Lesson 9. Globalization of Religion GEC043
Lesson 9. Globalization of Religion GEC043
Lesson 9. Globalization of Religion GEC043
1st Semester, AY 2024-2025
1. Analyze the relationship between religion and
2. Explain how globalization affects religious beliefs and
How important is
religion in your life?
• Originating in India,
Buddhism spread
throughout Asia and has
recently gained popularity
in Western countries.
• Its emphasis on
meditation and
mindfulness resonates
with contemporary
spiritual seekers.
• People migrating for economic opportunities, conflict,
or seeking refuge often bring their religious practices
with them, leading to the establishment of religious
communities in new areas.
Cultural Exchange
• Social media
• Streaming services
• Websites and Apps
• Podcasts and Online Courses
Impact of Technology on
Religious Practices
• Globalization of beliefs
• Personalization of faith
• Misinformation and the spread of extremist views
• Commercialization of religion
• Educational policies
• Public Funding of religious institutions
• Religious practices in public life
• Same-sex marriage
• Healthcare and reproductive rights
Islamic Fundamentalism
• Groups like Al-Qaeda and ISIS represent radical
interpretations of Islam, advocating for a return to a
strict interpretation of Sharia law.
• These groups often justify violence as a means to
achieve their goals, viewing their actions as a defense
of the faith against perceived enemies.
Christian Fundamentalism
• In the United States, movements such as the
Religious Right advocate for a return to traditional
Christian values in politics and society.
• This includes opposition to abortion, LGBTQ+
rights, and the teaching of evolution in schools.