Cyber Protection Applications of Quantum Computing
Cyber Protection Applications of Quantum Computing
Cyber Protection Applications of Quantum Computing
1. Introduction
Quantum technology is an emerging field that is changing the IT industry. The power of quantum technology can
increase the computational capability of any computing environment and produce highly efficient results.
Quantum computing is in a growth phase, but it still has enough power to impact real-world scenarios (Coccia,
Roshani and Mosleh, 2024). One of these scenarios is software engineering. Quantum software engineering
plays a pivotal role in building applications especially in the most complex and critical areas (Ali et al., 2022).
Quantum computing also plays a critical role in concrete applications such as smart city planning and urban
design. This is a less technical aspect of the world where quantum computing can deliver extraordinary results
(Bashirpour Bonab et al., 2023a). Furthermore, quantum computing has taken problem solving to the next level.
For example, Dempster–Shafer Theory (DST) shows that quantum computing can be used to analyse data using
quantum mechanical principles (Zhou, Tian and Deng, 2023). Raheman (2022) describes the future of quantum
computing in relation to cyber security. He highlights the concepts of post quantum cryptography, exploits
against quantum-as-a-service and mitigating network architecture. As the cyber world expands, devices mature,
and new technologies emerge, problems become more complex. (Shaw and Dutta, 2023). The question that
arises is how we can use quantum computing in cyber protection. As every device on the network generates
data, the likelihood of network vulnerabilities increases with the advancement of tools and skills. This review
has been conducted precisely to explore the applications of quantum computing in the field of cyber protection,
given the increasing challenges posed by the evolving cyber landscape.
The journey began with research questions aimed at understanding the cyber protection applications of
quantum computing and explore potential methods or techniques for effective solutions in this domain. In this
scoping review, databases such as IEEE Xplore, Science Direct, and Google Scholar were used to gather relevant
information. Machine learning and artificial intelligence are key areas and the synergy with quantum computing
opens up possibilities that promise unprecedented levels of excellence (Maheshwari, Garcia-Zapirain and Sierra-
Sosa, 2022). This study uncovers the potential of quantum computing to address complex problem-solving
scenarios and explores how quantum engineers can receive automated assistance in developing diverse
quantum programs for problem-solving applications (Alonso, Sánchez and Sánchez-Rubio, 2022). With networks
constantly generating data and ubiquitous use of the Internet of things (IoT) in which numerous devices
communicate with each other, the challenge of maintaining data protection becomes pronounced. This study
focuses on into identifying quantum algorithms and techniques that can enhance security, mitigating risks and
vulnerabilities in such interconnected environments (Li et al., 2022). Beyond the technical aspects, this study
Proceedings of the 23rd European Conference on Cyber Warfare and Security, ECCWS 2024
Ummar Ahmed, Tuomo Sipola and Jari Hautamäki
sheds light on the deceptive practices in the quantum realm. It draws attention to instances where certain
companies are engaged in futile endeavours, highlighting the importance of distinguishing genuine
advancements from misleading activities driven by financial motives (Khan et al., 2023). Throughout the scoping
review, the following research questions will be addressed:
• RQ1: What are the applications of quantum computing in the field of cybersecurity, in particular cyber
• RQ2: What are the potential methods or techniques that could be used to effectively address the
challenge of cyber protection?
From here, our paper will follow to the methodology in section 2, which includes steps such as providing the
study background, formulating the research question, and detailing the processes of data collection,
identification, screening, and paper inclusion. Moving on to section 3, the results of this scoping review will be
discovered, organized into different categories within its subcategories. Following this, section 4 deals with the
discussion, while section 5 serves as the conclusion, summarizing all the findings of this scoping review.
2. Methodology
This is systematic scoping review conducted to examine the cyber protection applications of quantum
computing. The stages of scoping review described by Arksey and O’Malley (Arksey and O’Malley, 2005; Levac
et al., 2010) were used in this study.
Having research questions about the applications of quantum computing for cyber protection and the
techniques for potential solutions, and recognizing the breadth of the topic, the exploration by employing
targeted search phrases was initiated. IEEE Xplore, Science Direct and Google scholar were used and Quantum
Computing Applications and Quantum computing use cases search phrases were selected to start of scoping
review, as described in Figure 1. This search was most relevant to this study, and it was finalised on the basis of
outcomes found with it in different databases. Moreover, the research was limited to journals only to obtain the
most precise data. As quantum computing is one of the novel computing technologies, the search was limited
to the years 2022 and 2023. Moreover, it was decided to limit the research to 10 pages for Google Scholar and
the first 400 relevant results using Science Direct. In the identification phase, the criteria for filtering the papers
was the relevance of the data provided to quantum computing.
Thus, any the search results that included quantum studies with principals from physics and other domains were
easily excluded using these criteria. In addition to this physics material, collaboration of quantum computing
was found in industries of data science, artificial intelligence, algorithms and applications, bioinformatics, cloud
and edge computing, complex system optimisation, cryptography and security, education and learning,
engineering and automated process control, environment science, ethics and societal impact, finance and
economics, fundamentals and reviews, hardware and architectures, healthcare, IoT, machine learning, material
science, nanotechnology, networks, optimization problems, power system applications, renewable energy,
robotics, simulations, smart cities and urban planning, space technology, specific industries and theoretical
physics. All these are well-known domains but the research was limited and continued with software and
programming, smart cities and urban planning, and IoT (internet of Things). All these categories with their
references are presented in Table 1.
Proceedings of the 23rd European Conference on Cyber Warfare and Security, ECCWS 2024
Ummar Ahmed, Tuomo Sipola and Jari Hautamäki
3. Results
The result for cyber protection applications of quantum computing covers many dimensions of emerging
computing. It includes different categories such as data security, innovation in IT industry, energy, efficient use
of energy, simulations, network traffic management and data security, quantum collaboration with emerging
technology and most interestingly quantum application in social sciences. The resulting categorization is
described in Table 1.
Proceedings of the 23rd European Conference on Cyber Warfare and Security, ECCWS 2024
Ummar Ahmed, Tuomo Sipola and Jari Hautamäki
networks motivated the researchers. This technique involves rapid distribution of encryption keys using
quantum technology (Li et al., 2022)]. With the expansion of IoT networks, security and privacy are also
compromised. Therefore, researchers come up with a new energy-efficient and secure data transmission
protocol for intelligent IoT edge systems, called EEC-SDTP, to solve these challenges. This system will create
cluster heads and routes for secure transmission. The system uses the oppositional chaos game optimization-
based clustering (OCGOC) technique to determine cluster heads and routes (Padmaa et al., 2022) (Chawla and
Mehra, 2023).
Proceedings of the 23rd European Conference on Cyber Warfare and Security, ECCWS 2024
Ummar Ahmed, Tuomo Sipola and Jari Hautamäki
not plan when and where to use these services/products, they are useless. Researchers are trying to solve this
problem with a technique called quantum annealing. Successful experiments have been carried out on the larger
problems of vehicles (Yi et al., 2023).
3.8 Simulation
In discussions surrounding simulation, researchers propose a solution known as DBGA-X to address the quantum
circuit compilation problem (QCCP), facilitating the execution of quantum programs on actual quantum
hardware (Arufe et al., 2023).
4. Discussion
Researchers have proposed a new way to keep the user information secure in an advanced IoT environment
using the technique called quantum key pool. The Researchers felt the need for it due to the arrival of advanced
devices in the network. This technique involves the rapid distribution of encryption keys using quantum
technology. It is also a new way to keep smart grid data private on mobile devices. It uses a special method to
manage secret keys and allows users to securely check their data securely. The proposed method is said to be
fast, lightweight, and strong, using three layers of security. However, more research is needed to ensure that
one part of the method works well (Li et al., 2022).
If we look at the security of network communications, researchers have introduced blockchain enabled internet
of Vehicles technology to overcome security and privacy issues in the Internet of Vehicles by not relying on a
central entity. Vehicles communicate with each other to understand the traffic environment without sharing
sensitive information. In addition, the research explores recent advances in Blockchain-based Internet of
Vehicles (BIoV) networks, covering applications like crowdsourcing, energy trading, and traffic management. It
explores collaborative learning, blockchain-enabled hardware security, and the intersection of blockchain and
Proceedings of the 23rd European Conference on Cyber Warfare and Security, ECCWS 2024
Ummar Ahmed, Tuomo Sipola and Jari Hautamäki
quantum computing (Hildebrand et al., 2023). Researchers say that the evolution of wireless networks, such as
5G, is improving the technology, but it is not enough for the growing communication needs. Researchers are
now looking at 6G networks to meet future demands, exploring technologies such as THz communication and
quantum communication for faster data rates (Qadir et al., 2022). Other research has created a quantum-
conventional hybrid neural network has been created, called Res-QCNN, to improve cost function optimization
for deep networks. By using quantum neural networks in a residual structure block, the Res-QCNN training
algorithm allows information to flow efficiently through layers, similar to deep residual learning in classical
artificial neural networks, although it can be run on a standard computer (Abd El-Aziz et al., 2022).
Quantum computing is also making an impact on data security and privacy. In one study, researchers introduced
a quantum colour model called quantum hue, saturation, and lightness (QHTS) based on triple-qubit sequence
encoding. They developed quantum circuits for encoding and retrieving QHTS images using only a few qubits,
improving operability. The study explored applications such as quantum steganography for secure message
embedding and a spatial image fusion algorithm for remote sensing, demonstrating improved embedding
capacity and potential advances in quantum image processing. Future work aims to explore quantum bicubic
interpolation, improve the efficiency of key image generation, and enhance the quality of image fusion using
advanced technologies. The researchers also plan to establish a quantum image fidelity metric (QIFM) for
evaluating QHTS images in various applications (Li et al., 2023). Another study discusses the multi-user level
encryption. In this study, the team has developed a quantum-resistant signcryption scheme that ensures key
invisibility and ciphertext anonymity, addressing security concerns not addressed by many existing schemes. The
size of their encrypted data is small, comparable to SeaSign signatures, and their security analysis accounts for
insider attacks, multi-user settings, and non-repudiation. Additionally, key privacy has been investigated in an
isogeny-based encryption scheme called Hashed-PKE (Shaw and Dutta, 2023).
During this scoping review, we also found a new way to secure data in smart grids using a method called PMAS-
QS. It involves a multi-level privacy-preserving encryption, a quantum key pool for key management, and a data
query method using proxy re-encryption. The proposed scheme is analysed to be efficient, lightweight, and
robust, although the efficiency of the aggregate signcryption aspect is identified for further investigation (Li et
al., 2022). In another research, a new technique called EEC-SDTP is introduced to make IoT edge systems more
energy-efficient and ensures secure data transmission. The technique focuses on selecting optimal
communication hubs (CHs) and secure routes for data transmission by using the OCGOC technique for CH
selection and the SRP-QSPO technique for determining trustworthy routes. The inclusion of trust factors
increases the reliability of node selection, resulting in superior performance compared to existing methods, as
demonstrated by detailed simulation analyses. Future extensions could explore resource allocation and task
scheduling strategies for more efficient use of available resources in IoT edge systems (Padmaa et al., 2022).
5. Conclusion
The research was started to get the answers to our research questions, the first one being that what are the
cyber protection applications of quantum computing (RQ1). This is an important topic to study now, because of
the advancement of network traffic and the versatility of data generation and communication of devices in the
Internet (Internet of Things, IoT). There should be solutions or techniques to overcome these vulnerabilities.
Therefore, we decided to ask that what kind of techniques or methods can be used for cyber protection (RQ2).
Nowadays, different kinds of devices are connected to networks and produce data continuously. We have a fast,
lightweight, and robust method with three layers of security called a quantum key pool for the security of user
information. There are also links between blockchain and quantum technologies. In addition, cost function
optimisation of deep networks has been improved using a quantum-conventional hybrid neural network. Light-
based technologies for data security were presented, with applications in quantum steganography and spatial
image fusion. A quantum-resistant signcryption scheme was also presented. In smart grids, this technology
ensures secure data management. It will improve energy efficiency and secure data transmission in IoT edge
systems with optimised communication hubs and routes, offering potential for further exploration in resource
allocation strategies. The main limitation of this study is that it focuses only on journal articles. In technical areas,
such as quantum computing, many important studies are also published in conferences. It would be beneficial
to extend our research into different areas of quantum computing, including the exploration of quantum-safe
standards, conducting security analyses using quantum computing, and investigating the application of
blockchain in the field of quantum computing. Additionally, further studies could be conducted on the role of
quantum computing in education and training.
Proceedings of the 23rd European Conference on Cyber Warfare and Security, ECCWS 2024
Ummar Ahmed, Tuomo Sipola and Jari Hautamäki
We are grateful to Emils Bagirovs, Grigory Provodin and Thien Nguyen for their help with data collection and
assistance with database creation. This research was partially supported by the ResilMesh project, funded by
the European Union's Horizon Europe Framework Programme (HORIZON) under grant agreement 101119681.
The authors would like to thank Ms. Tuula Kotikoski for proofreading the manuscript.
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Proceedings of the 23rd European Conference on Cyber Warfare and Security, ECCWS 2024