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MAY, 2019




MAY, 2019





______________________ ______________________
:Dean, Graduate Studies Signature

_________________________ ______________________
Advisor Signature

_________________________ ______________________

Internal Examiner Signature

_________________________ ______________________

External Examiner Signature

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ............................................................................................................. iv

ACRONYMS/ABBREVATIONS .................................................................................................. v

LIST OF TABLES AND FIGURES.............................................................................................. vi

ABSTRACT .................................................................................................................................. vii

CHAPTER ONE ............................................................................................................................. 1

INTRODUCTION .......................................................................................................................... 1

1.1 Background of the Study .................................................................................................. 1

1.2 Statement of the problem ................................................................................................. 2

1.3 Research Questions .......................................................................................................... 3

1.4 OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDY ..................................................................................... 3

1.4.1.General Objective .................................................................................................................. 3

1.4.2.Specific Objectives ................................................................................................................ 3

1.5 Significance of the Study ................................................................................................. 3

1.6 Delimitation/Scope of the Study ...................................................................................... 4

1.7 Organization of the study ................................................................................................. 4

1.8 Definitions of Terms ........................................................................................................ 5

1.9. LIMITATION OF THE STUDY ............................................................................................. 5

CHAPTER TWO ............................................................................................................................ 6

REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE ...................................................................................... 6

2.1 Theoretical Literature ............................................................................................................ 6

2.1.1. Review of Performance ..................................................................................................... 6

2.2 The Concept of Human Resource Management ................................................................... 6

2.2.1 Staffing: .......................................................................................................................... 7

2.2.2 Human resource development: ....................................................................................... 7

2.2.3 Compensation: ................................................................................................................ 7

2.2.4 Safety and health: ........................................................................................................... 7

2.2.5 Employee and labor relations: ........................................................................................ 7

2.3 The Concept of Employee Performance ............................................................................... 7

2.4 Factors Affecting Employee Performance ............................................................................ 8

2.4.1 Motivation ...................................................................................................................... 8

2.4.2 Training and development .............................................................................................. 9

2.4.3 Salary .............................................................................................................................. 9

2.4.4 Empowerment ............................................................................................................... 10

2.4.5 Organizational Culture ..................................................................................................... 10

2.4.6 Working Environmen ....................................................................................................... 10

2.5. Empirical Literature ........................................................................................................... 11

2.6 Conceptual Framework ....................................................................................................... 12

CHAPTER THREE ...................................................................................................................... 14

RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODOLOGY ........................................................................ 14

3.1 Introduction ......................................................................................................................... 14

3.2. Research Design ............................................................................................................. 14

3.3Selection of the Research Area ............................................................................................ 14

3.4 Approaches to the Study ..................................................................................................... 14

3.5. Population and Sampling Design ....................................................................................... 15

3.5.1. Target population ......................................................................................................... 15

3.5.2. Sampling Design.......................................................................................................... 15

3.7. Types of Data and Instruments of Data collection ......................................................... 17

3.8. Data Collection Procedures/Methods ............................................................................. 18

3.8.1. Questionnaire ............................................................................................................... 18

3.8.2. Interview ...................................................................................................................... 19

3.8. Validity and Reliability of Instruments .......................................................................... 19 Validity ..................................................................................................................... 19 Reliability ................................................................................................................. 20

3.9. Methods of Data Analysis .......................................................................................... 21

3.9.1. Descriptive Analysis .................................................................................................... 21

3.9.2. Correlation ................................................................................................................... 21

3.9.3. Linear Regression Analysis ......................................................................................... 21

3.9.4. Regression Functions ................................................................................................... 22

3.10. Ethical consideration .................................................................................................... 22

CHAPTER FOUR ......................................................................................................................... 23

4.1. DATA ANALYSIS AND INTERPRETATION ........................................................... 23

4.2. Data Analysis ................................................................................................................. 23

4.2.1. Demographic Characteristics of the Respondents .................................................. 23 Organizational culture .................................................................................................. 40 Working environment .................................................................................................. 43 Job satisfaction ............................................................................................................. 45

CHAPTER FIVE .......................................................................................................................... 51

SUMMARY, CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION ..................................................... 51

5.1. SUMMARY OF FINDINGS ............................................................................................. 51

5.2. CONCLUSION .................................................................................................................. 52

REFERENCE ................................................................................................................................ 56

APPENDECIES ............................................................................................................................ 59

My deepest thank is to the Almighty God and his mother St. Mary, who helped me in all aspects
of my life and also to accomplish this task. And my sincere and deepest gratitude is for my
advisor Belete Mebratu (Prof.) for his unreserved assistance in giving me relevant comments and
guidance throughout the study. Besides my advisor, I would like to thank all my friends and
family who was helping me in different aspects to accomplish this study.

(ESDP I-V) Education Sector Development Programs
GTP I 1st Growth and Transformation Plan
PM prime minister
AANSL Addis Ababa Nifas Silk Lafto
KPI Key Performance Indicator
AANSCLSCPSS AddisAbaba Nifas Silk Lafto Sub-City Private Secondary Schools
NSLSCESSPSS Nifas Silk Lafto Sub-City Private Secondary Schools
ESNSLSCPSS. Education sectors of Nifas Silk Lafto Sub-City Private Secondary Schools
SPSS Package for Social Scientists
SD Standard Deviation
HR Human Resource

Table 3.1: number of private schools in NSLSC……………………………………………..15
Table 3.2.: Shows the population and sample size drawn each school……………………….16
Table 3.3: shows Cronbach's Alpha‟s value…………………………………………………….19
Table 4.1: Response rate…………………………………………………………………………22
Table 4.2: Demographic characteristics of respondents…………………………………………23
Table 4.3 descriptive statistics of variables related to motivation factors……………………….25
Table 4.4: descriptive statistics of variables related to motivation factors………………………28
Table 4.4.1: frequency analysis of the Falcon School respondents for recognition as motivation
Table 4.5: descriptive statistics analysis of variables related to training and development …….29
Table 4.6: descriptive statistics analysis of variables related to salary factor…………………...31
Table 4.1: Frequency analysis of variables related to salary Falcon Future, South
Table 4.7: descriptive statistics analysis of variables related to empowerment …………….…35
Table 4.7.1Frequency analysis of variables related to empowerment…………….…. 37
Table 4.8: descriptive statistics analysis of variables related to the organization culture……..38
Table 4.9: descriptive statistics analysis of variables related to the working environment……39
Table 4.10: descriptive statistics analysis of variables related to the job satisfaction…………..42
Table 4.11: Pearson‟s correlation……………………………………………………………….43
Table 4.12: Model Summary…………………………………………………………………… 44
Table 4.13: coefficients………………………………………………………………………….45
List of figures
Figure 2.1: Conceptual Framework of Employee Performance…………………………………13


The purpose of this study was to assess the factors that affect employees’ performance at Addis
Ababa Nifas Silk Lafto Sub City Private Secondary Schools. The data was collected using the
data collection instruments like questionnaire interview and documented data sources. In order
to meet the objectives of the study, data collected through questionnaires were analyzed using
statistical analysis such as descriptive and inferential analyses.
The study found that lack of motivation affects greatly the performance of teachers. The sample
operators were selected using stratified sampling and simple random sampling techniques;
Information from an interview was analyzed using descriptive narrations through concurrent
triangulation strategy. The findings further indicated that among the independent variables
Working Environment, Motivation, Salary and Training were the major factors that significantly
affected performance. From these findings, it was recommended that government as well as the
ministry of education to adhere to the mission and vision, which will direct what, is needed to be
done for private schools.
In most schools’ recognition to employees who outstandingly perform their duties, fringe benefits
to employee, promotion and job advancements and educational trips are available to enhance
the performance of the employees.
Key words: performance, motivation, training, job-satisfaction, empowerment.

1.1 Background of the Study
Employee performance involves quality and quantity of output, presence at work,
accommodative and helpful nature and timeliness of output. According to Goitom A(2012)
argument performance is the degree of accomplishment of a task that makes an individual‟s job.
Education sector is one of the most important and dominant sector for the development of any
country. According to the World Bank document written by Birger Fredriksen(2003),explanation
Ethiopia possesses a 1,700 year tradition of elite education linked to its Orthodox Church,
secular higher education was initiated only in 1950 with the founding of the University College
of Addis Ababa. Good employees performance in the industry allows the company to be cost
effective and efficient. In the service sector it allow to handle the customers properly and satisfy
them for the profitability of the company.
According to Ethiopian Education Development Roadmap report (2018) the government of
Ethiopia was trying to deliver good education for the society or to all community because the
government believes that educating the society is the only way which leads the country‟s
According to Tirussew Teferra, Amare Asgedom, JeiluOumer, Tassew W/hanna, AkliluDalelo
and Berhannu Assefa(2018) the Ministry of Education reported that Education Sector has passed
through a series of successive, rolling Education Sector Development Programs (ESDP I-V).
Since the formulation of the first Growth and Transformation Plan (GTP I), education was given
a special attention in the transformation of the economy from agriculture-led to industry-led
activity and thereby supporting the manufacturing sector by supplying the required professionals
and problem solving technological innovations.
According to the Annual Report of the Ministry of Education (MOE) for 1995/96, the overall
gross indicates that about 76% was out f the school system.
According to the same source, the government of Ethiopia was taking various measures to ensure
that all children are enrolled to schools and giving for them quality education which leads the
country to solve the economic problems by building different schools all over the country in
order to deliver for all children good education.

According to Maureen Mwaiko (2013) explained that performance of any organization will be
excellent when the human resources are treated well. As paraphrased from Maureen Mwaiko
(2013) there are many other factors that play a major role in its success, every educational
institution must have quality teachers in order to improve upon the knowledge, skills, general
observations of their surroundings to relate it with students‟ daily life in order to realize the topic
easily and general performance of its students.
1.2 Statement of the problem
Employee performance has been shown to have a significant effect on organizational
performance (Collis and Montgomery, 1995). This is due to the reason that individual
performance is the foundation of organizational performance (Ivancevich and Matteson,
According to Maureen Mwaiko (2013) the success development and also failures of any country
are based on the education curriculum which is followed by the country. Without having the
right curriculum strategy thinking about the countries development is impossible. According to
the Ministry of Education report (2002) the Ethiopian government was taking different
curriculum experiences from Korea and other countries how they were developed by using
education sector as source of innovation and technological advancement.
Even if several assessments of employees‟ performance in the education sector or in the school
were done, but still the performances of the employees remain low. According to Longenecker,
Gioia and Sims, (1987) assessment of employee‟s performance was not considered as the best
way of increasing and improving performance by employees because some of the managements
distort appraisal result to further their own self interest. According to the Ministry of Education
report(2002)explanation failure of many secondary school students indicates that the
performance of the employees have been low, then to give best education for the community the
performance of the employees had to be developed. It is known that the most important aim of
any organization is to achieve a better output for both the country as well as the organization
itself. The only way to achieve this intended result is through better performance of the
Even if different researchers studied about employees performance in education sector of
Ethiopia still there is a gap that needs to be assessed why employees performance going down
from year to year. The problem is most of the employees are showing absente and coming late to

the class. This due to the low contribution of training, motivation and salary results necessitates
in assessing the employee performance of education sector.
Accordingly the purpose of this study is to assess the factors affecting employee performance in
the area of motivation, job satisfaction and work environment in Addis Ababa Nifas Silk Lafto
Sub City Private Secondary Schools (AANSLSCPSS).
1.3 Research Questions
Based on the above statement of the problem, the study was trying to answer the following basic
research questions.
1. Does training and development contribute to the performance of AANSLSCPSS employees?
2. Does employee motivation affect their job performance in AANSLSCPSS?
3. What are the significant factors affecting the performance of employees of Addis Ababa
Education sector of Nifas Silk Lafto Sub-city private secondary schools.
1.4.1.General Objective
The objective of this study was to investigate factors affecting employees‟ performance in Addis
Ababa Education Sector of Nifas Silk Lafto Sub City Private Schools.
1.4.2.Specific Objectives
To achieve the main objective, this study had the following specific objectives.
1. To identify the most dominant motivational factors on AANSLSCPSS employees‟
2. To determine the effect of independent variables like Motivation, Training, Organizational
Culture, Working Environment, Empowerment, Job-satisfaction and Salary on Performance of
an employee in the study area.
3. To identify internal factor that affect employee job performance in the private school at
4. To analyze the impacts of external task environment factors on AANSLSCPSS growth.
1.5 Significance of the Study
The study attempted to add knowledge and awareness about concepts of employee performance
how it affects the education sector in the selected private schools.

The researcher was developing how to solve technical problems in the real life that shows why
the achievements decline from year to year and the researcher was trying to address a technical
problem solving methods for different environmental issues (like the arrangement of the school,
quality of the employees to teach) based on the data found by the researcher from different
private schools to give a general conclusion about the education sector of Addis Ababa.
This study serves as a material significance in terms of drawing the attention of the education
sectors towards giving better understanding. The outcome of the study also helps the Education
Sector to give attention for the factors that could influence the performance of its employees in
the education sector. The study enables the management different ways to improve students
The outcome of this study provides some inputs for other external organization and policy
makers who will be interested in the findings. In addition to the above points, this study will be
used as source of documentary evidence for the other researchers who will conduct related issues
about education sector of Addis Ababa in the future.
1.6 Delimitation/Scope of the Study
The study has been carried out to identify the factors that affect employee performance in the
education sector of Nifas Silk Lafto Sub-City private secondary schools. The contributing factors
are motivation, training and development, working environment, empowerment, salary, job-
satisfaction and organizational culture. The study covers Six woredas located in AANSLSC
which are woreda 12, woreda 09, woreda02, woreda 01, woreda 13 and woreda 06 .Other seven
woredas were not be considered in the study because of time and financial constraints. This study
was carried out on selected private secondary schools which are giving education as a service for
the community in these six Woredas found in Nifas Silk Lafto Sub-city.
1.7 Organization of the study
This study was organized under five chapters. The first chapter is introductory that deals with
back ground of the study, statement of problem, research questions, objective of the study, and
significance of the study and limitation of the study. The second chapter is a review of literature
that was discussed some earlier and recent empirical literatures related to assess the factors that
affect employees‟ performance. The third chapter concentrates on model specification and
methodological aspects. The fourth chapter deals with the result and associate discussions

obtained from the questionnaire and key informants interview of the study area. And lastly the
fifth chapter provides findings, conclusions and recommendations of the study.

1.8 Definitions of Terms

Performance indicators: Performance indicators differ from business drivers and aims (or
goals). According to this study different schools consider the failure rate of its students as a key
performance indicator which might help the school understand its position in the educational
community, whereas a business might consider the percentage of income from returning
customers as a potential KPI.
Employee performance: is the job related activities expected of a worker and how well
those activities were executed. According to Swanson (1999), the developing process of
employees‟ skill in order to improve the performance is called training.


Research basically has to be evidence based. And researchers find the evidences using different
methods of data collection instruments. The researcher of this study like other professionals tried
to collect at hand information‟s from the right and relevant sources; that means from documented
data sources and purposively targeted schools and randomly selected respondents. However, the
data‟s analyzed were too bulky to present them all in the analysis; for instance, frequency tables
and histograms to clarify the validity of scales, co relational coefficients in between variables
that are important to show the relative significance that exists in between variables. Hence, the
researcher preferred to use cronbach‟ alpha which is important to show the limits of the true
mean. Even if the limitations listed above will make the study viable to biases, the researcher has
made significant cross check in between frequency of scales, mean of scales and both upper and
lower limits of the mean before making any inference. The major limitation of this study may be
failure to address all factors that affect the performance of employees and covers only in the
Education Sector of Nifas Silk Lafto Sub-City Found in Addis Ababa.

2.1 Theoretical Literature
2.1.1. Review of Performance
The review of related literature section explains the important parts of the study that highlights
what point is going to be discussed.
The study was summarized and grouped with other studies to provide similar results. This
chapter provides a better understanding of the theories on the factors that affect employee‟s
performance. Then the performance related factors that have been discussed here were
independent variables of the study that had relation and contribution to the employees‟
performance in Nefas silk lafto sub-city.
According to Loi and Yang‟s (cited in Matar and Sameh F., 2010) explanation, in management
field job performance and job satisfaction is one of the most widely studied subjects as it was
considered as one of the determinants of the quality of the working context in any organization.
According to Matar and Sameh F (2010) explanation the starting point in exploring employees‟
satisfaction and motivation was Taylor‟s scientific study in 1911, but the real beginning of job
satisfaction and motivation researches began with Mayo‟s Hawthorne studies (1924), which shed
light on the importance of the human element as being the most valuable resource in any
2.2 The Concept of Human Resource Management
According to Brewster (2007) described employees are resources in organizations, and as such
they need to be trained and developed properly in order to achieve an organization‟s goals and
expectations. Essentially, all managers rely on the efforts of others to get things done.
Consequently, it is imperative that managers at all levels pay close attention to how they deal
with human resource matters. Conceptually, human resource management focuses on five main
functional areas, which are listed below.

2.2.1 Staffing:
According to Kelly S (2018) explanation staffing refers to the process that an organization uses
to ensure the appropriate number of employees with the requisite skills is assigned to the right
roles at the appropriate time to accomplish organizational objectives.
2.2.2 Human resource development:
This primary human resource management function comprises training and development, career
planning and development activities, organization development, performance management, and
2.2.3 Compensation:
According to Kelly S(2018) explanation this refers to a comprehensive compensation program
that provides employees with adequate and equitable rewards for the roles they play in meeting
organizational goals. This includes direct financial rewards, benefits, and intrinsic rewards.
2.2.4 Safety and health:
Safety refers to the protections afforded employees against injuries suffered as a result of work
related activities. The health and well-being of employees is important to an organization.
Employees who are in good health and work in a safe environment tend to be productive and
generate long-term gains for their organizations.
2.2.5 Employee and labor relations:
According to Holt, H. (1998) explanation most companies today would prefer a union-free
workplace; they are required by law to acknowledge unions and negotiate in good faith if
employees want union representation. Internal employee relations are concerned with the
mobility of employees within the organization, and can take the form of promotion, demotion,
transfer, separation, and resignation.
The outcomes of this study shows that managers decisions made in one area can potentially
affect another areas and skillful management system ensure organizational success.
Since employees are the key for the organization success, they need to be train and develop
properly in order to achieve an organization‟s objectives.
2.3 The Concept of Employee Performance
Aguinis (2009) described, “The definition of performance does not include the results of an
employee‟s behavior, but only the behaviors themselves. As the outcome of the study indicates

Companies today, with increased competition in the business arena, are keen to boost employee
performance in order to enhance their profitability, market reach and brand recognition.
According to Mathis and Jackson (2009) performance is associated with quantity of output,
quality of output, timeliness of output presence/ attendance on the job, efficiency of the work
completed and effectiveness of work completed”. As this study was carried out across different
private schools the findings indicates that the achievements of the students was based on the
performance of each teacher. Performance is also important for individual to accomplish their
tasks and every organization expects its employees to performing at high level.
2.4 Factors Affecting Employee Performance
2.4.1 Motivation
Jobber,( 1994) described that motivation is a key factor that affects job performance and a poorly
motivated force will be costly in terms of excessive staff turnover, higher expenses, negative
morale and increased use of managements‟ time.
Well-motivated people who are prepared to exercise discretionary effort achieve high
performance. Darmon (1974) believe motivation is the educating of employees to channel their
efforts towards organizational activities and thus increasing the performance of the said
boundary spanning roles. Motivating employee is about getting the employees to move in the
direction of the work place to achieve the organization goals. According to Gredler, Broussard
and Garrison (2004) broadly define motivation as “the attribute that moves us to do or not to do
something” (p. 106).Gottfried (1990) defines academic motivation as “enjoyment of school
learning characterized by a mastery orientation; curiosity; persistence; task-endogeny; and the
learning of challenging, difficult, and novel tasks”. On the other hand, Turner (1995) defines
motivation to be similar with cognitive engagement, which the author defines as “voluntary uses
of high-level self-regulated learning strategies, such as paying attention, connection, planning,
and monitoring” (p. 413).According to Grant (2008), motivation imposes employee outcomes for
instance performance and productivity.
This study was trying to find out the impact of motivation on teachers performance for the better
to accomplishment of the objectives of the school and most of the employees agreed that
motivation of teacher can affect the students result. The results of this study were trying to
address that whether a motivated teacher can give a better education for their students.

2.4.2 Training and development
According to Swanson (1999), the developing process of employees‟ skill in order to improve
the performance is called training. Training is a way of developing individuals in a systematic
manner to use their skills, knowledge and attitudes required to perform adequately for given task.
The primary objective of training is to ensure an availability of a skilled and willing workforce to
the organization. Chiaburu and Tekleab,( 2005) argued that training is a planned intervention
aimed at enhancing the elements of individual job performance” .In addition to that Armstrong
(2001), described that there are three specific training objectives of employees in an
organization. The first objective is to develop the competences of employees and improve their
performance. Secondly, training is supposed to help people grow within the organization in order
that, as far as possible, future needs for human resources can be met from within the
organization. Finally, training is supposed to reduce the learning duration for employees starting
new jobs on appointment, transfer or promotion, and ensure that they become fully competent as
quickly and economically as possible.
Employees are the heartbeat of any business. To accomplishment the tasks of any organization
depends on its employee performance. A well-trained employee can accomplish the given tax in
a good way.
According to Wright and Geroy, (2001), notes that employee competencies change through
effective training program. Development focuses on building the knowledge and skills of
organizational members to that they are prepared to take on new responsibilities and challenges.
According to Leonard-Barton, (1992), an organization that gives worth to knowledge as a source
of gaining competitive edge than competitors, should build up system that ensure constant
learning, and on the effective way of doing so is training.
2.4.3 Salary
A salary is a form of payment from an employer to an employee, which may be specified in an
Employment contract. It is contrasted with piece wages, where each job, hour or other unit is
paid separately, rather than on a periodic basis. From the point of view of running a business,
salary can also be viewed as the cost of acquiring and retaining human resources for running
operations, and is then termed personnel expense or salary expense. In accounting, salaries are
recorded in payroll accounts. Salary is a fixed amount of money or compensation paid to an
employee by an employer in return for work performed.

According to Lazear (1986) performance-related-pay can improve worker performance through
direct incentive effects as workers expend more effort creating the outputs that are rewarded
through pay, and through worker sorting since more able workers have more to gain from a pay
system that rewards them according to their performance. Firm case studies show worker
productivity rises with switches to piece rate payments with worker sorting effects often
accounting for a sizeable part of the total impact. Bandiera et al. (2005) described productivity of
fruit pickers rises dramatically with a shift from individual incentive pay based on relative
performance (fruit-pickers‟ mean pay set ex ante for the field but divided up according to
relative performance) to piece rate (pay per unit of output fixed ex ante that does not vary with
co-worker performance).
2.4.4 Empowerment
A management practice of sharing information, rewards, and power with employees so that they
can take initiative and make decisions to solve problems and improve service and performance.
Empowerment is the way of giving employees skills, resources, authority, opportunity,
motivation, as well holding them responsible and accountable for outcomes of their actions as a
contribution to their competence and satisfaction. From different aspects of life, the researcher
has assessed the important and influence of empowerment in the performance of employees at
school level.
According to Vance R.J (2006) argued that because commitments require an investment of time
as well as mental and emotional energy, most people make them with the expectation of
2.4.5 Organizational Culture
Hofstede,( 1980) argued that organizational culture is the process of thinking helps in
establishing one member from another on basis of cognitive thinking.
Organizational culture, often-referred to as corporate culture, is the atmosphere of shared beliefs
and practices in a company. A positive corporate culture has shared beliefs that align with the
organization's mission, whereas a bad or toxic culture often has a large group of unhappy or self-
serving employees. The set of beliefs, behaviors, norms and values helps in makes culture most
effective,(Kotter and Haskett,(1992).The problems of the organization affects the performance of
each employee.
2.4.6 Working Environment
In the modern era, organizations are facing several challenges due to the dynamic nature of the
environment. One of the many challenges for a business is to satisfy its employees in order to
cope up with the ever changing and evolving environment and to achieve success and remain in
In order to increase efficiency, effectiveness, productivity and job commitment of employees, the
business must satisfy the needs of its employees by providing good working conditions. Based
on the above points the researcher will describe the impact of working environment on
employees‟ performance. Strong et al (1999) in the study observe that social, organizational and
physical context serves as the in pets for task and activities, and considerably influence workers
performance. In most cases social, psychological and physical problems happen due to impact of
working environment.

2.4.7 Job satisfaction

According to Ramman, (2011) job satisfaction refers the degree of the positive or negative
feeling of employees about their jobs. It is a posture or sentimental response to job obligation as
well as to the social conditions of the work place. One of the most widely used definitions in
organizational research is that of Locke (1976), who defines job satisfaction as "a pleasurable or
positive emotional state resulting from the appraisal of one's job or job experiences."
2.5. Empirical Literature
According to Newton (2006), and Mubashar and Muhammad (2011), in their respective study
found out that along with some others favor the importance of training in terms of not only
attracting of new staff but also retaining the existing one and it pushes up the abilities of
employees to higher stage from where they currently stands. According to Goitom A(2012),
explanation, training is a service function, which provides management with professional support
in meeting the organization‟s objectives. . Chiaburu and Tekleab,( 2005) argued that training is a
planned intervention aimed at enhancing the elements of individual job performance”.
Kiweewa. S and Asimwe(2014) conducted a research on the implication of training on
employees performance in regulatory organization in Uganda. The researcher used 80
respondents out of the total respondents 108, the study shows the relation between employees
performance and training in the above explained organization. The finding of the study shows
that 54.5% of the respondents agreed that both the organization and the employees were

benefited from the training, which was deliver to them. 80.7% of the respondents indicated that
the company was satisfied by the employees performance after training deliver to them, because
of the gaps have been met and known through appraisal.
Tazebachew (2011) conducted a study to asses the effects of training on employees performance
in public organization. The researcher was using simple random sampling, and 60 employees
was selected. The respondents indicates that in most case employees do not participate in the
process of designing as well as developing the strategy of the organization‟s training.
2.6 Conceptual Framework
Based on the critical review of the literature, it is clear that employee performance can be
affected by different factors, including salary, empowerment, organizational culture, workplace
environment, training, motivation, etc…
The conceptual framework for this study is developed by the researcher based on previous
studies on factors affecting employees‟ performance. The researcher adapted conceptual
framework shown in the figure 1below to analyze the factors affecting employee‟s performance.

Figure 2.1: Conceptual Framework of Employee Performance

3.1 Introduction
Chapter three of this study deals with the overall approach in which what type of research has
been followed by the researcher. In addition, this section gives detail of various steps that has
been generally employed by the researcher in investigating the constraints that affects
performance employees in AANSLSCPSS.
This chapter consists of research design, research area, and approaches of the study, and data
collection methods, which includes questionnaire, interviews.
3.2. Research Design
Research design is a blue print for selecting the sources and types of data relevant to the research
questions. It basically, provides answers for such questions like what techniques to be used to
gather data? And what kind of sampling to be applied?(Zikgmund et al.,2003). The study has
been conducted based on the descriptive research design.
According to Mugenda and Mugenda (2005), research design specifies the methods and
procedures for collecting and analyzing the needed information. The major purpose of
descriptive research is description of the state of affairs as it exists at present(Kothari, 2004).
3.3Selection of the Research Area
The study has been conducted at AANSLSCPSS to investigating the performance the employees
in selected woredas. There are 13 woredas in the sub-city from those wordas the number of
private schools are 355.
The study has been carried out by selected woredas due to the time factor and the accessibility of
the information that will be needed to complete the research. The study includes both employees
and the management in the school environment who has a direct impact about employees‟
performance and serving better education for the generation.
3.4 Approaches to the Study
In this study the researcher uses both qualitative and quantitative approaches due to the data‟s
that have been collected by the researcher or due to the nature of the study by itself. The

researcher adopts a qualitative research approaches because of it is concerned with subjective
assessment of attitudes, opinion and behavior (Kothari, 2004). This approach allows the
researcher to get a chance for the assessment of employee performance and the researcher was
providing answers to the organization by doing a depth investigation and analysis of each
selected employees who was targeted to respondents on the issue. For this approach interview
was employed to get the information from the respondents. On the other hand quantitative type
research approach was used to identify the simple measures. The measures were expressed in
terms of percentages of the responses to determine the challenges and how the challenge was
solved within the organization by itself. Quantitative approach is expressed in terms of
percentage, frequency analysis, standard deviation and mean. The researcher had employed those
statistical operations to analyze the data.
3.5. Population and Sampling Design
3.5.1. Target population
The populations of the study were the employees who are engaged in the education sector of
NSLSCPSS to enhance good education in the sub-city The population was obtained from all
secondary schools found in NSLSCPSS which are 524 employees.
Population is generally a large collection of individuals or objects that is the main focus of a
scientific query. A population is defined as the set of individuals, objects, or data from where a
statistical sample can be drawn (Saunders et al., 2014).
3.5.2. Sampling Design Sampling Frame
Saunders (2007), argued that sampling frame for any probability sample is a complete list of all
the cases in the population from which a sample is drawn. Given the purpose and scope of the
assessment, the study was covered only NSLSCESSPSS. The sample that was taken by the
researcher has been representative enough to give answer to the research questions.
3.6. Sampling Technique
The sample of the schools that were selected in Sub-City was representatives of the whole sub-
city private secondary schools based on different socioeconomic variability of the employees in
the school. There are 13 woredas in the sub-city from those wordas the number of private
schools are 355. Among these private schools, 316 of them are elementary schools and 39 of

them are secondary schools. Then the researcher focuses only the secondary schools due to time
and budget incompatibility.
Table 3.1: number of private schools in NSLSC.
School type No. of schools
KG 201
1-4 36
5-8 7
1-8(Elementary) 72
Secondary school 39
Total 355

Sources :Nifac Silk Lafto sub city education sector in 2018/19

Based on the nature of variability in and among the woredas in the sub-city, stratification of the
woredas had been made, after which representative woredas was selected. So the researcher has
selected randomly 6 woredas as a sample from the total of 13 woredas. These woredas were
woreda 12, woreda 09, woreda02, woreda 01, woreda 13 and woreda 06.Then purposive and
simple random sampling has been used to pick respondents from each strata, to avoid sample
bias and ensure that the results are reliable enough to be generalized.
3.6.1. Sampling Size
Sample size measures the number of individual samples measured or observations used in a
survey or experiment. The size of sample that was taken by the researcher is neither excessively
large, nor too small. It was optimum-which fulfills the requirements of efficiency,
representativeness reliability and flexibility. The total population size of the researcher was 524
respondents out of the selected private schools in ESNSLSCPSS. The total population for the
sample size was determined with the consideration of representativeness. In consideration of
representativeness at first, the study applied a simplified formula provided by Yamane (1967) in
order to determine the required sample size at 95% confidence level, degree of variability of= 0.5
and with the level of precision of= 7% as follows;

( )
Where n is the desired sample size, N is the population size and „e‟ is the level of precision.

( )2
Following this from the total of 524 employees in the frame, samples of 147 employees were
randomly selected. Each enterprise is represented by its owner/manager. These 147 respondents
were selected from different woredas in the sub-city on proportional basis
Table 3.2.: Shows the population and sample size drawn each school.
School No. of employee/ Population Sample size calculation
Aygoda 33 (33/524)×174=9
Falcon 74 (74/524) ×147=21
NewayChallenge 65 (65/524)×147=18
Future Hope Generation 60 (60/524)×147=17
South West 78 (78/524)×147=22
Tomorrow 30 (30/524) 147=8
Dembosko 24 (24/524) 147=7
Dream 35 (35/524) 147=10
Cruise 80 (80/524) 147=22
Omega 45 (45/524) 147=13
Total 524 Sample size =147

Sources: Field data from identified schools of the target area

3.7. Types of Data and Instruments of Data collection
The data that the researcher will collect to held this study will be both secondary and primary
According to Kothari (2004), Secondary data refer to any data which have been gathered earlier
for some other purposes are secondary data in the hands of the researcher. It can usually be
found more quickly and cheaply. It also extends our time and space range. However, it has got
limitations in terms of the following: the information often will not meet the researchers specific
needs; different time periods may be involved; we often cannot even assess the accuracy of the
information because we know little about the conditions under which the research took place; the
value of secondary information often is partially obsolete before it is available. Hence, a

researcher is required to assess the reliability, suitability and adequacy of such data. secondary
data were collected from different web sites, the previous studies, document reviews and etc.

Primary data, on the other hand, refers to the information developed or gathered by the
researcher specifically for the research at hand. They are collected as fresh and for the first time
and thus happen to be original in character. Among others, such data provide the following
merits: They are directly applicable and usable; they can answer researcher questions; and they
contain up-to-date information. However, their basic limitation is that they are not readily
available and costly to obtain. The study utilized structured questionnaires to collect the required
data from the respondents of the selected private secondary schools.
3.8. Data Collection Procedures/Methods
Data collection techniques allow the researcher to collect information systematically about the
researcher objects of study (people, objects, phenomena) and about the settings in which they
occur. During the collection of data, the researcher was systematic, because if the data are
collected haphazardly, it is difficult to answer the research questions in a conclusive way.
Mugenda and Mugenda (2005) explain that research procedures refer to a detailed description of
the steps taken by the researcher to conduct the study. The researcher used qualitative data
collection methods like questionnaire and interview. According to John et al., (2007:128-42)
argument the reason for the appearance and layout of the questionnaire are of great importance in
any survey where the questionnaire is to be completed by the respondent. Parts of the
questionnaire were based on non-comparative scales, which have a five point Likert scale rating
of individual factors. The respondents were asked to give order for each questions on a scale of
1-5 (where 5 indicates “Strongly agree” and 1 indicates “Strongly disagree”) the extent to which
they agree with statements given, relating to factors of the Teachers performance. Respondents
are requested to specify their level of agreement in each statement on a five point Likert scale.

3.8.1. Questionnaire
A questionnaire is a self-report data collection instrument that is filled out by research
participants. It contains a group or sequence of questions designed to obtain information on a
subject from a respondent. It either can be paper based or in a computerised format and it
influences the image that the researcher projects to the public. The researcher used questionnaire

as one of the techniques for primary data collection. The questions in these questionnaires were
design purposely, to give answers to the researcher questions bringing awareness of the problem.
The questions focused towards the assessment of employee performance and explore various
challenges during its process. According to Veal (1997), questionnaire is an instrument of data
collection from individuals using a formally designed schedule of questions. The researcher has
taken an introduction letter from saint Mary University to gather information through
questionnaires from the respondents of the selected private schools. The questionnaires were
developed in English because 100% of the respondents have diploma and above, therefore they
can understand it easily. The questionnaire was distributed in six woredas found in
AANLSCPSS. The questionnaire is contracted in a very short and clear manner using five point
likert scales.
3.8.2. Interview
Kothari (2004) defines an interview as a selected set of questions administered through verbal
communication in a face to face relationship between a researcher and the respondent.
It is a data-collection (generation) technique that involves oral questioning of respondents.
Answers to the questions posed during an interview have been recorded by writing them down or
by tape-recording the responses, or by a combination of both. The sequence of topics was
determined by the flow of discussion.
This might prove very effective in the researcher can gather additional data that collected
probing questions as well as making follow-up to clarify on under answers provided by those
respondent. The researcher was developing ten interview questions to make sure whether the
questionnaire can align with it.
3.8. Validity and Reliability of Instruments Validity
According to Allen and Yen (1979), explanation validity is defined as the extent to which the
instrument measures what it purports to measure. Content validity pertains to the degree which
the instrument fully assesses or measure the construct of interest. The researcher has tasted
whether it measures what it has to measure or not. The researcher asked three experts containing
two academicians, and one professor to assess the content validity of the questionnaire. The
questionnaires were sent for three researchers who had conducted the same study before to check
the face validity. The researchers were asked to forward their opinion about the questionnaire

whether it can measure what it is supposed to measure or not. Points which were proposed by
the researchers were corrected and the questionnaires were revised. Besides, proper detection by
an advisor was also taken to ensure validity of the instruments. Finally, the improved version of
the questionnaires was printed, duplicated and dispatched. Reliability
Mugenda and Mugenda (2003, pg 95), explains reliability as a measure of the degree to which a
research instrument yields consistent results or data after repeated trials. The reliability of the
category of the tolerant satisfaction questionnaire was checked before statistical analysis to see
the consistent of the questions with each other. According to Muijs (2004), explanation the
reliabilities of the variables (data) were checked against the recommended standards (Cronbach's
alpha ≥ 0.70) mainly to ensure that they are reliable indicators of the constructs.
The reliabilities of the variables were checked against the Nunnally's recommended standards
(Cronbach's alpha ≥ 0.70) mainly to ensure that they are reliable indicators of the constructs
Nunnally‟s, (1967). As table 3.3 shows, the Cronbach‟s alpha calculated value for all items in
the seven categories was 0.96 for motivation, 0.89 for training and development 0.9 for
salary, 0 .88 empowerment, 0 .94 for organizational Culture, 0.92 Working Environment,
0.95Job-satisfaction. This result confirms that the items identified in each category are good
enough to adequately represent a single concept.
Table 3.3: shows Cronbach's Alpha‟s value
No Number of category of items Crombach Alpha value Status
1 Motivation 6 .96 Excellent
2 Training and development 4 .89 Good
3 Salary 5 .9 Excellent
4 Empowerment 3 .88 Good
5 Organizational culture 6 .94 Excellent
6 Working Environment 5 .92 Excellent
7 Job-satisfaction 4 .95 Excellent
Source: SPSS output

3.9. Methods of Data Analysis
The data was collected from questionnaires and interview of respondents by reviewing it
carefully and check for completeness and consistencies. Descriptive statistics were conducted in
this study. In the data processing procedure editing, encoding, classification and tabulation of the
collected data were made manually. Data clean-up made to detect anomalies, errors and
omissions in responses and checking that the questions were answered accurately and uniformly.
Numerical assigned to reduce responses into a limited number of categories or classes. Data
which have common characteristics were put together and in this way the entered data were
divided into a number of groups. Finally, tabulation were used to summarize the raw data and
display. Transformation of the data processing was used to see the relationship between the data
groups by using descriptive and inferential (statistical) analysis. Descriptive and inferential
statistics technique was used, because it is possible to show the result of individual scores in the
population for a specific variable. Whereas inferential plays a great role to infer the data through
analysis and also to see the relation between two or more variables. Qualitative data is presented
through description. Quantitative data collection using questionnaires were entered and analyzed
by using computer Statistical Package for Social Scientists (SPSS) versions 20 software
3.9.1. Descriptive Analysis
The researcher uses mean and standard deviation to analyze the respondent‟s response. The
reason for using descriptive statistics is to compare the different factors. The interview questions
also have been analyzed using descriptive narrations through concurrent triangulation strategy.
3.9.2. Correlation
The factors affecting employees‟ performance in AAESNSLSCPSS based on the respondents
response. The values of person‟s correlation tied relation each correlation and the number of
cases initiating for each correlation was studied by the researchers.
3.9.3. Linear Regression Analysis
Linear regression is a way of predicting or estimating a value on some dependent variable with
respect to the values of one or more independent variables. Like correlations, statistical
regression examines the association or relationship between variables. The primary purpose of

regression is prediction. In this study the researcher was applied multiple regressions was.
Because it takes into account the inter-correlations among all variables involved in the study.
3.9.4. Regression Functions

The equation of regressions used on this study is generally built around two sets of variables,
namely dependent variable (performance) and independent variables (motivation, training and
development, salary, empowerment, organizational culture, working environment and job-
satisfaction). The main objectives of using regression equation for this study were to make the
study target full and effective to describe, predict and understand the variables. The following
empirical model was used to explain the data on the study.
Y = = β0+ β1X1+ β2X2+ β3X3+ β4X4+ β5X5+ β6X6 + β7X7+e

Where: Y = dependent variable( performance) X1= motivation, X2=training, X3= salary, X4=
empowerment, X5= organizational culture, X6= working environment, X7= job-satisfaction are
the explanatory variables.β0 is the intercept term- constant which would be equal to the mean if
all slope coefficients are 0.β1, β2, β3, β4, β5, β6and β7 are the coefficients associated with each
independent variable which measures the change in the mean value of Y, per unit change in their
respective independent variables.
3.10. Ethical consideration
A number of ethical considerations were taken into account throughout this study. Letter of
cooperation was obtained from St. Mary‟s University, Department of Student support office to
the respective study population. The privacy of the respondents was confidentially maintained.
The research questions were designed in a way that they will not expose the institutions to their

This chapter deals with presentation and analysis of the data which have been obtained through
questionnaire. As such the study sought to investigate the influence of Training and
development, Motivation, salary, Working Environment, Organizational Culture and
empowerment, job- satisfaction in Addis Ababa education sector of NSLSCPSS.
4.2. Data Analysis
4.2.1. Demographic Characteristics of the Respondents
The study was targeted staffs within NSLSCPSS found in Addis Ababa city which included six
woredas (woreda 12, woreda 09, woreda02,woreda01 woreda13 and woreda06). The study
collected data using questionnaire accordingly 524 questionnaires were administered to 524
employees and the response came from 147 respondents, with regard to the factors influencing
employee performance in NSLSCPSS.
Tabl 4.1: Response rate
r Response Frequency Percent

Responded 147 100

Not responded 0 0
Total 147 100
Source: field survey 2019
The above table shows that the SPSS outputs from the study conducted in NSLSCPSS, out of
147 target respondents 147 of them was responding and returned all the questionnaires which is
100%. Since the researcher was in this field all the questionnaires was collected properly. There
were 6 respondents that were not returned on the exact day but the researcher was going
repeatedly and collected all the questionnaires. Almost all the respondents were willing to
participate in the study due to the issue was more series problem in Ethiopia this time.

Table 4.2: Demographic characteristics of respondents
C category Sex di Gender distribution of the respondents
1 Sex Frequency Percent
Male 126 85.7
Female 21 14.3
Total 147 147 100
100 Age distribution of the respondents
2 Age br agebeakup Frequency percent
Under 18years 0 0
21-30 years 20 13.6
31- 31- 40years 90 61.2
Oover41 years 37 25.2
Total Total 147 100
Education level of respondents
3 Educa education level Frequency Percent
Diplo Diploma 2 1.4
Degre Degree 95 64.6
Master Masters and above 50 34
Total Total 147 100
Position distribution of respondents
3 CurreCurrent position Frequency Percent

AdmiAdministration 41 27.9
TeacheTeacher 106 72.1
Total Total 147 100
Working experience of respondents
4 Duration of yeas in the school Frequency Percent
2years or less 45 30.6
3-5years 67 45.6
6-10years 20 13.6
10years and above 15 10.2
Total 147 100
Source: field survey 2019

As the above table shows the demographic characteristics of the respondents were investigated in
section one of the questionnaire. In this section the discussion was under Six distribution, age
distribution, education level of respondents, the respondents current position and the respondents
working experience as stated on table 4.1. In this study the respondents were expected to contain
members of the organization which was both male and female. The respondents were required to
indicate their gender by ticking on the space provided from the questionnaire. According to the
above table 126(85.7%) of the respondents were male and21 (14.3%) of the respondents were
female. This outcome shows that mostly in high school level male teachers were dominant and
both genders were representative for the regard of factors affecting employees‟ performance in
The age of each respondent were categorized under four groups as shown table 4.1. As the
findings shows that most of the respondents were adults, the age group of 31-40years having
many respondents of 90(61.2%) from the sample size which is more productive and the second
most popular age group was over 41years with a response of 37(25.2%). The age group of 21-30
was 20(13.6%), but in the case of under 18 it was zero. The schools were hiring different
academic qualified staffs for the effectiveness of their organization. Due to this difference the
respondents‟ response contributed allot for the researcher whether education level affects the
employees‟ performance. According the table shown above table 4.1 2(1.4%) of the respondents
were acquired diploma level of education which was the least compared to the others, most of
the respondents acquired a Bachelor degree which was 95(64.6%) from the total samples size
taken by the researcher as their best academic qualification, on the other hand 50(34%) of the
respondents had acquired masters and above. These finding shows that all the respondents were
qualified and can understood the impact of employees‟ performance on the achievement of
student‟s result and also this finding implies that the level of education increase the skills
required by employees‟ performance (Green and Gallie, 2002); hence level of education has
significant relationship with employees‟ performance.
The employee was asked to indicate their position in their organizations whether employees‟
performance was affected by the respected position or not. According to the above table most of
the employees were a teacher which was 106(72.15) and 41(27.9%) of them were administrators.

The researcher was asking the employees about their work experience in their current
organization to categorize their work experience and grouped under four groups. The majority of
employees were working for 3-5 years which was 67(45.6%), on the other hand 45(30.6%) of
the employees from the sample were working for 2years and less ,under the third category
20(13.6%)of the employee were working from 6-10years and there were only 15(10.2%) who
was staying 10years and above. As the finding indicates working experience affects employees‟
Table 4.3 descriptive statistics
Descriptive statistics
Mean SD N
Motivation 3.792 mmm .785 147
Training and Development 4.496 .788 147
Salary 3.857 .886 147
Organizational Culture 3.941 .992 147
Empowerment 4.149 4.146 .703 147
Working Environment 4.368 .725 147
Job-Satisfaction 2.563 .921 147
Source: own survey, 2019
The above table 4.3 shows that the mean and standard deviation the variables in the study. The
mean for motivation is 3.792 and a standard deviation of .785 which indicates that there was
employees agree about the effects of motivation on their performance. As the above table shows
that the mean for job satisfaction is 2.56 and its standard deviation is 0.921. The higher the
standard deviation implies that the data was distributed over wide range of job-satisfaction. This
indicates that employees are not satisfied for the practice of their organization; the same is true
for organizational culture which has high standard deviation and the employees are either neutral
or disagree for organizational culture has an effect on their performance.

The mean for Empowerment is 4.149 and has a standard deviation of .703 which implies that
employees in some extent agree about the empowerment of their organization. In general the
descriptive statistics for each variable is shown below.

26 Motivation Factors
Table 4.4:Descriptive statistics of variables related to motivation factors

Recognition are available

your visit of educational

Compensation packages
are like bonus are given

Opportunities exist for

You are satisfied with

You are satisfied with

job advancement and

Lack of motivational
your fringes benefits

network with other

for outstanding

to employees


Mean 4.47 3.43 4 4.13 4.38 2.52
Falcon Acad.

SD .749 .746 .632 .792 .74 .679

Min. 3 1 3 2 3 1

Max. 5 4 5 5 5 3
Mean 3.358 4.538 4.154 4.154 3.923 3.923
SD .776 .518 .800 .688 .862 .759
School of

Min. 2 4 3 3 2 2
Max. 4 5 5 5 5 5
Mean 4.388 2.88 3.778 3.833 4.667 3.333
School N(18)

SD .697 .963 .878 .857 .485 1.137

Academy N(22) Challenge

Min. 3 1 2 3 4 1

Max. 5 4 5 5 5 5
Mean 3.863 4.409 3.772 3.590 3.409 3.772
SD .639 .854 1.020 1.221 1.259 .812
South West

Min. 2 2 2 1 1 2
Max. 5 5 5 5 5 5
Mean 4.412 2.882 3.823 3.882 4.705 3.294
Future Hope

SD .712 .993 .883 .857 .469 1.21


Min. 3 1 2 3 4 1

Max. 5 4 5 5 5 5
Mean 4.875 2.215 3.875 4.375 4.625 2.215
SD .353 .834 .834 .517 .517 .834
School of

Min. 4 1 3 4 4 1
Max. 5 3 5 5 5 3

Dream Academy Dembosko N(7) Mean 4.57 2.28 3.71 4.42 5 2.28
SD .534 .755 1.112 .534 0 .755
Min. 4 1 2 4 5 1
Max. 5 3 5 5 5 3
Mean 3.60 4.50 4.20 3.70 4.00 3.60
SD .699 .527 .788 1.059 .942 1.264
Min. 2 4 3 2 2 1

Max. 4 5 5 5 5 3
Mean 4.318 3.360 3.727 3.863 4.050 2.409
Cruise N(22)

SD .893 .953 .827 1.166 .950 .796

Min. 2 1 2 1 2 1
Max. 5 4 5 5 5 3
Mean 4.615 2.380 3.769 4.384 4.538 2.461
SD .506 .767 .832 .506 .518 .877
Omega (13)

Min. 4 1 2 4 4 1
Max. 5 3 5 5 5 4
Source: field survey, 2019

From the above table 4.3, according to the respondents of Falcon academy, the value of the
minimum mean for the variables which are related to motivational factor is 2.52 which denote
the lack of motivational network with other schools. And the other variable is compensation
packages are like bonus is given to employees‟ with a mean value of 3.43 shows 52.38% (see
table agreeing respondents for that there exists compensation packages. The rest
variables (recognition are available for outstanding performance, you are satisfied with your
fringes benefits, opportunities exist for job advancement and promotion, you are satisfied with
your visit of educational places) as it can be seen from the table with nearly the same value of
standard deviation are contributing factors. The higher the standard deviation is the higher the
difference that exists in between the mean value and the row scale of the variables and viceversa.
The range value of the entire table for almost all schools is very compact indicating the variation
that exissts in between the maximuma and minimum value between the scales. For the
recognition outstanding performance the list of the means for the ten sample schools are 4.47,
3.358, 4.388, 3.863, 4.41, 4.875, 4.57, 3.6, 4.318, 4.615. the maen value literally indicates that
almost all of the schools recognize their emplooyees when they perform outstandingly.For the

compansation packages: 3.43, (Ayigoda) 4.538, 2.88, (South West)4.409, 2.882, 2.215, 2.28,
(Dream Academy)4.5, 3.36, 2.38, 50% of the schools do not almost have compensation
packages. Whereas, in the schools like South west. Ayigoda and Dream academy, the
compensation packages like bonuses are available and are important to movitate the
employees.From those list of means (4, 4.154, 3.778, 3.772, 3.823, 3.875, 3.714, 4.2, 3.727, and
3.769) fringe benefits are important and most of the schools are satisfying their employees.Lack
of motivational network with other schools like Falcon academy is the problem of most of the
schools except school of Ayigoda, Neway Challenge, South West academy and Future Hope
Generation school.
The partial correlation between recognition for outstanding performance and the compensation
packages estimates the correlation that would be observed between recognition for outstanding
performance and the compensation packages if the other variables did not vary.
For example for Falcon acadamey, the correlation that would be observed between recognition
for outstanding performance and the compensation keeping others constant is 0.78, the
correlation that would be observed between recognition for outstanding performance and fringe
benefits is 0.73, the correlation that would be observed between recognition for outstanding
performance and opportunity for advancment and promotion is 0.81, the correlation that would
. observed between
summarize a b recognition
c d e f for outstanding performance and trip is 0.92 and keeping all the

other Variable
motivational variables Obs
constant recognition
Mean willStd.
vary Dev.
by 0.96 for lack
Min of motivational

network with other

a schools. 18 4.388889 .6978023 3 5
b 18 2.888889 .9633818 1 4
Table 4.4.1: Frequency
c analaysis
18of falcon academy,
3.777778 Neway Challenge
.8782038 and Omega
2 for selected
d 18 3.833333 .8574929 3 5
motivational factor
e 18 4.666667 .4850713 4 5

a. Neway challenge:
f 18 3.333333 1.137593 1 5

. tabulate b

packages are like
bonus are given to
employees Freq. Percent Cum.

strongly dis agree 2 11.11 11.11

dis agree 3 16.67 27.78
neutral 8 44.44 72.22
agree 5 27.78 100.00

Total 18 100.00

. tabulate c

You are satisfied

with your fringes
benefits Freq. Percent Cum. 29
dis agree 1 5.56 5.56
neutral 6 33.33 38.89
agree 7 38.89 77.78
strongly dis agree 4 22.22 100.00 Training and Development
Table 4.5: descriptive statistics analysis of variables related to training and development

which adequately address

The training that I take meets the

to take job related things
Good opportunities are available

the skill gap and ensure

The content was organized and

identified and provide
Incompetent employees are

necessary training
job effectiveness

objectives of the

easy to follow
Mean 4.38 4.61 4.80 4.90
School Falcon Academy N(21)

SD .864 .669 .402 .436

Min 2 3 4 3
Max. 5 5 5 5
of Aygoda(N9)

Mean 4.111 4.444 5 4.666

SD 1.050 .726 0 5
Min 2 3 5 14
Max. 5 5 5 5
Mean 4.50 4.22 4.72 4.83
AcademN(22) School N(18)

SD .618 .646 .574 .383

Neway Challenge

Min 3 3 3 4
Max. 5 5 5 5
Mean 4.045 4.318 4.363 4.454
SD 1.290 1.129 .847 .857
South west

Min 1 1 2 2
Max. 5 5 5 5
Mean 4.588 4.058 4.823 4.882
SDS SD .507 1.028 .392 .332

Min 4 1 4 4
Max. 5 5 5 5
of tomorrow(8)

Mean 4.375 4.500 4.625 4.625


SD .744 .534 .744 .517

Mi min 3 4 3 4

Max. 5 5 5 5
Dembosko N(7)

Mean 4.428 4.571 4.714 4.571

SD .534 .534 .487 .534
Min 4 4 4 4
Max. 5 5 5 5
Mean 4.588 4.058 4.823 4.882
N(22)Academy N(10)

SD .507 1.028 .392 .332

Min 4 1 4 4
Max. 5 5 5 5
Mean 4 4.272 4.450 4.360

SD 1.195 1.120 .800 .847


Min 1 1 2 2
Max. 5 5 5 5
Mean 3.846 4.230 4.615 4.615
SD 1.214 .725 .506 .506
Min. 1 3 4 4

Max. 5 5 5 5

Source: field survey, 2019

From the table 4.4 above, we can see that the mean value for the variable „good opportunities are
available to take job related things which adequately address the skill gap and ensure job
effectiveness‟ from all the sample schools is significant (4.38, 4.11, 4.5, 4.045, 4.588, 4.375,
4.428, 4.588, 4, 3.846) to conclude that the opportunity exists in all of the schools. „Incompetent
employees are identified and provide necessary training‟ have also mean values of 4.61, 4.444,
4.22, 4.318, 4.058, 4.5, 4.571, 4.058, 4.272, 4.230; implying that there exists training for
incompetent employees or teachers. „The training that I take meets the objectives of the
company‟ and „The content was organized and easy to follow‟ these two variables can also be
seen from the tables that all of the schools have training that is fitting to their objectives and
organize their contents in such way that is presentable by their employees. Salary Factors
Table 4.6: descriptive statistics analysis of variables related to salary factor

competent with compared

Your monthly salary and

based on scales and your
Your monthly salary is

your job are correlated

The increment of your
You are satisfied with
to other organizations

accordance with your

monthly salary were

your monthly salary

Monthly salary is in

work experience

work experience
Mean 3.809 3.476 4.571 4.714 3.619
Falcon Academy

SD 1.123 1.167 .507 .462 1.023

Min. 1 1 4 4 1

Max. 5 5 5 5 5
Mean 3.666 3.444 4.666 4.777 3.555
SD 1.220 1.333 .500 .440 .72
New Challenge School Of

Min. 1 1 4 4 2
Max. 5 5 5 5 4
Mean 3.555 3.611 4.555 4.388 3
Academy N(22) School N(18)

SD 1.199 1.195 .511 .501 1.028

Min. 1 1 4 4 1
Max. 5 5 5 5 4
Mean 3.590 3.272 4.409 4.500 3.409
SD 1.221 1.202 .666 .801 1.098
South West

Min. 1 1 3 2 1
Max. 5 5 5 5 5
Mean 3.588 3.647 4.588 4.411 3.058
Future Hope

SD 1.222 1.221 .507 .507 1.028


Min. 1 1 4 4 1

Max. 5 5 5 5 4
Mean 3.875 3.750 4.625 4.750 3.500
Dembosko tomorrow(8)

SD .834 1.035 .517 .462 .755

School Of

Min. 3 2 4 4 2
Max. 5 5 5 5 4
Mean 4 3.857 4.714 4.714 3.714
SD .816 1.069 .847 .847 .847

Min. 3 2 4 4 3

Max. 5 5 5 5 4
Mean 3.600 3.300 4.600 4.700 3.500
Dream Academy

SD 1.173 1.337 .516 .483 .707

Min. 1 1 4 4 2

Max. 5 5 5 5 4
Mean 3.59 3.318 4.318 4.409 3.545
Cruise N(22)

SD 1.181 1.210 .779 .796 1.100

Min. 1 1 2 2 1
Max. 5 5 5 5 5
Mean 3.615 3.231 4.461 4.615 3.307
SD 1.323 1.423 .518 .506 .854
Omega (13)

Min. 1 1 4 4 2
Max. 5 5 5 5 4
Source: field survey, 2019

Competent salary, with respect to relative organizations, work experience, salary increment, the
load imposed is important to enhance the performance of any employee. And the respondents of
the above Schools were asked list of salary related questions such as: „your monthly salary is
competent with compared to other organizations,‟ „monthly salary is in accordance with your
work experience,‟ the increment of your monthly salary were based on scales and your work
experience,‟ „your monthly salary and your job are correlated‟ and „you are satisfied with your
monthly salary.‟ For the first question, „Your monthly salary is competent with compared to
other organizations‟ all of the mean are above three for all of the schools. For instance for
Aygoda School (mean = 3.666) the percent of totally disagreeing respondents is 11.11% which is
less than the percent of totally agreeing (66.66%) respondents and uncertain respondents (22.22).
The second variable is „You are satisfied with your monthly salary‟ and here too, the mean
values are still above three and significantly are positively motivating. Among the means (3.476,
3.444, 3.611, 3.272, 3.647, 3.75, 3.857, 3.3, 3.318, 3.231) the smaller means are 3.231 and 3.272
which belongs to Omega and South West Academy respectively, and if we look at the frequency
analysis of the two means, excluding the disagreeing respondents the cumulative percentage of
agreeing (46.16%) is higher than the cumulative percentage of disagreeing (30.77%) implying

that most of the employees are satisfied with their salary; whereas, that of south west is (40.91%
cumulative agree) and (22.73%).
Additionally we can deduce that „the increment of your monthly salary was‟ based on scales and
your work experience‟ variable from the above table is significantly motivating. The last salary
related variable is „your monthly salary and your job are correlated‟, and it has smaller mean
values of „3‟ (new challenge school) and „3.058‟ (future hope generation). To infer the meaning
of the means let us see the frequency tables of the two schools for this variable new challenge
has 38.89% agreeing and 27.78% disagreeing(cumulative); whereas Future Hope Generation has
41.18% agreeing and 23.33% disagreeing (cumulative) (see table d)respondents.
Irrespective of the uncertain respondents to decide, the researcher infers that the schools are
trying to motivate by relating the experience and the salary of their employees even if the extent
varies from employee to employee.
Table 4.6.2: Frequency analysis for Falcon Academy, South West, Omega, Future hope

a. Falcon Academy

var3 9 4.666667 .5 4 5
var4 9 4.777778 .4409586 4 5
var5 9 3.555556 .7264832 2 4

. tabulate var1

Your monthly
salary is
competent with
compared to other
organizations Freq. Percent Cum.

strongly disagree 1 11.11 11.11

neutral 2 22.22 33.33
agree 4 44.44 77.78
strongly agree 2 22.22 100.00

Total 9 100.00

. tabulate var2

You are satisfied

with your monthly
salary Freq. Percent Cum.

strongly disagree 1 11.11 11.11

disagree 1 11.11 22.22
neutral 2 22.22 44.44
agree 3 33.33 77.78
strongly agree 2 22.22 100.00

Total 9 100.00

. cor var1 var2 var3 var4 var5


var1 var2 var3 var4 var5

var1 1.0000
var2 0.9441 1.0000
var3 0.8165 0.8125 1.0000
var4 0.7715 0.8268 0.7559 1.0000
var5 0.9366 0.8746 0.9177 0.8238 1.0000

. alpha var1 var2 var3 var4 var5

Test scale = mean(unstandardized items)

Average interitem covariance: .5930556

Number of items in the scale: 5
Scale reliability coefficient: 0.9203

var3 9 4.666667 .5 4 5
var4 9 4.777778 .4409586 4 5
var5 9 3.555556 .7264832 2 4

. tabulate var1

Your monthly
salary is
competent with
compared to other
organizations Freq. Percent Cum.

strongly disagree 1 11.11 11.11

neutral 2 22.22 33.33
agree 4 44.44 77.78
strongly agree 2 22.22 100.00

Total 9 100.00

. tabulate var2

You are satisfied

with your monthly
salary Freq. Percent Cum.

strongly disagree 1 11.11 11.11

disagree 1 11.11 22.22
neutral 2 22.22 44.44
agree 3 33.33 77.78
strongly agree 2 22.22 100.00

Total 9 100.00

. cor var1 var2 var3 var4 var5


var1 var2 var3 var4 var5

var1 1.0000
var2 0.9441 1.0000
var3 0.8165 0.8125 1.0000
var4 0.7715 0.8268 0.7559 1.0000
var5 0.9366 0.8746 0.9177 0.8238 1.0000

. alpha var1 var2 var3 var4 var5

Test scale = mean(unstandardized items)

Average interitem covariance: .5930556

Number of items in the scale: 5
Scale reliability coefficient: 0.9203

. tabulate
var3 var2 9 4.666667 .5 4 5
var4 9 4.777778 .4409586 4 5
var5are 9 3.555556 .7264832 2 4
. tabulate var1
with your
Your monthly
salary is Freq. Percent Cum.
competent with
compared to other
1 2 9.09 9.09
organizations Freq. Percent Cum.
2 3 13.64 22.73
strongly disagree 18 36.36
11.11 59.09
neutral 25 22.73
22.22 81.82
5 44 44.44
18.18 77.78
strongly agree 2 22.22 100.00

Total 22
9 100.00

. tabulate
. tabulate var2 var1

You are satisfied

Your monthly
with your monthly
salary is
salary Freq. Percent Cum.
competent with
strongly disagree
compared to other 1 11.11 11.11
organizations 1 Freq.11.11 22.22
Percent Cum.
neutral 2 22.22 44.44
agree 3 33.33 77.78
strongly disagree
agree 2 222.22 9.09
100.00 9.09
disagree 2 9.09 18.18
neutral 9 100.00
4 18.18 36.36
agree 9 40.91 77.27
. cor var1 var2 var3 var4 var5
(obs=9) strongly agree 5 22.73 100.00

var1 var2 22var3 100.00
var4 var5

var1 1.0000
. label values var2 sw
var2 0.9441 1.0000
var3 0.8165 0.8125 1.0000
. b.tabulate
South West var2
var4 0.7715 0.8268 0.7559 1.0000
var5 0.9366 0.8746 0.9177 0.8238 1.0000
You are satisfied
with your monthly
. alpha var1 var2 var3 var4 var5
salary Freq. Percent Cum.
Test scale = mean(unstandardized items)
strongly disagree 2 9.09 9.09
Average interitem covariance: .5930556
disagree 3 13.64 22.73
Number of items in the scale: 5
Scale reliability coefficient: 8
0.9203 36.36 59.09
agree 5 22.73 81.82
strongly agree 4 18.18 100.00

Total 22 100.00

d.Future hope generation

Your monthly salary

and your job are
correlated Freq. Percent Cum.

storndgly dis agree 2 11.76 11.76

disagree 2 11.76 23.53
neutral 6 35.29 58.82
agree 7 41.18 100.00

Source: SPSS output Empowerment
Table 4.7: descriptive statistics analysis of variables related to empowerment

The empowerment The promotion policy
opportunities are
policies are clear and is based on the rules
available for
fair of the organization

Mean 3.857 4.619 4.714

Falcon Academy

SD .863 .589 .560

Min. 2 3 3

Max. 5 5 5
Mean 3.444 4.330 4.770
SD 1.01 .866 .440
School of

Min. 1 3 4
Max. 4 5 5
Mean 3 4.166 4.600
dem School N(18)

SD .970 .707 .514

Aca Challenge

Min. 1 3 4

Max. 4 5 5


Mean 3.95 4.31 4.41




SD 1.290 .945 1.090
Min. 1 2 1
Max. 5 5 5
Mean 3 4.11 4.52
SD .935 .696 .510
Future Hope

Min. 1 3 4

Max. 4 5 5
Mean 3.625 4.375 4.875

SD .517 .916 .353

School of

Min. 3 3 3
Max. 4 5 5
Mean 3.710 4.570 4.710
Dembosko N(7)

SD .480 .524 .487

Min. 3 4 4
Max. 4 5 5

Mean 3.200 4.100 4.700

Dream Academy

SD 1.229 1.100 .480

Min. 1 2 4

Max. 4 5 5
Mean 3.680 4.270 4.360
Cruise N(22)

SD 1.086 .827 1.135

Min. 1 2 1
Max. 5 5 5
Mean 3.150 4.307 4.580
SD 1.060 .630 .514
Omega (13)

Min. 1 3 4
Max. 4 5 5
Source: field survey, 2019

Except for the smaller means, the standard deviation of all of the variables is almost low; this
clearly implies condense respondents scaling. All of the above mean are significant enough to
imply the practicability of good opportunities for empowerment, clear and fair empowerment
policies and the promotion policy which is based on the rules of the organization. To discuss
with some of the lower means:
For all the three schools below (i.e. Neway Challenge, Dream and Omega schools) their mean is
„3‟ ‟3.2‟ and ‟3.15‟ respectively; whereas, irrespective of the uncertain respondents the
percentage of agreeing is significantly higher than the cumulative disagreeing respondents.
Clearly speaking, these variables are necessary to experience in any organization and there extent
. summarize var1 var2 var3
might not be to the extent they are desired by the employees. Hence it is important to notice that
Variable are practicingObs
those organizations Mean
to enhance their Std.
employee‟s Dev.
performance but notMin
yet to the Max

desired level.var1 18 3 .9701425 1 4

var2 18 4.166667 .7071068
Table 4.7.1: Frequency analysis of variables related to empowerment 3 5
var3 18 4.5 .5144958 4 5
a. New challenge
. tabulate var1

opportunities are
available for
empowerment Freq. Percent Cum.

strongly disagree 2 11.11 11.11

disagree 2 11.11 22.22
uncertain 8 44.44 66.67
agree 6 33.33 100.00

Total 18 100.00

. cor var1 var2 var3

(obs=18)field survey, 2019

var1 var2 var3 Organizational culture
Table 4.8: descriptive 1.0000
statistics analysis of variables related to the organization culture
var2 0.9432 1.0000
var3 0.7071 0.7276 1.0000

. alpha var1 var2 var3

Test scale = mean(unstandardized items)

Average interitem covariance: .4215686
Number of items in the scale: 3
Scale reliability coefficient: 0.8958
considered innovators and

I am comfortable with the

organization has a shared

I like the way decisions

communication style of

I am comfortable with

attention empowering
The employees in the
sense of purpose and

how employees are

My company gives
Employees in this

the organization
organization are

are made in the


risk takers

Mean 4.040 4.169 4 3.857 3.714 4.63
Falcon Academy

SD 1.399 1.535 1.411 1.221 1.365 1.347

Min. 3 3 2 2 1 3

Max. 5 5 5 5 5 5
Mean 3.777 4.670 4.330 3.890 4.110 3.560
SD .44 .5 .70 .927 .60 1.33
New Challenge School of

Min. 3 4 3 2 3 1
Max. 4 5 5 5 5 5
Mean 3.440 4.380 3.880 4 4.160 3.88
Academy N(22) School N(18)

SD .780 .697 .832 .840 .857 1.130

Min. 2 3 3 2 2 1
Max. 4 5 5 5 5 5
Mean 3.860 4.400 3.770 3.590 3.400 3.770
SD .639 .854 1.020 1.220 1.259 .812
South West

Min. 2 2 2 1 1 2
Max. 5 5 5 5 5 5
Mean 3.410 4.47 3.94 4.11 4.23 3.88
SD 1.380 1.460 1.375 1.278 1.417 1.417
Future Hope

Min. 1 1 1 1 1 1

Max. 5 5 5 5 5 5
Mean 3.750 4.625 4.500 4 4.125 3.750

SD .460 .517 .534 .755 .460 1.035

Dembosko School of

Min. 3 4 4 3 3 2
Max. 4 5 5 5 5 5
Mean 3.710 4.710 4.420 4 4.140 4
SD .487 .487 .786 .816 .690 .816

Min. 3 4 3 3 3 3

Max. 4 5 5 5 5 5
Mean 3.600 4.500 4.200 3.700 4 3.600
Dream Academy

SD .699 .527 .788 1.050 .940 1.260

Min. 2 4 3 2 2 1

Max. 4 5 5 5 5 5
Mean 3.860 4.36 3.810 3.680 3.465 3.810
Cruise N(22)

SD .710 .847 1.050 1.170 1.180 .790

Min. 2 2 2 1 1 2
Max. 5 5 5 5 5 5
Mean 3.530 4.530 4.150 4.150 3.920 3.920
SD .770 .510 .800 .682 .759 1.391
Omega (13)

Min. 2 4 3 3 2 2
Max. 4 5 5 5 5 5
Source: field survey, 2019
There are factors which drive employees of an organization to adhere to the common goal and
objective the organization in which they work in. this can be achieved through creating a shared
sense of purpose and objectives, developing the innovation skill and risk taking culture of the
employees, creating effective communication style, treating employees with positive attitude,
involving every employee whenever decisions are made and empowering employees are among
the methods to elevate the performance of employees. Regarding this the researcher has again
prepared a set of questions which are related to the sample unit Schools.
From table 4.7 the smallest mean value of the variables is from all schools are 3.41 and 3.44, for
future hope generation and new challenge. The mean 3.44 stands for the variable „employees in
this organization has a shared sense of purpose and objectives‟; it clearly indicates that
11(61.6%, see figure 4.7.1) respondents out of 21 sample population totally agree that employees
in the in the new challenge academy have a shared sense of purpose and objectives. Also from
table 4.7 above the other smaller mean value of the same variable is 3.41 for the school future
hope generation, and when we see the frequency analysis of the variable it clearly indicates that
10 (58.8%) respondents out of 17 sample population totally agree that employees in the future
hope generation School have a shared sense of purpose and objectives.
Finally, from the above table for the variables „the employees in the organization are considered
innovators and risk takers,‟ „I am comfortable with the communication style of the organization,‟

my company gives attention empowering employees‟ and „I am comfortable with how
employees are treated‟ all of the schools considers their employee as innovators and risk takers,
they have comfortable communication style, treat their employee well and good at empowering
their employee. Working environment
Table 4.9: descriptive statistics analysis of variables related to the working environment

with new and better ways of

encouraging to coming up
My working Environment
I believe in and take pride

preferences when making

personal accomplishment
The emotional climate of
decisions that affect my
considers my needs and

generally positive and

gives me a feeling of
administrative team
in my work and my

the organization is
I believe that the


doing things
My working

work life

feels me
Mean 4.520 3.800 4.71 4.470 4.38
Falcon Acad.

SD .679 .928 .462 .679 .589

Min. 3 2 4 3 3

Max. 5 5 5 5 5
Mean 4.77 4.111 4.880 4.660 4.770
SD .440 .927 .330 .500 .440
Challenge N(18) Aygoda(9)
School of

Min. 4 2 4 4 4
Max. 5 5 5 5 5
Mean 4.388 4.055 4.277 4.44 4.220
SD .501 1.055 .669 .615 .732

Min. 4 2 3 3 3
Max. 5 5 5 5 5
Mean 4.220 3.500 4.500 4.180 4.090
SD 1.109 1.181 .801 1.097 1.019
West N(22)

Min. 1 1 2 1 1

Max. 5 5 5 5 5

Mean 4.411 4.170 4.230 4.470 4.290

SD .507 .951 .831 .624 .685
Min. 4 2 2 3 3


Max. 5 5 5 5 5

Mean 4.625 4.250 4.875 4.750 4.750

Tomorrow(8) SD .517 .707 .350 .462 .462

School of

Min. 4 3 4 4 4
Max. 5 5 5 5 5
Mean 4.570 4.140 4.710 4.570 4.850
SD .534 .899 .487 .786 .377

Min. 4 3 4 3 4

Max. 5 5 5 5 5

Mean 4.60 4 4.700 4.500 4.700

SD .516 .942 .483 .527 .483

Min. 4 2 4 4 4


Max. 5 5 5 5 5
Mean 4.130 3.590 4.454 4.180 4
SD 1.080 1.140 .857 1.052 1.023
Cruise N(22)

Min. 1 1 2 1 1

Max. 5 5 5 5 5
Mean 4.610 4.070 4.530 3.430 4.615
SD .506 .954 .518 .630 .506
Omega (13)

Min. 4 2 4 3 4
Max. 5 5 5 5 5

Source: field survey, 2019

Falcon academy employees are proud of their job and they believe in it. Also this is true for the
Neway challenge school employees and they also believe that their working environment gives
them a feeling of personal accomplishment as well as encouragement to come up with new and
better ways of doing things.
Descriptive statistics analysis of variables related to the working environment implies that all of
the schools employee are proud of their job and not believe that their working environment gives
them a feeling of personal accomplishment as well as encouragement to come up with new and
better ways of doing things and the emotional climate of the organization is positive and
supportive whereas, also administrative team considers needs and preferences of employees
when making decisions that affect the work life of employees.

Generally, the factors related to the working environment are astonishing, except the problem
that exists to some extent with the administrative team of the cruise school in considering the
needs and preferences of employees with respect to the work life of the employees. Job satisfaction
Table 4.10: descriptive statistics analysis of variables related to the job satisfaction

opportunities for
provides limited

very interesting
not provide me
Teaching does

Teaching is a
the chance to


secure in my
develop new

teaching job
I never feel

Mean 2.047 1.904 4.660 1.809

SD .740 .888 .577 .749


Min. 1 1 3 1
Max. 3 4 5 3
Mean 1.888 2.111 4.222 1.888
School of

SD .781 1.054 .833 .781

Min. 1 1 3 2
Max. 3 4 5 3
Mean 1.647 2.117 4.529 1.880
School N(18)

SD .606 .927 .514 .696


Min. 1 1 4 1
Max. 3 4 5 3
Mean 2.270 2.090 4.409 2
Generation N(17) Academy N(22)
South West

SD .812 .971 .959 .872

Min. 1 1 2 1
Max. 4 4 5 4
Mean 1.744 2.167 4.352 2.235
Future Hope

SD .664 .882 .701 .903

Min. 1 1 3 1
Max. 3 4 5 4

Mean 1.750 2 4.250 1.875



SD 1.506 1.035 1.302 1.512

Min. 1 1 3 1
Max. 3 3 5 3
Mean 1.714 1.870 4.420 1.740
Dream Academy Dembosko N(7)

SD .755 .899 .786 .755

Min. 1 1 3 1
Max. 3 3 5 3
Mean 1.900 2.200 4.200 1.900
SD .737 1.032 .788 .737

Min. 1 1 3 1
Max. 3 4 5 3
Mean 2.180 2.136 4.360 2.090
Cruise N(22)

SD 1.364 1.438 1.329 1.364

Min. 1 1 2 1
Max. 4 4 5 4
Mean 2 2 4 2
Omega (13)

SD .816 1 1 .816
Min. 1 1 2 1
Max. 3 4 5 3
Source: field survey, 2019

From the above table teaching does not provide me the chance to develop new methods has a
mean value less than three for all schools which is the case for the rest variables (‟teaching
provides limited opportunities for advancement‟ and „I never feel secure in my teaching job‟)
except „Teaching is a very interesting job.‟ From the responses average scale we can see that the
opposite is true for all schools resulting the higher mean value for the „Teaching is a very
interesting job.
4.2.3.Inferential Statistics Pearson’s correlation
The table below indicates the relation between dependent and independent variables in the study.

Table 4.11: Pearson‟s correlation

Dependent variable
Independent variable (Performance )
Training and Pearson Correlation .960
development Sig. (2-tailed) .000
N 147
Salary Pearson Correlation .976
Sig. (2-tailed) .000
N 147
Empowerment Pearson Correlation .965
Sig. (2-tailed) .000
N 147
Organizational Culture Pearson Correlation .980
Sig. (2-tailed) .000
N 147
Working Environment Pearson Correlation .968
Sig. (2-tailed) .000
N 147
Job-Satisfaction Pearson Correlation -.742
Sig. (2-tailed) .000
N 147
Motivation Pearson Correlation .973
Sig. (2-tailed) .000
N 147

Source: field survey 2019

As clearly explained on the literature review and descriptive statistics, there are different factors
that affect employees‟ performance of AANSLSCPSS, like motivation, training and
development, salary, empowerment, organizational culture, working environment and job-
As table 4.4 above shows there are three that has important contribution for the study. Firstly, it
shows that Pearson‟s correlation coefficient value between each paired variable (independent

variable with dependent variable example we can observe that Training and development has a
strong relationship with performance R=.960). Secondly, the one tied significance of each
correlation is displaced (example, the above correlation is significance, P<.001). Thirdly, the
number of case contributing for each correlation (N=147) is shown. The researcher was using
Pearson‟s coefficient of correlation (r) to study the correlation between the study variables and
the findings. The outcomes the study shows that there was a positive correlation between
Employee Performance and salary with a correlation figure of .976, it was also clear that there
was also a positive correlation between empowerment and Employee Performance and with a
correlation value of .965, there was a large positive correlation between Employee Performance
and Working Environment with a value of .968 and a positive correlation between Employee
Performance and Organizational Culture with a correlation value of .980. On the other hand,
Employees performance and Job-satisfaction has a negative correlation with a correlation value
of -.742. There was a positive correlation between Employee Performance and motivation with a
correlation value of.973.Generally, there was positive correlation between Employee
Performance and motivation, training and development, salary, empowerment, organizational
culture, working environment and job- satisfaction. In addition to this, the researcher has
conducted a multiple regression analysis to assess the factors influencing Employee Performance
at AANSLSCPSS. Regression analysis
Regression analysis was employed to see the extent to which the explain the variance in the
explained variable.
Table 4.12: Model Summary
Adjusted R Std. Error of
Model R R Square Square the Estimate
.906a .820 . 817 .195

Table 4.13: Coefficients

a. Predictors: (Constant), motivation, training, working environment, salary, empowerment, job-
satisfaction and organizational culture.
b. Dependent Variable: employee‟s performance.
In a model summary, the R value is used to indicate the strength and direction of the relationship
between the variables. The closer the value gets to1, the stronger the relationship. In this case as
shown in model 1 in Table 4.12, R= 0.906. This means there was an overall strong and positive
relationship between the variables. The R-Square in the study was found to be 0.820. This value
indicates that the independent variables motivation, training, working environment, salary,
empowerment, job-satisfaction and organizational culture) can explain 82% of the variance in
the employees performance at NSLSCPSS. The remaining 18 % of the variance is explained by
other variables which did not addressed in this study. Therefore, further research should be
conducted to investigate the other determinants (18%) that influence the employee‟s
performance at NSLSCPSS.
Table 4.13: Co-efficient of Determination
Coefficients Standardized
Coefficients Sig.
Model 1 B Std. Error Beta t
(Constants) -.026 .016 -1.639 .103
Motivation(x1) .179 .005 .212 36.205 .000
Training(x2) .113 .004 .130 25.278 .000
Salary(x3) .155 .005 .218 30.749 .000
Empowerment(x4) .109 .004 .140 26.340 .000
Organizational .190 .006 .240 30.459 .000
Working .133 .004 .161 31.639 .000
Job- .127 .004 .095 35.151 .000

b. Dependent Variable: Employee Performance

Source: SPSS Output
Predictor:(constant), motivation, training and development, salary, empowerment, organizational
culture, working environment and job- satisfaction.
Y = = β0+ β1X1+ β2X2+ β3X3+ β4X4+ β5X5+ β6X6 + β7X7+e

Y=-.026+.179(motivation)+.113(Training)+.155(salary)+.109(Empowerment) +
.190(organizational culture) + .133(working environment) + .127(job-satisfaction).
The b-values tell us about the relationship between the Employee Performance and the individual
predictor. It depicts a positive relationship between the predictor. For these data, all of the
predictors have positive b-values indicating direct relationship. So, as Employee Performance
increase, as on Training, Motivation, Working Environment, Organizational Culture, salary,
Empowerment and Job-satisfaction increase. The b-values tell us more than this thought. They
tell us what degree each predictors affects the outcome also. The intercept value =-.026means
that if the values of Training, Motivation, Working Environment, Organizational Culture, salary,
job-satisfaction and empowerment affects employees performance.
When we see the standard deviation by holding other explanatory variables constant, a standard
deviation increase degree of Motivation, on average, leads to a .179standard deviation to increase
Employee Performance. Then motivation has an impact on Employee Performance like other
explanatory variables explained on this study. On the other hand, Training has an impact on
Employees performance as explained which has 5% significance level for employees‟
performance. When training increases the employees performance increase by 11.3%. In general,
when the variables increases employees performance increases as well. When salary,
empowerment, working environment, organizational culture and Job-satisfaction increases the
employees performance increases by 15.5%, 10.9%, 13.3%, 19%, 12.7% respectively.

This study mainly focused on An Assessment of Factors that Affect Employees‟ Performance in
the education sector. To assess the performance the researcher categorized the factors into seven
main sections; motivation, training and development, salary, empowerment, organizational
culture, working environment and job satisfactions. As it was discussed in the literature review,
those seven factors are the one that had an impact on performance, and then following main
points found from the analysis are supportive points to the previous discussions. And the
following main points are the results found from analysis of the result.
 In 80% of the sample schools recognition to employees who outstandingly perform,
fringe benefits, promotion and job advancements and educational trips are available to
enhance the performance of the employees
 80% of the sample schools are motivated to network themselves with other schools, and
this is affecting the performance of the employees of almost all sample schools in the
 In 70% of the sample schools compensation packages like bonus are available elevate
the performance of the employees
 60% of the sample schools are satisfying their employees by preparing educational trips.
 In only 30% of the sample schools there are job related opportunities to adequately
address the skill gap of employees and ensure their job effectiveness
 In 60% of the sample schools incompetent employees will be identified and can be made
to take the necessary training to enhance their performance, and the contents of those
schools are organized and are easy to follow.
 Also only 40% of the sample schools will give trainings that are related to their
 All of the sample schools salary is competent, and the salary they pay to their employee
is verifiable.

 The salary paid by 90% of the sample schools pay salary based on experiences and the
salary paid is satisfying.
 The salary increment of 80% of the sample schools is based on scale and work
experience of the employee.
 Good opportunities in 90 of the schools is available for empowerment, in 80% of the
sample schools the empowerment policies are clear and fair, and in 70% of the sample
schools the promotion policy is based on the rules.
 60% of the sample schools employees have shared sense of purpose and objectives, the
schools consider their employee as risk takers and innovative and they can empower
them too.
 70% of the sample schools have comfortable communication styles and their decision
making style is inclusive.
 90% of the sample schools treats their employee well
 Only employees of 40% sample schools are proud of their job, and only 60% of the
sample school‟s environment is safe for personal accomplishment
 80% of the sample schools have positive and supportive working environment, and 70%
of the schools have encouraging environment.
 All of the schools believe that teaching provides limited opportunities for advancement
 60% of the sample schools employee believe that teaching does not provides the chance
to develop new methods
 70% of the sample schools employee response shows that teaching is a very interesting
 90% of the sample schools employee do not believe that they are secured in their job.

Motivation has significant role in explaining Employee Performance. Working Environment
strongly determines Employee Performance in AANSLSCPSS. From the finding of the study, it
can be concluded that all the independent variables affect the performance of employees in
AANSLSCPSS. There is a positive relationship between Training and employees‟ performance
in AANSLSCPSS. Organizational culture and working environment can directly affect
employees‟ performance. Then it is better for management to consider those effects. From the

quantitative and qualitative analysis of this study the researcher after carefully discussing the
descriptive statistical outputs and necessary frequency analysis of the respondents, inferred the
following main and important findings from the summarized result presented in the summary
 In most the schools recognition to employees who outstandingly perform their duties,
fringe benefits to employee, promotion and job advancements and educational trips are
available to enhance the performance of the employees
 Most of the schools are motivated to network themselves with other schools, and this is
affecting the performance of the employees of almost all sample schools in the sub-city.
 Educational trips and Compensation packages , which are one of the factors which
motivate employees are not taking place to the desired extent and they are at the grass
root level
 Teaching Job related opportunities are not adequate to address the skill gap of employees
and ensure their job effectiveness
 Even if trainings given to the employee are intended to elevate performance, the trainings
are not believed academicals and goal oriented
 The salary paid to employee or teachers is relatively competent and it is experience is the
criteria to decide both the amount of salary and the increment scale, which is natural
 Empowerment in most of the school is practicable and the policies used to empower
employees are clear and fair
 The communication style of most of the schools is comfortable to their employees;
however, the degree to which they create sense of purpose and objectives is not satisfying
 The decision making culture of the schools is inclusive, and this inclusiveness have
created set ground as a means of treating their employees
 But irrespective of the efforts made by the school‟s, even with positive and supportive
working environment, most of the employees are not satisfied with their job, and the
researcher inferred from their response that most of the teachers believe that teaching
provides limited opportunities for advancement.

 Profession wise, the teachers did not wanted to deny that teaching is a very interesting
job. According to this study, the Organization‟s Culture matter a lot in upgrading the
Employees‟ Performance.
 Finally, almost all of the teachers do not believe that they are secured with their job.
,The researcher has made significant cross check in between frequency of scales, mean of scales
and both upper and lower limits of the mean before making any inference. So, the inferences
made from this study are reliable and valid enough to give the following main recommendations
that the study highlighted.
 It is not only human entity that will learn, but also institutions or organizations have
emotion bond with their employees and with other relative organizations; so it is
important for the schools to have the motivation of networking themselves with other
schools and share the necessary experience. This will create sense of common ground
competition and nationality feelings. Especially this should not be the will to choose.
 It is better for the management to granting Motivation for employees without bias is
recommendable to perform their task well in their organization.
 For the organization to improve its performance, the organization should ensure that for
the purpose of developing skills, changing behavior or increase competence in
employees, the employees should be trained in their respective areas to ensure that they
cope with the rapidly changing technology, and ensure that all employees are involved in
the Training exercise.
 Since employees, performance is one of the important factors for AANSLSCPSS to
compete the service industry. Thus, the management should modify its working culture in
order to have positive effects on employee‟s performance.
 At any level, creating sense of purpose and objectives is important for any employee; and
the extent of the sense needs strengthening by all the schools.
 The management should motivate its employees through rewards by rewarding for whom
improve him/ herself to qualify for the job requirements.
 It is better for the school to enhance employees‟ performance by investing more in
training programs. Employees need up-to-date knowledge and skills to perform well
because training continually nourish their work attitude and behavior.

 Employee performance is dependent on Training, Motivation, Organizational Culture,
Working Environment, salary Empowerment and Job-satisfaction. Therefore the
researcher recommends AANSLSCPSS to give attention on giving training to its
employee to achieve more and motivate them to encourage well. In addition the working
environment and organizational culture should attract them to come with success.
The drawback of this study is insufficiency of time constraints and shortage of money thus as to
take out a careful investigate containing all performance factors. This study was conducted in,
Addis Ababa at N/S/L/ sub city but this may not represent the situation of other schools across
different areas and it is difficult to generalize at the regional level or country level. Besides, the
study was used sample schools from selected the Sub-city. Hence, an interesting finding may
come up by conducting studies at different areas (towns).
In the study seven variables were included to examine their effect on the employees
performance in the area. However, there are other variables that may determine employees
performance. Thus, researcher suggests to conduct a study by incorporating other factors such as
management skill, assessment, coaching and other inter-firm related factors. In addition, some of
the findings regarding some factors were different from previous studies; therefore, this indicates
further research needs to prove.
Moreover, the study was employed employment size to measure the employees performance.
Therefore, an interesting finding may come up by applying other measurement methods such as
coaching and assessment.

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Questionnaire to be filled by NSLSCESSPSS teachers/mangers


Dear respondent,

I am a graduate student in the department of business administration, at St.mary University.

Currently, I am undertaking a research entitled “an assessment of factors affect employees‟
performance: the case of Addis Ababa education sector of Nifas Silk Lafto Sub-City private
secondary school”. So you are one of the respondents selected to participate in this study. The
information you are providing will have a great importance in producing concurrent, practical

and reliable output that will inform readers of the study. The information you will provide is
confidential and only used for the academic purpose.

Thank you in advance for your kind cooperation and dedicating your time.


 No need of writing your name

 For multiple choice questions indicate your answers with a check mark (√) in the
appropriate block.

SECTION 1: Demographic Data

Closed ended questions answered by a tick (√) mark with in the box.

1. Gender: Male Female

2. Age breakup:Under 18 21-30years 31-40years over41years

3. Please indicate your level of education.

i. Diploma ii. Degree iii. Masters and above

4. Your current position in the school ?

i. Administration ii. Teacher

5. How many years have you been in this school?

2years or less 3years to 5years 6years to 10 years

10years &above

ECTION 2: Opinion Investigation on Factors Affecting Employees Performance

General Directions

For each of the questions in the following sections, please tick a number that represents your
choice as to the level of agreement or disagreement with a check mark (X)

Strongly disagree=1, Disagree =2, Uncertain =3, Agree =4, strongly agree=5

1. Please indicate the degree to which you agree or disagree with the following statements
concerning Motivation, Training and Development, Salary, Empowerment, Organizational
Culture, Working Environment and Job-Satisfaction factors.
Motivation Scales
No Statement 1 2 3 4 5
1 Recognition are available for outstanding performance
2 Compensation packages are like bonus are given to employees
3 You are satisfied with your fringes benefits
4 Opportunities exist for job advancement and promotion
5. You are satisfied with your visit of educational places
6 Lack of motivational network with other schools
Training and Development Scales
No Statement 1 2 3 4 5
1 Good opportunities are available to take job related things which
adequately address the skill gap and ensure job effectiveness
2 Incompetent employees are identified and provide necessary training
3 The training that I take meets the objectives of the company
4 The content was organized and easy to follow

Salary Scales
No Statement 1 2 3 4 5
1 Your monthly salary is competent with compared to other organizations
2 You are satisfied with your monthly salary
3 Monthly salary is in accordance with your work experience
4 The increment of your monthly salary were based on scales and your work
5. Your monthly salary and your job are correlated
Empowerment Scale
No Statement 1 2 3 4 5
1 Good opportunities are available for empowerment
2 The empowerment policies are clear and fair

3 The promotion policy is based on the rules of the organization

Organizational culture Scales

No Statement 1 2 3 4 5
1 Employees in this organization has a shared sense of purpose and
2 The employees in the organization are considered innovators and risk
3 I am comfortable with the communication style of the organization
4 I am comfortable with how employees are treated
5. I like the way decisions are made in the organization
6 My company gives attention empowering employees
Working environment Scales
No Statement 1 2 3 4 5
1 I believe in and take pride in my work and my workplace
2 I believe that the administrative team considers my needs and preferences
when making decisions that affect my work life
3 The emotional climate of the organization is generally positive and
4 My working Environment gives me a feeling of personal accomplishment
5. My working Environment feels me encouraging to coming up with new
and better ways of doing things

Job satisfaction Scales

No Statement 1 2 3 4 5
1 Teaching does not provide me the chance to develop new methods
2 Teaching provides limited opportunities for advancement
3 Teaching is a very interesting job.
4 I never feel secure in my teaching job
Thank you for completing this questionnaire.

Interview questions (semi-structured)
1. Do you believe that important motivations are being given to the teachers?
2. You as a teacher how do you feel when you are appreciated?
3. Are there motivating packages and recognitions in this compound?
4. Do teachers feel secured and settled?
5. What factors do you think can lead a teacher change his/her work place? Or prefer one
school over the other?
6. Are trainings available in this school? If there are trainings, annually how often?
7. Are the trainings given to the teachers relevant?
8. What are the opportunities available for a teacher to advance professionally?
9. Do you think the salary scale in this compound is competitive with respect to the other
nearby schools?
10. Have heard of a teacher complaining his job? What was his/her reason? Was the
complaint perceivable? From what point of view?


I, the undersigned, declare that this thesis is my original work, prepared under the guidance
of Belete Mebratu(Pro). All source of materials used for the thesis have been duly
acknowledged. I further confirm that the thesis has not been submitted either in part or in full
to any other higher learning institution for the purpose of earning degree

Destaw Dargie ____________

Name Signature

St. Mary’s University, Addis Ababa


This thesis has been submitted to St. Mary's University, School of Graduate Studies for
examination with my approval as a University advisor.

Belete Mebratu(Pro.) _________________

Advisor Signature

St. Mary’s University College, Addis Ababa May 2019


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