11 – 13. Examination.
The Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary defines God as the Supreme Being of Judaism,
Christianity and Islam, creator and ruler of the universe.
God is generally accepted as the creator of the world. When there was no heaven and earth
there has been God. God is the uncreated spirit being who existed before the beginning of time.
God is the sovereign Lord of the universe. Because He is the creator of all creatures. God is also
the provider of all needs. Before He created man He knew that man would eat, and so he
created countless plants bearing fruits for him to eat.
He has final authority and power over everything He created. E.g. weather, seasons, storms,
floods, earthquakes, man, sun, moon, mountains, rivers etc.
Attributes of God:
God is the almighty, the creator, the omnipotent, omniscience, the great healer, the sustainer
of heaven and earth, God is love, kind, just, holy, the most powerful, merciful, omnipresent,
God is Invisible.
ASSIGNMENT: Write what it means when we say God is: Omnipotent, omnipresent,
Omniscience, Kind, just, Holy, invisible.
Various tribes in Nigeria call God different names based on their beliefs and attributes of God
e.g. the Yoruba call God Olodumare, Olorun, Oba Iyanu etc., meaning the owner of sky, the
owner of heaven and king of wonders respectively.
The Igbos call God Chukwu or Chineke meaning great God or creator. Nupe call God Soko, that
is the owner of the world. Hausa call God Ubangiji, meaning the supreme God. The Urhobos call
God Oghene, that is, the creator. Ijaw call Him Tamara, that is, the supreme protector. Ibibio
call Him Abasi meaning great God. Itsekiri call God Oritse, meaning creator or mighty God etc.
1. Give the names of God according to: (i) the Yoruba, (ii) the Igbo, (iii) the Hausa.
2. All the following are attributes of God except a. love b. wisdom c. spirit d. injustice.
3. What is Nupe name for God a. Abasi b. Soko c. Oghene d. Tamearu
1. Which of the following attributes of God implies that He knows, sees and understand all
things (a)omnipotent (b)holy (c)Omnipresent (d) Omniscience (e)Just
2. Which among the following is not true of God (a)God is a spirit (b)God is Everywhere (c)
God cannot sin(d)God cannot be in heaven and on earth at the same time (e)God is all
3. What is Nupe name for God (a) Abasi (b) Soko (c) Oghene (d) Tamearu (e) Ubangiji
4. The Ijaw people in Nigeria call God Tamara which means (a)God above (b)God of fire (c)
supreme protector (d)the maker (e)the lover
5. We get our ideas about God from the (a)flowing river (b)staring at the sky (c)Bible (d)evil
occurrence (e) constitution
It is generally believed that the whole world and the heavens were created by God. There are
various accounts of creation. Creation is the act of making or causing something to be or exist.
It is a way of bringing out something new.
The Bible record of creation is that in the beginning, the whole world was without form, void
and darkness was on the surface of the deep. In the first account of creation, God spent six
days in creating the world while He rested on the seventh day and hallowed the seventh day.
Day 2 God created the firmament, i.e. the heavens, the sky and the clouds. Gen. 1:6-8
Day 3 God created the seas, land and vegetation; trees, grasses and other plants Gen 1:9-13.
Day 4 God created the heavenly bodies – the Sun, Moon, Stars and other planets. There are
two great lights created to control day and night. For example, the sun is to shine and rule the
day, while the moon and the stars are to shine and rule the night. Gen.1:14-19
Day 5 All kinds of sea creatures such as fishes, whales and every kind of birds were created.
These creatures were good in the sight of God and He blessed them and commanded them to
be fruitful, multiply and fill the sea, the sky and the land. Gen. 1:20-23.
Day 6 God created all kinds of land animals on land like the elephant, the lion, cows, sheep,
goats etc. Finally, God created man in His own image and likeness. He created them male and
female. He commanded them to be fruitful, multiply and replenish the earth. God also gave
man dominion over all the earth and put man in charge of other things He created on the earth.
Day 7God ended his work of creation on the sixth day and rested on the seventh day. He
hallowed (made holy) the seventh day
Man is the crown of creation. He shares in God’s creation in the following ways
Activity: As a being that shares in God’s creation, make something on your own and submit it
to your Educator when you return after mid-term break
1. What is creation?
2. Narrate the things created on the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th day.
3. What did God do on the seventh day?
Objective questions:
1. ‘In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth’ this implies that before the
beginning of man, God (a) has building materials (b)had no beginning (c)had no home
(d) was an architect (e) was in existence
2. Which of the following was the last thing created by God? (a) woman (b) man
(c)vegetation (d)rest (e) heavenly bodies
3. God created the world out of (a)heavens (b)fire (c)nothing (d)powers (e)light
4. All these are true about the creation story except (a)everything in this world is under
authority (b) God created the world by His power (c) God divided the world into nations
(d)God is the king of the whole world (e)God is the sovereign ruler of the entire universe
5. The pattern of creation teaches (a)magic (b) miracle (c)orderliness (d)strength
6. That man was created in the image of God implies that man (a) looks exactly like God (b) has the
ability to distinguish between good and evil (c) can go to heaven and come back to the earth(d)
gave names to the animals
God created the first set of human beings. First, God created man. God created man from
the dust of the earth. God then breathed into his nostrils the breath of life and man became a
human being. God called him Adam.
God saw that it was not good that man should be alone and He promised to make an helper for
him. The lord caused a deep sleep to fall on Adam and He removed one the ribs and closed it
up with flesh. God made a woman out of the rib and brought her to Adam. When Adam saw
her, he was happy and said, “This is now the bone of my bone, and the flesh of my flesh, she
shall be called woman because she was taken out of man”. Adam gave the name Eve to the
woman because she was the mother of all living.
God created human beings in order to know, worship and serve him.
Essay Questions:
Objective questions
1. Who gave names to all creations (a)Abraham (b)Adam (c) Enoch (d)Jacob (e)Noa
2. At creation , God commanded Adam and Eve to “be fruitful and multiply, and fill
the earth and………… it (a)arrange (b)bless (c)create (d)occupy (e)subdue
3. And Adam said ‘this is now bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh she shall be called
woman. Because (a) she was taken out of man (b) she look like a man (c) she is in the
image of God (d) she is beautiful
4. Adam named his wife Eve after the fall meaning (a)the mother of all the living (b) the
first woman (c) the wife of the first man (d) the most beautiful woman (e) the one that
caused my fall
5. God created man for the following reasons except to ………….. Him (a)worship (b)
know (c)honour (d)challenge (e) serve
2. Functions of marriage
Marriage is the legal union or relationship between a man and a woman to become husband
and wife. Marriage was instituted by God right from the time of creation. After creating Adam,
God saw that it was not good that man should be alone. He decided to make a woman as a
help-meet for man. Therefore the original plan of God was and is still that a matured man and
a matured woman will come together as husband and wife. The idea of homosexuals/lesbian
i.e. people of the same sex getting married or sleeping together as married people is sin, or
polygamists i.e. a man marrying many wives is not God’s plan for His people. This is not
according to the word of God and should be discouraged. All these are evil practices of men
that are against God’s plan for man.
Week 5
1. Procreation – God commanded man to be fruitful, multiply, replenish and subdue the
earth. Through marriage and child bearing God’s plan is being fulfilled.
2. Companionship – God saw that man was alone and it was not good. So He created the
woman as a helper and companion for man so that man is not lonely.
3. Chastity – Marriage is to prevent man from living like animals. It discourages all forms of
bestial behavior, prostitution and sexual immorality that God instituted marriage for
human beings. This is to make them different from lower animals because man is the
image of God.
Other functions include:
4. Raising godly generation for God. God intend to raise God fearing generation through
marriage as they procreate
5. Prevention of Terrible Diseases – Marriage is to prevent all forms of sexually
transmitted diseases such as gonorrhea, syphilis, Herpes, HIV/AIDS and forms of deadly
diseases that are attacking disobedient people today.
6. Responsibility: There are responsibilities or duties for husband and wife in marriage in
the home and in the home and in the community (Read Ephesians 5: 21-31)
Moral Lessons:
1. Man is to encourage life and not to terminate life. So Christians are to avoid and
discourage abortions.
2. God has created all things that will make man enjoy the earth, so there is no need for
any lack or for man to become selfish or greedy.
3. Marriage is an institution established by God for man and woman to come together as
husband and wife. Other form of human relationships like homosexuality, lesbianism or
gay marriage etc are very sinful and should be discouraged.
4. Sexual immorality is not part of God’s plan for man. It is a sin before God and shall
attract punishment from Him
Objective Test:
1. The first reason for given Adam a woman by God is (a)procreation (b)chastity
(c)companionship (d)responsibility (e)cooking
2. Which of the following forms of human relationship is approved by God (a)gay marriage
(b)lesbianism (c)homosexuality (d)marriage between a man and a woman (e)polygamy
3. Sexual immorality or unholy relationships attracts (a) God’s favour (b) God’s wrath (c)
God’s blessing (d) God’s permission (e)God’s approval
4. Legal union between a mature man and a woman is referred to as (a)friendship (b)
marriage (c)courtship (d) responsibility (e) companionship
5. Unholy relationships among teenagers can lead to all but one of the following (a)
sexually transmitted diseases (b) death (c) unwanted pregnancy (d) expulsion from
school (e) academic success
Essay Questions:
1. Define marriage
2. List five functions of marriage
God made Adam and Eve and put them in the Garden of Eden to till and keep it. God
commanded man to eat freely of the trees in the garden except from the tree of the knowledge
of good and evil. He told man that the day he eats from the tree of the knowledge of good and
evil, he will surely die.
However, Serpent came and deceived Eve that if they eat the fruit of the tree of knowledge of
good and evil which God commanded them not to eat, that they will not die but will become
like God knowing good and evil. Eve saw that the tree was good for food, so she ate of it and
gave to her husband who was with her and he ate also; so they were disobedient. Immediately
they finished eating the forbidden fruit, their eyes opened and they realized that they were
naked. They became ashamed of their nakedness and took fig leaves to cover their bodies.
This act of disobedience led to the fall of man from glory, and a break in relationship with God.
The disobedience of Adam and Eve led to the fall of man and a broken relationship with God.
All the parties involved in this sin of disobedience received a portion of the punishment which
God gave for it.
For deceiving the woman and causing man to disobey God the Serpent was;
For listening to the Serpent, desiring, eating and giving the fruit to her husband, the woman
was sentenced that;
Moral Lessons:
1. What is disobedient
2. Enumerate the punishment given by God to (i) Serpent (ii) Eve and (iii) Adam
3. What are the consequences of disobedience?
Objective Test:
1. You may freely eat of every fruit tree in the garden except the tree of (a)knowledge of
evil (b)knowledge of good and evil (c)knowledge of truth and life (d)life and death
(e)wisdom and evil
2. The punishment of Adam was that he was to earn his living by (a)wandering all his life
(b)farming and fishing (c)sweating and farming (d)toiling and sweating (e)sacrificing and
3. Adam and Eve were afraid to appear before God when he called them because they
(a)had been deceived by the serpent (b)had broken His commandment (c)were
ashamed of themselves (d) were naked (e)were not at home
4. The sin of Adam and eve was the sin of (a)envy (b)fornication (c)deception
(d)disobedience (e)selfishness
5. Which of the following is true of where Adam was when the serpent tricked Eve to
disobey God (a) Adam was not in the garden (b) Adam was with Eve (c) Adam was
having a meeting with other creatures (d) Adam was deep in sleep (e)Adam went on
visitation (Gen. 3:6)
WEEKS 7 & 8
Who is a learner? A learner is a person who is finding out about a subject or how to do
something. Learners as students are to obey the rules and regulations of the school authority.
However, if they disobey, they will be punished. For example, breaking the law or rules of the
school authority may lead to punishment such as labour or corporal punishment, suspension
for a few weeks or outright expulsion from the school according to the gravity of the
Anybody that will break moral law and goes into fornication may have unwanted pregnancy,
expulsion from school, sexually transmitted diseases and some killer diseases such as HIV/AIDS.
Also, becoming a cult member in the school will result to expulsion; examinations malpractice
may lead to imprisonment and other ugly consequences such as corporal punishment.
Disobedience generally always leads to the breaking down of relationships.
(ii). In what ways can a learner disobey school rules and regulations?
(iii). List some of the consequences of disobeying school rules and regulations.
Week 9
National laws are laws of the country for the good, protection and provisions of every citizen of
the Nation. Disobedience to any law may also lead to national punishment.
Most people disobey and vandalize public properties, e.g. breaking or bursting pipelines may
lead to serious oil fire outbreak, death of people and scarcity fuel. Not obeying traffic rules,
answering phone call while driving on the highway may cause fatal accidents, severe injuries
and untimely death. Looting of government treasury will eventually lead to financial and
economic crises in the nation, while the looters will face Gods judgment and, when caught will
face social embarrassment and may be jailed.
Furthermore, politicians who break the rules and regulations of elections stand the chance of
being disqualified, people may revolt and this may lead to killings, confusion destruction of
personal and public properties etc.
In most cases, the laws of the land are projected in the national Anthem and pledge. For
example, the Nigerian national Anthem urges the citizens not to waste the labours of past
heroes, to be faithful, loyal and honest. However, majority of Nigerians are not obeying
absolutely, the laws of the country because of selfishness, greed, covetousness, tribalism etc.
Moral Lessons:
1. Learners are to obey the rules and regulations of the school so that their studies will not
be disrupted for them to have excellent results.
2. All forms of disobedience will be punished, either by man or by God. Therefore, learners
should be obedient at all times.
3. All forms of disobedience or inclination to disobedience should be repented of.
1. Mention some of the punishment a student will receive if he or she breaks school rules
and regulations.
2. What are the consequences of breaking national laws?
1. Quarcoopome , T.N.O. et al. - Living as God’s Children -Christian Religious Education &
Moral Instructions For Basic 7 (Reprinted) African University Press, Ibadan 2012.
2. Oliver, O. J. E. et al. –Spectrum Christian Religious Knowledge For Junior Secondary Schools1
3. Henry Aikpitanyi et al. – Religion and National Values For Junior Secondary Schools 1 (First
(Neco) 2009-2014.
5. P C Study Bible 5
6. Encarta Dictionaries.