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IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering


Automatic Turning ON/OFF Bike Indicator Using Offline GPS Navigation

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IVC RAISE 2020 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 1055 (2021) 012032 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/1055/1/012032

Automatic Turning ON/OFF Bike Indicator Using Offline

GPS Navigation System

S Usha1*, M Karthik2, R Lalitha3, M.Jothibasu 4, T Krishnamoorthy5

1, 2
Associate Professor, Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Kongu
Engineering College, Perundurai-638 060, Erode.
Professor, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Rajalakshmi Institute of
Technology, Chennai.
Assistant Professor (Senior Grade), Department of Electronics and Communication
Engineering, PSG Institute of Technology and Applied Research, Coimbatore.
UG Scholar, Department of EEE, Kongu Engineering College, Perundurai-638060,

*Corresponding Author Email: sushamangal@gmail.com.


Abstract. In the present modern world, most of the people are using the roadways for
transportation purposes. The utilization of roadways increases by one side, on the other side the
road accidents are also escalating. The current assessment shows that the reasons for the road
accidents are not obeying the traffic rules, inappropriate usage of indicators while turning right
or left while driving the vehicles and so on. In peak hours and in traffic times people are
speeding up with their vehicle and forgot to use their indicator. This leads to an accident while
sudden turning and braking without a proper indication. In order to overcome these types of
difficulties, an automatic turning on/off bike indicators using offline GPS navigation system is
proposed. The proposed system works in an offline mode and does not need any internet
connectivity. By turning on the supply to the board, it will generate the hotspot and it will be
connected with Wi-Fi in Mobile Phone. Then the destination is fixed in the mobile application.
When turning is available in the way to destination before 100 meters of that turning, indicator
will be automatically turned on and after that indicator will be automatically turned off. Thus
the proposed work would help the people during the rush hours and also during the emergency
situations to avoid accidents.

Keywords: Automatic, Bike indicator, Navigation, Emergency, Offline mode

1. Introduction
In all countries roadways are at most vital for the citizens to move from one place to another place for
their personal, official and business work purposes. With the usage of roadways, the farmers can easily
sell their products into market, factories can transport their goods to retail shops and public can easily
move from one place to another place without any difficulty. Regions or Countries can function easily
with adequate road facilities. Roadways in India are most tarnished in the world, so that every year 1.5
lakh citizens lost their lives due to their lack of knowledge in traffic rules [13]. The central
government previously failed to take the essential steps however now government has taken strong
efforts to reduce the traffic offenses.
Vehicle turn indicator signals are usually well known in the art. In most of the automotive two
wheelers, the turning direction of the vehicle can be activated by the operator by make use of turn
signals. Usually, the turning signal is controlled by the switches which are very sensitive to turning of

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IVC RAISE 2020 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 1055 (2021) 012032 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/1055/1/012032

the steering column of the vehicle and generally available in the nature of flashing illumination. The
indicator unit available in the two wheeler is in activated signalling condition while the steering wheel
remains unmoved or continues to move in the direction of the turn. The steering column of the
mechanical catch is released, when the steering wheel is moved in the direction opposite to the
direction of the turn, which causes the cancellation of turn signal.
Now-a-days people who are driving their vehicles on the roadways are not properly using their
vehicle's indicator while turning. In peak hours and in traffic times people are rushing with their
vehicle and forgot to use their indicator this leads to an accident while sudden turning and braking
without a proper indication. In order to overcome these types of difficulties, an automatic turning
on/off bike indicators using offline GPS navigation [14] system is proposed.

2. Literature Review
K. Divakara Murthy et.al designs a semi automatic signal indicator for two wheeler. In this project, the
authors presented a semi-automatic mechanism of indication of signal lights of a two wheeler. The
system is used to prevent the accidents which may happened due to negligence of traffic rules, due to
the laziness shown by the drivers at the time of turning on roads etc. The system is semi-automatic and
incurs high cost. It is not fully automatic and also the navigation system is not established.
Zechun Huang et.al. developed a GPS vehicle positioning monitoring system which is integrated with
CORS and mobile GIS [2]. They design and implemented a method for vehicle direction, examination
of vehicle position and control system and all are merged with CORS service network and Mobile
GIS. The system also surveys the feature of spatial and attributes data associated with the vehicle
positioning control.
Prawat Chaiprapa et.al. Proposed a Google map based website for a real time GPS vehicle tracking
system. The authors developed a vehicle tracing methodology which utilizes a global positioning
system (GPS) technology. The proposed module is used to collect the spot of the vehicle. Then the
location information is forwarded into microcontroller. Then the microcontroller using Internet
Connection and General Packet Radio Service (GPRS) displays the position of the vehicle in a real-
time mode on the website map. Since the system uses both the Internet and GPS technology causes
difficulty in low network area.
Dr. Khalifa et.al. design a vehicle tracking using web-based GPS-GPRS. The authors implemented a
vehicle tracking system using web based GPS-GPRS technology. [4]. The process authorizes
enterprises holders to examine the present and past locality of the intended vehicle on Google Map [3]
with the aid of recordings .The current locality of the vehicle was acquired by GPS device which is
integrated in the intended vehicle and the site coordinates are sent via GPRS service to GSM
Mahesh Kadibagil and Guruprasad H S developed a Position detection and tracking system for
vehicle. The system consists of self-directed position recognition and tracking which capture the
friends and family member’s location with the help of GPS and standard web technology [5]. This
methodology consists of a web client, a repository, a mobile client and a map service. The mobile
client is utilized to identify the location of family members or friends if they are coming around the
user’s area of directions then the mobile client convey a Popup SMS to user. These location particulars
can be post to the server and the same particulars can be controlled and observed using the web client
by other users.
Li Liu, et.al. implemented a navigation system which is android phone based group communication
model. The authors developed a technology for navigation and group transmission system using
Android mobile operating system [6][10]. The system supplies a friendly group communication policy
between friends in order to promptly communicate and a real-time positioning, navigation and path
planning capabilities with the help of GPS.[8]
Kai Qin et.al designs an intelligent bus movement and station reporting system. In this system the
location information is passed to the control centre which uses the GPS functionality. The hardware
division of the system integrates voice chip also. The software part finds the station reporting system

IVC RAISE 2020 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 1055 (2021) 012032 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/1055/1/012032

3. Existing Method
3.1 Manual Mode of Operation
The manual mode is operated by the individual whose is riding the bike. The rider can turn on/off the
bike indicators whenever the rider needs to turn on/off (depends up on the situation). The Figure 1
shows the diagram of manual mode of operation. Usually the manual mode of operation is the thumb
operated one, already the switch to turn on/off the bike indicators is fixed in the bike’s handle itself.
Some models of bikes has a different specification like to turn on the right indicator of the bike, the
control of that indicator will be on the right side of the bike’s handle and vice versa.
The bike riders have to use the indicators to inform other road users when they intend to change the
direction. To use the bike indicators in right time, have to give the plenty of time to other road users to
react and adapt to the signal. Once the turn is completed make sure the indicators are cancelled
otherwise it may confuse other road users.

Figure 1: Manual mode operation of bike indicator

The limitations of the manual mode are:

• The bike riders are forgot to use the indicator in the right time
• Confusing the other road users by not turning on the bike indicators in the right time and vice
• Number of accidents are increased

3.2 Semi-Automatic Turn ON/OFF Bike Indicator

The main concept of the semi-automatic turn on/off bike indicators is purely based on the steering
angle of the bike handle [1]. If the bike indicator is turned left side, the left bike indicator will turned
on and vice versa.
This semi-automatic signal will be useful when the bike rider fails to put the indicator while entering
the road from parking, during U turn, reversing the vehicle etc. On these situations both bike
indicators will be turned on, when the bike rider is unable to turn on/off the bike indicators during
sudden turn. The Figure 2 shows the diagram of semi-automatic indicator.

IVC RAISE 2020 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 1055 (2021) 012032 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/1055/1/012032

Figure 2: Semi-Automatic mode of operation of bike indicator

The limitations of semi-automatic mode are:

• Not effectively used in rush hours and emergency situations
• Cancelling of bike indicators is not done after the turning is completed
• This activates the bike indicator irregularly

4. Proposed System
The proposed system is to develop a low cost system for automatically turning on/off bike indicator
using offline GPS navigation system and also to reduce the number of accidents which occurs due to
improper usage of bike indicators.

4.1 Block Diagram of the Proposed System

The Figure 3 represents the block diagram of the proposed system.

Figure 3: Block Diagram

IVC RAISE 2020 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 1055 (2021) 012032 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/1055/1/012032

4.2 Circuit Diagram of the Proposed System

The Figure 4 describes the overall circuit diagram of the proposed project. In this project ESP 32
development board is used for controlling purpose. OLED display is used to display the directions to
turn and also the distance about to turn. The bike battery itself is used as the power source. Bike
battery delivers of 12V to the bike accessories like bike horn, bike indicators and battery ignition, etc.
Buck converter is used to regulate the voltage between 3.3V to 5V, because ESP 32 development
board's operating voltage is between 3.3V to 5V. Bike battery [15] supplies the power to the ESP 32
development board via buck converter. Two channel relay is used to turn on or turn off the bike
indicators based on the input received from the ESP 32 development board. In the circuit diagram 4
LED is shown as a prototype for testing.
The bike battery is used for the power supply and it is switched on by turning on the bike using the
bike key. The battery supplies the power to the buck converter then this buck converter reduces and
regulates the voltage between 3.3V to 5V. The hotspot gets turned on, when the ESP32 Development
Board receives the power. Then Wi-Fi will be turned on in the Mobile for searching the Hotspot name
and after then password will be entered for authentication purpose.
After successful authentication [11], the Sygic Navigation mobile application will be opened in the
mobile phone [9] and the final destination will be setting up via the mobile application. After
completing these preliminary steps automatically OLED Display will display as Connected, which is a
indication of mobile application is connected to the ESP32 Development board.

Figure 4: Circuit Diagram of Proposed System

When turning is available in the way to destination, before 100 meters of that turning, indicator will be
automatically turned on and after that turn, indicator will be automatically turned off. After the
destination is reached flag symbol will be displayed in the OLED display.
In this project, Web socket server is used to exchange facts involving client and server. Web socket
establishes a continuous interrelation between a client (Mobile App) and server (ESP32) [11]. Then
both the sides can begin dispatching of data at any time. Web socket handshake technology is used to
establish a connection in the client side. This process begins with the client (Mobile App) transmitting
a standard HTTP request to the server (ESP32).
Sygic Navigation App has some predefined numerals (data) may be in hexadecimal format which is
used to exchange between the client (Mobile App) and server (ESP32). These numeral data indicates

IVC RAISE 2020 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 1055 (2021) 012032 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/1055/1/012032

some information regarding the turnings in the way to the destination like right turn, left turn, etc. For
example, if there is a right turn in the way to the destination the client (Mobile App) will send the
numeral data Four (4) to the server (ESP32), the server analyses and it displays that information in the
OLED Display. Thus, the Web socket Server plays a major role in this project. The Table 4.1
represents the Numeral Data between the Client and Server.

Table 4.1 Numeral Data between the Client and Server

Direction between client and Numerical Direction between client and Numerical
server Data server Data
Direction Start 20 Direction Easy Left 6
Direction Easy Right 4 Direction End 19
Direction Via 15 Direction Keep Left 2
Direction Left 10 Direction Out of Route 21
Direction Right 8 Direction Sharp Left 14
Direction Sharp Right 12 Direction Straight 42
DirectionStraight_1 16 Direction UTurn Left 18
Direction U Turn Right 17 Direction Round about SE 23
Direction Round aboutE 24 Direction Round about NE 25
Direction Round aboutN 26 Direction Round about NW 27
Direction Round aboutW 28 Direction Round about SW 29
Direction Round aboutS 30 Direction Tunnel 50
Direction Sbend Right 51 Direction Sbend Left 52

4.3 Hardware Components used in the Proposed System

The hardware components and the software used in the proposed system are
• Buck Converter
• ESP 32 Development Board
• OLED Display (0.96”)
• Two Channel Relay
• Sygic Navigation App (Software)

4.3.1 Sygic GPS Navigation Application

The Figure 5 shows the Sygic application. The Sygic GPS Navigation application guides the user to
reach the destination securely even in the absence of a network link. This app includes premium 3D
maps. Regular map and application are updated with free of cost. With this app, the user can simply
get away from the traffic or locate the finest parking point. The user can also view the latest
information concerning fuel cost on petrol stations.

IVC RAISE 2020 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 1055 (2021) 012032 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/1055/1/012032

Figure 5: Sygic Application

5. Hardware implementation of proposed system

The Figure 6 shows the Hardware Setup of the proposed project.

Buck Converter ESP32 Development Two Channel Relay


Figure 6: Hardware Implementation

The Figure 7 shows the Hardware Setup with the Bike. The supply to the Hardware setup is connected
to the bike battery and for controlling the bike indicators the wiring is also done using the wiring tag
which used in automobiles. The Two channel relay module is used to control the bike indicators based
on the input which sent by the ESP32 Development Board.

IVC RAISE 2020 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 1055 (2021) 012032 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/1055/1/012032

Figure 7: Hardware setup with Bike

6. Results and Discussion

Figure 8: Destination Reached

The flag symbol displayed in the OLE display shown in the figure 8 indicates the user the
corresponding destination is reached.

Figure 9: Indication of distance and speed

IVC RAISE 2020 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 1055 (2021) 012032 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/1055/1/012032

The first figure of 9 highlights that 170 meters more for the user to turn left and the speed limit of the
bike is 55Km and the second figure indicates that 80 meters more for the user to turn left and the speed
limit is 55Km.

Figure 10: Indication of Navigation

The figure 10 indicates the navigation of the bike system. The first figure indicates the navigation
system is ready to pair with the mobile application automatically and the second figure indicates the
navigation system is connected with the mobile application.

Figure 11: Indication of Light and Left turn of a vehicle

The figure 11 indicates the automatic turn on of a bike indicator. The first figure shows that the right
indicator is turned on automatically by the mobile navigation application when the right turn in the
real time is reached. Similarly the second figure represents the automatic turn on of the left indicator
of the bike automatically by the mobile navigation system.

7. Conclusion
In the proposed system, an automatic turning on/off bike indicator using offline GPS navigation
system is developed. Thus it would help the people during the rush hours and also it would helpful
during the emergency situation. This project is used to turn on/off the bike indicators (both right and
left). The Bike indicators are controlled before the 100 meters of the way to the fixed destination. The
main motto of the project is to reduce the number of road accidents which occurs due to improper
usage of bike indicators. It is a portable system and also it receives the power from the bike battery
itself. It also has the OLED Display which indicates, which direction the user have to turn, how much
meters are more to the next turn and also the speed limit.

IVC RAISE 2020 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 1055 (2021) 012032 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/1055/1/012032

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