function(C, p, i) {
const q = function(C, p) {
return C === U.FJ.Classic ? .29 : C ===
U.FJ.PhoneImmersive && p === t.t.Landscape ? .65 : .5
}(p, i);
return [C.left + .5 * C.width, + C.height *
q, 1.5]
}(Tp.Ay(q),, Tp.V6(q)))
const B = dp.Ct(!0);
im(C) && (null == B ? void 0 : B.isTicketVisible) &&
V(Wq.T9(void 0)))
function eV(C) {
const {result: p, betState: {bets: i}} = C;
if (void 0 === i)
return !1;
const [q] = p;
return void 0 !== i[CV.i3(q)]
function Cm(C, p, i) {
function pm(C) {
return C ? "bonusBet" : "bonusBet.TitleCase"
function im(C) {
return C.payload.state === Dq.E.BonusGameCelebrating
const qm = (C, p) => {
const {getState: i, dispatch: q, ag: V} = p
, m = i();
void 0 !== C.payload.maxPayout && q(Zi.nh(C.payload.maxPayout)),
function(C) {
return C.payload.state === Dq.E.GameCancelled
}(C) && ( (C, p) => {
const {dispatch: i, getState: q} = p
, V = q();
P.IA(V) !== Lp.a.BonusGame && i(KV()),
i(Wq.T9(void 0)),
i(Wq.gK(void 0))
)(0, p),
function(C) {
return C.payload.state === Dq.E.GameResolved
}(C) && ( (C, p) => {
const {dispatch: i, ag: q} = p
, {bonusSpots: V} = C.payload;
if (V) {
const [p] = C.payload.result;
p in V && (i(FV()),
i(iV.Cp()), () => {
i((function(C, p) {
const i = P.UX(p());
C(AV.v(kV.h(i), EV))
)(C, p),
function(C) {
return C.payload.state === Dq.E.BetsClosedAnnounced
}(C) && T.triggerEvent(kp.y.BetsClosed),
function(C) {
return C.payload.state === Dq.E.BetsClosed
}(C) ? ( (C, p) => {
const {payload: i} = C
, {dispatch: q} = p;
void 0 !== i.bonusSpots && q(Zi.N5(Kq(i.bonusSpots))),
)(C, p) : (function(C) {
return C.payload.state === Dq.E.BetsOpen
}(C) && ( (C, p) => {
const {dispatch: i, timelineManager: q} = p;
timelineName: "BetsOpen",
once: !0,
eventsToSubscribeTo: [c.V.BetsOpen],
callback: () => {
dp.X().then(( () => {
var C;
null === (C = dp.Ct(!0)) || void 0 === C ||
i(Wq.T9(void 0))
)(0, p),
function(C) {
return _q.includes(C.payload.state)
}(C) ? ( (C, p) => {
const {getState: i, ag: q} = p;
(function({getState: C, dispatch: p}) {
const i = C()
, q = P.UX(i);
Tp.uD(i).IS_PHONE && q.isWheelZoomInEnabled() && p(jp.gH(!
const V = i()
, m = P.sL(V);
if (function(C) {
return C.payload.state === Dq.E.BonusGameInitializing
}(C) && !m) {
const i = P.UX(V).rouletteResultDisplayDuration()
, m = Math.min(C.timestamp -,
, w = Math.max(m, i); +
w).then(( () => {
_V(C, p)
} else
_V(C, p)
)(C, p) : GV({
message: C,
state: m,
dispatch: q,
, Vm = "reddoorroulette.winSpots";
var mm = i(614644)
, wm = i(988669)
, ym = i(466714);
const lm = {
userMultipliersChoice: "default",
math: void 0
function tm(C=lm, p) {
switch (p.type) {
case Sq.Gr:
return {
userMultipliersChoice: p.payload
case Sq.I2:
return {
math: p.payload
return C
const Bm = {
chosenFlapper: void 0,
flyingFlapper: void 0,
skipFadeIn: !1
function Tm(C=Bm, p) {
switch (p.type) {
return {
chosenFlapper: p.payload
case Wq.Uk:
return {
flyingFlapper: p.payload
case Wq.kl:
return {
skipFadeIn: p.payload
return C
const Im = {
bonusSpots: [],
bonusGamePhase: void 0,
bonusGameResult: void 0,
bonusOverlayVisible: !1,
maxPayout: 0,
fadeoutLosingChipsBeforeBonusRound: !1,
squeezeVideoFor3F: !1,
isMiniGridPopupVisible: !1,
isPlayerInBonusGame: !1,
isBonusWorldActive: !1
function Ym(C=Im, p) {
switch (p.type) {
case Zi.$$:
return {
bonusSpots: p.payload
case Zi.SC:
return {
bonusSpots: []
case Zi.KZ:
return {
bonusGameResult: p.payload
case Zi.Gy:
return {
isPlayerInBonusGame: !0
case Zi.pJ:
return {
isPlayerInBonusGame: !1
case Zi.rh:
return {
squeezeVideoFor3F: !0
return {
squeezeVideoFor3F: !1
case Zi.f4:
return {
bonusGameResult: void 0,
fadeoutLosingChipsBeforeBonusRound: !1
case Zi.IG:
return {
bonusGamePhase: p.payload
case Zi.Zc:
return {
bonusGamePhase: void 0
case Zi.vE:
return {
bonusOverlayVisible: !0
case Zi.Cp:
return {
bonusOverlayVisible: !1
case Zi.rt:
return {
maxPayout: p.payload
case Zi._N:
return {
fadeoutLosingChipsBeforeBonusRound: !0
case Zi.XS:
return {
isMiniGridPopupVisible: p.payload
case Zi.GZ:
return {
isBonusWorldActive: p.payload
return C
var Um = i(979576);
const Lm = {
mobile: {
portraitGradient: {
value: "",
transitionDuration: 0
function am(C=Lm, p) {
return p.type === Um.L ? {
mobile: {,
portraitGradient: {
value: p.payload.gradient,
transitionDuration: p.payload.transitionDuration
} : C
var vm = i(352732)
, fm = i(786744)
, sm = i(366835);
const cm = [{}, {}, {}, {}];
const Om = {
current: W.jJ.Standard,
isMinimized: !1
function Sm(C=Om, p) {
switch (p.type) {
return {
current: p.payload
case xi.ap:
return {
isMinimized: p.payload
return C
var jm = i(39228);
const om = "logoSwitcher/SET_NEXT_LOGO";
function xm(C=[]) {
const p = {
logotypes: C,
currentLogo: 0
return function(C=p, i) {
if (i.type === om) {
if (1 === C.logotypes.length)
return C;
const p = C.currentLogo + 1 < C.logotypes.length ?
C.currentLogo + 1 : 0;
return {
currentLogo: p,
previousLogo: C.currentLogo
return C
var Zm = i(605283);
const Hm = {
numbers: new Map,
splits: void 0,
chains: void 0,
wrapperShrunken: !1,
winners: void 0,
areTombstonesVisible: !1,
lightningAnimationStartTime: void 0,
lightningAnimationEndTimeDelay: void 0
function bm(C=Hm, p) {
switch (p.type) {
case tV.KG:
return {
winners: void 0,
numbers: new Map,
splits: void 0,
chains: void 0,
lightningAnimationStartTime: void 0,
lightningAnimationEndTimeDelay: void 0
case tV.O:
case oi.tE:
const {numbers: i, timestamp: q} = p.payload
, V = i
, m = Array.from(C.numbers.keys()).reduce(( (C, p) =>
(V.includes(p) && C.push(p),
C)), []);
return {
winners: Zm.A(m),
lightningAnimationStartTime: q
case tV.Bk:
return 0 === C.numbers.size ? {
} : C;
case tV.Yk:
return {
wrapperShrunken: p.payload
case tV.X9:
return {
areTombstonesVisible: p.payload
case tV.mN:
return {
lightningAnimationEndTimeDelay: p.payload
return C
, zm = {
requiredBalance: 0,
currency: "USD"
function Mm(C=zm, p) {
return p.type === Xm ? {
requiredBalance: p.payload.requiredBalance,
currency: p.payload.currency
} : C
var Pm = i(549985)
, Rm = i(730561);
const Qm = {
visible: !1,
forceClosed: !1
function nm(C=Qm, p) {
switch (p.type) {
case M.A0:
return {
visible: p.payload
case M.YX:
return {
forceClosed: p.payload
return C
const hm = {
bettingGridVisible: !0,
racetrackVisible: !0,
gameLogoVisible: !0,
recentNumberVisible: !0,
mobileButtonsVisible: !0,
isVideoScaledIn: !1,
graveyardVisible: !1
function Gm(C=hm, p) {
switch (p.type) {
case SV.hO:
return {
bettingGridVisible: !0
case SV.Sv:
return {
bettingGridVisible: !1
case SV.bO:
return {
racetrackVisible: !0
case SV.qv:
return {
racetrackVisible: !1
case SV.BX:
return {
gameLogoVisible: !0
case SV.e5:
return {
gameLogoVisible: !1
case SV.Pg:
return {
recentNumberVisible: !0
case SV.eA:
return {
recentNumberVisible: !1
case SV.d4:
return {
mobileButtonsVisible: !0
case SV.u9:
return {
mobileButtonsVisible: !1
return {
isVideoScaledIn: p.payload || !1
case SV.M4:
return {
graveyardVisible: !0
case SV.hz:
return {
graveyardVisible: !1
case SV.jd:
return hm;
return C
var $m = i(552651);
const Wm = {
isVisible: !1
function km(C=Wm, p) {
switch (p.type) {
case $m.ww:
return {
isVisible: !0
case $m.fU:
return {
isVisible: !1
return C
function Am(C, p, i) {
const q = function(C, p, i) {
const q = C.DeviceSupport.IS_DESKTOP ? void 0 : {
videoPlayerInfo: fm.TT,
scalingWrapperSizes: vm.LJ,
favoriteBets: wm.J,
chipDragging: sm.q$
, V = {
gameCanceled: vV.G2,
winningAnimation: km,
layoutSelector: tp.wi(p),
recentResults: Xq.Yj,
statistics: Rm.UU,
favoriteBets: ym.rQ,
favoriteBetsContainer: L.favoriteBetsContainerReducer,
gameResult: PV.eZ,
lowBalanceTracker: sp,
spinNow: MV.xq,
playNow: zV.Ho,
luckyNumbers: (null == i ? void 0 : i.luckyNumbers) || bm,
bets: iV.R3,
bettingGrids: ii.NN,
player: RV.cV,
game: oi.No(C),
grid: Sm,
videoView: jp.kf,
betByBet: pV.SS,
logotypes: xm(C.getImmersiveLogotype()),
ui: Gm,
slingshotSoundTracker: Pm.bH(C.getVoiceType()),
theme: am,
return (C.isDoubleBallGame() || P.CV({
settings: C
}) || C.isPrivateTable() || C.luckyNumbersEnabled() ||
C.showGenericRouletteTutorial()) && (V.tutorial = nm),
C.isPrivateTable() && (V.privateTables = Mm),
x.B7(C.getRouletteGameType()) && (V.lightningPromo = jm.u0),
C.isGoldVaultRoulette() && (V.goldVault = function(C) {
const p = {
goldVaultBoxContents: cm,
countShowingTime: 0,
winningMultiplier: void 0
return (i=p, q) => {
switch (q.type) {
case mV.IZ:
return {
winningMultiplier: q.payload
case mV.Nn:
return {
goldVaultBoxContents: q.payload
return {
goldVaultBoxContents: cm
return {
countShowingTime: q.payload ? - C : + C
return i
x.YR(C.getRouletteGameType()) && (V.redDoorRoulette = Ym,
V.rdrFlappers = Tm),
C.getRouletteGameType() === x.vS.CustomRoulette &&
(V.customRoulette = tm),
}(C, p, i);
return {
roulette: mm.HY(q),
fifa: Qq.Lc
var Fm = i(84932)
, Km = i(4961)
, Em = i(484802)
, gm = i(881357)
, Nm = i(926610)
, Jm = i(977804)
, rm = i(394532)
, dm = i(839001)
, Dm = i(747992)
, um = i(706809)
, _m = i(444792)
, em = i(767359);
function Cw(C, p, i) {
const q = em._9(pw(i, C));
if (!q)
return null;
try {
(function(C, p) {
if (!um.A(C))
throw new l.ew("Autoplay state is not an object.");
const {lastActiveSession: i, selectedRounds: q, isRunning:
V} = C;
if (i !== p)
throw new l.ew("Autoplay state contains stale data from
a non-current session.");
if (!K.A(q))
throw new l.ew("Autoplay state contains invalid
if (!_m.A(V))
throw new l.ew("Autoplay state contains invalid
)(q, p);
const {lastActiveSession: C, ...i} = q;
return i
} catch (C) {
return 1 && window.console.warn(`Unable to load existing
Autoplay state from session storage: ${C}`),
function pw(C, p) {
return `${C}-${p}`
function iw() {
window.EVO_LOADER.sendLog("CLIENT_ERROR", {
message: "Autoplay is unable to use session storage."
var qw = i(872443)
, Vw = i(827424)
, mw = i(587698)
, ww = i(555213);
const yw = "title--59bd2"
, lw = "rounds--f5b0d"
, tw = "roundsLabel--5bd23"
, Bw = "roundsAmount--0a709"
, Tw = "roundsMultiplier--f0508"
, Iw = "roundsBet--97136";
var Yw = i(494475)
, Uw = i(850449)
, Lw = i(572989);
const aw = Yw.Oe(( ({state: C, ag: p}) => {
const {isLargeScreen: i, isMediumScreen: q} =
return {
gameTheme: Uw.SJ(C),
currencySymbol: qw.o2(C),
gameDimensions: Tp.Ay(C),
isDesktop: i,
isLandscape: Tp.O5(C),
isTablet: q,
isRtl: B.sU(),
isSettingsWindowOpen: p.autoplayUI.isSettingsWindowOpen
))(( ({totalBetToRepeat: C, roundsLeft: p, limitsEnabled: i, ...q}) =>
const {currencySymbol: V} = q;
return a.jsxs(a.Fragment, {
children: [a.jsx("div", {
className: yw,
children: B.Tl("ap3.popup.shouldContinueAutoPlay")
}), i && a.jsxs(a.Fragment, {
children: [a.jsxs("div", {
className: lw,
children: [a.jsxs("label", {
className: tw,
children: [B.Tl("ap3.label.AutoplayCaps"), ":", "
}), a.jsxs("span", {
children: [a.jsx("label", {
className: Bw,
children: B.Tl("ap3.rounds", {
value: p
}), a.jsx("label", {
className: Tw,
children: "×"
}), a.jsx("label", {
className: Iw,
children: mw.ej(C, {
currencySymbol: V
}), a.jsx(ww.k, {
usedInPopup: !0
aw.displayName = "BetsChangedPopupContentConnectedToAg";
const vw = Lw.s((C => ({
totalBetToRepeat: C.totalBetToRepeat,
roundsLeft: C.roundsLeft,
lossLimit: C.lossLimit,
singleWin: C.singleWin,
isRunning: C.isRunning,
limitsEnabled: C.limitsEnabled
})), (C => ({
setSingleWin: C.setSingleWin,
setLossLimit: C.setLossLimit
, fw = "AutoplayState";
class sw {
constructor(C, p) { = C,
this.options = p,
this.isRunning = new Em.L(!1),
this.isStartable = new Em.L(!1),
this.isAvailable = new Em.L(!1),
this.roundsLeft = new Em.L(0),
this.selectedRounds = new Em.L(0),
this.lossLimit = new Em.L(0),
this.singleWin = new Em.L(0),
this.totalBetToRepeat = new Em.L(0),
this.limitsEnabled = new Em.L(!1),
this.lastTotalBetToRepeat = new Em.L(0),
this.repeatCount = 0,
this.runningLoss = 0,
this.lastWin = 0,
this.hasUnconfirmedBetChanges = !1,
this.shouldShowBetsChangedPopup = !1,
this.pendingStopReason = null,
this.unsubscribers = {
common: [],
running: [],
lossLimit: []
this.start = () => {
if (!this.isStartable.value || this.isRunning.value)
this.roundsLeft.value = this.selectedRounds.value,
this.isRunning.value = !0;
const C = 0 !==;
this.lastTotalBetToRepeat.value = C && === gi.P.BetsOpen ? :,
tatus),, !1),, !1)),
this.limitsEnabled.value &&
in, !1));
const p = this.limitsEnabled.value ? {
lossLimit: this.lossLimit.value,
singleWin: this.singleWin.value
} : {};
type: Dm.Gn.ClientStartAutoplay,
payload: {
selectedRounds: this.selectedRounds.value,
totalBet: this.lastTotalBetToRepeat.value,
this.stop = (C, p=!1) => {
if (!this.isRunning.value)
if (p && !== gi.P.BetsOpen)
return void (this.pendingStopReason = C);
const i = this.repeatCount;
this.isRunning.value = !1,
this.roundsLeft.value = 0,
this.lastTotalBetToRepeat.value = 0,
this.repeatCount = 0,
this.runningLoss = 0,
this.lastWin = 0,
this.hasUnconfirmedBetChanges = !1,
this.shouldShowBetsChangedPopup = !1,
this.pendingStopReason = null,
type: Dm.Gn.ClientStoppedAutoplay,
payload: {
reason: C,
roundsPlayed: i
this.dispose = () => {
Object.keys(this.unsubscribers).forEach((C =>
this.isStartable.value = !1
this.setSelectedRounds = C => {
const p = this.selectedRounds.value
, i = Math.max(0, C);
p !== i && (this.selectedRounds.value = i,
this.isRunning.value && (this.roundsLeft.value = i),
type: Dm.Gn.ClientUpdateAutoplayRounds,
payload: {
previousSelectedRounds: p,
selectedRounds: i
this.setLossLimit = C => {
const p = this.lossLimit.value
, i = Math.max(0, C);
0 !== i && p !== i &&
this.lossLimit.value = i,
type: Dm.Gn.ClientUpdateAutoplayLossLimit,
payload: {
previousLossLimit: p,
lossLimit: i
this.setSingleWin = C => {
const p = this.singleWin.value
, i = Math.max(0, C);
p !== i && (this.singleWin.value = i,
type: Dm.Gn.ClientUpdateAutoplaySingleWin,
payload: {
previousSingleWin: p,
singleWin: i
this.placeBets = () => {
this.triggerBetsChanged = (C=!0) => {
this.shouldShowBetsChangedPopup = C
this.trackLifecycle = C => {
switch (C) {
case gi.P.BetsOpen:
if (this.pendingStopReason)
return void this.stop(this.pendingStopReason);
case gi.P.GameResolved:
this.limitsEnabled.value && this.repeatCount > 0 &&
(this.runningLoss +=;
case gi.P.BetsClosed:
const C =
, p = Jm.Ns.includes(null == C ? void 0 :
&& (null == C ? void 0 : C.isVisible);
if (this.hasUnconfirmedBetChanges || p)
return void this.stop(rm.G_.MissedRound);
const i =;
if (0 === i)
return void
(this.shouldShowBetsChangedPopup || i !==
this.lastTotalBetToRepeat.value) && (this.lastTotalBetToRepeat.value = i,
type: Dm.Gn.ClientUpdateAutoplayBets,
payload: {
totalBet: this.lastTotalBetToRepeat.value
this.hasUnconfirmedBetChanges = !0,$o(( () =>
this.stop(rm.G_.ManualStop)), ( () => {,
this.hasUnconfirmedBetChanges = !1,
this.shouldShowBetsChangedPopup = !1,
), vw)));
this.repeatBets = (C=!1, p=!1) => {
var i;
const q = 0 !==
, V = C || !q;
if (!this.isRunning.value || !== gi.P.BetsOpen || !V)
const m = null !== (i = &&
void 0 !== i ? i : 0;
if (this.lastTotalBetToRepeat.value > m)
return void this.stop(rm.G_.NoBalance);
const w =
, y = !!w && !== Jm.QD.LOW_BALANCE
, l = Jm.Ns.includes(null == w ? void 0 : && (null
== w ? void 0 : w.isVisible);
if (y && !(y && p && l)) {
const C = (null == w ? void 0 : ===
return void (! || l || C ||
if (0 === this.selectedRounds.value)
return void this.stop(rm.G_.RoundsEnded);
const t =;
if (this.limitsEnabled.value && this.repeatCount > 0) {
if (this.runningLoss + t > this.lossLimit.value)
return void this.stop(rm.G_.LossReached);
if (0 !== this.singleWin.value && this.lastWin >=
return void this.stop(rm.G_.WinReached);
this.lastWin = 0
if (C || 0 !== t) {
const p = !C || || !q;
let i;
p && (i = this.options.repeatBets());
const V = C && && q;
if (p && !V) {
const C = () => {
var C, p;
type: Dm.Gn.ClientBetChip,
payload: {
type: "AutoPlay",
roundsLeft: this.roundsLeft.value,
...null === (p = (C =
this.options).selectBetChipLogFields) || void 0 === p ? void 0 :
}, this.options.betChipLogEnhancers)
i instanceof Promise ? i.then(C) : C()
return this.roundsLeft.value <= 0 ?
this.stop(rm.G_.RoundsEnded) : void 0
this.continueAutoplayAfterClosingPopup = C => {
C || this.repeatBets()
this.updateIsAvailable = ({balance: C=0, totalBet: p,
totalBetToRepeat: i, lifecycle: q, isRunning: V}) => {
if (V && q !== gi.P.BetsOpen)
const m = i > 0 && i <= C;
this.isAvailable.value = p > 0 || m
this.updateIsStartable = ({isAvailable: C, selectedRounds: p})
=> {
this.isStartable.value = C && p > 0
this.updateTotalBetToRepeat = ({totalBet: C, totalBetToRepeat:
p, lastTotalBetToRepeat: i, lifecycle: q, isRunning: V}) => {
this.totalBetToRepeat.value = q === gi.P.BetsOpen ? C ||
p : V ? i : p || C
this.updateLossLimit = ({totalBetToRepeat: C, selectedRounds:
p}) => {
const i = this.lossLimit.value
, q = p * C;
i !== q && (this.lossLimit.value = q,
type: Dm.Gn.ClientUpdateAutoplayLossLimit,
payload: {
previousLossLimit: i,
lossLimit: q
this.trackLastWin = C => {
C > 0 && this.repeatCount > 0 && (this.lastWin = C,
this.runningLoss -= C)
this.trackNetworkStatus = C => {
[Nm.XW.Reconnecting, Nm.XW.Disconnected].includes(C) &&
this.trackRealityCheck = C => {
switch (C) {
case Km.LK.Stopped:
case Km.LK.Inactive:
this.repeatBets(!1, !0)
this.saveState = () => {
var C, p, i;
C = {
isRunning: this.isRunning.value,
selectedRounds: this.selectedRounds.value,
p =,
i = fw,
em.J2(pw(i, p), C, iw)
this.restoreState = () => {
let C = Cw(,, fw);
if (C || (C = Cw(,, fw),
C && l.vV(new l.bE("Deprecated sessionId still in
const {selectedRounds: p, isRunning: i} = C;
this.selectedRounds.value = p,
this.isRunning.value = i
this.unsubscribe = C => {
C.forEach((C => C())),
C.length = 0
this.log = (C, p) => {, p))
this.limitsEnabled.value = C.settings.isUKGC(),
this.isRunning.value && this.stop(rm.G_.PageRefreshed),
balance: C.balance.server,
totalBet: C.balance.totalBet,
totalBetToRepeat: C.balance.totalBetToRepeat,
lifecycle: C.lifecycle.current,
isRunning: this.isRunning
}).subscribe(this.updateIsAvailable), gm.vT({
isAvailable: this.isAvailable,
selectedRounds: this.selectedRounds
}).subscribe(this.updateIsStartable), gm.vT({
lifecycle: C.lifecycle.current,
totalBet: C.balance.totalBet,
totalBetToRepeat: C.balance.totalBetToRepeat,
isRunning: this.isRunning,
lastTotalBetToRepeat: this.lastTotalBetToRepeat
}).subscribe(this.updateTotalBetToRepeat), gm.vT({
isRunning: this.isRunning,
selectedRounds: this.selectedRounds
this.limitsEnabled.value &&
totalBetToRepeat: this.totalBetToRepeat,
selectedRounds: this.selectedRounds
const cw = {
[Lp.a.BetsOpen]: gi.P.BetsOpen,
[Lp.a.BetsClosingSoon]: gi.P.BetsOpen,
[Lp.a.BetsClosed]: gi.P.BetsClosed,
[Lp.a.WinnersKnown]: gi.P.GameResolved,
[Lp.a.BetsRejected]: gi.P.GameResolved,
[Lp.a.Canceled]: gi.P.GameResolved
var Ow = i(963813)
, Sw = i(228174);
function jw(C, p, i) {
const q = p()
, V = P.ud(q)
, m = P.UX(q)
, w = i === Dm.Gn.ClientStartAutoplay && !V.length
, y = P.ap(q)
, l = w ? y : V
, t = qi.M4(l)
, B = {};
return i === Dm.Gn.ClientBetChip && ("amount"in C || (B.amount =
Sw.GB(cp.ev(l), 3)),
"codes"in C || ( =, m)),
"gameType"in C || (B.gameType = m.getGameType()),
"viewType"in C || (B.viewType = lV.EK(,
bets: cp.k3(t, m)
function ow(C, p) {
return {
playerId: p().settings.userId()
function xw(C, p) {
return {
casinoId: p().settings.casinoId()
const Zw = () => ({
menuButtons: Ow.Xg,
bets: jw,
latency: Ow.tO,
playerId: ow,
casinoId: xw
, Hw = ({dispatch: C, getState: p}) => i => q => {
if (q.type === oi.D2 && q.payload === Lp.a.BetsClosed &&
P.IA(p()) !== Lp.a.BetsClosed) {
const {settings: i} = p();
i.DeviceSupport.IS_DESKTOP &&
i.immersiveLogosSwitchingEnabled() && C({
type: om
var bw = i(316866);
const Xw = () => ({dispatch: C, getState: p}) => i => function(q) {
const V = p()
, m = P.Nx(V);
P.AU(V) < Tp.DB(V).clientTutorialShowLimit() && m && q.type ===
bw.vP && (C(M.Li(!1)),
var zw = i(449141)
, Mw = i(295432);
function Pw(C) {
return (p, i) => {
var q;
const {bets: V} = C.payload
, m = i();
null === (q = C.payload.balances) || void 0 === q ||
=> ("combined" === && (C.amount = Math.trunc(100 * C.amount) / 100),
C.payload.balance = Math.trunc(100 * C.payload.balance) / 100,
jm.dx(m) && p(,
function(C, p, i) {
const q = P.UX(p)
, V = P.ud(p)
, m = function(C) {
const p = C.reduce(( (C, p) => C + cp.ev(p.bets)), 0);
return Sw.GB(p, 3)
, w = Mw.q();
Object.entries(i).forEach(( ([C,p]) => {
const i = CV.m4(C);
i && w.set(i, p)
const y = Sw.GB(cp.Sf(w), 3)
, l = qi.M4(V)
, t = Mw.q();
l.forEach(( (C, p) => {
t.set(cp._u(p, q), C)
w.forEach(( (C, p) => {
var i;
const q = (null !== (i = t.get(p)) && void 0 !== i ?
i : 0) - C;
0 === q ? t.delete(p) : t.set(p, q)
const T = Array.from(t.keys()).sort();
if (m !== y || T.length) {
const p = []
, i = Sw.GB(y, 3);
i > 0 && p.push(B.Tl("",
amount: mw.ej(i, {
currencySymbol: q.getCurrencySymbol() || ""
C(Zq.J9("", {
description: p.join(", "),
title: B.Tl("betsPartiallyAccepted")
sentBetSum: m,
numberOfValidBets: Object.keys(i).length,
totalAcceptedSum: y
}, !0))
}(p, m, V)
var Rw = i(786596);
function Qw(C) {
const p = Object.keys(C);
return p.includes("screenName") ? {
type: Rw.Q.Winner
} : p.includes("players") && p.includes("totalWin") ? {
type: Rw.Q.TotalWin
} : C
var nw = i(735800)
, hw = i(609925);
const Gw = ({message: C, state: p, dispatch: i}) => {
var $w = i(384511);
const Ww = ({message: C, state: p, dispatch: i}) => {
const q = P.UX(p)
, V = Math.abs(parseInt(C.payload.wheelId, 10))
, m = q.instantRouletteWheelId() || V
, w = Tp.uD(p);
if (P.CV(p) && m >= 0) {
if (i(jp.Ve(m)),
w.IS_IOS) {
const C = window.setTimeout(( () => {
), q.iOSSwitchStreamDelay());
i(Ui.Xn(C, Li.B.InstantRouletteIOSStreamSwitchDelay))
} else
const {zoom: C, wheelCenter: V} =
q.instantRouletteWheelZoomAndCenter(m, {
deviceSupport: w,
orientation: Tp.V6(p),
isFullscreen: Zp.selectVideoFullScreen(p)
, y = 3e3
, l = 7e3
, t = P.q$(p)
, B = void 0 !== t && t >= y ? $w.qE((t - y) *
q.videoLatencyMultiplierForZoomInDelay(), 0, l) : 0;
zp(Tp.V6(p), &&
i(Ui.Ip(Li.B.InstantRouletteZoomInDelay, B, ( () => {
i(jp.QJ(C, q.wheelZoomInDuration(), V || Qp(m)))
, kw = ({message: C, state: p, dispatch: i, videoSync: q}) => {
const w = P.UX(p);
if (C.payload.state === Dq.E.BetsOpen) {
const y = P.sL(p) ? 0 : C.timestamp -
P.V1(p) && i(V.setAbstractGameTotalBet(0)),
P.SD(p) === jV.O4.UndefinedError &&
q.wait(y, np.BetsOpen).then(( () => {
)).catch(( () => {}
} else
C.payload.state === Dq.E.GameResolved ? q.wait(C.timestamp -
w.winningNumberCaptureDelay()).then(( () => {
let C = w.overviewSwitchDelay();
Tp.uD(p).IS_IOS && (C += w.iOSSwitchStreamDelay()),
i(Ui.Ip(Li.B.InstantRouletteStreamSwitchToOverviewDelay, C,
( () => {
P.V1(p) || i(Zp.requestVideoStreamById(0))
w.wheelZoomOutDelay(), ( () => {
P.V1(p) || i(jp.QJ(, w.wheelZoomOutDuration(),
)) : C.payload.state === Dq.E.BetsAccepted &&
C.payload.gameNumber && i(eq.yO(C.payload.gameNumber));
C.payload.state !== Dq.E.BetsOpen && i(hV(C))
var Aw = i(523219);
const Fw = ({dispatch: C}) => {
minutes: Aw.W0.privateTableWarningMinutes(),
callback: () => {
var Kw = i(657922);
const Ew = ({message: C, dispatch: p, videoSync: i}) => {
function q(C) {
i.wait(C.timestamp - z.O.winningNumberCaptureDelay()).then(( ()
=> p(Kw.v(C))))
const V = z.O.winSpotReceivingDelay();
V ? (console.warn(`DEBUG: WIN_SPOT has been delayed by ${V}ms`),
window.setTimeout(( () => q(C)), V)) : q(C)
, gw = new Set([Lp.a.NoBets, Lp.a.ResultKnown, Lp.a.WinnersKnown,
Lp.a.BetsAccepted, Lp.a.BetsOpen, Lp.a.BonusGame])
, Nw = [..._q, Dq.E.GameResolved, Dq.E.BetsOpen];
function Jw(C, p) {
return ({dispatch: i, getState: q}) =>
(C.incomingMessages.onValue(function(C) {
return (p, i) => {
let q;
return V => {
var m, w;
switch ((null === (m = V.payload) || void 0 === m ?
void 0 : m.state) && (q = V.payload.state),
V.type) {
case ei:
message: V,
state: i(),
dispatch: p,
videoSync: C
case Cq:
message: V,
state: i(),
dispatch: p,
videoSync: C
case Ji:
case ri:
message: V,
state: i(),
dispatch: p,
videoSync: C
case pq:
case iq:
case qq:
p(function(C) {
return (p, i) => {
const {actionId: q, errorCode: V} =
, m = P.FP(i()).find((C => C.actionId ===
V && m && m.accepted &&
!V && m && p(
case Bq:
case Tq:
p(function(C) {
return (p, i) => {
const q = i()
, {rejectedChips: V} = C.payload
, m = Object.keys(V).reduce(( (C, p) => C
+ V[p].amount), 0)
, w = Sw.GB( - m, 2);
case Vq:
case wq:
case mq:
message: V,
state: i(),
dispatch: p
case yq:
case lq:
case tq:
p(function(C) {
return (p, i) => {
const q = i()
, V = P.ud(q)
, m = qi.M4(V)
, w = cp.Sf(m)
, {bets: y={}, errorCode: l=0} =
, t = P.Le(q)
, B = oV(y, l);
w > 0 ? (p(lV.NZ(V, {
}, P.UX(q))),
p(oi.A(Lp.a.BetsRejected))) :
p(l === xV ? Zq.J9(`error_${l}`) : Zq.f1({
errorId: `error_${l}`
case Ni:
case di:
case Di:
case ui:
p((w = V.payload,
(C, p) => {
var i, q;
if (!(null === (q = null === (i =
w.broadcastBet) || void 0 === i ? void 0 : || void 0 === q ? void 0 :
const V =
, m = p();
if (w.broadcastBet.totalWinners &&
w.broadcastBet.totalAmount) {
const C = {
type: Rw.Q.TotalWin,
players: w.broadcastBet.totalWinners,
totalWin: w.broadcastBet.totalAmount,
multiplier: P.CV(m) ?
w.broadcastBet.wheelId : void 0
case Uq:
case Lq:
case aq:
case vq:
message: V,
state: i(),
dispatch: p
case sq:
payload: V.payload,
type: Xm
case fq:
message: V,
state: i(),
dispatch: p
case cq:
case zw.fY:
if (1) {
const C = P.IA(i())
, m = !== V.payload.balance
, w = > 0;
Nw.includes(q) && gw.has(C) && m && w &&
}(p)(i, q)),
C => p => C(p))
const rw = {};
async function dw(C, p, i, t, a) {
const {extraReducers: v, deviceSupport: f, clientApi: s} = p;
z.O._init(C.setup, C.styles, {
gameSubType: I.TR(C.tableConfig)
}, f),
B.JL(C.i18nData, p.i18nPackage);
const c = h.zZ(z.O)
, O = c[0]
, b = z.O.getGameType() === y.Z.InstantRoulette
, X = I.yy(z.O, C.tableConfig)
, n = function({tableConfig: C, availableLayouts: p, gameType:
i}) {
const q = eC.zs(i)
, V = {};
return q.forEach((q => {
const m = {};
p.forEach((p => {
const V = W.sW[q][p];
V && (m[p] = function(C, p, i, q, V) {
const m = pp(p, C, V, q)
, w = Q.A(m[C])
, y = function(C, p) {
const i = p.includes("racetrack_slingshot") &&
(C[""] === U.Lq.French || C["slingshot_style"] ===
, q = C[`${p}.style`] === U.Lq.French || i;
return C[""] ===
U.Lq.French || C[""] === U.Lq.French || q
}(p, C);
return qC({
style: w,
forbidStylesForPrefix: {
racetrack_immersive_style: [y],
racetrack_classic_style: [y]
prefix: C,
tableConfig: p
k(w, i, [y]),
$(w, V),
VC(w, q),
G(w, q, [h.S2(q) && y]),
}(V, C, q, p, function(C, p, i) {
if (C !== x.vS.French)
return C;
const q = p[`${function(C) {
var p;
return null !== (p = {
}[C]) && void 0 !== p ? p : C
}(i)}.style`] === U.Lq.French;
return q ? x.vS.French : x.vS.SBR
}(i, C, V)))
V[q] = m
tableConfig: C.tableConfig,
availableLayouts: c,
gameType: X
const A = eC.Aj(c, X, n)
, F = f.IS_DESKTOP ? h.Bo({
isDoubleBallGame: z.O.isDoubleBallGame(),
isXLR: z.O.isXLRoulette(),
isSlingshot: z.O.isSlingshot()
}) : h.J4({
isChatLayout: 1 === c.length && c[0] === U.FJ.Chat
, K = q.A(F, => U.U1[C])))
, E = c.reduce(( (C, p, i) => (C[p] = i,
C)), {})
, g = p.componentsMapCreator(z.O)
, N = function() {
let C, p = !1;
return i => i.type === oi.D2 ? cw[i.payload] : i.type === PV.Az
? gi.P.WinningAnimationStarted : p ? (p = !1,
C) : void 0
, J = L.createBackgroundMusicPlayer([{
src: "instantroulette_1",
paths: Z.yW("music/", "instantroulette_1"),
duration: 1968
}, {
src: "instantroulette_2",
paths: Z.yW("music/", "instantroulette_2"),
duration: 1664
}, {
src: "instantroulette_3",
paths: Z.yW("music/", "instantroulette_3"),
duration: 1908
}, {
src: "instantroulette_4",
paths: Z.yW("music/", "instantroulette_4"),
duration: 1787
}, {
src: "instantroulette_5",
paths: Z.yW("music/", "instantroulette_5"),
duration: 7560
, r = new S
, d = {
config: {
videoSyncDelay: a,
layout: {
initialLayout: U.U1[O],
layoutClassicIsHidden: !c.includes(U.FJ.Classic),
layouts: K,
layoutDropdownViewOrder: E,
hasHelpSupportChatButton: !0,
autoplay: {
disableButton: ["phone-portrait", "phone-
landscape", "tablet-landscape"]
circleTimerPosition: f.IS_DESKTOP ? void 0 :
regulatorLogoConfig: {
offsetTop: !0
isMobileLandscapeGradientVisible: !0
helpNamespace: "roulette",
soundSettings: {
music: {
enabled: b,
defaultValue: 0
dealerVoice: {
enabled: f.IS_DESKTOP ? z.O.isSlingshot() :
defaultValue: .5
chipstack: {
position: {
tablet: V.ChipStackTabletPosition.Bottom,
betting: {
double: {
onClick: Ci.YN
repeat: {
onClick: Ci.C9
undo: {
onHold: Ci.oA
video: {
autoFullScreenEnabled: !
settings: z.O,
game: {
balanceReceived: oi.OI(),
reducers: Am(z.O, O, v ? v() : {}),
preferenceConfiguration: ji.Te(z.O, b),
lifecycleMap: N,
createMiddlewares: ({transport: C, videoSync: p}) => {
const i = [Wp, Op, Jw(C, p), ji.fV(), Hw,
Xw()].concat(f.IS_DESKTOP ? [ci, vi, ai, Bp] : [ki, (q = L.loadFavoriteBets,
function({dispatch: C}) {
return p => i => {
i.type === j.Je && i.payload ===
o.A.FavouriteBets && C(q()),
)]).concat(b ? [gp(J)] : []).concat(x.YR(X) ? [Wi()] :
var q;
return (b || z.O.isSlingshot() && !f.IS_PHONE) &&
!b && f.IS_PHONE && z.O.isWheelZoomInEnabled() &&
getCustomLogEnhancers: () => Promise.resolve(Zw()),
realityCheckOptions: {
videoSyncDisabled: !0
loader: C,
mockBalanceManager: t,
soundMap: Z.CN(X),
soundsToPreload: Z.SO(z.O),
thunkExtraArguments: {
getAutoplay: () => ({
autoplayAPI: null == iC ? void 0 : iC.autoplay
timelineManager: r
lobby: p.lobby
, D = p.createMenuButtonConfig;
D && ( = D(X, z.O));
const u = function(C, p, i) {
return w.I({
game: {,
mockTransports: p,
gameFamily: "live"
}(d, i)
, _ = u.getReactRoot(g)
, {store: e, transport: CC, ag: pC} = u;
x.YR(X) && function(C, p, i) {
function q(V, m) {
ni(P.E2(C())) ? (i.orientation.unsubscribe(q),
i.layout.current.unsubscribe(q)) : void 0 !== V && void 0 !
== m && V !== m && p(hi(!1))
}(e.getState, e.dispatch, pC);
const iC = z.O.autoplayApiEnabled() ? function(C, p, i, q, V) {
const m = p.getRouletteGameType() === x.vS.InstantRoulette
, {AutoplayProvider: w, autoplay: y, dispose: l} =
function(C, p, i) {
return yp.PS(sw, C, p, i)
}(C, {
repeatBets: function() {
delay: 0
}, V)
, t = y.isRunning.subscribe((C => {
C && m && !P.YH(q(), Li.B.InstantRouletteSendPlayNowDelay)
&& i(Ui.Ip(Li.B.InstantRouletteSendPlayNowDelay, 400, ( () => {
P.XI(q()) || i(
, B = C.autoplayUI.isPreviousTotalBetVisible.subscribe((C =>
i(function(C) {
return (p, i) => {
const q = i();
if (C) {
const C = P.ap(q)
, i = cp.UJ(C);
p(oi.sB(qi.M4(i), _p.n1.Autoplay))
} else
return {
AutoplayProvider: w,
autoplay: y,
dispose: () => {
}(pC, z.O, e.dispatch, e.getState, s) : void 0
, mC = function(C, p) {
return [C.popups.current.subscribe(( (...C) => p(function(C, p)
return (i, q) => {
const V = q();
P.AU(V) < V.settings.clientTutorialShowLimit() &&
(P.en(V) && void 0 === C && m.sJ(V).every((C => === (null == p ? void 0 : && i(M.Ox()),
P.Nx(V) && void 0 !== C && i(M.Cf()))
}(pC, e.dispatch)
, wC = H.U3(CC, function(C, p) {
switch (C) {
case x.vS.RedDoorRoulette:
case x.vS.AmericanRedDoorRoulette:
return {
[uq]: qm,
[Vm]: dq.P5,
[Jq]: rq,
[Eq]: Nq,
[kq]: Aq
case x.vS.CustomRoulette:
return {
[ei]: jq,
[_i]: Hq,
[oq]: xq
return $q(p)
}(X, e.getState()), {
getState: e.getState,
dispatch: e.dispatch,
ag: pC,
timelineManager: r
if (z.O.testingApiEnabled() && Fm.CZ(),
x.YR(X) && (rp.VI(z.O.getCurrencySymbol()),
f.IS_DESKTOP && z.O.chipDragAllowed() && !1 ===
z.O.useChipCanvasV2()) {
const C = Bi.bind(void 0, e)
, p = Ii.bind(void 0, e);
rw.mousemove = C,
rw.mouseup = p,
document.addEventListener("mousemove", C, !1),
document.addEventListener("mouseup", p, !1)
if (e.dispatch(pi.I6(n)),
X === x.vS.CustomRoulette) {
const p = function(C, p, i) {
const q = Q.A(C);
for (const [C,V] of Object.entries(q))
if (V)
for (let[m,w] of Object.entries(V)) {
const V = W.sW[C][m];
if (V) {
const y = `custom_${V}`;
w = pp(i, y, x.vS.Lightning, m)[V],
style: w,
forbidStylesForPrefix: {},
prefix: y,
tableConfig: i
k(w, C),
$(w, p),
VC(w, m),
G(w, m, [h.S2(m)]),
q[C][m] = w
return q
}(n, X, C.tableConfig);
pC.preferences.initialization.then(( () => {
const C = ji.Yq(e.getState()).customRouletteIntroShown
, p = Oi.w9(e.getState());
C || function(C, p, i) {
const q = [];
let V;
C(function(C, p) {
return (i, q, {getAG: V}) => {
const m = V()
, w = m.platform === Ai.OD.Desktop ?
[o.A.Settings] : [o.A.CustomContent];
id: Fi,
highlightedMenuParts: w,
menuButtonBubbleTranslation: B.Tl(p ?
"custom.feature.introEnabled" : "custom.feature.intro"),
allowOnBetsOpen: !0,
onHighlightDismissed: () => {
C.forEach((C => C())),
}(q, i)),
q.push( => {
(null == i ? void 0 : === Fi &&
(p.lifecycle.current.value === gi.P.BetsOpen ||
p.featureHighlighting.hasPauseReason(Ki) || (p.featureHighlighting.pause(Ki),
q.push(p.lifecycle.current.subscribe((i => {
i === gi.P.BetsOpen &&
C(Ui.Ip(Li.B.CustomRouletteIntroResumeDelay, 1e3, ( () => {
V || (V =,
q.push(p.lifecycle.current.subscribe((C => {
var i;
C === gi.P.BetsClosed && ( - V < Ei /
2 ? p.featureHighlighting.pause(Ki) : null === (i = || void 0 === i || i.dismiss())
null !== i && === Fi || !V ||
q.push(p.lifecycle.current.subscribe((i => {
i === gi.P.BetsOpen &&
C(Ui.Ip(Li.B.CustomRouletteIntroResumeDelay, 1e3, ( () => {
}(e.dispatch, pC, p)
await A,
f.IS_PHONE && pC.preferences.initialization.then(( () => {
const yC = Pp.MY(e, pC);
return z.O.useSoundLogging() && Z.y3(),
x.YR(X) && T.triggerEvent(kp.y.ActivateRedDoorSounds),
mp.W.getInstance().add(pC.lifecycle.current.subscribe((C => {
C === gi.P.BetsClosed && e.dispatch(Ti({
setAutoPlayAdjustedFlag: !1
disposers: [yC, ...mC, wC, () => {
, R.bD, mp.W.getInstance().dispose],
rouletteLiveGame: u,
autoplayProvider: iC,
selectedLayout: O,
AbstractGameRoot: _,
timelineManager: r
function Dw() {
const C = Dp.UB.animatedTokenGroupStyleData.styleElement;
(null == C ? void 0 : C.parentNode) &&
Dp.UB.animatedTokenGroupStyleData.styleSheet = null,
Dp.UB.animatedTokenGroupStyleData.styleElement = null,
Dp.UB.animatedTokenGroupStyleData.existingKeyframes = {
[t.t.Portrait]: [],
[t.t.Landscape]: []
async function uw(C, p, i, q) {
return async function(C, p) {
const {rouletteLiveGame: i, autoplayProvider: q, disposers: V,
timelineManager: w} = p
, y =;
const l = y.getState();
return function(C) {
const p = {
volume: .25
switch (C.getRouletteGameType()) {
case x.vS.XXXtremeLightning:
return void Z.Ak(b.Ck.XxxtremeLightningIntro, p);
case x.vS.Lightning:
case x.vS.AmericanLightning:
Z.Ak(b.Ck.LightningIntro, p)
(z.O.isPrivateTable() || z.O.isDoubleBallGame() || P.CV(l) ||
z.O.showGenericRouletteTutorial() || x.B7(z.O.getRouletteGameType())) &&
function(C, p) {
return p < C.clientTutorialShowLimit()
}(z.O, P.AU(l) || 0) && (m.sJ(l).length > 0 ?
y.dispatch(M.Cf()) : y.dispatch(M.Ox())),
jsx: lp(C, p),
dispose: () => (z.O.chipDragAllowed() &&
(document.removeEventListener("mousemove", rw.mousemove, !1),
document.removeEventListener("mouseup", rw.mouseup, !1)),
Object.keys(Li.B).forEach((C => {[C]))
C.dispose && C.dispose(),
null == q || q.dispose(),
V.forEach((C => C())),
}(p, await dw(C, p, i, q))
20576: (C, p, i) => {
i.d(p, {
z: () => q
const q = "00006"
939347: (C, p, i) => {
i.d(p, {
Bo: () => B,
EV: () => U,
Ei: () => Y,
J4: () => T,
Js: () => v,
S2: () => O,
VC: () => f,
W2: () => a,
dv: () => s,
kK: () => I,
s3: () => L,
zZ: () => c
var q, V = i(718284), m = i(500704), w = i(969695), y = i(277082);
(function(C) {
C[C["Default"] = 35] = "Default",
C[C["DoubleBall"] = 16] = "DoubleBall"
)(q || (q = {}));
const l = {
backgroundRepeat: "no-repeat",
backgroundSize: "76.5%",
backgroundPosition: "center"
, t = {
backgroundRepeat: "no-repeat",
backgroundSize: "contain",
backgroundPosition: "center",
backgroundColor: "#000"
, B = V.A(( ({isDoubleBallGame: C, isXLR: p, isSlingshot: i}) => ({
[m.U1.ImmersiveV2]: {
videoStream: m.Iz.Default,
labelTranslationId: "tooltip.immersiveView",
isFooterGradientVisible: !1,
winnersList: {
height: p ? 60 : void 0
[m.U1.Slingshot]: {
videoStream: m.Iz.Default,
labelTranslationId: "tooltip.threeDView",
videoPreviewStyle: l
[m.U1.Classic]: {
videoStream: m.Iz.Default,
labelTranslationId: "tooltip.classicView",
winnersListHeight: C ? q.DoubleBall : q.Default,
winnersListPosition: w.C1.BottomRight,
videoPreviewStyle: i ? t : void 0
, T = V.A(( ({isChatLayout: C}) => {
const p = {
default: {
videoStream: m.Iz.Default
chat: {
videoStream: m.Iz.Chat
return {
[y.LayoutType.PhoneV2]: C ? : p.default
function I(C) {
return c(C)[0]
function Y(C) {
return C === m.FJ.Slingshot
function U(C) {
return Y(C) || L(C)
function L(C) {
return C === m.FJ.TabletSlingshot
function a(C) {
return C === m.FJ.TabletImmersive || C === m.FJ.PhoneImmersive
function v(C) {
return C === m.FJ.PhoneImmersive
function f(C) {
return v(C) || s(C)
function s(C) {
return m.l2.includes(C)
function c(C) {
const p = "phone" === C.deviceType() ? "immersive" : "classic";
return C.layouts([p]).map((p => m.Uu[p][C.deviceType()]))
function O(C) {
return C !== m.FJ.Slingshot
218389: (C, p, i) => {
i.d(p, {
$7: () => c,
$Y: () => G,
N7: () => b,
PU: () => P,
T1: () => j,
TG: () => s,
Te: () => v,
Yq: () => f,
ZE: () => X,
_C: () => Z,
a8: () => o,
fV: () => $,
gr: () => z,
i: () => O,
mP: () => S,
oX: () => M,
st: () => R,
um: () => n,
w9: () => Q,
x1: () => H,
ys: () => x
var q = i(556392)
, V = i(499532)
, m = i(348907)
, w = i(486717)
, y = i(903622)
, l = i(351285)
, t = i(879734)
, B = i(452081)
, T = i(477062)
, I = i(751267)
, Y = i(277082)
, U = i(396564)
, L = i(895790);
const a = [y.jJ.Standard, y.jJ.Mini];
function v(C, p) {
const i = {
neighbours: {
storageKey: "roulette.common.racetrackNeighbourCount",
isValidValue: C => "number" == typeof C && C >= 0 && C <=
getDefaultValue: () => 2
spinNowPopupBubbleClosed: {
storageKey: "generic.common.spinNowPopupBubbleClosed",
isValidValue: C => "boolean" == typeof C,
getDefaultValue: () => !1
limitStatistics: {
storageKey: "roulette.common.statisticsSliderValue",
isValidValue: C => "number" == typeof C && C > 0,
getDefaultValue: () => 500
lastUsedGrid: {
storageKey: "roulette.common.lastUsedGrid",
isValidValue: C => a.includes(C),
getDefaultValue: () => y.jJ.Standard
return C.isFootballEntertainmentEnabled() && Object.assign(i, {
[U.J.SelectedLeagues]: {
storageKey: L.BA + U.J.SelectedLeagues,
isValidValue: C => Array.isArray(C) && C.every((C => !!
getDefaultValue: () => [t.I6(C)]
[U.J.CurrentLeague]: {
storageKey: L.BA + U.J.CurrentLeague,
isValidValue: C => !!Y.FootballLeagueCode[C],
getDefaultValue: () => t.I6(C)
C.leaveWinningBetsOnTable() && Object.assign(i, {
leaveWinningBetsOnTable: {
storageKey: "roulette.common.leaveWinningBetsOnTable",
isValidValue: C => "boolean" == typeof C,
getDefaultValue: () => !1
C.isDoubleBallGame() && Object.assign(i, {
dbrTutorialCounter: {
storageKey: "roulette.common.dbrTutorialCounter",
isValidValue: C => "number" == typeof C,
getDefaultValue: () => 0
p && Object.assign(i, {
instantRouletteTutorialCounter: {
isValidValue: C => "number" == typeof C,
getDefaultValue: () => 0
C.showGenericRouletteTutorial() && Object.assign(i, {
genericRouletteTutorialCounter: {
isValidValue: C => "number" == typeof C,
getDefaultValue: () => 0
C.isPrivateTable() && Object.assign(i, {
privateTableTutorialCounter: {
storageKey: "generic.common.privateTableTutorialCounter",
isValidValue: C => "number" == typeof C,
getDefaultValue: () => 0
C.luckyNumbersEnabled() && Object.assign(i, {
lightningRouletteTutorialCounter: {
isValidValue: C => "number" == typeof C,
getDefaultValue: () => 0
lightningPromoShownCounter: {
storageKey: "roulette.common.lightningPromoShownCounter",
isValidValue: C => "number" == typeof C,
getDefaultValue: () => 0
lightningPromoAnimationCounter: {
isValidValue: C => "number" == typeof C,
getDefaultValue: () => 0
C.isXLRoulette() && Object.assign(i, {
xxxtremeLightningRouletteTutorialCounter: {
isValidValue: C => "number" == typeof C,
getDefaultValue: () => 0
C.isGoldVaultRoulette() && Object.assign(i, {
goldVaultRouletteTutorialCounter: {
isValidValue: C => "number" == typeof C,
getDefaultValue: () => 0
(C.isPrivateTable() || p) && Object.assign(i, {
actionButtonReminderCounter: {
storageKey: "roulette.common.actionButtonReminderCounter",
isValidValue: C => "number" == typeof C,
getDefaultValue: () => 0
w.YR(C.getRouletteGameType()) && Object.assign(i, {
redDoorRouletteTutorialCounter: {
isValidValue: C => "number" == typeof C,
getDefaultValue: () => 0
C.isBetsSplittingEnabled() && Object.assign(i, {
splitBetsToStraightBetsPreference: {
storageKey: C.forceBetSplittingOnJoin() ? "fake_key" :
isValidValue: C => "boolean" == typeof C,
getDefaultValue: () => !0
w.YR(C.getRouletteGameType()) && Object.assign(i, {
rdrMiniGridPopupEnabled: {
storageKey: "roulette.common.rdrMiniGridPopupEnabled2",
isValidValue: C => "boolean" == typeof C,
getDefaultValue: () => !0
C.getRouletteGameType() === w.vS.CustomRoulette && Object.assign(i,
customRouletteIntroShown: {
storageKey: "roulette.common.customRouletteIntroShown",
isValidValue: C => "boolean" == typeof C,
getDefaultValue: () => !1
const f = C => q.Yq(C);
function s(C, p) {
return C.preferences[p]
const c = C => V.$7(C)
, O = C => c({
key: "autoZoom",
value: C
, S = C => c({
key: "neighbours",
value: C
, j = C => c({
key: "limitStatistics",
value: C
, o = C => c({
key: "dbrTutorialCounter",
value: C
, x = C => c({
key: "lightningRouletteTutorialCounter",
value: C
, Z = C => c({
key: "privateTableTutorialCounter",
value: C
, H = C => c({
key: "genericRouletteTutorialCounter",
value: C
, b = C => c({
key: "instantRouletteTutorialCounter",
value: C
, X = C => c({
key: "lightningPromoShownCounter",
value: C
, z = C => c({
key: "lightningPromoAnimationCounter",
value: C
, M = C => c({
key: "actionButtonReminderCounter",
value: C
, P = () => c({
key: "spinNowPopupBubbleClosed",
value: !0
, R = C => c({
key: "xxxtremeLightningRouletteTutorialCounter",
value: C
, Q = C => c({
key: "redDoorRouletteTutorialCounter",
value: C
, n = () => c({
key: "rdrMiniGridPopupEnabled",
value: !1
, h = C => c({
key: "lastUsedGrid",
value: C
, G = () => c({
key: "customRouletteIntroShown",
value: !0
function $() {
return ({dispatch: C, getState: p}) => i => q => {
if (q.type === m.o && C(T.Bl(q.payload.limitStatistics)),
q.type === {
const i = I.UX(p()).getRouletteGameType();
if (a.every((C => l.zs(i).includes(C)))) {
const p = a.includes(q.payload);
C(h(p ? q.payload : y.jJ.Standard))
209587: (C, p, i) => {
var q;
i.d(p, {
y: () => q
function(C) {
C["PlaceChip"] = "placeChip",
C["PlaceLightingStraightChip"] = "lightningStraightBet",
C["MoveChipsToChipStack"] = "MoveChipsToChipStack",
C["OutOfBettingTimeChipPlace"] = "OutOfBettingTimeChipPlace",
C["Click"] = "Click",
C["ActivateRedDoorSounds"] = "ActivateRedDoorSounds",
C["BetsOpen"] = "BetsOpen",
C["BetsClosed"] = "BetsClosed",
C["BetsOpenCountDown"] = "BetsOpenCountDown",
C["KeysAppearPhase"] = "KeysAppearPhase",
C["KeyRowCharge"] = "KeyRowCharge",
C["KeyRowChargeEnd"] = "KeyRowChargeEnd",
C["KeyAppear"] = "KeyAppear",
C["KeyLanded"] = "KeyLanded",
C["KeysInRowLanded"] = "KeysInRowLanded",
C["KeyTransformPhase"] = "KeyTransformPhase",
C["KeyTransformWithBet"] = "KeyTransformWithBet",
C["KeyTransformWithoutBet"] = "KeyTransformWithoutBet",
C["KeyMultiplier"] = "KeyMultiplier",
C["KeyMultiplierAppear"] = "KeyMultiplierAppear",
C["KeysAnimationFinished"] = "KeysAnimationFinished",
C["AllKeysAreFinishedAnimation"] = "AllKeysAreFinishedAnimation",
C["BonusQualifiedAnimationStart"] = "BonusQualifiedAnimationStart",
C["NoWin"] = "NoWin",
C["RegularWin"] = "RegularWin",
C["NoWinWithBonusRound"] = "NoWinWithBonusRound",
C["QualifiedToBonus"] = "QualifiedToBonus",
C["QualifiedToBonusWithSideWin"] = "QualifiedToBonusWithSideWin",
C["NotQualifiedWithSideWin"] = "NotQualifiedWithSideWin",
C["BonusWinSmall"] = "BonusWinSmall",
C["BonusWinMed"] = "BonusWinMed",
C["BonusWinHigh"] = "BonusWinHigh",
C["BonusWinZero"] = "BonusWinZero"
}(q || (q = {}))
875928: (C, p, i) => {
i.d(p, {
g: () => v
var q = i(64922)
, V = i(377810)
, m = i(282427)
, w = i(556392)
, y = i(549985)
, l = i(751267)
, t = i(843520)
, B = i(843717)
, T = i(484152)
, I = i(307169);
const Y = [I.a.BetsOpen, I.a.BetsClosingSoon, I.a.BetsClosed,
I.a.BetsRejected, I.a.NotAllBetsAccepted]
, U = {
[I.a.BetsOpen]: "placebets",
[I.a.BetsClosingSoon]: "betsclosing",
[I.a.BetsClosed]: "nomorebets",
[I.a.BetsRejected]: "betsrejected",
[I.a.NotAllBetsAccepted]: "notallbetsaccepted"
class L extends V.Component {
constructor() {
this.sounds = {},
this.currentSound = void 0,
this.nextSounds = [],
this.onSoundStopped = () => {
this.currentSound = void 0,
this.nextSounds = []
this.onSoundReady = () => {
const C = this.nextSounds.shift();
C ? this.playSound(C) : this.currentSound = void 0
componentWillUnmount() {
Object.values(this.sounds).forEach((C => C.dispose())),
this.sounds = {}
componentDidUpdate(C) {
const {shouldPlaySound: p, phase: i, isResultVisible: q,
result: V, winnings: m} = this.props;
p && (i !== C.phase && this.playPhaseSound(i),
q !== C.isResultVisible && q && this.playResultSound(V[0], m >
render() {
return null
playPhaseSound(C) {
(function(C) {
return Y.includes(C)
)(C) && (this.currentSound ? this.nextSounds =
this.nextSounds.filter((C => Object.values(U).every((p => p !==
C)))).concat([U[C]]) : this.playSound(U[C]))
playResultSound(C, p) {
this.currentSound ? (this.nextSounds.push(C),
p && this.nextSounds.push("youhavewon")) : (p &&
createSound(C) {
const p = T.Qh({
src: C,
return p.on(B.mS.End, this.onSoundReady),
p.on(B.mS.PlayError, this.onSoundReady),
p.on(B.mS.LoadError, this.onSoundReady),
p.on(B.mS.Stop, this.onSoundStopped),
playSound(C) {
const {voiceType: p} = this.props
, i = `${p}_${C}`;
this.currentSound = i,
this.sounds[i] || (this.sounds[i] = this.createSound(i)),
class a extends V.Component {
shouldComponentUpdate(C) {
const {phase: p, result: i, winnings: q, shouldPlaySound: V,
isResultVisible: m, voiceType: w} = this.props;
return p !== C.phase || i !== C.result || q !== C.winnings || V
!== C.shouldPlaySound || m !== C.isResultVisible || w !== C.voiceType
render() {
return q.jsx(L, {
const v = m.Ng((function(C) {
const p = -1 !== w.Yq(C).volumeStudio;
return {
phase: l.IA(C),
result: l.qR(C),
winnings: t.ok(l.qc(C)),
isResultVisible: l.KY(C),
shouldPlaySound: l.zn(C) && p,
voiceType: y.mE(C)
307169: (C, p, i) => {
var q;
i.d(p, {
a: () => q
function(C) {
C["Wait"] = "PHASE_WAIT",
C["Welcome"] = "PHASE_WELCOME",
C["BetsOpen"] = "PHASE_BETS_OPEN",
C["BetsClosingSoon"] = "PHASE_BETS_CLOSING_SOON",
C["BetsClosedAnnounced"] = "BETS_CLOSED_ANNOUNCED",
C["BetsClosed"] = "PHASE_BETS_CLOSED",
C["BetsAccepted"] = "PHASE_BETS_ACCEPTED",
C["NotAllBetsAccepted"] = "PHASE_NOT_ALL_BETS_ACCEPTED",
C["BetsRejected"] = "PHASE_BETS_REJECTED",
C["NoBets"] = "PHASE_NO_BETS",
C["ResultKnown"] = "PHASE_RESULT_KNOWN",
C["WinnersKnown"] = "PHASE_WINNERS_KNOWN",
C["BetweenGames"] = "PHASE_BETWEEN_GAMES",
C["Canceled"] = "PHASE_CANCELED",
C["BonusGame"] = "PHASE_BONUS_GAME"
}(q || (q = {}))
265989: (C, p, i) => {
i.d(p, {
FD: () => x,
bE: () => a,
EW: () => c,
kB: () => U,
vS: () => s,
zm: () => j
var q = i(605283)
, V = i(85490)
, m = i(228174)
, w = i(837557)
, y = i(850083)
, l = i(486717)
, t = i(864355)
, B = i(843520)
, T = i(653080)
, I = i(470265)
, Y = i(553003);
function U({currentRound: C, betToBeAdded: p, balance: i,
hasEnoughFunds: w, betAdjusterResult: l, settings: U}) {
var L;
const a =
, s = Array.from(p.tokens.keys());
if (!c(p.tokens))
return [{
betSpotId: null !== (L = p.betSpotId) && void 0 !== L ? L :
key: "tooltip.chipTooSmall"
if (p.origin === y.n1.MiniGrid) {
const C = function(C) {
const p = B.qk(C);
if (void 0 !== p && T.LL(p))
return {
betSpotId: p,
key: "tooltip.betNotSupported"
if (void 0 !== C)
return [C]
if (!w && !B.R0(p))
return [{
betSpotId: s[0],
key: "tooltip.balanceTooLow"
const O = B.ev(C.concat([p]))
, S = void 0 !== a ? B.ev(C.concat([a])) : O
, j = Y.M4(C)
, o = U.getTableBetMinLimit()
, x =, p.tokens, !0);
if (U.isXLRoulette()) {
const C = Object.keys(l.adjustmentReasons).reduce(( (C, p) =>
("payoutLimit" === l.adjustmentReasons[p] && C.push({
key: "tooltip.maxPayoutLimitReached",
betSpotId: p
C)), []);
if (C.length > 0)
return C
if (B.Sf(p.tokens) > i)
return Array.from(x.entries()).reduce(( (C, [p,i]) => (C.push({
key: "tooltip.balanceTooLow",
amount: i,
betSpotId: p
C)), []);
if (U.isLowRisk()) {
const C =, j);
if (Z = C,
!v.every((C => !C.every((C => Z.get(C))))))
return [{
betSpotId: s[0],
key: "tooltip.betRestrictionsApply"
var Z;
if (U.getLowRiskPercent() < 100) {
const C =, j);
if (!function(C, p, i) {
const V = Array.from(p.keys()).reduce(( (C, p) => {
const i = t.XK(p);
return C.concat(
), []);
return q.A(V).length / B.nA(i) * 100 <= C
}(U.getLowRiskPercent(), C, U.getRouletteGameType()))
return [{
betSpotId: s[0],
key: "tooltip.betRestrictionsApply"
if (i + O < o)
return Array.from(p.tokens.entries()).reduce(( (C, [p,i]) => (i
> 0 && C.push({
betSpotId: p,
amount: o,
key: "tooltip.balanceTooLow"
C)), []);
if (O < o)
return Array.from(p.tokens.entries()).reduce(( (C, [p,i]) => (i
> 0 && C.push({
betSpotId: p,
amount: o,
key: "tooltip.minTableBetIs"
C)), []);
if (U.isTableBetMaxLimitSet()) {
const C = U.getTableBetMaxLimit();
if (S > C)
return s.reduce(( (p, i) => (p.push({
betSpotId: i,
amount: C,
key: "tooltip.maxTableBetIs"
p)), [])
return function(C, p, i, q, w) {
const l = [];
return Array.from(C.entries()).forEach(( ([C,V]) => {
var t;
const Y = q.type === y.uu.SplitBets ? m.GB(B.Sf(q.tokens) +
B.tB(i, q.betSpotId), 2) : V
, U =
, L = w.getMinBetByTypeForRoulette(U)
, a = w.getMaxBetByTypeForRoulette(U)
, v = q.action === && i.some((C => C.type ===
V > 0 && Y < L && !v && l.push({
amount: L,
betSpotId: q.type === y.uu.SplitBets ? null !== (t =
q.betSpotId) && void 0 !== t ? t : "" : C,
key: "tooltip.minBetIs"
V > 0 && L > p && V < w.getChipAmounts()[0] && i.some((p =>
!((null == p ? void 0 : p.origin) && p.betSpotId === C))) && l.push({
betSpotId: C,
key: "tooltip.balanceTooLow"
a < f ? l.push({
betSpotId: C,
key: "tooltip.betNotSupported"
}) : V > a && l.push({
amount: a,
betSpotId: C,
key: "tooltip.maxBetIs"
V.A(l, (C => `${C.betSpotId}_${C.key}`))
}(x, i, C, p, U)
const L = ["tooltip.balanceTooLow", "tooltip.betRestrictionsApply",
"tooltip.maxTableBetIs", "tooltip.maxPayoutLimitReached",
function a({currentRound: C, tokens: p, balance: i, hasEnoughFunds: q},
V) {
if (0 === p.size)
const m = {
betSpotId: null,
origin: y.n1.FavoriteBets,
tokens: p,
type: y.uu.Standard
, w = U({
betAdjusterResult: B.wM(C, m, V),
balance: i,
currentRound: C,
betToBeAdded: m,
hasEnoughFunds: q,
settings: V
}).find((C => L.includes(C.key)));
return void 0 !== w ? w : void 0
const v = [["top2to1", "middle2to1", "bottom2to1"], ["from1to18",
"from19to36"], ["1st12", "2nd12", "3rd12"], ["red_red", "black_black"], ["black",
"red"], ["odd", "even"]]
, f = .01;
function s(C) {
return 0 !== C.length && 0 !== Y.M4(C).size
function c(C) {
return Array.from(C.values()).every((C => 0 !== C))
var O;
(function(C) {
C["BalanceTooLow"] = "tooltip.balanceTooLow",
C["MaxTableBetIs"] = "tooltip.maxTableBetIs",
C["BetRestrictionsApply"] = "tooltip.betRestrictionsApply",
C["ChipTooSmall"] = "tooltip.chipTooSmall",
C["BetNotSupported"] = "tooltip.betNotSupported"
)(O || (O = {}));
const S = new Set(Object.values(O));
function j(C) {
const {settings: p, autoplayRunning: i, betAdjusterResult: q} = C
, V = void 0 !==
, m = U(C);
let y = !(p.getRouletteGameType() === l.vS.InstantRoulette && i ||
m.some((C => S.has(C.key) || !V && "tooltip.maxBetIs" === C.key)));
return y && void 0 === &&
Object.keys(q.adjustmentReasons).length > 0 &&
Object.values(q.adjustmentReasons).every((C => "payoutLimit" === C || "maxLimit"
=== C)) && (y = !1),
!w.DS.IS_DESKTOP && m.length > 1 && m.splice(1),
isValid: y,
messages: m
function x(C) {
return {
payload: {
validationMessages: C
type: o
228314: (C, p, i) => {
i.d(p, {
j: () => B
var q = i(160739)
, V = i(13799)
, m = i(949570)
, w = i(850083)
, y = i(751267)
, l = i(553003)
, t = i(265989);
const B = q.Mz(, (C => V.DB(C).getTableBetMinLimit()), y.ud,,
y.UX, (function(C, p, i, q, V) {
if (C < p)
return !1;
const m = i.slice()
, y = l.M4(m)
, B = t.kB({
betAdjusterResult: {
bet: void 0,
adjustmentReasons: {}
balance: q,
betToBeAdded: {
betSpotId: null,
tokens: y,
origin: w.n1.StandardGrid
currentRound: [],
hasEnoughFunds: !0,
settings: V
}).filter((C => "tooltip.minBetIs" === C.key)).map((C =>
return Array.from(y.keys()).length > B.length
336593: (C, p, i) => {
i.d(p, {
E: () => t
var q = i(64922)
, V = (i(377810),
, m = i(450545);
const w = "button--d62cb"
, y = C => q.jsx(m.O, {
className: w,
soundToPlay: V.Wo.ClickUIButton
var l = i(730249);
const t = C => {
const {tooltip: p} = C;
return q.jsx(y, {
type: "secondary",
role: "favorite-bets-button",
iconComponent: q.jsx(l.F, {}),
tooltip: p
t.defaultProps = {
tooltip: "tooltip.favouriteAndSpecialBets"
t.displayName = "FavoriteBetsRotatingIcon"
636396: (C, p, i) => {
i.d(p, {
I: () => f
var q = i(494475)
, V = i(549224)
, m = i(346160)
, w = i(827424)
, y = i(64922)
, l = i(699695)
, t = i(377810)
, B = i(94501)
, T = i(143701);
const I = "dealerVoice--0cbce"
, Y = "lg--6c086"
, U = "radioButton--a0c51"
, L = "rtl--6a8d5"
, a = q.Oe(( ({ag: C}) => {
const {isLargeScreen: p} = w.Qo(C.viewport.size.value);
return {
gameTheme: C.gameTheme,
size: p ? "lg" : "md",
isRtl: m.sU()
))(( ({isRtl: C, gameTheme: p, voiceType: i, size: q,
setSoundVoiceType: V, onSoundPreferenceClick: w}) => {
const a = t.useCallback((C => () => {
w("Dealer'sVoice", C)
), [V, w])
, v = "lg" === q;
return y.jsxs("div", {
className: l.A(I, {
[L]: C,
[Y]: v
"data-role": "dealer-voice-wrapper",
children: [y.jsx(B.a, {
isDesktop: v,
gameTheme: p,
id: T.o.Female,
value: T.o.Female,
onClick: a(T.o.Female),
isChecked: i === T.o.Female,
className: l.A({
[U]: !v
isRtl: C,
role: `role-${T.o.Female}`,
children: m.Tl(v ? "voiceFemale" :
}), y.jsx(B.a, {
isDesktop: v,
gameTheme: p,
id: T.o.Male,
value: T.o.Male,
onClick: a(T.o.Male),
isChecked: i === T.o.Male,
className: l.A({
[U]: !v
isRtl: C,
role: `role-${T.o.Male}`,
children: m.Tl(v ? "voiceMale" :
var v = i(549985);
const f = q.Ne(( ({state: C, dispatchify: p}) => ({
voiceType: v.mE(C),
setSoundVoiceType: p(v.rU),
onSoundPreferenceClick: p(V.qh)
418050: (C, p, i) => {
i.d(p, {
Z: () => O
var q = i(64922)
, V = i(699695)
, m = i(377810);
const w = ({number: C}) => {
const p = C.toFixed(0).split("").map(( (C, p) => q.jsx("img", {
style: {
height: "100%"
src: `data:image/svg+xml;base64,${window.btoa(a(C))}`,
alt: C
}, p.toString() + C)));
return q.jsx(q.Fragment, {
children: p
, y = "M17 16L8 7H42L33 16H17Z"
, l = "M7 9L16 18V29L10.5 35L7 31.5V9Z"
, t = "M43 9L34 18V29L39.5 35L43 31.5V9Z"
, B = "M34 32L38.5 36.5L34 41H16L11.5 36.5L16 32H34Z"
, T = "M16 44V55L7 64V41.5L10.5 38L16 44Z"
, I = "M34 55L43 64V41.5L39.5 38L34 44V55Z"
, Y = "M33 56L42 65H8L17 56H33Z"
, U = {
0: [y, l, t, T, I, Y],
1: [t, I],
2: [y, t, B, T, Y],
3: [y, t, B, I, Y],
4: [l, t, B, I],
5: [y, l, B, I, Y],
6: [y, l, B, T, I, Y],
7: [y, t, I],
8: [y, l, t, B, T, I, Y],
9: [y, l, t, B, I, Y]
function L(C) {
return `<path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="${C}"
function a(C) {
const p = U[C];
if (!p)
return "";
const i = "1" === C;
return `\n <svg\n height="100%"\n
viewBox="${i ? "0 0 28 72" : "0 0 50 72"}"\n fill="none"\n
xmlns=""\n >\n <g
filter="url(" style="${i ? "transform: translateX(-24px);" :
""}">\n ${}\n </g>\n <defs>\n
<filter\n id="filter0_d_1486_72932"\n x="0"\n
y="0"\n width="50"\n height="72"\n
filterUnits="userSpaceOnUse"\n color-interpolation-
filters="sRGB"\n >\n <feFlood flood-opacity="0"
result="BackgroundImageFix" />\n <feColorMatrix\n
in="SourceAlpha"\n type="matrix"\n
values="0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 127 0"\n
result="hardAlpha"\n />\n <feOffset />\n
<feGaussianBlur stdDeviation="3.5" />\n <feComposite
in2="hardAlpha" operator="out" />\n <feColorMatrix\n
type="matrix"\n values="0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1 0"\n />\n <feBlend\n
mode="normal"\n in2="BackgroundImageFix"\n
result="effect1_dropShadow_1486_72932"\n />\n
<feBlend\n mode="normal"\n
in="SourceGraphic"\n in2="effect1_dropShadow_1486_72932"\n
result="shape"\n />\n </filter>\n
</defs>\n </svg>\n `
const v = "goldBarCount--66a8e"
, f = "hidden--fbf11"
, s = "digitBackground--aab3e"
, c = "title--b1185"
, O = ({goldBarCount: C, shouldHide: p}) => {
const [i,y] = m.useState(C);
return m.useEffect(( () => {
C > 0 && y(C)
), [C]),
q.jsxs("div", {
className: V.A(v, {
[f]: C > 0 && p
children: [q.jsx("div", {
className: s,
"data-role": "round-gold-bar-count",
"data-info": i,
children: q.jsx(w, {
number: i
}), q.jsx("div", {
className: c,
children: "GOLD BARS"
749884: (C, p, i) => {
i.d(p, {
c: () => z
var q = i(64922)
, V = i(699695)
, m = i(377810)
, w = i(282427)
, y = i(436794)
, l = i(346160)
, t = i(170877)
, B = i(500704)
, T = i(450545)
, I = i(289138)
, Y = i(261189);
const U = i.p + "images/placebets.92768a1b.svg"
, L = i.p + "images/pointer.d235e151.svg"
, a = "instantTutorial--00d01"
, v = "top--96b3d"
, f = "right--f7ed5"
, s = "header--b0058"
, c = "gotIt--0d82e"
, O = "playNowButtonContainer--b84c1"
, S = "mousePointerSVG--0ec65"
, j = "imageContainer--06c6e"
, o = "bettingGridSVG--db37c"
, x = "visible--95021"
, Z = "tablet--707d8"
, H = "phonePortrait--08687"
, b = "phoneLandscape--7446a"
, X = 400
, z = m.memo(( ({visible: C, platform: p, orientation: i, onClose:
z}) => {
const M = w.wA()
, [P,R] = m.useState(!0)
, [Q,n] = m.useState(void 0);
if (m.useEffect(( () => {
if (window.clearTimeout(Q),
!C && !P) {
const C = window.setTimeout(( () => R(!0)), X);
C && R(!1)
), [C]),
return null;
const h = l.Tl("");
return q.jsxs("div", {
className: V.A(a, v, f, {
[x]: C,
[H]: p === t.OD.Phone && i === y.t.Portrait,
[b]: p === t.OD.Phone && i === y.t.Landscape,
[Z]: p === t.OD.Tablet
"data-role": "instant-tutorial",
children: [q.jsx("h2", {
className: s,
children: l.Tl("onboarding.instantroulette.header")
}), q.jsxs("div", {
className: j,
children: [q.jsxs("div", {
children: [q.jsx("div", {
className: o,
children: q.jsx("img", {
src: U
}), q.jsx("h3", {
children: l.Tl("onboarding.placeYourBet")
}), q.jsxs("div", {
children: [q.jsxs("div", {
className: O,
children: [q.jsx(I.B1, {
isRebetEnabled: !1,
isStatic: !0,
layout: B.FJ.ImmersiveV2
}), q.jsx("img", {
className: S,
src: L,
draggable: !1
}), q.jsx("h3", {
children: `${h.slice(0, 1)}$
}), q.jsx("div", {
className: c,
children: q.jsx(T.X, {
onClick: () => {
size: p === t.OD.Tablet ? "M" : "S",
type: "secondary",
labelPosition: "Inside",
label: "tutorial.close",
state: "Default",
role: "tutorials.close"
807990: (C, p, i) => {
i.d(p, {
AE: () => H,
P$: () => a,
Xl: () => o,
b5: () => x,
TF: () => v,
aN: () => s
var q = i(986112);
const V = 2 * Math.PI
, m = 15
, w = 10
, y = 24
, l = 72;
function t(C) {
const [p,i] = C.reduce(( (C, p, i) => {
let q = C[2]
, V = C[3]
, m = C[0]
, w = C[1];
return p.x < q && (m = i,
q = p.x),
p.y < V && (w = i,
V = p.y),
[m, w, q, V]
), [100, 100, 1 / 0, 1 / 0]);
return [p, i]
function B(C, p, i, q, m, y) {
const l = i * (m + w)
, t = C.length
, B = 2;,
p.translate(0, l),
p.globalCompositeOperation = "screen",
p.lineCap = "round",
p.fillStyle = q.fillColor,
p.shadowBlur = q.shadowBlur,
p.shadowColor = q.shadowColor,
for (let i = 0; i < t; i += 2)
p.moveTo(C[i] + B, C[i + 1]),
p.arc(C[i], C[i + 1], B, 0, V, !1);
p.translate(0, l);
const T = new Path2D;
p.lineWidth = y ? q.lineWidth / 2 : q.lineWidth,
T.moveTo(C[0], C[1]);
for (let p = 2; p < t; p += 2)
T.lineTo(C[p], C[p + 1]);
p.strokeStyle = q.strokeColor,
var T = i(355512)
, I = i.n(T);
function Y() {
return I()('"use strict";(()=>{var I={382:(I,l)=>{var Z=function()
{function I(I){if(void 0===I&&(I={}),I.hasOwnProperty("amplitude")){if("number"!
=typeof I.amplitude)throw new Error("options.amplitude must be a
I.frequency)throw new Error("options.frequency must be a
this.frequency=1;if(I.hasOwnProperty("octaves")){if("number"!=typeof I.octaves||!
isFinite(I.octaves)||Math.floor(I.octaves)!==I.octaves)throw new
Error("options.octaves must be an integer");this.octaves=I.octaves}else
I.persistence)throw new Error("options.persistence must be a
I.random)throw new Error("options.random must be a
function");this.random=I.random}else this.random=Math.random;var
l,Z;if(I.hasOwnProperty("min")){if("number"!=typeof I.min)throw new
Error("options.min must be a number");l=I.min}else l=-1;if(I.hasOwnProperty("max"))
{if("number"!=typeof I.max)throw new Error("options.max must be a
number");Z=I.max}else Z=1;if(l>=Z)throw new Error("options.min ("+l+") must be less
than options.max ("+Z+")");this.scale=-1===l&&1===Z?function(I){return
I}:function(I){return l+(I+1)/2*(Z-l)};for(var L,e,d=new
e;for(this.perm=new Uint8Array(512),this.permMod12=new Uint8Array(512),S=0;S<512;S+
0:V*V*V*V*(W[0]*D+W[1]*s),r=.5-h*h-P*P,B=I.GRAD3D[R];return 70.14805770653952*(_+q+
(d=m=w=1,e=S=c=0);var y=f-e+I.G3,T=o-d+I.G3,_=R-S+I.G3,V=f-m+2*I.G3,W=o-
$*$,v=I.GRAD3D[t];return 94.68493150681972*(j+u+a+(F<0?
1,-1,-1,0]],I}();l.A=Z}},l={};Math.PI;const Z=72,L=20;var e=function Z(L){var
e=l[L];if(void 0!==e)return e.exports;var d=l[L]={exports:{}};return I[L]
(d,d.exports,Z),d.exports}(382);function d(I,l){return{x:I,y:l}}function S()
{return.5}function m(I,l,Z,L,e){const d=.5*(Z-I),S=.5*(L-l);return(2*l-
2*Z+d+S)*e*e*e+(-3*l+3*Z-2*d-S)*e*e+d*e+l}function w(I){let l=function(I)
Z.offset,L)})),l}function c(I){let l=0;for(let Z=0;Z<I.length-2;Z+=2){const L=I[Z]-
I[Z+2],e=I[Z+1]-I[Z+3];l+=L*L+e*e}return Math.sqrt(l)}function J(I,l,Z,L,e)
th-2],I[I.length-1]];let s=1/w;const h=J.length-6;for(let I=0;I<h;I+=2){const
P=1/S,f=[];let o=0;for(let I=0;I<c.length;I+=2){const l=c[I],S=c[I+1];let
m,w;I===c.length-2?(m=l,w=S):(m=c[I+2],w=c[I+3]);const J=Math.atan2(w-S,m-
$=l+(_-q)*B,n=S-(V-r)*B;f.push($,n),o++}return f}function D(I,l,Z){const
L=3,e=.5;let d=1,S=1,m=0;for(let w=0;w<L;++w)d*=e,m+=d*(I.scaled2D(l*S,Z*S)
+1)*.5,S*=2;return m}function s(I,l){const Z=2,,e=l.length/2;return>{if(L-d.lastChangeTime>1e4*I.randomGenerator()||e<d.endStep)
{const l=.1*e|0,Z=I.randomGenerator()*(e/3*2|0)|0;d.startStep=Z,d.endStep=Z+l+
(I.randomGenerator()*(e-Z-l)+1|0),d.lastChangeTime=L}const S=d.endStep-
d.startStep,m=[],w=(S-1)/Z,D=2*d.startStep;for(let I=0;I<=Z;I++){const Z=2*(w*I|
0);m.push(l[D+Z],l[D+Z+1])}const s=c(m),
omness:Z,customLightningStyle:L={}}){var m,w,c,J,D;const s={lineWidth:null!
==(m=L.lineWidth)&&void 0!==m?m:2.5,shadowBlur:null!==(w=L.shadowBlur)&&void 0!==w?
w:10,shadowColor:null!==(c=L.shadowColor)&&void 0!==c?c:"#DA0004",fillColor:null!
==(J=L.fillColor)&&void 0!==J?J:"rgba(255, 255, 255, 1)",strokeColor:null!
==(D=L.strokeColor)&&void 0!==D?D:"rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.88)"},h=[];let
P=I[I.length-1];const f=Z?S:Math.random;for(const Z of I){const
w),speed:.06},endStep:0,startStep:0,lastChangeTime:0,offset:0}]}),P=Z}return h}
(l),c=[];m.forEach((I=>{(function(I,l){for(let Z=0;Z<l;Z+
)})(I,L)}));for(let I=0;I<Z;I++){const I=[];m.forEach((l=>{const
();\n', "Worker", void 0, void 0)
const U = new Map
, L = 40;
function a(C) {
return {
kind: "canvas",
id: "lightningStrokeV2",
layerId: "strokeV2Layer",
startTime: C.startTime,
endTime: C.endTime,
draw: Z("lightningStrokeV2", C),
cache: o
function v(C) {
return {
kind: "canvas",
id: "lightningStrokeV2Yellow",
layerId: "strokeV2LayerYellow",
startTime: C.startTime,
endTime: C.endTime,
draw: Z("lightningStrokeV2Yellow", C),
cache: x
const f = {
w: 0,
h: 0
function s(C) {
let p, i;
for (const q in C)
if (C.hasOwnProperty(q)) {
for (const V of C[q])
if (p || "0" !== || (p = V),
i || "1" !== || (i = V),
p && i)
if (p && i)
if (!p || !i)
return console.warn("Couldn't find zero and one shapes in order
to calculate the size of cache canvas"),
f.w = 400,
void (f.h = 18500);
const q = p.getBoundingBox()
, V = i.getBoundingBox()
, y = (q.h + 2 * m + w) * l
, t = q.w + 2 * m
, B = V.w + 2 * m;
f.w = t + w + B,
f.h = y
function c(C, p) {
return new Promise(( (i, q) => {
const V = new Y;
V.addEventListener("message", (C => {
V.addEventListener("error", (C => {
p.addCallback(( () => {
q(new Error("Calculation was canceled"))
const O = (C, p={}) => async (i, V, y, l, B, T) => {
var I, Y, L, a, v;
if (!l)
return !1;
const f = new Map;
let s = 0;
const O = Object.keys(l).reverse();
for await(const V of O) {
const y = l[V]
, O = y[0]
, S = O.getPoints()
, o = O.getBoundingBox()
, [x,Z] = t(S)
, H = => ({
x: C.x - S[x].x + m + s,
y: C.y - S[Z].y + m
, b = {
x: H[x].x - m,
y: H[Z].y - m,
w: o.w + 2 * m,
h: o.h + 2 * m
, X = {
lineWidth: null !== (I = p.lineWidth) && void 0 !== I ? I :
shadowBlur: null !== (Y = p.shadowBlur) && void 0 !== Y ? Y
: 10,
shadowColor: null !== (L = p.shadowColor) && void 0 !== L ?
L : "#DA0004",
fillColor: null !== (a = p.fillColor) && void 0 !== a ? a :
"rgba(255, 255, 255, 1)",
strokeColor: null !== (v = p.strokeColor) && void 0 !== v ?
v : "rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.88)"
let z;
try {
z = await c({
points: H,
shapeRect: b,
disableRandomness: B,
customLightningStyle: p
}, T.controller)
} catch (C) {
return !1
await j(i, T, X, z, b.h);
for (const C of y) {
const p = C.getBoundingBox()
, i = q.DA(p, {
width: 1 + 2 * m / p.w,
height: 1 + 2 * m / p.h
}, !0);
f.set(, {
area: b,
dstRect: i
s += b.w + w,
U.set(C, f)
return !0
function S(C) {
let p;
return "function" == typeof window.requestIdleCallback ? (p =
window.requestIdleCallback(C, {
timeout: 2 * L
() => window.cancelIdleCallback(p)) : (p = window.setTimeout(( ()
=> window.requestAnimationFrame(C)), 32),
() => window.clearTimeout(p))
async function j(C, {controller: p}, i, q, V) {
if (!p.isCanceled)
for (let m = 0; m < q.length && !p.isCanceled; m++) {
const w = q[m];
await new Promise((q => {
const y = S(( () => {
const p = w.length - 1;
for (let q = 0; q < w.length; q++)
B(w[q], C, m, i, V, q !== p);
p.addCallback(( () => {
const o = {
size: f,
prepare: O("lightningStrokeV2", {
shadowColor: "rgba(218,0,4,0.7)"
, x = {
size: f,
prepare: O("lightningStrokeV2Yellow", {
shadowColor: "rgba(255,246,134,0.1)",
shadowBlur: 5
function Z(C, p) {
let i, q = Math.random, V = Math.floor(q() * (l - 1));
return function(q, m, t, B, T) {
p.alpha && (q.globalAlpha = p.alpha(B));
const I = U.get(C)
, Y = null == I ? void 0 : I.get(;
if (!Y)
const {area: L, dstRect: a} = Y
, v = (f = L.h,
(Math.floor(V) - 0) * (f + w));
var f;
q.drawImage(m, (t.x + L.x) * T, (t.x + v) * T, L.w * T, L.h *
T, a.x, a.y, a.w, a.h),
void 0 === i && (i = B),
void 0 !== i && (V += (B - i) / 1e3 * y,
V >= l && (V = 0),
i = B)
function H() {
552913: (C, p, i) => {
i.d(p, {
W: () => t,
f: () => Y
var q = i(189902)
, V = i(837557)
, m = i(43129)
, w = i(864355)
, y = i(986112);
const l = new Map;
function t(C) {
return {
kind: "canvas",
id: C.cacheId,
layerId: C.endTime === 1 / 0 ? "infinityLayer" : "mainLayer",
startTime: C.startTime,
endTime: C.endTime,
draw: I(C),
cache: {
size: {
w: 2058,
h: 2048
prepare: B(C)
function B(C) {
return p => {
const {shapes: i} = C
, V = q.A(i, y.Xz);
T(p, C);
const t = p.shadowBlur + p.lineWidth + 20;
let B = 0;
const I = new Map;
for (const C in V)
if (V.hasOwnProperty(C)) {
const i = V[C]
, q = i[0]
, l = w.XK( !==
, T = l ? 1 : 2
, Y = q.getBoundingBox();,
p.translate(-Y.x + B + t, -Y.y + t),
for (let C = 0; C < T; C++)
l && (p.shadowBlur = 0,
p.globalCompositeOperation = "destination-out",
const U = {
x: B,
y: 0,
w: Y.w + 2 * t,
h: Y.h + 2 * t
for (const C of i) {
const p = C.getBoundingBox()
, i = y.DA(p, {
width: 1 + 2 * t / p.w,
height: 1 + 2 * t / p.h
}, !0);
I.set(, {
area: U,
dstRect: i
B += U.w
return l.set(C.cacheId, I),
function T(C, p) {
const {scale: i, lineWidth: q=3, shadowBlurMultiplier: m=15} = p;
y.AO(C, 1, p.useWhiteLine, p.fillColor);
("strokeLandscape" === p.cacheId || "strokeLandscapeXLR" === p.cacheId) ? m / 2 :
C.shadowBlur = i * w,
C.lineWidth = i * q
function I(C) {
const p = C.shape.getTopEdgeAngle();
return (i, q, V, t, B) => {
if (i.globalAlpha = C.alpha(t),
p > {
T(i, C);
const p = w.XK( !==
, q = (C.intensity ? C.intensity(t) : 1) * (p ? 1 : 2);
for (let C = 0; C < q; C++)
} else {
const p = l.get(C.cacheId)
, m = null == p ? void 0 : p.get(;
if (!m)
const {area: w, dstRect: y} = m
, T = C.intensity ? C.intensity(t) : 1;
for (let C = 0; C < T; C++)
i.drawImage(q, (V.x + w.x) * B, (V.x + w.y) * B, w.w *
B, w.h * B, y.x, y.y, y.w, y.h)
if (C.insideAlpha) {
const p = C.insideAlpha(t);
i.globalAlpha = p,
i.fillStyle = C.fillColor || "rgba(255, 246, 134, 1)",
function Y() {
986112: (C, p, i) => {
i.d(p, {
AO: () => o,
Bq: () => j,
CC: () => H,
Cc: () => f,
DA: () => M,
DC: () => S,
Di: () => F,
EY: () => c,
GB: () => G,
U: () => P,
V9: () => $,
Xz: () => K,
Yf: () => O,
ZK: () => s,
a5: () => X,
cf: () => L,
er: () => k,
fy: () => R,
gr: () => t,
k$: () => x,
kt: () => z,
mh: () => U,
pX: () => W,
tP: () => b,
tW: () => Z,
y2: () => Q,
yp: () => v
var q = i(718284)
, V = i(78350)
, m = i(192217)
, w = i(74136)
, y = i(43129)
, l = i(864355);
const t = .1
, B = /[-\s]?\d+(\.\d+)?/g;
function T(C, p) {
const i = (C.match(B) || []).map(parseFloat);
if (i.length !== p)
throw new Error(`Expected to get ${p} points from ${C}`);
return i
function I(C) {
var p, i;
const q = parseFloat(null !== (i = null === (p = C.match(B)) ||
void 0 === p ? void 0 : p[0]) && void 0 !== i ? i : "");
if (!q && 0 !== q)
throw new Error(`Expected to get one number, got ${q}`);
return q
const Y = q.A((function(C) {
if (0 === (C = C.replace(/\s+/g, " ")).toUpperCase().indexOf("M"))
const p = []
, i = C.split(/([a-z])/gi).filter((C => "" !== C))
, q = {
x: 0,
y: 0
for (let C = 0; C < i.length; C += 2) {
const V = i[C];
if ("m" === V || "M" === V) {
const m = T(i[C + 1], 2);
"M" === V || 0 === C ? (q.x = m[0],
q.y = m[1],
})) : (q.x += m[0],
q.y += m[1],
} else if ("v" === V)
q.y += I(i[C + 1]),
else if ("h" === V)
q.x += I(i[C + 1]),
else if ("H" === V)
q.x = I(i[C + 1]),
else if ("V" === V)
q.y = I(i[C + 1]),
else if ("l" === V) {
const V = T(i[C + 1], 2);
q.x += V[0],
q.y += V[1],
} else if ("L" === V) {
const V = T(i[C + 1], 2);
q.x = V[0],
q.y = V[1],
} else if ("z" === V || "Z" === V)
x: p[0].x,
y: p[0].y
else if ("C" === V) {
const V = T(i[C + 1], 6);
q.x = V[4],
q.y = V[5],
x: V[2],
y: V[3]
} else if ("c" === V) {
const V = T(i[C + 1], 6);
q.x += V[2],
q.y += V[3],
q.x += V[4],
q.y += V[5],
} else {
if ("A" !== V)
throw new Error(`Unhandled <path /> command "$
const V = T(i[C + 1], 7);
q.x = V[5],
q.y = V[6],
return p
return C.trim().split(/\s|,/).map(Number).reduce(( (C, p, i) => {
if (i % 2 == 0) {
const i = {
x: p,
y: 0
} else
C[C.length - 1].y = p;
return C
), [])
function U({x: C, y: p, w: i, h: q}) {
return [{
x: C,
y: p
}, {
x: C + i,
y: p
}, {
x: C + i,
y: p + q
}, {
x: C,
y: p + q
const L = 1.4
, a = (L - 1) / 2;
class v {
constructor(C, p, i) {
this.scalePoint = C => ({
x: C.x + this.canvasSize.w * a,
y: C.y + this.canvasSize.h * a
this.src = C,
this.canvasSize = p, = i
getCenter() {
return this.scalePoint({
x:[0] * this.canvasSize.w,
y:[1] * this.canvasSize.h
getBoundingBox() {
return function(C) {
const p = => C.x))
, i = Math.min(...p)
, q = Math.max(...p)
, V = => C.y))
, m = Math.min(...V);
return {
x: i,
y: m,
w: q - i,
h: Math.max(...V) - m
getPoints() {
switch (this.src.type) {
case "polygon":
case "polyline":
return Y(this.src.points).map(this.scalePoint);
case "path":
return Y(this.src.d).map(this.scalePoint);
case "rect":
const {x: C, y: p} = this.scalePoint(this.src);
return U({
x: C,
y: p,
w: this.src.w,
h: this.src.h
return []
getOrigin() {
const C = this.getPoints();
return {
x: Math.min( ({x: C}) => C))),
y: Math.min( ({y: C}) => C)))
getRelativePoints() {
const C = this.getPoints()
, p = this.getOrigin();
return => ({
x: C.x - p.x,
y: C.y - p.y
draw(C) {
switch (this.src.type) {
case "polygon":
case "polyline":
case "path":
(function(C, p) {
C.moveTo(p[0].x, p[0].y),
p.slice(1).forEach(( ({x: p, y: i}) => C.lineTo(p,
C.lineTo(p[0].x, p[0].y)
)(C, this.getPoints());
case "rect":
const {w: p, h: i} = this.src
, {x: q, y: V} = this.scalePoint(this.src);
C.rect(q, V, p, i)
getInscribedRect() {
const C = this.getBoundingBox()
, p = this.getTopEdgeAngle();
if (p < t)
return C;
const i = Math.sin(p)
, q = Math.cos(p)
, V = (C.w * i - C.h * q) / (i * i - q * q)
, m = (C.h - V * q) / i;
return {
x: C.x + (C.w - m) / 2,
y: C.y + (C.h - V) / 2,
h: V,
w: m
getTopEdgeAngle() {
const C = this.getPoints()
, p = C.sort(( (C, p) => C.y - p.y || C.x - p.x))[0]
, i = C.sort(( (C, p) => p.x - C.x || C.y - p.y))[0];
return Math.atan2(i.y - p.y, i.x - p.x)
function f(C, p, i) {
return C + (p - C) * w.qE(i, 0, 1)
function s(C, p, i) {
return C + (p - C) * i
function c(C, p, i) {
return {
x: f(C.x, p.x, i),
y: f(C.y, p.y, i)
function O(C, p) {
return Math.sqrt((C.x - p.x) ** 2 + (C.y - p.y) ** 2)
function S(C=1) {
const p = () => {
const p = 1e4 * Math.sin(C++);
return p - Math.floor(p)
return p.setSeed = p => {
C = p
function j(C, p) {
return p >= C.startTime && p < C.endTime
function o(C, p=1, i=!0, q=n) {
if (i)
x(C, 255, 255, 255, p);
else {
const i = V.E2(m.Z(q, .4), [123, 123, 123]);
x(C, 255 * i[0], 255 * i[1], 255 * i[2], p)
C.shadowColor = q
function x(C, p, i, q, V=1) {
C.strokeStyle = `rgba(${p},${i},${q},${V})`
function Z(...C) {
let p = 0;
const i = C.join(" ");
for (let C = 0; C < i.length; C++)
p = (p << 5) - p + i.charCodeAt(C),
p |= 0;
return p
function H(C) {
return Math.floor(C / (1e3 / 60))
function b(C) {
return C * (1e3 / 60)
function X(C, p) {
const i = p.w - C.w
, q = p.h - C.h;
return {
x: p.x + i / 2,
y: p.y + q / 2,
w: C.w,
h: C.h
function z(C, p) {
return {
x: C.x * p,
y: C.y * p,
w: C.w * p,
h: C.h * p
function M(C, p, i=!1) {
let q = 1
, V = 1;
"number" == typeof p ? (q = p,
V = p) : (q = p.width || q,
V = p.height || V);
const m = {
x: C.x,
y: C.y,
w: C.w * q,
h: C.h * V
return i ? X(m, C) : m
function P(C, p, i) {
const q = Math.floor(p.w / C.w)
, V = q * Math.floor(p.h / C.h);
if (i > V)
throw new Error(`Cannot place rect ${JSON.stringify(C)} inside
container ${JSON.stringify(p)} at index ${i}, maximum index is ${V}`);
const m = Math.floor(i / q)
, w = i % q;
return {
x: p.x + w * C.w,
y: p.y + m * C.h,
w: C.w,
h: C.h
function R(C, p) {
const i = 15;
for (let q = 5; q < i; q++) {
const i = 2 ** q;
if (p < Math.floor(i / C.w) * Math.floor(i / C.h))
return {
w: i,
h: i
throw new Error(`Can't determine atlas size, rect: $
{JSON.stringify(C)}, maxCount: ${p}`)
function Q(C) {
return C.w * C.h == 0
const n = "#FFF686"
, h = "#DA0004"
, G = q.A((C => ({
lightningOutline: {
thickness: w.qE(1.5 * C, 1.5, 2.5),
lineWidth: w.qE(2 * C, 2.5, 3.5),
shadowBlurMultiplier: w.qE(5 * C, 10, 16)
, $ = {
lightningStrike: {
color: n
lightningOutline: {
fillColor: n,
useWhiteLine: !0,
lineWidth: 3,
shadowBlurMultiplier: 15,
thickness: 2,
blur: 0
label: {
fillColor0: "#FFFFFF",
fillColor1: "#E4D591"
, W = {
lightningStrike: {
color: n
lightningOutline: {
useWhiteLine: !0,
outliningTime: 350,
fillColor: "#FFF686",
lineWidth: 2,
thickness: 2,
shadowBlurMultiplier: 16,
color: n,
blur: 3
lightningOutlineChain: {
fillColor: h,
useWhiteLine: !0,
outliningTime: void 0,
thickness: 1,
lineWidth: 3,
shadowBlurMultiplier: 8
lightningOutlineDouble: {
fillColor: "#FF0005",
useWhiteLine: !0,
outliningTime: void 0,
lineWidth: 4,
thickness: 3,
shadowBlurMultiplier: 30,
color: h,
blur: 3
label: {
fillColor0: "#FFFFFF",
fillColor1: "#E4D591"
lightningStrike2Layer: {
color: h
label2Layer: {
fillColor0: "#FFFFFF",
fillColor1: "#FF2301"
, k = q.A((C => ({
lightningOutline: {
thickness: w.qE(1.15 * C, 1.3, 2.2),
lineWidth: w.qE(1.15 * C, 1.3, 2.2),
shadowBlurMultiplier: w.qE(12 * C, 14, 16),
blur: w.qE(1.4 * C, 2.2, 3.3)
lightningOutlineChain: {
thickness: w.qE(.85 * C, .7, 1.3),
lineWidth: w.qE(1.5 * C, 2.5, 3.5),
shadowBlurMultiplier: w.qE(7 * C, 9, 11)
lightningOutlineDouble: {
thickness: w.qE(1.3 * C, 2.5, 3.5),
lineWidth: w.qE(1.5 * C, 2.5, 3.5),
shadowBlurMultiplier: w.qE(8 * C, 15, 20)
, A = {
lightningOutlineDouble: {
shadowBlurMultiplier: 16
label2Layer: {
lineWidth: .15,
shadowX: -.04,
shadowY: 0
label: {
lineWidth: .15,
shadowX: -.04,
shadowY: 0
function F(C, p, i) {
return i && C.lightningOutlineDouble ? C.lightningOutlineDouble : p
&& C.lightningOutlineChain ? C.lightningOutlineChain : C.lightningOutline
function K(C) {
const p = C.getBoundingBox()
, i = 5
, q = l.XK(;
return `${Math.round(p.w / i) * i}-${Math.round(p.h / i) * i}-${q !
== y.Ph.BET_CONFIGURATION_STRAIGHT ? "_outside" : ""}`
891331: (C, p, i) => {
i.d(p, {
Fs: () => w,
Rb: () => l,
WA: () => U,
jN: () => m,
n8: () => Y,
qN: () => L,
z5: () => t
var q = i(765198)
, V = i(234562);
function m(C, p) {
var i, q, V, m;
const w = C.numbers.size;
if (void 0 !== (null == p ? void 0 : p[w]))
return p[w];
const y = null !== (q = null === (i = C.splits) || void 0 === i ?
void 0 : i.size) && void 0 !== q ? q : 0;
let l = 9e3;
return 1 === w ? l = 7e3 : 2 === w && (l = 8e3),
l += 400 * Array.from(null !== (m = null === (V = C.chains) || void
0 === V ? void 0 : V.keys()) && void 0 !== m ? m : []).reduce(( (C, p) => C +
p.length), 0),
y && (l += 3e3),
function w({hasJustConnected: C, ...p}) {
if (C) {
const C = m(p, V.O.lightningAnimationTimings());
return - C
return + V.O.luckyNumbersAnimationDelay()
function y(C, p, i) {
var q, V, m;
return null !== (m = null !== (V = null === (q = null == p ? void 0
: p.get(C)) || void 0 === q ? void 0 : q[0]) && void 0 !== V ? V : i.get(C)) &&
void 0 !== m ? m : 0
function l({numbers: C, originalNumbers: p, chains: i, splits: q}) {
if (!i && !q)
return C;
const V = []
, m = [];
if (i) {
let C = 0
, m = 0;
i.forEach(( (i, w) => {
let l = w;
i.forEach(( (i, w) => {
const t = y(l, q, p)
, B = function({chainIndex: C, inChainIndex: p,
parentMultiplier: i, parentBetSpotId: q, betSpotId: V, multiplier: m, order: w}) {
return {
layer: {
index: p + 1,
parentBetSpotId: q,
parentMultiplier: i
betSpotId: V,
multiplier: m,
chainOrder: w,
order: 10 * C + p
betSpotId: i,
chainIndex: m,
inChainIndex: w,
parentMultiplier: t,
parentBetSpotId: l,
multiplier: y(i, q, p),
order: C++
l = i
m += 1
return q && [...C, ...V].forEach((C => {
const p = q.get(C.betSpotId);
p && m.push({
initialMultiplier: p[0],
multiplier: p[0] + p[1],
doubled: !0
[...C, ...V, ...m]
function t({numbers: C, chains: p, splits: i}) {
const V = new Set(p ? q.A(Array.from(p.values())) : []);
return Array.from(C.keys()).filter((C => !V.has(C))).map((p => ({
order: 1,
betSpotId: p,
multiplier: y(p, i, C)
function B(C, p) {
const i = 0;
return {
outsideSpotHighlightBegins: -1,
outsideSpotElectricityBegins: -1,
outsideSpotElectricityEnds: -1,
outsideSpotHighlightEnds: -1,
lightningStrikeBegins: i,
betspotHighlightBegins: i + I / 3,
lightningStrikeEnds: i + I,
multiplierCountingBegins: i + .5 * I,
multiplierCountingEnds: i + I + 1e3,
lastMultiplierCountingEnds: -1,
multiplierDisappears: C ? {
href: p
} : 1 / 0,
betspotHighlightEnds: C ? {
href: p
} : 1 / 0
const T = 1e3
, I = 500;
function Y(C) {
return C.doubled ? "second_" : ""
function U(C) {
return function(C) {
const p = {};
return C.forEach((C => {
const {betSpotIds: i, qualifyingString: q} = C;
i.forEach((i => {
p[`${q}${i}`] = C
}(function(C) {
let p = 0;
const i = []
, q = => {
const {start: q, timings: V, doNotAdvanceTimeAfter: m} = C
, w = "number" == typeof (y = V.lightningStrikeEnds) ?
y : "time"in y ? y.time : y.href.time;
var y;
const {timings: l, refs: t} = function(C, p) {
const i = []
, q = {
betspotHighlightBegins: 0,
betspotHighlightEnds: 0,
lastMultiplierCountingEnds: 0,
lightningStrikeBegins: 0,
lightningStrikeEnds: 0,
multiplierCountingBegins: 0,
multiplierCountingEnds: 0,
multiplierDisappears: 0,
outsideSpotElectricityBegins: 0,
outsideSpotElectricityEnds: 0,
outsideSpotHighlightBegins: 0,
outsideSpotHighlightEnds: 0
return Object.entries(p).forEach(( ([p,V]) => {
"number" == typeof V ? q[p] = V + C : "ref"in V ?
(q[p] = V.time + C,
V.ref.time = q[p]) : (q[p] = 0,
object: q,
key: p,
ref: V.href
timings: q,
refs: i
}(q + p, V);
const B = {
start: q + p,
timings: l
return !0 !== m && (p += q + w),
return i.forEach((C => {
C.object[C.key] = C.ref.time
}(function(C) {
const p = C.filter((C => void 0 === C.layer && !C.doubled))
, i = C.filter((C => void 0 !== C.layer && !
C.doubled)).sort(( (C, p) => C.order - p.order))
, q = C.filter((C => C.doubled))
, m = function(C, p) {
const i = V.O.getXLRouletteAnimationTimingsTemp();
return C && !p ? i.basePauseChain : !C && p ?
i.basePauseDouble : C && p ? i.basePauseChainPauseDouble : i.base
}(i.length > 0, q.length > 0)
, w = (y = i.length,
l = m.chain,
y >= 2 && l[y - 2] ? l[y - 2] : 5e3);
var y, l;
const t = i.length >= 2 ? i.length - 1 : 1
, U = Math.max((w - 1e3 - 500 * i.length) / t, 0)
, L = T + m.pauseAfterBase
, a = T + m.pauseAfterChain
, v = {
time: 0
, f = [];
if (p.forEach(( (C, i) => {
const V = q.some((p => p.betSpotId === C.betSpotId))
, w = m.base - I - T
, y = w + I / 2
, l = {
outsideSpotHighlightBegins: 0,
outsideSpotElectricityBegins: 0,
outsideSpotElectricityEnds: w,
outsideSpotHighlightEnds: w + 500,
lightningStrikeBegins: w,
betspotHighlightBegins: y,
lightningStrikeEnds: w + I,
multiplierCountingBegins: y,
multiplierCountingEnds: m.base,
lastMultiplierCountingEnds: -1,
multiplierDisappears: V ? {
href: v
} : 1 / 0,
betspotHighlightEnds: V ? {
href: v
} : 1 / 0
start: 0,
doNotAdvanceTimeAfter: i !== p.length - 1,
betSpotIds: [C.betSpotId],
timings: l,
qualifyingString: Y(C)
f.push( (C, p) => {
const i = q.some((p => p.betSpotId === C.betSpotId));
return {
start: 0 === p ? L : U,
timings: B(i, v),
betSpotIds: [C.betSpotId],
qualifyingString: Y(C)
q.length) {
const C = m.double - I - T;
start: 0 === i.length ? L : a,
betSpotIds: ({betSpotId: C}) => C)),
timings: {
outsideSpotHighlightBegins: 0,
outsideSpotElectricityBegins: 0,
outsideSpotElectricityEnds: C,
outsideSpotHighlightEnds: C + 500,
lightningStrikeBegins: C,
betspotHighlightBegins: {
time: C + I / 2,
ref: v
lightningStrikeEnds: C + I,
multiplierCountingBegins: C + .5 * I,
multiplierCountingEnds: m.double,
lastMultiplierCountingEnds: -1,
multiplierDisappears: 1 / 0,
betspotHighlightEnds: 1 / 0
qualifyingString: Y(q[0])
return f
function L({startTime: C, multiplier: p, maxMultiplier: i,
totalDuration: q}) {
const V = q - C
, m = p / i
, w = .7
, y = 1 - w;
return Math.round(V * (y + w * m))
207281: (C, p, i) => {
i.d(p, {
S: () => c
var q = i(384511)
, V = i(84932);
function m(C) {
let p = C.replace(/^#/, "");
return 3 === p.length && (p = p.split("").map((C => C +
r: parseInt(p.slice(0, 2), 16),
g: parseInt(p.slice(2, 4), 16),
b: parseInt(p.slice(4, 6), 16)
function w(C) {
return C[Math.floor(Math.random() * C.length)]
function y() {
var C;
return (null === (C = V.yj().lightning) || void 0 === C ? void 0 :
C.disableRandomness) ? () => .5 : Math.random
const l = y();
const t = y();
function B(C) {
return [I(C[0], C[1]), I(C[0], C[1]), I(C[2], C[3]), I(C[2], C[3])]
const T = .2;
function I(C, p) {
const i = (p[0] - C[0]) * T
, V = (p[1] - C[1]) * T;
return [q.U4(C[0] + i, p[0] - i), q.U4(C[1] + V, p[1] - V)]
const Y = y()
, U = [50, 300];
class L {
constructor(C, p, i) {
this.config = C,
this.isAlive = !0,
this.shape = [[0, 0], [0, 0], [0, 0], [0, 0]],
this.bezier = [[0, 0], [0, 0], [0, 0], [0, 0]],
this.color = {
r: 0,
g: 0,
b: 0
this.opacity = 1;
const V = C.width / 2 * i
, y = C.height / 2 * i;
var T, I;
this.shapePoints = (T = V,
I = y,
[[t() * -T, t() * -I], [t() * T, t() * -I], [t() * T, t() * I],
[t() * -T, t() * I]]),
this.bezierPoints = B(this.shapePoints),
this.transformedShape = function(C, p, i) {
return [[t() * -p, t() * i + i], [t() * p, t() * i + i],
C[2], C[3]]
}(this.shapePoints, V, y),
this.transformedBeziers = B(this.transformedShape),
this.transformationXStep = Math.abs(this.shapePoints[0][0] -
this.transformedShape[0][0]) / q.U4(U[0], U[1]),
this.transformationYStep = Math.abs(this.shapePoints[0][1] -
this.transformedShape[0][1]) / q.U4(U[0], U[1]),
this.colorFrom = m(w(C.colors)),
this.colorTo = m(w(C.colors)),
this.angularVelocity = (Y() - .5) * C.angularVelocity,
this.scale = Y() * C.scaleMax + C.scaleMin;
const {velocityVector: L, position: v} = function(C, p, i) {
const q = [C.emitterPosition[0] * p, C.emitterPosition[1] *
, V = [q[0] + C.emitterWidth * p * (Y() - .5), q[1] +
C.emitterHeight * i * (Y() - .5)]
, m = [C.velocity * p, C.velocity * i];
return function(C, p, i, q) {
return "explosion" === C ? function(C, p, i) {
const [q,V] = C
, [m,w] = p
, y = [m - q, w - V]
, l = Math.sqrt(y[0] ** 2 + y[1] ** 2)
, t = [y[0] / l, y[1] / l];
return {
position: [Math.round(q), Math.round(V)],
velocityVector: [Math.round(i * t[0]),
Math.round(i * t[1])]
}(p, i, Math.max(q[0], q[1]) * l()) : function(C, p) {
const [i,q] = C;
return {
position: [i, q],
velocityVector: [l() * p - p / 2, l() * p - 1.3
* p]
}(i, Math.min(q[0], q[1]))
}(C.effect, q, V, m)
}(C, p, i);
this.startPosition = [...v],
this.centerPosition = [...v],
this.speedVector = L,
this.gravityForce = C.gravity * i,
this.shapePoints.forEach(( (C, p) => {
a(this.shape[p], C, this.startPosition)
this.bezierPoints.forEach(( (C, p) => {
a(this.bezier[p], C, this.startPosition)
this.fadoutSeed = q.U4(60, 100) / 100
update(C, p) {
const i = function(C, p, i) {
return i * p * C.angularDrag ** (1 + p)
}(this.config, C, this.angularVelocity);
for (let C = 0; C < this.shapePoints.length; C++) {
const p = this.shapePoints[C];
v(p, this.transformedShape[C], this.transformationXStep,
a(this.shape[C], p, this.centerPosition, this.scale, i)
for (let C = 0; C < this.bezierPoints.length; C++) {
const p = this.shapePoints[C];
v(p, this.transformedBeziers[C], this.transformationXStep,
a(this.bezier[C], p, this.centerPosition, this.scale, i)
var q, V, m, w;
this.opacity = function(C, p) {
return C < p ? 1 : C >= p && C <= 1 ? 1 - (C - p) / (1 - p)
: 0
}(p, this.fadoutSeed),
q = this.color,
V = this.colorFrom,
m = this.colorTo,
w = p,
q.r = Math.round(V.r * (1 - w) + m.r * w),
q.g = Math.round(V.g * (1 - w) + m.g * w),
q.b = Math.round(V.b * (1 - w) + m.b * w),
0 === this.opacity && (this.isAlive = !1)
updateParticleCenterPosition(C) {
const p = this.startPosition[0]
, i = this.config.drag ** (1 + C);
this.centerPosition[0] = p + this.speedVector[0] * i * C,
this.centerPosition[1] = this.startPosition[1] +
this.speedVector[1] * i * C + this.gravityForce * i * C ** 2
function a(C, p, i, q=1, V=0) {
const m = Math.sin(V)
, w = Math.cos(V)
, y = function(C, p, i, q) {
return C * q - p * i
}(p[0], p[1], m, w)
, l = function(C, p, i, q) {
return C * i + p * q
}(p[0], p[1], m, w);
C[0] = Math.round(y * q + i[0]),
C[1] = Math.round(l * q + i[1])
function v(C, p, i, q) {
C[0] = f(C[0], p[0], i),
C[1] = f(C[1], p[1], q)
function f(C, p, i) {
return Math.abs(C - p) > i ? C - p > 0 ? C - i : C + i : p
const s = {
x: .5,
y: .5,
gravity: 1.17,
drag: .5,
angularDrag: .8,
speed: 1.25,
count: 75,
width: .0075,
height: .025,
spawnSizeX: .05,
spawnSizeY: .05,
angularVelocity: 20,
scaleMax: 1.5,
scaleMin: .3,
effect: "burst",
color: [""]
class c {
constructor(C, p, i, q) {
this.clipPath = q;
const {x: V, y: m, gravity: w, drag: y, angularDrag: l, speed:
t, count: B, width: T, height: I, spawnSizeX: Y, spawnSizeY: U, angularVelocity: a,
scaleMax: v, scaleMin: f, color: c, effect: O} = {
this.particles = [...Array(B)].map(( () => new L({
drag: y,
angularDrag: l,
angularVelocity: a,
effect: O,
colors: c,
gravity: w,
scaleMin: f,
scaleMax: v,
emitterWidth: Y,
emitterHeight: U,
emitterPosition: [V, m],
width: T,
height: I,
velocity: t
update(C, p, i) {
this.particles = this.particles.filter(( (q, V) => {
var m, w;
return !(this.clipPath && (m = q.shape,
w = this.clipPath,
!(O(m[0], w) || O(m[1], w) || O(m[2], w) || O(m[3], w))))
&& (q.update(C, p),
i(q, `rgba(${q.color.r},${q.color.g},${q.color.b}, $
{q.opacity})`, V),
function O(C, p) {
return C[0] < p.x + p.width && C[0] > p.x && C[1] < p.y + p.height
&& C[1] > p.y
686077: (C, p, i) => {
function q(C, p, i) {
const {shape: q, bezier: V} = p;
C.fillStyle = i,
const m = q[0]
, w = q[1]
, y = q[2]
, l = q[3]
, t = V[0]
, B = V[1]
, T = V[2]
, I = V[3];
C.moveTo(m[0], m[1]),
C.bezierCurveTo(t[0], t[1], B[0], B[1], w[0], w[1]),
C.lineTo(y[0], y[1]),
C.bezierCurveTo(T[0], T[1], I[0], I[1], l[0], l[1]),
i.d(p, {
w: () => q
886233: (C, p, i) => {
i.d(p, {
S: () => k
var q = i(64922)
, V = i(699695)
, m = i(377810)
, w = i(282427)
, y = i(901577)
, l = i(13799)
, t = i(436794)
, B = i(500704)
, T = i(234199)
, I = i(119771)
, Y = i(843520)
, U = i(751267)
, L = i(346160);
const a = {
bigWin: "bigWin--a76d5",
classic: "classic--cf686",
mobile: "mobile--df31e",
mobileLandscape: "mobileLandscape--1398a",
tablet: "tablet--a346b",
observer: "observer--1e5b8",
middleWin: "middleWin--7d46c",
smallWin: "smallWin--82280",
roundWin: "roundWin--12642",
title: "title--e17e0",
svgContainer: "svgContainer--f59f5",
fullHeight: "fullHeight--cd395",
, v = {
Low: a.smallWin,
Medium: a.middleWin,
High: a.bigWin
function f({winningsData: C, bonusResultType: p, layout: i,
orientation: m, showTitle: w, formattedValue: y}) {
const l = V.A({
[a.classic]: i === B.FJ.Classic,
[]: i === B.FJ.PhoneImmersive && m === t.t.Portrait,
[a.mobileLandscape]: i === B.FJ.PhoneImmersive && m ===
[a.tablet]: i === B.FJ.TabletImmersive
return q.jsxs("div", {
"data-role": "round-win",
className: V.A(a.roundWin, v[p], l),
children: [w && q.jsx("div", {
className: V.A(a.title, l),
children: 0 === C.payout ? q.jsx(c, {
players: C.bonusWinners
}) : q.jsx(s, {
textInput: L.Tl("rdr.bonus.bonusWin_uppercase")
}), q.jsx(T.Sm, {
currencySymbol: y.currency,
formattedAmount: y.formattedAmount,
currencySymbolAtBeginning: y.currencySymbolAtBeginning,
layout: i,
orientation: m,
showTitle: w,
isObserver: "Observer" === p
const s = m.memo(( ({textInput: C}) => {
const p = m.useRef(null)
, i = m.useRef(null)
, V = 270
, [w,y] = m.useState({
width: V,
height: 40
return m.useLayoutEffect(( () => {
const C = p.current
, q = i.current;
if (!C || !q)
const {width: m, height: w} = q.getBBox();
m !== V && y({
width: m + .02 * m,
height: w
), [C, y]),
q.jsxs("svg", {
ref: p,
height: "100%",
viewBox: `0 0 ${w.width} ${w.height}`,
preserveAspectRatio: "xMidYMid meet",
fill: "none",
"data-role": "you-win",
xmlns: "",
children: [q.jsxs("svg", {
ref: i,
children: [q.jsx("text", {
height: "100%",
stroke: "url(",
strokeWidth: "0.818359",
xmlSpace: "preserve",
fontFamily: "Inter",
fontSize: "30",
fontWeight: "900",
letterSpacing: "0px",
textAnchor: "middle",
dominantBaseline: "middle",
x: "50%",
y: "50%",
filter: "url(",
children: C
}), q.jsx("text", {
fill: "url(",
xmlSpace: "preserve",
fontFamily: "Inter",
fontSize: "30",
fontWeight: "900",
letterSpacing: "0px",
textAnchor: "middle",
dominantBaseline: "middle",
x: "50%",
y: "50%",
filter: "url(",
children: C
}), q.jsxs("defs", {
children: [q.jsx("filter", {
id: "shadow",
y: "-10%",
x: "-10%",
height: "120%",
width: "140%",
children: q.jsx("feDropShadow", {
dx: "2",
dy: "2",
stdDeviation: "1",
floodColor: "black"
}), q.jsxs("linearGradient", {
id: "you-win-fill",
x1: "77.3184",
y1: "31.9736",
x2: "77.3183",
y2: "-3.625",
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function x(C) {
return new Promise((p => {
const i = new Image;
i.onload = () => {
i.src = C
class Z {
constructor(C, p, i) {
this.x = C,
this.y = p,
this.radius = i,
this.startImg = void 0,
Z.starImgsLoader.getNextStar().then((C => {
this.startImg = C
draw(C, p) {
if (void 0 === this.startImg)
const i = this.radius * p;
C.drawImage(this.startImg, this.x - i / 2, this.y - i / 2, i,
Z.starImgsLoader = new class {
constructor() {
this.pointer = 0,
this.loader = Promise.all([S, j, o].map(x))
getNextStar() {
const C = this.pointer++;
return this.loader.then((p => p[C % p.length]))
const H = -1;
class b {
constructor({canvas: C, positions: p, radius: i,
fullAnimationDuration: q=2e3, oneStarAnimationDuration: V=1e3}) {
this.finished = !1,
this.startTime = H,
this.startTimes = [],
this.stars = ({x: C, y: p}) => new Z(C,p,i))),
this.fullAnimationDuration = q,
this.oneStarAnimationDuration = V,
this.startTimes = () => Math.random() * (q - V))),
this.canvas = C
draw(C) {
if (this.finished)
return !1;
this.startTime === H && (this.startTime = C.time);
const p = C.time - this.startTime;
return this.stars.forEach(( (i, q) => {
const V = this.startTimes[q];
if (V < p && V + this.oneStarAnimationDuration > p) {
const q = (p - V) / this.oneStarAnimationDuration
, m = 2 * (q > .5 ? 1 - q : q);
i.draw(C.context, m)
p < this.fullAnimationDuration || (this.finished = !0,
start() {
this.canvas.addElement(this, O.f.Animator),
dispose() {
this.canvas.removeElement(this, O.f.Animator)
const X = 1348
, z = 1081
, M = [{
x: 400,
y: 482
}, {
x: 730,
y: 352
}, {
x: 900,
y: 482
}, {
x: 520,
y: 402
}, {
x: 450,
y: 512
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x: 360,
y: 502
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x: 350,
y: 542
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x: 960,
y: 502
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x: 1020,
y: 542
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x: 400,
y: 682
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x: 520,
y: 582
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x: 760,
y: 742
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x: 900,
y: 722
}, {
x: 520,
y: 682
}, {
x: 620,
y: 522
}, {
x: 450,
y: 662
function P(C) {
const p = C.width / X
, i = C.height / z;
return ({x: C, y: q}) => ({
x: C * p,
y: q * i
class R {
constructor(C) {
this.canvas = C
convertNumber(C) {
return C * this.scale
convertPoint(C) {
return {
x: this.convertNumber(C.x),
y: this.convertNumber(C.y)
get scale() {
return this.canvas.drawArguments.width / (C =
var C
const Q = "nightSky--0d22c"
, n = "starDust--1e984"
, h = 80
, G = ({className: C, startAnimationTime: p, animationDuration: i,
showStars: w, isObserverMessage: y}) => {
const l = m.useRef(null);
return m.useEffect(( () => {
if (!l.current || !w)
const C = new O.H(l.current);
let q;
const V = new R(C)
, m = setTimeout(( () => {
q = new b({
canvas: C,
radius: V.convertNumber(h),
positions: P({
width: C.drawArguments.width,
height: C.drawArguments.height
fullAnimationDuration: i
), p);
return () => {
), [p, i, w]),
q.jsx("div", {
className: V.A({
[Q]: !y
}, C),
ref: l,
children: w && q.jsx("div", {
style: {
"--start-animation-time": `${p}ms`,
"--animation-duration": `${i}ms`
className: n
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container: "container--91de1",
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, W = 500;
function k() {
const C = y.O().settings.getCurrencySymbol()
, p = w.d4(I.HQ)
, i = w.d4(
, L = w.d4(l.V6)
, a = w.d4(U.UX)
, v = w.d4(U.Fx)
, s = Y.ev(v)
, [c,O] = m.useState(null);
if (m.useEffect(( () => {
if (function(C) {
return void 0 !== C && (0 !== C.totalPayouts || 0 !==
}(p) && (O(p),
1)) {
const C = setTimeout(( () => {
), a.rouletteBonusResultDisplayDuration());
return () => {
), [p, a]),
null === c)
return null;
const S = V.A({
[$.classic]: i === B.FJ.Classic,
[$.mobile]: i === B.FJ.PhoneImmersive && L === t.t.Portrait,
[$.mobileLandscape]: i === B.FJ.PhoneImmersive && L ===
[$.tablet]: i === B.FJ.TabletImmersive
, j = c.payout > 0
, o = 0 !== c.payout ? c.payout : c.totalPayouts
, x = T.Ke(o, C)
, Z = !j || !a.hideRdrBonusTitle() || !!(s && j && o > s)
, H = void 0 === c.celebrationLevel ? "Observer" :
, b = ["Medium", "High"].includes(H) && Z;
return q.jsxs("div", {
className: V.A($.container, {
[$.storybook]: !1
style: {
"--animation-duration": `$
{a.rouletteBonusResultDisplayDuration() - W}ms`
children: [q.jsx(f, {
winningsData: c,
bonusResultType: H,
layout: i,
orientation: L,
showTitle: Z,
formattedValue: x
}), q.jsx(G, {
className: V.A($.sparklesContainer, S),
startAnimationTime: 850,
animationDuration: a.rouletteBonusResultDisplayDuration() -
2 * W,
showStars: b,
isObserverMessage: "Observer" === H
234199: (C, p, i) => {
i.d(p, {
Sm: () => Tp,
Ke: () => tp,
VI: () => ap,
CM: () => vp
var q = i(64922)
, V = i(699695)
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, QC = i.p + "images/asset4543x.01ca4dfe.webp"
, nC = i.p + "images/asset4553x.01dfeac9.webp"
, hC = i.p + "images/asset4563x.a843cf7b.webp"
, GC = i.p + "images/asset4573x.ffbbdaa6.webp"
, $C = i.p + "images/asset4583x.6c1e90d5.webp"
, WC = i.p + "images/asset4593x.8409902f.webp"
, kC = i.p + "images/asset4603x.dec1bf9a.webp"
, AC = i.p + "images/asset4613x.07ab6017.webp"
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, NC = i.p + "images/asset603x.4cb5d90a.webp"
, JC = i.p + "images/asset613x.1910ef40.webp"
, rC = i.p + "images/asset623x.b98dae7e.webp"
, dC = i.p + "images/asset633x.d98870b7.webp"
, DC = i.p + "images/asset643x.199bf140.webp"
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, _C = i.p + "images/asset663x.b34dde67.webp"
, eC = i.p + "images/asset673x.1601bb38.webp"
, Cp = i.p + "images/asset683x.63779d5f.webp"
, pp = i.p + "images/asset713x.c1d39871.webp"
, ip = i.p + "images/asset723x.414c1090.webp"
, qp = i.p + "images/asset733x.6e0f0dba.webp"
, Vp = {
R: {
src: n
$: {
src: vC
"€": {
src: LC
"£": {
src: S
kr: {
src: b,
charLength: 2
"kr.": {
src: b,
charLength: 2
R$: {
src: Q,
charLength: 2
Kč: {
src: U,
charLength: 2
"GH¢": {
src: A,
charLength: 3
"฿": {
src: VC
"₴": {
src: UC
"¥": {
src: O
"S/.": {
src: aC,
charLength: 2
"₩": {
src: I
元: {
src: CC
"₣": {
src: e
ƒ: {
src: s
"₡": {
src: IC
Pts: {
src: _,
charLength: 3
"₸": {
src: u
"₪": {
src: TC
"₨": {
src: v
""﷼: {
src: qC
CE: {
src: pC
"₭": {
src: a
"₮": {
src: L
"₤": {
src: D
CR: {
src: iC,
charLength: 2
mBTC: {
src: Z,
charLength: 4
"₿": {
src: r
Ξ: {
src: BC
Ł: {
src: c
$U: {
src: d,
charLength: 2
ARS$: {
src: N,
charLength: 4
NZ$: {
src: G,
charLength: 3
Sr$: {
src: R,
charLength: 3
mBCH: {
src: H,
charLength: 4
mETH: {
src: x,
charLength: 4
mLTC: {
src: o,
charLength: 4
μBTC: {
src: f,
charLength: 4
TRX: {
src: P,
charLength: 3
WFP: {
src: z,
charLength: 3
XRP: {
src: X,
charLength: 3
PTX: {
src: h,
charLength: 3
NEO: {
src: $,
charLength: 3
LL: {
src: k,
charLength: 2
MT: {
src: W,
charLength: 2
FTN: {
src: F,
charLength: 3
CHP: {
src: K,
charLength: 3
BSV: {
src: E,
charLength: 3
BCH: {
src: g,
charLength: 3
"лв.": {
src: fC,
charLength: 2
"₹": {
src: tC
"₺": {
src: lC
"₽": {
src: yC
Ƀ: {
src: wC
"₫": {
src: YC
zł: {
src: j,
charLength: 2
src: M,
charLength: 4
"₱": {
src: Y
, mp = {
F: sC,
X: cC,
S: OC,
Z: SC,
U: jC,
J: oC,
W: xC,
R: ZC,
V: HC,
M: bC,
Y: XC,
H: zC,
K: MC,
Q: PC,
T: RC,
G: QC,
P: nC,
O: hC,
C: GC,
D: $C,
N: WC,
B: kC,
I: AC,
L: FC,
A: KC,
E: EC,
"/": mC,
μ: J
, wp = {
0: JC,
1: NC,
2: gC,
3: Cp,
4: eC,
5: _C,
6: uC,
7: DC,
8: dC,
9: rC,
",": pp,
".": ip,
" ": qp
, yp = Object.keys(Vp)
, lp = new RegExp(`${T.Ms}|${T.qJ}|${T._o}|`,"ug");
function tp(C, p) {
const i = y.ej(C).replace(lp, "")
, q = y.ej(C, {
currencySymbol: p
return {
formattedAmount: i,
currency: p,
currencySymbolAtBeginning: q.replace(lp, "").startsWith(p) ||
const Bp = Object.keys(wp);
function Tp({formattedAmount: C, currencySymbol: p,
currencySymbolAtBeginning: i, layout: y, orientation: T, showTitle: I, isObserver:
Y}) {
var U, L;
const [a,v] = m.useState([])
, [f,s] = m.useState([])
, [c,O] = m.useState(1)
, [S,j] = m.useState([]);
let o = 1;
o = yp.includes(p) ? null !== (L = null === (U = Vp[p]) || void 0
=== U ? void 0 : U.charLength) && void 0 !== L ? L : 1 : p.length,
m.useEffect(( () => {
Promise.all([Lp, Promise.all(Up(p))]).then(( ([p,i]) => {
const q = []
, V = [];
for (const i of C) {
const C = "" === i.trim()
, m = p[Bp.indexOf(C ? " " : i)];
q.length = 0;
const m = i.length !== o ? i.length / o : 1;
for (const C of i)
V.push(C.width * m);
const w = Math.max(1, ...V);
)).catch((i => {
B.vV(new B.U8("RDR win amount problem",{
error: i,
currencyCodes: p.split("").map((C =>
numberCodes: C.split("").map((C =>
), [C, p, o]),
m.useEffect(( () => {
if (a.length && f.length) {
const p = (i ? [...f, ...a] : [...a, ...f]).map((p => {
const i = 100 / (C.length + o);
return p.width / c * i
, q = 100 - p.reduce(( (C, p) => C + p), 0);
if (q > 0) {
const C = q / 3 / a.length
, i = => p + C));
} else
), [a, f, c, i]);
const x = V.A({
[w.classic]: y === l.FJ.Classic,
[]: y === l.FJ.PhoneImmersive && T === t.t.Portrait,
[w.mobileLandscape]: y === l.FJ.PhoneImmersive && T ===
[w.tablet]: y === l.FJ.TabletImmersive,
[w.noTitle]: !I,
[]: Y
if (!a.length || !f.length)
return null;
const Z = i ? f : a
, H = i ? a : f;
return q.jsx("div", {
className: V.A(w.valueContainer, x),
children: q.jsxs("div", {
className: w.container,
children: [ (p, m) => q.jsx("img", {
src: p.src,
className: V.A(w.numbersImage, {
[w.comma]: !i && "," === C[m],
[w.period]: !i && "." === C[m],
[]: m === Z.length - 1
style: {
maxWidth: `${S[m]}%`
}, `${S[m]}_${m}`))), (p, m) => {
const y = Z.length + m;
return q.jsx("img", {
src: p.src,
className: V.A(w.numbersImage, {
[w.comma]: i && "," === C[m],
[w.period]: i && "." === C[m]
style: {
maxWidth: `${S[y]}%`
}, `${S[y]}_${y}`)
function Ip(C) {
return C in mp
function Yp(C, p=0) {
return new Promise((i => {
const q = new Image;
q.addEventListener("load", ( () => {
q.addEventListener("error", ( () => {
p < 5 && i(Yp(C, p + 1))
q.src = C
function Up(C) {
if (C in Vp)
return [Yp(Vp[C].src)];
const p = [];
for (const q of C)
if (i = q,
else {
if (!Ip(q))
return [];
var i;
return p
let Lp = Promise.resolve([]);
function ap(C) {
function vp() {
Lp = Promise.all(Up("0123456789,. "))
453278: (C, p, i) => {
i.d(p, {
w: () => L
var q = i(64922)
, V = i(699695)
, m = i(163456)
, w = i(282427)
, y = i(500704)
, l = i(119771);
const t = i.p + "images/rdrlogo.99a5d604.webp"
, B = i.p + "images/rdrlogo2x.8f2c6674.webp"
, T = "wrapper--f4f00"
, I = "gameLogo--eced7"
, Y = "layoutClassic--f3610"
, U = {
[y.FJ.Classic]: Y,
[y.FJ.TabletImmersive]: Y
, L = w.Ng((function(C, p) {
return {
displayGameLogo: p.layout === y.FJ.Classic,
visible: l.eT(C)
))((function({layout: C=y.FJ.ImmersiveV2, visible: p, displayGameLogo:
i}) {
return p ? q.jsx("div", {
className: V.A(T, m.A(U, C)),
id: "rdr-bonus-number",
children: i && q.jsx("img", {
src: t,
srcSet: `${B} 2x`,
alt: "Red Door Roulette",
className: I
}) : null
203684: (C, p, i) => {
i.d(p, {
Y: () => q
const q = i(377810).lazy(( () => i.e(85587).then(i.bind(i,
740)).then((C => ({
default: C.FlapperContainer
115198: (C, p, i) => {
i.d(p, {
H: () => S
var q = i(64922)
, V = i(377810)
, m = i(282427)
, w = i(160739)
, y = i(253613)
, l = i(119771)
, t = i(751267)
, B = i(691986)
, T = i(267288)
, I = i(882979);
const Y = {
ticket: "ticket--a2cc1",
ticketSVG: "ticketSVG--a1fef",
keyContainer: "keyContainer--9b13a",
chipContainer: "chipContainer--508ae",
diamondGlow: "diamondGlow--12881",
keyWrapper: "keyWrapper--fedcf",
key: "key--71c79",
keyLightSweep: "keyLightSweep--1814b",
spriteSheetKeyframes: "spriteSheetKeyframes--8283a",
keyScatter: "keyScatter--3feff",
lightSweepContainer: "lightSweepContainer--09859",
lightSweep: "lightSweep--503f0",
multiplierWrapper: "multiplierWrapper--3f2ea",
multiplier: "multiplier--0c67c",
multiplierDigit: "multiplierDigit--dc78d"
function U(C) {
const {multiplier: p} = C
, i = String(p).split("");
return q.jsxs("div", {
className: Y.multiplier,
children: [ (C, p) => q.jsx(v, {
digit: C
}, p))), q.jsx(v, {
digit: "x"
const L = 100
, a = {
0: 75,
1: 58,
2: 75,
3: 67,
4: 75,
5: 75,
6: 75,
7: 67,
8: 76,
9: 75,
x: 78
function v(C) {
const {digit: p} = C
, i = L / a[p]
, V = I.A(Object.values(a))
, m = function(C) {
const p = Object.entries(a);
let i = 0;
for (const [q,V] of p) {
if (q === C)
i += V
return i
}(p) / (V - a[p]) * 100;
return q.jsx("div", {
className: Y.multiplierDigit,
style: {
"--digit-height-to-width-ratio": i,
backgroundPositionX: `${m}%`
function f() {
return q.jsxs("svg", {
className: Y.ticketSVG,
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maskType: "luminance"
children: q.jsx("path", {
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d: "M154.952 4.92H3.279v92.642h151.673V4.92Z"
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d: "M173.957 107.466 78.977 51.66l95.005
13.046-.025 42.76Z"
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d: "M-16.028-8.559 78.977 51.66l-95.005-14.353V-
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d: "m16.02-46.5 62.957 98.16-95.005-60.218.141-
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d: "m73.787-46.5 5.19 98.16L16.02-46.5h57.767Z"
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d: "M126.226-46.5 78.977 51.66l-5.19-98.16h52.439Z"
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d: "m78.977 51.66 47.249-98.16 47.892-1.049v29.101"
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0 0 1-.608.604h-3.09a.607.607 0 0 1-.565-.381c-2.419-6.055-7.299-10.907-13.39-
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10.92-13.395 13.327a.604.604 0 0 0-.384.562v54.553c0 . 6.09 2.404
10.97 7.256 13.39 13.311.091.23.315.382.564.382h3.09a.607.607 0 0
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7.299-10.907 13.389-13.311a.604.604 0 0 0 .384-.562V22.731a.604.604 0 0
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11-7.402 13.537-13.468h112.472c2.537 6.066 7.437 10.94 13.537 13.468v53.74c-6.093
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5.021-.034 2.308a.209.209 0 0 1-.202.205l-1.789.023-4.715.059c-1.625.02-5.849.08-
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, O = w.Mz(t.qR, l.Nm, ( (C, p) => p.find((p => p.betSpotId ===
, S = m.Ng((function(C) {
var p, i;
const [q] = t.qR(C)
, V = O(C)
, m = null === (p = t.ud(C)[0]) || void 0 === p ? void 0 :
return {
chipValue: null != m ? m : 2,
multiplier: null !== (i = null == V ? void 0 : V.multiplier) &&
void 0 !== i ? i : 1
))((function(C) {
const {chipValue: p, multiplier: i} = C
, m = V.useRef(null)
, w = V.useRef(null)
, l = V.useRef(null)
, t = V.useRef(null)
, I = V.useRef(null)
, L = V.useRef(null)
, a = V.useRef(null)
, v = V.useRef(null)
, O = V.useRef(null);
V.useEffect(( () => {
m.current && w.current && l.current && t.current && I.current
&& L.current && a.current && v.current && O.current && T.sC({
ticketElement: m.current,
chipElement: w.current,
multiplierElement: l.current,
lightSweepElement: t.current,
diamondGlowElement: I.current,
keyAnimatorElements: {
keyElement: L.current,
wrapperElement: a.current,
lightSweepElement: v.current,
scatterElement: O.current
), []);
const S = V.useCallback((C => {
const i = T.Ct();
C && (i.isAnimationInProgress || i.isTicketVisible) &&
p || i.fadeOutAndReset())
), [p]);
return B.u(S),
q.jsxs("div", {
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ref: m,
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className: Y.keyContainer,
children: q.jsxs("div", {
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ref: a,
children: [q.jsx("img", {
className: Y.key,
src: c,
alt: "",
ref: L
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className: Y.keyLightSweep,
ref: v
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className: Y.keyScatter,
ref: O
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className: Y.chipContainer,
ref: w,
children: q.jsx(y.A, {
value: p,
hasShadow: !0
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src: s,
alt: "",
ref: I
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className: Y.lightSweepContainer,
children: q.jsx("div", {
className: Y.lightSweep,
ref: t
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ref: l,
children: i > 1 && q.jsx(U, {
multiplier: i
267288: (C, p, i) => {
i.d(p, {
$M: () => v,
Ct: () => f,
X: () => s,
sC: () => a
var q = i(199002)
, V = i(276111)
, m = i(234341)
, w = i(769413)
, y = i(315049)
, l = i(50415);
class t {
constructor(C) {
const {wrapperElement: p, keyElement: i, lightSweepElement: q,
scatterElement: V} = C;
this.wrapper = new B(p),
this.key = new T(i),
this.lightSweep = new I(q),
this.scatter = new I(V),
this.timeline = this.createTimeline()
replaceElements(C) {
const {wrapperElement: p, keyElement: i, lightSweepElement: q,
scatterElement: V} = C;
getTimeline() {
return this.timeline
reset() {
fastForward() {
dispose() {
resetTimeline() {
this.timeline = this.createTimeline()
createTimeline() {
return m.M().parallel([w.M(this.wrapper.transforms).animateTo({
translateY: -275
}, 1.835,, this.wrapper.updateTransform),
m.M().delay(.1).callback(( () => {
)), w.M(this.wrapper.transforms).animateTo({
scale: 1
}, 1.5,, this.wrapper.updateTransform),
m.M().delay(.1).callback(( () => {
)), w.M(this.wrapper.transforms).delay(.965).animateTo({
rotate: 25
}, .1,, this.wrapper.updateTransform).animateTo({
rotate: -25
}, .1,, this.wrapper.updateTransform).animateTo({
rotate: 25
}, .065,, this.wrapper.updateTransform).animateTo({
rotate: -25
}, .065,, this.wrapper.updateTransform).animateTo({
rotate: 25
}, .035,, this.wrapper.updateTransform).animateTo({
rotate: -25
}, .135,, this.wrapper.updateTransform).animateTo({
rotate: 25
}, .035,, this.wrapper.updateTransform).callback(( () => {
class B {
constructor(C) {
this.transforms = {
translateY: 0,
rotate: 0,
scale: .6
this.opacity = 0,
this.updateTransform = () => { = `\n
translate3d(0, ${this.transforms.translateY}%, 0)\n rotate($
{this.transforms.rotate}deg)\n scale(${this.transforms.scale})\n
this.element = C,
show() {
this.opacity = 1,
reset() {
replaceElement(C) {
this.element = C,
updateOpacity() { = String(this.opacity)
hide() {
this.opacity = 0,
resetTransform() {
this.transforms.translateY = 0,
this.transforms.rotate = 0,
this.transforms.scale = .6,
class T {
constructor(C) {
this.element = C
show() { = "1"
hide() { = "0"
replaceElement(C) {
this.element = C
class I {
constructor(C) {
this.element = C,
playAnimation(C) {
"0" === &&
( = "1", = "", = `${C}s`,
this.element.addEventListener("animationend", ( () => {
), {
once: !0
fastForward() {
replaceElement(C) {
this.element = C,
resetStyle() { = "0", = "none", = ""
class Y {
constructor(C) {
this.fastForward = () => {
var C;
null === (C = this.timeline) || void 0 === C ||
const {ticketElement: p, chipElement: i, multiplierElement: q,
lightSweepElement: V, diamondGlowElement: m, keyAnimatorElements: w} = C;
this.ticket = new c(p),
this.chip = new O(i),
this.multiplier = new S(q),
this.lightSweep = new j(V),
this.diamondGlow = new o(m),
this.keyAnimator = new t(w),
this.onOrientationChangeDisposer = l.Y8(this.fastForward)
fadeIn() {
fadeInWithoutMultiplier() {
fadeOutAndReset() {
this.ticket.fadeOut(( () => {
get isTicketVisible() {
return this.ticket.isVisible
startEnterBonusRoundAnimation(C, p, i, q) {
this.isAnimationInProgress && this.fastForward();
const l = this.ticket.getDOMRect()
, t = l.x + l.width / 2
, B = l.y + l.height / 2
, T = {
translateX: C.x + C.width / 2 - t,
translateY: C.y + C.height / 2 - B,
scaleX: C.width / l.width,
scaleY: C.height / l.height,
rotate: q ? 0 : -360
, I = 1.33
, Y = l.height * I
, U = {
translateX: .5 * window.innerWidth - t,
translateY: window.innerHeight - Y / 2 - p - B
this.ticket.transforms.translateX = T.translateX,
this.ticket.transforms.translateY = T.translateY,
this.ticket.transforms.scaleX = T.scaleX,
this.ticket.transforms.scaleY = T.scaleY,
this.ticket.transforms.rotate = T.rotate;
const L = T.scaleY / T.scaleX;
this.chip.transforms.scaleX = L,
this.multiplier.transforms.scaleX = L,
this.timeline = m.M().sequence(m.M().callback(( () => {
)).delay(i /
translateX: U.translateX,
translateY: U.translateY,
scaleX: 1,
scaleY: 1
}, 1, V.rn, this.ticket.updateTransform),
rotate: 0
}, 1,, this.ticket.updateTransform),
scaleX: 1
}, 1, V.rn, this.chip.updateTransform),
scaleX: 1
}, 1, V.rn,
scaleX: I,
scaleY: I
}, .335, V.rn,
translateY: -100
}, .665,, this.lightSweep.updateTransform),
m.M().delay(.565).callback(( () => {
anim: this.keyAnimator.getTimeline()
opacity: 1
}, .33, V.rn, this.diamondGlow.updateOpacity).animateTo({
opacity: 0
}, .33, V.rn,
translateX: 0,
translateY: 0,
scaleX: 1,
scaleY: 1
}, .335, V.rn, this.ticket.updateTransform)).callback(( () => {
this.timeline = void 0,
anim: this.timeline
startMultiplierFlyAnimation(C, p, i) {
this.isAnimationInProgress && this.fastForward();
const q = this.multiplier.getDOMRect()
, l = C - (q.x + q.width / 2)
, t = p - (q.y + q.height / 2);
this.timeline =
translateX: l,
translateY: t,
scaleX: i,
scaleY: i
}, 1, V.rn,
opacity: 0
}, .25, V.rn, this.multiplier.updateOpacity)).callback(( () =>
this.timeline = void 0,
this.multiplier.transforms.translateX = 0,
this.multiplier.transforms.translateY = 0,
anim: this.timeline
resetMultiplier() {
this.isAnimationInProgress && this.fastForward(),
getTicketDOMRect() {
return this.ticket.getDOMRect()
replaceElements(C) {
const {ticketElement: p, chipElement: i, multiplierElement: q,
lightSweepElement: V, diamondGlowElement: m, keyAnimatorElements: w} = C;
dispose() {
var C;
null === (C = this.timeline) || void 0 === C || C.dispose(),
get isAnimationInProgress() {
return void 0 !== this.timeline
let U;
const L = new q.h;
function a(C) {
void 0 === U ? (U = new Y(C),
L.resolve()) : U.replaceElements(C)
function v() {
null == U || U.dispose(),
U = void 0
function f(C=!1) {
if (void 0 === U) {
if (C)
throw new Error("Ticket Animator has not been initialized")
return U
function s() {
return L
class c {
constructor(C) {
this.transforms = {
translateX: 0,
translateY: 0,
scaleX: 1,
scaleY: 1,
rotate: 0
this._isVisible = !1,
this.updateTransform = () => { = `\n translate($
{this.transforms.translateX}px, ${this.transforms.translateY}px)\n
rotate(${this.transforms.rotate}deg)\n scale(${this.transforms.scaleX},
${this.transforms.scaleY})\n `
this.element = C,
fadeIn() {
"0" === &&
( = "opacity 0.4s ease-in-out",
this.element.addEventListener("transitionend", ( () => { = "",
this._isVisible = !0
), {
once: !0
fadeOut(C) {
"1" === &&
( = "opacity 0.4s ease-in-out", = "0",
this.element.addEventListener("transitionend", ( () => {
this.hideElement(), = "",
this._isVisible = !1,
null == C || C()
), {
once: !0
get isVisible() {
return this._isVisible
getDOMRect() {
return this.element.getBoundingClientRect()
replaceElement(C) {
this.element = C,
this._isVisible ? this.showElement() : this.hideElement()
showElement() { = "visible", = "1",
this._isVisible = !0
hideElement() { = "hidden", = "0",
this._isVisible = !1
class O {
constructor(C) {
this.transforms = {
scaleX: 1
this.updateTransform = () => { = `scaleX($
this.element = C
replaceElement(C) {
this.element = C
class S {
constructor(C) {
this.transforms = {
translateX: 0,
translateY: 0,
scaleX: 1,
scaleY: 1
this.opacity = 1,
this.updateTransform = () => { = `\n translate($
{this.transforms.translateX}px, ${this.transforms.translateY}px)\n
scale(${this.transforms.scaleX}, ${this.transforms.scaleY})\n `
this.updateOpacity = () => { = String(this.opacity)
this.element = C
hide() {
this.opacity = 0,
reset() {
this.transforms.translateX = 0,
this.transforms.translateY = 0,
this.transforms.scaleX = 1,
this.transforms.scaleY = 1,
this.opacity = 1,
getDOMRect() {
return this.element.getBoundingClientRect()
replaceElement(C) {
this.element = C,
class j {
constructor(C) {
this.transforms = {
translateY: 100
this.updateTransform = () => { = ` translateY($
this.element = C,
reset() {
this.transforms.translateY = 100,
replaceElement(C) {
this.element = C,
class o {
constructor(C) {
this.opacity = 0,
this.updateOpacity = () => { = String(this.opacity)
this.element = C
replaceElement(C) {
this.element = C
138769: (C, p, i) => {
i.d(p, {
K: () => fp
var q = i(64922)
, V = i(699695)
, m = i(163456)
, w = i(377810)
, y = i(282427)
, l = i(991548)
, t = i(13799)
, B = i(872443)
, T = i(436794)
, I = i(486717)
, Y = i(484152)
, U = i(751267)
, L = i(148999)
, a = i(700447)
, v = i(158963)
, f = i(135750)
, s = i(212429)
, c = i(686077)
, O = i(207281);
const S = {
duration: 1500,
delay: 0,
color: ["#67D411", "#C92EFF", "#E40097", "#02AEE4"]
, j = "confetti--558ef"
, o = w.memo((function(C) {
const p = w.useRef(null);
return w.useEffect(( () => {
if (p.current) {
const i = p.current
, q = function(C, p) {
const i = C.getContext("2d");
return i || s.vV(new s.MD(`${"Confetti"} did not
receive a valid canvas context`)),
if (q)
return i.width = i.offsetWidth *
i.height = i.offsetHeight * window.devicePixelRatio,
function(C, p) {
const {duration: i, delay: q} = {
, V = C.canvas.width
, m = C.canvas.height
, w = new O.S(p,V,m);
let y = 0
, l =;
return y = window.requestAnimationFrame((function
p(V) {
if (C.clearRect(0, 0, C.canvas.width,
(V - l) / q < 1)
return void (y =
const m = (V - l - q) / i;
if (m >= 1)
return void (l = V);
const t = (V - l - q) / 1e3;
w.update(t, m, ( (p, i) => {
c.w(C, p, i)
y = window.requestAnimationFrame(p)
function() {
}(q, C)
), [C]),
q.jsx("canvas", {
"data-role": "confetti",
className: C.className || j,
ref: p
, x = {
animatedWinningNumber: "animatedWinningNumber--20ae2",
rainbowBackground: "rainbowBackground--41849",
backgroundShadow: "backgroundShadow--064fd",
bonusBorder: "bonusBorder--080a3",
bonusNumber: "bonusNumber--3bda7",
rainbowCircleOuter: "rainbowCircleOuter--f8206",
rainbowCircleInner: "rainbowCircleInner--4ce35",
bonus: "bonus--f8df3",
opacityKeyframes: "opacityKeyframes--1c369",
bonusWithPlayer: "bonusWithPlayer--94c67",
rotationKeyframes: "rotationKeyframes--0c95e",
scaleCircleKeyframes: "scaleCircleKeyframes--cc6fe",
scaleNumberKeyframes: "scaleNumberKeyframes--2cb81"
, Z = "wn_background-clip-path";
function H(C) {
const {children: p, backgroundColor: i, type: m} = C;
return "regular" === m ? q.jsxs("svg", {
className: x.animatedWinningNumber,
xmlns: "",
fill: "none",
viewBox: "0 0 67 55",
children: [q.jsx(b, {}), q.jsx(z, {
fill: i
}), q.jsx(h, {
children: p
}), q.jsx(R, {})]
}) : "bonus" === m ? q.jsxs("svg", {
className: V.A(x.animatedWinningNumber, x.bonus),
xmlns: "",
fill: "none",
viewBox: "0 0 67 55",
children: [q.jsx(b, {}), q.jsx(z, {
fill: i
}), q.jsx(h, {
children: p
}), q.jsx(R, {}), q.jsx(M, {}), q.jsx(P, {}), q.jsx(Q, {}),
q.jsx(G, {
children: p
}) : q.jsxs("svg", {
className: V.A(x.animatedWinningNumber, x.bonusWithPlayer),
xmlns: "",
fill: "none",
viewBox: "0 0 67 55",
children: [q.jsx(b, {}), q.jsx(z, {
fill: i
}), q.jsx(h, {
children: p
}), q.jsx(R, {}), q.jsx(M, {}), q.jsx(Q, {}), q.jsx(n, {}),
q.jsx(G, {
children: p
function b() {
return q.jsx("defs", {
children: q.jsx("clipPath", {
id: Z,
children: q.jsx("path", {
d: "M2.537 3.145 8.403 52.69c8.402-.485 16.9-.733
25.28-.733h2.348c7.4 0 14.969.2 22.509.587L64.104 3c-9.048-.534-18.496-.776-
28.073-.776h-2.349c-10.684 0-21.156.302-31.145.926Z"
function X() {
return q.jsxs(q.Fragment, {
children: [q.jsx("path", {
fill: "#67D411",
d: "m33.51 27.676 48.946-39.758v25.201L33.51 27.676Z"
}), q.jsx("path", {
fill: "#FFA800",
d: "M82.456 12.2v23.25l-48.89-7.78 48.89-15.47Z"
}), q.jsx("path", {
fill: "#FF5811",
d: "M82.443 58.958 33.51 27.676l48.946 7.313-.013 23.97Z"
}), q.jsx("path", {
fill: "#E40089",
d: "M65.945 82.7 33.51 27.676l48.933 31.282.221 23.858-
}), q.jsx("path", {
fill: "#C92EFF",
d: "M36.184 82.7h29.76L33.51 27.676 36.184 82.7Z"
}), q.jsx("path", {
fill: "#A76899",
d: "M9.168 82.7h27.016L33.51 27.676 9.168 82.7Z"
}), q.jsx("path", {
fill: "#02AEE4",
d: "M-17.104 68.802 33.51 27.676 9.168 82.7l-24.669-.04-
}), q.jsx("path", {
fill: "#67D411",
d: "M-15.435 40.499 33.51 27.676l-50.614 41.356 1.669-
}), q.jsx("path", {
fill: "#FFA800",
d: "M-15.435 19.171v22.247L33.567 27.67l-49.002-8.499Z"
}), q.jsx("path", {
fill: "#FF5811",
d: "M-15.435-6.08 33.51 27.677l-48.945-8.046V-6.08Z"
}), q.jsx("path", {
fill: "#E40097",
d: "M1.075-27.348 33.51 27.676-15.435-6.08l.072-21.384
}), q.jsx("path", {
fill: "#C92EFF",
d: "m30.836-27.348 2.674 55.024L1.075-27.348h29.761Z"
}), q.jsx("path", {
fill: "#A76899",
d: "M57.852-27.348 33.51 27.676l-2.673-55.024h27.015Z"
}), q.jsx("path", {
fill: "#02AEE4",
d: "m33.51 27.676 24.342-55.024 24.674-.588v16.313"
function z(C) {
const {fill: p} = C;
return q.jsx("rect", {
fill: p,
x: "0",
y: "0",
width: "100%",
height: "100%",
clipPath: `url(`
function M() {
return q.jsx("g", {
clipPath: `url(`,
children: q.jsx("g", {
className: x.rainbowBackground,
children: q.jsx(X, {})
function P() {
const C = "wn_background-radial-shadow";
return q.jsxs("g", {
className: x.backgroundShadow,
clipPath: `url(`,
children: [q.jsx("path", {
fill: `url(`,
fillOpacity: ".7",
d: "M71.162 1.302H-8.114v52.077h79.276V1.302Z"
}), q.jsx("defs", {
children: q.jsxs("radialGradient", {
id: C,
cx: "0",
cy: "0",
r: "1",
gradientTransform: "matrix(52.3571 0 0 34.2405 31.524
gradientUnits: "userSpaceOnUse",
children: [q.jsx("stop", {
offset: "0",
stopOpacity: ".2"
}), q.jsx("stop", {
offset: "1",
stopOpacity: ".8"
function R(C) {
const {fill: p="#FDE464"} = C;
return q.jsx("path", {
fill: p,
d: "M6.383 55 0 1.104l1.19-.075C11.587.345 22.52 0 33.683
0h2.349c10.044 0 19.943.28 29.425.84l1.197.07-6.077 53.934-1.08-.06a435.973 435.973
0 0 0-23.465-.64h-2.349c-8.691 0-17.511.269-26.22.791L6.382 55ZM2.537 3.145 8.403
52.69c8.402-.485 16.9-.733 25.28-.733h2.348c7.4 0 14.969.2 22.509.587L64.104 3c-
9.048-.534-18.496-.776-28.073-.776h-2.349c-10.684 0-21.156.302-31.145.926v-.005Z"
function Q() {
const C = "wn_border-gradient";
return q.jsxs("g", {
className: x.bonusBorder,
children: [q.jsx(R, {
fill: `url(`
}), q.jsx(R, {
fill: `url(`
}), q.jsx("defs", {
children: q.jsxs("linearGradient", {
id: C,
x1: "83.383",
x2: "-5.911",
y1: "1.083",
y2: "74.16",
gradientUnits: "userSpaceOnUse",
children: [q.jsx("stop", {
stopColor: "#CFC3A8",
stopOpacity: "0"
}), q.jsx("stop", {
offset: ".231",
stopColor: "#F0D8A3"
}), q.jsx("stop", {
offset: ".509",
stopColor: "#CFC3A8"
}), q.jsx("stop", {
offset: ".718",
stopColor: "#F0D8A3"
}), q.jsx("stop", {
offset: "1",
stopColor: "#C8BBA3",
stopOpacity: "0"
function n() {
const C = "wn_rainbow-radial-gradient"
, p = "wn_rainbow-radial-mask";
return q.jsxs("g", {
children: [q.jsx("g", {
className: x.rainbowCircleOuter,
children: q.jsx("g", {
className: x.rainbowCircleInner,
mask: `url(`,
children: q.jsx(X, {})
}), q.jsxs("defs", {
children: [q.jsxs("radialGradient", {
id: C,
cx: "0",
cy: "0",
r: "0.6",
gradientTransform: "matrix(0 45 -45 0 33 27)",
gradientUnits: "userSpaceOnUse",
children: [q.jsx("stop", {
stopColor: "#fff"
}), q.jsx("stop", {
offset: ".65",
stopColor: "#D9D9D9"
}), q.jsx("stop", {
offset: "1",
stopColor: "#D9D9D9",
stopOpacity: "0"
}), q.jsx("mask", {
id: p,
width: "90",
height: "90",
x: "-12",
y: "-18",
maskUnits: "userSpaceOnUse",
style: {
maskType: "alpha"
children: q.jsx("circle", {
cx: "33",
cy: "27",
r: "45",
fill: `url(`
function h(C) {
const {children: p, y: i} = C;
return q.jsx("text", {
x: "50%",
y: null != i ? i : "56%",
fontSize: "32",
fill: "white",
letterSpacing: "0.01em",
textAnchor: "middle",
dominantBaseline: "middle",
children: p
function G(C) {
const {children: p} = C
, i = "wn_number-shadow"
, V = "wn_number-gradient"
, m = "wn_number-mask";
return q.jsxs(q.Fragment, {
children: [q.jsxs("defs", {
children: [q.jsxs("filter", {
id: i,
children: [q.jsx("feDropShadow", {
dx: "0",
dy: "2",
stdDeviation: "16",
floodOpacity: "0.5"
}), q.jsx("feDropShadow", {
dx: "2",
dy: "2",
stdDeviation: "1",
floodOpacity: "0.68"
}), q.jsxs("linearGradient", {
id: V,
x1: "0",
y1: "0",
x2: "0",
y2: "100%",
children: [q.jsx("stop", {
stopColor: "#FFD877"
}), q.jsx("stop", {
offset: "0.5",
stopColor: "#FFF6E9"
}), q.jsx("stop", {
offset: "0.64",
stopColor: "#FFD25E"
}), q.jsx("stop", {
offset: "1",
stopColor: "#FFECBE"
}), q.jsx("mask", {
id: m,
fontFamily: "RouletteBettingGridSerif, Times, serif",
children: q.jsx(h, {
y: "59%",
children: p
}), q.jsx("g", {
className: x.bonusNumber,
filter: `url(`,
children: q.jsx("rect", {
fill: `url(`,
mask: `url(`,
x: "0",
y: "0",
width: "100%",
height: "100%"
var $ = i(879722);
const W = "winningNumber--2050a"
, k = "graphics--60bb3"
, A = "confettiContainer--e3d1a"
, F = "winningNumberContainer--f38b8"
, K = {
x: .5,
y: .5,
gravity: .1,
drag: .6,
angularDrag: .8,
duration: 1500,
speed: .8,
count: 60,
width: .015,
height: .025,
spawnSizeX: .2,
spawnSizeY: .3,
angularVelocity: 30,
scaleMax: 5,
scaleMin: 2,
delay: 1200,
color: ["#67D411", "#C92EFF", "#E40097", "#02AEE4"],
effect: "explosion"
, E = ({styling: C, children: p}) => {
const i = L.MZ()
, [V,,m] = p
, w = N(V, C.background_colors)
, y = N(m, C.background_colors)
, l = N(V, C.text_colors)
, t = N(m, C.text_colors)
, B = `A${i}`
, T = `B${i}`;
return q.jsxs(q.Fragment, {
children: [q.jsxs("defs", {
children: [q.jsxs("linearGradient", {
id: B,
x1: "84.79",
y1: "77.12",
x2: "365.21",
y2: "77.12",
gradientUnits: "userSpaceOnUse",
children: [q.jsx("stop", {
offset: "0",
stopColor: w,
stopOpacity: "0"
}), q.jsx("stop", {
offset: "0.52",
stopColor: w,
stopOpacity: "0.5"
}), q.jsx("stop", {
offset: "0.55",
stopColor: y,
stopOpacity: "0.5"
}), q.jsx("stop", {
offset: "1",
stopColor: y,
stopOpacity: "0"
}), q.jsxs("linearGradient", {
id: T,
x1: "83.32",
y1: "77.23",
x2: "366.68",
y2: "77.23",
gradientUnits: "userSpaceOnUse",
children: [q.jsx("stop", {
offset: "0.05",
stopColor: "#fff",
stopOpacity: "0"
}), q.jsx("stop", {
offset: "0.5",
stopColor: "#fff",
stopOpacity: "0.6"
}), q.jsx("stop", {
offset: "0.95",
stopColor: "#fff",
stopOpacity: "0"
}), q.jsx("path", {
d: "M365.21,45.26C326,34.61,284.35,28.53,228.68,28.53h-
transform: "translate(-83.32 -20.87)",
fill: `url(`,
"data-color": w,
"data-role": "left-neighbor-background"
}), q.jsx("path", {
d: "M345,127.13l-
transform: "translate(-83.32 -20.87)",
fill: `url(`,
"data-color": y,
"data-role": "right-neighbor-background"
}), q.jsx("text", {
"data-role": "right-neighbor",
transform: "translate(232 77) rotate(9.17)",
opacity: "0.7",
fontSize: "52",
fill: t,
letterSpacing: "0.01em",
textAnchor: "middle",
children: m
}), q.jsx("text", {
"data-role": "left-neighbor",
transform: "translate(50 80) rotate(-6.86)",
opacity: "0.7",
fontSize: "52",
fill: l,
letterSpacing: "0.01em",
textAnchor: "middle",
children: V
, g = C => {
const {winningNumber: p, winningType: i,
isPlayerQualifiedForBonusGame: m} = C
, w = f.MO(p, 1, !1)
, y = a.k4()
, l = (B = i === $.sA.RDRBonusGameStart,
T = !!m,
B ? T ? "bonusWithPlayer" : "bonus" : "regular")
, t = "bonusWithPlayer" === l;
var B, T;
return q.jsxs("div", {
className: W,
"data-winning-number": p,
"data-role": "winning-number-container",
children: [t && q.jsx(o, {
className: A,
}), q.jsxs("svg", {
xmlns: "",
className: V.A(k),
viewBox: "0 0 283.36 106.26",
children: [q.jsx("defs", {
children: q.jsxs("linearGradient", {
id: "gradient-border-linear",
children: [q.jsx("stop", {
stopColor: "#CFC3A8"
}), q.jsx("stop", {
offset: "0.231",
stopColor: "#F0D8A3"
}), q.jsx("stop", {
offset: "0.509",
stopColor: "#CFC3A8"
}), q.jsx("stop", {
offset: "0.718",
stopColor: "#F0D8A3"
}), q.jsx("stop", {
offset: "1",
stopColor: "#C8BBA3"
}), q.jsx(E, {
styling: y,
children: w
}), q.jsx("div", {
className: F,
children: q.jsx(H, {
backgroundColor: N(p, y.background_colors),
type: l,
children: p
function N(C, p) {
switch (v.T.getBetType(C)) {
case v.M.Red:
case v.M.Black:
const J = "result--c2865"
, r = y.Ng((function(C) {
var p;
const i = U.qR(C)
, q = U.ud(C)
, [V] = i
, m = null === (p = q[0]) || void 0 === p ? void 0 :
return {
result: i,
gameType: U.tb(C),
isPlayerQualifiedForBonusGame: void 0 !== m
))((function({result: C, containerClassName: p, winningType: i,
gameType: V, isPlayerQualifiedForBonusGame: m}) {
return q.jsx("div", {
className: p || J,
children: => q.jsx(g, {
winningType: i,
isDoubleZeroRoulette: V === I.F7.DZR,
isPlayerQualifiedForBonusGame: m,
winningNumber: C
}, `number-${C}`)))
var d = i(587698)
, D = i(346160)
, u = i(981298);
const _ = "message--d6df9"
, e = "goldVaultDesktopWinningMessage--78733"
, CC = "immersiveLandscape--df4c0"
, pC = "landscapeFullscreen--2c307"
, iC = "immersivePortrait--5148a"
, qC = "amount--df498"
, VC = "expanded--25965"
, mC = 2e3
, wC = 40
, yC = w.memo(( ({amount: C=0, text: p="youWin", landscape: i,
isEvoPlayerFullscreen: m, immersive: y, isVisible: l, winningType: t,
onCountUpFinished: B, currencySymbol: T="", theme: I, setPlayerConsecutiveWins: Y})
=> {
const U = w.useRef(null);
return w.useEffect(( () => {
if (0 === C || !l || !U.current)
const p = $.GP(t);
let i = p ? 0 : C;
if (U.current.textContent = d.ej(i, {
currencySymbol: T
const q = C / Math.ceil(mC / wC)
, V = .01 * Math.trunc(100 * q)
, m = setInterval(( () => {
U.current && (i += V,
i > C && (i = C),
U.current.textContent = d.ej(i, {
currencySymbol: T
i === C && (clearInterval(m),
null == B || B()))
), wC);
return () => {
), [C, l, t]),
w.useEffect(( () => {
l && Y($.l3(t))
), [l]),
C <= 0 ? null : q.jsxs("div", {
className: V.A(_, {
[pC]: i && m,
[iC]: y && !i,
[CC]: y && i,
[e]: [u.x.Desktop, u.x.Large].includes(I) && $.GP(t)
"data-role": "winning-message",
children: [q.jsx("div", {
children: D.Tl(p)
}), q.jsx("div", {
ref: U,
className: V.A(qC, {
[VC]: l
children: "0"
var lC = i(680151)
, tC = i(886490)
, BC = i(328382)
, TC = i(822381);
function IC(C, p) {
let i;
const q = .3 * p
, V = .7 * p;
return i = C < q ? C / q : C < V ? 1 : Math.max(1 - (C - V) / q,
function YC(C) {
return C === u.R.Medium || C === u.R.Big
function UC(C) {
return C === u.R.Big
const LC = "container--727e8"
, aC = "maxSizeFull--3c948"
, vC = "useMediaContainer--c1a8b"
, fC =
, sC =
, cC =
, OC =
, SC =
, jC = i.p + "images/star.529998ec.png"
, oC = [];
let xC;
const ZC = 2.5
, HC = 2 * Math.PI
, bC = Math.PI / 180
, XC = 1200
, zC = 300
, MC = 400
, PC = 150
, RC = 18
, QC = 800
, nC = 400
, hC = 200
, GC = 4
, $C = .25
, WC = 40
, kC = 10;
class AC extends w.Component {
constructor(C) {
this.canvasScale = 1,
this.coins = [],
this.particles = [],
this.stars = [],
this.width = 0,
this.height = 0,
this.coinSize = 0,
this.updateTime = 0,
this.coinCount = 0,
this.starCount = 0,
this.isComponentMounted = !1,
this.animationFrameRequestId = 0,
this.updateSizeDependantValues = () => {
if (!this.canvas || !this.ctx)
return this.handleMountingException();
const {width: C, height: p} =
this.width = C,
this.canvas.width = C,
this.height = p,
this.canvas.height = p,
this.canvasScale = Math.round(this.width / QC * 1e3) / 1e3,
this.coinSize = RC * this.canvasScale,
this.coinGradient = this.ctx.createLinearGradient(-
this.coinSize, 0, this.coinSize, 0),
this.coinGradient.addColorStop(.02, "#DE8A25"),
this.coinGradient.addColorStop(.18, "#FED049"),
this.coinGradient.addColorStop(.26, "#FBDA78"),
this.coinGradient.addColorStop(.38, "#F8E8BF"),
this.coinGradient.addColorStop(.4, "#F7E8B9"),
this.coinGradient.addColorStop(.43, "#F7E8A9"),
this.coinGradient.addColorStop(.47, "#F7E88F"),
this.coinGradient.addColorStop(.48, "#F7E887"),
this.coinGradient.addColorStop(.51, "#F7E581"),
this.coinGradient.addColorStop(.55, "#F7DE71"),
this.coinGradient.addColorStop(.6, "#F6D358"),
this.coinGradient.addColorStop(.65, "#F5C239"),
this.coinGradient.addColorStop(1, "#DA8022"),
this.coinEdgeGradient = this.ctx.createLinearGradient(-
this.coinSize, 0, this.coinSize, 0),
this.coinEdgeGradient.addColorStop(0, "#794200"),
this.coinEdgeGradient.addColorStop(.42, "#FFB40F"),
this.coinEdgeGradient.addColorStop(.58, "#FFE2A3"),
this.coinEdgeGradient.addColorStop(.73, "#FFB000"),
this.coinEdgeGradient.addColorStop(1, "#936724")
this.renderFrame = () => {
const C = / 1e3;
this.update(C - this.updateTime),
this.updateTime = C,
this.animationFrameRequestId =
this.drawMirrorImage = (C, p) => {
C.width < 1 || (,
p.translate(QC * this.canvasScale, 0),
p.scale(-1, 1),
p.drawImage(C, 0, 0),
this.drawStars = (C, p) => {
for (let i = 0; i < this.starCount; i++),
this.updateStar(C, this.stars[i]),
this.drawCoins = (C, p) => {
for (let i = 0; i < this.coinCount; i++),
this.updateCoin(C, this.coins[i]),
this.drawParticles = (C, p) => {
for (const i of this.particles),
this.updateParticle(C, i),
this.drawEllipse = (C, p) => {
if (!this.ctx)
return this.handleMountingException();
this.ctx.ellipse ? this.ctx.ellipse(0, C *
this.canvasScale, this.coinSize, p, 0, 0, HC) : (,
this.ctx.translate(0, C * this.canvasScale),
this.ctx.scale(this.coinSize, p),
this.ctx.arc(0, 0, 1, 0, HC, !1),
this.setCanvas = this.setCanvas.bind(this),
this.coinCount = C.useLiteRenderMode ? 15 : WC,
this.starCount = C.useLiteRenderMode ? 8 : kC
componentDidMount() {
this.isComponentMounted = !0;
const {displayStars: C, displayCoins: p} = this.props;
if (!C)
return null;
if (this.updateTime = / 1e3,
return this.handleMountingException();
const i = this.canvas.getContext("2d");
if (!i)
return lC.M("Canvas context is empty");
this.ctx = i,
xC || (xC = [fC, sC, cC, OC, SC, jC].map(( (C, p) => new
Promise((i => {
const q = new Image;
0 || (q.onload = () => i()),
q.onerror = () => i(),
q.src = C,
oC[p] = q
const q = (QC - hC) / 2 / ZC
, V = QC / 2
, m = nC / 2;
if (p)
for (let C = 0; C < this.coinCount; C++) {
const p = m + (Math.random() > .5 ? 1 : -1) *
Math.random() * nC * .05
, i = 360 * Math.random()
, w = 360 * Math.random()
, y = Math.random() * (MC - zC) + zC
, l = q * (.5 * Math.random() + .5);
let t, B, T, I = Math.random() * QC * .15;
C % 2 ? (I += V + hC / 2,
t = (QC - I) / l,
p < m ? (T = (-90 + 90 * Math.random()) * bC,
B = p / l) : (B = (nC - p) / l,
T = 90 * Math.random() * bC)) : (I = V - hC / 2 - I,
t = I / l,
p < m ? (B = p / l,
T = (180 + 90 * Math.random()) * bC) : (B = (nC - p) /
T = (90 + 90 * Math.random()) * bC));
const Y = Math.min(t, B)
, U = XC / Y;
flipCount: 0,
lifeTime: 0,
x: I,
y: p,
flipDegrees: i,
rotationOffset: w,
distance: XC,
movementAngle: T,
speedZ: U,
speedXY: l,
moveTime: Y,
flipSpeed: y
for (let C = 0; C < this.starCount; C++) {
const p = m + (Math.random() > .5 ? 1 : -1) * Math.random()
* nC * .15;
let i = Math.random() * QC * .2;
C % 2 ? i += V + hC / 2 : i = V - hC / 2 - i;
const q = 360 * Math.random()
, w = C < this.starCount / 2 ? .5 * Math.random() + .5 :
1 * Math.random() + 1
, y = C < this.starCount / 2 ? 0 : Math.random() * ZC *
, l = .3 * Math.random() * ZC + .7 * ZC;
x: i,
y: p,
lifeTime: 0,
scale: w,
rotation: q,
delay: y,
animationTime: l,
img: oC[5]
this.particles = [{
x: .35 * QC,
y: .47 * nC,
lifeTime: 0,
animationTime: 1.1,
img: oC[0],
scale: .6
}, {
x: .335 * QC,
y: .54 * nC,
lifeTime: 0,
animationTime: 1.2,
img: oC[0],
scale: .67
}, {
x: .29 * QC,
y: .33 * nC,
lifeTime: 0,
animationTime: 1.3,
img: oC[0],
scale: 1.35
}, {
x: .26 * QC,
y: .38 * nC,
lifeTime: 0,
animationTime: 1.2,
img: oC[0],
scale: .7
}, {
x: .245 * QC,
y: .44 * nC,
lifeTime: 0,
animationTime: 1.1,
img: oC[0],
scale: .7
}, {
x: .28 * QC,
y: .5 * nC,
lifeTime: 0,
animationTime: 1.1,
img: oC[0],
scale: .7
}, {
x: .26 * QC,
y: .55 * nC,
lifeTime: 0,
animationTime: 1.2,
img: oC[0],
scale: 1
}, {
x: .21 * QC,
y: .33 * nC,
lifeTime: 0,
animationTime: 1.1,
img: oC[0],
scale: .7
}, {
x: .17 * QC,
y: .36 * nC,
lifeTime: 0,
animationTime: 1.2,
img: oC[0],
scale: .7
}, {
x: .18 * QC,
y: .51 * nC,
lifeTime: 0,
animationTime: 1.1,
img: oC[0],
scale: 1
}, {
x: .15 * QC,
y: .3 * nC,
lifeTime: 0,
animationTime: 1.1,
img: oC[4],
scale: 1.3
}, {
x: .19 * QC,
y: .455 * nC,
lifeTime: 0,
animationTime: 1.1,
img: oC[3],
scale: 1.35
}, {
x: .205 * QC,
y: .41 * nC,
lifeTime: 0,
animationTime: 1.1,
img: oC[2],
scale: 1.3
}, {
x: .26 * QC,
y: .29 * nC,
lifeTime: 0,
animationTime: 1.1,
img: oC[1],
scale: 1.3
Promise.all(xC).then(( () => {
this.isComponentMounted && (this.animationFrameRequestId =
componentWillUnmount() {
this.isComponentMounted = !1,
render() {
const {maxSizeFull: C, useMediaContainer: p, scale: i,
displayStars: m} = this.props;
if (!m)
return null;
const w = V.A(LC, {
[aC]: C,
[vC]: p
, y = i || AC.defaultProps.scale
, l = QC / BC.SG * y
, t = nC / BC.SG * y;
return q.jsx("canvas", {
className: w,
ref: this.setCanvas,
"data-role": "coins-and-stars",
style: {
width: TC.o1(l),
height: TC.o1(t)
setCanvas(C) {
C && (this.canvas = C)
update(C) {
if (!this.canvas || !this.ctx)
return this.handleMountingException();
const {useLiteRenderMode: p, displayCoins: i, displayStars: q}
= this.props;
this.ctx.clearRect(0, 0, this.width, this.height),
q && (this.drawParticles(C, this.ctx),
p || this.drawMirrorImage(this.canvas, this.ctx),
this.drawStars(C, this.ctx),
i && this.drawCoins(C, this.ctx),
p && this.drawMirrorImage(this.canvas, this.ctx))
updateCoin(C, p) {
if (p.lifeTime += C,
p.lifeTime > p.moveTime)
p.flipDegrees += Math.floor(p.flipSpeed * C),
p.distance -= Math.floor(p.speedZ * C);
const i = p.speedXY * C;
p.x += i * Math.cos(p.movementAngle),
p.y += i * Math.sin(p.movementAngle);
const q = Math.min((XC - p.distance) / XC, 1);
if (!this.ctx || !this.coinEdgeGradient || !this.coinGradient)
return this.handleMountingException();
const {useLiteRenderMode: V} = this.props;
if (!V) {
const C = function(C, p) {
const i = .7 * p
, q = .9 * p;
let V = 1;
if (C > i)
if (C < q) {
const p = C - i;
V = Math.max(1 - p / (q - i), 0)
} else
V = 0;
return V
}(p.lifeTime, p.moveTime);
if (0 === C)
C < 1 && (this.ctx.globalAlpha = C)
const m = Math.floor(p.flipDegrees) % 90 ? p.flipDegrees :
p.flipDegrees + 1;
let w = Math.abs(Math.sin(m * bC)) * this.coinSize;
w = Math.round(1e3 * w) / 1e3,
this.ctx.translate(this.canvasScale * p.x, this.canvasScale *
this.ctx.rotate((p.rotationOffset + m) / 2 * bC),
this.ctx.scale(this.canvasScale * q, this.canvasScale * q);
const y = 1 - w / this.coinSize;
if (this.ctx.beginPath(),
this.ctx.fillStyle = V ? "#FBDA78" : this.coinEdgeGradient,
!V) {
let C = -GC;
for (; C <= GC; )
this.drawEllipse(q * C * y * this.canvasScale, w),
C += $C
V || (this.ctx.fillStyle = this.coinGradient);
const l = p.flipCount % 2 ? 1 : -1;
this.drawEllipse(q * GC * y * l, w),
p.flipCount = Math.max(Math.floor(m / 90), p.flipCount)
updateParticle(C, p) {
p.lifeTime += C;
const i = IC(p.lifeTime, p.animationTime);
if (!i)
if (!this.ctx)
return this.handleMountingException();
const q = p.scale * p.img.width * this.canvasScale
, V = p.scale * p.img.height * this.canvasScale;
this.ctx.globalAlpha = i,
this.ctx.translate(p.x * this.canvasScale, p.y *
this.ctx.drawImage(p.img, 0, 0, q, V)
updateStar(C, p) {
if (p.delay > 0)
return void (p.delay -= C);
p.lifeTime += C,
p.rotation += PC * C;
const i = IC(p.lifeTime, p.animationTime);
if (!i)
if (!this.ctx)
return this.handleMountingException();
const q = p.scale * function(C, p) {
let i = 1;
const q = .2 * p;
return C < q && (i = C / q),
}(p.lifeTime, p.animationTime)
, V = q * p.img.width * this.canvasScale
, m = q * p.img.height * this.canvasScale
, w = V / 2
, y = m / 2;
this.ctx.globalAlpha = i,
this.ctx.translate(p.x * this.canvasScale - w, p.y *
this.canvasScale - y),
this.ctx.translate(w, y),
this.ctx.rotate(p.rotation * bC),
this.ctx.drawImage(p.img, -w, -y, V, m)
handleMountingException() {
return lC.M("Trying to access context before it was mounted")
AC.displayName = "CoinsAndStars",
AC.defaultProps = {
displayCoins: !0,
displayStars: !0,
maxSizeFull: !1,
useMediaContainer: !1,
scale: 1,
useLiteRenderMode: !1
var FC = i(523219);
const KC = {
message: "message--06dad",
default: "default--b625b",
large: "large--b46ba",
roulette: "roulette--46a42",
amount: "amount--1b7f9",
uth: "uth--7eb90",
rng: "rng--0386f",
none: "none--c3bd3",
desktop: "desktop--5b460",
small: "small--a5d01",
mobile: "mobile--86af1"
, EC = ({amount: C=0, text: p="youWin", theme: i=u.x.Default, large:
m=!1, effect: y=u.R.None, setConsecutiveWins: l, currencySymbol:
t=FC.W0.getCurrencySymbol(), ignoreCoinsAndStarsWinAnimation: B}) => {
if (w.useEffect(( () => {
C > 0 && (null == l || l(y))
), [y]),
C <= 0)
return null;
const T = d.ej(C, {
currencySymbol: t
return q.jsxs("div", {
className: V.A(KC.message, KC[i], {
[KC.large]: m
"data-role": "winning-message",
children: [q.jsx("div", {
children: D.Tl(p)
}), q.jsx("div", {
className: KC.amount,
children: T
}), !B && q.jsx(AC, {
displayStars: YC(y),
displayCoins: UC(y)
EC.displayName = "WinningMessage";
const gC = {
wrapper: "wrapper--9d3db",
backgroundGradient: "backgroundGradient--27535",
desktop: "desktop--4f145",
mobile: "mobile--ed6e8",
small: "small--31fc5",
"top-element": "top-element--cb5de",
rng: "rng--97dd6",
compactTop: "compactTop--dc6d9"
var NC;
(function(C) {
C["DESKTOP"] = "desktop",
C["SMALL"] = "small",
C["RNG"] = "rng",
C["MOBILE"] = "mobile"
)(NC || (NC = {}));
const JC = ({theme: C=NC.DESKTOP, winningMessageTheme: p=u.x.Desktop,
backgroundGradient: i=!0, compactTop: m, largeWinnings: w, topElement: y, amount:
l, text: t, effect: B, renderWinningMessage: T, ignoreCoinsAndStarsWinAnimation: I,
setConsecutiveWins: Y, currencySymbol: U}) => {
const L = YC(B)
, a = L && UC(B)
, v = {
amount: l,
text: t,
theme: p,
large: w,
currencySymbol: U,
effect: B,
setConsecutiveWins: Y,
ignoreCoinsAndStarsWinAnimation: I
return q.jsx("div", {
className: V.A(gC.wrapper, gC[C], {
[gC.backgroundGradient]: i
children: q.jsxs("div", {
"data-role": "game-result",
children: [" ", y && q.jsx("div", {
className: V.A(gC["top-element"], {
[gC.compactTop]: m
children: y
}), T ? T(v) : q.jsx(EC, {
}), L && !I && q.jsx(AC, {
displayStars: L,
displayCoins: a
JC.displayName = "GameResult";
var rC = i(23682)
, dC = i(843520)
, DC = i(602607)
, uC = i(746341)
, _C = i(433085);
const eC = {
luckyNumbersWinning: "luckyNumbersWinning--21de5",
lightningAnimation: "lightningAnimation--c95d0",
spriteSheetKeyframes: "spriteSheetKeyframes--e047a",
fixed: "fixed--fd9a8",
red: "red--a3ed5",
tablet: "tablet--a60b8",
immersive: "immersive--6a80d",
classic: "classic--c3fde",
mobile: "mobile--ce500",
landscape: "landscape--3be6d",
isEvoPlayerFullscreen: "isEvoPlayerFullscreen--a9b30"
class Cp extends w.Component {
constructor() {
this.state = {
amount: 0
this.animationFrame = 0,
this.startTime = 0,
this.tick = () => {
this.animationFrame = requestAnimationFrame(this.tick);
const C = ( - this.startTime) / 1e3;
componentWillUnmount() {
render() {
const {amount: C, isFixedTime: p, theme: i,
resultContainerType: w, orientation: y, isEvoPlayerFullscreen: l, effect: t,
topElement: B, setConsecutiveWins: I, winningMessageTheme: Y, renderWinningMessage:
U, backgroundGradient: L, currencySymbol: a} = this.props
, {amount: v} = this.state
, f = C - 1 < v ? C : Math.round(v);
return q.jsxs("div", {
"data-role": "game-result",
className: V.A(eC.luckyNumbersWinning, m.A(eC, i), {
[eC.tablet]: ["tablet", "tablet-
[eC.classic]: "classic" === w,
[eC.immersive]: ["immersive", "phone-immersive",
[eC.landscape]: y === T.t.Landscape,
[eC.isEvoPlayerFullscreen]: l
children: [q.jsx("div", {
"data-role": "lightning-winning-animation",
className: V.A(eC.lightningAnimation, {
[]: t !== $.sA.Lightning,
[eC.fixed]: !1
}), q.jsx(JC, {
topElement: B,
compactTop: !0,
amount: f,
setConsecutiveWins: I,
effect: $.l3(t),
ignoreCoinsAndStarsWinAnimation: !0,
winningMessageTheme: Y,
theme: i,
renderWinningMessage: U,
backgroundGradient: L,
currencySymbol: a
componentDidMount() {
componentDidUpdate(C) {
const {amount: p} = this.props;
C.amount !== p && p > 0 && this.startAmountCounter(this.props)
shouldComponentUpdate(C, p) {
const {amount: i, isFixedTime: q, result: V} = this.props
, {amount: m} = this.state;
return m !== p.amount || V !== C.result || i !== C.amount ||
q !== C.isFixedTime
onStartCountUp() {
this.animationFinished = !1;
const {onStartCountUp: C} = this.props;
null == C || C()
onFinishCountUp() {
if (!this.animationFinished) {
this.animationFinished = !0;
const {onFinishCountUp: C} = this.props;
null == C || C(),
startAmountCounter(C) {
C.isFixedTime ? this.setState({
amount: C.amount
}) : (this.onStartCountUp(),
this.timeline = function(C) {
const p = {
amount: [{
startTime: 0,
duration: 2,
value: DC.Lr(0, C)
return new uC.K(p)
this.startTime =,
this.animationFrame = requestAnimationFrame(this.tick))
applyTime(C) {
const p = this.timeline.getProps(C).amount;
amount: p
const {amount: i} = this.props;
p === i && this.onFinishCountUp()
function pp(C) {
return q.jsx(Cp, {
class ip extends w.Component {
constructor(C) {
this.onStartCountUp = () => {
this.onFinishCountUp = () => {
this.lightningResultCounterLoopSound = C.createSound({
src: _C.Ck.LightningResultCounterLoop,
loop: !0,
volume: .25
this.lightningResultCounterEndSound = C.createSound({
src: _C.Ck.LightningResultCounterEnd,
volume: .25
render() {
const {createSound: C, ...p} = this.props;
return q.jsx(Cp, {
onStartCountUp: this.onStartCountUp,
onFinishCountUp: this.onFinishCountUp
componentWillUnmount() {
var qp = i(813330);
const Vp = {
winningNumber: "winningNumber--387b3",
graphics: "graphics--2fb5c",
serif: "serif--4dd26",
star: "star--6b005",
star1: "star1--d8062",
animating: "animating--e1aef",
starSparkleKeyframes: "starSparkleKeyframes--eada5",
star2: "star2--207c3",
star3: "star3--db4ca",
star4: "star4--ad794",
multiplier: "multiplier--438d6",
multiplier50x: "multiplier50x--14f23",
multiplier100x: "multiplier100x--d0f3d",
multiplier150x: "multiplier150x--32f90",
multiplier500x: "multiplier500x--9186c",
multiplierAnimationKeyframes: "multiplierAnimationKeyframes--
portrait: "portrait--1870c",
multiplierGlow: "multiplierGlow--0276e",
lightSweep: "lightSweep--11419",
platinumWinningNumber: "platinumWinningNumber--27a6d",
lightSweepAnimationKeyframes: "lightSweepAnimationKeyframes--
rayContainer: "rayContainer--766ae",
rayFadingKeyframes: "rayFadingKeyframes--a6e0e",
ray: "ray--ee025",
ray1: "ray1--c1e0b",
rayRotationKeyframes: "rayRotationKeyframes--388bf",
ray2: "ray2--e8b7f",
higlightedWinningNumber: "higlightedWinningNumber--58c7c",
function mp(C, p) {
switch (v.T.getBetType(C)) {
case v.M.Red:
case v.M.Black:
const wp = y.Ng((function(C) {
return {
result: U.qR(C),
visible: U.KY(C),
winningMultiplier: qp.q8(C),
isPortrait: t.V6(C) === T.t.Portrait
))(( ({containerClassName: C, result: p, visible: i, winningMultiplier:
w, winningType: y, isPortrait: l}) => {
const t = p[0]
, B = L.MZ()
, T = f.MO(t, 1, !1)
, I = T[0]
, Y = T[2]
, U = a.k4()
, v = mp(t, U.background_colors)
, s = mp(I, U.background_colors)
, c = mp(Y, U.background_colors)
, O = mp(t, U.text_colors)
, S = mp(I, U.text_colors)
, j = mp(Y, U.text_colors)
, o = `A${B}`
, x = `B${B}`;
return q.jsx("div", {
className: C,
children: q.jsxs("div", {
className: V.A(Vp.winningNumber, {
[Vp.platinumWinningNumber]: y ===
[Vp.animating]: i,
[Vp.portrait]: l
"data-winning-number": t,
"data-role": "winning-number-container",
children: [q.jsxs("svg", {
xmlns: "",
className: V.A(, {
[Vp.serif]: "serif" === U.font
viewBox: "0 0 283.36 106.26",
children: [q.jsxs("defs", {
children: [q.jsxs("linearGradient", {
id: o,
x1: "84.79",
y1: "77.12",
x2: "365.21",
y2: "77.12",
gradientUnits: "userSpaceOnUse",
children: [q.jsx("stop", {
offset: "0",
stopColor: s,
stopOpacity: "0"
}), q.jsx("stop", {
offset: "0.52",
stopColor: s,
stopOpacity: "0.5"
}), q.jsx("stop", {
offset: "0.55",
stopColor: c,
stopOpacity: "0.5"
}), q.jsx("stop", {
offset: "1",
stopColor: c,
stopOpacity: "0"
}), q.jsxs("linearGradient", {
id: x,
x1: "83.32",
y1: "77.23",
x2: "366.68",
y2: "77.23",
gradientUnits: "userSpaceOnUse",
children: [q.jsx("stop", {
offset: "0.05",
stopColor: "#fff",
stopOpacity: "0"
}), q.jsx("stop", {
offset: "0.5",
stopColor: "#fff",
stopOpacity: "0.6"
}), q.jsx("stop", {
offset: "0.95",
stopColor: "#fff",
stopOpacity: "0"
}), q.jsx("path", {
transform: "translate(-83.32 -20.87)",
fill: `url(`,
"data-color": s,
"data-role": "left-neighbor-background"
}), q.jsx("path", {
d: "M345,127.13l-
transform: "translate(-83.32 -20.87)",
fill: `url(`,
"data-color": c,
"data-role": "right-neighbor-background"
}), q.jsx("text", {
"data-role": "right-neighbor",
transform: "translate(232 77) rotate(9.17)",
opacity: "0.7",
fontSize: "52",
fill: j,
letterSpacing: "0.01em",
textAnchor: "middle",
children: Y
}), q.jsx("text", {
"data-role": "left-neighbor",
transform: "translate(50 80) rotate(-6.86)",
opacity: "0.7",
fontSize: "52",
fill: S,
letterSpacing: "0.01em",
textAnchor: "middle",
children: I
}), q.jsxs("div", {
className: Vp.rayContainer,
children: [q.jsx("div", {
className: V.A(Vp.ray, Vp.ray1)
}), q.jsx("div", {
className: V.A(Vp.ray, Vp.ray2)
}), q.jsxs("svg", {
xmlns: "",
className: V.A(, {
[Vp.serif]: "serif" === U.font
viewBox: "0 0 283.36 106.26",
style: {
position: "absolute",
left: 0,
top: 0
children: [q.jsx("defs", {
children: y === $.sA.GoldVaultGold ?
q.jsxs(q.Fragment, {
children: [q.jsxs("linearGradient", {
id: "gradient-1",
gradientTransform: "rotate(127)",
children: [q.jsx("stop", {
style: {
stopColor: "#F8FABA"
offset: "-23%"
}), q.jsx("stop", {
style: {
stopColor: "#F7EAA9"
offset: "-4%"
}), q.jsx("stop", {
style: {
stopColor: "#F0D77E"
offset: "15%"
}), q.jsx("stop", {
style: {
stopColor: "#D9B341"
offset: "35%"
}), q.jsx("stop", {
style: {
stopColor: "#E9D27D"
offset: "55%"
}), q.jsx("stop", {
style: {
stopColor: "#BD8F3A"
offset: "65%"
}), q.jsx("stop", {
style: {
stopColor: "#D7B762"
offset: "76%"
}), q.jsx("stop", {
style: {
stopColor: "#B38739"
offset: "106%"
}), q.jsxs("linearGradient", {
id: "gradient-0",
gradientTransform: "rotate(82)",
children: [q.jsx("stop", {
style: {
stopColor: "#EEDA7D"
offset: "0%"
}), q.jsx("stop", {
style: {
stopColor: "#FFA80C"
offset: "74.49%"
}), q.jsx("stop", {
style: {
stopColor: "#E7AB1A"
offset: "100%"
}) : q.jsxs(q.Fragment, {
children: [q.jsxs("linearGradient", {
id: "gradient-1",
gradientTransform: "rotate(127)",
children: [q.jsx("stop", {
style: {
stopColor: "#E3C2E1"
offset: "-4.76%"
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style: {
stopColor: "#7D96B9"
offset: "17.19%"
}), q.jsx("stop", {
style: {
stopColor: "#E3C2E1"
offset: "39.71%"
}), q.jsx("stop", {
style: {
stopColor: "#7D96B9"
offset: "59.98%"
}), q.jsx("stop", {
style: {
stopColor: "#EAAEFF"
offset: "79.68%"
}), q.jsx("stop", {
style: {
stopColor: "#7D96B9"
offset: "100.51"
}), q.jsxs("linearGradient", {
id: "gradient-0",
gradientTransform: "rotate(249)",
children: [q.jsx("stop", {
style: {
stopColor: "#FBCDEF"
offset: "-1%"
}), q.jsx("stop", {
style: {
stopColor: "#E5AEFF"
offset: "25%"
}), q.jsx("stop", {
style: {
stopColor: "#7CADDC"
offset: "81%"
}), q.jsx("stop", {
style: {
stopColor: "#7491C7"
offset: "100%"
}), q.jsx("path", {
"data-role": "winning-number-background",
d: "M284.27,24.47c-17.3-1-35.45-1.55-54.6-1.55l-
transform: "translate(-83.32 -20.87)",
fill: v
}), q.jsx("text", {
transform: "translate(141 72)",
fontSize: "58",
fill: O,
letterSpacing: "0.01em",
textAnchor: "middle",
"data-role": "winning-number",
children: t
}), q.jsx("path", {
d: "M176.22,123,164.75,22.92l2.14-.14c18.68-
transform: "translate(-83.32 -20.87)",
fill: U.frame_color,
"data-role": "winning-border"
}), q.jsxs("g", {
className: Vp.higlightedWinningNumber,
children: [q.jsx("text", {
transform: "translate(141 72)",
fontSize: "58",
fill: "url(",
letterSpacing: "0.01em",
textAnchor: "middle",
"data-role": "winning-number",
children: t
}), q.jsx("path", {
d: "M176.22,123,164.75,22.92l2.14-.14c18.68-
transform: "translate(-83.32 -20.87)",
fill: "url(",
"data-role": "winning-border"
}), q.jsx("div", {
className: V.A(Vp.multiplier, m.A(Vp, `multiplier$
}), q.jsx("div", {
className: V.A(Vp.multiplierGlow, m.A(Vp, `multiplier$
}), q.jsx("div", {
className: Vp.lightSweep
}), q.jsx("div", {
className: V.A(, Vp.star1)
}), q.jsx("div", {
className: V.A(, Vp.star2)
}), q.jsx("div", {
className: V.A(, Vp.star3)
}), q.jsx("div", {
className: V.A(, Vp.star4)
, yp = "winningNumber--8df88"
, lp = "graphics--defe2"
, tp = "serif--d5f72"
, Bp = C => {
var p, i, m;
const {winningNumberColors: w, winningNumber: y,
isDoubleZeroRoulette: l} = C
, t = L.MZ()
, B = f.MO(y, 1, !0 === l)
, T = B[0]
, I = B[2]
, Y = a.k4()
, U = Tp(y, Y.background_colors)
, v = Tp(T, Y.background_colors)
, s = Tp(I, Y.background_colors)
, c = Tp(y, Y.text_colors)
, O = Tp(T, Y.text_colors)
, S = Tp(I, Y.text_colors)
, j = `A${t}`
, o = `B${t}`;
return q.jsx("div", {
className: yp,
"data-winning-number": y,
"data-role": "winning-number-container",
children: q.jsxs("svg", {
xmlns: "",
className: V.A(lp, {
[tp]: "serif" === Y.font
viewBox: "0 0 283.36 106.26",
children: [q.jsxs("defs", {
children: [q.jsxs("linearGradient", {
id: j,
x1: "84.79",
y1: "77.12",
x2: "365.21",
y2: "77.12",
gradientUnits: "userSpaceOnUse",
children: [q.jsx("stop", {
offset: "0",
stopColor: v,
stopOpacity: "0"
}), q.jsx("stop", {
offset: "0.52",
stopColor: v,
stopOpacity: "0.5"
}), q.jsx("stop", {
offset: "0.55",
stopColor: s,
stopOpacity: "0.5"
}), q.jsx("stop", {
offset: "1",
stopColor: s,
stopOpacity: "0"
}), q.jsxs("linearGradient", {
id: o,
x1: "83.32",
y1: "77.23",
x2: "366.68",
y2: "77.23",
gradientUnits: "userSpaceOnUse",
children: [q.jsx("stop", {
offset: "0.05",
stopColor: "#fff",
stopOpacity: "0"
}), q.jsx("stop", {
offset: "0.5",
stopColor: "#fff",
stopOpacity: "0.6"
}), q.jsx("stop", {
offset: "0.95",
stopColor: "#fff",
stopOpacity: "0"
}), q.jsx("path", {
d: "M365.21,45.26C326,34.61,284.35,28.53,228.68,28.53h-
transform: "translate(-83.32 -20.87)",
fill: `url(`,
"data-color": v,
"data-role": "left-neighbor-background"
}), q.jsx("path", {
d: "M345,127.13l-
transform: "translate(-83.32 -20.87)",
fill: `url(`,
"data-color": s,
"data-role": "right-neighbor-background"
}), q.jsx("text", {
"data-role": "right-neighbor",
transform: "translate(232 77) rotate(9.17)",
opacity: "0.7",
fontSize: "52",
fill: S,
letterSpacing: "0.01em",
textAnchor: "middle",
children: I
}), q.jsx("text", {
"data-role": "left-neighbor",
transform: "translate(50 80) rotate(-6.86)",
opacity: "0.7",
fontSize: "52",
fill: O,
letterSpacing: "0.01em",
textAnchor: "middle",
children: T
}), q.jsx("path", {
"data-role": "winning-number-background",
d: "M284.27,24.47c-17.3-1-35.45-1.55-54.6-1.55l-2.18,0-
transform: "translate(-83.32 -20.87)",
fill: null !== (p = null == w ? void 0 : w.background)
&& void 0 !== p ? p : U
}), q.jsx("text", {
transform: "translate(141 72)",
fontSize: "58",
fill: null !== (i = null == w ? void 0 : w.text) &&
void 0 !== i ? i : c,
letterSpacing: "0.01em",
textAnchor: "middle",
"data-role": "winning-number",
children: y
}), q.jsx("path", {
d: "M176.22,123,164.75,22.92l2.14-.14c18.68-1.27,38.33-
transform: "translate(-83.32 -20.87)",
fill: null !== (m = null == w ? void 0 : w.border) &&
void 0 !== m ? m : Y.frame_color,
"data-role": "winning-border"
function Tp(C, p) {
switch (v.T.getBetType(C)) {
case v.M.Red:
case v.M.Black:
function Ip(C) {
if ( === $.sA.RDRBonusGameStart)
return {
text: "#FFD25E",
background: "#C92EFF",
border: "#FFD877"
const Yp = y.Ng((function(C) {
return {
result: U.qR(C),
gameType: U.tb(C),
winningNumberColors: Ip(C)
))((function({result: C, containerClassName: p, gameType: i,
winningNumberColors: V}) {
return q.jsx("div", {
className: p || J,
children: (C, p) => q.jsx(Bp, {
isDoubleZeroRoulette: i === I.F7.DZR,
winningNumber: C,
winningNumberColors: V
}, p.toString() + C)))
, Up = {
topElement: "topElement--1701f",
phone: "phone--0475e",
phoneImmersive: "phoneImmersive--2e43a",
phoneDoubleBallNotFullscreen: "phoneDoubleBallNotFullscreen--
tablet: "tablet--51ce8",
doubleBall: "doubleBall--ec73b",
landscape: "landscape--76f43",
isEvoPlayerFullscreen: "isEvoPlayerFullscreen--82398",
resultOnly: "resultOnly--4fdf2",
isVideoParked: "isVideoParked--129cb",
result: "result--e8738",
slingshot: "slingshot--90adf",
visible: "visible--d1ed7",
isLuckyNumbersEnabled: "isLuckyNumbersEnabled--1ab8a",
classic: "classic--ad5d7",
tabletImmersive: "tabletImmersive--f4bd0",
portrait: "portrait--73cb3",
immersive: "immersive--d3258",
tabletSlingshot: "tabletSlingshot--cad81",
isInstantRoulette: "isInstantRoulette--d63ea",
resultContainer: "resultContainer--2921c",
resultContainerImmersive: "resultContainerImmersive--12c00",
resultContainerLandscape: "resultContainerLandscape--4e55a",
resultContainerTabletSlingshot: "resultContainerTabletSlingshot--
gradientWrapper: "gradientWrapper--8ab9b"
function Lp(C) {
return "phoneImmersive" === C.type
class ap extends w.Component {
static getDerivedStateFromProps(C, p) {
return C.visible && !p.prevVisible ? {
winningBetCodes: C.winningBetCodes,
prevVisible: !0
} : {
prevVisible: C.visible
constructor(C) {
this.state = {
winningBetCodes: this.props.winningBetCodes,
prevVisible: this.props.visible
this.renderCustomWinningMessage = C => {
const {visible: p, currencySymbol: i,
setPlayerConsecutiveWins: V, type: m, isEvoPlayerFullscreen: w, orientation: y,
winningType: l} = this.props;
return q.jsx(yC, {
immersive: "phoneImmersive" === m,
landscape: y === T.t.Landscape,
isEvoPlayerFullscreen: w,
isVisible: p,
winningType: l,
currencySymbol: i,
setPlayerConsecutiveWins: V
render() {
const {winningBetCodes: C} = this.state
, p = dC.ok(C)
, {type: i} = this.props
, {isInstantRoulette: w, visible: y, isLuckyNumbersEnabled:
l, height: t, isSamsungNativeBrowser: B, isEvoPlayerFullscreen: I, orientation: Y,
isDoubleBallGame: U, videoHeight: L=0, immersiveVideoHeight: a=0, gameHeight: v=0}
= this.props
, f = "phoneImmersive" === i && U
, s = Y === T.t.Landscape && "phoneImmersive" === i
, c = V.A(Up.result, m.A(Up, i), {
[Up.visible]: y,
[Up.doubleBall]: U,
[Up.isInstantRoulette]: w,
[Up.isLuckyNumbersEnabled]: l,
[Up.isEvoPlayerFullscreen]: I,
[Up.portrait]: Y === T.t.Portrait,
[Up.landscape]: Y === T.t.Landscape,
[Up.resultOnly]: p <= 0,
[Up.phoneDoubleBallNotFullscreen]: f && !s &&
"phoneImmersive" === i
, O = Lp(this.props)
, S = {}
, j = {};
if (t && (S.height = `${t}px`),
Lp(this.props)) {
let C = L / 5.83;
"phoneImmersive" === i && Y === T.t.Portrait && (C = a /
U && (C -= 4)),
"phoneImmersive" === i && Y === T.t.Landscape && (C = v /
U && (C -= 4)),
U && B && Y === T.t.Portrait && (C -= 5),
j.fontSize = `${C}px`
return q.jsx("div", {
style: S,
className: V.A(Up.resultContainer, {
[Up.resultContainerLandscape]: Y === T.t.Landscape,
[Up.resultContainerImmersive]: (o = this.props,
"tabletImmersive" === o.type || "phoneImmersive" ===
[Up.resultContainerTabletSlingshot]: "tabletSlingshot"
=== i
children: q.jsxs("div", {
className: c,
style: j,
children: [O ? q.jsx("div", {
className: Up.gradientWrapper
}) : null, this.renderGameResult(p, O)]
var o
renderGameResult(C, p) {
const {winningType: i, type: V} = this.props
, m = $.CN(i)
, w = "tablet" === V || "tabletImmersive" === V ||
"tabletSlingshot" === V ? u.x.Large : p ? u.x.Mobile : u.x.Desktop
, y = p || $.GP(i)
, t = this.getTopElement()
, {isXLRoulette: B, currencySymbol: T,
setPlayerConsecutiveWins: I, createSound: Y, isEvoPlayerFullscreen: U, orientation:
L} = this.props;
if (m) {
const m = B ? pp : ip;
return q.jsx(m, {
topElement: t,
amount: C,
currencySymbol: T,
winningMessageTheme: w,
theme: l,
renderWinningMessage: p ?
this.renderCustomWinningMessage : void 0,
setConsecutiveWins: I,
backgroundGradient: !p && void 0,
createSound: Y,
resultContainerType: V,
orientation: L,
effect: i,
isEvoPlayerFullscreen: U
let a = $.Xi(i);
return q.jsx(JC, {
topElement: t,
compactTop: !0,
amount: C,
winningMessageTheme: w,
theme: l,
setConsecutiveWins: I,
backgroundGradient: !p && void 0,
renderWinningMessage: y ? this.renderCustomWinningMessage :
void 0,
effect: $.l3(i),
ignoreCoinsAndStarsWinAnimation: a,
currencySymbol: T
getTopElement() {
const {rouletteGameType: C} = this.props;
switch (C) {
case I.vS.AmericanRedDoorRoulette:
case I.vS.RedDoorRoulette:
return q.jsx(r, {
containerClassName: Up.topElement
const {winningType: C} = this.props;
return $.GP(C) ? q.jsx(wp, {
containerClassName: Up.topElement,
winningType: C
}) : q.jsx(Yp, {
containerClassName: Up.topElement
const vp = {
setPlayerConsecutiveWins: l.Br
, fp = y.Ng((function(C) {
const p = t.DB(C);
return {
isXLRoulette: p.isXLRoulette(),
winningBetCodes: U.qc(C),
visible: U.KY(C),
currencySymbol: B.o2(C),
isDoubleBallGame: p.isDoubleBallGame(),
isLuckyNumbersEnabled: p.luckyNumbersEnabled(),
isEvoPlayerFullscreen: rC.D2(C),
orientation: t.V6(C),
rouletteGameType: p.getRouletteGameType(),
isInstantRoulette: U.CV(C),
createSound: Y.Qh,
isSamsungNativeBrowser: t.uD(C).IS_SAMSUNG_NATIVE_BROWSER
), vp)(ap)
672608: (C, p, i) => {
i.d(p, {
_: () => Y
var q = i(64922)
, V = i(699695)
, m = i(377810)
, w = i(282427)
, y = i(563710)
, l = i(751267);
const t = "container--e5c50"
, B = "hidden--0ab28";
class T extends m.PureComponent {
constructor() {
this.onInteractionCapture = C => {
const {isResultInVideoVisible: p, hideResultNumber: i} =
p && (C.preventDefault(),
render() {
const {isResultInVideoVisible: C} = this.props;
return q.jsx("div", {
className: V.A(t, {
[B]: !C
onMouseUpCapture: this.onInteractionCapture,
onClickCapture: this.onInteractionCapture,
onTouchEndCapture: this.onInteractionCapture
const I = {
hideResultNumber: y.FS
, Y = w.Ng((function(C) {
return {
isResultInVideoVisible: l.KY(C)
), I)(T)
879722: (C, p, i) => {
i.d(p, {
CN: () => y,
GP: () => l,
Xi: () => w,
l3: () => m,
sA: () => q
var q, V = i(981298);
function m(C) {
return {
[q.None]: V.R.None,
[q.Small]: V.R.Small,
[q.Medium]: V.R.Medium,
[q.Big]: V.R.Big,
[q.Lightning]: V.R.Big,
[q.LightningRed]: V.R.Big,
[q.LightningRedDouble]: V.R.Big,
[q.RDRBonusGameStart]: V.R.Small,
[q.GoldVaultGold]: V.R.Big,
[q.GoldVaultPlatinum]: V.R.Big
function w(C) {
return [q.Lightning, q.LightningRed, q.LightningRedDouble,
q.GoldVaultGold, q.GoldVaultPlatinum].includes(C)
function y(C) {
return C === q.Lightning || C === q.LightningRed || C ===
function l(C) {
return C === q.GoldVaultGold || C === q.GoldVaultPlatinum
(function(C) {
C["None"] = "None",
C["Small"] = "Small",
C["Medium"] = "Medium",
C["Big"] = "Big",
C["Lightning"] = "Lightning",
C["LightningRed"] = "LightningRed",
C["LightningRedDouble"] = "LightningRedDouble",
C["RDRBonusGameStart"] = "RDRBonusGameStart",
C["GoldVaultGold"] = "GoldVaultGold",
C["GoldVaultPlatinum"] = "GoldVaultPlatinum"
)(q || (q = {}))
128994: (C, p, i) => {
i.d(p, {
z: () => A
var q = i(64922)
, V = i(699695)
, m = i(377810)
, w = i(282427)
, y = i(13799)
, l = i(185214)
, t = i(346160)
, B = i(843717)
, T = i(764522)
, I = i(304642)
, Y = i(295432)
, U = i(60199)
, L = i(850083)
, a = i(502715)
, v = i(356108)
, f = i(733381)
, s = i(545401)
, c = i(484152)
, O = i(500704)
, S = i(903622)
, j = i(870658)
, o = i(843520)
, x = i(939347)
, Z = i(265989)
, H = i(263543)
, b = i(994647)
, X = i(751267)
, z = i(98847)
, M = i(523219)
, P = i(486717)
, R = i(864355)
, Q = i(183864);
function n(C, p=P.F7.SBR) {
const i = => C.number)).filter((C => "-1" !== C))
, q = {
standard: {
0: 0,
"00": 0,
top2to1: 0,
middle2to1: 0,
bottom2to1: 0,
"1st12": 0,
"2nd12": 0,
"3rd12": 0,
from1to18: 0,
from19to36: 0,
even: 0,
odd: 0,
red: 0,
black: 0
special: {
tiers_du_cylindre: 0,
orphelins_a_cheval: 0,
voisins_du_zero: 0,
jeu_zero: 0
totalResults: i.length
, V =;
if (p === P.F7.DZR)
return i.forEach((C => {
Object.keys(q.standard).forEach((p => {
R.XK(p).winners.includes(C) && q.standard[p]++
const m = Object.keys(q.special).reduce(( (C, p) => {
const i = Q.b(p).reduce(( (C, p) => C.concat(V[p].winners)),
return z.A({}, C, {
[p]: i
), {});
return i.forEach((C => {
Object.keys(q.standard).forEach((p => {
R.XK(p).winners.includes(C) && q.standard[p]++
Object.keys(q.special).forEach((p => {
m[p].includes(C) && q.special[p]++
const h = {
advancedStatistics: "advancedStatistics--a739b",
lowRisk: "lowRisk--c3272",
percentBar: "percentBar--fb7b2",
withZero: "withZero--23d3a",
zero: "zero--95c5c",
inClassicView: "inClassicView--d3d8b",
inPerspectiveView: "inPerspectiveView--36935"
, G = ["0", "00", "tiers_du_cylindre", "orphelins_a_cheval",
"voisins_du_zero", "jeu_zero", "even", "odd", "red", "black", "red_red",
"black_black", "from1to18", "from19to36", "1st12", "2nd12", "3rd12", "top2to1",
"middle2to1", "bottom2to1"]
, $ = {
0: "",
"00": "tooltip.statistics.doubleZero",
tiers_du_cylindre: "tooltip.racetrack.tiers",
orphelins_a_cheval: "tooltip.racetrack.orphelins",
voisins_du_zero: "tooltip.racetrack.voisins",
jeu_zero: "tooltip.racetrack.jeuZero",
even: "tooltip.statistics.even",
odd: "tooltip.statistics.odd",
red: "",
black: "",
red_red: "",
black_black: "",
from1to18: "tooltip.statistics.low",
from19to36: "tooltip.statistics.high",
"1st12": "tooltip.statistics.dozen1",
"2nd12": "tooltip.statistics.dozen2",
"3rd12": "tooltip.statistics.dozen3",
top2to1: "tooltip.statistics.column3",
middle2to1: "tooltip.statistics.column2",
bottom2to1: "tooltip.statistics.column1"
class W extends m.Component {
constructor(C) {
this.refMap = {},
this.tooltipSupport = new
this.statisticsItemMouseEnter = C => {
var p, i;
const {setBetSpotHighlights: q, setHoveredTokens: V,
selectedTokenAmount: m, previewMode: w, gameDimensions: y, rouletteGameType: l,
betSplittingActive: B} = this.props;
if (w)
if ("0" === C || "00" === C)
V(Y.q([[C, m]])),
[S.jJ.Standard]: [C]
else {
let i;
if (B && (i = o.UD(C, m)),
i && Z.EW(i))
[S.jJ.Standard]: Array.from(i.keys())
else if ( {
const i = null !== (p = o.E1(C)) && void 0 !== p ?
p : [];
[S.jJ.Special]: i.concat([C]),
[S.jJ.Standard]: i
V(, m, 0, L.uu.Special, l))
} else
[S.jJ.Standard]: [...a.bk[C], C]
V(Y.q([[C, m]]))
const T = null === (i = this.refMap[C]) || void 0 === i ?
void 0 : i.getBoundingClientRect();
if (T) {
const {left: p, top: i} = y;
this.tooltipSupport.showTooltipWithDelay(t.Tl($[C]), {
left: Math.round(T.left + T.width / 2 - p),
top: Math.round( - i)
}, !0)
this.statisticsItemMouseLeave = () => {
const {setBetSpotHighlights: C, clearHoveredTokens: p,
isBettingEnabled: i, previewMode: q} = this.props;
q || (C({}),
i && this.tooltipSupport.clearTooltipWithDelay())
this.statisticsItemClick = (C, p) => {
const {addBet: i, playSound: q, isBettingEnabled: V,
previewMode: m, gameDimensions: w} = this.props;
if (m)
const y = this.refMap[C];
if (!1 === V && y)
return q(B.Wo.ClickingFail),
this.tooltipSupport.showTooltipInstantly("tooltip.waitForNextGame", v.Tl(y, w), C);
position: {
left: p.clientX,
top: p.clientY
betSpotId: C,
betSource: L.n1.Statistics
this.refCallbackBoundMap = G.reduce(( (C, p) => (C[p] =
this.saveRef.bind(this, p),
C)), {})
shouldComponentUpdate(C) {
const {layout: p, isBettingEnabled: i, results: q} =
return p !== C.layout || i !== C.isBettingEnabled || q !==
render() {
const {results: C, isBettingEnabled: p, layout: i, gameType: m,
previewMode: w, inDrawer: y, ...l} = this.props
, t = {
[h.inClassicView]: [O.FJ.Classic, O.FJ.Tablet].includes(i)
&& !y,
[h.inPerspectiveView]: x.Ei(i)
, B = p && !w;
return q.jsx("div", {
className: V.A(t),
children: q.jsx(f.AdvancedStatistics, {
type: m,
cn: h,
categorizedResults: n(, m),
hoverable: B,
onItemMouseEnter: this.statisticsItemMouseEnter,
onItemMouseLeave: this.statisticsItemMouseLeave,
onItemClick: this.statisticsItemClick,
refCallbackMap: this.refCallbackBoundMap
saveRef(C, p) {
this.refMap[C] = p
const k = {
setBetSpotHighlights: j.z6,
setHoveredTokens: b.sB,
addBet: H.he,
addAbsTooltip: l.$y,
removeAllAbsTooltips: l.u0
, A = w.Ng((function(C) {
return {
results: X.Hw(C),
isBettingEnabled: o.nX(X.IA(C)),
selectedTokenAmount: X.VZ(C),
gameDimensions: y.Ay(C),
rouletteGameType: X.UX(C).getRouletteGameType(),
gameType: s.H9(C.settings),
statisticsBranding: X.of(C, S.jJ.Standard).statistics,
playSound: c.Ak,
isDesktop: y.uD(C).IS_DESKTOP,
betSplittingActive: X.s6(C)
), k)(W)
618167: (C, p, i) => {
i.d(p, {
T: () => B
var q = i(64922)
, V = i(699695)
, m = i(3359);
const w = "recentNumbers--141d3"
, y = "immersive2--e3d37"
, l = "hidden--cae46"
, t = "widthWrap--1c118"
, B = ({vertical: C, maxLength: p, hidden: i}) => q.jsx("div", {
className: t,
children: q.jsx("div", {
className: V.A(w, {
[y]: !0,
[l]: !0 === i
children: q.jsx(m.m9, {
maxLength: p,
vertical: C
216331: (C, p, i) => {
i.d(p, {
A: () => VC
var q = i(64922)
, V = i(377810)
, m = i.t(V, 2)
, w = i(282427)
, y = i(89035)
, l = i(13799)
, t = i(500704)
, B = i(128994)
, T = i(699695)
, I = i(436794)
, Y = i(3359)
, U = i(263601)
, L = i(236042)
, a = i(733381)
, v = i(218389)
, f = i(205676)
, s = i(477062)
, c = i(751267);
class O extends V.Component {
constructor(C) {
this.state = {
shouldLimitsBeUpdated: !1
this.changeHandler = C => {
const {isInstantRoulette: p, allRecentResults: i} =
p && i.length < a.SLIDER_MAX_VALUE && this.setState({
shouldLimitsBeUpdated: C === i.length
this.onEndHandler = C => {
const {logClientPressedRecentNumbersSlider: p} =
this.debouncedDragActions = U.A((p => {
this.throttledDragActions = L.A((p => {
componentDidUpdate() {
const {allRecentResults: C, setLimitStatistics: p,
limitAccountableNumbers: i} = this.props
, {shouldLimitsBeUpdated: q} = this.state;
if (q) {
const q = C.length;
q % a.SLIDER_STEP == 0 && this.setState({
shouldLimitsBeUpdated: !1
componentWillUnmount() {
shouldComponentUpdate(C) {
const {allRecentResults: p, limitStatistics: i} = this.props;
return p !== C.allRecentResults || p.length !==
C.allRecentResults.length || i !== C.limitStatistics
render() {
const {allRecentResults: C, limitStatistics: p} = this.props
, {value: i, maxValue: V, minValue: m} =
itemsCount: C.length,
limitStatistics: p
, {className: w} = this.props;
return q.jsx("div", {
className: w,
children: q.jsx(a.Slider, {
from: m,
to: V,
disabled: V <= a.SLIDER_MIN_VALUE,
initialValue: i,
onDrag: this.changeHandler,
onDragEnd: this.onEndHandler
const S = {
limitAccountableNumbers: s.Bl,
logClientPressedRecentNumbersSlider: f.av,
setLimitStatistics: v.T1
, j = w.Ng((function(C) {
return {
allRecentResults: c.Zd(C),
limitStatistics: c.nF(C),
isInstantRoulette: c.CV(C)
), S)(O);
var o = i(353096)
, x = i(25581)
, Z = i(410376)
, H = i(850449)
, b = i(137832)
, X = i(170877)
, z = i(346160)
, M = i(67595);
const P = C => {
const p = b.P(H.SJ)
, i = b.P(
, V = z.sU();
return q.jsx(, {
gameTheme: p,
inverted: V,
isDesktop: i === X.OD.Desktop
var R = i(933625);
const Q = {
statisticsSlider: "statisticsSlider--aecbf",
container: "container--7c740",
counter: "counter--eaccb",
label: "label--18169"
function n({onDrag: C, onDragEnd: p, onUpdateLimits: i,
recentResultsCount: m, limitStatistics: w, isInstantRoulette: y}) {
const [l,t] = V.useState(R.oX({
itemsCount: m,
limitStatistics: w
, [B,T] = V.useState(R.x4(l))
, [I,Y] = V.useState(!1);
V.useEffect(( () => {
itemsCount: m,
limitStatistics: w
), [m, w]),
V.useEffect(( () => {
I && (i(),
m % R.HC == 0 && Y(!1))
), [m, I, i]);
const U = V.useCallback(L.A(C, R.vE), [])
, a = V.useCallback((C => {
const p = R.p9({
position: C
value: p
y && m < R.Hw && Y(m === p)
), [l, C])
, v = V.useCallback(( () => {
), [l, p]);
return q.jsxs("div", {
className: Q.statisticsSlider,
children: [q.jsx("div", {
className: Q.label,
children: z.Tl("statistics.lastNRounds", [l.value])
}), q.jsxs("div", {
className: Q.container,
children: [q.jsx(P, {
disabled: l.maxValue <= R.Zg,
value: B,
onChange: a,
onDragEnd: v
}), q.jsx("div", {
className: Q.counter,
children: l.value
const {useCallback: h} = m;
function G() {
const C = w.d4(c.nF)
, p = w.d4(c.Zd).length
, i = w.d4(c.CV)
, V = w.wA()
, m = h((C => {
), [V])
, y = h(( () => {
), [V, p])
, l = h((C => {
), [V]);
return q.jsx(n, {
limitStatistics: C,
recentResultsCount: p,
isInstantRoulette: i,
onDrag: l,
onDragEnd: m,
onUpdateLimits: y
var $ = i(618167);
const W = {
body: "body--036f5",
slider: "slider--cfe9b",
pieHeight: "pieHeight--2ba0c",
mobile: "mobile--55584",
portrait: "portrait--6c7b2",
landscape: "landscape--6c853",
scrollableWrapper: "scrollableWrapper--5f159",
scrollable: "scrollable--ae7ec"
function k({isTabActive: C, isMobile: p, orientation: i, children: m})
const w = V.useContext(;
if (!C)
return null;
const y = p ? Y.pL : $.T;
return q.jsxs("div", {
className: T.A(W.body, {
[]: p,
[W.landscape]: i === I.t.Landscape,
[W.portrait]: i === I.t.Portrait
children: [q.jsx("div", {
children: q.jsx(y, {
maxLength: 12
}), q.jsx("div", {
className: W.scrollableWrapper,
children: q.jsx(x.y, {
className: W.scrollable,
refCallback: null == w ? void 0 : w.assignScrollable,
children: m
}), q.jsx("div", {
className: W.slider,
children: p ? q.jsx(G, {}) : q.jsx(j, {})
function A(C) {
const {isMobile: p} = C;
return q.jsx(k, {
children: q.jsx(B.z, {
previewMode: p,
inDrawer: !0
var F = i(462258);
function K(C) {
const {isMobile: p} = C
, i = p ? F.pO : F.h6;
return q.jsx(k, {
children: q.jsx(i, {
skip: 12
var E = i(161393)
, g = i(60199)
, N = i(356108)
, J = i(422551)
, r = i(677743)
, d = i(843520);
const D = "container--f4736"
, u = "pie--e3c11";
class _ extends V.Component {
componentDidMount() {
var C;
null === (C = _.statisticsWheelInstance) || void 0 === C ||
render() {
const {phase: C, items: p, gameType: i, hotRefCallback: V,
getHoverableProps: m, gameDimensions: w, cancelledGameCount: y, onTooltipUpdate: l,
isMobile: t, onSectorClick: B, statisticsBranding: T, statisticsWheelRef: I,
orientation: Y, coldRefCallback: U} = this.props
, L = => C.number))
, v = N.$0(L, i)
, f = N.HN(v);
return q.jsxs("div", {
className: D,
children: [q.jsx(J.h, {
type: a.HotColdNumbersType.Hot,
items: f.hotItems,
orientation: "vertical",
theme: a.WheelTheme.Desktop,
refCallback: V,
}), q.jsx("div", {
className: u,
children: q.jsx(a.StatisticsWheel, {
hotCold: f,
histogram: v,
cancelledGameCount: y,
updateDimensions: !0,
theme: a.WheelTheme.Desktop,
onTooltipUpdate: l,
handleHover: d.nX(C) && !t,
onSectorClick: B,
type: i,
reverseScale: w.reverseScale,
statisticsBranding: T,
statisticsWheelRef: I,
orientation: Y
}), q.jsx(J.h, {
type: a.HotColdNumbersType.Cold,
items: f.coldItems,
orientation: "vertical",
theme: a.WheelTheme.Desktop,
refCallback: U
_.statisticsWheelInstance = null,
_.setStatisticsWheelInstance = C => (_.statisticsWheelInstance = C,
const e = r.F(_);
function CC(C) {
const {isMobile: p} = C;
return q.jsx(k, {
children: q.jsx("div", {
className: W.pieHeight,
children: q.jsx(E.V, {
previewMode: p,
children: C => q.jsx(e, {
statisticsWheelRef: C.statisticsWheelRef,
getHoverableProps: C.getHoverableProps,
hotRefCallback: C.hotRefCallback,
coldRefCallback: C.coldRefCallback,
onTooltipUpdate: C.onTooltipUpdate,
onSectorClick: C.onSectorClick,
isMobile: p
var pC = i(730561);
const iC = "statisticsDrawer--4bfec"
, qC = {
switchViewStatistics: pC.xP
, VC = w.Ng((function(C) {
return {
isMobile: !1 === l.uD(C).IS_DESKTOP,
orientation: l.V6(C),
view: c.$Q(C)
), qC)((function({isMobile: C, orientation: p, view: i,
switchViewStatistics: m}) {
var w;
const l = V.useMemo(( () => ({
isMobile: C,
orientation: p
})), [C, p])
, B = V.useMemo(( () => ({
[]: {
component: CC,
labelTranslationId: "statistics.hotCold",
props: l
[]: {
component: A,
labelTranslationId: "statistics.advanced",
props: l
[]: {
component: K,
labelTranslationId: "statistics.last500",
props: l
})), [l])
, T = V.useMemo(( () => Object.values(B)), [B])
, [I,Y] = V.useState(null !== (w = T.indexOf(B[i])) && void 0 !==
w ? w : 0)
, U = V.useCallback((C => {
), []);
return q.jsx("div", {
className: iC,
children: q.jsx(y.o, {
type: "line",
isCentered: !0,
muteAnimation: !0,
tabs: T,
selectedTab: I,
onTabClick: U
161393: (C, p, i) => {
i.d(p, {
V: () => b
var q = i(912986)
, V = i(377810)
, m = i(282427)
, w = i(160739)
, y = i(949570)
, l = i(13799)
, t = i(185214)
, B = i(346160)
, T = i(843717)
, I = i(764522)
, Y = i(304642)
, U = i(295432)
, L = i(356108)
, a = i(850083)
, v = i(484152)
, f = i(903622)
, s = i(870658)
, c = i(263543)
, O = i(994647)
, S = i(751267)
, j = i(843520);
const o = 1e3;
class x extends V.Component {
constructor() {
this.hotEl = null,
this.coldEl = null,
this.wheelElement = null,
this.tooltipSupport = new
this.statisticsWheelRef = C => {
this.wheelElement = C
this.getHoverableProps = C => {
const {previewMode: p, phase: i} = this.props;
return p ? {
hoverable: !1,
onItemClick: q.A,
onItemMouseEnter: q.A,
onItemMouseLeave: q.A
} : {
hoverable: j.nX(i),
onItemClick: this.statisticsItemClick.bind(this, C),
this.statisticsItemMouseEnter.bind(this, C),
onItemMouseLeave: this.statisticsItemMouseLeave
this.hotRefCallback = C => {
this.hotEl = C
this.coldRefCallback = C => {
this.coldEl = C
this.onTooltipUpdate = ({sectorKey: C, times: p, timesTotal: i,
x: q, y: V}) => {
const {previewMode: m, removeAllAbsTooltips: w,
addAbsTooltip: y, setBetSpotHighlights: l, setHoveredTokens: t, phase: T,
selectedTokenAmount: I, gameDimensions: a, clearHoveredTokens: v} = this.props;
if (m) {
if ("-1" === C)
const m = B.Tl("mobile.statistics.numbertimes", {
times: p,
number: C,
count: i
(this.lastLabel !== m || void 0 ===
this.lastTooltipTime || - this.lastTooltipTime > o) && (w(),
label: m,
top: V,
left: q
this.lastLabel = m,
this.lastTooltipTime =
} else if ("-1" !== C && j.nX(T)) {
[f.jJ.Standard]: [C]
t(U.q([[C, I]]));
const p = Y.RZ(C);
this.tooltipSupport.getLastLabel() !== p &&
this.tooltipSupport.showTooltipWithDelay(p, L.Tl(this.wheelElement, a), !0)
} else
this.onSectorClick = (C, p) => {
const {phase: i, previewMode: q, hasEnoughFundsForBet: V,
addBet: m, playSound: w, gameDimensions: y} = this.props;
if (q)
const l = j.nX(i);
if (l && V(1))
position: {
left: C.clientX,
top: C.clientY
betSpotId: p,
betSource: a.n1.PieChart
else {
const C = l ? "tooltip.balanceTooLow" :
L.Tl(this.wheelElement, y), p)
this.statisticsItemMouseLeave = () => {
const {setBetSpotHighlights: C, clearHoveredTokens: p} =
this.statisticsItemClick = (C, p, i) => {
if (!p.length)
const {phase: q, hasEnoughFundsForBet: V, addBet: m,
playSound: w, gameDimensions: y, selectedTokenAmount: l} = this.props
, t = j.nX(q);
if (t && V(p.length))
position: {
left: i.clientX,
top: i.clientY
betSpotId: null,
betSource: "hot" === C ? a.n1.Hot : a.n1.Cold,
tokens: j.EP(p, l)
else {
const i = t ? "tooltip.balanceTooLow" :
const q = L.Tl("hot" === C ? this.hotEl : this.coldEl,
requestAnimationFrame(( () =>
this.tooltipSupport.showTooltipInstantly(i, q, `HotCold_${p.join("_")}`)))
this.statisticsItemMouseEnter = (C, p) => {
if (0 === p.length)
const {setBetSpotHighlights: i, setHoveredTokens: q,
selectedTokenAmount: V, gameDimensions: m} = this.props;
[f.jJ.Standard]: p
q(j.EP(p, V)),
this.tooltipSupport.showTooltipWithDelay(B.Tl(`tooltip.statistics.${C}`, {
value: p.join(", ")
}), L.Tl("hot" === C ? this.hotEl : this.coldEl, m), !0)
shouldComponentUpdate() {
return !1
render() {
const {children: C} = this.props;
return C({
statisticsWheelRef: this.statisticsWheelRef,
getHoverableProps: this.getHoverableProps,
hotRefCallback: this.hotRefCallback,
coldRefCallback: this.coldRefCallback,
onTooltipUpdate: this.onTooltipUpdate,
onSectorClick: this.onSectorClick
const Z = w.Mz(S.zn, S.VZ,, ( (C, p, i) => (q=1) => C && i >= p *
, H = {
setBetSpotHighlights: s.z6,
addBet: c.he,
setHoveredTokens: O.sB,
addAbsTooltip: t.$y,
removeAllAbsTooltips: t.u0
, b = m.Ng((function(C) {
return {
phase: S.IA(C),
selectedTokenAmount: S.VZ(C),
gameDimensions: l.Ay(C),
playSound: v.Ak,
hasEnoughFundsForBet: Z(C)
), H)(x)
677743: (C, p, i) => {
i.d(p, {
F: () => l
var q = i(282427)
, V = i(13799)
, m = i(545401)
, w = i(903622)
, y = i(751267);
const l = q.Ng((function(C) {
const p = V.DB(C);
return {
cancelledGameCount: 0,
items: y.Hw(C),
phase: y.IA(C),
gameDimensions: V.Ay(C),
statisticsBranding: y.of(C, w.jJ.Standard).statistics,
gameType: m.H9(p),
orientation: V.V6(C)
582761: (C, p, i) => {
i.d(p, {
A7: () => S,
IK: () => x,
vD: () => o,
vS: () => j,
y8: () => Z
var q = i(64922)
, V = i(699695)
, m = i(266600)
, w = i(377810)
, y = i(253613)
, l = i(13799)
, t = i(738699)
, B = i(43129)
, T = i(60199)
, I = i(312929)
, Y = i(903622)
, U = i(355601)
, L = i(870658)
, a = i(263543)
, v = i(790602)
, f = i(751267)
, s = i(653080)
, c = i(843520)
, O = i(474665);
class S extends w.Component {
constructor() {
this.onMouseDown = () => {
const {betSpotId: C, onTableTokenMouseDown: p} =
this.onClick = C => {
const {betSpotId: p, onTableTokenClick: i, gridType: q} =
i(p, q, C)
this.onMouseLeave = () => {
const {setBetSpotHighlights: C} = this.props;
this.onMouseEnter = () => {
const {betSpotId: C, onTableTokenMouseEnter: p} =
shouldComponentUpdate(C) {
const {betSpotId: p, amount: i, placedAmount: q, type: V,
disableUserInteraction: w, lastPlacedBetId: y, style: l} = this.props;
return p !== C.betSpotId || i !== C.amount || q !==
C.placedAmount || V !== C.type || w !== C.disableUserInteraction || !m.A(l, || y !== C.lastPlacedBetId && C.bettingEnabled
render() {
const {betSpotId: C, betSplittingActive: p, bettingEnabled: i,
draggedBetSpot: m, isPreviewToken: w, type: l=t.p.Default, style: I, amount: Y,
disableUserInteraction: U, placedAmount: L, lastPlacedBetId: a, gridType: f} =
, c = v.OG(f).has(C)
, S = a && !s.qN(a) && !
, j = !c && p && i && S && !m
, o = !w && !m && Y > 0
, x = {
left: `${I.left}%`,
top: `${}%`
Y > 0 && "none" !== I.pointerEvents && v.DB(f, C);
const Z = B.pM[l];
return q.jsx("div", {
className: V.A(O.A.token, {
[O.A.animatePositionTop]: !c && o,
[O.A.disableUserInteraction]: U,
[O.A.transitionChipsPresent]: j && Y > 0
style: x,
id: `bet_${C}`,
"data-role": "table-token",
"data-key": C,
"data-value": Y,
"data-placed-amount": L || Y,
onMouseDown: this.onMouseDown,
onMouseEnter: this.onMouseEnter,
onMouseLeave: this.onMouseLeave,
onClick: this.onClick,
children: q.jsx(y.w, {
value: Y,
hasShadow: !0
function j(C) {
return s.TI(C) ? Y.jJ.Golden : Y.jJ.Standard
function o(C, p, i) {
return q => {
q(U.O9(void 0)),
position: {
left: i.clientX,
top: i.clientY
betSpotId: C,
betSource: Y.Q2(p)
function x(C) {
return (p, i) => {
c.nX(f.IA(i())) && (p(U.Er(C)),
[Y.jJ.Standard]: I.em(C)
function Z(C) {
return (p, i) => {
const q = i();
c.nX(f.IA(q)) && l.DB(q).chipDragAllowed() && p(U.O9({
betSpotId: C,
gridType: j(C)
661548: (C, p, i) => {
i.d(p, {
W4: () => b
var q = i(64922)
, V = i(699695)
, m = i(266600)
, w = i(377810)
, y = i(282427)
, l = i(903622)
, t = i(806974)
, B = i(351285)
, T = i(582761)
, I = i(751267)
, Y = i(209727);
const U = w.memo((C => {
const {layout: p, styleType: i, isDoubleBallRoulette: V,
chipDragInfo: m, draggedBetSpotId: y, isDynamicGrid: t} = C
, {left: B, top: I, width: U, height: L} = C.gridBoundingRect
, [a,v] = w.useState({
left: (m.draggedChipPosition.x - B) / U * 100,
top: (m.draggedChipPosition.y - I) / L * 100
w.useEffect(( () => {
let C;
return m.draggedChipPosition && function p() {
C = window.requestAnimationFrame(p),
m.draggedChipPosition && v({
left: (m.draggedChipPosition.x - B) / U * 100,
top: (m.draggedChipPosition.y - I) / L * 100
void 0 === m.mouseOffsetFromChipCenter && C &&
() => {
C && window.cancelAnimationFrame(C)
), [!!m.draggedChipPosition, m.draggedEnoughToConsiderMovingChip]);
const f = y ? T.vS(y) : l.jJ.Standard
, s = `${Y.w$({
layout: p,
slingshotStyleType: i,
x: a.left,
isDoubleBallRoulette: V,
gridType: f,
dynamicGrid: t
, c = {
pointerEvents: "none",
zIndex: 1
return q.jsx("div", {
style: {
fontSize: s
children: q.jsx(T.A7, {
style: C.chipDragInfo.draggedEnoughToConsiderMovingChip ? c
}, y)
, L = y.Ng(( (C, p) => {
const i = I.UL(C)
, q = i && i.gridType === p.tableTokenProps.gridType ?
i.betSpotId : void 0;
return {
gridBoundingRect: I.jq(C, p.tableTokenProps.gridType),
draggedBetSpotId: q,
isDynamicGrid: t.z2(B.$q(C, q ? T.vS(q) : l.jJ.Standard))
var a = i(870658)
, v = i(843520)
, f = i(553003)
, s = i(790602)
, c = i(470265)
, O = i(935371);
const S = "tokenGroup--f4493"
, j = "animateOpacity--0cdc9"
, o = {}
, x = {
pointerEvents: "none"
class Z extends w.Component {
constructor() {
this.tokenPoolSize = 0
shouldComponentUpdate(C) {
const {hoveredTokens: p, svgGrid: i, winningTokens: q,
currentRound: V, shouldLeaveWinningBetsOnTable: w, bettingEnabled: y,
tokenRenderingEnabledByPhase: l, draggedBetSpotId: t, chipDragInfo: B} =
return !m.A(p, C.hoveredTokens) || q !== C.winningTokens || !
m.A(V, C.currentRound) || w !== C.shouldLeaveWinningBetsOnTable || y !==
C.bettingEnabled || l !== C.tokenRenderingEnabledByPhase || t !==
C.draggedBetSpotId || B.draggedChipPosition !== C.chipDragInfo.draggedChipPosition
|| i !== C.svgGrid
render() {
const {gridType: C, bettingEnabled: p, animatePreviewedChips:
i, hoveredTokens: m, currentRound: w} = this.props
, y = v.dg(w, C)
, l = s.OG(C);
l.size > y.size && l.forEach((p => {
y.has(p) || s.DB(C, p, !1)
const t = p ? o : x
, B =, y);
return this.tokenPoolSize = Math.max(this.tokenPoolSize,
q.jsx("div", {
className: V.A(S, {
[j]: i
style: t,
children: this.renderTableTokens(B)
renderTableTokens(C) {
const {styleType: p, chipDragAllowed: i, svgGrid: q, gridType:
V, winningTokens: m, isDynamicGrid: w, tokenRenderingEnabledByPhase: y,
bettingEnabled: l, layout: t, draggedBetSpotId: B, shouldLeaveWinningBetsOnTable:
T, animatePreviewedChips: I, hoveredTokens: U, isDoubleBallGame: L} = this.props
, a = i && !B;
return Array.from(C.entries()).map(( ([C,i]) => {
var B;
const v = null !== (B = U.get(C)) && void 0 !== B ? B : 0
, f = v > 0;
let s = y;
T && !s && (s = m.has(C));
const c = i - v
, S = O.Vp(q, C)
, j = {
opacity: s ? f && !I ? .7 : 1 : 0,
left: 100 * S[0],
top: 100 * S[1],
scale: `${Y.w$({
layout: t,
slingshotStyleType: p,
x: S[0],
y: S[1],
isDoubleBallRoulette: L,
gridType: V,
dynamicGrid: w
a && l || (j.pointerEvents = "none");
const o = {
amount: i,
betSpotId: C,
style: j,
placedAmount: c,
previewToken: f && !I,
disableUserInteraction: !1
return this.renderTableToken(C, o)
renderTableToken(C, p) {
var i, V;
const {scale: m, ...w} =
, {chipType: y, betType: l, currentRound: t, gridType: B,
bettingEnabled: I, betSplittingActive: Y, draggedBetSpotId: U, chipDragInfo: v,
layout: f, styleType: s, isDoubleBallGame: O, onTableTokenClick: S,
onTableTokenMouseEnter: j, onTableTokenMouseDown: o} = this.props
, x = null !== (i = t[t.length - 1]) && void 0 !== i ? i :
void 0;
let Z = null !== (V = null == x ? void 0 : x.betSpotId) && void
0 !== V ? V : void 0;
(null == x ? void 0 : x.action) === && (Z = void 0);
const H = {
style: w,
amount: p.amount,
betSpotId: p.betSpotId,
type: y,
betType: l,
placedAmount: p.placedAmount,
gridType: B,
betSplittingActive: Y,
bettingEnabled: I,
draggedBetSpot: U,
setBetSpotHighlights: a.z6,
onTableTokenClick: S,
onTableTokenMouseEnter: j,
onTableTokenMouseDown: o,
disableUserInteraction: p.disableUserInteraction,
isPreviewToken: p.previewToken,
lastPlacedBetId: Z
return U === p.betSpotId && v.draggedChipPosition &&
v.mouseOffsetFromChipCenter ? q.jsx(L, {
tableTokenProps: H,
layout: f,
styleType: s,
chipDragInfo: v,
isDoubleBallRoulette: O
}, C) : q.jsx("div", {
style: {
fontSize: m,
"--size": m
children: q.jsx(T.A7, {
}, C)
const H = {
setBetSpotHighlights: a.z6,
onTableTokenClick: T.vD,
onTableTokenMouseEnter: T.IK,
onTableTokenMouseDown: T.y8
, b = y.Ng(( (C, p) => {
const i = C.settings.isDoubleBallGame() && p.gridType !==
l.jJ.Special ? v.AJ(I.go(C))[p.gridType] : I.go(C)
, q = I.UL(C)
, V = q && q.gridType === p.gridType ? q.betSpotId : void 0
, m = I.IA(C);
return {
chipDragAllowed: C.settings.chipDragAllowed(),
isDoubleBallGame: C.settings.isDoubleBallGame(),
hoveredTokens: i,
draggedBetSpotId: V,
styleType: I.Cd(C, l.jJ.Standard),
currentRound: I.ud(C),
bettingEnabled: v.nX(m),
tokenRenderingEnabledByPhase: v.VQ(m),
animatePreviewedChips: I.hE(C),
winningTokens: I.J8(C),
betSplittingActive: I.s6(C),
chipDragInfo: I.H1(C)
), H)(Z)
997660: (C, p, i) => {
i.d(p, {
UB: () => X,
Fb: () => M
var q = i(64922)
, V = i(377810)
, m = i(282427)
, w = i(13799)
, y = i(87245)
, l = i(837557)
, t = i(436794)
, B = i(228174)
, T = i(850083)
, I = i(60199)
, Y = i(738699)
, U = i(135750)
, L = i(903622);
function a(C, p, i) {
return `keyframe_${C}_${p}_${i}`
var v = i(355601)
, f = i(935371)
, s = i(263543)
, c = i(751267)
, O = i(699695)
, S = i(253613)
, j = i(956720)
, o = i(526975);
const x = "transitionChip--8635f"
, Z = "desktop--767eb";
class H extends V.Component {
constructor() {
this.state = {
left: this.props.startPoint.x,
top: this.props.startPoint.y,
animationDuration: this.props.betsSplit ? j.fL.betSplit :
this.animationTimout = 0,
this.startTransitionTimeout = 0,
this.onTransitionEnd = () => {
this.props.onTransitionEnd && this.props.onTransitionEnd({
betSpotId: this.props.betSpotId,
amount: this.props.amount,
}, this.props.index)
componentDidMount() { && (this.startTransitionTimeout =
window.setTimeout(( () => {
left: this.props.endPoint.x,
top: this.props.endPoint.y
this.animationTimout = window.setTimeout(( () => {
), this.state.animationDuration)
componentWillUnmount() {
render() {
const C = {};
if ( {
const {width: p, height: i} = this.props.boundingRect
, q = Math.round(this.state.left * p -
this.props.size.width / 2)
, V = Math.round( * i -
this.props.size.height / 2);
C.left = `${q}px`, = `${V}px`,
C.transition = `top ${this.state.animationDuration}ms, left
} else if (this.props.betSpotId === this.props.targetBetSpotId)
const p = Math.round(this.props.endPoint.x *
this.props.boundingRect.width - this.props.size.width / 2)
, i = Math.round(this.props.endPoint.y *
this.props.boundingRect.height - this.props.size.height / 2);
C.left = `${p}px`, = `${i}px`
} else {
const p = a(this.props.orientation, this.props.betSpotId,
C.animationName = p,
C.animationDuration = `${this.state.animationDuration}ms`,
C.animationPlayState = "running",
C.animationFillMode = "forwards",
C.animationIterationCount = 1,
l.DS.IS_DESKTOP && this.props.lastPlacedBet ? ( =
`${100 * this.props.lastPlacedBet[1]}%`,
C.left = `${100 * this.props.lastPlacedBet[0]}%`,
C.fontSize = `${this.props.size.desktopSize}em`) : (C.width
= `${this.props.size.width}px`,
C.height = `${this.props.size.height}px`,
C.transform = "translateZ(0)")
return q.jsx("div", {
className: O.A(x, {
style: C,
children: l.DS.IS_DESKTOP ? q.jsx("div", {
style: {
fontSize: "0.75em",
"--size": "1em"
children: q.jsx(S.w, {
value: this.props.amount,
type: "default",
hasShadow: !1
}) : q.jsx(o.W, {
chipType: Y.p.Mobile,
amount: this.props.amount,
size: {
width: this.props.size.width,
height: this.props.size.height
chipColors: this.props.chipColors,
roulette: !0
const b = "mobileAnimatedTokenGroup--0704a";
class X extends V.Component {
constructor() {
this.hideTransitionChips = (C, p) => {
const {transitionChips: i, addBet: q,
removeTransitionChips: V} = this.props;
0 === p && V( =>,
C.shouldPlaceBetOnTransitionEnd && q({
position: {
left: 0,
top: 0
betSpotId: C.betSpotId,
betSource: T.n1.SpecialGrid
shouldComponentUpdate(C) {
const {transitionChips: p} = this.props;
return C.transitionChips !== p
render() {
const {transitionChips: C, svgGrid: p, chipSize: i,
boundingRect: V, orientation: m, chipColors: w, gridType: y} = this.props;
return q.jsx("div", {
className: b,
"data-role": "animated-tokens",
children: (C, t) => {
const T = f.Vp(p, C.betSpotId);
const U = Math.round(i)
, a = {};
if (! && 0 !== U) {
const i = C.targetBetSpotId;
if (!l.DS.IS_DESKTOP) {
const C = f.Vp(p, i);
a.transform = `translate(\n
${B.GB(C[0] * V.width / U * 100 - 100, 2)}%,\n $
{B.GB(C[1] * V.height / U * 100 - 100, 2)}%\n )`
const v = p.aspectRatio > 1 ? 1 : 3
, s = {
x: T[0] + T[0] * C.positionOffset[0] * v,
y: T[1] + T[1] * C.positionOffset[1] * v
, c = f.Vp(p, C.targetBetSpotId)
, O = {
x: c[0],
y: c[1]
return q.jsx(H, {
style: a,
index: t,
betSpotId: C.betSpotId,
startPoint: s,
endPoint: O,
amount: C.amount,
onTransitionEnd: this.hideTransitionChips,
boundingRect: V,
orientation: m,
chipType: l.DS.IS_DESKTOP ? Y.p.Default :
size: {
width: U,
height: U,
desktopSize: i
targetBetSpotId: C.targetBetSpotId,
chipColors: w,
betsSplit: y === L.jJ.Standard,
lastPlacedBet: T
createCssKeyframesForBetSplittingAnimation(C) {
const {svgGrid: p} = this.props; || this.addCSSKeyframesToStylesheet(C, {
lastPlacedBetPosition: f.Vp(p, C.betSpotId),
targetBetPosition: f.Vp(p, C.targetBetSpotId),
keyFrameName: a(t.t.Landscape, C.betSpotId,
addCSSKeyframesToStylesheet(C, p) {
X.animatedTokenGroupStyleData.styleSheet ||
const {svgGrid: i, chipSize: q, boundingRect: V, orientation:
m, gridType: w} = this.props
, y = `${C.betSpotId}_${C.targetBetSpotId}`;
(X.animatedTokenGroupStyleData.existingKeyframes[m].includes(y) || C.betSpotId ===
const t = l.DS.IS_DESKTOP ? (T =
=> 100 * C)),
I = => 100 * C)),
`\n @keyframes ${p.keyFrameName} {\n from {\n
top: ${T[1]}%;\n left: ${T[0]}%;\n }\n\n to {\
n top: ${I[1]}%;\n left: ${I[0]}%;\n }\n
}\n `) : function(C, p, i, q, V, m, w=!1) {
const y = w ? [C, p] : U.$u(C, p)
, l = (C, p) => {
const i = p / (y.length - 1) * 100
, w = 0 === p ? "ease-in" : p === y.length - 1 ?
"ease-out" : "linear"
, l = f.Vp(q, C);
return `\n ${i}% {\n
animation-timing-function: ${w};\n transform: translate(\n
${B.GB(l[0] * V.width / m * 100 - 100, 2)}%,\n ${B.GB(l[1] *
V.height / m * 100 - 100, 2)}%\n );\n }\n `
return `\n @keyframes ${a(i, C, p)} {\n $
{l.join("")}\n }\n `
}(C.betSpotId, C.targetBetSpotId, m, i, V, q, w ===
var T, I;
if (!X.animatedTokenGroupStyleData.styleSheet)
const Y =
X.animatedTokenGroupStyleData.styleSheet.insertRule(t, Y)
createAnimatedTokenGroupStyleSheet() {
const C = document.createElement("style");
X.animatedTokenGroupStyleData.styleElement = C,
X.animatedTokenGroupStyleData.styleSheet = C.sheet
X.animatedTokenGroupStyleData = {
styleSheet: null,
styleElement: null,
existingKeyframes: {
[t.t.Portrait]: [],
[t.t.Landscape]: []
const z = {
removeTransitionChips: v.zd,
addBet: s.he
, M = m.Ng((C => ({
orientation: w.V6(C),
styleType: c.Cd(C, L.jJ.Standard),
transitionChips: c.Nw(C),
chipColors: y.dX(C)
})), z)(X)
262107: (C, p, i) => {
i.d(p, {
s_: () => j
var q, V, m = i(64922), w = i(699695), y = i(377810), l = i(282427), t
= i(866302), B = i(436794), T = i(170877), I = i(837557), Y = i(450545), U =
i(235874), L = i(327299), a = i(261189);
function v(C) {
return C === T.OD.Desktop ? "desktop" : C === T.OD.Tablet ?
"tablet" : "phone"
(function(C) {
C["Standard"] = "standard",
C["Big"] = "big",
C["Mobile"] = "mobile",
C["Tablet"] = "tablet"
)(q || (q = {})),
function(C) {
C["Left"] = "left",
C["Right"] = "right",
C["Top"] = "top",
C["Bottom"] = "bottom"
}(V || (V = {}));
const f = {
tutorial: "tutorial--fcd74",
visible: "visible--5a764",
"animate-right": "animate-right--93c3b",
"animate-left": "animate-left--d4ee4",
phone: "phone--30ed3",
fixedTop: "fixedTop--631d5",
landscape: "landscape--fa5ad",
portrait: "portrait--ea7c0",
tablet: "tablet--02af1",
desktop: "desktop--9ba12",
gotIt: "gotIt--fb908",
slides: "slides--03cc4",
content: "content--0ea52",
control: "control--e7fff",
pagination: "pagination--bbc18",
paging: "paging--393f6",
active: "active--c8a68",
chevron: "chevron--718a4",
"is-iPhone10": "is-iPhone10--eef34"
, s = 300;
function c(C=V.Left) {
switch (C) {
case V.Left:
return f["animate-left"];
case V.Right:
return f["animate-right"];
return ""
class O extends y.PureComponent {
constructor() {
this.state = {
current: 0,
elementVisible: this.props.visible
this.onTransitionEnd = () => {
const {onClose: C, setVisible: p} = this.props
, {elementVisible: i} = this.state;
i || (C(),
this.previousSlide = () => {
const {current: C} = this.state;
if (C)
return this.changeSlide(C - 1)
this.nextSlide = () => {
const {slides: C, onNext: p} = this.props
, {current: i} = this.state;
if (i < C.length - 1)
return p && p(),
this.changeSlide(i + 1)
this.changeSlide = C => {
current: C
this.close = () => {
elementVisible: !1
componentDidUpdate(C) {
const {visible: p} = this.props;
p !== C.visible && (this.timerId = window.setTimeout(( () =>
elementVisible: p
componentWillUnmount() {
this.timerId && window.clearTimeout(this.timerId)
render() {
const {slides: C, visible: p, animationDirection: i=V.Right,
closeLabel: q, nextLabel: y, orientation: l, platform: T, fixedTop: I, isIPhone10:
U} = this.props
, {current: L, elementVisible: a} = this.state
, O = C.length
, S = L === O - 1 ? q || "tutorial.close" : y ||
, j = L === O - 1 ? this.close : this.nextSlide
, o = (C, p) => m.jsx("div", {
className: w.A(f.paging, L === p &&
}, C.slideKey)))
, x = {
transitionDuration: `.${s}s`
return p ? m.jsx("div", {
className: w.A(f.tutorial, {
[f.visible]: a
}, (I || l === B.t.Landscape) && f.fixedTop, f[v(T)], c(i),
void 0 !== l && (l === B.t.Landscape ? f.landscape : f.portrait)),
onTransitionEnd: this.onTransitionEnd,
"data-role": "tutorial",
style: x,
children: m.jsxs("div", {
className: w.A(f.content, l ? l === B.t.Landscape ?
f.landscape : f.portrait : null),
children: [m.jsx("div", {
className: f.slides,
children: m.jsx(t.A, {
slideStyle: {
overflow: "visible",
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maxHeight: l === B.t.Landscape ? "100vh" :
onChangeIndex: this.changeSlide,
index: L,
style: {
display: "flex",
flex: 1,
width: "100%"
containerStyle: {
display: "flex",
flex: 1,
width: "100%"
children: => C.slide))
}), m.jsxs("div", {
className: w.A(f.control, {
[f["is-iPhone10"]]: U
children: [m.jsxs("div", {
className: f.gotIt,
children: [O > 1 && this.renderChevron("left",
L, O), m.jsx(Y.X, {
onClick: j,
size: "XS",
type: "secondary",
labelPosition: "Inside",
label: S,
state: "Default",
role: L === O - 1 ? "tutorials.close" :
}), O > 1 && this.renderChevron("right", L, O)]
}), O > 1 && m.jsx("div", {
className: f.pagination,
children: o
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renderChevron(C, p, i) {
return m.jsx("div", {
className: w.A(f.chevron, {
[]: "left" === C && p > 0 || "right" === C && p
< i - 1
onClick: "left" === C ? this.previousSlide :
children: "left" === C ? m.jsx(U.Y, {}) : m.jsx(L.l, {})
O.defaultProps = {
platform: T.OD.Desktop
const S = {
setVisible: a.Li
, j = l.Ng(( () => ({
})), S)(O)
409723: (C, p, i) => {
i.d(p, {
jv: () => mC,
I6: () => lC,
PJ: () => wC,
Xx: () => yC
var q = i(64922)
, V = i(436794)
, m = i(170877)
, w = i(699695)
, y = i(346160)
, l = i(288530)
, t = i(377810);
const B = {
trafficLight: "trafficLight--870bc",
balance: "balance--6fe69",
totalBet: "totalBet--189cf",
text: "text--0c294",
background: "background--f8195",
visible: "visible--8d9a4",
red: "red--7a999",
yellow: "yellow--050ea",
green: "green--2fbd3",
grey: "grey--a481e"
, T = ["green", "yellow", "red", "grey"];
class I extends t.PureComponent {
constructor() {
this.state = {
currentColor: "green"
this.colorToTextMap = {
green: "placebets",
yellow: "betsclosing",
grey: "trafficlight.waitForNextGame2",
red: "nomorebets"
this.intervalId = null,
this.getTrafficLightClasses = (C, p) => w.A(B.background, B[C],
C === p && B.visible)
componentDidMount() {
const {currentColor: C} = this.state;
this.intervalId = window.setInterval(( () => {
const p = T.indexOf(C);
-1 === p || p === T.length - 1 ? this.setState({
currentColor: T[0]
}) : this.setState({
currentColor: T[p + 1]
), 3e3)
componentWillUnmount() {
this.intervalId && window.clearInterval(this.intervalId)
render() {
const {totalBets: C, balance: p} = this.props
, {currentColor: i} = this.state;
return q.jsxs("div", {
className: w.A(B.trafficLight,,
children: [q.jsx("div", {
className: this.getTrafficLightClasses("green", i)
}), q.jsx("div", {
className: this.getTrafficLightClasses("yellow", i)
}), q.jsx("div", {
className: this.getTrafficLightClasses("grey", i)
}), q.jsx("div", {
className: this.getTrafficLightClasses("red", i)
}), p && q.jsx("span", {
className: B.balance,
children: `BALANCE $${p}`
}), q.jsx("span", {
className: B.text,
children: y.Tl(this.colorToTextMap[i])
}), C && q.jsx("span", {
className: B.totalBet,
children: `BET $${C}`
const Y = "slide--ade26"
, U = "title--05243"
, L = "subTitle--7f1a3"
, a = ({title: C, subTitle: p, children: i, orientation: V}) =>
q.jsxs("div", {
className: w.A(Y, V),
children: [q.jsx("div", {
className: U,
children: C
}), p && q.jsx("div", {
className: L,
children: p
}), i]
, v = i.p + "images/gridtraffi.6c13ba55.svg"
, f = "secondSlideContainer--e24db"
, s = "secondSlideContainerMobile--e8c0d"
, c = "topPanel--3bddc"
, O = "yellow--ffc58"
, S = "recentNumbersContainer--2830d"
, j = () => q.jsx(a, {
title: y.Tl("tutorial.traffic_light_header"),
subTitle: y.Tl("tutorial.traffic_light"),
children: q.jsxs("div", {
className: f,
children: [q.jsx(I, {}), q.jsx("img", {
src: v
, o = ["23", "12", "9", "2", "28", "33", "36", "25", "17", "6", "28",
"6", "17", "9", "17", "36", "25"].map((C => [{
number: C
, x = ({orientation: C}) => q.jsx(a, {
title: y.Tl("tutorial.traffic_light_header"),
subTitle: y.Tl("tutorial.traffic_light"),
children: q.jsxs("div", {
className: w.A(s, C),
children: [C === V.t.Portrait && q.jsxs("div", {
className: c,
children: [q.jsxs("div", {
children: [q.jsx("span", {
children: y.Tl("balance")
}), q.jsx("span", {
className: O,
children: "$1000"
}), q.jsxs("div", {
children: [q.jsx("span", {
children: y.Tl("bet")
}), q.jsx("span", {
className: O,
children: "$25"
}), C === V.t.Portrait ? q.jsx(I, {}) : q.jsx(I, {
totalBets: 35,
balance: 1e3
}), q.jsx("div", {
className: S,
children: q.jsx(l.I, {
items: o,
maxLength: C === V.t.Portrait ? 8 : o.length
var Z = i(587698);
const H = "slide--d4de5"
, b = "desktop--ae56b"
, X = "tablet--047da"
, z = "description--830db"
, M = "golden--64cc7"
, P = "imageContainer--a81df"
, R = "xxxtremeLightning--622d1"
, Q = "portrait--5517f"
, n = "landscape--5ae5f"
, h = "footer--106f8"
, G = ({isAmericanRoulette: C, gridStyle: p, xxxtremeLightning: l,
orientation: t, platform: B}) => {
let T;
T = C ? function(C, p) {
switch (C) {
case m.OD.Phone:
return p === V.t.Landscape ? i(205486) : i(791334);
case m.OD.Tablet:
return i(489568);
return i(752808)
}(B, t) : "spanish" === ? function(C, p) {
switch (C) {
case m.OD.Phone:
return p === V.t.Landscape ? i(930324) : i(615308);
case m.OD.Tablet:
return i(419638);
return i(933950)
}(B, t) : l ? function(C, p) {
switch (C) {
case m.OD.Phone:
return p === V.t.Landscape ? i(666515) : i(121291);
case m.OD.Tablet:
return i(47167);
return i(348129)
}(B, t) : function(C, p) {
switch (C) {
case m.OD.Phone:
return p === V.t.Landscape ? i(262437) : i(392861);
case m.OD.Tablet:
return i(880207);
return i(651575)
}(B, t);
const I = C ? 94.74 : 97.3
, Y = l ? "tutorial.xxxtremeLightning.item1" :
, U = l ? "tutorial.xxxtremeLightning.item2" :
return q.jsx(a, {
title: y.Tl("tutorial.lightning.how_it_works"),
orientation: t,
children: q.jsxs("div", {
className: w.A(H, {
[n]: t === V.t.Landscape,
[Q]: t === V.t.Portrait,
[X]: B === m.OD.Tablet,
[b]: B === m.OD.Desktop,
[R]: l
children: [q.jsx("div", {
className: z,
dangerouslySetInnerHTML: $(y.Tl(Y))
}), q.jsx("div", {
className: z,
children: y.Tl(U)
}), q.jsx("div", {
className: P,
children: q.jsx("img", {
src: T
}), q.jsx("div", {
className: h,
children: y.Tl("tutorial.lightning.item3")
}), q.jsx("div", {
className: h,
children: y.Tl("tutorial.lightning.item4", {
rtpValue: Z.ej(I)
function $(C) {
const p = document.createElement("div");
p.innerHTML = C;
const i = []"*"));
for (const C of i)
C.hasAttribute("class") && C.setAttribute("class", M);
return {
__html: p.innerHTML
const W = "content--17d6b"
, k = "firstImg--0b667"
, A = "secondImg--f609a"
, F = "image--116b3"
, K = ({orientation: C=V.t.Landscape, platform: p=m.OD.Desktop}) => {
const w = C === V.t.Landscape ? i(575253) : i(30925);
return q.jsx(a, {
title: y.Tl("tutorial.double_your_chances"),
subTitle: y.Tl("tutorial.only_one_ball"),
children: p === m.OD.Desktop ? q.jsx("div", {
className: W,
children: q.jsx("img", {
className: k,
src: w
}) : q.jsx("img", {
className: F,
src: w
, E = i.p + "images/secondland.236294ae.png"
, g = i.p + "images/secondport.8ddd7f37.png"
, N = i.p + "images/secondstep.32f8dd07.svg"
, J = i.p + "images/secondstep.7359f910.svg"
, r = ({orientation: C=V.t.Landscape, platform: p=m.OD.Desktop}) =>
q.jsx(a, {
title: y.Tl("tutorial.super_size_payouts"),
subTitle: y.Tl("tutorial.two_balls_needed"),
children: p === m.OD.Desktop ? q.jsxs("div", {
className: W,
children: [q.jsx("img", {
className: A,
src: J
}), q.jsx("img", {
className: A,
src: N
}) : q.jsx("img", {
className: F,
src: C === V.t.Landscape ? E : g
var d = i(559677)
, D = i(822381);
const u = "lottieContainer--73c4e"
, _ = "isPrivateTable--f2516"
, e = "isLandscape--e1c73";
class CC extends t.Component {
constructor() {
this.state = {
lottie: void 0
this.lottieElement = null,
this.setLottieElement = C => {
this.lottieElement = C,
componentDidUpdate() {
render() {
const {animationData: C, isPrivateTable: p, isLandscape: i} =
, {lottie: V} = this.state;
return V && C ? q.jsx("div", {
className: w.A(u, {
[_]: p,
[e]: i
ref: this.setLottieElement
}) : q.jsx(d.j, {
isAnimated: !0,
style: {
width: D.o1(6),
display: "flex",
alignSelf: "center"
componentDidMount() {
i.e(74063).then(i.t.bind(i, 257654, 23)).then(( ({default: C})
=> {
lottie: C
), window.console.error),
animate() {
const {lottie: C} = this.state
, {animationData: p, rendererSettings: i} = this.props;
if (C && this.lottieElement && p) {
this.lottieElement.innerHTML = "",
loop: !0,
container: this.lottieElement,
animationData: p,
rendererSettings: i || {}
const q = this.lottieElement.querySelector("svg");
q && (q.removeAttribute("height"), = "1")
const pC = (C, p) => p === m.OD.Desktop ? {
v: "5.1.1",
fr: 30,
ip: 0,
op: 195,
w: 698,
h: 279,
ddd: 0,
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h: 51,
u: "",
p: i(160978)
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u: "",
p: i(673596)
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h: 33,
u: "",
p: i(726577)
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id: "image_3",
w: 33,
h: 33,
u: "",
p: i(769664)
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id: "image_4",
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h: 33,
u: "",
p: i(46178)
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u: "",
p: i(630026)
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x: [.167],
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n: ["0p833_0p833_0p167_0p167"],
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s: [100],
e: [100]
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i: {
x: [.833],
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x: [.167],
y: [.167]
n: ["0p833_0p833_0p167_0p167"],
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t: 180
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a: 0,
k: 0,
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x: .167,
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x: .167,
y: .167
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s: [391.816, 230.736, 0],
e: [391.816, 230.736, 0],
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x: .167,
y: .167
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s: [391.816, 230.736, 0],
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y: .833
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x: .167,
y: .167
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x: [.167],
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x: [.167],
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s: [0],
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i: {
x: [.833],
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x: [.167],
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s: [100],
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i: {
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x: [.167],
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n: ["0p833_0p833_0p167_0p167"],
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s: [0],
e: [0]
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i: {
x: [.833],
y: [.833]
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x: [.167],
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n: ["0p833_0p833_0p167_0p167"],
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s: [0],
e: [100]
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i: {
x: [.833],
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x: [.167],
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n: ["0p833_0p833_0p167_0p167"],
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s: [100],
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i: {
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x: [.167],
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x: [.167],
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s: [0],
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x: [.167],
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t: 180
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i: {
x: .833,
y: .833
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x: .167,
y: .167
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s: [378.61, 208.847, 0],
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i: {
x: .833,
y: .833
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x: .167,
y: .167
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s: [423.897, 68.177, 0],
e: [423.897, 68.177, 0],
to: [0, 0, 0],
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i: {
x: .833,
y: .833
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x: .167,
y: .167
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s: [423.897, 68.177, 0],
e: [494.647, 84.535, 0],
to: [11.791, 2.726, 0],
ti: [-11.791, -2.726, 0]
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i: {
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x: .167,
y: .167
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s: [494.647, 84.535, 0],
e: [494.647, 84.535, 0],
to: [0, 0, 0],
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x: [.333],
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x: [.667, .667, .667],
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x: [.333, .333, .333],
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x: [.333, .333, .333],
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x: [.333],
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x: [.667],
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x: [.333],
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x: [.219],
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x: [.309],
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i: {
x: [.667],
y: [1]
o: {
x: [.333],
y: [0]
t: 115,
s: [100]
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i: {
x: [.833],
y: [1]
o: {
x: [.333],
y: [0]
t: 120,
s: [0]
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i: {
x: [.833],
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o: {
x: [.167],
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a: 0,
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a: 0,
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x: [.333],
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x: [.305],
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x: [.419],
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a: 0,
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a: 0,
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a: 0,
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const C = y.Tl("button.spin");
let p = 18;
return C.length > 9 && C.length < 13 ? p = 14 : 13 === C.length ? p
= 13 : C.length >= 14 && (p = 11),
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x: [.167],
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a: 0,
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a: 0,
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x: [.333],
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x: [.167],
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a: 0,
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const C = y.Tl("button.spin");
let p = 11;
return C.length > 9 && C.length < 13 ? p = 9 : 13 === C.length ? p
= 8 : C.length >= 14 && (p = 7),
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s: [0]
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x: [.667],
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o: {
x: [.333],
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t: 40,
s: [100]
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i: {
x: [.667],
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o: {
x: [.333],
y: [0]
t: 45,
s: [0]
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i: {
x: [.667],
y: [1]
o: {
x: [.333],
y: [0]
t: 70,
s: [0]
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i: {
x: [.667],
y: [1]
o: {
x: [.333],
y: [0]
t: 75,
s: [100]
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i: {
x: [.667],
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o: {
x: [.333],
y: [0]
t: 80,
s: [0]
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i: {
x: [.667],
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o: {
x: [.333],
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s: [0]
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i: {
x: [.667],
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x: [.333],
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t: 120,
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a: 0,
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x: [.667],
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x: [.333],
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t: 75,
s: [0]
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i: {
x: [.833],
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o: {
x: [.333],
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t: 80,
s: [100]
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i: {
x: [.833],
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o: {
x: [.167],
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s: [100]
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t: 200,
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a: 0,
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a: 1,
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x: .667,
y: 1
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x: .333,
y: 0
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a: 0,
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a: 0,
k: [50, 50, 100],
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x: [.667],
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x: [.333],
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s: [0]
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i: {
x: [.833],
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x: [.333],
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x: [.833],
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x: [.167],
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s: [100]
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t: 200,
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a: 0,
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a: 1,
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x: .667,
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x: .333,
y: 0
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t: 45,
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a: 0,
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a: 0,
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x: [.667],
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x: [.333],
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x: [.833],
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x: [.333],
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x: [.833],
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x: [.167],
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s: [100]
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t: 200,
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a: 0,
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a: 0,
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x: [.667, .667, .667],
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x: [.333, .333, .333],
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t: 135,
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x: [.333, .333, .333],
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x: [.167, .167, .167],
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t: 200,
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a: 1,
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x: [.667],
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o: {
x: [.333],
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t: 50,
s: [38]
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i: {
x: [.667],
y: [1]
o: {
x: [.333],
y: [0]
t: 55,
s: [100]
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i: {
x: [.667],
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o: {
x: [.333],
y: [0]
t: 120,
s: [100]
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i: {
x: [.833],
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o: {
x: [.333],
y: [0]
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s: [0]
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i: {
x: [.833],
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x: [.167],
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s: [0]
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t: 210,
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x: [.667],
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o: {
x: [.333],
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s: [0]
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a: 0,
k: [15.947, 15.383, 0],
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x: [.667, .667, .667],
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x: [.333, .333, .333],
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t: 120,
s: [54, 54, 100]
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x: [.833, .833, .833],
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x: [.333, .333, .333],
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t: 135,
s: [0, 0, 100]
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i: {
x: [.833, .833, .833],
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o: {
x: [.167, .167, .167],
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s: [0, 0, 100]
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t: 210,
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bm: 0
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a: 1,
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x: [.667],
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x: [.333],
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s: [38]
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x: [.333],
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s: [100]
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i: {
x: [.833],
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o: {
x: [.167],
y: [0]
t: 190,
s: [100]
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t: 200,
s: [38]
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a: 0,
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a: 0,
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a: 0,
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k: [100, 100, 100],
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ty: "el",
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a: 0,
k: [21, 21],
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a: 0,
k: [0, 0],
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a: 0,
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a: 0,
k: 100,
ix: 4
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a: 0,
k: 1,
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lj: 1,
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mn: "ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke",
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a: 0,
k: [0, 0],
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a: 0,
k: [100, 100],
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a: 0,
k: 0,
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a: 0,
k: 100,
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a: 0,
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k: 0,
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x: [.667],
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o: {
x: [.333],
y: [0]
t: 135,
s: [0]
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i: {
x: [.833],
y: [1]
o: {
x: [.333],
y: [0]
t: 150,
s: [100]
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i: {
x: [.833],
y: [1]
o: {
x: [.167],
y: [0]
t: 190,
s: [100]
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t: 200,
s: [0]
ix: 11
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a: 0,
k: 0,
ix: 10
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a: 0,
k: [293.533, 150.521, 0],
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a: {
a: 0,
k: [104, 32, 0],
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a: 0,
k: [54, 54, 100],
ix: 6
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ip: 0,
op: 300,
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x: [.667],
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x: [.333],
y: [0]
t: 115,
s: [0]
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i: {
x: [.833],
y: [1]
o: {
x: [.333],
y: [0]
t: 120,
s: [100]
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i: {
x: [.833],
y: [1]
o: {
x: [.167],
y: [0]
t: 150,
s: [100]
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t: 155,
s: [0]
ix: 11
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a: 0,
k: 0,
ix: 10
p: {
a: 0,
k: [293.533, 150.521, 0],
ix: 2
a: {
a: 0,
k: [104, 32, 0],
ix: 1
s: {
a: 0,
k: [54, 54, 100],
ix: 6
ao: 0,
ip: 0,
op: 300,
st: 0,
bm: 0
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o: {
a: 1,
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x: [.667],
y: [1]
o: {
x: [.333],
y: [0]
t: 100,
s: [0]
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i: {
x: [.833],
y: [1]
o: {
x: [.333],
y: [0]
t: 105,
s: [100]
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i: {
x: [.833],
y: [1]
o: {
x: [.167],
y: [0]
t: 120,
s: [100]
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t: 125,
s: [0]
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a: 0,
k: 0,
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a: 0,
k: [293.533, 150.521, 0],
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a: {
a: 0,
k: [104, 32, 0],
ix: 1
s: {
a: 0,
k: [54, 54, 100],
ix: 6
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ip: 0,
op: 300,
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a: 1,
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x: [.667],
y: [1]
o: {
x: [.333],
y: [0]
t: 45,
s: [0]
}, {
i: {
x: [.833],
y: [1]
o: {
x: [.333],
y: [0]
t: 50,
s: [100]
}, {
i: {
x: [.833],
y: [1]
o: {
x: [.167],
y: [0]
t: 105,
s: [100]
}, {
t: 110,
s: [0]
ix: 11
r: {
a: 0,
k: 0,
ix: 10
p: {
a: 0,
k: [293.533, 150.521, 0],
ix: 2
a: {
a: 0,
k: [104, 32, 0],
ix: 1
s: {
a: 0,
k: [54, 54, 100],
ix: 6
ao: 0,
ip: 0,
op: 300,
st: 0,
bm: 0
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a: 1,
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i: {
x: [.667],
y: [1]
o: {
x: [.333],
y: [0]
t: 50,
s: [100]
}, {
i: {
x: [.833],
y: [1]
o: {
x: [.333],
y: [0]
t: 55,
s: [0]
}, {
i: {
x: [.833],
y: [1]
o: {
x: [.167],
y: [0]
t: 185,
s: [0]
}, {
t: 190,
s: [100]
ix: 11
r: {
a: 0,
k: 0,
ix: 10
p: {
a: 0,
k: [293.533, 150.521, 0],
ix: 2
a: {
a: 0,
k: [102, 30, 0],
ix: 1
s: {
a: 0,
k: [54, 54, 100],
ix: 6
ao: 0,
ip: 0,
op: 300,
st: 0,
bm: 0
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o: {
a: 0,
k: 100,
ix: 11
r: {
a: 0,
k: 0,
ix: 10
p: {
a: 0,
k: [188.75, 68, 0],
ix: 2
a: {
a: 0,
k: [326, 110, 0],
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a: 0,
k: [56, 56, 100],
ix: 6
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ip: 0,
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st: 0,
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, VC = ({orientation: C, platform: p=m.OD.Desktop}) => q.jsx(a, {
title: y.Tl("boarding.privateTable.salonPrive"),
subTitle: y.Tl("boarding.privateTable.roulette.item4"),
orientation: C,
children: q.jsx(CC, {
animationData: qC(C, p),
isPrivateTable: p !== m.OD.Desktop,
isLandscape: C === V.t.Landscape
function mC(C=V.t.Landscape, p=m.OD.Desktop) {
return [{
slide: q.jsx(K, {
orientation: C,
platform: p
}, "first-doubleball"),
slideKey: "first-doubleball"
}, {
slide: q.jsx(r, {
orientation: C,
platform: p
}, "second-doubleball"),
slideKey: "second-doubleball"
function wC(C, p, i, w=V.t.Landscape, y=m.OD.Desktop) {
return [{
slide: q.jsx(G, {
orientation: w,
platform: y,
gridStyle: p,
isAmericanRoulette: C,
xxxtremeLightning: i
}, "lightning"),
slideKey: "lightning"
function yC(C=V.t.Landscape, p=m.OD.Desktop) {
return [{
slide: q.jsx(VC, {
orientation: C,
platform: p
}, "private"),
slideKey: "private"
function lC(C=V.t.Landscape, p=m.OD.Desktop) {
return [{
slide: q.jsx(iC, {
orientation: C,
platform: p
}, "first-generic"),
slideKey: "first-generic"
}, {
slide: p === m.OD.Desktop ? q.jsx(j, {}, "second-generic") :
q.jsx(x, {
orientation: C
slideKey: "second-generic"
263371: (C, p, i) => {
i.d(p, {
x: () => T
var q = i(64922)
, V = i(377810)
, m = i(699695);
const w = "visible--08e70"
, y = "dolly--4e59b"
, l = "outerCircle--28f19"
, t = "innerCircle--ca163";
class B extends V.Component {
shouldComponentUpdate({visible: C, left: p, top: i}) {
const {visible: q, left: V, top: m} = this.props;
return C !== q || C && (p !== V || i !== m)
render() {
const {left: C, top: p, visible: i, containerClasses: V,
children: y, units: B} = this.props;
return q.jsxs("div", {
className: m.A(V, {
[w]: i
style: {
top: `${p}${B}`,
left: `${C}${B}`
children: [q.jsx("div", {
className: t
}), q.jsx("div", {
className: l
}), y]
B.defaultProps = {
containerClasses: "container--14a03",
units: "%"
class T extends V.Component {
constructor() {
this.dollyProps = {
className: y
render() {
const {dollyVisible: C, ...p} = this.props;
return q.jsx(B, {
children: C && q.jsx("div", {
T.defaultProps = {
dollyVisible: !0
257912: (C, p, i) => {
i.d(p, {
zN: () => Y
var q = i(64922)
, V = (i(377810),
, m = i(500704)
, w = i(418050)
, y = i(813330)
, l = i(751267)
, t = i(307169)
, B = i(963872);
const T = "background--a6d1b"
, I = "counter--7cecb"
, Y = V.Ng((function(C) {
return {
isImmersiveV2: === m.FJ.ImmersiveV2,
goldBarCount: y.$Y(C),
gamePhase: l.IA(C)
))(( ({isImmersiveV2: C, logoElement: p, goldBarCount: i,
goldBarCountShowingTime: V, gamePhase: m}) => {
const y = V ? V - : 0;
return q.jsx(B.w, {
isImmersiveV2: C,
mainElement: p,
animateToMainElementDelay: 1e3,
animateToExtraInfoDelay: y,
shouldShowExtraInfo: i > 0 && m !== t.a.WinnersKnown,
children: q.jsx("div", {
className: T,
children: q.jsx("div", {
className: I,
children: q.jsx(w.Z, {
goldBarCount: i
963872: (C, p, i) => {
i.d(p, {
w: () => l
var q = i(64922)
, V = i(699695)
, m = i(377810);
const w = {
mainElementWrapper: "mainElementWrapper--1684d",
extraInfoWrapper: "extraInfoWrapper--fd35c",
immersiveV2: "immersiveV2--de18f",
mainElementShown: "mainElementShown--f6d50",
extraInfoShown: "extraInfoShown--64643",
animateToExtraInfo: "animateToExtraInfo--a7f5e",
fadeOutKeyframes: "fadeOutKeyframes--1ba6a",
fadeInKeyframes: "fadeInKeyframes--2e456",
animateToMainElement: "animateToMainElement--c8a69"
var y;
(function(C) {
C["MainElementShown"] = "mainElementShown",
C["ExtraInfoShown"] = "extraInfoShown",
C["AnimateToMainElement"] = "animateToMainElement",
C["AnimateToExtraInfo"] = "animateToExtraInfo"
)(y || (y = {}));
const l = ({isImmersiveV2: C, shouldShowExtraInfo: p, mainElement: i,
animateToExtraInfoDelay: l, animateToMainElementDelay: t, children: B}) => {
const [T,I] = m.useState(p ? y.ExtraInfoShown : y.MainElementShown)
, Y = m.useRef(!0)
, U = m.useRef(0);
return m.useEffect(( () => () => {
), []),
m.useEffect(( () => {
if (!Y.current)
return U.current = p ? window.setTimeout(( () => {
), l) : window.setTimeout(( () => {
), t),
() => {
Y.current = !1
), [p]),
q.jsxs("div", {
className: V.A(w.immersiveMainElementAnimationWrapper, w[T], {
[w.immersiveV2]: C
children: [q.jsx("div", {
className: w.mainElementWrapper,
children: i
}), q.jsx("div", {
className: w.extraInfoWrapper,
children: B
442071: (C, p, i) => {
i.d(p, {
as: () => U
var q = i(64922)
, V = i(699695)
, m = i(377810)
, w = i(282427)
, y = i(500704)
, l = i(367823)
, t = i(656666)
, B = i(751267)
, T = i(963872);
const I = "graveyardSwitcher--a23fb"
, Y = "isImmersive--1b1e7"
, U = w.Ng((function(C) {
const p = B.r8(C);
return {
isImmersiveV2: === y.FJ.ImmersiveV2,
luckyNumbersSize: p.numbers.size,
luckyNumbersAnimationStartTime: p.lightningAnimationStartTime,
))(( ({isImmersiveV2: C, luckyNumbersSize: p,
luckyNumbersAnimationStartTime: i, luckyNumbersAnimationEndTimeDelay: w,
graveyardVerticalAlign: y, children: B}) => {
const U = (p + 1) * l.xD
, [L,a] = m.useState(
, [v,f] = m.useState(!0);
return m.useRef(),
m.useEffect(( () => {
p > 0 && i && w ? (a(i + w -,
f(!0)) : f(!1)
), [w, p]),
q.jsx(T.w, {
isImmersiveV2: C,
mainElement: B,
animateToMainElementDelay: U,
animateToExtraInfoDelay: L,
shouldShowExtraInfo: p > 0 && !!w && v,
children: q.jsx("div", {
className: V.A(I, {
[Y]: C
children: q.jsx(t.jj, {
verticalAlign: y
741995: (C, p, i) => {
i.d(p, {
g: () => y
var q = i(64922)
, V = i(377810);
const m = "logoImg--e77bc";
var w;
(function(C) {
C[C["Initial"] = 0] = "Initial",
C[C["Ready"] = 1] = "Ready",
C[C["Failed"] = 2] = "Failed"
)(w || (w = {}));
class y extends V.Component {
constructor(C) {
this.state = {
loadingState: w.Initial
this.imageLoadSuccess = () => {
loadingState: w.Ready
this.imageLoadFailure = () => {
loadingState: w.Failed
C.url ? (this.image = new Image,
this.image.addEventListener("load", this.imageLoadSuccess),
this.image.addEventListener("error", this.imageLoadFailure),
this.image.src = C.url) : this.imageLoadFailure()
componentWillUnmount() {
removeListeners() {
this.image && (this.image.removeEventListener("load",
this.image.removeEventListener("error", this.imageLoadFailure),
this.image = void 0)
render() {
const C = {}
, {url: p} = this.props
, {loadingState: i} = this.state;
return i === w.Ready && (C.backgroundImage = `url(`),
q.jsx("div", {
className: m,
style: C,
"data-background-image": p || ""
867321: (C, p, i) => {
i.d(p, {
b: () => hq,
L: () => nq
var q = i(64922)
, V = i(609783)
, m = i(625678)
, w = i(346160)
, y = i(500704)
, l = i(486717)
, t = i(484152)
, B = i(759152)
, T = i(699695)
, I = i(368e3)
, Y = i(170877);
const U = {
winnersListHeader: "winnersListHeader--e0e93",
winnersListHeaderIcon: "winnersListHeaderIcon--0ad2a",
mobile: "mobile--86a72",
desktop: "desktop--e88f1",
oneDigit: "oneDigit--d6ec1",
twoDigits: "twoDigits--7ff50"
var L = i(377810);
const a = "multiplierText--3b063"
, v = "multiplierContainer--5bc83"
, f = "number--69674"
, s = "multiplierElements--28f3d"
, c = "strokeGradient--4b7f9"
, O = "innerStrokeEnabled--7a1d7"
, S = "middleStroke--b52b5"
, j = "copper--140f3"
, o = "fillGradient--b5364"
, x = "sign--d9dc7"
, Z = "crazy_time_multiplier_text";
function H(C) {
const {value: p, isFinalValue: i=!0, sign: V, className: m,
applyInnerStroke: w=!0, costumeElementStyle: y={}} = C
, l = function(C) {
const p = Number(C);
return Number.isNaN(p) || p < 1e3 || p % 1e3 != 0 ? C : `$
{Number(C) / 1e3}k`
, t = "string" == typeof p || p >= 1e3
, B = L.useMemo(( () => T.A(a, m, {
[j]: t,
[O]: w
})), [m, t, w])
, I = {
return q.jsx("span", {
"data-role": Z,
"data-value": p,
"data-formatted-value": `${l}${V}`,
"data-is-final": i,
className: B,
style: I,
children: q.jsxs("span", {
className: v,
children: [V && q.jsxs("span", {
className: T.A(x),
children: [q.jsx("span", {
className: T.A(c, s),
children: V
}), w && q.jsx("span", {
className: T.A(S, s),
children: V
}), q.jsx("span", {
className: T.A(o, s),
children: V
}), q.jsxs("span", {
className: f,
children: [q.jsx("span", {
className: T.A(c, s),
children: l
}), w && q.jsx("span", {
className: T.A(S, s),
children: l
}), q.jsx("span", {
className: T.A(o, s),
children: l
const b = "winnerMultiplier--fb180"
, X = "multiplierText--1ec19"
, z = ({multiplier: C}) => C ? q.jsx("span", {
className: b,
children: q.jsx(H, {
value: C,
sign: "x",
applyInnerStroke: !1,
className: X
}) : null;
var M = i(636396)
, P = i(282427)
, R = i(78350)
, Q = i(307169)
, n = i(917008)
, h = i(821023)
, G = i(751267)
, $ = i(511572)
, W = i(127793);
const k = "wrapper--9f27e"
, A = "activeGradient--feb9c"
, F = "inactiveGradient--c9ebc"
, K = {
setChecked: n.Hy
, E = P.Ng((function(C) {
const p = G.UX(C)
, i = G.IA(C);
return {
disabled: !1 == (i === Q.a.BetsOpen || i ===
checked: h.w9(C),
color: p.getCustomBaseColor()
), K)((function({checked: C, disabled: p, color: i, setChecked: V}) {
L.useMemo(( () => {
var C, p;"--
customBaseBackground", null !== (p = null === (C = R.E2(i)) || void 0 === C ? void
0 : C.join(", ")) && void 0 !== p ? p : null)
), [i]);
const m = !1 === p || C;
return q.jsx("div", {
className: T.A(k, {
[A]: m,
[F]: !m
children: q.jsx($.S, {
disabled: p,
checked: C,
gameTheme: W.q.Default,
labelTranslationId: "custom.settings.switch_uppercase",
setChecked: V,
tooltip: C ? "custom.settings.too.late.enabled" :
var g = i(151003)
, N = i(787014)
, J = i(733381)
, r = i(205676)
, d = i(602786);
function D(C, p={}) {
return function(i, q, {getAG: V}) {
const m = V().layout.drawer.desktop;
m.current.value.some((p => === C)) ? m.close(C) :, p)
var u = i(90204)
, _ = i(617010)
, e = i(336593)
, CC = i(39228);
const pC = {
closeTooltip: CC.qH,
stopButtonAnimationAndCloseTooltip: CC.xK,
toggleDrawer: function(C) {
return function(p, i, {getAG: q}) {
const V = !q().layout.drawer.desktop.current.value.some((C
=> === d.I.FavouriteBets));
V && p(J.loadFavoriteBets()),
p(D(d.I.FavouriteBets, C))
class iC extends L.Component {
constructor() {
this.onClick = () => {
const {toggleDrawer: C} = this.props;
componentDidUpdate(C) {
const {isButtonAnimating: p,
stopButtonAnimationAndCloseTooltip: i} = this.props;
p && !C.isButtonAnimating && (this.animationTimer =
window.setTimeout(( () => {
this.animationTimer = void 0
), 3e4)),
!p && C.isButtonAnimating && this.animationTimer &&
this.animationTimer = void 0)
componentWillUnmount() {
render() {
const {closeTooltip: C, isTooltipVisible: p, isButtonAnimating:
i, activeDrawers: V} = this.props
, m = V.some((C => === d.I.FavouriteBets)) ?
u.w.Activated : u.w.Default
, y = i ? "primary" : "secondary"
, l = i ? e.E : _.z;
return q.jsx("div", {
children: q.jsx(g.m, {
visible: p,
position: "TopRight",
label: w.Tl("bubble.lightningSpecialBets"),
onClose: C,
isFloating: !0,
isArrowPointOnCenter: !0,
loggedFeatureName: "SpecialBetsPromotion",
children: q.jsx(l, {
onClick: this.onClick,
state: m,
type: y
const qC = N.S((function(C) {
return {
isTooltipVisible: G.uF(C),
isButtonAnimating: G.tV(C)
), pC, void 0, void 0, (function(C) {
return {
activeDrawers: C.layout.drawer.desktop.current
var VC = i(241799)
, mC = i(923968);
const wC = {
toggleDrawer: function(C) {
return D(d.I.Statistics, C)
, yC = P.Ng((function(C) {
return {
isInstantRoulette: G.CV(C)
), wC)((function(C) {
const p = L.useCallback(( () => {
const {toggleDrawer: p} = C;
), [])
, {isInstantRoulette: i} = C
, V = (m = d.I.Statistics,
mC.V((C => C.layout.drawer.desktop.current)).some((C => ===
var m;
return q.jsx(VC.K, {
onClick: p,
state: V ? u.w.Activated : u.w.Default,
tooltip: i ? "tooltip.roulette.yourRecentResults" :
var lC = i(886233)
, tC = i(138769);
const BC = L.memo(( () => q.jsxs(q.Fragment, {
children: [q.jsx(tC.K, {
type: "classic"
}), q.jsx(lC.S, {})]
BC.displayName = "ClassicResultContainer";
var TC = i(115198);
const IC = {
bonusGameTicketContainer: "bonusGameTicketContainer--181e8"
function YC() {
return q.jsx("div", {
className: IC.bonusGameTicketContainer,
children: q.jsx(TC.H, {})
var UC = i(161393)
, LC = i(25581)
, aC = i(462258)
, vC = i(3359)
, fC = i(128994)
, sC = i(60199)
, cC = i(356108)
, OC = i(422551)
, SC = i(677743)
, jC = i(843520);
const oC = "classicStatisticsWheelContainer--cc84d"
, xC = "pieContainer--0498a";
class ZC extends L.Component {
render() {
const {phase: C, items: p, gameType: i, hotRefCallback: V,
getHoverableProps: m, gameDimensions: w, cancelledGameCount: y, onTooltipUpdate: l,
onSectorClick: t, statisticsBranding: B, statisticsWheelRef: T, coldRefCallback: I}
= this.props
, Y = => C.number))
, U = cC.$0(Y, i)
, L = cC.HN(U);
return q.jsxs("div", {
className: oC,
children: [q.jsx(OC.h, {
type: J.HotColdNumbersType.Hot,
items: L.hotItems,
orientation: "vertical",
theme: J.WheelTheme.Desktop,
refCallback: V,
}), q.jsx("div", {
className: xC,
children: q.jsx(J.StatisticsWheel, {
hotCold: L,
histogram: U,
cancelledGameCount: y,
updateDimensions: !0,
theme: J.WheelTheme.Desktop,
onTooltipUpdate: l,
handleHover: jC.nX(C),
onSectorClick: t,
type: i,
reverseScale: w.reverseScale,
statisticsBranding: B,
statisticsWheelRef: T
}), q.jsx(OC.h, {
type: J.HotColdNumbersType.Cold,
items: L.coldItems,
orientation: "vertical",
theme: J.WheelTheme.Desktop,
refCallback: I,
const HC = SC.F(ZC);
var bC = i(477062);
const XC = {
switchViewStatistics: i(730561).xP,
setScrollPosition: bC.ZA,
logClientOpenStatisticsView: J.logClientOpenStatisticsView
, zC = "classicStatisticsContainer--cdab2"
, MC = "recentNumbers--b6d83"
, PC = "numbers--bb718"
, RC = "emptyStatistics--3ec08"
, QC = "classicAdvancedStatistics--4e0bc"
, nC = P.Ng((function(C) {
return {
view: G.$Q(C),
recentResultCount: G.Zd(C).length,
numbersRecentPosition: G.yF(C),
playSound: t.Ak,
isInstantRoulette: G.CV(C)
), XC)((function({recentResultCount: C, view: p, isInstantRoulette: i,
numbersRecentPosition: V, setScrollPosition: m}) {
const w = L.useMemo(( () => {
if (0 === C)
return q.jsx(J.EmptyStatistics, {
className: RC,
showEmptyRecentResultsText: i
switch (p) {
return q.jsx("div", {
className: QC,
children: q.jsx(fC.z, {
previewMode: !1
return q.jsx(LC.y, {
position: V,
onPositionChanged: m,
className: PC,
children: q.jsx(aC.h6, {
skip: 13
return q.jsx(UC.V, {
children: C => q.jsx(HC, {
statisticsWheelRef: C.statisticsWheelRef,
getHoverableProps: C.getHoverableProps,
hotRefCallback: C.hotRefCallback,
coldRefCallback: C.coldRefCallback,
onTooltipUpdate: C.onTooltipUpdate,
onSectorClick: C.onSectorClick
), [C, p]);
return q.jsxs("div", {
className: zC,
children: [q.jsx("div", {
className: MC,
children: q.jsx(vC.m9, {
maxLength: 13
}), w]
, hC = {
topRightBlock: "topRightBlock--94b4c"
function GC() {
return q.jsx("div", {
className: hC.topRightBlock,
children: q.jsx(nC, {})
var $C = i(276964);
const WC = {
loaderWrapper: "loaderWrapper--b05ec"
function kC() {
return q.jsx("div", {
className: WC.loaderWrapper,
children: q.jsx($C.I, {
hidden: !1,
hasText: !1
var AC = i(13799)
, FC = i(850083)
, KC = i(683586)
, EC = i(806974)
, gC = i(903622)
, NC = i(899774)
, JC = i(453278);
const rC = "textContainer--96206"
, dC = "privateRoulette--93369"
, DC = "fadeIn--9724f"
, uC = "absolute--c320d"
, _C = "visible--ca63c"
, eC = "fadeOutSlow--546b7"
, Cp = "fadeOutFast--1295a"
, pp = "fadeInAndAfter5SecsFadeOut--583f7"
, ip = "stickToCollapsedFooter--d7a14"
, qp = "trafficLightText--14759"
, Vp = new Set([Q.a.BetsAccepted, Q.a.NotAllBetsAccepted,
Q.a.BetweenGames, Q.a.NoBets]);
class mp extends L.Component {
constructor() {
this.state = {
prevIsMessageSent: !1,
shouldOverrideFadeOut: !1,
phase: Q.a.Welcome,
prevPhase: Q.a.Welcome,
text: "",
prevText: "",
trafficLightTextsToShow: this.getTrafficLightTextsToShow(),
showTrafficLight: !1
static getDerivedStateFromProps(C, p) {
const i = p.trafficLightTextsToShow;
C.disableBetsOpenText && C.phase === Q.a.BetsOpen &&
i.has(Q.a.BetsOpen) && i.delete(Q.a.BetsOpen);
const q = C.isMessageSent && !p.prevIsMessageSent
, V = !C.isPrivateRoulette && q
, m = C.isPrivateRoulette && q && C.phase === Q.a.BetsOpen ?
Q.a.Wait : C.phase;
return {
shouldOverrideFadeOut: V,
prevIsMessageSent: C.isMessageSent,
phase: m,
prevPhase: p.phase,
text: C.text,
prevText: p.text,
trafficLightTextsToShow: i,
showTrafficLight: C.showTrafficLight
shouldComponentUpdate(C, p) {
const {showTrafficLight: i, phase: q} = this.state
, {isFooterCollapsed: V} = this.props;
return i !== C.showTrafficLight || q !== p.phase ||
p.shouldOverrideFadeOut || V !== C.isFooterCollapsed
render() {
const {text: C, isPrivateRoulette: p, isFooterCollapsed: i,
rouletteGameType: V, showTrafficLight: m, disableBetsOpenText: w, children: y} =
if (!m)
return null;
const t = V === l.vS.InstantRoulette
, B = l.YR(V)
, {prevPhase: I, phase: Y, trafficLightTextsToShow: U,
shouldOverrideFadeOut: L, prevText: a} = this.state
, v = (p || t) && I === Q.a.Welcome && Y !== Q.a.Welcome
, f = I === Q.a.WinnersKnown && Y === Q.a.BetweenGames
, s = Y === Q.a.BonusGame
, c = (!B || !f) && U.has(Y)
, O = (!B || !s) && U.has(I)
, S = c ? Y : O ? I : void 0
, j = c ? C : O ? a : void 0
, o = S && Vp.has(S)
, x = L || O && !c && !o
, Z = o ? pp : DC
, H = t ? eC : Cp;
return q.jsxs("div", {
className: T.A(rC, x && H, !O && c && Z, {
[dC]: p,
[_C]: (O || v) && c,
[uC]: w,
[ip]: !p && i
children: [q.jsx("span", {
className: qp,
children: j
}), y]
getTrafficLightTextsToShow() {
const {rouletteGameType: C, isLightning: p} = this.props;
return l.YR(C) ? new Set([Q.a.BetsOpen, Q.a.BetsClosingSoon,
Q.a.Wait, Q.a.BetweenGames, Q.a.NoBets, Q.a.BonusGame]) : C ===
l.vS.InstantRoulette ? new Set([Q.a.BetsOpen, Q.a.BetsClosingSoon,
Q.a.BetsAccepted, Q.a.NotAllBetsAccepted]) : p ? new Set([Q.a.BetsOpen,
Q.a.BetsClosingSoon, Q.a.Wait, Q.a.BetweenGames, Q.a.NoBets, Q.a.BetsAccepted]) :
new Set([Q.a.BetsOpen, Q.a.BetsClosingSoon, Q.a.Wait, Q.a.BetweenGames,
var wp = i(355601)
, yp = i(119771)
, lp = i(4944)
, tp = i(952762)
, Bp = i(810873)
, Tp = i(53834);
const Ip = "perspectiveContainer--fe709"
, Yp = "hidden--42198"
, Up = "withoutAnimations--771f3"
, Lp = "upperContainer--60a4e"
, ap = "collapsed--ad260"
, vp = "private--83287"
, fp = "immersive2BettingGrid--99431"
, sp = "french--a15d9"
, cp = {
setGridBoundingRect: wp.x
, Op = P.Ng((function(C) {
const p = AC.DB(C)
, i = p.getRouletteGameType()
, q = 0 === G.ap(C).length
, V = yp.iG(C)
, m =
, w = i === l.vS.InstantRoulette || p.isPrivateTable()
, y = i === l.vS.Lightning
, t = l.YR(i)
, B = G.IA(C)
, T = y ? [Q.a.BetweenGames, Q.a.NoBets, Q.a.BetsAccepted] :
[Q.a.BetweenGames, Q.a.NoBets]
, I = !w && p.showCountDownTimer() && !T.includes(B)
, Y = t && B === Q.a.BonusGame && m !==
lp.E.BonusGameInitializing && !V
, U = !I || Y;
return {
isBettingGridVisible: tp.O5(C),
shouldSkipBettingGridAnimation: G.jc(C) || !1,
trafficLightText: Tp.nW(C),
footerCollapsed: Tp.qH(C),
isMessageSent: G.Xv(C) || G.XI(C),
phase: B,
rouletteGameType: i,
isPrivateRoulette: p.isPrivateTable(),
shouldHideBetsOpenTrafficText: w && !q,
showTrafficLight: U,
isLightning: y,
gameDimensions: AC.Ay(C),
french: "french" === G.of(C).style,
isGoldVaultRoulette: p.isGoldVaultRoulette()
), cp)((function({isMessageSent: C, trafficLightText: p,
footerCollapsed: i, phase: V, rouletteGameType: m, shouldHideBetsOpenTrafficText:
w, showTrafficLight: l, isLightning: t, isPrivateRoulette: B, gameDimensions: I,
setGridBoundingRect: Y, french: U, isGoldVaultRoulette: a, isBettingGridVisible: v,
shouldSkipBettingGridAnimation: f}) {
const s = L.useRef(null)
, {width: c, height: O} = L.useMemo(( () => EC.E4({
gridType: gC.jJ.Standard,
layout: y.FJ.ImmersiveV2,
gameDimensions: I,
isFrench: U,
isGoldVaultRoulette: a
})), [I, U, a]);
return L.useEffect(( () => {
if (null == s ? void 0 : s.current) {
const {top: C, left: p, bottom: i, right: q, x: V, y: m} =
gridType: gC.jJ.Standard,
boundingRect: {
top: C,
left: p,
width: c,
height: O,
bottom: i,
right: q,
x: V,
y: m
), [I.width, I.height]),
q.jsxs("div", {
className: T.A({
[vp]: B,
[ap]: i
children: [q.jsxs("div", {
className: Lp,
children: [q.jsx(NC.T5, {}), q.jsx(NC.$M, {}), q.jsx(mp, {
rouletteGameType: m,
isLightning: t,
phase: V,
text: p,
disableBetsOpenText: w,
showTrafficLight: l,
isMessageSent: C,
isFooterCollapsed: i,
isPrivateRoulette: B,
children: q.jsx(Bp.i, {})
}), q.jsx(JC.w, {
layout: y.FJ.ImmersiveV2
}), q.jsx("div", {
className: T.A(Ip, {
[Yp]: !1 === v,
[Up]: f
ref: s,
style: {
width: `${c}px`,
height: `${O}px`,
marginLeft: `${U ? "-7em" : "0"}`
children: q.jsx("div", {
"data-role": "standard-container",
"data-test-id": "main-grid",
className: T.A(fp, {
[sp]: U
children: q.jsx(KC.dZ, {
gridType: gC.jJ.Standard,
betType: FC.uu.Standard,
layout: y.FJ.ImmersiveV2
var Sp = i(221078);
const jp = L.lazy(( () => i.e(73945).then(i.bind(i,
200977)).then(( ({EntertainmentContainerConnected: C}) => ({
default: C
, op = L.lazy(( () => i.e(57230).then(i.bind(i,
241031)).then(( ({SelectLeaguesDesktopConnected: C}) => ({
default: C
var xp = i(304463)
, Zp = i(257912)
, Hp = i(442071)
, bp = i(712011)
, Xp = i(741995);
const zp = i.p + "images/roulettede.27e44874.png"
, Mp = "logo--0db63"
, Pp = "previousLogo--f49a9"
, Rp = "currentLogo--a9f92"
, Qp = "container--353eb"
, np = "xlr--9f79a";
class hp extends L.PureComponent {
render() {
const {logotypes: C, isXLR: p} = this.props;
return 0 === C.length ? this.defaultLogo() : q.jsx("div", {
className: T.A(Qp, {
[np]: p
children: this.getLogotypes()
getLogotypes() {
const {logotypes: C, className: p, previousLogo: i,
currentLogo: V} = this.props;
return (C, m) => q.jsx("div", {
className: T.A(Mp, p, {
[Pp]: m === i,
[Rp]: m === V
children: q.jsx(Xp.g, {
url: bp.d(C)
}, C)))
defaultLogo() {
const {className: C} = this.props;
return q.jsx("div", {
className: C,
children: q.jsx(Xp.g, {
url: zp
const Gp = P.Ng((function(C) {
return {
currentLogo: G.ak(C),
logotypes: G.LM(C),
previousLogo: G.TS(C),
isXLR: C.settings.isXLRoulette()
, $p = "footerLeftBlock--8ebd5"
, Wp = "bottomLeftLogo--ab9ca"
, kp = "entertainmentLogo--c4f4f"
, Ap = "goldenRacetrackWrapper--302de"
, Fp = "entertainmentWrapper--a1993"
, Kp = "hidden--14cd5"
, Ep = "bonusGameTicketContainer--6c316"
, gp = y.FJ.ImmersiveV2
, Np = () => q.jsx(Gp, {
className: kp
, Jp = () => q.jsx(Gp, {
className: Wp
class rp extends L.PureComponent {
constructor() {
this.goldenRacetrackRef = L.createRef()
componentDidMount() {
componentDidUpdate(C) {
const {gameDimensions: p} = this.props;
C.gameDimensions !== p && this.updateGoldenRacetrackRect()
render() {
const {isBlockVisible: C, rouletteGameType: p} = this.props;
return q.jsx("div", {
className: T.A($p, {
[Kp]: !1 === C
children: p === l.vS.DBR ? this.renderDbrContent() :
updateGoldenRacetrackRect() {
const {setBoundingRect: C} = this.props;
this.goldenRacetrackRef.current && C({
gridType: gC.jJ.Golden
renderDbrContent() {
return q.jsx("div", {
className: Ap,
"data-test-id": "golden-racetrack",
ref: this.goldenRacetrackRef,
children: q.jsx(Sp.iv, {
layout: gp,
gridType: gC.jJ.Golden
renderSbrContent() {
const {rouletteGameType: C, isFootballEntertainmentEnabled: p}
= this.props;
switch (C) {
case l.vS.Lightning:
case l.vS.AmericanLightning:
case l.vS.XXXtremeLightning:
return q.jsx(, {
graveyardVerticalAlign: "bottom",
children: q.jsx(Jp, {})
case l.vS.GoldVault:
return q.jsx(Zp.zN, {
logoElement: q.jsx(Jp, {})
case l.vS.AmericanRedDoorRoulette:
case l.vS.RedDoorRoulette:
return q.jsxs(q.Fragment, {
children: [q.jsx("div", {
className: Ep,
children: q.jsx(TC.H, {})
}), q.jsx(Jp, {})]
return p ? q.jsx("div", {
className: Fp,
children: q.jsx(L.Suspense, {
fallback: q.jsx(Np, {}),
children: q.jsx(jp, {
LogoElement: Np
}) : q.jsx(Jp, {})
const dp = {
setBoundingRect: wp.x
, Dp = P.Ng((function(C) {
return {
isBlockVisible: tp.Of(C),
rouletteGameType: G.UX(C).getRouletteGameType(),
isFootballEntertainmentEnabled: xp.Lk(C),
gameDimensions: AC.Ay(C)
), dp)(rp);
var up = i(476037)
, _p = i(618167);
const ep = "footerRightBlock--52b4c"
, Ci = "racetrackContainer--c03a6"
, pi = "hidden--532ed"
, ii = "racetrackWrapper--5319b"
, qi = "racetrackNeighbourPicker--499f9"
, Vi = y.FJ.ImmersiveV2
, mi = {
setBoundingRect: wp.x
, wi = P.Ng((function(C) {
return {
isRecentNumbersVisible: tp.Ig(C),
dimensions: AC.Ay(C)
), mi)((function({dimensions: C, setBoundingRect: p,
isRecentNumbersVisible: i, isRacetrackVisible: V}) {
const m = L.useRef(null);
return L.useEffect(( () => {
(null == m ? void 0 : m.current) && p({
gridType: gC.jJ.Special,
boundingRect: m.current.getBoundingClientRect()
), [C.width, C.height, p]),
q.jsxs("div", {
className: ep,
children: [q.jsx(_p.T, {
maxLength: 13,
hidden: !1 === i
}), q.jsxs("div", {
className: T.A(Ci, {
[pi]: !1 === V
children: [q.jsx("div", {
className: ii,
"data-test-id": "racetrack",
ref: m,
children: q.jsx(Sp.iv, {
layout: Vi
}), q.jsx("div", {
className: qi,
children: q.jsx(up.jH, {
layout: Vi
var yi = i(575122)
, li = i(875928);
class ti extends L.Component {
constructor(C) {
componentWillUnmount() {
render() {
return null
disableContextMenu(C) {
const p = document.querySelectorAll("[data-component='chat']");
if (!, (p => p.contains(
return C.preventDefault()
var Bi = i(154022)
, Ti = i(850449)
, Ii = i(137832);
const Yi = C => {
const p = Ii.P(Ti.SJ);
return q.jsx($.S, {
gameTheme: p
, Ui = "video-zoom-popup--c218d"
, Li = "visible--53475"
, ai = 5e3;
function vi(C) {
return {
visible: G.Td(C),
checked: C.preferences.autoZoom
const fi = {
toggleAutoZoomVisibility: Bi.J6,
autoZoomPopupClicked: Bi.w6
, si = P.Ng(vi, fi)((ci = ({visible: C, checked: p, onChecked: i}) =>
q.jsx("div", {
className: T.A(Ui, {
[Li]: C
children: q.jsx(Yi, {
checked: !!p,
setChecked: i,
labelTranslationId: "autofullscreen"
class extends L.PureComponent {
constructor(C) {
this.onChecked = C => {
const {autoZoomPopupClicked: p} = this.props;
this.onMouseEnter = () => this.stopAutoHideTimeout(),
this.onMouseLeave = () => {
this.timeoutId = this.startAutoHideTimeout()
this.startAutoHideTimeout = () => {
const {toggleAutoZoomVisibility: C} = this.props;
return window.setTimeout(( () => {
), ai)
this.stopAutoHideTimeout = () => {
this.timeoutId && (window.clearTimeout(this.timeoutId),
this.timeoutId = void 0)
C.visible && (this.timeoutId = this.startAutoHideTimeout())
componentWillUnmount() {
componentDidUpdate(C) {
const {visible: p} = this.props;
!C.visible && p && (this.stopAutoHideTimeout(),
this.timeoutId = this.startAutoHideTimeout()),
C.visible && !p && this.stopAutoHideTimeout()
render() {
return q.jsx("div", {
onMouseOver: this.onMouseEnter,
onMouseOut: this.onMouseLeave,
children: q.jsx(ci, {
onChecked: this.onChecked
var ci;
const Oi = "slingshot-sound-tracker";
class Si extends L.Component {
constructor() {
this.state = {
tutorialComponentLoaded: !1,
TutorialContainer: void 0
this.loadTutorialComponent = () => {
i.e(73388).then(i.bind(i, 665710)).then((C => {
TutorialContainer: C.TutorialContainerConnected,
tutorialComponentLoaded: !0
this.errorHandler = C => {
window.EVO_LOADER &&
window.EVO_LOADER.displayFailurePopup("message.unableLoadGame", !0, !0)
componentDidMount() {
const {tutorialVisible: C} = this.props;
C && this.loadTutorialComponent()
componentDidUpdate(C) {
const {tutorialVisible: p} = this.props
, {tutorialComponentLoaded: i} = this.state;
!p || C.tutorialVisible || i || this.loadTutorialComponent()
render() {
const {TutorialContainer: C} = this.state
, {settings: p} = this.props;
return q.jsxs(q.Fragment, {
children: [q.jsx(ti, {}), q.jsx(yi.a, {}),
p.voiceOverInAllViews() && q.jsx(li.g, {}, Oi), C ? q.jsx(C, {}) : null, q.jsx(si,
const ji = P.Ng((C => ({
tutorialVisible: G.Nx(C),
settings: C.settings
var oi = i(182334)
, xi = i(216331)
, Zi = i(176292)
, Hi = i(730249)
, bi = i(542335)
, Xi = i(349173);
const zi = [{
key: "0",
betSpotId: "end_0"
}, {
key: "1",
betSpotId: "end_1"
}, {
key: "2",
betSpotId: "end_2"
}, {
key: "3",
betSpotId: "end_3"
}, {
key: "4",
betSpotId: "end_4"
}, {
key: "5",
betSpotId: "end_5"
}, {
key: "6",
betSpotId: "end_6"
}, {
key: "7",
betSpotId: "end_7"
}, {
key: "8",
betSpotId: "end_8"
}, {
key: "9",
betSpotId: "end_9"
class Mi extends bi.d {
constructor() {
this.betSource = FC.n1.FinaleEnPlein,
this.isEnabled = () => this.props.bettingEnabled,
this.highlights = C => sC.Yt(C,
this.tokens = C => sC.eQ(C, this.props.isDoubleZeroRoulette),
this.draw = ({key: C, betSpotId: p}) => q.jsx(this.cell, {
id: p,
className: Xi.A.finaleEnPlain,
tooltip: w.Tl("tooltip.callBets.oneNumber", [C, sC.Yt(p,
children: C
}, C)
render() {
return q.jsxs("table", {
className: Xi.A.desktop,
"data-role": "finale-bets-en-plein",
children: [q.jsx("thead", {
children: q.jsx("tr", {
children: q.jsx("th", {
colSpan: 10,
children: w.Tl("specialbet_header1")
}), q.jsx("tbody", {
children: q.jsx("tr", {
}, "specialbet_header1")
const Pi = ["0/3", "1/4", "2/5", "3/6", "4/7"]
, Ri = ["5/8", "6/9", "7/10", "8/11", "9/12"];
class Qi extends bi.d {
constructor() {
this.betSource = FC.n1.FinaleBets,
this.highlights = C => sC.Yt(C,
this.tokens = C => sC.eQ(C, this.props.isDoubleZeroRoulette),
this.draw = C => {
const p = C.split("/")
, i = w.Tl("tooltip.callBets.twoNumbers", [p[0], p[1],
sC.eQ(C, this.props.isDoubleZeroRoulette).length, sC.Yt(C,
return q.jsx(this.cell, {
id: C,
tooltip: i,
children: C
}, C)
render() {
return q.jsxs("table", {
className: Xi.A.desktop,
"data-role": "finale-bets",
children: [q.jsxs("colgroup", {
children: [q.jsx("col", {
width: "20%"
}), q.jsx("col", {
width: "20%"
}), q.jsx("col", {
width: "20%"
}), q.jsx("col", {
width: "20%"
}), q.jsx("col", {
width: "20%"
}), q.jsx("thead", {
children: q.jsx("tr", {
children: q.jsx("th", {
colSpan: 5,
children: w.Tl("specialbet_header2")
}), q.jsxs("tbody", {
children: [q.jsx("tr", {
}), q.jsx("tr", {
}, "specialbet_header2")
var ni = i(446634);
class hi extends bi.d {
constructor() {
this.betSource = FC.n1.Complete,
this.highlights = C =>,
this.tokens = C =>, this.props.isDoubleZeroRoulette),
this.tokensCount = C => C.split("_").length
render() {
return q.jsxs("table", {
className: Xi.A.desktop,
"data-role": "complete-bets",
children: [q.jsx("thead", {
children: q.jsx("tr", {
children: q.jsx("th", {
colSpan: 13,
children: w.Tl("specialbet_header3")
}), ni.u(this.cell, this.props.isDoubleZeroRoulette)]
}, "specialbet_header3")
var Gi = i(194012);
class $i extends bi.d {
constructor() {
this.betSource = FC.n1.LightningSpecial,
this.highlights = C => sC.$R(C,
render() {
return q.jsxs("table", {
className: Xi.A.desktop,
"data-role": "lightning-special-bets",
children: [q.jsxs("colgroup", {
children: [q.jsx("col", {
width: "50%"
}), q.jsx("col", {
width: "50%"
}), !this.props.hideHeader && q.jsx("thead", {
children: q.jsx("tr", {
children: q.jsx("th", {
colSpan: 2,
children: w.Tl("straightUpBetsHeader")
}), Gi.K(this.cell, this.props.isDoubleZeroRoulette)]
var Wi = i(884033)
, ki = i(185214)
, Ai = i(735800)
, Fi = i(912986)
, Ki = i(843717)
, Ei = i(764522)
, gi = i(226317)
, Ni = i(587698)
, Ji = i(43129)
, ri = i(607905)
, di = i(247150);
const Di = "row--dbe56"
, ui = "hovered--5b531"
, _i = "starGap--7c5a8"
, ei = "amount--7f4da"
, Cq = "hoverOverlay--85d56"
, pq = "hidden--5fa4a";
class iq extends L.Component {
constructor() {
this.state = {
inputFocused: !1,
hover: !1,
changed: !1,
startToDelete: !1
this.inputField = null,
this.exposeBetNameInput = C => {
this.inputField = C
this.onStartToDelete = C => {
startToDelete: !0
window.addEventListener("mouseup", this.onMouseUp)
this.onDelete = () => {
const {startToDelete: C} = this.state;
if (C) {
const {onMouseOut: C, position: p, onDelete: i} =
startToDelete: !1
this.onMouseUp = () => {
const {startToDelete: C} = this.state;
C && this.setState({
startToDelete: !1
window.removeEventListener("mouseup", this.onMouseUp)
this.onMouseOver = () => {
this.state.inputFocused || this.setState({
hover: !0
this.onMouseOut = () => {
const {onMouseOut: C} = this.props;
hover: !1
this.onSaveName = () => {
const {changed: C} = this.state;
C && this.saveName()
this.onBetNameChange = () => {
if (!this.inputField)
let C = this.inputField.value;
C.length >= p && (C = C.substring(0, p)),
name: C,
changed: !0
this.detectEnterAndSubmit = C => {
this.inputField && (13 === C.keyCode ? (this.saveName(),
this.inputField.blur()) : 27 === C.keyCode &&
this.onBetNameFocus = () => {
this.inputField && (this.inputField.setSelectionRange(0,
inputFocused: !0,
changed: !1
this.onBetNameFocusOut = () => {
const {changed: C, startToDelete: p} = this.state;
C && !p ? this.saveName() : this.setState({
inputFocused: !1
shouldComponentUpdate(C, p) {
const {name: i, inputFocused: q, hover: V} = this.state
, {amount: m, name: w, position: y} = this.props;
return V !== p.hover || q !== p.inputFocused || i !== ||
y !== C.position || m !== C.amount || w !==
componentWillUnmount() {
window.removeEventListener("mouseup", this.onMouseUp)
render() {
const {amount: C, currencySymbol: p, position: i} = this.props
, V = i + 1
, {inputFocused: m, name: y, hover: l} = this.state;
let t = y;
"" === t && (t = w.Tl(""));
const B = T.A(Di, {
[ui]: l && !m
, I = m ? "active" : "inactive"
, Y = T.A(Cq, {
[pq]: !l || m
return q.jsxs("div", {
className: B,
"data-role": `favorite-bets-${V}-row`,
onMouseEnter: this.onMouseOver,
onMouseLeave: this.onMouseOut,
children: [q.jsx("div", {
className: Y,
children: w.Tl("favouriteBets.toolTip.renameRemove")
}), q.jsx(ri.e, {
position: V,
onMouseDown: this.onStartToDelete,
onMouseUp: this.onDelete
}), q.jsx("input", {
ref: this.exposeBetNameInput,
onFocus: this.onBetNameFocus,
onBlur: this.onBetNameFocusOut,
type: "text",
autoComplete: "off",
autoCorrect: "off",
value: t,
onChange: this.onBetNameChange,
onKeyUp: this.detectEnterAndSubmit,
"data-role": "favorite-bets-name-input"
}), q.jsx(di.y, {
isHidden: !m,
onMouseUp: this.onSaveName,
position: V,
dataRoleValue: I
}), q.jsx("div", {
className: ei,
"data-role": `favorite-bets-${V}-amount`,
children: Ni.ej(C, {
currencySymbol: p
saveName() {
const {name: C} = this.state
, p = C.trim();
inputFocused: !1,
name: p,
changed: !1
const {onSave: i, position: q} = this.props;
i(q, p)
resetName() {
const {name: C} = this.props;
inputFocused: !1,
name: C,
changed: !1
var qq = i(448687);
const Vq = "row--17a4d"
, mq = "enabled--42368"
, wq = "disabled--c87bd"
, yq = "empty--ad19c"
, lq = "star--b8598"
, tq = "icon--27984"
, Bq = "name--9cd15"
, Tq = "green--85f2d"
, Iq = "amount--a365d";
class Yq extends L.PureComponent {
constructor() {
this.onClick = () => {
const {onClick: C, position: p} = this.props;
this.onFocus = C => {
render() {
const {active: C, position: p} = this.props
, i = p + 1
, V = T.A(Bq, {
[Tq]: C
return q.jsxs("div", {
className: T.A(yq, Vq),
onClick: this.onClick,
"data-role": `favorite-bets-${i}-row`,
children: [q.jsx("div", {
className: lq,
"data-position": i,
children: q.jsx(qq.t, {
className: tq
}), q.jsx("input", {
className: V,
"data-role": `favorite-bets-${i}-name`,
type: "text",
defaultValue: w.Tl("favouriteBets.saveLastBet"),
readOnly: !0,
onFocus: this.onFocus
class Uq extends L.PureComponent {
constructor() {
this.onClickHandler = C => {
const {onClick: p, position: i, validationErrorMessage: q}
= this.props;
index: i,
validation: q
}, C)
this.onMouseOver = () => {
const {enabled: C, onMouseOver: p} = this.props;
C && p()
this.onMouseOut = () => {
const {onMouseOut: C} = this.props;
this.onFocus = C => {
render() {
const {amount: C, enabled: p, currencySymbol: i, name: V,
position: m} = this.props
, y = m + 1
, l = T.A(Vq, {
[mq]: p
}, {
[wq]: !p
let t = V;
return "" === t && (t = w.Tl("")),
q.jsxs("div", {
className: l,
"data-role": `favorite-bets-${y}-row`,
onClick: this.onClickHandler,
onMouseEnter: this.onMouseOver,
onMouseLeave: this.onMouseOut,
children: [q.jsx("div", {
className: T.A(lq, {
[mq]: p
"data-position": y,
children: q.jsx(Hi.x, {
className: tq
}), q.jsx("input", {
className: T.A(Bq, {
[mq]: p
"data-role": `favorite-bets-${y}-name`,
type: "text",
defaultValue: t,
readOnly: !0,
onFocus: this.onFocus
}), q.jsx("div", {
className: T.A(Iq, {
[mq]: p
"data-role": `favorite-bets-${y}-amount`,
children: Ni.ej(C, {
currencySymbol: i
class Lq extends L.Component {
constructor() {
this.state = {
changed: !1,
startToSave: !1,
saved: !1
this.inputField = null,
this.exposeBetNameInput = C => {
this.inputField = C
this.onStartSave = C => {
startToSave: !0
this.onEndToSave = C => {
const {startToSave: p} = this.state;
p &&,
startToSave: !1
this.onBetNameChange = () => {
if (this.inputField) {
let C = this.inputField.value;
C.length >= p && (C = C.substring(0, p)),
name: C,
changed: !0
this.detectEnterAndSubmit = C => {
var p;
13 === C.keyCode ? : 27 === C.keyCode && (null
=== (p = this.inputField) || void 0 === p || p.blur())
this.onBetNameFocus = () => {
var C;
this.inputField && this.inputField.setSelectionRange(0,
null === (C = this.inputField) || void 0 === C ? void 0 : C.value.length)
this.onBetNameFocusOut = () => {
const {startToSave: C, saved: p} = this.state;
if (!p && !C) {
const {position: C, onCancel: p} = this.props;
shouldComponentUpdate(C, p) {
const {name: i, position: q} = this.props
, {name: V} = this.state;
return i !== || q !== C.position || V !==
componentDidMount() {
var C;
null === (C = this.inputField) || void 0 === C || C.focus()
render() {
const {position: C} = this.props
, p = C + 1
, {name: i} = this.state;
let V = i;
return "" === V && (V = w.Tl("")),
q.jsxs("div", {
className: Di,
"data-role": `favorite-bets-${p}-row`,
children: [q.jsx("div", {
className: _i,
"data-position": p
}), q.jsx("input", {
ref: this.exposeBetNameInput,
onFocus: this.onBetNameFocus,
onBlur: this.onBetNameFocusOut,
type: "text",
autoComplete: "off",
autoCorrect: "off",
value: V,
onChange: this.onBetNameChange,
onKeyUp: this.detectEnterAndSubmit,
"data-role": "favorite-bets-name-input"
}), q.jsx(di.y, {
position: p,
onMouseDown: this.onStartSave,
onMouseUp: this.onEndToSave
save() {
const {changed: C, name: p} = this.state;
let i = p.trim();
const {name: q, onSave: V, position: m} = this.props;
i.length <= 0 && (i = q),
V(m, C ? i : void 0),
saved: !0
const aq = "favoriteBets--6e533"
, vq = "noFavoriteBetsMessage--fd212"
, fq = "favoriteBetsUpdating--4de6b"
, sq = "favoriteBetsLoading--ae81b"
, cq = "favoriteBetsListWrapper--da192"
, Oq = "hidden--d0eeb"
, Sq = "removed--8f44b";
class jq extends L.Component {
constructor() {
this.state = {
betToSave: -1
this.onRowOut = () => {
const {onRowMouseOut: C} = this.props;
this.onApplyClick = ({index: C, validation: p}, i) => {
const {playSound: q, addAbsTooltip: V,
tooltipTranslationId: m, bettingEnabled: y, gameDimensions: l,
removeAllAbsTooltips: t, placeFavoriteBet: B} = this.props
, T = cC.Tl(i.currentTarget, l);
y ? void 0 === p ? B(C, {
}) : p && V({
label: w.Tl(p.key, {
amount: p.amount || 0
}) : (q(Ki.Wo.ClickingFail),
label: w.Tl(m || ""),
this.onRenameClick = (C, p) => {
const {playSound: i, renameFavoriteBet: q} = this.props;
q(C, p)
this.onDeleteHandler = C => {
const {playSound: p, deleteFavoriteBet: i} = this.props;
this.onSaveClick = C => {
const {playSound: p, logClientRfbSaveLastBet: i} =
betToSave: C
this.onConfirmSave = (C, p) => {
const {playSound: i, saveFavoriteBet: q} = this.props;
betToSave: -1
q(C, p)
this.onCancelSave = C => {
const {betToSave: p} = this.state;
p === C && this.setState({
betToSave: -1
shouldComponentUpdate(C, p) {
const {chips: i, scrollable: q, inEditMode: V, bets: m,
updating: w, bettingEnabled: y} = this.props
, {betToSave: l} = this.state;
return i !== C.chips || m !== C.bets || y !== C.bettingEnabled
|| V !== C.inEditMode || l !== p.betToSave || w !== C.updating || q !==
render() {
const {chips: C, currencySymbol: p, inEditMode: i, scrollable:
V, bets: m, bettingEnabled: y, updating: l, defaultFavouriteBetName: t} =
, B = Object.keys(m).length
, I = m.every((C => void 0 ===
, Y = 0 !== C.size
, U = 0 !== B && I && !Y
, L = T.A(cq, {
[Oq]: !V && (U || l),
[Sq]: V && (U || l)
return q.jsxs("div", {
className: aq,
children: [U && q.jsx("div", {
className: vq,
"data-role": "favorite-bets-empty-message",
children: w.Tl("favouriteBets.needToBet")
}), 0 === B && q.jsx("div", {
className: sq,
children: w.Tl("loading")
}), l && B > 0 && q.jsx("div", {
className: fq,
"data-role": "favorite-bets-updating-message",
children: w.Tl("favouriteBets.updating")
}), q.jsx("div", {
className: L,
children: (V, m) => {
if (Object.keys(V).length) {
if (!FC.Ih(V))
throw new Error("Favorite bet data is
if (i)
return q.jsx(iq, {
name: V.betName,
position: m,
amount: V.totalAmount,
onMouseOver: this.onRowHover.bind(this,
onMouseOut: this.onRowOut,
onSave: this.onRenameClick,
onDelete: this.onDeleteHandler,
currencySymbol: p
const C = V.disabledReason &&
, w = C ? {
betSpotId: "",
key: C
} : V.validationErrorMessage;
return q.jsx(Uq, {
name: V.betName,
enabled: y && !w,
position: m,
onMouseOver: this.onRowHover.bind(this,
onMouseOut: this.onRowOut,
onClick: this.onApplyClick,
amount: V.totalAmount,
validationErrorMessage: w,
currencySymbol: p
const {betToSave: w} = this.state;
return w === m ? q.jsx(Lq, {
position: m,
onSave: this.onConfirmSave,
onCancel: this.onCancelSave,
name: t(C)
}, `${m.toString() + t(C)}`) : q.jsx(Yq, {
position: m,
onClick: Y ? this.onSaveClick : Fi.A,
active: Y
}, m)
onRowHover(C) {
const {onRowMouseEnter: p} = this.props;
jq.defaultProps = {
tooltipTranslationId: "tooltip.waitForNextGame",
scrollable: !0
var oq = i(325386)
, xq = i(243048)
, Zq = i(609925);
const Hq = {
placeFavoriteBet: Zq.Fb,
saveFavoriteBet: Zq.r0,
renameFavoriteBet: Zq.Qw,
deleteFavoriteBet: Zq.Ve,
addAbsTooltip: ki.$y,
removeAllAbsTooltips: ki.u0,
logClientRfbSaveLastBet: J.logClientRfbSaveLastBet,
onRowMouseEnter: xq.$Q,
onRowMouseOut: xq.JG
, bq = P.Ng((C => {
const p = AC.DB(C);
return {
bets: oq.Y(C),
chips: xq.Tk(C),
bettingEnabled: jC.nX(G.IA(C)),
inEditMode: Ai.MR(C),
updating: Ai.XA(C),
gameDimensions: AC.Ay(C),
currencySymbol: p.getCurrencySymbol(),
playSound: t.Ak
), Hq)(jq)
, Xq = Wi.v6(Mi)
, zq = Wi.v6(Qi)
, Mq = Wi.v6(hi)
, Pq = Wi.v6($i)
, Rq = {
favoriteBets: q.jsx(J.FavoriteBetsDrawerTab, {
isMobile: !1,
header: q.jsx(J.FavoriteBetsEditHeader, {}),
children: q.jsx(( () => q.jsx(bq, {
defaultFavouriteBetName: sC.vO
})), {})
finalBets: q.jsx(J.FavoriteBetsDrawerTab, {
isMobile: !1,
children: q.jsx(J.DesktopSpecialBetsTab, {
children: C => q.jsxs(q.Fragment, {
children: [q.jsx(Xq, {}, 1), q.jsx(zq, {}, 2), C &&
q.jsx(Mq, {})]
lightningBets: q.jsx(J.FavoriteBetsDrawerTab, {
isMobile: !1,
children: q.jsx(J.DesktopStraightUpBetsTab, {
children: q.jsx(Pq, {
hideHeader: !0
, Qq = new Set([y.FJ.Classic, y.FJ.Slingshot]);
function nq(C, p) {
switch (C) {
case l.vS.InstantRoulette:
return {
TotalWinMultiplier: (i = {
platform: p.DeviceSupport.DeviceProperties.platform,
os: p.DeviceSupport.DeviceProperties.os,
isRtl: w.sU()
({multiplier: C}) => {
const p = C < 10
, V = 35 + 30
, m = i.os === I.OS.iOS
, w = i.platform === Y.OD.Desktop;
let y = 30;
return i.isRtl && w && (y = p ? 50 : 60),
q.jsx("span", {
className: T.A(U.winnersListHeader, {
[U.desktop]: w,
[]: !w,
[U.oneDigit]: p,
[U.twoDigits]: !p
children: q.jsxs("svg", {
xmlns: "",
viewBox: `0 0 ${V} 30`,
height: "30",
width: V,
className: U.winnersListHeaderIcon,
children: [q.jsxs("defs", {
children: [q.jsxs("filter", {
id: "winners_list_header_drop_shadow",
children: [q.jsx("feGaussianBlur", {
in: "SourceAlpha",
stdDeviation: "1"
}), q.jsx("feOffset", {
dx: "0",
dy: "0",
result: "offsetblur"
}), q.jsx("feFlood", {
floodColor: "#000000"
}), q.jsx("feComposite", {
in2: "offsetblur",
operator: "in"
}), q.jsxs("feMerge", {
children: [q.jsx("feMergeNode",
{}), q.jsx("feMergeNode", {
in: "SourceGraphic"
}), q.jsxs("linearGradient", {
x1: "0",
x2: "0",
y1: "0",
y2: "100%",
gradientUnits: "userSpaceOnUse",
children: [q.jsx("stop", {
stopColor: "#fefefe",
offset: "0%"
}), q.jsx("stop", {
stopColor: "#AA8953",
offset: "100%"
}), q.jsx("circle", {
cx: "15",
cy: "15",
r: "12",
fill: "#2a2a2a",
fillOpacity: "0.6"
}), q.jsx("path", {
fill: "#fff",
d: "M2.5 15C2.5 8.1 8.1 2.5 15 2.5S27.488
8.1 27.488 15 21.9 27.488 15 27.488C8.1 27.488 2.5 21.9 2.5 15Zm23.925 2.012a11.95
11.95 0 0 0 .188-2c-.001-.67-.064-1.316-.175-1.95l-1.976.638c.063.425.1.85.1 1.313
0 .462-.05.912-.112 1.362l1.975.637Zm-13.1 7.4c-.9-.162-1.75-.45-2.55-.837L9.55
25.263a11.646 11.646 0 0 0 3.775 1.224v-2.074Zm5.85-.812a9.236 9.236 0 0 1-
2.55.825V26.5c1.337-.188 2.613-.6 3.775-1.212L19.175 23.6ZM6.312 15.012c0 4.788 3.9
8.688 8.688 8.688s8.688-3.9 8.688-8.688c0-4.787-3.9-8.687-8.688-8.687-4.787 0-8.688
3.9-8.688 8.688ZM3.563 13c-.112.65-.187 1.325-.187 2.012V15c0 .675.063 1.325.175
1.962l1.975-.637a8.742 8.742 0 0 1-.1-1.313c0-.475.05-.925.112-1.375L3.563
13Zm13.1-7.4c.9.163 1.75.45 2.55.838v-.026l1.226-1.687A11.646 11.646 0 0 0 16.663
3.5v2.1Zm-5.85.813a9.236 9.236 0 0 1 2.55-.825V3.513c-1.337.187-2.612.6-3.774
1.212l1.225 1.688ZM23.45 10.55l1.963-.638h.012A11.609 11.609 0 0 0 23.1 6.7l-1.225
1.675a9.663 9.663 0 0 1 1.575 2.175ZM8.137 8.337 6.925 6.663c-.95.913-1.737 2-2.337
3.2l1.962.638a9.643 9.643 0 0 1 1.587-2.162ZM6.525 19.462l-1.963.638H4.55a11.609
11.609 0 0 0 2.325 3.212L8.1 21.637a9.663 9.663 0 0 1-1.575-2.175Zm15.312 2.213
1.213 1.675c.95-.913 1.738-2 2.337-3.2l-1.962-.637a9.643 9.643 0 0 1-1.588
2.162ZM19.9 14.562a1.22 1.22 0 0 1 1.137-.8l-.012-.012c.675 0 1.225.55 1.225
1.225S21.7 16.2 21.025 16.2a1.22 1.22 0 0 1-1.137-.8l-3.1.25c-.188.537-.613.95-
1.138 1.138l-.238 3.087c.475.163.813.613.813 1.137 0 .675-.55 1.226-1.225 1.226s-
1.112l-3.1-.238a1.22 1.22 0 0 1-1.137.8c-.675 0-1.225-.55-1.225-1.224 0-.675.55-
1.226 1.225-1.226.525 0 .962.338 1.137.8l3.1-.25a1.894 1.894 0 0 1 1.1-1.112l.238-
3.112a1.242 1.242 0 0 1-.775-1.138c0-.675.55-1.225 1.225-1.225s1.225.55 1.225
1.225c0 .537-.35.987-.825 1.15l.25 3.088c.537.2.95.612 1.15 1.137l3.1.238Z"
}), q.jsx("text", {
x: y,
y: w ? 24.5 : 23.5,
fontSize: w ? "26" : "2em",
fontWeight: "bold",
filter: m ? "none" :
fill: m ? "#e0c290" :
children: C
case l.vS.AmericanRedDoorRoulette:
case l.vS.RedDoorRoulette:
return {
WinnerMultiplier: z
return {}
var i
function hq(C) {
const p = [];
if (!C.isClassicViewFullscreenDisabled()) {
const C = C => {
const p =;
return !Qq.has(p)
p.push(V.e("autoZoom", "autofullscreen", Bi.MT, ( () => !1),
{}, C))
C.leaveWinningBetsOnTable() &&
p.push(V.e("leaveWinningBetsOnTable", "leaveWinningBets")),
C.isBetsSplittingEnabled() &&
p.push(V.e("splitBetsToStraightBetsPreference", "splitBetsToStraight", r.Il)),
C.getRouletteGameType() === l.vS.CustomRoulette && p.push({
isHidden: () => !1 === C.isCustomSwitcherSwitchEnabled(),
component: E
const i = () => null
, y = C.getGameType() === m.Z.InstantRoulette
, T = l.YR(C.getRouletteGameType());
return {
GameOverlays: ji,
LayoutBetLimitsBody: B.m,
LayoutBottomRightButtons: [qC, yC],
LayoutDesktopDrawers: {
[d.I.Statistics]: {
Component: q.jsx(xi.A, {}),
drawerProps: {
titleIcon: q.jsx(Zi.G, {}),
titleText: w.Tl("menu.statistics"),
height: 60,
disabledOwnContentScroll: !0
side: "right"
[d.I.FavouriteBets]: {
Component: q.jsx(J.FavoriteBetsDrawer, {
tabComponents: Rq
drawerProps: {
titleIcon: q.jsx(Hi.x, {}),
titleText: w.Tl("menu.favouriteBets"),
height: 60,
disabledOwnContentScroll: !0
side: "right"
[d.I.Entertainment]: {
side: "left",
drawerProps: {
get titleText() {
return w.Tl("leagues.addLeagues")
height: 45
Component: q.jsx(op, {})
LayoutImmersiveFooterBettingGrid: Op,
LayoutImmersiveFooterLeftComponent: Dp,
LayoutImmersiveFooterRightComponent: wi,
LayoutImmersiveGameResultAndYouWinComponent: i,
LayoutImmersiveFooterRightExpandableComponents: [],
LayoutClassicTopRightComponent: GC,
LayoutClassicVideoOverlayComponent: BC,
LayoutClassicFullScreenOverlay: () => T ? q.jsx(YC, {}) : null,
LayoutVideoLoadingIndicatorComponent: kC,
HelpComponentListCreator: oi.B,
HelpCreator: oi.A,
PreferencesCheckboxes: p,
SpinNowComponent: null,
PlayNowButton: i,
PreferencesDealerVoiceSelector: C.isSlingshot() &&
t.og().length > 1 ? M.I : void 0,
DesktopTrafficLightIcon: y ? Bp.i : i,
WinnerListMultiplierComponents: nq(C.getRouletteGameType(), C)
243048: (C, p, i) => {
i.d(p, {
$Q: () => Y,
JG: () => U,
Tk: () => L
var q = i(160739)
, V = i(13799)
, m = i(850083)
, w = i(903622)
, y = i(870658)
, l = i(994647)
, t = i(751267)
, B = i(843520)
, T = i(553003)
, I = i(876303);
function Y(C) {
return (p, i) => {
const q = i()
, T = t.IA(q);
if (B.nX(T)) {
if (V.DB(q).isDoubleBallGame()) {
const i = B.Ul(C);
[w.jJ.Standard]: I.$(i[w.jJ.Standard]),
[w.jJ.Golden]: I.$(i[w.jJ.Golden], w.jJ.Golden)
} else
[w.jJ.Standard]: I.$(C)
p(l.sB(C, m.n1.FavoriteBets))
function U() {
return C => {
delay: 0
const L = q.Mz(t.Fo, t.ap, ( (C, p) => T.M4(C.length ? C : p)))
369372: (C, p, i) => {
i.d(p, {
Eo: () => w,
SS: () => l,
sg: () => m
const q = "betByBet/RESET_REJECTED_BETS"
function m(C) {
return {
payload: C,
type: V
function w() {
return {
type: q
const y = {
rejectedBets: {}
function l(C=y, p) {
switch (p.type) {
case V:
return {
rejectedBets: {
case q:
return {
rejectedBets: {}
return C
470265: (C, p, i) => {
var q;
i.d(p, {
gj: () => l,
jg: () => y,
ru: () => m,
xk: () => t,
y4: () => V,
yr: () => w,
yt: () => q
function(C) {
C["Place"] = "Place",
C["Move"] = "Move",
C["Remove"] = "Remove",
C["AutoPlay"] = "AutoPlay"
}(q || (q = {}));
const V = "bets/DOUBLE"
, m = "bets/UNDO_ALL"
, w = "bets/REPEAT"
, y = "bets/UNDO"
, l = "bets/ADD"
167937: (C, p, i) => {
i.d(p, {
Cp: () => n,
DB: () => g,
E0: () => z,
Hq: () => R,
JS: () => N,
K7: () => b,
R3: () => r,
Wl: () => J,
ZH: () => G,
Zi: () => K,
af: () => P,
d$: () => E,
d7: () => A,
gL: () => F,
l: () => X,
l5: () => h,
o0: () => Q,
oE: () => W,
rg: () => c,
ux: () => k,
vt: () => M,
wC: () => $
var q = i(678264)
, V = i(755073)
, m = i(843717)
, w = i(295432)
, y = i(879722)
, l = i(994647)
, t = i(751267)
, B = i(843520)
, T = i(161927)
, I = i(470265)
, Y = i(30348);
const U = "bets/RESTORE_TABLE"
, a = "bets/RESET_SENT_BETS"
, v = "bets/CLEAN_BETS"
, f = "bets/SET_SENT_BETS"
, s = "bets/ACCEPT_SENT_BET"
, c = m.Wo.ClickingFail
, Z = "bets/ADD_SENT_BET"
, H = {
currentRound: [],
history: [],
repeatableRound: [],
resolvedRound: [],
sentBets: [],
winningBetCodes: {},
winningType: y.sA.None,
currentRoundMovedToPrevious: !1
function b(C) {
return {
payload: C,
type: O
function X(C) {
return {
type: S,
payload: C
function z(C, p=!0) {
return i => {
p && i(q.tD(C)),
function M(C) {
return {
payload: C,
type: f
function P(C) {
return {
payload: C,
type: s
function R(C) {
return {
payload: C,
type: L
function Q() {
return {
type: a
function n() {
return {
type: v
function h(C) {
return {
payload: C,
type: U
function G(C, p, i) {
var q;
const {currentRound: V, adjustedBetsToBeAdded: m} = C
, y = i && i.size ? null === (q = B.wM(V, {
tokens: i
}, p).bet) || void 0 === q ? void 0 : q.tokens : w.q();
return g(m, null != y ? y : w.q())
function $() {
return {
payload: void 0
function W() {
return {
type: I.jg,
payload: void 0
function k(C) {
return {
type: I.yr,
payload: {
betsToBeAdded: C
function A(C) {
return {
payload: {
betsToBeAdded: C
type: I.y4
function F() {
return {
type: j
function K(C=[]) {
return {
type: o,
payload: C
function E(C) {
return {
payload: C,
type: x
function g(C, p) {
return {
payload: {
betsToBeAdded: C,
hoveredTokens: p
type: I.gj
function N(C) {
return {
payload: C,
type: Z
function J(C, p) {
return {
betTags: t.$0(p)
function r(C=H, p) {
switch (p.type) {
case I.jg:
return T.tN(C);
return T.wC(C);
case o:
return {
resolvedRound: p.payload
case j:
return {
case U:
return T.Pr(C, p.payload);
case L:
return T.d1(C, p.payload);
case a:
return {
sentBets: []
case l.ft:
case v:
return T.Oy(C);
case Y.rK:
return p.payload ? T.Oy(C) : C;
case O:
return {
winningBetCodes: p.payload
case S:
return {
winningType: p.payload
case x:
return T.Pg(C, p.payload);
case I.gj:
case I.yr:
case I.y4:
case I.xk:
const i = p.payload.betsToBeAdded;
return T.xB(C, i);
case Z:
return {
sentBets: C.sentBets.concat([p.payload])
case f:
return {
sentBets: p.payload
case s:
if (p.payload) {
const i = C.sentBets.findIndex((C => C.actionId ===
, q = [...C.sentBets];
return q.splice(i, 1, {
accepted: !0
sentBets: q
return C;
return C
263543: (C, p, i) => {
i.d(p, {
xB: () => D,
he: () => d,
Ay: () => u,
Hw: () => pC,
kc: () => VC,
YN: () => qC,
iw: () => _,
LM: () => r,
Uv: () => J,
C9: () => iC,
d1: () => g,
fQ: () => N,
oA: () => e,
sy: () => CC
var q = i(755073)
, V = i(678264)
, m = i(949570)
, w = i(13799)
, y = i(185214)
, l = i(843717)
, t = i(837557)
, B = i(764522)
, T = i(295432)
, I = i(850083)
, Y = i(484152)
, U = i(43129)
, L = i(165280)
, a = i(699204)
, v = i(218389)
, f = i(265989)
, s = i(167937)
, c = i(234562)
, O = i(751267)
, S = i(486717);
function j(C) {
switch (C) {
case S.vS.InstantRoulette:
return "instantroulette";
case S.vS.AmericanRedDoorRoulette:
case S.vS.RedDoorRoulette:
return "reddoorroulette";
return "roulette"
var o = i(843520)
, x = i(134904)
, Z = i(470265);
function H(C, p, i, q) {
const V = c.O.rouletteSocketSendDelay();
V ? (console.warn(`Bet is going to be sent in ${V}ms`),
setTimeout(( () => q.sendRawMessage(JSON.stringify({
args: i,
id: C,
type: p
}))), V)) : q.sendRawMessage(JSON.stringify({
args: i,
id: C,
type: p
var b = i(433085)
, X = i(60199)
, z = i(653080);
function M(C, p, i, q, V) {
const m = [I.n1.SpecialGrid, I.n1.FinaleEnPlein, I.n1.Hot,
, w = q || !(!p || !z.qN(p) && !X.rX(p) || !
C.isGoldVaultRoulette() && !C.luckyNumbersEnabled() || 1 !== i && !m)
, y = function(C, p) {
return C ? b.Ck.LightningStraightBet : 1 === p ? l.Wo.PlaceChip
: l.Wo.RepeatDouble
}(w, i);
Y.Ak(y, {
volume: w ? .25 : 1
var P = i(553003)
, R = i(127370);
function Q(C) {
return (p, i, {getAG: q, transport: V}) => {
const m = i()
, w = q().gameRoundId.value;
let y = T.q();
C && (y =, y)),
C && y.size > 0 ? function(C, p, i, q, V, m) {
var w;
const y = x.r()
, l = O.UX(V)
, t = o.Hn(i, l.luckyNumbersEnabled(), l.frenchRules())
, B = j(l.getRouletteGameType());
actionId: y,
bets: [p],
gameId: q,
accepted: !1,
const T = o.Sf(p.tokens);
if (T > 0)
H(y, `${B}.betAction`, s.Wl({
gameId: q,
action: {
type: "PLACE",
value: t
}, V), m);
else if (0 === T) {
const C = p.tokens
, i = Array.from(C.keys())
, t = i.find((p => C.get(p) < 0))
, T = i.find((p => C.get(p) > 0));
H(y, `${B}.betAction`, s.Wl({
gameId: q,
action: {
type: "MOVE",
value: {
from: o.cH(t, l.luckyNumbersEnabled(),
to: o.cH(T, l.luckyNumbersEnabled(),
amount: Math.abs(null !== (w = C.get(i[0]))
&& void 0 !== w ? w : 0)
}, V), m)
} else {
const C = Array.from(p.tokens.keys())[0];
H(y, `${B}.betAction`, s.Wl({
gameId: q,
action: {
type: "REMOVE",
value: {
from: o.cH(C, l.luckyNumbersEnabled(),
}, V), m)
}(p, C, y, w, m, V) : p(R.j({
totalAcceptedSum: 0,
numberOfValidBets: 0,
betsToBeRemovedFromBettingGrid: []
var n = i(355601)
, h = i(870658)
, G = i(994647)
, $ = i(205676)
, W = i(263943)
, k = i(878804)
, A = i(349165)
, F = i(342667)
, K = i(161927);
function E(C, p, i, q, V) {
return [I.n1.RecentNumbersAdvanced, I.n1.PieChart, I.n1.Hot,
I.n1.Cold, I.n1.RecentNumbers, I.n1.Statistics].includes(i) ? o.p(p, i) : o.AM(C,
p, X.zW(C, i, q), V)
function g(C) {
return (p, i, {getAG: V}) => {
const m = V()
, w = i()
, {currentRound: y} = K.Pr(O.JY(w), {
backendData: {
bets: C
, l = o.ev(y);
function N(C) {
return (p, i, {getAG: m}) => {
const w = m()
, y = i()
, {currentRound: l, repeatableRound: t} = K.Pr(O.JY(y), C)
, B = o.ev(l);
function J({betSpotId: C, position: p, betSource: i}) {
return (w, y) => {
var l, t;
const B = y()
, I = O.UX(B)
, Y = O.ud(B)
, U = P.M4(Y)
, L = null !== (l = U.get(C)) && void 0 !== l ? l : 0;
if (!U.has(C))
const a = o.yw({
betSpotId: C,
betSource: i,
shouldSplit: !1,
tokens: T.q([[C, -L]])
}, 0, I.getRouletteGameType());
const v = [a]
, c = o.wM(Y, a, I)
, S = ? [] : []
, j ={
betAdjusterResult: c,
betToBeAdded: a,
currentRound: Y,
hasEnoughFunds: !0,
autoplayRunning: O.V1(B),
settings: I
, x = o.nX(O.IA(B));
if (j.isValid && x) {
const p = (null === (t = o.wM(Y, {
tokens: O.go(B)
}, I).bet) || void 0 === t ? void 0 : t.tokens) || T.q();
w(s.DB(S, p));
const m = K.xB(O.JY(B), S).currentRound
, y = o.ev(m);
type: "remove",
totalBet: v,
realBet: S,
state: B
}, I)),
M(I, C, 1, !1, i),
...x ? {} : $.GQ(),
w(h.Zd(j.messages, p, C, i))
function r({betSource: C, position: p, from: i, to: w}) {
return (y, l) => {
var t;
const B = l()
, I = O.UX(B)
, Y = O.ud(B)
, U = P.M4(Y).get(i);
if (!U)
const L = {
betSource: C,
tokens: T.q([[i, -U], [w, U]]),
betSpotId: w,
shouldSplit: !1,
const a = v.Yq(B).neighbours
, c = o.yw(L, a, I.getRouletteGameType())
, S = [c]
, j = o.wM(Y, c, I)
, x = ? [] : []
, H = o.nX(O.IA(B))
, b = c.action ===
, X = O.zn(B)
, z ={
betAdjusterResult: j,
betToBeAdded: c,
currentRound: Y,
hasEnoughFunds: b || X,
autoplayRunning: O.V1(B),
settings: I
if (z.isValid && H) {
const p = (null === (t = o.wM(Y, {
tokens: O.go(B)
}, I).bet) || void 0 === t ? void 0 : t.tokens) || T.q();
y(s.DB(x, p));
const i = K.xB(O.JY(B), x).currentRound
, m = o.ev(i);
type: "move",
totalBet: S,
realBet: x,
state: B
}, I)),
M(I, w, 1, !1, C),
...H ? {} : $.GQ(),
y(h.Zd(z.messages, p, w, C))
function d(C) {
return (p, i) => {
const q = O.VZ(i());
amount: q
function D({betSpotId: C, betSource: p,
isChipPlacedByPressingOnEmptyBetspot: i, position: y, tokens: T, amount: U}) {
return (L, a, {getAG: c}) => {
const S = c();
if (!T && !C)
const j = a();
if (O.Nx(j) && !w.uD(j).IS_DESKTOP)
const x = O.UX(j)
, H = {
betSource: p,
betSpotId: C,
shouldSplit: !1,
tokens: T,
amount: U,
const b = v.Yq(j).neighbours
, X = o.yw(H, b, x.getRouletteGameType())
, z = O.ud(j)
, P = o.wM(z, X, x)
, R = ? [] : []
, n = o.nX(O.IA(j))
, G = O.zn(j)
, W ={
betAdjusterResult: P,
betToBeAdded: X,
currentRound: z,
hasEnoughFunds: G,
autoplayRunning: O.V1(j),
settings: x
if (W.isValid && n) {
betAdjusterResults: [P],
adjustedBetsToBeAdded: R,
betsToBeAdded: [X],
currentRound: z
}, x, O.go(j)));
const m = K.xB(O.JY(j), R).currentRound
, w = o.ev(m);
type: E(C, o.iU(R).join("_"), p, !1, x),
totalBet: [X],
realBet: R,
state: j,
isChipPlacedByPressingOnEmptyBetspot: i
}, x));
const y = R[0].tokens.size;
if (M(x, C, y, !1, p),
0 !== R.length) {
const i = R[0];
t.DS.IS_PHONE && p === I.n1.SpecialGrid && L(h.rA({
betSpotId: C,
adjustedBetsToBeAdded: R
i.type !== I.uu.AllBlack && i.type !== I.uu.AllRed ||
betSpotId: C,
adjustedBetsToBeAdded: R
n && G || (Y.Ak(l.Wo.ClickingFail),
...n ? {} : $.GQ(),
L(h.Zd(W.messages, y, C, p))
function u(C, p, i) {
return (q, V) => {
const w = V()
, y = O.UX(w)
, l = o.nX(O.IA(w))
, t = C.replace(/_top/, "")
, B = O.VZ(w)
, T = {
betSpotId: t,
amount: B,
betSource: p,
shouldSplit: !1
, I = O.JY(w)
, U = v.Yq(w).neighbours
, L = o.yw(T, U, y.getRouletteGameType())
, a = o.wM(I.currentRound, L, y)
, c ={
betAdjusterResult: a,
betToBeAdded: L,
currentRound: O.ud(w),
hasEnoughFunds: O.zn(w),
settings: y
l || (q($.GQ()),
c.isValid && l && q({
id: `${}`,
betSpotId: t,
targetBetSpotId: t,
amount: B,
shouldPlaceBetOnTransitionEnd: !0,
positionOffset: [0, 0]
q(h.Zd(c.messages, i, C, p))
function _(C, p, i) {
return (w, y) => {
var t, U;
const L = y()
, a = O.UX(L)
, v = T.q();
C.tokens.forEach(( (C, p) => {
v.set(o.F1(p), C)
const s = {
tokens: v,
betSpotId: null,
origin: I.n1.FavoriteBets,
type: I.uu.Standard
, c = [s]
, S = O.ud(L)
, j = o.wM(S, s, a)
, x = ? [] : []
, Z = P.M4(x)
, H = O.V1(L)
, b = o.nX(O.IA(L))
, X ={
betAdjusterResult: j,
betToBeAdded: s,
currentRound: S,
hasEnoughFunds: O.zn(L),
autoplayRunning: H,
settings: a
if (X.isValid && b) {
const i = o.ev(K.xB(O.JY(L), x).currentRound);
const m = null !== (U = null === (t = o.wM(S, {
tokens: O.go(L)
}, a).bet) || void 0 === t ? void 0 : t.tokens) && void 0 !
== U ? U : T.q()
, y = $.se(Z, C, p, a);
w(G.X6(x, m, y)),
type: I.uu.Favorite,
totalBet: c,
realBet: x,
state: L
}, a)),
i && w(h.Zd(X.messages, i))
function e() {
return (C, p, {getAG: i, transport: m}) => {
const l = p()
, t = i();
H(x.r(), `${j(O.UX(l).getRouletteGameType())}.betAction`,
action: {
type: "UNDO_ALL"
videoProtocol: O.h4(l)
}, l), m)
function CC() {
return (C, p, {getAG: i, transport: m}) => {
const l = i()
, t = p()
, B = O.ud(t)
, T = O.UX(t)
, {currentRound: I} = K.tN(O.JY(t))
, Y = o.yH(P.M4(B), P.M4(I))
, L = o.ev(I);
l.balance.setTotalBetToRepeat(L > 0 ? L : o.ev(O.ap(t))),
tokens: Y,
state: t
}, T)),
H(x.r(), `${j(O.UX(t).getRouletteGameType())}.betAction`,
action: {
type: "UNDO"
videoProtocol: O.h4(p())
}, t), m)
function pC() {
return (C, p) => {
const i = p()
, w = O.UX(i);
const y = O.JY(i)
, t = o.UJ(y.repeatableRound)
, T = o.wM(y.currentRound, y.repeatableRound[0], w)
, I = o.UJ( ? [] : [])
, L ={
betAdjusterResult: T,
betToBeAdded: t[0],
currentRound: O.ud(i),
hasEnoughFunds: O.zn(i),
settings: w
if (L.isValid && o.nX(O.IA(i))) {
O.CV(i) && C(k.Ip(A.B.InstantRouletteSendPlayNowDelay, 100,
( () => {
const p = K.xB(O.JY(i), I).currentRound
, m = o.ev(p);
function iC(C) {
return (p, i) => {
const w = i();
O._(w) && p(CC());
const y = O.UX(w)
, l = O.ap(w)
, t = O.ud(w)
, B = o.UJ(l)
, T =
, Y = {
tokens: P.M4(B),
origin: I.n1.Repeat,
betSpotId: null
, a = o.Xq(t, Y, T, y)
, v = o.UJ( ? [] : [])
, c = o.nX(O.IA(w))
, S ={
betAdjusterResult: a,
balance: T,
betToBeAdded: B[0],
currentRound: t,
hasEnoughFunds: O.zn(w),
autoplayRunning: O.V1(w),
settings: y
if (S.isValid && c) {
const C = i();
const m = K.xB(O.JY(C), v).currentRound
, w = o.ev(m);
totalBet: B,
realBet: v,
state: C
}, y))
if (p(f.FD(S.messages)),
C) {
const [i,q] = L.h$(C);
p(h.Zd(S.messages, {
left: i,
top: q
} else
function qC(C) {
return (p, i) => {
const w = i()
, y = O.UX(w)
, l =
, t = O.ud(w)
, B = o.nK(t, l, y)
, T = {
origin: I.n1.Double,
tokens: P.M4(t),
betSpotId: null
, Y = ? [] : []
, U ={
betAdjusterResult: B,
balance: l,
betToBeAdded: T,
currentRound: t,
hasEnoughFunds: O.zn(w),
autoplayRunning: O.V1(w),
settings: y
if (U.isValid && o.nX(O.IA(w))) {
const C = K.xB(O.JY(w), Y).currentRound
, i = o.ev(C);
type: "double",
totalBet: t,
realBet: Y,
state: w
}, y)),
if (p(f.FD(U.messages)),
C) {
const [i,q] = L.h$(C);
p(h.Zd(U.messages, {
left: i,
top: q
} else
function VC(C=!0) {
return (p, i) => {
const w = O.H6(i());
C && w && p(( (C, p) => {
const i = p()
, w = O.J8(i)
, y = O.ud(i)
, l = O.UX(i);
if (0 === w.size)
const t = {
tokens: w,
betSpotId: null,
origin: I.n1.LeaveWinningBet
, B = [t]
, Y = o.UJ(B)
, L = o.wM([], t, l)
, a = o.UJ( ? [] : [])
, v ={
betAdjusterResult: L,
betToBeAdded: t,
currentRound: y,
hasEnoughFunds: O.zn(i),
autoplayRunning: !1,
settings: l
if (v.isValid) {
C(s.DB(a, T.q()));
const p = o.ev(K.xB(O.JY(i), a).currentRound);
totalBet: Y,
realBet: a,
state: i
}, l))
function mC() {
return (C, p, {timelineManager: i}) => {
const q = i.getTimeline("GameResolve")
, V = Boolean(null == q ? void 0 :
, m = i.getTimeline("BetsOpen");
V && ((null == q ? void 0 : q.isTimelineRunning) &&
!1 === (null == m ? void 0 : m.finished) && m.fastForward(),
127370: (C, p, i) => {
i.d(p, {
j: () => T
var q = i(228174)
, V = i(584260)
, m = i(307169)
, w = i(369372)
, y = i(167937)
, l = i(994647)
, t = i(205676)
, B = i(751267);
function T(C, p=!0) {
return (i, T) => {
const {numberOfValidBets: I, betsToBeRemovedFromBettingGrid: Y,
totalAcceptedSum: U, sentBetSum: L} = C
, a = T()
, v = q.GB(U, 3)
, f = B.UX(a)
, s = (B.Ti(a) || []).reduce(( (C, p) => C.concat(p)), []);
let c;
const O = B.Le(a);
Object.keys(O).length || Y.length ? (0 === I ? (c =
p && i(t.NZ(s, O, f))) : (c =
p && i(t.vd(s, O, f))),
Y.length && i(y.d$(Y))) : I > 0 ? (i(y.gL()),
p && i(t._x(s, v, a, f)),
c = void 0 !== L && L > U ?
const S = {
p && i(w.Eo()),
355601: (C, p, i) => {
i.d(p, {
CQ: () => B,
Eq: () => q,
Er: () => o,
GH: () => Q,
Gw: () => P,
I6: () => S,
JP: () => h,
Kl: () => T,
O9: () => Z,
Qk: () => $,
T8: () => v,
Tb: () => H,
V5: () => X,
Xm: () => Y,
Xr: () => I,
Y6: () => s,
bI: () => y,
fH: () => M,
fR: () => f,
gP: () => G,
gw: () => c,
h$: () => t,
hm: () => b,
iV: () => j,
ir: () => l,
jM: () => n,
jb: () => m,
m1: () => U,
n2: () => w,
nv: () => L,
pO: () => R,
qD: () => a,
us: () => V,
x: () => O,
zd: () => z,
zt: () => x
const q = "bettingGrids/SET_GRID_CLIENT_BOUNDS"
, V = "bettingGrids/SET_HOVERED_BET_SPOT_ID"
, m = "bettingGrids/CLEAR_HOVERED_BET_SPOT_ID"
, w = "bettingGrids/SET_DRAGGED_BET_SPOT"
, y = "bettingGrids/SET_HIGHLIGHTED_BET_SPOTS"
, B = "bettingGrids/ADD_TRANSITION_TOKEN"
, T = "bettingGrids/SET_TRANSITION_TOKENS"
, L = "bettingGrids/SET_LAYOUT_GRID_STYLE"
, v = "bettingGrids/UPDATE_CHIP_DRAG_INFO"
, f = "bettingGrids/CLEAR_CHIP_DRAG_INFO"
function O(C) {
return {
payload: C,
type: q
function S(C) {
return {
payload: C,
type: L
function j(C) {
return {
payload: C,
type: a
function o(C) {
return {
type: V,
payload: C
function x() {
return {
type: m
function Z(C) {
return {
type: w,
payload: C
function H(C) {
return {
type: t,
payload: C
function b(C) {
return {
type: B,
payload: C
function X(C) {
return {
type: T,
payload: C
function z(C) {
return {
type: I,
payload: C
function M(C) {
return {
type: Y,
payload: C
function P(C) {
return {
type: U,
payload: C
function R(C) {
return {
type: c,
payload: C
function Q(C, p) {
return {
type: y,
payload: {
highlights: C,
betSource: p
function n() {
return {
type: l
function h(C) {
return {
type: s,
payload: C
function G(C) {
return {
type: v,
payload: C
function $() {
return {
type: f
790602: (C, p, i) => {
i.d(p, {
DB: () => t,
Gf: () => w,
NN: () => U,
OG: () => l,
cO: () => B,
r9: () => y
var q = i(903622)
, V = i(355601);
const m = {
cssStyleSheet: void 0,
keyFrameCache: {},
occupiedBetSpotMap: {
[q.jJ.Standard]: new Set,
[q.jJ.Golden]: new Set,
[q.jJ.Special]: new Set,
[q.jJ.Mini]: new Set
function w() {
m.cssStyleSheet = void 0,
m.keyFrameCache = {},
function y() {
Object.values(q.jJ).forEach((C => {
function l(C) {
return m.occupiedBetSpotMap[C]
function t(C, p, i=!0) {
const q = l(C);
i ? q.has(p) || q.add(p) : q.has(p) && q.delete(p)
const B = {
bottom: 0,
height: 1,
left: 0,
right: 0,
top: 0,
width: 1
, T = {}
, I = {
highlights: {}
, Y = {
hoveredBetSpotId: void 0,
draggedBetSpot: void 0,
transitionChips: [],
shouldWinningTokensAnimate: !1,
isFlyingAnimationFinished: !1,
gridsSizes: {
[q.jJ.Standard]: B,
[q.jJ.Special]: B,
[q.jJ.Golden]: B,
[q.jJ.Mini]: B
chipDragInfo: {
draggedChipPosition: void 0,
draggedEnoughToConsiderMovingChip: !1,
mouseOffsetFromChipCenter: void 0
winningBetSpotHighlights: {},
highlightedBetSpots: I,
gridLayoutStyle: T,
secondaryGridLayoutStyle: T,
transitionActive: !1
function U(C=Y, p) {
switch (p.type) {
case V.Eq:
return {
gridsSizes: {
[p.payload.gridType]: p.payload.boundingRect
return {
hoveredBetSpotId: p.payload
case V.jb:
return {
hoveredBetSpotId: void 0
case V.n2:
return {
draggedBetSpot: p.payload
case V.h$:
return {
winningBetSpotHighlights: p.payload
case V.CQ:
const i = C.transitionChips;
return {
transitionChips: i.concat([p.payload])
case V.Kl:
const i = C.transitionChips
, q = 0 === i.length ? p.payload : => {
const p = i.find(( ({id: p}) => p ===;
return p ? {
amount: C.amount + p.amount
} : C
return {
transitionChips: q
case V.Xr:
const i = C.transitionChips.filter((C => !
return {
transitionChips: i
case V.nv:
return {
gridLayoutStyle: p.payload
case V.qD:
return {
secondaryGridLayoutStyle: p.payload
return {
transitionActive: p.payload
case V.bI:
return {
highlightedBetSpots: p.payload
return {
highlightedBetSpots: I
case V.Xm:
return {
shouldWinningTokensAnimate: p.payload
case V.m1:
return {
isFlyingAnimationFinished: p.payload
case V.T8:
return {
chipDragInfo: {
case V.fR:
return {
chipDragInfo: {
draggedChipPosition: void 0,
draggedEnoughToConsiderMovingChip: !1,
mouseOffsetFromChipCenter: void 0
case V.Y6:
return Object.assign(C.chipDragInfo, p.payload),
return C
870658: (C, p, i) => {
i.d(p, {
uz: () => O,
z6: () => S,
rA: () => j,
Zd: () => c,
hS: () => o
var q = i(266600)
, V = i(13799)
, m = i(185214)
, w = i(221770)
, y = i(346160)
, l = i(850083)
, t = i(312929)
, B = i(903622)
, T = i(355601)
, I = i(443136)
, Y = i(205676)
, U = i(60199)
, L = i(653080);
const a = [{
x: 1,
y: -1
}, {
x: -1,
y: -1
}, {
x: 2,
y: 1
}, {
x: 0,
y: 1
}, {
x: -2,
y: 1
}, {
x: -3,
y: -1
}, {
x: 3,
y: -1
, v = .02;
var f = i(751267)
, s = i(843520);
function c(C, p, i, q) {
return (t, T) => {
const U = T()
, a = V.DB(U)
, v = V.uD(U)
, c = s.nX(f.IA(U))
, {left: O, top: S} = V.Ay(U)
, j = p.left - O
, o = - S;
if (!c && i) {
const p = C.find((C => "tooltip.balanceTooLow" === C.key))
, i = (null == p ? void 0 : p.key) ||
q && q === l.n1.SpecialGrid ?
left: j,
top: o,
labelTranslationId: i,
type: "specialBettingGrid"
}))) : q === l.n1.GoldenGrid ? (t(m.QW(B.jJ.Golden)),
left: j,
top: o,
labelTranslationId: i,
type: B.jJ.Golden
}))) : q === l.n1.MiniGrid ? (t(m.QW(B.jJ.Mini)),
left: j,
top: o,
labelTranslationId: i,
type: B.jJ.Mini
}))) : (t(m.QW(B.jJ.Standard)),
left: j,
top: o,
labelTranslationId: i,
type: B.jJ.Standard
} else
C.forEach((C => {
const p = null != i ? i : C.betSpotId
, V = !(v.IS_DESKTOP || a.isSlingshot() &&
, T = ( () => {
switch (!0) {
case V:
return I.Or(U);
case L.Zi(p):
return B.jJ.Golden;
case q === l.n1.SpecialGrid:
return B.jJ.Special;
return B.jJ.Standard
if (a.isXLRoulette() && "tooltip.maxPayoutLimitReached"
=== C.key && t(Y.R6()),
"tooltip.chipTooSmall" === C.key && t(Y.cB()),
"tooltip.betRestrictionsApply" === C.key) {
const p = v.IS_DESKTOP ? B.jJ.Standard : I.Or(U);
left: j,
top: o,
label: y.Tl(C.key),
type: p
} else
s.Wm(p, T) && (t(m.QW(T)),
left: j,
top: o,
label: y.Tl(C.key, {
amount: w.i(C.amount)
type: T
function O(C, p) {
return (i, V) => {
var m;
const w = f.cQ(V())
, y = p === B.jJ.Special ? s.E1(C, 2) : t.em(C);
q.A(y, null === (m = w.highlights) || void 0 === m ? void 0 :
m[p]) || i(S({
[p]: y
}, B.Q2(p)))
function S(C, p) {
return (i, q) => {
const m = q();
if (!f.Nx(m) || V.uD(m).IS_DESKTOP)
return f.zn(m) ? m.settings.chipDragAllowed() && f.UL(q())
&& p !== l.n1.StandardGrid && 0 !== Object.keys(C).length ? void 0 : i(T.GH(C,
p)) : i(T.GH({}))
function j({betSpotId: C, adjustedBetsToBeAdded: p}) {
return i => {
i(T.V5(function({betSpotId: C, adjustedBetsToBeAdded: p}) {
return Array.from(p[0].tokens.entries()).map(( ([p,i], q)
=> {
let V = p;
const m = [0, 0];
return && !1 === L.qN(V) && (V = C,
m[0] = a[q].x * v,
m[1] = a[q].y * v),
id: `${C}-${p}`,
amount: i,
betSpotId: C,
targetBetSpotId: V,
shouldPlaceBetOnTransitionEnd: !1,
positionOffset: m
betSpotId: C,
adjustedBetsToBeAdded: p
function o(C) {
return (p, i) => {
if (0 === C.length)
const q = f.jq(i(), B.jJ.Standard);
if (q) {
const {left: i, top: V, width: m, height: w} = q;
p(c(C, {
top: V + w / 2,
left: i + m / 2
887939: (C, p, i) => {
function q(C) {
function V(C) {
function m(C) {
i.d(p, {
O: () => V,
Z6: () => m,
uR: () => q
751942: (C, p, i) => {
i.d(p, {
DJ: () => l,
Gr: () => q,
I2: () => y,
Ln: () => V,
c5: () => m,
lI: () => w
const q = "customRoulette/SET_USER_MULTIPLIERS_CHOICE";
function V() {
return {
type: q,
payload: "enabled"
function m() {
return {
type: q,
payload: "disabled"
function w() {
return {
type: q,
payload: "default"
const y = "customRoulette/SET_MATH";
function l(C) {
return {
type: y,
payload: C
92340: (C, p, i) => {
i.d(p, {
_: () => V
var q = i(192217);
function V(C) {
const {dark: p, light: i} = C.getMobileBackgroundColors()
, V = {
dark: m(q.Z(`rgb(${p})`, -.4)),
light: m(q.Z(`rgb(${i})`, -.4))
, [w,y,l,t] = C.getClassicViewBackgroundColors();
return {
mobile: V,
classicView: [q.Z(`#${w}`, -.4), q.Z(`#${y}`, -.4), q.Z(`#$
{l}`, -.4), q.Z(`#${t}`, -.4)]
function m(C) {
return C.replace("rgb(", "").replace(")", "")
821023: (C, p, i) => {
i.d(p, {
Ry: () => V,
w9: () => m,
wv: () => w
var q = i(13799);
function V(C) {
var p, i;
return null !== (i = null === (p = C.roulette.customRoulette) ||
void 0 === p ? void 0 : p.userMultipliersChoice) && void 0 !== i ? i : "default"
function m(C) {
const p = q.DB(C);
switch (V(C)) {
case "enabled":
return !0;
case "disabled":
return !1;
case "default":
return p.isCustomMultipliersEnabledByDefault()
function w(C) {
var p;
return null === (p = C.roulette.customRoulette) || void 0 === p ?
void 0 : p.math
917008: (C, p, i) => {
i.d(p, {
Hy: () => a
var q = i(186763)
, V = i(355601)
, m = i(92340)
, w = i(929598)
, y = i(900466)
, l = i(878804)
, t = i(349165)
, B = i(751267)
, T = i(134904)
, I = i(751942);
function Y(C) {
"help"in C.layout.openWindows.value && C.layout.close("help")
const U = {
mobile: {
transitionDuration: 1e3
function L() {
return C => {
C(l.Ip(t.B.GridstyleTransition, q.GRID_STYLE_TRANSITION_TIME, (
() => {
function a(C) {
return p => {
p(C ? (C, p, {getAG: i, transport: q}) => {
const V = B.UX(p());
C(y.v(m._(V), U)),
id: T.r(),
type: "roulette.switchRouletteBGameMode"
})).catch((C => {}
: (C, p, {getAG: i, transport: q}) => {
const V = B.UX(p());
C(y.v(w.h(V), U)),
id: T.r(),
type: "roulette.switchRouletteBGameMode"
})).catch((C => {}
483643: (C, p, i) => {
i.d(p, {
m: () => m
var q = i(751267)
, V = i(218389);
function m() {
return (C, p) => {
C(V.a8(q.jF(p()) + 1))
602786: (C, p, i) => {
var q;
i.d(p, {
I: () => q
function(C) {
C["Statistics"] = "statistics",
C["FavouriteBets"] = "favouriteBets",
C["Entertainment"] = "entertainment"
}(q || (q = {}))
609925: (C, p, i) => {
i.d(p, {
Fb: () => b,
H: () => o,
Qw: () => x,
Ve: () => Z,
r0: () => H
var q = i(13799)
, V = i(170877)
, m = i(148999)
, w = i(733381)
, y = i(295432)
, l = i(60199)
, t = i(735800)
, B = i(850083)
, T = i(864355)
, I = i(466714)
, Y = i(903622)
, U = i(263543)
, L = i(343352)
, a = i(58413)
, v = i(876303)
, f = i(751267)
, s = i(843520)
, c = i(553003)
, O = i(205676);
function S(C, p, i) {
id: m.MZ(),
type: C,
args: {
queryString: p
function j(C) {
const p = new Array(Math.max(C.usedPositions,
w.minimumFavoriteBetsCount)).fill(void 0);
let i;
C.favouriteBets.forEach((C => {
const i = y.q();
Object.keys(C.bets).forEach((p => {
const q = T.m4(p);
q && i.set(s.wT(q), parseFloat(C.bets[p]))
const q = parseInt(C.position, 10) - 1
, V = "" === C.betName && 0 !== i.size ? l.vO(i)
: C.betName;
q >= p.length - 1 && p.push(...Array(q - p.length +
2).fill(void 0)),
p[q] = {
betName: V,
disabledReason: C.disabledReason,
tokens: i,
totalAmount: parseFloat(C.totalAmount)
for (let C = p.length - 1; C >= w.cutEmptyTailStartIndex && !p[C];
i = C;
return i && (p.splice(i, 1 / 0),
p.length < w.maximumFavoriteBetsCount && p.push(void 0)), => C || {}))
function o(C) {
return {
payload: j(C),
type: I.Mx
function x(C, p) {
return (i, V, {transport: m}) => {
const y = V()
, T = t.Rl(y, C);
if (!B.Ih(T))
const Y = t.M(y)
, U = q.DB(y)
, L = p.trim() || l.vO(T.tokens);
S("favouriteBets.editBet", {
betName: L,
tableId: U.getTableId()
}, m),
i({, L),
type: I.qU
function Z(C) {
return (p, i, {transport: q}) => {
const V = i()
, m = t.Rl(V, C);
if (!B.Ih(m))
const y = t.M(V)
, l = f.UX(V);
S("favouriteBets.deleteBet", {
}, q);
const T = w.selectFavoriteBets(V);
T[C] = {},
t.MR(V) && 0 === T.filter((C => B.HA(C))).length &&
p(w.setEditMode(!1, w.createClientEnterRfbEditModeLog,
const Y = {
name: m.betName,
position: C + 1,
tableId: l.getTableId(),
bets: s.k3(m.tokens, l)
payload: Y,
type: I.VP
function H(C, p) {
return (i, q, {transport: V}) => {
const m = q();
let y;
y = t.Jv(m, C) ? 100 : t.M(m);
const B = f.UX(m)
, T = C + 1
, Y = c.M4(f.Fo(m).length ? f.Fo(m) : f.ap(m))
, U = s.k3(Y, B)
, L = s.Hn(Y, B.luckyNumbersEnabled(), B.frenchRules());
const a = p || l.vO(Y)
, v = B.getTableId();
var j;
S("favouriteBets.saveBet", {
betName: a,
bets: (j = L,
Object.keys(j).reduce(( (C, p) => (C[p] = String(j[p]),
C)), {})),
position: T,
tableId: v
}, V),
label: a,
position: T,
bets: U
payload: {
betName: a,
bets: L,
humanReadableBets: U,
position: T,
tableId: v
function b(C, p) {
return (i, m) => {
const w = m()
, y = t.Rl(w, C);
if (i(U.iw(y, C, p)), !== V.OD.Desktop) {
const C = y.tokens
, p = v.$(C)
, q = [{
tokens: C
[Y.jJ.Standard]: p,
[Y.jJ.Special]: Array.from(
}, B.n1.FavoriteBets))
994647: (C, p, i) => {
i.d(p, {
A: () => A,
D2: () => s,
Hx: () => G,
No: () => yC,
OI: () => pC,
QG: () => g,
X6: () => qC,
YU: () => E,
ZX: () => N,
_7: () => mC,
fB: () => iC,
fH: () => CC,
ft: () => f,
gX: () => J,
j$: () => wC,
oT: () => W,
qA: () => k,
re: () => e,
sB: () => u,
sG: () => K,
t8: () => r,
tE: () => X,
uN: () => F,
zn: () => $
var q = i(393357)
, V = i(13799)
, m = i(949570)
, w = i(678264)
, y = i(625678)
, l = i(449141)
, t = i(295432)
, B = i(790602)
, T = i(878804)
, I = i(306815)
, Y = i(843520)
, U = i(277082)
, L = i(307169)
, a = i(751267)
, v = i(470265);
const f = "game/END_ROUND"
, s = "game/SET_PHASE"
, c = "game/SET_WINNERS"
, S = "game/SET_ERROR_CODE"
, Z = "game/SET_SECONDS"
, X = "game/SET_RESULT"
, P = "game/RESULT_KNOWN"
function G(C) {
return {
payload: C,
type: S
function $(C) {
return (p, i, {getAG: q}) => {
p(function(C) {
return {
payload: C,
type: c
&& C.length && q().winnersList.setWinners(C)
function W(C) {
return {
type: h,
payload: C
function k(C) {
return (p, i) => {
const q = i()
, V = a.IA(q)
, m = Y.nX(V)
, w = Y.nX(C);
!m && w && B.r9(),
p(function(C) {
return {
payload: C,
type: s
function A(C) {
return (p, i) => {
const q = i()
, y = a.IA(q)
, l = V.uD(q).IS_DESKTOP
, t = [L.a.BetsOpen, L.a.BetsClosed].includes(C);
if (void 0 === m.uP(q))
payload: C,
type: O
else {
if ((y === L.a.BetsClosed && Y.nX(C) || y === L.a.NoBets &&
[L.a.BetsOpen, L.a.BetsClosingSoon, L.a.BetsClosed].includes(C)) && void 0 !==
return p(k(y)),
void (!l && t && p(T.m4()));
l || C !== L.a.BetsClosed || C === y || a.CV(q) ||
l || C !== L.a.BetsOpen || C === y || p(T.m4()),
C === L.a.BetsAccepted && p(w.tD(0))
C === L.a.BetsClosed && VC.includes(y) || (C ===
L.a.BetweenGames && p(G(null)),
y === L.a.Canceled && C === L.a.BetsOpen && p(
function F(C, p) {
return {
payload: {
numbers: C,
timestamp: p
type: X
function K(C) {
return {
payload: C,
type: z
function E(C) {
return {
payload: C,
type: M
function g(C) {
return {
payload: C ? C / 1e3 : void 0,
type: H
function N(C) {
return {
payload: C,
type: b
function J(C) {
return {
payload: C,
type: Z
function r() {
return {
type: M,
payload: void 0
const d = 60
, D = 1e3 / 30;
function u(C, p) {
return (i, q) => {
var V;
const m = q();
if (a.UL(m))
let w = a.zn(m) ? C : t.q();
w = (null === (V = Y.wM(a.ud(m), {
tokens: w
}, a.UX(m)).bet) || void 0 === V ? void 0 : V.tokens) || t.q();
const y = {
type: j,
payload: {
tokens: w,
hoveredTokensSource: p
, l = U.selectVideoFps(m);
if (void 0 === l || l > 10)
else {
const C = window.setTimeout(( () => {
), D);
function _(C) {
return {
payload: C,
type: x
function e({delay: C}={
delay: d
}) {
return p => {
const i = {
type: o
if (0 === C)
else {
const q = window.setTimeout(( () => {
), C);
function CC(C) {
return {
type: P,
payload: C
function pC() {
return function(C) {
return (p, i) => {
const m = i()
, y = a.Pm(m)
, t = a.IA(m);
if (null !== y && (p(A(y)),
C.type === l.fY)) {
const C = a.ud(m)
, i = Y.ev(C);
i > 0 && [L.a.BetsOpen,
L.a.BetsClosingSoon].includes(y) && p(w.tD(i))
if (t === L.a.Canceled)
switch (C.type) {
case q.n1:
p(w.WI(C.payload.limit, void 0,;
case l.fY:
V.DB(m).isAAMS() && !C.payload.tableId ||
function iC(C) {
return {
type: R,
payload: C
function qC(C, p, i) {
return {
type: v.xk,
payload: {
hoveredTokens: p,
betsToBeAdded: C
const VC = [L.a.BetsAccepted, L.a.NotAllBetsAccepted, L.a.BetsRejected,
L.a.NoBets, L.a.WinnersKnown, L.a.BetweenGames];
function mC(C) {
return {
type: Q,
payload: C
function wC(C) {
return {
type: n,
payload: C
function yC(C) {
const p = function(C) {
const p = C === y.Z.InstantRoulette;
return {
winners: [],
errorCode: null,
number: null,
pendingPhase: p ? null : L.a.BetweenGames,
phase: L.a.Welcome,
result: [],
resultDuration: 0,
secondsRemaining: p ? -1 : 0,
hoveredTokensTimeoutId: null,
hoveredTokens: t.q(),
resultKnown: !1,
betsClosedAt: void 0,
countdownFrom: void 0,
countdownStartTime: void 0,
hoveredTokensSource: void 0,
isAutoplayRunning: !1,
instantRouletteWheelId: null,
balanceUpdateReceivedWhenWinningsKnown: !1,
queueShowingWinnersListWhenWinnersAreReceived: !1
return (C=p, i) => {
switch (i.type) {
case s:
return {
phase: i.payload,
pendingPhase: null
case O:
return {
pendingPhase: i.payload
case Z:
return {
secondsRemaining: i.payload
case S:
return {
errorCode: i.payload
case X:
return {
result: i.payload.numbers
case z:
return {
resultDuration: i.payload
case M:
return {
betsClosedAt: i.payload
case H:
return {
countdownFrom: i.payload
case b:
return {
countdownStartTime: i.payload
case x:
return null !== C.hoveredTokensTimeoutId &&
hoveredTokensTimeoutId: i.payload
case j:
return null !== C.hoveredTokensTimeoutId &&
hoveredTokens: i.payload.tokens,
hoveredTokensSource: i.payload.hoveredTokensSource
case o:
return null !== C.hoveredTokensTimeoutId &&
hoveredTokens: p.hoveredTokens,
hoveredTokensSource: void 0
case v.gj:
case v.xk:
return {
hoveredTokens: i.payload.hoveredTokens
case P:
return {
resultKnown: i.payload
case R:
return {
isAutoplayRunning: i.payload
case Q:
return {
instantRouletteWheelId: i.payload
case c:
return {
winners: i.payload
case h:
return {
case n:
return {
balanceUpdateReceivedWhenWinningsKnown: i.payload
return C
30348: (C, p, i) => {
i.d(p, {
G2: () => w,
c0: () => m,
rK: () => q
const q = "gameCanceled/SET"
, V = !1;
function m(C) {
return {
type: q,
payload: C
function w(C=V, p) {
return p.type === q ? p.payload : C
563710: (C, p, i) => {
i.d(p, {
Az: () => T,
FS: () => U,
UJ: () => Y,
eZ: () => L
var q = i(307169)
, V = i(751267)
, m = i(843520)
, w = i(994647)
, y = i(296464);
const l = "gameResult/WIN_AMOUNT_SHOWN_LOGGED"
, t = "gameResult/SHOW"
, B = "gameResult/HIDE"
, I = {
isVisible: !1,
winAmountShownLogged: !1,
resultShownTimesInCurrentPageLoad: 0
function Y() {
return (C, p) => {
const i = p()
, q =
, w = V.qc(i);
(q > 0 || m.ok(w) > 0) && (C(y._V(!0)),
type: T
type: t
C(( (C, p, {getAG: i}) => {
const q = p()
, w = V.AI(q)
, y = V.KY(q)
, l = m.ok(V.qc(q))
, t = i().gameRoundId.value;
y && !w && l > 0 && C({
meta: {
log: {
payload: {
amount: l,
place: "video",
gameId: t
function U() {
return {
type: B
function L(C=I, p) {
switch (p.type) {
case w.D2:
return p.payload === q.a.BetsOpen ? {
winAmountShownLogged: !1
} : C;
case l:
return {
winAmountShownLogged: !0
case t:
return {
isVisible: !0,
C.resultShownTimesInCurrentPageLoad + 1
case B:
return {
isVisible: !1
return C
538962: (C, p, i) => {
i.d(p, {
G: () => m
var q = i(751267)
, V = i(218389);
function m() {
return (C, p) => {
C(V.x1(q.Mp(p()) + 1))
768519: (C, p, i) => {
i.d(p, {
IZ: () => w,
Ik: () => t,
KZ: () => B,
Nn: () => q,
dD: () => l,
gn: () => V,
sG: () => y,
uk: () => m
const q = "goldVault/SET_GOLD_VAULT_ALL_BOXES"
function y(C) {
return {
type: q,
payload: C
function l() {
return {
type: V
function t(C) {
return {
type: m,
payload: C
function B(C) {
return {
type: w,
payload: C
813330: (C, p, i) => {
i.d(p, {
$: () => f,
$Y: () => L,
eB: () => s,
fo: () => U,
q8: () => a,
yN: () => c
var q = i(693)
, V = i(160739)
, m = i(295432)
, w = i(502715)
, y = i(70419)
, l = i(836294)
, t = i(307169)
, B = i(751267)
, T = i(653080)
, I = i(553003);
function Y(C) {
var p, i;
return null !== (i = null === (p = C.roulette.goldVault) || void 0
=== p ? void 0 : p.goldVaultBoxContents) && void 0 !== i ? i : []
function U(C) {
var p, i;
return null !== (i = null === (p = C.roulette.goldVault) || void 0
=== p ? void 0 : p.countShowingTime) && void 0 !== i ? i : 0
const L = V.Mz(Y, (C => C.reduce(( (C, p) => C +
Object.keys(p).length), 0)));
function a(C) {
var p;
return null === (p = C.roulette.goldVault) || void 0 === p ? void 0
: p.winningMultiplier
function v() {
let C = m.q();
return p => {
B.IA(p) === t.a.BetsClosed && (C = m.q());
const i = B.ud(p);
return q.A(i) || (C = I.M4(i)),
const f = V.Mz(Y, ( (C, p) => p), ( (C, p, i) => i), v(), ( (C, p, i,
q) => {
const V = Array.from(q.keys()).filter((C => T.qN(C)))
, m = {};
return C.forEach(( (C, q) => {
Object.entries(C).forEach((C => {
var w, l;
const t = C[0]
, B = null !== (w = C[1]) && void 0 !== w ? w : 0
, T = y.Sj(t, p.betSpotData);
m[t] || (m[t] = {
betSpotCellData: T,
betSpotId: t,
shouldGlow: V.includes(t),
totalValue: 0,
multipliers: []
const I = m[t];
I && (I.multipliers.push({
value: I.totalValue + B,
startTime: null !== (l = i.gbDelays[q]) && void 0 !== l
? l : 1500
I.totalValue += B)
, s = V.Mz(Y, v(), B.UX, ( (C, p, i) => {
const {bigGlow: q, gbDelays: V} =
, [m,w] = q
, y = V
, t = m + w
, B = Array.from(p.keys()).filter((C => T.qN(C)));
return {
glowStep: {
delay: m,
duration: w
barAppearSteps: (C, p) => {
var i;
const q = 0 === p ? y[0] - t : 0
, V = (null !== (i = y[p + 1]) && void 0 !== i ? i :
y[p]) - y[p];
let m = !1
, w = !1
, T = !1;
const I = Object.entries(C);
return I.forEach(( ([C,p]) => {
const i = p === l.R;
i && (m = !0),
B.includes(C) && (i ? T = !0 : w = !0)
delay: q,
duration: V,
barCount: I.length,
hasPlatinumBar: m,
hasGoldBarOnBet: w,
hasPlatinumBarOnBet: T
, c = V.Mz(( (C, p) => p), (C => {
const p = {};
return w.vb.forEach((i => {
p[i] = y.Sj(i, C.betSpotData)
452081: (C, p, i) => {
i.d(p, {
JM: () => w,
ap: () => V,
az: () => q,
wf: () => m
const q = "grid/SET_CURRENT"
, V = "grid/SET_IS_MINIMIZED";
function m(C) {
return {
type: q,
payload: C
function w(C) {
return {
type: V,
payload: C
443136: (C, p, i) => {
function q(C) {
return C.roulette.grid.current
function V(C, p) {
return q(C) === p
function m(C) {
return C.roulette.grid.isMinimized
i.d(p, {
Or: () => q,
d9: () => V,
t3: () => m
988737: (C, p, i) => {
i.d(p, {
D: () => t,
I: () => B
var q = i(903622)
, V = i(351285)
, m = i(218389)
, w = i(751267)
, y = i(452081)
, l = i(443136);
function t(C) {
return function(p, i) {
const V = l.Or(i());
p( === C ? q.jJ.Standard : C))
function B() {
return function(C, p) {
const i = p()
, q = w.UX(i).getRouletteGameType()
, l = m.Yq(i).lastUsedGrid;
V.zs(q).includes(l) && C(
390258: (C, p, i) => {
i.d(p, {
h: () => m
var q = i(751267)
, V = i(218389);
function m() {
return (C, p) => {
C(V.N7( + 1))
332451: (C, p, i) => {
i.d(p, {
bb: () => U,
up: () => v,
wi: () => f
var q = i(13799)
, V = i(279276)
, m = i(582943)
, w = i(185214)
, y = i(500704)
, l = i(870658)
, t = i(92340)
, B = i(821023)
, T = i(602786)
, I = i(900466)
, Y = i(751267);
const U = "layoutSelector/SET_CURRENT_ROULETTE_LAYOUT";
let L, a;
function v(C) {
return (p, i, {getAG: v}) => {
const f = v()
, s = i()
, c = q.uD(s)
, O = Y.UX(s);
f.layout.drawer.desktop.current.value.find((C => ===
T.I.Entertainment)) && f.layout.drawer.desktop.close(T.I.Entertainment),
a && window.clearTimeout(a),
C === y.FJ.Classic && B.w9(s) && p(I.v(t._(O))),
O.clientHideTableLimitsTimeout() &&
a = window.setTimeout(( () => {
a = void 0
), O.clientHideTableLimitsTimeout())),
c.IS_TABLET && ( !== C && C !== y.FJ.Tablet && (L =
V.Ro(s)), !== C && C === y.FJ.Tablet && L && p(m.H(L))),
p(function(C) {
return {
type: U,
layout: C
function f(C) {
return function(p=function(C) {
return {
currentLayout: C
}(C), i) {
return i.type === U ? {
currentLayout: i.layout
} : p
39228: (C, p, i) => {
i.d(p, {
bg: () => v,
dx: () => a,
qH: () => f,
u0: () => j,
xK: () => s
var q = i(892117)
, V = i(486717)
, m = i(735800)
, w = i(218389)
, y = i(751267);
const l = "lightningPromo/SET_TOOLTIP_VISIBLE"
, t = "lightningPromo/SET_BUTTON_ANIMATING"
, B = "lightningPromo/SET_ROUNDS_PLAYED"
, T = "lightningPromo/SET_TOOLTIP_CLOSED"
, I = 1
, Y = 3
, U = 20
, L = {
roundsPlayed: 0,
isTooltipVisible: !1,
isButtonAnimating: !1,
wasTooltipClosed: !1
function a(C) {
return V.B7(y.UX(C).getRouletteGameType()) && m.$v(C) && !y.v(C) &&
(y.XG(C) < I || < Y)
function v() {
return (C, p) => {
const i = p()
, V = y.Xf(i) + 1;
C(V >= U ? (C, p) => {
const i = p();
q.G6(i) && "favouriteBets" === q.xL(i) ? C(S()) : (Y > && C(O(!0)),
I > y.XG(i) && C(c(!0)))
: {
type: B,
payload: V
function f() {
return (C, p) => {
const i = p();
y.uF(i) && (C(c(!1)),
C(w.ZE(y.XG(i) + 1)),
function s() {
return (C, p) => {
const i = p();
y.tV(i) && (C(O(!1)),
C( + 1)))
function c(C) {
return {
type: l,
payload: C
function O(C) {
return {
type: t,
payload: C
function S() {
return {
type: T
function j(C=L, p) {
switch (p.type) {
case l:
return {
isTooltipVisible: p.payload
case t:
return {
isButtonAnimating: p.payload
case B:
return {
roundsPlayed: p.payload
case T:
return {
wasTooltipClosed: !0
return C
791558: (C, p, i) => {
i.d(p, {
G: () => m,
h: () => w
var q = i(751267)
, V = i(218389);
function m() {
return (C, p) => {
C(V.ys(q.JA(p()) + 1))
function w() {
return (C, p) => {
C(, "xxxtremeLightningRouletteTutorialCounter") +
205676: (C, p, i) => {
i.d(p, {
AM: () => d,
Dc: () => F,
EK: () => s,
FJ: () => r,
GQ: () => K,
Il: () => _,
NZ: () => x,
OC: () => $,
PC: () => j,
Qo: () => M,
R2: () => A,
R6: () => CC,
TD: () => D,
YM: () => R,
Ys: () => z,
Yv: () => W,
_: () => E,
_x: () => H,
av: () => Q,
cB: () => e,
dH: () => N,
d_: () => S,
do: () => G,
gB: () => b,
hb: () => h,
i_: () => J,
j2: () => g,
jd: () => P,
pX: () => O,
pZ: () => u,
pr: () => n,
q3: () => X,
se: () => o,
vd: () => Z,
wO: () => k
var q = i(174107)
, V = i(755073)
, m = i(523219)
, w = i(228174)
, y = i(295432)
, l = i(733381)
, t = i(500704)
, B = i(43129)
, T = i(903622)
, I = i(443136)
, Y = i(218389)
, U = i(751267)
, L = i(843520)
, a = i(553003);
function v(C, p={}, i) {
const q = L.Me(p);
if (!q.size) {
const p = L.Hn(C, i.luckyNumbersEnabled(), i.frenchRules());
return {
originalBet: p,
rejected: {},
confirmed: p
const V = y.q();
C.forEach(( (C, p) => {
var i, m;
if (q.has(p)) {
const w = C - (null !== (m = null === (i = q.get(p)) ||
void 0 === i ? void 0 : i.amount) && void 0 !== m ? m : 0);
0 !== w && V.set(p, w)
} else
V.set(p, C)
q.forEach(( (p, i) => {
var q, m;
const {amount: w} = p;
w < 0 && (C.set(i, (null !== (q = C.get(i)) && void 0 !== q ? q
: 0) - w),
V.set(i, null !== (m = C.get(i)) && void 0 !== m ? m : 0))
const m = y.zj(V);
return q.forEach(( (C, p) => {
var i;
const {amount: q} = C;
q <= 0 || (!1 === m.has(p) ? m.set(p, q) : m.set(p, (null !==
(i = m.get(p)) && void 0 !== i ? i : 0) + q))
rejected: L.Hn(q, i.luckyNumbersEnabled(), i.frenchRules()),
confirmed: L.Hn(V, i.luckyNumbersEnabled(), i.frenchRules()),
originalBet: L.Hn(m, i.luckyNumbersEnabled(), i.frenchRules())
const f = [l.RouletteEnhancerTypes.Currency,
l.RouletteEnhancerTypes.ChipStack, l.RouletteEnhancerTypes.TableLimits];
function s(C) {
switch (C) {
case t.FJ.ImmersiveV2:
return "Immersive (Overlay, Full screen, Multi-camera View)";
case t.FJ.Slingshot:
return "Slingshot";
case t.FJ.Classic:
case t.FJ.Tablet:
return "Classic (Small video, Low)";
case t.FJ.TabletImmersive:
return "Immersive (Overlay, Full screen, Multi-camera View)";
case t.FJ.TabletSlingshot:
return "Slingshot";
case t.FJ.PhoneImmersive:
return "Immersive (Overlay, Full screen, Multi-camera View)";
case t.FJ.Chat:
return "Classic (Small video, Low)"
return "n/a"
function c({amount: C, type: p, codes: i, state: q, chips: V,
isChipPlacedByPressingOnEmptyBetspot: m}) {
const w = s(;
return {
amount: C,
type: `${p}${I.Or(q) === T.jJ.Mini ? "_mini" : ""}`,
codes: i,
chips: V,
viewType: w,
gameType: q.settings.getGameType(),
appVersion: q.settings.getAppVersion(),
isChipPlacedByPressingOnEmptyBetspot: !!m
function O({type: C, totalBet: p, realBet: i, state: q, requested: V,
balance: m, ...t}, T) {
const I = w.GB(L.ev(i, C), 3)
, v = a.M4(p)
, s = a.M4(i)
, O = L.k3(s, T)
, S =, T)
, j = Y.TG(q, "neighbours")
, o = y.q();
v.forEach(( (C, p) => {
s.get(p) !== C && o.set(p, C)
const x =, T)
, Z = c({
amount: I,
type: C,
codes: S,
state: q,
chips: O,
return o.size > 0 && (Z.requested = x),
/^neighbor_bet_/.test(C) && (Z.neighbor_count = j),
/^stats_/.test(C) && (Z.slider_value = U.nF(q)),
V && (Z.requested = V),
l.createLoggableAction(B.sQ.ClientBetChip, Z, f)
function S({type: C, tokens: p, state: i}, q) {
const V = c({
amount: w.GB(L.Sf(p, C), 3),
type: C,
chips: L.k3(p, q),
codes:, q),
state: i
return l.createLoggableAction(B.sQ.ClientBetChip, V, f)
function j() {
return l.createLoggableAction(B.sQ.ClientPressedUndoAll, {}, [], !
function o(C, p, i, q) {
return l.createLoggableAction(B.sQ.ClientPressedRfbBet, {
BETS: L.k3(C, q),
NAME: p.betName,
function x(C, p, i) {
const V = {
...v(a.M4(C), p, i),
gameType: i.getGameType(),
channel: q.q()
return l.createLoggableAction(B.sQ.ClientBetRejected, V)
function Z(C, p, i) {
const V = {
...v(a.M4(C), p, i),
gameType: i.getGameType(),
channel: q.q()
return l.createLoggableAction(B.sQ.ClientBetAcceptedPartial, V, f)
function H(C, p, i, m) {
const w = {
...v(a.M4(C), {}, m),
totalBet: p,
gameType: m.getGameType(),
channel: q.q(),
layout: V.getSelectedLayout(i)
return l.createLoggableAction(B.sQ.ClientBetAccepted, w, f)
function b(C) {
const p = m.W0.DeviceSupport;
return l.createLoggableAction(B.sQ.ClientFontLoadingError, {
font: C,
browser: p.BROWSER_NAME
function X(C) {
return l.createLoggableAction(C ? B.sQ.ClientPressedRacetrack :
function z(C) {
return l.createLoggableAction(C ? B.sQ.ClientPressedMinimizeGrid :
function M(C) {
return l.createLoggableAction(C ? B.sQ.ClientPressedDbrRacetrack :
function P(C) {
return l.createLoggableAction(C ? B.sQ.ClientPressedMiniGrid :
function R(C) {
return l.createLoggableAction(C ? B.sQ.ClientPressedRfb :
function Q(C) {
l.createLoggableAction(B.sQ.ClientPressedRecentNumbersSlider, {
number: C
function n(C, p) {
return l.createLoggableAction(B.sQ.ClientEditedRfbBet, {
editedLabel: p,
labelId: C
function h(C) {
return l.createLoggableAction(B.sQ.ClientPressedRfbBetDelete, C)
function G(C) {
return l.createLoggableAction(B.sQ.ClientSavedRfbBet, C)
function $(C) {
return l.createLoggableAction(C ?
B.sQ.ClientPressedSettingsAutoZoomOn : B.sQ.ClientPressedSettingsAutoZoomOff)
function W() {
return l.createLoggableAction(B.sQ.ClientPressedSpinNow)
function k() {
return l.createLoggableAction(B.sQ.ClientPressedPlayNow)
function A() {
return l.createLoggableAction(B.sQ.ClientPlayNowReminded)
function F(C) {
return l.createLoggableAction(B.sQ.ClientInitiatedBetsClosed, {
timeDifferenceWithServer: C
function K() {
function E() {
return l.createLoggableAction(B.sQ.ClientShortcutSpacebarRepeat)
function g(C=!1) {
return l.createLoggableAction(B.sQ.ClientVideoZoom, {
fullScreenState: C ? "on" : "off"
function N(C) {
return l.createLoggableAction(B.sQ.ClientSelectNeighborCount, {
value: C
}, [], !0)
function J() {
return l.createLoggableAction(B.sQ.ClientReceivePrivateWarning,
void 0, [], !0)
function r() {
return l.createLoggableAction(B.sQ.ClientPressedPrivateWarningOk,
void 0, [], !0)
function d() {
return l.createLoggableAction(B.sQ.ClientReceiveOnBoarding, void 0,
[], !0)
function D() {
return l.createLoggableAction(B.sQ.ClientPressedTutorialGotIt, void
0, [], !0)
function u() {
return l.createLoggableAction(B.sQ.ClientPressedTutorialNext, void
0, [], !0)
function _(C) {
return l.createLoggableAction(C ? B.sQ.ClientPressedChipSplittingOn
: B.sQ.ClientPressedChipSplittingOff)
function e() {
return l.createLoggableAction(B.sQ.ClientChipTooSmallForSplit)
function CC() {
l.createLoggableAction(B.sQ.ClientShowedMaxPayoutLimitTooltip, void 0,
[l.RouletteEnhancerTypes.Currency, l.RouletteEnhancerTypes.PlayerId,
260390: (C, p, i) => {
i.d(p, {
KG: () => B,
Bk: () => t,
mN: () => U,
X9: () => Y,
O: () => I,
Yk: () => T,
m6: () => f,
Ws: () => s,
wo: () => v,
ht: () => a,
s9: () => L
var q = i(891331)
, V = i(864355)
, m = i(653080);
function w(C) {
const p = new Map;
return Object.entries(C).forEach(( ([C,i]) => {
const q = V.m4(C);
void 0 !== q && m.qN(q) && p.set(q, i)
function y(C) {
const p = new Map;
return Object.entries(C).forEach(( ([C,i]) => {
const q = V.m4(C);
q && m.qN(q) && p.set(q, i)
function l(C) {
const p = new Map;
return Object.entries(C).forEach(( ([C,i]) => {
const q = V.m4(C);
if (q && m.qN(q)) {
const C = => V.m4(C))).filter((C => void 0 !== C
&& m.qN(C)));
p.set(q, C)
const t = "luckyNumbers/SET_LUCKY_NUMBERS"
, B = "luckyNumbers/CLEAR_LUCKY_NUMBERS"
, T = "luckyNumbers/SET_WRAPPER_SHRUNKEN"
, I = "luckyNumbers/SET_WINNERS"
function L(C) {
return {
type: T,
payload: C
function a(C) {
return {
type: Y,
payload: C
function v(C) {
return {
type: U,
payload: C
function f() {
return {
type: B
function s(C) {
const p = {
numbers: w(C.luckyNumbers),
splits: C.luckySplits ? y(C.luckySplits) : void 0,
chains: C.luckyChains ? l(C.luckyChains) : void 0
return function(C, p) {
return {
type: t,
payload: {
numbers: C.numbers,
splits: C.splits,
chains: C.chains,
lightningAnimationStartTime: p
}(p, q.Fs({
hasJustConnected: C.hasJustConnected
707790: (C, p, i) => {
i.d(p, {
W: () => l
var q = i(160739)
, V = i(903622)
, m = i(866378)
, w = i(751267)
, y = i(843520);
const l = q.Mz(( (C, p) => p), w.n2, w.bR, w.gE, w.ud, ( (C, p, i, q,
w) => {
const l = y.pO(w, V.jJ.Standard);
return m.$({
numbers: p,
chains: i,
splits: q,
sortBy: C
}, l)
263943: (C, p, i) => {
i.d(p, {
Ho: () => v,
O2: () => a,
jo: () => L,
nx: () => U
var q = i(13799)
, V = i(148999)
, m = i(751267)
, w = i(218389)
, y = i(307169)
, l = i(994647)
, t = i(205676)
, B = i(878804)
, T = i(349165);
const I = "playNow/SET_PLAY_NOW_SENT"
, Y = {
sent: !1
function U(C) {
return {
type: I,
payload: C
function L(C) {
return (p, i, {getAG: w, transport: I}) => {
const Y = i()
, L = w().gameRoundId.value
, a = q.uD(Y).IS_DESKTOP;
id: V.MZ(),
type: "instantroulette.playNow",
args: {
gameId: L,
betTags: m.$0(Y)
const v = window.setTimeout(( () => {
a || p(B.m4()),
), C);
p(B.Xn(v, T.B.InstantRouletteFooterCollapseDelay)),
function a() {
return (C, p) => {
C(w.oX(m.rO(p()) + 1))
function v(C=Y, p) {
return p.type === I ? {
sent: p.payload
} : C
296464: (C, p, i) => {
i.d(p, {
_V: () => m,
cV: () => w
const q = "player/SET_PLAYER_PARTICIPATED"
, V = {
participated: !1
function m(C) {
return {
type: q,
payload: C
function w(C=V, p) {
return p.type === q ? {
participated: p.payload
} : C
377361: (C, p, i) => {
i.d(p, {
i: () => m
var q = i(751267)
, V = i(218389);
function m() {
return (C, p) => {
C(V._C(q.E(p()) + 1))
445238: (C, p, i) => {
i.d(p, {
T9: () => V,
Uk: () => m,
bw: () => q,
dX: () => l,
gK: () => w,
kl: () => y
const q = "rdrFlappers/SET_CHOSEN_FLAPPER";
function V(C) {
return {
type: q,
payload: C
const m = "rdrFlappers/SET_FLYING_FLAPPER";
function w(C) {
return {
type: m,
payload: C
const y = "rdrFlappers/SET_SKIP_FADE_IN";
function l(C) {
return {
type: y,
payload: C
774927: (C, p, i) => {
i.d(p, {
DC: () => t,
Er: () => y,
Ps: () => w,
X$: () => l
var q = i(887939)
, V = i(119771)
, m = i(4944);
function w(C) {
var p;
return null === (p = C.roulette.rdrFlappers) || void 0 === p ? void
0 : p.chosenFlapper
function y(C) {
var p;
return null === (p = C.roulette.rdrFlappers) || void 0 === p ? void
0 : p.flyingFlapper
function l(C) {
var p, i;
return null !== (i = null === (p = C.roulette.rdrFlappers) || void
0 === p ? void 0 : p.skipFadeIn) && void 0 !== i && i
function t(C) {
return === m.E.BonusGameDecisionTime && V.iG(C) && void 0
=== w(C) && (q.uR(C) > 0 || !1)
477062: (C, p, i) => {
i.d(p, {
Bl: () => t,
OZ: () => m,
Yj: () => Y,
ZA: () => T,
p9: () => y
var q = i(55581);
const V = "recentResults/SET";
function m(C) {
return {
type: V,
payload: C
const w = "recentResults/UPDATE";
function y(C, p) {
return {
type: w,
payload: {
result: C,
gameId: p
const l = "recentResults/LIMIT_ACCOUNTABLE_NUMBERS";
function t(C) {
return {
type: l,
payload: C
const B = "recentResults/SCROLL_POSITION";
function T(C) {
return {
payload: C,
type: B
const I = {
limitVisible: 50,
all: [],
gameId: void 0,
scrollPosition: void 0
function Y(C=I, p) {
switch (p.type) {
case V:
const i = p.payload.recentResults.slice(0, 500).map(U);
return {
gameId: p.payload.lastGameId,
all: i
case w:
if (!p.payload.result.length)
return C;
const q = [p.payload.result].concat(C.all).slice(0, 500);
return {
gameId: p.payload.gameId,
all: q
case l:
return {
limitVisible: p.payload
case B:
return {
scrollPosition: p.payload
return C
function U(C) {
return => {
const p = C.split("x")
, i = {
number: p[0]
return p[1] && (i.multiplier = parseInt(p[1], 10),
i.variation = p[2] || q.dp.Base),
811522: (C, p, i) => {
i.d(p, {
$$: () => q,
A3: () => Q,
Bm: () => O,
Cp: () => I,
Ew: () => Z,
GZ: () => a,
Gy: () => m,
IG: () => t,
KQ: () => n,
KZ: () => y,
N5: () => o,
O_: () => j,
SC: () => V,
Tj: () => S,
UV: () => c,
XS: () => L,
Zc: () => B,
_N: () => U,
cI: () => x,
eE: () => s,
el: () => M,
ez: () => X,
f4: () => l,
jP: () => H,
nZ: () => b,
nh: () => P,
pJ: () => w,
pT: () => R,
rh: () => v,
rt: () => Y,
tf: () => f,
tj: () => z,
vE: () => T
const q = "redDoorRoulette/SET_BONUS_SPOTS"
, V = "redDoorRoulette/CLEAR_BONUS_SPOTS"
, m = "redDoorRoulette/SET_PLAYER_IN_BONUS_GAME"
, w = "redDoorRoulette/CLEAR_PLAYER_IN_BONUS_GAME"
, y = "redDoorRoulette/SET_BONUS_GAME_RESULT"
, l = "redDoorRoulette/CLEAR_BONUS_GAME_RESULT"
, t = "redDoorRoulette/SET_BONUS_GAME_PHASE"
, B = "redDoorRoulette/CLEAR_BONUS_GAME_PHASE"
, T = "redDoorRoulette/SHOW_BONUS_OVERLAY"
, I = "redDoorRoulette/HIDE_BONUS_OVERLAY"
, Y = "redDoorRoulette/SET_MAX_PAYOUT"
, a = "redDoorRoulette/SET_IS_BONUS_WORLD_ACTIVE"
, v = "redDoorRoulette/SQUEEZE_VIDEO_FOR_3F"
, f = "redDoorRoulette/UN_SQUEEZE_VIDEO_FOR_3F";
function s() {
return {
type: U
function c() {
return {
type: v
function O() {
return {
type: f
function S() {
return {
type: T
function j() {
return {
type: I
function o(C) {
return {
type: q,
payload: C
function x() {
return {
type: V
function Z() {
return {
type: m
function H() {
return {
type: w
function b(C) {
return {
type: y,
payload: C
function X() {
return {
type: l
function z(C) {
return {
type: t,
payload: C
function M() {
return {
type: B
function P(C) {
return {
type: Y,
payload: C
function R() {
return {
type: L,
payload: !0
function Q() {
return {
type: L,
payload: !1
function n(C) {
return {
type: a,
payload: C
119771: (C, p, i) => {
function q(C) {
var p, i;
return null !== (i = null === (p = C.roulette.redDoorRoulette) ||
void 0 === p ? void 0 : p.bonusSpots) && void 0 !== i ? i : []
function V(C) {
var p, i;
return null !== (i = null === (p = C.roulette.redDoorRoulette) ||
void 0 === p ? void 0 : p.bonusOverlayVisible) && void 0 !== i && i
function m(C) {
var p;
return null === (p = C.roulette.redDoorRoulette) || void 0 === p ?
void 0 : p.bonusGameResult
function w(C) {
var p, i;
return null !== (i = null === (p = C.roulette.redDoorRoulette) ||
void 0 === p ? void 0 : p.maxPayout) && void 0 !== i ? i : 0
function y(C) {
var p, i;
return null !== (i = null === (p = C.roulette.redDoorRoulette) ||
void 0 === p ? void 0 : p.fadeoutLosingChipsBeforeBonusRound) && void 0 !== i && i
function l(C) {
var p, i;
return null !== (i = null === (p = C.roulette.redDoorRoulette) ||
void 0 === p ? void 0 : p.isMiniGridPopupVisible) && void 0 !== i && i
function t(C) {
var p;
return !!(null === (p = C.roulette.redDoorRoulette) || void 0 === p
? void 0 : p.isPlayerInBonusGame)
function B(C) {
var p;
return null === (p = C.roulette.redDoorRoulette) || void 0 === p ?
void 0 : p.bonusGamePhase
function T(C) {
var p, i;
return null !== (i = null === (p = C.roulette.redDoorRoulette) ||
void 0 === p ? void 0 : p.squeezeVideoFor3F) && void 0 !== i && i
i.d(p, {
HQ: () => m,
L: () => w,
Nm: () => q,
aN: () => l,
bb: () => B,
eT: () => V,
fM: () => y,
iG: () => t,
t9: () => T
40629: (C, p, i) => {
i.d(p, {
o: () => m,
q: () => V
const q = {};
function V(C, p) {
q[C] = p
function m(C) {
var p;
if (null === (p = q[C]) || void 0 === p ? void 0 : p.current)
return q[C].current
657922: (C, p, i) => {
i.d(p, {
v: () => o
var q = i(764522)
, V = i(699204)
, m = i(484152)
, w = i(433085)
, y = i(209587)
, l = i(355601)
, t = i(994647)
, B = i(811522)
, T = i(150826)
, I = i(486717)
, Y = i(864355)
, U = i(879722)
, L = i(768519)
, a = i(751267);
var v = i(878804)
, f = i(349165);
var s = i(887024);
var c = i(552854)
, O = i(843520)
, S = i(924935)
, j = i(441952);
function o(C) {
return (p, i, {timelineManager: o}) => {
const x = i()
, Z = a.UX(x)
, H = {
onEventStart: () => {
!1 === Z.luckyNumbersEnabled() && (H.offset =
const b = function(C, p) {
const i = a.UX(C)
, q =
, V = s.N(q, p.payload)
, m = U.CN(V) || U.GP(V) ? i.luckyResultDelay() : 0;
return i.rouletteResultDisplayDuration() + m
}(x, C);
const X = c.j(b);
name: "GameResolve"
}).addEvent(V.V.GameResult, {
duration: b,
onEventStart: () => {
p(function(C) {
return (p, i) => {
const q = i();
a.CV(q) && ( =>
C.number)).length && p(v.w3(f.B.InstantRouletteHideWinnersDelay)),
p(( (C, p) => {
const i = p()
, q = a.UX(i).getRouletteGameType()
, V = a.Vi(i);
var y;
I.B7(q) && !V && (y = !== U.sA.None && (y
=== U.sA.Lightning ? m.Ak(w.Ck.LightningResult, {
volume: .2
}) : m.Ak(w.Ck.XxxtremeLightningRegularWin, {
volume: .2
p(function(C) {
return (p, i) => {
const q = i();
if (!a.Vi(q))
const V =;
(function(C) {
if (C !== U.sA.None)
switch (C) {
case U.sA.Lightning:
m.Ak(w.Ck.XxxtremeLightningLightningWin, {
volume: .2
case U.sA.LightningRed:
m.Ak(w.Ck.XxxtremeLightningChainWin, {
volume: .2
case U.sA.LightningRedDouble:
m.Ak(w.Ck.XxxtremeLightningDoubleStrikeWin, {
volume: .2
m.Ak(w.Ck.XxxtremeLightningRegularWin, {
volume: .2
)(s.N(V, C.payload))
p(function(C) {
return (p, i) => {
const q = i();
if (a.UX(q).getRouletteGameType() !==
const V = function(C) {
(Object.keys(C.winSpots).map(Y.m4).some((p => C.result.some((C => p === C.number &&
return C.result.reduce(( (C,
{multiplier: p}) => p && (void 0 === C || p > C) ? p : C), void 0)
function(C) {
if (C !== U.sA.None)
switch (C) {
case U.sA.GoldVaultGold:
case U.sA.GoldVaultPlatinum:
onEventEnd: () => {
ut, H).addEvent(V.V.WinningChipsAnimation, {
offset: X.fadeOutDuration,
duration: X.flyingDuration,
onEventStart: () => {
a.Vi(i()) || O.ok(C.payload.winSpots) > 0 &&
onEventEnd: () => {
150826: (C, p, i) => {
i.d(p, {
O: () => j,
v: () => o
var q = i(678264)
, V = i(486717)
, m = i(307169)
, w = i(267288)
, y = i(167937)
, l = i(263543)
, t = i(994647)
, B = i(811522)
, T = i(878804)
, I = i(306815)
, Y = i(154022)
, U = i(843520)
, L = i(751267)
, a = i(477062)
, v = i(342667)
, f = i(887024)
, s = i(60199)
, c = i(864355)
, O = i(903622)
, S = i(355601);
function j(C, p=!0) {
return (i, V, {getAG: w}) => {
const l = V()
, B = w()
, {result: T, gameId: I} = C.payload
, Y = => C.number));
const j =
, o = f.N(j, C.payload);
const x = U.ok(C.payload.winSpots);
if (B.gameResult.setAmount(x),
Y.length) {
i(function(C=!0) {
return (p, i) => {
const q = i();
if (L.IA(q) === m.a.BetsOpen)
if (p(t.A(m.a.WinnersKnown)),
const V = L.qc(q)
, w = Object.keys(V).map(c.m4).filter(s.GB);
[O.jJ.Standard]: w,
...q.settings.isDoubleBallGame() && {
[O.jJ.Golden]: w
const C = L.F5(l);
C.length ? B.winnersList.setWinners(C) : i(t.oT(!0))
} else
i(function(C) {
return (p, i) => {
const V = i();
if (Object.keys(C.payload.winSpots).length && !L.Tn(V))
const i = U.ok(C.payload.winSpots);
p && i(v.L()),
L.FN(l) !== I && i(a.p9(T, I)),
function o() {
return (C, p) => {
var i;
const q = p()
, m = L.UX(q);
V.YR(m.getRouletteGameType()) && (C(B.cI()),
null === (i = w.Ct(!0)) || void 0 === i || i.fadeOutAndReset(),
887024: (C, p, i) => {
i.d(p, {
N: () => t
var q = i(15621)
, V = i(55581)
, m = i(864355)
, w = i(879722)
, y = i(653080)
, l = i(843520);
function t(C, p) {
const i = Object.keys(p.winSpots).map(m.m4).filter((C => void 0 !==
if (i.some((C => p.result.some((p => C === p.number &&
p.multiplier))))) {
const C = p.result.reduce(( (C, {variation: p}) => p && p > C ?
p : C), V.dp.Base);
if (C !== V.dp.CustomRoulette)
return function(C) {
switch (C) {
case V.dp.Base:
return w.sA.Lightning;
case V.dp.Chain:
return w.sA.LightningRed;
case V.dp.DoubleStrike:
return w.sA.LightningRedDouble;
case V.dp.Gold:
return w.sA.GoldVaultGold;
case V.dp.Platinum:
return w.sA.GoldVaultPlatinum;
case V.dp.RedDoorBonusSpot:
return w.sA.Small;
const t = i.some((C => y.qN(C) || y.Zi(C)))
, B = l.ok(p.winSpots);
if (0 === B)
return w.sA.None;
const T = C > 0 ? (B - C) / C : 0;
return T > 4 ? w.sA.Big : T > 1 || t ? w.sA.Medium : w.sA.Small
552854: (C, p, i) => {
i.d(p, {
j: () => w
const q = .5
, V = .5
, m = 3e3;
function w(C) {
const p = Math.min(C, m);
return {
fadeOutDuration: p * q,
flyingDuration: p * V
441952: (C, p, i) => {
i.d(p, {
D: () => t
var q = i(43129)
, V = i(307169)
, m = i(751267)
, w = i(994647)
, y = i(878804)
, l = i(349165);
function t() {
return (C, p) => {
m.IA(p()) !== V.a.BetsOpen &&
C(y.Ip(l.B.BetweenGamesPhaseSetTimeout, q.ue, ( () => {
m.IA(p()) !== V.a.BetsOpen && C(w.A(V.a.BetweenGames))
4944: (C, p, i) => {
var q;
i.d(p, {
E: () => q
function(C) {
C["GameCancelled"] = "GAME_CANCELLED",
C["GameResolved"] = "GAME_RESOLVED",
C["BetsOpen"] = "BETS_OPEN",
C["NoGame"] = "NO_GAME",
C["BetsClosed"] = "BETS_CLOSED",
C["BetsAccepted"] = "BETS_ACCEPTED",
C["BetsClosingSoon"] = "BETS_CLOSING_SOON",
C["BetsClosedAnnounced"] = "BETS_CLOSED_ANNOUNCED",
C["BonusGameInitializing"] = "BONUS_GAME_INITIALIZING",
C["BonusGameOpeningDoor"] = "BONUS_GAME_OPENING_DOOR",
C["BonusGameShowingMultipliers"] =
C["BonusGameUpdatingMultipliers"] =
C["BonusGameDecisionTime"] = "BONUS_GAME_DECISION_TIME",
C["BonusGameSwitchingToButtonCamera"] =
C["BonusGameSpinningWheel"] = "BONUS_GAME_SPINNING_WHEEL",
C["BonusGameCelebrating"] = "BONUS_GAME_CELEBRATING",
C["BonusGameIdle"] = "BONUS_GAME_IDLE",
C["GameLocked"] = "GAME_LOCKED"
}(q || (q = {}))
549985: (C, p, i) => {
i.d(p, {
bH: () => y,
mE: () => w,
rU: () => m
var q = i(484152);
const V = "slingshotSoundTracker/SET_SOUND_VOICE_TYPE";
function m(C) {
return {
type: V,
payload: C
function w(C) {
return C.roulette.slingshotSoundTracker.soundVoiceType
function y(C) {
const p = q.og()
, i = {
soundVoiceType: p.includes(C) ? C : p[0]
return (C=i, p) => p.type === V ? {
soundVoiceType: p.payload
} : C
858765: (C, p, i) => {
i.d(p, {
Fm: () => t,
fY: () => l,
xq: () => B
var q = i(218389)
, V = i(134904)
, m = i(205676);
const w = "spinNow/SET_SPIN_NOW_SENT"
, y = {
sent: !1,
bubbleClosed: !1
function l(C) {
return {
payload: C,
type: w
function t() {
return (C, p, {transport: i}) => {
id: V.r(),
type: "roulette.spinNow"
function B(C=y, p) {
return p.type === w ? {
sent: p.payload
} : C
730561: (C, p, i) => {
i.d(p, {
UU: () => l,
xP: () => w
var q = i(500704);
const V = [,,]
, m = "statistics/SWITCH_VIEW_STATISTICS";
function w(C) {
return {
type: m,
payload: C
const y = {
view: V[0]
function l(C=y, p) {
return p.type === m ? {
view: p.payload
} : C
979576: (C, p, i) => {
i.d(p, {
L: () => q,
W: () => V
function V(C, p=0) {
return {
type: q,
payload: {
gradient: C,
transitionDuration: p
929598: (C, p, i) => {
function q(C) {
return {
mobile: C.getMobileBackgroundColors(),
classicView: C.getClassicViewBackgroundColors()
i.d(p, {
h: () => q
900466: (C, p, i) => {
i.d(p, {
v: () => m
var q = i(979576)
, V = i(702990);
function m(C, p) {
return function(i, m, {getAG: w}) {
var y, l;
const t = w();
C.classicView &&
t.layout.classic.setBackgroundColors(C.classicView), && (, {
transitionDuration: null === (y = null == p ? void 0 : || void 0 === y ? void 0 : y.transitionDuration
i(q.W(V.H(, null === (l = null == p ? void 0 : || void 0 === l ? void 0 : l.transitionDuration)))
702990: (C, p, i) => {
i.d(p, {
H: () => V
const q = [{
opacity: 0,
stop: 0
}, {
opacity: .003,
stop: .4
}, {
opacity: .014,
stop: 1.2
}, {
opacity: .033,
stop: 2.4
}, {
opacity: .061,
stop: 3.95
}, {
opacity: .099,
stop: 5.9
}, {
opacity: .146,
stop: 8.25
}, {
opacity: .204,
stop: 11.05
}, {
opacity: .271,
stop: 14.25
}, {
opacity: .345,
stop: 17.85
}, {
opacity: .428,
stop: 21.85
}, {
opacity: .514,
stop: 26.15
}, {
opacity: .606,
stop: 30.7
}, {
opacity: .7,
stop: 35.4
}, {
opacity: .798,
stop: 40.25
}, {
opacity: .896,
stop: 45.15
}, {
opacity: 1,
stop: 50
}, {
opacity: .896,
stop: 54.85
}, {
opacity: .798,
stop: 59.75
}, {
opacity: .7,
stop: 64.6
}, {
opacity: .606,
stop: 69.3
}, {
opacity: .514,
stop: 73.85
}, {
opacity: .428,
stop: 78.15
}, {
opacity: .345,
stop: 82.15
}, {
opacity: .271,
stop: 85.75
}, {
opacity: .204,
stop: 88.95
}, {
opacity: .146,
stop: 91.75
}, {
opacity: .099,
stop: 94.1
}, {
opacity: .061,
stop: 96.05
}, {
opacity: .033,
stop: 97.6
}, {
opacity: .014,
stop: 98.8
}, {
opacity: .003,
stop: 99.6
}, {
opacity: 0,
stop: 100
function V(C) {
return `linear-gradient(to bottom, ${ ({opacity: p, stop:
i}) => `rgba(${C}, ${p}) ${i}%`)).join(",")})`
946855: (C, p, i) => {
i.d(p, {
KL: () => U,
SS: () => L,
XK: () => I
var q = i(783388)
, V = i(307169)
, m = i(265989)
, w = i(751267)
, y = i(167937)
, l = i(994647)
, t = i(878804)
, B = i(349165);
const T = 2e3;
function I() {
return (C, p, {getAG: i}) => {
const I = p()
, Y = i()
, U = w.CV(I)
, a = w.ud(I)
, v =
, f = !!a.length
, s = m.vS(a);
if (C(l.YU(,
U || (C(l.A(V.a.BetsClosed)),
!f) {
const i = window.setTimeout(( () => {
const i = p();
w.ud(i).length || w.IA(i) === V.a.Canceled ||
), T);
C(t.Xn(i, B.B.NoBets))
if (f && !s && v > 0) {
const p = window.setTimeout(( () => {
), T);
C(t.Xn(p, B.B.RejectedBets))
let Y = 0;
function U(C) {
return p => {
Y = window.setTimeout(( () => {
), C)
function L() {
783388: (C, p, i) => {
i.d(p, {
Y: () => m
var q = i(994647)
, V = i(598217);
function m() {
return C => {
C(q.QG(void 0)),
C(q.ZX(void 0)),
329883: (C, p, i) => {
i.d(p, {
Bi: () => w,
gI: () => m,
ki: () => l
const q = "timer/SET_IS_FIRST_GAME"
, V = "timer/SET_IS_FIRST_ROUND";
function m(C) {
return {
type: q,
payload: C
function w(C) {
return {
type: V,
payload: C
const y = {
hasJustConnected: !0,
isFirstRound: !0
function l(C=y, p) {
switch (p.type) {
case q:
return {
hasJustConnected: p.payload
case V:
return {
isFirstRound: p.payload
return C
598217: (C, p, i) => {
i.d(p, {
V: () => m,
t: () => V
let q = [];
function V({completeAt: C, onTick: p}) {
let i;
const V = () => {
p(C -, >= C && window.clearInterval(i)
i = window.setInterval(V, 1e3),
function m() {
q.forEach((C => window.clearInterval(C))),
q = []
349165: (C, p, i) => {
var q;
i.d(p, {
B: () => q
function(C) {
C["ResolveGame"] = "ResolveGame",
C["ResultGame"] = "ResultGame",
C["NoBets"] = "NoBets",
C["RejectedBets"] = "RejectedBets",
C["LightningRouletteLuckyNumbersClearDelay"] =
C["AutoPlayRepeatDelay"] = "AutoPlayRepeatDelay",
C["InstantRouletteFooterCollapseDelay"] =
C["InstantRouletteStreamSwitchToOverviewDelay"] =
C["InstantRouletteWheelZoomOutDelay"] =
C["InstantRouletteZoomInDelay"] = "InstantRouletteZoomInDelay",
C["InstantRouletteIOSStreamSwitchDelay"] =
C["MobileBettingGridTransformAnimation"] =
C["InstantRouletteBetWaitTime"] = "InstantRouletteBetWaitTime",
C["RouletteZoomInDelay"] = "RouletteZoomInDelay",
C["RouletteZoomOutDelay"] = "RouletteZoomOutDelay",
C["InstantRouletteHideWinnersDelay"] =
C["PerspectiveFooterTransformation"] =
C["BetweenGamesPhaseSetTimeout"] = "BetweenGamesPhaseSetTimeout",
C["InstantRouletteSendPlayNowDelay"] =
C["OnboardingBubbleShowingDelay"] = "OnboardingBubbleShowingDelay",
C["WaitForZoomIn"] = "WaitForZoomIn",
C["DisplayGraveyardDelay"] = "DisplayGraveyardDelay",
C["GridstyleTransition"] = "GridstyleTransition",
C["CustomRouletteIntroResumeDelay"] =
}(q || (q = {}))
878804: (C, p, i) => {
i.d(p, {
Ip: () => t,
Sh: () => Y,
Xn: () => B,
dz: () => L,
m4: () => U,
w3: () => I
var q = i(751267)
, V = i(349165);
const m = "timers/ADD"
, w = "timers/REMOVE"
, y = "timers/REMOVE_ALL"
, l = {};
function t(C, p, i) {
return (V, m) => {
const w = m();
if (void 0 !== q.YH(w, C) && V(I(C)),
0 === p)
return void (i && i());
const y = window.setTimeout(( () => {
i && i(),
), p);
V(B(y, C))
function B(C, p) {
return {
type: m,
payload: {
timerId: C,
name: p
function T(C) {
return {
type: w,
payload: C
function I(C) {
return (p, i) => {
const V = q.YH(i(), C);
void 0 !== V && (window.clearTimeout(V),
function Y() {
return (C, p) => {
const i =
, V = Object.keys(i);
V.length > 0 && (V.forEach((C => window.clearTimeout(i[C]))),
type: y
function U() {
return C => {
const p = window.setTimeout(( () => {
), 1e3);
C(B(p, V.B.MobileBettingGridTransformAnimation))
function L(C=l, p) {
switch (p.type) {
case m:
return {
[]: p.payload.timerId
case w:
return {
[p.payload]: void 0
case y:
return l;
return C
261189: (C, p, i) => {
i.d(p, {
A0: () => V,
Cf: () => t,
Li: () => w,
Ox: () => l,
YX: () => m,
iH: () => y
var q = i(205676);
const V = "tutorial/SET_VISIBLE"
, m = "tutorial/SET_FORCE_CLOSED";
function w(C) {
return {
type: V,
payload: C
function y(C) {
return {
type: m,
payload: C
function l() {
return C => {
function t() {
return C => {
306815: (C, p, i) => {
i.d(p, {
BX: () => l,
EZ: () => O,
Fb: () => s,
M4: () => L,
Pg: () => B,
Sv: () => m,
W0: () => f,
bO: () => w,
d4: () => I,
e5: () => t,
eA: () => T,
es: () => c,
hO: () => V,
hZ: () => j,
hz: () => a,
jd: () => q,
ne: () => v,
qv: () => y,
s3: () => S,
tk: () => U,
u9: () => Y,
uj: () => x,
xc: () => o
, v = () => ({
type: q
, f = () => ({
type: m
, s = () => ({
type: y
, c = () => ({
type: t
, O = () => ({
type: T
, S = () => ({
type: Y
, j = C => ({
type: U,
payload: C
, o = () => ({
type: L
, x = () => ({
type: a
952762: (C, p, i) => {
function q(C) {
return C.roulette.ui.bettingGridVisible
function V(C) {
return C.roulette.ui.racetrackVisible
function m(C) {
return C.roulette.ui.gameLogoVisible
function w(C) {
return C.roulette.ui.recentNumberVisible
function y(C) {
return C.roulette.ui.mobileButtonsVisible
function l(C) {
return C.roulette.ui.isVideoScaledIn
function t(C) {
return C.roulette.ui.graveyardVisible
i.d(p, {
Ig: () => w,
O5: () => q,
Of: () => m,
Vg: () => l,
YD: () => t,
gM: () => y,
lb: () => V
924935: (C, p, i) => {
i.d(p, {
SM: () => B,
Sp: () => l,
VF: () => t
var q = i(878804)
, V = i(349165)
, m = i(154022)
, w = i(751267)
, y = i(306815);
function l() {
return function(C) {
function t(C) {
return (p, i) => {
const l = w.UX(i());
"phone" === l.deviceType() && l.isWheelZoomInEnabled() &&
p(q.Ip(V.B.RouletteZoomInDelay, null != C ? C : l.wheelZoomInDelay(), ( () => {
l.isVideoScaleUpEnabled() && p(y.hZ(!0))
function B(C=!1) {
return (p, i) => {
const l = w.UX(i())
, t = l.isVideoScaleUpEnabled();
"phone" === l.deviceType() && l.isWheelZoomInEnabled() &&
t && !C && p(y.hZ(!1)))
154022: (C, p, i) => {
i.d(p, {
J6: () => T,
MT: () => v,
QJ: () => s,
Ve: () => t,
Wp: () => a,
bh: () => U,
gH: () => O,
iw: () => j,
kf: () => o,
q9: () => c,
w6: () => I
var q = i(115001)
, V = i(15621)
, m = i(218389)
, w = i(205676);
const y = {
zoomHelperShownTimes: 0,
autoZoomPopupVisible: !1,
hasPlayed: !1,
videoContainerZoomOptions: {
zoom: 1,
animationDuration: 0,
transformOrigin: [50, 50]
instantRouletteStreamId: 0,
videoLatency: void 0,
videoZoomed: !1
function t(C) {
return q.action(l, C)
function T(C) {
return q.action(B, C)
function I(C) {
return p => {
function U(C) {
return q.action(Y, C)
const L = "video/SET_HAS_PLAYED";
function a() {
return q.action(L)
function v(C) {
return (p, i) => {
!C && i().preferences.autoZoom && p(U(0)),
function s(C, p, i) {
return {
type: f,
payload: {
zoom: C,
animationDuration: p,
transformOrigin: i
const c = "video/SET_VIDEO_ZOOMED";
function O(C) {
return {
type: c,
payload: C
const S = "video/SET_VIDEO_LATENCY";
function j(C) {
return {
type: S,
payload: C
function o(C=y, p) {
switch (p.type) {
case Y:
return V.ui(C, {
zoomHelperShownTimes: p.payload
case B:
return V.ui(C, {
autoZoomPopupVisible: p.payload
case L:
return V.ui(C, {
hasPlayed: !0
case f:
return {
videoContainerZoomOptions: p.payload
case l:
return {
instantRouletteStreamId: p.payload
case S:
return p.payload === C.videoLatency ? C : {
videoLatency: p.payload
case c:
return {
videoZoomed: p.payload
return V.en(C, p)
552651: (C, p, i) => {
i.d(p, {
fU: () => V,
wi: () => m,
ww: () => q,
xp: () => w
const q = "winningAnimation/SHOW_WINNING_ANIMATION"
, V = "winningAnimation/HIDE_WINNING_ANIMATION";
function m() {
return {
type: q
function w() {
return {
type: V
857734: (C, p, i) => {
function q(C) {
return C.roulette.winningAnimation.isVisible
i.d(p, {
D: () => q
342667: (C, p, i) => {
i.d(p, {
L: () => T,
U: () => I
var q = i(484152)
, V = i(433085)
, m = i(260390)
, w = i(306815)
, y = i(563710)
, l = i(878804)
, t = i(349165)
, B = i(552651);
function T() {
return C => {
C(l.Ip(t.B.LightningRouletteLuckyNumbersClearDelay, 1e3, ( ()
=> {
q.EY(V.Ck.GVRGoldBarOnBet, 3e3)
function I() {
return C => {
182334: (C, p, i) => {
i.d(p, {
A: () => U,
B: () => Y
var q = i(64922)
, V = i(170877)
, m = i(436794)
, w = i(587698)
, y = i(346160)
, l = i(486717)
, t = i(518991)
, B = i(528981)
, T = i(99210)
, I = i(53834);
const Y = async (C, p, {currencySymbol: T, customConfig: Y,
autoplayRoundsLeft: U, gameTheme: L, customizableButton: a}) => {
const {GameRulesChapter: v, CustomRouletteGameRules: f,
BonusRoundChapter: s, BonusRoundChapter3Flappers: c, BetTypesChapter: O,
NeighborBetsChapter: S, FavoriteAndSpecialBetsChapter: j, WinningNumbersChapter: o,
StatisticsChapter: x, PayoutsChapter: Z, ReturnToPlayerChapter: H,
SpinButtonSection: b, PlayNowButtonSection: X, RebetButtonSection: z,
PlaceBetsChapter: M, ValidSpinChapter: P, SpecialBettingChapter: R,
CustomRoulettePayouts: Q, CustomRTPChapter: n} = await i.e(96668).then(i.bind(i,
, {AutoplayChapter: h, ChatChapter: G,
DisconnectionPolicyChapter: $, ErrorHandlingChapter: W} = await
i.e(50967).then(i.bind(i, 321502))
, {hasYellowWheelDisclaimer: k, isAmericanRoulette: A,
isRDRWith3Flappers: F, completeBetsEnabled: K, isXLRoulette: E,
rouletteGameRuleType: g, isDoubleBallGame: N, isInstantRoulette: J,
isStraightUpBetTabEnabled: r, frenchGrid: d, dualPlay: D, branding: u,
racetrackStyle: _, racetrackGrid: e, currentLayout: CC, isGVRoulette: pC,
orientation: iC, isRtl: qC, gameScale: VC, rouletteGameType: mC, maxPayout: wC,
localizationRules: yC, isCustomMultipliersEnabled: lC, customMath: tC} = Y
, BC = C === V.OD.Phone || C === V.OD.Tablet
, TC = p.luckyNumbersEnabled()
, IC = w.ej(wC, {
currencySymbol: T
, YC = p.frenchRules()
, UC = p.completeFrench()
, LC = p.useRedesignedDrawerHelp()
, aC = BC && LC
, vC = {
id: "GameRules",
title: y.Tl("help.gameRules.title"),
content: q.jsx(q.Fragment, {})
vC.content = lC ? q.jsx(f, {
math: tC
}) : q.jsx(v, {
isBlackYellow: k,
isDualPlay: D,
isLuckyNumbers: TC,
ruleType: g,
isDoubleBall: N,
settings: p,
localizationRules: yC,
isMobile: BC,
isHelpRedesigned: LC
const fC = {
id: "BetTypes",
title: y.Tl("help.betTypes.title"),
content: q.jsx(O, {
isAmerican: A,
isFrenchGrid: d,
isLuckyNumbers: TC,
isXLR: E,
isGVR: pC,
isMobile: BC,
isDoubleBall: N,
isInstantRoulette: J,
rouletteGameType: mC
, sC = {
id: "NeighborBets",
title: y.Tl("help.neighborBets.title"),
content: q.jsx(S, {
isAmerican: A || g === I.DX.AmericanLightning,
racetrackStyle: _,
rouletteGameType: mC,
racetrackGrid: e,
currentLayout: CC,
isTablet: C === V.OD.Tablet,
isDesktop: !BC,
gameScale: VC
, cC = {
id: "FavoriteAndSpecialBets",
title: y.Tl("help.favoriteAndSpecialBets.title"),
content: q.jsx(j, {
isAmerican: A,
isCompleteBets: K,
isStraightUpBetTabEnabled: r,
isMobile: BC
, OC = {
id: "WinningNumbers",
title: y.Tl("help.winningNumbers.title"),
content: q.jsx(o, {
isMobile: BC,
isInstantRoulette: J,
isDoubleBall: N,
isDZRRoulette: A,
isLightningRoulette: TC,
isXLR: E,
isGVR: pC,
branding: u,
isRDR: t.s(g)
, SC = {
id: "Statistics",
title: y.Tl(J ? "help.statistics.titleInstant" :
content: q.jsx(x, {
isMobile: BC,
isInstantRoulette: J
, jC = {
id: "Payouts",
title: y.Tl("help.payouts.title"),
content: q.jsx(q.Fragment, {})
jC.content = lC ? q.jsx(Q, {
math: tC,
isHelpRedesigned: LC,
isMobile: BC
}) : q.jsx(Z, {
gameRuleType: g,
isDoubleBall: N,
settings: p,
isMobile: BC,
maxPayout: IC,
isHelpRedesigned: aC,
localizationRules: yC
const oC = {
id: "ReturnToPlayer",
title: y.Tl("help.returnToPlayer.title"),
content: q.jsx(q.Fragment, {})
oC.content = lC ? q.jsx(n, {
math: tC
}) : q.jsx(H, {
settings: p,
isFrench: YC,
isCompleteFrench: UC,
maxPayout: IC
const xC = {
id: B.t.ErrorHandling,
title: y.Tl("help.errorHandling.title"),
content: q.jsx(W, {
translationKey: J ? "help.errorHandling.descriptionInstant"
: void 0
, ZC = {
id: "ValidSpin",
title: y.Tl("help.validSpin.title"),
content: q.jsx(P, {
settings: p
, HC = {
id: "PlaceBets",
title: y.Tl("help.placeBets.title"),
content: q.jsx(M, {
tableName: p.getTableName(),
currencySymbol: T,
minLimit: p.minStraightBet(),
maxLimit: p.isDoubleBallGame() ? p.maxBlackBlackBet() :
chipAmounts: p.getChipAmounts(),
platform: C,
isInstantRoulette: J,
PlayNowButtonSection: J && q.jsx(X, {
isDesktop: !BC
RebetButtonSection: J && q.jsx(z, {
isDesktop: !BC
SpinButtonSection: p.hasSpinNow() && q.jsx(b, {
isDesktop: !BC
customizableButton: a
, bC = {
id: B.t.DisconnectionPolicy,
title: y.Tl("help.disconnectionPolicy.title"),
content: q.jsx($, {
translationKey: J ?
"help.disconnectionPolicy.descriptionInstant" : void 0
, XC = p.autoplayApiRounds()
, zC = {
id: B.t.AutoplayApi,
title: y.Tl("help.autoplay3.title"),
content: q.jsx(h, {
currencySymbol: T,
limitsEnabled: p.isUKGC(),
platform: C,
availableRounds: XC,
isLandscape: iC === m.t.Landscape,
isRtl: qC,
showAdditionalBetRule: mC === l.vS.InstantRoulette,
autoplayRoundsLeft: U,
gameTheme: L,
buttonType: a.all ? "customizable" : "secondary"
let MC;
MC = p.hasDealer() && mC !== l.vS.InstantRoulette ? g ===
I.DX.Lightning || g === I.DX.XxxtremeLightning || g === I.DX.RedDoorRoulette || g
=== I.DX.AmericanRedDoorRoulette ? "GameHost" : "GamePresenter" : "Automated";
const PC = {
id: B.t.Chat,
title: y.Tl(""),
content: q.jsx(G, {
platform: C,
suppressChat: p.suppressChat(),
dealerType: MC,
customizableButton: a,
isHelpRedesigned: LC,
gameTheme: L
, RC = p.isBetsSplittingEnabled() ? {
id: "specialBettingMode",
title: y.Tl("help.specialBettingMode.title"),
content: q.jsx(R, {})
} : void 0;
let QC;
return t.s(g) && (QC = F ? {
id: "bonusRound",
title: y.Tl("help.bonusRound.title"),
content: q.jsx(c, {
isMobile: BC,
isArdr: mC === l.vS.AmericanRedDoorRoulette
} : {
id: "bonusRound",
title: y.Tl("help.bonusRound.title"),
content: q.jsx(s, {
isHelpRedesigned: LC,
localizationRules: yC,
isMobile: BC,
settings: p
[vC, QC, RC, fC, sC, cC, OC, SC, jC, oC, HC, B.t.LiveSupport, bC,
B.t.AutomatedDecision, zC, PC, B.t.Tipping, B.t.GameNumber, B.t.Sound,
B.t.GameHistory, B.t.SettingsWithoutSideBets, B.t.DepositAndWithdraw,
B.t.ResponsibleGaming, B.t.InformazioniAams, xC, ZC, B.t.MoreGames,
B.t.MultiGamePlay, B.t.ShortcutKeys, B.t.Home]
, U = async ({settings: C, customConfig: p, currencySymbol: m,
customizableButton: B}) => {
if (!p)
throw new Error("Help customConfig must be defined");
const {GameRulesChapter: Y, BonusRoundChapter: U,
BonusRoundChapter3Flappers: L, BetTypesChapter: a, NeighborBetsChapter: v,
FavoriteAndSpecialBetsChapter: f, WinningNumbersChapter: s, StatisticsChapter: c,
PayoutsChapter: O, ReturnToPlayerChapter: S, SpinButtonSection: j,
PlayNowButtonSection: o, RebetButtonSection: x, PlaceBetsChapter: Z,
ValidSpinChapter: H, SpecialBettingChapter: b, CustomRouletteGameRules: X,
CustomRoulettePayouts: z, CustomRTPChapter: M, MiniGridChapter: P} = await
i.e(96668).then(i.bind(i, 498529))
, {hasYellowWheelDisclaimer: R, isAmericanRoulette: Q,
completeBetsEnabled: n, isXLRoulette: h, rouletteGameRuleType: G, isDoubleBallGame:
$, isInstantRoulette: W, isStraightUpBetTabEnabled: k, frenchGrid: A, dualPlay: F,
branding: K, racetrackStyle: E, racetrackGrid: g, currentLayout: N, isGVRoulette:
J, gameScale: r, rouletteGameType: d, maxPayout: D, isRDRWith3Flappers: u,
localizationRules: _, isCustomMultipliersEnabled: e, customMath: CC} = p
, pC = C.DeviceSupport.PLATFORM
, iC = pC === V.OD.Desktop
, qC = pC === V.OD.Phone
, VC = C.luckyNumbersEnabled()
, mC = C.frenchRules()
, wC = C.completeFrench()
, yC = C.isBetsSplittingEnabled()
, lC = w.ej(D, {
currencySymbol: m
, tC = qC && C.useRedesignedDrawerHelp();
return {
overrideDefaultChapters: {
[T.C.Autoplay]: {
chapterProps: {
showAdditionalBetRule: d === l.vS.InstantRoulette
[T.C.DisconnectionPolicy]: {
chapterProps: {
translationKey: W ?
"help.disconnectionPolicy.descriptionInstant" : void 0
[T.C.ErrorHandling]: {
chapterProps: {
translationKey: W ?
"help.errorHandling.descriptionInstant" : void 0
customChapters: {
gameDetails: [{
chapters: [{
id: "GameRules",
title: y.Tl("help.gameRules.title"),
content: q.jsx(Y, {
isBlackYellow: R,
isDualPlay: F,
isLuckyNumbers: VC,
ruleType: G,
isDoubleBall: $,
settings: C,
localizationRules: _,
isMobile: qC,
isHelpRedesigned: tC
}, {
id: "CustomGameRules",
title: y.Tl("help.gameRules.title"),
content: q.jsx(X, {
math: CC
}, {
id: "BonusRound",
title: y.Tl("help.bonusRound.title"),
content: q.jsx(U, {
isHelpRedesigned: tC,
localizationRules: _,
isMobile: qC,
settings: C
}, {
id: "BonusRound3Flappers",
title: y.Tl("help.bonusRound.title"),
content: q.jsx(L, {
isMobile: qC,
isArdr: d === l.vS.AmericanRedDoorRoulette
}, {
id: "SpecialBettingMode",
title: y.Tl("help.specialBettingMode.title"),
content: q.jsx(b, {})
}, {
id: "BetTypes",
title: y.Tl("help.betTypes.title"),
content: q.jsx(a, {
isAmerican: Q,
isFrenchGrid: A,
isLuckyNumbers: VC,
isXLR: h,
isGVR: J,
isMobile: qC,
isDoubleBall: $,
isInstantRoulette: W,
rouletteGameType: d
}, {
id: "NeighborBets",
title: y.Tl("help.neighborBets.title"),
content: q.jsx(v, {
isAmerican: Q || G === I.DX.AmericanLightning,
racetrackStyle: E,
rouletteGameType: d,
racetrackGrid: g,
currentLayout: N,
isTablet: pC === V.OD.Tablet,
isDesktop: iC,
gameScale: r
}, {
id: "FavoriteAndSpecialBets",
title: y.Tl("help.favoriteAndSpecialBets.title"),
content: q.jsx(f, {
isAmerican: Q,
isCompleteBets: n,
isStraightUpBetTabEnabled: k,
isMobile: qC
}, {
id: "WinningNumbers",
title: y.Tl("help.winningNumbers.title"),
content: q.jsx(s, {
isMobile: qC,
isInstantRoulette: W,
isDoubleBall: $,
isDZRRoulette: Q,
isLightningRoulette: VC,
isXLR: h,
isGVR: J,
isRDR: t.s(G),
branding: K
}, {
id: "Statistics",
title: y.Tl(W ? "help.statistics.titleInstant" :
content: q.jsx(c, {
isMobile: qC,
isInstantRoulette: W
}, {
id: "Payouts",
title: y.Tl("help.payouts.title"),
content: q.jsx(O, {
gameRuleType: G,
isDoubleBall: $,
settings: C,
isMobile: qC,
maxPayout: lC,
isHelpRedesigned: tC,
localizationRules: _
}, {
id: "CustomPayouts",
title: y.Tl("help.payouts.title"),
content: q.jsx(z, {
math: CC,
isHelpRedesigned: tC,
isMobile: qC
}, {
id: "ReturnToPlayer",
title: y.Tl("help.returnToPlayer.title"),
content: q.jsx(S, {
settings: C,
isFrench: mC,
isCompleteFrench: wC,
maxPayout: lC
}, {
id: "CustomReturnToPlayer",
title: y.Tl("help.returnToPlayer.title"),
content: q.jsx(M, {
math: CC
}, {
id: "PlaceBets",
title: y.Tl("help.placeBets.title"),
content: q.jsx(Z, {
tableName: C.getTableName(),
currencySymbol: m,
minLimit: C.minStraightBet(),
maxLimit: C.isDoubleBallGame() ?
C.maxBlackBlackBet() : C.maxBlackBet(),
chipAmounts: C.getChipAmounts(),
platform: pC,
isInstantRoulette: W,
PlayNowButtonSection: W && q.jsx(o, {
isDesktop: iC
RebetButtonSection: W && q.jsx(x, {
isDesktop: iC
SpinButtonSection: C.hasSpinNow() && q.jsx(j, {
isDesktop: iC
customizableButton: B
}, {
id: "ValidSpin",
title: y.Tl("help.validSpin.title"),
content: q.jsx(H, {
settings: C
}, {
id: "MiniGrid",
title: y.Tl("help.miniGrid.title"),
content: q.jsx(P, {
isArdr: d === l.vS.AmericanRedDoorRoulette
filterMap: {
overrideDefault: {
[T.C.Shuffling]: !1,
[T.C.SpeedMode]: !1
custom: {
BonusRound: t.s(G) && !u,
BonusRound3Flappers: t.s(G) && u,
SpecialBettingMode: yC,
CustomGameRules: e,
GameRules: !1 === e,
CustomPayouts: e,
Payouts: !1 === e,
CustomReturnToPlayer: e,
ReturnToPlayer: !1 === e,
MiniGrid: l.YR(d) && qC
518991: (C, p, i) => {
i.d(p, {
d: () => m,
s: () => V
var q = i(53834);
function V(C) {
return C === q.DX.RedDoorRoulette || C ===
function m(C) {
return [q.DX.American, q.DX.AmericanAuto, q.DX.AmericanLightning,
806327: (C, p, i) => {
var q = i(809024)
, V = i(794140)
, m = i(357947)
, w = i(64922)
, y = i(837557)
, l = i(598482)
, t = i(913362)
, B = i(939347)
, T = i(282427)
, I = i(500704)
, Y = i(751267)
, U = i(699695)
, L = i(377810)
, a = i(13799)
, v = i(486717)
, f = i(850083)
, s = i(683586)
, c = i(221078)
, O = i(903622)
, S = i(899774)
, j = i(453278)
, o = i(203684)
, x = i(442071)
, Z = i(355601)
, H = i(952762)
, b = i(476037)
, X = i(257912);
const z = "classicLayoutOverlay--486ad"
, M = "bettingGridWrapper--6d08e"
, P = "frenchNewLayout--419db"
, R = "bettingGridContainer--8441f"
, Q = "hidden--6b5c3"
, n = "withoutAnimations--0cbc9"
, h = "racetrackContainer--ee556"
, G = "withGoldBarCounter--12050"
, $ = "classicRacetrackWrapper--b6ef6"
, W = "racetrackNeighbourPicker--5325b"
, k = "isFrenchClassicView--6e858"
, A = "racetrack--c0e8e"
, F = "goldenRacetrackWrapper--03c58"
, K = "goldBarCountWrapperContainer--54247"
, E = I.FJ.Classic
, g = {
setGridBoundingRect: Z.x
, N = T.Ng((function(C) {
const p = Y.UX(C);
return {
rouletteGameType: Y.UX(C).getRouletteGameType(),
isBettingGridVisible: H.O5(C),
shouldSkipBettingGridAnimation: Y.jc(C),
isPrivateRoulette: p.isPrivateTable(),
gameDimensions: a.Ay(C)
), g)(( ({isBettingGridVisible: C, isPrivateRoulette: p,
gameDimensions: i, rouletteGameType: q, setGridBoundingRect: V,
shouldSkipBettingGridAnimation: m}) => {
const y = L.useRef(null)
, l = L.useRef(null)
, t = L.useRef(null);
L.useEffect(( () => {
y.current && V({
gridType: O.jJ.Standard,
boundingRect: y.current.getBoundingClientRect()
l.current && V({
gridType: O.jJ.Special,
boundingRect: l.current.getBoundingClientRect()
t.current && V({
gridType: O.jJ.Golden,
boundingRect: t.current.getBoundingClientRect()
), [i]);
const B = U.A(M, {
[P]: q === v.vS.French
, T = U.A(h, {
[G]: q === v.vS.GoldVault,
[k]: q === v.vS.French
let Y = w.jsxs("div", {
className: U.A($, {
[Q]: !C,
[n]: m
"data-test-id": "racetrack",
children: [w.jsx("div", {
className: A,
ref: l,
children: w.jsx(c.iv, {
layout: I.FJ.Classic
}), w.jsx("div", {
className: W,
children: w.jsx(b.jH, {
layout: E
return v.B7(q) && (Y = w.jsx(, {
graveyardVerticalAlign: "top",
children: Y
w.jsxs("div", {
className: z,
children: [v.YR(q) && w.jsxs(w.Fragment, {
children: [w.jsx(j.w, {
layout: E
}), w.jsx(L.Suspense, {
fallback: "",
children: w.jsx(o.Y, {})
}), w.jsxs("div", {
className: B,
children: [w.jsx("div", {
className: R,
"data-role": "standard-container",
"data-test-id": "main-grid",
ref: y,
children: w.jsx("div", {
className: U.A({
[Q]: !C,
[n]: m
children: w.jsx(s.dZ, {
layout: E,
gridType: O.jJ.Standard,
betType: f.uu.Standard
}), w.jsxs("div", {
className: T,
"data-test-id": "racetrack-container",
children: [Y, q === v.vS.DBR && w.jsx("div", {
className: F,
ref: t,
children: w.jsx(c.iv, {
layout: E,
gridType: O.jJ.Golden
}), q === v.vS.GoldVault && w.jsx("div", {
className: K,
children: w.jsx(X.zN, {
logoElement: null
}), q === v.vS.InstantRoulette && w.jsx(S.$M, {}), p &&
w.jsx(S.T5, {})]
var J = i(504642)
, r = i(699204)
, d = i(324050)
, D = i(790874);
const u = {
timelineDebugger: "timelineDebugger--91855",
atLeastOneActive: "atLeastOneActive--49d54",
buttonWrapper: "buttonWrapper--7deec",
timelineButtonActivate: "timelineButtonActivate--e0c0b",
activeTimeline: "activeTimeline--f89a8",
timelineMarker: "timelineMarker--37cdb",
start: "start--240c4",
timelineWrapper: "timelineWrapper--e67a3",
isVisible: "isVisible--e1337",
logs: "logs--40982",
relativeEvent: "relativeEvent--6de57",
hovered: "hovered--f39e6",
secondRowRelativeEvent: "secondRowRelativeEvent--ce995",
timelineSteps: "timelineSteps--ecfa4",
step: "step--77894",
bigStep: "bigStep--ee44b"
, _ = 15
, e = 100
, CC = ["#27ae60", "#2980b9", "#8e44ad", "#f39c12", "#c0392b",
function pC() {
const C = function() {
const [C,p] = L.useState([])
, i = d.c()
, q = L.useContext(d.S);
return L.useEffect(( () => {
if (!q)
const C = i({
events: [r.V.TimelineCreated]
}, ( () => {
return () => C()
), [i, q]),
, [p,i] = L.useState([]);
if (!C.length || !0 && !0)
return null;
const q = C => p.includes(;
return w.jsxs("div", {
"data-role": "timeline-debugger",
className: U.A(u.timelineDebugger, {
[u.atLeastOneActive]: p.length > 0
children: [w.jsx("div", {
className: u.buttonWrapper,
children: => w.jsx("button", {
className: U.A(u.timelineButtonActivate, {
[u.activeTimeline]: q(C)
onClick: () => {
return q =,
void (p.includes(q) ? i((C => C.filter((C => C !==
q)))) : i((C => [...C, q])));
var q
}), => w.jsx(iC, {
isVisible: q(C),
timeline: C
function iC({timeline: C, isVisible: p}) {
const i = d.c()
, [q,V] = L.useState(!1)
, [m,y] = L.useState([])
, l = L.useRef((new Date).getTime());
L.useEffect(( () => {
const p = i({
events: C.getEvents().map((C =>
}, (C => {
const p = (new Date).getTime();
if ( === r.V.TimelineStarted)
return l.current = p,
time: 0
void V(!0); === r.V.TimelineEnded && V(!1),
q && y((i => [...i, {
time: p - l.current
return () => p()
), [i, C, q]);
const t = C.getEvents()
, B = D.y(t)
, T = q ? B : 0
, [I,Y] = L.useState(null)
, a = B / 100
, v = B / _ / a;
return w.jsxs(w.Fragment, {
children: [w.jsxs("div", {
className: U.A(u.timelineWrapper, {
[u.isVisible]: p
children: [w.jsx("div", {
className: u.timelineSteps,
children: J.A(a, (C => w.jsx("div", {
className: U.A(u.step, {
[u.bigStep]: C % 10 == 0
style: {
left: `${C * v}px`
}, C)))
}), w.jsx("div", {
className: U.A(u.timelineMarker, {
[u.start]: q
style: {
transition: `all ${T}ms linear`
}), ({id: C, name: p, delay: i=0, duration: q=0},
V) => {
const m = CC[V % CC.length]
, y = I === C;
if (0 === q) {
const q = 5
, V = i / _;
return w.jsx(VC, {
name: p,
offset: V,
width: q,
isOnSecondRow: !1,
color: m,
rightOffset: -1 * q,
isHovered: y
}, C)
if (i < 0 && q + i > 0) {
const V = q / _
, l = i / _;
return w.jsx(VC, {
name: p,
offset: l,
width: V,
isOnSecondRow: !0,
color: m,
rightOffset: l,
isHovered: y
}, C)
if (i < 0 && q + i <= 0) {
const V = q / _
, l = i / _;
return w.jsx(VC, {
name: p,
offset: l,
width: V,
isOnSecondRow: !0,
color: m,
rightOffset: -1 * V,
isHovered: y
}, C)
const l = q / _
, t = i / _;
return w.jsx(VC, {
name: p,
offset: t,
width: l,
isOnSecondRow: !1,
color: m,
rightOffset: t,
isHovered: y
}, C)
}), w.jsx("div", {
className: U.A(u.logs, {
[u.isVisible]: p
"data-role": "timeline-logs",
children: w.jsxs("table", {
children: [w.jsx("thead", {
children: w.jsxs("tr", {
children: [w.jsx("th", {
children: "Time"
}), w.jsx("th", {
children: "Event name"
}), w.jsx("th", {
children: "Duration"
}), w.jsx("th", {
children: "Delay"
}), w.jsx("th", {
children: "Props"
}), w.jsx("tbody", {
children: (C, p) => {
var i, q;
const V = p > 0 ? C.time - m[p - 1].time : 0;
return w.jsxs("tr", {
onMouseOver: () => Y(,
onMouseOut: () => Y(null),
children: [w.jsxs("td", {
children: [C.time, "ms (+", V, "ms)"]
}), w.jsx("td", {
}), w.jsxs("td", {
children: [null !== (i = null == C ?
void 0 : C.duration) && void 0 !== i ? i : "0", "ms"]
}), w.jsxs("td", {
children: [null !== (q = null == C ?
void 0 : C.delay) && void 0 !== q ? q : "0", "ms"]
}), w.jsx("td", {
children: (null == C ? void 0 :
C.props) ? JSON.stringify(C.props, void 0, 2) : ""
const qC = 5;
function VC({offset: C, color: p, width: i, isOnSecondRow: q, name: V,
rightOffset: m, isHovered: y}) {
const l = i < qC ? qC : i
, t = i < qC ? m - qC : m;
return w.jsx("div", {
style: {
width: `${l}px`,
left: `${C}px`,
marginRight: `${t}px`,
background: p
className: U.A({
[u.hovered]: y,
[u.secondRowRelativeEvent]: q,
[u.relativeEvent]: !q
children: i >= e ? V : ""
var mC = i(886233);
const wC = "footerGradient--29a91"
, yC = "hidden--b4b5c"
, lC = T.Ng((function(C) {
return {
isHidden: !H.O5(C)
))((function(C) {
const {isHidden: p=!1} = C;
return w.jsx("div", {
className: U.A(wC, {
[yC]: p
, tC = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17,
18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36];
function BC(C, p, i) {
for (const q of p) {
const [p,V] = q;
for (const m of i) {
let i = 0;
for (let w = 0; w < V; w++) {
if (void 0 === C[w])
throw new Error("Not enough data points for the
desired number count and trends list.");
if (m.numbers.includes(C[w]) && (i++,
i >= p))
return {
trend: q,
const TC = [{
id: "red",
numbers: [1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 12, 14, 16, 18, 19, 21, 23, 25, 27, 30,
32, 34, 36]
}, {
id: "black",
numbers: [2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 11, 13, 15, 17, 20, 22, 24, 26, 28, 29,
31, 33, 35]
}, {
id: "even",
numbers: tC.filter((C => C % 2 == 0))
}, {
id: "odd",
numbers: tC.filter((C => C % 2 != 0))
}, {
id: "high",
numbers: tC.filter((C => C >= 19))
}, {
id: "low",
numbers: tC.filter((C => C >= 1 && C <= 18))
function IC(C, p, i, q=TC) {
const V = [];
for (let m = 0; m < p; m++)
V.push(BC(C.slice(m), i, q));
return V
const YC = {
trendTestTool: "trendTestTool--7b900",
trendText: "trendText--d43df",
matchList: "matchList--b4f2f",
hasError: "hasError--b84e5",
matchEntry: "matchEntry--8dbc9",
matchTrendName: "matchTrendName--92dd7",
matchTrendText: "matchTrendText--64197",
trendList: "trendList--e1ebb",
trendEntry: "trendEntry--0e61e",
footer: "footer--691a7",
input: "input--f6013",
button: "button--2de5c",
errorContainer: "errorContainer--29a2a"
function UC(C) {
const {trend: p, className: i} = C
, [q,V] = p;
return w.jsxs("p", {
className: U.A(YC.trendText, i),
children: [q, " ", w.jsx("span", {
children: "of"
}), " ", V]
const LC = ["white", "black"]
, aC = ["gray", "black"]
, vC = {
red: ["#c51f03", "white"],
black: ["black", "white"],
even: ["#67d411", "black"],
odd: ["#c92eff", "black"],
high: ["#02aee4", "black"],
low: ["#ffa800", "black"]
function fC(C) {
var p;
const {match: i} = C
, [q,V] = function(C) {
var p;
return void 0 === C ? LC : null !== (p = vC[C.groupId]) && void
0 !== p ? p : aC
return w.jsxs("li", {
className: YC.matchEntry,
style: {
color: V,
backgroundColor: q
children: [w.jsx("p", {
className: YC.matchTrendName,
children: null !== (p = null == i ? void 0 :
i.groupId.toUpperCase()) && void 0 !== p ? p : "X"
}), i && w.jsx(UC, {
trend: i.trend,
className: YC.matchTrendText
function sC(C) {
return C.split(",").map((C => function(C) {
const p = C.split("_").map(Number);
if (!function(C) {
return 2 === C.length && C.every(Number.isInteger) && C[0]
<= C[1]
throw new Error("The provided trend string is not valid.");
return p
const cC = 50;
function OC(C) {
const {numbers: p, defaultTrends: i} = C
, [q,V] = L.useState(void 0)
, [m,y] = L.useState(function(C) {
try {
return sC(C)
} catch (C) {
return []
, [l,t] = L.useState(cC)
, [B,T] = L.useState([]);
return L.useEffect(( () => {
try {
T(IC(p, l, m))
} catch (C) {
), [p]),
w.jsxs("div", {
className: U.A(YC.trendTestTool, {
[YC.hasError]: void 0 !== q
children: [w.jsx("ol", {
className: YC.matchList,
children: (C, p) => w.jsx(fC, {
match: C
}, p)))
}), w.jsx("ol", {
className: YC.trendList,
children: (C, p) => w.jsx("li", {
className: YC.trendEntry,
children: w.jsx(UC, {
trend: C
}, p)))
}), w.jsxs("form", {
className: YC.footer,
onSubmit: function(C) {
V(void 0);
const {count: q, list: m} = Object.fromEntries(new
try {
const C = sC(m || i);
T(IC(p, Number(q), C))
} catch (C) {
children: [w.jsx("input", {
className: YC.input,
type: "number",
name: "count",
defaultValue: cC,
placeholder: "0"
}), w.jsx("input", {
className: YC.input,
type: "text",
name: "list",
defaultValue: i,
placeholder: i
}), w.jsx("button", {
className: YC.button,
type: "submit",
children: "Update"
}), w.jsx("div", {
className: YC.errorContainer,
children: w.jsx("p", {
children: q
function SC() {
const C = T.d4(Y.UX)
, p = T.d4(Y.Zd)
, i = C.trendTestToolDefaultTrends();
if (void 0 === i)
return null;
const q = => Number(C[0].number))).filter((C => -1 !==
return w.jsx(OC, {
numbers: q,
defaultTrends: i
var jC = i(138769)
, oC = i(494475)
, xC = i(712011)
, ZC = i(738699)
, HC = i(545401)
, bC = i(266600)
, XC = i(163456)
, zC = i(605283)
, MC = i(806974)
, PC = i(857734)
, RC = i(997660)
, QC = i(661548)
, nC = i(263371)
, hC = i(935371)
, GC = i(843520)
, $C = i(209727)
, WC = i(351285)
, kC = i(78657)
, AC = i(647479)
, FC = i(812738);
const KC = {
bettingGridWrapper: "bettingGridWrapper--5bebf",
safariZOrderingFix: "safariZOrderingFix--9935b",
winningAnimationContainer: "winningAnimationContainer--d726c",
safari: "safari--82249"
class EC extends L.Component {
constructor(C) {
this.isComponentUnmounted = !1,
this.state = {
LightningComponent: void 0,
CanvasChipsConnected: void 0
C.isLightningRoulette && i.e(96902).then(i.bind(i,
804983)).then(( ({LuckyNumbersGroup: C}) => {
this.isComponentUnmounted || this.setState({
LightningComponent: C
)).catch((C => {}
C.useChipCanvasV2 && i.e(19085).then(i.bind(i,
276878)).then(( ({CanvasChipsConnected: C}) => {
this.isComponentUnmounted || this.setState({
CanvasChipsConnected: C
)).catch((C => {}
shouldComponentUpdate(C, p) {
const {resolvedRound: i, isWinningAnimationVisible: q,
bettingEnabled: V, hidden: m, gridRect: w, layout: y, gameScale: l} = this.props
, {LightningComponent: t, CanvasChipsConnected: B} =
return C.resolvedRound !== i || C.isWinningAnimationVisible !==
q || C.bettingEnabled !== V || C.hidden !== m || p.LightningComponent !== t ||
p.CanvasChipsConnected !== B || !bC.A(C.gridRect, w) || C.layout !== y ||
C.gameScale !== l
componentWillUnmount() {
this.isComponentUnmounted = !0
render() {
const {bettingEnabled: C, hidden: p, svgGridOrCreator: i,
useChipCanvasV2: q, isLightningRoulette: V, layout: m, isSafari: y} = this.props;
if (MC.z2(i))
return null;
const l = i.gridType === O.jJ.Standard && V
, t = i.className({
layout: m
, B = $C.w$({
layout: m,
gridType: i.gridType,
isDoubleBallRoulette: !1,
dynamicGrid: !1
, {LightningComponent: T, CanvasChipsConnected: I} =
return w.jsxs("div", {
className: U.A(KC.bettingGridWrapper, {
[KC.safariZOrderingFix]: y
}, XC.A(KC, t, t)),
children: [w.jsxs(FC.YH, {
gridType: i.gridType,
isDynamicGrid: !1,
hidden: p,
tmpCanvasChips: I,
children: [w.jsx(AC.vT, {
gridType: i.gridType,
layout: m,
disabled: !1,
grid: i
}), this.getChipsLayer(i, B)]
}), this.getCanvasChipsLayer(i, C), l && T && w.jsx(T, {
svgGrid: i
}), i.gridType === O.jJ.Standard && !q &&
getCanvasChipsLayer(C, p) {
const {useChipCanvasV2: i} = this.props
, {CanvasChipsConnected: q} = this.state;
return i && q ? w.jsx(q, {
svgGrid: C,
bettingEnabled: p
}) : null
getChipsLayer(C, p) {
const {useChipCanvasV2: i} = this.props;
if (i)
return null;
const {gridRect: q, chipType: V, layout: m, betType: y} =
return w.jsxs(w.Fragment, {
children: [w.jsx(QC.W4, {
layout: m,
gridType: C.gridType,
chipType: V,
betType: y,
svgGrid: C,
isDynamicGrid: !1
}), w.jsx(RC.Fb, {
svgGrid: C,
gridType: O.jJ.Standard,
boundingRect: q,
chipSize: p
renderWinningAnimation(C) {
const {isSafari: p, isWinningAnimationVisible: i, gameResult:
q, stationaryWinningTokens: V, winLoseTokens: m, chipType: y} = this.props;
return w.jsxs(w.Fragment, {
children: [this.getWinningAnimationPositions(q,
C).map(( (C, q) => w.jsx("div", {
className: U.A(KC.winningAnimationContainer, {
[KC.safari]: p
children: w.jsx(nC.x, {
left: C.left,
visible: i
}, `${q}_${C.left}&${}`))), w.jsx(kC.f, {
svgGrid: C,
tokens: m,
chipType: y,
stationary: V,
gridType: C.gridType
getWinningAnimationPositions(C, p) {
return zC.A(C).map((C => {
const i = hC.y(p, C);
return {
left: 100 *[0],
top: 100 *[1]
const gC = T.Ng(( (C, p) => {
const i = Y.Fx(C)
, q = GC.uA(i, p.gridType)
, V = Y.UX(C)
, m = V.getRouletteGameType();
return {
svgGridOrCreator: WC.$q(C, p.gridType),
gridRect: Y.jq(C, p.gridType),
resolvedRound: i,
isWinningAnimationVisible: PC.D(C),
bettingEnabled: GC.nX(Y.IA(C)),
gameResult: Y.qR(C),
isSafari: a.uD(C).IS_SAFARI,
isLightningRoulette: m === v.vS.Lightning || m ===
winLoseTokens: q,
useChipCanvasV2: V.useChipCanvasV2(),
gameScale: a.pv(C)
, NC = {
racetrackWrapper: "racetrackWrapper--e1bf9",
goldenRacetrack: "goldenRacetrack--21c4c",
classicRacetrackWrapper: "classicRacetrackWrapper--bb927",
isDoubleBallRoulette: "isDoubleBallRoulette--47617",
slingshotWrapper: "slingshotWrapper--e4efa",
slingshotFrenchWrapper: "slingshotFrenchWrapper--b3790",
slingshotRacetrackWrapper: "slingshotRacetrackWrapper--6e279"
, JC = T.Ng(( (C, p) => ({
svgGridOrCreator: WC.$q(C, p.gridType)
})))((function({layout: C, gridType: p=O.jJ.Special, svgGridOrCreator:
i}) {
const q = L.useMemo(( () => MC.z2(i) ? "" : i.className({
layout: C
})), [C, i]);
return MC.z2(i) ? null : w.jsx("div", {
className: U.A(NC.racetrackWrapper, {
[NC.classicRacetrackWrapper]: C === I.FJ.Classic
}, q in NC ? NC[q] : q),
children: w.jsx(FC.YH, {
gridType: p,
isDynamicGrid: !1,
children: w.jsx(AC.vT, {
gridType: p,
layout: C,
grid: i
var rC = i(3359);
const dC = "recentNumbersContainer--17cd5"
, DC = "topCenter--a7587";
function uC() {
return w.jsx("div", {
className: U.A(dC, DC),
children: w.jsx(rC.m9, {
maxLength: 19
var _C = i(656666)
, eC = i(20576)
, Cp = i(741995)
, pp = i(85264);
const ip = "decisionTimerContainer--99963"
, qp = "bottomSpaceForTrafficLight--168a0"
, Vp = ({shouldHaveSpaceForTrafficLight: C}) => w.jsx("div", {
className: U.A(ip, {
[qp]: C
"data-role": "circle-timer",
children: w.jsx(pp.u, {})
, mp = "slingshotLayout--1759d"
, wp = "layoutBackground--ea3fa"
, yp = "layoutBackgroundImage--4b1e4"
, lp = "standardBettingGrid--0c0d5"
, tp = "french--c63de"
, Bp = "specialBettingGrid--65b1f"
, Tp = "lightningGraveyardContainer--9a9dd"
, Ip = "logo--98875"
, Yp = "usLogo--bd1f6"
, Up = "resultContainer--745dd";
class Lp extends L.Component {
constructor(C) {
var p, q;
this.logoUrl = null !== (p = xC.d(C.slingshotLogo)) && void 0 !
== p ? p : "",
this.usStateLogo = null !== (q = xC.d(C.usStateLogo)) && void 0
!== q ? q : "",
!this.logoUrl && C.isLuckyNumbersEnabled && (this.logoUrl =
render() {
const C = I.FJ.Slingshot
, {isTrafficLightVisible: p, isDoubleZeroRoulette: i,
standardStyleType: q, specialStyleType: V, selectedLayout: m,
isLuckyNumbersEnabled: y, isTimerVisible: l} = this.props
, t = U.A(Bp, {
[tp]: V === I.Lq.French
let B = q;
i && !y && (B = "american");
const T = `${Lp.pathToImages}/${B}.${eC.z}`
, Y = m === I.FJ.Slingshot && l;
return w.jsxs("div", {
className: mp,
children: [w.jsxs("picture", {
className: wp,
children: [w.jsx("source", {
type: "image/webp",
srcSet: `${T}.webp`
}), w.jsx("img", {
src: `${T}.png`,
alt: "",
className: yp
}), w.jsx(uC, {}), w.jsx("div", {
className: U.A(lp, {
[tp]: q === I.Lq.French
"data-test-id": "main-grid",
children: w.jsx(gC, {
chipType: ZC.p.SlingshotPerspective,
layout: C,
gridType: O.jJ.Standard,
betType: f.uu.Standard
}), w.jsx(b.jH, {
layout: C
}), w.jsx("div", {
className: t,
"data-test-id": "racetrack",
children: w.jsx(JC, {
layout: C,
gridType: O.jJ.Special
}), w.jsx("div", {
className: Up,
children: w.jsx(jC.K, {
type: "slingshot"
}), y && w.jsx("div", {
className: Tp,
children: w.jsx(_C.jj, {})
}), this.usStateLogo && w.jsx("div", {
className: Yp,
children: w.jsx(Cp.g, {
url: this.usStateLogo
}), this.logoUrl && w.jsx("div", {
className: Ip,
children: w.jsx(Cp.g, {
url: this.logoUrl
}), Y && w.jsx(Vp, {
shouldHaveSpaceForTrafficLight: p
Lp.pathToImages = `${window.EVO_CDN || window.EVO_ORIGIN ||
const ap = oC.Ne(( ({state: C, ag: p}) => ({
standardStyleType: Y.of(C, O.jJ.Standard).style,
specialStyleType: Y.of(C, O.jJ.Special).style,
isTrafficLightVisible: !p.settings.showCountDownTimer(),
isTimerVisible: !p.decisionTimer.hidden.value && !
isDoubleZeroRoulette: HC.H9(p.settings) === v.F7.DZR,
isLuckyNumbersEnabled: p.settings.luckyNumbersEnabled(),
usStateLogo: Y.UX(C).usStateLogo(),
slingshotLogo: p.settings.rawConfig.slingshot_logo
})), (C => [C.decisionTimer.hidden, C.gamePaused.state]))(Lp)
, vp = {
[I.FJ.ImmersiveV2]: () => w.jsxs(w.Fragment, {
children: [w.jsx(pC, {}), w.jsx(SC, {}), w.jsx(lC, {}),
w.jsx(jC.K, {
type: "immersive"
}), w.jsx(mC.S, {}), w.jsx(L.Suspense, {
fallback: "",
children: w.jsx(o.Y, {})
[I.FJ.Classic]: N,
[I.FJ.Slingshot]: ap
function fp() {
const C = T.d4(;
if (!1 == C in vp)
throw new Error(`Please add layout <${C}> to overlay list.`);
const p = vp[C];
return w.jsx(p, {})
var sp = i(867321);
const cp = (C, p, i) => w.jsx(i, {
children: w.jsx(fp, {})
"roulette.desktop", {
initialize: async function(C) {
const p = m.K({
gameLoaderParams: C
, i = await function(C, p, i, q) {
return t.Ts(C, {
selectDefaultLayout: B.kK,
renderGameComponent: cp,
deviceSupport: y.DS,
parsedUrl: l.jB,
lobby: p,
dispose: t.Hf,
i18nPackage: "roulette",
componentsMapCreator: sp.b,
liveGameOptions: {},
clientApi: C.clientApi
}, 0 ? 0 : void 0, 0 ? 0 : void 0)
}(C, p)
, q = V.H(C.getRoot());
return i.jsx && q.render(i.jsx),
abstractGameDispose: i.dispose,
root: q
dispose: q.L,
applicationType: "game"
479357: (C, p, i) => {
var q = i(809024)
, V = i(794140)
, m = i(357947)
, w = i(441650)
, y = i(671837)
, l = i(64922)
, t = i(282427)
, B = i(185214)
, T = i(755073)
, I = i(973580)
, Y = i(223801)
, U = i(837557)
, L = i(886490)
, a = i(598482)
, v = i(939347)
, f = i(699695)
, s = i(377810)
, c = i(13799)
, O = i(258811)
, S = i(170877)
, j = i(625678)
, o = i(486717)
, x = i(575122)
, Z = i(903622)
, H = i(409723)
, b = i(791558)
, X = i(875928)
, z = i(749884)
, M = i(262107)
, P = i(483643)
, R = i(538962)
, Q = i(390258)
, n = i(205676)
, h = i(377361)
, G = i(751267)
, $ = i(967309)
, W = i(167937)
, k = i(783388)
, A = i(307169)
, F = i(263543)
, K = i(994647)
, E = i(946855)
, g = i(329883)
, N = i(878804);
class J extends s.PureComponent {
componentDidUpdate(C) {
const {isVisible: p, setResolvedRound: i, stopAllTimers: q,
clearRound: V, setHasJustConnected: m, setPhase: w, stopCountdown: y, isRDR: l} =
p && p !== C.isVisible && (i(),
l || (V(),
render() {
return null
const r = {
clearRound: F.kc,
setResolvedRound: W.Zi,
stopAllTimers: N.Sh,
setHasJustConnected: g.gI,
setPhase: K.A,
stopCountdown: k.Y
, d = t.Ng((C => ({
isVisible: $.YL(C),
isRDR: o.YR(G.UX(C).getRouletteGameType())
})), r)(J)
, D = "layoutContainer--2535f"
, u = "modalActive--b0837";
class _ extends s.PureComponent {
constructor() {
this.renderTutorial = () => {
const {settings: C, orientation: p, tutorialVisible: i,
isInstantRoulette: q, gridStyle: V} = this.props
, m = C.DeviceSupport.IS_TABLET;
if (q)
return l.jsx("div", {
className: f.A({
[u]: i
children: l.jsx(z.c, {
onClose: this.onClick,
visible: i,
platform: m ? S.OD.Tablet : S.OD.Phone,
orientation: p
const w = function(C, p, i, q) {
if (C.isPrivateTable())
return H.Xx(p, i);
if (C.isDoubleBallGame())
return H.jv(p, i);
if (o.B7(C.getRouletteGameType())) {
const V = C.getGameType() === j.Z.AmericanRoulette;
return H.PJ(V, q, C.isXLRoulette(), p, i)
return C.showGenericRouletteTutorial() ? H.I6(p, i) :
}(C, p, m ? S.OD.Tablet : S.OD.Phone, V);
return l.jsx(M.s_, {
slides: w,
visible: i,
platform: m ? S.OD.Tablet : S.OD.Phone,
onClose: this.onClick,
onNext: this.onTutorialNext,
fixedTop: C.isDoubleBallGame(),
orientation: p
this.onTutorialNext = () => {
const {tutorialNextLog: C} = this.props;
this.onClick = () => {
const {tutorialGotItLog: C, incrementAnyTutorialCounter: p,
settings: i, incrementPrivate: q, incrementDBTutorialCounter: V,
incrementXxxtremeLightningRouletteTutorialCounter: m,
incrementLightningRouletteTutorialCounter: w, incrementGenericCounter: y,
isInstantRoulette: l, incrementInstantRouletteTutorialCounter: t} = this.props;
p ? p() : i.isPrivateTable() ? q() : i.isDoubleBallGame() ?
V() : o.B7(i.getRouletteGameType()) ? (i.isXLRoulette() ? m() : w(),
w()) : i.showGenericRouletteTutorial() ? y() : l && t()
render() {
const {settings: C, layout: p} = this.props;
let i = v.W2(p) ? "immersive" : "classic";
return p.includes("Chat") && (i = "chat"),
l.jsxs("div", {
className: D,
"data-role": `current-view-${i}`,
children: [l.jsx(d, {}), l.jsx(O.v, {}), l.jsx(x.a, {}),
this.renderTutorial(), C.useRecordedDealerVoice() && l.jsx(X.g, {}, "slingshot-
const e = {
incrementDBTutorialCounter: P.m,
incrementPrivate: h.i,
incrementLightningRouletteTutorialCounter: b.G,
incrementXxxtremeLightningRouletteTutorialCounter: b.h,
incrementGenericCounter: R.G,
incrementInstantRouletteTutorialCounter: Q.h,
tutorialGotItLog: n.TD,
tutorialNextLog: n.pZ
, CC = t.Ng((C => ({
orientation: c.V6(C),
tutorialVisible: G.Nx(C),
isInstantRoulette: G.CV(C),
settings: C.settings,
gridStyle: G.of(C, Z.jJ.Standard)
})), e)(_);
var pC = i(484152)
, iC = i(867321)
, qC = i(182334)
, VC = i(636396)
, mC = i(499532)
, wC = i(556392)
, yC = i(850449)
, lC = i(346160)
, tC = i(340680);
const BC = {
onChange: function(C) {
return p => {
key: "leaveWinningBetsOnTable",
value: C
, TC = I.gv((function(C) {
return {
isChecked: wC.Yq(C).leaveWinningBetsOnTable,
isRtl: lC.sU(),
gameTheme: yC.SJ(C),
label: lC.Tl("settings.gameSpecifics.leaveWinBet")
), BC)(tC.o);
var IC = i(810873)
, YC = i(582943)
, UC = i(436794)
, LC = i(55581)
, aC = i(806974)
, vC = i(576386)
, fC = i(351285)
, sC = i(886233)
, cC = i(453278)
, OC = i(203684)
, SC = i(115198)
, jC = i(355601)
, oC = i(443136)
, xC = i(952762)
, ZC = i(119771)
, HC = i(4944);
const bC = "container--4b9f5"
, XC = "visible--45826"
, zC = () => {
const C = t.d4(G.E5)
, p = t.d4(ZC.iG)
, i = t.d4(
, q = C && !p && i !== HC.E.BonusGameInitializing;
return l.jsx("div", {
className: f.A(bC, {
[XC]: q
children: lC.Tl("trafficlight.waitForNextGame2")
var MC = i(3359);
const PC = s.memo(( ({extraContainerClasses: C=[], theme:
p=LC.O7.Mobile, ...i}) => l.jsx(MC.pL, {
theme: p,
extraContainerClasses: C
var RC = i(36638)
, QC = i(281153)
, nC = i(899774)
, hC = i(104480)
, GC = i.n(hC)
, $C = i(718284)
, WC = i(266600)
, kC = i(2782)
, AC = i(500704)
, FC = i(151003);
const KC = {
onClose: i(811522).A3
, EC = t.Ng((function(C) {
return {
isVisible: ZC.aN(C),
position: (p = c.O5(C),
p ? "TopCenter" : "LeftCenter")
var p
), KC)((function(C) {
const {isVisible: p, position: i, onClose: q, children: V} = C;
return l.jsx(FC.m, {
label: lC.Tl("rdr.onboarding.miniGrid.tooltip"),
visible: p,
position: i,
onClose: q,
isArrowPointOnCenter: !0,
children: V
var gC = i(85264)
, NC = i(494475);
const JC = NC.Ne(( ({ag: C}) => ({
isTimerVisible: !C.decisionTimer.hidden.value && !
})), (C => [C.decisionTimer.hidden, C.gamePaused.state]))
(( ({isTimerVisible: C}) => C ? l.jsx(gC.u, {}) : null));
var rC = i(121194)
, dC = i(77091)
, DC = i(450545)
, uC = i(843717)
, _C = i(764522)
, eC = i(234562)
, Cp = i(209587)
, pp = i(332451)
, ip = i(277082)
, qp = i(786744);
const Vp = "button--ae366";
class mp extends s.Component {
constructor() {
this.onTouchEnd = C => {
const {switchLayout: p} = this.props;
render() {
const {currentLayout: C, isBonusPhase: p, switchLayout: i} =
if (C === AC.FJ.Chat || p)
return null;
const q = v.dv(C)
, V = v.W2(C)
, m = V ? l.jsx(rC.y, {}) : l.jsx(dC.L, {})
, w = V ? "switch-to-classic-button" : "switch-to-immersive-
return q ? l.jsx(DC.X, {
role: w,
iconComponent: m,
onClick: i,
type: "secondary"
}) : l.jsx("button", {
className: Vp,
"data-role": w,
onTouchEnd: this.onTouchEnd,
children: m
const wp = {
switchLayout: function() {
return (C, p) => {
const i =;
const q = v.W2(i)
, V = eC.O.deviceType()
, {layout: m, stream: w} = function(C) {
return C ? {
layout: "classic",
stream: AC.Iz.Default
} : {
layout: "immersive",
stream: AC.Iz.Default
q || C(qp.NN(!1));
const y = eC.O.isSlingshot() ? w : void 0;
const l = AC.Uu[m][V];
C(T.abstractGameSelectLayout(AC.U1[l], void 0, !1,
T.AbstractGameLayoutSelectionSource.SwitchButton, y)),
, yp = t.Ng((C => ({
isBonusPhase: G.E5(C)
})), wp)(mp);
var lp = i(787014)
, tp = i(523219)
, Bp = i(733381)
, Tp = i(735800)
, Ip = i(853717)
, Yp = i(822381)
, Up = i(617010)
, Lp = i(90204)
, ap = i(336593)
, vp = i(39228);
class fp extends s.PureComponent {
constructor(C) {
this.onClick = () => {
const {loadFavoriteBets: C, openMenu: p,
logClientToggleFavoriteBets: i} = this.props;
tp.W0.useLiteMobileDrawer() ? p({
id: Ip.A.FavouriteBets,
useDrawerLite: !0
}) : p({
id: Ip.A.FavouriteBets,
useDrawerLite: !1
openedScreenWithThisButton: !0
this.state = {
openedScreenWithThisButton: !1
componentDidUpdate(C) {
const {openMenuScreenId: p, logClientToggleFavoriteBets: i,
isButtonAnimating: q, stopButtonAnimationAndCloseTooltip: V} = this.props;
p !== Ip.A.FavouriteBets && this.setState({
openedScreenWithThisButton: !1
C.openMenuScreenId !== Ip.A.FavouriteBets || p || i(!1),
q && !C.isButtonAnimating && (this.timeoutAnimation =
window.setTimeout(( () => {
this.timeoutAnimation = void 0
), 3e4)),
!q && C.isButtonAnimating && this.timeoutAnimation &&
this.timeoutAnimation = void 0)
componentWillUnmount() {
render() {
const {orientation: C, closeTooltip: p, isTooltipVisible: i} =
, q = C === UC.t.Portrait
, V = q ? "LeftCenter" : "TopCenter";
return l.jsx("div", {
style: {
position: "relative"
children: l.jsx(FC.m, {
visible: i,
position: V,
label: lC.Tl("bubble.lightningSpecialBets"),
onClick: this.onClick,
onClose: p,
loggedFeatureName: "SpecialBetsPromotion",
width: q ? void 0 : Yp.o1(18),
isFloating: !0,
children: this.renderButton()
renderButton() {
const {isButtonAnimating: C, openMenuScreenId: p} = this.props
, {openedScreenWithThisButton: i} = this.state
, q = C ? "primary" : "secondary"
, V = C ? ap.E : Up.z
, m = p === Ip.A.FavouriteBets && i ? Lp.w.Activated :
return l.jsx(V, {
onClick: this.onClick,
tooltip: "",
state: m,
type: q
const sp = {
logClientToggleFavoriteBets: n.YM,
closeTooltip: vp.qH,
stopButtonAnimationAndCloseTooltip: vp.xK,
loadFavoriteBets: Bp.loadFavoriteBets
, cp = lp.S((function(C) {
return {
isTooltipVisible: Tp.$v(C) && G.uF(C),
orientation: c.V6(C),
isButtonAnimating: G.tV(C)
), sp, void 0, void 0, (C => ({
})), (C => ({
var Op = i(901255)
, Sp = i(988737);
class jp extends s.Component {
constructor() {
this.onMiniGridToggle = () => {
const {isMiniGridVisible: C, toggleGrid: p,
logClientToggleMiniGrid: i} = this.props
, q = !C;
render() {
const {isMiniGridVisible: C, useGoldBorder: p} = this.props;
return l.jsx(DC.O, {
role: "mini-grid-button",
onClick: this.onMiniGridToggle,
iconComponent: l.jsx(ip.MiniGridIcon, {
innerHeight: 100
state: C ? "Activated" : "Default",
type: p ? "secondaryGold" : "secondary",
tooltip: C ? "tooltip.miniGrid" : "tooltip.mainGrid"
const op = {
toggleGrid: Sp.D,
logClientToggleMiniGrid: n.jd
, xp = t.Ng((function(C) {
return {
isMiniGridVisible: oC.d9(C, Z.jJ.Mini),
useGoldBorder: ZC.aN(C)
), op)(jp);
var Zp = i(452081)
, Hp = i(843520);
const bp = "buttonContainer--4b787"
, Xp = "active--bc64d"
, zp = "iconWrapper--82ba4"
, Mp = "toggled--54d93"
, Pp = "icon--44d05";
class Rp extends s.Component {
constructor() {
this.onClick = () => {
const {isGridMinimized: C, toggleGridMinimized: p,
isHidden: i, logClientToggleMinimizeGrid: q,
addMobileBettingGridTransformAnimationTimer: V} = this.props;
i || (p(!C),
this.renderIcon = () => {
const {isGridMinimized: C} = this.props;
return l.jsx("div", {
className: f.A(zp, {
[Mp]: C
children: l.jsx("img", {
src: i(680129),
alt: "",
className: Pp
render() {
const {isHidden: C, isGridMinimized: p} = this.props
, i = {};
return C || p ? !C && p && (i.role = "expand-grid-button") :
i.role = "minimize-grid-button",
l.jsx("div", {
className: f.A(bp, {
[Xp]: !C
children: l.jsx(DC.O, {
onClick: this.onClick,
type: "secondary",
iconComponent: this.renderIcon(),
tooltip: "",
const Qp = {
toggleGridMinimized: Zp.JM,
logClientToggleMinimizeGrid: n.Ys,
addMobileBettingGridTransformAnimationTimer: N.m4
, np = t.Ng((function(C) {
const p = !Hp.nX(G.IA(C)) || oC.d9(C, Z.jJ.Mini);
return {
isGridMinimized: oC.t3(C),
isHidden: p
), Qp)(Rp)
, hp = C => {
const {isRng: p, tooltip: i} = C;
return l.jsx(DC.O, {
role: "racetrack-button",
iconComponent: l.jsx(ip.RacetrackIcon, {
innerHeight: 100
tooltip: i,
soundToPlay: uC.Wo.ClickUIButton,
type: p ? "customizable" : "secondary"
class Gp extends s.Component {
constructor() {
this.toggleRacetrack = () => {
const {toggleGrid: C, logClientToggleRacetrack: p,
isRacetrackVisible: i} = this.props;
render() {
const {isRacetrackVisible: C} = this.props;
return l.jsx(hp, {
isRng: !1,
tooltip: C ? "tooltip.raceTrack" : "tooltip.mainGrid",
onClick: this.toggleRacetrack,
state: C ? "Activated" : "Default"
const $p = {
toggleGrid: Sp.D,
logClientToggleRacetrack: n.q3
, Wp = t.Ng((function(C) {
return {
isRacetrackVisible: oC.d9(C, Z.jJ.Special)
), $p)(Gp);
var kp = i(241799);
const Ap = {
logClientToggleStatistics: Bp.logClientToggleStatistics
, Fp = lp.S(null, Ap, null, null, (C => ({
})), (C => ({
})))(( ({openMenuScreenId: C, openMenu: p, logClientToggleStatistics:
i}) => {
const [q,V] = s.useState(!1)
, m = C === Ip.A.Statistics && q ? Lp.w.Activated : Lp.w.Default
, w = s.useRef(null);
s.useEffect(( () => {
C !== Ip.A.Statistics && V(!1),
w.current !== Ip.A.Statistics || C || i(!1),
w.current = C
), [C, i]);
const y = s.useCallback(( () => {
tp.W0.useLiteMobileDrawer() ? p({
id: Ip.A.Statistics,
useDrawerLite: !0
}) : p({
id: Ip.A.Statistics,
useDrawerLite: !1
), [i, p]);
return l.jsx(kp.K, {
tooltip: "",
onClick: y,
state: m
function Kp(...C) {
const p = [];
for (const i of C)
if ("object" != typeof i)
else {
const C = Object.keys(i);
if (1 !== C.length)
throw new Error("Object must contain one key");
i[C[0]] && p.push(C[0])
return p
const Ep = "footerWrap--1452a"
, gp = "footer--c01cb"
, Np = "hidden--378a5"
, Jp = "isAndroidPhone--2b30a"
, rp = "hasNotch--c8db9"
, dp = "tablet--4358d"
, Dp = "footerGroup--754b6"
, up = "groupLeft--344df"
, _p = "footerItem--499aa"
, ep = "autoplayButton--fc7df"
, Ci = "groupRight--30b28"
, pi = "spacer--07058"
, ii = "spacerContainer--268d0"
, qi = "footerTimer--f18e7"
, Vi = "autoPlayButtonContainer--ea6f1"
, mi = "autoPlayTablets--0787b"
, wi = "wheelNumberContainer--84c6b"
, yi = "isImmersive--3eec7"
, li = "absolute--463e6"
, ti = "wheelNumber--8d902"
, Bi = {
favoriteBets: () => l.jsx("div", {
className: _p,
children: l.jsx(cp, {})
}, "favoriteBets"),
goldenRacetrack: () => l.jsx("div", {
"data-role": "golden-racetrack",
className: _p,
children: l.jsx(Op.j, {})
}, "goldenRacetrack"),
racetrack: () => l.jsx("div", {
className: _p,
children: l.jsx(Wp, {})
}, "racetrack"),
miniGrid: () => l.jsx("div", {
className: _p,
children: l.jsx(EC, {
children: l.jsx(xp, {})
}, "miniGrid"),
autoPlay: C => C.settings.autoplayApiEnabled() ? l.jsx("div", {
className: f.A(_p, ep),
children: l.jsx(kC.L, {
customMobileBubblePosition: C.customMobileBubblePosition
}, "autoplay") : null,
stats: () => l.jsx("div", {
className: _p,
children: l.jsx(Fp, {})
}, "stats"),
layoutSwitch: s.forwardRef(( (C, p) => l.jsx("div", {
className: _p,
ref: p,
children: C.isTabletOverlayEnabled && l.jsx(yp, {})
}, "draggableVideo"))),
playNow: () => l.jsx("div", {
className: _p,
children: l.jsx(nC.$M, {
isMobile: !0,
isPortrait: !1
}, "playNow"),
spinNow: () => l.jsx("div", {
className: _p,
children: l.jsx(nC.NW, {
isMobile: !0,
isPortrait: !1
}, "spinNow"),
minimizeGrid: () => l.jsx("div", {
className: _p,
children: l.jsx(np, {})
}, "minimizeGrid"),
timer: C => l.jsx("div", {
className: f.A(_p, qi, {
children: l.jsx(JC, {})
}, "timer")
, Ti = 600
, Ii = 505
, Yi = 667
, Ui = {
singleBall: {
0: () => [["racetrack"], []],
505: () => [Kp("favoriteBets"), ["racetrack"]],
[Ti]: ({isImmersive: C}) => [Kp("favoriteBets", "stats", {
minimizeGrid: C
}), ["autoPlay", "racetrack"]]
doubleBall: {
0: () => [["racetrack"], []],
505: () => [Kp("goldenRacetrack"), ["racetrack"]],
[Ti]: ({isImmersive: C}) => [Kp("favoriteBets", {
minimizeGrid: C
}), ["goldenRacetrack", "racetrack"]]
instant: {
0: () => [["racetrack"], []],
505: () => [Kp("favoriteBets"), ["racetrack"]],
[Ti]: ({isImmersive: C}) => [Kp("favoriteBets", "stats", {
minimizeGrid: C
}), ["autoPlay", "racetrack"]]
private: {
0: () => [["racetrack"], []],
505: () => [Kp("favoriteBets"), ["racetrack"]],
[Ti]: ({isImmersive: C}) => [Kp("favoriteBets", "stats", {
minimizeGrid: C
}), ["autoPlay", "racetrack"]]
redDoorRoulette: {
0: () => [["miniGrid", "autoPlay"], ["racetrack"]],
595: () => [["favoriteBets", "stats", "autoPlay"], ["miniGrid",
695: () => [["favoriteBets", "stats", "autoPlay",
"minimizeGrid"], ["miniGrid", "racetrack"]]
, Li = {
[UC.t.Landscape]: {
singleBall: {
0: () => [Kp("timer"), Kp("racetrack")],
500: () => [Kp("timer"), Kp("favoriteBets", "racetrack")],
[Yi + 1]: () => [Kp("timer"), ["stats", "favoriteBets",
doubleBall: {
0: () => [Kp("timer"), ["racetrack"]],
500: () => [Kp("timer"), Kp("goldenRacetrack",
[Yi + 1]: () => [Kp("timer"), Kp("favoriteBets",
"goldenRacetrack", "racetrack")]
instant: {
0: () => [Kp("racetrack"), ["playNow"]],
[Yi + 1]: () => [Kp("racetrack", "favoriteBets"),
private: {
0: () => [Kp("racetrack"), ["spinNow"]],
[Yi + 1]: () => [Kp("racetrack", "favoriteBets"),
redDoorRoulette: {
0: () => [["miniGrid", "timer"], ["racetrack"]],
500: () => [["autoPlay", "favoriteBets", "timer"],
["miniGrid", "racetrack"]],
820: () => [["favoriteBets", "stats", "timer"],
["autoPlay", "miniGrid", "racetrack"]]
[UC.t.Portrait]: {
doubleBall: {
0: () => [["autoPlay", "racetrack"], []],
505: () => [Kp("autoPlay", "goldenRacetrack"),
[Ti]: ({isImmersive: C}) => [Kp("autoPlay", "favoriteBets",
stats: !C
}, {
minimizeGrid: C
}), ["goldenRacetrack", "racetrack"]]
, ai = {
singleBall: {
0: ({showLayoutSwitchButton: C, isImmersive: p, isChatLayout:
i=!1}) => [Kp("stats", {
layoutSwitch: C
}, {
timer: !p && !i
}), Kp("favoriteBets", "racetrack")]
doubleBall: {
0: ({showLayoutSwitchButton: C, isImmersive: p, isChatLayout:
i=!1}) => [Kp({
favoriteBets: p
}, "stats", {
layoutSwitch: C
}, {
timer: !p && !i
}), Kp({
favoriteBets: !p
}, "goldenRacetrack", "racetrack")]
slingshot: {
0: () => [["favoriteBets", "stats"], []]
instant: {
0: ({showLayoutSwitchButton: C}) => [Kp("racetrack",
"favoriteBets", {
layoutSwitch: C
}), ["playNow"]],
1024: ({showLayoutSwitchButton: C}) => [Kp("racetrack",
"favoriteBets", "stats", {
layoutSwitch: C
}), ["playNow"]]
private: {
0: ({showLayoutSwitchButton: C}) => [Kp("racetrack",
"favoriteBets", {
layoutSwitch: C
}), ["spinNow"]],
1024: ({showLayoutSwitchButton: C}) => [Kp("racetrack",
"favoriteBets", "stats", {
layoutSwitch: C
}), ["spinNow"]]
redDoorRoulette: {
0: () => [["favoriteBets", "stats"], ["autoPlay", "racetrack"]]
function vi(C, p, i) {
if (i === UC.t.Portrait)
switch (C) {
case "doubleBall":
return "BottomRight";
case "singleBall":
if (p === Ii)
return "BottomRight"
return "TopRight"
function fi(C, p) {
return Object.keys(C).map((C => parseInt(C, 10))).sort(( (C, p) =>
p - C)).find((C => C <= p))
const si = $C.A((C => {
const p = Math.max(C.gameDimensions.width, C.gameDimensions.height,
C.gameDimensions.containerWidth, C.gameDimensions.containerHeight);
let i = "singleBall";
C.settings.isDoubleBallWheel() ? i = "doubleBall" :
C.isInstantRoulette ? i = "instant" : C.isPrivateRoulette ? i = "private" :
o.YR(C.settings.getRouletteGameType()) && (i = "redDoorRoulette");
const q = "redDoorRoulette" === i;
if (C.orientation === UC.t.Portrait)
return {
layout: [],
hideSeparateAPButton: !1
C.settings.isSlingshot() && (i = "slingshot");
const V = ai
, m = fi(V[i], p);
return {
layout: V[i][m]({
showLayoutSwitchButton: C.isTabletOverlayEnabled,
isImmersive: C.isImmersiveSubLayout,
isChatLayout: C.isChatLayout
hideSeparateAPButton: q,
autoplayBubblePosition: vi(i, m, C.orientation)
const V = Li[C.orientation][i]
, m = fi(V, p);
return {
layout: V[m]({
showLayoutSwitchButton: C.isTabletOverlayEnabled,
isImmersive: C.isImmersiveSubLayout
hideSeparateAPButton: q,
autoplayBubblePosition: vi(i, m, C.orientation)
, ci = 6e3;
class Oi extends s.Component {
constructor() {
this.state = {
shouldShowIcon: !1
this.hideTimeoutId = 0,
this.el = null,
this.resizeDetector = GC()({
strategy: "scroll"
this.setEl = C => {
this.el = C
this.cancelRequestAnimationFrame = () => {
void 0 !== this.pendingAnimationFrame &&
componentDidMount() {
const {activeInstantRouletteWheelId: C} = this.props;
C && this.showWheelNumberIcon()
componentDidUpdate(C) {
const {activeInstantRouletteWheelId: p} = this.props
, {activeInstantRouletteWheelId: i} = C;
!i && p && this.showWheelNumberIcon()
shouldComponentUpdate(C, p) {
const i = Object.keys(C).some((p => C[p] !== this.props[p]))
, {shouldShowIcon: q} = this.state;
return i || !WC.A(si(this.props), si(C)) || q !==
componentWillUnmount() {
this.el && this.resizeDetector.uninstall(this.el),
render() {
var C, p;
const {layout: i, hideSeparateAPButton: q,
autoplayBubblePosition: V} = si(this.props)
, {DS: m, hideButtons: w, isInstantRoulette: y} = this.props;
return l.jsxs(l.Fragment, {
children: [l.jsx("div", {
className: Ep,
ref: this.setEl,
"data-role": "footer-wrap",
children: l.jsxs("footer", {
className: f.A(gp, {
[rp]: m.HAS_NOTCH,
[dp]: m.IS_TABLET,
[Np]: w
children: [l.jsx("div", {
className: f.A(Dp, up),
"data-role": "group-left",
children: null === (C = i[0]) || void 0 === C ?
void 0 : => {
const p = Bi[C]
, i = {};
return "layoutSwitch" === C ?
(this.switchLayoutButton = s.createRef(),
s.createElement(p, {
key: C,
ref: this.switchLayoutButton
})) : ("autoPlay" === C &&
(i.customMobileBubblePosition = V),
s.createElement(p, {
key: C
}), l.jsx("div", {
className: f.A(Dp),
"data-role": "group-chipstack"
}), !q && this.renderSeparateAutoPlayButton(),
l.jsxs("div", {
className: f.A(Dp, Ci),
children: [null === (p = i[1]) || void 0 ===
p ? void 0 : => {
const p = Bi[C]
, i = {};
return "autoPlay" === C &&
(i.customMobileBubblePosition = V),
s.createElement(p, {
key: C
)), l.jsx("div", {
className: f.A(_p, pi)
}), y && this.renderWheelNumber()]
renderSeparateAutoPlayButton() {
const C = Bi.autoPlay
, {settings: p, orientation: i, DS: q} = this.props;
if (p.autoplayApiEnabled() && (q.IS_PHONE || q.IS_TABLET) && i
=== UC.t.Landscape)
return l.jsx("div", {
className: f.A(Vi, {
[mi]: q.IS_TABLET
children: l.jsx(C, {
renderWheelNumber() {
const {activeInstantRouletteWheelId: C, orientation: p,
isImmersiveSubLayout: i, DS: q} = this.props
, {shouldShowIcon: V} = this.state;
return void 0 !== C && V ? p === UC.t.Portrait ? l.jsx("div", {
className: Ep,
children: l.jsx("div", {
className: f.A(wi, {
[yi]: i
"data-role": "wheelNumberContainer",
children: l.jsx("div", {
className: f.A(_p, pi, ii),
children: l.jsx("div", {
className: f.A(ti, {
[yi]: i
children: l.jsx(IC.i, {})
}) : l.jsx("div", {
"data-role": "wheelNumberContainer",
className: f.A(wi, li, {
[dp]: q.IS_TABLET,
[yi]: i
children: l.jsx("div", {
className: f.A(ti, {
[yi]: i,
[rp]: q.HAS_NOTCH
children: l.jsx(IC.i, {})
}) : null
showWheelNumberIcon() {
shouldShowIcon: !0
this.hideTimeoutId = window.setTimeout(( () => {
shouldShowIcon: !1
), ci)
const Si = t.Ng((function(C) {
const p = c.V6(C)
, i = c.uD(C);
return {
DS: i,
hideButtons: (i.IS_PHONE || i.IS_TABLET) && !xC.gM(C),
settings: C.settings,
orientation: p,
gameDimensions: c.Ay(C),
isImmersiveSubLayout: v.W2(,
isInstantRoulette: G.CV(C),
isPrivateRoulette: G.GM(C),
activeInstantRouletteWheelId: G.aJ(C),
isChatLayout: === AC.FJ.Chat,
isTabletOverlayEnabled: G.wj(C)
var ji = i(418050)
, oi = i(813330);
function xi(C={
timeAdvance: 0
}) {
const [p,i] = s.useState(0)
, [q,V] = s.useState(!1)
, m = t.d4(oi.$Y)
, w = t.d4(
, y = t.d4(G.IA)
, [l,B] = s.useState(!1);
return s.useEffect(( () => {
const p = w ? w - - C.timeAdvance : 0;
if (m > 0 && p > 0) {
const C = setTimeout(( () => {
), p);
return () => {
), [m, w]),
s.useEffect(( () => {
m > 0 && y === A.a.WinnersKnown ? B(!0) : B(!1)
), [y]),
amount: p,
useAnimation: q,
beginHideAnimation: l
const Zi = () => {
const {amount: C, beginHideAnimation: p} = xi();
return 0 === C ? null : l.jsx(ji.Z, {
goldBarCount: C,
shouldHide: p
var Hi = i(738699)
, bi = i(825420)
, Xi = i(163456)
, zi = i(605283)
, Mi = i(87245)
, Pi = i(228174)
, Ri = i(956720)
, Qi = i(295432)
, ni = i(850083)
, hi = i(40629)
, Gi = i(552854)
, $i = i(857734)
, Wi = i(955414);
const ki = "bettingEnabled--c8b89"
, Ai = C => {
const {shape: p, highlighted: i, transition: q, betSpotId: V,
bettingEnabled: m, gridStyle: w} = C
, y = {
className: f.A(p.classNames, {
highlighted: Boolean(i),
transition: Boolean(q),
[ki]: m
"data-bet-spot-id": V
, t = Wi.yY(p, y);
return "spots" === && ? l.jsxs(l.Fragment, {
children: [t, l.jsx("path", {
className: `spot ${y.className}`,
}) : t
var Fi = i(452152);
const Ki = {
opacity: 0
function Ei(C) {
const p = {
svgGrid: C.svgGrid,
gridStyle: C.gridStyle,
orientation: C.orientation,
gridType: C.gridType,
gridLayout: C.gridLayout,
deviceSupport: C.deviceSupport,
bettingEnabled: C.isBetsOpen,
draggedBetSpotId: C.placedDraggingChipId,
isDraggingInProgress: C.isDraggingInProgress,
isBettingGridVisible: C.isBettingGridVisible,
transitionActive: C.transitionActive,
rouletteGameType: C.rouletteGameType
return C.deviceSupport.IS_TABLET ? l.jsx(Fi.p, {
}) : l.jsx(Fi.z, {
function gi(C) {
const {svgGrid: {shapes: p}, gridStyle: i, highlightedBetSpots: q,
transitionActive: V, bettingEnabled: m} = C;
return l.jsx(l.Fragment, {
children: Object.entries(p).map(( ([C,p]) => l.jsx(Ai, {
betSpotId: C,
gridStyle: i,
bettingEnabled: m,
shape: p,
highlighted: q.includes(C),
transition: V
}, C)))
const Ni = t.Ng((function(C, p) {
var i;
const q = G.IA(C)
, V = Hp.nX(q)
, m = V || q === A.a.WinnersKnown;
return {
highlightedBetSpots: G.cQ(C).highlights[p.gridType] || [],
transitionActive: G.Np(C),
rouletteGameType: G.UX(C).getRouletteGameType(),
gridStyle: G.of(C, p.gridType),
orientation: c.V6(C),
isBetsOpen: V,
isBettingOrWinnersKnownPhase: m,
gridLayout: G.XS(C),
deviceSupport: c.uD(C),
placedDraggingChipId: null === (i = G.yw(C)) || void 0 === i ?
void 0 : i.betSpotId,
isDraggingInProgress: G.xh(C),
isBettingGridVisible: xC.O5(C)
), {
logFontNotLoaded: n.gB
})((function(C) {
const {deviceSupport: p, gridStyle: i, rouletteGameType: q, layout:
V, logFontNotLoaded: m, orientation: w, svgGrid: y, disabled: t, gridType: B,
placedDraggingChipId: T, isDraggingInProgress: I, isBetsOpen: Y,
isBettingOrWinnersKnownPhase: U, highlightedBetSpots: L, transitionActive: a,
bettingEnabled: v} = C
, s = f.A(y.className({
layout: V
}), t ? "disabled" : "", !Y && Z.uT.BetsClosed);
return l.jsxs("svg", {
viewBox: y.viewBox,
children: [l.jsx(, {
gridStyle: i,
layout: V,
isInstantRoulette: q === o.vS.InstantRoulette,
isBettingOrWinnersKnownPhase: U,
orientation: w,
logFontNotLoaded: m,
serifFontRendersBuggy: !1
}), l.jsxs("g", {
className: s,
style: Ki,
children: [l.jsx(gi, {
gridStyle: i,
svgGrid: y,
highlightedBetSpots: L,
transitionActive: a,
bettingEnabled: v
}), l.jsx(y.Background, {
gridStyle: i,
layout: V,
isInstantRoulette: q === o.vS.InstantRoulette,
isIos: p.IS_IOS,
isPhone: p.IS_PHONE,
gridType: B,
bettingEnabled: Y,
draggedBetSpotId: T,
isDraggingInProgress: I
}), Ei(C)]
var Ji = i(653080)
, ri = i(58413)
, di = i(982930);
function Di(C, p, i) {
return i ? {
height: Math.min(p, C / i),
width: Math.min(C, p * i)
} : {
width: C,
height: p
const ui = di.x(( (C, p) => {
if (p === Z.jJ.Special) {
const p = G.go(C)
, i = Qi.q();
return p.forEach(( (C, p) => {
(ri.D5(p) || Ji.qN(p)) && i.set(p, C)
return Hp.AJ(G.go(C))[p]
var _i = i(84932)
, ei = i(476037)
, Cq = i(78657)
, pq = i(997660)
, iq = i(263371)
, qq = i(935371)
, Vq = i(23682)
, mq = i(260390)
, wq = i(367823)
, yq = i(656666);
const lq = "graveyard-scaling-container--d5e21"
, tq = "instantAnimation--60ae9"
, Bq = "betting-grid-wrapper--ea8ff"
, Tq = "graveyard-wrapper--cb137"
, Iq = "has-gravestones--b54b9"
, Yq = "hidden--b6261"
, Uq = {
[UC.t.Landscape]: "landscape--65cf8",
[UC.t.Portrait]: "portrait--8a61a"
function Lq(C) {
C.current && (window.clearTimeout(C.current),
C.current = void 0)
const aq = {
setWrapperShrunken: mq.s9
, vq = lp.S((function(C) {
const p = G.r8(C);
return {
luckyNumbersSize: Object.keys(p.numbers).length,
luckyNumbersAnimationStartTime: p.lightningAnimationStartTime,
), aq)((function(C) {
const {children: p, orientation: i, luckyNumbersSize: q,
luckyNumbersAnimationEndTimeDelay: V, luckyNumbersAnimationStartTime: m,
setWrapperShrunken: w, bettingGridWidth: y, hidden: t, graveyardComponent: B,
bettingGridComponent: T} = C
, [I,Y] = s.useState(q > 0)
, [U,L] = s.useState(!1)
, a = s.useRef()
, v = s.useRef()
, c = s.useRef(i);
c.current !== i && (L(!0),
c.current = i),
s.useEffect(( () => {
c.current = i,
), [i]);
const O = () => {
if (s.useEffect(( () => {
if (q > 0 && !I && V) {
const C = m && V ? m + V - : 0;
a.current = window.setTimeout(( () => {
a.current = void 0
), C)
if (0 === q) {
const C = (q + 1) * wq.xD + wq.jD;
a.current = window.setTimeout(( () => {
a.current = void 0
), C)
return O
), [q, V]),
return l.jsx("div", {
children: p
const S = {
width: `${y}px`
, j = B || yq.jj;
return l.jsxs("div", {
className: f.A(lq, Uq[i], {
[Iq]: I,
[Yq]: t,
[tq]: U
children: [l.jsx("div", {
style: i === UC.t.Landscape ? S : void 0,
className: Bq,
onTransitionEnd: () => {
I || (v.current = window.requestAnimationFrame(( () =>
v.current = void 0,
children: p || T
}), l.jsx("div", {
className: Tq,
children: l.jsx(j, {})
var fq = i(693)
, sq = i(160739)
, cq = i(949570)
, Oq = i(60199)
, Sq = i(312929)
, jq = i(218389)
, oq = i(343352)
, xq = i(366835);
class Zq {
constructor(C) {
this.betColors = {},
this.props = C,
this.canvas = document.createElement("canvas"),
this.ctx = this.canvas.getContext("2d"),
this.ctx.imageSmoothingEnabled = !1,
getDetectorCanvasWidth() {
return this.canvas.width
getBetSpotId(C) {
return this.betColors[this.getPixelColor(C)]
draw(C, p, i) {
const q = bi.qn(function(C) {
let p = C + 1;
return p = (p << 8) + C + 1,
p = (p << 8) + C + 1,
bi.aS(this.ctx, C, {
color: `rgb(${q})`,
antiAlias: !1,
multiplier: this.props.scale
this.betColors[q] = i
updateCanvas() {
const [C,p,i,q] = this.props.svgGrid.viewBox.split(/\
this.canvas.height = Math.round(q * this.props.scale),
this.canvas.width = Math.round(i * this.props.scale),
this.ctx.clearRect(C, p, this.canvas.height,
this.betColors = {},
Object.keys(this.props.shapes).forEach(( (C, p) =>
this.draw(this.props.shapes[C], p, C))),
this.pixels = this.ctx.getImageData(0, 0, this.canvas.width,
getPixelColor(C) {
const {x: p, y: i} = C;
if (p < 0 || i < 0 || p >= this.canvas.width || i >=
return "";
const q = 4 * this.canvas.width * i + 4 * p;
return [this.pixels[q], this.pixels[q + 1], this.pixels[q +
var Hq = i(948537);
const bq = "canvas--98889"
, Xq = 200
, zq = 200
, Mq = 500
, Pq = 2
, Rq = 1 / 4
, Qq = {
left: `-${Pq}px`,
top: `-${Pq}px`
, nq = []
, hq = $C.A(( (C, p, i) => new Zq({
svgGrid: C,
shapes: p,
scale: i
})), (C => {
const p = nq.findIndex((p => p.svgGrid === C));
return -1 !== p ? p : (nq.push({
svgGrid: C
nq.length - 1)
function Gq(C) {
return C === ni.n1.FavoriteBets || C === ni.n1.FinaleBets
class $q extends s.Component {
constructor() {
this.touchStartPosition = null,
this.scale = 1,
this.initialTouchX = 0,
this.initialTouchY = 0,
this.identifier = -1,
this.touchCancelled = !1,
this.touchStart = C => {
var p;
const {isBettingEnabled: i, placedTokens: q,
isRoulettePlacedChipDraggingAllowed: V, gridType: m, svgGrid: w,
initPlacedBetDragging: y, draggingInitiated: l, isDragging: t, toggleHelperChip: B,
layout: T} = this.props;
this.touchCancelled = !1,
(this.identifier < 0 || 1 === C.touches.length) &&
(this.identifier = C.changedTouches[0].identifier);
const I = this.getTouch(C);
if (I) {
if (this.touchStartPosition = this.convertMousePos(I),
V && kq(m) && i && void 0 !== q) {
const C = {
, i = hq(w, C,
Rq).getBetSpotId(this.touchStartPosition || this.convertMousePos(I));
if (!i)
const V = null !== (p = q.get(i)) && void 0 !== p ?
p : 0
, m = this.touchStartPosition ||
, l = 15 * this.scale;
let t = [];
for (let C = 0; C <= 360; C += 36) {
const p = Math.round(l * Math.cos(C) + m.x)
, i = Math.round(l * Math.sin(C) + m.y)
, V = this.detector.getBetSpotId({
x: p,
y: i
if (V) {
const C = q.get(V);
C && t.push({
x: p,
y: i,
amount: C,
betSpotId: V
t = t.sort(( (C, p) => (m.x - C.x) ** 2 + (m.y -
C.y) ** 2 - ((m.x - p.x) ** 2 + (m.y - p.y) ** 2))),
V > 0 ? (y({
betSpotId: i,
amount: V
this.setInitialTouchPosition(I)) : void 0 === V &&
t.length > 0 && (y({
betSpotId: t[0].betSpotId,
amount: t[0].amount
this.dragDelayTimeout = window.setTimeout(( () => {
this.touchStartPosition = null,
this.dragDelayTimeout = void 0,
l || t || this.touchCancelled || B(!0)
), Xq),
m === Z.jJ.Special && v.s3(T) ?
this.setBetSpotHighlights(I) : (this.hoveringBetSpot = void 0,
this.touchEnter = C => {
const p = this.getTouch(C);
p && (this.hoveringBetSpot =
this.touchStop = () => {
this.touchCancelled = !0,
this.identifier = -1,
this.hoveringBetSpot = void 0;
const {stopDraggingChip: C} = this.props;
this.getTouch = C =>, (C => C.identifier ===
this.touchMove = C => {
const p = this.getTouch(C)
, {layout: i, placedDraggingChip: q, gridType: V,
draggingInitiated: m, startDraggingPlacedChip: w} = this.props;
!p || v.s3(i) && q && V !== Z.jJ.Standard || (m &&
(Math.abs(p.clientX - this.initialTouchX) > 5 || Math.abs(p.clientY -
this.initialTouchY) > 5) && (w(),
this.touchStartPosition || this.setBetSpotHighlights(p))
this.touchEnd = C => {
const p = this.getTouch(C.nativeEvent);
if (this.dragDelayTimeout &&
this.dragDelayTimeout = void 0),
const i =
, {isBettingEnabled: q, gridType: V, layout: m,
useChipCanvasV2: w, setHoveredBetSpotId: y, setBetSpotHighlights: l,
stopDraggingChip: t} = this.props;
if (!q && i) {
const {logClientPressedOnBetsOutOfBettingTime: C,
playSound: i, removeAllAbsTooltips: q, addAbsTooltip: V, hasEnoughFunds: m,
balance: w, selectedTokenAmount: y} = this.props;
let l = "tooltip.waitForNextGame";
return (!m || void 0 !== w && y > w) && (l =
void V({
left: p.clientX,
top: p.clientY,
labelTranslationId: l,
type: Z.jJ.Standard
V === Z.jJ.Special && v.s3(m) ? l({}) :
this.highlightBetSpots(void 0),
this.skipBetHandling(i) || (w && i && y(i),
this.hoveringBetSpot = void 0,
this.identifier = -1
this.setCanvas = C => {
this.canvas = C
componentDidMount() {
if (!this.canvas)
this.ctx = this.canvas.getContext("2d");
const {boundingRect: C, addEventHandlers: p} = this.props;
this.updateCanvasDimensions(this.canvas, C),
p ? p({
onTouchStart: this.touchStart,
onTouchEnd: this.touchEnd,
onTouchMove: this.touchMove,
onTouchCancel: this.touchStop,
touchLeave: this.touchStop,
touchEnter: this.touchEnter
}) : (this.canvas.addEventListener("touchenter",
this.canvas.addEventListener("touchleave", this.touchStop),
this.canvas.addEventListener("touchstart", this.touchStart),
this.canvas.addEventListener("touchmove", this.touchMove),
this.canvas.addEventListener("touchcancel", this.touchStop))
componentWillUnmount() {
this.canvas && (this.canvas.removeEventListener("touchenter",
this.canvas.removeEventListener("touchleave", this.touchStop),
this.canvas.removeEventListener("touchstart", this.touchStart),
this.canvas.removeEventListener("touchmove", this.touchMove),
this.canvas.removeEventListener("touchcancel", this.touchStop))
componentDidUpdate(C) {
if (!this.canvas)
const {svgGrid: p, boundingRect: i, isBettingEnabled: q,
stopDraggingChip: V, highlights: m, highlightsSource: w} = this.props;
p !== C.svgGrid && this.updateShapesAndDetector(this.props),
C.boundingRect !== i &&
this.updateCanvasDimensions(this.canvas, i),
!q && C.isBettingEnabled && (V(),
m !== C.highlights && (this.clearHighlightTimer(),
Gq(w) && this.scheduleRemoveHighlights())
render() {
const {gridType: C, addEventHandlers: p} = this.props
, i = {
ref: this.setCanvas,
className: bq,
style: Qq,
"data-test-id": `bets-receiver-${C}`
return p ? l.jsx("canvas", {
}) : l.jsx("canvas", {
onTouchEnd: this.touchEnd
scheduleRemoveHighlights() {
const {setBetSpotHighlights: C} = this.props;
this.highlightTimeoutId = window.setTimeout(( () => {
this.hoveringBetSpot || (C({}),
this.highlightTimeoutId = void 0
), Mq)
clearHighlightTimer() {
void 0 !== this.highlightTimeoutId &&
this.highlightTimeoutId = void 0)
updateShapesAndDetector(C) {
this.svgViewBoxWidth = C.svgGrid.viewBox.split(/\
this.shapes = {
this.detector = hq(C.svgGrid, this.shapes, Rq)
updateCanvasDimensions(C, p) {
const i = Math.round(p.width + 2 * Pq)
, q = Math.round(p.height + 2 * Pq);
Math.round(C.height) === q && Math.round(C.width) === i ||
(C.height = q,
C.width = i,
updateScale(C) {
const {boundingRect: {width: p}} = this.props
, i = this.detector.getDetectorCanvasWidth() / p
, q = C.width / p;
this.scale = i / q
clearCanvas() {
this.canvas && this.ctx && this.ctx.clearRect(0, 0,
this.canvas.width, this.canvas.height)
convertMousePos(C) {
const p = C.clientX
, i = C.clientY
, q = this.canvas.getBoundingClientRect();
const {left: V, top: m} = q;
return {
x: Math.round((p - V) * this.scale),
y: Math.round((i - m) * this.scale)
setInitialTouchPosition(C) {
this.initialTouchX = C.clientX,
this.initialTouchY = C.clientY
addBet(C, p, i) {
const {addBetForBetSpot: q, gridType: V, useChipCanvasV2: m} =
if (m)
const w = Hp.$Y(C) ? C.replace(/_top$/, "") : C;
position: {
left: p.clientX,
top: p.clientY
betSpotId: w,
betSource: Z.Q2(V),
isChipPlacedByPressingOnEmptyBetspot: i
skipBetHandling(C) {
const {useChipCanvasV2: p, isDragging: i} = this.props;
return !!(C && p && i) && !
placeBetsUsingTouch(C, p) {
const {isDragging: i, gridType: q, moveBet: V,
placedDraggingChip: m, removeBet: w, isRoulettePlacedChipDraggingAllowed: y} =
if (p || (p =
this.detector.getBetSpotId(this.touchStartPosition || this.convertMousePos(C))),
if (i && y)
kq(q) && m.betSpotId !== p && V({
position: {
left: C.clientX,
top: C.clientY
from: m.betSpotId,
to: p,
betSource: ni.n1.StandardGrid
else {
const i = null === this.touchStartPosition;
this.addBet(p, C, i)
y && m && kq(q) && w({
betSpotId: m.betSpotId,
position: {
left: C.clientX,
top: C.clientY
betSource: ni.n1.StandardGrid
highlightBetSpots(C) {
if (this.highlightTimeoutId)
const {boundingRect: p, gridType: i, useChipCanvasV2: q,
setHoveredBetSpotId: V} = this.props;
const m = this.hoveringBetSpot;
if (q && m && V(m),
C && !fq.A(C) && this.ctx) {
const q = i === Z.jJ.Special;;
const V = p.width / this.svgViewBoxWidth;
this.ctx.translate(Pq, Pq),
this.ctx.scale(V, V),
ctx: this.ctx,
shapes: this.shapes,
betSpotIds: C,
hasStroke: q && m ? ! : !!m,
strokeBetSpot: !q && m && Oq.GB(m) ? m : void 0,
lineWidth: Hq.$X / V
scheduleHighlightBetSpots(C) {
this.highlightTimeoutId = window.setTimeout(( () => {
this.highlightTimeoutId = void 0,
this.hoveringBetSpot = void 0,
), zq)
setBetSpotHighlights(C) {
var p;
const i = this.detector.getBetSpotId(this.convertMousePos(C))
, {isBettingEnabled: q, gridType: V, useChipCanvasV2: m,
setHoveredBetSpotId: w, neighbours: y, setBetSpotHighlights: l, layout: t} =
if (i !== this.hoveringBetSpot && q) {
if (this.hoveringBetSpot = i,
return this.clearCanvas(),
void (m && this.hoveringBetSpot &&
if (V === Z.jJ.Special) {
const C = [...null !== (p = Hp.E1(i, y)) && void 0 !==
p ? p : []].concat(i);
v.s3(t) ? l({
[Z.jJ.Standard]: C,
[Z.jJ.Special]: C
}, ni.n1.SpecialGrid) : this.highlightBetSpots(C)
} else
const Wq = {
setBetSpotHighlights: oq.z,
addAbsTooltip: B.$y,
removeAllAbsTooltips: B.u0,
logClientPressedOnBetsOutOfBettingTime: n.GQ,
moveBet: F.LM,
removeBet: F.Uv,
startDraggingPlacedChip: xq.p_,
stopDraggingChip: xq.oE,
initPlacedBetDragging: xq.i,
toggleHelperChip: xq.xv,
setHoveredBetSpotId: jC.Er
, kq = C => [Z.jJ.Standard, Z.jJ.Golden].includes(C)
, Aq = sq.Mz(c.DB, G.ud, oC.Or, ( (C, p, i) =>
C.isRoulettePlacedChipDraggingAllowed() && kq(i) ? Hp.dg(p, i) : void 0))
, Fq = t.Ng(( (C, p) => {
const i = jq.Yq(C)
, q = G.cQ(C)
, V = q.betSource
, m =
, w = c.DB(C)
, y = w.isRoulettePlacedChipDraggingAllowed();
return {
highlights: v.s3(m) && p.gridType === Z.jJ.Special && Gq(V) ?
void 0 : q.highlights[p.gridType],
highlightsSource: V,
layout: m,
selectedTokenAmount: G.VZ(C),
neighbours: i.neighbours,
placedTokens: Aq(C),
draggingInitiated: G.qA(C),
isDragging: G.xh(C),
placedDraggingChip: G.yw(C),
isRoulettePlacedChipDraggingAllowed: y,
playSound: pC.Ak,
hasEnoughFunds: G.zn(C),
useChipCanvasV2: w.useChipCanvasV2(),
balance: cq.Ts(C),
betSplittingAllowed: G.s6(C)
), Wq)($q);
var Kq = i(412187);
const Eq = "winningAnimationContainer--dec5e"
, gq = "canvasGridContainer--5a6d8"
, Nq = "staticRacetrack--05abd"
, Jq = "animated--1a763"
, rq = "tokenContainer--c047d"
, dq = "canvasChips--48490"
, Dq = "fadingContainer--ec4d6"
, uq = {
GOLDEN: "golden",
MINI: "mini-grid",
SPECIAL: "racetrack",
STANDARD: "main-grid"
class _q extends s.PureComponent {
render() {
const {hasCurrentDraggingPlacedChip: C, isVisible: p, height:
i, draggingCurrentPlacedChip: q, chipSize: V, helperChipVisible: m, width: w,
previewedChips: y, chipColors: t, disableGridExceptLightning: B, betspotPositions:
T, animatePreviewedChips: I, chipType: Y, placedTokens: U, DS: L,
isBetSplittingEnabled: a, transitionChips: v, gridType: f,
isRoulettePlacedChipDraggingAllowed: s, fadeOutDuration: c} = this.props
, O = this.getChipsToShow(0 === U.size ? y : U);
return l.jsx(Ri.oJ, {
previewedChips: y,
disableGridExceptLightning: B,
chips: O,
width: w,
height: i,
chipType: Y || Hi.p.Mobile,
betspotPositions: T,
chipSize: V,
isVisible: p,
chipColors: t,
hasCurrentDraggingPlacedChip: C,
draggingCurrentPlacedChip: q,
helperChipVisible: m,
animatePreviewedChips: I,
DS: L,
isBetSplittingEnabled: a && f === Z.jJ.Standard,
enablePlacementDelay: v.length > 0,
isRoulettePlacedChipDraggingAllowed: s,
fadeOutDuration: c
getChipsToShow(C) {
const {transitionChips: p, isBetSplittingEnabled: i, gridType:
q} = this.props;
if (0 === p.length || i && q !== Z.jJ.Special)
return C;
const V = p.reduce(( (C, p) => {
const i ="-")[1];
return C.set(i, (C.get(i) || 0) + p.amount),
), Qi.q())
, m = Qi.q();
return C.forEach(( (C, p) => {
var i;
const q = Math.max(0, C - (null !== (i = V.get(p)) && void
0 !== i ? i : 0));
0 !== q && m.set(p, q)
const eq = t.Ng((function(C, p) {
const i = G.UX(C)
, q = G.s6(C)
, V = G.Zr(C) === ni.n1.Autoplay && 0 === G.ud(C).length
, {fadeOutDuration: m} = Gi.j(G.S(C));
return {
placedTokens: Hp.dg(G.ud(C), p.gridType),
transitionChips: p.gridType === Z.jJ.Special || p.gridType ===
Z.jJ.Standard && q ? G.Nw(C) : pV,
previewedChips: ui(C, p.gridType),
animatePreviewedChips: V,
DS: c.uD(C),
phase: G.IA(C),
isBetSplittingEnabled: q,
fadeOutDuration: m
class CV extends s.Component {
constructor(C) {
this.animate = !1,
this.elRef = s.createRef(),
this.isComponentUnmounted = !1,
this.getBetspotPositions = di.x(( (C, p, i, q) => {
const V = q === Z.jJ.Golden ? "1&1" : "1"
, m = qq.ZV(i, V);
Object.keys(i.shapes).concat(Object.keys(i.staticShapes || {})).reduce(( (q, V) =>
const w = qq.Vp(i, V);
return q[V] = {
x: C * w[0],
y: p * w[1],
width: m.width,
height: m.height
), {})
this.state = {
LightningComponent: void 0,
CanvasChipsConnected: void 0
this.autoTestApi = _i.DA(),
hi.q("bettingGrid", this.elRef),
C.luckyNumbersEnabled && !C.isGoldVaultRoulette &&
i.e(96902).then(i.bind(i, 804983)).then(( ({LuckyNumbersGroup: C}) => {
this.isComponentUnmounted || this.setState({
LightningComponent: C
)).catch((C => {}
C.useChipCanvasV2 && i.e(19085).then(i.bind(i,
276878)).then(( ({CanvasChipsConnected: C}) => {
this.isComponentUnmounted || this.setState({
CanvasChipsConnected: C
)).catch((C => {}
componentWillUnmount() {
this.isComponentUnmounted = !0
shouldComponentUpdate(C, p) {
const {gridType: i, layout: q, svgGrid: V, complexBoundingBox:
m, wrapperRect: w, gridRect: y, winTokens: l, isWinningAnimationVisible: t,
gameResult: B, isBettingEnabled: T, isDragging: I, helperChipVisible: Y,
disableGridExceptLightning: U} = this.props
, {LightningComponent: L, CanvasChipsConnected: a} =
return (C.gridType !== i || C.layout !== q || C.svgGrid !== V
|| C.complexBoundingBox !== m || !bi.jw(w, C.wrapperRect) || !bi.jw(y, C.gridRect)
|| C.winTokens !== l || C.isWinningAnimationVisible !== t || C.gameResult !== B ||
C.isBettingEnabled !== T || I !== C.isDragging || Y !== C.helperChipVisible || U !
== C.disableGridExceptLightning || p.LightningComponent !== L ||
p.CanvasChipsConnected !== a) && this.shouldAnimate(this.props, C)
render() {
const {LightningComponent: C} = this.state
, {isBettingEnabled: p, complexBoundingBox: i, gridType: q,
addBet: V, svgGrid: m, addEventHandlers: w, luckyNumbersEnabled: y, layout: t,
orientation: B, gridRect: T, wrapperRect: I, disableGridExceptLightning: Y,
isInstantRoulette: U, useChipCanvasV2: L} = this.props
, a = void 0 !== i
, s = i || I
, c = i || T
, O = bi.k9({
orientation: B,
layout: t,
containerHeight: a ? m.height : s.height,
containerWidth: a ? m.width : s.width,
bettingGrid: m
, S = bi.OC(O)
, j = y && !v.s3(t);
let o;
o = a ? {
height: Math.round(m.height),
width: Math.round(m.width),
fontSize: `${Pi.GB(S, 2)}em`,
top: 0,
left: j && B === UC.t.Landscape ? void 0 : 0
} : {
height: Math.round(c.height),
width: Math.round(c.width),
fontSize: `${Pi.GB(S, 2)}em`,
top: Math.round( -,
left: j && B === UC.t.Landscape ? void 0 :
Math.round(c.left - s.left)
const x = f.A(Dq, {
[Kq.A.disabledInstantRoulette]: U && Y,
[Kq.A.disabledMobile]: !U && Y
, H = this.getChipsFragment(c, O, x)
, b = l.jsxs("div", {
style: o,
ref: this.elRef,
className: f.A(gq, {
[Jq]: this.animate
children: [q === Z.jJ.Special ? l.jsx(ei.Xg, {
width: o.width,
height: o.height,
left: o.left || 0,
layout: t,
orientation: B
}, "1") : null, l.jsxs("div", {
className: x,
"data-test-id": uq[q],
children: [l.jsx(Ni, {
svgGrid: m,
gridType: q,
layout: t
}), !L && l.jsx(Fq, {
isBettingEnabled: p,
svgGrid: m,
boundingRect: c,
gridType: q,
addEventHandlers: w,
addBetForBetSpot: V
}), y && C ? l.jsx(C, {
svgGrid: m,
disableVisuals: q !== Z.jJ.Standard,
children: H
}) : H, !L && this.getWinningAnimations()]
}, "2");
return !j || a ? b : l.jsx(vq, {
hidden: !1,
bettingGridWidth: c.width,
orientation: B,
children: b
getChipsFragment(C, p, i) {
const {hideTokens: q, svgGrid: V, chipColors: m,
areRegularTokensVisible: w, isDragging: y, placedDraggingChip: t,
helperChipVisible: B, gridType: T, chipType: I, disableGridExceptLightning: Y,
layout: U, isBettingEnabled: L, useChipCanvasV2: a,
isRoulettePlacedChipDraggingAllowed: s} = this.props;
if (q)
const {CanvasChipsConnected: c} = this.state;
let O;
if (c)
O = l.jsx(c, {
svgGrid: V,
bettingEnabled: L
else {
const i = this.getBetspotPositions(C.width, C.height, V,
this.autoTestApi &&
(this.autoTestApi.getLegacyCanvasBetspotCenterPositions = () => i),
v.s3(U) && c && (V.width = C.width,
V.height = C.height),
O = l.jsxs(l.Fragment, {
children: [l.jsx(eq, {
width: C.width,
height: C.height,
chipType: I || Hi.p.Mobile,
betspotPositions: i,
chipSize: p,
isVisible: w,
chipColors: m,
hasCurrentDraggingPlacedChip: y,
draggingCurrentPlacedChip: t,
helperChipVisible: B,
gridType: T,
disableGridExceptLightning: Y,
isRoulettePlacedChipDraggingAllowed: s
}), (T === Z.jJ.Special || T === Z.jJ.Mini) &&
l.jsx(pq.Fb, {
chipSize: p,
boundingRect: C,
svgGrid: V,
gridType: T
return l.jsx("div", {
className: f.A(rq, c ? void 0 : i, {
[dq]: a
children: O
shouldAnimate(C, p) {
return p.phase !== A.a.Wait && p.phase !== A.a.Welcome &&
(this.animate = !1),
getWinningAnimations() {
const {winTokens: C, svgGrid: p, chipType: i,
stationaryWinningTokens: q, gridType: V, gameResult: m, hideTokens: w,
isWinningAnimationVisible: y} = this.props;
return w ? null : l.jsxs(l.Fragment, {
children: [this.getWinningAnimationPositions(m).map((C =>
l.jsx("div", {
className: Eq,
children: l.jsx(iq.x, {
left: C.left,
visible: y,
dollyVisible: V === Z.jJ.Standard
}, `${C.left}&${}`))), l.jsx(Cq.f, {
svgGrid: p,
tokens: C,
chipType: i,
stationary: q,
gridType: V
getWinningAnimationPositions(C) {
const {gridType: p, svgGrid: i} = this.props
, q = p === Z.jJ.Golden;
return zi.A(C).map((C => {
const p = q && "00" !== C ? `${C}&${C}` : C
, V = qq.y(i, p);
return {
left: 100 *[0],
top: 100 *[1]
const pV = []
, iV = {
addBet: F.he
, qV = t.Ng(( (C, p) => {
const i = G.IA(C)
, q = G.UX(C);
return {
wrapperRect: Vq.QB(C, p.gridType),
gridRect: G.jq(C, p.gridType),
winTokens: Hp.uA(G.Fx(C), p.gridType),
isWinningAnimationVisible: $i.D(C),
gameResult: G.qR(C),
isBettingEnabled: Hp.nX(i),
orientation: c.V6(C),
areRegularTokensVisible: Hp.VQ(i),
luckyNumbersEnabled: q.luckyNumbersEnabled(),
isGoldVaultRoulette: q.isGoldVaultRoulette(),
chipColors: Mi.dX(C),
isDragging: G.xh(C),
placedDraggingChip: G.yw(C),
helperChipVisible: G.DI(C),
phase: i,
isPlayNowAnimating: G.QJ(C),
isInstantRoulette: G.CV(C),
isGridMinimized: oC.t3(C),
useChipCanvasV2: q.useChipCanvasV2(),
), iV)(CV);
var VV = i(791529);
const mV = "gridImmersiveAnimation--39bff"
, wV = "minimized--4afe5"
, yV = "tablet--05128"
, lV = "tabletV2--ebca6"
, tV = "racetrack--61ccb"
, BV = "phone--61524"
, TV = "minigrid--c4261"
, IV = "animated--a3236"
, YV = "gridImmersivePortraitScaleWrapper--fb89e"
, UV = "gridImmersivePortraitTranslateWrapper--b4627"
, LV = "expanded--6c3fc"
, aV = .08
, vV = .7
, fV = t.Ng((function(C, p) {
var i;
const q = (null === (i = p.svgGrid) || void 0 === i ? void 0 :
i.gridType) || oC.Or(C)
, V = q === Z.jJ.Special || q === Z.jJ.Golden
, m = q === Z.jJ.Mini;
let w = 0;
return p.svgGrid && p.svgGrid.gridType === Z.jJ.Standard && (w =
Sq.Ke(p.svgGrid.shapes, c.V6(C))),
phase: G.IA(C),
isPortrait: c.V6(C) === UC.t.Portrait,
videoHeight: Vq.z9(C),
wrapperRect: Vq.QB(C, oC.Or(C)),
gridRect: G.jq(C, oC.Or(C)),
isGridMinimized: oC.t3(C),
isPlayNowAnimating: G.QJ(C),
animationState: G.vI(C),
isInstantRoulette: G.CV(C),
isPrivateRoulette: G.GM(C),
isAutoplayRunning: G.V1(C),
isTablet: c.uD(C).IS_TABLET,
isRacetrack: V,
isMiniGrid: m,
gridTopOffset: w,
isVideoScaledIn: xC.Vg(C),
gameDimensions: c.Ay(C)
))((function(C) {
var p;
const {complexBoundingBox: i, gridTopOffset: q, isInstantRoulette:
V, isRacetrack: m, isMiniGrid: w, children: y, isAutoplayRunning: t, isTablet: B,
gridRect: T, wrapperRect: I, videoHeight: Y, isPrivateRoulette: U, phase: L,
isPortrait: a, isGridMinimized: v, isBettingGridAnimating: c, animationState: O,
isPlayNowAnimating: S, isVideoScaledIn: j, gameDimensions: o} = C
, x = V || U;
let Z;
Z = i ? i.height : T.height + ( -;
const H = V && t
, b = Hp.nX(L)
, X = !(w && b) && O === G.fl.Minimized
, z = {}
, M = {}
, P = s.useRef(j)
, R = P.current !== j;
if (P.current = j,
a && X) {
let C;
const V = x ? .1 : 0;
if (i)
if (w) {
const p = o.containerHeight * VV.TI
, q = 20
, V = i.bottom - p - q
, m = 10;
C = Math.min((V - m) / Z, .8)
} else {
const {gridToLayoutOffset: p={
top: 0,
bottom: 0
}} = i
, V = + p.bottom;
C = (Z - (1 - aV) * (Y - V) + q) / Z
C = (Z - (1 - aV) * Y) / T.height + V;
!w && j && (C *= vV);
const m = C.toFixed(4);
z.transform = `scale(${m})`,
z["--immersive-grid-scale"] = m,
x && (S || b || !(null === (p = null == i ? void 0 :
i.gridToLayoutOffset) || void 0 === p ? void 0 : p.bottom) || (M.transform =
const Q = c || H || R;
return l.jsx("div", {
className: f.A(mV, {
[BV]: !B,
[lV]: B,
[IV]: c || H,
[wV]: X,
[LV]: !X,
[tV]: m,
[yV]: B,
[TV]: w
"data-role": "immersive-animation",
"data-value": b ? v ? "minimized" : "up" : "down",
children: l.jsx("div", {
className: f.A(UV, {
[IV]: Q
style: M,
children: l.jsx("div", {
className: f.A(YV, {
[IV]: Q
style: z,
children: y
var sV = i(352732);
const cV = "scalingWrapper--de50b"
, OV = C => ({
[Z.jJ.Standard]: "standard",
[Z.jJ.Special]: "racetrack",
[Z.jJ.Golden]: "racetrack",
[Z.jJ.Mini]: "mini"
, SV = 50
, jV = 4;
class oV extends s.Component {
constructor() {
this.containerEl = null,
this.setContainerEl = C => {
C && (this.containerEl = C,
this.resizeDetector = GC()({
strategy: "scroll"
this.deferSetBoundingRect = () => {
this.pendingAnimationFrame &&
this.pendingAnimationFrame =
this.setBoundingRect = () => {
if (this.containerEl) {
const C = this.containerEl.getBoundingClientRect()
, {scrollTop: p, scrollLeft: i} = document.body
, q = {
top: - p,
bottom: C.bottom + p,
left: C.left - i,
right: C.right + i,
width: this.containerEl.offsetWidth,
height: this.containerEl.offsetHeight
, {alignment: V, aspectRatio: m,
aspectRatioWithNeighboursPicker: w, gridType: y, isInstantOrPrivateRoulette: l,
standardGridAspectRatio: t, isLongScreen: B, orientation: T, layout: I,
constrainSpecialToStandard: Y, setGridBoundingRect: U, setScalingWrapperClientRect:
L} = this.props;
let a = t;
w && (a = B ? w.long : w.standard);
const f = y === Z.jJ.Special || y === Z.jJ.Golden ? a :
if (T !== UC.t.Portrait || !l && I !==
AC.FJ.PhoneImmersive) {
let C;
if (w || Y) {
const p = Di(q.width, q.height, f);
C = Di(p.width, p.height, m)
} else
C = Di(q.width, q.height, m);
y !== Z.jJ.Special && y !== Z.jJ.Golden || v.s3(I)
|| T !== UC.t.Landscape || (C = Di(q.width, q.height - .25 * C.height, m));
const {left: p, top: i} = bi.g7(q, C, V);
boundingRect: {
top: i,
left: p,
right: p + C.width,
bottom: i + C.height
gridType: y
} else {
const C = l ? q.height - SV - jV : q.height;
let p, i, t;
if (w || Y) {
const i = Di(q.width, C, f);
p = Di(i.width, i.height, m)
} else
p = Di(q.width, C, m);
({left: i, top: t} = l ? bi.g7(q, p, V, SV + jV) :
bi.g7(q, p, V)),
boundingRect: {
top: t,
left: i,
right: i + p.width,
bottom: t + p.height
gridType: y
[y]: q
componentDidMount() {
shouldComponentUpdate(C) {
const {gridType: p, aspectRatio: i, isImmersiveSubLayout: q,
alignment: V, constrainSpecialToStandard: m, standardGridAspectRatio: w, className:
y, isGridMinimized: l, children: t} = this.props;
return C.gridType !== p || C.aspectRatio !== i ||
C.isImmersiveSubLayout !== q || C.alignment !== V || C.constrainSpecialToStandard !
== m || C.standardGridAspectRatio !== w || C.className !== y || C.isGridMinimized !
== l || C.children !== t
componentWillUnmount() {
var C;
this.containerEl && (L.Fu(this.deferSetBoundingRect),
null === (C = this.resizeDetector) || void 0 === C ||
componentDidUpdate(C) {
const {gridType: p, orientation: i, layout: q,
hideAbsTooltipsByType: V, alignment: m} = this.props;
p === C.gridType && i === C.orientation && q === C.layout ||
C.layout === q && C.gridType === p && C.alignment === m ||
render() {
const {gridType: C, className: p, children: i} = this.props;
return l.jsx("div", {
className: cV,
"data-role": `${OV(C)}-container`,
ref: this.setContainerEl,
children: l.jsx("div", {
className: p,
children: i
const xV = {
hideAbsTooltipsByType: B.QW,
setScalingWrapperClientRect: sV.C9,
setGridBoundingRect: jC.x
, ZV = t.Ng((function(C, p) {
const i =
, q = fC.$q(C, Z.jJ.Standard);
return {
constrainSpecialToStandard: !v.s3(i) && p.gridType !==
standardGridAspectRatio: aC.z2(q) ? .25 : q.aspectRatio,
layout: i,
orientation: c.V6(C),
isInstantOrPrivateRoulette: G.CV(C) || G.GM(C),
isGridMinimized: oC.t3(C),
isLongScreen: fC.Fw(c.uD(C))
), xV)(oV)
, HV = {
scalingWrapper: "scalingWrapper--a07a4",
"canvas-betting-grid-wrapper": "canvas-betting-grid-wrapper--
bettingGridInnerWrapper: "bettingGridInnerWrapper--95c0d",
"dddStandard-wrapper": "dddStandard-wrapper--ffc75",
"dddStandardFrench-wrapper": "dddStandardFrench-wrapper--58c03",
"classicStandard-wrapper": "classicStandard-wrapper--00b49",
"classicStandardFrench-wrapper": "classicStandardFrench-wrapper--
slingshotWrapper: "slingshotWrapper--6d923",
phoneBettingGridWrapper: "phoneBettingGridWrapper--53bd2",
slingshotFrenchWrapper: "slingshotFrenchWrapper--5f7d4",
"golden-racetrack-wrapper": "golden-racetrack-wrapper--f3068",
"golden-racetrack-wrapper-classic": "golden-racetrack-wrapper-
"winning-animation-container": "winning-animation-container--
"canvas-center-position": "canvas-center-position--84807"
, bV = {
canvasCenterPosition: HV["canvas-center-position"]
class XV extends s.Component {
shouldComponentUpdate(C) {
const {svgGrid: p, gridType: i, alignment: q,
complexBoundingBox: V, isImmersiveSubLayout: m, orientation: w, phase: y} =
return C.gridType !== i || C.svgGrid !== p || C.alignment !== q
|| C.complexBoundingBox !== V || C.isImmersiveSubLayout !== m || C.orientation !==
w || C.phase !== y
render() {
var C;
const {isInstantRoulette: p, complexBoundingBox: i, phase: q,
svgGrid: V, styleType: m, layout: w, chipType: y, gridType: t,
stationaryWinningTokens: B, hideTokens: T, addEventHandlers: I,
isImmersiveSubLayout: Y, alignment: U} = this.props
, L = Boolean(i)
, a = !Hp.nX(q)
, v = p && a && q !== A.a.WinnersKnown || !p && a
, s = f.A(Kq.A.baseGrid, {
[Kq.A.french]: AC.Lq.French === m
, c = null !== (C = V.className({
layout: w
})) && void 0 !== C ? C : "";
let O;
const S = l.jsx(qV, {
disableGridExceptLightning: v,
gridType: t,
layout: w,
svgGrid: V,
chipType: y,
stationaryWinningTokens: B,
hideTokens: T,
addEventHandlers: I,
complexBoundingBox: i
return O = Y ? l.jsx(fV, {
complexBoundingBox: i,
svgGrid: V,
children: S
}) : S,
l.jsx("div", {
className: bV.canvasCenterPosition,
children: l.jsx("div", {
className: f.A(HV["canvas-betting-grid-wrapper"],
Xi.A(HV, c), t.toLowerCase()),
children: L ? l.jsx("div", {
className: HV.scalingWrapper,
children: l.jsx("div", {
className: s,
children: O
}) : l.jsx(ZV, {
className: s,
gridType: t,
aspectRatio: V.aspectRatio,
isImmersiveSubLayout: Y,
alignment: U,
children: O
XV.defaultProps = {
gridType: Z.jJ.Standard
const zV = t.Ng(( (C, p) => ({
isImmersiveSubLayout: v.W2(,
phase: G.IA(C),
styleType: G.of(C, p.gridType).style,
orientation: c.V6(C),
isInstantRoulette: G.CV(C)
var MV = i(320693)
, PV = i(704278)
, RV = i(484802)
, QV = i(74136)
, nV = i(526975)
, hV = i(78670)
, GV = i(263904);
const $V = "ContainerWithHelperChip--0207f"
, WV = "chip--dbc10";
class kV extends s.Component {
constructor() {
this.chipEl = null,
this.chipStyle = {
display: "none"
this.onDragEndAutoplay = !1,
this.setContainerEl = C => {
C && (C.addEventListener("touchstart", this.onTouchStart),
C.addEventListener("touchmove", this.onTouchMove),
C.addEventListener("touchend", this.onTouchEnd))
this.onTouchStart = C => {
x: C.touches[0].clientX,
y: C.touches[0].clientY
this.onTouchEnd = () => {
const {dragEnd: C} = this.props;
this.onDragEndAutoplay && (null == C || C()),
this.onTouchMove = C => {
x: C.touches[0].clientX,
y: C.touches[0].clientY
this.setChipEl = C => {
this.chipEl = C
this.moveChip = ({x: C, y: p}) => {
const {placedDraggingChip: i, layout: q, gameDimensions: V,
gridBoundingRect: m, svgGrid: w, complexBoundingBox: y, gridLayout: l} =
if (i)
if (v.s3(q) && i) {
const y = hV.D({
gameDimensions: V,
gridBoundingRect: m,
points: GV.M(q, l, V, m),
center: qq.Vp(w, i.betSpotId),
dragCoords: {
x: C,
y: p
y ? this.setChipStyle({
transform: `translateX(${y.x}px) translateY($
}) : this.setChipStyle({
transform: `translateX(${C}px) translateY($
} else {
let i = m;
y && (i = y);
const q = .0075 * i.width
, V = .05 * i.height
, w = QV.qE(C, i.left - q, i.right + q)
, l = QV.qE(p, - V, i.bottom + V);
transform: `translateX(${w}px) translateY($
transform: `translateX(${C}px) translateY(${p}px)`
this.setChipStyle = C => {
this.chipEl && C.display !== this.chipStyle.display &&
( = C.display || ""),
Object.assign(this.chipStyle, C),
this.chipEl && "block" === this.chipStyle.display &&
Object.assign(, this.chipStyle)
componentDidUpdate(C) {
const {isBettingEnabled: p, helperChipVisible: i} = this.props;
p || p === C.isBettingEnabled || this.toggleChip(!1),
i !== C.helperChipVisible && this.toggleChip(i)
shouldComponentUpdate(C) {
const {chipType: p, amount: i, gridType: q, gridBoundingRect:
V, helperChipVisible: m, complexBoundingBox: w, children: y, isBettingEnabled: l} =
return p !== C.chipType || i !== C.amount || q !== C.gridType
|| V !== C.gridBoundingRect || m !== C.helperChipVisible || w !==
C.complexBoundingBox || y !== C.children || l !== C.isBettingEnabled
render() {
const {svgGrid: C, orientation: p, layout: i,
gridContainerBounds: q, complexBoundingBox: V, children: m, chipType: w, amount: y,
chipColors: t} = this.props
, B = bi.k9({
bettingGrid: C,
orientation: p,
layout: i,
containerHeight: (null == V ? void 0 : V.height) ||
containerWidth: (null == V ? void 0 : V.width) || q.width
, T = {
width: B,
height: B
return l.jsxs("div", {
className: $V,
ref: this.setContainerEl,
children: [m, l.jsx("div", {
className: WV,
ref: this.setChipEl,
children: l.jsx(nV.W, {
chipType: w,
amount: y,
size: T,
chipColors: t
toggleChip(C) {
const {isBettingEnabled: p} = this.props;
display: C && p ? "block" : "none"
this.onDragEndAutoplay = C
function AV(C, p) {
return {
gridContainerBounds: Vq.QB(C, oC.Or(C)),
orientation: c.V6(C),
amount: G.sE(C),
isBettingEnabled: Hp.nX(G.IA(C)),
gridBoundingRect: G.jq(C, p.gridType || Z.jJ.Standard),
chipColors: Mi.dX(C),
placedDraggingChip: G.yw(C),
helperChipVisible: G.DI(C),
gameDimensions: c.Ay(C),
gridLayout: G.XS(C)
const FV = t.Ng(AV)(kV)
, KV = C => {
const p = MV.bN()
, i = PV.J((null == p ? void 0 : p.isAvailable) || new RV.L(!1));
if (p) {
const q = () => {
i && p.triggerBetsChanged(!0)
return l.jsx(FV, {
dragEnd: q
return l.jsx(FV, {
, EV = t.Ng(( (C, p) => ({
currentGrid: p.svgGrid.gridType,
orientation: p.svgGrid.orientation || c.V6(C),
useChipCanvasV2: c.DB(C).useChipCanvasV2(),
})))((function({layout: C, currentGrid: p, orientation: i,
luckyNumbersShown: q, complexBoundingBox: V, svgGrid: m, useChipCanvasV2: w}) {
return w ? l.jsx(zV, {
layout: C,
gridType: p,
alignment: bi.uu(C, i, q, p === Z.jJ.Special),
complexBoundingBox: V,
svgGrid: m
}) : l.jsx(KV, {
chipType: Hi.p.Mobile,
gridType: p,
complexBoundingBox: V,
svgGrid: m,
children: l.jsx(zV, {
layout: C,
gridType: p,
alignment: bi.uu(C, i, q, p === Z.jJ.Special),
complexBoundingBox: V,
svgGrid: m
, gV = "mobileUI--a72b4"
, NV = "gameOverlayContainer--18636"
, JV = "isDoubleBallRoulette--fb89b"
, rV = "landscape--6b358"
, dV = "portrait--3950b"
, DV = "topBarShadow--954b8"
, uV = "recentNumbersContainer--dae11"
, _V = "hidden--2df81"
, eV = "winnersAndChat--ddeea"
, Cm = "hasNotch--99978"
, pm = "bettingGridContainer--c27ae"
, im = "bettingGrid--69ff4"
, qm = "gridChange--98baf"
, Vm = "stickToBottom--f83d5"
, mm = "footerContainer--2115a"
, wm = "layoutTimer--28f3c"
, ym = "layoutTimerCentered--ca6b7"
, lm = "decisionTimer--7e3d7"
, tm = "actionButton--90419"
, Bm = "goldBarsCounter--b3bbd"
, Tm = "bonusGameTicketContainer--c6697"
, Im = "trafficLightContainer--8b14f"
, Ym = s.lazy(( () => Promise.resolve().then(i.bind(i,
501799)).then(( ({GraveyardScalingWrapperDynamicConnected: C}) => ({
default: C
function Um({hasNotch: C}) {
return l.jsx("div", {
className: f.A(eV, {
[Cm]: C
children: l.jsx(QC.y, {
type: RC.X.Top
function Lm({gridLayoutType: C, gridType: p}) {
const i = f.A({
[wm]: C === Z.JT.DoubleBall,
[wm]: C === Z.JT.French,
[wm]: p === Z.jJ.Mini
}) || ym;
return l.jsx("div", {
className: i,
children: l.jsx(JC, {})
const am = s.forwardRef(( ({gridLayoutType: C, hasNotch: p,
showWinnersAndChat: i, showTimer: q, showGoldBarsCounter: V, showPlayNow: m,
showSpinNow: w, selectedGridType: y, complexBoundingBox: B, svgGrid: T,
showGraveyard: I, showDecisionTimer: Y}, U) => {
const L = null == T ? void 0 : T.orientation
, a = t.d4(xC.O5);
let v = "";
return T && (v = l.jsx("div", {
className: f.A(im, {
[_V]: !a,
[Vm]: T.gridType === Z.jJ.Mini && L === UC.t.Portrait,
[qm]: y !== T.gridType
children: l.jsx(EV, {
complexBoundingBox: B,
svgGrid: T
I && (v = l.jsx(s.Suspense, {
fallback: v,
children: l.jsx(Ym, {
orientation: T.orientation,
complexBoundingBox: B,
children: v
l.jsxs("div", {
className: f.A(NV, {
[JV]: C === Z.JT.DoubleBall,
[dV]: L === UC.t.Portrait,
[rV]: L === UC.t.Landscape
ref: U,
children: [i && l.jsx(Um, {
hasNotch: p
}), l.jsxs("div", {
className: f.A(pm),
children: [v, q && l.jsx(Lm, {
gridLayoutType: C,
gridType: null == T ? void 0 : T.gridType
}), l.jsx("div", {
className: mm,
children: l.jsx(Si, {})
}), V && l.jsx("div", {
className: Bm,
children: l.jsx(Zi, {})
}), m && l.jsx("div", {
className: tm,
children: l.jsx(nC.$M, {
isPhoneV2Layout: !0,
isPortrait: !0
}), w && l.jsx("div", {
className: tm,
children: l.jsx(nC.NW, {
isPhoneV2Layout: !0,
isPortrait: !0
}), Y && l.jsx("div", {
className: lm,
children: l.jsx(JC, {})
var vm = i(923968)
, fm = i(874287);
const sm = 16 / 9
, cm = .8
, Om = .72;
const Sm = {
[Z.jJ.Standard]: {
[UC.t.Portrait]: [.4, .55],
[UC.t.Landscape]: [3, 4]
[Z.jJ.Special]: {
[UC.t.Portrait]: [.35, .4],
[UC.t.Landscape]: [3, 4]
, jm = 150
, om = s.lazy(( () => i.e(25857).then(i.bind(i, 930010)).then((C =>
default: C.MobileGraveyardConnected
, xm = {
setWrapperSize: YC.H
, Zm = t.Ng((function(C) {
const p = oC.Or(C)
, i = c.uD(C)
, q = G.of(C, p)
, V = G.UX(C)
, m = c.V6(C);
return {
isRecentNumberVisible: xC.Ig(C),
orientation: m,
hasNotch: i.HAS_NOTCH,
gameDimensions: c.Ay(C),
svgGridOrCreator: fC.$q(C, p),
gridBorderThickness: q.grid.thickness_mobile,
gridLayoutType: G.XS(C),
currentGridType: p,
rouletteGameType: V.getRouletteGameType(),
tmpUseNewGraveyard: V.tmpRouletteNewGraveyard(),
isPrivateRoulette: G.GM(C),
bettingGridCacheKey: fC.cT(C, p),
gameScale: c.pv(C),
showDecisionTimer: m === UC.t.Landscape && G.E5(C)
), xm)(( ({layout: C, orientation: p, hasNotch: i, svgGridOrCreator: q,
gridLabelStyle: V, gridLayoutType: m, gridBorderThickness: w, bettingGridCacheKey:
y, gameDimensions: B, setWrapperSize: I, gameScale: Y, rouletteGameType: U,
isRecentNumberVisible: L, currentGridType: a, tmpUseNewGraveyard: c,
showDecisionTimer: O, ...S}) => {
const j = t.wA()
, x = p === UC.t.Landscape
, H = s.useRef(null)
, [b,X] = s.useState()
, [z,M] = s.useState(a)
, P = U === o.vS.GoldVault
, R = U === o.vS.InstantRoulette
, Q = s.useMemo(( () => o.B7(U)), [U]);
s.useEffect(( () => {
const C = window.setTimeout(( () => {
), jm);
return () => {
), [a]);
const n = function({gameDimensions: C, orientation: p,
containerElementRef: i, gridLayoutType: q, currentGridType: V, rouletteGameType: m,
isPrivateRoulette: w, layout: y}) {
const l = vm.V((C => C.fullscreen.isInFullscreen))
, [t,B] = s.useState();
return s.useEffect(( () => {
var l;
if (!i.current)
const t = [Z.jJ.Special, Z.jJ.Golden].includes(V)
, T = V === Z.jJ.Mini
, I = {
portraitWidth: 0,
top: 0,
bottom: 0,
left: 0,
zeroSubstructionAreaHeight: 0,
wheelNumberMargin: 0,
neighboursPickerSize: 0,
actionButtonsFontSize: 0,
actionButtonHeight: 0,
gridWidth: 0,
gridHeight: 0,
gridImmersiveAnimationTranslateY: 0,
landscapeFooterSidePadding: 0,
commonPadding: 0,
rowBetsWidth: 0
let Y, U, L;
const a = i.current
, f = getComputedStyle(a)
, s = parseInt(f.getPropertyValue("--
recentNumbersHeightInner"), 10)
, c = parseInt(f.getPropertyValue("--
mobileCommonPadding"), 10);
I.commonPadding = c;
const O = parseInt(f.getPropertyValue("width"), 10)
, S = parseInt(f.getPropertyValue("height"), 10)
, j = parseInt(f.getPropertyValue("--drawer-safe-area-
inset-top"), 10);
if (p === UC.t.Portrait) {
const H = parseInt(f.getPropertyValue("--
portraitFooterWidth"), 10)
, b = parseInt(f.getPropertyValue("--
layoutTimerSize"), 10)
, X = parseInt(f.getPropertyValue("--timerSizeDiff"),
let z = 0;
const M = O - (H + c);
let P, R = M;
I.portraitWidth = R;
let Q, n = S;
if (T) {
const A = .825;
Q = Math.round(R / A),
P = S - Q
} else
P = s + c + X,
Q = n - P + j;
const h = m === o.vS.GoldVault ? 7 : 0;
L = O * cm,
U = Math.round(L / sm);
const G = T ? {
width: 0,
height: 0
} : {
width: b + c,
height: b + c - X
function $() {
const C = q === Z.JT.French ? fm.e8 + 4 : fm.e8 +
return R / C * 1.5 + c - h
} = P,
I.zeroSubstructionAreaHeight = null !== (l = G.height)
&& void 0 !== l ? l : 0,
m === o.vS.InstantRoulette && v.W2(y) &&
(I.wheelNumberMargin = U),
I.rowBetsWidth = $();
const W = V === Z.jJ.Standard ? {
width: $(),
height: c - h
} : void 0;
q === Z.JT.French && (G.height -= 10);
const k = 0;
if (t) {
const F = b + c;
I.neighboursPickerSize = F,
I.left = F,
z += F,
R -= F,
n -= k,
Q = n - P
if (m === o.vS.InstantRoulette || w) {
const K = V !== Z.jJ.Standard ? 5 : 0;
let E = 50;
const g = 17 / 5
, N = E * g
, J = M;
J < N && (I.actionButtonsFontSize = J / N,
E = J / g),
I.actionButtonHeight = E + c,
I.bottom = E + c;
const r = E + c + K;
r > k && (n -= r - k,
Q = n - P + j),
W && (W.height -= E)
Y = {
left: z,
right: M,
width: R,
top: P,
gridToLayoutOffset: {
top: P - s,
bottom: I.actionButtonHeight ? -c +
I.actionButtonHeight : 0
bottom: n,
height: Q,
gridLayoutType: q,
zeroSubtractionArea: G,
rowBetsSubtractionArea: W
I.gridWidth = R,
I.gridHeight = Q
} else {
const d = parseInt(f.getPropertyValue("--
landscapeFooterHeight"), 10)
, D = O
, u = D;
let _ = c + s
, e = S - (d + 2 * c)
, CC = e - _;
if (U = CC * Om,
L = U * sm,
t) {
let pC = Math.round(.25 * CC);
pC = Math.min(50, pC);
const iC = Math.round((d + c) / 1.5);
I.neighboursPickerSize = pC,
_ += pC,
e -= iC,
CC = e - _
I.gridImmersiveAnimationTranslateY = d + c,
Y = {
left: 0,
right: D,
width: u,
top: _,
bottom: e,
height: CC,
gridLayoutType: q,
rowBetsSubtractionArea: {
width: c + d,
height: c + d
I.gridWidth = u,
I.gridHeight = CC,
I.landscapeFooterSidePadding = (C.containerWidth - O) /
const x = function(C, p) {
const {layoutValues: i, complexBoundingBox: q,
orientation: V} = p
, m = function(C, p) {
var i;
return null === (i = Sm[C]) || void 0 === i ? void
0 : i[p]
}(C, V);
if (void 0 === m)
return p;
const {gridWidth: w, gridHeight: y} = i
, [l,t] = m
, B = w / y;
if (B < l) {
const C = w * (1 / l)
, p = + (y - C);
return {
layoutValues: {
gridHeight: C
complexBoundingBox: {
top: p,
height: C
if (B > t) {
const C = y * t
, p = i.left + (w - C) / 2
, {rowBetsSubtractionArea: V} = q;
return {
layoutValues: {
left: p,
gridWidth: C,
portraitWidth: C
complexBoundingBox: {
right: C,
left: p,
width: C,
rowBetsSubtractionArea: V ? {
width: V.width * (C / w)
} : void 0
return p
}(V, {
layoutValues: I,
complexBoundingBox: Y,
orientation: p
complexBoundingBox: x.complexBoundingBox,
videoWrapperSize: {
width: L,
height: U
layoutValues: x.layoutValues
), [l, p, V, C, y]),
gameDimensions: B,
orientation: p,
containerElementRef: H,
gridLabelStyle: V,
gridLayoutType: m,
currentGridType: z,
isPrivateRoulette: S.isPrivateRoulette,
layout: C,
rouletteGameType: U
s.useEffect(( () => {
(null == n ? void 0 : n.videoWrapperSize) &&
), [null == n ? void 0 : n.videoWrapperSize]),
s.useEffect(( () => {
if (null == n ? void 0 : n.complexBoundingBox) {
const {complexBoundingBox: C} = n;
gridType: z,
boundingRect: {
bottom: C.bottom,
height: C.height,
width: C.width,
left: C.left,
right: C.right
), [null == n ? void 0 : n.complexBoundingBox]),
s.useEffect(( () => {
if (!(null == n ? void 0 : n.complexBoundingBox))
if (!aC.z2(q))
return void X(q);
const C = {
gridContainerResolution: `${n.complexBoundingBox.width}x$
, i = vC.LQ(C);
if (i)
return void X(i);
const m = q({
orientation: p,
gridLabelStyle: V,
gridType: z,
borderThickness: w,
rouletteGameType: U,
language: S.language,
isDesktop: !1,
gameScale: Y
vC.Xs(C, m),
), [null == n ? void 0 : n.complexBoundingBox]);
const h = s.useDeferredValue(b);
return s.useLayoutEffect(( () => {
if (H.current && (null == n ? void 0 : n.layoutValues) && h &&
h === b) {
const C = h.orientation || p;
(function(C, p, i) {
const {style: q} = C;
i === UC.t.Landscape ? (q.setProperty("--
gridImmersiveAnimationTranslateY", `${p.gridImmersiveAnimationTranslateY}px`),
q.setProperty("--landscapeFooterSidePadding", `$
q.setProperty("--top", `${}px`),
q.setProperty("--bottom", `${p.bottom}px`),
q.setProperty("--left", `${p.left}px`)) :
(q.setProperty("--portraitWidthWithoutFooter", `${p.portraitWidth}px`),
q.setProperty("--portraitRowBetsWidth", `$
q.setProperty("--top", `${}px`),
q.setProperty("--bottom", `${p.bottom}px`),
q.setProperty("--left", `${p.left}px`),
q.setProperty("--portraitZeroSubtractionHeight", `$
portraitImmersiveLayoutWheelNumberContainerMarginTop", `${p.wheelNumberMargin}px`),
p.actionButtonsFontSize > 0 && q.setProperty("--
actionButtonFontSize", Yp.o1(p.actionButtonsFontSize))),
0 !== p.neighboursPickerSize && q.setProperty("--
neighboursPickerSize", `${p.neighboursPickerSize}px`),
q.setProperty("--gridWidth", `${p.gridWidth}px`),
q.setProperty("--gridHeight", `${p.gridHeight}px`)
)(H.current, n.layoutValues, C)
), [h]),
l.jsxs("div", {
className: gV,
children: [x && l.jsx("div", {
className: DV
}), l.jsx("div", {
className: f.A(uV, {
[rV]: x,
[_V]: !L
children: l.jsx(PC, {
maxLength: x ? 12 : 14,
dbrStackMode: LC.I_.Horizontal,
withBackground: !0
}), Q && c && l.jsx(s.Suspense, {
fallback: "",
children: l.jsx(om, {})
}), l.jsxs(T.MobileSafeContainerConnected, {
isRng: !1,
children: [o.YR(U) && l.jsxs(l.Fragment, {
children: [l.jsx(cC.w, {
layout: C
}), l.jsx("div", {
className: Tm,
children: l.jsx(SC.H, {})
}), l.jsx(s.Suspense, {
fallback: "",
children: l.jsx(OC.Y, {})
}), l.jsx("div", {
className: Im,
children: l.jsx(zC, {})
}), l.jsx(am, {
ref: H,
gridLayoutType: m,
hasNotch: i,
svgGrid: h,
complexBoundingBox: null == n ? void 0 :
selectedGridType: a,
showGraveyard: Q && !1 === c,
showWinnersAndChat: x,
showTimer: !1 === x,
showGoldBarsCounter: P,
showPlayNow: !1 === x && R,
showSpinNow: !1 === x && S.isPrivateRoulette,
showDecisionTimer: O
}), l.jsx(sC.S, {})]
var Hm = i(636295);
const bm = "recentNumbers--48d0a"
, Xm = "hidden--e1239"
, zm = "timer--74e4e"
, Mm = "immersiveGoldBarsCounter--cef7a"
, Pm = "winnerWrapper--0e8ed"
, Rm = "winners--694c5"
, Qm = "trafficLightContainer--a73a2"
, nm = "footer--69b16"
, hm = "bettingGrid--d917b"
, Gm = "gameInfoPlaceholder--97200"
, $m = "bettingGridInner--351cf"
, Wm = "gameOverlay--dcfd0";
var km = i(545401)
, Am = i(20576)
, Fm = i(138769)
, Km = i(712011);
const Em = {
GOLDEN: "golden",
MINI: "mini-grid",
SPECIAL: "racetrack",
STANDARD: "main-grid"
class gm extends s.Component {
constructor(C) {
this.elRef = null,
this.highlightedValue = new RV.L(null),
this.gridInteractionStarted = !1,
this.changeHoveredBetspotHandler = C => {
var p;
const {setHighlights: i, neighbours: q} = this.props;
let V = [];
C && (V = [...null !== (p = Hp.E1(C, q)) && void 0 !== p ?
p : []].concat(C)),
[Z.jJ.Standard]: V,
[Z.jJ.Special]: V
}, ni.n1.SpecialGrid)
this.setRef = C => {
this.elRef = C
this.onPointerMove = C => {
this.gridInteractionStarted && (this.highlightedValue.value
= this.getBetSpotByPosition(C.clientX, C.clientY))
this.onPointerDown = C => {
this.gridInteractionStarted = !0,
this.highlightedValue.value =
this.getBetSpotByPosition(C.clientX, C.clientY)
this.onPointerUp = C => {
if (this.gridInteractionStarted &&
this.highlightedValue.value) {
const {addBet: p} = this.props;
betSpotId: this.highlightedValue.value,
betSource: ni.n1.SpecialGrid,
position: {
top: C.pageY,
left: C.pageX
this.highlightedValue.value = null,
this.gridInteractionStarted = !1
componentWillUnmount() {
shouldComponentUpdate(C) {
const {gridRect: p, helperChipVisible: i, wrapperRect: q,
complexBoundingBox: V, svgGrid: m, isBettingEnabled: w} = this.props;
return C.svgGrid !== m || C.complexBoundingBox !== V || !
bi.jw(q, C.wrapperRect) || !bi.jw(p, C.gridRect) || C.isBettingEnabled !== w || i !
== C.helperChipVisible
render() {
const {isBettingEnabled: C, complexBoundingBox: p, gridType: i,
svgGrid: q, layout: V, orientation: m, gridRect: w, wrapperRect: y} = this.props
, t = p || y
, B = p || w
, T = bi.k9({
orientation: m,
layout: V,
containerHeight: t.height,
containerWidth: t.width,
bettingGrid: q
, I = bi.OC(T)
, Y = {
height: Math.round(B.height),
width: Math.round(B.width),
fontSize: `${Pi.GB(I, 2)}em`,
top: Math.round( -,
left: Math.round(B.left - t.left)
, U = f.A(Dq, {
[Kq.A.disabledMobile]: !1 === C
return l.jsx(ZV, {
gridType: i,
aspectRatio: q.aspectRatio,
isImmersiveSubLayout: !1,
children: l.jsxs("div", {
style: Y,
className: f.A(gq, Nq),
ref: this.setRef,
children: [l.jsx(ei.Xg, {
width: Y.width,
height: Y.height,
left: Y.left || 0,
layout: V,
orientation: m
}, "1"), l.jsx("div", {
className: U,
"data-test-id": Em[i],
onPointerDown: this.onPointerDown,
onPointerMove: this.onPointerMove,
onPointerUp: this.onPointerUp,
children: l.jsx(Ni, {
svgGrid: q,
gridType: i,
layout: V,
bettingEnabled: C
getBetSpotByPosition(C, p) {
var i, q;
const V = document.elementFromPoint(C, p);
return V instanceof SVGElement && (null === (i = V.dataset) ||
void 0 === i ? void 0 : i.betSpotId) && (null === (q = this.elRef) || void 0 ===
q ? void 0 : q.contains(V)) ? V.dataset.betSpotId : null
const Nm = {
addBet: F.he,
setHighlights: oq.z
, Jm = t.Ng(( (C, p) => ({
wrapperRect: Vq.QB(C, p.gridType),
gridRect: G.jq(C, p.gridType),
isBettingEnabled: Hp.nX(G.IA(C)),
orientation: c.V6(C),
helperChipVisible: G.DI(C),
neighbours: jq.Yq(C).neighbours
})), Nm)(gm);
var rm = i(741995);
const dm = {
bettingGridsContainer: "bettingGridsContainer--716ac",
standard: "standard--418d1",
special: "special--f67be",
french: "french--cdbad",
frenchnetgaming: "frenchnetgaming--a536d",
neighbors: "neighbors--bef38",
logo: "logo--7b799",
canvas: "canvas--feaac"
class Dm extends s.Component {
constructor(C) {
this.bgContainer = null,
this.handlers = [],
this.addEventHandlers = C => this.handlers.push(C),
this.setBgContainer = C => {
this.bgContainer = C
this.onTouchStart = C => {
this.handlers.forEach((p => p.onTouchStart(C)))
this.onTouchMove = C => {
this.handlers.forEach((p => p.onTouchMove(C)))
this.onTouchEnd = C => {
this.handlers.forEach((p => p.onTouchEnd(C)))
this.onTouchStop = C => {
this.handlers.forEach((p => p.onTouchCancel(C)))
this.touchEnter = C => {
this.handlers.forEach((p => p.touchEnter(C)))
this.touchLeave = C => {
this.handlers.forEach((p => p.touchLeave(C)))
this.logoUrl = Km.d(C.settings.rawConfig.slingshot_logo) || "",
!this.logoUrl && C.settings.luckyNumbersEnabled() &&
(this.logoUrl = i(742084))
shouldComponentUpdate() {
return !1
componentDidMount() {
this.bgContainer &&
(this.bgContainer.addEventListener("touchenter", this.touchEnter),
componentWillUnmount() {
this.bgContainer &&
(this.bgContainer.removeEventListener("touchenter", this.touchEnter),
render() {
const {specialGridOrCreator: C, standardGridOrCreator: p,
slingshotStyle: i} = this.props;
return aC.z2(C) || aC.z2(p) ? null : l.jsxs("div", {
ref: this.setBgContainer,
className: f.A(dm.bettingGridsContainer, `${Xi.A(dm, i,
onTouchStart: this.onTouchStart,
onTouchMove: this.onTouchMove,
onTouchEnd: this.onTouchEnd,
onTouchCancel: this.onTouchStop,
children: [l.jsx("div", {
className: dm.special,
children: this.getRacetrack()
}), l.jsx("div", {
className: dm.standard,
children: l.jsx(zV, {
layout: AC.FJ.TabletSlingshot,
gridType: Z.jJ.Standard,
chipType: Hi.p.SlingshotPerspective,
addEventHandlers: this.addEventHandlers,
svgGrid: p
}), this.logoUrl && l.jsx("div", {
className: dm.logo,
children: l.jsx(rm.g, {
url: this.logoUrl
getRacetrack() {
const {settings: C, specialGridOrCreator: p} = this.props;
return aC.z2(p) ? null : C.useChipCanvasV2() ? l.jsx(Jm, {
layout: AC.FJ.TabletSlingshot,
gridType: Z.jJ.Special,
svgGrid: p
}) : l.jsx(zV, {
layout: AC.FJ.TabletSlingshot,
gridType: Z.jJ.Special,
stationaryWinningTokens: !1,
hideTokens: !0,
addEventHandlers: this.addEventHandlers,
svgGrid: p
const um = t.Ng((function(C) {
return {
standardGridOrCreator: fC.$q(C, Z.jJ.Standard),
specialGridOrCreator: fC.$q(C, Z.jJ.Special),
slingshotStyle: G.Cd(C),
settings: G.UX(C)
), {})(Dm);
var _m, em, Cw = i(87791), pw = i(548622), iw = i(901577), qw =
i(55798), Vw = i(221301), mw = i(991875);
function ww(C, p, i) {
return C[i][p] || p
(function(C) {
C["Undefined"] = "Undefined",
C["Park"] = "Park",
C["Unpark"] = "Unpark",
C["Fullscreen"] = "Fullscreen",
C["ParkByAutoMode"] = "ParkByAutoMode",
C["UnparkByAutoMode"] = "UnparkByAutoMode",
C["UnparkByAutoModeLandscape"] = "UnparkByAutoModeLandscape",
C["DoNothing"] = "DoNothing"
)(_m || (_m = {})),
function(C) {
C["Parked"] = "Parked",
C["ParkedSticky"] = "ParkedSticky",
C["Init"] = "Init",
C["Fullscreen"] = "Fullscreen",
C["DelayedFullscreen"] = "DelayedFullscreen"
}(em || (em = {}));
const yw = {
[_m.DoNothing]: {},
[_m.Undefined]: {},
[_m.Fullscreen]: {
[em.ParkedSticky]: em.Fullscreen,
[em.Parked]: em.Fullscreen
[_m.Unpark]: {
[em.Fullscreen]: em.Parked,
[em.DelayedFullscreen]: em.Parked
[_m.ParkByAutoMode]: {
[em.Fullscreen]: em.ParkedSticky,
[em.DelayedFullscreen]: em.ParkedSticky
[_m.UnparkByAutoMode]: {
[em.ParkedSticky]: em.DelayedFullscreen
, lw = 3e3;
class tw extends s.Component {
constructor() {
this.state = {
prevState: em.Parked,
currentState: em.Parked,
props: this.props
this.timerId = void 0
static getDerivedStateFromProps(C, p) {
tw.getNextState || (tw.getNextState = function(C) {
const p = (i = C,
ww.bind(void 0, i));
var i;
return (C, i) => p(i, C)
const i = p.props
, q = C
, V = i.phase
, m = q.phase
, w = i.isInstantRoulette && (i.isAutoplayRunning ||
, y = {
prevState: p.currentState,
currentState: p.currentState,
props: C
, l = p.currentState;
let t = _m.Undefined;
const B = [["isGoingToBeFullscreen", _m.Fullscreen, !
i.isVideoFullscreen && q.isVideoFullscreen], ["isGoingToBeWindow", _m.Unpark,
i.isVideoFullscreen && !q.isVideoFullscreen], ["openForBetPlacement",
_m.ParkByAutoMode, m === A.a.BetsOpen && m !== V && !w], ["showGame",
_m.UnparkByAutoMode, m === A.a.BetsClosed && m !== V && !w], ["gameCanceled",
_m.UnparkByAutoMode, m === A.a.Canceled && m !== V]];
return [,t] = function(C, p) {
return C.reduce(( (C, p) => p[2] ? [p[0], p[1]] : C),
["undefined", p])
}(B, t),
y.currentState = tw.getNextState(t, l),
shouldComponentUpdate(C, p) {
const {currentState: i} = this.state;
return i !== p.currentState
render() {
return null
componentDidMount() {
const {currentState: C, prevState: p} = this.state;
C !== p && this.updateVideo()
componentDidUpdate() {
componentWillUnmount() {
updateVideo() {
this.timerId = void 0;
const {currentState: C} = this.state
, {changeVideoState: p} = this.props;
switch (C) {
case em.ParkedSticky:
fullscreen: !1
case em.DelayedFullscreen:
this.timerId = window.setTimeout(( () => {
fullscreen: !0
), lw)
const Bw = {
changeVideoState: function({fullscreen: C=void 0}) {
return p => {
void 0 !== C && p(C ? ip.fullVideoScreenEnabled() :
, Tw = t.Ng((function(C) {
return {
isVideoFullscreen: ip.selectVideoFullScreen(C),
isInstantRoulette: G.CV(C),
phase: G.IA(C),
isAutoplayRunning: G.V1(C)
), Bw)(tw);
class Iw extends s.Component {
constructor() {
this.onFullScreenButtonPress = C => {
const {setFullscreenPreferred: p} = this.props;
render() {
const {settings: C, networkStatus: p, sendLogMessage: i,
videoSync: q} = this.props
, V = {
globalSettings: C,
statsTransport: i,
overlay: null,
noVideoForDeviceText: lC.Tl("video.noVideoForDeviceText"),
onVideoWallclock: C => q.setVideoTimestamp(C),
networkStatus: p
return l.jsxs(l.Fragment, {
children: [l.jsx(Cw.H, {
touchToZoom: !0,
pinchEnabled: !1,
showCloseBtn: !1,
showUI: !1,
onFullScreenButtonPress: this.onFullScreenButtonPress,
children: l.jsx(pw.KK, {
children: l.jsx(mw.v, {
evoPlayerTransform: V.transform
}), l.jsx(Tw, {})]
shouldComponentUpdate(C) {
const {isFullscreen: p, networkStatus: i} = this.props;
return C.isFullscreen !== p || C.networkStatus !== i
const Yw = {
setFullscreenPreferred: qp.NN,
sendLogMessage: Vw.d
, Uw = t.Ng((C => ({
isFullscreen: Vq.D2(C),
settings: c.DB(C),
networkStatus: qw.BF(C)
})), Yw)((C => {
const p = iw.O();
return l.jsx(Iw, {
, Lw = 2341
, aw = 1550
, vw = 1440
, fw = 1142
, sw = 6
, cw = -137
, Ow = 910
, Sw = 16 / 9
, jw = "layout--cdcbf"
, ow = "luckyNumbersContainer--e749b"
, xw = "tableArea--8b63e"
, Zw = "footer--5f150"
, Hw = "table--dd20e"
, bw = "tableContent--94ef1"
, Xw = "layoutBackground--f1db1"
, zw = "layoutBackgroundImage--51699"
, Mw = "video--6056c"
, Pw = t.Ng((function(C) {
return {
backgroundImageSrc: Qw(C)
))((function(C) {
const {svgGrid: p, backgroundImageSrc: i, overlayComponents: q} = C
, V = s.useRef(null)
, m = function(C) {
const p = C.current;
if (!p)
const {width: i, height: q} = p.getBoundingClientRect()
, V = (t = i / q) > 2 ? .93 : t < 1 ? .75 : 23.98927 -
67.42939 * t + 70.52429 * t * t - 31.38258 * t * t * t + 5.048171 * t * t * t * t
, m = Math.max(i / Lw, q / aw)
, w = Math.max(1, V) * m
, y = V * m
, l = Ow * w;
var t;
return {
table: {
width: Math.round(Lw * w),
height: Math.round(aw * w)
content: {
width: Math.round(vw * y),
height: Math.round(fw * y)
video: {
top: Math.round(sw * w),
left: Math.round(cw * w),
width: Math.round(l),
height: Math.round(l / Sw)
return l.jsxs("div", {
className: jw,
children: [l.jsx("div", {
className: Mw,
style: null == m ? void 0 :,
children: l.jsx(Uw, {})
}), l.jsx("div", {
className: xw,
ref: V,
children: l.jsxs("div", {
className: Hw,
style: null == m ? void 0 : m.table,
children: [l.jsxs("picture", {
className: Xw,
children: [l.jsx("source", {
type: "image/webp",
srcSet: `${i}.webp`
}), l.jsx("img", {
src: `${i}.png`,
alt: "",
className: zw
}), l.jsx("div", {
className: bw,
style: null == m ? void 0 : m.content,
children: l.jsx(KV, {
chipType: Hi.p.SlingshotPerspective,
svgGrid: p,
children: l.jsx(um, {})
}), l.jsxs("div", {
className: Zw,
onTouchMove: C => C.stopPropagation(),
children: [l.jsx("div", {
className: ow,
children: l.jsx(yq.jj, {})
}), l.jsx(Fm.K, {
type: "tabletSlingshot"
}), l.jsx("div", {
className: nm,
children: l.jsx(Si, {})
}), q]
, Rw = `${window.EVO_CDN || window.EVO_ORIGIN ||
function Qw(C) {
const p = c.DB(C)
, i = km.H9(p) === o.F7.DZR
, q = p.luckyNumbersEnabled()
, V = function(C) {
return Object.values(AC.Lq).includes(C) && C !==
AC.Lq.Classic ? C : AC.Lq.Blue
}(G.of(C, Z.jJ.Standard).style);
return `${Rw}/${i && !q ? "american" : V}.${Am.z}`
var nw = i(279276)
, hw = i(909864)
, Gw = i(462258)
, $w = i(128994)
, Ww = i(501799)
, kw = i(356108)
, Aw = i(422551);
const Fw = "small-statistics-panel--44b45"
, Kw = "page--f828a"
, Ew = "hotcold-wrapper--85d87"
, gw = "tablet--e01b5"
, Nw = "double-ball-roulette-game--aa95c"
, Jw = s.memo((function(C) {
const {allRecentResults: p, type: i, orientation: q,
statisticsBranding: V, isDoubleBallGame: m, tablet: w} = C
, y = kw.RZ(p, i)
, t = kw.HN(y)
, B = kw.$2(p, y);
return l.jsx("div", {
className: f.A(Fw, {
[Nw]: m,
[gw]: w
children: l.jsxs("div", {
className: Kw,
children: [l.jsx("div", {
className: Ew,
children: l.jsx(Aw.h, {
type: Bp.HotColdNumbersType.Hot,
items: t.hotItems,
orientation: "vertical",
smallStatistics: !0
}), l.jsx(Bp.StatisticsWheel, {
histogram: y,
hotCold: t,
orientation: q,
theme: Bp.WheelTheme.Mobile,
cancelledGameCount: B,
type: i,
statisticsBranding: V
}), l.jsx("div", {
className: Ew,
children: l.jsx(Aw.h, {
type: Bp.HotColdNumbersType.Cold,
items: t.coldItems,
orientation: "vertical",
smallStatistics: !0
), ( (C, p) => C.allRecentResults !== p.allRecentResults ||
C.orientation !== p.orientation))
, rw = t.Ng((function(C) {
const p = c.uD(C)
, i = c.DB(C);
return {
orientation: c.V6(C),
allRecentResults: G.Zd(C),
isDoubleBallGame: i.isDoubleBallGame(),
tablet: p.IS_TABLET,
statisticsBranding: G.of(C, Z.jJ.Standard).statistics,
type: km.H9(i)
, dw = "statisticsContainer--fec3a"
, Dw = "recentNumbersBarContainer--c1101"
, uw = "doubleBall--2fe9a"
, _w = "statisticsContainerContent--017bf"
, ew = "emptyStatistics--b6007"
, Cy = "drawerEnabledNumbers--8c2f0"
, py = "drawerEnabledAdvanced--e3e0c"
, iy = "numbers--2ca01"
, qy = t.Ng((function(C) {
return {
isDoubleBallGame: c.DB(C).isDoubleBallGame(),
view: G.$Q(C),
useDrawer: c.DB(C).autoplayApiEnabled(),
isTablet: c.uD(C).IS_TABLET
))(( ({isDoubleBallGame: C, view: p, useDrawer: i, isTablet: q,
children: V}) => {
const m = f.A(Dw, {
[uw]: C
, w = f.A(_w, {
[uw]: C,
[Cy]: i && q && p ===,
[py]: i && q && p ===
return l.jsxs("div", {
className: dw,
children: [l.jsx("div", {
className: m,
children: l.jsx(PC, {
maxLength: C ? 10 : 11,
dbrStackMode: LC.I_.Vertical
}), l.jsx("div", {
className: w,
children: V
var Vy = i(25581);
const my = "gameInfo--5f96e"
, wy = "topLeft--6ffb7"
, yy = "topRight--bbc53"
, ly = "topCenter--de997"
, ty = ({topLeftComponent: C, videoComponent: p, topRightComponent:
i}) => l.jsxs("div", {
className: my,
children: [l.jsx("div", {
className: wy,
"data-role": "game-info-top-left",
children: C
}), l.jsx("div", {
className: ly,
"data-role": "game-info-top-center",
children: p
}), l.jsx("div", {
className: yy,
"data-role": "game-info-top-right",
children: i
ty.displayName = "GameInfoTablet";
const By = "layoutClassic--f596a"
, Ty = "statistics--ffffd"
, Iy = "bettingGridContainer--6146f"
, Yy = "hidden--1b58b"
, Uy = "bettingGridInner--4c6d8"
, Ly = "goldBarBettingGrid--98be9"
, ay = "delay--bb2b0"
, vy = "reduceSize--7e7fb"
, fy = "reduceSizeInstant--6d0f1"
, sy = "goldBarsCounter--a5cd0"
, cy = ({complexBoundingBox: C, svgGrid: p, showGraveyard: i, view:
q, useDrawer: V, haveRecentNumbers: m, isInstantRoulette: w, isBettingGridVisible:
y, isGoldVaultRoulette: t}) => {
const B = xi({
timeAdvance: 300
let T = l.jsx(l.Fragment, {});
if (p) {
let q = Uy;
t && (q = f.A(Uy, Ly, {
[ay]: B.beginHideAnimation,
[vy]: B.amount > 0 && !B.beginHideAnimation,
[fy]: B.amount > 0 && !B.useAnimation
T = l.jsxs(l.Fragment, {
children: [l.jsx("div", {
className: q,
children: l.jsx(EV, {
svgGrid: p,
complexBoundingBox: C
}, "bettingGrid"), t && l.jsx("div", {
className: sy,
children: l.jsx(Zi, {})
}, "goldBarsCounter")]
i && (T = l.jsx(Ww.GraveyardScalingWrapperDynamicConnected, {
orientation: UC.t.Landscape,
complexBoundingBox: C,
children: T
const [I,Y] = s.useState(0)
, U = s.useMemo(( () => {
const C = l.jsx(qy, {
children: l.jsx(rw, {})
if (!m)
return l.jsx(qy, {
children: l.jsx(Bp.EmptyStatistics, {
className: ew,
showEmptyRecentResultsText: w
if (!V)
return C;
switch (q) {
return l.jsx(qy, {
children: l.jsx($w.z, {
previewMode: !0
return l.jsx(qy, {
children: l.jsx(Vy.y, {
position: I,
onPositionChanged: Y,
className: iy,
useMobileScrollable: !0,
children: l.jsx(Gw.pO, {
skip: 11
return C
), [q, V]);
return l.jsxs("div", {
className: By,
children: [l.jsx(ty, {
topLeftComponent: l.jsx(hw.U, {
type: "tablet-classic"
topRightComponent: l.jsx("div", {
className: Ty,
children: U
}), l.jsx("div", {
className: f.A(Iy, {
[Yy]: !1 === y
children: T
, Oy = "bettingGrid--9870c"
, Sy = "hidden--7b425"
, jy = "gameInfoPlaceholder--2aac2"
, oy = "bettingGridInner--31f20"
, xy = "gameOverlay--7fec9"
, Zy = "bonusGameTicketContainer--2e91a"
, Hy = ({complexBoundingBox: C, svgGrid: p, showGraveyard: i,
isGoldVaultRoulette: q, isRedDoorRoulette: V, isBettingGridVisible: m,
isRecentNumbersVisible: w}) => {
let y = l.jsx("div", {
className: oy,
children: l.jsx(EV, {
svgGrid: p,
complexBoundingBox: C
return i && (y = l.jsx(Ww.GraveyardScalingWrapperDynamicConnected,
orientation: UC.t.Landscape,
complexBoundingBox: C,
children: y
l.jsxs("div", {
className: xy,
children: [l.jsx("div", {
className: f.A(bm, {
[Xm]: !1 === w
children: l.jsx(PC, {
maxLength: 20,
dbrStackMode: LC.I_.Horizontal,
withBackground: !0
}), l.jsx("div", {
className: zm,
children: l.jsx(JC, {})
}), q && l.jsx("div", {
className: Mm,
children: l.jsx(Zi, {})
}), l.jsx("div", {
className: Pm,
children: l.jsx("div", {
className: Rm,
children: l.jsx(Hm.K, {
type: RC.X.Bottom
}), l.jsx("div", {
className: jy
}), V && l.jsxs(l.Fragment, {
children: [l.jsx("div", {
className: Zy,
children: l.jsx(SC.H, {})
}), l.jsx(s.Suspense, {
fallback: "",
children: l.jsx(OC.Y, {})
}), p && l.jsx("div", {
className: f.A(Oy, {
[Sy]: !1 === m
children: y
, by = lp.S((function(C) {
const p =
, i = G.UX(C);
return {
isRecentNumbersVisible: xC.Ig(C),
isBettingGridVisible: xC.O5(C),
layout: p,
videoWrapperSize: nw.Ro(C),
showGraveyard: i.luckyNumbersEnabled() && p !==
view: G.$Q(C),
useDrawer: c.DB(C).autoplayApiEnabled(),
haveRecentNumbers: G.Zd(C).length > 0,
isInstantRoulette: G.CV(C),
isGoldVaultRoulette: i.isGoldVaultRoulette(),
isRedDoorRoulette: o.YR(i.getRouletteGameType())
))((function(C) {
const {layout: p, isRedDoorRoulette: i} = C
, q = p === AC.FJ.TabletImmersive ? l.jsx(Hy, {
}) : l.jsx(cy, {
return l.jsxs(l.Fragment, {
children: [q, l.jsxs("div", {
className: nm,
children: [l.jsx(Si, {}), i && l.jsx("div", {
className: Qm,
children: l.jsx(zC, {})
, Xy = "gameOverlayContainer--773f9"
, zy = {
[AC.FJ.Tablet]: by,
[AC.FJ.TabletImmersive]: by,
[AC.FJ.TabletSlingshot]: ({svgGrid: C}) => l.jsx(Pw, {
svgGrid: C,
overlayComponents: l.jsxs(l.Fragment, {
children: [l.jsx("div", {
className: bm,
children: l.jsx(PC, {
maxLength: 20,
dbrStackMode: LC.I_.Horizontal,
withBackground: !0
}), l.jsx("div", {
className: zm,
children: l.jsx(JC, {})
}), l.jsx("div", {
className: Pm,
children: l.jsx("div", {
className: Rm,
children: l.jsx(Hm.K, {
type: RC.X.Bottom
[AC.FJ.Chat]: ({complexBoundingBox: C, svgGrid: p}) =>
l.jsxs(l.Fragment, {
children: [l.jsxs("div", {
className: Wm,
children: [l.jsx("div", {
className: bm,
children: l.jsx(PC, {
maxLength: 20,
dbrStackMode: LC.I_.Horizontal,
withBackground: !0
}), l.jsx("div", {
className: zm,
children: l.jsx(JC, {})
}), l.jsx("div", {
className: Pm,
children: l.jsx("div", {
className: Rm,
children: l.jsx(Hm.K, {
type: RC.X.Bottom
}), l.jsx("div", {
className: Gm
}), p && l.jsx("div", {
className: hm,
children: l.jsx("div", {
className: $m,
children: l.jsx(EV, {
svgGrid: p,
complexBoundingBox: C
}), l.jsx("div", {
className: nm,
children: l.jsx(Si, {})
const My = t.Ng((function(C) {
const p = oC.Or(C)
, i = G.of(C, p);
return {
gameDimensions: c.Ay(C),
svgGridOrCreator: fC.$q(C, p),
gridBorderThickness: i.grid.thickness_mobile,
gridLayoutType: G.XS(C),
currentGridType: p,
rouletteGameType: G.UX(C).getRouletteGameType(),
bettingGridCacheKey: fC.cT(C, p),
gameScale: c.pv(C)
))(( ({layout: C, svgGridOrCreator: p, gridLabelStyle: i,
gridLayoutType: q, gridBorderThickness: V, currentGridType: m, rouletteGameType: w,
gameDimensions: y, bettingGridCacheKey: t, gameScale: B}) => {
const T = s.useRef(null)
, [I,Y] = function({svgGridOrCreator: C, gameDimensions: p,
containerElementRef: i, gridLabelStyle: q, gridLayoutType: V, currentGridType: m,
gridBorderThickness: w, rouletteGameType: y, gridCacheKey: l, gameScale: t}) {
const [B,T] = s.useState(void 0)
, [I,Y] = s.useState(( () => {
if (!aC.z2(C))
return C
return s.useEffect(( () => {
if (!aC.z2(C))
return void Y(C);
if (!i.current)
const B = i.current
, I = getComputedStyle(B)
, U = parseInt(I.getPropertyValue("--
mobileCommonPadding"), 10)
, {containerWidth: L, containerHeight: a} = p
, v = parseInt(I.getPropertyValue("--
landscapeFooterHeight"), 10)
, f = parseInt(I.getPropertyValue("--footerBottom"), 10)
, s = U
, c = L - U
, O = c - s
, S = parseFloat(I.getPropertyValue("--
bettingGridTopRatio")) / 100 * L + 3 * U;
let j = a - (f + 2 * v + U)
, o = j - S
, [x,H] = function(C, p, i) {
let q = 0
, V = p;
return C / p < i && (V = Math.round(C / i),
q = Math.round((p - V) / 2)),
[V, q]
}(O, o, 4);
if (j -= H,
o = x,
m === Z.jJ.Special) {
let C = Math.round(.25 * o);
C = Math.min(70, C),"--neighboursPickerSize", `$
H += C,
o -= C
} else"--neighboursPickerSize", "0px");"--bettingGridAdditionalTop", `$
const b = a - f - j;"--gridImmersiveAnimationTranslateY",
const X = {
left: s,
right: c,
width: O,
top: S + H,
bottom: j,
height: o,
gridLayoutType: V
let z;
z = vC.LQ(l) || C({
orientation: UC.t.Landscape,
gridLabelStyle: q,
borderThickness: w,
rouletteGameType: y,
gridType: m,
gameScale: t,
isDesktop: !0
vC.Xs(l, z)
), [p.containerWidth, p.containerHeight, C]),
[B, I]
svgGridOrCreator: p,
gameDimensions: y,
containerElementRef: T,
gridLabelStyle: i,
gridBorderThickness: V,
gridLayoutType: q,
currentGridType: m,
rouletteGameType: w,
gridCacheKey: t,
gameScale: B
, U = zy[C];
return l.jsxs("div", {
ref: T,
className: Xy,
children: [l.jsx(cC.w, {
layout: C
}), Y && l.jsx(U, {
svgGrid: Y,
complexBoundingBox: I
var Py = i(912986)
, Ry = i(827424)
, Qy = i(223021);
const ny = {
onHideToolbar: () => YC.w(!1)
, hy = I.gv(void 0, ny)(ip.VideoParkButton);
var Gy = i(518659)
, $y = i(539196)
, Wy = i(851780);
const ky = s.memo((C => l.jsx(ip.VideoToolbar, {
FullScreenButton: Gy.r,
StopButton: $y.G,
StreamButton: Wy.A
, Ay = NC.Oe(( ({state: C, ag: p}) => {
const i = Qy.Pq(C)
, {isMediumScreen: q, isSmallScreen: V} =
return {
isVisible: nw.Qi(C),
streamCount: i.streamCount,
hasDangerZone: i.fullScreen && V && U.DS.IS_SAFARI,
isTablet: q
))((C => l.jsx(ip.VideoControls, {
Toolbar: ky,
ParkButton: hy
var Fy = i(672608)
, Ky = i(872866);
const Ey = "classic--78061"
, gy = "fullScreen--db906"
, Ny = "immersive--1974f";
class Jy extends s.Component {
constructor() {
this.mobileVideoControls = null,
this.onFullScreenButtonPress = C => {
this.mobileVideoControls &&
this.saveControls = C => {
this.mobileVideoControls = C
render() {
const {children: C, hasVideoPlayed: p, isInstantRoulette: i,
isFullscreen: q, layout: V, isEvoPlayerPlaying: m, immersiveVideoHeight: w} =
, y = V === AC.FJ.TabletImmersive
, t = q ? 60 : 0
, B = {
showCloseBtn: !1,
showUI: !y,
onFullScreenButtonPress: this.onFullScreenButtonPress,
shouldPreview: !0,
hasVideoPlayed: p,
pinchEnabled: !1,
forceFullScreen: !0,
isImmersive: y,
videoFitOptions: (y || q) && i ? {
aspectRatio: 16 / 9,
containerTopOffset: t
} : void 0
y || Object.assign(B, {
videoControls: l.jsx(Ay, {
onCameraClick: Py.A,
onFullScreenClick: this.onFullScreenButtonPress
const T = m && V === AC.FJ.TabletImmersive;
return l.jsxs("div", {
"data-role": "order-container",
className: f.A({
[Ey]: V === AC.FJ.Tablet,
[gy]: q,
[Ny]: y
children: [l.jsxs(Cw.H, {
children: [l.jsx(Ky.B, {
provideControls: this.saveControls,
children: C
}), l.jsx(Fy._, {})]
}), l.jsx(Tw, {}), T && l.jsxs(l.Fragment, {
children: [l.jsx(Fm.K, {
type: "tabletImmersive",
height: B.videoFitOptions ? w : void 0
}), l.jsx(sC.S, {})]
const ry = {
setLayout: T.abstractGameSelectLayout,
fullVideoScreenDisabled: ip.fullVideoScreenDisabled
, dy = t.Ng((function(C) {
return {
immersiveVideoHeight: Vq.z9(C),
videoHeight: nw.Ro(C).height,
gameHeight: c.Ay(C).containerHeight,
hasVideoPlayed: G.Lb(C),
isFullscreen: ip.selectVideoFullScreen(C),
isInstantRoulette: G.CV(C),
isEvoPlayerPlaying: ip.selectVideoEnabled(C)
), ry)(Jy)
, Dy = t.Ng((C => ({
settings: C.settings
})))(( ({layout: C, settings: p}) => {
if ("chat" !== p.defaultView())
switch (C) {
case AC.FJ.PhoneImmersive:
return l.jsx(, {});
case AC.FJ.Tablet:
case AC.FJ.TabletImmersive:
return l.jsx(dy, {})
return null
var uy = i(169270)
, _y = i(183226)
, ey = i(759152)
, Cl = i(216331)
, pl = i(637355)
, il = i(988669)
, ql = i(609925);
const Vl = t.Ng((function(C) {
var p;
const i = pl.q(C);
return null === i ? {
bet: void 0
} : {
bet: {
id: i,
name: null !== (p = Tp.Rl(C, i)["betName"]) && void 0 !== p
? p : ""
), (function(C) {
return {
onSave: (p, i) => {
C(ql.Qw(p, i)),
onDelete: p => {
, ml = s.lazy(( () => i.e(70663).then(i.bind(i,
320556)).then(( ({MultiplierMenuButtonConnected: C}) => ({
default: C
var wl = i(542335)
, yl = i(349173);
class ll extends wl.T {
constructor() {
this.betSource = ni.n1.FinaleEnPlein,
this.isEnabled = () => this.props.bettingEnabled,
this.highlights = C => Oq.Yt(C,
this.tokens = C => Oq.eQ(C, this.props.isDoubleZeroRoulette),
this.draw = (C, p, i={}) => s.createElement(this.cell, {
key: C,
id: p,
tooltip: lC.Tl("tooltip.callBets.oneNumber", [C, Oq.Yt(p,
}, C),
this.portrait = () => [l.jsxs("colgroup", {
children: [l.jsx("col", {
width: "20%"
}), l.jsx("col", {
width: "20%"
}), l.jsx("col", {
width: "20%"
}), l.jsx("col", {
width: "20%"
}), l.jsx("col", {
width: "20%"
}, "1"), l.jsxs("tbody", {
children: [l.jsxs("tr", {
children: [this.draw("0", "end_0"), this.draw("1",
"end_1"), this.draw("2", "end_2"), this.draw("3", "end_3"), this.draw("4",
}), l.jsxs("tr", {
children: [this.draw("5", "end_5"), this.draw("6",
"end_6"), this.draw("7", "end_7"), this.draw("8", "end_8"), this.draw("9",
}, "2")],
this.landscape = () => l.jsxs("tbody", {
children: [l.jsx("tr", {
children: this.draw("0", "end_0", {
colSpan: 3
}), l.jsxs("tr", {
children: [this.draw("1", "end_1"), this.draw("2",
"end_2"), this.draw("3", "end_3")]
}), l.jsxs("tr", {
children: [this.draw("4", "end_4"), this.draw("5",
"end_5"), this.draw("6", "end_6")]
}), l.jsxs("tr", {
children: [this.draw("7", "end_7"), this.draw("8",
"end_8"), this.draw("9", "end_9")]
shouldComponentUpdate(C) {
return this.props.bettingEnabled !== C.bettingEnabled ||
this.props.hasEnoughFunds !== C.hasEnoughFunds || this.props.orientation !==
render() {
const C = {
width: this.props.orientation === UC.t.Landscape ?
`calc(50% - ${Yp.o1(6)})` : `calc(100% - ${Yp.o1(8)})`,
cssFloat: "left"
return l.jsxs("table", {
"data-role": "finale-bets-en-plein",
style: C,
children: [l.jsx("thead", {
children: l.jsx("tr", {
children: l.jsx("th", {
colSpan: 10,
children: lC.Tl("specialbet_header1")
}), this.props.orientation === UC.t.Landscape ?
this.landscape() : this.portrait()]
}, "specialbet_header1")
class tl extends wl.T {
constructor() {
this.betSource = ni.n1.FinaleBets,
this.highlights = C => Oq.Yt(C,
this.tokens = C => Oq.eQ(C, this.props.isDoubleZeroRoulette),
this.draw = (C, p={}) => {
const i = C.split("/")
, q = lC.Tl("tooltip.callBets.twoNumbers", [i[0], i[1],
Oq.eQ(C, this.props.isDoubleZeroRoulette).length, Oq.Yt(C,
return s.createElement(this.cell, {
key: C,
id: C,
tooltip: q
}, C)
this.portrait = () => [l.jsxs("colgroup", {
children: [l.jsx("col", {
width: "20%"
}), l.jsx("col", {
width: "20%"
}), l.jsx("col", {
width: "20%"
}), l.jsx("col", {
width: "20%"
}), l.jsx("col", {
width: "20%"
}, "1"), l.jsxs("tbody", {
children: [l.jsx("tr", {
children: ["0/3", "1/4", "2/5", "3/6",
}), l.jsx("tr", {
children: ["5/8", "6/9", "7/10", "8/11",
}, "2")],
this.landscape = () => l.jsxs("tbody", {
children: [l.jsx("tr", {
children: this.draw("0/3", {
colSpan: 3
}), l.jsx("tr", {
children: ["1/4", "2/5", "3/6"].map(this.draw)
}), l.jsx("tr", {
children: ["4/7", "5/8", "6/9"].map(this.draw)
}), l.jsx("tr", {
children: ["7/10", "8/11", "9/12"].map(this.draw)
shouldComponentUpdate(C) {
return this.props.bettingEnabled !== C.bettingEnabled ||
this.props.hasEnoughFunds !== C.hasEnoughFunds || this.props.orientation !==
render() {
const C = {
width: this.props.orientation === UC.t.Landscape ?
`calc(50% - ${Yp.o1(6)})` : `calc(100% - ${Yp.o1(8)})`,
cssFloat: "left"
return l.jsxs("table", {
"data-role": "finale-bets",
style: C,
children: [l.jsx("thead", {
children: l.jsx("tr", {
children: l.jsx("th", {
colSpan: 5,
children: lC.Tl("specialbet_header2")
}), this.props.orientation === UC.t.Landscape ?
this.landscape() : this.portrait()]
}, "specialbet_header2")
var Bl = i(872017)
, Tl = i(502715)
, Il = i(446634);
class Yl extends wl.T {
constructor() {
this.betSource = ni.n1.Complete,
this.highlights = C =>,
this.tokens = C =>, this.props.isDoubleZeroRoulette)
shouldComponentUpdate(C) {
return this.props.bettingEnabled !== C.bettingEnabled ||
this.props.hasEnoughFunds !== C.hasEnoughFunds || this.props.orientation !==
render() {
return l.jsxs("table", {
"data-role": "complete-bets",
children: [l.jsx("thead", {
children: l.jsx("tr", {
children: l.jsx("th", {
colSpan: 13,
children: lC.Tl("specialbet_header3")
}), this.props.orientation === UC.t.Landscape ?
Il.u(this.cell, this.props.isDoubleZeroRoulette) :
this.props.isDoubleZeroRoulette ? Ll(this.cell) : Ul(this.cell)]
}, "specialbet_header3")
const Ul = C => vl(l.jsx("tr", {
children: l.jsx(C, {
colSpan: 4,
id: "0",
tooltip: "0",
children: "0"
}, "0")
}), C)
, Ll = C => vl(l.jsxs("tr", {
children: [l.jsx(C, {
colSpan: 2,
id: "0",
tooltip: "0",
children: "0"
}, "0"), l.jsx(C, {
colSpan: 2,
id: "00",
tooltip: "00",
children: "00"
}, "00")]
}), C)
, al = Bl.A([...Tl._s, ...Tl.uK, ...Tl.xH], 4);
function vl(C, p) {
const i = C => l.jsx(p, {
id: C,
tooltip: C,
children: C
}, C);
return l.jsxs("tbody", {
children: [C, => l.jsx("tr", {
}, JSON.stringify(C))))]
var fl = i(194012);
class sl extends wl.T {
constructor() {
this.betSource = ni.n1.LightningSpecial,
this.highlights = C => Oq.$R(C,
render() {
return l.jsxs("table", {
"data-role": "lightning-special-bets",
children: [l.jsxs("colgroup", {
children: [l.jsx("col", {
width: "50%"
}), l.jsx("col", {
width: "50%"
}), fl.K(this.cell, this.props.isDoubleZeroRoulette)]
var cl = i(884033)
, Ol = i(862760)
, Sl = i(872443)
, jl = i(325386)
, ol = i(243048);
const xl = C => {
const p = c.uD(C);
return {
bets: jl.Y(C),
isBettingEnabledByGamePhase: Hp.nX(G.IA(C)),
hasEnoughFunds: G.zn(C),
canSaveFavoriteBet: 0 !== ol.Tk(C).size,
currencySymbol: Sl.o2(C),
isTablet: p.IS_TABLET,
isIPhone: p.IS_IPHONE,
playSound: pC.Ak
, Zl = {
setFavoriteBetItemInEdit: il.q3,
placeFavoriteBet: ql.Fb,
saveFavoriteBet: ql.r0,
logClientRfbSaveLastBet: Bp.logClientRfbSaveLastBet
, Hl = {
hideMenu: Ol.ks
, bl = (t.Ng(xl, Hl)(Bp.FavoriteBetsMobile),
t.Ng(xl, Zl)(Bp.FavoriteBetsMobile))
, Xl = cl.v6(tl)
, zl = cl.v6(ll)
, Ml = cl.v6(Yl)
, Pl = cl.v6(sl)
, Rl = {
favoriteBets: l.jsx(Bp.FavoriteBetsDrawerTab, {
isMobile: !0,
children: l.jsx(Bp.MobileFavoriteBetsTab, {
children: C => l.jsx(bl, {
hideMenu: C
finalBets: l.jsx(Bp.FavoriteBetsDrawerTab, {
isMobile: !0,
children: l.jsx(Bp.MobileSpecialBetsTab, {
children: (C, p, i) => l.jsxs(l.Fragment, {
children: [l.jsx(zl, {
hideMenu: p,
orientation: i
}), l.jsx(Xl, {
hideMenu: p,
orientation: i
}), C && l.jsx(Ml, {
hideMenu: p,
orientation: i
lightningBets: l.jsx(Bp.FavoriteBetsDrawerTab, {
isMobile: !0,
children: l.jsx(Bp.MobileStraightUpBetsTab, {
children: C => l.jsx(Pl, {
hideMenu: C
, Ql = {
get favouriteBets() {
return {
renderContent: () => l.jsx(Bp.FavoriteBetsDrawer, {
tabComponents: Rl,
overlay: l.jsx(Vl, {})
drawerProps: tp.W0.useLiteMobileDrawer() ? {
portrait: {
snapPoints: [`${_y.xq.vertical}%`]
landscape: {
snapPoints: [`${_y.xq.horizontal}%`]
renderFloatingElement: () => l.jsx(uy.NX, {})
} : {
portrait: {
openHeight: 90
landscape: {
openWidth: 50
TableInfoComponent: uy.NX
screenShouldFitParent: !0
get statistics() {
return {
renderContent: () => l.jsx(Cl.A, {}),
drawerProps: tp.W0.useLiteMobileDrawer() ? {
portrait: {
snapPoints: ["90%"]
landscape: {
snapPoints: ["50%"]
} : {
portrait: {
openHeight: 90
landscape: {
openWidth: 50
screenShouldFitParent: !0
betLimits: ey.m
function nl(C, p) {
const i = [{
id: Ip.A.Statistics,
title: C === o.vS.InstantRoulette ?
"menu.roulette.yourRecentResults" : "menu.statistics"
}, {
id: Ip.A.FavouriteBets
return C === o.vS.CustomRoulette &&
p.isCustomSwitcherSwitchEnabled() && i.push({
id: Ip.A.CustomContent,
title: "Multipliers",
fixedListItemIndex: 1,
renderCustomContent: () => l.jsx(s.Suspense, {
fallback: null,
children: l.jsx(ml, {})
customButtons: i
const hl = () => null;
function Gl(C) {
const p = C.DeviceSupport.IS_PHONE ? Zm : My;
return {
MobileTrafficLightIcon: C.getRouletteGameType() ===
o.vS.InstantRoulette ? IC.i : hl,
MobileVideoWithOverlay: Dy,
MobileGameOverlayContainer: p,
MobileMenuNavigationMap: Ql,
MobileSettings: {
CustomGameSpecific: C.leaveWinningBetsOnTable() ? TC : void
HelpComponentListCreator: qC.B,
HelpCreator: qC.A,
WinnerListMultiplierComponents: iC.L(C.getRouletteGameType(),
PreferencesDealerVoiceSelector: pC.og().length > 1 &&
C.useRecordedDealerVoice() ? VC.I : void 0
var $l = i(633129)
, Wl = i(913362);
const kl = (C, p) => (C.dispatch(B.bD()),
L.w9(( () => C.dispatch(B.bD()))),
G.wj(C.getState()) && C.dispatch(T.abstractGameToggleLayoutSelector(!
l.jsx(t.Kq, {
store: C,
children: l.jsx(t.Kq, {
store: C,
context: I.RV,
children: l.jsx(Y.k.Provider, {
value: p,
children: l.jsx(CC, {})
"", {
initialize: async function(C) {
const p = m.K({
animation: w.hp.FromLeftToRight,
backgroundGradientColor: y.n(C),
gameLoaderParams: C
, i = await function(C, p, i, q) {
return Wl.Ts(C, {
selectDefaultLayout: v.kK,
renderGameComponent: kl,
parsedUrl: a.jB,
deviceSupport: U.DS,
i18nPackage: "roulette",
lobby: p,
dispose: Wl.Hf,
componentsMapCreator: Gl,
liveGameOptions: {},
createMenuButtonConfig: nl,
clientApi: C.clientApi
}, 0 ? 0 : void 0, 0 ? 0 : void 0)
}(C, p)
, q = V.H(C.getRoot());
return i.jsx && q.render(i.jsx),
await i.videoIsReady,
abstractGameDispose: i.dispose,
root: q
dispose: q.L,
applicationType: "game"
948537: (C, p, i) => {
i.d(p, {
$X: () => q,
BP: () => w,
Cz: () => m,
ID: () => V,
Ip: () => t,
KE: () => l,
ir: () => B,
pf: () => y
const q = 2
, V = 2
, m = "yellow"
, w = .2
, y = "rgba(255,255,255,.3)"
, l = 80
, t = 30;
var B;
(function(C) {
C["Top"] = "top",
C["Bottom"] = "bottom",
C["Center"] = "center",
C["Left"] = "left",
C["Right"] = "right",
C["CenterWithNeighbours"] = "neighbours"
)(B || (B = {}))
825420: (C, p, i) => {
i.d(p, {
AP: () => h,
F$: () => c,
Jb: () => j,
NM: () => x,
OC: () => M,
aS: () => S,
a_: () => G,
g7: () => Q,
jw: () => R,
k9: () => P,
qn: () => I,
uu: () => n
var q = i(801239)
, V = i(718284)
, m = i(605283)
, w = i(436794)
, y = i(500704)
, l = i(903622)
, t = i(633863)
, B = i(939347)
, T = i(948537);
function I(C) {
return `${C >> 16 & 255},${C >> 8 & 255},${255 & C}`
function Y(C) {
return => ({
X: C[0],
Y: C[1]
function U(C) {
return => [C.X, C.Y]))
function L(C, p) {
const i = 5
, V = function(C) {
return C.length <= 1 ? C : (p = C[0],
i = C[C.length - 1],
Math.sqrt((p[0] - i[0]) ** 2 + (p[1] - i[1]) ** 2) < 1 ?
C.slice(0, -1) : C);
var p, i
if (V.length <= 2)
return C;
const m = new q.ClipperOffset;
m.AddPath(Y(f(V, i)), q.JoinType.jtMiter,
const w = new q.Paths;
return m.Execute(w, p * i),
w.length ? f(U(w[0]), 1 / i) : []
function a(C, p) {
const i = document.createElementNS("",
, q = [];
i.setAttribute("d", C);
const V = i.getTotalLength()
, m = V / p;
for (let C = 0; C <= V; C += m) {
const p = i.getPointAtLength(C);
q.push([p.x, p.y])
return q
function v(C) {
return C.trim().split(/\s+|,/).reduce(( (C, p, i) => {
const q = Math.floor(i / 2);
return C[q] || C.push([]),
), [])
function f(C, p) {
return 1 === p ? C : => [C[0] * p, C[1] * p]))
const s = V.A(( () => t.E.getInstance().getTempCanvas(!
0).getContext("2d", {
willReadFrequently: !0
function c(C, p) {
p.forEach(( ([p,i], q) => 0 === q ? C.moveTo(p, i) : C.lineTo(p,
function O(C) {
switch (C.type) {
case "rect":
const {x: p, y: i, w: q, h: V} = C;
return [[p, i], [p + q, i], [p + q, i + V], [p, i + V], [p,
case "ellipse":
return function({rx: C, ry: p, cx: i, cy: q}, V) {
const m = []
, w = 2 * Math.PI / V;
for (let y = 0; y < V; y++)
m.push([i + C * Math.cos(w * y), q + p * Math.sin(w *
return m
}(C, T.KE);
case "polygon":
case "polyline":
return v(C.points);
case "path":
return a(C.d, T.KE);
return []
function S(C, p, i={}) {
const {color: q, multiplier: V=1, antiAlias: m=!0} = i;
let w;
switch (p.type) {
case "rect":
case "ellipse":
w = f(O(p), V);
case "polygon":
case "polyline":
w = f(v(p.points), V);
case "path":
w = f(a(p.d, T.KE), V);
if (0 !== w.length) {
if (,
q && (C.fillStyle = q),
c(C, w);
else {
if (!q)
(function(C, p, i) {
if (0 === p.length)
const {top: q, left: V, right: m, bottom: w} =
p.reduce(( (C, [p,i]) => ({
top: Math.round(Math.min(i,,
left: Math.round(Math.min(p, C.left)),
right: Math.round(Math.max(p, C.right)),
bottom: Math.round(Math.max(i, C.bottom))
})), {
top: 1 / 0,
left: 1 / 0,
right: -1 / 0,
bottom: -1 / 0
, y = m - V
, l = w - q
, t = s();
t.canvas.width = y,
t.canvas.height = l,
t.clearRect(0, 0, y, l),
t.fillStyle = "rgb(1, 1, 1)",
p.forEach(( ([C,p], i) => 0 === i ? t.moveTo(C - V, p -
q) : t.lineTo(C - V, p - q))),
C.imageSmoothingEnabled = !1;
const B = t.getImageData(0, 0, y, l)
, T = Array.from(C.getImageData(V, q, y, l).data)
, [I,Y,U] = i.replace(/[^\d,.]/g,
for (let C = 0; C < T.length; C += 4)[C + 0] = 1 ===[C + 0] ? I : T[C + 0],[C + 1] = 1 ===[C + 1] ? Y : T[C + 1],[C + 2] = 1 ===[C + 2] ? U : T[C + 2],[C + 3] = Math.max([C + 3], T[C + 3]);
C.putImageData(B, V, q)
)(C, L(w, 1), q)
function j(C, p=T.ID) {
if (C.length <= 1)
return 0 === C.length ? [] : C[0];
const i = new q.Clipper
, V = new q.Paths
, m = => L(C, p))).map((C => Y(C)));
return i.AddPaths(m, q.PolyType.ptSubject, !0),
i.Execute(q.ClipType.ctUnion, V, q.PolyFillType.pftNonZero,
L(U(q.Clipper.CleanPolygons(V, T.BP)[0]), -p)
function o(C, p) {
return C in p
function x({ctx: C, betSpotIds: p, shapes: i, multiplier: q=1,
hasStroke: V, strokeBetSpot: w, lineWidth: y}) {
let l;
const t = p.reduce(( (C, p) => {
if (o(p, i)) {
const q = i[p];
return C.concat([q])
return C
), []);
m.A(t).forEach((p => S(C, p, {
multiplier: q
V && (l = w && o(w, i) ? O(i[w]) : j( => O(C)))),
C.strokeStyle = T.Cz,
C.lineWidth = y || T.$X,
c(C, f(l, q)),
const Z = .14036
, H = .15336
, b = .15509
, X = {
phone: {
default: .05156,
[`${w.t.Portrait}_${l.jJ.Special}`]: .0452,
[`${w.t.Portrait}_${l.jJ.Golden}`]: .0432,
[`${w.t.Landscape}_${l.jJ.Standard}`]: Z,
[`${w.t.Landscape}_${l.jJ.Golden}`]: .14435,
[`${w.t.Landscape}_${l.jJ.Special}`]: H,
[`${l.JT.French}_${w.t.Landscape}_${l.jJ.Standard}`]: Z,
[`${l.JT.French}_${w.t.Landscape}_${l.jJ.Special}`]: H,
{l.jJ.Special}`]: .18,
[`${y.FJ.PhoneImmersive}_${w.t.Portrait}_${l.jJ.Special}`]: .04
tablet: {
default: b,
[`${w.t.Landscape}_${l.jJ.Special}`]: .14836,
[`${w.t.Landscape}_${l.jJ.Golden}`]: .14836,
{l.jJ.Standard}`]: .07633,
[`${y.FJ.Chat}_${w.t.Landscape}_${l.jJ.Standard}`]: b,
[`${y.FJ.Chat}_${w.t.Landscape}_${l.jJ.Special}`]: H,
[`${l.JT.DoubleZero}_${w.t.Landscape}_${l.jJ.Standard}`]: Z,
[`${l.JT.DoubleZero}_${w.t.Landscape}_${l.jJ.Special}`]: H
, z = V.A(( ({layout: C, orientation: p, bettingGrid: i}) => {
var q;
const V = i.gridType
, m = X[B.dv(C) ? "tablet" : "phone"];
return {
scale: m[`${C}_${p}_${V}`] || m[`${i.gridLayoutType}_${p}_$
{V}`] || m[`${p}_${V}`] || m.default,
aspectRatio: null !== (q = null == i ? void 0 : i.aspectRatio)
&& void 0 !== q ? q : 1
), ( ({layout: C, orientation: p, bettingGrid: i}) => `${C}_${p}_$
{i.gridType}_${null == i ? void 0 : i.aspectRatio}`))
, M = C => C / T.Ip;
function P(C) {
const {scale: p, aspectRatio: i} = z(C)
, q = Math.min(C.containerHeight, C.containerWidth / i);
return Math.round(p * q)
const R = (C, p) => C.width === p.width && C.height === p.height &&
C.left === p.left && === && C.bottom === p.bottom && C.right ===
function Q(C, p, i, q=0) {
let V = C.left + .5 * (C.width - p.width)
, m = + .5 * (C.height - p.height);
switch (i) {
m = + .125 * p.height + 2 * (C.height - 1.125 * p.height)
/ 3;
m = + (C.height - p.height) - q;
m = + q;
V = C.left;
V = C.left + (C.width - p.width)
return {
left: V,
top: m
function n(C, p, i=!1, q=!1) {
switch (!0) {
case q && C === y.FJ.Tablet && p === w.t.Landscape:
case i && p === w.t.Landscape:
case B.W2(C):
case p === w.t.Portrait:
function h(C) {
const p = window.getComputedStyle(C)
, i = p.getPropertyValue("--immersive-grid-scale-x")
, q = p.getPropertyValue("--immersive-grid-scale-y");
return ["" === i ? 1 : Number(i), "" === q ? 1 : Number(q)]
function G(C) {
const p = window.getComputedStyle(C).getPropertyValue("--immersive-
return "" === p ? 0 : Number(p.replace("deg", ""))
901255: (C, p, i) => {
i.d(p, {
u: () => Y,
j: () => L
var q = i(64922)
, V = i(377810)
, m = i(282427)
, w = i(903622)
, y = i(443136)
, l = i(988737)
, t = i(450545)
, B = i(277082);
const T = ({hasBigIcon: C, onClick: p, state: i, tooltip: V}) => {
const m = C ? 130 : 100;
return q.jsx(t.O, {
onClick: p,
role: "golden-racetrack-button",
state: i,
tooltip: V,
iconComponent: q.jsx(B.GoldenRacetrackIcon, {
innerHeight: m
type: "secondaryGold",
layerStyles: {
secondaryGold: {
background: {
default: "linear-gradient(45deg, rgb(136, 127, 77)
0, rgb(110, 82, 40) 50%, rgb(136, 127, 77) 100%)",
activated: "linear-gradient(45deg, rgb(167, 143,
81) 0, rgb(147, 110, 53) 50%, rgb(167, 143, 81) 100%)"
T.displayName = "GoldenRacetrack";
var I = i(205676);
class Y extends V.Component {
constructor() {
this.toggleDbrRacetrack = () => {
const {toggleGrid: C, logClientToggleDbrRacetrack: p,
isDbrRacetrackVisible: i} = this.props;
render() {
const {isDbrRacetrackVisible: C} = this.props;
return q.jsx(T, {
onClick: this.toggleDbrRacetrack,
state: C ? "Activated" : "Default",
tooltip: C ? "tooltip.raceTrack" : "tooltip.mainGrid"
const U = {
toggleGrid: l.D,
logClientToggleDbrRacetrack: I.Qo
, L = m.Ng((function(C) {
return {
isDbrRacetrackVisible: y.d9(C, w.jJ.Golden)
), U)(Y)
501799: (C, p, i) => {
i.d(p, {
GraveyardScalingWrapperDynamic: () => v,
GraveyardScalingWrapperDynamicConnected: () => s
var q = i(64922)
, V = i(699695)
, m = i(377810)
, w = i(787014)
, y = i(436794)
, l = i(866378)
, t = i(939347)
, B = i(260390)
, T = i(367823)
, I = i(656666)
, Y = i(751267);
const U = {
graveyardScalingContainer: "graveyardScalingContainer--7fc74",
graveyardBettingGridWrapper: "graveyardBettingGridWrapper--89dfe",
graveyardWrapper: "graveyardWrapper--37c8a",
instantAnimation: "instantAnimation--54b65",
landscape: "landscape--e3fdb",
portrait: "portrait--2f0fb",
hasGravestones: "hasGravestones--445cf",
tablet: "tablet--ed09c",
classic: "classic--e44bb",
immersive: "immersive--01ee8",
phone: "phone--16abf",
twoRowGravestones: "twoRowGravestones--32724"
, L = {
[y.t.Landscape]: U.landscape,
[y.t.Portrait]: U.portrait
function a(C) {
C.current && (window.clearTimeout(C.current),
C.current = void 0)
function v(C) {
const {children: p, orientation: i, complexBoundingBox: w,
luckyNumbersSize: B, layout: Y, luckyNumbersAnimationEndTimeDelay: v,
luckyNumbersAnimationStartTime: f, setWrapperShrunken: s} = C
, [c,O] = m.useState(B > 0)
, [S,j] = m.useState(!1)
, [o,x] = m.useState(B)
, Z = m.useRef()
, H = m.useRef()
, b = m.useRef({
orientation: i,
layout: Y
b.current.orientation === i && b.current.layout === Y || (j(!0),
b.current = {
orientation: i,
layout: Y
m.useEffect(( () => {
b.current = {
orientation: i,
layout: Y
), [i, Y]);
const X = () => {
m.useEffect(( () => {
if (B > 0 && !c && v) {
const C = f && v ? f + v - : 0;
Z.current = window.setTimeout(( () => {
Z.current = void 0
), C)
if (0 === B) {
const C = o * T.xD + T.jD;
Z.current = window.setTimeout(( () => {
Z.current = void 0
), C)
return X
), [B, v, c, f, s, o]);
const z = i === y.t.Landscape && w ? {
width: `${w.width}px`
} : {}
, M = l.m(Y, i, o) > 0
, P = t.Js(Y) && i === y.t.Portrait ? "bottom" : "center"
, R = m.useMemo(( () => {
const C = t.VC(Y) ? T.jD : 0;
return f && v ? f + v + C - : C
), [f, v]);
return q.jsxs("div", {
className: V.A(U.graveyardScalingContainer, L[i], {
[U.hasGravestones]: c,
[U.instantAnimation]: S,
[U.immersive]: t.W2(Y),
[U.classic]: !t.W2(Y),
[U.twoRowGravestones]: M,
[U.tablet]: t.dv(Y),
[]: t.Js(Y)
children: [q.jsx("div", {
style: z,
className: U.graveyardBettingGridWrapper,
onTransitionEnd: () => {
c || (H.current = window.requestAnimationFrame(( () =>
H.current = void 0,
children: p
}), q.jsx("div", {
className: U.graveyardWrapper,
children: q.jsx(I.jj, {
verticalAlign: P,
showDelay: R
const f = {
setWrapperShrunken: B.s9
, s = w.S((function(C) {
const p = Y.r8(C);
return {
luckyNumbersSize: p.numbers.size,
luckyNumbersAnimationStartTime: p.lightningAnimationStartTime,
), f)(v)
810873: (C, p, i) => {
i.d(p, {
i: () => O
var q = i(64922)
, V = i(699695)
, m = i(282427)
, w = i(13799)
, y = i(170877)
, l = i(500704)
, t = i(751267);
const B = "trafficLightIcon--96f36"
, T = "desktop--5a98e"
, I = "iconContainer--17558"
, Y = "icon--7efc4"
, U = "isIos--9384b"
, L = "tablet--cd557"
, a = "phone--916f5"
, v = "immersive2--751f6"
, f = "classic--8933c"
, s = "wheelId--6c075"
, c = "mobile--0ec13"
, O = m.Ng((function(C) {
return {
isIos: w.uD(C).IS_IOS,
instantRouletteWheelId: t.aJ(C),
))((function(C) {
const {instantRouletteWheelId: p, isIos: i, layout: m, platform: w}
= C;
if (!p)
return null;
const t = w === y.OD.Desktop
, O = i ? q.jsx("div", {
className: Y
}) : q.jsxs("svg", {
xmlns: "",
viewBox: "0 0 29.996 29.966",
height: "29.966",
width: "29.966",
className: Y,
children: [q.jsx("circle", {
cx: "15",
cy: "15",
r: "12",
fill: "#2a2a2a",
fillOpacity: "0.6"
}), q.jsx("path", {
fill: "#F2E2B8",
d: "M2.5 15C2.5 8.1 8.1 2.5 15 2.5S27.488 8.1 27.488 15
21.9 27.488 15 27.488C8.1 27.488 2.5 21.9 2.5 15Zm23.925 2.012a11.95 11.95 0 0
0 .188-2c-.001-.67-.064-1.316-.175-1.95l-1.976.638c.063.425.1.85.1 1.313
0 .462-.05.912-.112 1.362l1.975.637Zm-13.1 7.4c-.9-.162-1.75-.45-2.55-.837L9.55
25.263a11.646 11.646 0 0 0 3.775 1.224v-2.074Zm5.85-.812a9.236 9.236 0 0 1-
2.55.825V26.5c1.337-.188 2.613-.6 3.775-1.212L19.175 23.6ZM6.312 15.012c0 4.788 3.9
8.688 8.688 8.688s8.688-3.9 8.688-8.688c0-4.787-3.9-8.687-8.688-8.687-4.787 0-8.688
3.9-8.688 8.688ZM3.563 13c-.112.65-.187 1.325-.187 2.012V15c0 .675.063 1.325.175
1.962l1.975-.637a8.742 8.742 0 0 1-.1-1.313c0-.475.05-.925.112-1.375L3.563
13Zm13.1-7.4c.9.163 1.75.45 2.55.838v-.026l1.226-1.687A11.646 11.646 0 0 0 16.663
3.5v2.1Zm-5.85.813a9.236 9.236 0 0 1 2.55-.825V3.513c-1.337.187-2.612.6-3.774
1.212l1.225 1.688ZM23.45 10.55l1.963-.638h.012A11.609 11.609 0 0 0 23.1 6.7l-1.225
1.675a9.663 9.663 0 0 1 1.575 2.175ZM8.137 8.337 6.925 6.663c-.95.913-1.737 2-2.337
3.2l1.962.638a9.643 9.643 0 0 1 1.587-2.162ZM6.525 19.462l-1.963.638H4.55a11.609
11.609 0 0 0 2.325 3.212L8.1 21.637a9.663 9.663 0 0 1-1.575-2.175Zm15.312 2.213
1.213 1.675c.95-.913 1.738-2 2.337-3.2l-1.962-.637a9.643 9.643 0 0 1-1.588
2.162ZM19.9 14.562a1.22 1.22 0 0 1 1.137-.8l-.012-.012c.675 0 1.225.55 1.225
1.225S21.7 16.2 21.025 16.2a1.22 1.22 0 0 1-1.137-.8l-3.1.25c-.188.537-.613.95-
1.138 1.138l-.238 3.087c.475.163.813.613.813 1.137 0 .675-.55 1.226-1.225 1.226s-
1.112l-3.1-.238a1.22 1.22 0 0 1-1.137.8c-.675 0-1.225-.55-1.225-1.224 0-.675.55-
1.226 1.225-1.226.525 0 .962.338 1.137.8l3.1-.25a1.894 1.894 0 0 1 1.1-1.112l.238-
3.112a1.242 1.242 0 0 1-.775-1.138c0-.675.55-1.225 1.225-1.225s1.225.55 1.225
1.225c0 .537-.35.987-.825 1.15l.25 3.088c.537.2.95.612 1.15 1.137l3.1.238Z"
return q.jsxs("div", {
className: V.A(B, {
[T]: t,
[c]: !t,
[L]: w === y.OD.Tablet,
[U]: i,
[a]: w === y.OD.Phone,
[f]: m === l.FJ.Classic,
[v]: m === l.FJ.ImmersiveV2
children: [q.jsx("div", {
className: V.A(I, {
[c]: !t
children: O
}), q.jsx("span", {
className: V.A(s),
children: p
343352: (C, p, i) => {
i.d(p, {
z: () => V
var q = i(355601);
function V(C, p) {
return {
payload: {
highlights: C,
betSource: p
type: q.bI
366835: (C, p, i) => {
var q;
i.d(p, {
i: () => T,
oE: () => B,
p_: () => t,
q$: () => Y,
so: () => q,
xv: () => I
function(C) {
C[C["PlacedChipDragging"] = 0] = "PlacedChipDragging",
C[C["HoldToDrag"] = 1] = "HoldToDrag",
C[C["None"] = 2] = "None"
}(q || (q = {}));
const V = {
helperChipVisible: !1,
placedChipDraggingInitiated: !1,
isDraggingPlacedChip: !1,
currentDraggingPlacedChip: void 0
, w = "chipDragging/INIT_PLACED_CHIP_DRAGGING"
, y = "chipDragging/STOP_DRAGGING_CHIP"
, l = "chipDragging/TOGGLE_HELPER_CHIP";
function t() {
return {
type: m
function B() {
return {
type: y
function T(C) {
return {
type: w,
payload: C
function I(C) {
return {
payload: C,
type: l
function Y(C=V, p) {
switch (p.type) {
case w:
return {
currentDraggingPlacedChip: p.payload,
placedChipDraggingInitiated: !0
case m:
return {
isDraggingPlacedChip: !0,
placedChipDraggingInitiated: !1,
helperChipVisible: !0
case y:
return {
isDraggingPlacedChip: !1,
placedChipDraggingInitiated: !1,
helperChipVisible: !1,
currentDraggingPlacedChip: void 0
case l:
return {
helperChipVisible: p.payload
return C
352732: (C, p, i) => {
i.d(p, {
C9: () => y,
LJ: () => l
var q = i(903622)
, V = i(790602);
const m = "scalingWrapperSizes/SET_SCALING_WRAPPER_CLIENT_RECT"
, w = {
[q.jJ.Standard]: V.cO,
[q.jJ.Special]: V.cO,
[q.jJ.Golden]: V.cO,
[q.jJ.Mini]: V.cO
function y(C) {
return {
payload: C,
type: m
function l(C=w, p) {
return p.type === m ? {
} : C
786744: (C, p, i) => {
i.d(p, {
NN: () => y,
TT: () => l,
gC: () => w
const q = "videoPlayerInfo/SAVE_VIDEO_STATE"
, m = {
userClosedVideo: !1,
fullscreenPreferred: !1
function w(C) {
return {
payload: C,
type: q
function y(C) {
return {
payload: C,
type: V
function l(C=m, p) {
switch (p.type) {
case q:
return {
userClosedVideo: p.payload
case V:
return {
fullscreenPreferred: p.payload
return C
23682: (C, p, i) => {
i.d(p, {
D2: () => y,
QB: () => l,
UV: () => w,
ki: () => t,
z9: () => T
var q, V = i(13799), m = i(277082);
function w(C) {
return m.selectVideoEnabled(C)
function y(C) {
return m.selectVideoFullScreen(C)
function l(C, p) {
return C.roulette.scalingWrapperSizes[p]
function t(C) {
return C.roulette.luckyNumbers.wrapperShrunken
(function(C) {
C["Video"] = "video",
C["ScalingWrapperSizes"] = "scalingWrapperSizes"
)(q || (q = {}));
const B = 16 / 9;
function T(C) {
return V.Ay(C).width / B
872866: (C, p, i) => {
i.d(p, {
B: () => z
var q = i(64922)
, V = i(377810)
, m = i(282427)
, w = i(548622)
, y = i(901577)
, l = i(581621)
, t = i(279276)
, B = i(55798)
, T = i(13799)
, I = i(221301)
, Y = i(755073)
, U = i(346160)
, L = i(523219)
, a = i(212429)
, v = i(500704)
, f = i(277082)
, s = i(138769)
, c = i(205676)
, O = i(154022)
, S = i(751267)
, j = i(786744)
, o = i(23682)
, x = i(991875);
const Z = {
[v.FJ.Chat]: "chat",
[v.FJ.Tablet]: "tablet",
[v.FJ.TabletImmersive]: "tabletImmersive",
[v.FJ.PhoneImmersive]: "phoneImmersive"
class H extends V.Component {
constructor() {
this.onCloseButtonClick = () => {
const {saveMobileVideoState: C} = this.props;
this.onFullScreenButtonPress = C => {
const {pressedVideoZoomLog: p, setFullscreenPreferred: i} =
componentDidCatch(C) {
componentDidMount() {
const {provideControls: C} = this.props;
null == C || C({
onCloseButtonClick: this.onCloseButtonClick,
onFullScreenButtonPress: this.onFullScreenButtonPress
render() {
const {evoPlayerTransform: C, sendLogMessage: p,
evoPlayerTransition: i, setHasPlayed: V, videoSync: m, networkStatus: y, layout: l,
isEvoPlayerPlaying: t, children: B, wrapperSize: T, immersiveVideoHeight: I,
gameHeight: Y} = this.props
, a = {
globalSettings: L.W0,
statsTransport: p,
overlay: null,
transform: C || L.W0.getEvoPlayerTransform(),
transition: i,
onPlayStarted: V,
noVideoForDeviceText: U.Tl("video.noVideoForDeviceText"),
videoNotAvailableText: U.Tl("video.videoNotAvailableText"),
onVideoWallclock: C => m.setVideoTimestamp(C),
networkStatus: y
, v = Z[l]
, f = t && !["tabletImmersive",
return q.jsxs(q.Fragment, {
children: [q.jsxs(w.KK, {
children: [q.jsx(x.v, {
evoPlayerTransform: C
}), B]
}), f && q.jsx(s.K, {
type: v,
videoHeight: T.height,
immersiveVideoHeight: I,
gameHeight: Y
componentWillUnmount() {
const {provideControls: C} = this.props;
null == C || C(null)
const b = l.b((C => {
const p = y.O();
return q.jsx(H, {
, X = {
sendLogMessage: I.d,
saveMobileVideoState: j.gC,
setFullscreenPreferred: j.NN,
setHasPlayed: O.Wp,
setLayout: Y.abstractGameSelectLayout,
toggleLayoutSelector: Y.abstractGameToggleLayoutSelector,
pressedVideoZoomLog: c.j2
, z = m.Ng((C => ({
isEvoPlayerFullscreen: o.D2(C),
wrapperSize: t.Ro(C),
isEvoPlayerPlaying: f.selectVideoEnabled(C),
networkStatus: B.BF(C),
immersiveVideoHeight: o.z9(C),
gameHeight: T.Ay(C).height
})), X)(b)
791529: (C, p, i) => {
i.d(p, {
TI: () => G,
eu: () => k
var q = i(64922)
, V = i(699695)
, m = i(377810)
, w = i(282427)
, y = i(279276)
, l = i(13799)
, t = i(436794)
, B = i(806974)
, T = i(903622)
, I = i(138769)
, Y = i(672608)
, U = i(443136)
, L = i(119771)
, a = i(952762)
, v = i(23682)
, f = i(872866)
, s = i(757069);
const c = "transitionableGradientInner--7cb1a"
, O = "individualGradient--21a15"
, S = "isVisible--99075";
function j(C) {
const {className: p, style: i, gradient: w, transitionDuration:
y=1e3} = C
, l = s.Z(w)
, t = m.useRef(!1);
return m.useMemo(( () => {
t.current = !t.current
), [w]),
q.jsx("div", {
className: p,
style: i,
children: q.jsxs("div", {
className: c,
children: [q.jsx("div", {
className: V.A(O, {
[S]: !t.current
style: {
backgroundImage: t.current ? l : w,
transitionDuration: `${y}ms`
}), q.jsx("div", {
className: V.A(O, {
[S]: t.current
style: {
backgroundImage: t.current ? w : l,
transitionDuration: `${y}ms`
var o = i(702990)
, x = i(751267);
function Z(C) {
const p = x.UX(C)
, i =;
return {
value: "" !== i ? i : o.H(p.getMobileBackgroundColors().dark),
const H = "mobilePortraitVideoGradient--3c3e1"
, b = w.Ng((function(C) {
return {
gradient: Z(C)
))((function(C) {
const {gradient: p} = C;
return q.jsx(j, {
className: H,
gradient: p.value,
transitionDuration: p.transitionDuration
, X = "orderContainer--3a569"
, z = "landscape--d90d2"
, M = "showPlayerPlayButton--4fe52"
, P = "videoWrapper--7279b"
, R = {
[T.jJ.Standard]: "2000ms",
[T.jJ.Mini]: "1500ms",
[T.jJ.Special]: "2000ms",
[T.jJ.Golden]: "2000ms"
, Q = "1000ms"
, n = .85
, h = .55
, G = .435;
function $(C, p, i) {
return B.cH(C * i / p)
const W = {}
, k = w.Ng((function(C) {
return {
isVideoScaledIn: a.Vg(C),
immersiveVideoHeight: v.z9(C),
videoHeight: y.Ro(C).height,
gridType: U.Or(C),
orientation: l.V6(C),
gameContainerHeight: l.Ay(C).containerHeight,
isBettingGridMinimized: x.vI(C) === x.fl.Minimized,
isBonusOverlayVisible: L.eT(C),
squeeze3FVideo: L.t9(C)
))(( ({gridType: C, squeeze3FVideo: p, orientation: i,
gameContainerHeight: w, isBettingGridMinimized: y, immersiveVideoHeight: l,
videoHeight: B, isBonusOverlayVisible: U, isVideoScaledIn: L}) => {
const a = m.useRef(L)
, v = m.useMemo(( () => i !== t.t.Portrait ? "" : U ?
`translateY(-20px) scale(${$(w, l, p ? h : n)})` : C === T.jJ.Mini || L ? `scale($
{$(w, l, G)})` : ""), [p, i, w, l, C, U, L])
, s = a.current !== L ? Q : U ? R[C] : void 0;
a.current = L;
const c = m.useMemo(( () => v || s ? {
transform: v,
transitionDuration: s
} : W), [v, s]);
return q.jsxs("div", {
"data-role": "order-container",
style: {
height: `${l}px`
className: V.A(X, {
[z]: i === t.t.Landscape,
[M]: y
children: [q.jsxs("div", {
className: P,
style: c,
children: [q.jsx(f.B, {}), q.jsx(Y._, {}), i ===
t.t.Portrait && q.jsx(b, {})]
}), q.jsx(I.K, {
type: "phoneImmersive",
videoHeight: B,
immersiveVideoHeight: l,
gameHeight: w
991875: (C, p, i) => {
i.d(p, {
v: () => U
var q = i(64922)
, V = i(699695)
, m = i(377810)
, w = i(282427)
, y = i(407e3)
, l = i(13799)
, t = i(993483)
, B = i(23682);
const T = "image--8ded7"
, I = "opaque--ee26c";
class Y extends m.Component {
constructor() {
this.state = {
imgLoadStatus: "success",
imgUrl: void 0
this.imgOnError = () => this.setState({
imgLoadStatus: "error"
this.loadImage = (C=!1) => {
const {lobbyThumbCdn: p, evoPlayerStreamName: i} =
, {imgUrl: q} = this.state;
C || (URL.revokeObjectURL(q),
imgUrl: void 0,
imgLoadStatus: "success"
i && t.D2(i, p).then((C => {
imgUrl: C
)).catch(( () => {
imgUrl: void 0,
imgLoadStatus: "error"
componentDidUpdate(C) {
const {evoPlayerStreamName: p} = this.props;
C.evoPlayerStreamName !== p && this.loadImage()
componentDidMount() {
render() {
const {evoPlayerStreamName: C, isEvoPlayerPlaying: p,
evoPlayerTransform: i} = this.props
, {imgLoadStatus: m, imgUrl: w} = this.state;
if (C) {
const C = {
transform: i || "",
height: "100%",
textAlign: "center"
return q.jsx(y.t, {
animationDuration: 500,
animationDelay: 250,
children: "success" === m && q.jsx("div", {
style: C,
children: q.jsx("img", {
className: V.A(T, {
[I]: !p
alt: "videoImg",
src: w,
onError: this.imgOnError
return null
const U = w.Ng((function(C) {
const p = l.DB(C);
return {
evoPlayerStreamName: p.getVideoPreviewStream(),
isEvoPlayerPlaying: B.UV(C),
lobbyThumbCdn: p.lobbyThumbCdn()
53834: (C, p, i) => {
i.d(p, {
DX: () => k,
MY: () => pC,
sm: () => D,
G0: () => CC,
Hz: () => K,
qH: () => E,
nW: () => g
var q = i(160739)
, V = i(36638)
, m = i(13799)
, w = i(949570)
, y = i(913214)
, l = i(267520)
, t = i(436794)
, B = i(346160)
, T = i(500704)
, I = i(486717)
, Y = i(515549)
, U = i(43129)
, L = i(60199)
, a = i(234562)
, v = i(903622)
, f = i(351285)
, s = i(939347)
, c = i(887939)
, O = i(821023)
, S = i(119771)
, j = i(349165)
, o = i(879722)
, x = i(751267)
, Z = i(843520)
, H = i(959508)
, b = i(892510)
, X = i(587698)
, z = i(523219)
, M = i(158963)
, P = i(307169)
, R = i(885537);
function Q(C) {
const p = x.n2(C).size > 0
, i = m.DB(C)
, q = i.getRouletteGameType()
, V = q === I.vS.Lightning;
return {
phase: x.IA(C),
gameResult: x.qR(C),
errorCode: x.SD(C),
spinNowSent: x.Xv(C),
hasSpinNow: i.hasSpinNow(),
hasLuckyNumbers: p,
isLightningRoulette: V,
rouletteGameType: q,
isPlayerInBonusGame: S.iG(C)
const n = {
ifWinnersKnown: C => {
if (C.phase === P.a.WinnersKnown)
return => function(C) {
switch (M.T.getBetType(C)) {
case M.M.Black:
return `${C} ${B.Tl("black_uppercase")}`;
case M.M.Red:
return `${C} ${B.Tl("red_uppercase")}`;
case M.M.Zero:
return `${C} ${B.Tl("green.uppercase")}`;
return ""
}(C))).join(", ")
ifError: C => {
if (h(C.errorCode) && C.selectedLayout === T.FJ.Classic)
return B.Tl(W[C.errorCode])
ifNotAllBetsAccepted: C => {
if (P.a.NotAllBetsAccepted === C.phase) {
const p = [];
return C.totalBet &&
p.push(B.Tl("", {
amount: X.ej(C.totalBet, {
currencySymbol: z.W0.getCurrencySymbol() || ""
p.join(", ")
ifSpinNowSent: C => {
if (C.hasSpinNow) {
const p = C.selectedLayout === T.FJ.ImmersiveV2;
if (!p && Z.nX(C.phase) && C.spinNowSent || p && (C.phase
=== P.a.BetsClosingSoon || C.spinNowSent))
return B.Tl("trafficlight.waitForDealerToSpin")
ifLightningRound: C => {
if ($(C.hasLuckyNumbers, C.isLightningRoulette, C.phase))
return B.Tl("trafficlight.lightningRound")
ifLightningRoundDesktopSlingshot: C => {
if (C)
return B.Tl("trafficlight.lightningRound")
ifRDRBonusGame: ({rouletteGameType: C, phase: p,
isPlayerInBonusGame: i}) => {
if (I.YR(C) && p === P.a.BonusGame && !i)
return B.Tl("trafficlight.waitForNextGame2")
default: ({phase: C}) => B.Tl(function(C) {
return {
[P.a.Welcome]: "trafficlight.welcome",
[P.a.BetsOpen]: "placebets",
[P.a.BetsClosingSoon]: "betsclosing",
[P.a.BetsClosed]: "nomorebets",
[P.a.BetsClosedAnnounced]: "nomorebets",
[P.a.BetsAccepted]: "betsaccepted",
[P.a.NotAllBetsAccepted]: "notallbetsaccepted",
[P.a.BetsRejected]: "betsrejected",
[P.a.NoBets]: "trafficlight.waitForNextGame2",
[P.a.WinnersKnown]: "trafficlight.waitForNextGame2",
[P.a.BetweenGames]: "trafficlight.waitForNextGame2",
[P.a.Wait]: "pleasewait",
[P.a.Canceled]: "gamecancelled",
[P.a.ResultKnown]: "pleasewait",
[P.a.BonusGame]: "pleasewait"
function h(C) {
return R.O4.LateBet === C
const G = new Set([P.a.BetsClosed, P.a.BetsAccepted, P.a.NoBets]);
function $(C, p, i) {
return C && G.has(i) || p && P.a.NoBets === i
const W = {
[R.O4.LateBet]: "betsrejected"
var k;
function A(C) {
const p = C.getRouletteGameType()
, i = C.isSlingshotWheel()
, q = C.getGameVariant() === T.pq.Speed
, V = p === I.vS.American || p === I.vS.AmericanLightning
, m = p === I.vS.InstantRoulette
, w = p === I.vS.GoldVault
, y = C.frenchRules()
, l = C.completeFrench();
if (i)
return q ? k.EuropeanAutoSpeed : V ? k.AmericanAuto :
if (q)
return k.EuropeanSpeed;
let t;
return t = V ? C.luckyNumbersEnabled() ? k.AmericanLightning :
k.American : C.luckyNumbersEnabled() ? w ? k.GoldVaultRoulette : C.isXLRoulette() ?
k.XxxtremeLightning : k.Lightning : y ? k.French : l ? k.CompleteFrench : m ?
k.Instant : p === I.vS.RedDoorRoulette ? k.RedDoorRoulette : p ===
I.vS.AmericanRedDoorRoulette ? k.AmericanRedDoorRoulette : k.European,
(function(C) {
C["American"] = "american_roulette",
C["AmericanAuto"] = "american_auto",
C["AmericanLightning"] = "american_lightning_roulette",
C["AmericanRedDoorRoulette"] = "american_red_door_roulette",
C["European"] = "european_roulette",
C["EuropeanAuto"] = "european_auto",
C["EuropeanSpeed"] = "european_speed",
C["EuropeanAutoSpeed"] = "european_auto_speed",
C["Lightning"] = "lightning_roulette",
C["XxxtremeLightning"] = "xxxtreme_lightning_roulette",
C["French"] = "french_roulette",
C["CompleteFrench"] = "complete_french_roulette",
C["Instant"] = "instant_roulette",
C["GoldVaultRoulette"] = "gold_vault_roulette",
C["RedDoorRoulette"] = "red_door_roulette"
)(k || (k = {}));
const F = q.Mz(x.UX, (C => x.of(C)), (C => x.of(C, v.jJ.Special)),, S.L, m.V6, m.pv, O.w9, O.wv, ( (C, p, i, q, V, m, w, y, l) => {
const t = C.getRouletteGameType()
, U = [I.vS.American, I.vS.AmericanLightning,
, L = t === I.vS.InstantRoulette
, a = t === I.vS.French
, v = C.completeFrench()
, s = p.statistics
, c = q
, O = i;
let S;
S = v ? "complete" : a ? "normal" : "none";
const j = === T.Lq.French
, o = I.YR(t) ? V : C.getPayoutLimit();
return {
isCustomMultipliersEnabled: y,
customMath: l,
isRDRWith3Flappers: C.isRDRWith3Flappers(),
rouletteGameType: t,
rouletteGameRuleType: A(C),
isAmericanRoulette: U,
isInstantRoulette: L,
dualPlay: C.dualPlay(),
isXLRoulette: C.isXLRoulette(),
isGVRoulette: C.isGoldVaultRoulette(),
hasYellowWheelDisclaimer: C.hasYellowWheelDisclaimer(),
isDoubleBallGame: C.isDoubleBallGame(),
completeBetsEnabled: C.completeBetsEnabled(),
isStraightUpBetTabEnabled: C.isStraightUpBetTabEnabled(),
frenchGrid: !U && j,
multiWindow: C.hasLobby() && C.html5MultiWindow(),
branding: s,
racetrackStyle: O,
racetrackGrid: f.iA(),
currentLayout: c,
localizationRules: Y.vL(),
frenchRules: S,
isRtl: B.sU(),
orientation: m,
gameScale: w,
maxPayout: o
function K(C) {
const p =;
if ([T.FJ.PhoneImmersive, T.FJ.TabletImmersive].includes(p) &&
m.V6(C) === t.t.Landscape)
return !(x.vI(C) === x.fl.Expanded && !;
const i = !Z.nX(x.IA(C));
if (x.CV(C) && [T.FJ.ImmersiveV2].includes(p)) {
const p = void 0 !== x.YH(C,
return i && !p
return i
function E(C) {
const p = K(C);
return x.CV(C) ? p && !x.YH(C,
j.B.InstantRouletteFooterCollapseDelay) : p
function g(C) {
return N(Q(C))
function N(C) {
return n.ifWinnersKnown(C) || n.ifError(C) ||
n.ifNotAllBetsAccepted(C) || n.ifSpinNowSent(C) || n.ifLightningRound(C) ||
n.ifRDRBonusGame(C) || n.default(C)
function J(C) {
if (!x.UX(C).showCountDownTimer())
const p = c.O(C)
, i = c.Z6(C);
return void 0 !== p && void 0 !== i ? {
secondsInitial: p,
startTime: i
} : void 0
function r(C) {
const p = Q(C)
, i = function(C, p, i=!1, q=!1, V=!1, m=!1) {
return null === C && $(i, q, p) ? "lightning" : C && C !==
R.O4.NoBets && p === P.a.NoBets ? "red" : null === C && m && V && Z.nX(p) ? "green"
: function(C) {
return {
[P.a.Welcome]: "grey",
[P.a.BetsOpen]: "green",
[P.a.BetsClosingSoon]: "yellow",
[P.a.BetsClosed]: "red",
[P.a.BetsClosedAnnounced]: "red",
[P.a.BetsAccepted]: "grey",
[P.a.NotAllBetsAccepted]: "grey",
[P.a.BetsRejected]: "red",
[P.a.NoBets]: "grey",
[P.a.ResultKnown]: "gold",
[P.a.WinnersKnown]: "gold",
[P.a.BetweenGames]: "grey",
[P.a.Wait]: "grey",
[P.a.Canceled]: "grey"
}[C] || "grey"
}(p.errorCode, p.phase, p.hasLuckyNumbers, p.isLightningRoulette,
p.hasSpinNow, p.spinNowSent)
, q = N(p)
, V = function(C, p) {
return ["green", "yellow"].includes(p) || C !== R.O4.NoBets
}(p.errorCode, i);
return {
color: i,
text: q,
animate: V,
textIconAlignment: x.CV(C) ? H.Q.Right : void 0,
autoCountdown: J(C)
const d = function() {
let C = !1;
return function(p) {
const i = Q(p)
, q = m.uD(p)
, V =
, w = s.Ei(V)
, y = p.settings.showCountDownTimer()
, l = function(C, p, i, q, V) {
return C && s.Ei(V) && $(p, i, q)
}(q.IS_DESKTOP, i.hasLuckyNumbers, i.isLightningRoulette,
i.phase, V)
, t = [P.a.NoBets, P.a.BetweenGames, P.a.NotAllBetsAccepted,
, B = function(C, p) {
return p ? [P.a.NotAllBetsAccepted] : C ?
[P.a.BetsAccepted, P.a.BetsClosed, P.a.NotAllBetsAccepted] : []
}(w, l)
, T = n.ifError(i) || n.ifNotAllBetsAccepted(i) ||
n.ifSpinNowSent(i) || n.ifLightningRoundDesktopSlingshot(l) || n.default(i)
, I = t.includes(i.phase) || h(i.errorCode) ? 5e3 : void 0;
i.phase === P.a.WinnersKnown ? C = !0 : i.phase ===
P.a.BetsOpen && (C = !1);
const Y = [P.a.BetweenGames, P.a.NoBets].includes(i.phase)
, U = !B.includes(i.phase) && !x.le(p) && !x.Rm(p);
let L = !w || U;
return L = y ? Y : L,
C && (L = !1),
text: T,
zIndex: 5,
autoHideTimer: I,
isPlayerActive: L
function D(C) {
return Z.VX(x.ud(C), x.ap(C), x.IA(C),, x._(C), {
settings: C.settings
let u = !1;
const _ = q.Mz(m.DB, x.CV, m.uD, D, x.IA, x.ud,, x.UL, x.H1, x.ap,
x._, ( (C, p, i, q, V, m, w, y, t, B, T) => {
const I = p || C.isPrivateTable() && i.IS_DESKTOP;
V === P.a.BetsClosed && (u = !0),
V === P.a.BetsOpen && (u = !1);
const [Y,U] = Z.IM(m, V, w, {
settings: C,
isDragging: !!y && t.draggedEnoughToConsiderMovingChip
, L = Z.MT(m, B, V, u, T)
, a = Z.ev(B)
, v = !I && q;
return {
repeatEnabled: v,
disableReason: v ? a > w ? l.x9.LowBalance : void 0 : U,
doubleEnabled: Y,
isRepeatVisible: !I && L
, e = C => Z.ok(x.qc(C));
function CC(C) {
return C.roulette.videoView.videoContainerZoomOptions
function pC(C, p) {
const i = [];
return p.tableLimits.setMin(L.OZ()),
i.push(p.lifecycle.current.subscribe((C => {
p.promotionsUI.setCanEndFreeGameSession(C === b.P.BetsOpen)
i.push(C.subscribe(( () => {
const i = C.getState();
!function(C) {
if (y.J(C))
return !1;
switch (x.IA(C)) {
case P.a.BetsClosed:
case P.a.BetsAccepted:
case P.a.NotAllBetsAccepted:
case P.a.BetsRejected:
case P.a.NoBets:
return !0;
return !1
}(i) ? :,
E(i) ? p.layout.immersive.footer.collapse() :
function(C) {
const p = w.TY(C) || 0
, i = C.settings.getTableBetMinLimit()
, q =;
return !(0 !== p && (p >= i || q > 0))
}(i) ? p.balance.setLow() : p.balance.setEnough();
const {isRepeatVisible: q, repeatEnabled: B, doubleEnabled: Y,
disableReason: L} = _(i);
B ? p.betting.repeat.enable() : p.betting.repeat.disable(null !
= L ? L : l.x9.Other),
Y ? p.betting.double.enable() : p.betting.double.disable(null !
= L ? L : l.x9.Other),
function(C) {
return Z.I3(x.ud(C), x.IA(C), !!x.UL(C) &&
}(i) ? p.betting.undo.enable() : p.betting.undo.disable();
const {isCountdown: v, secondsRemaining: f, countdownFrom: s,
isHidden: O, valueAnimationStart: S} = function(C) {
return {
isCountdown: C.settings.showCountDownTimer(),
secondsRemaining: c.uR(C),
countdownFrom: c.O(C),
isHidden: !x.MG(C),
valueAnimationStart: U.hJ
O ? p.decisionTimer.hide() :,
const j = a.O.getRouletteGameType();
I.YR(j) ? p.gameResult.setAmount(function(C) {
return === o.sA.RDRBonusGameStart ? 0 :
}(i)) : p.gameResult.setAmount(e(i)),
p.statusBar.setOverlayProps(d(i)),, {
const p =
, i = m.V6(C);
if (p === T.FJ.PhoneImmersive && i === t.t.Landscape)
return V.X.Hidden;
switch (p) {
case T.FJ.TabletSlingshot:
case T.FJ.Chat:
return V.X.Hidden;
return V.X.Bottom
() => i.forEach((C => {
751267: (C, p, i) => {
i.d(p, {
$0: () => Ip,
$Q: () => PC,
A0: () => jp,
AI: () => MC,
AU: () => ip,
Af: () => yC,
C$: () => aC,
CV: () => ap,
Cd: () => Yp,
DI: () => tp,
DK: () => bC,
E: () => uC,
E2: () => eC,
E5: () => J,
F5: () => g,
FN: () => SC,
FP: () => A,
Fo: () => $,
Fx: () => k,
GM: () => Lp,
H1: () => kC,
H6: () => Hp,
Hw: () => jC,
IA: () => N,
J8: () => IC,
JA: () => _C,
JY: () => sC,
KY: () => zC,
LM: () => Mp,
Lb: () => ZC,
Le: () => qp,
MG: () => op,
Mg: () => xC,
Mp: () => mp,
Np: () => BC,
Nw: () => fC,
Nx: () => rC,
Pm: () => E,
QJ: () => wC,
RN: () => vC,
Rm: () => bp,
S: () => CC,
SD: () => r,
TS: () => zp,
Td: () => Vp,
Ti: () => F,
Tn: () => Rp,
UL: () => WC,
UX: () => np,
V1: () => pC,
VZ: () => Tp,
Vi: () => vp,
XG: () => EC,
XI: () => fp,
XS: () => Up,
Xf: () => NC,
Xv: () => GC,
YH: () => mC,
Ym: () => $C,
Zd: () => OC,
Zr: () => d,
_: () => Gp,
aJ: () => XC,
ak: () => Xp,
ap: () => W,
bR: () => n,
cQ: () => TC,
ch: () => h,
cl: () => _,
d3: () => Qp,
eg: () => Cp,
en: () => dC,
fl: () => cp,
fo: () => xp,
gE: () => Q,
gb: () => Zp,
go: () => u,
h4: () => RC,
hE: () => D,
hp: () => LC,
jF: () => DC,
jc: () => qC,
jq: () => hC,
lb: () => tC,
le: () => nC,
ml: () => Sp,
mz: () => gC,
n2: () => R,
nF: () => cC,
of: () => UC,
q$: () => HC,
qA: () => wp,
qR: () => e,
qc: () => lC,
r8: () => P,
rO: () => pp,
s6: () => Pp,
sE: () => Bp,
sL: () => iC,
tV: () => KC,
tb: () => sp,
tf: () => VC,
uF: () => FC,
uQ: () => AC,
ud: () => G,
v: () => JC,
vI: () => Op,
wj: () => hp,
xh: () => yp,
yF: () => oC,
yw: () => lp,
zn: () => K
var q = i(160739)
, V = i(13799)
, m = i(913214)
, w = i(87245)
, y = i(755073)
, l = i(55798)
, t = i(556392)
, B = i(837557)
, T = i(436794)
, I = i(625678)
, Y = i(850083)
, U = i(295432)
, L = i(486717)
, a = i(735800)
, v = i(500704)
, f = i(903622)
, s = i(887939)
, c = i(443136)
, O = i(774927)
, S = i(119771)
, j = i(277082)
, o = i(864442)
, x = i(993483)
, Z = i(939347)
, H = i(307169)
, b = i(821023)
, X = i(349165)
, z = i(366835)
, M = i(843520);
function P(C) {
return C.roulette.luckyNumbers
function R(C) {
return C.roulette.luckyNumbers.numbers
function Q(C) {
return C.roulette.luckyNumbers.splits
function n(C) {
return C.roulette.luckyNumbers.chains
function h(C) {
return C.roulette.layoutSelector.currentLayout
function G(C) {
return C.roulette.bets.currentRound
function $(C) {
return function(C) {
return C.roulette.bets.currentRoundMovedToPrevious
}(C) ? W(C) : G(C)
function W(C) {
return C.roulette.bets.repeatableRound
function k(C) {
return C.roulette.bets.resolvedRound
function A(C) {
return C.roulette.bets.sentBets
function F(C) {
return C.roulette.bets.history
function K(C) {
return C.roulette.lowBalanceTracker.hasEnoughFunds
function E(C) {
function g(C) {
function N(C) {
const {phase: p} =;
return wC(C) && p === H.a.BetsAccepted ? H.a.BetsClosed : p
function J(C) {
return === H.a.BonusGame
function r(C) {
function d(C) {
function D(C) {
return d(C) === Y.n1.Autoplay
const u = q.Mz((C =>, D, N, ( (C, p, i)
=> i === H.a.BetsOpen || i === H.a.BetsClosingSoon || p ? C : U.q()));
function _(C) {
return [H.a.WinnersKnown, H.a.BetweenGames].includes(N(C)) ? 0 :
function e(C) {
function CC(C) {
function pC(C) {
function iC(C) {
return C.roulette.timer.hasJustConnected
function qC(C) {
return C.roulette.timer.isFirstRound
function VC(C) {
return C.roulette.timers
function mC(C, p) {
return C.roulette.timers[p]
function wC(C) {
return void 0 !==
function yC(C) {
function lC(C) {
return C.roulette.bets.winningBetCodes
function tC(C) {
return C.roulette.bets.winningType
function BC(C) {
return C.roulette.bettingGrids.transitionActive
const TC = q.Mz((function(C) {
return C.roulette.bettingGrids.highlightedBetSpots
), N, ( (C, p) => p === H.a.BetsOpen || p === H.a.BetsClosingSoon ? C :
highlights: {}
, IC = q.Mz(k, lC, np, ( (C, p, i) => {
const q = M.uA(C, f.jJ.Standard)
, V = Object.keys(p)
, m = U.q();
return q.forEach(( (C, p) => {
const q = String(M.cH(p, i.luckyNumbersEnabled(),
V.includes(q) && m.set(p, C)
function YC(C, p, i, q="") {
const m = V.DB(C);
throw new Error(`${q}Grid style is not initialized for gridType $
{p} and layout ${i} ${JSON.stringify({
default_view: m.rawConfig.default_view,
available_views: m.rawConfig.available_views,
mobile_available_views: m.rawConfig.mobile_available_views
function UC(C, p=f.jJ.Standard) {
const i = h(C)
, q = np(C);
try {
if (q.getRouletteGameType() === L.vS.CustomRoulette && b.w9(C))
const q =
return q || YC(C, p, i, "Secondary "),
const V = C.roulette.bettingGrids.gridLayoutStyle[p][i];
return V || YC(C, p, i),
} catch (q) {
YC(C, p, i)
function LC(C) {
return C.roulette.bettingGrids.shouldWinningTokensAnimate
function aC(C) {
return C.roulette.bettingGrids.isFlyingAnimationFinished
function vC(C) {
return C.roulette.bettingGrids.winningBetSpotHighlights
function fC(C) {
return C.roulette.bettingGrids.transitionChips
function sC(C) {
return C.roulette.bets
function cC(C) {
return C.roulette.recentResults.limitVisible
function OC(C) {
return C.roulette.recentResults.all
function SC(C) {
return C.roulette.recentResults.gameId
const jC = q.Mz(OC, cC, ( (C, p) => C.slice(0, p)));
function oC(C) {
return C.roulette.recentResults.scrollPosition
function xC(C) {
return C.roulette.videoView.zoomHelperShownTimes
function ZC(C) {
return C.roulette.videoView.hasPlayed
function HC(C) {
return C.roulette.videoView.videoLatency
function bC(C) {
return C.roulette.videoView.instantRouletteStreamId
const XC = q.Mz((function(C) {
), N, ( (C, p) => {
if ((p === H.a.BetsAccepted || p === H.a.NotAllBetsAccepted) && C)
return C
function zC(C) {
return C.roulette.gameResult.isVisible
function MC(C) {
return C.roulette.gameResult.winAmountShownLogged
function PC(C) {
return C.roulette.statistics.view
function RC(C) {
return j.selectVideoPlayerName(C)
function QC(C) {
return j.selectVideoCurrentQuality(C)
function nC(C) {
return C.roulette.player.participated
function hC(C, p) {
return C.roulette.bettingGrids.gridsSizes[p]
function GC(C) {
return C.roulette.spinNow.sent
function $C(C) {
return C.roulette.bettingGrids.hoveredBetSpotId
function WC(C) {
return C.roulette.bettingGrids.draggedBetSpot
function kC(C) {
return C.roulette.bettingGrids.chipDragInfo
function AC(C) {
var p;
return (null === (p = C.roulette.privateTables) || void 0 === p ?
void 0 : p.requiredBalance) || 0
function FC(C) {
return !!C.roulette.lightningPromo &&
C.roulette.lightningPromo.isTooltipVisible && a.$v(C)
function KC(C) {
var p;
return (null === (p = C.roulette.lightningPromo) || void 0 === p ?
void 0 : p.isButtonAnimating) || !1
function EC(C) {
var p;
return null !== (p = C.preferences.lightningPromoShownCounter) &&
void 0 !== p ? p : 0
function gC(C) {
var p;
return null !== (p = C.preferences.lightningPromoAnimationCounter)
&& void 0 !== p ? p : 0
function NC(C) {
var p;
return (null === (p = C.roulette.lightningPromo) || void 0 === p ?
void 0 : p.roundsPlayed) || 0
function JC(C) {
var p;
return (null === (p = C.roulette.lightningPromo) || void 0 === p ?
void 0 : p.wasTooltipClosed) || !1
function rC(C) {
return !!C.roulette.tutorial && C.roulette.tutorial.visible && !
function dC(C) {
return !!C.roulette.tutorial && !C.roulette.tutorial.visible &&
function DC(C) {
var p;
return null !== (p = C.preferences.dbrTutorialCounter) && void 0 !
== p ? p : 0
function uC(C) {
var p;
return null !== (p = C.preferences.privateTableTutorialCounter) &&
void 0 !== p ? p : 0
function _C(C) {
var p;
return null !== (p =
C.preferences.lightningRouletteTutorialCounter) && void 0 !== p ? p : 0
function eC(C) {
var p;
return null !== (p = C.preferences.redDoorRouletteTutorialCounter)
&& void 0 !== p ? p : 0
function Cp(C) {
var p;
return null !== (p = C.preferences.instantRouletteTutorialCounter)
&& void 0 !== p ? p : 0
function pp(C) {
var p;
return null !== (p = C.preferences.actionButtonReminderCounter) &&
void 0 !== p ? p : 0
function ip(C) {
const p = C.settings;
switch (!0) {
case p.isPrivateTable():
return uC(C);
case p.isDoubleBallGame():
return DC(C);
case p.luckyNumbersEnabled():
return _C(C);
case p.showGenericRouletteTutorial():
return mp(C);
case p.isXLRoulette():
return function(C) {
var p;
return null !== (p =
C.preferences.xxxtremeLightningRouletteTutorialCounter) && void 0 !== p ? p : 0
case p.getGameType() === I.Z.InstantRoulette:
return Cp(C);
return 0
function qp(C) {
return C.roulette.betByBet.rejectedBets
function Vp(C) {
return C.roulette.videoView.autoZoomPopupVisible
function mp(C) {
var p;
return null !== (p = C.preferences.genericRouletteTutorialCounter)
&& void 0 !== p ? p : 0
function wp(C) {
return C.roulette.chipDragging.placedChipDraggingInitiated
function yp(C) {
return C.roulette.chipDragging.isDraggingPlacedChip
function lp(C) {
return C.roulette.chipDragging.currentDraggingPlacedChip
function tp(C) {
return C.roulette.chipDragging.helperChipVisible
function Bp(C) {
const p = function(C) {
const p = tp(C)
, i = yp(C);
return p && i ? : p && !i ? :
return p === ? lp(C).amount : p === ? Tp(C) : 0
function Tp(C) {
return w.gY(C)
function Ip(C) {
const p = V.DB(C)
, i = h(C)
, q = B.DS.IS_PHONE ? Z.W2(i) ? 0 : 1 :
y.selectVideoStreamForLayout(C, v.U1[i]);
return {
latency: l.dG(C),
videoProtocol: RC(C),
btTableView: `${q}`,
btVideoQuality: x.n6(QC(C)),
btMiniGame: 0,
appVersion: p.getAppVersion(),
orientation: V.V6(C)
function Yp(C, p=f.jJ.Standard) {
return UC(C, p).style
function Up(C) {
return C.settings.getGameType() === I.Z.AmericanRoulette ||
L.Fe(C.settings.getRouletteGameType()) ? f.JT.DoubleZero :
C.settings.isDoubleBallGame() ? f.JT.DoubleBall : Yp(C, f.jJ.Standard) ===
v.Lq.French ? f.JT.French : f.JT.Standard
function Lp(C) {
return C.settings.hasSpinNow()
function ap(C) {
return C.settings.getGameType() === I.Z.InstantRoulette
function vp(C) {
return C.settings.isXLRoulette()
function fp(C) {
return C.roulette.playNow.sent
function sp(C) {
return C.settings.getGameType() === I.Z.AmericanRoulette ? L.F7.DZR
: C.settings.isDoubleBallGame() ? L.F7.DBR : L.F7.SBR
var cp;
function Op(C) {
const p = N(C)
, i = ap(C) && pC(C)
, q = p === H.a.BetsOpen || p === H.a.BetsClosingSoon
, m = wC(C)
, w = c.t3(C)
, y = V.V6(C) === T.t.Portrait;
return i && y || (q || m) && w ? cp.Minimized : q || m ?
cp.Expanded : cp.Minimized
function Sp(C) {
return void 0 !==
function jp(C) {
return C.roulette.videoView.videoZoomed
function op(C) {
const p = N(C);
return p === H.a.BonusGame ? !V.uD(C).IS_DESKTOP &&
"BONUS_GAME_DECISION_TIME" === && O.DC(C) : C.settings.closeBetsAfterSpin()
? ![H.a.BetsClosed, H.a.WinnersKnown].includes(p) && s.uR(C) >= 1 : p ===
H.a.BetsOpen || p === H.a.BetsClosingSoon
function xp(C) {
const p = V.DB(C)
, i = [v.FJ.PhoneImmersive, v.FJ.Tablet, v.FJ.TabletImmersive];
return (function(C) {
return V.uD(C).IS_DESKTOP
}(C) || i.includes(h(C))) && !1 === p.closeBetsAfterSpin() && !1
=== p.showCountDownTimer()
function Zp(C) {
return V.DB(C).leaveWinningBetsOnTable() &&
function Hp(C) {
return Zp(C) && !pC(C)
function bp(C) {
return C.roulette.luckyNumbers.areTombstonesVisible
function Xp(C) {
return C.roulette.logotypes.currentLogo
function zp(C) {
return C.roulette.logotypes.previousLogo
function Mp(C) {
return C.roulette.logotypes.logotypes
function Pp(C) {
return V.DB(C).isBetsSplittingEnabled() &&
function Rp(C) {
function Qp(C) {
return [H.a.WinnersKnown, H.a.BetweenGames,
function np(C) {
return V.DB(C)
function hp(C) {
return "tablet" === np(C).deviceType() && np(C).layouts().length >
function Gp(C) {
const p = G(C);
return 1 === p.length && p[0].origin === Y.n1.LeaveWinningBet
(function(C) {
C["Expanded"] = "expanded",
C["Minimized"] = "minimized"
)(cp || (cp = {}))
620277: (C, p, i) => {
i.d(p, {
vh: () => H,
iQ: () => Z,
P5: () => b
var q = i(764522)
, V = i(60199)
, m = i(864355)
, w = i(699204)
, y = i(903622)
, l = i(879722)
, t = i(167937)
, B = i(355601)
, T = i(994647)
, I = i(811522)
, Y = i(55581)
, U = i(267288)
, L = i(445238)
, a = i(150826)
, v = i(441952)
, f = i(751267);
var s = i(657922)
, c = i(306815)
, O = i(342667)
, S = i(553003)
, j = i(924935);
function o(C) {
return "bonusWin"in C.payload
var x = i(209587);
const Z = 4e3
, H = 16e3
, b = (C, p) => {
const {payload: i} = C
, {getState: Z, dispatch: H, ag: b, timelineManager: X} = p
, z = Z()
, M = f.UX(z)
, P = M.rouletteResultDisplayDuration();
H(T.sG(P)), -
M.winningNumberCaptureDelay()).then(( () => {
const p = function(C, p) {
const {payload: i} = C;
if (o(C)) {
switch (C.payload.bonusWin.celebrationLevel) {
case "Low":
return x.y.BonusWinSmall;
case "Medium":
return x.y.BonusWinMed;
case "High":
return x.y.BonusWinHigh
return x.y.BonusWinZero
const q = Object.keys(i.winSpots);
return i.bonusStart ? !1 === p.has(i.code) ? 0 === q.length
? x.y.NoWinWithBonusRound : x.y.NotQualifiedWithSideWin : q.length > 0 ?
x.y.QualifiedToBonusWithSideWin : x.y.QualifiedToBonus : q.length > 0 ?
x.y.RegularWin : x.y.NoWin
}(C, S.M4(f.ud(z)));
i.bonusStart ? X.createTimeline({
name: "RDRShowMidGameResult"
}).addEvent(w.V.RDRShowMidGameResult, {
duration: P,
onEventStart: () => {
H(T.uN( => C.number)),,
const C =
[y.jJ.Standard]: C
onEventEnd: () => {
}).addEvent(w.V.WheelZoomOut, {
offset: M.wheelZoomOutDelay(),
onEventStart: () => {
}).addEvent(w.V.RDRFadeoutLosingSpots, {
offset: .2 * M.rouletteResultDisplayDuration(),
onEventStart: () => {
}).start() : o(C) ? H(function(C) {
return (p, i, {timelineManager: q}) => {
const {payload: V} = C
, m = f.UX(i());
name: "GameResolve"
}).addEvent(w.V.GameResult, {
duration: m.rouletteBonusResultDisplayDuration(),
onEventStart: () => {
p(a.O(function(C) {
return C.payload.result = => ({
variation: Y.dp.RedDoorBonusSpot
}(C), !1)),
payout: V.bonusWin.payout,
totalPayouts: V.bonusWin.totalPayouts,
bonusWinners: V.bonusWin.bonusWinners,
p(L.T9(void 0))
onEventEnd: () => {
}(C)) : H(s.v(C))
84932: (C, p, i) => {
i.d(p, {
CZ: () => l,
DA: () => w,
yj: () => y
var q = i(718284);
const V = {
disableCanvasAnimations: !1,
lightning: {
fixedTime: void 0,
repeat: void 0,
disableRandomness: void 0
winningAnimation: {
ignoreCoinsAndStarsWinAnimation: !1,
isLightningWinningAnimationFrameFixed: void 0
, m = {
enabled: !1,
getCanvasConfig: () => ({}),
getLegacyCanvasBetspotCenterPositions: () => ({})
, w = q.A(( () => {
if (m.enabled)
return m
), ( () => m.enabled));
function y() {
return V
function l() {
m.enabled = !0,
window.autoTestsApi = m,
console.warn("autoTestsApi exposed"),
window.EVO_VERBOSE("autoTestsApi exposed", 2, "autotests", 15e3)
161927: (C, p, i) => {
i.d(p, {
xB: () => Y,
Pg: () => v,
d1: () => I,
Oy: () => c,
Pr: () => T,
gL: () => s,
tN: () => L,
wC: () => a
var q = i(850083)
, V = i(295432)
, m = i(60199)
, w = i(864355)
, y = i(234562)
, l = i(653080);
var t = i(843520)
, B = i(553003);
function T(C, {backendData: p, gameResolved: i}) {
if (p.lastGameChips) {
const i = t.FZ(p.lastGameChips);
i.tokens.size > 0 && (C = {
repeatableRound: [i]
if (!p.history && p.bets) {
const i = Object.keys(p.bets).reduce(( (C, i) => {
const m = w.m4(i);
if (!m)
return C;
const y = t.F1(m);
return C.push({
betSpotId: y,
origin: q.n1.FromServer,
tokens: V.q([[y, p.bets[i]]]),
type: q.uu.Standard
), []);
return {
history: [],
currentRound: i
if (!p.history || 0 === p.history.length)
return {
history: [],
currentRound: []
let m = function(C) {
const p = [];
return C.forEach((C => {
var i;
if ("PLACE" === C.type)
betSpotId: null,
origin: q.n1.StandardGrid,
tokens: t.oo(C.value),
type: q.uu.Standard
else if ("MOVE" === C.type) {
const i = w.m4(C.value.from)
, m = w.m4(;
if (!i || !m)
const y = t.F1(i)
, l = t.F1(m);
betSpotId: null,
origin: q.n1.StandardGrid,
tokens: V.q([[y, -1 * C.value.amount], [l,
type: q.uu.Standard
} else if ("REMOVE" === C.type) {
const m = w.m4(C.value.from);
if (!m)
const y = t.F1(m)
, l = null !== (i = B.M4([...p]).get(y)) && void 0 !
== i ? i : 0;
betSpotId: null,
origin: q.n1.StandardGrid,
tokens: V.q([[y, -l]]),
type: q.uu.Standard
return i && (m = f(m, function(C) {
const p = [];
return C.forEach(( (C, i) => {
(function(C, p) {
return p < y.O.getMinBetByTypeForRoulette(
)(i, C) && p.push(i)
currentRound: m,
history: => [C]))
function I(C, p) {
return {
currentRound: [t.QN(p)]
function Y(C, p) {
if (!p.length)
return C;
const i = {
return i.history = i.history.concat([p]),
i.currentRound = i.currentRound.length ? p.reduce(U,
i.currentRound) : i.currentRound.concat(p),
function U(C, p) {
const i = [...C]
, q = i.findIndex((C => !!(null == C ? void 0 : C.betSpotId) &&
C.betSpotId === p.betSpotId));
return -1 === q ? i.concat([p]) : (i[q] = {
tokens: p ?[q].tokens, p.tokens) : i[q].tokens
function L(C) {
const p = {
removedBets: C.history[C.history.length - 1],
sentBets: C.sentBets.slice(0, C.sentBets.length - 1),
history: C.history.slice(0, C.history.length - 1)
return p.currentRound = (C, p) =>
C.concat(p)), [])),
function a(C) {
return {
sentBets: [],
currentRound: [],
history: []
function v(C, p) {
return {
currentRound: f(C.currentRound, p)
function f(C, p) {
const i = C.slice();
for (let C = i.length - 1; C >= 0; C--) {
const q = i[C]
, m = V.q();
if (q.tokens.forEach(( (C, i) => {
!1 === p.includes(i) && m.set(i, C)
m.size > 0) {
const p = {
tokens: m
i.splice(C, 1, p)
} else
i.splice(C, 1)
return i
function s(C) {
const p = C.history.reduce(( (C, p) => C.concat(p)), [])
, i = {
tokens: B.M4(p),
betSpotId: null,
origin: q.n1.StandardGrid
return {
repeatableRound: C.history.length > 0 ? [i] :
currentRoundMovedToPrevious: !0
function c(C) {
return {
history: [],
currentRound: [],
currentRoundMovedToPrevious: !1
653080: (C, p, i) => {
i.d(p, {
Gp: () => l,
LL: () => T,
TI: () => B,
Zi: () => y,
co: () => I,
oN: () => t,
qN: () => w
var q = i(718284)
, V = i(60199);
const m = {
column: new RegExp("^[a-z]+2to1$"),
corner: new RegExp("^[0-9]{1,2}_[0-9]{1,2}_[0-9]{1,2}_[0-9]
dbrStraight: /^([0-9]+)&\1$/,
dozens: new RegExp("^[0-9][a-z]{2}12$"),
six: new RegExp("^[0-9]{1,2}_[0-9]{1,2}_[0-9]{1,2}_[0-9]{1,2}_[0-9]
split: new RegExp("^[0-9]{1,2}_[0-9]{1,2}$"),
straight: new RegExp("^[0-9]+$"),
trio: new RegExp("^[0-9]{1,2}_[0-9]{1,2}_[0-9]{1,2}$"),
twoBallsOnSame: /^([0-9]{1,2})&\1$/
function w(C) {
return m.straight.test(C)
function y(C) {
return m.dbrStraight.test(C)
function l(C) {
return m.column.test(C)
function t(C) {
return m.dozens.test(C)
function B(C) {
return m.twoBallsOnSame.test(C)
function T(C) {
return ["red", "black"].includes(C)
const I = q.A((function(C) {
if (m.dbrStraight.test(C))
return "selected_two_number";
if ("black_red" === C)
return "red_black";
for (const p of ["red_red", "black_black", "any_two_number"])
if (C.includes(p))
return p;
if ("0_00_1_2_3" === C)
return "five";
if (m.straight.test(C))
return "straight";
for (const p of ["red", "black", "odd", "even"])
if (C.includes(p))
return p;
if (C.includes("from1to18"))
return "low";
if (C.includes("from19to36"))
return "high";
if (m.split.test(C) ||
return "split";
if (m.corner.test(C))
return "corner";
if (m.six.test(C))
return "six_number";
if (m.trio.test(C))
return "trio";
if (l(C))
return "column";
if (t(C))
return "dozen";
throw new Error(`Unknown bet spot id: ${C}`)
), ( (...C) => JSON.stringify(C)))
843520: (C, p, i) => {
i.d(p, {
$Y: () => UC,
AJ: () => aC,
AM: () => VC,
E1: () => J,
EP: () => IC,
F1: () => F,
FZ: () => tC,
Hn: () => _,
I3: () => h,
IM: () => k,
MT: () => Q,
Me: () => cC,
QN: () => BC,
R0: () => X,
Rw: () => SC,
Sf: () => x,
UD: () => OC,
UJ: () => oC,
Ul: () => LC,
VQ: () => H,
VX: () => n,
Wm: () => D,
Xq: () => W,
_u: () => E,
cH: () => u,
cY: () => r,
cw: () => d,
dg: () => fC,
ev: () => e,
iU: () => qC,
k3: () => iC,
mh: () => lC,
nA: () => pC,
nK: () => $,
nX: () => Z,
ok: () => g,
oo: () => TC,
p: () => wC,
pO: () => vC,
pz: () => xC,
qk: () => z,
tB: () => CC,
uA: () => sC,
wM: () => P,
wT: () => A,
yH: () => YC,
yw: () => G
var q = i(605283)
, V = i(267520)
, m = i(228174)
, w = i(523737)
, y = i(60199)
, l = i(486717)
, t = i(295432)
, B = i(850083)
, T = i(502715)
, I = i(43129)
, Y = i(135750)
, U = i(864355)
, L = i(903622)
, a = i(653080)
, v = i(118841)
, f = i(307169)
, s = i(470265)
, c = i(58413)
, O = i(553003)
, S = i(183864)
, j = i(982930);
const o = ["any_two_number", "red_red", "black_red", "black_black"];
function x(C, p="") {
let i = 0;
return C.forEach((C => {
C < 0 && "move" === p || (i += C)
function Z(C) {
return C === f.a.BetsOpen || C === f.a.BetsClosingSoon
function H(C) {
return C !== f.a.WinnersKnown && C !== f.a.BetweenGames
const b = {
straight: 1999,
split: 17,
trio: 11,
corner: 8,
six_number: 5,
column: 2,
dozen: 2,
red: 1,
black: 1,
even: 1,
odd: 1,
low: 1,
high: 1
function X(C) {
return 2 === Array.from(C.tokens.keys()).length && 0 ===
function z(C) {
if (!X(C))
const [p] = Array.from(C.tokens.entries()).find(( ([,C]) => C >
return p
function M(C, p, i) {
return y.qR(p).reduce(( (p, q) => {
var V;
return Math.min(p, i - (null !== (V = C.get(q)) && void 0 !== V
? V : 0))
), i)
function P(C=[], p, i) {
var q;
const V = O.M4(C)
, w = i.getRouletteGameType() === l.vS.XXXtremeLightning
, B = t.q();
w && V.forEach(( (C, p) => {
const i =
, q = b[i];
y.qR(p).forEach((p => {
var i;
const V = null !== (i = B.get(p)) && void 0 !== i ? i : 0;
B.set(p, V + C * q)
const T = {}
, I = Array.from(p.tokens.keys()).sort(( (C, i) =>
p.tokens.get(C) - p.tokens.get(i)));
if (X(p)) {
const C = I.find((C => {
var i;
return (null !== (i = p.tokens.get(C)) && void 0 !== i ?
i : 0) < 0
, l = I.find((C => {
var i;
return (null !== (i = p.tokens.get(C)) && void 0 !== i ?
i : 0) > 0
, T =
, Y =
, U = null !== (q = V.get(l)) && void 0 !== q ? q : 0
, L = p.tokens.get(l)
, v = i.getMaxBetByTypeForRoulette(Y)
, f = m.GB(v - U, 3)
, s = f > L ? L : f;
let c, O = t.q([[C, -s], [l, s]]);
if (f < L && (c = "maxLimit"),
w) {
const p = i.getPayoutLimit()
, q = b[T]
, V = b[Y];
V <= q && y.qR(C).forEach((C => {
var p;
B.set(C, (null !== (p = B.get(C)) && void 0 !== p ? p :
0) - L * q)
const w = M(B, l, p)
, I = V - q
, U = V <= q ? m.rq(w / V) : m.rq(w / I);
U < s && (O = t.q([[C, -U], [l, U]]),
U < L && (c = "payoutLimit"))
return O.forEach(( (C, p) => {
0 === C && O.delete(p)
bet: O.size ? {
tokens: O
} : void 0,
adjustmentReasons: c ? {
[l]: c
} : {}
const Y = I.reduce(( (C, q) => {
var l;
const t = w ? y.qR(q) : []
, I =
, Y = p.tokens.get(q)
, U = null !== (l = V.get(q)) && void 0 !== l ? l : 0
, L = b[I]
, v = i.getMaxBetByTypeForRoulette(I);
let f, s = m.GB(v - U, 3);
if (s < Y && (f = "maxLimit"),
w) {
const C = i.getPayoutLimit()
, p = M(B, q, C)
, V = m.rq(p / L);
V < s && (s = V,
s < Y && (f = "payoutLimit"))
return Y <= s ? (C.set(q, Y),
w && t.forEach((C => {
var p;
B.set(C, (null !== (p = B.get(C)) && void 0 !== p ? p : 0)
+ Y * L)
))) : s > 0 ? (void 0 !== f && (T[q] = f),
C.set(q, s),
w && t.forEach((C => {
var p;
B.set(C, (null !== (p = B.get(C)) && void 0 !== p ? p : 0)
+ s * L)
))) : 0 === m.rq(s) && void 0 !== f && (T[q] = f),
), t.q());
return {
bet: Y.size ? {
tokens: Y
} : void 0,
adjustmentReasons: T
function R(C, p, i=!1) {
return 0 === C.length && p.length > 0 || i
function Q(C, p, i, q, V) {
return R(C, p, V) || !Z(i) && !q
function n(C, p, i, q, V, m) {
return Z(i) && R(C, p, V) && function(C, p, i) {
const q = e(C);
return (!i.isTableBetMaxLimitSet() || q <=
i.getTableBetMaxLimit()) && q <= p && q > 0
}(p, q, null == m ? void 0 : m.settings)
function h(C, p, i) {
return Z(p) && C.length > 0 && !i
function G(C, p, i) {
const q = C.betAction !== && C.betSpotId ?
y.zW(C.betSpotId, C.betSource, C.shouldSplit) : void 0
, V = function(C) {
return !!C.tokens
}(C) ? C.tokens : d(C.betSpotId, C.amount, p, q, i);
return {
action: C.betAction,
type: q,
betSpotId: C.betSpotId,
origin: C.betSource,
tokens: V
const $ = j.x(( (C, p, i) => {
const q = O.M4(C);
return W(C, {
betSpotId: null,
origin: B.n1.Double,
tokens: q,
type: B.uu.Standard
}, p, i)
function W(C, p, i, q) {
const V = P(C, p, q)
, m =;
if (!m)
return V;
const w = x(m.tokens);
return {
bet: w > 0 && w <= i ? m : void 0,
adjustmentReasons: V.adjustmentReasons
function k(C, p, i, q) {
const m = e(C);
if (m > i)
return [!1, V.x9.LowBalance];
if (m <= 0)
return [!1, V.x9.NoBetsPlaced];
if (q.settings.isTableBetMaxLimitSet() && 2 * m >
return [!1, V.x9.MaxTableOrBetLimitReached];
const w = $(C, i, q.settings);
return Z(p) && C.length > 0 && !q.isDragging && void 0 !== ?
[!0, void 0] : [!1, V.x9.MaxTableOrBetLimitReached]
function A(C) {
return C.replace("french_", "")
function F(C) {
return function(C) {
return T.Eu.includes(C)
}(C) ? A(C) : C
function K(C) {
function E(C, p) {
return !p.luckyNumbersEnabled() && p.frenchRules() ? function(C) {
return K(C) ? `french_${C}` : C
}(C) : F(C)
function g(C) {
return Object.values(C).reduce(( (C, p) => C + p.payout), 0)
const N = {
tiers_du_cylindre: ["5", "8", "10", "11", "13", "16", "23", "24",
"27", "30", "33", "36"],
orphelins_a_cheval: ["1", "6", "9", "14", "17", "20", "31", "34"],
voisins_du_zero: ["0", "2", "3", "4", "7", "12", "15", "18", "19",
"21", "22", "25", "26", "28", "29", "32", "35"],
jeu_zero: ["0", "3", "12", "15", "26", "32", "35"]
function J(C, p=2) {
return ? N[C] : S.b(C, p)
function r(C) {
const p = U.XK(C);
if (!p)
return [];
let i =;
switch (p.configurationId) {
i = ["any_two_number"];
return i
function d(C, p, i, q=B.uu.Standard, V) {
switch (q) {
case B.uu.Finale:
case B.uu.FinaleEnPlein:
return y.eQ(C, l.Fe(V)).reduce(( (C, i) => (C.set(i, p),
C)), t.q());
case B.uu.Special:
return S.b(C, i).reduce(( (C, i) => {
var q;
const V = null !== (q = C.get(i)) && void 0 !== q ? q : 0;
return C.set(i, V + p),
), t.q());
case B.uu.Complete:
return, l.Fe(V)).reduce(( (C, i) => {
var q;
const V = null !== (q = C.get(i)) && void 0 !== q ? q : 0;
return C.set(i, v.cH(V + p * i.split("_").length)),
), t.q());
case B.uu.LightningSpecial:
return y.jr(C, p, l.Fe(V));
case B.uu.SplitBets:
return OC(C, p, i);
case B.uu.Standard:
case B.uu.DoubleBall_1_1300:
return t.q([[C, p]]);
case B.uu.AllBlack:
return t.VV(t.q(),, p);
case B.uu.AllRed:
return t.VV(t.q(),, p);
throw new Error(`BetType (${q}) is not handled`)
function D(C, p) {
return a.Zi(C) && p === L.jJ.Golden || (a.qN(C) || && p
=== L.jJ.Special || (a.qN(C) || K(F(C)) || y.x2(C) || a.Gp(C) || a.oN(C) ||
function(C) {
return o.includes(C)
}(C)) && (p === L.jJ.Standard || p === L.jJ.Mini)
function u(C, p, i) {
return !p && i && K(C) && (C = `french_${C}`),
function _(C, p, i) {
const q = {};
return C.forEach(( (C, V) => {
const m = u(V, p, i);
q[m] = C
function e(C, p="") {
let i = C.reduce(( (C, i) => C + x(i.tokens, p)), 0);
return i = Number(i.toFixed(2)),
function CC(C, p) {
let i = C.reduce(( (C, i) => C + (i.betSpotId === p ? x(i.tokens) :
0)), 0);
return i = Number(i.toFixed(2)),
function pC(C) {
switch (C) {
case l.vS.DZR:
case l.vS.American:
case l.vS.AmericanLightning:
return 38;
return 37
function iC(C, p) {
return Array.from(C.keys()).map((i => `${C.get(i)}@${yC(i, i,
function qC(C) {
const p = => Array.from(C.tokens.keys())));
return q.A(p.flat())
function VC(C, p, i, q) {
return !C || i !== B.uu.Standard && i !== B.uu.DoubleBall_1_1300 ?
i === B.uu.SplitBets ? "split_bet" : i === B.uu.Complete ? `complete_bet_$
{p.toLowerCase()}` : i === B.uu.Finale ? `finale_${C}` : i === B.uu.FinaleEnPlein ?
`finale_en_plein_${p.replace("end_", "")}` : C && ?
`special_bet_race_track_${p.toLowerCase()}` : i === B.uu.LightningSpecial ?
`lightning_complete_${p}` : [B.uu.AllRed, B.uu.AllBlack].includes(i) ? `bet_${i}` :
`neighbor_bet_${p}` : yC(C, p, q)
const mC = {
0: "stats_advanced_top_zero",
"1st12": "stats_advanced_dozen_1",
"2nd12": "stats_advanced_dozen_2",
"3rd12": "stats_advanced_dozen_3",
top2to1: "stats_advanced_column_3",
middle2to1: "stats_advanced_column_2",
bottom2to1: "stats_advanced_column_1",
from1to18: "stats_advanced_low",
from19to36: "stats_advanced_high",
odd: "stats_advanced_odd",
even: "stats_advanced_even",
red: "stats_advanced_red",
black: "stats_advanced_black",
red_red: "stats_advanced_red",
black_black: "stats_advanced_black",
tiers_du_cylindre: "stats_advanced_tier",
orphelins_a_cheval: "stats_advanced_orphelins",
voisins_du_zero: "stats_advanced_voisins",
jeu_zero: "stats_advanced_bottom_zero"
function wC(C, p) {
return {
[B.n1.Hot]: `stats_hot_${C.toLowerCase()}`,
[B.n1.Cold]: `stats_cold_${C.toLowerCase()}`,
[B.n1.PieChart]: `stats_pie_chart_${C.toLowerCase()}`,
[B.n1.Statistics]: mC[C],
[B.n1.RecentNumbers]: `stats_recent_numbers_$
[B.n1.RecentNumbersAdvanced]: `stats_advanced_recent_numbers_$
}[p] || `stats_${C}`
function yC(C, p, i) {
return a.TI(C) ? `dbr_bet_both_${p.split("&")[0]}` :
i.frenchRules() && K(C) ? `french_bet_${p.toLowerCase()}` : i.isDoubleBallGame() ?
`dbr_bet_${p.toLowerCase()}` : `bet_${p.toLowerCase()}`
function lC(C, p) {
const i = {};
return C.forEach(( (C, q) => {
const V = U.Io(E(q, p));
i[V] = C
function tC(C) {
const p = t.q();
return Object.keys(C).forEach((i => {
const q = U.m4(i);
p.set(F(q), C[i])
betSpotId: null,
tokens: p,
type: B.uu.Standard,
origin: B.n1.StandardGrid
function BC(C) {
return {
betSpotId: null,
origin: B.n1.Repeat,
tokens: TC(C),
type: B.uu.Standard
function TC(C) {
const p = t.q();
return Object.entries(C).forEach(( ([C,i]) => {
const q = U.m4(C);
if (q) {
const C = F(q);
p.set(C, null != i ? i : 0)
function IC(C, p) {
return t.VV(t.q(), C, p)
function YC(C, p) {
return C.forEach(( (C, i) => {
var q;
p.has(i) ? p.set(i, v.cH((null !== (q = p.get(i)) && void 0 !==
q ? q : 0) - C)) : p.set(i, -C)
p.forEach(( (C, i) => {
0 === C && p.delete(i)
function UC(C) {
return C.includes("_top")
function LC(C) {
const p = {
[L.jJ.Standard]: t.q(),
[L.jJ.Golden]: t.q(),
[L.jJ.Mini]: t.q()
return C.forEach(( (C, i) => {
y.At(i) ? p[L.jJ.Golden].set(i, C) : (a.qN(i) &&
p[L.jJ.Mini].set(i, C),
p[L.jJ.Standard].set(i, C))
const aC = j.x((C => LC(C)));
function vC(C, p) {
return p === L.jJ.Special ? : aC(O.M4(C))[p] || t.q()
const fC = j.x(( (C, p) => vC(C, p)))
, sC = j.x(( (C, p) => vC(C, p)));
function cC(C) {
const p = new Map;
return Object.entries(C).forEach(( ([C,i]) => {
var q, V;
const m = U.m4(C);
m && p.set(m, {
amount: i.amount,
errorId: null !== (V = null === (q = i.errorCode) || void 0
=== q ? void 0 : q.toString()) && void 0 !== V ? V : ""
function OC(C, p, i) {
if (a.qN(C))
return i && i > 0 ? Y.MO(C, i, !1).reduce(( (C, i) => (C.set(i,
C)), t.q()) : t.q([[C, p]]);
let q;
if (q = ? [...N[C]].reverse() : y.qR(C),
0 === q.length)
return t.q([[C, p]]);
const V = SC(p, q.length);
return t.VV(t.q(), q, V)
function SC(C, p) {
const i = m.rq(C / p)
, q = m.rq(i * p)
, V = Array(p).fill(i);
if (q === C)
return V;
const y = m.rq(C - q)
, l = Math.ceil(y / p * 100) / 100
, t = Math.round(y / l);
for (let C = 0; C < t; C++)
V[C] = w.J0.add(V[C], l);
return V
function jC(C) {
const p = t.q();
return C.tokens.forEach(( (C, i) => {
p.set(A(i), C)
type: C.type,
tokens: p,
betSpotId: A(C.betSpotId ||,
origin: C.origin
function oC(C) {
function xC(C) {
return Object.entries(C).map(( ([C,p]) => [U.m4(C), p]))
935371: (C, p, i) => {
i.d(p, {
Vp: () => V,
ZV: () => w,
y: () => m
var q = i(843520);
function V(C, p) {
const i = m(C, q.wT(p));
return i ? : (console.error(`Cannot find betspot ${p} for
grid with aspect ratio ${C.aspectRatio}`),
[0, 0])
function m(C, p) {
const i = C.staticShapes || {};
if (p in C.shapes)
return C.shapes[p];
if (p in i)
return i[p];
throw new Error(`Shape ${p} not found`)
function w(C, p) {
let i = m(C, p);
if (!i)
throw new Error(`Shape for betspot ${p} doesn't found`);
return "polygon" === i.type ? function(C) {
const p = C.replace(/\s+|,/g, " ").split(" ").reduce(( (C, p,
i) => {
const q = parseFloat(p);
return i % 2 == 1 ? C[C.length - 1][1] = q : C.push([q,
), [])
, i = [p[0][0], p[0][1]]
, q = [p[0][0], p[0][1]];
return p.forEach((C => {
C[0] < i[0] && (i[0] = C[0]),
C[1] < i[1] && (i[1] = C[1]),
C[0] > q[0] && (q[0] = C[0]),
C[1] > q[1] && (q[1] = C[1])
width: Math.round(q[0] - i[0]),
height: Math.round(q[1] - i[1])
}(i.points) : ("rect" !== i.type && (i = m(C, "1")),
width: i.w,
height: i.h
134904: (C, p, i) => {
function q() {
return `${Math.random().toString(36)}00000000000000000`.slice(2,
function V(C) {
let p = 0;
for (const i in C)
p += 1;
return p
i.d(p, {
f: () => V,
r: () => q
78670: (C, p, i) => {
i.d(p, {
D: () => V
var q = i(118841);
function V({gameDimensions: C, gridBoundingRect: p, points: i, center:
V, dragCoords: m}) {
const w = {
p1: m,
p2: {
x: V[0] * p.width + p.left,
y: V[1] * p.height +
for (let p = 0; p < i.length - 1; p++) {
const V = {
p1: {
x: i[p].x * C.width + C.left,
y: i[p].y * C.height +
p2: {
x: i[p + 1].x * C.width + C.left,
y: i[p + 1].y * C.height +
if (q.Ih(V, w))
return q.PI(V, w)
58413: (C, p, i) => {
i.d(p, {
D5: () => B,
rZ: () => T,
uy: () => Y,
yP: () => U
var q = i(718284)
, V = i(295432)
, m = i(850083)
, w = i(60199)
, y = i(653080)
, l = i(553003)
, t = i(183864);
function B(C, p=!1) {
const i = {
"5_8": "tiers_du_cylindre",
"10_11": "tiers_du_cylindre",
"13_16": "tiers_du_cylindre",
"23_24": "tiers_du_cylindre",
"27_30": "tiers_du_cylindre",
"33_36": "tiers_du_cylindre",
1: "orphelins_a_cheval",
"6_9": "orphelins_a_cheval",
"14_17": "orphelins_a_cheval",
"17_20": "orphelins_a_cheval",
"31_34": "orphelins_a_cheval",
"0_2_3": "voisins_du_zero",
"4_7": "voisins_du_zero",
"18_21": "voisins_du_zero",
"19_22": "voisins_du_zero",
"25_26_28_29": "voisins_du_zero",
"0_3": "jeu_zero",
"12_15": p ? "voisins_du_zero" : "jeu_zero",
"32_35": p ? "voisins_du_zero" : "jeu_zero",
26: "jeu_zero"
if (C in i)
return i[C]
function T(C) {
const {isFullZeroVoisinsSet: p, restoredRound: i} = function(C) {
const p = new Map;
C.forEach(( (C, i) => {
var q, m;
const w = null !== (q = B(i)) && void 0 !== q ? q : i;
!1 === p.has(w) && p.set(w, V.q()),
null === (m = p.get(w)) || void 0 === m || m.set(i, C)
let i = [];
p.forEach(( (C, p) => {
betSpotId: p,
origin: m.n1.SpecialGrid,
tokens: C,
type: m.uu.Special
const q = i.findIndex((C => "jeu_zero" === C.betSpotId))
, w = i.findIndex((C => "voisins_du_zero" === C.betSpotId));
let y = !1;
if (q > -1 && w > -1) {
const C = ["12_15", "32_35"]
, p = i[q].tokens
, m = i[w].tokens
, l = Array.from(p.keys())
, B = Array.from(m.keys())
, T = l.concat(B)
, I = t.b("jeu_zero")
, Y = t.b("voisins_du_zero")
, U = t.b("jeu_zero").every((C => l.includes(C)));
y = I.concat(Y).every((C => T.includes(C))),
!y && U || (C.forEach((C => {
var m;
const y = p.get(C) || 0
, l = V.q();
i[q].tokens.forEach(( (p, i) => {
C !== i && l.set(i, p)
const t = {
tokens: l
i.splice(q, 1, t);
const B = i[w].tokens;
B.set(C, (null !== (m = B.get(C)) && void 0 !== m ? m :
0) + y);
const T = {
tokens: B
i.splice(w, 1, T)
i = [...i])
return {
isFullZeroVoisinsSet: y,
restoredRound: i
, q = {
tiers_du_cylindre: !1,
orphelins_a_cheval: !1,
voisins_du_zero: !1,
jeu_zero: !1
, l = V.q();
return i.forEach((C => {
const p = C.betSpotId
, i = C.tokens;
if (!y.qN(p)) {
const C = t.b(p);
q[p] = C.every((C => Boolean(i.get(C))))
i.forEach(( (C, i) => {
var q;
const V = y.qN(i) ? i : B(i, "voisins_du_zero" === p);
V && l.set(V, (null !== (q = l.get(V)) && void 0 !== q ?
q : 0) + C)
l.forEach(( (C, i) => {
["jeu_zero", "voisins_du_zero"].includes(i) && p || y.qN(i) || && !1 === q[i] && l.delete(i)
function I(C) {
const p = V.q();
return C.forEach(( (C, i) => {
!1 === w.At(i) && p.set(i, C)
const Y = q.A((function(C) {
const p = => ({
tokens: I(C.tokens)
}))).filter((C => !!C && C.tokens.size > 0))
, i = l.M4(p);
return i.forEach(( (C, p) => {
B(p) || y.qN(p) || i.delete(p)
function U(C, p) {
return C.reduce(( (C, [i,q]) => {
if (p.includes(i))
return C.push([i, q]),
const V = B(i, p.includes("voisins_du_zero"));
return V && p.includes(V) ? (C.push([V, q]),
C) : C
), [])
553003: (C, p, i) => {
i.d(p, {
De: () => l,
M4: () => w,
an: () => y
var q = i(295432)
, V = i(118841);
let m = new WeakMap;
function w(C) {
const p = m.get(C);
if (p)
return p;
const i = C.reduce(( (C, p) => y(p.tokens, C)), q.q());
return m.set(C, i),
function y(C, p, i=!1) {
const m = q.zj(p)
, w = i ? C : m;
return (i ? p : C).forEach(( (C, p) => {
var i;
const q = V.cH(C + (null !== (i = w.get(p)) && void 0 !== i ? i
: 0));
0 === q ? m.delete(p) : m.set(p, q)
function l() {
m = new WeakMap
183864: (C, p, i) => {
i.d(p, {
b: () => l
var q = i(523219)
, V = i(545401)
, m = i(135750)
, w = i(486717)
, y = i(653080);
function l(C, p=2) {
const i = V.H9(q.W0);
switch (C) {
case "tiers_du_cylindre":
return ["5_8", "10_11", "13_16", "23_24", "27_30", "33_36"];
case "orphelins_a_cheval":
return ["1", "6_9", "14_17", "17_20", "31_34"];
case "voisins_du_zero":
return ["0_2_3", "0_2_3", "4_7", "12_15", "18_21", "19_22",
"25_26_28_29", "25_26_28_29", "32_35"];
case "jeu_zero":
return ["0_3", "12_15", "32_35", "26"]
return y.qN(C) ? m.MO(C, p, i === w.F7.DZR) : null
263904: (C, p, i) => {
i.d(p, {
K: () => B,
M: () => t
var q = i(500704)
, V = i(903622);
const m = {
[V.JT.French]: [{
x: .334,
y: .225
}, {
x: .417,
y: .178
}, {
x: .701,
y: .422
}, {
x: .693,
y: .563
}, {
x: .632,
y: .764
}, {
x: .567,
y: .868
}, {
x: .263,
y: .556
}, {
x: .263,
y: .403
}, {
x: .334,
y: .225
[V.JT.Standard]: [{
x: .396,
y: .2
}, {
x: .893,
y: .623
}, {
x: .808,
y: .902
}, {
x: .726,
y: .988
}, {
x: .28,
y: .537
}, {
x: .301,
y: .42
}, {
x: .326,
y: .282
}, {
x: .396,
y: .2
[V.JT.DoubleZero]: [{
x: .401,
y: .207
}, {
x: .891,
y: .632
}, {
x: .808,
y: .899
}, {
x: .726,
y: .983
}, {
x: .285,
y: .535
}, {
x: .314,
y: .339
}, {
x: .356,
y: .244
}, {
x: .401,
y: .207
, w = {
[q.FJ.Slingshot]: m
, y = {
[V.JT.French]: [{
x: .266,
y: -.001
}, {
x: 1.009,
y: .497
}, {
x: 1.003,
y: .682
}, {
x: .922,
y: .895
}, {
x: .795,
y: 1.013
}, {
x: .024,
y: .433
}, {
x: -.004,
y: .263
}, {
x: .127,
y: .034
}, {
x: .266,
y: -.001
[V.JT.Standard]: [{
x: .192,
y: .004
}, {
x: 1,
y: .55
}, {
x: .871,
y: .883
}, {
x: .737,
y: 1.011
}, {
x: .001,
y: .45
}, {
x: .028,
y: .282
}, {
x: .074,
y: .118
}, {
x: .192,
y: .004
[V.JT.DoubleZero]: [{
x: .188,
y: .011
}, {
x: 1,
y: .562
}, {
x: .867,
y: .895
}, {
x: .733,
y: 1
}, {
x: .005,
y: .435
}, {
x: .049,
y: .183
}, {
x: .12,
y: .052
}, {
x: .188,
y: .011
, l = {
[q.FJ.TabletSlingshot]: y
function t(C, p, i, q) {
const V = l[C][p];
if (!V)
throw new Error(`Grid drag bounds not defined for layout ${C}
and gridLayout ${p}`);
return V.reduce(( (C, p) => (C.push({
x: (q.left + p.x * q.width) / i.width,
y: ( + p.y * q.height) / i.height
C)), [])
function B(C, p) {
const i = w[C];
if (!(null == i ? void 0 : i[p]))
throw new Error(`Grid drag bounds not defined for layout ${C}
and gridLayout ${p}`);
return i[p]
691986: (C, p, i) => {
i.d(p, {
u: () => y
var q = i(377810)
, V = i(282427)
, m = i(967309);
function w(C) {
return 0 ? 0 : m.YL(C)
function y(C) {
const p = V.d4(w)
, i = q.useRef();
q.useEffect(( () => {
p !== i.current && (C(p),
i.current = p)
), [p, C])
118841: (C, p, i) => {
i.d(p, {
Ih: () => V,
PI: () => m,
X4: () => w,
cH: () => y
var q = i(95772);
function V(C, p) {
const i = (C.p2.x - C.p1.x) * (p.p2.y - p.p1.y) - (p.p2.x - p.p1.x)
* (C.p2.y - C.p1.y);
if (0 === i)
return !1;
const q = ((p.p2.y - p.p1.y) * (p.p2.x - C.p1.x) + (p.p1.x -
p.p2.x) * (p.p2.y - C.p1.y)) / i
, V = ((C.p1.y - C.p2.y) * (p.p2.x - C.p1.x) + (C.p2.x - C.p1.x)
* (p.p2.y - C.p1.y)) / i;
return q > 0 && q < 1 && V > 0 && V < 1
function m(C, p) {
return {
x: ((C.p1.x * C.p2.y - C.p1.y * C.p2.x) * (p.p1.x - p.p2.x) -
(C.p1.x - C.p2.x) * (p.p1.x * p.p2.y - p.p1.y * p.p2.x)) / ((C.p1.x - C.p2.x) *
(p.p1.y - p.p2.y) - (C.p1.y - C.p2.y) * (p.p1.x - p.p2.x)),
y: ((C.p1.x * C.p2.y - C.p1.y * C.p2.x) * (p.p1.y - p.p2.y) -
(C.p1.y - C.p2.y) * (p.p1.x * p.p2.y - p.p1.y * p.p2.x)) / ((C.p1.x - C.p2.x) *
(p.p1.y - p.p2.y) - (C.p1.y - C.p2.y) * (p.p1.x - p.p2.x))
function w(C) {
return q.A(C, 2)
function y(C) {
return q.A(C, 3)
982930: (C, p, i) => {
function q(C) {
let p, i;
return (...q) => (p && q.length === p.length && q.every(( (C, i) =>
C === p[i])) || (p = q,
i = C(...q)),
i.d(p, {
x: () => q
209727: (C, p, i) => {
i.d(p, {
w$: () => L,
Nh: () => U
const q = Symbol("@ts-pattern/matcher")
, V = "@ts-pattern/anonymous-select-key"
, m = C => Boolean(C && "object" == typeof C)
, w = C => C && !!C[q]
, y = (C, p, i) => {
if (m(C)) {
if (w(C)) {
const V = C[q]()
, {matched: m, selections: w} = V.match(p);
return m && w && Object.keys(w).forEach((C => i(C, w[C]))),
if (!m(p))
return !1;
if (Array.isArray(C))
return !!Array.isArray(p) && C.length === p.length &&
C.every(( (C, q) => y(C, p[q], i)));
if (C instanceof Map)
return p instanceof Map && Array.from(C.keys()).every((q =>
y(C.get(q), p.get(q), i)));
if (C instanceof Set) {
if (!(p instanceof Set))
return !1;
if (0 === C.size)
return 0 === p.size;
if (1 === C.size) {
const [q] = Array.from(C.values());
return w(q) ? Array.from(p.values()).every((C => y(q,
C, i))) : p.has(q)
return Array.from(C.values()).every((C => p.has(C)))
return Object.keys(C).every((V => {
const m = C[V];
return (V in p || w(l = m) && "optional" === l[q]
().matcherType) && y(m, p[V], i);
var l
return, C)
function l(C) {
return {
[q]: () => ({
match: p => ({
matched: Boolean(C(p))
l((function(C) {
return !0
l((function(C) {
return "string" == typeof C
l((function(C) {
return "number" == typeof C
l((function(C) {
return "boolean" == typeof C
l((function(C) {
return "bigint" == typeof C
l((function(C) {
return "symbol" == typeof C
l((function(C) {
return null == C
const t = C => new B(C,[]);
class B {
constructor(C, p) {
this.value = void 0,
this.cases = void 0,
this.value = C,
this.cases = p
with(...C) {
const p = C[C.length - 1]
, i = [C[0]]
, q = [];
return 3 === C.length && "function" == typeof C[1] ?
q.push(C[1])) : C.length > 2 && i.push(...C.slice(1, C.length -
new B(this.value,this.cases.concat([{
match: C => {
let p = {};
const m = Boolean(i.some((i => y(i, C, ( (C, i) => {
p[C] = i
)))) && q.every((p => p(C))));
return {
matched: m,
value: m && Object.keys(p).length ? V in p ? p[V] :
p : C
handler: p
when(C, p) {
return new B(this.value,this.cases.concat([{
match: p => ({
matched: Boolean(C(p)),
value: p
handler: p
otherwise(C) {
return new B(this.value,this.cases.concat([{
match: C => ({
matched: !0,
value: C
handler: C
exhaustive() {
run() {
let C, p = this.value;
for (let i = 0; i < this.cases.length; i++) {
const q = this.cases[i]
, V = q.match(this.value);
if (V.matched) {
p = V.value,
C = q.handler;
if (!C) {
let C;
try {
C = JSON.stringify(this.value)
} catch (p) {
C = this.value
throw new Error(`Pattern matching error: no pattern matches
value ${C}`)
return C(p, this.value)
var T = i(500704)
, I = i(903622)
, Y = i(939347);
function U(C, p) {
return Y.Ei(C) && T.Lq.French === p
function L({layout: C, slingshotStyleType: p, x: i, y: q,
isDoubleBallRoulette: V, gridType: m=I.jJ.Standard, dynamicGrid: w}) {
return t(!0).with(w, ( () => t(!0).with(m === I.jJ.Standard && C
=== T.FJ.Classic, ( () => 1.3)).with(m === I.jJ.Golden && C === T.FJ.Classic, ( ()
=> .8)).with(m === I.jJ.Golden && C === T.FJ.ImmersiveV2, ( () => .8)).with(m ===
I.jJ.Standard && C === T.FJ.ImmersiveV2, ( () => 1.2)).otherwise(( () =>
1)))).with(p === T.Lq.French && C === T.FJ.ImmersiveV2, ( () => 1.3)).with(V && C
=== T.FJ.ImmersiveV2 && m === I.jJ.Standard, ( () => 1.18)).with(!V && C ===
T.FJ.ImmersiveV2, ( () => 1.15)).with(i && q && p && Y.Ei(C), ( () => t(!0).with(p
=== T.Lq.French, ( () => function(C, p, i, q) {
return C + (.8 - C) * Math.sqrt(i * i + q * q)
}(.65, 0, i, q))).otherwise(( () => .94)))).otherwise(( () => 1))
876303: (C, p, i) => {
i.d(p, {
$: () => w
var q = i(605283)
, V = i(903622)
, m = i(843520);
function w(C, p=V.jJ.Standard) {
return q.A(Array.from(C.keys()).reduce(( (C, i) => p ===
V.jJ.Golden ? C.concat([i]) : C.concat(m.cY(i))), []))
151003: (C, p, i) => {
i.d(p, {
m: () => l
var q = i(973580)
, V = i(436794)
, m = i(28230)
, w = i(13799);
const y = {
logClientPopupBubbleAction: i(456647).ID
, l = q.gv((function(C) {
return {
isLandscape: w.V6(C) === V.t.Landscape
), y)(m.f)
89035: (C, p, i) => {
i.d(p, {
o: () => B
var q = i(64922)
, V = i(923968)
, m = i(850449)
, w = i(137832)
, y = i(346160)
, l = i(827424)
, t = i(188748);
function B(C) {
const p = w.P(m.SJ)
, i = V.V((C => C.viewport.size))
, B = y.sU()
, {type: T} = C;
if ("line" === T) {
const {isLargeScreen: V} = l.Qo(i);
return q.jsx(t.t, {
gameTheme: p,
isRtl: B,
size: V ? "md" : "sm"
return q.jsx(t.t, {
gameTheme: p,
isRtl: B
602607: (C, p, i) => {
i.d(p, {
JE: () => y,
Lr: () => V,
eN: () => m,
v1: () => w
var q = i(384511);
function V(C, p) {
const i = m(C, p);
return V => q.qE(i(V), Math.min(C, p), Math.max(C, p))
function m(C, p) {
const i = p - C;
return p => C + i * p
function w(C, p) {
const i = p - C;
return p => C + (p < .5 ? 2 * p * p : -1 + (4 - 2 * p) * p) * i
function y(C, p) {
return i => Math.floor(q.qE(i, 0, 1) * (C - p) + p).toString()
790874: (C, p, i) => {
i.d(p, {
q: () => l,
y: () => t
var q, V = i(148999);
(function(C) {
C[C["Created"] = 0] = "Created",
C[C["InProgress"] = 1] = "InProgress",
C[C["Finished"] = 2] = "Finished",
C[C["Stopped"] = 3] = "Stopped"
)(q || (q = {}));
class m {
constructor() {
this.frames = [],
this.state = q.Created,
this.timerId = 0,
this.tick = C => {
for (let p = this.getNextFrameIndex(); p <
this.frames.length; p++) {
const i = this.frames[p];
if (!(i.offset <= C)) {
this.timerId = setTimeout(this.tick, i.offset - C,
i.callback(i.offset, i.arguments),
this.lastFrame = p
this.state = q.Finished
add(C, p, i) {
if (this.state !== q.Created)
throw new Error(`You cannot add task because scheduler
already in <${q[this.state]}> state`);
return this.frames.push({
offset: C,
callback: p,
arguments: i
start() {
return this.state = q.InProgress,
this.frames.sort(( (C, p) => C.offset - p.offset)),
stop() {
return window.clearTimeout(this.timerId),
this.state = q.Stopped,
status() {
return {
state: this.state,
framesInQueue: this.frames.length -
fastForward() {
for (let C = this.getNextFrameIndex(); C < this.frames.length;
C++) {
const p = this.frames[C];
p.callback(p.offset, p.arguments)
this.state = q.Finished
clear() {
this.lastFrame = void 0,
this.state = q.Created,
this.frames = []
getNextFrameIndex() {
return void 0 !== this.lastFrame ? this.lastFrame + 1 : 0
var w = i(699204);
const y = 1e4;
class l {
constructor(C) {
var p, i, q;
this.isTimelineRunning = !1,
this.finished = !1,
this.isDebugOn = !1,
this.emittedEvents = new Set, = [],
this.scheduler = new m,
this.isClosedTimeline = !1, =,
this.eventEmitter = C.eventEmitter,
this.isDebugOn = null !== (p = C.debug) && void 0 !== p && p,
this.promiseTimeout = null !== (i = C.promiseTimeout) && void 0
!== i ? i : y,
this.promiseRejectionCallback = null !== (q =
C.onPromiseReject) && void 0 !== q ? q : C => {}
clear() {
this.scheduler.clear(), = [],
this.isTimelineRunning = !1,
this.finished = !1
fastForward() {
start() {
return this.emittedEvents.clear(),
this.scheduler = new m,
this.isTimelineRunning = !0,
isEventInProgress(C) {
return !(!this.isTimelineRunning && 0 ===
this.emittedEvents.size) && this.emittedEvents.has(C)
addEvent(C, p={}) {
return this.isClosedTimeline ||{
id: V.MZ(),
name: C,
abort() {
this.isClosedTimeline = !0
addCallback(C, p=1) {
for (let i = 0; i < p; i++)
C(this, i);
return this
getEvents() {
addSchedulerEventsToQueue(C) {
C.forEach(( (p, i) => {
var q;
const {event: y, offset: l} = p;
this.scheduler.add(l, (async () => {
var q, t, B, T, I;
const Y = y.postponeUntil;
if (Y) {
const C = (U = this.promiseTimeout,
new Promise(( (C, p) => {
window.setTimeout(( () => {
), U)
try {
await Promise.race([Y, C])
} catch (C) {
var U;
if (this.emittedEvents.add(,
this.eventEmitter.listenerCount( > 0 &&
this.eventEmitter.emit(, {
timelineName: y.timelineName,
duration: y.duration,
offset: y.offset,
props: y.props
null === (q = y.onEventStart) || void 0 === q ||,
Y) {
const q = => ({
offset: C.offset - l
}))).filter(( (C, p) => C.offset >= 0 && p > i));
this.scheduler = new m;
const y = p.event.onEventEnd;
event: {
id: V.MZ(),
name: w.V.TimelinePromiseAwaitedOnEventEnd,
onEventStart: () => {
null == y || y()
offset: null !== (B = null === (t = C[i].event)
|| void 0 === t ? void 0 : t.duration) && void 0 !== B ? B : 0
const Y = q[q.length - 1]
, U = Y.offset + (null !== (I = null === (T =
Y.event) || void 0 === T ? void 0 : T.duration) && void 0 !== I ? I : 0);
const t = null !== (q = null == y ? void 0 : y.duration) &&
void 0 !== q ? q : 0;
this.scheduler.add(l + t, ( () => {
var C;
null === (C = null == y ? void 0 : y.onEventEnd) ||
void 0 === C ||,
calculateNextOffsetDuration(C, p, i) {
return C + p < 0 ? i : i + C + p
addTimelineStartToScheduler() {
this.scheduler.add(0, ( () => {
this.eventEmitter.emit(w.V.TimelineStarted, {
id: V.MZ(),
name: w.V.TimelineStarted,
duration: 0,
offset: 0
addTimelineEndToScheduler(C) {
this.scheduler.add(C + 1, ( () => {
var C;
this.isTimelineRunning = !1,
this.finished = !0,
null === (C = this.eventEmitter) || void 0 === C ||
C.emit(w.V.TimelineEnded, {
id: V.MZ(),
name: w.V.TimelineEnded,
duration: 0,
offset: 0
prepareSchedulerEvents() {
let C = 1;
const p = [];
return => {
var q, V, m;
const w = null !== (q = null == i ? void 0 : i.delay) &&
void 0 !== q ? q : 0
, y = null !== (V = null == i ? void 0 : i.duration) &&
void 0 !== V ? V : 0;
event: i,
offset: null !== (m = null == i ? void 0 : i.offset) &&
void 0 !== m ? m : C + w
C = this.calculateNextOffsetDuration(y, w, C)
p.sort(( (C, p) => C.offset - p.offset)),
function t(C) {
return C.reduce(( (C, p) => {
var i, q;
const V = null !== (i = null == p ? void 0 : p.delay) && void 0
!== i ? i : 0
, m = null !== (q = null == p ? void 0 : p.duration) && void
0 !== q ? q : 0;
return V + m < 0 ? C : C + m + V
), 0)
699204: (C, p, i) => {
var q;
i.d(p, {
V: () => q
function(C) {
C["Delay"] = "Delay",
C["TimelineCreated"] = "TimelineCreated",
C["TimelineStarted"] = "TimelineStarted",
C["TimelineEnded"] = "TimelineEnded",
C["TimelinePromiseAwaitedOnEventEnd"] =
C["GameResult"] = "GameResult",
C["GameResultAnimationEnd"] = "GameResultAnimationEnd",
C["AfterGameResult"] = "AfterGameResult",
C["TestEvent"] = "TestEvent",
C["WinnerAmountShow"] = "WinnerAmountShow",
C["BetsOpen"] = "BetsOpen",
C["WinningChipsAnimation"] = "WinningChipsAnimation",
C["CameraFocus"] = "CameraFocus",
C["LightningGathering"] = "LightningGathering",
C["LightningBeforeChainDelay"] = "LightningBeforeChainDelay",
C["LightningStrike"] = "LightningStrike",
C["LightningHighlightBetSpot"] = "LightningHighlightBetSpot",
C["LightningShowMultiplier"] = "LightningShowMultiplier",
C["LightningChangeCamera"] = "LightningChangeCamera",
C["LightningAnimateMultipliers"] = "LightningAnimateMultipliers",
C["LightningShowTombstones"] = "LightningShowTombstones",
C["LightningHideLogoOnWall"] = "LightningHideLogoOnWall",
C["LightningPreChainSounds"] = "LightningPreChainSounds",
C["LightningChainStrike"] = "LightningChainStrike",
C["LightningDoubleGathering"] = "LightningDoubleGathering",
C["LightningDoubleStrike"] = "LightningDoubleStrike",
C["LightningDoubleHighlightBetSpot"] =
C["LightningDoubleShowMultiplier"] =
C["GoldVaultBoxOpen"] = "GoldVaultBoxOpen",
C["GoldVaultAllBoxOpen"] = "GoldVaultAllBoxOpen",
C["RDRShowMidGameResult"] = "RDRShowMidGameResult",
C["RDRFadeoutLosingSpots"] = "RDRFadeoutLosingSpots",
C["RDRStartBonusGame"] = "RDRStartBonusGame",
C["RDRHideUIElements"] = "RDRHideUIElements",
C["GVRBettingGridGlow"] = "GVRBettingGridGlow",
C["GVRGoldBarsAppear"] = "GVRGoldBarsAppear",
C["WheelZoomOut"] = "WheelZoomOut"
}(q || (q = {}))
324050: (C, p, i) => {
i.d(p, {
S: () => V,
c: () => m
var q = i(377810);
const V = q.createContext(void 0);
function m() {
const C = q.useContext(V);
return q.useCallback(( (p, i) => {
if (!C)
throw new Error("TimelineManager was not initialized");
return C.subscribeToTimelineEvent({
timelineName: p.timelineName,
callback: i,
once: !1
), [C])
864355: (C, p, i) => {
i.d(p, {
XK: () => M,
be: () => X,
m4: () => P,
Io: () => R,
i3: () => z
var q = i(881953)
, V = i(639972)
, m = i(123550)
, w = i(43129)
, y = i(234562)
, l = i(502715)
, t = i(486717)
, B = i(545401)
, T = i(158963)
, I = i(346160);
const Y = "history.roulette."
, U = {
"": "{0} Green",
"": "{0} Black",
"": "{0} Red",
"history.roulette.straight.dbr": "At least one ball on {0}",
"history.roulette.split": "Split bet: {0}/{1}",
"history.roulette.split.dbr": "At least one ball on split {0}/{1}",
"history.roulette.trio": "Street bet: {0}",
"history.roulette.trio.dbr": "At least one ball on street {0}",
"history.roulette.corner": "Square bet: {0}",
"history.roulette.corner.dbr": "At least one ball on square {0}",
"history.roulette.six_number": "Line bet: {0}",
"history.roulette.six_number.dbr": "At least one ball on line {0}",
"history.roulette.column": "Column bet: {0}",
"history.roulette.column.dbr": "Both balls on column {0}",
"history.roulette.dozen": "Dozen bet: {0}",
"history.roulette.dozen.dbr": "Both balls on dozen {0}",
"": "Red",
"": "Red: 50% return on 0",
"": "Both balls on Red",
"": "Black",
"": "Black: 50% return on 0",
"": "Both balls on Black",
"history.roulette.even": "Odd",
"history.roulette.even.french": "Odd: 50% return on 0",
"history.roulette.even.dbr": "Both balls on Even",
"history.roulette.odd": "Odd",
"history.roulette.odd.french": "Odd: 50% return on 0",
"history.roulette.odd.dbr": "Both balls on Odd",
"history.roulette.low": "1-18",
"history.roulette.low.french": "1-18: 50% return on 0",
"history.roulette.low.dbr": "Both balls on 1-18",
"history.roulette.high": "19-36",
"history.roulette.high.french": "19-36: 50% return on 0",
"history.roulette.high.dbr": "Both balls on 19-36",
"history.roulette.any_two_number.dbr": "Both balls on any same
"history.roulette.red_black.dbr": "One ball on red, one on black",
"history.roulette.selected_two_number.dbr": "Both balls on {0}",
"history.roulette.five": "Five bet: {0}"
function L(C) {
return U[C]
function a(C=L) {
const p = {
let p = "straight";
if ("double_ball" !== C.type) {
const i = T.T.getBetType([0]);
i === T.M.Black ? p += ".black" : i === T.M.Red ? p +=
".red" : p += ".green"
} else
p += ".dbr";
return i(p, C)
[w.Ph.BET_CONFIGURATION_LINE]: q("six_number"),
[w.Ph.BET_CONFIGURATION_DOZEN]: function(p) {
const i = Math.max( => +C)))
, q = Math.min( => +C)))
, V = `${Y}dozen${"double_ball" === p.type ? ".dbr" :
return C(V).replace("{0}", `${q}-${i}`)
[w.Ph.BET_CONFIGURATION_DBR_ANY_SAME]: q("any_two_number"),
function i(p, i) {
const q = C(Y + p);
return <= 2 ? (C, p, i) =>
C.replace(`{${i}}`, p.toString())), q) : q.replace("{0}",", "))
function q(C) {
return p => "double_ball" === p.type ? i(`${C}.dbr`, p) :
p.isFrench ? i(`${C}.french`, p) : i(C, p)
return C => p[C.configurationId](C)
const v = {}
, f = {}
, s = {}
, c = {}
, O = {}
, S = a()
, j = {
function o(C, p, i, q) {
const V = ""
, m = j[p];
C.forEach(( (C, w) => {
Object.keys(i).forEach((y => {
var l;
const t = ((null === (l = i[y]) || void 0 === l ? void 0 :
l.firstId) || 0) + w
, B = q ? q[w] : C.join("_")
, T = function(C, p, i) {
return [Q(C), n(C, p), G(C, p, i), h(C)].join("")
}(y, p, C);
(function(C) {
if (String( v) {
const p = JSON.stringify(v[]);
throw new Error(`Bet code ${} already
registered on ${p} trying to register ${JSON.stringify(C)}`)
if (v[String(] = C,
C.backendId in O)
throw new Error(`Bet code ${C.backendId} already
if (O[C.backendId] = C,
"double_ball" === C.type) {
if (C.mobileId in s)
throw new Error(`Bet code ${C.mobileId} already
s[C.mobileId] = C
} else if ("american" === C.type) {
if (C.mobileId in c)
throw new Error(`Bet code ${C.mobileId} already
c[C.mobileId] = C
} else {
if (C.mobileId in f)
throw new Error(`Bet code ${C.mobileId} already
f[C.mobileId] = C
} = S(C)
id: t,
configurationId: p,
winners: C,
name: V,
payout: m,
mobileId: B,
externalId: T,
...( () => {
switch (y) {
case "european":
return {
type: "european",
backendId: Z((t >= 154 ? "1" : "") + t),
isFrench: !1
case "europeanFrench":
return {
type: "european",
backendId: Z(`10${t}`),
mobileId: `french_${B}`,
isFrench: !0
case "doubleBall":
case "american":
case "americanFrench":
const [V,m] = "doubleBall" === y ?
["double_ball", "RoDB____________"] : ["american", "RoDZ____________"]
, l = i[y];
return {
type: V,
backendId: (p = m,
q = (null == l ? void 0 : l.tails) ? null
== l ? void 0 : l.tails[w] :"_"),
p.substr(0, p.length - q.length) + q),
..."americanFrench" === y ? {
mobileId: `french_${B}`,
isFrench: !0
} : {
isFrench: !1
var p, q
function x(C) {
return (C.length < 2 ? "_" : "") + C
function Z(C, p=16, i="0") {
for (; C.length < p; )
C = i + C;
return C
function H(C, p, i=1) {
return q.A(C, p + 1, i)
function b(C, p, i=1) {
if (C < 0 || p > 36)
throw new Error("Only straight betspots are supported");
return H(C, p, i).map(String)
function X(C) {
switch (B.H9(C)) {
case t.F7.DZR:
return c;
case t.F7.DBR:
return s;
return f
function z(C) {
const p = M(C);
if (void 0 === p)
throw new Error("BetSpotId is not valid");
function M(C) {
return X(y.O)[C] || f[C] || c[C] || s[C]
function P(C) {
const p = (i = C.toString(),
var i;
return null == p ? void 0 : p.mobileId
function R(C) {
const p = M(C);
return p ? p.externalId : ""
function Q(C) {
return {
european: "ROU_",
europeanFrench: "ROU_",
american: "RoDZ_",
americanFrench: "RoDZ_",
doubleBall: "ROU_DB_"
}[C] || ""
function n(C, p) {
const i = function(C) {
return {
}[C] || ""
, q = function(C) {
return {
[w.Ph.BET_CONFIGURATION_SPLIT]: "AtLeastOneBallOnSplit",
[w.Ph.BET_CONFIGURATION_CORNER]: "AtLeastOneBallOnSquare",
[w.Ph.BET_CONFIGURATION_STREET]: "AtLeastOneBallOnStreet",
}[C] || ""
return {
european: i,
europeanFrench: i,
american: i,
americanFrench: i,
doubleBall: q
}[C] || ""
function h(C) {
return {
europeanFrench: "50ReturnOn0",
americanFrench: "50ReturnOn0"
}[C] || ""
function G(C, p, i) {
var q;
switch (p) {
return null !== (q = V.A(i)) && void 0 !== q ? q : "";
const p = V.A(i);
return p ? "doubleBall" === C ? p : function(C) {
switch (T.T.getBetType(C)) {
case T.M.Zero:
return `${C}Green`;
case T.M.Black:
return `${C}Black`;
case T.M.Red:
return `${C}Red`;
return ""
}(p) : "";
return `${i.slice(0, 2).join("")}Etc`;
return V.A(i) + m.A(i);
return i.join("And");
return `${i.slice(0, -1).join("")}And${m.A(i)}`;
return i.includes("00") ? i.join("And") : `${i.slice(0, -
return ""
(function() {
const C = H(1, 36).map((C => [`${C}`]));
european: {
firstId: 2
american: {
firstId: 362
doubleBall: {
firstId: 205
american: {
firstId: 522
european: {
firstId: 4
american: {
firstId: 363
doubleBall: {
firstId: 206
o(H(1, 34, 3).map((C => [[`${C}`, `${C + 1}`], [`${C + 1}`, `${C +
2}`]])).reduce(( (C, p) => C.concat(p))).concat(H(1, 33).map((C => [`${C}`, `${C +
european: {
firstId: 52
american: {
firstId: 411
doubleBall: {
firstId: 254
o([["0", "1"], ["0", "2"], ["0", "3"]], w.Ph.BET_CONFIGURATION_SPLIT, {
european: {
firstId: 154
doubleBall: {
firstId: 356
o([["0", "1"]], w.Ph.BET_CONFIGURATION_SPLIT, {
american: {
firstId: 513
o([["0", "00"], ["00", "3"]], w.Ph.BET_CONFIGURATION_SPLIT, {
american: {
firstId: 523
o([["0", "2"], ["00", "2"]], w.Ph.BET_CONFIGURATION_SPLIT, {
american: {
firstId: 528
function() {
const C = H(1, 34, 3).map((C => [`${C}`, `${C + 1}`, `${C + 2}`]));
o([["0", "1", "2"], ["0", "2", "3"]],
european: {
firstId: 157
doubleBall: {
firstId: 359
o([["0", "1", "2"]], w.Ph.BET_CONFIGURATION_STREET, {
american: {
firstId: 514
o([["00", "2", "3"], ["0", "00", "2"]],
american: {
firstId: 525
european: {
firstId: 131
american: {
firstId: 490
doubleBall: {
firstId: 333
o(H(1, 31, 3).map((C => [[`${C}`, `${C + 1}`, `${C + 3}`, `${C + 4}`],
[`${C + 1}`, `${C + 2}`, `${C + 4}`, `${C + 5}`]])).reduce(( (C, p) =>
european: {
firstId: 109
american: {
firstId: 468
doubleBall: {
firstId: 311
o([["0", "1", "2", "3"]], w.Ph.BET_CONFIGURATION_CORNER, {
european: {
firstId: 159
doubleBall: {
firstId: 361
o([["0", "00", "1", "2", "3"]], w.Ph.BET_CONFIGURATION_FIVE, {
american: {
firstId: 527,
tails: ["0_00_1_2_3"]
function() {
const C = H(1, 31, 3).map((C => H(C, C + 5).map(String)))
, p = => `line_${x(C[0])}-${x(C[C.length - 1])}`));
european: {
firstId: 143
american: {
firstId: 502,
tails: p
doubleBall: {
firstId: 345,
tails: p
o([b(1, 12), b(13, 24), b(25, 36)], w.Ph.BET_CONFIGURATION_DOZEN, {
european: {
firstId: 43
american: {
firstId: 402,
tails: ["doz_1", "doz_2", "doz_3"]
doubleBall: {
firstId: 245,
tails: ["both_doz_1", "both_doz_2", "both_doz_3"]
o([b(1, 36, 3), b(2, 36, 3), b(3, 36, 3)],
european: {
firstId: 40
american: {
firstId: 399,
tails: ["col_1", "col_2", "col_3"]
doubleBall: {
firstId: 242,
tails: ["both_col_1", "both_col_2", "both_col_3"]
}, ["bottom2to1", "middle2to1", "top2to1"]),
o([b(1, 18)], w.Ph.BET_CONFIGURATION_LOW, {
european: {
firstId: 46
europeanFrench: {
firstId: 164
american: {
firstId: 405,
tails: ["low"]
americanFrench: {
firstId: 520,
tails: ["low_0"]
doubleBall: {
firstId: 248,
tails: ["both___low"]
}, ["from1to18"]),
o([b(2, 36, 2)], w.Ph.BET_CONFIGURATION_EVEN, {
european: {
firstId: 47
doubleBall: {
firstId: 249,
tails: ["both__even"]
american: {
firstId: 406,
tails: ["even"]
americanFrench: {
firstId: 516,
tails: ["even_0"]
europeanFrench: {
firstId: 160
}, ["even"]),
o([b(1, 36, 2)], w.Ph.BET_CONFIGURATION_ODD, {
european: {
firstId: 50
doubleBall: {
firstId: 252,
tails: ["both___odd"]
american: {
firstId: 409,
tails: ["odd"]
americanFrench: {
firstId: 519,
tails: ["odd_0"]
europeanFrench: {
firstId: 163
}, ["odd"]),
o([b(19, 36)], w.Ph.BET_CONFIGURATION_HIGH, {
european: {
firstId: 51
europeanFrench: {
firstId: 165
american: {
firstId: 410,
tails: ["high"]
americanFrench: {
firstId: 521,
tails: ["high_0"]
doubleBall: {
firstId: 253,
tails: ["both__high"]
}, ["from19to36"]),
european: {
firstId: 48
europeanFrench: {
firstId: 161
american: {
firstId: 407,
tails: ["red"]
americanFrench: {
firstId: 517,
tails: ["red_0"]
}, ["red"]),
european: {
firstId: 49
europeanFrench: {
firstId: 162
american: {
firstId: 408,
tails: ["black"]
americanFrench: {
firstId: 518,
tails: ["black_0"]
}, ["black"]),
function() {
const C = b(1, 36)
, p = b(0, 36);
doubleBall: {
firstId: 166,
tails: ["both_any"]
}, ["any_two_number"]);
for (let C = 0; C < p.length; C++) {
const i = p[C]
, q = `both_${x(i)}`;
doubleBall: {
firstId: 167 + C,
tails: [q]
}, [`${i}&${i}`])
doubleBall: {
firstId: 204,
tails: ["black_red"]
}, ["black_red"]),
doubleBall: {
firstId: 250,
tails: ["both___red"]
}, ["red_red"]),
doubleBall: {
firstId: 251,
tails: ["both_black"]
}, ["black_black"])
542335: (C, p, i) => {
i.d(p, {
T: () => v,
d: () => a
var q = i(64922)
, V = i(699695)
, m = i(377810)
, w = i(843717)
, y = i(764522)
, l = i(165280)
, t = i(295432)
, B = i(850083)
, T = i(484152)
, I = i(356108)
, Y = i(304642)
, U = i(349173);
class L extends m.Component {
constructor(C) {
this.betSource = B.n1.StandardGrid,
this.removeTooltip = () => {
const {removeAllAbsTooltips: C} = this.props;
this.showTooltip = C => {
const {addAbsTooltip: p} = this.props;
this.isEnabled = () => this.props.bettingEnabled,
this.tokens = (C, p) => p,
this.tokensCount = C => 1,
this.cell = ({id: C, tooltip: p, children: i, className: V, as:
m, ...w}) => {
let y = "td";
return m && (y = m),
q.jsx(y, {
...this.attrs(C, p, V),
children: q.jsx("span", {
children: i
this.failPlaceBet = (C, p) => {
const i = this.getTooltipTranslationId(this.props)
, {log: q, gameDimensions: V} = this.props;
this.tooltipSupport.showTooltipInstantly(i, I.Tl(C, V), p),
this.getTooltipTranslationId = C => {
const {bettingEnabled: p, tooltipTranslationId: i} = C;
return p ? "tooltip.balanceTooLow" : i ||
this.tooltipSupport = new
shouldComponentUpdate(C) {
const {hasEnoughFunds: p, isVisible: i, bettingEnabled: q} =
return !1 !== C.isVisible && (i !== C.isVisible || q !==
C.bettingEnabled || p !== C.hasEnoughFunds)
class a extends L {
constructor() {
this.attrs = (C, p, i) => ({
className: V.A(i, {
[]: this.isEnabled(),
[U.A.disabled]: !this.isEnabled()
onMouseEnter: this.onMouseEnter(p, C),
onMouseLeave: this.onMouseLeave,
onMouseUp: this.placeBet(C),
"data-role": C
this.onMouseEnter = (C, p) => i => {
if (!this.isEnabled())
const q = this.highlights(p)
, V = t.q()
, {selectedTokenAmount: m, setHoveredTokens: w,
gameDimensions: y, setHighlights: l} = this.props;
this.tokens(p, q).forEach((C => {
V.set(C, m * this.tokensCount(C))
w && w(V),
I.Tl(i.currentTarget, y), !0)
this.onMouseLeave = () => {
const {clearHoveredTokens: C, setHighlights: p} =
C && C(),
this.placeBet = C => p => {
const {hasEnoughFunds: i, isDoubleZeroRoulette: q,
selectedTokenAmount: V, addBet: m} = this.props;
if (this.isEnabled() && i) {
const i = l.h$(p);
position: {
left: i[0],
top: i[1]
betSpotId: C,
amount: V,
betSource: this.betSource,
isDoubleZeroRoulette: q
} else
this.failPlaceBet(p.currentTarget, C)
class v extends L {
constructor() {
this.pointerMoved = !1,
this.timer = 0,
this.attrs = (C, p, i) => ({
className: V.A(i, {
[U.A.disabled]: !this.isEnabled()
onTouchEnd: this.placeBet(C),
onTouchMove: this.startMove,
"data-role": C
this.placeBet = C => p => {
if (!this.pointerMoved) {
const {hasEnoughFunds: i, isDoubleZeroRoulette: q,
selectedTokenAmount: V, hideMenu: m, addBet: w, setHighlights: y} = this.props;
if (this.isEnabled() && i) {
const i = l.h$(p)
, t = this.highlights(C);
this.timer = window.setTimeout(( () => y([])),
position: {
left: i[0],
top: i[1]
betSpotId: C,
amount: V,
betSource: this.betSource,
isDoubleZeroRoulette: q
} else
this.failPlaceBet(p.currentTarget, C)
this.pointerMoved = !1
this.startMove = () => {
this.pointerMoved = !0
446634: (C, p, i) => {
i.d(p, {
u: () => l
var q = i(64922)
, V = (i(377810),
, m = i(502715)
, w = i(60199);
const y = {
zeroZeroCell: "zeroZeroCell--65213",
completeBets: "completeBets--fd711"
function l(C, p=!1) {
const i = i => q.jsx(C, {
id: i,
tooltip: t(i, p),
children: i
}, i);
return q.jsxs("tbody", {
className: y.completeBets,
children: [q.jsxs("tr", {
children: [p ? q.jsxs("td", {
rowSpan: 3,
children: [q.jsx(C, {
as: "div",
id: "00",
className: y.zeroZeroCell,
tooltip: t("00", p),
children: "00"
}, "00"), q.jsx(C, {
as: "div",
id: "0",
className: y.zeroZeroCell,
tooltip: t("0", p),
children: "0"
}, "0")]
}) : q.jsx(C, {
rowSpan: 3,
id: "0",
tooltip: t("0", p),
children: "0"
}, "0"),]
}), q.jsx("tr", {
}), q.jsx("tr", {
function t(C, p) {
const i = w.aW(C, p);
return "0" === C ? V.Tl("tooltip.statistics.completeBetOn", {
1: i
}) : V.Tl("tooltip.statistics.completeBetOnNumber", {
0: C,
1: i
194012: (C, p, i) => {
i.d(p, {
K: () => y
var q = i(64922)
, V = (i(377810),
, m = i(502715);
const w = {
lightningStraightUps: "lightningStraightUps--f6e8e"
function y(C, p) {
return q.jsxs(q.Fragment, {
children: [q.jsxs("tbody", {
className: w.lightningStraightUps,
children: [q.jsx("tr", {
children: q.jsx(C, {
colSpan: 2,
id: "straight_up",
V.Tl("tooltip.straightUpBets.onAllNumbers", {
0: p ? m.xn : m.BE
children: V.Tl("straight_up_uppercase")
}), q.jsxs("tr", {
children: [q.jsx(C, {
id: "red",
children: V.Tl("red_uppercase")
}), q.jsx(C, {
id: "black",
children: V.Tl("black_uppercase")
}), q.jsxs("tr", {
children: [q.jsx(C, {
id: "odd",
children: V.Tl("odd_uppercase")
}), q.jsx(C, {
id: "even",
children: V.Tl("even_uppercase")
}), q.jsxs("tr", {
children: [q.jsx(C, {
id: "from1to18",
children: V.Tl("low_uppercase")
}), q.jsx(C, {
id: "from19to36",
children: V.Tl("high_uppercase")
}), q.jsxs("tr", {
children: [q.jsx(C, {
id: "bottom2to1",
children: V.Tl("column1")
}), q.jsx(C, {
id: "1st12",
children: V.Tl("dozen1")
}), q.jsxs("tr", {
children: [q.jsx(C, {
id: "middle2to1",
children: V.Tl("column2")
}), q.jsx(C, {
id: "2nd12",
children: V.Tl("dozen2")
}), q.jsxs("tr", {
children: [q.jsx(C, {
id: "top2to1",
children: V.Tl("column3")
}), q.jsx(C, {
id: "3rd12",
children: V.Tl("dozen3")
}), !p && q.jsxs("tbody", {
children: [q.jsxs("tr", {
children: [q.jsx(C, {
id: "straight_up_tiers_du_cylindre",
children: V.Tl("advancedStats.tier")
}), q.jsx(C, {
id: "straight_up_orphelins_a_cheval",
children: V.Tl("advancedStats.orphelins")
}), q.jsxs("tr", {
children: [q.jsx(C, {
id: "straight_up_voisins_du_zero",
children: V.Tl("advancedStats.voisins")
}), q.jsx(C, {
id: "straight_up_jeu_zero",
children: V.Tl("")
317735: (C, p, i) => {
i.d(p, {
l: () => t
class q {
constructor(C, p) {
this.initialized = !1,
this.playNext = () => {
const {track: C, seekTime: p} =
this.player.loadTrack(C, {
seekTime: p,
loop: !1,
onEnd: this.playNext
this.player = C,
this.trackManager = p
get isInitialized() {
return this.initialized
get playingNow() {
return this.player.isPlayingNow
start() {
if (this.initialized)
this.initialized = !0;
const C = 1 === this.trackManager.length
, {track: p, seekTime: i} = this.trackManager.getNextTrack();
this.player.loadTrack(p, {
seekTime: i,
loop: C,
onEnd: C ? void 0 : this.playNext
pause(C=!1) {
if (!this.initialized)
throw new Error("call start() for initialize");
resume(C=!1) {
if (!this.initialized)
throw new Error("call start() for initialize");
var V = i(764522)
, m = i(843717);
const w = 1e3;
class y {
get isPlayingNow() {
return this.isPlaying
constructor(C) {
this.seekTime = 0,
this.isPlaying = !1,
C || (C = V.createSound),
this.soundCreator = C
loadTrack(C, {seekTime: p=0, onEnd: i, loop: q=!1}={}) {
var V;
this.seekTime = p,
this.sound = this.soundCreator({
src: C.src,
paths: C.paths,
volume: null !== (V = C.volume) && void 0 !== V ? V : 1,
loop: q
const w = () => {
var C;
null === (C = this.sound) || void 0 === C ||,
this.sound.on(m.mS.PlayError, ( () => {
var C, p;
this.isPlaying = !1,
null === (C = this.sound) || void 0 === C ||,
null === (p = this.sound) || void 0 === p ||
p.howl.once("unlock", w)
this.sound.on(m.mS.Load, w),
i && this.sound.on(m.mS.End, i)
stop() {
var C;
this.isPlaying = !1,
null === (C = this.sound) || void 0 === C || C.stop()
dispose() {
this.sound && (,,,
this.sound = void 0)
pause(C=!1) {
if (this.sound && this.isPlaying)
if (this.isPlaying = !1,
C) {
const C = this.sound.getVolume()
, p = () => {
var C, i;
null === (C = this.sound) || void 0 === C ||
null === (i = this.sound) || void 0 === i ||, p)
this.sound.on(m.mS.Fade, p),
this.sound.fade(C, 0, w)
} else
play(C=!1) {
if (this.sound && !this.isPlaying)
if (this.isPlaying = !0,
C) {
const C = this.sound.getVolume();
this.sound.fade(0, C, w)
} else,
seek() {
var C;
0 !== this.seekTime && (null === (C = this.sound) || void 0 ===
C || C.setSeek(this.seekTime),
this.seekTime = 0)
class l {
constructor(C) {
this.playlist = C,
this.currentTrack = -1
getNextTrack() {
return -1 === this.currentTrack ? this.startTrack() :
get length() {
return this.playlist.length
startTrack() {
const C = this.playlist.reduce(( (C, p) => p.duration + C), 0)
, p = Math.round( / 1e3 % C);
let i = 0
, q = 0;
if (this.playlist.length > 1) {
let C = 0;
for (let V = 0; V < this.playlist.length; V++) {
const m = this.playlist[V];
if (p >= C && p < C + m.duration) {
i = V,
q = p - C;
C += m.duration
return this.currentTrack = i,
track: this.playlist[this.currentTrack],
seekTime: q
nextTrack() {
const C = this.currentTrack + 1 < this.playlist.length ?
this.currentTrack + 1 : 0;
return this.currentTrack = C,
track: this.playlist[C],
seekTime: 0
function t(C) {
const p = new y
, i = new l(C);
return new q(p,i)
20490: (C, p, i) => {
i.d(p, {
createBackgroundMusicPlayer: () => V.l
var q = i(987803);
i.o(q, "RouletteEnhancerTypes") && i.d(p, {
RouletteEnhancerTypes: function() {
return q.RouletteEnhancerTypes
i.o(q, "createBackgroundMusicPlayer") && i.d(p, {
createBackgroundMusicPlayer: function() {
return q.createBackgroundMusicPlayer
i.o(q, "createClientEnterRfbEditModeLog") && i.d(p, {
createClientEnterRfbEditModeLog: function() {
return q.createClientEnterRfbEditModeLog
i.o(q, "createClientExitRfbEditModeLog") && i.d(p, {
createClientExitRfbEditModeLog: function() {
return q.createClientExitRfbEditModeLog
i.o(q, "createLoggableAction") && i.d(p, {
createLoggableAction: function() {
return q.createLoggableAction
i.o(q, "favoriteBetsContainerReducer") && i.d(p, {
favoriteBetsContainerReducer: function() {
return q.favoriteBetsContainerReducer
i.o(q, "loadFavoriteBets") && i.d(p, {
loadFavoriteBets: function() {
return q.loadFavoriteBets
i.o(q, "logClientOpenStatisticsView") && i.d(p, {
logClientOpenStatisticsView: function() {
return q.logClientOpenStatisticsView
i.o(q, "logClientRfbSaveLastBet") && i.d(p, {
logClientRfbSaveLastBet: function() {
return q.logClientRfbSaveLastBet
i.o(q, "logClientToggleStatistics") && i.d(p, {
logClientToggleStatistics: function() {
return q.logClientToggleStatistics
i.o(q, "selectFavoriteBets") && i.d(p, {
selectFavoriteBets: function() {
return q.selectFavoriteBets
i.o(q, "setCurrentPosition") && i.d(p, {
setCurrentPosition: function() {
return q.setCurrentPosition
i.o(q, "setEditMode") && i.d(p, {
setEditMode: function() {
return q.setEditMode
i.o(q, "setTempCurrentPosition") && i.d(p, {
setTempCurrentPosition: function() {
return q.setTempCurrentPosition
i.o(q, "setUpdating") && i.d(p, {
setUpdating: function() {
return q.setUpdating
var V = i(317735)
987803: () => {}
526975: (C, p, i) => {
i.d(p, {
W: () => t
var q = i(64922)
, V = i(699695)
, m = i(377810)
, w = i(867956);
const y = "chip--63f5c"
, l = "noTransform--5f82a";
class t extends m.PureComponent {
constructor() {
this.imgEl = null,
this.divEl = null,
this.pendingPromises = [],
this.setEl = C => {
this.divEl = C
componentDidMount() {
componentDidUpdate() {
render() {
const {roulette: C} = this.props;
return q.jsx("div", {
className: V.A(y, {
[l]: C
ref: this.setEl
setImage() {
const {chipType: C, amount: p, size: i, chipColors: q} =
, V = (null == i ? void 0 : i.width) || w.HZ
, m = (null == i ? void 0 : i.height) || w.HZ;
this.pendingPromises.push(w.TN(C, p, q, V, m)),
Promise.all(this.pendingPromises).then((C => {
const p = C.pop();
p && (this.imgEl && this.divEl === this.imgEl.parentNode &&
this.imgEl = p.cloneNode(), = `${V}px`, = `${m}px`,
this.divEl && this.divEl.appendChild(this.imgEl))
)).then(( () => {
this.pendingPromises = []
956720: (C, p, i) => {
i.d(p, {
oJ: () => U,
fL: () => Y
var q = i(64922)
, V = i(699695)
, m = i(377810)
, w = i(212429)
, y = i(295432)
, l = i(196082)
, t = i(867956)
, B = i(105770);
const T = "chipsCanvas--05545"
, I = "fadeOut--0cd4e"
, Y = {
regular: 600,
betSplit: 200
class U extends m.Component {
constructor() {
this.visibleContext = null,
this.drawingContext = null,
this.ratio = 1,
this.drawingCycle = 0,
this.drawnChips = y.q(),
this.previewFrameId = 0,
this.redrawFrameId = 0,
this.redrawCurrentState = () => {
this.redrawFrameId =
this.drawChips(this.props, this.drawnChips, !0)
this.animatePreviewedChips = (C, p) => {
C.animatePreviewedChips && C.previewedChips &&
(this.previewFrameId = window.requestAnimationFrame((p => {
this.animatePreviewedChips(C, p)
this.updateCanvas(C.previewedChips, C, !0, p))
this.clearCanvas = C => {
if (!C)
const {width: p, height: i} = C.canvas;
C.clearRect(0, 0, p, i);
const {DS: q} = this.props;
(null == q ? void 0 : q.IS_ANDROID10_PLUS) &&
(C.fillRect(1, 1, 1, 1),
C.globalCompositeOperation = "destination-out",
C.fillRect(1, 1, 1, 1),
C.globalCompositeOperation = "source-over")
this.onCanvasFadeOut = () => {
this.visibleContext &&
this.setCanvas = C => {
if (C) {
if (this.visibleContext = C.getContext("2d"),
throw new Error("Main drawing context missing!");
this.drawingContext = this.visibleContext;
const p = window.devicePixelRatio || 1
, i =
this.visibleContext.webkitBackingStorePixelRatio ||
this.visibleContext.mozBackingStorePixelRatio ||
this.visibleContext.msBackingStorePixelRatio ||
this.visibleContext.oBackingStorePixelRatio ||
this.visibleContext.backingStorePixelRatio || 1;
this.ratio = p / i,
1 !== this.ratio && this.forceUpdate()
this.drawChip = (C, p, i, q, V, m) => {
if (!this.drawingContext)
const {animatePreviewedChips: w} = this.props;
w || (this.drawingContext.globalAlpha = m ? .7 : 1),
this.drawingContext.drawImage(V, C * this.ratio, p *
this.ratio, i * this.ratio, q * this.ratio)
componentDidMount() {
this.drawChips(this.props, this.drawnChips, !0)
componentDidUpdate(C) {
if (!this.drawingContext)
const {isVisible: p, width: i, betspotPositions: q, height: V,
hasCurrentDraggingPlacedChip: m, animatePreviewedChips: w, chips: y, chipSize: l,
disableGridExceptLightning: t, DS: B, isBetSplittingEnabled: T} = C
, {enablePlacementDelay: I, chipSize: U, withShadows: L,
chips: a, height: v, isVisible: f, width: s, hasCurrentDraggingPlacedChip: c,
disableGridExceptLightning: O, animatePreviewedChips: S, betspotPositions: j} =
w && !S ? (window.cancelAnimationFrame(this.previewFrameId),
this.previewFrameId = 0) : S && (this.previewFrameId ? q === j
&& l === U || (window.cancelAnimationFrame(this.previewFrameId),
this.animatePreviewedChips(this.props, :
(null == B ? void 0 : B.IS_IOS15) && (!1 === t && O ?
this.redrawCurrentState() : t && !1 === O &&
const o = L || i !== s || V !== v || l !== U || q !== j || w &&
!S || !p && f || m !== c;
(o || a !== y) && (I && T ? window.setTimeout(( () => {
this.drawChips(this.props, y, o)
), Y.betSplit) : this.drawChips(this.props, y, o))
componentWillUnmount() {
this.visibleContext &&
this.previewFrameId &&
this.redrawFrameId &&
render() {
const {isVisible: C, height: p, width: i, fadeOutDuration: m} =
, w = V.A(T, {
[I]: !C
, y = {};
return !1 === C && (y.transitionDuration = `${m}ms`),
q.jsx("canvas", {
height: p * this.ratio,
width: i * this.ratio,
ref: this.setCanvas,
className: w,
style: y
drawChips(C, p, i=!1) {
const q = C.chips
, V = y.zj(q);
let m = !1;
i || function(C, p) {
return Array.from(C.keys()).some((C => !1 === p.has(C)))
}(p, q) ? m = !0 : q.forEach(( (C, i) => {
!1 !== p.has(i) && p.get(i) === C || V.set(i, C)
this.updateCanvas(V, C, m)
updateCanvas(C, p, i=!1, q=0) {
const {chipWidth: V, chipHeight: m} = B.w(p.chipSize,
p.chipType, !!p.withShadows);
i && (this.drawingCycle++,
p.isVisible && (C.forEach(( (C, p) => {
this.drawnChips.set(p, C)
this.drawChipsAsync(i, C, p.chipColors, p.betspotPositions, V,
m, p.chipType, !!p.withShadows, this.drawingCycle, p.previewedChips,
p.animatePreviewedChips, q))
async drawChipsAsync(C, p, i, q, V, m, y, B, T, I, Y, U) {
const {onChipDrawn: L, nativeFonts: a} = this.props
, v = {
pixelRatio: this.ratio,
shadow: B,
nativeFonts: a
, f = Array.from(p.entries()).map(( ([C,p]) => {
const l = q[C];
return t.TN(y, p, i, V * this.ratio, V * this.ratio,
v).catch((C => (w.vV(C),
new Image))).then((p => ({
x: l ? Math.round(l.x - V / 2) : 0,
y: l ? Math.round(l.y - m / 2) : 0,
width: V,
height: V,
img: p,
betSpot: C,
preview: !(!I || !Y) && I.has(C)
, s = await Promise.all(f)
, c = this.filterDraggedChip(s);
if (T === this.drawingCycle) {
if (C && this.clearCanvas(this.drawingContext),
U && this.visibleContext) {
const C = 1600
, p = .6 * Math.abs(U % C / C - .5) + .7;
this.visibleContext.globalAlpha = l.A(p, .7)
c.forEach(( ({x: C, y: p, img: i, betSpot: q, preview: V,
width: m, height: w}) => {
this.drawChip(C, p, m, w, i, V),
null == L || L(q)
filterDraggedChip(C) {
const {isRoulettePlacedChipDraggingAllowed: p,
helperChipVisible: i, draggingCurrentPlacedChip: q, hasCurrentDraggingPlacedChip:
V} = this.props;
return i && V && p ? C.filter((C => C.betSpot !== q.betSpotId))
: C
867956: (C, p, i) => {
i.d(p, {
HZ: () => m,
Ho: () => t,
TN: () => l
var q = i(212429)
, V = i(105770);
const m = 78;
let w = {};
const y = Object.freeze({
pixelRatio: 1,
shadow: !1,
nativeFonts: !1
async function l(C, p, i, m, l, t={}) {
var B;
const T = {
if (null === (B = w[m]) || void 0 === B ? void 0 : B[p])
return w[m][p];
const I = await function(C, p, i, m, w, y) {
return new Promise(( (l, t) => {
const B = new Image;
B.onload = () => {
B.onerror = () => {
const V = `getCompiledSVG(${C}, ${p}, $
{JSON.stringify(i)}, ${m}, ${w}, ${JSON.stringify(y)})`
, l = new q.vv(`Error while image source loading:
function ${V} returns ${B.src}`);
return t(l)
B.src = V._(C, p, i, m, w, y)
}(C, p, i, m, l, T);
return w[m] ? (w[m][p] = I,
I) : (w[m] = {
[p]: I
function t() {
w = {}
105770: (C, p, i) => {
i.d(p, {
w: () => f,
_: () => a
var q = i(192217)
, V = i(837557)
, m = i(221770)
, w = i(171526);
const y =
var l = i(738699);
const t = {
lg: {
fontSize: 30,
dy: 10
md: {
fontSize: 24,
dy: 8
sm: {
fontSize: 18,
dy: 5
xs: {
fontSize: 14,
dy: 4
, B = .87
, T = V.DS.IS_IOS || V.DS.IS_ANDROID5_0_0_PLUS || !
, I = 14
, Y = 85;
function U(C) {
return C ? "" : `<defs><style>@font-face{font-family: 'Inter'; src:
function L(C) {
return C ? "Arial, sans-serif" : "Inter, Arial, sans-serif"
function a(C, p, i, y, a, v) {
const {pixelRatio: f, shadow: s} = v
, c = C === l.p.SlingshotPerspective ? Y : 78
, O = y * f
, S = a * f
, j = w.uH(p, i)
, o = q.Z(j, -.2)
, x = m.i(p)
, Z = w.K9(x)
, H = t[Z]
, b = window.devicePixelRatio > 1 || V.DS.IS_IOS ? H.fontSize :
function(C, p, i) {
const q = p / i
, V = Math.round(C * q);
return (2 * Math.ceil(V / 2) - p % 2) / q
}(H.fontSize, a, c)
, X = T ? `transform: scale(1, ${B})` : ""
, z = s ? I : 0
, M = s ? '<radialGradient id="grad1" cx="50%" cy="50%" r="50%"
fx="50%" fy="50%" spreadMethod="pad"><stop offset="79%" style="stop-
color:rgb(0,0,0); stop-opacity:.2" /><stop offset="84%" style="stop-
color:rgb(0,0,0); stop-opacity:.4" /><stop offset="90%" style="stop-
color:rgb(0,0,0);stop-opacity:0.2" /><stop offset="97%" style="stop-
color:rgb(0,0,0);stop-opacity:0.02" /><stop offset="100%" style="stop-
color:rgb(0,0,0);stop-opacity:0" /></radialGradient>' : ""
, P = s ? '<circle fill="url(" cx="39.019" cy="38.999"
r="46.5"></circle>' : "";
return C === l.p.SlingshotPerspective ?
xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 78 ${c}" width="${O}" height="$
{S}">${U(v.nativeFonts)}<g style="fill: ${j};${X};"><circle cx="39.019" cy="45"
r="38.5" fill="${o}"></circle><circle cx="39.019" cy="38.999"
r="38.5"></circle><path d="M38.94 12.5A26.5 26.5 0 1 0 65.44 39a26.529 26.529 0 0
0-26.5-26.5zm0 52A25.5 25.5 0 1 1 64.439 39 25.53 25.53 0 0 1 38.94 64.5z"
></path><circle fill="#000" opacity="0.2" cx="39" cy="38.997"
r="25.5"></circle><path fill="#ebebeb" d="M38.94 12.5A26.5 26.5 0 1 0 65.44
39a26.529 26.529 0 0 0-26.5-26.5zm0 52A25.5 25.5 0 1 1 64.439 39 25.53 25.53 0 0 1
38.94 64.5z"></path><path d="M38.941 0a39 39 0 1 0 39 39 39.046 39.046 0 0 0-39-
39zm-2.088 76.439l.483-8.471a28.99 28.99 0 0 1-4.668-.639l-1.783 8.291a37.277
37.277 0 0 1-12.144-5.051l4.6-7.124a29.143 29.143 0 0 1-8.85-8.851l-7.124 4.6a37.28
37.28 0 0 1-5.045-12.13l8.3-1.784a28.99 28.99 0 0 1-.639-4.668l-8.483.482C1.463
40.4 1.44 39.7 1.44 39s.023-1.391.061-2.08l8.478.483a28.99 28.99 0 0 1 .639-4.668l-
8.3-1.785a37.275 37.275 0 0 1 5.047-12.142l7.126 4.6a29.143 29.143 0 0 1 8.85-
8.851l-4.6-7.125a37.28 37.28 0 0 1 12.142-5.05l1.786 8.3a28.99 28.99 0 0 1
4.668-.639l-.483-8.484c.692-.038 1.388-.061 2.089-.061s1.4.023 2.087.061l-.483
8.484a28.99 28.99 0 0 1 4.668.639L47 2.381a37.276 37.276 0 0 1 12.14 5.05l-4.6
7.126a29.14 29.14 0 0 1 8.849 8.85l7.127-4.6a37.276 37.276 0 0 1 5.044 12.142l-8.3
1.785a28.99 28.99 0 0 1 .64 4.666l8.478-.483c.038.689.061 1.382.061 2.08s-.023
1.4-.062 2.1l-8.477-.486a28.99 28.99 0 0 1-.639 4.668l8.3 1.784a37.282 37.282 0 0
1-5.046 12.132l-7.125-4.6a29.14 29.14 0 0 1-8.849 8.85l4.6 7.125A37.275 37.275 0 0
1 47 75.619l-1.783-8.291a28.99 28.99 0 0 1-4.668.639l.483 8.471c-.691.038-
1.386.061-2.087.061s-1.401-.022-2.092-.06z" fill="white"></path><text style="font-
family: ${L(v.nativeFonts)}; font-weight: 600;" x="50%" y="50%" font-size="${b}"
dy="-2.4" fill="white" text-anchor="middle"
dominant-baseline="central">${x}</text></g></svg>`)}` :
xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 ${78 + z} ${c + z}" width="${O +
z}" height="${S + z}">${M}${U(v.nativeFonts)}<g transform="translate(${z / 2} ${z /
2})">${P}<circle fill="${j}" cx="39.019" cy="38.999" r="38.5"></circle><path
fill="#ebebeb" d="M38.94 12.5A26.5 26.5 0 1 0 65.44 39a26.529 26.529 0 0 0-26.5-
26.5zm0 52A25.5 25.5 0 1 1 64.439 39 25.53 25.53 0 0 1 38.94 64.5z"></path><circle
fill="#000" opacity="0.2" cx="39" cy="38.997" r="25.5"></circle><path
fill="#ebebeb" d="M38.941 0a39 39 0 1 0 39 39 39.046 39.046 0 0 0-39-39zm-2.088
76.439l.483-8.471a28.99 28.99 0 0 1-4.668-.639l-1.783 8.291a37.277 37.277 0 0 1-
12.144-5.051l4.6-7.124a29.143 29.143 0 0 1-8.85-8.851l-7.124 4.6a37.28 37.28 0 0 1-
5.045-12.13l8.3-1.784a28.99 28.99 0 0 1-.639-4.668l-8.483.482C1.463 40.4 1.44 39.7
1.44 39s.023-1.391.061-2.08l8.478.483a28.99 28.99 0 0 1 .639-4.668l-8.3-
1.785a37.275 37.275 0 0 1 5.047-12.142l7.126 4.6a29.143 29.143 0 0 1 8.85-8.851l-
4.6-7.125a37.28 37.28 0 0 1 12.142-5.05l1.786 8.3a28.99 28.99 0 0 1
4.668-.639l-.483-8.484c.692-.038 1.388-.061 2.089-.061s1.4.023 2.087.061l-.483
8.484a28.99 28.99 0 0 1 4.668.639L47 2.381a37.276 37.276 0 0 1 12.14 5.05l-4.6
7.126a29.14 29.14 0 0 1 8.849 8.85l7.127-4.6a37.276 37.276 0 0 1 5.044 12.142l-8.3
1.785a28.99 28.99 0 0 1 .64 4.666l8.478-.483c.038.689.061 1.382.061 2.08s-.023
1.4-.062 2.1l-8.477-.486a28.99 28.99 0 0 1-.639 4.668l8.3 1.784a37.282 37.282 0 0
1-5.046 12.132l-7.125-4.6a29.14 29.14 0 0 1-8.849 8.85l4.6 7.125A37.275 37.275 0 0
1 47 75.619l-1.783-8.291a28.99 28.99 0 0 1-4.668.639l.483 8.471c-.691.038-
1.386.061-2.087.061s-1.401-.022-2.092-.06z"></path></g><text style="font-family: $
{L(v.nativeFonts)}; font-weight: 600;" x="50%" y="50%" dY="${H.dy}" font-size="$
{b}" fill="#fff" text-anchor="middle"
const v = 1 + I / 78;
function f(C, p, i) {
if (p === l.p.SlingshotPerspective)
return {
chipWidth: C,
chipHeight: Math.round(C * B)
if (i) {
const p = Math.round(C * v);
return {
chipWidth: p,
chipHeight: p
return {
chipWidth: C,
chipHeight: C
738699: (C, p, i) => {
var q;
i.d(p, {
p: () => q
function(C) {
C[C["Default"] = 0] = "Default",
C[C["Mobile"] = 1] = "Mobile",
C[C["SlingshotPerspective"] = 2] = "SlingshotPerspective"
}(q || (q = {}))
698175: (C, p, i) => {
i.d(p, {
Qy: () => V,
eI: () => q,
q$: () => m
const q = 30
, V = 6
, m = 5
607905: (C, p, i) => {
i.d(p, {
e: () => w
var q = i(64922)
, V = (i(377810),
const m = {
delete: "delete--9ef96",
icon: "icon--e0c32"
function w(C) {
const {onMouseUp: p, onMouseDown: i, position: w} = C;
return q.jsx("div", {
className: m.delete,
"data-position": w,
"data-role": "favorite-bets-delete-button",
onMouseDown: i,
onMouseUp: p,
children: q.jsx(V.b, {
className: m.icon
625632: (C, p, i) => {
i.d(p, {
l: () => T
var q = i(64922)
, V = i(699695)
, m = (i(377810),
, w = i(117914);
const y = "editButton--0970d"
, l = "icon--6c89d"
, t = "active--9c7ea"
, B = "label--2abf2"
, T = C => {
const {onTouchEnd: p, dataRole: i, active: T, onClick: I} = C
, Y = V.A(y, {
[t]: T
, U = i || "favorite-bets-edit-button";
return q.jsxs("div", {
className: Y,
onClick: I,
onTouchEnd: p,
"data-role": U,
"data-role-value": T ? "active" : "inactive",
children: [q.jsx(w.g, {
className: l
}), T && q.jsx("div", {
className: B,
children: m.Tl("favouriteBets.toolTip.exitEdit")
247150: (C, p, i) => {
i.d(p, {
y: () => y
var q = i(64922)
, V = i(699695)
, m = (i(377810),
const w = {
save: "save--125f4",
icon: "icon--78edb",
hidden: "hidden--0f380"
function y(C) {
const {onMouseUp: p, isHidden: i, dataRoleValue: y, onMouseDown: l,
position: t} = C;
return q.jsx("div", {
className: V.A(, {
[w.hidden]: i
"data-position": t,
"data-role": "favorite-bets-save-button",
"data-role-value": y,
onMouseDown: l,
onMouseUp: p,
children: q.jsx(m.P, {
className: w.icon
118412: (C, p, i) => {
i.d(p, {
et: () => m.e,
lg: () => q.l,
yY: () => V.y
var q = i(625632)
, V = i(247150)
, m = i(607905)
724100: (C, p, i) => {
i.d(p, {
R6: () => G,
f0: () => W,
_Y: () => Y,
Nz: () => x,
iw: () => Q,
EY: () => F,
bF: () => g,
T6: () => J
var q = i(64922)
, V = i(377810)
, m = i(282427)
, w = i(89035)
, y = i(112103)
, l = i(257250)
, t = i(988669)
, B = i(735800);
const T = "favoriteBetsDrawer--aabf2"
, I = {
onTabClick: y.tI,
onDispose: () => t.q3(null)
, Y = m.Ng((function(C) {
return {
currentView: l.u(C),
showStraightUpBets: B.$v(C)
), I)((function(C) {
const {tabComponents: p, currentView: i, showStraightUpBets: m,
onTabClick: y, onDispose: l, overlay: t} = C
, B = function(C, p) {
const i = [{
component: () => C["favoriteBets"],
labelTranslationId: "drawer.favouriteBets.favourite",
view: "favoriteBets"
}, {
component: () => C["finalBets"],
labelTranslationId: "drawer.favouriteBets.special",
view: "finalBets"
return p && i.push({
component: () => C["lightningBets"],
labelTranslationId: "drawer.favouriteBets.straightUp",
view: "lightningBets"
}(p, m)
, I = B.findIndex((C => C.view === i))
, Y = V.useCallback((C => {
const {view: p} = B[C];
), [B, y]);
return V.useEffect(( () => l), [l]),
q.jsxs("div", {
className: T,
children: [t, q.jsx(w.o, {
type: "line",
tabs: B,
selectedTab: I,
isCentered: !0,
muteAnimation: !0,
onTabClick: Y
var U = i(699695)
, L = i(353096)
, a = i(25581)
, v = i(410376);
const f = "favoriteBetsDrawerTab--7bc2e"
, s = "mobile--1c228"
, c = "content--4d040"
, O = "header--1258a"
, S = "scrollableWrapper--97c4a"
, j = "scrollable--97a26"
, o = {
setScrollPosition: y.fC
, x = m.Ng((function(C) {
return {
scrollPosition: B.M(C)
), o)((function(C) {
const {children: p, isMobile: i, header: m, scrollPosition: w,
setScrollPosition: y} = C
, l = V.useContext(;
return q.jsxs("div", {
className: U.A(f, {
[s]: i
children: [void 0 !== m && q.jsx("div", {
className: O,
children: m
}), q.jsx("div", {
className: S,
children: q.jsx(a.y, {
className: j,
hasContentFadeOut: !0,
position: i ? void 0 : w,
onPositionChanged: i ? void 0 : y,
refCallback: null == l ? void 0 : l.assignScrollable,
children: q.jsx("div", {
className: c,
children: p
var Z = i(843717)
, H = i(764522)
, b = i(625632)
, X = i(466714)
, z = i(132293)
, M = i(484152);
const P = "headerContent--d4fdf"
, R = "hidden--44859"
, Q = m.Ng((function(C) {
return {
isVisible: (p = l.b(C),
p.some((C => void 0 !==,
isEditModeActive: B.MR(C)
var p
), (function(C) {
return {
onClick: function(p) {
C(X.op(!p,, z.ZL))
))((function(C) {
const {isVisible: p, isEditModeActive: i, onClick: m} = C
, w = V.useCallback(( () => {
), [m, i]);
return q.jsx("div", {
className: U.A(P, {
[R]: !p
children: q.jsx(b.l, {
onClick: w,
active: i
var n = i(13799);
const h = "specialBetsTab--3fbfd"
, G = m.Ng((function(C) {
return {
showCompleteBets: n.DB(C).completeBetsEnabled()
))((function(C) {
const {children: p, showCompleteBets: i} = C;
return q.jsx("div", {
className: h,
children: p(i)
, $ = {
straightUpBetsTab: "straightUpBetsTab--edb9f"
function W(C) {
const {children: p} = C;
return q.jsx("div", {
className: $.straightUpBetsTab,
children: p
var k = i(494475)
, A = i(637355);
const F = k.Ne(( ({ag: C, state: p}) => ({
isHidden: null !== A.q(p),
})))((function(C) {
const {children: p, isHidden: i, closeDrawer: V} = C
, m = {
visibility: i ? "hidden" : "visible"
return q.jsx("div", {
style: m,
children: p(V)
var K = i(787014);
const E = "specialBetsTab--4d659"
, g = K.S((function(C) {
return {
showCompleteBets: n.DB(C).completeBetsEnabled(),
orientation: n.V6(C)
), void 0, void 0, void 0, void 0, (function(C) {
return {
))((function(C) {
const {children: p, showCompleteBets: i, closeDrawer: V,
orientation: m} = C;
return q.jsx("div", {
className: E,
children: p(i, V, m)
, N = "straightUpBetsTab--1c0c6"
, J = K.S(( () => ({})), void 0, void 0, void 0, void 0, (function(C)
return {
))((function(C) {
const {children: p, closeDrawer: i} = C;
return q.jsx("div", {
className: N,
children: p(i)
951351: (C, p, i) => {
i.d(p, {
DeleteButton: () =>,
DesktopSpecialBetsTab: () => m.R6,
DesktopStraightUpBetsTab: () => m.f0,
EditButton: () => V.lg,
EditOverlay: () => w.Zt,
FavoriteBetsDrawer: () => m._Y,
FavoriteBetsDrawerTab: () => m.Nz,
FavoriteBetsEditHeader: () => m.iw,
FavoriteBetsMobile: () => w.Rh,
MobileFavoriteBetsTab: () => m.EY,
MobileSpecialBetsTab: () => m.bF,
MobileStraightUpBetsTab: () => m.T6,
SaveButton: () => V.yY,
cutEmptyTailStartIndex: () => q.q$,
maximumFavoriteBetsCount: () => q.eI,
minimumFavoriteBetsCount: () => q.Qy
var q = i(698175)
, V = i(118412)
, m = i(724100)
, w = i(390902)
, y = i(823906);
i.o(y, "RouletteEnhancerTypes") && i.d(p, {
RouletteEnhancerTypes: function() {
return y.RouletteEnhancerTypes
i.o(y, "createBackgroundMusicPlayer") && i.d(p, {
createBackgroundMusicPlayer: function() {
return y.createBackgroundMusicPlayer
i.o(y, "createClientEnterRfbEditModeLog") && i.d(p, {
createClientEnterRfbEditModeLog: function() {
return y.createClientEnterRfbEditModeLog
i.o(y, "createClientExitRfbEditModeLog") && i.d(p, {
createClientExitRfbEditModeLog: function() {
return y.createClientExitRfbEditModeLog
i.o(y, "createLoggableAction") && i.d(p, {
createLoggableAction: function() {
return y.createLoggableAction
i.o(y, "favoriteBetsContainerReducer") && i.d(p, {
favoriteBetsContainerReducer: function() {
return y.favoriteBetsContainerReducer
i.o(y, "loadFavoriteBets") && i.d(p, {
loadFavoriteBets: function() {
return y.loadFavoriteBets
i.o(y, "logClientOpenStatisticsView") && i.d(p, {
logClientOpenStatisticsView: function() {
return y.logClientOpenStatisticsView
i.o(y, "logClientRfbSaveLastBet") && i.d(p, {
logClientRfbSaveLastBet: function() {
return y.logClientRfbSaveLastBet
i.o(y, "logClientToggleStatistics") && i.d(p, {
logClientToggleStatistics: function() {
return y.logClientToggleStatistics
i.o(y, "selectFavoriteBets") && i.d(p, {
selectFavoriteBets: function() {
return y.selectFavoriteBets
i.o(y, "setCurrentPosition") && i.d(p, {
setCurrentPosition: function() {
return y.setCurrentPosition
i.o(y, "setEditMode") && i.d(p, {
setEditMode: function() {
return y.setEditMode
i.o(y, "setTempCurrentPosition") && i.d(p, {
setTempCurrentPosition: function() {
return y.setTempCurrentPosition
i.o(y, "setUpdating") && i.d(p, {
setUpdating: function() {
return y.setUpdating
var l = i(65756);
i.o(l, "RouletteEnhancerTypes") && i.d(p, {
RouletteEnhancerTypes: function() {
return l.RouletteEnhancerTypes
i.o(l, "createBackgroundMusicPlayer") && i.d(p, {
createBackgroundMusicPlayer: function() {
return l.createBackgroundMusicPlayer
i.o(l, "createClientEnterRfbEditModeLog") && i.d(p, {
createClientEnterRfbEditModeLog: function() {
return l.createClientEnterRfbEditModeLog
i.o(l, "createClientExitRfbEditModeLog") && i.d(p, {
createClientExitRfbEditModeLog: function() {
return l.createClientExitRfbEditModeLog
i.o(l, "createLoggableAction") && i.d(p, {
createLoggableAction: function() {
return l.createLoggableAction
i.o(l, "favoriteBetsContainerReducer") && i.d(p, {
favoriteBetsContainerReducer: function() {
return l.favoriteBetsContainerReducer
i.o(l, "loadFavoriteBets") && i.d(p, {
loadFavoriteBets: function() {
return l.loadFavoriteBets
i.o(l, "logClientOpenStatisticsView") && i.d(p, {
logClientOpenStatisticsView: function() {
return l.logClientOpenStatisticsView
i.o(l, "logClientRfbSaveLastBet") && i.d(p, {
logClientRfbSaveLastBet: function() {
return l.logClientRfbSaveLastBet
i.o(l, "logClientToggleStatistics") && i.d(p, {
logClientToggleStatistics: function() {
return l.logClientToggleStatistics
i.o(l, "selectFavoriteBets") && i.d(p, {
selectFavoriteBets: function() {
return l.selectFavoriteBets
i.o(l, "setCurrentPosition") && i.d(p, {
setCurrentPosition: function() {
return l.setCurrentPosition
i.o(l, "setEditMode") && i.d(p, {
setEditMode: function() {
return l.setEditMode
i.o(l, "setTempCurrentPosition") && i.d(p, {
setTempCurrentPosition: function() {
return l.setTempCurrentPosition
i.o(l, "setUpdating") && i.d(p, {
setUpdating: function() {
return l.setUpdating
390902: (C, p, i) => {
i.d(p, {
Zt: () => E,
Rh: () => W
var q = i(64922)
, V = i(377810)
, m = i(722483)
, w = i(346160)
, y = i(843717)
, l = i(764522)
, t = i(226317)
, B = i(462566)
, T = i(710928)
, I = i(850083)
, Y = i(699695)
, U = i(587698)
, L = i(625632)
, a = i(448687)
, v = i(730249);
const f = "starBase--e578b"
, s = "icon--1d4de"
, c = "row--7cdcc"
, O = "iPhone--577fa"
, S = "text--9b743"
, j = "disabled--b6bfe"
, o = "textMessage--322b3"
, x = "empty--892d5"
, Z = "save--70d27"
, H = "tablet--8f7f4"
, b = "betName--9bd69"
, X = "amount--78207";
class z extends V.PureComponent {
constructor() {
this.pointerMoved = !1,
this.startMove = () => {
this.pointerMoved = !0
this.stopPropagation = C => {
this.onPlaceBet = C => {
if (C.stopPropagation(),
!this.pointerMoved) {
const {onPlaceBet: p, canSaveFavoriteBet: i, position:
q, onSaveBet: V} = this.props;
if (i)
return void V(q);
p(q, C)
this.pointerMoved = !1
this.onEditBet = C => {
const {onEdit: p, position: i} = this.props;
render() {
const {isIPhone: C, amount: p, currencySymbol: i,
canSaveFavoriteBet: V, isTablet: m, id: w, isBettable: y, betName: l, position: t,
isBettingEnabled: B} = this.props
, T = V
, I = T || B && y
, o = t + 1;
return q.jsxs("div", {
onTouchEnd: this.onPlaceBet,
onTouchMove: this.startMove,
className: Y.A(c, {
[x]: !w,
[Z]: T,
[j]: !I,
[H]: m
"data-role": `favorite-bets-${o}-row`,
children: [q.jsx("div", {
className: Y.A(f, {
[O]: C
"data-position": o,
children: w ? q.jsx(v.x, {
className: s
}) : q.jsx(a.t, {
className: s
}), q.jsx("div", {
className: Y.A(b, S),
"data-role": `favorite-bets-${o}-name`,
children: l
}), w && q.jsxs(q.Fragment, {
children: [q.jsx("div", {
className: Y.A(X, S),
"data-role": `favorite-bets-${o}-amount`,
children: void 0 !== p ? U.ej(p, {
currencySymbol: i
}) : "-"
}), q.jsx(L.l, {
active: !1,
onTouchEnd: this.stopPropagation,
onClick: this.onEditBet,
dataRole: `favorite-bets-${o}-edit-button`
function M() {
return q.jsx("div", {
className: Y.A(c, j),
"data-role": "favorite-bets-empty-message-wrapper",
children: q.jsx("div", {
className: Y.A(S, o),
"data-role": "favorite-bets-empty-message",
children: w.Tl("favouriteBets.bubble.maxLimit")
const P = "noFavoriteBetsMessage--15003";
function R() {
return q.jsx("div", {
className: P,
"data-role": "favorite-bets-empty-message",
children: w.Tl("favouriteBets.needToBet")
const Q = "favoriteBetsWrapper--91716"
, n = "tooltip--a733a";
function h(C) {
const {eventPosition: p, tooltipComponent: i} = C
, [V,w] = p;
return m.createPortal(q.jsx("div", {
className: n,
style: {
left: V,
top: w
children: i
}), document.body)
class G extends V.PureComponent {
constructor() {
this.handleSave = C => {
const {playSound: p, saveFavoriteBet: i,
logClientRfbSaveLastBet: q} = this.props;
this.handleEdit = C => {
const {playSound: p, setFavoriteBetItemInEdit: i} =
this.getPlaceBetHandler = (C, p) => (i, q) => {
const {handlePlace: V, tooltipTranslationId: m,
showTooltip: w} = this.props;
V(w, C, p, i, q, m)
render() {
const {isIPhone: C, hasEnoughFunds: p,
isBettingEnabledByGamePhase: i, eventPosition: V, currencySymbol: m,
canSaveFavoriteBet: y, tooltipComponent: l, bets: B, isTablet: T} = this.props
, Y = B.every((C => void 0 !==
, U = B.every((C => void 0 ===;
return 0 !== B.length && U && !y ? q.jsx(R, {}) : q.jsxs("div",
className: Q,
children: [ (V, l) => {
const B = I.Ih(V) ? V.disabledReason : void 0
, Y = I.Ih(V) ? V.tokens : void 0
, U = I.Ih(V) ? V.validationErrorMessage : void 0
, L = I.Ih(V) ? V.betName : void 0
, a = I.Ih(V) ? V.totalAmount : void 0
, v = ! && y
, f = B && t.F(B)
, s = f ? {
key: f
} : U
, c = Y && 0 !== Y.size && !s;
return q.jsx(z, {
betName: (O =,
S = L,
O ? "" === S ? w.Tl("") :
S || "" : w.Tl("favouriteBets.saveLastBet")),
amount: a,
position: l,
isBettingEnabled: i && p,
isBettable: c,
canSaveFavoriteBet: v,
onPlaceBet: this.getPlaceBetHandler(s, Y),
onSaveBet: this.handleSave,
onEdit: this.handleEdit,
currencySymbol: m,
isTablet: T,
isIPhone: C
}, l.toString() + V.betName);
var O, S
)), Y && q.jsx(M, {}), q.jsx(h, {
eventPosition: V,
tooltipComponent: l
const $ = B.u(G);
function W(C) {
const [p,i] = V.useState("tooltip.waitForNextGame")
, [m,w] = V.useState([0, 0])
, {isBettingEnabledByGamePhase: t, hasEnoughFunds: B,
placeFavoriteBet: I, hideMenu: Y, playSound: U} = C
, L = V.useCallback(( (C, p, q) => {
null == q || q()
), [])
, a = V.useCallback(( (C, p, i, q, V,
m="tooltip.waitForNextGame") => {
if (t && B) {
if (i && 0 !== i.size && !p)
else if (p) {
const {pageX: i, pageY: q} = V.changedTouches[0];
L(p.key, [i, q], C)
} else {
const p = t && !B ? "tooltip.balanceTooLow" : m
, {pageX: i, pageY: q} = V.changedTouches[0];
L(p, [i, q], C)
), [B, Y, t, I, U, L]);
return q.jsx($, {
handlePlace: a,
tooltip: p,
eventPosition: m,
tooltipPositionVertical: T.Ne.Top
var k = i(43129)
, A = i(484152)
, F = i(757069);
const K = {
editOverlay: "editOverlay--206e6",
inputWrapper: "inputWrapper--33396",
input: "input--a2e94",
buttonWrapper: "buttonWrapper--40624",
button: "button--280c1",
icon: "icon--574af"
function E(C) {
const {bet: p, onSave: i, onDelete: m} = C
, w = F.Z(p)
, t = V.useRef(null);
V.useEffect(( () => {
t.current && p && !== (null == w ? void 0 : &&
(t.current.value =,
), [p, w]);
const B = V.useCallback(( () => {
var C, q;
p && (i(, null !== (q = null === (C = t.current) || void 0
=== C ? void 0 : C.value) && void 0 !== q ? q : ""),
), [p, i])
, T = V.useCallback(( () => {
p && (m(,
), [p, m]);
return p ? q.jsx("div", {
className: K.editOverlay,
children: q.jsx(g, {
onSaveClick: B,
onDeleteClick: T,
ref: t
}) : null
const g = V.forwardRef((function(C, p) {
const {onSaveClick: i, onDeleteClick: V} = C;
return q.jsxs("div", {
className: K.inputWrapper,
children: [q.jsx("input", {
className: K.input,
type: "text",
ref: p
}), q.jsxs("div", {
className: K.buttonWrapper,
children: [q.jsx("button", {
className: K.button,
onClick: i,
children: q.jsx(N, {
fill: "white",
className: K.icon
}), q.jsx("button", {
className: K.button,
onClick: V,
children: q.jsx(J, {
fill: "white",
className: K.icon
function N(C) {
return q.jsx("svg", {
xmlns: "",
viewBox: "0 0 24 24",
children: q.jsx("path", {
d: "m17.47 7-6.53 6.53L7.41 10 6 11.42l4.94 4.94 7.95-
7.94L17.47 7Z"
function J(C) {
return q.jsx("svg", {
xmlns: "",
viewBox: "0 0 24 24",
children: q.jsx("path", {
d: "M18.82 4.04c.5 0 . 1.15H4l.16-
1.15c.07-.49.49-.86.99-.86h3.83V4c0-.55.45-1 1-1h4.01c.55 0 1 .45 1 1v.04h3.83ZM7.9
20.02c-.5 0-.93-.38-.99-.88l.01.01-.96-11.11h12.05l-.86
11.11c-.06.5-.49.87-.99.87H7.9Zm8.11-10.01h-1.02l-.5 7.99h1.02l.5-7.99Zm-3.49
0H11.5V18h1.02v-7.99ZM9.49 18l-.5-7.99H7.97l.5 7.99h1.02Z"
823906: () => {}
226317: (C, p, i) => {
i.d(p, {
F: () => V
const q = {
betnotsupported: "tooltip.betNotSupported",
betlowriskaffected: "tooltip.betRestrictionsApply"
function V(C) {
return q[C]
65756: (C, p, i) => {
var q = i(902490);
i.o(q, "RouletteEnhancerTypes") && i.d(p, {
RouletteEnhancerTypes: function() {
return q.RouletteEnhancerTypes
i.o(q, "createBackgroundMusicPlayer") && i.d(p, {
createBackgroundMusicPlayer: function() {
return q.createBackgroundMusicPlayer
i.o(q, "createClientEnterRfbEditModeLog") && i.d(p, {
createClientEnterRfbEditModeLog: function() {
return q.createClientEnterRfbEditModeLog
i.o(q, "createClientExitRfbEditModeLog") && i.d(p, {
createClientExitRfbEditModeLog: function() {
return q.createClientExitRfbEditModeLog
i.o(q, "createLoggableAction") && i.d(p, {
createLoggableAction: function() {
return q.createLoggableAction
i.o(q, "favoriteBetsContainerReducer") && i.d(p, {
favoriteBetsContainerReducer: function() {
return q.favoriteBetsContainerReducer
i.o(q, "loadFavoriteBets") && i.d(p, {
loadFavoriteBets: function() {
return q.loadFavoriteBets
i.o(q, "logClientOpenStatisticsView") && i.d(p, {
logClientOpenStatisticsView: function() {
return q.logClientOpenStatisticsView
i.o(q, "logClientRfbSaveLastBet") && i.d(p, {
logClientRfbSaveLastBet: function() {
return q.logClientRfbSaveLastBet
i.o(q, "logClientToggleStatistics") && i.d(p, {
logClientToggleStatistics: function() {
return q.logClientToggleStatistics
i.o(q, "selectFavoriteBets") && i.d(p, {
selectFavoriteBets: function() {
return q.selectFavoriteBets
i.o(q, "setCurrentPosition") && i.d(p, {
setCurrentPosition: function() {
return q.setCurrentPosition
i.o(q, "setEditMode") && i.d(p, {
setEditMode: function() {
return q.setEditMode
i.o(q, "setTempCurrentPosition") && i.d(p, {
setTempCurrentPosition: function() {
return q.setTempCurrentPosition
i.o(q, "setUpdating") && i.d(p, {
setUpdating: function() {
return q.setUpdating
902490: () => {}
819440: (C, p, i) => {
i.d(p, {
F: () => T
var q = i(64922)
, V = i(699695)
, m = i(70193)
, w = (i(377810),
, y = i(158963)
, l = i(500704)
, t = i(984868);
const B = {
base: "#BFAA8C",
chain: "#9E4343",
double: "#B32222"
, T = ({style: C, animationState: p, layout: i, item: T}) => {
const {betSpotId: I, chipAmount: Y, multiplier: U, type: L} = T
, a = y.T.getBetType(I)
, v = B[L];
return q.jsxs("div", {
className: V.A(t.A.gravestone, t.A[p], C.height ?
t.A.resizedByHeight : t.A.resizedByWidth, {
[t.A.phoneImmersive]: i === l.FJ.PhoneImmersive
"data-role": "gravestone",
style: C,
children: [Y > 0 && q.jsx("div", {
className: V.A(t.A.gravestoneBorder, {
[]: "base" !== L
style: {
animationDelay: `${m.A(1, 10) / 10}s`
}), q.jsx("svg", {
height: "100%",
viewBox: "0 0 95 160",
fill: "none",
xmlns: "",
children: q.jsxs("g", {
children: [q.jsx("rect", {
x: "18",
y: "29",
width: "58",
height: "107",
fill: "#00000099"
}), q.jsx("path", {
d: "m67.91 16.17 l-20.57 -2.77 l-20.57 2.77 v4.19
l-0.11 0.02 l-13.14 1.29 l2.9 60.58 l-2.58 61.01 l33.51 2.47 l33.49 -2.47 l-2.58 -
61 l2.9 -60.6 l-13.25 -1.3 l0 -4.19 zm8.6 11.77 h0.5 v108.93 h-59.34 v-108.93
h58.84 h0 z",
fill: "double" === L ? "#700909a3" : "#2A2825"
}), q.jsx("path", {
d: "m18.17 136.37 h58.34 v-107.93 h-58.34 v107.93
zm1 -106.93 h56.34 v105.93 h-56.34 v-105.93 zm-1.17 106.93 h58.34 v-33.71 h-58.34
v33.71 zm1 -32.71 h56.34 v31.71 h-56.34 v-31.71 z",
fill: v
}), q.jsx("path", {
d: "m82 19.11 l-0.47 -0.04 l-11 -1.09 v-4.1 l-1.73
-0.23 l-0.44 -0.06 l-20.69 -2.8 l-0.07 0 l-0.27 -0.04 l-0.26 0.04 l-0.07 0 l-20.7
2.8 l-0.43 0.05 l-1.74 0.24 v4.1 l-11 1.09 l-0.47 0.04 l-1.89 0.18 l0.09 1.9 l0.02
0.48 l2.9 60.62 l-2.57 60.98 l-0.02 0.49 l-0.09 1.94 l1.94 0.14 l0.48 0.03 l33.63
2.48 l0.15 0.01 l0.18 -0.01 l33.66 -2.48 l0.49 -0.03 l1.93 -0.14 l-0.08 -1.94 l-
0.02 -0.48 l-2.57 -61.03 l2.9 -60.58 l0.02 -0.47 l0.09 -1.9 l-1.9 -0.19 zm-0.21
2.47 l-2.91 60.66 l2.58 61.12 l0.02 0.48 l-0.48 0.04 l-33.63 2.48 h-0.04 h-0.03 l-
33.63 -2.48 l-0.49 -0.04 l0.02 -0.48 l2.58 -61.08 l-2.9 -60.7 l-0.02 -0.48 l0.47 -
0.04 l12.81 -1.27 v-4.16 l0.43 -0.06 l20.7 -2.79 l0.07 -0.01 l0.06 0.01 l20.7 2.79
l0.43 0.06 v4.16 l12.8 1.26 l0.48 0.05 l-0.02 0.48 z",
fill: `url(`
}), q.jsx("path", {
d: "m70.54 15.63 v0.44 v1.92 l0.75 -0.68 v-1.24 v-
0.44 v-1.75 v-0.66 l-0.75 0.66 v1.75 z",
fill: "#A07E5D"
}), q.jsx("path", {
d: "m47.35 145.73 l-33.5 -2.47 l-0.65 0.58 l0.48
0.04 l33.63 2.48 l0.03 0 l0.04 0 l33.63 -2.48 l0.48 -0.04 l-0.65 -0.58 l-33.49 2.47
zm-34.68 -126.62 l0.48 -0.04 l11 -1.08 l-0.75 -0.68 l-10.33 1.01 l-0.47 0.05 l-1.89
0.18 l-0.71 0.07 l0.78 0.68 l1.89 -0.19 zm13.21 -5.46 l0.43 -0.06 l20.7 -2.79 l0.07
-0.01 l0.26 -0.04 l0.27 0.04 l0.07 0.01 l20.69 2.79 l0.44 0.06 l1.73 0.23 l0.75 -
0.66 l-0.65 -0.08 l-1.73 -0.24 l-0.44 -0.06 l-20.69 -2.79 l-0.07 0 l-0.27 -0.04 l-
0.1 -0.01 l-0.1 0.01 l-0.26 0.04 l-0.07 0 l-20.7 2.79 l-0.43 0.06 l-1.73 0.24 l-
0.65 0.08 l0.75 0.66 l1.73 -0.23 zm55.66 5.42 l0.47 0.04 l1.9 0.19 l0.78 -0.68 l-
0.71 -0.07 l-1.89 -0.18 l-0.48 -0.05 l-10.32 -1.01 l-0.75 0.68 l11 1.08 z",
fill: "#D7CAB9"
}), q.jsx("path", {
d: "m83.91 19.3 l-0.09 1.9 l-0.03 0.47 l-2.9 60.58
l2.58 61.02 l0.02 0.49 l0.08 1.93 l0.78 0.7 l-0.02 -0.4 l-0.01 -0.33 l-0.08 -1.93
l-0.02 -0.49 l-2.58 -60.99 l2.9 -60.54 l0.03 -0.48 l0.09 -1.9 l0.03 -0.71 l-0.78
0.68 z",
fill: "#87745C"
}), q.jsx("path", {
d: "m24.15 16.07 v-0.44 v-1.75 l-0.75 -0.66 v0.66
v1.75 v0.44 v1.24 l0.75 0.68 v-1.92 z",
fill: "#7A5E49"
}), q.jsx("path", {
d: "m18.17 28.44 l-0.5 -0.5 v0.5 v107.93 v0.5 l0.5
-0.5 v-107.93 zm0 107.93 l-0.5 0.5 h0.5 h58.34 h0.5 l-0.5 -0.5 h-58.34 zm58.34 -
107.93 v107.93 l0.5 0.5 v-0.5 v-107.93 v-0.5 l-0.5 0.5 zm0 0 l0.5 -0.5 h-0.5 h-
58.34 h-0.5 l0.5 0.5 h58.34 zm-60.09 53.82 l-2.9 -60.59 l-0.65 -0.57 l0.02 0.48
l2.91 60.71 l-2.59 61.07 l-0.02 0.48 l0.65 -0.58 l2.58 -61 zm10.24 -61.88 l0.11 -
0.02 l-0.62 -0.56 l-12.81 1.26 l-0.47 0.04 l0.65 0.57 l13.14 -1.29 zm55.16 0.72 l-
0.65 0.57 l-2.91 60.6 l2.58 60.99 l0.65 0.58 l-0.02 -0.48 l-2.58 -61.12 l2.91 -
60.66 l0.02 -0.48 zm-13.91 -0.74 l0.63 -0.56 v-3.74 v-0.43 l-0.63 0.54 v4.19
zm13.26 1.31 l0.65 -0.57 l-0.48 -0.04 l-12.8 -1.26 l-0.63 0.56 l13.26 1.31 zm-54.4
-5.5 l-0.63 -0.54 v0.43 v3.74 l0.63 0.56 v-4.19 zm20.57 -2.77 l20.58 2.77 l0.62 -
0.54 l-0.43 -0.06 l-20.7 -2.79 l-0.07 -0.01 l-0.06 0.01 l-20.7 2.79 l-0.43 0.06
l0.62 0.54 l20.57 -2.77 zm34.3 132.44 l-0.49 0.03 l-33.66 2.48 l-0.18 0.01 l-0.15 -
0.01 l-33.63 -2.48 l-0.48 -0.03 l-1.93 -0.15 l-0.78 0.7 l0.72 0.05 l1.93 0.15 l0.49
0.03 l33.62 2.48 l0.15 0.01 l0.05 0 l0.04 0 l0.18 -0.01 l33.69 -2.48 l0.48 -0.03
l1.94 -0.15 l0.72 -0.05 l-0.78 -0.7 l-1.93 0.15 zm-70.44 -2.08 l0.02 -0.49 l2.58 -
60.98 l-2.91 -60.62 l-0.02 -0.47 l-0.09 -1.9 l-0.78 -0.68 l0.03 0.71 l0.09 1.9
l0.02 0.48 l2.9 60.58 l-2.57 60.95 l-0.02 0.49 l-0.08 1.93 l-0.03 0.73 l0.78 -0.7
l0.08 -1.93 z",
fill: "#7E6E56"
}), q.jsx("g", {
children: q.jsx("text", {
dominantBaseline: "central",
textAnchor: "middle",
x: "50%",
y: "67",
className: V.A(t.A.luckyNumberText, t.A[a]),
children: I
}), q.jsx("g", {
filter: "url(",
children: q.jsx("text", {
fill: `url(`,
className: t.A.luckyMultiplierText,
dominantBaseline: "central",
textAnchor: "middle",
x: "50%",
y: "118",
children: `${U}x`
}), Y > 0 && q.jsx("div", {
className: t.A.luckyChip,
children: q.jsx(w.w, {
value: Y
367823: (C, p, i) => {
i.d(p, {
jD: () => Y,
uL: () => a,
xD: () => U
var q = i(64922)
, V = i(699695)
, m = i(95772)
, w = i(377810)
, y = i(288667)
, l = i(819440)
, t = i(4678)
, B = i(560365)
, T = i(499701)
, I = i(499293);
const Y = 600
, U = 100
, L = 95 / 160
, a = w.memo(( ({verticalAlign: C="center", stickToBottom: p=!1,
items: i, orientation: Y, onVisibilityChange: a, showDelay: v=0, layout: f,
splitPoint: s, useFixedSizeByAmountOfStones: c, useStaggeredHideAnimation: O=!0})
=> {
const S = w.useRef(null)
, j = y.d()
, [o,x] = w.useState()
, [Z,H] = w.useState(i)
, [b,X] = w.useReducer(t.l, i.length > 0 ? T.b.Shown :
, z = 0 === s ? 1 : Math.ceil(Z.length / s);
let M, P;
if (w.useLayoutEffect(( () => {
S.current && x(S.current.getBoundingClientRect())
), [Y]),
w.useEffect(( () => {
i.length > 0 && a(!0)
), []),
w.useEffect(( () => {
const C = i.length > 0 && 0 === Z.length
, p = b === T.b.Hiding;
if (C || p)
return j(( () => {
), v)
), [i, v, Z]),
w.useEffect(( () => {
if (0 === i.length && Z.length > 0) {
const C = O ? (Z.length + 1) * U : U;
return j(( () => {
), C)
), [i, Z]),
M = `${m.A(100 / c, 2)}%`;
else if (o) {
const {width: C, height: p} = o
, i = z > 1 || Z.length < 6 ? 5 : 6;
p / z * L > C / i ? M = `${100 / i}%` : P = "100%"
const R = w.useMemo(( () => {
const C = [];
if (0 === Z.length)
return C;
for (let p = 0; p < z; p++)
const p = Z.length;
b === T.b.Showing && p > 0 && j(( () => {
), (p + 1) * U);
const i = {
width: M,
height: P
return Z.forEach(( (V, m) => {
const w = s > 0 && m >= s ? 1 : 0
, y = function(C, p, i, q=!0) {
let V = NaN;
switch (C) {
case T.b.Showing:
V = p * U;
case T.b.Hiding:
V = q ? 0 : (i - p) * U
return Number.isNaN(V) ? void 0 : `${V}ms`
}(b, m, p, O)
, t = q.jsx(l.F, {
style: {
animationDelay: y
animationState: b,
item: V,
layout: f
}, `gravestone_${V.betSpotId}${m}`);
), [b, P, M, f, Z, s]);
return q.jsxs("div", {
ref: S,
className: V.A(I.A.graveyard, {
[I.A.adjustedByWidth]: void 0 !== M
children: [q.jsx(B.a, {
className: I.A.defSvg
}), (i, m) => q.jsx("div", {
"data-role": "graveyard-row",
className: V.A(I.A.graveyardRow, I.A[C], {
[I.A.stickToBottom]: p,
[I.A.graveyardSingleRow]: 1 === z
children: i
}, `graveyard_row_${2 + m}`)))]
560365: (C, p, i) => {
i.d(p, {
a: () => V
var q = i(64922);
const V = ({className: C}) => q.jsx("svg", {
xmlns: "",
className: C,
children: q.jsxs("defs", {
children: [q.jsxs("filter", {
id: "multiplier_filter",
x: "15.04",
y: "106.45",
width: "75.40",
height: "38.92",
filterUnits: "userSpaceOnUse",
colorInterpolationFilters: "sRGB",
children: [q.jsx("feFlood", {
floodOpacity: "0",
result: "BackgroundImageFix"
}), q.jsx("feColorMatrix", {
in: "SourceAlpha",
type: "matrix",
values: "0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 127 0",
result: "hardAlpha"
}), q.jsx("feOffset", {
dy: "2"
}), q.jsx("feGaussianBlur", {
stdDeviation: "2"
}), q.jsx("feComposite", {
in2: "hardAlpha",
operator: "out"
}), q.jsx("feColorMatrix", {
type: "matrix",
values: "0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.8 0"
}), q.jsx("feBlend", {
mode: "normal",
in2: "BackgroundImageFix",
result: "effect1_dropShadow_624_10106"
}), q.jsx("feBlend", {
mode: "normal",
in: "SourceGraphic",
in2: "effect1_dropShadow_624_10106",
result: "shape"
}), q.jsxs("linearGradient", {
id: "gravestone_border_gradient_double",
x1: "37.3485",
y1: "0.756836",
x2: "37.3485",
y2: "138.366",
children: [q.jsx("stop", {
stopColor: "#DF3333"
}), q.jsx("stop", {
offset: "0.286556",
stopColor: "#991818"
}), q.jsx("stop", {
offset: "0.530809",
stopColor: "#F37373"
}), q.jsx("stop", {
offset: "0.859606",
stopColor: "#C13434"
}), q.jsx("stop", {
offset: "1",
stopColor: "#FE4444"
}), q.jsxs("linearGradient", {
id: "gravestone_border_gradient_chain",
x1: "37.3485",
y1: "0.756836",
x2: "37.3485",
y2: "138.366",
children: [q.jsx("stop", {
stopColor: "#E17171"
}), q.jsx("stop", {
offset: "0.286556",
stopColor: "#943C3C"
}), q.jsx("stop", {
offset: "0.530809",
stopColor: "#E8ACAC"
}), q.jsx("stop", {
offset: "0.859606",
stopColor: "#943C3C"
}), q.jsx("stop", {
offset: "1",
stopColor: "#E17171"
}), q.jsxs("linearGradient", {
id: "gravestone_border_gradient_base",
x1: "37.34",
y1: "0.75",
x2: "37.34",
y2: "138.36",
gradientUnits: "userSpaceOnUse",
children: [q.jsx("stop", {
stopColor: "#E8D0AC"
}), q.jsx("stop", {
offset: "0.28",
stopColor: "#AC9980"
}), q.jsx("stop", {
offset: "0.53",
stopColor: "#D7CAB9"
}), q.jsx("stop", {
offset: "0.85",
stopColor: "#AC9980"
}), q.jsx("stop", {
offset: "1",
stopColor: "#D7CAB9"
}), q.jsxs("linearGradient", {
id: "multiplier_text_filter_base",
x1: "47.5",
y1: "107.26",
x2: "47.5",
y2: "128.91",
gradientUnits: "userSpaceOnUse",
children: [q.jsx("stop", {
stopColor: "#FFFFFF"
}), q.jsx("stop", {
offset: "1",
stopColor: "#E5D696"
}), q.jsxs("linearGradient", {
id: "multiplier_text_filter_double",
x1: "48.9758",
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y2: "128.915",
gradientUnits: "userSpaceOnUse",
children: [q.jsx("stop", {
stopColor: "#FFFFFF"
}), q.jsx("stop", {
offset: "1",
stopColor: "#FF2301"
4678: (C, p, i) => {
i.d(p, {
l: () => V
var q = i(499701);
const V = (C, p) => {
switch (p) {
case q.b.Hidden:
return C === q.b.Hiding ? p : C;
case q.b.Hiding:
return C === q.b.Shown ? p : C;
case q.b.Showing:
return [q.b.Hidden, q.b.Hiding].includes(C) ? p : C;
case q.b.Shown:
return C === q.b.Showing ? p : C
499701: (C, p, i) => {
var q;
i.d(p, {
b: () => q
function(C) {
C["Shown"] = "shown",
C["Hidden"] = "hidden",
C["Showing"] = "showing",
C["Hiding"] = "hiding"
}(q || (q = {}))
111574: (C, p, i) => {
i.d(p, {
AdvancedStatistics: () => q.AdvancedStatistics,
DeleteButton: () => V.DeleteButton,
DesktopSpecialBetsTab: () => V.DesktopSpecialBetsTab,
DesktopStraightUpBetsTab: () => V.DesktopStraightUpBetsTab,
EditButton: () => V.EditButton,
EditOverlay: () => V.EditOverlay,
EmptyStatistics: () => q.EmptyStatistics,
FavoriteBetsDrawer: () => V.FavoriteBetsDrawer,
FavoriteBetsDrawerTab: () => V.FavoriteBetsDrawerTab,
FavoriteBetsEditHeader: () => V.FavoriteBetsEditHeader,
FavoriteBetsMobile: () => V.FavoriteBetsMobile,
HotColdNumbers: () => q.HotColdNumbers,
HotColdNumbersType: () => q.HotColdNumbersType,
MobileFavoriteBetsTab: () => V.MobileFavoriteBetsTab,
MobileSpecialBetsTab: () => V.MobileSpecialBetsTab,
MobileStraightUpBetsTab: () => V.MobileStraightUpBetsTab,
SaveButton: () => V.SaveButton,
Slider: () => q.Slider,
StatisticsWheel: () => q.StatisticsWheel,
WheelTheme: () => q.WheelTheme,
calculateSliderParams: () => q.calculateSliderParams,
createBackgroundMusicPlayer: () => m.createBackgroundMusicPlayer,
cutEmptyTailStartIndex: () => V.cutEmptyTailStartIndex,
maximumFavoriteBetsCount: () => V.maximumFavoriteBetsCount,
minimumFavoriteBetsCount: () => V.minimumFavoriteBetsCount
var q = i(380840);
i.o(q, "DeleteButton") && i.d(p, {
DeleteButton: function() {
return q.DeleteButton
i.o(q, "DesktopSpecialBetsTab") && i.d(p, {
DesktopSpecialBetsTab: function() {
return q.DesktopSpecialBetsTab
i.o(q, "DesktopStraightUpBetsTab") && i.d(p, {
DesktopStraightUpBetsTab: function() {
return q.DesktopStraightUpBetsTab
i.o(q, "EditButton") && i.d(p, {
EditButton: function() {
return q.EditButton
i.o(q, "EditOverlay") && i.d(p, {
EditOverlay: function() {
return q.EditOverlay
i.o(q, "FavoriteBetsDrawer") && i.d(p, {
FavoriteBetsDrawer: function() {
return q.FavoriteBetsDrawer
i.o(q, "FavoriteBetsDrawerTab") && i.d(p, {
FavoriteBetsDrawerTab: function() {
return q.FavoriteBetsDrawerTab
i.o(q, "FavoriteBetsEditHeader") && i.d(p, {
FavoriteBetsEditHeader: function() {
return q.FavoriteBetsEditHeader
i.o(q, "FavoriteBetsMobile") && i.d(p, {
FavoriteBetsMobile: function() {
return q.FavoriteBetsMobile
i.o(q, "MobileFavoriteBetsTab") && i.d(p, {
MobileFavoriteBetsTab: function() {
return q.MobileFavoriteBetsTab
i.o(q, "MobileSpecialBetsTab") && i.d(p, {
MobileSpecialBetsTab: function() {
return q.MobileSpecialBetsTab
i.o(q, "MobileStraightUpBetsTab") && i.d(p, {
MobileStraightUpBetsTab: function() {
return q.MobileStraightUpBetsTab
i.o(q, "RouletteEnhancerTypes") && i.d(p, {
RouletteEnhancerTypes: function() {
return q.RouletteEnhancerTypes
i.o(q, "SaveButton") && i.d(p, {
SaveButton: function() {
return q.SaveButton
i.o(q, "createBackgroundMusicPlayer") && i.d(p, {
createBackgroundMusicPlayer: function() {
return q.createBackgroundMusicPlayer
i.o(q, "createClientEnterRfbEditModeLog") && i.d(p, {
createClientEnterRfbEditModeLog: function() {
return q.createClientEnterRfbEditModeLog
i.o(q, "createClientExitRfbEditModeLog") && i.d(p, {
createClientExitRfbEditModeLog: function() {
return q.createClientExitRfbEditModeLog
i.o(q, "createLoggableAction") && i.d(p, {
createLoggableAction: function() {
return q.createLoggableAction
i.o(q, "cutEmptyTailStartIndex") && i.d(p, {
cutEmptyTailStartIndex: function() {
return q.cutEmptyTailStartIndex
i.o(q, "favoriteBetsContainerReducer") && i.d(p, {
favoriteBetsContainerReducer: function() {
return q.favoriteBetsContainerReducer
i.o(q, "loadFavoriteBets") && i.d(p, {
loadFavoriteBets: function() {
return q.loadFavoriteBets
i.o(q, "logClientOpenStatisticsView") && i.d(p, {
logClientOpenStatisticsView: function() {
return q.logClientOpenStatisticsView
i.o(q, "logClientRfbSaveLastBet") && i.d(p, {
logClientRfbSaveLastBet: function() {
return q.logClientRfbSaveLastBet
i.o(q, "logClientToggleStatistics") && i.d(p, {
logClientToggleStatistics: function() {
return q.logClientToggleStatistics
i.o(q, "maximumFavoriteBetsCount") && i.d(p, {
maximumFavoriteBetsCount: function() {
return q.maximumFavoriteBetsCount
i.o(q, "minimumFavoriteBetsCount") && i.d(p, {
minimumFavoriteBetsCount: function() {
return q.minimumFavoriteBetsCount
i.o(q, "selectFavoriteBets") && i.d(p, {
selectFavoriteBets: function() {
return q.selectFavoriteBets
i.o(q, "setCurrentPosition") && i.d(p, {
setCurrentPosition: function() {
return q.setCurrentPosition
i.o(q, "setEditMode") && i.d(p, {
setEditMode: function() {
return q.setEditMode
i.o(q, "setTempCurrentPosition") && i.d(p, {
setTempCurrentPosition: function() {
return q.setTempCurrentPosition
i.o(q, "setUpdating") && i.d(p, {
setUpdating: function() {
return q.setUpdating
var V = i(951351);
i.o(V, "RouletteEnhancerTypes") && i.d(p, {
RouletteEnhancerTypes: function() {
return V.RouletteEnhancerTypes
i.o(V, "createBackgroundMusicPlayer") && i.d(p, {
createBackgroundMusicPlayer: function() {
return V.createBackgroundMusicPlayer
i.o(V, "createClientEnterRfbEditModeLog") && i.d(p, {
createClientEnterRfbEditModeLog: function() {
return V.createClientEnterRfbEditModeLog
i.o(V, "createClientExitRfbEditModeLog") && i.d(p, {
createClientExitRfbEditModeLog: function() {
return V.createClientExitRfbEditModeLog
i.o(V, "createLoggableAction") && i.d(p, {
createLoggableAction: function() {
return V.createLoggableAction
i.o(V, "favoriteBetsContainerReducer") && i.d(p, {
favoriteBetsContainerReducer: function() {
return V.favoriteBetsContainerReducer
i.o(V, "loadFavoriteBets") && i.d(p, {
loadFavoriteBets: function() {
return V.loadFavoriteBets
i.o(V, "logClientOpenStatisticsView") && i.d(p, {
logClientOpenStatisticsView: function() {
return V.logClientOpenStatisticsView
i.o(V, "logClientRfbSaveLastBet") && i.d(p, {
logClientRfbSaveLastBet: function() {
return V.logClientRfbSaveLastBet
i.o(V, "logClientToggleStatistics") && i.d(p, {
logClientToggleStatistics: function() {
return V.logClientToggleStatistics
i.o(V, "selectFavoriteBets") && i.d(p, {
selectFavoriteBets: function() {
return V.selectFavoriteBets
i.o(V, "setCurrentPosition") && i.d(p, {
setCurrentPosition: function() {
return V.setCurrentPosition
i.o(V, "setEditMode") && i.d(p, {
setEditMode: function() {
return V.setEditMode
i.o(V, "setTempCurrentPosition") && i.d(p, {
setTempCurrentPosition: function() {
return V.setTempCurrentPosition
i.o(V, "setUpdating") && i.d(p, {
setUpdating: function() {
return V.setUpdating
var m = i(20490);
i.o(m, "RouletteEnhancerTypes") && i.d(p, {
RouletteEnhancerTypes: function() {
return m.RouletteEnhancerTypes
i.o(m, "createClientEnterRfbEditModeLog") && i.d(p, {
createClientEnterRfbEditModeLog: function() {
return m.createClientEnterRfbEditModeLog
i.o(m, "createClientExitRfbEditModeLog") && i.d(p, {
createClientExitRfbEditModeLog: function() {
return m.createClientExitRfbEditModeLog
i.o(m, "createLoggableAction") && i.d(p, {
createLoggableAction: function() {
return m.createLoggableAction
i.o(m, "favoriteBetsContainerReducer") && i.d(p, {
favoriteBetsContainerReducer: function() {
return m.favoriteBetsContainerReducer
i.o(m, "loadFavoriteBets") && i.d(p, {
loadFavoriteBets: function() {
return m.loadFavoriteBets
i.o(m, "logClientOpenStatisticsView") && i.d(p, {
logClientOpenStatisticsView: function() {
return m.logClientOpenStatisticsView
i.o(m, "logClientRfbSaveLastBet") && i.d(p, {
logClientRfbSaveLastBet: function() {
return m.logClientRfbSaveLastBet
i.o(m, "logClientToggleStatistics") && i.d(p, {
logClientToggleStatistics: function() {
return m.logClientToggleStatistics
i.o(m, "selectFavoriteBets") && i.d(p, {
selectFavoriteBets: function() {
return m.selectFavoriteBets
i.o(m, "setCurrentPosition") && i.d(p, {
setCurrentPosition: function() {
return m.setCurrentPosition
i.o(m, "setEditMode") && i.d(p, {
setEditMode: function() {
return m.setEditMode
i.o(m, "setTempCurrentPosition") && i.d(p, {
setTempCurrentPosition: function() {
return m.setTempCurrentPosition
i.o(m, "setUpdating") && i.d(p, {
setUpdating: function() {
return m.setUpdating
55581: (C, p, i) => {
var q, V, m, w;
i.d(p, {
HZ: () => V,
I_: () => w,
O7: () => q,
dp: () => m
function(C) {
C["RngDesktop"] = "rngDesktopTheme",
C["RngMobile"] = "rngMobileTheme",
C["Mobile"] = "mobile-theme",
C["MobileStatistics"] = "mobileStatisticsTheme"
}(q || (q = {})),
function(C) {
C["RecentNumbers"] = "recent-number",
C["Statistics"] = "statistics"
}(V || (V = {})),
function(C) {
C["Base"] = "0",
C["Chain"] = "1",
C["DoubleStrike"] = "2",
C["Gold"] = "3",
C["Platinum"] = "4",
C["RedDoorBonusSpot"] = "5",
C["CustomRoulette"] = "6"
}(m || (m = {})),
function(C) {
C["Vertical"] = "vertical",
C["Horizontal"] = "horizontal"
}(w || (w = {}))
168064: (C, p, i) => {
i.d(p, {
Ol: () => s,
iz: () => f
var q = i(64922)
, V = i(377810)
, m = i(282427)
, w = i(13799)
, y = i(185214)
, l = i(843717)
, t = i(764522)
, B = i(710928)
, T = i(484152)
, I = i(304642)
, Y = i(678985)
, U = i(932153);
const L = "hovered-recent-number"
, a = C => ({
gameDimensions: w.Ay(C),
playSound: T.Ak,
isTablet: w.uD(C).IS_TABLET,
drawerEnabled: !0
, v = {
addAbsTooltip: y.$y,
removeAllAbsTooltips: y.u0
function f(C) {
return m.Ng(a, v)((p = C,
(i = class extends V.Component {
constructor(C) {
this.containerEl = null,
this.containerBoundingRect = null,
this.removeTooltip = () => {
const {removeAllAbsTooltips: C} = this.props;
this.showTooltip = C => {
const {tooltipPosition: p, addAbsTooltip: i} =
verticalPosition: p
this.setContainerRef = C => {
this.containerEl = C,
this.containerEl && (this.containerBoundingRect =
this.onNumberLeave = C => () => {
if (C === U.GY)
const {numbersEnabled: p, onLeaveInteraction: i} =
p && this.tooltipSupport.clearTooltipWithDelay(),
i && i(C)
this.onNumberHover = C => p => {
if (C === U.GY)
const {numbersEnabled: i, isTablet: q,
onHoverInteraction: V, showTooltip: m} = this.props;
m && i &&
this.showHoveredNumberTooltip(p.currentTarget, C),
q || this.setHoveredNumbers(C),
V && V(C)
this.removeHoveredNumbers = () => {
this.removeHoveredNumbersFrameId &&
this.removeHoveredNumbersFrameId =
requestAnimationFrame(( () => {
role^='number-']").forEach((C => {
this.removeHoveredNumbersFrameId = void 0
this.onNumberClick = C => p => {
if (C === U.GY)
const {playSound: i, onClickInteraction: q,
numbersEnabled: V, tooltipTranslationId: m} = this.props
, w = m || "tooltip.waitForNextGame";
V || (i(l.Wo.ClickingFail),
this.tooltipPosition(p.currentTarget), C)),
q && q(C, p)
this.tooltipSupport = new
componentDidUpdate(C) {
const {gameDimensions: p} = this.props;
C.gameDimensions !== p && this.containerEl &&
(this.containerBoundingRect = this.containerEl.getBoundingClientRect())
shouldComponentUpdate(C) {
const {numbersEnabled: p, isMultiplierHidden: i, items: q}
= this.props;
return p !== C.numbersEnabled || C.items !== q ||
C.isMultiplierHidden !== i
componentWillUnmount() {
this.setHoveredNumbersFrameId &&
this.removeHoveredNumbersFrameId &&
render() {
const {extraContainerClasses: C=[], ...i} = this.props
, V = [...C, {
[Y.y2.Clickable]: !!i.numbersEnabled
return q.jsx(p, {
containerRef: this.setContainerRef,
extraContainerClasses: V,
onNumberClick: this.onNumberClick,
onNumberEnter: this.onNumberHover,
onNumberLeave: this.onNumberLeave
tooltipBoundingRectangle(C) {
const {getTooltipBoundingRectangle: p} = this.props;
return p ? p(C) : this.containerBoundingRect
showHoveredNumberTooltip(C, p) {
this.tooltipPosition(C), !0)
tooltipPosition(C) {
const p = this.tooltipBoundingRectangle(C);
if (!p)
return {
left: 0,
top: 0
const {gameDimensions: {left: i, top: q}} = this.props;
return {
left: Math.round(p.left + p.width / 2 - i),
top: Math.round( + 8 - q)
setHoveredNumbers(C) {
this.setHoveredNumbersFrameId &&
this.setHoveredNumbersFrameId = requestAnimationFrame(( ()
=> {
{C}']`).forEach((C => {
this.setHoveredNumbersFrameId = void 0
).defaultProps = {
showTooltip: !0,
tooltipPosition: B.Ne.Top
i.displayName = `Interactive(${p.displayName ||})`,
var p, i
const s = f(Y.FQ)
678985: (C, p, i) => {
i.d(p, {
FQ: () => O,
y2: () => s
"function" == typeof SuppressedError && SuppressedError;
var q = i(64922)
, V = i(699695)
, m = i(377810)
, w = i(55581)
, y = i(837557)
, l = i(158963)
, t = i(932153);
const B = {
"number-container": "number-container--8752e",
desktop: "desktop--377f7",
statistics: "statistics--b39ce",
vertical: "vertical--c8c79",
doubleBall: "doubleBall--89b20",
drawerEnabled: "drawerEnabled--0fa85",
"recent-number": "recent-number--7cf3a",
rngDesktopTheme: "rngDesktopTheme--4959f",
multiplier: "multiplier--93fcd",
tablet: "tablet--782dd",
rngMobileTheme: "rngMobileTheme--b8481",
"mobile-theme": "mobile-theme--231d0",
mobileStatisticsTheme: "mobileStatisticsTheme--b3aee",
inHelp: "inHelp--30b8c",
"single-line": "single-line--6ba22"
function T(C) {
if (C.multiplier && C.variation !== w.dp.CustomRoulette)
switch (C.variation) {
case w.dp.Chain:
case w.dp.DoubleStrike:
return "multipliedRed";
case w.dp.Platinum:
return "multipliedPlatinum";
case w.dp.Gold:
return "multipliedGolden";
case w.dp.RedDoorBonusSpot:
return "multipliedRedDoorBonusSpot";
return "multiplied"
if ("-1" === C.number)
return "canceled";
switch (l.T.getBetType(C.number)) {
case l.M.Zero:
return "green";
case l.M.Failed:
return "canceled";
case l.M.Black:
return "black";
case l.M.Red:
return "red";
return "no-value"
const I = ({entry: C, ...p}) => q.jsx(t.hN, {
value: C.number,
color: T(C),
multiplier: C.multiplier,
, Y = ({entries: C, ...p}) => q.jsx(q.Fragment, {
children: (C, i) => {
let V;
return p.vertical && !p.first && (V = i % 2 == 0 ?
q.jsx(I, {
entry: C,
position: V,
doubleBall: !0,
}, `${i.toString() + C.number}`)
, U = ({entry: C, ...p}) => q.jsx(t.hN, {
value: C.number,
color: T(C),
gold: !0,
multiplier: C.multiplier,
function L(C) {
return 1 === C.length && C[0].multiplier
class a extends m.PureComponent {
render() {
const {doubleBall: C, theme: p, type: i, dataRole: m, first: l,
entriesCount: t, dbrStackMode: T, vertical: I, useInHelp: Y, isDesktop: U,
drawerEnabled: a} = this.props
, v = C && l ? "statisticsBranding_firstDoubleBall" : ""
, {result: f} = this.props
, s = V.A(B["number-container"], v, p && B[p], B[i], {
[B.vertical]: I,
[B.desktop]: U,
[B.doubleBall]: C,
[B["single-line"]]: T === w.I_.Horizontal,
[B.multiplier]: L(f),
[B.tablet]: !y.DS.IS_PHONE && y.DS.IS_TABLET,
[B.inHelp]: Y,
[B.drawerEnabled]: a && y.DS.IS_TABLET
, c = {};
if (!Y && C && (y.DS.IS_PHONE || y.DS.IS_TABLET) && t) {
const C = I ? "minHeight" : "minWidth";
if (c[C] = `${100 / t}%`,
!I && T === w.I_.Vertical) {
const p = "0.15em";
c[C] = `calc((100% - ${t - 1} * ${p} * 2) / ${t})`
return q.jsx("div", {
className: s,
"data-role": m,
style: c,
children: this.getNumber()
getNumber() {
const {result: C, dataRole: p, type: i, doubleBall: V,
children: m, ...w} = this.props;
return C.length > 1 ? (C => C[0].number === C[1].number)(C) ?
q.jsx(U, {
entry: C[0],
}) : q.jsx(Y, {
entries: C,
}) : q.jsx(I, {
entry: C[0],
type: i,
const v = {
numbers: "numbers--ca008",
statistics: "statistics--c4d2d",
pointer: "pointer--d89fe",
vertical: "vertical--bc952",
"double-ball": "double-ball--db67a",
"with-background": "with-background--5b87d",
rngDesktopTheme: "rngDesktopTheme--3fdc7",
"recent-number": "recent-number--d9e03",
rngMobileTheme: "rngMobileTheme--3b9f8",
"mobile-theme": "mobile-theme--e9e56",
mobileStatisticsTheme: "mobileStatisticsTheme--d33de",
desktop: "desktop--80ae3",
numberPlaceholder: "numberPlaceholder--658c0"
var f;
const s = {
Vertical: v.vertical,
WithBackground: v["with-background"],
DoubleBall: v["double-ball"],
Clickable: v.pointer
function c(C, p, i) {
if (p <= 0)
return "";
let q = C;
for (; --p; )
q += (i || "") + C;
return q
const O = (S = f = class extends m.Component {
constructor() {
this.brandingStyles = this.generateBrandingStyles(),
this.ref = C => {
const {containerRef: p} = this.props;
p && p(C)
this.getEntryCount = ({maxLength: C, isDoubleBallGame: p,
dbrStackMode: i, vertical: q}) => p && (i === w.I_.Horizontal && !q || i ===
w.I_.Vertical && q) ? Math.floor(C / 2) : C
render() {
const {skip: C, type: p, animate: i, theme: V, vertical: m,
isDoubleBallGame: w, dbrStackMode: y, onNumberClick: l, onNumberEnter: t,
onNumberLeave: B, statisticsBranding: T, items: I, useInHelp: Y, isDesktop: U,
drawerEnabled: L, isMultiplierHidden: v, customColor: f} = this.props
, s = this.getEntryCount(this.props)
, O = I.slice(C, s)
, S = function(C) {
const p = {};
return C.reduce(( (C, i) => {
const q = 1 === i.length ? i[0].number : `$
return p[q] ? p[q] += 1 : p[q] = 1,
C.concat([c(q, p[q], "#")])
), [])
, j = this.getPlaceholders(s, O.length);
return Y && (this.brandingStyles =
q.jsxs(q.Fragment, {
children: [this.brandingStyles, q.jsxs("div", {
className: this.containerClasses(),
ref: this.ref,
children: [ (I, c) => {
const O = c + C === 0;
return q.jsx(a, {
result: I,
dataRole: p,
first: O,
animate: i && O,
theme: V,
type: p,
statisticsBranding: T,
vertical: m,
doubleBall: w,
onNumberClick: l,
onNumberEnter: t,
onNumberLeave: B,
dbrStackMode: y,
entriesCount: s,
useInHelp: Y,
isDesktop: U,
drawerEnabled: L,
isMultiplierHidden: v,
customColor: f
}, S[c])
)), j]
getPlaceholders(C, p) {
const {type: i, isDoubleBallGame: m, isPhone: y, isTablet: l,
vertical: t, dbrStackMode: B, statisticsBranding: T=!1, isDesktop: I} = this.props
, Y = C - p;
if (i !== w.HZ.RecentNumbers || Y <= 0)
const U = {};
if (m && (y || l)) {
const p = t ? "minHeight" : "minWidth";
if (U[p] = `${100 / C}%`,
!t && B === w.I_.Vertical) {
const i = "0.15em";
U[p] = `calc((100% - ${C - 1} * ${i} * 2) / ${C})`
return new Array(Y).fill(!0).map(( (C, i) => q.jsx("div", {
className: V.A(v.numberPlaceholder, T &&
"statisticsBranding_placeholder", {
[v.desktop]: I
style: U,
children: "•"
}, i + p)))
containerClasses() {
const {type: C, theme: p, extraContainerClasses: i, isDesktop:
q} = this.props;
return V.A(v.numbers, v[C], p && v[p], {
[v.desktop]: q
}, ...i)
generateBrandingStyles() {
const {statisticsBranding: C} = this.props;
if (!C)
return this.brandingStyles = null,
let p = "";
["red", "green", "black"].forEach((i => {
const q = null == C ? void 0 : C.labels[`${i}_color`]
, V = null == C ? void 0 : C.labels[`$
, m = null == C ? void 0 : C.labels[`$
q && (p += `.statisticsBranding_${i} { color: ${q}; }`),
(V || m) && (V && (p += `.statisticsBranding_${i}.hovered-
recent-number,.statisticsBranding_${i}.statisticsBranding_first { color: ${V}; }`),
m) && (p += `.statisticsBranding_${i}.hovered-recent-
number::before,.statisticsBranding_${i}.statisticsBranding_first::before { $
{`background:${m};`} }`)
const i = C.placeholder_color;
i && (p += `.statisticsBranding_placeholder { color: ${i}; }`);
const V = C.labels.frame_color;
return V && (p += `.statisticsBranding_firstDoubleBall
{ border-color: ${V}; }`,
p += `.statisticsBranding_first::before { border-color: $
{V}; }`,
p += `.statisticsBranding_placeholder:first-child { border-
color: ${V}; }`),
this.brandingStyles = q.jsx("style", {
dangerouslySetInnerHTML: {
__html: p
"symbol" == typeof (j = "Numbers") && (j = j.description ?
"[".concat(j.description, "]") : ""),
Object.defineProperty(S, "name", {
configurable: !0,
value: o ? "".concat(o, " ", j) : j
f.displayName = "Numbers",
f.defaultProps = {
type: w.HZ.Statistics,
extraContainerClasses: [],
items: [[]],
maxLength: 500,
skip: 0,
animate: !1,
dbrStackMode: w.I_.Vertical,
isTablet: !1,
isPhone: !1
var S, j, o
932153: (C, p, i) => {
i.d(p, {
GY: () => U,
hN: () => a,
SU: () => L
var q = i(64922)
, V = i(699695)
, m = i(377810)
, w = i(837557);
const y = "customColorBackground--ecb69"
, l = "borderGradient--fa28c"
, t = "isBlinking--15566"
, B = "innerGradient--d5ef2";
function T(C) {
const {color: p, isBlinking: i, children: m} = C
, w = {
"--customColor": p
return q.jsxs("div", {
className: y,
style: w,
children: [q.jsx("div", {
className: V.A(l, {
[t]: i
children: q.jsx("div", {
className: B
}), m]
var I = i(55581);
const Y = {
red: "red--e421d",
animate: "animate--a8b50",
first: "first--1cb2f",
gold: "gold--76a7f",
desktop: "desktop--78f96",
serif: "serif--262e8",
value: "value--dd5c7",
doubleBall: "doubleBall--b1528",
inHelp: "inHelp--d71ce",
black: "black--6d68f",
green: "green--3a325",
canceled: "canceled--336c3",
multiplied: "multiplied--dba13",
mobile: "mobile--4d9e5",
isMultiplierHidden: "isMultiplierHidden--80fed",
multipliedRed: "multipliedRed--97da8",
multipliedPlatinum: "multipliedPlatinum--c7253",
multipliedGolden: "multipliedGolden--979b2",
multipliedRedDoorBonusSpot: "multipliedRedDoorBonusSpot--72111",
multiplier: "multiplier--50ee5",
statistics: "statistics--88ea8",
isHidden: "isHidden--f9bd0",
hasCustomColor: "hasCustomColor--09010",
mobileStatisticsTheme: "mobileStatisticsTheme--3bf45",
tablet: "tablet--26b53",
phone: "phone--5b459",
vertical: "vertical--d0456",
rngDesktopTheme: "rngDesktopTheme--93210",
multiplierAppearanceKeyframes: "multiplierAppearanceKeyframes--
rngMobileTheme: "rngMobileTheme--737cd",
redDoorMultiplierStyle: "redDoorMultiplierStyle--a75aa",
rdrSvgMultiplier: "rdrSvgMultiplier--6977e",
"single-number": "single-number--4bb7d",
blinkingKeyframes: "blinkingKeyframes--a8039",
"align-top": "align-top--d0b1c",
"align-middle": "align-middle--4c85a",
"align-bottom": "align-bottom--7368b",
"mobile-theme": "mobile-theme--54ef7",
customColorWrapper: "customColorWrapper--07675",
behind: "behind--f568b"
, U = "X";
var L;
(function(C) {
C["TOP"] = "align-top",
C["MIDDLE"] = "align-middle",
C["BOTTOM"] = "align-bottom"
)(L || (L = {}));
const a = m.memo(( ({value: C, color: p, gold: i, multiplier: m, first:
y=!1, animate: l=!1, theme: t, vertical: B, type: a, position: f=L.MIDDLE,
useInHelp: s, doubleBall: c, onNumberEnter: O, onNumberLeave: S, onNumberClick: j,
onNumberTouchEnd: o, statisticsBranding: x, isDesktop: Z, isMultiplierHidden: H,
customColor: b}) => {
const X = "-1" !== C
, z = l && y
, M = V.A(Y["single-number"], "no-value" !== p && Y[p], t ===
I.O7.Mobile && Y["mobile-theme"], t === I.O7.MobileStatistics &&
Y.mobileStatisticsTheme, t === I.O7.RngMobile && Y.rngMobileTheme, t ===
I.O7.RngDesktop && Y.rngDesktopTheme, y && x && "statisticsBranding_first", f &&
Y[f], {
[]: i,
[Y.first]: y,
[`statisticsBranding_${p}`]: x && "no-value" !== p,
[Y.doubleBall]: c,
[Y.desktop]: Z,
[Y.vertical]: B,
[Y.animate]: z,
[]: w.DS.IS_PHONE,
[]: !Z,
[Y.tablet]: !w.DS.IS_PHONE && w.DS.IS_TABLET,
[Y.serif]: "serif" === (null == x ? void 0 :,
[Y.inHelp]: s,
[Y.isMultiplierHidden]: H
return q.jsxs("div", {
"data-role": `number-${C}`,
className: M,
onMouseEnter: X && O ? O(C) : void 0,
onMouseLeave: X && S ? S(C) : void 0,
onClick: X && j ? j(C) : void 0,
onTouchEnd: X && o ? o(C) : void 0,
children: [q.jsx("span", {
className: Y.value,
children: X ? C : U
}), b && m && q.jsx("div", {
className: V.A(Y.customColorWrapper, {
[Y.isHidden]: H
children: q.jsx(T, {
color: b,
isBlinking: z,
children: q.jsx("span", {
className: Y.value,
children: X ? C : U
}), m && q.jsxs("span", {
className: V.A(Y.multiplier, {
[Y.statistics]: a === I.HZ.Statistics,
"multipliedRedDoorBonusSpot" === p,
[]: !Z,
[Y.hasCustomColor]: !!b,
[Y.isHidden]: H
children: [a === I.HZ.Statistics && b && q.jsx("div", {
className: V.A(Y.customColorWrapper, Y.behind),
children: q.jsx(T, {
color: b
}), "multipliedRedDoorBonusSpot" === p ? q.jsx(v, {
type: a,
multiplier: m,
value: C,
useReducedShadow: P
}) : `${m}x`]
}, `number-${C}`)
, v = m.memo(( ({type: C, multiplier: p, value: i, useReducedShadow:
m}) => {
const w = C === I.HZ.Statistics
, y = w ? {
viewBox: "0 0 300 200",
height: 20,
width: 30
} : {
viewBox: "0 0 300 150",
height: 15,
width: 40
, l = `gradient${null != p ? p : 0}${null != i ? i : 0}`
, t = `shadow${null != p ? p : 0}${null != i ? i : 0}`
, B = m ? 5 : 10;
return q.jsxs("svg", {
xmlns: "",
style: {
alignSelf: w ? "flex-start" : "center",
transform: "translate3d(0,0,0)",
paintOrder: "stroke",
width: w ? "150%" : ""
children: [q.jsxs("defs", {
children: [q.jsxs("linearGradient", {
id: l,
x1: "0",
y1: "0",
x2: "0",
y2: "100%",
children: [q.jsx("stop", {
offset: "30%",
stopColor: "#E5A222"
}), q.jsx("stop", {
offset: "50%",
stopColor: "#F6DDB0"
}), q.jsx("stop", {
offset: "70%",
stopColor: "#E5A222"
}), q.jsx("filter", {
id: t,
children: q.jsx("feDropShadow", {
dx: B,
dy: B,
stdDeviation: "0",
floodOpacity: "1",
floodColor: "#411d08"
}), q.jsxs("text", {
fill: `url(`,
filter: `url(`,
x: w ? "-30" : "50%",
y: w ? "50%" : "0",
className: V.A(Y.rdrSvgMultiplier, w && Y.statistics),
children: [p, "x"]
a.displayName = "RecentNumber"
288530: (C, p, i) => {
i.d(p, {
I: () => y
var q = i(678985)
, V = i(64922)
, m = i(377810)
, w = i(55581);
const y = function(C) {
const p = m.memo(( ({extraContainerClasses: p=[], vertical: i,
withBackground: m, isDoubleBallGame: y, ...l}) => {
const t = [...p, {
[q.y2.Vertical]: !!i,
[q.y2.WithBackground]: !!m,
[q.y2.DoubleBall]: !!y
return V.jsx(C, {
vertical: i,
withBackground: m,
isDoubleBallGame: y,
extraContainerClasses: t,
type: w.HZ.RecentNumbers
return p.displayName = `Recent(${C.displayName ||})`,
y.displayName = "RecentNumbers"
896441: (C, p, i) => {
i.d(p, {
H: () => y
var q = i(64922)
, V = i(699695)
, m = i(346160);
const w = {
emptyStatistics: "emptyStatistics--00533"
function y(C) {
const {className: p, showEmptyRecentResultsText: i} = C
, y = V.A(w.emptyStatistics, p);
return q.jsx("div", {
className: y,
children: m.Tl(i ? "statisticsInstant.empty" :
943385: (C, p, i) => {
i.d(p, {
a: () => n
var q = i(64922)
, V = i(699695)
, m = i(377810)
, w = i(346160)
, y = i(486717)
, l = i(165280)
, t = i(408855);
const B = {
value: "value--f5b49"
function T({value: C}) {
const p = Math.round(100 * C);
return q.jsxs("div", {
className: B.value,
"data-role": "percent-value",
"data-role-value": p,
children: [p, q.jsx("small", {
children: "%"
const I = "percentBar--c0b22"
, Y = "part--ddd5c"
, U = "label--4f33a"
, L = "hoverable--faeca"
, a = "small--83597"
, v = "triple--9544c"
, f = "big--2230a";
class s extends m.PureComponent {
constructor() {
this.state = {
version: 0
this.savedLeft = "",
this.savedRight = "",
this.onMouseEnter = () => {
const {betSpotId: C, mouseHandlers: p} = this.props;
this.onMouseLeave = () => {
const {betSpotId: C, mouseHandlers: p} = this.props;
this.onClick = C => {
const {betSpotId: p, mouseHandlers: i} = this.props;
i.onClick(p, C)
this.transitionEndHandler = () => {
const {style: C} = this.props;
this.savedLeft === C.left && this.savedRight === C.right &&
(this.setState((C => ({
version: C.version + 1
this.savedLeft = void 0,
this.savedRight = void 0)
render() {
const {betSpotId: C, style: p, value: i, label: m, hoverable:
w, elementRef: y} = this.props
, {version: l} = this.state;
return q.jsxs("li", {
className: Y,
style: p,
onTransitionEnd: this.transitionEndHandler,
children: [q.jsx(T, {
value: i
}), q.jsx("div", {
"data-role": `bet-${C}`,
className: V.A(U, {
[L]: w,
[f]: "big" === C,
[a]: "small" === C,
[v]: "triple" === C
onMouseEnter: this.onMouseEnter,
onMouseLeave: this.onMouseLeave,
onClick: this.onClick,
ref: y,
children: q.jsx(t.r, {
content: m,
biggerLabelPadding: !0
}, `${C}_${l}`)
componentDidUpdate(C) {
const {style: p} = this.props; === p.left && === p.right ||
(this.savedLeft = p.left,
this.savedRight = p.right)
const c = m.memo(( ({items: C, minItemPercentWidth: p, hoverable:
i, ...V}) => {
const m = C.reduce(( (C, p) => C + p.value), 0)
, w = Math.min(void 0 !== p ? p : 0, 100 / C.length)
, y = 100 - w * C.length;
let t = 0;
const B = l.R6({
hoverable: i
return q.jsx("ul", {
className: I,
"data-role": "percent-bar",
children: ({label: C, value: p, betSpotId: V, ref: l},
T, I) => {
const Y = w + (m > 0 ? p / m * y : y / I.length)
, U = {
left: `${t}%`,
right: `${100 - Y - t}%`
return t += Y,
q.jsx(s, {
style: U,
betSpotId: V,
value: p,
label: C,
elementRef: l,
mouseHandlers: B,
hoverable: !!i
}, V)
c.displayName = "PercentBar";
var O = i(523219);
function S(C) {
const {fillColor: p, className: i} = C;
return q.jsx("svg", {
viewBox: "0 0 99 44",
xmlns: "",
className: i,
children: q.jsx("path", {
stroke: "#828181",
strokeWidth: "2",
d: "m1.12801,22.02819l48.33871,-
fill: p
const j = "lowRisk--85485"
, o = "item--3a4a2"
, x = "label--4170d"
, Z = "hoverable--f8f75"
, H = "diamond--b3d14"
, b = new Set(["red", "black", "red_red", "black_black"]);
class X extends m.Component {
render() {
const {standardStatistics: C, refCallbackMap: p, ...i} =
, m = [{
betSpotId: "from1to18",
label: w.Tl("advancedStats.low"),
value: C.from1to18
}, {
betSpotId: "even",
label: w.Tl("advancedStats.even"),
value: C.even
}, {
betSpotId: O.W0.isDoubleBallGame() ? "red_red" : "red",
label: "RED",
}, {
betSpotId: O.W0.isDoubleBallGame() ? "black_black" :
label: "BLACK",
}, {
betSpotId: "odd",
label: w.Tl("advancedStats.odd"),
value: C.odd
}, {
betSpotId: "from19to36",
label: w.Tl("advancedStats.high"),
value: C.from19to36
, y = l.R6(i)
, t = => {
let m = q.jsx("p", {
children: C.label
return b.has(C.betSpotId) && (m = function(C, p) {
let i = "";
switch (C) {
case "red":
case "red_red":
i = p.advanced.red_diamond_color;
i = p.advanced.black_diamond_color
return q.jsx(S, {
className: H,
fillColor: i
}(C.betSpotId, i.statisticsBranding)),
q.jsxs("li", {
className: o,
children: [q.jsx(T, {
value: C.value
}), q.jsx("div", {
"data-role": `bet-${C.betSpotId}`,
className: V.A(x, {
[Z]: i.hoverable
style: {
height: `${100 * C.value}%`
onMouseEnter: y.onMouseEnter.bind(this,
onMouseLeave: y.onMouseLeave.bind(this,
onClick: p => y.onClick(C.betSpotId, p),
"data-stats-id": C.betSpotId,
ref: p ? p[C.betSpotId] : void 0,
children: m
}, C.betSpotId)
return q.jsx("ul", {
className: j,
"data-role": "low-risk",
children: t
var z = i(98847);
function M(C, p) {
const i = p.reduce(( (C, p) => C + p), C);
if (0 === i && 0 === C)
return 0;
const q = 1 - i;
return Math.round(1e5 * (C + q)) / 1e5
const P = {
zero: "zero--9304f",
label: "label--46d1c",
hoverable: "hoverable--8a44a"
function R(C) {
const p = l.R6(C)
, {statisticsBranding: i, value: m, refCallback: w, label: y,
hoverable: t} = C;
return q.jsxs("div", {
children: [q.jsx("div", {
children: q.jsx(T, {
value: m
}), q.jsx("div", {
"data-role": "bet-zero",
className: V.A(P.label, {
[P.hoverable]: t
onMouseEnter: p.onMouseEnter.bind(0, y),
onMouseLeave: p.onMouseLeave.bind(0, y),
onClick: p.onClick.bind(0, y),
ref: w,
style: {
backgroundColor: i.advanced.green_color
children: q.jsx("span", {
children: y
const Q = {
advancedStatistics: "advancedStatistics--865f5",
lowRisk: "lowRisk--b5933",
percentBar: "percentBar--2b62c",
withZero: "withZero--c5019",
zero: "zero--8d19f"
, n = ({categorizedResults: C, cn: p, type: i, ...m}) => {
const l = function(C) {
const p = p => Object.keys(p).reduce(( (i, q) => z.A({}, i, {
[q]: C.totalResults > 0 ? Math.round(100 * p[q] /
C.totalResults) / 100 : 0
})), {})
, i = {
standard: p(C.standard),
special: p(C.special),
totalResults: C.totalResults
return z.A(i.standard, {
red: M(, [, i.standard[0],
z.A(i.standard, {
even: M(i.standard.even, [i.standard.odd, i.standard[0],
z.A(i.standard, {
from1to18: M(i.standard.from1to18, [i.standard.from19to36,
i.standard[0], i.standard["00"]])
z.A(i.standard, {
bottom2to1: M(i.standard.bottom2to1,
[i.standard.middle2to1, i.standard.top2to1, i.standard[0], i.standard["00"]])
z.A(i.standard, {
"1st12": M(i.standard["1st12"], [i.standard["2nd12"],
i.standard["3rd12"], i.standard[0], i.standard["00"]])
i.special.voisins_du_zero -= i.special.jeu_zero,
z.A(i.special, {
jeu_zero: M(i.special.jeu_zero,
[i.special.tiers_du_cylindre, i.special.orphelins_a_cheval,
, t = m.refCallbackMap || {}
, B = p || Q
, T = h("0", B, l, t, m)
, I = i === y.F7.DZR ? h("00", B, l, t, m) : null;
let Y;
return i !== y.F7.DZR && (Y = function(C, p, i, V) {
return q.jsx("div", {
className: C.percentBar,
children: q.jsx(c, {
items: [{
label: "TIER",
value: p.special.tiers_du_cylindre,
betSpotId: "tiers_du_cylindre",
ref: i.tiers_du_cylindre
}, {
label: "ORPHELINS",
value: p.special.orphelins_a_cheval,
betSpotId: "orphelins_a_cheval",
ref: i.orphelins_a_cheval
}, {
label: "VOISINS",
value: p.special.voisins_du_zero,
betSpotId: "voisins_du_zero",
ref: i.voisins_du_zero
}, {
label: "ZERO",
value: p.special.jeu_zero,
betSpotId: "jeu_zero",
ref: i.jeu_zero
minItemPercentWidth: 17,
}(B, l, t, m)),
q.jsxs("div", {
className: B.advancedStatistics,
"data-role": "advanced-statistics",
ref: m.refCallback,
children: [q.jsxs("div", {
className: V.A(B.percentBar, B.withZero),
children: [T, I, q.jsx(c, {
items: [{
label: w.Tl("advancedStats.dozen1"),
value: l.standard["1st12"],
betSpotId: "1st12",
ref: t["1st12"]
}, {
label: w.Tl("advancedStats.dozen2"),
value: l.standard["2nd12"],
betSpotId: "2nd12",
ref: t["2nd12"]
}, {
label: w.Tl("advancedStats.dozen3"),
value: l.standard["3rd12"],
betSpotId: "3rd12",
ref: t["3rd12"]
minItemPercentWidth: 17,
}), q.jsx("div", {
className: B.percentBar,
children: q.jsx(c, {
items: [{
label: w.Tl("advancedStats.column1"),
value: l.standard.bottom2to1,
betSpotId: "bottom2to1",
ref: t.bottom2to1
}, {
label: w.Tl("advancedStats.column2"),
value: l.standard.middle2to1,
betSpotId: "middle2to1",
ref: t.middle2to1
}, {
label: w.Tl("advancedStats.column3"),
value: l.standard.top2to1,
betSpotId: "top2to1",
ref: t.top2to1
minItemPercentWidth: 17,
}), Y, q.jsx("div", {
className: B.lowRisk,
children: q.jsx(X, {
standardStatistics: l.standard,
function h(C, p, i, V, m) {
return q.jsx("div", {
children: q.jsx(R, {
value: i.standard[C],
label: C,
refCallback: V[C]
777244: (C, p, i) => {
i.d(p, {
a: () => q.a
var q = i(943385)
281224: (C, p, i) => {
i.d(p, {
q: () => L,
w: () => T
var q = i(64922)
, V = i(699695)
, m = i(266600)
, w = i(377810)
, y = i(165280)
, l = i(158963)
, t = i(932153);
const B = {
"hot-cold": "hot-cold--9994e",
hoverable: "hoverable--579af",
icon: "icon--09fb0",
hot: "hot--ad414",
cold: "cold--b2eba",
green: "green--2b027",
red: "red--a4011",
black: "black--9855e",
horizontal: "horizontal--ad2a9",
light: "light--5ef63",
dark: "dark--07840",
smallStatistics: "smallStatistics--bde3e",
serif: "serif--eb8a0"
var T;
function I(C) {
switch (C.type) {
case l.M.Zero:
case l.M.Black:
case l.M.Red:
case l.M.Failed:
return ""
(function(C) {
C["Hot"] = "hot",
C["Cold"] = "cold"
)(T || (T = {}));
const Y = {
[l.M.Red]: "red_color",
[l.M.Black]: "black_color",
[l.M.Zero]: "green_color"
function U(C=[], p) {
return => {
const i = function(C) {
return {
num: C,
type: l.T.getBetType(C)
, V = function(C) {
return "-1" === C ? t.GY : C
, m = {};
if (p && i.type !== l.M.Failed) {
const C = Y[i.type]
, q = p.labels[C];
C && q && Object.assign(m, {
color: q
return q.jsx("li", {
"data-role": `number-${V}`,
className: I(i),
style: m,
children: V
}, i.num)
class L extends w.Component {
shouldComponentUpdate({items: C, hoverable: p, orientation: i}) {
const {items: q, hoverable: V, orientation: w} = this.props;
return !m.A(C, q) || V !== p || w !== i
render() {
const {type: C, statisticsBranding: p, minItemsCount: i,
refCallback: m, theme: w, smallStatistics: l, items: t, hoverable: T, orientation:
I} = this.props
, Y = V.A(B["hot-cold"], w && B[w], {
[B.horizontal]: "horizontal" === I,
[B.hoverable]: !!T,
[B.smallStatistics]: l,
[B.serif]: "serif" === (null == p ? void 0 :
, L = y.R6(this.props)
, a = t;
return q.jsxs("ul", {
className: Y,
onMouseEnter: L.onMouseEnter.bind(this, a),
onMouseLeave: L.onMouseLeave.bind(this, a),
onClick: C => L.onClick(a, C),
"data-role": `${C}-numbers`,
ref: m,
children: [q.jsx("li", {
className: B[C],
children: q.jsx("div", {
className: B.icon
}), U(t, p), (v = t.length,
f = i,
void 0 !== f && f - v > 0 ? Array(f - v).fill("").map(( (C,
p) => q.jsx("li", {
"data-role": `number-placeholder-${p}`,
children: " "
}, `number-placeholder-${p + C}`))) : null)]
var v, f
L.defaultProps = {
minItemsCount: 5
890037: (C, p, i) => {
i.d(p, {
q: () => q.q,
w: () => q.w
var q = i(281224)
380840: (C, p, i) => {
i.d(p, {
AdvancedStatistics: () => y.a,
EmptyStatistics: () => l.H,
HotColdNumbers: () => V.q,
HotColdNumbersType: () => V.w,
SLIDER_STEP: () => w.HC,
Slider: () => w.Ap,
StatisticsWheel: () => q.r,
WheelTheme: () => q.F,
calculateSliderParams: () => w.oX
var q = i(128205)
, V = i(890037)
, m = i(207393);
i.o(m, "AdvancedStatistics") && i.d(p, {
AdvancedStatistics: function() {
return m.AdvancedStatistics
i.o(m, "DeleteButton") && i.d(p, {
DeleteButton: function() {
return m.DeleteButton
i.o(m, "DesktopSpecialBetsTab") && i.d(p, {
DesktopSpecialBetsTab: function() {
return m.DesktopSpecialBetsTab
i.o(m, "DesktopStraightUpBetsTab") && i.d(p, {
DesktopStraightUpBetsTab: function() {
return m.DesktopStraightUpBetsTab
i.o(m, "EditButton") && i.d(p, {
EditButton: function() {
return m.EditButton
i.o(m, "EditOverlay") && i.d(p, {
EditOverlay: function() {
return m.EditOverlay
i.o(m, "EmptyStatistics") && i.d(p, {
EmptyStatistics: function() {
return m.EmptyStatistics
i.o(m, "FavoriteBetsDrawer") && i.d(p, {
FavoriteBetsDrawer: function() {
return m.FavoriteBetsDrawer
i.o(m, "FavoriteBetsDrawerTab") && i.d(p, {
FavoriteBetsDrawerTab: function() {
return m.FavoriteBetsDrawerTab
i.o(m, "FavoriteBetsEditHeader") && i.d(p, {
FavoriteBetsEditHeader: function() {
return m.FavoriteBetsEditHeader
i.o(m, "FavoriteBetsMobile") && i.d(p, {
FavoriteBetsMobile: function() {
return m.FavoriteBetsMobile
i.o(m, "MobileFavoriteBetsTab") && i.d(p, {
MobileFavoriteBetsTab: function() {
return m.MobileFavoriteBetsTab
i.o(m, "MobileSpecialBetsTab") && i.d(p, {
MobileSpecialBetsTab: function() {
return m.MobileSpecialBetsTab
i.o(m, "MobileStraightUpBetsTab") && i.d(p, {
MobileStraightUpBetsTab: function() {
return m.MobileStraightUpBetsTab
i.o(m, "RouletteEnhancerTypes") && i.d(p, {
RouletteEnhancerTypes: function() {
return m.RouletteEnhancerTypes
i.o(m, "SLIDER_MAX_VALUE") && i.d(p, {
SLIDER_MAX_VALUE: function() {
i.o(m, "SLIDER_MIN_VALUE") && i.d(p, {
SLIDER_MIN_VALUE: function() {
i.o(m, "SLIDER_STEP") && i.d(p, {
SLIDER_STEP: function() {
return m.SLIDER_STEP
i.o(m, "SLIDER_THROTTLE_VALUE") && i.d(p, {
i.o(m, "SaveButton") && i.d(p, {
SaveButton: function() {
return m.SaveButton
i.o(m, "Slider") && i.d(p, {
Slider: function() {
return m.Slider
i.o(m, "calculateSliderParams") && i.d(p, {
calculateSliderParams: function() {
return m.calculateSliderParams
i.o(m, "createBackgroundMusicPlayer") && i.d(p, {
createBackgroundMusicPlayer: function() {
return m.createBackgroundMusicPlayer
i.o(m, "createClientEnterRfbEditModeLog") && i.d(p, {
createClientEnterRfbEditModeLog: function() {
return m.createClientEnterRfbEditModeLog
i.o(m, "createClientExitRfbEditModeLog") && i.d(p, {
createClientExitRfbEditModeLog: function() {
return m.createClientExitRfbEditModeLog
i.o(m, "createLoggableAction") && i.d(p, {
createLoggableAction: function() {
return m.createLoggableAction
i.o(m, "cutEmptyTailStartIndex") && i.d(p, {
cutEmptyTailStartIndex: function() {
return m.cutEmptyTailStartIndex
i.o(m, "favoriteBetsContainerReducer") && i.d(p, {
favoriteBetsContainerReducer: function() {
return m.favoriteBetsContainerReducer
i.o(m, "loadFavoriteBets") && i.d(p, {
loadFavoriteBets: function() {
return m.loadFavoriteBets
i.o(m, "logClientOpenStatisticsView") && i.d(p, {
logClientOpenStatisticsView: function() {
return m.logClientOpenStatisticsView
i.o(m, "logClientRfbSaveLastBet") && i.d(p, {
logClientRfbSaveLastBet: function() {
return m.logClientRfbSaveLastBet
i.o(m, "logClientToggleStatistics") && i.d(p, {
logClientToggleStatistics: function() {
return m.logClientToggleStatistics
i.o(m, "maximumFavoriteBetsCount") && i.d(p, {
maximumFavoriteBetsCount: function() {
return m.maximumFavoriteBetsCount
i.o(m, "minimumFavoriteBetsCount") && i.d(p, {
minimumFavoriteBetsCount: function() {
return m.minimumFavoriteBetsCount
i.o(m, "selectFavoriteBets") && i.d(p, {
selectFavoriteBets: function() {
return m.selectFavoriteBets
i.o(m, "setCurrentPosition") && i.d(p, {
setCurrentPosition: function() {
return m.setCurrentPosition
i.o(m, "setEditMode") && i.d(p, {
setEditMode: function() {
return m.setEditMode
i.o(m, "setTempCurrentPosition") && i.d(p, {
setTempCurrentPosition: function() {
return m.setTempCurrentPosition
i.o(m, "setUpdating") && i.d(p, {
setUpdating: function() {
return m.setUpdating
var w = i(64009)
, y = i(777244)
, l = i(896441)
64009: (C, p, i) => {
i.d(p, {
Hw: () => y.Hw,
Zg: () => y.Zg,
HC: () => y.HC,
vE: () => y.vE,
Ap: () => c,
oX: () => y.oX
var q = i(64922)
, V = i(699695)
, m = i(377810)
, w = i(346160)
, y = i(933625);
const l = "slider-wrapper--e6cfb"
, t = "label--71526"
, B = "slider-clickable--3d2ac"
, T = "left-stub--20182"
, I = "right-stub--dc731"
, Y = "track--f0fc5"
, U = "rail--52317"
, L = "slider--445de"
, a = "knob--f4a60"
, v = "enabled--5beee";
var f;
function s(C) {
return C.clientX
(function(C) {
C[C["Default"] = 0] = "Default",
C[C["Gold"] = 1] = "Gold"
)(f || (f = {}));
class c extends m.PureComponent {
constructor(C) {
this.sliderEl = m.createRef(),
this.knobEl = m.createRef(),
this.mouseDownHandler = C => {
const {disabled: p} = this.props;
if (0 !== C.button || p)
const i = === this.knobEl.current;
i && this.setState({
dragging: !0
this.jumpToTheLeft = () => {
const {disabled: C} = this.props;
C || this.handleMouseAction("left")
this.jumpToTheRight = () => {
const {disabled: C} = this.props;
C || this.handleMouseAction("right")
this.onMouseMove = C => {
this.onMouseUp = C => {
const {from: p, to: i, onDragEnd: q} = this.props
, {dragging: V, value: m} = this.state
, w = y.x4({
maxValue: i,
minValue: p,
value: m
null == q || q(m),
offset: w,
dragging: V && !1
this.state = {
dragging: !1,
componentDidUpdate(C) {
const {initialValue: p, to: i, from: q} = this.props;
p === C.initialValue && q === C.from && i === ||
render() {
const {value: C, offset: p} = this.state
, {disabled: i} = this.props
, m = V.A(a, {
[v]: !i
, y = Math.round(100 * p);
return q.jsxs("div", {
className: l,
"data-role": "slider",
children: [q.jsx("div", {
className: t,
children: w.Tl("statistics.lastNRounds", [C])
}), q.jsxs("div", {
className: B,
children: [q.jsx("div", {
className: T,
onClick: this.jumpToTheLeft,
"data-role": "left-stub",
children: q.jsx("div", {
className: Y,
style: {
width: "100%"
}), q.jsxs("div", {
className: L,
onMouseDown: this.mouseDownHandler,
ref: this.sliderEl,
children: [q.jsx("div", {
className: U
}), q.jsx("div", {
className: Y,
style: {
width: `${y}%`
}), q.jsx("div", {
className: m,
style: {
left: `${y}%`
ref: this.knobEl,
"data-role": "knob",
"data-role-value": C,
children: C
}), q.jsx("div", {
className: I,
onClick: this.jumpToTheRight,
"data-role": "right-stub",
children: q.jsx("div", {
className: U,
style: {
width: "100%"
computePosition(C) {
const p = y.x4({
minValue: C.from,
value: C.initialValue
return {
value: C.initialValue,
offset: p
calculateOffset(C) {
const {left: p, right: i} = this.sliderEl.current ?
this.sliderEl.current.getBoundingClientRect() : {
left: y.zc,
right: y.J
return C < p ? y.zc : C > i ? y.J : (C - p) / (i - p)
handleMouseAction(C) {
let p, i;
const {onDrag: q, to: V, from: m} = this.props;
switch (C) {
case "left":
p = y.zc,
i = m;
case "right":
p = y.J,
i = V;
const q = this.calculateValue(C);
p = q.offset,
i = q.value
const {offset: w, value: l} = this.state;
l !== i && q(i),
l === i && w === p || this.setState({
value: i,
offset: p
calculateValue(C) {
const p = this.calculateOffset(C)
, {to: i, from: q} = this.props;
return {
offset: p,
value: y.p9({
minValue: q,
maxValue: i,
position: p
addDocumentEvents(C=!0) {
C ? (document.addEventListener("mousemove", this.onMouseMove),
document.addEventListener("mouseup", this.onMouseUp)) :
this.sliderEl.current && this.sliderEl.current.addEventListener("mouseup",
removeDocumentEvents() {
const {dragging: C} = this.state;
C ? (document.removeEventListener("mousemove",
document.removeEventListener("mouseup", this.onMouseUp)) :
this.sliderEl.current && this.sliderEl.current.removeEventListener("mouseup",
c.defaultProps = {
disabled: !1
933625: (C, p, i) => {
i.d(p, {
HC: () => m,
Hw: () => y,
J: () => V,
Zg: () => w,
oX: () => I,
p9: () => T,
vE: () => l,
x4: () => B,
zc: () => q
const q = 0
, V = 1
, m = 10
, w = 50
, y = 500
, l = 500;
function t({max: C, min: p}) {
return Math.ceil((C - p || 1) / m) * m
function B({value: C, minValue: p, maxValue: i}) {
if (C === i)
return V;
if (C === p)
return q;
const w = t({
min: p,
max: i
, y = i % m;
let l = Math.ceil((C - p) / m) * m / w;
if (y > 0) {
const q = i - y;
C > q && (l = Math.ceil((q - p) / m) * m / w,
l += (1 - l) / y * (C - q))
return l
function T({position: C, minValue: p, maxValue: i}) {
const q = t({
min: p,
max: i
, w = (q - m) / q;
let y = m
, l = p + C * q;
return C > w && C < V && (y = 1,
l = p + w * q,
l += (C - w) / ((V - w) / (i % m))),
Math.min(i, Math.round(l / y) * y)
function I({itemsCount: C, limitStatistics: p}) {
const i = C < w ? C : w;
let q = p;
return q < i ? q = i : q > C && (q = C),
minValue: i,
maxValue: C,
value: q
431392: (C, p, i) => {
i.d(p, {
r7: () => s,
FY: () => f
var q = i(64922)
, V = i(699695)
, m = i(377810)
, w = i(486717)
, y = i(356108)
, l = i(196082);
const t = {
0: {
sectorCenter: [377.39, 384.77],
sectorOuterPoints: [[397.25, 681.87], [348.1, 681.09]],
sectorRadius: 297.763,
angles: [1.504, 1.6693]
1: {
sectorCenter: [376.45, 370.2899],
sectorOuterPoints: [[307.62, 80.58], [356.19, 73.24]],
sectorRadius: 297.7741,
angles: [4.4791, 4.6442]
2: {
sectorCenter: [378.59, 384.7],
sectorOuterPoints: [[447.07, 674.52], [398.45, 681.79]],
sectorRadius: 297.8005,
angles: [1.3387, 1.504]
3: {
sectorCenter: [372.25, 372.47],
sectorOuterPoints: [[140, 186.09], [173.87, 150.43]],
sectorRadius: 297.7877,
angles: [3.8178, 3.9832]
4: {
sectorCenter: [382.75, 382.5099],
sectorOuterPoints: [[614.75, 569.1899], [580.87, 604.8]],
sectorRadius: 297.7808,
angles: [.6775, .8428]
5: {
sectorCenter: [370.25, 376.84],
sectorOuterPoints: [[72.55, 372.29], [77.3, 323.29]],
sectorRadius: 297.7347,
angles: [3.1568, 3.3223]
6: {
sectorCenter: [384.76, 378.21],
sectorOuterPoints: [[682.5, 383.08], [677.65, 432]],
sectorRadius: 297.7798,
angles: [.0163, .1816]
7: {
sectorCenter: [371.34, 381.38],
sectorOuterPoints: [[133.5199, 560.5899], [107.24, 519.05]],
sectorRadius: 297.7827,
angles: [2.4958, 2.661]
8: {
sectorCenter: [383.6699, 373.6],
sectorOuterPoints: [[621.67, 194.68], [647.9, 236.26]],
sectorRadius: 297.7521,
angles: [5.6385, 5.8038]
9: {
sectorCenter: [375, 384.37],
sectorOuterPoints: [[297.37, 671.86], [251.12, 655.16]],
sectorRadius: 297.7866,
angles: [1.8345, 1.9998]
10: {
sectorCenter: [380, 370.63],
sectorOuterPoints: [[458, 83.21], [504.21, 100]],
sectorRadius: 297.8158,
angles: [4.9773, 5.1426]
11: {
sectorCenter: [372, 382.34],
sectorOuterPoints: [[167, 598.23], [134.28, 561.56]],
sectorRadius: 297.7137,
angles: [2.3303, 2.4955]
12: {
sectorCenter: [382.95, 372.64],
sectorOuterPoints: [[588.24, 157], [620.93, 193.69]],
sectorRadius: 297.7324,
angles: [5.4732, 5.6384]
13: {
sectorCenter: [375.21, 370.55],
sectorOuterPoints: [[259.67, 96.1], [306.4, 80.84]],
sectorRadius: 297.7789,
angles: [4.3139, 4.4791]
14: {
sectorCenter: [379.76, 384.42],
sectorOuterPoints: [[495, 659.07], [448.24, 674.25]],
sectorRadius: 297.847,
angles: [1.1735, 1.3387]
15: {
sectorCenter: [371.44, 373.4],
sectorOuterPoints: [[111.75, 227.72], [139.28, 187]],
sectorRadius: 297.7609,
angles: [3.6528, 3.818]
16: {
sectorCenter: [383.56, 381.5599],
sectorOuterPoints: [[643.09, 527.56], [615.51, 568.25]],
sectorRadius: 297.7781,
angles: [.5124, .6777]
17: {
sectorCenter: [370.23, 378],
sectorOuterPoints: [[75.8, 422.44], [72.5, 373.44]],
sectorRadius: 297.7649,
angles: [2.9917, 3.1569]
18: {
sectorCenter: [384.78, 377],
sectorOuterPoints: [[679.27, 332.94], [682.5, 381.94]],
sectorRadius: 297.7677,
angles: [6.1346, 6.2831, 0, .0165]
19: {
sectorCenter: [384.25, 374.67],
sectorOuterPoints: [[648.46, 237.32], [667.46, 282.67]],
sectorRadius: 297.7783,
angles: [5.8037, 5.969]
20: {
sectorCenter: [370.79, 380.33],
sectorOuterPoints: [[106.71, 518], [87.64, 472.66]],
sectorRadius: 297.8108,
angles: [2.661, 2.8263]
21: {
sectorCenter: [384.54, 379.39],
sectorOuterPoints: [[677.42, 433.22], [664.6, 480.69]],
sectorRadius: 297.7857,
angles: [.1817, .347]
22: {
sectorCenter: [370.4699, 375.64],
sectorOuterPoints: [[77.52, 322.1599], [90.27, 274.64]],
sectorRadius: 297.7915,
angles: [3.3221, 3.4875]
23: {
sectorCenter: [381.89, 383.31],
sectorOuterPoints: [[580, 605.61], [540.72, 635.19]],
sectorRadius: 297.7664,
angles: [.8428, 1.0081]
24: {
sectorCenter: [373.13, 371.64],
sectorOuterPoints: [[174.78, 149.64], [214, 120]],
sectorRadius: 297.7024,
angles: [3.9831, 4.1485]
25: {
sectorCenter: [381.07, 371.16],
sectorOuterPoints: [[505.3, 100.5], [548.12, 124.65]],
sectorRadius: 297.8085,
angles: [5.1426, 5.3079]
26: {
sectorCenter: [373.93, 383.84],
sectorOuterPoints: [[250, 654.66], [207.18, 630.55]],
sectorRadius: 297.829,
angles: [1.9999, 2.1651]
27: {
sectorCenter: [378.79, 370.42],
sectorOuterPoints: [[407.73, 74], [456.83, 82.92]],
sectorRadius: 297.8293,
angles: [4.8097, 4.9774]
28: {
sectorCenter: [376.19, 384.68],
sectorOuterPoints: [[346.9, 681], [298.53, 672.17]],
sectorRadius: 297.764,
angles: [1.6693, 1.8346]
29: {
sectorCenter: [382.11, 371.82],
sectorOuterPoints: [[549.11, 125.3399], [587.37, 156.2]],
sectorRadius: 297.727,
angles: [5.3078, 5.4731]
30: {
sectorCenter: [372.94, 383.16],
sectorOuterPoints: [[206.19, 629.88], [167.89, 599.06]],
sectorRadius: 297.7856,
angles: [2.1651, 2.3304]
31: {
sectorCenter: [384.6, 375.81],
sectorOuterPoints: [[667.83, 283.81], [679.07, 331.67]],
sectorRadius: 297.7973,
angles: [5.9691, 6.1343]
32: {
sectorCenter: [370.44, 379.16],
sectorOuterPoints: [[87.31, 471.52], [76, 423.67]],
sectorRadius: 297.8136,
angles: [2.8262, 2.9915]
33: {
sectorCenter: [384.13, 380.52],
sectorOuterPoints: [[664.23, 481.82], [643.72, 526.51]],
sectorRadius: 297.8551,
angles: [.347, .5123]
34: {
sectorCenter: [370.87, 374.45],
sectorOuterPoints: [[90.69, 273.51], [111.14, 228.8]],
sectorRadius: 297.8081,
angles: [3.4873, 3.6526]
35: {
sectorCenter: [380.88, 384],
sectorOuterPoints: [[539.7, 635.84], [496.11, 658.58]],
sectorRadius: 297.7367,
angles: [1.0081, 1.1734]
36: {
sectorCenter: [374.16, 371],
sectorOuterPoints: [[215, 119.36], [258.56, 96.56]],
sectorRadius: 297.7492,
angles: [4.1484, 4.3137]
"00": {
sectorCenter: [377.59, 370.15],
sectorOuterPoints: [[357.39, 73.15], [406.54, 73.87]],
sectorRadius: 297.6861,
angles: [4.6444, 4.8097]
, B = {
0: {
sectorCenter: [385.6, 384],
sectorOuterPoints: [[637.6, 547.2], [606.9, 586.9]],
sectorRadius: 300.2303115942826,
angles: [.5746996189421899, .742049569795842]
1: {
sectorCenter: [378, 370.9],
sectorOuterPoints: [[308.8, 77.6], [358.7, 70.3]],
sectorRadius: 301.352833071136,
angles: [4.480690283470262, 4.648272062720683]
2: {
sectorCenter: [378.3, 387.1],
sectorOuterPoints: [[370.2, 687.5], [320.2, 682.1]],
sectorRadius: 300.5091845518203,
angles: [1.5977538427543994, 1.7652566658002726]
3: {
sectorCenter: [387, 381.6],
sectorOuterPoints: [[678.8, 452.9], [662.7, 500.5]],
sectorRadius: 300.3846367576078,
angles: [.23964968652266536, .4071659011437787]
4: {
sectorCenter: [381, 386.6],
sectorOuterPoints: [[474.2, 672.5], [423.2, 684.3]],
sectorRadius: 300.70758221235457,
angles: [1.2556709778075532, 1.4299810647229696]
5: {
sectorCenter: [373.4, 373.6],
sectorOuterPoints: [[135.4, 188.1], [171.2, 149.5]],
sectorRadius: 301.7519676820683,
angles: [3.8036531160875175, 3.978317969093018]
6: {
sectorCenter: [373.3, 384.8],
sectorOuterPoints: [[178.7, 614.1], [143, 578.5]],
sectorRadius: 300.74515789950806,
angles: [2.274517671979337, 2.4423017985404942]
7: {
sectorCenter: [386.7, 376.2],
sectorOuterPoints: [[658.7, 247.9], [676.4, 296.1]],
sectorRadius: 300.74056926194714,
angles: [5.842440133641944, 6.0134316674376445]
8: {
sectorCenter: [371.2, 377.1],
sectorOuterPoints: [[73.2, 331.4], [84.9, 282.3]],
sectorRadius: 301.483813827542,
angles: [3.2937628374209287, 3.461350969875613]
9: {
sectorCenter: [383.1, 372.2],
sectorOuterPoints: [[513, 100.4], [558.1, 127.2]],
sectorRadius: 301.24616180127504,
angles: [5.158221102515642, 5.332638466367511]
10: {
sectorCenter: [372.5, 374.7],
sectorOuterPoints: [[105.9, 233.3], [134.5, 189.2]],
sectorRadius: 301.7772688590047,
angles: [3.6292498786406777, 3.803653116087517]
11: {
sectorCenter: [371, 379.9],
sectorOuterPoints: [[75.2, 436.6], [69.7, 386.5]],
sectorRadius: 301.1852088001667,
angles: [2.9522062993104288, 3.119691078175126]
12: {
sectorCenter: [387.1, 378.7],
sectorOuterPoints: [[686.2, 349.1], [686.9, 400.4]],
sectorRadius: 300.561091959688,
angles: [6.184542940496419, 6.283185307179586,
0, .07225557893860973]
13: {
sectorCenter: [371.7, 382.5],
sectorOuterPoints: [[111.1, 533.4], [89.5, 487.8]],
sectorRadius: 301.136464082316,
angles: [2.616721253848532, 2.7844540005219125]
14: {
sectorCenter: [380.8, 370.9],
sectorOuterPoints: [[413.9, 71.5], [463.4, 81.3]],
sectorRadius: 301.22411922022445,
angles: [4.822496287767187, 4.990232518275656]
15: {
sectorCenter: [383.3, 385.7],
sectorOuterPoints: [[566.6, 624], [522.4, 652.3]],
sectorRadius: 300.64227912920035,
angles: [.9151209808267358, 1.0898962277301858]
16: {
sectorCenter: [375.4, 371.8],
sectorOuterPoints: [[213.5, 117.3], [258.2, 93.9]],
sectorRadius: 301.63199432420953,
angles: [4.1458123259193975, 4.313287542551114]
17: {
sectorCenter: [375.8, 386.1],
sectorOuterPoints: [[269.2, 667.6], [221.9, 644.8]],
sectorRadius: 301.00798992717785,
angles: [1.932794297471353, 2.107455589546497]
18: {
sectorCenter: [385.3, 373.8],
sectorOuterPoints: [[598.6, 161.6], [631.6, 201]],
sectorRadius: 300.87494079766765,
angles: [5.500372331912557, 5.671397425202285]
19: {
sectorCenter: [382.3, 386.6],
sectorOuterPoints: [[521.2, 652.7], [475.4, 672]],
sectorRadius: 300.1706514634634,
angles: [1.0897164203354255, 1.255471471380909]
20: {
sectorCenter: [379.3, 371.1],
sectorOuterPoints: [[360, 70.2], [412.5, 71.4]],
sectorRadius: 301.5183244845992,
angles: [4.648335813071141, 4.822716591608977]
21: {
sectorCenter: [379.7, 387.1],
sectorOuterPoints: [[421.8, 684.5], [371.7, 687.5]],
sectorRadius: 300.3650612171795,
angles: [1.4301705177981252, 1.5974211921570018]
22: {
sectorCenter: [384.4, 372.7],
sectorOuterPoints: [[559.2, 127.9], [597.5, 160.5]],
sectorRadius: 300.8023936074978,
angles: [5.332483882970999, 5.499903293926911]
23: {
sectorCenter: [371.5, 375.8],
sectorOuterPoints: [[85.3, 280.9], [105.2, 234.5]],
sectorRadius: 301.5235480024736,
angles: [3.461770057737249, 3.6294231122823253]
24: {
sectorCenter: [374.2, 372.5],
sectorOuterPoints: [[172.2, 148.6], [212.3, 118]],
sectorRadius: 301.5546550793073,
angles: [3.9783660901788167, 4.1458123259193975]
25: {
sectorCenter: [376.9, 386.8],
sectorOuterPoints: [[318.8, 681.8], [270.4, 668.1]],
sectorRadius: 300.6669419806573,
angles: [1.7652566658002724, 1.9327188602420635]
26: {
sectorCenter: [386.4, 382.9],
sectorOuterPoints: [[662.1, 501.8], [638.3, 546]],
sectorRadius: 300.24606575274225,
angles: [.40716590114377893, .5746010581957915]
27: {
sectorCenter: [372.7, 383.5],
sectorOuterPoints: [[142.1, 577.4], [111.7, 534.5]],
sectorRadius: 301.28652475675045,
angles: [2.442434704500417, 2.6170989967341196]
28: {
sectorCenter: [387, 377.5],
sectorOuterPoints: [[676.8, 297.3], [686.1, 347.8]],
sectorRadius: 300.6926670206641,
angles: [6.013199755366574, 6.184211857675045]
29: {
sectorCenter: [386.1, 374.9],
sectorOuterPoints: [[632.3, 202], [658.1, 246.5]],
sectorRadius: 300.8468879679495,
angles: [5.670934414091949, 5.842139440686381]
30: {
sectorCenter: [371.3, 378.4],
sectorOuterPoints: [[69.7, 385.1], [73, 332.6]],
sectorRadius: 301.6744105820048,
angles: [3.119381452738318, 3.293939676918061]
31: {
sectorCenter: [382, 371.3],
sectorOuterPoints: [[464.7, 81.7], [511.8, 99.7]],
sectorRadius: 301.176775333026,
angles: [4.990551815528573, 5.158207869444876]
32: {
sectorCenter: [384.5, 384.9],
sectorOuterPoints: [[605.8, 588], [567.7, 623.1]],
sectorRadius: 300.37193610588855,
angles: [.7425403513566298, .9151818595029854]
33: {
sectorCenter: [376.6, 371.2],
sectorOuterPoints: [[259.3, 93.4], [307.4, 77.9]],
sectorRadius: 301.5495481674612,
angles: [4.3128531193717325, 4.4806902834702615]
34: {
sectorCenter: [374.3, 385.7],
sectorOuterPoints: [[220.7, 644.2], [179.7, 615]],
sectorRadius: 300.6912203573627,
angles: [2.1069382052923533, 2.274517671979337]
35: {
sectorCenter: [387.2, 380.3],
sectorOuterPoints: [[686.8, 401.9], [679, 451.6]],
sectorRadius: 300.37762899390486,
angles: [.07197160131003591, .23964968652266547]
36: {
sectorCenter: [371.3, 381.2],
sectorOuterPoints: [[89, 486.5], [75.4, 438]],
sectorRadius: 301.29948556212304,
angles: [2.7845700295517894, 2.951942821796745]
function T(C, p) {
return p === w.F7.DZR || "00" === C ? t[C] : B[C]
const I = {
cx: 378.6,
cy: 378.6,
r: 24.5
, Y = {
cx: 377.5,
cy: 377.5,
r: 24.5
, U = "wheel--5c753"
, L = "pointer--f705a"
, a = "overflow--300fc"
, v = {
dark: {
hotColor: {
selected: "rgba(255, 56, 0, .5)",
regular: "rgba(255, 56, 0, .3)"
coldColor: {
selected: "rgba(0, 153, 255, .5)",
regular: "rgba(0, 153, 255, .3)"
defaultColor: {
selected: "rgba(255, 255, 255, .3)",
regular: "rgba(255, 255, 255, .1)"
light: {
hotColor: {
selected: "rgba(222, 30, 38, 0.5)",
regular: "rgb(222, 30, 38)"
coldColor: {
selected: "rgba(6, 137, 192, 0.5)",
regular: "rgb(6, 137, 192)"
defaultColor: {
selected: "rgba(255, 255, 255, .2)",
regular: "rgba(255, 255, 255, .4)"
old: {
hotColor: {
selected: "rgba(255, 26, 0, .2)",
regular: "rgba(255, 26, 0, .4)"
coldColor: {
selected: "rgba(0, 26, 255, .2)",
regular: "rgba(0, 26, 255, .4)"
defaultColor: {
selected: "rgba(255, 255, 255, .2)",
regular: "rgba(255, 255, 255, .4)"
var f;
(function(C) {
C["Desktop"] = "dark",
C["Mobile"] = "light"
)(f || (f = {}));
class s extends m.Component {
constructor(C) {
this.state = {
hovering: !1
this.timesTotal = 0,
this.wheelCanvas = null,
this.wheelContext = null,
this.statisticsWheelEl = null,
this.wheelState = {},
this.intervalId = void 0,
this.ANIMATION_DURATION = l.A(1e3, 10),
this.maxValue = 0,
this.latestScrollY = 0,
this.canvasRect = void 0,
this.selectedSector = "-1",
this.boundingRectInitialized = !1,
this.backgroundImage = this.props.type !== w.F7.DZR ?
y.XT(this.props.theme) : y.wV(this.props.theme),
this.numbersImage = this.props.type !== w.F7.DZR ?
y.rc(this.props.statisticsBranding, this.props.theme) :
y.wX(this.props.statisticsBranding, this.props.theme),
this.onScroll = () => {
this.latestScrollY = window.scrollY
this.onResize = () => {
this.boundingRectInitialized = !1
this.setStatisticsWheelEl = C => {
const {setStatisticsWheelInstance: p, statisticsWheelRef:
i} = this.props;
null == i || i(C),
null == p || p(this),
this.statisticsWheelEl = C
this.setWheelCanvasEl = C => {
this.wheelContext = C ? C.getContext("2d") : null,
this.wheelCanvas = C
this.wheelClick = C => {
const p = this.globalToCanvas(this.pointerCoordinates(C))
, i = {
x: p.x / p.scale,
y: p.y / p.scale
, q = this.getHitSector([i.x, i.y]);
if ("-1" !== q.sectorKey) {
const {onSectorClick: p} = this.props;
p && p(C, q.sectorKey)
this.wheelTouchStartMove = C => {
const p = this.pointerCoordinates(C)
, i = this.globalToCanvas(p)
, q = {
x: i.x / i.scale,
y: i.y / i.scale
, V = this.getHitSector([q.x, q.y]);
const {hotCold: m, histogram: w, onTooltipUpdate: y, theme:
l, handleHover: t} = this.props;
"-1" !== V.sectorKey && this.selectedSector !== V.sectorKey
&& (this.selectedSector = V.sectorKey,
t && Object.keys(this.wheelState).length > 0 &&
this.renderFrame(this.ANIMATION_DURATION, w, m, l)),
y && y({
x: p.x,
y: p.y,
sectorKey: V.sectorKey,
times: "-1" !== V.sectorKey ? w[V.sectorKey] : 0,
timesTotal: this.timesTotal,
boundingRect: this.canvasRect
this.selectedSector = V.sectorKey,
this.wheelTouchEnd = () => {
this.selectedSector = "-1";
const {hotCold: C, histogram: p, onTooltipUpdate: i, theme:
q} = this.props;
Object.keys(this.wheelState).length > 0 &&
this.renderFrame(this.ANIMATION_DURATION, p, C, q),
i && i({
x: 0,
y: 0,
sectorKey: "-1",
times: 0,
timesTotal: 0,
boundingRect: this.canvasRect
this.getSectorRadiusPercentage = (C, p) => (C + 1) /
(Math.max(p, 1) + 1),
this.initWheelState = (C, p, i, q=!0) => {
const V = Object.keys(C);
Object.values(C).forEach(( (C, m) => {
const w = V[m]
, {type: y} = this.props;
this.wheelState[w] = {
fill: this.getFillColor(p, w, i),
radius: q ? 0 : this.getSectorRadiusPercentage(C,
this.maxValue) * T(w, y).sectorRadius
updateDimensions() {
const {updateDimensions: C} = this.props;
if (!C || !this.statisticsWheelEl || !this.wheelCanvas)
this.canvasRect = this.wheelCanvas.getBoundingClientRect();
const {height: p, width: i} =
p > i ? ( = "auto", = "100%") :
( = "100%", = "auto")
componentDidMount() {
const {hotCold: C, histogram: p, theme: i, onSectorClick: q} =
, V = window.setTimeout(( () => {
this.statisticsWheelEl && this.wheelCanvas &&
(window.addEventListener("scroll", this.onScroll),
window.addEventListener("resize", this.onResize),
q && this.wheelCanvas.addEventListener("click",
this.animate(p, C, i)
componentWillUnmount() {
window.removeEventListener("scroll", this.onScroll),
window.removeEventListener("resize", this.onResize)
componentDidUpdate(C, p) {
const {type: i, orientation: q, histogram: V, hotCold: m,
cancelledGameCount: l, theme: t, statisticsBranding: B, handleHover: T} =
, {hovering: I} = this.state;
"-1" !== this.selectedSector && T !== C.handleHover && !1 === T
&& (this.selectedSector = "-1",
this.renderFrame(this.ANIMATION_DURATION, C.histogram,
C.hotCold, C.theme || t)),
q !== C.orientation && this.updateDimensions(),
t === C.theme && B === C.statisticsBranding ||
(this.numbersImage = i !== w.F7.DZR ? y.rc(B, t) : y.wX(B, t)),
C.histogram === V && C.hotCold.hotItems === m.hotItems &&
C.hotCold.coldItems === m.coldItems && C.cancelledGameCount === l && C.orientation
=== q || this.animate(V, m, t),
I !== p.hovering && Object.keys(this.wheelState).length > 0 &&
this.renderFrame(this.ANIMATION_DURATION, V, m, t)
shouldComponentUpdate(C, p) {
const {hotCold: i, histogram: q, orientation: V,
cancelledGameCount: m, handleHover: w} = this.props
, {hovering: y} = this.state;
return (C.histogram !== q || C.hotCold.hotItems !== i.hotItems
|| C.hotCold.coldItems !== i.coldItems || C.cancelledGameCount !== m ||
C.handleHover !== w || C.orientation !== V || p.hovering !== y) &&
render() {
const {type: C, handleHover: p} = this.props
, i = C === w.F7.DZR ? 756 : 757
, {hovering: m} = this.state;
return q.jsx("div", {
ref: this.setStatisticsWheelEl,
className: V.A(U, {
[L]: !(!p || !m)
"data-role": "statistics-wheel",
children: q.jsx("div", {
className: a,
children: q.jsx("canvas", {
width: i,
height: i,
"data-done": "false",
ref: this.setWheelCanvasEl,
style: {
width: "100px",
height: "100px"
"data-role": "statistics-wheel-canvas"
getHitSector(C) {
const {type: p} = this.props
, i = function(C) {
return C === w.F7.DZR ? Y : I
, q = [,]
, V = y.X$(y._H(q, C))
, m = y.Yf(q, C);
let l = !1
, U = !1
, L = "-1";
const a = function(C) {
return C === w.F7.DZR ? t : B
, v = Object.keys(a).find((C => {
const p = a[C];
return p.angles.reduce(( (C, i, q) => C || (q + 1) % 2 == 0
&& V >= p.angles[q - 1] && V <= i), !1)
if (v) {
const C = y.Yf(q, T(v, p).sectorOuterPoints[0]);
C >= m && m > i.r && (l = !0),
C < m && >= m && (U = !0),
(l || U) && (L = v)
return {
innerHit: l,
rimHit: U,
sectorKey: L
handlePointer(C) {
const p = "-1" !== C
, {hovering: i} = this.state;
i !== p && this.setState({
hovering: p
resetCanvas() {
var C, p, i;
null === (C = this.wheelContext) || void 0 === C ||
C.clearRect(0, 0, (null === (p = this.wheelCanvas) || void 0 === p ? void 0 :
p.width) || 0, (null === (i = this.wheelCanvas) || void 0 === i ? void 0 :
i.height) || 0)
getTimesTotal(C) {
return this.timesTotal =
Object.values(C.histogram).reduce(( (C, p) => C + p), 0) + C.cancelledGameCount,
C.type === w.F7.DBR && (this.timesTotal =
Math.round(this.timesTotal / 2)),
pointerCoordinates(C) {
return "touchstart" === C.type || "touchmove" === C.type ? {
x: C.targetTouches[0].pageX,
y: C.targetTouches[0].pageY - this.latestScrollY,
scale: 1
} : {
x: C.pageX,
y: C.pageY,
scale: 1
globalToCanvas(C) {
var p, i, q, V;
this.boundingRectInitialized || (this.updateDimensions(),
this.boundingRectInitialized = !0);
const m = parseInt(null === (p = this.wheelCanvas) || void 0
=== p ? void 0 : p.getAttribute("width"), 10)
, w = ((null === (i = this.canvasRect) || void 0 === i ? void
0 : i.width) || 0) / m;
return {
scale: w > 0 && !Number.isNaN(w) ? w : 1,
x: C.x - ((null === (q = this.canvasRect) || void 0 === q ?
void 0 : q.left) || 0),
y: C.y - ((null === (V = this.canvasRect) || void 0 === V ?
void 0 : || 0)
getFillColor(C, p, i, q=!1) {
const V = i && v[i] || v.old
, {hotColor: m, coldColor: w, defaultColor: y} = V;
return C.hotItems.includes(p) ? m[q ? "selected" : "regular"] :
C.coldItems.includes(p) ? w[q ? "selected" : "regular"] : y[q ? "selected" :
renderFrame(C, p, i, q) {
const V = Object.keys(p);
Object.values(p).forEach(( (p, m) => {
const w = V[m];
if (!this.wheelContext)
const {type: y, handleHover: l} = this.props
, t = T(w, y);
if (!t)
const B = t.sectorCenter
, I = C > this.ANIMATION_DURATION ? 1 : C /
, Y = this.wheelState[w].radius
, U = (this.getSectorRadiusPercentage(p, this.maxValue) *
t.sectorRadius - Y) * I + Y
, L = t.angles
, a = L[0]
, v = L[L.length - 1];,
this.wheelContext.fillStyle = this.getFillColor(i, w, q,
this.selectedSector === w && l),
this.wheelContext.moveTo(B[0], B[1]),
this.wheelContext.arc(B[0], B[1], Math.max(0, U), a, v),
this.wheelContext.lineTo(B[0], B[1]),
this.backgroundImage.then((C => {
var p;
null === (p = this.wheelContext) || void 0 === p ||
p.drawImage(C, 0, 0)
this.numbersImage.then((C => {
var p;
null === (p = this.wheelContext) || void 0 === p ||
p.drawImage(C, 0, 0)
updateMaxValue(C) {
this.maxValue = 0,
Object.values(C).forEach((C => {
this.maxValue = Math.max(this.maxValue, C)
animate(C, p, i) {
if (this.wheelCanvas)
if (this.wheelCanvas.dataset.done = "false",
function(C, p) {
const i = Object.keys(C).length
, q = Object.keys(p).length;
return i > 0 && 0 === q || i !== q
}(C, this.wheelState) && this.initWheelState(C, p, i),
Object.keys(C).length > 0) {
const {animate: q} = this.props;
if (q) {
const q =
, V = () => {
const m = - q;
if (this.renderFrame(m, C, p, i),
return this.wheelCanvas.dataset.done =
void this.initWheelState(C, p, i, !1);
this.intervalId =
this.intervalId = window.requestAnimationFrame(V)
} else
this.renderFrame(this.ANIMATION_DURATION, C, p, i),
this.wheelCanvas.dataset.done = "true"
} else
this.wheelCanvas.dataset.done = "true"
stopAnimation() {
this.intervalId &&
this.intervalId = 0)
s.defaultProps = {
scale: 1,
updateDimensions: !0,
theme: f.Mobile,
animate: !0
128205: (C, p, i) => {
i.d(p, {
F: () => q.FY,
r: () => q.r7
var q = i(431392)
207393: () => {}
746341: (C, p, i) => {
i.d(p, {
K: () => w,
u: () => V
var q = i(882446);
function V(C) {
return p => {
const [i,V] = q.A(C, ( ({startTime: C}) => C <= p))
, m = i.length > 0 ? i[i.length - 1] : V[0]
, w = (p - m.startTime) / m.duration;
return m.value(w)
function m(C) {
return Array.isArray(C)
class w {
constructor(C) {
this.config = function(C) {
const p = {};
for (const i in C)
if (C.hasOwnProperty(i)) {
const q = C[i];
p[i] = m(q) ? q.concat().sort(( (C, p) =>
C.startTime - p.startTime)) : q
return p
this.totalTime = this.timelineTotalTime(C)
getProps(C) {
const p = {};
for (const i in this.config)
if (this.config.hasOwnProperty(i)) {
const V = this.config[i];
if (m(V)) {
const [m,w] = q.A(V, ( ({startTime: p}) => p <= C))
, y = m.length > 0 ? m[m.length - 1] : w.length >
0 ? w[0] : void 0;
if (y) {
const q = (C - y.startTime) / y.duration;
p[i] = y.value(q)
} else
p[i] = V
return p
timelineTotalTime(C) {
const p = Object.keys(C).map((p => {
const i = C[p];
if (m(i)) {
const C = => C.startTime + C.duration));
return Math.max(...C)
return 0
return Math.max(...p)
700447: (C, p, i) => {
i.d(p, {
GW: () => m,
k4: () => w
const q = {
RED: "#B51C12",
GREEN: "#166958",
BLACK: "#000000",
WHITE: "#fff"
let V;
function m(C) {
const p = {
background_colors: {
red: q.RED,
green: q.GREEN,
black: q.BLACK
text_colors: {
red: q.WHITE,
black: q.WHITE,
green: q.WHITE
font: "sans-serif",
frame_color: "#fde464"
Object.keys(p).forEach((i => {
"object" == typeof p[i] ? Object.keys(p[i]).forEach((q => {
C[`winning_number_style.${i}.${q}`] && (p[i][q] =
)) : C[`winning_number_style.${i}`] && (p[i] =
V = p
function w() {
return V
43129: (C, p, i) => {
i.d(p, {
A0: () => U,
GK: () => T,
H4: () => I,
Ph: () => w,
Re: () => v,
dz: () => B,
hJ: () => Y,
kR: () => a,
pM: () => f,
po: () => t,
s6: () => l,
sQ: () => q,
ue: () => L,
y: () => y
var q, V = i(738699), m = i(502715);
(function(C) {
C["ClientPressedRfb"] = "CLIENT_PRESSED_RFB",
C["ClientPressedRfbClose"] = "CLIENT_PRESSED_RFB_CLOSE",
C["ClientPressedRfbSaveLastBet"] =
C["ClientPressedRfbBet"] = "CLIENT_PRESSED_RFB_BET",
C["ClientPressedRfbSpecialBets"] =
C["ClientPressedRfbLightningSpecialBets"] =
C["ClientPressedRfbList"] = "CLIENT_PRESSED_RFB_LIST",
C["ClientEnteredRfbEditMode"] = "CLIENT_ENTERED_RFB_EDIT_MODE",
C["ClientExitedRfbEditMode"] = "CLIENT_EXITED_RFB_EDIT_MODE",
C["ClientPressedRfbBetDelete"] = "CLIENT_PRESSED_RFB_BET_DELETE",
C["ClientEditedRfbBet"] = "CLIENT_EDITED_RFB_BET",
C["ClientSavedRfbBet"] = "CLIENT_SAVED_RFB_BET",
C["ClientInitiatedBetsClosed"] = "CLIENT_INITIATED_BETS_CLOSED",
C["ClientPressedStatistics"] = "CLIENT_PRESSED_STATISTICS",
C["ClientPressedStatisticsClose"] =
C["ClientPressedStatisticsPieChart"] =
C["ClientPressedStatisticsAdvanced"] =
C["ClientPressedStatisticsRecentNumbers"] =
C["ClientPressedRecentNumbersSlider"] =
C["ClientPressedRacetrack"] = "CLIENT_PRESSED_RACETRACK",
C["ClientPressedRacetrackClose"] =
C["ClientPressedDbrRacetrack"] = "CLIENT_PRESSED_DBR_RACETRACK",
C["ClientPressedDbrRacetrackClose"] =
C["ClientPressedMiniGrid"] = "CLIENT_PRESSED_MINI_GRID",
C["ClientPressedMiniGridClose"] = "CLIENT_PRESSED_MINI_GRID_CLOSE",
C["ClientPressedMinimizeGrid"] = "CLIENT_PRESSED_MINIMIZE_GRID",
C["ClientPressedExpandGrid"] = "CLIENT_PRESSED_EXPAND_GRID",
C["ClientWinAmountShown"] = "CLIENT_WIN_AMOUNT_SHOWN",
C["ClientBetChip"] = "CLIENT_BET_CHIP",
C["ClientBetChipEquity"] = "CLIENT_BET_CHIP_EQUITY",
C["ClientEquityBalanceUpdated"] = "CLIENT_EQUITY_BALANCE_UPDATED",
C["ClientPressedOnBetsOutOfBettingTime"] =
C["ClientPressedUndo"] = "CLIENT_PRESSED_UNDO",
C["ClientPressedUndoAll"] = "CLIENT_PRESSED_UNDO_ALL",
C["ClientPressedRepeat"] = "CLIENT_PRESSED_REPEAT",
C["ClientPressedDouble"] = "CLIENT_PRESSED_DOUBLE",
C["ClientPressedSpinNow"] = "CLIENT_PRESSED_SPIN_NOW",
C["ClientPressedPlayNow"] = "CLIENT_PRESSED_PLAY_NOW",
C["ClientPressedFullSize"] = "CLIENT_PRESSED_FULL_SIZE",
C["ClientReceiveOnBoarding"] = "CLIENT_RECEIVE_ON_BOARDING",
C["ClientPressedTutorialGotIt"] =
C["ClientPressedTutorialNext"] = "CLIENT_PRESSED_ON_BOARDING_NEXT",
C["ClientReceivePrivateWarning"] =
C["ClientPressedPrivateWarningOk"] =
C["ClientParkedDraggableVideo"] = "CLIENT_PARKED_DRAGGABLE_VIDEO",
C["ClientUnparkedDraggableVideo"] =
C["ClientVideoZoom"] = "CLIENT_VIDEO_ZOOM",
C["ClientPlayNowReminded"] = "CLIENT_PLAY_NOW_REMINDED",
C["ClientShortcutSpacebarRepeat"] =
C["ClientPressedSettingsAutoZoomOn"] =
C["ClientPressedSettingsAutoZoomOff"] =
C["ClientBetRejected"] = "CLIENT_BET_REJECTED",
C["ClientBetAccepted"] = "CLIENT_BET_ACCEPTED",
C["ClientBetAcceptedPartial"] = "CLIENT_BET_ACCEPTED_PARTIAL",
C["ClientSelectNeighborCount"] = "CLIENT_SELECT_NEIGHBOR_COUNT",
C["ClientSocketError"] = "CLIENT_SOCKET_ERROR",
C["ClientFontLoadingError"] = "CLIENT_FONT_LOADING_ERROR",
C["ClientPressedChipSplittingOn"] =
C["ClientPressedChipSplittingOff"] =
C["ClientChipTooSmallForSplit"] =
C["ClientShowedMaxPayoutLimitTooltip"] =
)(q || (q = {}));
const w = {
AUTOPLAY: "autoplay",
REPEAT: "repeat",
DOUBLE: "double",
UNDO: "undo",
UNDO_ALL: "undoAll",
FAVOURITE_BET: "favourite_bet",
AUTO_PLACED_WIN_BETS: "auto_placed_win_bets"
top2to1: ["3", "6", "9", "12", "15", "18", "21", "24", "27",
"30", "33", "36"],
middle2to1: ["2", "5", "8", "11", "14", "17", "20", "23", "26",
"29", "32", "35"],
bottom2to1: ["1", "4", "7", "10", "13", "16", "19", "22", "25",
"28", "31", "34"],
"1st12": m._s,
"2nd12": m.uK,
"3rd12": m.xH,
from1to18: ["1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "10",
"11", "12", "13", "14", "15", "16", "17", "18"],
from19to36: ["19", "20", "21", "22", "23", "24", "25", "26",
"27", "28", "29", "30", "31", "32", "33", "34", "35", "36"],
odd: ["1", "3", "5", "7", "9", "11", "13", "15", "17", "19",
"21", "23", "25", "27", "29", "31", "33", "35"],
even: ["2", "4", "6", "8", "10", "12", "14", "16", "18", "20",
"22", "24", "26", "28", "30", "32", "34", "36"],
red: m.UH,
black: m.Uv
fullHd: {
WIDTH: 1920,
HEIGHT: 1080
defaultView: {
CHAT: "chat"
, y = "_radial"
, l = "_radial_highlighted"
, t = 1500
, B = 1
, T = [50, 50]
, I = 5e3
, Y = 5
, U = 800
, L = 1e3;
var a, v;
(function(C) {
C["Standard"] = "Inter",
C["Serif"] = "RouletteBettingGridSerif",
C["Fallback"] = "serif"
)(a || (a = {})),
function(C) {
C["SouthAfrica"] = "southAfrica"
}(v || (v = {}));
const f = {
[V.p.Default]: {
type: "default",
isInPerspective: !1
[V.p.Mobile]: {
type: "spacious",
isInPerspective: !1
[V.p.SlingshotPerspective]: {
type: "slingshot",
isInPerspective: !0
466714: (C, p, i) => {
i.d(p, {
Jq: () => U,
Mx: () => m,
Nm: () => I,
VP: () => l,
bz: () => t,
op: () => Y,
qU: () => y,
rQ: () => L,
ue: () => T
var q = i(13799);
const V = "favoriteBets/SET_UPDATING"
, m = "favoriteBets/SET_BETS"
, w = "favoriteBets/SET_BET_EDIT"
, y = "favoriteBets/RENAME_FAVORITE_BET"
, l = "favoriteBets/DELETE_FAVORITE_BET"
, t = "favoriteBets/SAVE_FAVORITE_BET"
, B = "favoriteBets/SET_REQUESTED"
, T = {
editActive: !1,
bets: [],
updating: !1,
isRequested: !1
function I(C) {
return {
payload: C,
type: V
function Y(C, p, i) {
return {
...C ? p() : i(),
payload: C,
type: w
function U() {
return (C, p, {transport: i}) => {
const V = p();
V.roulette.favoriteBets.isRequested ||
(i.sendStandardMessage(null, {
type: "favouriteBets.loadBets",
payload: {
queryString: {
tableId: q.DB(V).getTableId()
type: B
function L(C=T, p) {
switch (p.type) {
case w:
return {
editActive: p.payload
case V:
return {
updating: p.payload
case m:
return {
bets: p.payload
case B:
return {
isRequested: !0,
updating: !0
return C
112103: (C, p, i) => {
i.d(p, {
Zc: () => I,
eG: () => Y,
fC: () => T,
tI: () => B
var q = i(466714)
, V = i(132293)
, m = i(257250);
const w = "favoriteBetsContainer/SET_VIEW"
, y = "favoriteBetsContainer/SET_POSITION"
, l = "favoriteBetsContainer/SET_TEMP_POSITION"
, t = {
currentView: "favoriteBets",
currentPosition: 0,
tempCurrentPosition: 0
function B(C) {
return (p, i) => {
const y = i();
p(function(C) {
return {
payload: C,
type: w
p("finalBets" === C ? V.zK() : "lightningBets" === C ? V.Rm() :
m.u(y) !== C && p(q.op(!1,, V.ZL))
function T(C) {
return {
payload: C,
type: y
function I(C) {
return {
payload: C,
type: l
function Y(C=t, p) {
switch (p.type) {
case w:
return {
currentView: p.payload
case y:
return {
currentPosition: p.payload
case l:
return {
tempCurrentPosition: p.payload
return C
985512: (C, p, i) => {
i.d(p, {
RouletteEnhancerTypes: () => q.Ey,
createClientEnterRfbEditModeLog: () =>,
createClientExitRfbEditModeLog: () => q.ZL,
createLoggableAction: () => q.Yh,
favoriteBetsContainerReducer: () => m.eG,
loadFavoriteBets: () => V.Jq,
logClientOpenStatisticsView: () => q._w,
logClientRfbSaveLastBet: () => q.SQ,
logClientToggleStatistics: () => q.p4,
selectFavoriteBets: () => w.b,
setCurrentPosition: () => m.fC,
setEditMode: () => V.op,
setTempCurrentPosition: () => m.Zc,
setUpdating: () => V.Nm
var q = i(132293)
, V = i(466714)
, m = i(112103)
, w = i(257250)
, y = i(812065);
i.o(y, "AdvancedStatistics") && i.d(p, {
AdvancedStatistics: function() {
return y.AdvancedStatistics
i.o(y, "DeleteButton") && i.d(p, {
DeleteButton: function() {
return y.DeleteButton
i.o(y, "DesktopSpecialBetsTab") && i.d(p, {
DesktopSpecialBetsTab: function() {
return y.DesktopSpecialBetsTab
i.o(y, "DesktopStraightUpBetsTab") && i.d(p, {
DesktopStraightUpBetsTab: function() {
return y.DesktopStraightUpBetsTab
i.o(y, "EditButton") && i.d(p, {
EditButton: function() {
return y.EditButton
i.o(y, "EditOverlay") && i.d(p, {
EditOverlay: function() {
return y.EditOverlay
i.o(y, "EmptyStatistics") && i.d(p, {
EmptyStatistics: function() {
return y.EmptyStatistics
i.o(y, "FavoriteBetsDrawer") && i.d(p, {
FavoriteBetsDrawer: function() {
return y.FavoriteBetsDrawer
i.o(y, "FavoriteBetsDrawerTab") && i.d(p, {
FavoriteBetsDrawerTab: function() {
return y.FavoriteBetsDrawerTab
i.o(y, "FavoriteBetsEditHeader") && i.d(p, {
FavoriteBetsEditHeader: function() {
return y.FavoriteBetsEditHeader
i.o(y, "FavoriteBetsMobile") && i.d(p, {
FavoriteBetsMobile: function() {
return y.FavoriteBetsMobile
i.o(y, "HotColdNumbers") && i.d(p, {
HotColdNumbers: function() {
return y.HotColdNumbers
i.o(y, "HotColdNumbersType") && i.d(p, {
HotColdNumbersType: function() {
return y.HotColdNumbersType
i.o(y, "MobileFavoriteBetsTab") && i.d(p, {
MobileFavoriteBetsTab: function() {
return y.MobileFavoriteBetsTab
i.o(y, "MobileSpecialBetsTab") && i.d(p, {
MobileSpecialBetsTab: function() {
return y.MobileSpecialBetsTab
i.o(y, "MobileStraightUpBetsTab") && i.d(p, {
MobileStraightUpBetsTab: function() {
return y.MobileStraightUpBetsTab
i.o(y, "SLIDER_MAX_VALUE") && i.d(p, {
SLIDER_MAX_VALUE: function() {
i.o(y, "SLIDER_MIN_VALUE") && i.d(p, {
SLIDER_MIN_VALUE: function() {
i.o(y, "SLIDER_STEP") && i.d(p, {
SLIDER_STEP: function() {
return y.SLIDER_STEP
i.o(y, "SLIDER_THROTTLE_VALUE") && i.d(p, {
i.o(y, "SaveButton") && i.d(p, {
SaveButton: function() {
return y.SaveButton
i.o(y, "Slider") && i.d(p, {
Slider: function() {
return y.Slider
i.o(y, "StatisticsWheel") && i.d(p, {
StatisticsWheel: function() {
return y.StatisticsWheel
i.o(y, "WheelTheme") && i.d(p, {
WheelTheme: function() {
return y.WheelTheme
i.o(y, "calculateSliderParams") && i.d(p, {
calculateSliderParams: function() {
return y.calculateSliderParams
i.o(y, "createBackgroundMusicPlayer") && i.d(p, {
createBackgroundMusicPlayer: function() {
return y.createBackgroundMusicPlayer
i.o(y, "cutEmptyTailStartIndex") && i.d(p, {
cutEmptyTailStartIndex: function() {
return y.cutEmptyTailStartIndex
i.o(y, "maximumFavoriteBetsCount") && i.d(p, {
maximumFavoriteBetsCount: function() {
return y.maximumFavoriteBetsCount
i.o(y, "minimumFavoriteBetsCount") && i.d(p, {
minimumFavoriteBetsCount: function() {
return y.minimumFavoriteBetsCount
132293: (C, p, i) => {
i.d(p, {
Ey: () => q,
Rm: () => Y,
SQ: () => B,
Yh: () => y,
ZL: () => t,
_w: () => U,
cT: () => I,
ls: () => l,
p4: () => L,
zK: () => T
var q, V = i(605283), m = i(523219), w = i(43129);
function y(C, p, i=[], q=!1) {
const y = {
meta: {
log: {
type: C,
enhancers: V.A(i)
return (p || q) && (y.meta.log.payload = {
...q ? {
channel: "PCMac",
sessionData: {
game: m.W0.getGameType()
} : {},
...p || {}
function l(C=[]) {
return y(w.sQ.ClientEnteredRfbEditMode, void 0, C)
function t(C=[]) {
return y(w.sQ.ClientExitedRfbEditMode, void 0, C)
function B(C=[]) {
return y(w.sQ.ClientPressedRfbSaveLastBet, void 0, C)
function T(C=[]) {
return y(w.sQ.ClientPressedRfbSpecialBets, void 0, C)
function I(C=[]) {
return y(w.sQ.ClientPressedRfbList, void 0, C)
function Y(C=[]) {
return y(w.sQ.ClientPressedRfbLightningSpecialBets, void 0, C)
function U(C, p=[]) {
let i = w.sQ.ClientPressedStatisticsPieChart;
return "advanced" === C ? i =
w.sQ.ClientPressedStatisticsAdvanced : "numbers" === C && (i =
y(i, void 0, p)
function L(C, p=[]) {
return y(C ? w.sQ.ClientPressedStatistics :
w.sQ.ClientPressedStatisticsClose, void 0, p)
(function(C) {
C["Latency"] = "latency",
C["Balance"] = "balance",
C["Currency"] = "currency",
C["Orientation"] = "orientation",
C["GameDimensions"] = "gameDimensions",
C["Channel"] = "channel",
C["GameId"] = "gameId",
C["ChipStack"] = "chipStack",
C["TableLimits"] = "tableLimits",
C["FeatureFlags"] = "featureFlags",
C["PlayerId"] = "playerId",
C["CasinoId"] = "casinoId",
C["DefaultChip"] = "defaultChip",
C["GameType"] = "gameType"
)(q || (q = {}))
257250: (C, p, i) => {
function q(C) {
return C.roulette.favoriteBets.bets
function V(C) {
return C.roulette.favoriteBetsContainer.currentView
i.d(p, {
b: () => q,
u: () => V
812065: () => {}
515549: (C, p, i) => {
i.d(p, {
dF: () => m,
vL: () => V
var q = i(346160);
function V() {
const {goldenRacetrackLabelScale: C, immersiveLogo: p,
fifaMatchesLabelLocale: i, isLightningSpanishComplianceLanguage: V, voiceInfo: m,
maleVoiceInfo: w, femaleVoiceInfo: y} = q.vL()
, l = {
goldenRacetrackLabelScale: C,
immersiveLogo: p,
fifaMatchesLabelLocale: i,
isSpanishComplianceLanguage: V
return m ? {
voiceInfo: m
} : {
maleVoiceInfo: w,
femaleVoiceInfo: y
function m(C) {
return function(C) {
return "voiceInfo"in C
}(C) ? {
male: C.voiceInfo.male,
female: C.voiceInfo.female
} : {
male: C.maleVoiceInfo,
female: C.femaleVoiceInfo
733381: (C, p, i) => {
i.d(p, {
RouletteEnhancerTypes: () => V.RouletteEnhancerTypes,
createClientEnterRfbEditModeLog: () =>
createClientExitRfbEditModeLog: () =>
createLoggableAction: () => V.createLoggableAction,
favoriteBetsContainerReducer: () => V.favoriteBetsContainerReducer,
loadFavoriteBets: () => V.loadFavoriteBets,
logClientOpenStatisticsView: () => V.logClientOpenStatisticsView,
logClientRfbSaveLastBet: () => V.logClientRfbSaveLastBet,
logClientToggleStatistics: () => V.logClientToggleStatistics,
selectFavoriteBets: () => V.selectFavoriteBets,
setCurrentPosition: () => V.setCurrentPosition,
setEditMode: () => V.setEditMode,
setTempCurrentPosition: () => V.setTempCurrentPosition,
setUpdating: () => V.setUpdating
var q = i(111574);
i.o(q, "AdvancedStatistics") && i.d(p, {
AdvancedStatistics: function() {
return q.AdvancedStatistics
i.o(q, "DeleteButton") && i.d(p, {
DeleteButton: function() {
return q.DeleteButton
i.o(q, "DesktopSpecialBetsTab") && i.d(p, {
DesktopSpecialBetsTab: function() {
return q.DesktopSpecialBetsTab
i.o(q, "DesktopStraightUpBetsTab") && i.d(p, {
DesktopStraightUpBetsTab: function() {
return q.DesktopStraightUpBetsTab
i.o(q, "EditButton") && i.d(p, {
EditButton: function() {
return q.EditButton
i.o(q, "EditOverlay") && i.d(p, {
EditOverlay: function() {
return q.EditOverlay
i.o(q, "EmptyStatistics") && i.d(p, {
EmptyStatistics: function() {
return q.EmptyStatistics
i.o(q, "FavoriteBetsDrawer") && i.d(p, {
FavoriteBetsDrawer: function() {
return q.FavoriteBetsDrawer
i.o(q, "FavoriteBetsDrawerTab") && i.d(p, {
FavoriteBetsDrawerTab: function() {
return q.FavoriteBetsDrawerTab
i.o(q, "FavoriteBetsEditHeader") && i.d(p, {
FavoriteBetsEditHeader: function() {
return q.FavoriteBetsEditHeader
i.o(q, "FavoriteBetsMobile") && i.d(p, {
FavoriteBetsMobile: function() {
return q.FavoriteBetsMobile
i.o(q, "HotColdNumbers") && i.d(p, {
HotColdNumbers: function() {
return q.HotColdNumbers
i.o(q, "HotColdNumbersType") && i.d(p, {
HotColdNumbersType: function() {
return q.HotColdNumbersType
i.o(q, "MobileFavoriteBetsTab") && i.d(p, {
MobileFavoriteBetsTab: function() {
return q.MobileFavoriteBetsTab
i.o(q, "MobileSpecialBetsTab") && i.d(p, {
MobileSpecialBetsTab: function() {
return q.MobileSpecialBetsTab
i.o(q, "MobileStraightUpBetsTab") && i.d(p, {
MobileStraightUpBetsTab: function() {
return q.MobileStraightUpBetsTab
i.o(q, "RouletteEnhancerTypes") && i.d(p, {
RouletteEnhancerTypes: function() {
return q.RouletteEnhancerTypes
i.o(q, "SLIDER_MAX_VALUE") && i.d(p, {
SLIDER_MAX_VALUE: function() {
i.o(q, "SLIDER_MIN_VALUE") && i.d(p, {
SLIDER_MIN_VALUE: function() {
i.o(q, "SLIDER_STEP") && i.d(p, {
SLIDER_STEP: function() {
return q.SLIDER_STEP
i.o(q, "SLIDER_THROTTLE_VALUE") && i.d(p, {
i.o(q, "SaveButton") && i.d(p, {
SaveButton: function() {
return q.SaveButton
i.o(q, "Slider") && i.d(p, {
Slider: function() {
return q.Slider
i.o(q, "StatisticsWheel") && i.d(p, {
StatisticsWheel: function() {
return q.StatisticsWheel
i.o(q, "WheelTheme") && i.d(p, {
WheelTheme: function() {
return q.WheelTheme
i.o(q, "calculateSliderParams") && i.d(p, {
calculateSliderParams: function() {
return q.calculateSliderParams
i.o(q, "createBackgroundMusicPlayer") && i.d(p, {
createBackgroundMusicPlayer: function() {
return q.createBackgroundMusicPlayer
i.o(q, "createClientEnterRfbEditModeLog") && i.d(p, {
createClientEnterRfbEditModeLog: function() {
return q.createClientEnterRfbEditModeLog
i.o(q, "createClientExitRfbEditModeLog") && i.d(p, {
createClientExitRfbEditModeLog: function() {
return q.createClientExitRfbEditModeLog
i.o(q, "createLoggableAction") && i.d(p, {
createLoggableAction: function() {
return q.createLoggableAction
i.o(q, "cutEmptyTailStartIndex") && i.d(p, {
cutEmptyTailStartIndex: function() {
return q.cutEmptyTailStartIndex
i.o(q, "favoriteBetsContainerReducer") && i.d(p, {
favoriteBetsContainerReducer: function() {
return q.favoriteBetsContainerReducer
i.o(q, "loadFavoriteBets") && i.d(p, {
loadFavoriteBets: function() {
return q.loadFavoriteBets
i.o(q, "logClientOpenStatisticsView") && i.d(p, {
logClientOpenStatisticsView: function() {
return q.logClientOpenStatisticsView
i.o(q, "logClientRfbSaveLastBet") && i.d(p, {
logClientRfbSaveLastBet: function() {
return q.logClientRfbSaveLastBet
i.o(q, "logClientToggleStatistics") && i.d(p, {
logClientToggleStatistics: function() {
return q.logClientToggleStatistics
i.o(q, "maximumFavoriteBetsCount") && i.d(p, {
maximumFavoriteBetsCount: function() {
return q.maximumFavoriteBetsCount
i.o(q, "minimumFavoriteBetsCount") && i.d(p, {
minimumFavoriteBetsCount: function() {
return q.minimumFavoriteBetsCount
i.o(q, "selectFavoriteBets") && i.d(p, {
selectFavoriteBets: function() {
return q.selectFavoriteBets
i.o(q, "setCurrentPosition") && i.d(p, {
setCurrentPosition: function() {
return q.setCurrentPosition
i.o(q, "setEditMode") && i.d(p, {
setEditMode: function() {
return q.setEditMode
i.o(q, "setTempCurrentPosition") && i.d(p, {
setTempCurrentPosition: function() {
return q.setTempCurrentPosition
i.o(q, "setUpdating") && i.d(p, {
setUpdating: function() {
return q.setUpdating
var V = i(985512);
i.o(V, "AdvancedStatistics") && i.d(p, {
AdvancedStatistics: function() {
return V.AdvancedStatistics
i.o(V, "DeleteButton") && i.d(p, {
DeleteButton: function() {
return V.DeleteButton
i.o(V, "DesktopSpecialBetsTab") && i.d(p, {
DesktopSpecialBetsTab: function() {
return V.DesktopSpecialBetsTab
i.o(V, "DesktopStraightUpBetsTab") && i.d(p, {
DesktopStraightUpBetsTab: function() {
return V.DesktopStraightUpBetsTab
i.o(V, "EditButton") && i.d(p, {
EditButton: function() {
return V.EditButton
i.o(V, "EditOverlay") && i.d(p, {
EditOverlay: function() {
return V.EditOverlay
i.o(V, "EmptyStatistics") && i.d(p, {
EmptyStatistics: function() {
return V.EmptyStatistics
i.o(V, "FavoriteBetsDrawer") && i.d(p, {
FavoriteBetsDrawer: function() {
return V.FavoriteBetsDrawer
i.o(V, "FavoriteBetsDrawerTab") && i.d(p, {
FavoriteBetsDrawerTab: function() {
return V.FavoriteBetsDrawerTab
i.o(V, "FavoriteBetsEditHeader") && i.d(p, {
FavoriteBetsEditHeader: function() {
return V.FavoriteBetsEditHeader
i.o(V, "FavoriteBetsMobile") && i.d(p, {
FavoriteBetsMobile: function() {
return V.FavoriteBetsMobile
i.o(V, "HotColdNumbers") && i.d(p, {
HotColdNumbers: function() {
return V.HotColdNumbers
i.o(V, "HotColdNumbersType") && i.d(p, {
HotColdNumbersType: function() {
return V.HotColdNumbersType
i.o(V, "MobileFavoriteBetsTab") && i.d(p, {
MobileFavoriteBetsTab: function() {
return V.MobileFavoriteBetsTab
i.o(V, "MobileSpecialBetsTab") && i.d(p, {
MobileSpecialBetsTab: function() {
return V.MobileSpecialBetsTab
i.o(V, "MobileStraightUpBetsTab") && i.d(p, {
MobileStraightUpBetsTab: function() {
return V.MobileStraightUpBetsTab
i.o(V, "SLIDER_MAX_VALUE") && i.d(p, {
SLIDER_MAX_VALUE: function() {
i.o(V, "SLIDER_MIN_VALUE") && i.d(p, {
SLIDER_MIN_VALUE: function() {
i.o(V, "SLIDER_STEP") && i.d(p, {
SLIDER_STEP: function() {
i.o(V, "SLIDER_THROTTLE_VALUE") && i.d(p, {
i.o(V, "SaveButton") && i.d(p, {
SaveButton: function() {
return V.SaveButton
i.o(V, "Slider") && i.d(p, {
Slider: function() {
return V.Slider
i.o(V, "StatisticsWheel") && i.d(p, {
StatisticsWheel: function() {
return V.StatisticsWheel
i.o(V, "WheelTheme") && i.d(p, {
WheelTheme: function() {
return V.WheelTheme
i.o(V, "calculateSliderParams") && i.d(p, {
calculateSliderParams: function() {
return V.calculateSliderParams
i.o(V, "createBackgroundMusicPlayer") && i.d(p, {
createBackgroundMusicPlayer: function() {
return V.createBackgroundMusicPlayer
i.o(V, "cutEmptyTailStartIndex") && i.d(p, {
cutEmptyTailStartIndex: function() {
return V.cutEmptyTailStartIndex
i.o(V, "maximumFavoriteBetsCount") && i.d(p, {
maximumFavoriteBetsCount: function() {
return V.maximumFavoriteBetsCount
i.o(V, "minimumFavoriteBetsCount") && i.d(p, {
minimumFavoriteBetsCount: function() {
return V.minimumFavoriteBetsCount
183226: (C, p, i) => {
i.d(p, {
Ht: () => m,
tK: () => V,
xq: () => q
const q = {
horizontal: 50,
vertical: 90
function V() {
return function(C, p, {getAG: i}) {
i().settings.useLiteMobileDrawer() ?
props: {
portrait: {
snapPoints: ["90%"]
landscape: {
snapPoints: ["90%"]
useDrawerLite: !0
}, !0) : i(){
props: {
portrait: {
openHeight: 100
landscape: {
openWidth: 100
useDrawerLite: !1
}, !0)
function m() {
return function(C, p, {getAG: i}) {
i().settings.useLiteMobileDrawer() ?
props: {
portrait: {
snapPoints: [`${q.vertical}%`]
landscape: {
snapPoints: [`${q.horizontal}%`]
useDrawerLite: !0
}, !0) : i(){
props: {
portrait: {
openHeight: q.vertical
landscape: {
openWidth: q.horizontal
useDrawerLite: !1
}, !0)
988669: (C, p, i) => {
i.d(p, {
J: () => t,
q3: () => l
var q = i(466714)
, V = i(132293)
, m = i(183226);
const w = {
editPosition: null
, y = "favoriteBets/SET_BET_ITEM_EDIT";
function l(C) {
return p => {
const i = {
payload: C,
type: y
p(null !== C ? m.tK() : m.Ht()),
...null !== C ? : V.ZL(),
function t(C=w, p) {
return p.type === y ? {
editPosition: p.payload
} : q.rQ(C, p)
637355: (C, p, i) => {
function q(C) {
return C.roulette.favoriteBets.editPosition
i.d(p, {
q: () => q
234562: (C, p, i) => {
i.d(p, {
O: () => c
var q = i(241539)
, V = i(523219)
, m = i(625678)
, w = i(523737)
, y = i(515549)
, l = i(500704)
, t = i(545401)
, B = i(483397);
function T(C) {
const p = Number(C);
if (null != p && !Number.isNaN(p))
return p
function I(C) {
return "true" === C
function Y(C, p=[]) {
return C ? a(C).split(",").map(a) : p
function U(C, p) {
return T(C) || p
function L(C, p, i) {
const q = Number(p);
return "" === p || q != p || q < 0 ? i : q
function a(C) {
return C ? String(C).replace(/^[\s\uFEFF\xA0]+|[\s\uFEFF\xA0]+$/g,
"") : ""
function v(C) {
return C.IS_PHONE ? "phone" : C.IS_DESKTOP ? "desktop" : "tablet"
function f(C) {
return {
desktop: C.rawConfig.layouts_desktop,
phone: C.rawConfig.layouts_phone,
tablet: C.rawConfig.layouts_tablet
function s(C, p) {
return f(C)[p]
const c = V.W0._extend(( () => ({
chipDragAllowed: () => V.W0.parsedTableConfig.chip_drag_allowed,
videoPinchEnabled: () => "true" === a(V.W0.rawConfig.video_pinch),
isRoulettePlacedChipDraggingAllowed: () => "true" ===
betWaitTime: () => U(V.W0.rawConfig.bet_wait_time, 0),
minimumRevolutionCount: () => {
const C = T(V.W0.rawConfig.minimum_revolution_count);
return void 0 !== C ? C - 1 : 3
rouletteSocketSendDelay: () =>
Number(V.W0.rawConfig.socket_send_delay) || 0,
winSpotReceivingDelay: () => L(0,
V.W0.rawConfig.DEBUG_win_spot_receiving_delay, 0),
rouletteResultDisplayDuration: () =>
U(V.W0.rawConfig.roulette_result_display_duration, 4e3),
rouletteBonusResultDisplayDuration: () =>
U(V.W0.rawConfig.roulette_bonus_result_display_duration, 3e3),
winningNumberCaptureDelay: () =>
U(V.W0.rawConfig.winning_number_capture_delay, 3e3),
maximumBetCloseTime: () => U(V.W0.rawConfig.maximum_bet_close_time,
safetyTimerDelay: () => U(V.W0.rawConfig.safetyTimerDelay, 2e3),
getDesktopPlayerTimerGap: () =>
U(V.W0.rawConfig.desktop_player_timer_gap, 3e3),
clientHideTableLimitsTimeout: () =>
U(V.W0.rawConfig.client_hide_table_limits_timeout, 0),
overviewSwitchDelay: () => L(0,
V.W0.rawConfig.overview_switch_delay, 0),
wheelZoomOutDelay: () => L(0, V.W0.rawConfig.wheel_zoom_out_delay,
iOSSwitchStreamDelay: () => L(0,
V.W0.rawConfig.ios_switch_stream_delay, 0),
instantRouletteWheelId: () => L(0,
V.W0.rawConfig.instant_roulette_wheel_id, void 0),
instantRouletteWheelZoomAndCenter: (C, p) => {
var i;
const q = + B.Fx(p);
let m;
const w = null === (i = V.W0.rawConfig[`instant_roulette_wheel$
{C}_center${q}`]) || void 0 === i ? void 0 : i.split(",");
w && (m = [Number(w[0]), Number(w[1])]);
const y = `wheel_stream_zoom${q}`;
return {
zoom: L(0, V.W0.rawConfig[y], 1),
wheelCenter: m
videoLatencyMultiplierForZoomInDelay: () =>
U(V.W0.rawConfig.video_latency_multiplier_for_zoom_in_delay, .5),
getGameSubTranslationKey: () =>
hasSpinNow: () => "true" === V.W0.rawConfig.spin_now || !1,
isPortugueseRoulette: () => V.W0.rawConfig.portugalRules || !1,
isBetsSplittingEnabled: () => "unstable" ===
forceBetSplittingOnJoin: () => "true" ===
isWheelZoomInEnabled: () => V.W0.rawConfig.wheel_zoom_in_enabled ?
"true" === V.W0.rawConfig.wheel_zoom_in_enabled : "true" ===
wheelZoomInFactor: () => L(0, V.W0.rawConfig.wheel_zoom_in_factor
|| V.W0.rawConfig.roulette_wheel_zoom, 1),
wheelZoomInDelay: () => L(0, V.W0.rawConfig.wheel_zoom_in_delay ||
V.W0.rawConfig.wheel_camera_delay_since_bets_closed, 7e3),
wheelZoomInDuration: () => L(0,
V.W0.rawConfig.wheel_zoom_in_duration || V.W0.rawConfig.wheel_switch_zoom_duration,
wheelZoomOutDuration: () => L(0,
V.W0.rawConfig.wheel_zoom_out_duration ||
V.W0.rawConfig.overview_switch_zoom_duration, 0),
isVideoScaleUpEnabled: () => V.W0.rawConfig.video_scale_up ? "true"
=== V.W0.rawConfig.video_scale_up : "true" ===
tmpRouletteNewGraveyard: () => "true" ===
wheelZoomInTargetPosition: () => {
var C;
let p;
const i = null === (C = V.W0.rawConfig.roulette_wheel_center)
|| void 0 === C ? void 0 : C.split(",");
return i && (p = [Number(i[0]), Number(i[1])]),
p || [50, 50]
hasDealer: () => "false" !==,
lightningAnimationTimings() {
var C;
const p = null === (C =
V.W0.rawConfig.lightning_animation_timings) || void 0 === C ? void 0 :
if (p && 5 === p.length)
return {
1: Number(p[0]),
2: Number(p[1]),
3: Number(p[2]),
4: Number(p[3]),
5: Number(p[4])
goldBarCountAnimationDelay: () =>
V.W0.rawConfig.gold_bar_count_animation_delay ?
Number(V.W0.rawConfig.gold_bar_count_animation_delay) : 5e3,
testingApiEnabled: () => I(V.W0.rawConfig.e2e_test_api),
leaveWinningBetsOnTable: () => "true" ===
V.W0.rawConfig.leave_winning_bets_on_table && !V.W0.isPrivateTable() &&
V.W0.getGameType() !== m.Z.InstantRoulette,
getImmersiveLogotype: () => {
let C = "";
return I(V.W0.rawConfig.localized) && (C = C ||
V.W0.rawConfig[y.vL().immersiveLogo] || V.W0.rawConfig[`immersive_logo_$
C = C || V.W0.rawConfig["immersive_logo"],
C ? C.split(",") : []
immersiveLogosSwitchingEnabled: () =>
automaticParkingLoggingEnabled: () => "true" ===
isXLRoulette: () => V.W0.luckyNumbersEnabled() &&
getPayoutLimit: () => U(V.W0.rawConfig.payout_limit, 5e5),
isXLRElectricityEnabledForDesktop: () =>
isXLRElectricityEnabledForMobile: () =>
getXLRouletteAnimationTimingsTemp: () => ({
base: O(V.W0.rawConfig.temp_xlr_timing_base),
getMinBetByTypeForRoulette: C => V.W0.getMinBetByType(C),
getMaxBetByTypeForRoulette: C =>
w.J0.truncate(V.W0.getMaxBetByType(C), 2),
footballEntertainmentAColor: () =>
footballEntertainmentBColor: () =>
useChipCanvasV2: () => "unstable" ===
getLowRiskPercent: () => V.W0.parsedTableConfig.low_risk_percent ||
closeBetsAfterSpin: () =>
hasYellowWheelDisclaimer: () =>
luckyResultDelay: () => Number(V.W0.rawConfig.lucky_result_delay)
|| 0,
luckyNumbersAnimationDelay: () => V.W0.DeviceSupport.IS_DESKTOP ?
V.W0.parsedTableConfig["desktop.lucky_numbers_animation_delay"] || 0 :
V.W0.parsedTableConfig["mobile.lucky_numbers_animation_delay"] || 0,
isClassicViewFullscreenDisabled: () =>
completeBetsEnabled: () => V.W0.parsedTableConfig.complete_bets,
isStraightUpBetTabEnabled: () => !
V.W0.rawConfig.special_straight_up_bets_enabled ||
showGenericRouletteTutorial: () =>
V.W0.parsedTableConfig.show_generic_tutorial || !1,
layouts: (C=[]) => {
const p = v(V.W0.DeviceSupport)
, i = q.A(Y(s(V.W0, p), C), l.xU);
return i.length > 0 ? i : C
isSlingshot: () => {
const C = v(V.W0.DeviceSupport);
return Y(s(V.W0, C), []).includes("slingshot")
isSlingshotWheel: () => "slingshot" ===
deviceType: () => v(V.W0.DeviceSupport),
isGoldVaultRoulette: () => V.W0.luckyNumbersEnabled() &&
tempGetGVRBettingGridAnimationTimings: () => {
var C, p, i, q;
const m = null !== (C =
V.W0.rawConfig["gvr_gb_animation_timings_desktop"]) && void 0 !== C ? C :
, w = null !== (p =
V.W0.rawConfig["gvr_gb_animation_timings_mobile"]) && void 0 !== p ? p :
, y = null !== (i =
V.W0.rawConfig["gvr_gb_animation_bigGlow_desktop"]) && void 0 !== i ? i : "1, 1400"
, l = null !== (q =
V.W0.rawConfig["gvr_gb_animation_bigGlow_mobile"]) && void 0 !== q ? q : "1, 1800";
return {
gbDelays: V.W0.DeviceSupport.IS_DESKTOP ?
m.split(",").map((C => U(C, 1))) : w.split(",").map((C => U(C, 1))),
bigGlow: V.W0.DeviceSupport.IS_DESKTOP ?
y.split(",").map((C => U(C, 1))) : l.split(",").map((C => U(C, 1)))
getRouletteGameType: () => t.yy(V.W0, V.W0.rawConfig),
getCustomSubtype: () => V.W0.rawConfig.roulette_b_subtype,
isCustomMultipliersEnabledByDefault: () =>
isCustomSwitcherSwitchEnabled: () =>
getCustomBaseColor: () => {
var C;
return null !== (C = V.W0.rawConfig.roulette_b_base_color) &&
void 0 !== C ? C : "#FFFFFF"
getRDRMultiplierFlyDelay: () => U(V.W0.DeviceSupport.IS_DESKTOP ?
V.W0.rawConfig.rdr_multiplier_fly_delay_desktop :
V.W0.rawConfig.rdr_multiplier_fly_delay_mobile, 0),
useSoundLogging: () => V.W0.rawConfig.DEBUG_use_sound_logging,
hideRdrBonusTitle: () =>
isRDRWith3Flappers: () => "reddoor_3f" ===
getClassicViewBackgroundColors: () =>
getMobileBackgroundColors: () => ({
dark: V.W0.rawConfig.branded_cloth_gradient_dark,
light: V.W0.rawConfig.branded_cloth_gradient_light
getCompliance: () => V.W0.isSpanishCompliance() ? :,
getJurisdictionId: () => {
var C, p;
return null === (p = null === (C = V.W0.rawSetup.casinoConfig)
|| void 0 === C ? void 0 : C.compliance) || void 0 === p ? void 0 :
usStateLogo: () => {
var C;
return null !== (C = V.W0.rawConfig.us_state_logo) && void 0 !
== C ? C : ""
hideDoubleAndSpin: () => I(V.W0.rawConfig.hide_double_and_spin),
isNewAmericanLR: () => I(V.W0.rawConfig.new_american_lightning),
useRecordedDealerVoice: () => {
const C = f(V.W0);
return Object.values(C).some((C => null == C ? void 0 :
trendTestToolDefaultTrends: () =>
function O(C="") {
const p = C.split(",")
, i = p[2] ? p[2].split("|") : [];
return {
base: p[0] ? parseInt(p[0], 10) : 4e3,
pauseAfterBase: p[1] ? parseInt(p[1], 10) : 1e3,
chain: => parseInt(C, 10))),
pauseAfterChain: p[3] ? parseInt(p[3], 10) : 1e3,
double: p[4] ? parseInt(p[4], 10) : 4e3
735800: (C, p, i) => {
function q(C, p) {
return !C.roulette.favoriteBets.bets.hasOwnProperty(p + 1)
function V(C) {
return C.roulette.favoriteBetsContainer.currentPosition
function m(C) {
return C.roulette.favoriteBetsContainer.tempCurrentPosition
function w(C, p) {
return C.roulette.favoriteBets.bets[p]
function y(C) {
return C.roulette.favoriteBets.updating
function l(C) {
return C.roulette.favoriteBets.editActive
function t(C) {
return C.settings.isStraightUpBetTabEnabled()
i.d(p, {
$v: () => t,
Jv: () => q,
M: () => V,
MR: () => l,
Rl: () => w,
XA: () => y,
kB: () => m
442954: (C, p, i) => {
i.d(p, {
U3: () => m,
oD: () => w
class q {
constructor(C, p, i) {
this.persistentTransport = C,
this.disposer = this.addIncomingMessageListener(p, i)
async sendStandardMessage(C, p) {
return this.persistentTransport.sendStandardMessage(C, p)
async sendRawMessage(C) {
return this.persistentTransport.sendRawMessage(C)
dispose() {
addIncomingMessageListener(C, p) {
const i = new Map(Object.entries(C));
function q(C) {
if (void 0 === C.type)
const q = i.get(C.type);
void 0 !== q && q(C, p)
return this.persistentTransport.incomingMessages.onValue(q),
() => {
let V;
function m(...C) {
return V = new q(...C),
() => {
null == V || V.dispose(),
V = void 0
function w() {
if (void 0 === V)
throw new Error("Transport is not initialized!");
return V
500704: (C, p, i) => {
i.d(p, {
De: () => T,
FJ: () => l,
Iz: () => Y,
Lq: () => q,
U1: () => I,
Uu: () => L,
dz: () => y,
l2: () => B,
mt: () => a,
pq: () => w,
w9: () => m,
xU: () => U
var q, V = i(277082);
(function(C) {
C["Bclc"] = "bclc",
C["Blue"] = "blue",
C["Baymavi"] = "baymavi",
C["Bucharest"] = "bucharest",
C["Classic"] = "classic",
C["Galabet"] = "galabet",
C["French"] = "french",
C["Imajbet"] = "imajbet",
C["Lightning"] = "lightning",
C["LightningWood"] = "lightningwood",
C["Lottomatica"] = "lottomatica",
C["Murcia"] = "murcia",
C["NewJersey"] = "newjersey",
C["Padisahbet"] = "padisahbet",
C["Pennsylvania"] = "pennsylvania",
C["PiramitCasino"] = "piramitcasino",
C["Private"] = "private",
C["Red"] = "red",
C["Speed"] = "speed",
C["Tan"] = "tan",
C["Ultrabet"] = "ultrabet"
)(q || (q = {}));
const m = {
bclc: "#D6CECF",
blue: "#F2EED6",
bucharest: "#D6CECF",
classic: "#FF0000",
french: "#F4D71D",
lightning: "#F9F0DC",
lightningwood: "#F9F0DC",
lottomatica: "#CEA31F",
murcia: "#D6CECF",
newjersey: "#E4E0C8",
pennsylvania: "#E4E0C8",
private: "#FFFFFF",
red: "#F2EED6",
speed: "#F2EED6",
tan: "#D6CECF"
var w, y, l;
(function(C) {
C["Speed"] = "speed"
)(w || (w = {})),
function(C) {
C["Pie"] = "pie",
C["Advanced"] = "advanced",
C["Numbers"] = "numbers"
}(y || (y = {})),
function(C) {
C["Slingshot"] = "Slingshot",
C["Classic"] = "Classic",
C["ImmersiveV2"] = "ImmersiveV2",
C["Tablet"] = "Tablet",
C["TabletImmersive"] = "TabletImmersive",
C["TabletSlingshot"] = "TabletSlingshot",
C["Chat"] = "Chat",
C["PhoneImmersive"] = "PhoneImmersive"
}(l || (l = {})),
const t = [l.PhoneImmersive]
, B = [l.Tablet, l.Chat, l.TabletImmersive, l.TabletSlingshot]
, T = [...t, ...B]
, I = {
Slingshot: V.LayoutType.Slingshot,
Classic: V.LayoutType.Classic,
ImmersiveV2: V.LayoutType.ImmersiveV2,
Tablet: V.LayoutType.PhoneV2,
PhoneImmersive: V.LayoutType.PhoneV2,
Chat: V.LayoutType.PhoneV2,
TabletSlingshot: V.LayoutType.PhoneV2,
TabletImmersive: V.LayoutType.PhoneV2
var Y;
(function(C) {
C["Default"] = "view1",
C["Chat"] = ""
)(Y || (Y = {}));
const U = ["chat", "immersive", "classic", "slingshot"]
, L = {
classic: {
desktop: l.Classic,
phone: l.PhoneImmersive,
tablet: l.Tablet
slingshot: {
desktop: l.Slingshot,
phone: l.PhoneImmersive,
tablet: l.TabletSlingshot
immersive: {
desktop: l.ImmersiveV2,
phone: l.PhoneImmersive,
tablet: l.TabletImmersive
chat: {
desktop: l.ImmersiveV2,
phone: l.PhoneImmersive,
tablet: l.Chat
var a;
(function(C) {
C["None"] = "None",
C["Spanish"] = "Spanish"
)(a || (a = {}))
486717: (C, p, i) => {
var q, V;
i.d(p, {
B7: () => w,
Bd: () => t,
F7: () => q,
Fe: () => l,
YR: () => y,
vS: () => V
function(C) {
C["SBR"] = "SingleBall",
C["DBR"] = "DoubleBall",
C["DZR"] = "DoubleZero"
}(q || (q = {})),
function(C) {
C["SBR"] = "SingleBall",
C["DBR"] = "DoubleBall",
C["DZR"] = "DoubleZero",
C["InstantRoulette"] = "InstantRoulette",
C["French"] = "French",
C["Lightning"] = "Lightning",
C["AmericanLightning"] = "AmericanLightning",
C["American"] = "American",
C["AmericanRedDoorRoulette"] = "AmericanRedDoorRoulette",
C["GoldVault"] = "GoldVault",
C["RedDoorRoulette"] = "RedDoorRoulette",
C["XXXtremeLightning"] = "XXXtremeLightning",
C["CustomRoulette"] = "CustomRoulette"
}(V || (V = {}));
const m = [V.Lightning, V.AmericanLightning, V.XXXtremeLightning];
function w(C) {
return m.includes(C)
function y(C) {
return C === V.RedDoorRoulette || C === V.AmericanRedDoorRoulette
function l(C) {
return [V.American, V.AmericanLightning, V.AmericanRedDoorRoulette,
var t;
(function(C) {
C["Lightning"] = "lightning",
C["DoubleBall"] = "doubleball",
C["French"] = "french",
C["CompleteFrench"] = "completefrench",
C["Other"] = "other"
)(t || (t = {}))
158963: (C, p, i) => {
i.d(p, {
M: () => q,
T: () => w
var q, V = i(718284), m = i(502715);
(function(C) {
C["Zero"] = "zero",
C["Black"] = "black",
C["Red"] = "red",
C["Failed"] = "failed"
)(q || (q = {}));
const w = {
getBetType: V.A((function(C) {
return "0" === C || "00" === C ? q.Zero : m.UH.includes(C) ?
q.Red : m.Uv.includes(C) ? q.Black : q.Failed
295432: (C, p, i) => {
function q(C) {
return new Map(C)
function V(C, p, i) {
const q = Array.isArray(i) ? i : Array(p.length).fill(i);
if (q.length !== p.length)
throw new Error("Could not fill betSpotAmount, amounts length
does not match with bet spots length");
return p.forEach(( (p, i) => {
C.set(p, q[i])
function m(C) {
return q(function(C) {
return Array.from(C.entries())
i.d(p, {
VV: () => V,
q: () => q,
zj: () => m
850083: (C, p, i) => {
function q(C) {
return void 0 !==
function V(C) {
return void 0 !==
var m, w;
i.d(p, {
HA: () => V,
Ih: () => q,
n1: () => m,
uu: () => w
function(C) {
C["StandardGrid"] = "StandardGrid",
C["SpecialGrid"] = "SpecialGrid",
C["GoldenGrid"] = "GoldenGrid",
C["MiniGrid"] = "MiniGrid",
C["RecentNumbers"] = "RecentNumbers",
C["RecentNumbersAdvanced"] = "RecentNumbersAdvanced",
C["PieChart"] = "PieChart",
C["Hot"] = "Hot",
C["Cold"] = "Cold",
C["FavoriteBets"] = "FavoriteBets",
C["Statistics"] = "Statistics",
C["FinaleBets"] = "FinaleBets",
C["FinaleEnPlein"] = "FinaleEnPlein",
C["Complete"] = "Complete",
C["LightningSpecial"] = "LightningSpecial",
C["Autoplay"] = "Autoplay",
C["Repeat"] = "Repeat",
C["Double"] = "Double",
C["Undo"] = "UNDO",
C["LeaveWinningBet"] = "LeaveWinningBet",
C["FromServer"] = "FromServer"
}(m || (m = {})),
function(C) {
C["Standard"] = "Standard",
C["Special"] = "Special",
C["DoubleBall_1_1300"] = "DoubleBall_1_1300",
C["DoubleAction"] = "DoubleAction",
C["Finale"] = "Finale",
C["FinaleEnPlein"] = "FinaleEnPlein",
C["Complete"] = "Complete",
C["Favorite"] = "Favorite",
C["LightningSpecial"] = "LightningSpecial",
C["SplitBets"] = "SplitBets",
C["Repeat"] = "Repeat",
C["Undo"] = "UNDO",
C["AllRed"] = "AllRed",
C["AllBlack"] = "AllBlack"
}(w || (w = {}))
60199: (C, p, i) => {
i.d(p, {
$R: () => o,
At: () => X,
Cm: () => U,
GB: () => j,
OZ: () => Y,
Yt: () => f,
aW: () => s,
ao: () => L,
eQ: () => v,
jr: () => x,
km: () => a,
mv: () => O,
pt: () => c,
qR: () => Z,
rX: () => H,
vO: () => T,
x2: () => b,
zW: () => S
var q = i(712320)
, V = i(346160)
, m = i(523219)
, w = i(295432)
, y = i(864355)
, l = i(43129)
, t = i(850083)
, B = i(502715);
function T(C) {
const p = ", "
, i = Array.from(C.keys())
, m = q.j(i.length, "favourite.chipsPlural")
, w = l.Ph.FAVORITE_BETS_INPUT_MAX_CHARS - m.length - `$
{i.length}`.length - 2
, t = i.sort(I).reduce(( (C, i) => {
const q = function(C) {
const p = y.XK(C);
if (!p)
return "";
switch (p.configurationId) {
return V.Tl("betLimits.redBlack_uppercase");
return V.Tl("red_uppercase");
return V.Tl("black_uppercase");
return `${[0]}|${[0]}`;
return "35TO1";
return V.Tl("red_uppercase");
return V.Tl("black_uppercase");
return V.Tl("even_uppercase");
return V.Tl("odd_uppercase");
return V.Tl("low_uppercase");
return V.Tl("high_uppercase");
return V.Tl(`advancedStats.column${[0]}`);
const C = parseInt([0], 10);
return C > 0 && C <= 12 ?
V.Tl("advancedStats.dozen1") : C > 12 && C < 25 ? V.Tl("advancedStats.dozen2") :
return [].sort(( (C, p) => {
const i = parseInt(C, 10)
, q = parseInt(p, 10);
return 0 === i && 0 === q ? C.length - p.length : i
- q
return ""
, m =;
return m + p.length + q.length + C.postfix.length <= w ? : (C.postfix = "...",
m + C.postfix.length > w &&,
), {
parts: [],
postfix: ""
, B = + t.postfix;
return V.Tl("favourite.chips", [i.length, B, m])
function I(C, p) {
, q = y.XK(C)
, V = y.XK(p)
, m = i.indexOf(q.configurationId)
, w = i.indexOf(V.configurationId);
return m === w ? parseInt([0], 10) -
parseInt([0], 10) : m - w
function Y() {
return ["both", "low"].includes(m.W0.privateTableLimitsType()) ?
m.W0.getTableBetMinLimit() : m.W0.minStraightBet() || m.W0.getTableBetMinLimit()
function U() {
return ["both", "high"].includes(m.W0.privateTableLimitsType()) ?
m.W0.getTableBetMaxLimit() : m.W0.isDoubleBallGame() || !m.W0.maxRedBet() && !
m.W0.maxBlackBet() ? m.W0.isDoubleBallGame() && m.W0.maxRedBlackBet() ?
m.W0.maxRedBlackBet() : m.W0.getTableBetMaxLimit() : Math.max(m.W0.maxRedBet(),
function L(C) {
return C.reduce(( (C, p) => Array.isArray(p) ? C.concat(L(p)) :
C.concat(p)), [])
function a(C) {
return B.LP.includes(C)
function v(C, p) {
return p ? B.uG[C] : B.Q4[C]
function f(C, p) {
return p ? B.r$[C] :[C]
function s(C, p) {
return c(C, p).reduce(( (C, p) => C + p.split("_").length), 0)
function c(C, p) {
return p ? B.Hg[C] : "00" !== C ? B.vN[C] : []
function O(C, p) {
let i;
i = p ? B.Hg[C] : B.vN[C];
const q = new Set;
return i.forEach((C => C.split("_").forEach((C => q.add(C))))),
function S(C, p, i=!1) {
return i ? t.uu.SplitBets : {
[t.n1.StandardGrid]: t.uu.Standard,
[t.n1.LeaveWinningBet]: t.uu.Standard,
[t.n1.SpecialGrid]: t.uu.Special,
[t.n1.GoldenGrid]: t.uu.DoubleBall_1_1300,
[t.n1.RecentNumbers]: t.uu.Standard,
[t.n1.FavoriteBets]: t.uu.Favorite,
[t.n1.FinaleBets]: t.uu.Finale,
[t.n1.FinaleEnPlein]: t.uu.FinaleEnPlein,
[t.n1.Complete]: t.uu.Complete,
[t.n1.LightningSpecial]: t.uu.LightningSpecial,
[t.n1.Autoplay]: t.uu.Standard,
[t.n1.Repeat]: t.uu.Standard,
[t.n1.Double]: t.uu.DoubleAction,
[t.n1.Undo]: t.uu.Undo,
[t.n1.Hot]: t.uu.Standard,
[t.n1.Cold]: t.uu.Standard,
[t.n1.PieChart]: t.uu.Standard,
[t.n1.RecentNumbersAdvanced]: t.uu.Standard,
[t.n1.Statistics]: C && a(C) ? t.uu.Special : t.uu.Standard,
[t.n1.FromServer]: t.uu.Standard,
[t.n1.MiniGrid]: {
red: t.uu.AllRed,
black: t.uu.AllBlack
}[C] || t.uu.Standard
function j(C) {
return C in B.bk
function o(C, p) {
return p && "straight_up" === C ? ["00",] :[C] || []
function x(C, p, i) {
return o(C, i).reduce(( (C, i) => (C.set(i, p),
C)), w.q())
function Z(C) {
return j(C) ? B.bk[C] : C.split("_")
function H(C) {
return /end_\d$/.test(C) || C.includes("/")
function b(C) {
return /^\d+((_\d+)+)$/.test(C)
function X(C) {
return C.includes("&")
502715: (C, p, i) => {
i.d(p, {
BE: () => t,
Eu: () => a,
F2: () => Y,
G0: () => x,
Hg: () => B,
LP: () => s,
Q4: () => O,
UH: () => w,
Uv: () => y,
_s: () => q,
al: () => H,
bI: () => v,
bk: () => Z,
nc: () => L,
r$: () => o,
ro: () => j,
sc: () => f,
ss: () => U,
uG: () => S,
uK: () => V,
vN: () => l,
vb: () => I,
xH: () => m,
xn: () => T
const q = ["1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "10", "11",
, V = ["13", "14", "15", "16", "17", "18", "19", "20", "21", "22",
"23", "24"]
, m = ["25", "26", "27", "28", "29", "30", "31", "32", "33", "34",
"35", "36"]
, w = ["1", "3", "5", "7", "9", "12", "14", "16", "18", "19", "21",
"23", "25", "27", "30", "32", "34", "36"]
, y = ["2", "4", "6", "8", "10", "11", "13", "15", "17", "20", "22",
"24", "26", "28", "29", "31", "33", "35"]
, l = {
0: ["0", "0_3", "0_2", "0_1", "0_2_3", "0_1_2", "0_1_2_3"],
1: ["1", "0_1", "1_4", "1_2", "0_1_2", "1_2_3", "0_1_2_3",
"1_2_4_5", "1_2_3_4_5_6"],
2: ["2", "1_2", "2_5", "2_3", "0_2", "0_1_2", "0_2_3", "1_2_3",
"0_1_2_3", "1_2_4_5", "2_3_5_6", "1_2_3_4_5_6"],
3: ["3", "2_3", "3_6", "0_3", "0_2_3", "1_2_3", "2_3_5_6",
"0_1_2_3", "1_2_3_4_5_6"],
4: ["4", "1_4", "4_5", "4_7", "4_5_6", "1_2_4_5", "4_5_7_8",
"1_2_3_4_5_6", "4_5_6_7_8_9"],
5: ["5", "2_5", "4_5", "5_6", "5_8", "4_5_6", "1_2_4_5", "2_3_5_6",
"4_5_7_8", "5_6_8_9", "1_2_3_4_5_6", "4_5_6_7_8_9"],
6: ["6", "3_6", "5_6", "6_9", "4_5_6", "2_3_5_6", "5_6_8_9",
"1_2_3_4_5_6", "4_5_6_7_8_9"],
7: ["7", "4_7", "7_8", "7_10", "7_8_9", "4_5_7_8", "7_8_10_11",
"4_5_6_7_8_9", "7_8_9_10_11_12"],
8: ["8", "5_8", "7_8", "8_9", "8_11", "7_8_9", "4_5_7_8",
"5_6_8_9", "7_8_10_11", "8_9_11_12", "4_5_6_7_8_9", "7_8_9_10_11_12"],
9: ["9", "6_9", "8_9", "9_12", "7_8_9", "5_6_8_9", "8_9_11_12",
"4_5_6_7_8_9", "7_8_9_10_11_12"],
10: ["10", "7_10", "10_11", "10_13", "10_11_12", "7_8_10_11",
"10_11_13_14", "7_8_9_10_11_12", "10_11_12_13_14_15"],
11: ["11", "8_11", "10_11", "11_12", "11_14", "10_11_12",
"7_8_10_11", "8_9_11_12", "10_11_13_14", "11_12_14_15", "7_8_9_10_11_12",
12: ["12", "9_12", "11_12", "12_15", "10_11_12", "8_9_11_12",
"11_12_14_15", "7_8_9_10_11_12", "10_11_12_13_14_15"],
13: ["13", "10_13", "13_14", "13_16", "13_14_15", "10_11_13_14",
"13_14_16_17", "10_11_12_13_14_15", "13_14_15_16_17_18"],
14: ["14", "11_14", "13_14", "14_15", "14_17", "13_14_15",
"10_11_13_14", "11_12_14_15", "13_14_16_17", "14_15_17_18", "10_11_12_13_14_15",
15: ["15", "12_15", "14_15", "15_18", "13_14_15", "11_12_14_15",
"14_15_17_18", "10_11_12_13_14_15", "13_14_15_16_17_18"],
16: ["16", "13_16", "16_17", "16_19", "16_17_18", "13_14_16_17",
"16_17_19_20", "13_14_15_16_17_18", "16_17_18_19_20_21"],
17: ["17", "14_17", "16_17", "17_18", "17_20", "16_17_18",
"13_14_16_17", "14_15_17_18", "16_17_19_20", "17_18_20_21", "13_14_15_16_17_18",
18: ["18", "15_18", "17_18", "18_21", "16_17_18", "14_15_17_18",
"17_18_20_21", "13_14_15_16_17_18", "16_17_18_19_20_21"],
19: ["19", "16_19", "19_20", "19_22", "19_20_21", "16_17_19_20",
"19_20_22_23", "16_17_18_19_20_21", "19_20_21_22_23_24"],
20: ["20", "17_20", "19_20", "20_21", "20_23", "19_20_21",
"16_17_19_20", "19_20_22_23", "17_18_20_21", "20_21_23_24", "16_17_18_19_20_21",
21: ["21", "18_21", "20_21", "21_24", "19_20_21", "17_18_20_21",
"20_21_23_24", "16_17_18_19_20_21", "19_20_21_22_23_24"],
22: ["22", "19_22", "22_23", "22_25", "22_23_24", "19_20_22_23",
"22_23_25_26", "19_20_21_22_23_24", "22_23_24_25_26_27"],
23: ["23", "20_23", "22_23", "23_24", "23_26", "22_23_24",
"19_20_22_23", "20_21_23_24", "22_23_25_26", "23_24_26_27", "19_20_21_22_23_24",
24: ["24", "21_24", "23_24", "24_27", "22_23_24", "20_21_23_24",
"23_24_26_27", "19_20_21_22_23_24", "22_23_24_25_26_27"],
25: ["25", "22_25", "25_26", "25_28", "25_26_27", "22_23_25_26",
"25_26_28_29", "22_23_24_25_26_27", "25_26_27_28_29_30"],
26: ["26", "23_26", "25_26", "26_27", "26_29", "25_26_27",
"22_23_25_26", "23_24_26_27", "25_26_28_29", "26_27_29_30", "22_23_24_25_26_27",
27: ["27", "24_27", "26_27", "27_30", "25_26_27", "23_24_26_27",
"26_27_29_30", "22_23_24_25_26_27", "25_26_27_28_29_30"],
28: ["28", "25_28", "28_29", "28_31", "28_29_30", "25_26_28_29",
"28_29_31_32", "25_26_27_28_29_30", "28_29_30_31_32_33"],
29: ["29", "26_29", "28_29", "29_30", "29_32", "28_29_30",
"25_26_28_29", "26_27_29_30", "28_29_31_32", "29_30_32_33", "25_26_27_28_29_30",
30: ["30", "27_30", "29_30", "30_33", "28_29_30", "26_27_29_30",
"29_30_32_33", "25_26_27_28_29_30", "28_29_30_31_32_33"],
31: ["31", "28_31", "31_32", "31_34", "31_32_33", "28_29_31_32",
"31_32_34_35", "28_29_30_31_32_33", "31_32_33_34_35_36"],
32: ["32", "29_32", "31_32", "32_33", "32_35", "31_32_33",
"28_29_31_32", "29_30_32_33", "31_32_34_35", "32_33_35_36", "28_29_30_31_32_33",
33: ["33", "30_33", "32_33", "33_36", "31_32_33", "29_30_32_33",
"32_33_35_36", "28_29_30_31_32_33", "31_32_33_34_35_36"],
34: ["34", "31_34", "34_35", "34_35_36", "31_32_34_35",
35: ["35", "32_35", "34_35", "35_36", "34_35_36", "31_32_34_35",
"32_33_35_36", "31_32_33_34_35_36"],
36: ["36", "33_36", "35_36", "34_35_36", "32_33_35_36",
, t = Object.keys(l).length
, B = {
0: ["0", "0_00", "0_1", "0_2", "0_1_2", "0_00_2", "0_00_1_2_3"],
"00": ["00", "0_00", "00_2", "00_3", "00_2_3", "0_00_2",
1: ["1", "0_1", "1_4", "1_2", "0_1_2", "1_2_3", "1_2_4_5",
"0_00_1_2_3", "1_2_3_4_5_6"],
2: ["2", "0_2", "00_2", "0_00_2", "1_2", "2_3", "2_5", "0_1_2",
"00_2_3", "1_2_3", "1_2_4_5", "2_3_5_6", "0_00_1_2_3", "1_2_3_4_5_6"],
3: ["3", "00_3", "3_6", "2_3", "00_2_3", "1_2_3", "2_3_5_6",
"0_00_1_2_3", "1_2_3_4_5_6"]
, T = Object.keys(B).length
, I = ["0", ...w, ...y]
, Y = ["top2to1", "middle2to1", "bottom2to1"]
, U = ["1st12", "2nd12", "3rd12"]
, L = ["from1to18", "even", "red", "black", "odd", "from19to36"]
, a = => `french_${C}`))
, v = ["from1to18", "even", "red_red", "black_red", "black_black",
"odd", "from19to36"]
, f = ["from19to36", "even", "black", "from1to18", "odd", "red"]
, s = ["orphelins_a_cheval", "voisins_du_zero", "tiers_du_cylindre",
, c = [...y, ...w]
, O = {
end_0: ["0", "10", "20", "30"],
end_1: ["1", "11", "21", "31"],
end_2: ["2", "12", "22", "32"],
end_3: ["3", "13", "23", "33"],
end_4: ["4", "14", "24", "34"],
end_5: ["5", "15", "25", "35"],
end_6: ["6", "16", "26", "36"],
end_7: ["7", "17", "27"],
end_8: ["8", "18", "28"],
end_9: ["9", "19", "29"],
"0/3": ["0_3", "10_13", "20_23", "30_33"],
"1/4": ["1_4", "11_14", "21_24", "31_34"],
"2/5": ["2_5", "12_15", "22_25", "32_35"],
"3/6": ["3_6", "13_16", "23_26", "33_36"],
"4/7": ["4_7", "14_17", "24_27", "34"],
"5/8": ["5_8", "15_18", "25_28", "35"],
"6/9": ["6_9", "16_19", "26_29", "36"],
"7/10": ["7_10", "17_20", "27_30"],
"8/11": ["8_11", "18_21", "28_31"],
"9/12": ["9_12", "19_22", "29_32"]
, S = {
end_0: ["0", "00", "10", "20", "30"],
"0/3": ["0", "00_3", "10_13", "20_23", "30_33"]
, j = {
end_0: ["0", "10", "20", "30"],
end_1: ["1", "11", "21", "31"],
end_2: ["2", "12", "22", "32"],
end_3: ["3", "13", "23", "33"],
end_4: ["4", "14", "24", "34"],
end_5: ["5", "15", "25", "35"],
end_6: ["6", "16", "26", "36"],
end_7: ["7", "17", "27"],
end_8: ["8", "18", "28"],
end_9: ["9", "19", "29"],
"0/3": ["0", "3", "10", "13", "20", "23", "30", "33"],
"1/4": ["1", "4", "11", "14", "21", "24", "31", "34"],
"2/5": ["2", "5", "12", "15", "22", "25", "32", "35"],
"3/6": ["3", "6", "13", "16", "23", "26", "33", "36"],
"4/7": ["4", "7", "14", "17", "24", "27", "34"],
"5/8": ["5", "8", "15", "18", "25", "28", "35"],
"6/9": ["6", "9", "16", "19", "26", "29", "36"],
"7/10": ["7", "10", "17", "20", "27", "30"],
"8/11": ["8", "11", "18", "21", "28", "31"],
"9/12": ["9", "12", "19", "22", "29", "32"]
, o = {
end_0: ["0", "00", "10", "20", "30"],
"0/3": ["0", "00", "3", "10", "13", "20", "23", "30", "33"]
, x = {
bet: "2nd12",
coordinates: [.8, .5]
, Z = {
top2to1: ["3", "6", "9", "12", "15", "18", "21", "24", "27", "30",
"33", "36"],
middle2to1: ["2", "5", "8", "11", "14", "17", "20", "23", "26",
"29", "32", "35"],
bottom2to1: ["1", "4", "7", "10", "13", "16", "19", "22", "25",
"28", "31", "34"],
"1st12": q,
"2nd12": V,
"3rd12": m,
from1to18: ["1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "10",
"11", "12", "13", "14", "15", "16", "17", "18"],
from19to36: ["19", "20", "21", "22", "23", "24", "25", "26", "27",
"28", "29", "30", "31", "32", "33", "34", "35", "36"],
odd: ["1", "3", "5", "7", "9", "11", "13", "15", "17", "19", "21",
"23", "25", "27", "29", "31", "33", "35"],
even: ["2", "4", "6", "8", "10", "12", "14", "16", "18", "20",
"22", "24", "26", "28", "30", "32", "34", "36"],
red: w,
red_red: w,
black: y,
black_black: y,
black_red: c
, H = {
straight_up: ["0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9",
"10", "11", "12", "13", "14", "15", "16", "17", "18", "19", "20", "21", "22", "23",
"24", "25", "26", "27", "28", "29", "30", "31", "32", "33", "34", "35", "36"],
straight_up_tiers_du_cylindre: ["33", "16", "24", "5", "10", "23",
"8", "30", "11", "36", "13", "27"],
straight_up_orphelins_a_cheval: ["1", "20", "14", "31", "9", "6",
"34", "17"],
straight_up_voisins_du_zero: ["22", "18", "29", "7", "28", "25",
"2", "21", "4", "19", "12", "35", "3", "26", "0", "32", "15"],
straight_up_jeu_zero: ["12", "35", "3", "26", "0", "32", "15"]
196082: (C, p, i) => {
function q(C, p) {
return C
i.d(p, {
A: () => q
545401: (C, p, i) => {
i.d(p, {
H9: () => m,
TR: () => w,
yy: () => y
var q = i(625678)
, V = i(486717);
function m(C) {
switch (C.getGameType()) {
case q.Z.AmericanRoulette:
case q.Z.RNGAmericanRoulette:
case "americanreddoorroulette":
return V.F7.DZR;
return C.isDoubleBallGame() ? V.F7.DBR : V.F7.SBR
function w(C) {
switch (!0) {
case "true" === C.lucky_numbers_enabled:
return V.Bd.Lightning;
case "double_ball" === C.wheel_type:
return V.Bd.DoubleBall;
case "true" === C.french_rules:
return V.Bd.French;
case "true" === C.complete_french:
return V.Bd.CompleteFrench;
return V.Bd.Other
function y(C, p) {
var i, m;
const w = C.getGameType();
return null !== (m = null === (i = [{
value: V.vS.XXXtremeLightning,
validate: () => "true" ===
}, {
value: V.vS.AmericanLightning,
validate: () => "true" === p.lucky_numbers_enabled && w ===
}, {
value: V.vS.CustomRoulette,
validate: () => "true" === p.roulette_b_generation_enabled
}, {
value: V.vS.GoldVault,
validate: () => "true" === p.lucky_numbers_enabled && "true"
=== p.gold_vault_lucky_numbers_generation_enabled
}, {
value: V.vS.Lightning,
validate: () => "true" === p.lucky_numbers_enabled
}, {
value: V.vS.DBR,
validate: () => "double_ball" === p.wheel_type ||
}, {
value: V.vS.French,
validate: () => "true" === p.french_rules
}, {
value: V.vS.InstantRoulette,
validate: () => w === q.Z.InstantRoulette
}, {
value: V.vS.American,
validate: () => w === q.Z.AmericanRoulette
}, {
value: V.vS.RedDoorRoulette,
validate: () => "reddoorroulette" === w
}, {
value: V.vS.AmericanRedDoorRoulette,
validate: () => "americanreddoorroulette" === w
}].find((C => C.validate()))) || void 0 === i ? void 0 : i.value)
&& void 0 !== m ? m : V.vS.SBR
135750: (C, p, i) => {
i.d(p, {
$u: () => t,
MO: () => l
var q = i(523219)
, V = i(486717)
, m = i(545401);
const w = ["0", "32", "15", "19", "4", "21", "2", "25", "17", "34",
"6", "27", "13", "36", "11", "30", "8", "23", "10", "5", "24", "16", "33", "1",
"20", "14", "31", "9", "22", "18", "29", "7", "28", "12", "35", "3", "26"]
, y = ["0", "28", "9", "26", "30", "11", "7", "20", "32", "17", "5",
"22", "34", "15", "3", "24", "36", "13", "1", "00", "27", "10", "25", "29", "12",
"8", "19", "31", "18", "6", "21", "33", "16", "4", "23", "35", "14", "2"];
function l(C, p, i) {
const q = i ? y : w
, V = q.indexOf(C);
return V - p <= 0 ? [...q.slice(q.length + V - p), ...q.slice(0, V
+ p + 1)] : V + p >= q.length ? [...q.slice(V - p), ...q.slice(0, (V + p) %
(q.length - 1))] : q.slice(V - p, V + p + 1)
function t(C, p) {
const i = l(C, 9, m.H9(q.W0) === V.F7.DZR)
, w = i.indexOf(C)
, y = i.indexOf(p);
return w < y ? i.slice(w, y + 1) : i.slice(y, w + 1).reverse()
165280: (C, p, i) => {
i.d(p, {
$0: () => y,
R6: () => V,
h$: () => w
var q = i(912986);
function V(C) {
return {
onMouseEnter: C.hoverable && C.onItemMouseEnter ?
C.onItemMouseEnter : q.A,
onMouseLeave: C.onItemMouseLeave || q.A,
onClick: C.onItemClick || q.A
const m = C => "changedTouches"in C;
function w(C, p=1) {
let i;
if (m(C)) {
const p = C.changedTouches[0];
i = [p.clientX, p.clientY]
} else
i = [C.clientX, C.clientY];
return p && 1 !== p ? => C / p)) : i
function y(C, p=1) {
let i;
if (m(C)) {
const p = C.changedTouches[0];
i = [p.pageX, p.pageY]
} else
i = [C.pageX, C.pageY];
return 1 !== p ? => C / p)) : i
74136: (C, p, i) => {
function q(C, p, i) {
return Math.max(p, Math.min(i, C))
function V(C, p, i) {
return (1 - i) * C + p * i
function m(C, p, i) {
return (i - C) / (p - C)
i.d(p, {
Cc: () => V,
Fg: () => m,
qE: () => q
483397: (C, p, i) => {
i.d(p, {
Fx: () => w,
LM: () => y,
fj: () => m
var q = i(436794)
, V = i(500704);
function m(C) {
const {layout: p, deviceSupport: i} = C
, q = y(C);
if ([V.FJ.Classic, V.FJ.Tablet, V.FJ.TabletImmersive].includes(p)
|| i.IS_PHONE && !q)
return "_16to9";
if (i.IS_PHONE && q) {
const C = 2.15
, p = i.getScreenSize();
if (Math.max(p.width, p.height) / Math.min(p.width, p.height)
<= C)
return "_16to9"
return ""
function w(C) {
const p = y(C);
return !C.deviceSupport.IS_PHONE || p ? "" : "_phone"
function y({orientation: C, isFullscreen: p}) {
return C === q.t.Landscape && p
433085: (C, p, i) => {
i.d(p, {
Ck: () => w,
G3: () => m,
Iw: () => q,
Om: () => V
const q = "00004"
, V = "en/"
, m = ["0", "1", "10", "11", "12", "13", "14", "15", "16", "17",
"18", "19", "2", "20", "21", "22", "23", "24", "25", "26", "27", "28", "29", "3",
"30", "31", "32", "33", "34", "35", "36", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9",
"betsaccepted", "betsclosing", "betsrejected", "nomorebets", "notallbetsaccepted",
"placebets", "youhavewon"];
var w;
(function(C) {
C["Chipwin"] = "chipwin",
C["LightningIntro"] = "lightningIntro",
C["LightningInvite"] = "lightningInvite",
C["LightningCharging"] = "lightningCharging",
C["LightningStraightBet"] = "lightningStraightBet",
C["LightningMultiplierLoop"] = "lightningMultiplierLoop",
C["LightningBetsOpenBackground"] = "lightningBetsOpenBackground",
C["LightningResult"] = "lightningResult",
C["LightningBallDropBackground"] = "lightningBallDropBackground",
C["LightningResultCounterLoop"] = "lightningResultCounterLoop",
C["LightningResultCounterEnd"] = "lightningResultCounterEnd",
C["LightningStrikeBig"] = "lightningStrikeBig",
C["LightningStrikeMedium"] = "lightningStrikeMedium",
C["LightningStrikeSmall"] = "lightningStrikeSmall",
C["LightningMultiplierCountEnd"] = "lightningMultiplierCountEnd",
C["XxxtremeLightningIntro"] = "xxxtremeLightningIntro",
C["XxxtremeLightningMultiplierLoop"] =
C["XxxtremeLightningChainRiser"] = "xxxtremeLightningChainRiser",
C["XxxtremeLightningChainAttention"] =
C["XxxtremeLightningChainStrike0"] =
C["XxxtremeLightningChainStrike1"] =
C["XxxtremeLightningChainStrike2"] =
C["XxxtremeLightningChainStrike3"] =
C["XxxtremeLightningChainStrike4"] =
C["XxxtremeLightningChainStrike5"] =
C["XxxtremeLightningChainStrike6"] =
C["XxxtremeLightningChainStrike7"] =
C["XxxtremeLightningChainStrike8"] =
C["XxxtremeLightningInvite"] = "xxxtremeLightningInvite",
C["XxxtremeLightningDoubleStrikeCharging"] =
C["XxxtremeLightningRegularWin"] = "xxxtremeLightningRegularWin",
C["XxxtremeLightningLightningWin"] =
C["XxxtremeLightningChainWin"] = "xxxtremeLightningChainWin",
C["XxxtremeLightningDoubleStrikeWin"] =
C["XxxtremeLightningBetsOpenBackground"] =
C["GVRBetsOpenAttention"] = "GVR_BetsOpenAttention",
C["GVRCashWin"] = "GVR_CashWin",
C["GVRGoldBarWin"] = "GVR_GoldBarWin",
C["GVRMegaBarWin"] = "GVR_MegaBarWin",
C["GVRGoldBarOnBet"] = "GVR_GoldBarOnBet",
C["GVRBettingGridGlow"] = "GVR_BettingGridGlow",
C["GVR1BarInBox"] = "GVR_1BarInBox_V2",
C["GVR2BarsInBox"] = "GVR_2BarsInBox_V2",
C["GVR3BarsInBox"] = "GVR_3BarsInBox_V3",
C["GVR4BarsInBox"] = "GVR_4BarsInBox_V3",
C["GVR5BarsInBox"] = "GVR_5BarsInBox_V3",
C["GVRBarsAppearRandom1"] = "GVR_BarsAppearRandom1_V2",
C["GVRBarsAppearRandom2"] = "GVR_BarsAppearRandom2_V2",
C["GVRBarsAppearRandom3"] = "GVR_BarsAppearRandom3_V2",
C["GVRBarsAppearRandom4"] = "GVR_BarsAppearRandom4_V2",
C["GVRBarsAppearRandom5"] = "GVR_BarsAppearRandom5_V2",
C["GVRHit1"] = "GVR_Hit1_V2",
C["GVRHit2"] = "GVR_Hit2_V2",
C["GVRHit3"] = "GVR_Hit3_V2",
C["GVRHit4"] = "GVR_Hit4_V2",
C["GVRMegaBarHit"] = "GVR_MegaBarHit_V3",
C["GVRMegaBarMiss"] = "GVR_MegaBarMiss_V3"
)(w || (w = {}))
484152: (C, p, i) => {
i.d(p, {
$4: () => v,
$o: () => T,
Ak: () => a,
CN: () => U,
EY: () => s,
Qh: () => c,
SO: () => j,
fP: () => O,
og: () => Y,
wr: () => f,
y3: () => B,
yW: () => I
var q = i(764522)
, V = i(843717)
, m = i(143701)
, w = i(515549)
, y = i(486717)
, l = i(433085);
let t = !1;
function B() {
t = !0
function T() {
t = !1
function I(C, p) {
const i = window.EVO_CDN || window.EVO_ORIGIN || "";
return ["mp3", "ogg"].map((q =>
function Y() {
const {male: C, female: p} = w.dF(w.vL())
, i = [];
return C.isDefault || i.push(m.o.Male),
p.isDefault || i.push(m.o.Female),
i.length > 0 ? i : [m.o.Male, m.o.Female]
function U(C) {
const p = {}
, i = w.dF(w.vL());
return Y().forEach((q => {
const {path: V, has00: m} = i[q];
l.G3.forEach((C => {
p[`${q}_${C}`] = I(V, C)
y.Fe(C) && m && (p[`${q}_00`] = I(V, "00"))
Object.values(l.Ck).forEach((C => {
p[C] = I(l.Om, C)
const L = new Map;
function a(C, p={}) {
(!L.has(C) || L.has(C) && !L.get(C).howl) && L.set(C,
src: C
t &&`%c[PLAY SOUND] %c${C}`, "background-color:
#117a8b; font-weight: bold;", "background-color: #117a8b"),
function v(C, p, i) {
var q;
a(C, {
volume: 0
const m = L.get(C)
, w = null !== (q = p.volume) && void 0 !== q ? q : 1;
m.on(V.mS.Fade, ( () => {,
m.fade(0, w, i)
function f(C) {
t &&`%c[STOP SOUND] %c${C}`, "background-color:
#117a8b; font-weight: bold;", "background-color: #117a8b"),
function s(C, p) {
const i = L.get(C);
if (void 0 === i)
const q = i.getVolume();
i.on(V.mS.Fade, ( () => {,
i.fade(q, 0, p)
function c(C) {
return q.createSound(C)
function O() {
const S = {
general: [l.Ck.Chipwin],
lightning: [l.Ck.LightningIntro, l.Ck.LightningInvite,
l.Ck.LightningCharging, l.Ck.LightningStraightBet, l.Ck.LightningMultiplierLoop,
l.Ck.LightningBetsOpenBackground, l.Ck.LightningResult,
l.Ck.LightningBallDropBackground, l.Ck.LightningResultCounterLoop,
l.Ck.LightningResultCounterEnd, l.Ck.LightningStrikeBig,
l.Ck.LightningStrikeMedium, l.Ck.LightningStrikeSmall,
xxxtremelightning: [l.Ck.XxxtremeLightningIntro,
l.Ck.XxxtremeLightningMultiplierLoop, l.Ck.XxxtremeLightningChainRiser,
l.Ck.XxxtremeLightningChainAttention, l.Ck.XxxtremeLightningChainStrike0,
l.Ck.XxxtremeLightningChainStrike1, l.Ck.XxxtremeLightningChainStrike2,
l.Ck.XxxtremeLightningChainStrike3, l.Ck.XxxtremeLightningChainStrike4,
l.Ck.XxxtremeLightningChainStrike5, l.Ck.XxxtremeLightningChainStrike6,
l.Ck.XxxtremeLightningChainStrike7, l.Ck.XxxtremeLightningChainStrike8,
l.Ck.XxxtremeLightningInvite, l.Ck.XxxtremeLightningDoubleStrikeCharging,
l.Ck.XxxtremeLightningRegularWin, l.Ck.XxxtremeLightningLightningWin,
l.Ck.XxxtremeLightningChainWin, l.Ck.XxxtremeLightningDoubleStrikeWin],
goldVault: [l.Ck.LightningStraightBet, l.Ck.GVRBetsOpenAttention,
l.Ck.GVRCashWin, l.Ck.GVRGoldBarWin, l.Ck.GVRMegaBarWin, l.Ck.GVRGoldBarOnBet,
l.Ck.GVRBettingGridGlow, l.Ck.GVR1BarInBox, l.Ck.GVR2BarsInBox, l.Ck.GVR3BarsInBox,
l.Ck.GVR4BarsInBox, l.Ck.GVR5BarsInBox, l.Ck.GVRBarsAppearRandom1,
l.Ck.GVRBarsAppearRandom2, l.Ck.GVRBarsAppearRandom3, l.Ck.GVRBarsAppearRandom4,
l.Ck.GVRBarsAppearRandom5, l.Ck.GVRHit1, l.Ck.GVRHit2, l.Ck.GVRHit3, l.Ck.GVRHit4,
l.Ck.GVRMegaBarHit, l.Ck.GVRMegaBarMiss]
function j(C) {
const p = [...S.general]
, i = C.getRouletteGameType();
return y.B7(i) && (C.isXLRoulette() &&
i === y.vS.GoldVault && p.push(...S.goldVault),
356108: (C, p, i) => {
i.d(p, {
$0: () => B,
$2: () => Y,
HN: () => T,
RZ: () => I,
Tl: () => U,
X$: () => a,
XT: () => s,
Yf: () => L,
_H: () => v,
rc: () => S,
wV: () => c,
wX: () => O
var q = i(9122)
, V = i(775286)
, m = i(60199)
, w = i(502715)
, y = i(486717);
const l = "RouletteBettingGridSerif"
, t = "Inter";
function B(C, p) {
const i = C.filter((C => "-1" !== C))
, q = w.vb.reduce(( (C, p) => (C[p] = 0,
C)), {});
return p === y.F7.DZR && (q["00"] = 0),
i.forEach((C => {
q[C] += 1
function T(C, p=5) {
const i = (C, p, i) => Object.entries(C).map(( ([C,p]) => ({
frequency: p,
number: C
}))).sort(( (C, q) => C.frequency < q.frequency ? "desc" === p ?
1 : -1 : C.frequency > q.frequency ? "desc" === p ? -1 : 1 : Number(C.number) <
Number(q.number) ? "desc" === i ? 1 : -1 : Number(C.number) > Number(q.number) ?
"desc" === i ? -1 : 1 : 0));
return {
hotItems: i(q.A(C, (C => 0 !== C)), "desc", "asc").slice(0,
p).map((C => C.number)),
coldItems: i(C, "asc", "asc").slice(0, p).map((C => C.number))
function I(C, p) {
return B( => C.number)), p)
function Y(C, p) {
return - Object.values(p).reduce(( (C, p) => C + p),
function U(C, p) {
const i = C.getBoundingClientRect();
return {
left: Math.round(i.left + i.width / 2 - p.left),
top: Math.round( -
function L(C, p) {
return Math.sqrt((C[0] - p[0]) ** 2 + (C[1] - p[1]) ** 2)
function a(C) {
return C < 0 ? 2 * Math.PI + C : C
function v(C, p) {
return Math.atan2(p[1] - C[1], p[0] - C[0])
function f(C) {
return new Promise((p => {
const i = new Image;
i.onload = () => p(i),
i.src = `data:image/svg+xml;charset=utf-8,$
function s(C) {
const p = "light" === C;
return f(`\n <svg xmlns=""
viewBox="0 0 756.3 756.3" width="756.3" height="756.3">\n <defs>\n
<style>\n .roulette-statistics-wheel-sectors {\n
fill: #1B1717;\n opacity: 0.6;\n }\n
.roulette-statistics-wheel-outer-circle {\n fill: ${p ?
"#FFFFFF" : "#777777"};\n opacity: ${p ? 1 : .8};\n
}\n .roulette-statistics-wheel-middle-circle {\n
fill: none;\n stroke: ${p ? "#666666" : "#777777"};\n
opacity: ${.5};\n stroke-miterlimit: 10;\n
stroke-width: 2px;\n }\n .roulette-
statistics-wheel-inner-circle {\n fill: ${p ? "#FFFFFF" :
"#878787"};\n }\n .roulette-statistics-wheel-
lines {\n fill: ${p ? "#666666" : "#888888"};\n
opacity: ${p ? .3 : .5};\n }\n </style>\n
</defs>\n <path class="roulette-statistics-wheel-sectors"
19,548.1,145.8,676.5 S548.1,775.3,676.5,610.6z
,621.7 S29.9,323,134.6,188.5z" />\n <circle class="roulette-statistics-
wheel-inner-circle" cx="378.2" cy="378.2" r="24.5"/>\n <circle
class="roulette-statistics-wheel-middle-circle" cx="378.2" cy="378.2" r="308.7"/>\n
<path class="roulette-statistics-wheel-outer-circle"
54.8,9.2-82.6,9.2 c-206.1,0-373.1-167-373.1-373.1c0-174.5,120.9-325.7,291.1-
364C323,8.1,350.7,5,378.5,5L378.5,5 M378.5,0 c-112.6,0-224,50.1-298.6,145.8C-
50.1,298.6-145.8 c128.3-164.8,98.8-402.4-65.9-530.7C544.3,28,462.6-
0.1,378.5,0L378.5,0z" />\n <polygon class="roulette-statistics-wheel-
lines" points="134.9,666.6 374.2,384.7 185.3,702.5 186.4,703.2 375.5,385.1
244.5,731.2 245.7,731.6 376.6,385.8 305.2,748.6 306.4,748.9 377.8,386 367.9,755.7
369.2,755.7 379.1,386.1 431,752.2 432.2,752 380.3,385.6 495.1,737.4 496.3,737.1
381.6,385.6 552.7,713.3 553.8,712.7 382.5,384.7 608.2,678 609.2,677.2 383.6,383.9
656.3,634.1 657.1,633.1 384.6,383.2 695,584.2 695.7,583.1 385.3,382.1 724.8,528.6
725.3,527.4 385.8,380.9 745,468.7 745.3,467.5 386.1,379.7 754.9,406.4 755,405.1
386,378.4 754.2,341.9 754,340.6 385.9,377.2 742.5,278.5 742.1,277.3 385.6,376
720.1,218 719.6,216.9 385,374.8 687.8,162.3 687.1,161.2 384.3,373.8 646.5,112.8
645.6,111.9 383.5,372.8 598.4,71.8 597.4,71.1 382.3,372.3 541.8,38.3 540.7,37.8
381.3,371.5 482.8,15.9 481.6,15.5 380.1,371.1 420.9,3.6 419.6,3.4 378.8,371.3
355.1,1.9 353.9,2 377.5,371.1 292.7,11.1 291.4,11.4 376.3,371.3 232.6,30.6
231.4,31.1 375.1,371.8 176.6,59.9 175.5,60.5 374.1,372.5 126.3,98 125.4,98.9
373.3,373.6 81.4,146.1 80.6,147.1 372.5,374.6 45.6,201.2 45,202.3 371.7,375.6
20.7,259.3 20.3,260.5 371.3,376.8 5.8,320.6 5.6,321.9 371.4,378.1 1.4,386.2
1.4,387.5 371.1,379.3 8,449.1 8.2,450.3 371.4,380.6 24.9,509.9 25.4,511.1
371.8,381.8 51.8,567 52.4,568.1 372.7,382.7 89.5,620.9 90.3,621.9 373.3,383.9
133.9,665.8 "/>\n </svg>\n `)
function c(C) {
const p = "light" === C;
return f(`\n <svg xmlns=""
viewBox="0 0 757.4 757.3" width="757.4" height="757.3">\n <defs>\n
<style>\n .roulette-statistics-wheel-sectors {\n
fill: #1B1717;\n opacity: 0.6;\n }\n
.roulette-statistics-wheel-outer-circle {\n fill: ${p ?
"#FFFFFF" : "#777777"};\n opacity: ${p ? 1 : .8};\n
}\n .roulette-statistics-wheel-middle-circle {\n
fill: none;\n stroke: ${p ? "#666666" : "#777777"};\n
opacity: 0.5;\n stroke-miterlimit: 10;\n
stroke-width: 2px;\n }\n .roulette-
statistics-wheel-inner-circle {\n fill: #FFFFFF;\n
}\n .roulette-statistics-wheel-lines {\n
fill: ${p ? "#666666" : "#888888"};\n opacity: $
{p ? .3 : .5};\n }\n </style>\n
</defs>\n <path class="roulette-statistics-wheel-sectors"
432.5,53.7S29.8,325.7,134.4,191.4z"/>\n <polygon class="roulette-
statistics-wheel-lines" points="751.5,384.9 385.9,378.8 747.6,324.6 747.4,323.2
385.6,377.5 733.5,264.5 733.1,263.2 385.2,376.1 709.8,207.5 709.1,206.2 384.6,374.9
676.9,155.1 676.1,154 383.8,373.8 636,108.9 635,108 382.8,372.9 587.9,70.1
586.8,69.3 381.6,372.1 534.2,39.7 532.9,39.1 380.4,371.5 476.2,18.5 474.8,18.2
379,371.3 414.5,7.1 413.2,7 377.6,371 352.8,6.1 351.4,6.2 376.2,371.1 291.7,15.3
290.4,15.6 374.9,371.4 233,34.3 231.7,34.9 373.6,372 178.2,62.8 177,63.6
372.5,372.7 128.8,99.9 127.8,100.9 371.4,373.6 86.2,144.7 85.3,145.8 370.6,374.7
51.6,195.8 50.9,197 369.9,375.9 25.8,251.9 25.3,253.2 369.4,377.2 9.6,311.5
9.4,312.9 369.2,378.6 3.5,373 3.5,374.4 369.1,380 7.5,434.6 7.7,436 369.4,381.3
21.6,494.7 22.1,496 369.8,382.6 45.5,551.7 46.1,552.9 370.4,383.9 78.3,604
79.2,605.1 371.3,385 119.4,650.2 120.4,651.1 372.3,385.9 167.4,688.9 168.6,689.7
373.4,386.7 221.2,719.3 222.5,719.8 374.7,387.3 279.3,740.3 280.6,740.7 376,387.6
340,751.6 341.4,751.7 377.4,387.8 401.8,752.7 403.1,752.6 378.8,387.7 462.9,743.6
464.2,743.3 380.1,387.4 521.6,724.6 522.9,724.1 381.4,386.8 576.5,696.2 577.6,695.5
382.5,386.1 625.9,659.1 626.9,658.2 383.6,385.1 668.5,614.5 669.4,613.4 384.4,384.1
703.2,563.4 703.9,562.2 385.1,382.9 729,507.3 729.5,506 385.6,381.6 745.3,447.7
745.5,446.3 385.8,380.2 751.5,386.2 "/>\n <circle class="roulette-
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cy="380.8" r="24.4"/>\n </svg>\n `)
function O(C, p) {
const i = "light" === p
, q = "serif" === (null == C ? void 0 :
, m = q ? "normal" : "500";
return V.Al(q ? l : t, m).catch(( () => {}
)).then(( () => f(`\n <svg
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height="759.32">\n <defs>\n <style>\n
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{q ? `${l}, Times, serif` : `${t}, Arial, sans-serif`};\n
font-weight: ${m};\n }\
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fill: ${(null == C ? void 0 : C.labels.red_color) ? null == C ? void 0 :
C.labels.red_color : i ? "#FC1E07" : "#D3001D"};\n }\n
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== C ? void 0 : C.labels.black_color) || "#FFFFFF"};\
n }\n .roulette-statistics-
wheel-green {\n fill: ${(null == C ? void 0 :
C.labels.green_color) || "#38AA39"};\n }\n
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function S(C, p) {
const i = "light" === p
, q = "serif" === (null == C ? void 0 :
, m = q ? "normal" : "500";
return V.Al(q ? l : t, m).catch(( () => {}
)).then(( () => f(`\n <svg
xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 756.3 756.3" width="756.3"
height="756.3">\n <defs>\n <style>\n
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wheel-green,\n .roulette-statistics-wheel-black {\n
font-size: ${q ? "45px;" : "41.77px;"}\n font-
family: ${q ? `${l}, Times, serif` : `${t}, Arial, sans-serif`};\n
font-weight: ${m};\n }\
n .roulette-statistics-wheel-green {\n
fill: ${(null == C ? void 0 : C.labels.green_color) || "#38AA39"};\n
}\n .roulette-statistics-wheel-red {\n
fill: ${(null == C ? void 0 : C.labels.red_color) ? null == C ? void 0 :
C.labels.red_color : i ? "#FC1E07" : "#D3001D"};\n }\n
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== C ? void 0 : C.labels.black_color) || "#FFFFFF"};\
n }\n </style>\n
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transform="matrix(-0.4983 0.867 -0.867 -0.4983 667.5842 532.0692)">6</text>\n
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598482: (C, p, i) => {
i.d(p, {
jB: () => q
const q = i(933233).w(window.location.href)
304642: (C, p, i) => {
i.d(p, {
BF: () => y,
HZ: () => w,
RZ: () => m
var q = i(346160);
const V = {
0: "",
"00": "tooltip.statistics.doubleZero"
function m(C) {
const p = V[C];
return q.Tl(p || "tooltip.statistics.betOnNumber", [C])
function w(C) {
return (...p) => !C(...p)
class y {
constructor(C, p) {
this.timerID = -1,
this.lastTooltipLabel = "",
this.timeStartShow = -1,
this.key = void 0,
this.removeTooltips = C, = p
getLastLabel() {
return this.lastTooltipLabel
clearTooltipWithDelay() {
y.isLastTooltipInstant || this.clearTooltipData()
showTooltipWithDelay(C, p, i, V, m) {
this.lastTooltipLabel = C,
this.position = p,
y.isLastTooltipInstant = !1,
this.timerID = window.setTimeout(( () => {
this.timerID = -1;
const p = {
label: C,
hasAnchor: i
m && (p.label = q.Tl(C)),
), void 0 === V ? this.DELAY_TO_SHOW_TOOLTIP : V)
showTooltipInstantly(C, p, i) {
const V = (new Date).getTime();
if (C !== this.lastTooltipLabel || i !== this.key || V -
this.timeStartShow > this.TIME_TO_RENEW_TOOLTIP || p !== this.position && void 0
=== i) {
y.isLastTooltipInstant = !0,
this.lastTooltipLabel = C,
this.position = p,
this.timerID = -1,
this.timeStartShow = V,
this.key = i;
const m = q.Tl(C);{
labelTranslationId: this.lastTooltipLabel,
label: m,
clearTooltipData() {
this.timerID >= 0 && (clearTimeout(this.timerID),
this.timerID = -1),
this.lastTooltipLabel = "",
this.timeStartShow = -1,
y.isLastTooltipInstant = !0
617010: (C, p, i) => {
i.d(p, {
z: () => w
var q = i(64922)
, V = i(730249)
, m = i(450545);
const w = C => {
const {tooltip: p="tooltip.favouriteAndSpecialBets"} = C;
return q.jsx(m.O, {
type: "secondary",
role: "favorite-bets-button",
iconComponent: q.jsx(V.F, {}),
tooltip: p
241799: (C, p, i) => {
i.d(p, {
K: () => w
var q = i(64922)
, V = i(176292)
, m = i(450545);
const w = ({state: C, withTooltip: p=!0, ...i}) => q.jsx(m.O, {
type: "secondary",
forceHideTooltip: !p,
role: "statistics-button",
state: C,
iconComponent: q.jsx(V.K, {})
w.defaultProps = {
tooltip: "tooltip.statistics"
787081: (C, p, i) => {
i.d(p, {
a$: () => I,
mp: () => t
var q = i(346160)
, V = i(584698)
, m = i(260564)
, w = i(157384);
function y(C, p) {
return null != p ? `${C.score}(${p})` : C.score
const l = (C, p, i) => [y(C, null == i ? void 0 : i.home), y(p, null ==
i ? void 0 : i.away)].join(i ? "-" : " - ");
function t(C) {
const {state: p, awayTeam: i, homeTeam: y, start: t, startSynced:
B, penaltiesShootout: T} = C;
let I = ""
, Y = "";
if (p === m.X4.Fixture) {
const C = new Date;
I = B.getDate() === C.getDate() && B.getMonth() ===
C.getMonth() ? q.Tl("next") : t.toLocaleDateString(, {
month: "short",
day: "numeric"
Y = V.GP(t, "HH:MM")
} else
w.x8(p) ? (I = function({stateStarted: C, state: p}) {
if (null === C)
return "??:??";
let i = 0
, q = 0
, V = "";
return p === m.X4.HalfTime ? i = 45 : p ===
m.X4.ExtraTimeBreak ? i = 90 : p === m.X4.ETHalfTime ? i = 105 : p ===
m.X4.Penalties ? i = 120 : (i = Math.floor(( - +C) / 1e3 / 60),
q = Math.floor(( - +C - 1e3 * i * 60) / 1e3),
(p === m.X4.FirstHalf || p === m.X4.SecondHalf) && i >=
45 ? (V = " +",
i = p === m.X4.FirstHalf ? 45 : 90,
q = 0) : p === m.X4.SecondHalf ? i += 45 : (p ===
m.X4.ETFirstHalf || p === m.X4.ETSecondHalf) && i >= 15 ? (V = " +",
i = p === m.X4.ETFirstHalf ? 105 : 120,
q = 0) : p === m.X4.ETFirstHalf ? i += 90 : p ===
m.X4.ETSecondHalf && (i += 105)),
`${i}:${w = q,
var w
Y = l(y, i, T)) : (I = q.Tl("previous"),
Y = l(y, i, T));
return {
label1: I,
label2: Y
const B = !1
, T = [m.Er.EuroChampionship, m.Er.EuroQualification]
, I = C => C.filter((C => B || !T.includes(C)))
759790: (C, p, i) => {
i.d(p, {
I4: () => V,
IG: () => m,
Qk: () => w,
XF: () => l,
aA: () => y
var q = i(260564);
const V = {
, m = {
[q.Er.Allsvenskan]: "leagues.allsvenskan",
[q.Er.Bundesliga]: "leagues.bundesliga",
[q.Er.CampeonatoCarioca]: "leagues.campeonatoCarioca",
[q.Er.CampeonatoPaulista]: "leagues.campeonatoPaulista",
[q.Er.EnglishPremier]: "leagues.englishPremier",
[q.Er.EuroChampionship]: "leagues.euroChampionship",
[q.Er.EuroQualification]: "leagues.euroQualification",
[q.Er.ItalianSerieA]: "leagues.italianSerieA",
[q.Er.Ligue1]: "leagues.ligue1",
[q.Er.Mls]: "",
[q.Er.SpanishLaLiga]: "leagues.spanishLaLiga",
[q.Er.Superettan]: "leagues.superettan",
[q.Er.SuperLig]: "leagues.superLig",
[q.Er.UefaChampions]: "leagues.uefaChampions",
[q.Er.UefaEuropa]: "leagues.uefaEuropa",
[q.Er.UefaNations]: "leagues.uefaNations",
[q.Er.UkChampionship]: "leagues.ukChampionship",
[q.Er.WcqAfrica]: "leagues.wcqAfrica",
[q.Er.WcqAsia]: "leagues.wcqAsia",
[q.Er.WcqEurope]: "leagues.wcqEurope",
[q.Er.WcqNorthAmerica]: "leagues.wcqNorthAmerica",
[q.Er.WcqOceania]: "leagues.wcqOceania",
[q.Er.WcqSouthAmerica]: "leagues.wcqSouthAmerica",
[q.Er.Liga1]: "leagues.liga1",
[q.Er.Liga2]: "leagues.liga2",
[q.Er.CarabaoCup]: "leagues.carabaoCup",
[q.Er.FACup]: "leagues.fACup",
[q.Er.CoppaItalia]: "leagues.coppaItalia",
[q.Er.WomenSuperLeague]: "leagues.womenSuperLeague",
[q.Er.Superliga]: "leagues.superliga",
[q.Er.CopaArgentina]: "leagues.copaArgentina",
[q.Er.BrasilSerieA]: "leagues.brasilSerieA",
[q.Er.BrazilSerieB]: "leagues.brazilSerieB",
[q.Er.CopaDoBrasil]: "leagues.copaDoBrasil",
[q.Er.PrimeraDivisionChile]: "leagues.primeraDivisionChile",
[q.Er.ChileanCup]: "leagues.chileanCup",
[q.Er.LigaBetPlay]: "leagues.ligaBetPlay",
[q.Er.TorneoBetplay]: "leagues.torneoBetplay",
[q.Er.CopaBetplay]: "leagues.copaBetplay",
[q.Er.LigaPro]: "leagues.ligaPro",
[q.Er.LigaMX]: "leagues.ligaMX",
[q.Er.CopaMX]: "leagues.copaMX",
[q.Er.Division1]: "leagues.division1",
[q.Er.PrimeraDivisionPeru]: "leagues.primeraDivisionPeru",
[q.Er.PrimeraDivisionUruguay]: "leagues.primeraDivisionUruguay",
[q.Er.LigaDeFutbolProf]: "leagues.ligaDeFutbolProf",
[q.Er.CopaAmerica]: "leagues.copaAmerica",
[q.Er.CopaSudamericana]: "leagues.copaSudamericana",
[q.Er.CopaLibertadores]: "leagues.copaLibertadores",
[q.Er.ConcacafLeague]: "leagues.concacafLeague",
[q.Er.SuperCup]: "leagues.superCup",
[q.Er.CopaBicentenario]: "leagues.copaBicentenario",
[q.Er.CopaParaguay]: "leagues.copaParaguay",
[q.Er.WorldCup]: "leagues.worldCup"
, w = {
[]: "leagues.yourFavourite",
[]: "leagues.nationalCompetitions",
, y = [,,,]
, l = q.Er.EnglishPremier
559356: (C, p, i) => {
i.d(p, {
QY: () => Fp,
XF: () => m.XF,
ln: () => w.l,
IW: () => w.I,
Os: () => ii,
q5: () => jp,
uK: () => q,
Er: () => y.Er,
Pt: () => Vp,
K0: () => MC,
N1: () => l.N1,
M4: () => l.M4,
a$: () => t.a$,
x8: () => l.x8,
YA: () => l.YA
var q, V, m = i(759790), w = i(17656), y = i(260564), l = i(157384);
(function(C) {
C["Wide"] = "Wide",
C["Small"] = "Small",
C["Narrow"] = "Narrow"
)(q || (q = {})),
function(C) {
C["ARG"] = "ARG",
C["MEX"] = "MEX",
C["PAN"] = "PAN",
C["CRC"] = "CRC",
C["COL"] = "COL",
C["PER"] = "PER",
C["BRA"] = "BRA",
C["URU"] = "URU",
C["ISL"] = "ISL",
C["ENG"] = "ENG",
C["BEL"] = "BEL",
C["FRA"] = "FRA",
C["ESP"] = "ESP",
C["POR"] = "POR",
C["SWE"] = "SWE",
C["DEN"] = "DEN",
C["GER"] = "GER",
C["SUI"] = "SUI",
C["SRB"] = "SRB",
C["CRO"] = "CRO",
C["POL"] = "POL",
C["RUS"] = "RUS",
C["TUN"] = "TUN",
C["MAR"] = "MAR",
C["SEN"] = "SEN",
C["NGA"] = "NGA",
C["EGY"] = "EGY",
C["KSA"] = "KSA",
C["IRN"] = "IRN",
C["KOR"] = "KOR",
C["JPN"] = "JPN",
C["AUS"] = "AUS"
}(V || (V = {}));
var t = i(787081)
, B = i(64922)
, T = i(377810)
, I = i(699695)
, Y = i(653677);
const U = .13
, L = .04;
function a(C) {
return U + L * C
const v = i.p + "images/allsvenska.c739e5c3.svg"
, f = i.p + "images/brazilseri.a3c40726.svg"
, s = i.p + "images/brazilseri.c8efea6f.svg"
, c = i.p + "images/bundesliga.bd081c7b.svg"
, O = i.p + "images/campeonato.ca9ff98b.svg"
, S = i.p + "images/campeonato.eaaa37df.svg"
, j = i.p + "images/carabaocup.3675f869.svg"
, o = i.p + "images/chileancup.4ab6baed.svg"
, x = i.p + "images/concacafle.36446155.svg"
, Z = i.p + "images/copaameric.b9ca399f.svg"
, H = i.p + "images/copaargent.11cea95a.svg"
, b = i.p + "images/copabetpla.6412aaeb.svg"
, X = i.p + "images/copabicent.3865527c.svg"
, z = i.p + "images/copadobras.38e7fd6f.svg"
, M = i.p + "images/copalibert.6da1f58e.svg"
, P = i.p + "images/copamx.1e184b15.svg"
, R = i.p + "images/copaparagu.691bf9b6.svg"
, Q = i.p + "images/copasudame.f91e73a2.svg"
, n = i.p + "images/coppaitali.50f359e6.svg"
, h = i.p + "images/division1.9b88a924.svg"
, G = i.p + "images/englishpre.22dc7f43.svg"
, $ = i.p + "images/eurochampi.67b6600f.webp"
, W = i.p + "images/euroqualif.3f1c6f60.svg"
, k = i.p + "images/facup.88b2b83e.svg"
, A = i.p + "images/italianser.0ae63b4b.svg"
, F = i.p + "images/laliga.a5a5074a.svg"
, K = i.p + "images/liga1.28dd27d4.svg"
, E = i.p + "images/liga2.75c4f18d.svg"
, g = i.p + "images/ligabetpla.811986c4.svg"
, N = i.p + "images/ligadefutb.2f2eae2f.svg"
, J = i.p + "images/ligamx.82988290.svg"
, r = i.p + "images/ligapro.ef45905c.svg"
, d = i.p + "images/ligue1.71200835.svg"
, D = i.p + "images/mls.659bf92d.svg"
, u = i.p + "images/primeradiv.f602d93e.svg"
, _ = i.p + "images/primeradiv.6845f43b.svg"
, e = i.p + "images/primeradiv.d7ed075d.svg"
, CC = i.p + "images/supercup.197c0987.svg"
, pC = i.p + "images/superettan.cbec1fd8.svg"
, iC = i.p + "images/superlig.648607ef.svg"
, qC = i.p + "images/superliga.e418d010.svg"
, VC = i.p + "images/torneobetp.52acc4ce.svg"
, mC = i.p + "images/uefachampi.65aa0b75.svg"
, wC = i.p + "images/uefaeuropa.71ec8e43.svg"
, yC = i.p + "images/uefanation.583351cd.svg"
, lC = i.p + "images/ukchampion.a54cf4c6.svg"
, tC = i.p + "images/wcqafrica.201ad9c9.svg"
, BC = i.p + "images/wcqasia.0f938d4a.svg"
, TC = i.p + "images/wcqnortham.895e500c.svg"
, IC = i.p + "images/wcqoceania.6c64ce9d.svg"
, YC = i.p + "images/wcqsoutham.5b83a5d8.svg"
, UC = i.p + "images/worldcup.6b8ddec0.svg"
, LC = {
Allsvenskan: v,
BrazilSerieB: s,
Bundesliga: c,
CampeonatoCarioca: O,
CampeonatoPaulista: S,
EnglishPremier: G,
EuroChampionship: $,
EuroQualification: W,
ItalianSerieA: A,
Ligue1: d,
Mls: D,
SpanishLaLiga: F,
Superettan: pC,
SuperLig: iC,
UefaChampions: mC,
UefaEuropa: wC,
UefaNations: yC,
UkChampionship: lC,
WcqAfrica: tC,
WcqAsia: BC,
WcqEurope: i.p + "images/wqceurope.a5a556db.svg",
WcqNorthAmerica: TC,
WcqOceania: IC,
WcqSouthAmerica: YC,
Liga1: K,
Liga2: E,
CarabaoCup: j,
FACup: k,
CoppaItalia: n,
CopaAmerica: Z,
CopaLibertadores: M,
LigaBetPlay: g,
TorneoBetplay: VC,
CopaBetplay: b,
ChileanCup: o,
CopaDoBrasil: z,
CopaMX: P,
CopaParaguay: R,
Division1: h,
LigaDeFutbolProf: N,
LigaMX: J,
LigaPro: r,
PrimeraDivisionChile: u,
PrimeraDivisionPeru: _,
PrimeraDivisionUruguay: e,
BrasilSerieA: f,
SuperCup: CC,
Superliga: qC,
CopaSudamericana: Q,
ConcacafLeague: x,
WomenSuperLeague: i.p + "images/wsl.04ff8c39.svg",
CopaArgentina: H,
CopaBicentenario: X,
WorldCup: UC
, aC = "league--5f041"
, vC = "disabled--64364"
, fC = "mobile--3eac3"
, sC = "fadeIn--39dd2"
, cC = "icon--5dbaf"
, OC = "labelContainer--b3b90"
, SC = "label--ac6fe"
, jC = T.memo(( ({isSelected: C, code: p, label: i, isDefault: q,
isMobile: V, onClick: m, visible: w, index: y, color: l="#0E5EFF"}) => {
let t, T = "none";
return C && (T = l,
t = B.jsxs("g", {
transform: "translate(77, 77)",
children: [B.jsx("circle", {
id: "Oval",
fill: l,
cx: "9",
cy: "9",
r: "9"
}), B.jsx("polygon", {
fill: "#FFFFFF",
fillRule: "nonzero",
points: "8.23685633 12.4321738 14.2890523 6.41229321
12.977974 5.10583139 8.23685633 9.82848314 6.09942939 7.72798798 4.79758404
q && (T = "#D9D9D9",
t = B.jsxs("g", {
transform: "translate(77, 77)",
children: [B.jsx("circle", {
id: "Oval",
fill: "#D9D9D9",
cx: "9",
cy: "9",
r: "9"
}), B.jsx("image", {
width: "10",
height: "10",
transform: "translate(4, 4)",
B.jsxs("div", {
className: I.A(aC, {
[vC]: q,
[sC]: w,
[fC]: V
style: {
transitionDelay: `${a(y)}s`
onClick: q ? void 0 : () => m(p),
"data-role": `league-select-icon-${p}`,
children: [B.jsx("div", {
className: cC,
children: B.jsx("svg", {
width: V ? "7.6em" : "8.33em",
viewBox: "0 0 100 100",
version: "1.1",
xmlns: "",
children: B.jsxs("g", {
stroke: "none",
strokeWidth: "1",
fill: "none",
fillRule: "evenodd",
children: [B.jsxs("g", {
children: [B.jsx("circle", {
stroke: T,
strokeWidth: "4",
cx: "50",
cy: "50",
r: C || q ? "48" : "50",
fill: "#FFF"
}), B.jsx("g", {
children: B.jsx("g", {
transform: "translate(18, 18)",
id: "Bitmap",
children: B.jsx("image", {
width: "64",
height: "64",
xlinkHref: LC[p]
}), t]
}), B.jsx("div", {
className: OC,
children: B.jsx("div", {
className: SC,
children: i
jC.displayName = "League";
const oC = "leagues--413f3"
, xC = "separator--fb253"
, ZC = "fadeIn--a43ff"
, HC = "line--107a6"
, bC = "groupLabel--be6f6"
, XC = "mobile--918bd"
, zC = ({selected: C, selectedLeagues: p, color: i,
defaultTableLeague: q, leagues: V, isMobile: w, onLeagueSelect: y, visible: t}) =>
const U = l.iI(V, p, q)
, L = i ? {
background: `linear-gradient(to right, rgba(0, 85, 255, 0) 0%,
${i} 50%, rgba(0, 85, 255, 0) 100%)`
} : {};
return B.jsx(B.Fragment, {
children: (p, V) => {
const l = `${}-${V}`;
return B.jsxs(T.Fragment, {
children: [B.jsxs("div", {
style: {
transitionDelay: `${a(0)}s`
className: I.A(xC, {
[ZC]: t
children: [B.jsx("span", {
className: HC,
style: L
}), B.jsx("div", {
className: I.A(bC, {
[XC]: w
children: B.jsx(Y.q, {
children: m.Qk[]
}), B.jsx("span", {
className: HC,
style: L
}), B.jsx("div", {
className: oC,
children: ({code: p, translation:
V}, m) => B.jsx(jC, {
visible: t,
index: m,
code: p,
label: V,
isDefault: p === q,
isSelected: !!C[p],
isMobile: w,
onClick: y,
color: i
}, p)))
}, l)]
, MC = ({selectedLeagues: C, color: p, defaultTableLeague: i,
leagues: q, setSelectedLeagues: V, onClose: m, subscribeDesktopDrawer: w, drawerId:
y, isMobile: l, isOpened: t, isClassicLayout: I, closeDesktopDrawer: Y,
updateOnCloseMobileDrawer: U, subscribeRotate: L}) => {
const [a,v] = T.useState(!1)
, [f,s] = T.useState(function(C) {
return C.reduce(( (C, p) => (C[p] = !0,
C)), {})
, c = T.useCallback(( () => {
V(Object.keys(f).filter((C => !!f[C])))
), [f, V]);
T.useEffect(( () => {
l && (null == U || U(c))
), [c, l]),
T.useEffect(( () => {
let C;
return L && (C = L(( () => {
() => {
null == C || C()
), [L, c, m]);
const O = T.useCallback((C => {
C.find(( ({id: C}) => C === y)) ? v(!0) : a && (v(!1),
), [y, m, c, a])
, S = T.useCallback((C => {
[C]: !f[C]
), [f]);
return T.useEffect(( () => {
let C;
return t && !l && w && Y ? (Y(I),
C = w(O)) : l && t ? v(!0) : !t && Y && Y(I, y),
() => {
null == C || C()
), [Y, O, y, I, l, t, w]),
B.jsx(zC, {
leagues: q,
selected: f,
selectedLeagues: C,
defaultTableLeague: i,
isMobile: l,
visible: a,
onLeagueSelect: S,
color: p
var PC = i(25581)
, RC = i(15621);
class QC extends T.Component {
constructor() {
this.state = {
position: void 0
this.element = null,
this.onPositionChanged = C => {
position: C
this.setScrollableContentRef = C => {
position: 0
this.element = C
shouldComponentUpdate(C, p) {
return !RC.bN(this.props, C) || !RC.bN(this.state, p)
render() {
const {children: C, gradientLength: p, axis: i} = this.props
, {position: q} = this.state
, V = "y" === i ? "scrollHeight" : "scrollWidth"
, m = "y" === i ? "offsetHeight" : "offsetWidth"
, w = this.element && this.element[V] > this.element[m] ?
Math.round(p / this.element[m] * 100) : 0;
let y = 0
, l = 100;
"number" == typeof q && (y = Math.max(q - 100 + w, 0),
l = Math.min(100 - w + q, 100));
const t = `${"y" === i ? "top" : "left"}, rgba(0, 0, 0, 0) 0%,
rgba(0, 0, 0, 1) ${y}%, rgba(0, 0, 0, 1) ${l}%, rgba(0, 0, 0, 0) 100%`;
return C({
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maskPosition: "initial",
WebkitMaskPosition: "initial"
refCallback: this.setScrollableContentRef,
onPositionChanged: this.onPositionChanged
QC.defaultProps = {
gradientLength: 57,
axis: "y"
const nC = ({league: C}) => B.jsxs("svg", {
viewBox: "0 0 100 100",
version: "1.1",
xmlns: "",
children: [B.jsx("circle", {
cx: "50",
cy: "50",
r: "50",
fill: "#FFF"
}), B.jsx("g", {
transform: "translate(18, 18)",
id: "Bitmap",
children: B.jsx("image", {
width: "64",
height: "64",
xlinkHref: LC[C],
"data-role": "leagueIcon"
, hC = "separator--23af5"
, GC = "container--5cc98"
, $C = "iconContainer--e4664"
, WC = "icon--e0835"
, kC = "first--4d5ac"
, AC = "second--95872"
, FC = "third--fa4fd"
, KC = "fourth--ede06"
, EC = "addLabel--0f7d7"
, gC = ({onClick: C, leagues: p, color: i="#0E5EFF"}) =>
B.jsxs(B.Fragment, {
children: [B.jsx("div", {
className: hC
}), B.jsxs("div", {
className: GC,
onClick: C,
"data-role": "add-leagues-button",
children: [B.jsxs("div", {
className: $C,
children: [B.jsx("div", {
className: I.A(WC, KC),
children: B.jsx(nC, {
league: p[2]
}), B.jsx("div", {
className: I.A(WC, FC),
children: B.jsx(nC, {
league: p[1]
}), B.jsx("div", {
className: I.A(WC, AC),
children: B.jsx(nC, {
league: p[0]
}), B.jsx("div", {
className: I.A(WC, kC),
children: B.jsxs("svg", {
viewBox: "0 0 32 32",
version: "1.1",
xmlns: "",
children: [B.jsx("circle", {
id: "Oval",
cx: "16",
cy: "16",
r: "16",
fill: i
}), B.jsx("polygon", {
id: "ic_add-league",
fillOpacity: "0.9",
fill: "#FFFFFF",
fillRule: "nonzero",
points: "17.0181818 22 17.0181818 17.0181818 22
17.0181818 22 14.9818182 17.0181818 14.9818182 17.0181818 10 14.9818182 10
14.9818182 14.9818182 10 14.9818182 10 17.0181818 14.9818182 17.0181818 14.9818182
}), B.jsx("div", {
className: EC,
children: B.jsx(Y.q, {
children: "leagues.addLeagues"
, NC = "league--1c77f"
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, DC = T.memo(( ({code: C, isSelected: p, disabled: i, onClick: q,
label: V}) => {
const m = T.useCallback(( () => q(C)), [q, C]);
return B.jsxs("div", {
className: I.A(NC, {
[JC]: p,
[rC]: i
onClick: m,
"data-role": `league-${C}`,
children: [B.jsx(nC, {
league: C
}), B.jsx("div", {
className: dC,
children: V
DC.displayName = "League";
const uC = i.p + "images/settings.49d4c506.svg"
, _C = "container--2adaf"
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, Cp = "mobile--4d29c"
, pp = "rngPhonePortrait--32754"
, ip = "leagues--e1e9f"
, qp = "settingsIcon--c3101";
class Vp extends T.PureComponent {
constructor() {
this.onScroll = C => ({currentTarget: p}) => {
C(Math.min(100, p.scrollLeft / (p.scrollWidth -
p.offsetWidth) * 100) || 0)
this.scrollToLeague = (C, p="nearestEdge", i="auto") => {
var q;
const V = document.querySelector(`[data-role='league-$
, m = null === (q = null == V ? void 0 : V.parentElement)
|| void 0 === q ? void 0 : q.parentElement;
V && m && ("nearestEdge" === p ? function(C, p) {
if ("function" != typeof C.scrollTo)
const i = C.scrollLeft - p.offsetLeft;
Math.abs(i) < p.offsetWidth ? C.scrollTo({
left: p.offsetLeft - C.offsetLeft,
behavior: "smooth"
}) : C.scrollLeft + C.offsetWidth < p.offsetLeft +
p.offsetWidth && C.scrollTo({
left: p.offsetLeft + p.offsetWidth - C.offsetWidth,
behavior: "smooth"
}(m, V) : "center" === p && function(C, p, i) {
"function" == typeof C.scrollTo && C.scrollTo({
left: p.offsetLeft + p.offsetWidth / 2 -
C.offsetWidth / 2,
behavior: i
}(m, V, i))
this.onSelect = C => {
const {onCurrentLeagueSelect: p, playClickButtonSound: i} =
this.onSettingsClick = () => {
const {onSettingsClick: C, playClickButtonSound: p,
openDrawer: i} = this.props;
null == i || i()
componentDidMount() {
const {currentLeague: C, shouldScrollSmoothlyOnMount: p} =
this.scrollToLeague(C, "center", p ? "smooth" : "auto")
render() {
const {leagues: C=t.a$(Object.values(y.Er)), selectedLeagues:
p, currentLeague: i, isPhone: q, isTablet: V, defaultTableLeague: m, color: w,
isRngPhonePortrait: T} = this.props
, Y =, m)
, U = Y.length < 2
, L = C.filter((C => C !== i)).slice(0, 3)
, a = B.jsxs("div", {
className: I.A(ip, {
[Cp]: q
children: [ ({code: C, translation: p}) => B.jsx(DC,
code: C,
label: p,
isSelected: C === i,
disabled: U,
onClick: this.onSelect
}, C))), U && B.jsx(gC, {
leagues: L,
onClick: this.onSettingsClick,
color: w
return B.jsxs("div", {
className: I.A(_C, {
[pp]: T
children: [B.jsx(QC, {
axis: "x",
gradientLength: 20,
children: ({refCallback: C, onPositionChanged: p,
style: i}) => q || V ? B.jsx(PC.y, {
scrollableStyle: i,
className: I.A(eC, {
[Cp]: q
onPositionChanged: p,
refCallback: C,
hasContentFadeOut: !1,
children: a
}) : B.jsx("div", {
style: i,
className: I.A(eC, {
[Cp]: q
onScroll: this.onScroll(p),
ref: C,
children: a
}), !U && B.jsx("img", {
src: uC,
onClick: this.onSettingsClick,
className: qp,
"data-role": "leagues-setting-icon",
alt: "leagues-setting-icon"
var mp = i(410376);
const wp = "country--709ec"
, yp = ({countryCode: C}) => B.jsx("div", {
className: wp,
children: B.jsx("span", {
children: C
, lp = "wrapper--f1db5"
, tp = "large--971bd"
, Bp = "child--cb265"
, Tp = "status--2fa56"
, Ip = "counter--70330"
, Yp = "lineBefore--99e4f"
, Up = "lineAfter--408e8"
, Lp = "away--fae5b"
, ap = .35
, vp = ({countries: [C,p], label1: i, label2: V, layoutType: m,
aSpotColor: w, bSpotColor: y}) => {
const l = `rgba(${w},${ap})`
, t = `rgba(${y},${ap})`
, T = m === q.Wide
, Y = `linear-gradient(\n 90deg, rgb(${w}) 0%, rgb(${w})
33%, rgb(${y}) 67%, rgb(${y}) 100%\n )`;
return B.jsxs("div", {
className: I.A(lp, {
[tp]: T
children: [B.jsx("div", {
className: I.A(Bp, Tp, {
[tp]: T
children: i
}), B.jsx("div", {
style: {
background: l,
border: `2px solid rgb(${w})`
className: I.A(Bp, {
[tp]: T
children: B.jsx(yp, {
countryCode: C
}), B.jsxs("div", {
className: I.A(Bp, Ip, {
[tp]: T
children: [B.jsx("span", {
className: Yp,
style: {
background: Y
}), V, B.jsx("span", {
className: Up,
style: {
background: Y
}), B.jsx("div", {
style: {
background: t,
border: `2px solid rgb(${y})`
className: I.A(Bp, Lp, {
[tp]: T
children: B.jsx(yp, {
countryCode: p
, fp = "matches--a6e35"
, sp = "reverseOrder--91be6"
, cp = "withScroll--ca68e"
, Op = "isPortraitPhone--58117"
, Sp = "compensateScrollOffset--f3d28";
class jp extends T.Component {
constructor() {
this.tickTimeoutId = 0,
this.renderGame = (C, p) => {
const {layoutType: i, aSpotColor: q, bSpotColor: V} =
return B.jsx(vp, {
countries: [C.homeTeam.code, C.awayTeam.code],
layoutType: i,
aSpotColor: q,
bSpotColor: V,
}, p)
componentDidUpdate() {
componentWillUnmount() {
componentDidMount() {
render() {
const {contentClassName: C, games: p, layoutType: i, stickyTop:
V, isPortraitPhone: m, overrideClassnames: w} = this.props;
return B.jsx("div", {
"data-role": "fifaMatches",
className: I.A(fp, {
[sp]: V,
[Sp]: i === q.Wide
children: B.jsx(QC, {
gradientLength: 15,
children: ({onPositionChanged: i, refCallback: q,
style: V}) => B.jsx(PC.y, {
scrollableStyle: V,
className: null != w ? w : I.A(cp, {
[Op]: m
onPositionChanged: i,
refCallback: q,
hasContentFadeOut: !1,
contentClassName: C,
children: B.jsx("div", {
tickIfNeeded(C) {
C.tickCurrentGameTime && ({state: C}) =>
l.x8(C))) && (window.clearTimeout(this.tickTimeoutId),
this.tickTimeoutId = window.setTimeout(( () =>
this.forceUpdate()), 1e3))
jp.defaultProps = {
tickCurrentGameTime: !0
var op = i(436794)
, xp = i(827424)
, Zp = i(48415);
const Hp = "creeper--e2bb2"
, bp = "isRestartingAnimation--8f593"
, Xp = "isLtrAnimation--a3c22"
, zp = "isRtlAnimation--c118c";
class Mp extends T.PureComponent {
constructor() {
this.state = {
isCreeping: !1,
isRestartingAnimation: !1
this.onAnimationEnd = () => {
this.setState(( () => {
const {onAnimationEnd: C} = this.props;
return this.restartAnimationTimeout ||
(this.restartAnimationTimeout = window.setTimeout(( () => {
isRestartingAnimation: !1
this.restartAnimationTimeout = void 0
), 0)),
C && C(),
isRestartingAnimation: !0
this.startCreepingIfNecessary = () => {
const {isCreeping: C} = this.state
, {children: p} = this.props;
p && !C && this.setState({
isCreeping: !0
componentDidUpdate() {
componentDidMount() {
componentWillUnmount() {
this.restartAnimationTimeout &&
render() {
const {isCreeping: C, isRestartingAnimation: p} = this.state
, {isAnimationDisabled: i, isRtlLanguage: q,
creepingDuration: V, children: m} = this.props;
return !C || i ? null : B.jsx("div", {
"data-role": "creepingLine",
className: I.A(Hp, {
[bp]: p,
[Xp]: !q,
[zp]: q
style: {
animationDuration: `${V}ms`
onAnimationEnd: this.onAnimationEnd,
children: m
Mp.defaultProps = {
creepingDuration: 1e4,
isRtlLanguage: !1
const Pp = "container--2b850"
, Rp = "phone--882a4"
, Qp = "landscape--a9c20"
, np = "tablet--e7914"
, hp = "transparent--41959"
, Gp = "isRng--ea60f"
, $p = "line--893ad"
, Wp = "isRtl--5c44f"
, kp = "source--21531"
, Ap = "text--fe661";
class Fp extends T.Component {
constructor() {
this.state = {
currentItemIds: [],
itemById: {},
itemAppearancesCount: {}
this.switchToNextItems = () => {
this.setState((C => {
const {itemById: p} = this.state;
C.currentItemIds.forEach((p => {
C.itemAppearancesCount[p] =
C.itemAppearancesCount[p] ? C.itemAppearancesCount[p] + 1 : 1
const i = Object.keys(p).sort(( (p, i) => {
const q = (C.itemAppearancesCount[p] || 0) -
(C.itemAppearancesCount[i] || 0)
, V = C.itemById[i].published.getTime() -
return q || V
return {
itemAppearancesCount: C.itemAppearancesCount,
currentItemIds: i
static getDerivedStateFromProps(C, p) {
return C.items.forEach((C => {
p.itemById[] || (p.itemById[] = C)
itemById: p.itemById
componentDidMount() {
componentDidUpdate(C, p) {
const {itemById: i} = this.state;
!Object.keys(p.itemById).length && Object.keys(i).length &&
componentWillUnmount() {
this.restartAnimationTimeout &&
render() {
const {currentItemIds: C, itemById: p} = this.state
, {isRtlLanguage: i, gamePaused: q, transparent: V, isRng: m,
orientation: w} = this.props
, {isSmallScreen: y, isMediumScreen: l} =
if (!C.length)
return null;
const t = => B.jsxs("span", {
className: I.A($p, {
[Wp]: i
children: [B.jsxs("span", {
className: kp,
children: [p[C].source, ":"]
}), B.jsx("span", {
className: Ap,
children: p[C].text
}, C)))
, T = I.A(Pp, {
[Rp]: y,
[np]: l,
[Qp]: w === op.t.Landscape,
[hp]: V,
[Gp]: m
return B.jsx("div", {
className: T,
children: B.jsx(Mp, {
onAnimationEnd: this.switchToNextItems,
creepingDuration: this.calculateLinesLength(),
isRtlLanguage: i,
isAnimationDisabled: q,
children: t
calculateLinesLength() {
const {currentItemIds: C, itemById: p} = this.state;
return 200 * C.reduce(( (C, i) => {
const q = p[i];
return C + q.text.length + q.source.length
), 0)
Fp.defaultProps = {
isRtlLanguage: !1
const Kp = "entertainmentContainer--f4e31"
, Ep = "withBorders--dd46a"
, gp = "rngMobileTheme--77c31"
, Np = "borders--66d4b"
, Jp = "noMatchesPlaceholder--c5e81"
, rp = "mobile--743eb"
, dp = "newsContainer--6d45f"
, Dp = "rngTheme--b3795"
, up = "liveTheme--b38df"
, _p = "reverseTransform--37381"
, ep = "matchesContainer--28f54"
, Ci = "transparent--2ac6d";
var pi;
(function(C) {
C["Live"] = "Live",
C["Rng"] = "Rng",
C["RngMobile"] = "RngMobile"
)(pi || (pi = {}));
const ii = ({isEntertainmentEnabled: C, matchesEnabled: p, hasNews: i,
theme: q=pi.Live, isMobile: V, hasMatches: m, isClassicLayout: w,
isSelectLeaguesOpened: y, openSelectLeagues: l, isNewsOnTop: t, chipStackHidden: Y,
TableLogo: U, FifaNewsContainer: L, SelectLeagues: a, LeaguesPanel: v, FifaMatches:
f, onOpen: s, overrideClassnames: c}) => {
const O = q === pi.Live
, S = q === pi.RngMobile
, j = q === pi.Rng
, o = !w && !V && p
, [x,Z] = T.useState(!1)
, H = T.useCallback(( () => {
null == s || s(w)
), [w, s, l]);
if (C) {
const C = I.A(dp, {
[up]: O,
[Dp]: j,
[_p]: Y
, q = I.A(ep, {
[gp]: S,
[Ci]: Y
, w = I.A(Kp, {
[up]: O,
[Ep]: o,
[gp]: S
, l = B.jsx("div", {
className: C,
children: i && B.jsx(L, {
transparent: !0
return B.jsxs("div", {
className: w,
children: [!y && o && B.jsx("div", {
className: Np
}), !V && a && B.jsx(a, {}), (!y || V) &&
B.jsxs(B.Fragment, {
children: [p && B.jsxs(B.Fragment, {
children: [B.jsx(v, {
onSettingsClick: H,
shouldScrollSmoothlyOnMount: !x
}), t && l, B.jsx("div", {
className: q,
children: m ? f : B.jsx("div", {
className: null != c ? c : I.A(Jp, {
[rp]: V
children: B.jsx(U, {})
}), !p && i && B.jsx("div", {
className: q,
children: B.jsx(U, {})
}), !t && l]
return B.jsx(U, {})
17656: (C, p, i) => {
i.d(p, {
I: () => V,
l: () => q
const q = ""
, V = "entertainment.rssfeed"
260564: (C, p, i) => {
var q, V, m;
i.d(p, {
Er: () => V,
X4: () => q,
lv: () => m
function(C) {
C["Fixture"] = "Fixture",
C["FirstHalf"] = "FirstHalf",
C["HalfTime"] = "HalfTime",
C["SecondHalf"] = "SecondHalf",
C["ExtraTimeBreak"] = "ExtraTimeBreak",
C["ETFirstHalf"] = "ETFirstHalf",
C["ETHalfTime"] = "ETHalfTime",
C["ETSecondHalf"] = "ETSecondHalf",
C["Penalties"] = "Penalties",
C["Finished"] = "Finished",
C["Abandoned"] = "Abandoned",
C["Postponed"] = "Postponed"
}(q || (q = {})),
function(C) {
C["Allsvenskan"] = "Allsvenskan",
C["Bundesliga"] = "Bundesliga",
C["CampeonatoCarioca"] = "CampeonatoCarioca",
C["CampeonatoPaulista"] = "CampeonatoPaulista",
C["EnglishPremier"] = "EnglishPremier",
C["EuroChampionship"] = "EuroChampionship",
C["EuroQualification"] = "EuroQualification",
C["ItalianSerieA"] = "ItalianSerieA",
C["Ligue1"] = "Ligue1",
C["Mls"] = "Mls",
C["SpanishLaLiga"] = "SpanishLaLiga",
C["Superettan"] = "Superettan",
C["SuperLig"] = "SuperLig",
C["UefaChampions"] = "UefaChampions",
C["UefaEuropa"] = "UefaEuropa",
C["UefaNations"] = "UefaNations",
C["UkChampionship"] = "UkChampionship",
C["WcqAfrica"] = "WcqAfrica",
C["WcqAsia"] = "WcqAsia",
C["WcqEurope"] = "WcqEurope",
C["WcqNorthAmerica"] = "WcqNorthAmerica",
C["WcqOceania"] = "WcqOceania",
C["WcqSouthAmerica"] = "WcqSouthAmerica",
C["Liga1"] = "Liga1",
C["Liga2"] = "Liga2",
C["CarabaoCup"] = "CarabaoCup",
C["FACup"] = "FACup",
C["CoppaItalia"] = "CoppaItalia",
C["WomenSuperLeague"] = "WomenSuperLeague",
C["Superliga"] = "Superliga",
C["CopaArgentina"] = "CopaArgentina",
C["BrasilSerieA"] = "BrasilSerieA",
C["BrazilSerieB"] = "BrazilSerieB",
C["CopaDoBrasil"] = "CopaDoBrasil",
C["PrimeraDivisionChile"] = "PrimeraDivisionChile",
C["LigaBetPlay"] = "LigaBetPlay",
C["TorneoBetplay"] = "TorneoBetplay",
C["CopaBetplay"] = "CopaBetplay",
C["ChileanCup"] = "ChileanCup",
C["LigaPro"] = "LigaPro",
C["LigaMX"] = "LigaMX",
C["CopaMX"] = "CopaMX",
C["Division1"] = "Division1",
C["PrimeraDivisionPeru"] = "PrimeraDivisionPeru",
C["PrimeraDivisionUruguay"] = "PrimeraDivisionUruguay",
C["LigaDeFutbolProf"] = "LigaDeFutbolProf",
C["CopaAmerica"] = "CopaAmerica",
C["CopaSudamericana"] = "CopaSudamericana",
C["CopaLibertadores"] = "CopaLibertadores",
C["ConcacafLeague"] = "ConcacafLeague",
C["SuperCup"] = "SuperCup",
C["CopaBicentenario"] = "CopaBicentenario",
C["CopaParaguay"] = "CopaParaguay",
C["WorldCup"] = "WorldCup"
}(V || (V = {})),
function(C) {
C["Favorite"] = "Favorite",
C["NationalCompetitions"] = "NationalCompetitions",
C["InternationalCompetitions"] = "InternationalCompetitions",
C["InternationalClubCompetitions"] =
}(m || (m = {}))
157384: (C, p, i) => {
i.d(p, {
M4: () => l,
N1: () => t,
YA: () => y,
gi: () => T,
iI: () => I,
x8: () => w
var q = i(346160)
, V = i(759790)
, m = i(260564);
function w(C) {
return [m.X4.FirstHalf, m.X4.HalfTime, m.X4.SecondHalf,
m.X4.ExtraTimeBreak, m.X4.ETFirstHalf, m.X4.ETHalfTime, m.X4.ETSecondHalf,
function y(C) {
const p = []
, i = []
, q = [];
return C.forEach((C => {
C.state === m.X4.Fixture ? p.push(C) : w(C.state) ? i.push(C) :
C.state === m.X4.Finished && q.push(C)
p.sort(( (C, p) => +C.start - +p.start)),
i.sort(( (C, p) => +C.stateStarted - +p.stateStarted)),
q.sort(( (C, p) => +p.start - +C.start)),
[...i, ...p, ...q]
function l(C) {
return C.replace(/&/g, "&").replace(/</g,
"<").replace(/>/g, ">").replace(/'/g, "'")
function t(C, p, i, q) {
return {
homeTeam: i.homeTeam,
awayTeam: i.awayTeam,
penaltiesShootout: q,
source: C,
stateStarted: new Date(+new Date(i.stateStarted ?
i.stateStarted.toString() : "") - p),
start: new Date(i.start ? i.start.toString() : ""),
startSynced: new Date(+new Date(i.start ? i.start.toString() :
"") - p),
state: i.state
function B(C) {
return {
code: C,
translation: q.Tl(V.IG[C])
function T(C, p) {
return [B(p), ...C.filter((C => C !==
p)).map(B).sort(( ({translation: C}, {translation: p}) => C.localeCompare(p)))]
function I(C, p, i) {
const q = {
[]: T(p, i)
, w = new Set([...p, i]);
C.forEach((C => {
var p;
if (w.has(C))
const i = V.I4[C];
q[i] || (q[i] = []),
null === (p = q[i]) || void 0 === p || p.push(B(C))
const y = Object.keys(q);
return y.filter((C => {
var p;
return 0 !== (null === (p = q[C]) || void 0 === p ? void 0 :
)).sort((l = V.aA,
t = y.length,
(C, p) => {
const i = l.indexOf(C)
, q = l.indexOf(p);
return (-1 === i ? t : i) - (-1 === q ? t : q)
)).map((C => ({
group: C,
leagues: q[C]
var l, t
98785: (C, p, i) => {
i.d(p, {
n: () => w
var q = i(64922)
, V = i(532836)
, m = i(33597);
const w = V.m(( ({children: C, ...p}) => q.jsxs("svg", {
xmlns: "",
viewBox: "0 0 87.997 43.629577",
className: m.A.icon,
children: [q.jsx("g", {
fill: "#fff",
children: q.jsx("path", {
d: "M16.353 29.546V16l-3.13 1.235V15.52l3.135-
1.445h1.85v15.472zM23.805 21.81v-1.545h1.159c.905 0 1.614-.143 2.128-.428a3.596
3.596 0 0 0 1.218-1.072c.3-.428.45-.91.45-1.442 0-.67-.247-1.198-.74-
1.584-.493-.386-1.145-.578-1.958-.578-.465 0-.901.06-
81.343-1.552 1.027-2.224.685-.67 1.82-1.006 3.41-1.006 1.508 0 2.641.322
3.399.966.757.646 1.136 1.476 1.136 2.493 0 .558-.11 1.078-.328
1.56-.219.482-.542.912-.97 1.291s-1.042.684-1.844.917c1.254.36 2.191.892 2.815
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2.841-2.02.586-1.347.878-2.892.878-4.635 0-1.736-.292-3.278-.878-4.629-.585-1.35-
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0 1.742.292 3.287.877 4.634.584 1.347 1.528 2.02 2.831 2.02m0 1.545c-1.681 0-
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2.203 4.083-2.203c1.688 0 3.052.735 4.092 2.203 1.04 1.468 1.56 3.466 1.56 5.992 0
2.524-.52 4.524-1.56 5.995s-2.404 2.208-4.092 2.208M63.023 29.546h-2.015l4.952-
7.835-4.582-7.637h2.204l3.509 5.85 3.697-5.85h2.015L68.07 21.56l4.792 7.986h-
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fill: "#ffc000",
d: "M28.637 38.545h-8.06c-1.55 0-3.046-.234-
4.46-.661v5.241c1.44.321 2.928.504 4.46.504h8.06z"
308391: (C, p, i) => {
i.d(p, {
R: () => w
var q = i(64922)
, V = i(532836)
, m = i(33597);
const w = V.m(( ({children: C, ...p}) => q.jsxs("svg", {
viewBox: "0 0 28 28",
fill: "none",
xmlns: "",
className: m.A.icon,
children: [q.jsx("path", {
d: "M17.79 23.079v-4.884a.01.01 0 0 1 .01-.011h4.19a.01.01 0 0
1 .01.01v4.317c0 .32-.259.579-.578.579H17.8a.01.01 0 0 1-.01-.011Z"
}), q.jsx("path", {
d: "M11.895 18.184v4.905h4.21v-4.905h-4.21Z"
}), q.jsx("path", {
d: "M6 22.536v-4.352h4.21v4.905H6.553A.553.553 0 0 1 6 22.537Z"
}), q.jsx("path", {
d: "M17.79 11.592v4.905H22v-4.905h-4.21Z"
}), q.jsx("path", {
d: "M11.895 11.592v4.905h4.21v-4.905h-4.21Z"
}), q.jsx("path", {
d: "M10.21 16.497v-4.905H6v4.905h4.21Z"
}), q.jsx("path", {
d: "M17.79 9.905V5h3.622a.59.59 0 0 1 .588.589v4.316h-4.21Z"
}), q.jsx("path", {
d: "M11.895 5v4.905h4.21V5h-4.21Z"
}), q.jsx("path", {
d: "M10.21 5v4.905H6V5.618C6 5.277 6.277 5 6.618 5h3.592Z"
206415: (C, p, i) => {
i.d(p, {
n9: () => y.n,
RZ: () => l.R,
Ym: () => w
var q = i(64922)
, V = i(532836)
, m = i(33597);
const w = V.m(( ({children: C, ...p}) => q.jsx("svg", {
xmlns: "",
viewBox: "0 0 30 30",
className: m.A.icon,
children: q.jsx("path", {
d: "M8 8h6v2H8V8zm8 0h6v2h-6V8zm8 .07A7.005 7.005 0 0 1 29.93
14H27.9a5.006 5.006 0 0 0-3.9-3.9V8.07zM29.93 16A7.005 7.005 0 0 1 24
21.93V19.9a5.006 5.006 0 0 0 3.9-3.9h2.03zM22 22h-6v-2h6v2zm-8 0H8v-2h6v2zm-
8-.07A7.005 7.005 0 0 1 .07 16H2.1A5.006 5.006 0 0 0 6 19.9v2.03zM.07 14A7.005
7.005 0 0 1 6 8.07v2.03A5.006 5.006 0 0 0 2.1 14H.07z"
var y = i(98785)
, l = i(308391)
235874: (C, p, i) => {
i.d(p, {
Y: () => w
var q = i(64922)
, V = i(532836)
, m = i(33597);
const w = ({children: C, ...p}) => q.jsx("svg", {
xmlns: "",
viewBox: "0 0 24 24",
className: m.A.icon,
children: q.jsx("path", {
d: "m15.78 17.31-4.95-4.95 4.95-4.95L14.37 6 8 12.36l6.37 6.36
, y = V.m(w);
w.displayName = "LeftSVG",
y.displayName = "Left"
448687: (C, p, i) => {
i.d(p, {
t: () => w
var q = i(64922)
, V = i(532836)
, m = i(33597);
const w = ({children: C, ...p}) => q.jsx("svg", {
xmlns: "",
viewBox: "0 0 1024 1024",
className: m.A.icon,
children: q.jsx("path", {
d: "m514.353 93.873 129.471 254.233 7.062 16.479 18.832 2.353
282.484 44.726L740.339 625.88l2.353 18.832 44.726 282.484-254.235-129.471-16.479-
7.062-16.477 7.062-254.233 129.471 44.726-282.484 2.353-18.832-14.125-11.77L76.502
411.666l282.484-44.726 18.832-2.353 7.062-16.479L514.351 93.873zm0-77.683L351.925
331.63 3.53 388.128l249.525 251.88-54.141 350.75 315.438-160.073 317.793 160.073-
54.143-350.75 249.527-251.88-350.75-54.143L514.351 16.192z"
, y = V.m(w);
w.displayName = "StarOutlineSVG",
y.displayName = "StarOutline"
408855: (C, p, i) => {
i.d(p, {
r: () => t
var q = i(64922)
, V = i(699695)
, m = i(377810)
, w = i(680151)
, y = i(886490);
const l = {
marquee: "marquee--33d84",
fast: "fast--8bb79",
scrollLeftKeyframes: "scrollLeftKeyframes--21db9",
normal: "normal--22e5d",
slow: "slow--97f76",
verySlow: "verySlow--832c5",
label: "label--40a68",
biggerPadding: "biggerPadding--b1a2e"
class t extends m.PureComponent {
constructor() {
this.state = {
active: !1,
speed: this.props.speed || "fast"
this.headerTextRef = m.createRef(),
this.containerRef = m.createRef(),
this.checkFit = () => {
if (!this.containerRef.current || !
return w.M("Trying to access to dom references before
they were mounted");
const C = this.containerRef.current.clientWidth
, p = this.headerTextRef.current.offsetWidth;
C < p ? this.setState({
active: !0,
width: p
}) : this.setState({
active: !1,
width: p
componentDidMount() {
componentWillUnmount() {
componentDidUpdate(C) {
C.content !== this.props.content && this.checkFit()
render() {
const C = this.state.speed
, p = {}
, i = this.props["data-role"];
let m, w;
i && (p["data-role"] = i),
"string" == typeof this.props.content ? (m = void 0,
w = {
__html: this.props.content
}) : (m = this.props.content,
w = void 0);
const y = V.A(l.label, this.props.biggerLabelPadding &&
, t = q.jsxs("span", {
children: [q.jsx("span", {
ref: this.headerTextRef,
className: y,
dangerouslySetInnerHTML: w,
children: m
}), q.jsx("span", {
style: {
display: ? "" : "none"
className: y,
dangerouslySetInnerHTML: w,
children: m
return q.jsx("div", {
ref: this.containerRef,
className: l.marquee,
children: q.jsx("p", {
"data-role": "marquee-content-wrapper",
className: V.A({
style: ? {
width: this.state.width
} : void 0,
children: t
t.displayName = "Marquee"
143701: (C, p, i) => {
var q;
i.d(p, {
o: () => q
function(C) {
C["Male"] = "male",
C["Female"] = "female"
}(q || (q = {}))
413327: (C, p, i) => {
i.d(p, {
Q: () => V
var q = i(671860);
function V(C, p) {
return C + q.xe + p
98887: (C, p, i) => {
i.d(p, {
n: () => y
var q = i(64922)
, V = i(377810)
, m = i(16672);
const w = "parkButton--d9426"
, y = V.memo(( ({onClick: C, onHideToolbar: p}) => {
const i = V.useCallback((i => {
), [C, p]);
return q.jsx("button", {
className: w,
onTouchEnd: i,
"data-role": "video-park-btn",
children: q.jsx("svg", {
viewBox: "0 0 23 15",
xmlns: "",
children: q.jsx("g", {
stroke: "none",
strokeWidth: "1",
fillRule: "evenodd",
fillOpacity: "0.9",
fill: "#ffffff",
children: q.jsx("path", {
d: "M 10.469 10.183 L 10.465 10.187 L 11.757 11.479
L 19.139 4.097 L 17.847 2.804 L 11.761 8.89 L 5.664 2.794 L 4.372 4.086 L 10.469
10.183 Z"
y.displayName = "ParkButton"
746438: (C, p, i) => {
i.d(p, {
_: () => I
var q = i(64922)
, V = i(699695)
, m = i(377810);
const w = "videoControls--eb484"
, y = "top--c8a38"
, l = "bottom--661c0"
, t = "dangerZone--3aba1"
, B = "tablet--f6319"
, T = "visible--e6b49"
, I = m.memo(( ({onParkButtonClick: C, streamCount: p, isVisible: i,
onStopVideo: m, ParkButton: I, Toolbar: Y, hasDangerZone: U, isTablet: L,
onCameraClick: a, onFullScreenClick: v}) => {
const f = C ? q.jsx("div", {
className: V.A(y, {
[t]: U
children: q.jsx(I, {
onClick: C
}) : null
, s = [w];
return i && s.push(T),
q.jsxs("div", {
className: s.join(" "),
"data-role": "video-controls",
children: [f, q.jsx("div", {
className: V.A(l, {
[t]: U,
[B]: L
"data-role": "toolbar-container",
children: q.jsx(Y, {
onCameraClick: a,
onFullScreenClick: v,
streamCount: p,
onStopVideo: m || C
I.displayName = "VideoControls"
233619: (C, p, i) => {
i.d(p, {
M: () => w
var q = i(64922)
, V = i(377810);
const m = "toolbar--853c6"
, w = V.memo(( ({streamCount: C=1, onCameraClick: p, onStopVideo: i,
onFullScreenClick: V, StopButton: w, StreamButton: y, FullScreenButton: l}) => {
const t = [];
return C > 1 && t.push(q.jsx(y, {
onCameraClick: p
}, "stream")),
t.push(q.jsx(w, {
onStopVideo: i
}, "stop")),
t.push(q.jsx(l, {
onFullScreenClick: V
}, "fullscreen")),
q.jsx("div", {
className: m,
"data-role": "video-toolbar",
children: t
w.displayName = "Toolbar"
355512: C => {
C.exports = function(C, p, i, q) {
var V = self || window;
try {
try {
var m;
try {
m = new V.Blob([C])
} catch (p) {
(m = new (V.BlobBuilder || V.WebKitBlobBuilder ||
V.MozBlobBuilder || V.MSBlobBuilder)).append(C),
m = m.getBlob()
var w = V.URL || V.webkitURL
, y = w.createObjectURL(m)
, l = new V[p](y,i);
return w.revokeObjectURL(y),
} catch (q) {
return new
} catch (C) {
if (!q)
throw Error("Inline worker is not supported");
return new V[p](q,i)
212859: (C, p, i) => {
var q = {
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"./doubleZeroRacetrackSlingshot.tsx": [745931, 9, 28445],
"./doubleZeroStandardSlingshot": [756992, 9, 66204],
"./doubleZeroStandardSlingshot.tsx": [756992, 9, 66204],
"./dynamicDoubleBall": [478916, 9, 18266],
"./dynamicDoubleBall.tsx": [478916, 9, 18266],
"./dynamicFrench": [150900, 9, 96602],
"./dynamicFrench.tsx": [150900, 9, 96602],
"./dynamicGoldenRacetrack": [357897, 9, 84619],
"./dynamicGoldenRacetrack.tsx": [357897, 9, 84619],
"./dynamicMiniGrid": [199214, 9, 74615],
"./dynamicMiniGrid.tsx": [199214, 9, 74615],
"./dynamicSingleBall": [92603, 9, 52989],
"./dynamicSingleBall.tsx": [92603, 9, 52989],
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"./dynamicSingleBallRacetrack.tsx": [452193, 9, 1651],
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"./singleBallStandardSlingshotDesktop.tsx": [164468, 9, 57602],
"./singleBallStandardSlingshotFrenchLandscape": [206847, 9, 80897],
"./singleBallStandardSlingshotFrenchLandscape.tsx": [206847, 9,
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"./staticSlingshotFiles/singleBallSpecialSlingshotDesktop/speed.svg": [625817, 1,
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[480769, 1, 84124],
"./staticSlingshotFiles/singleBallSpecialSlingshotLandscapeFrench.svg": [452514, 1,
[376676, 1, 20163],
[673906, 1, 6555],
"./staticSlingshotFiles/singleBallSpecialSlingshotTablet/canadaTan.svg": [343529,
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"./staticSlingshotFiles/singleBallSpecialSlingshotTablet/french.svg": [738290, 1,
[180980, 1, 53265],
"./staticSlingshotFiles/singleBallSpecialSlingshotTablet/lightning.svg": [494436,
1, 40225],
"./staticSlingshotFiles/singleBallSpecialSlingshotTablet/lotto.svg": [283548, 1,
"./staticSlingshotFiles/singleBallSpecialSlingshotTablet/murcia.svg": [294807, 1,
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[527867, 1, 52034],
[467011, 1, 42194],
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"./staticSlingshotFiles/singleBallSpecialSlingshotTablet/speed.svg": [648875, 1,
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[269747, 1, 16154],
"./staticSlingshotFiles/singleBallStandardColored.svg": [389178, 1,
"./staticSlingshotFiles/singleBallStandardSlingshotDesktop/blue.svg": [885188, 1,
"./staticSlingshotFiles/singleBallStandardSlingshotDesktop/imajbet.svg": [837696,
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"./staticSlingshotFiles/singleBallStandardSlingshotDesktop/lightning.svg": [775462,
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[328105, 1, 64644],
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[454201, 1, 11084],
"./staticSlingshotFiles/singleBallStandardSlingshotDesktop/private.svg": [475553,
1, 24348],
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"./staticSlingshotFiles/singleBallStandardSlingshotDesktop/vip.svg": [2473, 1,
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1, 99305],
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1, 82511],
"./staticSlingshotFiles/tabletSlingshotStandardFrenchNetGaming.svg": [464830, 1,
"./tabletSlingshotStandardFrench": [764889, 9, 12849],
"./tabletSlingshotStandardFrench.tsx": [764889, 9, 12849],
"./types": [787582, 7, 64566],
"./types.ts": [787582, 7, 64566]
function V(C) {
if (!i.o(q, C))
return Promise.resolve().then(( () => {
var p = new Error("Cannot find module '" + C + "'");
throw p.code = "MODULE_NOT_FOUND",
var p = q[C]
, V = p[0];
return Promise.all(p.slice(2).map(i.e)).then(( () => i.t(V, 16 |
V.keys = () => Object.keys(q), = 212859,
C.exports = V
651575: (C, p, i) => {
C.exports = i.p + "images/desktop.a083e7e2.png"
752808: (C, p, i) => {
C.exports = i.p + "images/desktop00.8311dfaa.png"
933950: (C, p, i) => {
C.exports = i.p + "images/desktopspa.a96cc4be.png"
348129: (C, p, i) => {
C.exports = i.p + "images/desktopxxx.4fcfe92d.png"
262437: (C, p, i) => {
C.exports = i.p + "images/phonelands.c2f54ada.png"
205486: (C, p, i) => {
C.exports = i.p + "images/phonelands.fa1d4c4e.png"
930324: (C, p, i) => {
C.exports = i.p + "images/phonelands.32403de7.png"
666515: (C, p, i) => {
C.exports = i.p + "images/phonelands.80653259.png"
392861: (C, p, i) => {
C.exports = i.p + "images/phoneportr.c3dee351.png"
791334: (C, p, i) => {
C.exports = i.p + "images/phoneportr.784805d2.png"
615308: (C, p, i) => {
C.exports = i.p + "images/phoneportr.6796da4d.png"
121291: (C, p, i) => {
C.exports = i.p + "images/phoneportr.55108a26.png"
880207: (C, p, i) => {
C.exports = i.p + "images/tablet.c966a4f2.png"
489568: (C, p, i) => {
C.exports = i.p + "images/tablet00.ce22a2be.png"
47167: (C, p, i) => {
C.exports = i.p + "images/tabletland.a99cd98c.png"
419638: (C, p, i) => {
C.exports = i.p + "images/tabletspan.d6a2f381.png"
575253: (C, p, i) => {
C.exports = i.p + "images/firstlands.0005492e.png"
30925: (C, p, i) => {
C.exports = i.p + "images/firstportr.b6c8d286.png"
447890: (C, p, i) => {
C.exports = i.p + "images/chipsclose.9e98fb76.svg"
46178: (C, p, i) => {
C.exports = i.p + "images/chip1.30a95fef.svg"
424428: (C, p, i) => {
C.exports = i.p + "images/chip1portr.cfe1c83e.svg"
726577: (C, p, i) => {
C.exports = i.p + "images/chip2.30a95fef.svg"
354397: (C, p, i) => {
C.exports = i.p + "images/chip2portr.cfe1c83e.svg"
769664: (C, p, i) => {
C.exports = i.p + "images/chip3.30a95fef.svg"
764670: (C, p, i) => {
C.exports = i.p + "images/chip3portr.cfe1c83e.svg"
145905: (C, p, i) => {
C.exports = i.p + "images/chipopenpo.8b61dd64.svg"
726276: (C, p, i) => {
C.exports = i.p + "images/chipportra.e9643901.svg"
630026: (C, p, i) => {
C.exports = i.p + "images/chips.a02ed185.png"
673596: (C, p, i) => {
C.exports = i.p + "images/click.1aab0630.svg"
481778: (C, p, i) => {
C.exports = i.p + "images/clickportr.3e895e8a.svg"
160978: (C, p, i) => {
C.exports = i.p + "images/cursor.c7265ea0.svg"
673276: (C, p, i) => {
C.exports = i.p + "images/cursorport.ab319cd1.svg"
383420: C => {
C.exports = "data:image/svg+xml,%3Csvg%20height%3D%22393%22%20width%3D
84687: C => {
C.exports = "data:image/svg+xml,%3Csvg%20height%3D%2262%22%20width%3D
782340: (C, p, i) => {
C.exports = i.p + "images/grid.e4906042.svg"
356570: (C, p, i) => {
C.exports = i.p + "images/gridportra.74504593.svg"
515428: (C, p, i) => {
C.exports = i.p + "images/img0.0e449420.svg"
12677: C => {
C.exports = "data:image/svg+xml,%3Csvg%20height%3D%2225%22%20width%3D
680902: (C, p, i) => {
C.exports = i.p + "images/img2.cb7e787f.svg"
586231: (C, p, i) => {
C.exports = i.p + "images/img3.68438484.svg"
741304: C => {
C.exports = "data:image/svg+xml,%3Csvg%20height%3D%22327%22%20width%3D
150313: (C, p, i) => {
C.exports = i.p + "images/img5.d53a8f40.svg"
805498: (C, p, i) => {
C.exports = i.p + "images/img6.6625f03c.svg"
199371: (C, p, i) => {
C.exports = i.p + "images/img7.064bd8bb.svg"
611907: (C, p, i) => {
C.exports = i.p + "images/img0.15cf6cc1.svg"
497266: (C, p, i) => {
C.exports = i.p + "images/img1.bb4c188c.svg"
898414: (C, p, i) => {
C.exports = i.p + "images/img10.6b7bdbba.svg"
812782: (C, p, i) => {
C.exports = i.p + "images/img2.187f9595.svg"
454864: C => {
C.exports = "data:image/svg+xml,%3Csvg%20height%3D%2215%22%20viewBox%3D
20751: (C, p, i) => {
C.exports = i.p + "images/img4.fc712834.svg"
977022: (C, p, i) => {
C.exports = i.p + "images/img5.8d1eeacf.svg"
431197: (C, p, i) => {
C.exports = i.p + "images/img6.9a92550d.svg"
841724: C => {
C.exports = "data:image/svg+xml,%3Csvg%20height%3D%2260%22%20viewBox%3D
204891: (C, p, i) => {
C.exports = i.p + "images/img8.c0c019db.svg"
744522: C => {
C.exports = "data:image/svg+xml,%3Csvg%20height%3D%2260%22%20viewBox%3D
1431: (C, p, i) => {
C.exports = i.p + "images/imggridlan.20919049.svg"
686473: (C, p, i) => {
C.exports = i.p + "images/imggridpor.6b70e797.svg"
742084: (C, p, i) => {
C.exports = i.p + "images/rouletteli.e6e2b0c3.png"
680129: C => {
C.exports = "data:image/svg+xml,%3Csvg%20width%3D%2220%22%20height%3D
301654: C => {
C.exports = function(C) {
return C && C.__esModule ? C : {
default: C
C.exports.__esModule = !0,
C.exports["default"] = C.exports
974486: (C, p, i) => {
i.d(p, {
A: () => V,
b: () => q
var q = i(686418);
const V = q
753608: (C, p, i) => {
i.d(p, {
A: () => y
var q = i(812420)
, V = i(109429)
, m = 4294967295;
function w(C) {
this.__wrapped__ = C,
this.__actions__ = [],
this.__dir__ = 1,
this.__filtered__ = !1,
this.__iteratees__ = [],
this.__takeCount__ = m,
this.__views__ = []
w.prototype = q.A(V.A.prototype),
w.prototype.constructor = w;
const y = w
757765: (C, p, i) => {
i.d(p, {
A: () => w
var q = i(812420)
, V = i(109429);
function m(C, p) {
this.__wrapped__ = C,
this.__actions__ = [],
this.__chain__ = !!p,
this.__index__ = 0,
this.__values__ = void 0
m.prototype = q.A(V.A.prototype),
m.prototype.constructor = m;
const w = m
106517: (C, p, i) => {
i.d(p, {
A: () => B
var q = i(866071)
, V = i(328241)
, m = i(647685)
, w = i(18272)
, y = i(489161)
, l = i(343231)
, t = Math.min;
const B = function(C, p, i) {
for (var B = i ? m.A : V.A, T = C[0].length, I = C.length, Y = I, U
= Array(I), L = 1 / 0, a = []; Y--; ) {
var v = C[Y];
Y && p && (v = w.A(v, y.A(p))),
L = t(v.length, L),
U[Y] = !i && (p || T >= 120 && v.length >= 120) ? new q.A(Y &&
v) : void 0
v = C[0];
var f = -1
, s = U[0];
C: for (; ++f < T && a.length < L; ) {
var c = v[f]
, O = p ? p(c) : c;
if (c = i || 0 !== c ? c : 0,
!(s ? l.A(s, O) : B(a, O, i))) {
for (Y = I; --Y; ) {
var S = U[Y];
if (!(S ? l.A(S, O) : B(C[Y], O, i)))
continue C
s && s.push(O),
return a
109429: (C, p, i) => {
i.d(p, {
A: () => q
const q = function() {}
827521: (C, p, i) => {
i.d(p, {
A: () => V
var q = i(676225);
const V = function(C) {
return q.A(C) ? C : []
633918: (C, p, i) => {
i.d(p, {
A: () => V
var q = i(111100);
const V = function(C) {
return "function" == typeof C ? C : q.A
31165: (C, p, i) => {
i.d(p, {
A: () => U
var q = i(757765)
, V = i(495964)
, m = i(837817)
, w = i(669200)
, y = i(678285)
, l = i(950395)
, t = "Expected a function"
, B = 8
, T = 32
, I = 128
, Y = 256;
const U = function(C) {
return V.A((function(p) {
var i = p.length
, V = i
, U = q.A.prototype.thru;
for (C && p.reverse(); V--; ) {
var L = p[V];
if ("function" != typeof L)
throw new TypeError(t);
if (U && !a && "wrapper" == w.A(L))
var a = new q.A([],!0)
for (V = a ? V : i; ++V < i; ) {
L = p[V];
var v = w.A(L)
, f = "wrapper" == v ? m.A(L) : void 0;
a = f && l.A(f[0]) && f[1] == (I | B | T | Y) && !
f[4].length && 1 == f[9] ? a[w.A(f[0])].apply(a, f[3]) : 1 == L.length && l.A(L) ?
a[v]() : a.thru(L)
return function() {
var C = arguments
, q = C[0];
if (a && 1 == C.length && y.A(q))
return a.plant(q).value();
for (var V = 0, m = i ? p[V].apply(this, C) : q; ++V < i; )
m = p[V].call(this, m);
return m
837817: (C, p, i) => {
i.d(p, {
A: () => m
var q = i(789764)
, V = i(912986);
const m = q.A ? function(C) {
return q.A.get(C)
: V.A
669200: (C, p, i) => {
i.d(p, {
A: () => m
var q = i(485241)
, V = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty;
const m = function(C) {
for (var p = + "", i = q.A[p], m =, p) ? i.length
: 0; m--; ) {
var w = i[m]
, y = w.func;
if (null == y || y == C)
return p
950395: (C, p, i) => {
i.d(p, {
A: () => y
var q = i(753608)
, V = i(837817)
, m = i(669200)
, w = i(289586);
const y = function(C) {
var p = m.A(C)
, i = w.A[p];
if ("function" != typeof i || !(p in q.A.prototype))
return !1;
if (C === i)
return !0;
var y = V.A(i);
return !!y && C === y[0]
789764: (C, p, i) => {
i.d(p, {
A: () => V
var q = i(200051);
const V = q.A && new q.A
485241: (C, p, i) => {
i.d(p, {
A: () => q
const q = {}
775397: (C, p, i) => {
i.d(p, {
A: () => w
var q = i(753608)
, V = i(757765)
, m = i(741779);
const w = function(C) {
if (C instanceof q.A)
return C.clone();
var p = new V.A(C.__wrapped__,C.__chain__);
return p.__actions__ = m.A(C.__actions__),
p.__index__ = C.__index__,
p.__values__ = C.__values__,
98847: (C, p, i) => {
i.d(p, {
A: () => B
var q = i(67903)
, V = i(636531)
, m = i(724043)
, w = i(727242)
, y = i(804603)
, l = i(616826)
, t = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty;
const B = m.A((function(C, p) {
if (y.A(p) || w.A(p))
V.A(p, l.A(p), C);
for (var i in p), i) && q.A(C, i, p[i])
872017: (C, p, i) => {
i.d(p, {
A: () => l
var q = i(415420)
, V = i(56988)
, m = i(510405)
, w = Math.ceil
, y = Math.max;
const l = function(C, p, i) {
p = (i ? V.A(C, p, i) : void 0 === p) ? 1 : y(m.A(p), 0);
var l = null == C ? 0 : C.length;
if (!l || p < 1)
return [];
for (var t = 0, B = 0, T = Array(w(l / p)); t < l; )
T[B++] = q.A(C, t, t += p);
return T
687650: (C, p, i) => {
i.d(p, {
A: () => q
const q = i(31165).A()
189902: (C, p, i) => {
i.d(p, {
A: () => w
var q = i(608292)
, V = i(952342)
, m = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty;
const w = V.A((function(C, p, i) {, i) ? C[i].push(p) : q.A(C, i, [p])
639972: (C, p, i) => {
i.d(p, {
A: () => q
const q = function(C) {
return C && C.length ? C[0] : void 0
241539: (C, p, i) => {
i.d(p, {
A: () => y
var q = i(18272)
, V = i(106517)
, m = i(545186)
, w = i(827521);
const y = m.A((function(C) {
var p = q.A(C, w.A);
return p.length && p[0] === C[0] ? V.A(p) : []
444792: (C, p, i) => {
i.d(p, {
A: () => w
var q = i(156568)
, V = i(258214)
, m = "[object Boolean]";
const w = function(C) {
return !0 === C || !1 === C || V.A(C) && q.A(C) == m
504642: (C, p, i) => {
i.d(p, {
A: () => t
var q = i(192028)
, V = i(633918)
, m = i(510405)
, w = 9007199254740991
, y = 4294967295
, l = Math.min;
const t = function(C, p) {
if ((C = m.A(C)) < 1 || C > w)
return [];
var i = y
, t = l(C, y);
p = V.A(p),
C -= y;
for (var B = q.A(t, p); ++i < C; )
return B
85490: (C, p, i) => {
i.d(p, {
A: () => m
var q = i(436897)
, V = i(563183);
const m = function(C, p) {
return C && C.length ? V.A(C, q.A(p, 2)) : []
289586: (C, p, i) => {
i.d(p, {
A: () => T
var q = i(753608)
, V = i(757765)
, m = i(109429)
, w = i(678285)
, y = i(258214)
, l = i(775397)
, t = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty;
function B(C) {
if (y.A(C) && !w.A(C) && !(C instanceof q.A)) {
if (C instanceof V.A)
return C;
if (, "__wrapped__"))
return l.A(C)
return new V.A(C)
B.prototype = m.A.prototype,
B.prototype.constructor = B;
const T = B
}, l = {};
function t(C) {
var p = l[C];
if (void 0 !== p)
return p.exports;
var i = l[C] = {
id: C,
loaded: !1,
exports: {}
return y[C].call(i.exports, i, i.exports, t),
i.loaded = !0,
t.m = y,
C = [],
t.O = (p, i, q, V) => {
if (!i) {
var m = 1 / 0;
for (B = 0; B < C.length; B++) {
for (var [i,q,V] = C[B], w = !0, y = 0; y < i.length; y++)
(!1 & V || m >= V) && Object.keys(t.O).every((C => t.O[C]
(i[y]))) ? i.splice(y--, 1) : (w = !1,
V < m && (m = V));
if (w) {
C.splice(B--, 1);
var l = q();
void 0 !== l && (p = l)
return p
V = V || 0;
for (var B = C.length; B > 0 && C[B - 1][2] > V; B--)
C[B] = C[B - 1];
C[B] = [i, q, V]
t.n = C => {
var p = C && C.__esModule ? () => C["default"] : () => C;
return t.d(p, {
a: p
i = Object.getPrototypeOf ? C => Object.getPrototypeOf(C) : C => C.__proto__,
t.t = function(C, q) {
if (1 & q && (C = this(C)),
8 & q)
return C;
if ("object" == typeof C && C) {
if (4 & q && C.__esModule)
return C;
if (16 & q && "function" == typeof C.then)
return C
var V = Object.create(null);
var m = {};
p = p || [null, i({}), i([]), i(i)];
for (var w = 2 & q && C; "object" == typeof w && !~p.indexOf(w); w = i(w))
Object.getOwnPropertyNames(w).forEach((p => m[p] = () => C[p]));
return m["default"] = () => C,
t.d(V, m),
t.d = (C, p) => {
for (var i in p)
t.o(p, i) && !t.o(C, i) && Object.defineProperty(C, i, {
enumerable: !0,
get: p[i]
t.f = {},
t.e = C => Promise.all(Object.keys(t.f).reduce(( (p, i) => (t.f[i](C, p),
p)), [])),
t.u = C => "js/" + ({
1651: "grid.dynamicSingleBallRacetrack",
3474: "evo-promotions.SpinGiftsFrame",
3652: "CustomChipModule",
3863: "testTools",
6212: "grid.singleBallSpecialSlingshotDesktop",
6555: "grid.staticSlingshotFiles-singleBallSpecialSlingshotTablet-blue-
11084: "grid.staticSlingshotFiles-singleBallStandardSlingshotDesktop-
12849: "grid.tabletSlingshotStandardFrench",
13105: "grid.staticSlingshotFiles-singleBallSlingshotStandardTablet-
16154: "grid.staticSlingshotFiles-singleBallSpecialSlingshotTablet-vip-
16859: "grid.staticSlingshotFiles-singleBallSpecialSlingshotTablet-french-
17474: "evo-game.mobileChat",
18266: "grid.dynamicDoubleBall",
18892: "grid.staticSlingshotFiles-singleBallStandardSlingshotDesktop-speed-
19085: "CanvasChipsConnected",
19268: "grid.staticSlingshotFiles-singleBallStandardSlingshotDesktop-vip-
19781: "grid.staticSlingshotFiles-tabletSlingshotStandardFrenchNetGaming-
20163: "grid.staticSlingshotFiles-
20672: "grid.staticSlingshotFiles-singleBallSlingshotStandardTablet-speed-
23041: "grid.BaseBettingGrid",
24348: "grid.staticSlingshotFiles-singleBallStandardSlingshotDesktop-
24622: "evo-promotions.SpinGiftsWheelAnimation",
25857: "evo-roulette.MobileGraveyard",
25908: "grid.staticSlingshotFiles-singleBallSpecialSlingshotDesktop-
26094: "grid.staticSlingshotFiles-singleBallSpecialSlingshotTablet-private-
26244: "grid.singleBallSlingshotStandardTablet",
27559: "grid.staticSlingshotFiles-singleBallStandardSlingshotDesktop-
28445: "grid.doubleZeroRacetrackSlingshot",
30164: "game-client-history-round-info",
31646: "RedDoorChipModule",
32372: "grid.staticSlingshotFiles-singleBallSpecialSlingshotDesktop-
33276: "grid.staticSlingshotFiles-singleBallSpecialSlingshotDesktop-
35824: "grid.staticSlingshotFiles-singleBallSlingshotStandardTablet-tan-
36302: "evo-promotions.SpinGiftsCampaignRules",
39340: "history.roundView",
40225: "grid.staticSlingshotFiles-singleBallSpecialSlingshotTablet-
40616: "grid.staticSlingshotFiles-singleBallSlingshotStandardTablet-
41884: "grid.staticSlingshotFiles-singleBallSlingshotStandardTablet-murcia-
42194: "grid.staticSlingshotFiles-singleBallSpecialSlingshotTablet-
43956: "grid.staticSlingshotFiles-singleBallStandardSlingshotDesktop-tan-
44806: "gameTestToolsPlugins",
47290: "evo-promotions.SpinGiftsTermsConditions",
50967: "help.common",
51564: "grid.staticSlingshotFiles-singleBallSpecialSlingshotDesktop-tan-
51728: "grid.staticSlingshotFiles-singleBallSlingshotStandardTablet-
52034: "grid.staticSlingshotFiles-singleBallSpecialSlingshotTablet-pa-svg",
52628: "grid.staticSlingshotFiles-singleBallSpecialSlingshotDesktop-speed-
52989: "grid.dynamicSingleBall",
53265: "grid.staticSlingshotFiles-singleBallSpecialSlingshotTablet-
54504: "evo-promotions.cashGifts",
55389: "grid.staticSlingshotFiles-singleBallStandardSlingshotDesktop-
55955: "grid.staticSlingshotFiles-singleBallSlingshotStandardTablet-
57230: "SelectLeaguesDesktopConnected",
57602: "grid.singleBallStandardSlingshotDesktop",
58178: "grid.staticSlingshotFiles-singleBallSlingshotStandardTablet-
58306: "grid.staticSlingshotFiles-singleBallSpecialSlingshotTablet-tan-
59760: "",
63462: "grid.staticSlingshotFiles-singleBallStandardSlingshotDesktop-
63709: "grid.staticSlingshotFiles-singleBallSpecialImmersiveDarkRed-svg",
64566: "grid.types",
64644: "grid.staticSlingshotFiles-singleBallStandardSlingshotDesktop-
66204: "grid.doubleZeroStandardSlingshot",
66703: "gameTestToolsSafeAreaPlugin",
66885: "native-utilities",
67773: "grid.staticSlingshotFiles-singleBallStandardColored-svg",
68289: "GoldVaultChipModule",
68933: "grid.staticSlingshotFiles-singleBallSpecialSlingshotDesktop-nj-
70663: "MultiplierMenuButton",
71376: "grid.staticSlingshotFiles-singleBallSpecialSlingshotDesktop-murcia-
73375: "evo-promotions.spinGifts",
73388: "roulette.tutorials",
73396: "grid.singleBallSpecialSlingshotTablet",
73460: "evo-promotions.giftsWheel",
73945: "EntertainmentContainerConnected",
74063: "lottie_light",
74309: "grid.staticSlingshotFiles-singleBallSlingshotStandardTablet-blue-
74615: "grid.dynamicMiniGrid",
74948: "grid.staticSlingshotFiles-singleBallStandardSlingshotDesktop-pa-
75e3: "grid.staticSlingshotFiles-singleBallStandardSlingshotDesktop-murcia-
75953: "grid.staticSlingshotFiles-singleBallSpecialSlingshotDesktop-blue-
76243: "grid.singleBallSpecialSlingshotLandscapeFrench",
79753: "grid.staticSlingshotFiles-singleBallStandardSlingshotDesktop-blue-
79963: "grid.staticSlingshotFiles-singleBallSlingshotStandardTablet-lotto-
80309: "grid.staticSlingshotFiles-doubleZeroRaceTrackOutLines-svg",
80574: "grid.staticSlingshotFiles-singleBallSpecialSlingshotTablet-murcia-
80616: "video-lib-local",
80897: "grid.singleBallStandardSlingshotFrenchLandscape",
80943: "grid.staticSlingshotFiles-singleBallSpecialSlingshotDesktop-
82511: "grid.staticSlingshotFiles-tabletSlingshotStandardFrench-svg",
83379: "grid.staticSlingshotFiles-singleBallSpecialSlingshotTablet-nj-svg",
84124: "grid.staticSlingshotFiles-singleBallSpecialSlingshotDesktop-vip-
84619: "grid.dynamicGoldenRacetrack",
85587: "evo-roulette.flapperContainer",
85687: "testTools.why-did-you-render",
86289: "grid.staticSlingshotFiles-
88621: "grid.staticSlingshotFiles-singleBallStandardSlingshotDesktop-nj-
94260: "grid.staticSlingshotFiles-singleBallSpecialSlingshotTablet-
94818: "grid.staticSlingshotFiles-singleBallSpecialSlingshotTablet-speed-
96577: "grid.staticSlingshotFiles-singleBallSpecialSlingshotTablet-lotto-
96602: "grid.dynamicFrench",
96668: "help.roulette",
96902: "LuckyNumbersGroup",
97048: "grid.staticSlingshotFiles-singleBallSlingshotStandardTablet-vip-
99305: "grid.staticSlingshotFiles-
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74063: "f6cd292c",
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76243: "b304c428",
79753: "09a2167a",
79963: "5a4ea261",
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80943: "fe7be9ca",
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84619: "9daa4691",
85587: "112084a6",
85687: "1de99b5d",
86289: "d25073df",
88621: "ba0c821f",
94260: "844ace26",
94818: "8b85ebed",
96577: "b04e0dbe",
96602: "ba2d57cf",
96668: "1744781b",
96902: "26c24a31",
97048: "8bdad111",
99305: "d2f27153"
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"styles/evopromoti.spingiftsc.1ac1ed58.css" : 47290 === C ?
"styles/evopromoti.spingiftst.9f62b894.css" : 50967 === C ?
"styles/help.common.bc80f876.css" : 30164 === C ?
"styles/gameclient.a4de801b.css" : 39340 === C ?
"styles/history.roundview.cdd341e6.css" : 59760 === C ?
"styles/" : 54504 === C ?
"styles/evopromoti.cashgifts.62b2d06e.css" : 73375 === C ?
"styles/evopromoti.spingifts.acdc49fa.css" : 44806 === C ?
"styles/gametestto.b2234b31.css" : 96902 === C ? "styles/luckynumbe.26c24a31.css" :
19085 === C ? "styles/canvaschip.f837379e.css" : 85587 === C ?
"styles/evoroulett.flappercon.112084a6.css" : 96668 === C ?
"styles/help.roulette.1744781b.css" : 25857 === C ?
"styles/evoroulett.mobilegrav.97727c08.css" : 70663 === C ?
"styles/multiplier.03b7f40a.css" : 73460 === C ?
"styles/evopromoti.giftswheel.3a0aec59.css" : 24622 === C ?
"styles/evopromoti.spingiftsw.d950859d.css" : 3474 === C ?
"styles/evopromoti.spingiftsf.f19a3805.css" : 66703 === C ?
"styles/gametestto.23793ece.css" : void 0,
t.hmd = C => ((C = Object.create(C)).children || (C.children = []),
Object.defineProperty(C, "exports", {
enumerable: !0,
set: () => {
throw new Error("ES Modules may not assign module.exports or exports.*,
Use ESM export syntax, instead: " +
t.o = (C, p) =>, p),
q = {},
V = "/frontend/evo/r2/:",
t.l = (C, p, i, m) => {
if (q[C])
else {
var w, y;
if (void 0 !== i)
for (var l = document.getElementsByTagName("script"), B = 0; B <
l.length; B++) {
var T = l[B];
if (T.getAttribute("src") == C || T.getAttribute("data-
webpack") == V + i) {
w = T;
w || (y = !0,
(w = document.createElement("script")).charset = "utf-8",
w.timeout = NaN, && w.setAttribute("nonce",,
w.setAttribute("data-webpack", V + i),
w.src = C),
q[C] = [p];
var I = (p, i) => {
w.onerror = w.onload = null,
var V = q[C];
if (delete q[C],
w.parentNode && w.parentNode.removeChild(w),
V && V.forEach((C => C(i))),
return p(i)
, Y = setTimeout(I.bind(null, void 0, {
type: "timeout",
target: w
}), window.EVO_CDN ? 15e3 : 6e4);
w.onerror = I.bind(null, w.onerror),
w.onload = I.bind(null, w.onload),
y && document.head.appendChild(w)
t.r = C => {
"undefined" != typeof Symbol && Symbol.toStringTag &&
Object.defineProperty(C, Symbol.toStringTag, {
value: "Module"
Object.defineProperty(C, "__esModule", {
value: !0
t.nmd = C => (C.paths = [],
C.children || (C.children = []),
t.j = 70681,
t.p = (globalThis.EVO_CDN || "") + "/frontend/evo/r2/",
m = C => new Promise(( (p, i) => {
var q = t.miniCssF(C)
, V = t.p + q;
if (( (C, p) => {
for (var i = document.getElementsByTagName("link"), q = 0; q <
i.length; q++) {
var V = (w = i[q]).getAttribute("data-href") ||
if ("stylesheet" === w.rel && (V === C || V === p))
return w
var m = document.getElementsByTagName("style");
for (q = 0; q < m.length; q++) {
var w;
if ((V = (w = m[q]).getAttribute("data-href")) === C || V === p)
return w
)(q, V))
return p();
( (C, p, i, q) => {
var V = document.createElement("link");
V.setAttribute("data-sandbox", "ignore"),
V.rel = "stylesheet",
V.type = "text/css",
V.onerror = V.onload = m => {
if (V.onerror = V.onload = null,
"load" === m.type)
else {
var w = m && ("load" === m.type ? "missing" : m.type)
, y = m && && || p
, l = new Error("Loading CSS chunk " + C + " failed.\n(" + y
+ ")");
l.type = w,
l.request = y,
V.href = p,
)(C, V, p, i)
w = {
70681: 0
t.f.miniCss = (C, p) => {
w[C] ? p.push(w[C]) : 0 !== w[C] && {
3474: 1,
3863: 1,
19085: 1,
24622: 1,
25857: 1,
30164: 1,
36302: 1,
39340: 1,
44806: 1,
47290: 1,
50967: 1,
54504: 1,
59760: 1,
66703: 1,
70663: 1,
73375: 1,
73460: 1,
85587: 1,
96668: 1,
96902: 1
}[C] && p.push(w[C] = m(C).then(( () => {
w[C] = 0
), (p => {
throw delete w[C],
( () => {
var C = {
70681: 0
t.f.j = (p, i) => {
var q = t.o(C, p) ? C[p] : void 0;
if (0 !== q)
if (q)
else if (1) {
var V = new Promise(( (i, V) => q = C[p] = [i, V]));
i.push(q[2] = V);
var m = t.p + t.u(p)
, w = new Error;
t.l(m, (i => {
if (t.o(C, p) && (0 !== (q = C[p]) && (C[p] = void 0),
q)) {
var V = i && ("load" === i.type ? "missing" : i.type)
, m = i && &&;
w.message = "Loading chunk " + p + " failed.\n(" + V +
": " + m + ")", = "ChunkLoadError",
w.type = V,
w.request = m,
), "chunk-" + p, p)
t.O.j = p => 0 === C[p];
var p = (p, i) => {
var q, V, [m,w,y] = i, l = 0;
if (m.some((p => 0 !== C[p]))) {
for (q in w)
t.o(w, q) && (t.m[q] = w[q]);
if (y)
var B = y(t)
for (p && p(i); l < m.length; l++)
V = m[l],
t.o(C, V) && C[V] && C[V][0](),
C[V] = 0;
return t.O(B)
, i = self["webpackChunk_frontend_evo_r2_"] =
self["webpackChunk_frontend_evo_r2_"] || [];
i.forEach(p.bind(null, 0)),
i.push = p.bind(null, i.push.bind(i))
t.O(void 0, [35375, 79949], ( () => t(515924))),
t.O(void 0, [35375, 79949], ( () => t(806327)));
var B = t.O(void 0, [35375, 79949], ( () => t(479357)));
B = t.O(B)