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An inspiring evening: review of Dans Le Noir?

Paula Marsh
January 21st

On Saturday, I went out for dinner with my husband. We often eat out, but
this was a meal with a difference: at Dans Le Noir?, you eat your meal in
the dark. And when I say dark, I mean really, really dark. Dans Le Noir?
was started by a businessman called Edouard de Broglie. He opened the
first Dans Le Noir? restaurant in Paris in 2004, and there are now Dans
Le Noir? restaurants in a few different cities, including London, Barcelona, and Auckland.

As we traveled to the restaurant, I felt pretty anxious because I didn’t know what to expect. When you
arrive at Dans Le Noir?, you can leave your coat, bag, and phone in a locked cabinet in the reception area
(there are lights here, luckily!). After that, your waiter or waitress leads you into the main part of the
restaurant. Half of the people who work at Dans Le Noir? are blind. The owners of the restaurant want to
show that it is easy to run a business that employs 50% disabled staff. Our waitress was called Yvette.
She explained that she had lost her sight when she was 16 as a result of an eye disease. Yvette was very
friendly and patient and quickly made us feel relaxed.

At Dans Le Noir?, you share your table with several other customers. There were eight people at our one.
I usually find it easy to talk to strangers, but here, the darkness made me nervous. Feeling a bit
embarrassed, I said, “Hello, I’m Paula. Who are you?” We soon started talking to the people sitting next to
us and we laughed a lot with them, too – Christos kept taking his neighbor’s napkin by accident! We had a
great time together.

The restaurant offers four different food options: meat, seafood, vegetarian, or the chef’s special. I had the
vegetarian menu and Christos had the seafood one. The staff don’t tell you anything about the food during
your meal, so all of the dishes are a complete surprise. At first, I missed seeing the food because I
normally enjoy looking at how it has been presented on the plate. But then I started to focus on the tastes.
It was difficult to guess what I was eating – one of the dishes definitely included asparagus, another one
had goat’s cheese – but everything was tasty and very unusual. I enjoyed all of the dishes I tried, but the
asparagus was my favorite one.

Our meal at Dans Le Noir? was a very special experience. We met some lovely people and ate some
delicious food. It also gave us some interesting ideas to think about. Dans Le Noir? isn’t just an unusual
restaurant, it’s one of the best ones I’ve ever visited.

Personal Best B1+  Richmond 2018


1 Read the review of a restaurant. Number topics a–h in the order they are mentioned. There are two
answers you do not need.

a the food at the restaurant _______

b the other customers at the restaurant _______

c the owner of the restaurant _______

d the cost of the meal _______

e the writer’s opinion of the restaurant _______

f the staff at the restaurant _______

g the size of the restaurant _______

h the reception area of the restaurant _______

(8 points)

2 Read the text. Choose the correct options to complete the sentences.

1 Dans Le Noir? in London is …

a the only restaurant where you can eat in the dark.
b one of several restaurants owned by Edouard de Broglie.
c the first restaurant that Edouard de Broglie opened.
2 Before the meal, Paula felt …
a anxious about leaving her phone in the reception area.
b excited about visiting a new restaurant.
c glad that the reception area had lights.
3 The waitress Yvette …
a doesn’t have a disability.
b could see when she was younger.
c has never been able to see.
4 Paula says she …
a felt too embarrassed to talk to the other customers.
b doesn’t usually like talking to strangers.
c enjoyed talking to the other people at her table.

Personal Best B1+  Richmond 2018


5 At Dans Le Noir? …
a you don’t know what dishes are on the menu.
b the staff explains the menu to you before your meal.
c the chef chooses a special menu for each customer.
6 Paula says she …
a didn’t enjoy the food because she couldn’t see it.
b thought the food was delicious.
c found it difficult to eat the food.

(6 points)

3 Which nouns do the words in bold replace? Match 1–4 to a–d.

1 There were eight people at our one. _______

2 … Christos had the seafood one. _______

3 … the asparagus was my favorite one. _______

4 … it’s one of the best ones I’ve ever visited. _______

a dish
b restaurant
c table
d menu

(4 points)

(Total points: 18)

Personal Best B1+  Richmond 2018


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