WHP-AP 6-2-5 Read - 1857 Indian Uprising - 1240L
WHP-AP 6-2-5 Read - 1857 Indian Uprising - 1240L
WHP-AP 6-2-5 Read - 1857 Indian Uprising - 1240L
By Whitney Howarth
Sepoy Soldiers
If you were a young man in India needing an honest job that paid well, joining the Company army as a sepoy would
have been appealing. However, once employed you would soon be faced with racial discrimination and your
religious beliefs would be challenged by EIC policies. Whether Muslim or Hindu, you and your fellow sepoys would
be expected to adapt your religions and culture to the needs of the army. Also, you could forget about ever being
promoted to higher ranks in the army, because only your British co-workers would get those jobs. Sepoys helped
expand the domination of the East India Company across South Asia and were shipped abroad to expand the British
Empire overseas. By the 1800s, the Mughal Empire was a much smaller and weaker state, whose authority was
recognized only by some princes and local governors. Most stopped supporting the Mughal army and paying taxes.
The central authority of the Mughals was so weak they could offer little resistance to the East India Company and its
increasingly massive sepoy army.
By the mid-1800s, many Indians, including a number of sepoys, were frustrated with living under EIC control.
Excessive taxation, mismanagement, racist regulations, and the continuing disrespect for local and religious
customs were becoming intolerable. In 1857, a series of uprisings broke out in and around several military stations.
These rebellions expressed various outrages that had troubled many communities for decades.
As several sepoys rose up to free their comrades, some British officers were killed. Violence quickly spread and
several European women and children were also killed. Crowds in Meerut attacked and killed off-duty military
officers as well as several non-British servants who tried to protect their British masters. The next day, the sepoys
1857 Indian Uprising
Whitney Howarth
reached Delhi and mobbed the British arsenal and the home of former Mughal Emperor. Rebel soldiers and anti-
British civilians called for the re-instatement of the old Mughal Emperor who reluctantly agreed to their demands.
News spread fast, inspiring more mutinies in other garrison1 towns and disturbances in districts across the north
and northeast of India. By the end, over 50,000 sepoys had died or were executed later, whether or not they were
guilty of participating in the revolt. Another 100,000 civilians were killed by British efforts to put down the rebellion
and take revenge. The chaos that followed also contributed to a major famine that killed even more people.
English engraving from 1857 showing mutinous sepoys dividing up spoils. Public domain.
That doesn’t mean all of India was rebelling. Many sepoys and garrisons remained loyal to the British and helped to
put down the rebellion while supporting British troops that were shipped in. From Punjab to Nepal, people of
different religions and languages joined the rebellion. When the Mughal emperor’s sons were captured by the British
outside Delhi, they were executed without a trial. These and other atrocities of vengeance continued across India as
the British sought to punish rebels and terrify communities that had sheltered them. The British sought to create a
campaign of fear and terror to make sure no one would challenge British authority again.
It took a full year for the British to put down the revolt and re-establish its control over Indian society. By 1858, the
East India Company no longer governed India and the East India Company was dissolved by the British. The British
Queen Victoria became the sole sovereign of the subcontinent and India became an official colony of the British
Empire for nearly 100 more years.
1 A garrison is a group of troops stationed in a town for the purpose of defending it. The word can also refer to the building those troops occupy
1857 Indian Uprising
Whitney Howarth
At the same time, the British failed to acknowledge the widespread economic problems caused by de-industrialization.
This was the process by which, under British rule, India began to produce less and have fewer jobs in manufacturing,
while at the same time Britain was industrializing rapidly. This lack of jobs led to great suffering across the region.
In addition, British responses to the uprising were often racist, characterizing Indian troops as inferior and violent.
British accounts from the period tended to paint Hindus and Muslims as religious fanatics, and also regarded
Indian violence as a primitive impulse, rather than a response to oppression. British sources—both then and now—
often refer to the 1857 events as The Sepoy Mutiny. They focus primarily on the discontent of sepoys in the East
India Company army and their rebellion against their commanding officers. While these explanations usually do
acknowledge that some peasants and landlords supported the rebel troops, they generally frame these events as a
military matter that impacted a few others.
1857 Indian Uprising
Whitney Howarth
Communities who had remained loyal in 1857 were labeled “martial races” by the British government and recruited
heavily for the Indian Army. Yet they were not given much independence in the ranks, and were always under the
authority of a larger number of British officers. Most Indians were kept from advancing into higher posts within the
military and civilian services. The British created a new system of urban planning that focused on the segregation
of whites from native people. The bureaucracy of the state was expanded with new government offices and more
policing, surveillance, and regulation of native peoples. In the years to come, Western-educated native elites would
struggle for recognition and representation within the military and civil service. The British were hesitant to give
representation or autonomy to people they deemed “savage” at worst, and at best “unworthy” of self-governance.
1857 Indian Uprising
Whitney Howarth
Whitney Howarth
Whitney Howarth, is an Associate Professor of History at Plymouth State University where she specializes in modern world
history and the history of India. Dr. Howarth has taught world history at the college level since 1999 and was, for nearly a
decade, a research fellow at Northeastern’s World History Center, where she assisted in the research, design and creation of
professional development programs for high school world history teachers, hosted seminars by top world historical scholars,
and produced multi-media publications (1995-2004).
Image credits
Cover: Blowing from guns in British India, c. 1890. Private Collection. Artist : Vereshchagin, Vasili Vasilyevich (1842-1904). ©
Photo by Fine Art Images/Heritage Images/Getty Images
English engraving from 1857 showing mutinous sepoys dividing up spoils. Public domain. https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/
A political cartoon from the British magazine Punch from 1857 showing the British perspective of the 1857 uprising with
“Britannia”—representing Great Britain—killing the natives, justice as revenge! Public domain. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/