DDEX1-6 the Scroll Thief Extra

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T Scro
oll Thiief
Scholars Squarre is a relativelyy quiet corner of
o Phlan, but a series of odd tthefts have the headmasters o of various schools in
he area concerrned. The head dmasters’ pleass for help have gone
g unanswerred by the Blacck Fist, and the e Lord Sage of Phlan
decides to reach
h out to you annd your kind to bring those ressponsible to jusstice. An advennture for 1st-4th
h level characte
Adventure Code: DDEX
Adventure Design
n: Daniel Helmicck
Development andd Editing: Claire Hoffman,
H Chris Tulach,
T Travis Wo
D&D Organized Play:
P Chris Tulach
D&D R&D Playerr Experience: Greeg Bilsland
D&D Adventurerss League Wizardss Team: Greg Bilsland, Chris Linddsay, Shelly Mazzzanoble, Chris Tulach
D&D Adventurerss League Administrators: Robert Adducci, Bill Bennham, Travis Wooodall, Claire Hofffman, Greg Marrks, Alan Patrick

Debut: August 29
9, 2014
Release: October 1, 2014

RAGONS, D&D, Wizards
W of the Coast, Forgotten Reaalms, the dragon ampersand, Playeer’s Handbook, Moonster Manual, Du
Master’s Guide, D&
&D Adventurers Leeague, D&D Enco
ounters, D&D Expeditions, D&D Eppics, all other Wizaards of the Coast product names, aand
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property of Wizard
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o photocopy this document for perrsonal use only.
Adventurers League, please visit the D&D Adventurers
Introduction League home.

Preparing the Adventure

Welcome to The Scroll Thief, a D&D Expeditions
adventure, part of the official D&D Adventurers
League organized play system and the Tyranny of Before you show up to Dungeon Master this adventure
DragonsTM storyline season. for a group of players, you should do the following to
This adventure is designed for three to seven 1st- prepare.
4th level characters, and is optimized for five 2nd
level characters. Characters outside this level range • Make sure to have a copy of the most current
cannot participate in this adventure. Players with version of the D&D basic rules or the Player’s
ineligble characters can create a new 1st-level character HandbookTM.
or use a pregenerated character. • Read through the adventure, taking notes of
The adventure is set in the city of Phlan in the anything you’d like to highlight or remind yourself
Cracked Crown inn, but turns explores a number of while running the adventure, such as a way you’d
different locations in Scholar's Square before plumbing like to portray an NPC or a tactic you’d like to use in
the depths of the ruins beneath Mantor's Library and the a combat.
sewers beneath Phlan. • Get familiar with the monster statistics in the
The D&D Adventurers • Gather together any resources you’d like to use to

aid you in Dungeon Mastering, such as notecards, a
DM screen, miniatures, battlemaps, etc.
This adventure is official for D&D Adventurers League • If you know the composition of the group
play. The D&D Adventurers League is the official beforehand, you can make adjustments as noted
organized play system for DUNGEONS & DRAGONS®. throughout the adventure.

Before Play at the Table

Players can create characters and participate in any
adventure allowed as a part of the D&D Adventurers
League. As they adventure, players track their Ask the players to provide you with relevant character
characters’ experience, treasure, and other rewards, and information. This includes:
can take those characters through other adventures that
will continue their story. • Character name and level
D&D Adventurers League play is broken up into • Character race and class
storyline seasons. When players create characters, they • Passive Wisdom (Perception)—the most common
attach those characters to a storyline season, which passive ability check
determines what rules they’re allowed to use to create • Anything notable as specified by the adventure
and advance their characters. Players can continue to (such as backgrounds, traits, flaws, and so on)
play their characters after the storyline season has
finished, possibly participating in a second or third
Players that have characters outside the adventure’s
storyline with those same characters. A character’s level
level range cannot participate in the adventure with
is the only limitation for adventure play. A player cannot
those characters. Players with ineligible characters can
use a character of a level higher or lower than the level
make a new 1st-level character or use a pregenerated
range of a D&D Adventurers League adventure.
character. Players can play an adventure they previously
If you’re running this adventure as a part of a store
played or ran as a Dungeon Master, but not with the
event or at certain conventions, you’ll need a DCI
same character (if applicable).
number. This number is your official Wizards of the
Ensure that each player has an official adventure
Coast organized play identifier. If you don’t have a
logsheet for his or her character (if not, get one from the
number, you can obtain one at a store event. Check with
organizer). The player will fill out the adventure name,
your organizer for details.
session number, date, and your name and DCI number.
For more information on playing, running games as a
In addition, the player also fills in the starting values for
Dungeon Master, and organizing games for the D&D
XP, gold, downtime, renown, and number of permanent

The Scroll Thief

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magic items. He or she will fill in the other values and Determining Party Strength
write notes at the conclusion of the session. Each player Party Composition Party Strength
is responsible for maintaining an accurate logsheet. 3-4 characters, APL less than Very weak
If you have time, you can do a quick scan of a player’s 3-4 characters, APL equivalent Weak
character sheet to ensure that nothing looks out of 3-4 characters, APL greater than Average
order. If you see magic items of very high rarities or 5 characters, APL less than Weak
strange arrays of ability scores, you can ask players to 5 characters, APL equivalent Average
provide documentation for the irregularities. If they 5 characters, APL greater than Strong
cannot, feel free to restrict item use or ask them to use a 6-7 characters, APL less than Average
standard ability score array. Point players to the D&D 6-7 characters, APL equivalent Strong
Adventurers League Player’s Guide for reference. 6-7 characters, APL greater than Very strong
If players wish to spend downtime days and it’s the
beginning of an adventure or episode, they can declare Average party strength indicates no recommended
their activity and spend the days now, or they can do so adjustments to the adventure. Each sidebar may or may
at the end of the adventure or episode. not offer suggestions for certain party strengths. If a
Players should select their characters’ spells and particular recommendation is not offered for your group,
other daily options prior to the start of the adventure, you don’t have to make adjustments.

Dungeon Mastering the

unless the adventure specifies otherwise. Feel free to
reread the adventure description to help give players
hints about what they might face.
Adjusting the Adventure As the DM of the session, you have the most important
role in facilitating the enjoyment of the game for the
Throughout this adventure, you may see sidebars to help
players. You help guide the narrative and bring the
you make adjustments to this adventure for
words on these pages to life. The outcome of a fun game
smaller/larger groups and characters, of higher/lower
session often creates stories that live well beyond the
levels that the optimized group size. Most of the time,
play at the table. Always follow this golden rule when
this is used for combat encounters.
you DM for a group:
You may adjust the adventure beyond the guidelines
given in the adventure, or for other reasons. For
Make decisions and adjudications that enhance the fun
example, if you’re playing with a group of inexperienced
of the adventure when possible.
players, you might want to make the adventure a little
easier; for very experienced players, you might want to
To reinforce this golden rule, keep in mind the following:
make it a little harder. Therefore, five categories of party
strength have been created for you to use as a guide.
• You are empowered to make adjustments to the
Use these as a guide, and feel free to use a different
adventure and make decisions about how the group
adjustment during the adventure if the recommended
interacts with the world of this adventure. This is
party strength feels off for the group.
especially important and applicable outside of
This adventure is optimized for a party of five 2nd-
combat, but feel free to adjust the adventure for
level characters. To figure out whether you need to
groups that are having too easy or too hard of a
adjust the adventure, do the following:
• Don’t make the adventure too easy or too difficult
• Add up the total levels of all the characters
for a group. Never being challenged makes for a
• Divide the total by the number of characters
boring game, and being overwhelmed makes for a
• Round fractions of .5 or greater up; round frations
frustrating game. Gauge the experience of the
of less than .5 down
players (not the characters) with the game, try to
feel out (or ask) what they like in a game, and
You’ve now determined the average party level (APL)
attempt to give each of them the experience they’re
for the adventure. To figure out the party strength for
after when they play D&D. Give everyone a chance
the adventure, consult the following table.
to shine.

The Scroll Thief

Not for resale. Permission granted to print or photocopy this document for personal use only. 3
• Be mindful of pacing, and keep the game session downtime activities help with lifestyle expenses or add
moving along appropriately. Watch for stalling, lifestyle expenses.
since play loses momentum when this happens. At
the same time, make sure that the players don’t Spellcasting Services
finish too early; provide them with a full play
Any settlement the size of a town or larger can provide
experience. Try to be aware of running long or
some spellcasting services. Characters need to be able
short. Adjust the pacing accordingly.
to travel to the settlement to obtain these services.
• Read-aloud text is just a suggestion; feel free to
Alternatively, if the party finishes an adventure, they can
modify the text as you see fit, especially when
be assumed to return to the settlement closest to the
dialogue is present.
adventure location.
• Give the players appropriate hints so they can make
Spell services generally available include healing and
informed choices about how to proceed. Players
recovery spells, as well as information-gathering spells.
should be given clues and hints when appropriate
Other spell services might be available as specified in
so they can tackle puzzles, combat, and interactions
the adventure. The number of spells available to be cast
without getting frustrated over lack of information.
as a service is limited to a maximum of three per day
This helps to encourage immersion in the
total, unless otherwise noted.
adventure and gives players “little victories” for
figuring out good choices from clues. Spellcasting Services
Spell Cost
In short, being the DM isn’t about following the Cure wounds (1st level) 10 gp
adventure’s text word-for-word; it’s about facilitating a Identify 20 gp
fun, challenging game environment for the players. The Lesser restoration 40 gp
Dungeon Master’s Guide TM has more information on Prayer of healing (2nd level) 40 gp
the art of running a D&D game. Remove curse 90 gp
Speak with dead 90 gp
Downtime and Lifestyle Divination 210 gp
Greater restoration 450 gp
At the beginning of each play session, players must
Raise dead 1,250 gp
declare whether or not they are spending any days of
downtime. The player records the downtime spent on
Acolyte Background
the adventure logsheet. The following options are
A character possessing the acolyte background requesting
available to players during downtime (see the D&D spellcasting services at a temple of his or her faith may request
basic rules or the D&D Adventurers League Player’s one spell per day from the Spellcasting Services table for free.
Guide for more information): The only cost paid for the spell is the base price for the
consumed material component, if any.
• Catching up Character Disease,
• Crafting (exception: multiple characters cannot
commit to crafting a single item)
Death, and Recovery
• Practicing a profession Sometimes bad things happen, and characters get
• Recuperating poisoned, diseased, or die. Since you might not have the
• Spellcasting services (end of the adventure only) same characters return from session to session, here
• Training are the rules when bad things happen to characters.

Other downtime options might be available during Disease, Poison, and Other Debilitating
adventures or unlocked through play, including ­faction- Effects
specific activities. A character still affected by diseases, poisons, and other
In addition, whenever a character spends downtime similar effects at the conclusion of an adventure can
days, that character also spends the requisite expense spend downtime days recuperating until such time as he
for his or her lifestyle. Costs are per day, so a character or she resolves the effect to its conclusion (see the
that spends ten days of downtime also spends ten days recuperating activity in the D&D basic rules). If a
of expenses maintaining his or her lifestyle. Some

The Scroll Thief

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character doesn’t resolve the effect between sessions, subbasement beneath Mantor’s Library, and put to the
that character begins the next session still affected by torch. Rumor has it that the fanatical Zhentarim also
the debilitating effect. locked various political prisoners within the burning
archive, conveniently killing two birds with one stone.
Death Ellison Berenger, a member of the Cult of the Dragon,
A character who dies during the course of the adventure has come to Phlan for two purposes: to gather evidence
has a few options at the end of the session (or whenever to support his claim as a descendent of a noble house,
arriving back in civilization) if no one in the adventuring and, more importantly, to recover information on the
party has immediate access to a raise dead or revivify workings of the Pool of Radiance for his masters within
spell, or similar magic. A character subject to a raise the Cult. After months working covertly within Mantor’s
dead spell is affected negatively until all long rests have Library, he finally found the location of the three books,
been completed during an adventure. Alternatively, each and subsequently the archives deep beneath Mantor’s
downtime day spent after raise dead reduces the penalty Library and the secrets buried within.
to attack rolls, saving throws, and ability checks by 1, in
addition to any other benefits the downtime activity
Timeline of Events
might provide.
• Four Months Ago. Ellison arrives in Phlan along with two
Create a New 1st-Level Character. If the dead other agents of the Cult of the Dragon--Spernik and
character is unwilling or unable to exercise any of the TIbeem (also appearing in DDEX1-2 Secrets of Sokol Keep
other options, the player creates a new character. The and DDEX1-5 The Courting of Fire.)
• Six Nights Ago. Ellison steals a book titled The Weave: A
new character does not have any items or rewards
Collection of Impractical Observations from Aya Glenmiir.
possessed by the dead character. • Four Nights Ago. Ellison breaks into Marten Foss's house
Dead Character Pays for Raise Dead. If the and steals a single book; one from of a larger collection of
character’s body is recoverable (it’s not missing any vital personal memoires of Ren o' The Blade, a ranger of legend
who once resided in Phlan.
organs and is mostly whole) and the player would like
• Two Nights Ago. Ellison steals a book titled Lords and
the character to be returned to life, the party can take Lineages of Phlan from Agin Lamarck, a local noble and
the body back to civilization and use the dead heraldrist.
character’s funds to pay for a raise dead spell. A raise • One Night Ago. Ellison, disguised as a scribe, breaks into
Mantor's Library to locate the remainder of the collection
dead spell cast in this manner costs the character 1,250
of Ren o' the Blade’s memoirs. During his search, he
gp. murders Garda Greenleaf.
Character’s Party Pays for Raise Dead. As above,
except that some or all of the 1,250 gp for the raise dead
spell is paid for by the party at the end of the session.
Other characters are under no obligation to spend their
The Scroll Thief is divided into three parts.
Part 1: Mysteries in Method. The adventurers have
funds to bring back a dead party member.
been hired by a representative of the Black Fist to look
Faction Charity. If the character is of level 1 to 4 and
into several worrying thefts in Phlan--thefts that the
a member of a faction, the dead character’s body can be
Black Fist has thus far been unable to stem. During
returned to civilization and a patron from the faction
their investigation, the adventurers gather clues that
ensures that he or she receives a raise dead spell.
lead them to Mantor’s Library. They also attract the
However, any character invoking this charity forfeits all
attention of Soares, a cultist sent to waylay the group,
XP and rewards from that session (even those earned
and Fulta, a halfling in his employ.
prior to death during that session), and cannot replay
Part 2: Truth in Text. The adventurers zero in on
that episode or adventure with that character again.
Mantor’s Library and discover that Ellison, a scribe
Once a character reaches 5th level, this option is no
recently taken into the Library’s employ, has not shown
longer available.
up for his scheduled shift. Further investigation reveals

Adventure Background the corpse of a library employee in the sub-basement.

Upon the discovery of and entry into the sub-basement,
Shortly after the Zhentarim assumed control over Phlan the adventurers find danger in the form of undead
in 1380 DR, the Lord Protector began a campaign of creatures, the spirits of those slain in the depths of the
book-burning. Documents that portrayed the Zhentarim archives along with what remains of Denlor’s legacy.
or Bane in a derogatory manner were secreted away in a Ellison's escape route is also revealed; a tunnel blasted

The Scroll Thief

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thhrough a sectioon of the wall, leading
l into the
e sewers of
PPhlan, and the perils
p within. Blacck Fist, B
Black Eyee
Part 3: The Dragon's
D Swammp. The adventurers
Though h Ector Brahms thinks of the Lord Sage as a an
eemerge from th he sewers in pu ursuit of Ellison
n who,
ineffecttual figureheadd, he is painfullyy aware that th
aaccording to cluues found in hiss abandoned backpack,
unsolvaable thefts are ggiving rise to th
he rumors of grraft,
aappears to be heading
h to the swamps
s north along
a the
corrupttion, and incom mpetence plagu uing the ranks o of the
SStojanow Riverr. The adventurrers must find Ellison
E and
Black FFist. In his grow
wing desperatio on, he is willing
g to
rretrieve the stollen texts, culmiinating in confrronting the
contracct any previously-hired adventturers to recove er the
SScroll Thief andd a black drago on.
stolen pproperty on beh half of the headdmasters and rrestore

Adventture Ho
ooks calm inn Scholars Squ uare. He instruccts Knight Aleyyd
Burral tto work out terrms with the ad dventurers.
Adventurers aree flocking to Phhlan to seek the
eir fortunes.
The air is charg
ged with the prospects of riches, danger,
and glory. The following
f advennture hooks caan be used to
draw the characcters into the story.

ce Assets
The adventurerrs’ arrival (or prrevious actionss) in the city
attracts the atte
ention of the Bllack Fist. (Alterrnatively, the
previous activities of the groupp may have attrracted this
attention.) The adventurers arre asked to repo ort to Knight
Aleyd Burral to assist in investigating a strinng of thefts in
Scholar's Squa are.

Welcome, Zhenta
AAny adventurerrs associated withw the Welcom mers or their
aallies of the moment, the Zhen ntarim, may be contacted
bby Glevith of the Welcomers. Glevith
G has tak
ken note of
thhe recent thefts in Scholars Square,
S and bellieves that it
mmay be the worrk of a foreign agent
a seeking to defame
thhe Welcomers, as the thefts indirectly harm m the labor
gguilds controllin
ng Phlan’s economy. Pulling a few
sstrings, Glevith arranges a me eeting at the Crracked
CCrown with Knight Aleyd Burral, a representative of the
BBlack Fist, whoo has been unab ble to solve the
e thefts.
Assignment. Provide proof that the Welco omers or the
ZZhentarim were e not responsib ble for the theftts.
Success Con ndition. Returning Ellison to Phlan
P to
aadmit his guilt publicly
p fulfills provides solid evidence of
nno wrongdoing on the part of the t Welcomerss or the

he Scroll T
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Partt 1: Myssteriess in •
eveery two days siince then.
Shhe does not kno ow much in the e way of particu

Methhod aboout the thefts. SShe only know ws that there we ere
thrree thefts and tthat they all occcurred in variouus
The adventure begins
b in the Cracked
C Crown
n, an inn in shoops in Scholar's Square, but suggests that the
Podol Plaza, ne
ear Scholar’s Square
S and Man
ntor’s advventurers speaak first with Cassra Brandywine,
Library. thee Scribe Masteer of Mantor’s L Library, who
repported the theft
fts this morning g, for additiona
g the Thefts
T •
Beecause of the laack of resources, Knight Burra al has
Read the text below when you u’re ready to sta
art. If you beeen unable to prroperly investig gate the thefts.
use the “Welcom me, Zhentarim m” or “Black Fisst, Black • Shhe is able, howeever, to personally fund an
Eye” adventure e hooks, feel fre
ee to have Knigght Aleyd invvestigation by the adventurerss and will pay tthe
Burral make ho ooded reference es to the adven
nturers’ grooup 50 gp to do o so on her beh half.
preferred factio
on. • Shhe asks to be keept abreast of w whatever the
advventurers disco over that mightt lead her close er to
The afternoon sun is just beginning to peek out from
fr behind
app prehending thee thief.
heavy clouds, sen
nding the last shafts of golden lig
ght through
the dirty windowss of the Cracked Crown, an inn on the
ssouthern edge off Podol Plaza. Rolepllaying Knigh
ht Aleyd Bur
Knight AAleyd Burral is a fformidable warrior with a keen mmind,
The door opens and a middle-ag
ged female humaan enters the
but the ssoft-heart she hiddes under a stern
n frown has keptt her
nn, tall enough that
t she ducks to
o avoid striking the frame with from advvancing further in the Knights off the Black Fist. Inn her
the top of her enaameled, black heelm. She pulls a vacant
v chair late 40s with grey-streakeed blonde hair, sshe has decided tthat
out from your tab
ble and seats herrself, adjusting th
he sword at doing heer job well and protecting Phlan iis perhaps more
importa nt than advancem ment. She does nnot suffer fools aand
her hip as she do
oes so. counts aadventurers amo ong the most foolish of all.
"I am Knight Aleeyd Burral," she says, her helm adding a
hollow note to heer voice, "and I have
h a job for you
u." Geneeral Feattures
The S Streets. The avvenues and byw ways are packe ed
KKnight Burral'ss attention is sp
pread thin. She e is one of with towwnsfolk returnning home from m work or headiing to
thhe few membe ers of the Blackk Fist with an actual desire tavernss for the night. W
Wanted posterrs for the cultist at
to use their possition for the be
etterment of the e city, rather large arre posted at mo ost intersection
thhan that of their own pocketss. The corruptio on that runs Lightt. After sunset, the streets aree dimly lit by so
rrampant in the order frequenttly renders her impotent to orange lamplight.
pperform her duties to her satissfaction. As succh, she Inns & Taverns. Th he Laughing G Goblin (inn), Th he
mmaintains a hea althy relationsh
hip with the varrious Crackeed Crown (inn), Nat Wyler’s B Bell (tavern), Thhe
aadventuring facctions that havee taken up shop p in Phlan in Bitter B
Blade (inn), Thee Velvet Doubllet (festhall),
rresponse to thee looming threa at of the Cult off the Dragon. Madam me Freona's Tea Kettle (tavern n).
Depending on n the hook used d to introduce the
t Tradde. Cockburn’s Grocery (adven nturing gear),
aadventurers, these factions ma ay have been th he ones who Matteo the Weaponsm mith, Ernst’s Liivery, Jerome o of
ssuggested that the
t characters speak with Kn night Burral Malvau unt (fence).
to begin with. Mark ket. Podol Plazza (bazaar).
During the coourse of discusssion, she relate es the
following. Devellopments
Until th
he adventurers have visited eaach location, K
• A string of thefts have bee en reported by various Burral encourages theem to continue e their search.
people who o reside or worrk in Scholar's Square. Oncee the adventureers have visited
d the locations o
of all
This is not in and of itselff unusual. Wha
at is unusual three th
hefts, proceed tto “Ambush Allley”, below.
is that noth
hing of obvious value has been n stolen--just
a single book.
• The thefts began six nigh hts ago and havve occurred

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Mantor’s Library Roleplaying Cassra
Cassra Brandywine is surprisingly young given her occupation
It is likely that the characters begin their search at and status. She is, however, wickedly smart. Unfortunately, her
work keeps her quite busy, so her social skills have atrophied.
Mantor’s Library; specifically with the Scribe Master, She is clumsy and socially awkward, often stammering when
Cassra Brandywine. speaking in the company of more than a couple people.

Sun-bleached colonnades frame the austere façade of The Scribe Master is a female halfling with short,
Mantor’s Library. A solitary bench sits next to a tranquil pond blonde hair that looks like she cuts it herself. Her hands
at the fore of this property in the center of Scholar’s Square. are heavily stained with smudges and smears of bright
The grounds are well manicured and festooned with blooming blue ink.
flowers and other local flora. Her clothes are well made, but are smudged in places
with the same blue ink that stains her hands. In fact,
Mantor’s Library is the most prominent institution in the adventurers who look around her offices notice the
Scholar’s Square. The Library's staff has a seemingly same blue marks on furniture and decorations in the
inexhaustible reserve of energy which he devotes to office, as well.
curating and expanding the library’s vast collection of Upon noticing the adventurers, she brushes herself off
encyclopediae, treatises, and compendiums. Mantor’s and introduces herself. She asks for the adventurer’s
Library is funded by donations and the modest fees names; closing her eyes and repeating each one in turn--
collected for performing research, transcribing, as if committing them to memory. Upon mentioning
translating; as well as donations from the city’s their referral by Knight Burral, Cassra smiles and
wealthier citizenry. relates the following information.

The Scribe Master • Three exceptionally rare tomes were stolen from
Provided the adventurers display an interest in the note various people residing in Scholar's Square--each
and the promise of a reward, they are likely to head to two days apart.
Mantor’s Library first; specifically to see Scribe Master • The first book was stolen six days ago from the
Cassra Brandywine. office of Aya Glenmiir; a wizard who maintains a
small shop in Scholar's Square. The book was a
The Scribe Master’s office is small and very cramped – a treatise on the Weave titled: The Weave: A
problem made worse by the sheer number of books that are Collection of Impractical Observations.
stacked haphazardly on every piece of furniture within. A sign • The second book that was stolen belonged to
on the door reads: Marten Foss; a retired adventurer and resident of
Phlan who kept it in his private collection in his
Cassra Brandywine home in the Nobles’ Quarter. The book was
Scribe Master personal memoire of Ren, a long-dead ranger of
repute and once one of Phlan’s most famous
Beneath that, a small piece of wood hangs on a nail with the citizens.
word “IN” written on it in chalk. • The third and final theft occurred last night and was
As you knock on the door, a voice from an unseen source that of a book titled: The Lords and Lineages of
calls out “Just a moment!” There is the creaking of a wooden
Phlan. It was in the possession of Agin Lamarck,
local noble who specializes in the history of Phlan,
chair, a muttered curse and then a loud crashing noise as a
specifically genealogy and heraldry.
few stacks of books are knocked to the floor, revealing a
• Cassra offers a reward of 100 gp for the successful
young-looking halfling with short blonde hair; her hands and
retrieval of the stolen books. She doesn’t care if the
shirt stained with smudges of blue ink.
thief is caught or not.
• Cassra is involved in the investigations because one
of the stolen books (the book stolen from Aya
Glenmiir) is the property of the Library; something
that has caused her no end of trouble.

The Scroll Thief

Not for resale. Permission granted to print or photocopy this document for personal use only. 8
• If asked about the blue ink on her hands or around • Master Opanrael is the Head Curator at Mantor's
the office, she spreads her hands out, chuckles and Library.
explains that all of the official ledgers in the Library • The book belonged to the library and had been in
use this particular type of ink. "It's the scribe's her study for two years before it was taken six days
curse!" she chuckles. ago.
• The book is a rare treatise detailing the Weave; its
Aya Glenmiir history and hypotheses about its nature.
• Because the book was so valuable, only a handful
Aya Glenmiir resides in one of the buildings on the nicer
people knew that Aya had it stored in her room.
side of Podol Plaza. She is a wizard of modest skill, but
Whoever took the book more than likely had access
her true talent lay in her practical understanding of the
to the Library’s records.
Weave. Study, however, doesn't pay particularly well, so
• The book was the only thing stolen.
she plies a minor trade in tutoring the spoiled offspring
• The book was stored in a glass display case of
of nobles in the basics of arcane spellcasting.
breathtaking quality. An adventurer succeeding at a
As the resident expert on the Weave, she was
DC 15 Wisdom (Perception) check notices
entrusted with a rare book titled: The Weave: A
cunningly etched runes around the edges of each
Practical Observation of Impractical Occurrences.
pane of glass. If the check succeeds by 5 or more,
This book was the first of the three tomes to be stolen.
the character notices that one of the runes has been
subtly marred. Succeeding at a subsequent DC 10
The door to this rather unassuming building opens, and a Intelligence (Arcana) check reveals that the
female half-elf wearing robes stands in the doorway. The smell imperfection was deliberately made and completely
of flowers and incense flow from within. defeated the case's protective enchantments. It was
Perched on the elf's shoulder is a small, grey-furred monkey. the work of a professional.
“I take you are here to interrogate me about the missing • The book was about a foot and a half wide and just
book?" She smiles, "Master Opanrael is certainly distrustful.” as long. It was bound in fine, white leather with
golden lettering along the spin and a ribbon of white
General Features silk as a placeholder. The front of the book was
The general features of Aya's shop are: emblazoned with the symbol of Mystra, the goddess
Light. Night or day, the interior of the shop is dimly lit of the Magic.
by candles. Heavy curtains prevent most of the sun's
light from entering via the windows.
Any adventurer succeeding at a DC 10 Wisdom (Insight)
Smells. Incense. Flowers. Paper and ink.
check notices that Aya is hiding something. Should an
Sounds. Chittering. Scratching of quill on paper.
adventurer press the matter and succeed at a DC 15
Whispered incantations.
Charisma (Persuasion) check, she relates the following.

Roleplaying Aya Glenmiir • Aya had invested a significant amount of time

Aya has a bit of an ego. She’s well aware of the allure and warding her apartments to appease the Lord Sage;
mystery that her racial heritage evokes, and has no reservations
against capitalizing on it. She is quick with a coy smile and a earning his trust by ensuring that anything kept
twist of the hair if it gets her what she wants. But despite this, within her apartments were safe.
she is quite brilliant, especially when the Weave is discussed. • Aya believes that the Lord Sage will likely use it as
an excuse to ask her to return all of the Library's
Aya is a female elf, nearly 300 years old. She has long, books in her possession.
black hair and radiant green eyes. • Aya’s reveals that she had lied about the book being
Aya wishes to see the book returned safely and the only thing stolen. The thief also took some of
answers whatever questions the adventurers might her personal possessions as well; namely a horn of
have. She is, however, hesitant to reveal and discuss her blasting and three spell scrolls. The scrolls
displeasure at someone besting her magical safeguards. contained detect magic, fireball, and hold person.

The Scroll Thief

Not for resale. Permission granted to print or photocopy this document for personal use only. 9
If the adventurers succeed at this check and suggest that Roleplaying Marten Foss
they speak to the Lord Sage on her behalf, she is Marten Foss is a man of means, but as a retired adventurer,
pleased and offers the adventurers her assistance. Aya understands what it’s like to want something you cannot have.
He is not pleased with the amount of attention that the theft
pens a quick note on a nearby scrap of paper and passes has attracted. He has little patience for "soft" people or those
it to the monkey on her shoulder that then scampers out without a solid appreciation for a blade.
the window with the note clutched tightly in its hand.
Marten Foss is a dwarven male of middling age with
XP Award short black hair and a well-trimmed black beard, well
If the adventurers convince Aya to confide in her and streaked with gray. He lost his arm decades ago to an
assure her that they will speak to Opanrael on her owlbear. He is also a member of the Order of the
behalf, award each character 25 XP. Gauntlet, a faction devoted to striking down evil

Marten Foss
wherever it rears its head. He does not make this fact
well-known to new acquiantences, but any character that
A former adventurer himself, Marten shares a special has a passive Perception (Wisdom) score of 12 or better
kinship with Ren o’ the Blade and collects items that can see a small pendant with the symbol of a mailed
once belonged to the famous ranger. Amongst his hand clutching a sword hanging from a peg near a
belongings is a collection of the ranger's memoirs. weapon rack.
Though most of the collection is in Mantor's Library, he Marten freely discusses the circumstances
keeps one particular volume in his office, and four nights surrounding the theft of the book with the adventurers.
ago, Ellison stole it. He’s probably more interested in seeing its safe return
Although he is retired, Marten runs a small practice than the Lord Sage is. During the course of discussion,
yard. For a gold piece, someone with a desire to learn provide the following information as the adventurers
how to swing a sword can come to bang away on chunks discuss the book’s theft.
of wood for an hour or two under the watchful eye of
someone who knows what they're doing. For two, he'll • The book contained the personal memoirs of Ren o’
tell you what you're doing wrong. the Blade—a personal hero to Marten Foss—during
his time in Phlan.
• He has owned the book for nearly a decade.
Shouts and the clamor of steel on steel are clearly audible even
• The book was the only thing stolen from his home.
before the stout doors to the practice yard open. A middle-
• Most of the collection is archived in Mantor's
aged dwarf props one of the double doors open with the
Library, but the stolen volume has special personal
stump of an arm that has been amputated just above the
meaning to the retired adventurer. He wants
elbow. nothing more than it to be found safely, though he
Inside, a wide practice yard is surrounded by covered won't get his hopes up.
walkways set with chairs and tables. A number of people in • The book was simply stored on a bookshelf. No
various stages of exhaustion rest in the shade. locks and no traps.
The dwarf frowns as he bids you enter, “Come 'bout the book, • The book was rather small--perhaps a foot long and
I suppose?" half as wide--and was bound in red leather with

General Features black lettering on the spine.

The general features of Marten's place of business are: Should any adventurer ask who Ren o’ the Blade was,
Light. The open practice yard is well-lit night or day. Marten gives them an admonishing look, but gladly
Smells. The sharp smell of unwashed bodies, oiled educated them. Read or paraphrase the following.
metal, dust.
Sounds. Clanging steel. Grunts. Excited shouting. • Ren o’ the Blade was instrumental in defeating
Tyranthraxus; an entity who had possessed a
In the yard, a handful of men square off against a single bronze dragon and ruled Phlan.
dwarven woman wielding a pair of handaxes. From the • He participated in the defeat of Tyranthraxus; who
looks on the faces of her opponents, she seems to be subsequently fled into a Pool of Radiance located
holding her own quite well. beneath Valjevo Keep.

The Scroll Thief

Not for resale. Permission granted to print or photocopy this document for personal use only. 10
Developments XP Award
Throughout the party's interaction with him, Marten has If any of the adventurers impress Marten Foss with their
been watching the young woman in the practice yard fighting prowess (win or lose), award each character in
intently. Any adventurer succeeding at a DC 10 Wisdom the party 25 XP.
(Insight) check easily notices an intense jealous pride in
his stare. If they ask about her, Marten relates the Agin Lamarck
following information to the adventurers.
Agin Lamarck is a historian and a noble who dabbles in
heraldry and genealogy. Although he resides in the
• The woman is Marten's daughter and best student,
noble's quarter of Phlan, he works in a small, dusty shop
Vera; he hasn't seen anyone fight like her in years.
in Podol's Plaza during the day. He deals primarily in
• Her mother died when she was young, and this was
the history of Phlan itself as well as that of its noble
the only way he knew how to raise her.
houses. But for a small commission, he helps folks write
• If any of the adventurers want to challenge her, he
letters and even draft occasional legal documents.
chuckles and suggests they grab a practice blade
As expected, he has many books within his study to
and try their luck.
aid him in his research, among them a rather old copy of
Lords and Lineages of Phlan. The book was the most
If any adventurer decides to spar with Vera Marten, she
recent book stolen.
directs them to a rack of practice weapons from the
practice yard and whistles loudly to get Vera's attention.
On the racks in the practice yard, there are a number of The small building's front door opens into a small, cramped
practice weapons; one or two of each type of simple or office. Looking within, you can see a number of different
martial melee weapon. They are heavily padded and heraldic banners from the walls; each hanging above what
deal no damage on a successful hit, but the wrapping is looks like a gaudily-decorated family tree set into a frame.
saturated with chalk dust so any strikes are easily visible “Oh, hello there,” Lamarck deadpans; a sarcastic look on his
on sufficiently dark clothing. face, “I’m very excited to be a part of this.”
Before the fight begins, Vera circles the challenging
adventurer and lays a couple of ground rules; "No
General Features
armor, no magic, no hitting in the face." Vera (+2 The general features of Agin's shop are as follows:
Initiative, AC 12) is just as skilled as Marten described Light. The small, cramped shop is well-lit by windows
her, and attacks with graceful ferocity (+4 to hit). during the day and candles during the night.
The fight continues until a participant scores three Smells. Paper, ink, and glue.
successful attacks. If a challenger uses magic or is aided Sounds. Pages turning. Scratching of quill on paper.
by another member of the group, Vera shouts in disgust
and Marten asks the adventurers to leave; obviously
infuriated. Roleplaying Agin Lamarck
Lamarck is anything but excited to be a part of this. Lamarck is
Should the party fight fairly, Marten is impressed--win a cynical man, and wields sarcasm like a master warrior does a
or lose--and his attitude improves considerably. He goes blade; with precision and intent. He isn’t a bad person, but the
to his office and returns with a book that he describes as whole ordeal has him at unease. Agin has a secret—one that
being bound identically to the description of the book the theft may bring to light if he’s not careful. As such, he
chooses his words carefully.
that was stolen. He requests that the adventurers check
on the rest of his collection and make sure that it is still
Lamarck is a true noble; pampered and demanding. He
safe in the Library. Chuckling to himself, he suggests
is a handsome human male, with long black hair
that having a book from the same collection will likely
framing a narrow face. He has piercing green eyes that
make it down a bit easier.
seem to be made especially for looking at people with
Order of the Gauntlet contempt. He dresses in fine clothes of silk and linen
and wears no less than half a dozen gaudy rings on his
If a member of the Order of the Gauntlet challenges and
fingers. One of these rings bears the sigil of the Lords’
defeats Vera in a sparring match, that character earns
one renown point. Alliance on the palm side of the band; if a member of the
Lords’ Alliance subtly reveals himself or herself as part
of that faction, Agin surreptitiously shows his sigil.

The Scroll Thief

Not for resale. Permission granted to print or photocopy this document for personal use only. 11
The adventurers have the opportunity to learn the clever forgeries in Lords and Lineages of Phlan,
following while speaking with Lamarck. which allowed his family to claim descent from the
then-dead Lamarck line. With no one to contest the
• The book, Lords and Lineages of Phlan, is a claim, there was no doubt as to its legitimacy.
catalogue of every noble house that has resided • Agin is terrified of the prospects of the truth coming
within Phlan. The first entry dates back over seven- out; he would lose a lifestyle he has grown quite
hundred years ago. accustomed to.
• The book has been in the Lamarck’s family for two • Stealing or even destroying the book would
centuries. definitely safeguard his secret, but he is dedicated
• The book was secured within a drawer in his desk to the duties of his position, and states that doing
that was “locked and protected by powerful such a thing would be simply unconscionable (as a
spellcraft.” Despite his claims, however, it does not successful DC 10 Wisdom (Insight) check
radiate magic. confirms).
• Any adventurer investigating the lock who succeeds • If the adventurers agree to return the book to
at a DC 10 Wisdom (Perception) check notices the Lamarck without revealing his secret, he agrees to
remnants of a laughably simple trap that did double Scribe Master Cassra’s reward for the
nothing more than ring a tiny bell concealed inside return of Lords and Lineages of Phlan upon its
of the desk. return.
• He cannot guess why anyone would want to steal
the book. While rare and old, the book is little more Lords’ Alliance
than a collection of lineages and notes made by Agin’s claim to nobility is false, and bringing this to the
scribes of past and current noble houses. It is a attention of the Lords’ Alliance would be greatly
rather ugly book discussing dull subject matter and appreciated by the faction, which does not brook
cannot likely bring much in the way of a profit. imposters.
• The book is a full foot thick and is two feet wide and Members of the Lords’ Alliance who inform their
just as long. It was bound in the tanned hide of a faction of Agin’s deception earn one renown point.
manticore. It is anyone’s guess how the thief
managed to carry it around Phlan without raising
XP Award
If the adventurers wheedle Agin Lamarck’s true
intentions from him, award the party 25 XP.
• The Lamarck family has long been considered to be
well-respected scholars in the field of documenting
familial lineages.
If the adventurers learn the truth about House Lamarck,
Developments Agin offers the group 50 gp keep his family's secret safe.
It is difficult to notice, but Agin Lamarck is hiding
something. Lamarck has spent years at court, and is Ambush Alley
adept at concealing his feelings. However, any Unbeknownst to the adventurers, they are being
adventurer with a passive Wisdom (Insight) score of 12 followed. The Cult of the Dragon’s has eyes everywhere,
or higher gets the impression that he is hiding and they have learned that the adventurers are looking
something. But as good as he may be at lying, he is at into the thefts. To that end, the Cult has been following
his core, rather cowardly. Should an adventurer the adventurers with plans on discouraging them from
confront Lamarck on his deception, a successful DC 15 investigating any further.
Charisma (Persuasion or Intimidation) check Agin Once the characters have investigated the locations of
reluctantly discloses the following. the three thefts, read the following as they leave the
third location.
• Despite the family’s long-standing claim to nobility,
they are of no actual relation to House Lamarck. In
truth, the last surviving members of the Lamarck
line died nearly two hundred years ago.
• Agin’s great, great grandfather made a couple

The Scroll Thief

Not for resale. Permission granted to print or photocopy this document for personal use only. 12
As usual, Podol Plaza is a hive of activity, with hundreds of Adjusting the Encounter
Here are recommendations for adjusting this combat
people milling about.
encounter. These are not cumulative.
As you round a corner, an elf steps from the mouth of a • Very weak or weak party: remove the spy
nearby alley and stops in the street in front of you. • Strong party: change Soares from a thug to a bandit captain
“The Welcomers send their regards and have information • Very strong party: change Soares from a thug to a bandit
captain; change guards to thugs
that you may find useful. Follow me,” the elf says with a
worried look before ducking back into the alley. General Features
The “elf” is named Soares, a human thug, and is not The general features of both ambush spots are the
who he insinuates that he is. He is a mercenary in the same.
employ of the Cult of the Dragon who is doing his level Light. The streets of Phlan are well-lit during the day
best to pose as a member of the Welcomers—Phlan’s and dimly lit during the evening.
guild of thieves-turned-freedom-fighters. Smells. The sharp smell of unwashed bodies, animal
manure, and fresh and rotting food.
Sounds. Bartering, laughter, horses whinnying
Roleplaying Soares
Soares is a very recent member to the Cult of the Dragon. Like
any new recruit, he is abjectly terrified of failing this mission. The Ambush
That said, he is charming and sure of himself. He is quick to
throw a compliment if it will give him the upper hand. Regardless of whether or not the adventurers follow
Soares, they are ambushed by the cult agents; the only
Looking down the alley, the adventurers can see that it difference is the location of the ambush.
goes for about 100 feet or so before turning sharply to • The Adventurers Follow Soares. They are at-
the right. Though it cannot be seen from the street, the tacked in the alleyway cul-de-sac as they turn the
alley ends immediately after turning in a sort of cul-de- corner.
sac approximately 40-feet across.
Soares does not wait for the adventurers to react
As you turn the corner in the alley, it opens into a cul-de-sac
before slipping back into the alley. He is waiting about
about 40 feet across. Soares stops in front of you and turns
20 feet into the alley and begins walking further if the
around, a wide grin on his face. Almost as if on cue, two other
adventurers seem like they are going to follow.
He is attempting to lure the adventurers to an ambush people step out from behind piles of rubbish and crates,
point in a nearby alley where a Fulta, a halfling spy, is cutting off an easy escape.
waiting along with her two halfling guards. Soares “You’ve had your nose where it doesn’t belong,” the elf says
leads them through winding, narrow side streets and coolly, “time for us to bloody it.”
corridors before he and his colleagues ambush them.
If asked, Soares simply says that the Welcomers know • The Adventurers Do Not Follow Soares. They are
about the thefts and have information as to why the attacked a few blocks down the road.
books are being stolen. He claims not to know anything
beyond that, but is leading them to someone with the You feel a sense of unease, and it is a few moments before you
answers. realize what it is; the hustle and bustle of the busy street
Any adventurer who succeeds at a DC 15 Wisdom seems to be gone.
(Insight) check notices something a little off about People are hurriedly ducking into doors and rushing down the
Soares. He scoffs at any mention of deceit on his part. street; leading their children by the hand. As the last of the
If the adventurers refuse to follow Soares, he tries to crowd thins, you see a familiar face standing in the street.
convince them to follow, but if his requests are refused, “We don’t take kindly to being ignored,” the elf says, drawing
he and his colleagues simply attack them a few blocks a dagger from his belt. As he does, a pair of armed halflings
down the road. step out from the remaining bystanders; armed with short

The Scroll Thief

Not for resale. Permission granted to print or photocopy this document for personal use only. 13
On his first turn, Soares will rush the least-armored Assuming that the adventurers report back to Knight
opponent, while the guards try to keep the others busy. Burral after the confrontation in the alley, she appears
Fulta is hiding inside a large crate at the end of an alley dismayed. Much of these concerns wash away if the
(or simply a bit further down the street), and waits until adventurers turn Soares, Fulta, or the guards in
the end of the round before attacking with her shortbow. however and she is very appreciative.
She targets obvious spellcasters before other targets. In looking at whatever evidence the adventurers
Soares fights to the death out of nothing but fear of found, she suggests something larger at play. If they
the cult’s punishment for failure. If either Fulta or the haven't made the connection already, she points out the
guards are reduced to less than 5 hit points, however, similarity between the blue ink the note is written in and
they attempt to flee; if escape is impossible, they the blue ink that Cassra had all over her hands. She
surrender. returns the note to the adventurers.

Halfling Racial Traits
Fulta and the guards are halflings, so the following racial traits Soares carries a total of 25 gp on his person. Should
may be added: Fulta be killed or captured, she carries 15 gp as well as
• Brave. The halfling has advantage on saving throws against the letter described above. The guards have 5 gp each.
being frightened. Additionally, Fulta has a potion of healing on her
• Halfling Nimbleness. The halfling can move through the
space of any creature that is of a size larger than it.

Developments XP Award
Outside of the use of magic, Soares does not divulge his Once the adventurers fully investigate each of the three
secrets if he is not slain. If charmed, however, Soares thefts, award each character 50 XP.
confirms that he is a member of the Cult of the Dragon;
supporting his claim by removing a glove and revealing a
series of green tattoos on the last three fingers of his
right hand. He discloses that he attacked the party at the
order of a cult member who he knows nothing about,
except that his hands were stained with smudges of
bright, blue ink.
If Fulta or the guards are captured, they freely admit
to being hired by a man in a black half-mask who had
smudges of blue ink on their hands. They know nothing
beyond this.
If none of the mercenaries are captured or are all
slain, the adventurers find a letter after the melee. This
letter has been written in bright blue ink. It reads:

"Just get it done, Soares. If they find me, then the last four
months have been a total waste. Ensure that the Whisper-
er's faith in us was not ill-placed."

The note was sent by Ellison Berenger, but it could

easily be construed that Cassra Brandywine is behind
the thefts; given the unique blue ink that the letter is
written in and the "B" it has been signed with.

The Scroll Thief

Not for resale. Permission granted to print or photocopy this document for personal use only. 14
Hit: 10 (3d6) necrotic damage. Th he target must su ucceed on a
nconscious Shortswword. Melee Weappon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., o
one D
DC 10 Constitutio on saving throw or its hit point maximum
m is
target. H
Hit: 5 (1d6 + 2) p
piercing damage. Skills Inttimi
reduced by an am mount equal to th he damage taken. This
Senses ppass
ut can’t Hand Crrossbow. Ranged Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, range 330/120 reduction lasts un ntil the creature finishes
f a long reest. The target Languagges a
ft., one ttarget. Hit: 5 (1d 6 + 2) piercing d
damage. d
dies if this effect reduces its hit pooint maximum to o 0. Challengge 1/

Pack Tacctics
h other
It takes 5
ug Soares (human disguised as elf) SSpy Fulta (Female halfling cultist) creaturee if a
creaturee and
Medium humanoid (any raace), any non-goodd alignment M
Medium humanoid
d (any race), any allignment
s Actio
Armor CClass 11 (leather armor) A
Armor Class 12
Hit Poin
nts 32 (5d8 + 10) H
Hit Points 27 (6d8)
Speed 300 ft. S
Speed 30 ft. Mace. M Melee
Hit: 5 (1 d6 +
ne creature. Heavy C
15 (+2)) 11 (+0) 144 (+2) 10 (+0)) 10 (+0) 11 (+0) 10 (+0) 15 (+
+2) 10 (+0) 12 (+1) 14 (+2
2) 16 (+3)
eed on a 100/4000 ft.,
mum is
Skills Inttimidation +2 S
Skills Deception +5,
+ Insight +4, Investigation +5, Perception
P +6,
is Persuasion +5, Sleight of Hand +4, Stealth +4
Senses p passive Perceptio
on 10
The target
SpecterrLanguagges any one language (usually Co
Challengge 1/2 (100 XP)
ommon) Senses ppassive Perceptio
Languagges any two langu
on 16
Challengge 1 (200 XP)
Medium undead, ch
haotic evil
Pack Tacctics. The thug has advantage on n an attack roll aggainst a
Armor creature
A Class 12 e if at least one off the thug’s alliess is within 5 feet of the Cunningg Action. On each h of its turns, thee spy can use a b
H creature
Hit Points e and
22 (5d 8) the ally isn’’t incapacitated. action too take the Dash, Disengage, or H Hide action.
Speed 0 ft., fly 50 ft. (hover) Sneak
On hisAAttack (1/Turn).
first turn, T
The will
Soares spy deals
rushan theextra 7 (2d6) dam
least-armored mage Assumin
ons when it hits while
opponent, a targetthe
h a weapon
guards attac
try to k and
keep thehas advant
others tage
busy. Burral afte
the is roll,inside
or wheen the target is at
within 5 feetofofan
ally of
1 (−5) 14tack.
+2) The11thug
(+ (+0)m
makes two melee
10 (+0) attacks.
0) 11 (+0)
10 (+0 Fulta hiding a large crate the end dismayed.
the spy tthat isn’t incapaccitated and the spy doesn’t have
Not for resale. Pe
attaack roll. ermission granted to print or photocopy this docume nt fo
Mace. M Melee Weapon Atttack: +4 to hit, reeach 5 ft., one creeature. (or simply a bit further down the street), and waits until adventurer
disadvan ntage on the
DDamage Resistan
Hit: nces
5 (1 d6 + 2)acid, cold,ning
bludgeo fire, damage.
lightning, thu
under; the end of the round before attacking with her shortbow. however an
CHA bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing from nonmagical
16 (+3) Heavy C
weapons Crossbow. Rangedd Weapon Attack:: +2 to hit, range Actio ons obvious spellcasters before other targets.
She targets In lookin
DDamage 100/400 0 ft.,
Immunit one
ties target. poi
necrotic, H
5 (1d10) pierrcing damage. Soares fights to the death out of nothing but fear of found, she
Multiatttack. The spy maakes two melee attacks.
eption +6, CCondition Immun nities charmed, exhaustion,
e grapp
pled, the cult’s punishment for failure. If either Fulta or the haven't ma
paralyzed, petriified, poisoned, prone,
p restrained
d, unconscious Shortswword. Melee Weappon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., o
guards are reduced to less than 5 hit points, however, similarity b
SSenses darkvision n 60 ft., passive Perception
P 10 target. H
Hit: 5 (1d6 + 2) p
piercing damage.
they attempt to flee; if escape is impossible, they the blue in
LLanguages underrstands all languaages it knew in liffe but can’t Hand Crrossbow. Ranged Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, range 330/120
speak surrender. returns the
ft., one ttarget. Hit: 5 (1d 6 + 2) piercing d
CChallenge 1 (200 XP)

Guard (2 halflings)
ncorporeal Moveement. The spectter can move thro ough other
Halfling Racial Traits
Fulta and the guards are halflings, so the following racial traits Soares car
ccreatures and obj
(1d10) force dam
jects as if(any
weereany alignment
difficult terrain. It takes 5
mage if it ends its turn inside an object.
may beug
Medium undead, chaotic evil
added: Fulta be ki
On hisClass 16 (chain
first turn, shirt,will
Soares shield)
rush the least-armored • Brave. The halfling has advantage on saving throws against
MediumArmor Class
Assuming 12
(any raace),
that theany non-goodd alignment
adventurers report back to Knight the letter d
Pointsity. (2d8 +in2)sunlight, the specter
11While ThhehasScroll T Thief being
Points 16 (3d8 + 3) Addition
d opponent,
Speed on
30 attack
the guards
w as onto
rolls, as well try keep
Wisdom mthe others busy. • Halfling
Burral after
ft. the armor)
Class 40
11 (leather
The halfling caninmove
the alley,
print or photocopy this Fulta
docume nt for personal usse only. 28 space
(Perception) chec cks thatinside
rely onaslarge
ight. crate at the end of an alley nts of
32any creature
+ 10) that is of a size larger than it.
is hiding dismayed.
Hit Poin (5d8
Much of these concerns wash away if the
(or STR
simply a bit DEXfurtherCON down theINT WIS waitsCHA
street), and until Speed 30 STR
0 ft.
adventurers DEX Soares,
turn CONFulta, or INTthe guards
AActions 13end
(+1)of the 12 (+1) Developments
6 (−2) and 14she
(+2)is very
13 (+1) 6 (−2) 10 (+0) 8 (−1) XP Awar
the round 12 (+1) attacking
before 10 (+0) with11 (+0) 10 (+0)
her shortbow. however appreciative.
Outside DEX
of looking
the use at C
CON Soares
of whatever
magic, INT doesthe WIS C
divulge Once the a
LLife Drain.
SheMelee Spell
Skills Perception Attack:
+2 +4 to
obvious t hit, reach
spellcasters 5 ft., one
before creature.
other targets. Skills Stealth +414(+6 in dim10 evidence
light or darkness)
15 (+2) ) 11 (+0) 4 (+2) (+0) ) 10 (+0) 11 (+0) thefts, awa
HHit: 10 Senses
(3d6) nec
Soares rotic damage.
passive Perception 12
fights to the Thhe
out must
of suucceed
nothing on
but a of
fear secrets if he is
found, she not slain. Ifsomething
suggests charmed, however,
radiant larger at play. If they
DDC 10 Constitutio on saving throw or its hit
Languages any one language (usually Common) point maximum
m is confirms Damagethat madeResistances
he is a member acid, ofcold,
thefire,Cult lightning,
of the thunder;
the cult’s punishment for failure. If either Fulta or the Skills Inttimidation
haven't +2 the connection already, points out the
by an ammount
1/8 equal
(25 XP) to th he damage taken. This bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing from nonmagical
guards are reduced to less than 5 hit points, however, Senses p
supporting his Perceptio
claim on
by 10
similarity between the blue ink the note is writtenain and
removing a glove and revealing
reduction lasts un ntil the creature finishes
f a long reest. The target Languag ofweapons
ges any one lang
thatuage (usually Co ommon)
d Actions
dies if this
theyeffect reduces
attempt its hitif po
to flee; oint maximum
escape to
o 0.
is impossible, they seriesthe
ge 1/2He
(100 XP)
on the
Cassra last
necrotic, poison
overfingers of his She
her hands.
right hand. discloses that he attacked the party at the
Spear. Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 5 ft. or Condition
returns theImmunities
note to the exhaustion,
adventurers. frightened, grappled,
order of paralyzed, petrified, poisoned, nprone, restrained
a cult member who he knows nothing about,
range 20/60 ft., one target. Hit: 4 (1d6 + 1) piercing damage. Pack Tacctics. The thug has advantage on an attack roll ag
gainst a
eSenses darkvision 60 ft., passive sPerception 510
SpyFulta and the guards are halflings, so the following racial traits
Halfling Racial Traits creature
if at his
and the
one offwere
’t total
allies is within
with smudges
of 25 gp on his person. Should
feetofof the

Challenge 1/2 (100 XP)

Medium humanoid
d (any race), any allignment
may be added:
• Brave. The halfling has advantage on saving throws against
If Fulta
to being
orbe thekilled
guards are captured,
or captured, she they
Amorphous. The shadow can move through a spacegp
the hired
letter by a man
described in a black
The guards
15 gp
as well as
Armor Class 12 humanoid
Medium frightened.
(lizardfolk), neutral Multiatt
smudges tack. The
blue thug
wide m
on their
Fulta two melee
a potion attacks.
They of know
healing nothing
on her
Hit Points
• 27 (6d8) Nimbleness. The halfling can move through the
Speed 30 ft.space
Armor of any
Class creaturearmor,
15 (natural that is shield)
of a size larger than it.
Mace. M this.Weapon
Shadow Stealth. Atttack:
While+4intodim hit,light
reeach or5darkness,
ft., one cre eature.
the shadow can
Hit Points 22 (4d8 + 4) Hit:
If 5none
d6 of+the
the bludgeo
Hide ningasdamage.
mercenaries a are
bonus action. or are all
30 Xft., swim
30 ft. INT WIS CHA XP adventurers
slain, the Award find a letter after the melee. This
10 (+0) 15 (+ +2) 10 (+0) 12 (+1) 14 (+2
2) 16 (+3) Heavy C Crossbow. Rangedd Weapon
Sunlight Weakness. While in Attack: : +2 tothe
sunlight, hit,shadow
range has
Once thetarget.
ft., one adventurers fully pier
investigate each of the three
Outside of the use of magic, Soares does not divulge his letter has been onH
written Hit:in5bright
attack (1d10)
rolls, blue
ink. damage.
It reads:
checks, and saving throws.
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA thefts, award each character 50 XP.
Skills Deception
secrets if+5,
15 (+2) + 10
is not +4,
(+0) 13In(+1)
If charmed,+5, however,
7 (−2) Perception
P 12 (+1) Soares
+6,7 (−2)
Persuasion +5, Sleight
confirms that heofisHand +4, Stealth
a member of the+4 Cult of the Dragon; Actions
"Just get it done, Soares. If they find me, then the last four
Skills Perception
supporting +3, Stealth
his claim +4, Survival
by removing +5 and revealing a
a glove monthsStrength
have beenDrain. Melee
a total Weapon
waste. Attack:
Ensure +4the
that to hit, reach 5 ft., one
series passive
tattoos on13the last three fingers of his creature. Hit: 9 (2d6 + 2) necrotic damage, and the target’s
Languages Draconic er's faith in us was not ill-placed."
right hand. He discloses that he attacked the party at the Strength score is reduced by 1d4. The target dies if this reduces
Parrt 2: Truth
T in Mastter Opan

Texxt Opanraael is the Head Curator at Ma

has serrved in that cap
pacity for decad
antor’s Library and
des. His workinng
knowleedge of the Librrary’s cataloguiing system is
The adventurerrs are led to Ma antor’s Library in search of
unsurp assed and giveen time, he can find anything
he scroll thief. Ellison, the Sccroll Thief, has abandoned
currenttly in the Librarry’s possession
his disguise as a library scribe e, killed a senio
or librarian,
and escaped de eep into the Libbrary’s archivess.
The smeell of paper, gluee and ink fills you
ur nose as the do
oor to

Mantor's Librrary the Masster Librarian’s o
office opens. Befo
that apppears to be as du
ore you stands a man
usty and worn as the books and sscrolls
MMantor’s Librarry is the largestt structure in Scholar’s
S that are stacked neatly aaround his office.
SSquare. Howevver, it is not only tall; it also ha
as floors
ddeep beneath th he ground-levell. The deeper le evels of the
LLibrary are selddom visited, and there are pla aces within
Rolepllaying Masteer Opanrael
Opanraeel has worked in the library longeer than nearly anyyone
thhat have not seeen the light of a candle in a century.
c and knoows it like the bacck of his hand. He is a tidy man, aalmost
Founded by the famous sage Mantor, the keep k was obsessivvely such. He plaaces order and sttructure in very high
ssacked in previo ous centuries byb an allied bannd of regard, aand has no patieence for those whho do not displayy a
bbloodthirsty hum manoids. In the e last hundred years, similar aappreciation. He is haughty, but eeasily excitable b
topics thhat pique his inteerest.
hhowever, signifificant effort hass been put forth
h in order to
rrestore the legaacy of Mantor to o its former greeatness.
Opanraael is a dignified d human in the e twilight of hiss life,
Any citizen off Phlan is allowwed into the greeat front
with a ssurprisingly briight shock of reed hair tied in a long
rreading room, but
b most of the Library’s volum mes are
braid. HHis teal-coloredd eyes have palle-cast, betrayin ng
aaccessible only by the staff and those on perssonal
hints off elvish blood ssomewhere in h his family’s histtory.
innvitation of onlly the most sennior administrators. Of
He weaars plain red ro obes in the style
e of the other
thhose administrrators, Opanrae el is the most senior.
librariaans, with a singgle silver chain and insignia
Cassra Brrandywin
ne indicatiing his elevated d status as the Master Librariian.
When n the adventureers meet him, O Opanrael is in q quite
SShould the adve enturers head tot the Library to
t confront a state. His initial reacctions are baseed on the resultt of
CCassra with the e information provided
p by the would-be their enncounter with A Aya Glenmiir. IIf they promise ed to
aassassins or with the note in Soares
S possesssion, they assist AAya by speakingg to the Head C Curator, she pe enned
find her rather happy
h to see th
hem. However, should the a note tto Opanrael, no otifying him of their coming.
ccharacter accusse her of wrong g-doing, she is quite
q Otherrwise, they do n not have an apppointment. Opanrael
innsulted. She iss distressed by the revelation, though. is meticculous in his timmekeeping and d the adventure ers
will be hard-pressed tto get him to se ee him quickly
Cassra frowns an
nd rubs her chin thoughtfully, leaving a blue withoutt one. It is not iimpossible, how wever. Any cha aracter
succeed ding at a DC 15 5 Charisma (Pe ersuasion) che eck
ssmudge. “If the thief had access to
t this ink," he says quietly, "it
suitablyy impresses Op panrael who ag grees to see the em
doesn’t just soun
nd like we’re dealing with a thief; it sounds like
immediiately. Any character who atte empts to intimiidate
we’re dealing with a rat.”
Opanraael is dismissed d from the room m and risks arrrest by
the Blaack Fist.
Scribe Master Cassra
C suggestts that the adveenturers
Chooose the read-alo oud text associa ated with the
accompany herr to pay a visit to
o her supervisoor, Master
followin ng entry that beest describes thheir initial enco
Opanrael; the Head
H Curator of Mantor’s Librrary. She
with Op panrael.
does warn themm, however, tha at she is an exceptionally
busy man. • Addventurers Have an Appointm tment. If the
advventurers assu ured Aya Glenmmiir that they w
speeak to Opanraeel regarding heer continued stooring
of tthe Library’s b
books, the Head
d Curator is alrready
ware of their com ming and sees them immedia ately.

he Scroll T
Not for resale. Pe
ermission granted to print or photocopy this docume nt for personal usse only. 15
"Ah, yes. I trust you are the…" he pauses as he looks you each members would do such a thing. He does, however,
over, "…people that Madam Glenmiir mentioned in her note. suggest that his disappearance may not be coincidental,
What precisely can I do for you?" and that finding Ellison may be the key to finding out
what precisely has happened. If the adventurers do not
• No Appointment. Persuasion Successful. give Opanrael the note, Cassra mentions it.
Opanrael mistakes the adventurers as nothing other Opanrael knows only a small bit about Ellison. After a
than loud annoyances and asks them to come back quick glance at ledger, Opanrael mentions that Ellison
when he's not quite so busy. Any character was scheduled to be working in the Archives today and
succeeding at a DC 15 Charisma (Persuasion) that may be a good place to start looking. With a smirk,
check suitably impresses Opanrael who feels that Cassra mentions that the Archives is a vast place, so
they may actually be able to help him. anyway of narrowing down where Ellison might be
would be quite helpful.
If the adventurers suitably impressed Marten Foss,
"Well, you don't have an appointment," the Curator says
and have his book in their possession, he smiles and
steepling his fingers, "but I may be able to spare a moment."
agrees that it will definitely help. He thumbs through a
few pages and makes quick note on a piece of paper and
• No Appointment. Persuasion Unsuccessful. If the
hands it to Cassra, who looks at it and nods before
adventurers are unsuccessful in their attempts to
leading the adventurers from the room.
sway Opanrael, he dismisses them with a gesture
and bids them wait in a small waiting room near his Blood and Books
offices. After about an hour, he shuffles out.
With the books belonging to Aya and Agin already in his
possession, Ellison had come here to find memoir that
"Despite your complete and utter lack of etiquette and more
detailed Ren o' the Blade's encounter with the Pool of
importantly, an appointment, I thank you for your patience.
Radiance. The Scroll Thief used Garda's familiarity with
What can I do for you?"
the Archives and the book stolen from Marten Foss to
find this room.
During the course of discussion with the adventurers,
Ellison eventually found what he was searching for
Opanrael provides the following information.
and killed Garda. He was still in this room reading when
the adventurers enter the Archives. But upon seeing
• He knows very little regarding the circumstances of
Cassra's light, Ellison has fled deeper into the Archive's
the theft of the three books, but is aware of their
subbasement, below.
As Cassra leads them to the Archives, read:
• He has other things to worry about, however, as two
of his staff members--Garda Greenleaf and Ellison
Berenger--are missing. Down hallways and staircases, and through passageways and
• Their absence has thrown the day’s shifts into storage rooms, Cassra moves with definite purpose; descends
disarray and as the adventurers arrive, he is busy staircase after staircase with a lamp held over her head.
trying to rearrange schedules to ensure that the Finally, the scribe stops at a door and pushes it open; the
Library continues to run smoothly. smell of stagnant air and ancient dust filling the stairwell.
• Garda Greenleaf is a senior librarian with a flawless “Inside,” she says.
record of attendance.
• Ellison, however, is a scribe who has only been General Features
employed at the library for four months, but has The general features of the archives are as follows:
otherwise proven to be a reliable hire. Light. This section of the library is deep beneath the
ground and in complete darkness. The only light is that
When presented with the note found in Soares's which the adventurers and Opanrael have brought with
possession, Opanrael identifies the ink used as that them.
typically used by the scribes of the library. He considers Smells. Dust, old paper, glue.
the notion of a tenured scribe being a thief for a moment
but quickly dismisses the idea that any of his staff

The Scroll Thief

Not for resale. Permission granted to print or photocopy this document for personal use only. 16
The Search • A successful DC 5 Wisdom (Medicine) check
If the adventurers have Marten's book, the note specifies reveals that Garda died from a single blow to his
what section of the Archives to begin their search in. head. If the check succeeds by more than 10, it
Otherwise, they must find it the old-fashioned way. reveals he was killed approximately less than two
The ease in which the adventurers find the hours ago.
appropriate part of the Archives is determined by two • A leather thong on his belt has been cut. Cassra has
things. a similar device on her belt that carries a ring of
• With Master Opanrael's Note. If the adventurers • Three books are still on the desk, however; two
were given Marten Foss's book, Opanrael gave small books bound in red leather and a larger white
Cassra a note with the section where the other book. The white tome and one of the two red books
books of the set are filed. Cassra knows precisely lays open on the table beside the body.
where this is, and can take the characters directly to • A large, gilded scroll of parchment is on the floor. A
it. successful DC 10 Intelligence (Arcana) check
• Without Master Opanrael's Note. If the reveals this to be a used scroll which formerly
adventurers had no way to narrow down their contained a detect magic spell.
search, it will take some work to find the correct • If Cassra is asked about the key ring, a concerned
section of the Archives. Finding it requires one hour look crosses her face.
of searching and a successful DC 15 Intelligence
(Investigation) check. “Garda had keys to the archives," Cassra says, wiping her
mouth with her sleeve, "It looks like our killer now has access
The Body to things within the Library that he shouldn't.”
Once they have found the correct section, read the
following. Examining the Books
There are a number of books around Garda's body.
Your search has led you to a small room tucked away in a Some are notable.
distant corner of the vast Archives. Despite the room's size, it
is no less cramped than the rest of the Archives, packed tightly • Two Small, Red Leather Books. These books
with shelves that are packed near to bursting with books, comprise the collected memoirs of Ren o' the
scrolls and other works. Blade. Most of them are on the ground at the foot of
Rounding a shelf on the far side of the room, you see a small the table while a few still remain on the shelves.
reading table; the dark shape of a body slumped over it. Two of the books are on the table beside Garda's
"Gods save us!" Cassra gasps as she runs into a corner and body. One is the book stolen from Marten Foss. It is
retches violently. currently closed. The other, however, is open. An
adventurer who actively searches the open book
The body is that of Garda Greenleaf; the missing and succeeds at a DC 15 Intelligence (Investigation)
librarian. He is lying face down in a small pool of check notices that a few pages have been excised
alarmingly fresh blood. from the book using what must have been a very
sharp knife. This check is made with advantage if
they found the pages removed from the other book.
The body is that of a middle-aged male human wearing a plain
• One Large, White Leather Book. This book is The
set of grey, homespun robes. His left hand loosely holds a
Weave: A Practical Observation of Impractical
quill; the tip stained with bright blue ink. Thin rivulets of dark
Occurrences that was stolen from Aya Glenmiir. It,
blood run from his ears; standing in stark contrast to the pale
too, is open on the table beside Garda's body. An
flesh of his lifeless face.
adventurer who actively searches and succeeds at a
Books are scattered everywhere. DC 15 Intelligence (Investigation) check notices
that a few pages have been excised from the book
As the adventurers search the scene, they learn the using what must have been a very sharp knife. This
following. check is made with advantage if they found the
pages removed from the other book.

The Scroll Thief

Not for resale. Permission granted to print or photocopy this document for personal use only. 17
Both of these books have something in common; the the door takes a little time, but requires no check.
missing pages both appear to detail the subject. Any
character who has first noticed the missing pages or had Archives
them pointed out to him notices this common subject
The adventurer's investigations lead them down into the
with a successful DC 10 Intelligence (Investigation)
library’s sub-basement.
Based on the entries before and after the missing General Features
pages, it seems that the removed pages themselves Area. The ceiling in the archive is 15 feet high at the
referenced a Pool of Radiance—a rare magical outer edges and slopes up to 30 feet high in the center of
phenomena caused by a small breach in the Weave, the the room. A large vent has been cut into the ceiling at its
source of all magic in Faerûn. Specifically, it seems that highest point. The archive itself is an enormous square,
they referred specifically to the Pool of Radiance that 100 feet to a side.
was once active beneath Valjevo Keep here in Phlan. Light. There are no light sources in the archives. The
At the adventurer's mention of this, Cassra gasps only light is that which the adventurers have brought
audibly. However, before she can say anything: with them.
Sound. Distant moans, scuttling, scratching
An ear-splitting and ground shaking noise shatters the silence Character Movement. The toppled shelves extend
of the archives and the sound of collapsing brick, mortar, and only 40 or so feet out from the walls, but are considered
bookshelves fills the wake as it fades away. difficult terrain.
All around you, shelves and books begin to fall.
1. Main Archive
The noise was the sound of Ellison using (and The main room of the archive once held thousands upon
subsequently destroying) the horn of blasting that he thousands of volumes of the written word; fact and
stole from Aya Glenmiir. The noise and vibration has fiction alike. When the Zhentarim took control of Phlan,
caused some of the more precariously balanced however, much of it was burned.
bookshelves to collapse and fall. Each adventurer must
succeed at a DC 11 Dexterity saving throw or take 4 This huge room is littered with the ruined remains of
(1d8) points of bludgeoning damage from falling books bookshelves, desks and other furniture. The middle of the
and shelving. Those who succeed take only half damage. room is barren, but is blackened with the soot of century-old
Any adventurer who fails by more than 5 is trapped flames, and charred bones are strewn about.
underneath an immense pile of books and must be dug A huge hole appears to have been blasted into the far wall;
out, a process that requires an hour's worth of digging the ground littered with bricks and debris.
and moving large, heavy bookshelves.
Leaving the small room, they find that a majority of There is little of value here. However, three shadows
the bookshelves in the archives have toppled over. awoke when Ellison disturbed the chest in The Secret
Opanrael is not going to be pleased with the prospect of Cache, and remain in this room. They attack the
cleaning up this mess. adventurers when they reach the center of the room.

If the adventurers don’t figure it out on their own, Adjusting the Encounter
Here are recommendations for adjusting this combat
Ellison has gone deeper into the archives. While Cassra encounter. These are not cumulative.
knows where to take them, she states that she has • Weak party: remove one shadow
broken her arm in the chaos following the loud noise. • Strong party: change shadows to specters
She motions the adventurers in the direction of the sub- • Very strong party: five specters instead of three shadows
basement but says that she must turn back.
2. The Secret Cache
The door to the sub-basement is not difficult to find, in
Shortly before Phlan was destroyed in 1356 DR,
fact because the bookshelves in the main room of the
Denlor—along with the scribes and librarians of
archives collapsed. It is clearly visible about 40 feet
Mantor’s Library—hid some of their most valuable
away to anyone with darkvision or who happens to be
treasures away in this room. It was sealed and remained
carrying a light source. Climbing over the bookshelves to

The Scroll Thief

Not for resale. Permission granted to print or photocopy this document for personal use only. 18
so until Ellison used Aya’s horn of blasting to open it. He can be heard within. Characters with a light source see a
quickly scoured the cache took what was most readily pair of walkways running along a channel of moving
available. In his haste, he accidently sprung a trap on the water--a sewer, by the smell of it.
chest and was poisoned. Having done his research, he This hole has also been created by Ellison using a
knew that he was close to the sewers. And so, Ellison horn of blasting. Poisoned and now wounded, Ellison
used the horn of blasting once more to break through to leapt into the darkness to escape.
the tunnels below Phlan. In so doing, however, the horn
exploded; destroying it and seriously wounding Ellison. Treasure
The chest and the contents of the shelves are all quite
valuable and the Library will pay handsomely for their
This room is approximately 30 feet deep and half as wide. Its
safe return. Should the adventurers inform Opanrael or
walls are lined with shelves laden with books, and
Cassra about the contents of the room or otherwise
miscellaneous objects. At the far end of the room, a silver
return them to the Library, they are awarded 50 gp.
chest rests on a wooden table.
Within the chest is a headband of intellect owned by
A second, similar hole has been blasted into the right wall,
Denlor, as well as a potion of greater healing.
beyond which the sound of running water can be heard. On
the blackened and charred floor around this second hole are
the remains of a horn; shattered nearly beyond recognition.
Sewers of Phlan
The hole leads down into the sewers and ruins beneath
The horn on the ground is the destroyed horn of Phlan. Unknown to Ellison, the sewers are infested with
blasting; broken beyond repair. carrion crawlers. His own expedition led him directly
Any adventurer that inspects the chest and succeeds into the clutches of three of the fearsome monsters; an
at a DC 15 Intelligence (History or Arcana) check encounter he barely survived by using a scroll of fireball
recognizes the sigil embossed on the chest as that of stolen from Aya Glenmiir.
Denlor; a wizard who once resided within Phlan. The The newer portions of the sewers were dug in a
chest’s lid is currently open. simple grid, so it is quite easy to navigate towards the
The chest is of remarkable construction with a spillway leading to the Stojanow River by sound. The
fascinatingly complex lock. Any adventurer who actively sound of running water is easily heard, but echoes off of
searches the lock and succeeds at a DC 10 Wisdom the many walls and intersecting tunnels. Eventually, the
(Perception) check notices a tiny needle jutting from the adventurers come to the spillway that feeds the sewers
keyhole, the point of which smudged with barely from the Stojanow River.
perceptible blood.
Inside the chest, a series of racks and boxes on clever,
General Features
articulated hinges unfold and spread out; allowing Area. The sewers are 15 feet wide and 10 feet tall. 5-
access to multiple different storage spaces foot-wide footpaths are on either side of a 5-foot-deep
simultaneously. The chest is currently open in this channel running down the middle. This channel is filled
fashion. with foul, quickly-moving water.
An adventurer who is actively searching the chest and Channel. Any adventurer who falls or jumps into the
also succeeds at a DC 15 Wisdom (Perception) check channel is covered in filth and offal, and must succeed at
notices that the chest has a hidden compartment. a DC 15 Constitution saving throw or be poisoned until
The hidden compartment of the chest is lined in red they are able to wash themselves off in a large body of
satin. Resting at the bottom is a headband made of fresh water (such as the Stojanow River) or complete a
polished bone, bearing the same sigil as was found on short rest. Additionally, the water moves fairly quickly.
the front of the chest. This headband is a headband of Anyone in the channel must succeed at a DC 10
intellect. A small vial of liquid also sits next to the Strength (Athletics) check or be pushed 15 feet down
headband—a potion of healing. the channel.
Light. There are no light sources in the sewers. The
only source of light is that which the adventurers bring
Any adventurer examining the hole in the right wall sees
with them.
a rope anchored to one of the nearby shelves, leading
downward into darkness. The sound of running water

The Scroll Thief

Not for resale. Permission granted to print or photocopy this document for personal use only. 19
Poisoned • A piece of paper with what appears to be a list of
A poisoned creature has disadvantage on attack rolls and ability book titles. Most of them have been stricken
checks. through, but three have check marks next to them;
The Spillway Lords and Lineages, The Weave: A Practical Obser-
vation of Impractical Occurrences, and Ren o' the
Water from the Stojanow River above flows from the
Blade Memoirs.
west into a steep, 10-foot-wide spillway which empties
• A rough map showing Phlan and its surroundings.
into a 30-foot-wide, 5-foot-deep pool in the middle of a
The map details a location about half a day’s ride
circular chamber. A 15-foot-wide walkway rings the 60-
east along the Phlan Path and is labeled with the
foot-wide chamber. The pool flows into the channel that
word "Rythnax" which has been circled. No check is
the adventurers have been following up to this point.
required to deduce that the area indicated on the
map is the Twilight Marsh—a large swamp east of
The roar of water fills the air as the tunnel you were in opens
into a large, 60-foot-wide circular chamber. Water cascades
• An unsigned note that reads:
down a steep spill way on the far side of the chamber into a
pool in the middle of the room. A stairway runs alongside the "Ellison
spillway to the daylight above. Once you have secured what you can to aid us in our
Two large, undulating shapes move on the opposite side of search, meet with Rythnax in the marsh east of the city,
the chamber near a section of the floor that is blackened and along the Phlan Path. Slay any that discover your work. Do
charred—as if by an intense flame. not fail us again."

Two carrion crawlers are here, feeding on the remains In addition to the spilled contents of the backpack, any
of a third, slain by Ellison. When he encountered the adventurers succeeding at a DC 10 Wisdom
carrion crawlers, Ellison used the scroll of fireball that (Perception) check see a smattering of fresh blood near
he stole from Aya Glenmiir; slaying one of the beasts, the backpack that leads away towards the steps. A
but wounding the others. He managed to escape, but not successful DC 10 Wisdom (Medicine) check determines
before further injuring himself and losing his backpack that this blood belonged to some sort of a humanoid.
in the process. The spillway emerges into the open air at the base of
The carrion crawlers attack the adventurers on sight. Phlan’s exterior wall on the banks of the Stojanow
Due to injuries suffered in the fight with Ellison, each of River.
them has only 35 hit points remaining.
While the carrion crawlers keep no treasure, any
Adjusting the Encounter
Here are recommendations for adjusting this combat adventurer who is brave enough to search the pool and
encounter. These are not cumulative. succeeds at a DC 10 Intelligence (Investigation) check is
• Weak or very weak party: remove one carrion crawler able to retrieve 15 gp in various coins.
• Strong party: the carrion crawlers are at full (51) hit points
• Very strong party: add one carrion crawler; all carrion
crawlers are at full (51) hit points

Near the dead carrion crawler (now three-quarters
eaten) and the blackened portion of the floor lay a
mangled backpack; its contents spilled out onto the
floor. Beside the backpack is a length of parchment. A
successful DC 15 Intelligence (Arcana) check reveals
that it was once a scroll of fireball.
The backpack contained a set of common clothes 35
gp in silver and gold coins. Among the other items in the
backpack is a collection of documents.

The Scroll Thief

Not for resale. Permission granted to print or photocopy this document for personal use only. 20
Acid Breeath (Recharge 5––6). The dragon exhales acid in a 15-
de. Each creaturee in that line must
foot linee that is 5 feet wid
make a DC 11 Dexterity ssaving throw, takking 22 (5d8) acid
CHA damage on a failed save, or half as much h damage on a
14 (+2) successfful one.

Carrrion C
Crawleer (2)
Large moonstrosity, unaligneed

Armor CClass 13 (natural armor)

nts 51 (6d10 + 188) (injured: 35 hp)
Hit Poin
Speed 300 ft., climb 30 ft.
: two with
makes two STR DEX C
14 (+2)) 13 (+1) 166 (+3) 1 (−5) 12 (+1) 5 (−3)
one target.
Skills Peerception +3
Senses ddarkvision 60 ft., passive Percepttion 13
each 5 ft. or Languagges —
damage. Challengge 2 (450 XP)

Keen Sm
mell. The carrion crawler has advaantage on Wisdom
(Percepttion) checks thatt rely on smell.
e attack
attacker Spider C Climb. The carrio n crawler can climb difficult surfaaces,
includin g upside down o on ceilings, withoout needing to mmake an
ability chheck.

gon Multiatttack. The carrion
n crawler makes ttwo attacks: one with
its tentaacles and one witth its bite.
Tentaclees. Melee Weaponn Attack: +8 to hit, reach 10 ft., on
creaturee. Hit: 4 (1d4 + 2)) poison damagee, and the target must
succeed on a DC 13 Con nstitution saving throw or be poissoned
for 1 mi nute. Until this p
poison ends, the target is paralyzed. The
target caan repeat the savving throw at the end of each of itts
turns, ennding the poison n on itself on a su
CHA Bite. Meelee Weapon Atta ck: +4 to hit, reacch 5 ft., one targeet. Hit:
13 (+1) 7 (2d4 + 2) piercing dam

rception 14

he Scroll T
print or photocopy this docume nt for personal usse only. 26
x: Mapp of th
he Spilllwayy

he Scroll T
Not for resale. Pe
ermission granted to print or photocopy this docume nt for personal usse only. 29
P 3: The sustainned in his escappe from Phlan. Rythnax, a blaack
dragon wyrmling, is h here as well.
If anyy of the charactters speak Draconic, they hea
ar the
agon'ss Swam
mp dragon say "Ooooh, viisitors." in a de
eep, gravelly vo

TThe adventurerrs have discoveered that Ellison n is headed Emeraald Enclavve

eeast along the Phlan
P Path towwards the Twilig ght Marsh. Membeers of the Emerrald Enclave ha ave heard rumo ors of
TThey have a rouugh idea of wheere, but may still be unsure a very yyoung black draagon in the Tw wilight Marsh th hat
aas to why. The only
o clue they have
h is the lette
er found in has beeen threatening the lizardfolk h here, attemptin ng to
hhis ruined back
kpack. To learn more, they mu ust follow press th hem into his seervice. Rythnax x fits that descrription,
thhe map east. and if aasked, he gladlyy boasts of his command of th he
“pitiful dull-scales” that live nearby. It has been passsed
ax’s Laiir to thosee of the Emeraald Enclave thatt this dragon iss
upsettin ng the balance of the swamp, and must be
Rythnax is a bla
R ack dragon wyyrmling sent byy the Cult of
he Dragon to secure
s and tran
nsport the inforrmation that If thee dragon is killeed (instead of d
driven off), memmbers
Ellison was cha arged with colle
ecting. He has established of the EEmerald Enclavve earn one ren nown point.
a small lair in th
he Twilight Ma
arsh during his wait.

General Featuress Rolepllaying Elliso
Ellison i s tired and injureed. He hasn’t sleept at all over thee last
Area. The sw wamp claimed by b Rythnax is a grim one, a two dayss. In that time, he has been poiso oned, blown up, and
ravaged by carrion crawl ers. The only thing that keeps him m
ggray and joylesss marsh oversh hadowed by talll, foreboding
going is his desire to resst; he's been burn ning the candle aat both
trrees. Buzzing, biting insects fill f the air. ends forr nearly a ten-dayy, and it's taken itts toll. He distrusts
Water. The areaa is predomiinately knee-de eep water Rythnax,, but has no choiice at this point. He is willing to ttalk,
wwith numerous patches of dryy, albeit somew what soggy, but shouuld the adventureer's attack he deffends himself; hee has
gone thrrough too much to give up now, and death is merrely a
laand. The patch hes of land (inclluding the main n area with
chance ffor what he’s lon ng been denied--aa chance to finally get
thhe dragon’s laiir and campfire e) are depicted on the map. some reest.
OOther areas are e difficult terraiin.
Light. Despite the thick tree e growth in the swamp, the
Rolepllaying Rythn
aarea is well-lit iff the adventure ers arrive durin
ng the day. Despite his alignment, RRythnax loves havving visitors; at leeast for
OOtherwise, the 20 foot area arround Ellison’ss campfire is a while, anyway. He is yooung, boastful, and brash; and
ddimly lit; all else
e is dark. appreciaates an audience to his wild and ooutlandish storiees of
Sounds. Frog gs croaking, wa ater splashing, insects strengthh, cunning and feerocity. He bores quickly though, and
lashes oout at anyone he feels doesn’t suffficiently appreciaate his
bbuzzing tales.
Smells. Stagnant water, aciidic tang in the air
Fog. Rolling patches
p of fog lightly
l obscure creatures Ellison is visibly distraaught upon rea
alizing at the
sstanding within n. adventuurer's arrival. In describing hiim, read or
paraphrrase the follow wing.
The map leads yo
ou east along thee Phlan Path, and
d before long,
the Twilight Marssh lay before you
u—dark and foreboding. • Hee looks tired, ass if he hasn't slept in many da
On the horizon a large mound rises from the sw
wamp with a and d appears to bee ill.
ggaping, black hole in the side. In front of the hole, a small • Hiss left leg appeaars to be freshlyy bandaged, bu
ccampfire dances in the gloom. bloood has alreadyy soaked through.
he fire beside what you assume iss a large,
A man sits by th • Hee has extensivee burns on his h hands and armss as
black dog, curled up at his feet. Those
T assumptions quickly weell as his face as if something he was holding g
melt away as the form unfurls a pair
p of leathery black wings cauught fire or expploded.
aand cranes its neeck towards you before
b muttering
g something
n a strange, gutttural tongue. Both Elllison and Rythhnax will indulg
ge the adventurrers in
ot immediately attack
a modiccum of discusssion; they do no
Ellison is here, tending the grrievous injuriess he the advventurers outrigght and withou
ut provocation. Both

he Scroll T
Not for resale. Pe
ermission granted to print or photocopy this docume nt for personal usse only. 21
answer a handful of questions, but eventually Rythnax • Rythnax puffs out his chest in an obvious attempt to
gets bored and attacks. Ellison and Rythnax combined draw attention to a gaudy bronze amulet hanging
have the following information, but Ellison only provides around his neck. The symbol engraved into the
it if asked. Ellison acts as an interpreter for Rythnax if amulet can be identified by anyone succeeding at a
no one in the party speaks Draconic. DC 15 Intelligence (Arcana or History) check as a
Ellison divulges the following information in the sigil in use by the Cult of the Dragon.
course of discussion with the characters.
It is possible to talk Ellison into surrendering. An
• He was sent to find information about the Pool of adventurer who succeeds on a DC 15 Charisma
Radiance from the Library. (Intimidation or Persuasion) check convinces the Scroll
• The books stolen from Marten Foss contained first- Thief to surrender. He assures the characters that he
hand accounts of Pools of Radiance; something no has no intention of returning to the service of the cult.
other book in the Library’s possession did. Ellison is not lying in this statement. If successful,
• The book stolen from Aya Glenmiir was more Ellison does not join Rythnax in fighting the
practical observation and, more importantly, theory adventurers.
on the properties and functions of Pools of Should Ellison surrender, or should the adventurers
Radiance. have asked two questions of Rythnax, the dragon shouts
• He stole Lords and Lineages for purely personal (in Draconic) “You're boring me!” and attacks.
reasons; Ellison believed that it would contain proof If the adventurers successfully convince him to
that he belonged to a noble house of Phlan. surrender, Ellison flees into the safety of Rythnax's cave.
• While there was a House Berenger in Phlan, it Otherwise, the Scroll Thief joins Rythnax in attacking
turns out that he was of no relation. the characters. He has one scroll remaining from those
• A successful DC 10 Wisdom (Insight) check reveals that he stole from Aya Glenmiir. In the first round of
that Ellison does not wish to fight the adventurers. combat, he uses a scroll of hold person on the person
• If asked, he confirms this; stating that he is here to who looks like a warrior, especially if they’ve acted dull-
deliver the pages to Rythnax and upon so doing, is witted. Absent that, he targets obvious spellcasters.
going to leave Phlan and the Cult behind, and never As Ellison fights, it is obvious that he is not doing so to
look back. kill the adventurers. He chooses to knock out any
character he drops to 0 hit points.
Rythnax, however, is quite the chatterbox. He engages Rythnax, however, attacks ferociously with tooth and
in polite conversation that smacks of sarcasm and claw and uses his breath weapon on his first turn.
derision. He freely divulges the following. Should it recharge as the fight proceeds, he does not use
it again unless he is forced to flee. Despite his bravado,
• Rythnax has the pages missing from the stolen Rythnax has no intention of dying; he has a mission to
books in a pack and taunts the adventurers— accomplish. If reduced below 10 hit points, he uses his
insisting that he's taking them to his masters and breath weapon and flies away.
that the adventurers are powerless to stop him. Any
adventurer succeeding at a DC 10 Wisdom Adjusting the Encounter
(Perception) check sees that the dragon is wearing Here are recommendations for adjusting this combat
a sort of harness with a steel-banded pack on his encounter. These are not cumulative.
belly. • Very weak party: Rythnax cannot use lair actions
• Weak party: Rythnax cannot use the swarming insects lair
• The dragon claims to be well paid to serve as a
courier and enforcer for the Cult obviously because • Strong party: Change Ellison from a spy to a bandit captain;
they are terrified of him. Rythnax has 44 hit points
• He is the genius behind the whole theft; Ellison is • Very strong party: Change Ellison from a spy to a bandit
captain; add four lizardfolk as Rythnax has swayed some
simply a mindless lackey.
local lizardfolk to join him; Rythnax has 54 hit points

The Scroll Thief

Not for resale. Permission granted to print or photocopy this document for personal use only. 22
15 (+2))
Reactions Hit: 10 Keen
H (3d6)Smmell.
nec Thedamage.
rotic carrion crawler
Thhe target advaantage
hasmust su
ucceed onon
a m
D (Percepttion)
DC 10 Constitutio checks throw
on saving thatt rely on hit
or its smell.
point maximum
m is
PParry. The captainn adds 2 to its AC
C against one meelee attack Skills Inttim
reduced by an am mount equal to th he damage taken. This
that would hit it. To
T do so, the cap ptain must see th
he attacker Spider C Climb. The carrio n crawler can climb difficult surfaaces, Senses ppas
reduction lasts un ntil the creature finishes
f a long reest. The target Languagges
aand be wielding a melee weapon. includin g upside down o on ceilings, witho out needing to m make an
dies if this effect reduces its hit po oint maximum to o 0. Challengge 1
ability chheck.

ons Pack Tacctic
ax, Bla
ack Dra
agon SSpyMultiatt
tack. The carrion
n crawler makes ttwo attacks: one with
creaturee if a
creaturee an
Wyrmliing M
its tentaacles and one witth its bite.
Medium humanoid
d (any race), any allignment
Tentaclees. Melee Weaponn Attack: +8 to hit, reach 10 ft., onne Actio
Medium dragon, ch
haotic evil A
Armor Class 12
creaturee. Hit: 4 (1d4 + 2)) poison damagee, and the target must Multiatttack
Hit Points 27 (6d
succeed on8)a DC 13 Con nstitution saving throw or be poissoned
Armor Class 17 (n natural armor) S
Speed 30forft.
1 mi nute. Until this p
poison ends, the target is paralyzed. The Mace. M Mele
Hit Points 33 (6d8 + 6) Hit: 5 (1 d6
target caan repeat the savving throw at the end of each of itts
Speed 30 ft., fly 60
0 ft., swim 30 ft. STRturns, en DEXX theCON
nding poisonn on INT
itself on a WIS
uccess. CHA
10 (+0) 15 (+ +2) 10 (+0) 12 (+1) 14 (+2 2) 16 (+3) Heavy C
STR DEXX CON INT WIS CHA Bite. Meelee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reacch 5 ft., one targeet. Hit: 100/4000 ft.,
15 (+2) 14 (+
+2) 13 (+1) 10 (+0) 0)
11 (+0 13 (+1) S 7 (2d4 + 2)
Skills Deception + piercing
+5, Insight dam
Investigation +5, Perception
P +6,
Persuasion +5, Sleight of Hand +4, Stealth +4
Saving Throws Dex +4, Con +3, Wis
S r +4, Stealth +4 W +2, Cha +3
Skills Perception
Senses p passive Perceptio
Languagges any two langu
on 16
DDamage Immunitties acid Challengge 1 (200 XP)
Medium undead, ch
haotic evil
SSenses blindsightt 10 ft., darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 14
LLanguages Draco onic Cunningg Action. On each h of its turns, thee spy can use a b
PC Sta
Armor Class 12
CChallenge 2 (450 XP)
Hit Points 22 (5d8)
Speed 0 ft., fly 50 ft. (hover)
action too take the Dash, Disengage, or H Hide action.

AAmphibious. The dragon can breaathe air and water. Sneak A Attack (1/Turn). T The spy deals an extra 7 (2d6) dam mage
when it hits a target with h a weapon attack and has advanttage
STRActio ons
DEX X CON INT WIS CHA on the aattack roll, or wheen the target is w within 5 feet of an
n ally of
1 (−5) 14 (+ +2) 11 (+0) 10 (+0) 10 (+0 0) 11 (+0)
Bite. Meelee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reacch 5 ft., one targeet. Hit: the spy tthat isn’t incapac
Thhe Scroll
citated and the spy doesn’t have T
Not for resale. Pe
ermission granted to print or photocopy this docume nt fo
7 (1d10 +nces Not
2) piercing for
dam resale.
mage Peermission
plus 2 (1d4 granted
4)under; to print
acid damage. or photo disadvan
copy this ntage
docume on
nt the
for atta
se only. 26
DDamage Resistan acid, cold, fire, lightning, thu
bludgeoning, piercing,
Acid Breeath and slas
(Recharge 5––6).hing
Thefrom nonm
dragon agicalacid in a 15-
weapons Actio ons
foot linee that is 5 feet wid de. Each creaturee in that line must
DDamage Immunit
make a DCties 11necrotic,
Dexteritypoi son throw, takking 22 (5d8) acid
ssaving Multiatttack. The spy maakes two melee attacks.
CCondition Immun
damage nities
on charmed,
a failed save, or exhaustion,
e half as much grapp pled, on a
h damage
CHA paralyzed, petri Shortsw word. Melee Weappon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., o one
14 (+2) successf fulified,
one.poisoned, prone,
p restrainedd, unconscious
target. H Hit: 5 (1d6 + 2) p piercing damage.
SSenses darkvision n 60 ft., passive Perception
P 10
LLanguages underrstands all languaages it knew in liffe but can’t Hand Cr•rossbow. Ranged Weapon Attack:Marten
+4 to hit, range 330/120 Ren o’
speakLair Actions He stole the book from
ft., one ttarget. Hit: 5 (1d 6 + 2) piercing d damage.
Foss because
C On
Carrrion C
Challenge 1 (200 XP) count 20 (losing initiative ties), Rythnax
action to cause one of the following effects. Rythnax can't use
takes a lair the Blade wrote about his personal experiences
with the Pool of Radiance beneath Valjevo Keep.
In the same
Large Move effect two
moonstrosity, The rounds
unaligne a row.
move thro ough other
He believed that it had information on the Pool's
ccreatures and objjects as if they weere difficult terrain. It takes 5

(1d10) Armor
force Pools
dam mage of13water
if (natural
it ends thatitsthe
turn inside can
ansee within 120 feet of it
Hit Poin outward
nts 51 (6d10 + 188) in a grasping tide. Any creature on the Medium•humanoid (any the
He stole raace),book
any non-good
d alignment
from Agin Lamarck for personal
SSunlight ground
Speed 300 ity. within
While 30
ft., climb 20sunl
in feetight,
ft. of such
the aspecter
pool must has succeed on a reasons; he was raised believing that he belonged to
two with ddisadvantageDC on15 Strength
attack rolls,check w oras
as well beon pulled
Wisdom upmto 20 feet into the Armor CClass House
11 (leather armor)
water and knocked prone. Berenger—a noble house that once resided
makes two (Perception) STR checcks that
DEX rely onC sight.
CHA Hit Poin
nts 32 (5d8 + 10)
• 14 (+2)
A cloud
) 13 of(+1)
swarming insects fills
166 (+3) a 20-foot-radius
1 (−5) 12 (+1) sphere
5 (−3) Speed 300 ft.
in Phlan—and he wanted to know the truth.

one target.
AActionscentered on a point Rythnax chooses within 120 feet of it.
Skills The cloud spreads
Peerception +3 around corners and remains until the STR If the DEX C
CONlet himINT
adventurers go, he isWIS
but remains
LLife Drain. Melee
dragon Spell Attack: +4
dismisses to
t an hit,action,
reach 5uses ft., one creature.
Senses ddarkvision 60 ft.,itpassive
as Percepttion this 13 lair action, or 15 (+2)) the
(+0) 144 (+2)
rests 10
for(+0)) 10 (+0)before
11 (+0)
HHit: 10 (3d6)dies.necrotic
The damage.
cloud is Th
he target
lightly must Any
obscured. suucceed on ain the
in He a few days leaving.
ach 5 ft. or Languagges —
DDC 10 Constitutio
cloud onwhen
saving it throw ormust
appears its hitmake
mDC 15 is
damage. Challengge 2 (450 XP) Skills Inttimidation +2
reduced by an am
savingmountthrow, equal to th
taking he
10damage taken. This
(3d6) piercing damage on a failed Senses p
passive Perceptioon 10
reduction lasts unntil the creature finishes
f damagea on long reest. The target
Keen save,
Smmell.orThe halfcarrion
as much crawler has adva aantage
successful one. A
on Wisdo m LanguagAll
ges of
one language (usually Co
possessions ommon)
were lost in the fight with
ddies if this effect reduces
creature that its
ends hit its
in the cloudto
o 0.takes 10 (3d6) Challeng ge 1/2 (100 XP)
(Percepttion) checks thatt rely on smell. the carrion crawlers. The only thing he managed to get
e attack piercing damage.
away with was Aya's scroll of hold person and Agin's
attacker •
Spider Magical
Climb. darkness
C The carriospreads n crawler from
canaclipoint Rythnaxsurfa
mb difficult chooses
aces, Pack Tacctics. The thug has advantage on n an attack roll aggainst a
includin 60 feet
g upside downof it,oonfilling a 15-foot-radius
ceilings, withoout needingsphere tountil
make an copy of Lords and Lineages of Phlan. If he hasn’t used
Spy abilityRythnax
chheck. dismisses it as an action, uses this lair action
creaturee if at least one off the thug’s alliess is within 5 feet of the
andscroll, it’s
the ally on
isn’ his person; the book is on the ground
’t incapacitated.
again, or dies. The darkness spreads around corners. A beside where he was sitting, wrapped carefully in a
MMedium humanoid d (any race), any allignment
Actio creature
ons with darkvision can't see through this darkness, Actio
gon AArmor Class
and nonmagical light can't illuminate it. If any of the
Multiatt12tack. area
effect's The carrion
overlaps n crawler
with an makes ttwo
area of attacks:
light onebywith
created a
blood-stained shirt.
Multiatttack. onm
The thug the other
makes hand,attacks.
two melee has a small collection of
HHit Points 27spall
its tenta(6d 8)
acles ofand
2ndone levelwit orthlower,
its bite.the spell that created the light is coins and other items in his lair. A total of 300 gp in
SSpeed 30 ft. dispelled. Mace. M Melee Weapon Atttack: +4 to hit, reeach 5 ft., one creeature.
Tentaclees. Melee Weaponn Attack: +8 to hit, reach 10 ft., on ne coins and gems are nestled amongst the rotting
Hit: 5 (1 d6 + 2) bludgeo ning damage.
STRcreature e. Hit:
DEX X 4 (1d4 CON+ 2)) poison INT damage e, and the
WIS target must
CHA vegetation and bones lining the floor of his lair, as well
10 (+0)
succeed15 (+ on
+2)a DC 1013 (+0)Con nstitution
12 (+1)saving 14 (+2throw
2) or 16 be
(+3)poissoned Heavy C
as a suit ofRanged d Weapon
splint armor,Attack: : +2 to hit,glass
a magnifying range, and a scroll
for 1 mi nute.
Ellison doesn'tUntilput thisup p
a fight ends, the targetand
if subdued is paralyzed. The 100/4000 ft., one target. H
Hit: 5 (1d10) pierrcing damage.
of dispel magic.
S target
Skills Deception caan+5,
subsequently +repeat
Insight the+4,
captured. savving throwawakening,
Upon at the
+5, end
P ofhe
Perceptioneach of itts
If Rythnax is slain, the pages that were removed from
thankful +5,
en Sleight
for of
the poison
the Hand n on
adventurers's +4,itself
on a+4
mercy suuccess.
and divulges
the stolen books are stowed tightly in his pack. They are
CHA Bite. Meelee Weapon
everything he knowsAttawithout
ck: +4 to hesitation.
hit, reacch 5 ft.,
hastargeet. Hit:
13 (+1)
wrapped in waxen paper and bound tightly with string.
(2d4 + 2)for
piercing dam
what the mage.
Cult may wish to do to him.
There is no indication to who the pages are to be
Apppendix: Ma
ap of the
t Dragon
n’s Sw

he Scroll T
Not for resale. Pe
ermission granted to print or photocopy this docume nt for personal usse only. 30
Lair Actions • He stole the book from Marten Foss because Ren o’
On initiative count 20 (losing initiative ties), Rythnax takes a lair the Blade wrote about his personal experiences
action to cause one of the following effects. Rythnax can't use with the Pool of Radiance beneath Valjevo Keep.
the same effect two rounds in a row.
He believed that it had information on the Pool's
• Pools of water that the dragon can see within 120 feet of it location.
surge outward in a grasping tide. Any creature on the • He stole the book from Agin Lamarck for personal
ground within 20 feet of such a pool must succeed on a reasons; he was raised believing that he belonged to
DC 15 Strength check or be pulled up to 20 feet into the
water and knocked prone. House Berenger—a noble house that once resided
• A cloud of swarming insects fills a 20-foot-radius sphere in Phlan—and he wanted to know the truth.
centered on a point Rythnax chooses within 120 feet of it.
The cloud spreads around corners and remains until the If the adventurers let him go, he is thankful, but remains
dragon dismisses it as an action, uses this lair action, or
in the swamp. He rests for a few days before leaving.
dies. The cloud is lightly obscured. Any creature in the
cloud when it appears must make a DC 15 Constitution
saving throw, taking 10 (3d6) piercing damage on a failed Treasure
save, or half as much damage on a successful one. A All of Ellison's possessions were lost in the fight with
creature that ends its turn in the cloud takes 10 (3d6) the carrion crawlers. The only thing he managed to get
piercing damage.
away with was Aya's scroll of hold person and Agin's
• Magical darkness spreads from a point Rythnax chooses
within 60 feet of it, filling a 15-foot-radius sphere until copy of Lords and Lineages of Phlan. If he hasn’t used
Rythnax dismisses it as an action, uses this lair action the scroll, it’s on his person; the book is on the ground
again, or dies. The darkness spreads around corners. A beside where he was sitting, wrapped carefully in a
creature with darkvision can't see through this darkness,
blood-stained shirt.
and nonmagical light can't illuminate it. If any of the
effect's area overlaps with an area of light created by a Rythnax, on the other hand, has a small collection of
spall of 2nd level or lower, the spell that created the light is coins and other items in his lair. A total of 300 gp in
dispelled. coins and gems are nestled amongst the rotting
vegetation and bones lining the floor of his lair, as well
Developments as a suit of splint armor, a magnifying glass, and a scroll
Ellison doesn't put up a fight if subdued and
of dispel magic.
subsequently captured. Upon awakening, he is genuinely
If Rythnax is slain, the pages that were removed from
thankful for the adventurers's mercy and divulges
the stolen books are stowed tightly in his pack. They are
everything he knows without hesitation. He has little
wrapped in waxen paper and bound tightly with string.
concern for what the Cult may wish to do to him.
There is no indication to who the pages are to be
delivered. The amulet he wears is finely crafted and
• The Cult wishes to find the Pool of Radiance and
worth 50 gp as an art object. Despite this, however, it
somehow "wake it up." He was sent to Phlan to find
serves as definitive proof that the Cult is active in Phlan.
out the "where and how."
A shirt is folded carefully around the copy of Lords
• Two other cultists are named Tibeem and Spernik,
and Lineages that was stolen from Agin.
joined him in Phlan, but he is not in communication
with them anymore. They were sent to learn about a Harpers
lost temple somewhere in the Dragonspine Harper characters that copy down the information from
Mountains. the stolen pages on the Pool of Radiance and return that
• He is unsure as to whether or not the others have information to the faction (or abscond with the original
met with success; they were ordered not to speak to pages) earn one renown point.
one another about their mission.
• He stole the book from Aya Glenmiir after
apprenticing with the wizard. He stole it because it
is the only book he was able to locate that had
practical studies of Pools of Radiance.

The Scroll Thief

Not for resale. Permission granted to print or photocopy this document for personal use only. 23
Conclusion The minimum total award for each character
participating in this adventure is 450 experience
Both Cassra Brandywine and Aleyd Burral are pleased points.
upon hearing of the adventurers’s success in tracking The maximum total award for each character
down and confronting the Scroll Thief. If they brought participating in this adventure is 600 experience
Ellison in to stand trial for his crimes, he is convicted of points.
the theft and the murder of Garda Greenleaf. However,
he escapes Stojanow Gate before the Black Fist is able Treasure
to mete out his punishment.
The characters receive the following treasure, divided
If Rythnax escapes from the adventurers, Opanrael,
up amongst the party. Characters should attempt to
Cassra, and the adventurers can only guess as to what
divide treasure evenly whenever possible. Gold piece
was contained in the pages that he escaped with.
values listed for sellable gear are calculated at their
If the package is intercepted and the wyrmling slain,
selling price, not their purchase price.
the adventurers and leadership of the library now have a
Consumable magic items should be divided up
very real—and more terrifying—idea of why the Cult is in
however the group sees fit. If more than one character is
interested in a specific consumable magic item, the DM

Rewards can determine who gets it randomly should the group be

unable to decide.
Make sure note their rewards on their adventure Permanent magic items are divided according to a
logsheets. Give your name and DCI number (if system. See the sidebar if the adventure awards
applicable) so players can record who ran the session. permanent magic items.

Experience Treasure Awards

Item Name GP Value
Total up all combat experience earned for defeated
Rythnax’s hoard of coins and gems 300
foes, and divide by the number of characters present in Splint armor 100
the combat. For non-combat experience, the rewards Payment from Knight Burral 75
are listed per character. Give all characters in the party Magnifying glass found in Rynthax's hoard 50
non-combat experience awards unless otherwise noted. Keeping Agin's secret 50
Rythnax's amulet 50
Combat Awards Treasures in the secret cache 50
Name of Foe XP per Foe Ellison's ruined backpack 35
Rythnax 450 Aya's reward 25
Carrion crawler 450 Marten's reward 25
Bandit captain 450 Payment from Cassra 25
Spy 200 Carrion crawler's treasure 15
Specter 200
Lizardfolk 100 Headband of Intellect
Shadow 100 Wondrous item, uncommon, requires attunement
Thug 100 This headband made of bone bears the sigil of the
Halfling guard 25 wizard Denlor, whose tower still stands in the city. A
description of this item can be found in the Dungeon
Non-Combat Awards
Master’s Guide.
Task or Accomplishment XP per Character
Thoroughly investigating the thefts 50 Potion of Healing
Returning the stolen works to Cassra 50 Potion, common
Suitably impress Marten Foss 25 A description of this item can be found in the Player’s
Gain Aya's confidence 25
Detect Agin's falsehood 25

The Scroll Thief

Not for resale. Permission granted to print or photocopy this document for personal use only. 24
SSpell Scrolll: Dispel Magic
M Favo
ors and E
SScroll, uncomm mon
TThis spell scrolll contains a sin
ngle dispel maggic spell. A The chaaracters have tthe opportunityy to earn the
ddescription of spell
s scrolls can
n be found in th
he basic followinng enmity durin ng the course oof play.
rrules or Dungeo
eon Master’s Gu uide. Favor
or of Ellison Be erenger. Instea ad of killing him
m, you
have deemonstrated m mercy towards E Ellison. He is
SSpell Scrolll: Hold Person thankfuul--even if you tu
urned him in to o the Black Fisst.
SScroll, uncomm mon This favvor has no imm mediate benefitt, but should he e face
TThis spell scrolll contains a sin
ngle dispel maggic spell. A the advventurers again n, their mercy iss not forgotten.
ddescription of spell
s scrolls can
n be found in th
he basic
rrules or Dungeo
eon Master’s Gu uide. DM R
You recceive 200 XP aand ten downtiime days for ru
Permanent Magic
M Item Diistribution this sesssion.
D&D Adventurerss League has a syystem in place to o determine
who is awarded permanent
p magicc items at the end d of a session.
Each character’s logsheet contains a column to record
permanent magicc items for ease of o reference.
• If all the playeers at the table agree on one charracter taking
possession of a permanent magicm item, that character
c gets
the item.
• In the event that
t one or more characters indiccate an
interest in po
ossessing a permanent magic item m, the
character that possesses the fewest
f permanen nt magic
items gets the item. If there iss a tie in the total number of
permanent magic
m items owneed by contesting characters,
the item’s owwner is determineed randomly by the DM.

AAll faction mem mbers earn on ne renown poin nt for
pparticipating in this adventuree.
Harper chara acters earn onne additional reenown
ppoint for return
ning or copyingg the pages Rythhnax
Order of the Gauntlet charracters that revvealed
thhemselves to Marten
M and wonn a sparring match with
hhis prize studennt earn one addditional renowwn point.
Emerald Enc clave characteers earn one addditional
rrenown point forf slaying Ryth hnax.
Lords’ Alliannce characterss earn one addiitional
rrenown point forf outing Agin Lamarck as a false noble.
Zhentarim ch haracters earn n one additionaal renown
ppoint for turnin
ng in Ellison to stand trial.

EEach character receives ten downtime
d dayss at the
cconclusion of th
his adventure.

he Scroll T
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A ndix: Monst
M ter/NP
PC Sta
Banditt Capta
ain Actio
Medium humanoid
d (any race), any noon-lawful alignmen
nt Bite. Meelee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reacch 5 ft., one targeet. Hit:
7 (1d10 + 2) piercing dam
mage plus 2 (1d44) acid damage.
Armor Class 15 (sstudded leather)
Hit Points 65 (10d8 + 20) Acid Breeath (Recharge 5––6). The dragon exhales acid in a 15-
Speed 30 ft. de. Each creaturee in that line must
foot linee that is 5 feet wid
make a DC 11 Dexterity ssaving throw, takking 22 (5d8) acid
STR DEXX CON INT WIS CHA damage on a failed save, or half as much h damage on a
15 (+2) 16 (+
+3) 14 (+2) 14 (+2) 11 (+0
0) 14 (+2) successfful one.

SSaving Throws Sttr +4, Dex +5, Wis +2

Skills Athletics +4
4, Deception +4
Senses passive Peerception 10 Carrrion C
LLanguages any tw wo languages
Large moonstrosity, unaligneed
CChallenge 2 (450 XP)
Armor CClass 13 (natural armor)
Actions Hit Poin
nts 51 (6d10 + 188)
Speed 300 ft., climb 30 ft.
Multiattack. The captain makes th hree melee attacks: two with
itts scimitar and one
o with its daggeer. Or the captain
n makes two STR DEX C
ranged attacks wiith its daggers. 14 (+2)) 13 (+1) 166 (+3) 1 (−5) 12 (+1) 5 (−3)
Scimitar. Melee Weapon
W Attack: +5
5 to hit, reach 5 ft.,
f one target.
Skills Peerception +3
Hit: 6 (1d6 + 3) slashing damage.
Senses ddarkvision 60 ft., passive Percepttion 13
Dagger. Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +5 to hit,, reach 5 ft. or
D Languagges —
range 20/60 ft., one target. Hit: 5 (1d4 + 3) piercin
ng damage. Challengge 2 (450 XP)

Reactions Keen Sm
mell. The carrion crawler has advaantage on Wisdom
(Percepttion) checks thatt rely on smell.
PParry. The captainn adds 2 to its AC
C against one meelee attack
that would hit it. To
T do so, the cap ptain must see th
he attacker Spider C Climb. The carrio n crawler can climb difficult surfaaces,
aand be wielding a melee weapon. includin g upside down o on ceilings, withoout needing to mmake an
ability chheck.

ax, Bla
ack Dra
agon Multiatttack. The carrion
n crawler makes ttwo attacks: one with

Wyrmliing its tentaacles and one witth its bite.
Tentaclees. Melee Weaponn Attack: +8 to hit, reach 10 ft., on
Medium dragon, ch
haotic evil
creaturee. Hit: 4 (1d4 + 2)) poison damagee, and the target must
succeed on a DC 13 Con nstitution saving throw or be poissoned
Armor Class 17 (n natural armor)
for 1 mi nute. Until this p
poison ends, the target is paralyzed. The
Hit Points 33 (6d8 + 6)
target caan repeat the savving throw at the end of each of itts
Speed 30 ft., fly 60
0 ft., swim 30 ft.
turns, ennding the poison n on itself on a su
STR DEXX CON INT WIS CHA Bite. Meelee Weapon Atta ck: +4 to hit, reacch 5 ft., one targeet. Hit:
15 (+2) 14 (+
+2) 13 (+1) 10 (+0) 0)
11 (+0 13 (+1) 7 (2d4 + 2) piercing dam

SSaving Throws Dex +4, Con +3, Wis W +2, Cha +3

SSkills Perception +4, Stealth +4
DDamage Immunitties acid
SSenses blindsightt 10 ft., darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 14
LLanguages Draco onic
CChallenge 2 (450 XP)

Amphibious. The dragon can breaathe air and water.


he Scroll T
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Guard Shadow
Medium humanoid (any race), any alignment Medium undead, chaotic evil

Armor Class 16 (chain shirt, shield) Armor Class 12

Hit Points 11 (2d8 + 2) Hit Points 16 (3d8 + 3)
Speed 30 ft. Speed 40 ft.

13 (+1) 12 (+1) 12 (+1) 10 (+0) 11 (+0) 10 (+0) 6 (−2) 14 (+2) 13 (+1) 6 (−2) 10 (+0) 8 (−1)

Skills Perception +2 Skills Stealth +4 (+6 in dim light or darkness)

Senses passive Perception 12 Damage Vulnerabilities radiant
Languages any one language (usually Common) Damage Resistances acid, cold, fire, lightning, thunder;
Challenge 1/8 (25 XP) bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing from nonmagical
Actions Damage Immunities necrotic, poison
Spear. Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 5 ft. or Condition Immunities exhaustion, frightened, grappled,
range 20/60 ft., one target. Hit: 4 (1d6 + 1) piercing damage. paralyzed, petrified, poisoned, prone, restrained
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 10
Languages —
Challenge 1/2 (100 XP)
Lizardfolk Amorphous. The shadow can move through a space as narrow
Medium humanoid (lizardfolk), neutral as 1 inch wide without squeezing.

Armor Class 15 (natural armor, shield) Shadow Stealth. While in dim light or darkness, the shadow can
Hit Points 22 (4d8 + 4) take the Hide action as a bonus action.
Speed 30 ft., swim 30 ft.
Sunlight Weakness. While in sunlight, the shadow has
disadvantage on attack rolls, ability checks, and saving throws.
15 (+2) 10 (+0) 13 (+1) 7 (−2) 12 (+1) 7 (−2)
Skills Perception +3, Stealth +4, Survival +5 Strength Drain. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
Senses passive Perception 13 creature. Hit: 9 (2d6 + 2) necrotic damage, and the target’s
Languages Draconic Strength score is reduced by 1d4. The target dies if this reduces
Challenge 1/2 (100 XP) its Strength to 0. Otherwise, the reduction lasts until the target
finishes a short or long rest.
Hold Breath. The lizardfolk can hold its breath for 15 minutes. If a non-evil humanoid dies from this attack, a new shadow
rises from the corpse 1d4 hours later.
Multiattack. The lizardfolk makes two melee attacks, each one
with a different weapon.
Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit:
5 (1d6 + 2) piercing damage.
Heavy Club. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
target. Hit: 5 (1d6 + 2) bludgeoning damage.
Javelin. Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft. or
range 30/120 ft., one target. Hit: 5 (1d6 + 2) piercing damage.
Spiked Shield. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
target. Hit: 5 (1d6 + 2) piercing damage.

The Scroll Thief

Not for resale. Permission granted to print or photocopy this document for personal use only. 27
Specterr Senses ppassive Perceptio
Languagges any two langu
on 16
Challengge 1 (200 XP)
Medium undead, ch
haotic evil

Armor Class 12 Cunningg Action. On each h of its turns, thee spy can use a b
Hit Points 22 (5d8) action too take the Dash, Disengage, or H Hide action.
Speed 0 ft., fly 50 ft. (hover) Sneak AAttack (1/Turn). T The spy deals an extra 7 (2d6) dam mage
when it hits a target withh a weapon attack and has advanttage
STR DEXX CON INT WIS CHA on the aattack roll, or wheen the target is w
within 5 feet of an
n ally of
1 (−5) 14 (+
+2) 11 (+0) 10 (+0) 0)
10 (+0 11 (+0) the spy tthat isn’t incapaccitated and the spy doesn’t have
disadvan ntage on the attaack roll.
DDamage Resistan nces acid, cold, fire, lightning, thu
bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing from nonmagical
weapons Actio
DDamage Immunitties necrotic, poison Multiatttack. The spy maakes two melee attacks.
CCondition Immun nities charmed, exhaustion,
e grapp
paralyzed, petriified, poisoned, prone,
p restrained
d, unconscious Shortswword. Melee Weappon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., o
SSenses darkvisionn 60 ft., passive Perception
P 10 target. H
Hit: 5 (1d6 + 2) p
piercing damage.
LLanguages underrstands all languaages it knew in liffe but can’t Hand Crrossbow. Ranged Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, range 330/120
speak ft., one ttarget. Hit: 5 (1d 6 + 2) piercing d
CChallenge 1 (200 XP)

Inncorporeal Moveement. The spectter can move thro ough other

ccreatures and objjects as if they weere difficult terrain. It takes 5
(1d10) force dammage if it ends its turn inside an object.
Medium humanoid (any raace), any non-goodd alignment
Sunlight Sensitiviity. While in sunlight, the specter has
disadvantage on attack rolls, as well
w as on Wisdom m Armor CClass 11 (leather armor)
(Perception) checcks that rely on sight. Hit Poin
nts 32 (5d8 + 10)
Speed 300 ft.
LLife Drain. Melee Spell Attack: +4 to t hit, reach 5 ft., one creature.
15 (+2)) 11 (+0) 144 (+2) 10 (+0)) 10 (+0) 11 (+0)
HHit: 10 (3d6) necrotic damage. Th he target must su ucceed on a
DDC 10 Constitutio on saving throw or its hit point maximum
m is
Skills Inttimidation +2
reduced by an am mount equal to th he damage taken. This
Senses ppassive Perceptio
on 10
reduction lasts un ntil the creature finishes
f a long reest. The target Languagges any one language (usually Co
ddies if this effect reduces its hit pooint maximum to o 0. Challengge 1/2 (100 XP)

Pack Tacctics. The thug has advantage on n an attack roll aggainst a

Spy creaturee if at least one off the thug’s alliess is within 5 feet of the
creaturee and the ally isn’’t incapacitated.
Medium humanoid
d (any race), any allignment
Armor Class 12
Multiatttack. The thug m
makes two melee attacks.
Hit Points 27 (6d8)
Speed 30 ft. Mace. M Melee Weapon Atttack: +4 to hit, reeach 5 ft., one creeature.
Hit: 5 (1 d6 + 2) bludgeo ning damage.
10 (+0) 15 (+
+2) 10 (+0) 12 (+1) 14 (+2
2) 16 (+3) Heavy C
Crossbow. Rangedd Weapon Attack:: +2 to hit, range
100/4000 ft., one target. H
Hit: 5 (1d10) pierrcing damage.
Skills Deception +5,
+ Insight +4, Investigation +5, Perception
P +6,
Persuasion +5, Sleight of Hand +4, Stealth +4

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