technologies used to change the genetic makeup of cells, including the transfer of genes
(Wikipedia). This phenomenon focuses on editing and altering the genes of plants ,
animals and even humans. Humans have experienced it since 1973 starting with Herbert
Boyer and Stanley Cohen. Scholars always figure out new inventions that make people
confused and scared about their sustainability! This phenomenon represents a big threat
to the human nature and the general order of the universe. It is considered as a challenge
to God , also as disaster to humanity and diversity. In addition to the previous points, this
essay will shed a light on how genetic human enhancement's advocates see it as method
to improve Man's life, and how this point of view will be refuted then.
Somehow I have known that your essay will be against!! I guess I know you well!
To start with , genetic human engineering is against God and human nature.
"Proponents of human enhancement are often accused of playing God with human
nature"(Giubilini & Sanyal 6). That is , this phenomenon wants to face and challenge
God through its objection and dissatisfaction with God's creature and choice. In other
words, it aims to create creature that has been never related to human beings. To explain
more, it wants to create super beings who are physically strong , clever and emotionally
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regulated. “Some bioethicists, including Leon Kass and Francis Fukuyama,....; they see
enhancements as creating beings who are not human beings"(Bouchanan ,351). Also ,
those scholars of this phenomenon are ,after all, humans , it is known that human beings
are not perfect, I mean they make mistakes. So that , they do not have the right to face
Almighty God . In other words, their knowledge is somehow limited ;they do not know
everything as God does. That is, God choses accurately the suitable DNA for each person
and creature in his universe. Think that you are in the day of judgement and God ask
you : why were you not satisfied with my choices and creation ? Will you dare to answer
Furthermore, genetic human manipulation creates new gap between social classes.
That is , those who have wealth will be stronger, prettier and smarter than those who
don't have wealth . In other words, it is unfair that wealthy people take over all good
characteristics, while poor ones are prevented to have this feature either. Also , if this
phenomenon was available throughout the world, racism as a large issue will extend more
and more. That is , those who are not enhanced will be humiliated and exploited more by
those who get enhanced. In other words, "there is a serious risk that the enhanced would
treat the unenhanced as if they had a lower moral status, even if they do
not"(Buchanan,350). Imagine that you are in this case , I mean you are not able to get
enhanced, and your wealthy colleagues and friends get enhanced, how will you feel??
What if they laugh at you and humiliate you . It is a bad feeling! Is not it Is it not? To
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sum up, genetic human enhancement deepens the gap between social classes, as well as
people’s life. That is , through this occurrence, numerous diseases like cancer and CAD
(Coronary Artery Disease) can disappear. This leads to the extension of the individual’s
life , because having healthier conditions contributes to gain a healthier and better life.
Also , they think that genetic human manipulation improves the state of human beings
including physical strength, mental health and even emotions. That is, “Proponents have
argued that attempts to enhance humans will result in longer and healthier lives, increased
super beings who are flawless and perfect, which is actually seen as an amazing
It is clear that proponents of genetic human engineering do not get deeper in their
researches, and they are are not aware of the drawbacks and consequences of this
phenomenon. People who would like to try this process on their unborn children ,they
may put the fetus life in a big risk , because this process is not safe 100%. In other words,
it is not an easy process because it passes through multiple and accurate steps (it happens
when they are embryos not fetuses). To explain more ,”the risks are so high and the
documented efficacy is so low for gene transfer that it could not compare favorably to
exists”(Gordon,2024). Also , as long as people will have a longer life , social problems
will over increase. That is , imagine that the percentage of population doubled or tripled ,
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what would happen!? The percentage of crimes in the world for example would raise
raise from 6.5% to 12 or 18% worldwide (source?). To conclude, even the benefits of
Overall, it may be said that genetic human enhancement is considered as the end
of human nature. It obviously aims to alter human being’s features. This phenomenon
ought to be stopped because it is a challenge to God and objection to their will. Also , if it
becomes widespread, it will create another gap among social classes. Advocates of
genetic human engineering turn a blind eye to these problems which are left by this
occurrence, and they consider it as an improvement for human’s life. But the latter point
I do disagree with you but I really found your essay refreshing! Made me laugh at
some points because your free spirit and impulsivity showed at some points!
Work cited:
Alberto Giubilini& Sagar Sanyal, The Ethics of Human Enhancement: Understanding the