Note: This document is put online by the International Environmental Law Research
Centre (IELRC) for information purposes. This document is not an official version of
the text and as such is only provided as a source of information for interested
readers. IELRC makes no claim as to the accuracy of the text reproduced which
should under no circumstances be deemed to constitute the official version of the
(7-a) "Pits mouth value" means the sale price of the minor minerals at the pit
head or at the point of production:
(1) No person shall undertake any mining operations in any area within the
State of any minor minerals to which these rules are applicable except
under and in accordance with the terms and conditions of a mining lease or
mining permit granted under these rules:
Provided that nothing shall affect any operations undertaken
in accordance with the terms and conditions of mining lease or permit duly
granted before the commencement of these rules.
(2) No mining lease or mining permit shall be granted otherwise than in
accordance with the provisions of these rules.
(1) Every application for grant of mining lease shall be accompanied by-
(a) a fee of one thousand rupees:
(b) a deposit of two thousand rupees for meeting the preliminary expenses,
other than those specified in Rule 17, and
(c) four copies of the cadastral survey map on which the area applied for is
clearly marked and in case such area is not covered by cadastral survey,
four copies of topographical survey map on a scale of at least 4" = 1 mile,
on which the area applied for is accurately marked,
(d) a certificate, issued by the District Officer or by such officer as may be
authorised by the District Officer in this behalf, showing that no mining
dues are outstanding against the applicant:
Provided further that such certificate shall not be required where the
applicant has furnished an affidavit to the satisfaction of the State
Government, stating that he does not held or had not held any mining lease
or any other mineral concession in the territory of the State;
(e) a certificate of caste and residence of the applicant, where the application is
for mining lease of sand or morrum or bajri or boulder or any of these in
mixed state;
(f) a1 character certificate given by the District Officer of the District, where
the applicant permanently resides
(g) in case the area applied for is having annual lease amount or dead rent, as
the case may be ,of rupees two lacs or more ,then the applicant shall also
furnish no objection certificate of the following authorities:-
Inserted vide Notification No.859/77-5-2001-8 (204)/95 T.C. dated 01 March 2001 and published in the
Gazette dated 31-03-2001, Part I.
(2) If2 the application is not complete in any respect or is not accompanied by
the fee, deposit or the documents mentioned in sub-rule (1) the District
Officer or the officer authorised by the State Government in this behalf,
shall, by fifteen days notice, require the applicant to complete the
application in all respects or, to deposit the fee or furnish the documents
within such time as may be specified in the notice and if the applicant fails
to do so within the specified time, such application shall not be considered.
(1) An application for renewal of mining lease may be made at least six
months before the date of expiry of the mining lease along with four copies
of the map of lease hold area showing clearly the area applied for renewal
and the provisions of clause (a) and (d) of sub-rule (1) of Rule 6 shall
mutatis mutandis apply
(2) The Slate Government may condone the delay caused in making the
application for renewal of mining lease after the period specified in sub-
rule (1).
Substituted vide Notification No.859/77-5-2001-8 (204)/95 T.C. dated 01 March 2001 and published in
the Gazette dated 31-03-2001, Part I.
Inserted vide above notification
(2) *4
(1) Where two or more persons have applied for a mining lease in respect of
the same land the applicant whose application was received earlier shall
have a preferential right for the grant of lease over the applicant whose
application was received later:
Provided that where such application are received on the same day, the
State Government may, after taking into consideration the matters specified
in sub-rule (2), grant the mining lease to such one of the applicants it may
deem fit.
Omitted vide Notification No.859/77-5-2001-8 (204)/95 T.C. dated 01 March 2001 and published in the
Gazette dated 31-03-2001, Part I.
Inserted vide Notification No , dated October’ 2004
and published in the Gazette dated October’ 2004.
(3) Notwithstanding anything contained in sub-rule (1) and (2), the State
Government may, for any special reasons to be recorded grant a mining
lease to an applicant whose application was received later in preference to
an applicant whose application was received earlier.
9-A **6
**Omitted vide Notification No.1666/77-5-2004 -8 (204)/95, dated 22 June’ 2004 and published in the Gazette
dated 26-06-2004, Part I.
***Substituted vide Notification No.1666/77-5-2004 -8(204)/95, dated 22 June’ 2004 and published in the Gazette
dated 26-06-2004, Part I.
(2) The date of commencement of a mining lease referred to in sub rule (1)
shall be the date on which the deed is executed under the said sub-rule.
(3) Where an order has been made for the grant of a mining lease for sand or
morrum or bajari or boulder or any of these in mixed state twenty five
percent of the annual lease amount shall be deposited within seven days of
the order or within such further - period as may be allowed by the District
Officer not exceeding seven days and a lease deed in form MM-3 or in a
Form as near there-to-as the circumstances of each case may require, shall
be executed within one month of the communication of the said order of
within such further period as the State Government may allow in this
behalf The lease amount shall in respect of sand or morrum be determined
on the basis of the average of the amount received during the last three
years from that area or the amount received in the preceding year from
such area which ever is higher and in respect of sand, bajari, and boulder or
any of these in mixed state be determined on the basis of the highest
amount received during the last three years. If no lease amount is deposited
or no lease deed is executed within the aforesaid period due to any default
on the part of applicant, the State Government may revoke the order
granting the lease and in that event the application fee and security amount
shall be forfeited to the State Government.
(5) In case a lease referred to in sub-rule (3) is granted during the period of an
year mentioned in column I of the schedule below, the annual lease amount
shall be deposited in, respect of the first and subsequent years of the period
of lease, in the instalments of such percentage of the annual lease amount
and before such dates as are mentioned against each in the respective
columns thereof namely:
Period Percentage of
During lease amount
Instalments in the first Instalments in the
which deposited
Year Subsequent years
lease is under sub-
Granted rule (3)
1 2nd 3 rd
1 st
2nd 3rd
January to 25% 25% 25% 50% 25% 25%
March July, 1 Oct., 1 Jan., 1 April, 1 Oct., 1 Jan. 1
(1) Where an application for grant or renewal of a mining lease in refused, the
fee paid by the applicant under clause (a) of sub-rule (1) rule 6 or under
rule 6-A shall be refunded to him.
(2) Where the whole or part of the amount deposited under clause (b) of sub-
rule (1) of rule 6 has not been expended for the purposes specified in the
said clause, it shall be refunded to the applicant:
Provided that in case the amount to be expended for the purposes
specified in the said clause (b) is more than the amount deposited under that
clause, that applicant shall have to deposit the extra amount as may be
determined by the State Government
(3) Unless the State Government having regard to the facts of a particular case
direct otherwise, the application fee shall not be refunded on an application
being withdrawn.
(4) Notwithstanding anything contained in sub-rules (1) and (2), where an
application for grant or renewal of a mining lease is refused on account of
any lapse on the part of the applicant, the application fee and preliminary
expenses shall not be refunded and forfeited to State Government.
18. Boundaries below the surface:- The boundaries of the area covered by a mining
lease shall run vertically downwards below the surface towards the centre of the
Provided that no such order shall be made without giving the lessee
a reasonable opportunity of stating his case."
20. Registers: The following registers shall be maintained in the office of the District
(a) a register of applications for mining leases in Form MM-2, and
(b) a register of mining leases in Form MM-4.
21. Royalty
(2) The State Government may, by notification in the Gazette, amend the First
Schedule so as to include therein or exclude there from or enhance or
reduce the rate of royalty in respect of any mineral with effect from such
date as may be specified in the notification.
Provided that the State Government shall not enhance the rate of
royalty in respect of any mineral for more than once during any period of
three years and shall not fix the royalty at the rate of more than 20 percent
of the pit's mouth value,
(3) Where the royalty is to be charged on the pit's mouth value of the mineral
the State Government may assess such value at the time of the grant of the
lease and the rate of royalty will be mentioned in the lease deed. It shall be
open to the State Government to reassess not more than once in a year the
pit's mouth value if it considers that an enhancement in necessary.
The holder of a mining lease shall, during the terms of the lease, pay advance, in
instalments for every year of the lease, such amount as dead rent at the rates
mentioned in the second schedule to these rules, as may be specified in the lease
deed by the State Government, and if the terms of lease permit the working of
more\than one mineral in the same area, the said dead rent shall be paid separately
for each such minerals.
Provided that the lessee shall in respect of each mineral, pay the dead rent or the
(1) The State Government may by general or special order declare the area or
areas which may be leased out by auction or by tender or by auction-cum-
(2) Subject to direction issued by the State Government from time to time in
this behalf no area -or areas shall be leased out by auction or by tender or
by auction-cum-tender for more than five years at a time;
(3) On the dec1aration of the area or areas under sub-rule (1) the provisions of
chapters II, III and VI of these rules shall not apply to the area of areas in
respect of which the declaration has been issued. Such area or areas may be
leased out according to the procedure described in this Chapter.
(4) The District Officer shall get the area or areas declared under sub-rule(1),
evaluated for quality and quantity of mineral for fixing minimum bid or
offer by the Director, Geology and Mining, Uttar Pradesh or by an officer
authorised by him before the date fixed for auction or tender or auction-
cum tender, as the case may be.
The District Officer shall cause to be maintained a register of areas declared under
sub-rule (1) of rule 23 in form MM-5.
No person: -
a) who is not an Indian national;
b) against whom mining dues are outstanding;
c) who has not obtained a character certificate from the District officer of the District
where he permanently resides.
d) who has not furnished 'No Objection Certificate'of the following authorities :-
(i) Authorised Officer of the Income Tax Department;
(ii) Authorised Officer of the Trade Tax Department;
(iii) District Magistrate of the district,where the bidder/tenderor permanently
(iv) Senior Suprintendent of police /Suprintendent of police ,where the
applicant permanently resides;
shall be allowed to bid at the auction or take part in the tender
proceeding for a lease ;
Provided that clause (d) shall only be applicable where the area put
on auction is evaluated for minimum bid or offer of rupees two lacs
for the first year;
Provided further that in case ,it is borne out from the record or it is
proved that some of the perspective bidders were threatened or
prevented from participating in the bid ,or they were prevented to
submit their tender,then in such case ,contract shall be liable to be
cancelled ,and fresh assignment shall be given after inviting fresh
. Procedure for grant of lease by auction
In respect of an area of areas declared under sub-rule (1) of rule 23 as area for
grant of lease by auction the following shall be the procedure:
(a) The District Officer or the Committee authorised by the State Government
under rule 71 hereinafter referred to as the Committee, shall at least thirty
days before the date of auction, give notice in the manner given below
indicating the date, time and place of the auction;
Provided that where for any reason the auction is not completed a
fresh auction may be held after giving a shorter notice of at least seven
(i) Copies of a notice shall be put up on the Notice Board at the office
of the District Officer and at some convenient place close to the
(ii) a copy of the notice shall be send to the Gaon Sabha or any other
local authority in whose jurisdiction the area is situate:
(iii) the notice for general information shall be given by beat of drum in
the locality where the area is situated: and
(c) The details of the area or areas and the terms and conditions of lease shall
be read out to intending bidders at the time of auction.
(d) Any person intending to bid shall deposit rupees two thousand with the
Presiding Officer in advance as earnest money.
(e) (i) On completion of the auction, the result shall be announced and the
provisionally selected bidder shall immediately deposit 25 percent of the
amount of bid as security for execution of the lease deed and due
observance of the terms and conditions of the lease and an. equal amount as
first instalment of royalty. The bid shall not be treated as -accepted unless
the State Government or the District Officer or the Committee, as the case
may be, accepts it.
(ii) The selected bidder shall before the execution of lease deed produce
solvency certificate issued by a competent Revenue Officer, and permanent
(f) The earnest money shall be refunded at the end of the auction except that
which was deposited by the provisionally selected bidder, in whose case it
will be adjusted towards security.
(g) The presiding Officer shall submit papers to the District Officer or to the
Committee, as the case may be.
(a) In respect of an area or areas declared under: sub-rule (1) of rule 23, as area
for grant of lease by tender the following shall be procedure:
(i) The District Officer or the Committee shall at least thirty days
before the last date of submission of tenders, invite tender by
publishing a tender notice in a daily Hindi News paper having
circulation in the district, in which the area or areas is/are situate.
The tender notice shall contain the term and conditions of the lease
and details of area or areas along with the last date and time up to
which and place where the tenders may be submitted.
(ii) Copies of tender notice shall also be put on the Notice Board at the
office of the District Officer and at some convenient place close to
(b) The District Officer may appoint any officer subordinate to him as
Presiding Officer for conducting the tender proceedings.
(i) Any person who is not ineligible under rule 26 may submit a tender
under his signature in a sealed cover addressed to the District
Officer or the Committee as the case may be containing:
(c) The Presiding Officer shall open the tenders in the presence of the tenderers
if they are present at the time of opening of the tenders, and announce the
amount given in different tenderers, The tenders who has offered the
highest I sum of money shall have to deposit 25 percent of the amount
offered in the tender immediately as security for execution of lease deed
and observance of the terms and conditions of the lease and an equal
amount as first instalment of royalty, The tender shall not be treated as
accepted unless the State Government or the District Officer or the
Committee, as the case may be, accept it.
(d) The bank draft filed towards earnest money shall be refunded to the
tenderers I except that which was filed by the tenderer whose offer is found
to be highest in whose case it will be adjusted towards security.
(e) The Presiding Officer shall submit the papers to the District Officer or the
Committee as the case may be,
(1) Where the District Officer or the committee is of the opinion that it is
(2) The District Officer may appoint any officer subordinate to him as
Presiding Officer. .
(5) The presiding officer before commencement of the auction shall declare the
number of tenders received for areas or specific area.
(6) A tender once submitted shall not be withdrawn before the expiration of
sixty" days or until any bid or tender in respect of the area or areas in
accepted by the Officer authorised.
(7) The procedure or auction and inviting tenders shall be, as far as possible, be
as specified in rules 27 and 27 A.
(1) The District Officer or the Committee, as the case may be, shall in the case
of auction accept the highest bid, in the case of tender accept the highest
offer and in the case of auction-cum-tender accept the bid or offer which is
highest. A letter of acceptance shall be issued to the person whose bid or
offer is accepted:
(d) the conduct of the bidder in carrying out mining operations on the
basis of any previous lease or permit and complying with the
conditions' of such lease or permit or the provisions of any law in
connection therewith, and
(e) such other matters as maybe considered necessary by the State
(1) When a bid offer is finally accepted a lease deed in respect of auction lease
in form MM-6 and in respect of tender or auction-cum-tender lease in a
form as near there to as the circumstances of each case may require shall be
executed within one month of the receipt, by the bidder or the tenderer of
the letter of acceptance or within such further period as the District Officer
or the Committee, as the case may be, allow in this behalf If no such deed
is executed within the aforesaid period, due to any default
on the part of bidder or the tenderer shall stand revoked and in that event
the security deposited by the bidder or the tenderer shall be forfeited to the
State Government.
(2) The period of the lease shall be calculated with effect from the date of
receipt of the letter of acceptance of the bid or the tender by bidder or the
(3) A copy of the lease deed together with the map of the area shall be sent by
the District Officer or the Committee, as the case may be, to the Director,
Geology and Mining, Uttar Pradesh, within fifteen days from the date of
execution thereof.
A register of mining lease shall be maintained in the officer of the District Officer
in Form MM-7 and a copy thereof shall be sent by the District Officer to the
Director, Geology and Mining, Uttar Pradesh.
(1) Every mining lease shall be subject to the conditions mentioned in this
chapter which shall be deemed to be incorporated in every mining lease
granted under these rules;
Provided that the provisions of rules 46 and 47 shall not apply to the
leases granted in accordance with the procedure prescribed in Chapter IV of
these rules.
(1) The lessee shall report to the State Government the discovery in the leased
area of any minerals not specified in the lease, within thirty days of such
(2) If any mineral not specified in the lease is discovered in the leased area the
lessee shall not win and dispose of such mineral unless a separate lease is
obtained therefor.
33. Foreign national not to be employed: Except with the prior approval of the State
Government, the lessee shall not employ in connection with the mining operations
are person who is not an Indian national.
(1) Except where the State Government, for sufficient reasons, permits
otherwise the lessee shall commence mining operations within six months
from the date of execution of the lease deed and shall there after conduct
such operations without deliberate intermission in a proper, skilful and
workman like manner.
(4) The lessee shall submit the mining plan for approval to the Director who
may, within three months from the date of receipt of the mining plan,
approve modify or reject it, failing which the mining plan for the first year
shall be deemed to have been approved.
Explanation:- For the purpose of this rule, mining operations shall include the erection of
machinery, lying of a tramway or construction of a road in connection with the working of
the mines. '
The lessee shall, after the survey and demarcation of the area granted under the
lease and before executing the lease deed, at his own expense, erect and at all times
maintain and keep in good repair boundary marks and pillars necessary to indicate
the demarcation shown in the plan annexed to the lease deed,
(1) The lessee shall keep correct accounts showing the quantity and other
particulars of all minerals obtained and dispatched from the mine, giving
mode of transport registration number of vehicle, person incharge of
vehicle or animal and nature and quantity of minerals carried, the prices
and all other particulars of all sales of mineral, the number and nationality
of persons employed therein, and complete plans of the mine, and shall
allow any officer authorised by the Central or the State Government in this
behalf to examine at any time any accounts, plans and records maintained
by him and shall furnish to the Central or the State Government or any
officer authorised by either in this behalf, may require.
The lessee shall keep accurate records of all trenches, pits and drilling made by
him in the course of mining operations carried on by him under the lease, and shall
allow any officer authorised by the Central or the State Government to inspect the
same. Such records shall contains the following particulars, namely:
(a) the sub-soil and strata through which such trenches, pits or drilling pass:
(c) such other particulars as the Central or the State Government may, from
time to time, require.
The lessee shall strength and support to the satisfaction of the Railway
Administration concerned or the State Government, as case may be, any part of the
mine which in the opinion of such administration or Government requires such
strengthening or support for the safety of any railway, reservoir, canal, road or any
other public works or buildings.
(1) The State Government shall at all times have the right of pre-emption of the
minerals or products of minerals won from the land in respect of which the
lease has been granted, the price to be paid being the fair market price
prevailing at the time of pre-emption.
(2) In order to assist in arriving at the said price the lessee shall, if so required
furnish to the State Government for its confidential information, the
description and prices of such minerals or products thereof sold to other
customers and of charters entered in to of freight for carriage of the same.
Subject to the restrictions and conditions mentioned in rule 41, a person holding a
mining lease under these rules may have the liberty, power and privilege:
(a) to enter upon the lands mentioned in the lease and to search for mine, bore,
dig, drill or win, work, dress, process, convert, carry away and dispose of
the mineral for which the lease is held;
(b) to make in the said lands any pits, shafts, inclines, levels, waterways or
other works;
(c) to erect and construct on the lands any machinery, plant, dressing, floors,
furnaces, brick-kilns, workshops, storehouses and other building of the like
(d) to make any roads and other ways over the said lands and use and pass
over the same; (6) to quarry and get stone gravel and other building and
road materials and clay and to use the same and to manufacture such clay
into bricks or tiles and to use such bricks or tiles but not to sell any such
materials, bricks or tiles.
(f) to use a sufficient part of the surface of the said lands for the purpose of
storing or depositing any produce of the mines or works carried on and any
tools, equipment, earth and materials and substances dug or raised; and
(g) subject to the existing rights of others and save as provided in clause (d) of
rule 41 to clear undergrowth and brushwood and to fell and utilise any tress
or timber standing or found on the said lands, provided that the lessee may
be asked by the District Officer to pay for any trees or timber felled and
utilised I by him at the rates to be determined, having regard to their market
value, by the District Officer.
The holder of a lease shall exercise the liberties, power and privileges mentioned in
Rule 40 subject to the following restrictions and conditions:
(a) nothing shall be erected or set. up and no surface operations shall be carried
(b) no land shall be used for surface operations, which is already occupied by
persons, other than the State Government for works or purposes not
included in the lease;
Explanation: For the purpose of this sub-rule, the expression 'public road',
shall mean a road which has been constructed after being artificially
surfaced as distinct from a track resulting from repeated use, and 'village
road' will include any track shown in the revenue record as village road;
(f) the existing and future holders of Government lease or permit in respect of
any land which is comprised in or adjoins or is reached by the land held by
the lease shall be allowed reasonable facilities of access thereto. In case any
loss or damage is caused by such lease or permit-holders by exercise of this
liberty, a fair compensation (as may be mutually agreed upon or in the
event of disagreement as may be decided by the State Government) shall be
payable therefore by such lease or permit-holder to the lessee;
(g) the lessee is bound to keep vigilance for not polluting the environment of
the leasehold area and nearby area in connection with mining operation and
also maintain ecological balance of the area. If at any time it is found that
the mining operation are leading to environmental pollution or imbalance
of ecology, then after giving an opportunity of being heard, the lease may
be prematurely terminated.
(h) No active association with Mafia or any unsocial element or organised
crime shall be permitted.
(i) If after grant of mining lease or mining permit,it is brought to the notice of
the state Government or the District Officer of the concerned district that
Inserted vide Notification No.859/77-5-2001-8 (204)/95 T.C. dated 01 March 2001 and
published in the Gazette dated 31-03-2001, Part I.
42. Lessee to indemnify Government against all claims: The lessee shall guarantee
the payment and pay such reasonable compensation as may be assessed by the
State Government for all damage, injury or disturbance which may be done by him
in exercise of the powers granted by the lease and shall indemnify and keep
indemnified fully and completely the State Government from and against all
claims, suits and demands which may be made or brought by any person or persons
in respect of any such damage injury or disturbance and all costs and expenses in
connection therewith.
43. Lessee to secure and keep in good condition pits, shafts, etc.: The lessee shall
during the subsistence of the lease sufficiently secure and keep open with timber or
other durable means all pits, shafts and working that may be made or used in the
land and make and maintain sufficient fences to the satisfaction of the State
Government, round every such pit, shaft or working, whether the same is
abandoned or not, and shall during the same period keep all working in the land,
except such as may be abandoned, accessible and free from water and foul air, as
far as possible.
44. Lessee to allow inspection of working: The lessee shall allow any Officer
authorised by the Central Government or the State Government in that behalf to
enter upon the premises including' any building, excavation or land comprised in
the lease for the purpose of inspecting, examining, surveying and making plans
thereof, sampling and collecting any data and the lessee shall with suitable person
in his employ and acquainted with the mines and work, properly assist, such officer
and his agents, servants and workmen in conducting every such inspection, and
shall afford and furnish to them all facilities information, etc. connected with the
working of the mines, which they may reasonably require, and shall also confirm
to and observe all orders and regulations which the Central Government or the
State Government, as a result of such inspection or otherwise, may from time to
time see fit to make.
45. Lessee to report accident: The lessee shall without delay, send to the District
Officer a report of any accident, causing death or serious bodily injury or serious
injury to property, or seriously affecting or endangering life or property, which
may occur in the course or any operations under the lease.
48. Lessee shall deposit any additional amount necessary: Whenever the security
deposit or any part thereof or any further sum deposited with the State Government
in replenishment thereof is forfeited or applied by the State Government pursuant
to the power given by these rules, the lessee shall deposit with the State
Government such further sum as may be necessary to make good, the deficiency
caused by such forfeiture or application.
50. Refund of security deposits: After the determination of a mining lease the
amount of the security lying in deposit with the State Government and nor required
to be applied to any of the purposes mentioned in these rules shall be refunded to
the lessee ordinarily within a period of six months from the date of the
determination of the lease
52. Application for grant of mining permit: An application for the grant of a mining
permit shall be submitted in form MM-8, in triplicate, to the District Officer or to
such other authority who may be authorised by the State Government to grant such
permit. It shall be accompanied by:
(ii) two copies of a cadastral survey map, or in case of area not covered by such
survey two copies of a topographical survey map, on a scale of at least 4" =
1 mile, on which the area applied for is clearly marked.
53. Deposal of application: The officer authorised to grant the permit may after
making such enquiries as may be deemed necessary, refuse to grant the permit or
by an order grant it for the whole or a part of the area applied for a subject to
such terms and I conditions as the said officer may consider necessary.
Provided that an application for the grant of mining permit for such area which is
already held under a lease or mining permit shall be deemed to be premature and
shall be refused and the application fee thereon is paid shall be refunded.
53-A. *9
* Omitted vide Notification No.1666/77-5-2004 -8 (204)/95, dated 22 June’ 2004 and published in the
Gazette dated 26-06-2004.
(1) When an order granting a mining permit has been made under rule 53, the
applicant shall, within fifteen days of the communication of the order,
deposit the royalty for the total quantity of the mineral permitted in the said
order at the rate of the time being specified in the first Schedule to these
rules and, if the holder of the permit, due to any reason attributable on his
part, could not remove the mineral within the permitted time, any amount
deposited as royalty shall not be refunded.
(2) If the applicant fails to deposit the royalty within the period mentioned in
sub rule (1) or within such further period, as may be allowed by the officer
granting the permit, the order granting the permit shall stand revoked and
the fee mentioned in clause (1) of the rule 52 shall be forfeited to the State
55. Issue of mining permit: A mining permit in form MM-IO with such addition
terms and conditions subject to which the order is made under rule 53 shall be
issued to the applicant within fifteen days of the deposit of the royalty ill
accordance with sub-rule (1) of rule 54 and the permit so issued shall be valid until
the date of expiry of the period specified in the permit or till such date when the
permitted quantity of the mineral is removed, whichever is earlier.
56. Register of mining permits: A register of all applications for mining permits, with
details of permits issued, shall be maintained in Form MM-9, in the office of
District Officer or the officer authorised to grant mining permits.
57. Penalty for unauthorised mining: Whoever contravenes the provisions of rule
3 shall on conviction be punishable with imprisonment of either description for a
term, which may extend up to six months or with fine which may extend to one
thousand rupees, or with both.
(1) The State Government or any officer authorised by it in this behalf may
determine the mining lease after serving a notice on the lessee to pay within
thirty days of the receipt of the notice any amount due or dead rent under
the lease including the royalty due to the State Government if it was not
paid within fifteen days next after the date fixed for such payment. This
right shall be in addition to and without prejudice to the right of the
(2) Without prejudice to the provisions of these rules, simple interest at the rate
of 24 percent per annum may be charged on any rent, royalty, demarcation
fee and any other dues under these rules, due to the State Government after
the expiry of the period of notice under sub-rule (1).
(2) If a lease is determined under sub-rule (1), the lessee may be black listed by
the District Officer for such period, not exceeding five years, as may be
considered proper and during this period no mineral concession under these
rules shall be granted to him. An entry in this regard shall be made in the
remarks column of the registers of mining lease or the auction lease, as the
case may be.
61. Power to rectify apparent mistakes: Any clerical or arithmetical mistake in any
order passed under these rules by the State Government or any other competent
authority or officer may be corrected by the State Government, authority or officer,
as I the case may be.
62. Register to be open to inspection:
Substituted Notification No.859/77-5-2001-8 (204)/95 T.C. dated 01 March 2001 and
published in the Gazette dated 31-03-2001, Part I.
(b) Rs. 200.00 for obtaining the copy within twenty four hours.
Explanation 1: 'An entry' means all entries in respect of one permit; or mining
lease I or auction lease as the case may be.
Explanation II : The fee shall be paid in the manner prescribed under Rule 64
and the treasury challan shall be accompanied with the
application for inspection or for certified copies, as the case
may be.
63. Change of name, nationality, etc. to he intimated: An applicant for or the holder
of I a mining lease shall intimate to the State Government within sixty days any
change that may take place in his name, nationality or other particulars mentioned
in the relevant Forms.
64. Mode of payment of fees and deposit: Any amount payable under these rules
shall I be paid in such manner as the State Government may specify in this behalf
(1) Every owner agent or manager of a mine shall permit students of mining
and geological institutions approved by the State Government to acquire
practical training of the mines and plants operated by them and provide all
necessary facilities requires for the training of such students
(1) F or the purpose of assessment of royalty and for ascertaining the position
of the working, actual or prospective, of any mine or abandoned mine or for
any purposes connected with these rules, the District Officer or the officer
of the Directorate of Geology and Mining, Uttar Pradesh, not below the
rank of Mines inspectors appointed for such purposes by the Director or
any other Off.1cer authorised in his behalf by the State Government by
general or special order may
(e) summon or order the production of any such document, book, register
or record as is referred to in clause (d)
(f) summon or examine any person having the control of, or connected
with any mine; and
(2) Every person authorised by the State Government under sub-rule (1) shall
be deemed to be a public servant within the meaning of section 21 of the
Indian Penal Code and every person to whom an order or summons is
issued by virtue of power conferred by clause (e) or clause (f) of the said
sub-rule shall be legally bound to comply with such order or summons, as
case may be.
(1) No person, who has right in any capacity on the land covered by a mining
lease or mining permit, shall be entitled to impose any prohibition or
restriction on the mining operations by the holder of such lease or permit of
such land or to demand any sum by way of premium or royalty for the
removal of minor mineral.
Provided that such person shall be entitled to get annual compensation
from the said holder of mining lease or permit for the use of surface of the
land for mining operations, as may be agreed upon between them.
(2) Where the holder of a mining lease or permit and the owner of the surface
of the land could not agree upon the amount of annual compensation and a
dispute arises in respect thereof, it shall be determined by the District
Officer in such manner that:
68. Relaxation of rules in special cases: The State Government may, it is of opinion
that in the interest of mineral development it is necessary so to do, by order in
writing and for reasons to be recorded, authorise in any case the grant of any
mining lease or the working of any mine for the purpose of winning any mineral on
terms and conditions different from those laid down in these rules.
(1) The Government may arrange to collect the royalty or dead rent from the
holders of mining leases through a contractor, and such holders when
directed by the State Government to do so, shall pay the royalty or dead
rent to such contractors at the rates specified in their lease during such
period as may be directed.
(3) The State Government may enter into agreement with any person who is
considered suitable, whether by holding an auction or by inviting tenders or
in any other manner to collect royalty or dead rent of the holders of mining
leases in a specified area during a period not exceeding three years on such
terms and conditions as are considered suitable.
(1) The holder of a mining lease or permit or a person authorised by him in this
behalf may issue a pass in Form MM-11 to every person carrying, a
consignment of minor mineral by a vehicle, animal or any other mode of
transport. The State Government may, through the District Officer, make
arrangements for the supply of printed MM-11 Form books on payment
(2) No person shall carry, within the State a minor mineral by a vehicle, animal
or any other mode of transport excepting railway, without carrying a pass in
Form MM-II issued under sub-rule (I).
(4) The State Government may establish a check post for any area included in
any mining lease or permit, and when a check post is so established public
notice shall be given of this fact by publication in the Gazette and in such
other manner as may be considered suitable by the State Government.
(5) No person shall transport a minor mineral for which these rules apply from
such area without first presenting the mineral at the check post established
for that area for verification of the weight or measurement of the mineral.
(6) Any person found to have contravened any provision of this rule shall, on
conviction, be punishable with imprisonment of either description for a
term, which may extend to six months or with fine which may extend to
one thousand rupees or with both.
71. Delegation: The State Government may, by notification in the Gazette, direct that
any power exercisable by it under these rules, may in relation to such matters and
subject to such conditions, if any, as may be specified in the notification, be
exercisable also by such officer or authority subordinate to the State Government
as may be specified in the notification.
(1) If any area, which was held under a mining lease under chapter-II or on
reserved under section 17-A of the Act, becomes available for re-grant on
mining lease, the District Officer shall notify the availability of the area
through a notice inviting for applications for grant of mining lease
specifying a date, which shall not be earlier than thirty days from the date
of notice and giving description of such area and a copy of such notice shall
be displayed on the notice board of his office and shall also be sent to the
Tehsildar of such area and the Director.
(2) The applications for grant of mining lease under sub-rule (1) shall be
received within seven working days from the date specified in the notice
referred to in the said sub-rule, if, however, the number of applications
received for any area is less than three the District Officer may further
extend the period for seven more working days and if even thereafter the
number of applications remain less than three, the district officer shall
notify the availability of the area a fresh in accordance with the said sub-
(3) An application for grant of mining lease for such area, which is already
held under a lease or notified under sub-rule (1) or rule 23 or reserved
under section-17A of the Act and whose availability has not been notified
under sub-rule (1) shall be deemed to be premature and shall not be
considered and the application fee thereon if paid shall be refunded.
73. Returns:
(1) The holder of a mineral concession under these rules shall submit quarterly
return in respect of the preceding quarter in Form MM-12 to the District I
Officer and to the Regional Office of the Director, in the second week of
July, October, January and April every year.
(2) Whenever any holder of mineral concession fails to submit the return
within the time specified in sub-rule (1) he shall be liable to a penalty of
Rs. 400.00.
(1) No court shall take cognizance of any offence punishable under these rules
except on a complaint in writing of the fact constituting such offence by the
District Officer or by any officer authorised by him in this behalf.
(2) No court inferior to that of a magistrate of the first class, shall try any
offence under these rules.
(1) Any offence punishable under these rules may, either before or after the
institution of the prosecution be compounded by the District Officer or by
such officer as the State Government may by general or special order
authorise in this behalf on payment to the State Government of such sum as
such officer may specify.
Provided that in the case of an offence punishable with fine only, no such
sum shall exceed the maximum amount of fine, which may be imposed for
that offence.
(2) Where an offence is compounded under sub-rule (1), no proceeding or
further proceeding, as the case may be, shall be taken against the offender
in respect of the offence so compounded and the offender if in custody,
shall be released forthwith.
(3) The officer compounding the offence under sub-rule (1) shall maintain a
register showing the following details:
The Officer referred to in rule 66 may requested for the help of the local police for
lawful exercise of his powers under these rules and the local Police shall render all
possible assistance, as may be necessary to enable the officer to exercise the
powers under these rules.
77. Appeal: An appeal against an order passed under these rules by the District Officer
or the Committee shall lie to the Divisional Commissioner within a period of sixty
days from the date of communication of such order to the party aggrieved.
78 Revision: The State Government may, either suo moto at any time or on an
application made within ninety days from the date of communication of the order,
call for the examine the record relating to any order passed or proceeding taken by
the District Officer, committee, Director or the Divisional Commissioner under
these rules and pass such orders as it may think fit.
79. Fees: The appeal under rule 77 or an application under rule 78 shall be presented
in form M11-13 in duplicate and be accompanied with a treasury receipt showing
that a fee of five hundred rupees has been paid in Government treasury to the credit
of the State Government under the head specified under rule 64.
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C:\Documents and Settings\The Director\My Documents\MM-Rules1963.doc