Field Extension
Field Extension
Field Extension
In this chapter, we will study field extensions and its related concepts. We
know many examples of fields that are subfields of larger fields. In the present
section, we will examine these inclusions of fields and of their important
properties. Let us begin our discussion with some important terminologies:
2 Characteristic of field
Recall that a field F is a commutative ring with identity in which every
nonzero element has an inverse. Equivalently, the set F × = F − {0} of
nonzero elements of F is an abelian group under multiplication. One of
the first invariants associated with any field F is its characteristic, defined
as follows: If 1F denotes the identity of F , then F contains the elements
1F , 1F +1F , 1F + 1F + 1F , · · · of the additive subgroup of F generated by
1F . which may not all be distinct. For some positive integer n, we have
n.1F = 1F + · · · + 1F (n times). Then two possibilities arise: either all the
elements n.1F are distinct, or else n.1F = 0 for some positive integer n.
Definition 2.1. The characteristic of a field F , is defined to be the smallest
positive integer p such that p.1F = 0 if such a p exists and is defined to be 0
otherwise. It is denoted char(F ).
For positive integers m and n, it is easy to see that
n.1F + m.1F = (m + n).1F 0
for a, b ∈ R and n ∈ N.
Proof. We use the fact that
p p(p − 1) · · · (p − i + 1) ∼
= = 0 mod p
i 1.2. · · · .i
for all i ∈ Z with 0 < i < p, which follows from pi being an integer and the
observation that the factor p in the numerator can not be cancelled. Then
by binomial theorem
p p p p−1 p
(a + b) = a + a b + ··· + abp−1 + bp = ap + bp ,
1 p−1
and induction on n completes the proof of the first identity. By what we
have shown, we get
n n n n
ap = ((a − b) + b)p = (a − b)p + bp ,
Proposition 2.5. The characteristic of a field F is either 0 or a prime p.
If char(F ) = p, then for any α ∈ F, we have
p.α = α + α + · + α = 0
| {z }
p times
Proof. Only the second statement has not been proved, and this follows
immediately from the evident equality p.α = p.(1F α) = (p.1F )(α) in F .
Remark 2.6. This notion of a characteristic makes sense also for any inte-
gral domain and its characteristic will be the same as for its field of fractions.
(ii) The (finite) field Fp = Z/pZ has characteristic p for any prime p.
(iii) The integral domain Fp [x]of polynomials in the variable x with coeffi-
cients in the field Fp has characteristic p, as does its field of fractions
F[ x] (the field of rational functions in x with coefficients in Fp ).
n 7→ n.1F
and we can interpret the characteristic of F by noting that ker(ϕ) =
char(F )Z. Taking the quotient by the kernel gives us an injection of either
Z or Z/pZ into F (depending on whether char(F ) = 0 or char(F ) = p).
Since F is a field, we see that F contains a subfield isomorphic either to Q
(the field of fractions of Z) or to FP = Z/pZ (the field of fractions of Z/pZ
) depending on the characteristic of F , and in either case is the smallest
subfield of F containing 1.F (the field generated by 1.F in F ).
3 Sub Fields
Definition 3.1. A non-empty subsets S of a field F is called a subfield of
F if it is a field with respect to the operations on F . If S 6= F , then S is
called a proper subfield of F .
Exercise 3.5. Show that the union of two subfileds need not be subfield.
4 Prime Fields
This section deals with study of special kind of fields. Let P be the
intersection of all subfields of a field F, then P is a subfiled of F and every
subfield of F contains P . So that no subfield of F is contained properly
in P . Hence P has no proper subfield. This leads us to define concept of
prime subfield.
Definition 4.1. Let < F, +, . > be a field. Then, F is calleed a prime field
if it has no proper subfield (or A field F is said to be a prime field if it has
no proper subfield).
Example 4.2. For any prime p, the finite field Zp is a prime field. The field
of rational number Q is also a prime field.
Let p be any prime integer. then < p > is a maxima ideal of Z and
Z/ < p > is a field having p elements. If S is any subfield of Z/ < p >
it has at least two element, then as a group of prime order has no proper
subgroups, S = Z/ < p >. This proves Z/ < P > is a prime field.
Example 4.3. Let us consider the field of rationals Q. Let F 0 be a subfield
of Q, then 1 ∈ F 0 . Next, let m n ∈ Q for all m, n ∈ Z and n 6= 0. Now
we write m = m.1 ∈ F 0 and n = n.1 ∈ F 0 . But n 6= 0, we conclude that
n = n.1 6= 0 ∈ F 0 . This yields that m 0
n ∈ F . This prove that Q is a prime
Our next result shows that Q and Zp (where p is any prime) are only
the prime fields.
Theorem 4.4. Every field contains a subfield isomorphic to Q or to Zp for
some prime number p.
Proof. Let F be a field. Define a function
Case(ii) (char F =p, for some prime p) : It is well known that for
any prime number p, Z/pZ is a field. Hence, by applying Fundamental
theorem of Homomorphism to f , we conclude Z/pZ ' f (Z) . Thus, f (Z) is
isomorphic to Zp and is conatained in F . Consequently, F has a subfield
isomorphic to Zp .
Let us reword the Theorem 4.4 slightly. What it says that :
5 Field Extentions and its constructions
Definition 5.1. A field K is called a field extension of F if F is a
subfield of K. Consequently, we say that F is a subfield of K and that K is
an extension of E.
Example 5.5. For the real field R and complex field C, we have R ⊂ C.
Therefore, we obtain [C : R] = 2, since {1, i} is a basis of C(R). Conse-
quently, C is finite extension of R. Similarly, C is a field extension of Q.
However, Q ⊆ R is not a field extension.
Example √ 5.6. Let √ Q be the field of rationals. Let us consider the √ field
F = Q( 3) = {a + b 3 : a, b ∈ Q}. √ Then, it is easy to verify that Q( 3) is
√ Also, notice that Q ⊆ Q( 3). Further,
a field. √ it is easy to check that the set
{1, √3} is a basis of the vector
√ space Q( 3) over the field Q. Thus, we have
[Q( 3), Q] = 2. Hence, Q( 3) is a finite field extension of Q. Similarly,
Q( p) (where p is any prime) is a field extension of Q.
5.1 Constructions of field Extensions
In the present section, we construct Field Extensions from given fields. Let
us look at a particular field extension of a field F . Since F [x] is an integral
domain, we can obtain its field of quotient. We denote this field by F(x).
Then F is a subfield of F (x) i.e., F ⊆ F (x). Hence, F (x) is a field extension
of a given field F . Moreover, its elements are expressions of the form fg(x)(x)
where f (x), g(x) ∈ F [x] and g(x) 6= 0. In√particular, let √ Q be a field of
rationals. Then it is easy to check that Q( 2) = {a + b 2 : a, b ∈ Q} is a
field extension of Q.
Proof. Given any f (x) ∈ F [x] such that deg f (x) > 0. Then, we will show
that there is a field monomorphism from F into F [x]/ < f (x) >. This will
show that F [x]/ < f (x) > contains an isomorphic copy of F ; and hence, we
can say that it contains F . So, let us define φ : F → F [x]/ < f (x) > by
φ(a) = a+ < f (x) > . Then, it is easy to check that
To find Ker φ, we have
Exercise 5.8. Check which of the following rings are field extensions of Q?
6 Algebraic and transcedental numbers
Definition 6.1. (Algebraic, transcendental). Let F ⊆ E be a field extension.
An element u ∈ E is called algebraic over F if f (u) = 0 for some nonzero
polynomial f (x) ∈ F[x]. If u ∈ E is not algebraic over F, then it is called
transcendental over F. If every element of F is algebraic over E, then we say
F ⊆ E is an algebraic extension.
Theorem 6.4. (Hermite 1873, Lindemann 1882). The real numbers e and
π are transcendental over Q.
Remark 6.5. Since the set of polynomials with integer (or rational) coeffi-
cients is countable and each polynomial has a finite number of roots, the set
of real numbers that are algebraic over Q is countable. Therefore, there are
uncountably many real numbers that are transcendental over Q.
7 Finite Field
We have dealt a lot with the finite fields Zp . Now we will look at field
extensions of these fields. We know that any finite field F has characteristic
p, for some prime p. And then F is an extension of Zp . Suppose F contains
q elements. Then q must be a power of p. That is what we will prove now.
that F is a vector space over Zp with finite dimension.
• a.(v+w)=a.v+a.w
• (a+b).v = a.v+b.v
• (ab).v =a.(b.v)
• 1.v = v
Now, we know that (F ,+) is an abelian group. We also know that the mul-
tiplication in F will satisfy all the conditions that the scalar multiplication
should satisfy. Thus, F is a vector space over Zp . Since F is a finite field,
it has a finite dimension over Zp . Let dimxp F = n. Then, we can find
a1 , . . . , an ∈ F such that
F = Zp a1 + Zp a2 + . . . + Zp an .
b1 a1 + b2 a2 + . . . + bn an , where b1 , . . . , bn ∈ Zp .
Theorem 7.2. For any prime number p and n ∈ N, there exist a field with
pn elements. Moreover, any two finite fields having the same number of
elements are isomorphic.
Now, we can utilise our knowledge of finite fields to solve the following
Exercise 7.3. Let F be a finite field with pn elements, where p a prime
number such that char(F ) = p. Prove that ap = a for all a ∈ F . Hence or
otherwise, show that
xp − x = (x − ai ).
Proof. Let F be a finite field with pn elements, where p a prime number such
that char(F ) = p. Since (F \{0}, .) is a group of order pn − 1, ap −1 = 1
for all a ∈ {0}. Therefore, we have ap = a for all a ∈ F \0. Also we have
n n
0p = 0. Consequently, we conclude that ap = a for all a ∈ F .
Now, xp − x ∈ F [x] can have at the most pn roots in F (by FTA).
Also, each of the pn elements
Q of F is a root. Thus, these are all the roots of
n n
xp − x. Hence, xp − = (x − ai ). This proves the result.
ai ∈F
= φ(a) + φ(b).
φ(ab) = (ab)p = ap bp = φ(a)φ(b).
φ is 1 − 1, by E 10(c) of Unit 12.
Hence, Im φ has the same number of elements as the domain of φ, i.e., F .
Further, Im φ ⊆ F . Therefore, we have Im φ = F , i.e., φ is onto.
Hence, φ is an automorphism.
Now, φn (a) = [φ(a)]n = (ap )n = (ap )n = a for all a ∈ F .
Therefore, φn = I the identity map on F .
Also, for r < n, φr (a) = ap .
Now, we can’t have ap = a for all a ∈ F , because this would mean that the
polynomial xp −x ∈ F [x] has more than pr roots. This gives a contradiction.
Thus, φr (a) 6= a for some a ∈ F. Therefore, φr 6= I if r < n.
Hence, o(φ) = n. This completes the proof.
Exercise 7.5. Let F be a field such that a ∈ F iff a is a root of x27 −x ∈ F [x].
Find char(F ). Also, check whether Z2 ⊆ F ?
Definition 7.10. The degree (or relative degree or index) of a field extension
K of F , denoted [K : F ], is the dimension ofK as a vector space over F (i.e.,
[K : F ] = dimF K). The extension is said to be finite if [K : F ] is finite and
is said to be infinite otherwise.
Given any field F and any polynomial p(x) ∈ F [x] one can ask a similar
question: does there exist an extension K of F containing a solution of the
equation p(x) = 0 (i.e., containing a root of p(x))? Note that we may assume
here that the polynomial p(x) is irreducible in F [x] since a root of any factor
of p(x) is certainly a root of p(x) itself. The answer is yes and follows almost
immediately from our work on the polynomial ring F [x]. We first recall the
following useful result on homomorphisms of fields which follows from the
fact that the only ideals of a field F are 0 and F .
Theorem 7.12. Let F be a field and let p(x) ∈ F [x] be an irreducible poly-
nomial. Then there exists a field K containing an isomorphic copy of F in
which p(x) has a root. Identifying F with this isomorphic copy shows that
there exists an extension of F in which p(x) has a root.
K = F [x]/(p(x))
=0 in F [x]/p(x))
so that K does indeed contain a root of the polynomial p(x). Then K
is an extension of F in which the polynomial p(x) has a root.
central objects of interest in Galois theory).
To understand the field K = F [x]/(p()x)) constructed above more fully, it
is useful to have a simple representation for the elements of this field. Since
F is a subfield of K, we might in particular ask for a basis for K as a vector
space over F .
Proof. Let a(x) ∈ F [x] be any polynomial with coefficients in F . Since F [x]
is a Euclidean Domain, we may divide a(x) by p(x) :
a(x) = q(x)p(x) + r(x) q(x), r(x) ∈ F [x] with degr(x) < n.
Since q(x)p(x) lies in the ideal (p(x)), it follows that a(x) ≡ r(x)modp(x)),
which shows that every residue class in F [x]/(p(x)) is represented by a
polynomial of degree less than n. Hence the images 1, θ, θ2 · · · , θn−1 of
1, x, x2 , · · · , xn−1 in the quotient span the quotient as a vector space over
F . It remains to see that these elements are linearly independent, so form
a basis for the quotient over F . If the elements 1, θ, θ2 · · · , θn−1 were not
linearly independent in K, then there would be a linear combination
b0 + b1 θ + b2 θ2 + · + bn−1 θn−1 = 0
. i.e.,
This theorem provides an easy description of the elements of the field
F [x]/(p(x)) as polynomials of degree <n in θ where θ is an element (in
K) with pθ = 0. It remains only to see how to add and multiply elements
written in this form. The addition in the quotient F [x]/(p(x)) is just
usual addition of polynomials. The multiplication of polynomials a(x)
and b(x) in the quotient F [x]/(p(x)) is performed by finding the product
a(x)b(x) in F [x], then finding the representative of degree < n for the coset
a(x)b(x) + (p(x)) (as in the proof above) by dividing a(x)b(x) by p(x) and
finding the remainder.
θn = −(pn−1 θn−1 + · · · + p1 θ + p0 )
a(θ)b(θ) = r(θ)
where r(x) is the remainder (of degree < n) obtained after dividing the poly-
nomial a(x)b(x) by p(x) in F [x].
8 Some important properties and results
We begin with the following:
Definition 8.1.
• Let K be a subfield of the field F and M any subset of F . Then the field
K(M ) is defined to be the intersection of all subfields of F containing
both K and M ; i.e. it is the smallest subfield of F containing both
K and M . It is called the extension field obtained by adjoining the
elements of M .
Definition 8.2.
an αn + an−1 αn−1 + · · · + a1 α1 + a0 = 0
Example 8.3.
• The element 3 3 ∈ R is algebraic over Q, since it is a root of the
polynomial x3 − 3 ∈ Q[x].
Given a ∈ F which is algebraic over some subfield K of F , it can be checked
(exercise!) that the set J = {f ∈ K[x] : f (α) = 0} is an ideal of F [x] and
J 6= (0). By Theorem 3.4, it follows that there exists a uniquely determined
monic polynomial g ∈ K[x] which generates J, i.e. J = (g).
Definition 8.4.
If a is algebraic over K, then the uniquely determined monic polynomial
g ∈ K[x] generating the ideal J = {f ∈ K[x] : f (α) = 0} is called the
minimal polynomial of a over K. We refer to the degree of g as the degree
of a over K.
9 Field extensions as vector spaces
Let L be an extension field of K. An important observation is that L may
be viewed as a vector space over K. The elements of L are the "vectors"
and the elements of K are the "scalars".
We briefly recall the main properties of a vector space.
Definition 9.1.
A vector space V over F is a non-empty set of objects (called vectors) upon
which two operations are defined
• addition: there is some rule which produces, from any two objects in
V , another object in V (denote this operation by +)
2 (x + y) + z = x + (y + z) for all x, yz ∈ V
8 1x = x for all x ∈ V
Definition 9.2.
v1 = a1 v1 + · · · + an vn
• A vector space will have many different bases, but there are always the
same number of basis vectors in each. The number of basis vectors in
any basis is called the dimension of V over F .
To see that the vector space axioms hold for a field L over a subfield K,
note that the elements of L form an abelian group under addition, and that
any "vector" α ∈ L may be multiplied by an r ∈ K (a "scalar") to get
rα ∈ L (this is just multiplication in L). Finally, the laws for multiplication
by scalars hold since, for r, s ∈ L and β ∈ K we have r(α+β) = rα+rβ, (r +
s)α − rα + sα(rs)α = r(sα) and 1α = α.
Example 9.3.
Take L = C and let K be its subfield R. Then we can easily check that C is a
vector space over R. Since we know from school that C = {a + bi : a, b ∈ R},
it is clear that a basis is given by {1, 2}.
Definition 9.4.
Example 9.5.
Theorem 9.6.
[M : K] = [M : L][L : K].
Every α ∈ M can be expressed as a linear combination α = γ1 α1 + ... +
γm αm for some γ1 , ..., γm ∈ L. Writing each γi as a linear combination of
the βj is we get
X m X
X n m X
X n
α= γi αi = ( rij βj )αi = rij βj αi
i=1 i=1 j=1 i=1 j=1
Suppose we have
m X
X n
sij βj αi = 0
i=1 j=1
Remark 9.9.
The converse of Theorem 5.7 is not true, however. See the Exercise sheet for
an example of an algebraic extension of Q which is not a finite extension.
We now relate our new vector space viewpoint to the residue class rings
considered previously.
Theorem 9.10.
(iii) Every β ∈ K(α) is algebraic over K and its degree over K is a divisor
of n.
(iii) K(α) is a finite extension of K by (ii), and so β ∈ K(α) is algebraic over
K by Theorem 5.7. Moreover, K(β) is a subfield of K(α). If d is the degree of
β over K,then n = [K(α) : K] = [K(α) : K(β)][K(β) : K = [K(α) : K(β)]d,
i.e. d divides n.
Remark 9.11.
This theorem tells us that the elements of the simple extension K(α) of K
are polynomial expressions in α, and any β ∈ K(α) can be uniquely expressed
in the form β = ao + a1 α + · · · + an−1 αn−1 for some ai ∈ K.
Example 9.12.
Consider the simple extension R(i) of R. We saw earlier that i has minimal
polynomial x2 + 1 over R.
So R(i) ∼
= R[x]/(x2 + 1), and {1, i} is a basis for R(i) over R(i). So
R(i) = {a + bi : a, b ∈ R} = C
Example 9.13.
√ √
Consider the simple extension Q( 3 3) of Q. We saw earlier that 3 3 has
minimal polynomial
√ x2 − 3 over Q. √ √ √
So Q 3 = [x]/(x3 − 3), and {1, 3 3, ( 3 3)2 } is a basis for Q( 3 3) over
Q. So √ √ √
Q( 3 = {a + b 3 + c( 3)2 : a, b, c ∈ Q}.
3 3 3
Note that we have been assuming that both K and α are embedded in
some larger field F . Next, we will consider constructing a simple algebraic
extension without reference to a previously given larger field, i.e. "from the
ground up".
The next result, due to Kronecker, is one of the most fundamental results
in the theory of fields: it says that, given any non-constant polynomial over
any fie1d, there exists an extension field in which the polynomial has a root.
Theorem 9.14.
Let f e ∈ K[x] be irreducible over the field K. Then there exists a simple
algebraic extension of K with a root of f as a defining element.
• Consider the residue class ring L = K[x]/(f ), which is a field since f
is irreducible. Its elements are the residue classes [h] = h + (f ), with
h ∈ K[x].
• For any α ∈ K, think of a as a constant polynomial in K[x] and form
the residue class [a]. The mapping a 7→ [α] gives an isomorphism from
K onto a subfield K 0 of L (exercise: check!), so K 0 may be identified
with K. Thus we can view L as an extension of K.
• For every h = a0 + a1 x + · · · + am xm ∈ K[x], we have
[h] = [a0 + a1 x + · · · + am xm ]
= [a1 ] + [a1 ][x] + · · · + [am ][x]m
= a0 + a1 [x] + · · · + am [x]m
(making the identification [ai ] = ai ). So, every element of L can be
written as a polynomial in [x] with coefficients in K. Since any field
containing K and [x] must contain these expressions K is a simple
extension of K’ obtained by adjoining [x].
• If f = b0 + b1 x + · · · + bn xn , then
f ([x]) = b0 + b1 [x] + · · · + bn [x]n = [f ] = [0],
i.e. [x] is a root of f and L is a simple algebraic extension of K.
Example 9.15.
Consider the prime field F3 and the polynomial x2 +x+2 ∈ F3 [x], irreducible
over F3 . Take θ to be a "root" of f , in the sense that θ is the residue class
[x] = n + (f ) ∈ L = F3 [x]/(f ). Explicitly, we have:
f (θ) = f ([x]) = f (x + (f ))
= (x + (f ))2 + (x + (f )) + (2 + (f ))
= x2 + x + 2 + f (f )
= f + (f )
= 0 + (f )
= [0].
The other root of f in ,L is 2θ + 2, since f (2θ + 2) = θ2 + θ + 2 = 0. By
Theorem 5.9, the simple algebraic extension L = F3 (θ) consists of the nine
elements 0, 1, 2, θ, θ + 1, θ + 2, 2θ, 2θ + 1, 2θ + 2.
Example 9.16.
Consider the polynomial f = x2 + x + 1 ∈ F2 [x], irreducible over F2 . Let θ
be the root [x] = x + (f ) of f ; then the simple algebraic extension L = F2 (θ)
consists of the four elements 0, 1, θ, θ + 1. (The other root is θ + 1). The
tables for addition and multiplication are precisely those of Example 3.9,
now appropriately relabelled. We give the addition table:
+ 0 1 θ θ+1
0 0 1 θ θ+1
1 1 0 θ+1 θ
θ θ θ+1 0 1
θ+1 θ+1 θ 1 0
Note that, in the above examples, adjoining either of two roots of f would
yield the same extension field.
Theorem 9.17.
Let F be an extension field of the field K and α, β ∈ F be two roots of a
polynomial f ∈ K[x] that is irreducible over K. Then K(α) and K(β) are
isomorphic under an isomorphism mapping a to θ and keeping the elements
of K fixed.
Proof, By Theorem 5.9 both are isomorphic to the field K[x]/(f ) since
the irreducible f is the minimal polynomial of both α and β.
Theorem 9.19. (Existence and uniqueness of splitting field)
(ii) Any two splitting fields of f over K are isomorphic under an isomor-
phism which keeps the elements of K fixed and maps roots of f into
each other.
Example 9.20.
10 Problems
1. Q + iQ is a field of C.
2. Z + 2Z is not a subfield of R.
7. Show that given any field, if we know its characteristic then we can
obtain its prime subfields, and vice versa.
8. Let F be a finite field with pn elements. Show that ap = a ∀ a ∈ F .
p n Q
And hence, show that x − x = ai ∈F (x − ai ).
10. Determine the degree and the basis of the field of Complex numbers
over the filed of reals. Also, prove that [C : R] = 2.
√ √
11. Show that Q( 2, 3) is finite field extension over Q, where Q is the
field of all rational numbers.
12. Let Q be √ the field of rational numbers. Next, let K = Q( 2) and
L = Q( 3). Show that [L : K] = 2 and []K : Q] = 2.