22375 (5)
22375 (5)
22375 (5)
3 Hours / 70 Marks Seat No.
(c) Define the directional terms – Inby & Outby, Overhand & Underhand.
[1 of 4] P.T.O.
22375 [2 of 4]
2. Attempt any THREE of the following : 12
(b) State how cut & fill stoping method is worked out & explain its working with
its applicability conditions, drilling, blasting & filling the stope.
(d) Draw a layout of sublevel caving & explain its applicability conditions,
purpose of wire netting, operations of drilling and blasting.
(a) Enlist and draw neat sketches of different tools used in percussive drilling.
Also draw sketches of tools used for withdrawing broken rods from the
borehole in percussive drilling.
(b) Elaborate the factors which are to be considered for deciding the location of
(c) Explain with a neat sketch various drilling bits used in Rotary drilling.
(d) State how will you fix the centre of a sinking shaft & explain the procedure to
maintain the verticality of a sinking shaft.
(a) Explain working of Block caving method with respect to its applicability
conditions, stope preparation, stoping operation and its merits & demerits.
(b) Compare Sublevel stoping method with cut & fill stoping method.
(c) Justify the meaning of “Shrinkage” in shrinkage stoping ? Draw its layout, &
explain its applicability condition, preparation & stoping operations with its
advantages & disadvantages.
(a) Classify special methods of shaft sinking and explain the process of
(c) Explain single tube core barrel & double tube core barrel with respect to core
recovery in core drilling process.
22375 [4 of 4]