Chapter 8
Chapter 8
Chapter 8
1. Tujuan
Tujuan dari bab ini adalah memberikan pemahaman dan keterampilan dalam
mengelola stack penyimpanan pada sistem operasi. Setelah mempelajari bab ini,
pembaca diharapkan dapat memahami konsep dasar dan praktik pengelolaan storage
stack, termasuk memahami partisi, sistem file, volume management, dan RAID
(Redundant Array of Independent Disks). Dengan memahami konsep-konsep ini,
pembaca akan mampu mengonfigurasi dan memelihara sistem penyimpanan yang
efisien dan andal.
2. Materi
Materi dalam bab ini mencakup beberapa topik utama, antara lain:
Partisi dan Sistem File: Pembahasan mengenai cara kerja partisi pada
penyimpanan serta berbagai jenis sistem file yang umum digunakan, seperti
ext4, NTFS, dan FAT32. Konsep ini mencakup pengertian partisi primer,
logis, dan extended, serta penggunaan masing-masing dalam pengaturan
Lab 1
1. Log in to the servera machine as the student user and switch to the root user.
4. Create the servera_group volume group by using the two new PVs.
5. Create the servera_volume logical volume with a size of 400 MiB. This command
creates the /dev/servera_group/servera_volume LV without a file system.
6.3 To persistently mount the newly created file system, add the following
content in the /etc/fstab file:
7. Verify that the mounted file system is accessible, and display the status information
of the LVM.
7.1 Verify that you can copy files to the /data directory.
7.2 View the PV status information. The output shows that the PV uses the
servera_group VG. The PV has a size of 256 MiB and a physical extent size of
4 MiB.
The VG contains 63 PEs, of which 27 PEs are available for allocation, and 36
PEs are currently allocated to LVs. Use the following calculation for
allocating the volume size in MiBs:
7.3 View the VG status information of the servera_group VG. The output
shows a VG size of 508 MiB with a PE size of 4 MiB. The available size from
the VG is 108 MiB.
7.4 View the status information for the servera_volume LV. The output shows
the VG name for creating the LV. It also shows an LV size of 400 MiB and an
LE size of 100.
7.5 View the free disk space in human-readable units. The output shows the
total size of 395 MiB with the available size of 372 MiB.
9. Using the newly created disk space, extend the file system on the servera_volume
to be a total size of 700 MiB.
9.1 Extend the servera_group VG by using the new /dev/vdb3 PV.
9.2 Extend the existing servera_volume LV to 700 MiB.
9.3 Extend the XFS file system by using the free space on the LV.
10. Verify that the LV size is extended, and that the contents are still present in the
10.1 Verify the size of the extended LV by using the lvdisplay command.
10.2 Verify the new file-system size. Verify that the previously copied files
are still present.
1. Log in to the servera machine as the student user and switch to the root user.
4. Ensure that the stratispool1 Stratis pool exists on the /dev/vdb block device.
4.1 Create the stratispool1 Stratis pool.
4.2 Verify the availability of the stratispool1 pool. Note the size of the pool.
5. Expand the capacity of the stratispool1 pool by adding the /dev/vdc block device.
5.1 Add the /dev/vdc block device to the stratispool1 pool.
5.2 Verify the size of the stratispool1 pool. The stratispool1 pool size increases
when you add the block device.
5.3 Verify the block devices that are currently members of the stratispool1
6.2 Verify the availability of the stratis-filesystem1 file system, and note its
current usage. The usage of the file system increases on demand in the later
6.3 Create the /stratisvol directory.
6.7 Obtain the UUID of the file system. The UUID would be different in your
6.8 Modify the /etc/fstab file to persistently mount the file system on
the /stratisvol directory. To do so, use the vim /etc/fstab command and add the
following line. Replace the UUID with the correct one for your system.
6.9 Update the systemd daemon with the new /etc/fstab configuration file.
6.10 Mount the stratisvol volume and verify that the stratis-filesystem1
volume is mounted on the /stratisvol directory.
7. Reboot your system and verify that the file system is persistently mounted across
8. Verify that the stratis-filesystem1 thin-provisioned file system dynamically grows
as the data on the file system grows.
8.1 View the current usage of the stratis-filesystem1 file system.
8.2 Create a 2 GiB file on the stratis-filesystem1 file system. It might take up
to a minute for the command to complete.
9.6 Verify that you can still access the file that you deleted from the stratis-
filesystem1 file system in the snapshot.
11. Remove the stratis-filesystem1 thin-provisioned file system and the stratis-
filesystem1-snap snapshot from the system.
11.1 Destroy the stratis-filesystem1-snap snapshot.
Bab ini menyoroti pentingnya pengelolaan storage stack yang efektif dalam sebuah
sistem operasi, yang berpengaruh besar terhadap performa dan keandalan data.
Pemahaman mengenai partisi, manajemen volume, dan RAID memungkinkan
administrator sistem untuk merancang konfigurasi penyimpanan yang optimal sesuai
dengan kebutuhan. Selain itu, pengetahuan tentang mounting, unmounting, dan
troubleshooting akan membantu dalam pemeliharaan dan pemecahan masalah pada
sistem penyimpanan. Dengan memahami dan menguasai keterampilan ini, diharapkan
administrator sistem dapat mengelola kapasitas penyimpanan dengan efisien,
meningkatkan kinerja, serta meminimalisir risiko kehilangan data.