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are the property of their respective owners. © applicom international - july 2000
Uni-Telway Protocol
Master & Slave modes
" access devices on the network as well as device on the sub-networks using X-WAY
" carry out Uni-Telway requests in multi-flow (several requests can be managed simul-
" manage multi-frames. If the number of accessed variables is higher than supported
by the addressee device, applicom® Uni-Telway Master will make as many frames as
necessary to complete the user request.
Uni-Telway master
applicom® Uni-Telway as Master provides the bus manager function. Its main role is to
manage the polling of up to 98 slaves placed on its bus. It also routes messages from
slave to slave and allows general distribution of requests on the bus.
Client mode
applicom® can read and/or write major types of data in the following PLC's thanks to
applicom® library/DLL, DDE server, OPC server or ActiveX control:
TSX 17
Device Data Type ® Internal System Constant Input Output Monos- PL7 IEC Counter
table Timer Timer
† applicom® Data
Bit %MX %S %IX %QX
Byte %MB
Word (16-bit) %MW %SW %KW %MNi.P %Ti.P %Ti.V %TMi.P %Ci.P %Ci.V
%MNi.V %Ti.D %Ti.R %TMi.V %Ci.E %Ci.D
%MNi.R %TMi.Q %Ci.F
Double word (32-bit) %MD
Floating point (32-bit) %MF
IEEE format
TSX/PMX 47/67/87/107
All the other Uni-Te requests can only be generated with "TXTUTE" function of applicom®
library/DLL. This function is identical to:
Server mode
applicom® shares a database for Uni-Telway Clients (such as PLCs or remote applicom®
boards) called applicom® Data-Base (size of 32Kbits and 32Kwords) which works like vir-
tual PLC memory to provide Telemecanique type variables (%M, %MW, etc.). applicom®
Data-Base is accessible in both read and write modes.
This functionality can be used to optimize data feedback. Rather than permanently pol-
ling devices to monitor variables changing status occasionally, the devices can put the
data to feed back only on change of status (alarm feedback) in the applicom® Data-Base.
Consequently, in this operating mode :
" The PLC processors are used less.
(timeout) can be defined. To check the reliability of each connection with a client
device your application can read (only) a status word which is located in applicom®
Data-Base words area "ACCESS STATUS WORD".
" Your application can read (or write to reset) a counter word which is located in appli-
com® Data-Base words area "ACCESS INDICATOR WORD" to determine the current
number of writes made by the client device in the applicom® Data-Base.
There is one status word and one counter word reserved per client. You should specify
these word´s addresses in the applicom® Data-Base using our configuration utility.
Router mode
The Uni-Telway master on applicom® interface offers the possibility to UNI-TE clients on its
bus of accessing directly the equipment connected on another of the board by using the
X-WAY addressing capabilities in the Télémécanique network layer.
By using this addressing possibility UNI-TE clients can access directly the equipment con-
nected on another channel of the board used and benefit from automatic protocol con-
version on the requests :
" Fipway
" Ethway
" Uni-Telway
" 6964/3964R, RK512 messaging
" SucomA (Moeller Group)
" SYSMAC-WAY (Omron)
" Kit4000 (user protocol)
Uni-Telway slave
applicom® Uni-Telway as slave manages client and/or server features and has the same
client/server features as in Master mode.
See the applicom® Uni-Telway Master page for details about client/server features.
Diagnostics tools
The applicom® solution package includes a set of tools to test your communication
without developing any kind of application. Usually you are able to run these test pro-
grams along with your application, HMI, or MMI software allowing you to check your data
Each test program returns a status word and a text comment giving feedback on the
communication. It can be used to diagnose an exact cause of failure.
applicom® Uni-Telway as a server (Master or Slave) has the possibility to "route" Uni-
Telway client requests to a second applicom® communication port. The read/write
request are automatically converted from the Uni-Telway protocol to the appropriate pro-
tocol running on it, to access to the device's data.