Machine Learning

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Department of Computer Science and Engineering

IV B. Tech. - I Semester L T P C
Course Code: A3CS32 4 1 - 4

This course covers fundamental concepts and methods of computational data analysis, including
pattern classification, prediction, visualization, and recent topics in deep learning. The course will give
the student the basic ideas and intuition behind modern machine learning methods as well as a bit
more formal understanding of how, why, and when they work. The underlying theme in the course is
statistical inference as it provides the foundation for most of the methods covered.

1. To understand pattern classification algorithms to classify multivariate data
2. To understand the Implementation of genetic algorithms
3. To gain knowledge about Q-Learning
4. To create new machine learning techniques.

Upon completion of the course, the students will be able to:
1. Develop and apply pattern classification algorithms to classify multivariate data.
2. Develop and apply regression algorithms for finding relationships between data variables.
3. Develop and apply reinforcement learning algorithms for learning to control complex systems.
4. Write scientific reports on computational machine learning methods, results and conclusions.

BASICS Learning Problems Perspectives and Issues Concept Learning Version Spaces and
Candidate eEliminations – Inductive bias – Decision Tree learning – Representation – Algorithm –
Heuristic Space Search

NEURAL NETWORKS AND GENETIC ALGORITHMS: Neural Network Representation Problems
Perceptions Multilayer Networks and Back Propagation Algorithms – Advanced Topics – Genetic
Algorithms Hypothesis Space Search– Genetic Programming – Models of Evolutions and Learning.

BAYESIAN AND COMPUTATIONAL LEARNING: Bayes Theorem Concept Learning Maximum
Likelihood Minimum Description Length Principle Bayes Optimal Classifier Gibbs Algorithm Naïve
Bayes Classifier Bayesian Belief Network EM Algorithm Probability Learning Sample Complexity
Finite and Infinite Hypothesis Spaces – Mistake Bound Model.

INSTANT BASED LEARNING: K- Nearest Neighbor Learning Locally weighted Regression Radial
Bases Functions – Case Based Learning.

ADVANCED LEARNING: Learning Sets of Rules Sequential Covering Algorithm Learning Rule Set
First Order Rules Sets of First Order Rules Induction on Inverted Deduction Inverting Resolution
Analytical Learning Perfect Domain Theories Explanation Base Learning – FOCL Algorithm -
Reinforcement Learning Task Learning Temporal Difference Learning

1. Tom M. Mitchell, “Machine Learning”, McGraw-Hill, 2010
2. Bishop, Christopher. Neural Networks for Pattern Recognition. New York, NY: Oxford University
Press, 1995

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Department of Computer Science and Engineering

1. Ethem Alpaydin, (2004) “Introduction to Machine Learning (Adaptive Computation and
Machine Learning)”, The MIT Press
2. T. astie, R. Tibshirani, J. H. Friedman, “The Elements of Statistical Learning”, Springer(2nd
ed.), 2009

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