PUB100371 (1) Environmental Management

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ISO 14001

Introduction to
ISO 14001:2015
ISO 14001 is an internationally agreed
standard that sets out the requirements for
an environmental management system.
It helps organizations improve their
environmental performance through more
efficient use of resources and reduction of
waste, gaining a competitive advantage
and the trust of stakeholders.
What is an environmental
management system ?
An environmental management system helps
organizations identify, manage, monitor
and control their environmental issues in a
“ holistic ” manner.
Other ISO standards that look at different types of
management systems, such as ISO 9001 for quality
management and ISO 45001 for occupational
health and safety, all use a High-Level Structure.
This means that ISO 14001 can be integrated easily
into any existing ISO management system.
ISO 14001 is suitable for organizations of all types
and sizes, be they private, not-for-profit or govern-
mental. It requires that an organization considers
all environmental issues relevant to its opera-
tions, such as air pollution, water and sewage
issues, waste management, soil contamination,
climate change mitigation and adaptation, and
resource use and efficiency.
Like all ISO management system standards,
ISO 14001 includes the need for continual
improvement of an organization’s systems
and approach to environmental concerns. The
standard has recently been revised, with key
improvements such as the increased promi-
nence of environmental management within
the organization’s strategic planning processes,
greater input from leadership and a stronger
commitment to proactive initiatives that boost
environmental performance.
What benefits will it bring
to my business or organization ?
There are many reasons why an organization should take a strategic approach to
improving its environmental performance. Users of the standard have reported that
ISO 14001 helps :

• Demonstrate compliance with • Achieve strategic business aims by

current and future statutory and incorporating environmental issues
regulatory requirements into business management
• Increase leadership involvement and • Provide a competitive and financial
engagement of employees advantage through improved
• Improve company reputation and efficiencies and reduced costs
the confidence of stakeholders • Encourage better environmental
through strategic communication performance of suppliers
by integrating them into the
organization’s business systems
All ISO standards are revised
regularly to make sure they
remain relevant.

Why was ISO 14001

revised ?
All ISO standards are reviewed and
revised regularly to make sure they
remain relevant to the marketplace.
ISO 14001:2015 will respond to the
latest trends, including the increasing
recognition by companies of the need to
factor in both external and internal ele-
ments that influence their environmen-
tal impact, such as climate volatility
and the competitive context in which
they work. The changes also ensure
that the standard is compatible with
other management system standards.
ISO 14001 requires
a greater commitment
from leadership.

What are the key

improvements ?
ISO 14001:2015 now requires :
• Environmental management to
be more prominent within the
organization’s strategic direction
• A greater commitment from leadership
• The implementation of proactive
initiatives to protect the environment
from harm and degradation, such as
sustainable resource use and climate
change mitigation
• A focus on life-cycle thinking to ensure
consideration of environmental
aspects from development to
• The addition of a stakeholder-focused
communication strategy

It also allows for easier integration into

other management systems thanks to the
same structure, terms and definitions.
I am certified to
ISO 14001:2004.
What does this mean
for me ?
Organizations are granted a three-
year transition period once the revi-
sion has been published to migrate
to the new edition of the standard.
After this period, if third-party cer-
tification is desired, you will have to
seek certification to the new version.

For further information and guidance,

refer to the International Accreditation
Forum’s transition planning guidance
document at
Should I be certified
to ISO 14001 ?
ISO does
Accredited certification to ISO 14001 is not

not perform a requirement, and organizations can reap

many of the benefits from using the stand-

certification. ard without going through the accredited

certification process.
However, third-party certification – where
an independent certification body audits
your practices against the requirements of
the standard – is a way of signalling to your
buyers, customers, suppliers and other
stakeholders that you have implemented
the standard properly. What’s more, for
some organizations, it helps to show
how they meet regulatory or contractual
Although we develop and publish stand-
ards, ISO does not perform certification.
For more information about the certifica-
tion process and how to find a certifica-
tion body, please visit the “certification”
section on our Website (
How do I get started
with ISO 14001:2015 ?
A number of resources, including The
ISO 14001 checklist for small business, provide
detailed guidance on how to use the standard,
but here are a few tips to get you started:
Tip 1 – Define your objectives. What do you
want to achieve with this standard ?
Tip 2 – Get the buy-in from senior manage-
ment. It is essential that the leaders of your
organization support the objectives of an effec-
tive environmental management system and
are committed to the process.
Tip 3 – Get a good overview of existing pro-
cesses and systems that are relevant to your
environmental impact. This will form the basis
of your environmental management system
and allow you to more easily identify any gaps.
Other standards
in the family that
might help
The ISO 14000 family comprises a
number of standards that comple-
ment ISO 14001, some of which are
listed below. You can also find more
information in the brochure Environ-
mental management – The ISO 14000
family of International Standards, a
basic introduction to the ISO 14000
series of standards.
• ISO 14004 provides guidance
on the establishment,
implementation, maintenance
and improvement of an
environmental management
system and its coordination with
other management systems.
• ISO 14006 is intended to be
used by those organizations
that have implemented an
environmental management
system in accordance with
ISO 14001, but can help
integrate eco-design into other
management systems.
• ISO 14064-1 specifies principles
and requirements at the
organizational level for the
quantification and reporting of
greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions
and removal.
International Organization
for Standardization
ISO Central Secretariat
Chemin de Blandonnet 8
Case Postale 401
CH – 1214 Vernier, Geneva
© ISO, 2015
All rights reserved
ISBN 978-92-67-10648-9

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