7 A company sells two different products A and B , making a profit of Rs.40 and Rs. 30
per unit on them,respectively.They are produced in a common production process
and are sold in two different markets, the production process has a total capacity of
30,000 man-hours. It takes three hours to produce a unit of A and one hour to
produce a unit of B. The market has been surveyed and company official feel that the
maximum number of units of A that can be sold is 8,000 units and that of B is 12,000
units. Subject to these limitations, products can be sold in any combination.
Formulate the problem as a LPP so as to maximize the profit
Maximize z =40x1 +30x2
Subject tot the constraints:
3x1 + x2 ≤ 30,000 x1 ≤
8000 x2 ≤ 12000
x1 ,x2≥ 0
What is feasibility region in an LP problem? Is ti necessary that it should always be a
convex set?
A region in which all the constraints are satisfied is called feasible
region. The feasible region of an LPP is always convex set.
10 Define feasible solution? (MAY ’07,NOV/DEC 2016,NOV/DEC 2017)
Any solution to a LPP which satisfies the non negativity restrictions of LPP’s called the
feasible solution
24 How do you identify that LPP has no solution in a two phase method?
If all Zj – Cj ≤ 0 & then atleast one artificial variable appears in the
optimum basis at non zero level the LPP does not possess any solution.
25 From the optimum simplex table how do you identify that the LPP has
no solution?
If atleast one artificial variable appears in the basis at zero level with
a +ve value in the Xb column and the optimality condition is satisfied then
the original problem has no feasible solution.
26 What is the function of minimum ratio?
• To determine the basic variable to leave
• To determine the maximum increase in basic variable To
maintain the feasibility of following solution
m n
ai bj
i 1 j 1
13 What are the necessary and sufficient conditions for a transportation
problem to have a solution? (NOV/DEC 2016)
A necessary and sufficient condition for the existence of a feasible
solution to the transportation problem is that
xij =
=1, j = 1, 2, … , n
28 How will you overcome degeneracy in a transportation problem?
of destination.
3. List out some of the applications of IPP? (MAY ’09) (DEC ’07) (MAY
’07) NOV/DEC 2016)
• IPP occur quite frequently in business and industry.
• All transportation, assignment and traveling salesman problems are
IPP, since the decision variables are either Zero or one.
Mixed IPP
Pure IPP
10 Why not round off the optimum values in stead of resorting to IP?
(MAY ’08)
There is no guarantee that the integer valued solution (obtained by
simplex method) will satisfy the constraints. i.e. ., it may not satisfy one or
more constraints and as such the new solution may not feasible. So there
is a need for developing a systematic and efficient algorithm for obtaining
the exact optimum integer solution to an IPP.
method to obtain the new feasible optimal solution. Repeat this procedure
until the values of the integer restricted variables are integers in the
optimum solution obtained.
What is dynamic programming? (NOV/DEC 2017)
List different types of Integer programming problems.
(APR/MAY 2017)
0-1 integer linear programming
Mixed-integer programming
Write the Gomory's constraint for the all integer programming problem
whose simplex table (with non integer solution) given below :
(APR/MAY 2017)
Refer Notes
Q. No. Questions
• Product-mix problem
• Graphical nillustration
• Global and local optimum
2. Explain the application areas of nonlinear programming problems.
• Transportation problem
• Product mix problem
• NP Problems
Define the Lagrangean model.
are steps for gomary algorithms
13 What are the steps for branch and bound algorithm.
15 Define
25 .(NOV/DEC 2016)
The form for nonlinear programming: Maximize or minimize Z = f(X1, X2, …..,
Xj,……, Xn) subject to Gi(X1, X2, ….., Xj,……, Xn) = bi, i = 1, 2, ….., m, Xj 0,
j = 1, 2, ….., n.
(APR/MAY 2017)
(APR/MAY 2017)
have to be performed.
Control – This phase consists of reviewing the progress of the project
whether the actual performance is according to the planned schedule and
finding the reasons for difference, if any, between the schedule and
3. What are the two basic planning and controlling techniques in a
network analysis?
• Critical Path Method (CPM)
• Programme Evaluation and Review Technique (PERT)
• Network is built on the basis of activity
• Deterministic nature
• One time estimation
• An event oriented network
• Probabilistic nature
Three time estimation
6 What is network?
A network is a graphical representation of a project’s operation and is
composed of all the events and activities in sequence along with their inter
relationship and inter dependencies
7 What is Event in a network diagram?
An event is specific instant of time which marks the starts and end
of an activity. It neither consumes time nor resources. It is represented by a
8 Define activity?
A project consists of a number of job operations which are called
activities. It is the element of the project and it may be a process, material
handling, procurement cycle etc.
12 Define duration?
It is the estimated or the actual time required to complete a trade or
an activity.
become critical.
Independent float = free – tail slack.
27 . What are the three time estimates used in the context of PERT? How
are the expected duration of an activity and its standard deviation
Optimistic time estimate or least time estimate (to or a)
Pessimistic time estimate or greatest time estimate (tp or b)
Most likely time estimate (tm or b)
Expected Duration = (te+4tm+tp)/6
Standard deviation = (tp-to)/6
28 Define a dummy arrow used in a network and state two purposes for
which it is used.
Dummy activity is a hypothetical activity which requires zero time and
zero resources for completion. Dummy arrow represents an activity with
zero duration. It is represented by dotted line and is inserted in the network
to clarify activity pattern under the following situations:
i. It is created to make activities with common starting and finishing
events distinguishable, and ii. To identify and maintain the proper
precedence relationship between activities those are not connected
by events.
29 What are the advantages of PERT.
It compels managers to plan their projects critically and analyse all
factors affecting the progress of the plan. The process of the network
analysis requires that the project planning be conducted on
considerable detail from the start to the finish.
It provides the management a tool for forecasting the impact of
schedule changes and be prepared to correct such situations. The
likely trouble spots are located early enough so as to apply some
preventive measures or corrective actions.
A lot of data can be presented in a highly ordered fashion. The task
relationships are graphically represented for easier evaluation and
individuals in different locations can easily determine their role in the
total task requirements. The PERT time (Te) is based upon 3-way
estimate and hence is the most objective time in the light of
uncertainties and results in greater degree of accuracy in time
30 .(NOV/DEC 2016)
(APR/MAY 2017)
organizations to analyze and represent the activity in a project, and to illustrate the flow
of events in a project. PERT is a method to evaluate and estimate the time required to
complete a task within deadlines.