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Previous Years' CBSE Board Questions

11.2 Electron Emission SAI (2marks)

MCQ For the light of wavelength 400 nm incident on the
cathode of a photocell, the stopping potential is 6 V. If
1. The energy of a photon of wavelength , is the wavelength of incident light is increased to 600 nm,
(a) hcà (b) hc/a (c) hc (d) h/c calculate the new stopping potential.
(2023) (Take h=4.14 x10°15eVs) (2021)
9. (6) Monochromatic light of fregquency 6.0 x 104 Hz
11.3 Photoelectric Effect is produced by a laser. The power emitted is
VSA (1 mark) 2.0 x 10* w. Estimate the number of photons
emitted per second on an average by the source.
2 Define the term threshold frequency in photoelectric () Drawa plot showing thevariation of photoelectric
emission. (2020) (R) current versus the intensity of incident radiation on a
OR given photosensitive surface. (Delhi 2014) (An
Define the term "threshold frequency, in the context SAI (3 marks)
of photoelectric emission. (Delhi 2019)
3 Define the term "Intensity in photon picture of 10. Light of wavelength 2000 A is incident on a metal
electromagnetic radiation. (Delhi 2019) surface of work function 4.2 eV in an experiment on
photoelectric effect.
114 Experimental Study of (a) Find the maximum kinetic energy (in eV) of
ejected photoelectrons.
Photoelectric Effect (b) If the intensity of light is doubled, find the
change in stopping potential. (2020)
Effect of intensity ofLight on Photocurrent
11. Plot a graph showing the variation of photoelectric
MCQ current with intensity of light. The work function for
the following metals is given.
4 Photons of energy 3.2 eV are incident on a Na:2.75 eV and Mo:4.175 eV.
photosensitive surface. If the stopping potential for Which of these will not give photoelectron emission
the emitted electrons is 1.5 V. the work function for
the surface is
for a radiation of wavelength 3300 A from a laser
beam? What happens if the source of laser beam is
(a) 1.5 eV (b) 17 eV (c) 3.2 eV (d) 4.7 eV brought closer? (Foreign 2016)
(2023) 12. A beam of monochromatic radiation is incident on
VSA (1mark) a photosensitive surface. Answer the following
questions giving reasons.
5. If the frequency of the radiation incident on a (a) Do the emitted photoelectrons have the same
photosensitive surface increases (u > . how will kinetic energy?
the stopping potential change? (2021) (b) Does the kinetic energy of the emitted electrons
6 The three curves shown below. represent the depend on the intensity of incident radiation?
variation of photocurrent and applied voltage for two (c) On what factors does the number of emitted
photoelectrons depend? (Foreign 2015)
different materials using two different intensities of
a monochromatic light. ldentify the two curves which Effect of Potential on Photoelectric Current
are for the same material.
VSA (1mark)
13. Draw graphs showing variation of photoelectric
current with applied voltage for two incident
radiations of equal frequency and different
intensities. Mark the graph for the radiation of
higher intensity. (2018)
SAI (2 marks)
In photoelectric effect, does the photoelectric current
depend on intensity of incident radiation? Give reasons.
14. Draw a graph showing variation of photocurent
with the anode potential of a photocel. (1/2, 2020U)
(a) Define the terms, () threshold frequerncy and 22. The following graph shows the variation
(i) stopping potential in photoelectric effect. photocurrent for a photosensitive metal:
(b) Plot a graph of photocurrent versus anode
potential for a radiation of frequency u and
intensities l, and I, U, <Iz). (Delhi 2019) Photocurrent
Effect of Frequency of incident Radiation on
Stopping Potential
VSA (1 mark)
(a) ldentify the variable Xon the horizontal axis.
16. The variation of the stopping v.4 (b) What does the point A on the horizontal axis
My M represent?
potential (V) with the frequency
(u) of the light incident on two (c) Draw this graph for three different values of
different photosensitive surfaces frequencies of incident radiation U. U, and U
MË and M2 is shown in the figure. (u, >y> u) for same intensity.
ldentify the surface which (d) Draw this graph for three different values
has greater value of the work function. (2020) of intensities of incident radiation I, l, and l
17. Estimate the frequency associated with a photon of U,>h>)having samefrequency. (AI 2017) (E
energy 2 eV. (2019) 23. Describe briefly three experimentally observed
SAI (2 marks)
features in the phenomenon of photoelectric effect.
(2/3, Al 2015)
18. How would the stopping potential for a
given115 Photoelectric Effect and WWave
photosensitive surface change if () frequency of
the incident radiation were increased? and (ii) the Theory of Light
intensity of incident radiation were decreased? LA (5 marks)
Justify your answer. (2023)
19. Two monochromatic radiations of frequencies u 24. Why is wave theory of electromagnetic radiation
not able to explain photoelectric effect? How
and vzlu >U) and having the same intensity are in does photon picture resolve this problem?
turn, incident on a photosensitive surface to cause (Delhi 2019) (An)
photoelectric emission. Explain, giving reason, in
which case () more number of electrons will be
emitted and (i) maximum kinetic energy of the Discuss briefly how wave theory of light cannot
emitted photoelectrons will be more. explain photoelectric effect. (2/3, Al 2015)
(Delhi 2014C) (Ap OR
Write three observed features of photoelectric
SA I (3 marks) effect which cannot be explained by wave theory of
20. The work function of a metal is 2.31 eV. Photoelectric light. (2/5, Al 2015C)
emission occurs when light of frequency 6.4 x 10 Hz
is incident on the metal surface. Calculate : 0) the 11.6 Einstein's Photoelectric Equation:
energy of the incident radiation (i) the maximum Energy Quantum of Radiation
kinetic energy of the emitted electron and (iii) the
stopping potential of the surface. (2022C)
21. Explain giving reasons for the folowing: 25. A light of frequencyvis incident on a metal surface
(a) Photoelectric current in a photocell increases whose work function is Wo The kinetic energy of
with the increase in the intensity of the incident emitted electron is K. If the frequency of the incident
radiation. light is doubled then the kinetic energy of emitted
electron will be
(b) The stopping potential (V) varies linearly with (a) 2K (b) more than 2K
the frequency (u) of the incident radiation for (c) between Kand 2K (d) less than K (2023)
a given photosensitive surface with the slope 26. E, c and u represent the energy. velocity and
remaining the same for different surfaces. frequency of a photon. Which of the following
(2/3, Al 2017) represents its wavelength?
(b) hu (d)
34. Figure shows the stopping potential (Vo) for the
photo electron versus (1/2) graph, for two metals A
(2023) and B, Abeing the wavelength of incident light.
27. Photons of energies 1 eV and 2 eV are successively
incident on a metallic surface of work function
0.5 eV. The ratio of kinetic energy of most energetic
photoelectrons in the two cases will be
(a) 1:2 (b) 1:1
(c) 1:3 (d) 1:4 (2020)
(a) How is the value of Planck's constant determined
28. If photons of frequency u are incident on the surfaces from the graph?
of metals Aand B of threshold frequencies /2 and (b) If the distance between the light source and
u/3 respectively, the ratio of the maximum kinetic the surface of metal A is increased, how will the
energy of electrons emitted from A to that from B is stopping potential for the electrons emitted
(a) 2:3 (b) 3:4
from it be effected? Justify your answer.
(c) 1:3 (d) V3:V2 (2020) Ap) (2020) (Ev
VSA (1 mark) 35. Write two main observations of photoelectric
29. The threshold wavelength for two photosensitive effect experiment which could only be explained by
Einstein's photoelectric equation. (1/2, 2020)
surfaces Aand Bare à and àg respectively. What is
the ratio of the work functions of the two surfaces? 36. If light of wavelength 412.5 nm is incident on each
(2020) of the metals given in table, which one will show
30. The figure shows the variation of stopping potential photoelectric emission and why?
Vo with the frequency v of the incident radiations for Metal Work Function (eV)
two photosensitive metals P and Q. Which metal has
smaller threshold wavelength? Justify your answer.
PQ K 2.15
Ca 3.20
Mo 4.17

0.1 10 (x 1015 s-)u (AI 2019) E (201

31. Name the phenomenon which shows the quantum 37. Using the graph shown in the figure for stoppin
nature of electromagneticradiation. AI 2017) RJ potential versus the incident frequency of photons.
calculate Planck's constant.
SAI (2 marks) V(volts)

32. The figure shows v versus graph for 18+

photoelectrons emitted from a surface where Vm is 14+
the maximum speed of electrons andÀ is wavelength 123
of incident radiation. Using this graph and Einstein's 084
photoelectric equation, obtain the expression for
Planck's constant and work function of the surface.
46 8 10 10+Hz)
(Delhi 2015C) (An)
o SA II (3 marks)
38. (a) Give an example each of a metal from which
(2023) photoelectric emission takes place when irradiated
by (i) UV light. () visible light.
33. Why it is the frequency and not the intensity of (b) The work function of a metal is 4.50 eV. Find the
light source that determines whether emission of frequency of light to be used to eject electrons from
photoelectrons will occur or not? Explain. the metal surface with a maximum kinetic energy of
(Term Il 2021-22) 6.06 x 1o-19 J. (Tern ll 2021-22)
39. (a) Use Einstein's photoelectric equation to depict () Determine the work function of the metal
the variation of the maximum kinetic energy (E) which has greater value.
of electrons emitted, with the frequency{u) of the (ii) Find the maximum kinetic energy of electron
incident radiation. emitted by light of frequency 8 x 1o* Hz for
(b) A photosensitive surface is illuminated with a this metal. (Delhi 2017) Ap
beam of (i) yellow light, and (ü) red light, both of the 46. Sketch the graphs showing variation of stopping
same intensity. potential with frequency of incident radiations
In which case willI for two photosensitive materials A and B having
() photoelectrons have more E? threshold frequencies va >Ug
(1) more numbers of electrons be eme () In which case is the stopping potential more and
Justify your answer in each case. | 2021-22) wy?
40. The maximumn kinetic energy of the photoelectrons
emitted is de
(i) Does the slope of the graph depend on the
doubled when the wavelength of light nature of the material used ? Explain.
incident on the photosensitive surface changes (AI 2016) (An
from à to z. Deduce expressions for the threshold
wavelength and work function for the metal surface 47. Define the term "cut off frequency in photoelectric
in terms of à1 and (2020) emission. The threshold frequency of a metal is f.
41. () How does one explain the emission of electrons When the light of frequency 2f is incident on the
from a photosensitive surface with the help of metal plate, the maximum velocity of photoelectron
Einstein's photoelectric equation? is v. When the frequency of the incident radiation is
(ii) The work function of the following metals is increased to 5f. the maximum velocity of photoelectrons
g0ven : Na 2.75 eV, K 2.3 eV. Mo 4.17 eV and is V. Find the ratiovË:V2 (Foreign 2016)
Ni 5.15 eV. Which of these metals will not cause
photoelectric emission for radiation of wavelength 48. Write three characteristic features in photoelectric
3300 Àfrom a laser source placed 1 maway from effect which cannot be explained on the basis of
these metals? What happens if the laser source wave theory of light, but can be explained only using
is brought nearer and placed 50cm away? Einstein's equation. (Delhi 2016
(Delhi 2017) (An OR
42. () State two important features of Einstein's Explain how Einstein's photoelectric equation is
photoelectric equation. used to describe photoelectric effect satisfactorily.
(i) Radiation of frequency 10o Hz is incident (3/5, Al 2015C) (U)
on two photosensitive surfaces P and Q. There is
no photoemission from surface P. Photoemission 49. Write Einstein's photoelectric equation and mention
occurs from surface Q but photoelectrons have zero which impoh
be explained
tant features in photoelectric effect can
the help of this equation.
kinetic energy. Explain these observations and find
the value of work function for surface Q. The maximum kinetic energy of the photoelectrons
(Delhi 2017) gets doubled when the wavelength of light incident
43. Give reason for maximum kinetic energy of the on the surface changes from A to Derive the
photoelectrons is independent of the intensity of expressions for the threshold wavelength o and
incident radiation. (1/3, Al 2017) (U] work function for the metal surface. (Delhi 2015) (Cr
44. Using photon picture of light, show how Einstein's LA (5 marks)
photoelectric equation can be established. Write
two features of photoelectric effect which cannot be 50. Figure shows a plot of stopping potential (Vo
explained by wave theory. (AI 2017) with frequency (u) of incident radiation for two
45. In the study of a photoelectric effect the graph photosensitive material M, and Mz Explain
between the stopping potential Vand frequency () why the slope of both the lines is same?
the incident radiation on two different metals P and (i) for which material emitted electrons have
Qis shown in: greater kinetic energy for the same frequency
of incident radiation?
M M,/

-2 ux 10Hz -

6) Which one of the two metals has higher

threshold frequency?
(3/5, AI 2015C) (Ev
11.7 Particle Nature of Light: 58. How will the de Broglie wavelength associated with
The Photon an electron be affected when the () velocity of the
electron decreases? and (i) accelerating potential is
VSA (1 mark) increased? Justify your answer. (2023)
59. A heavy particle initially at rest splits spontaneously
51. What is the wavelength of a photon of energy into two particles of masses m, and m, having non
3.3 x 1019 j? (2020) zero velocities. The ratio of de Broglie wavelengths
associated with the particles is
52. Define intensity of radiation on the basis of photon (a) m/m,
picture of light. Write its Sl unit. (AI 2014) (b) mz/m
(c) 1 (2020)
SAI (2 marks)
VSA (1 mark)
53. Write three basic properties of photons which are
used to obtain Einstein's photoelectric equation. 60. An electron is accelerated through a potential
difference of 100 V. Calculate the de Broglie
Use this equation to draw a plot of maximum kinetic
energy of the electrons emitted versus the frequency wavelength associated with it. (2021)
of incident radiation. (AI 2014C) 61. A proton and a deuteron are moving with the same
speed. Find the ratio of the de Broglie wavelength
SA II (3 marks) D associated with them. (2021)
54. In the wave picture of light, intensity of light is 62. A proton and an electron have equal speeds. Find
determined by the square of the amplitude of the the ratio of de Broglie wavelengths associated with
wave. What determines the intensity in the photon them. (2020)
picture of light? (2/3, Al 2016)
63. The graph showing the correct variation of
55. (a) Write the important properties of photons linear momentum (p) of a charge particle with its
which are used to establish Einstein's photoelectric de-Broglie wavelength () is
(b) Use this equation to explain the concept of
(i) threshold frequency and (ii) stopping potential.
(a) (b)
(AI 2015) U
11.8 Wave Nature of Matter
56. A photon and an alpha particle have the same
kinetic energy. The ratio of de Broglie wavelengths (c)
associated with the proton to that with the alpha
particle is
(a) 1 (b) 2 (c) 2/2 () 2
57. Which of the following graphs correctly represents
64. Draw a plot showing the variation of de-Broglie
wavelength of electron as a function of its K.E.
the variation of a particle momentum with its
associated de-Broglie wavelength? (Delhi 2015C)(U)
SAI (2 marks)
65. What are matter waves? A proton and an alpha
(a) (b)
particle are accelerated through the same potential
difference. Find the ratio of the de Broglie
wavelength associated with the proton to that with
the alpha particle. (Term Il 2021-22)
66. (a) Calculate the energy and momentum of aphoton
(c) (d) in a monochromatic beam of wavelength 331.5 nm.
(b) How fast shoulda hydrogen atom travel in order
to have the same momentum as that of the photon in
(2023) U part (a) ? (Term I| 2021-22)
67. An a-particle and a proton are accelerated through of de Broglie wavelength associated with it? Justify
the same potential difference. Find the ratio of their your answer.
de Broglie wavelengths. (Delhi 2017)
(b) Lights of wavelengths 430 nm, 450 nm and
68. The wavelength à of a photon and the de Broglie 660 nm are incident on a metal surface whose
wavelength of an electron have the same value.
Show that energy of a photon is (22. mc/h) times the threshold wavelength is 600 nm. In which caselcases
kinetic energy of electron, where m, cand h have their will photoemission take place and why? Calculate the
usual meaning. (Foreign 2016) An threshold frequency of the metal surface. (2022C)
A proton and an a-particle have the same de-Broglie 73. Obtain an expression for the ratio of the accelerati
wavelength Determine the ratio of
0 their accelerating potentials potentials required to accelerate a proton ad
() their speeds. (Delhi 2015) particle to have the same de-Broglie wavelength
associated with them. (2/3, Al 015
70. A proton and a deuteron are accelerated through
the same accelerating potential. Which one of the 74. (a) An electron anda proton are accelerated througs
two has the same potential. Which one of the two has
(a) greater value of de-Broglie wavelength (i) greater value of de-Broglie wavelength associated
associated with it, and with it, and
(b) less momentum? (ii) lesser momentum?
Give reasons to justify your answer. (Delhi 2014) Justify your answer in each case.
71. X-rays fall on a photosensitive surface to cause (b) How is the momentum of a particle related with
photoelectric emission. Assuming that the work its de-Broglie wavelength? Show the variation on a
function of the surface can be neglected, find the graph. AI 2019)
relation between the de-Broglie wavelength 0)
of the electrons emitted and the energy (E) of the 75. An electron microscope uses electrons accelerated
incident photons. Draw the nature of the graph for à by a voltage of 50 kV. Determine the de Broglie
as a function of E, (Delhi 2014C) wavelength associated with the electrons. Taking
other factors, such as numerical aperture etc. to be
SA I (3 marks) same, hovw does the resolving power of an electron
72. (a) A proton and a-particle are moving with the microscope compare with that of an optical microscope
same speed. Which one of them has greater value which uses yellow light? (AI 2014)
CBSE Sample Questions
11.2 Electron Emission 114 Experimental Study of
MCQ Photoelectric Effect
1 Photoelectric emission from a given surface of metal SA II (3 marks)
can take place when the value of a'physical quantity' 3 The graph shows the variation of photocurrent for a
is less than the energy of incident photon. The photosensitive metal.
physical quantity is
(a) threshold frequency
(b) work function of surface
(c) threshold wavelength
(a) stopping potential (2019-20)R A X

11.3 Photoelectric Effect (a) What does X and on the horizontal axis
MCQ (b) Draw this graph for three different values of
frequencies of incident radiation u. U and u
2 The work function for a metal surface is 4.14 eV. The (ug> y> u,) for the same intensity.
threshold wavelength for this metal surface is (c) Draw this graph for three different values of
(a) 4125 À (b) 2062.5 A intensities of incident radiation I, I, and l3 (3>
(c) 3000 A (d) 6000A (2022-23) I,>1) having the same frequency. (2022-23)
11.5 Photoelectric Effect and Wave SA I (3 marks)
Theory of Light 7
Light of wavelength 2000 Àfalls on a metal surface
of work function 4.2 eV.
SA I (3 marks) (a) What is the kinetic energy (in eV) of the fastest
State the main implications of observations obtained electrons emitted from the surface?
(b) What will be the change in the energy of the
from various photoelectric experiments. Can these emitted electrons if the intensity of light with
implications be explained by wave nature of light? same wavelength is doubled?
Justify your answer. (2020-21) Ap (c) If the same light falls on another surface of
11.6 Einstein's Photoelectric work function 6.5 eV, what will be the energy of
emitted electrons? (Term Il 2021-22)
Equation: Energy Quantum
of Radiation 11.7 Particle Nature of Light :
The Photon
SAI (3 marks)
Two statements are given-one labelled Assertion (A)
8 Radiation of frequency 10 Hz is incident on
and the other labelled Reason (R). Select the correct
answer to these questions from the codes (a). (b). (c) three photosensitive surfaces A, B and C. Following
and (d) as given below. observations are recorded:
(a) Both A and R are true andR is the correct Surface A: no photoemission occurs
explanation of A Surface B photoemission occurs but the
(b) Both A and R are true and R is NOT the correct
explanation of A. photo-electrons have zero kinetic energy.
(c) Ais true but Ris false.
Surface C:photo emission occurs and
(d) A is false and R is also false.
have some kinetic energy. photoelectrons
Assertion (A) : The photoelectrons produced by Using Einstein's
a monochromatic light beam incident on a metal three observations.
photo-electric equation, explain the
surface have a spread in their kinetic energies. (2022-23)
Reason (R): The energy of electrons emitted from 11.8 Wave Nature of Matter
the metal surface, is lost in collision with the other
atoms in the metal.
SAI (3 marks)
(2022-23) . (a) Explain de-Broglie argument to propose his
VSA (1 mark) hypothesis. Show that de-Broglie wavelength of
6 In a photoelectric experiment, the potential photon equals electromagnetic radiation.
required (b) If. deuterons and alpha particle are accelerated
to stop the ejection of electrons from cathode is
4 V.What is the value of maximum through same potential, find the ratio of the
kinetic energy of associated de-Broglie wavelengths of two.
emitted Photoelectrons?
(2020-21) (2020-21) (An)

Previous Years' CBSE Board Questions (b): According to Einstein's photoelectric equation,
eV hu
1 (b):Energy of photon of wavelength = hu -eV
E hu Here, energy of photon =3.2 eV
Stopping potential = 15 eV
cauà or vor E 3.2 eV - 15 eV- 17 eV

2 Threshold frequency is defined as the m 1e frequency of incident radiation increase then

frequency of incident radiation below whi tic energy of ejected photoelectron will also
photoelectric emission does not occur.
ve have need to increase the stopping potential.
3. The amount of light energy or
photon ve 1 and 2 are for same materials The value of
incident per unit area per unit time is called inte.
electromagnetic radiation. sUyping potential increases with the fregency of incident
7 The number of photoelectrons emitted, ie. 11. Variation of photoelectric
photoelectric current depends only upon its intensity. current with intensity of light
The photo current is directly for a given frequency of incident
proportional to the number of radiation
photoelectrons emitted per Given that à = 3300 x 10-10 m,
second. This implies that the
ON 2.75 eV. o 4,175 eV
number of photoelectrons emitted Then energy of the laser beam is Intensity of light
per second is directly proportional 6.6x104x3x108
to the intensity of incident
radiation. Intensity of light A3300x10-10 1.6x10-15=.sey
Since E < OMo therefore there will be no emission of
8 A= 400 nm=4x 10o- m photoelectrons for molybdenum (Mo).
y600 nm =6x10 m Bringing the source nearer will cause to emit more
h4.14 x 10*15 evs photoelectrons as intensity on the plate will increase.
Vo1 6V Concept Applied (G)
Work function is the minimum energy or work done
eVo hu - Wo to free the electrons or remove the electrons from the
eVo = hu - W surface of a metal.
eVo huz- W
12. (a) Yes, all emnitted photoelectrons have same kinetic
energy as the kinetic energy of emitted photoelectrons
4.14 x 10l5x3x108 depends upon frequency of the incident radiation for a
(6-Vogl= given photosensitive surface.
16x10-x6624x104x10v (b) No, the kinetic energy of emitted electrons does
6- Vo2 0.975 not depend on the intensity of incident radiation. If
Vo26-0.975 5.025 V the intensity is increased, number of photons will also
9. i) Given, u= 6.0 x 10" Hz increase but energy of each photon remains same as the
frequency is also same. The maximum kinetic energy
Answer Tips depends on frequency not on intensity.
The ratio of the power emitted by the source and the (c) The number of emitted photoelectrons depends only on
energy of the photon gives the number of photons intensity of incident light. For a given frequency of incident
emitted per second by the source. radiation, its intensity depends on the number of photons.
P= 20x 10-3 w 13. For a given frequency.
Let n is the number of photons emitted by the source per Photoelectric current Intensity
Photoelectric current
Hgher intersity
P P 2x10-3
hu 6.63x10- x6.0x104
-0.0502 x 101"= 5 x 10 photons per second.
(0) -Vo Applied voltage
14. For given Photoelectric current
frequency, Photoelectric fHigher intensity
current varies with
anode potential is as
Intensityof light shown in graph.
-Vo Anode potential
10. (a) KE - hu - Wo=W% 15. (a) (0) Threshold Frequency:The minimum frequency
of incident light which is just capable of ejecting electrons
A- 2000 ¢=2x 10" m, Wo 4.2 eV from a metal is called the threshold frequency. It is
denoted by uo
2x10- x1.6x10-19
62- 42 eV
(ü) Stopping Potential : The minimum retarding potential
applied to anode of a photoelectric tube which is just
capable of stopping photoelectric current is called the
-2 eV stopping potential. It is denoted by Vo lor Vg).
(b) Photoelectric Higher intensity
(b) Stopping potential, eVo=m² =KE. current
Stopping potential does not depend upon the intensity of -
light. Hence, if intensity is doubled, the stopping potential
remains constant.
Applied voltage
16. M, has greater value of work function, since it has 21. (a) The number of photoelectrons emitted, ie.
higher value of threshold frequency. photoelectric current depends only upon its intensity.
The photo current is directly
Concept Applied (G proportional to the number of
Stopping potential is independent of the intensity of photoelectrons emitted per
incidenceradiation of a given frequency. second. This implies that the
17. Energy of photon, E = hu numberof photoelectrons emitted
E 2 eV =2x 16 x 10-19 per second is directly proportional
_2x1.6x10"-19 48x 1014 Hz to the intensity of incident Intensityof ieht
h 663x 10-34 radiation.
(b) The energy of the emitted electrons depends on
(0)18. As,
(b) incident
hu huo frequency
+eVo v increases, the stopoing the frequency of the incident radiations. The stopping
potential also increases. potential is more negative for higher frequencies of
(i) There is no effect on stopping potential as the incident radiation. From thefigure, stopping potentials are
intensity changes. The photoelectric current will change in order Vo3> Voz> Vo if the frequencies are in the order
as the intensity change. of ug> U >u. This implies that greater the frequency of
19. () ntensity =Number of photons per unit area per incident ight, greater is the maximum kinetic energy of
unit time the photoelectrons.
(c) A is true but Ris false. Surface C:photo emissionoccurs and photoelectrons
(d) A is false and R is also false. have some kinetic energy.
Assertion (A) : The photoelectrons produced by Using Einstein's photo-electric equation, explain the
a monochromatic light beam incident on a metal three observations.
surface have a spread in their kinetic energies.
Reason (R) : The energy of electrons emitted from 11.8 Wave Nature of Matter
the metal surface. is lost in collision with the other SAII(3 marks)
atoms in the metal. (2022-23) 9 (a) Explain de-Broglie argument to propose his
VSA (1 mark) hypothesis. Show that de-Broglie wavelength of
photon equals electromagnetic radiation.
In a photoelectric experiment, the potential required (b) If, deuterons and alpha particle are accelerated
to stop the ejection of electrons from cathode is through same potential, find the ratio of the
4 V.What is the value of maximum kinetic energy of associated de-Broglie wavekengths of two.
emitted Photoelectrons? (2020-21) (2020-21) (An

Previous Years' CBSE Board Questions
4 (b):According to Einstein's photoelectric equation,
eV hu
1 (b):Energy of photon of wavelength , hu- eV
E hu Here, energy of photon 3.2 eV
Stopping potential = 1.5 eV
ceuÀ or u= or E= :. 3.2 eV - 1.5 eV = 17 eV
If the frequency of incident radiation increase then
2. Threshold frequency is defined as the minimumthe kinetic energy of ejected photoelectron will also
frequency of incident radiation below which the
photoelectric emission does not occur.
Hence, we have need to increase the stopping potential.
3. The amount of light energy or photon energy 6 Curve 1 and 2 are for same materials. The value of
incident per unit area per unit time is called intensity of stopping potential increases with the freqency of incident
electromagnetic radiation. radiation.
7. The number of photoelectrons emitted, ie. 11 Variation of photoelectric
photoelectric current depends only upon its intensity. current with intensity of light
The photo current is directly for a given frequency of incident
proportional to the number of radiation
photoelectrons emitted per Given that ). 3300 x 10-10 m,
second. This implies that the ONa=275 eV. oMo 4,175 eV Intersity of light
number of photoelectrons emitted Then energy of the laser beam is
per second is directly proportional 6.6x10x3x108
to the intensity of incident -13=3.75ev
Intensity of light
Since E < ouo therefore there will be no emission of
8. A 400 nm4x 10 m photoelectrons for molybdenum (Mo).
z 600 nm =6x 10* m Bringing the source nearer will cause to emit more
he4.14 x 10-15 eV s photoelectrons as intensity on the plate will increase.
Vo16 V Concept Applied (G)
Vo2 ?
eVo hu - Wo Work function is the minimum energy or work done
to free the electrons or remove the electrons from the
eVo = hu - W Surface of a metal.
eVo hu- W
12. (a) Yes, all emitted photoelectrons have same kinetic
energy as the kinetic energy of emitted photoelectrons
depends upon frequency of the incident radiation for a
4.14x 1015x3x108 given photosensitive surface.
(6-Voz)= 1.6x10-1 x6.624 x104x10 (b) No, the kinetic energy of emitted electrons does
6- Vo2 0.975 not depend on the intensity of incident radiation. If
Vo26-0.975 = 5.025 V the intensity is increased, number of photons will also
9 Given, u 6.0 x 10 Hz increase but energy of each photon remains same as the
frequency is also same. The maximum kinetic energY
Answer Tips depends on frequency not on intensity.
The ratio of the power emitted by the source and the (c) The number of emitted photoelectrons depends only on
energy of the photon gives the number of photons intensity of incident light. For a given frequency of incident
emitted per second by the source. radiation, its intensity depends on the number of photons.
P 2.0 x 10° w 13. For a given frequency.
Let n is the number of photons emitted by the source per Photoelectric current« Intensity
Photoelectric current
Higher intensity
P_P= 2x10-3
6.63x10- x6.0x1014
-0.0502 x 10 =5x 101 photons per second.
(i) -Vo Applied voltage
14. For given Photoelectric current
frequency, Photoelectric tHigher intensity
varies with
potential is as
Intensityof light shown in graph.
Anode potential
10. (a) KE. hu - Wo==W 15. (a)(0) Threshold Frequency: Theminimum frequency
of incident light which is just capable of ejecting electrons
A- 2000 A¢-2x 10 m, Wo4.2 eV from a metal is called the threshold frequency. It is
KE.-663x10x3x108 denoted by uo
(2x 10-x16x10-1942 (ü) Stopping Potential : The minimum retarding potential
applied to anode of a photoelectric tube which is just
6.2 - 4.2 eV capable of stopping photoelectric current is called the
2eV stopping potential. It is denoted by Vo (or V).
(b) Stopping potential, eVo =mv²=KE. (b) Photoelectric Higher intensity

Stopping potential does not depend upon the intensity of

light. Hence, if intensity is doubled, the ststopping potential
remains constant. -Vo Applied voltage
16. M, has greater value of work function, since it has 21. (a) The number of photoelectrons emitted, ie.
higher value of threshold frequency. photoelectriccurrent depends only upon its intensity.
Concept Applied (G The photo current is directly
proportional to the number of
3 Stopping potential is independent of the intensity of photoelectrons emitted per
incidence radiation of agiven frequency. second. This implies that the
17. Energy of photon, E =hu number of photoelectrons emitted
E-2eV=2x 16 x10-19 per second is directly proportional
348x 10!4 Hz to the intensity of incident Intensity of light
h 663x10" radiation.
18. (b) hu huo teVo (b) The energy of the emitted electrons depends on
(0 As, incident frequency u increases, the stopping the frequency of the incident radiations. The stopping
potential also increases. potential is more negative for higher frequencies of
(i) There is no effect on stopping potential as the incident radiation.From the figure, stopping poterntials are
intensity changes. The photoelectric current will change in order Vo3 >Vog> Voj if the frequencies are in the order
as the intensity change. of ug> > vy. This implies that greater the frequency of
19. (0) Intensity =Number of photons per unit area per incident light, greater is the maximum kinetic energy of
unit time the photoelectrons.
For unit area and unit time, I, h n uj n2
2>1 >n4 Photoelectric
For same intensity number of photons per unit area per
unit time is large for u, ie. n. Hence, more electrons will
be emitted corresponds to u2 Current
(ii) The maximum kinetic energy of emitted electrons
is more for the light of greater frequency. Since v >2.
maximum kinetic energy of emitted photoelectrons will -Vo1 Vo2 -Vos 0 Collector plate
be correspond to vj <-Retarding potential
22. (a) The variable X on the horizontal axis is collector
plate potential.
(b) The point A on the horizontal axis represents
stopping potential.
Lhfaeuk onas
6-63A (c)


-Vo1 Vo2 -Vos 0 Collector plate>

-Retarding potential Potentíal

Pes Tks aYiUm. i k enexa ehoelechaans

l4Stagena teots al Saturation

Stopging current
Retia Of. theasaa's Aituy Collector plate
potential potential
(Topper's Answer, 2022)

23. On the basis of experiments on photoelectric effect. () In the interaction of photons with free electrons, the
three observed features are: entire energy of photon is absorbed.
(0) Emission of photoelectrons start as soon as light () Energy of photon is directly proportional to
falls on metal surface ie., there is no time lag between frequency. Intensity of incident radiation depends on the
incidence of light and emission of photoelectrons. number of photons falling per unit area per unit time for
() The emission of photoelectrons takes place only agiven frequency.
when the frequency of the incident radiations is above a
certain critical value called threshold frequency Ug which Key Points
is characteristic of that metal emitting electrons. Free electrons in a metal do not have the same energy.
Above threshold frequency Ug maximum kinetic energy At constant temperature, each electron has its own
with which photoelectrons are emitted is directy certain energy. Because of this energy required to
proportional to frequency v of eject an electron is different for different electrons
incident radiation.
So, the graph plotted between residing on metal surface.
(1/2)m or eVo with 25. (b): Kinetic energy of emitted electron
frequency u is a straight line for
frequencies above threshold K= hu -Wo i)
frequency uo hu K+Wo or hu - Wo -(1)
(ii) The maximum kinetic energy with which a Work function is constant for every metal surface and if
photoelectron is emitted from a metallic surface is we double the frequency of incident ight, then new KE
independent of the intensity of light and depends only will be
upon its frequency. K'= h(2u)- Wo 2hu - Wo
24. The observed characteristics of photoelectric effect Using equation (i), we get
could not be explained on the basis of wave theory of K'- 2(K + W- Wo 2K +Wo
light. :. Kinetic energy will be more than 2K, hence option (b)
() According to wave theory. the light propagates in is correct.
the form of wavefronts and the energy is distributed
uniformly over the wavefronts. With increase of intensity 26. (c): E=u=+
of light, the amplitude of waves and the energy stored by
waves will increase. These waves will then, provide more
energy to electrons of metal, consequentBy the energy of
electrons will increase.
27. (c): (KE)max hu
Thus, according to wave theory. the kinetic energy of
photoelectrons must depend on the intensity of incident (KE),_hu-1-0.5_0.51
light. but according to experimental observations, the (KE)2hu- 2-0.5 1.5 3
kinetic energy of photoelectrons does not depend on the
intensity of incident light.
28. (b):E hu hugA +(KE)mx, =hubg+ (KE)maxg
() According to wave theory. the light of any frequency
can emit electrons from metallic surface provided the Kg 2 2hu
intensity of light be sufficient to provide necessary energy
for emission of electrons, but according to experimental 29. Work function =hu=
observations, the light of frequency less than threshold
frequency can not emit electrons, whatever be the The ratio, A
intensity of incident light.
(ii) According to wave theory. the energy transferred by 30. Metal Qhas smaller threshold wavelength.
light waves will not go to a particular electrons, but it will
be distributed uniformly to all electrons present in the
illuminated surface. Therefore, electrons will take some
time to collect the necessary energy for their emission.
The time for emission will be more for light of less intensity To.1 10 (« 10"s
and vice versa. But experimental observations showthat eV=hu-g or, Vo =|
the emission of electrons take place instantaneously
after the light is incident on the metal; whatever be the For P, when Vo=0, up =Ug =0.1 x 1015g-1
intensity of light. For Q. when Vo u, uo- u1 x10151
So. we conclude that wave nature of light cannot be used
to explain photoelectric effect. As vo Vp s0 Ap
The photon picture resove this problen by folowing 31. Photoelectric effect shows the quantum nature of
features. electromagnetic radiation.
Metal 2 Metal 1
32. Consider the graph shown below
Einstein's photoelectric equation vt Stopplng
KE h-Oo potential (VJ

KE -(10) Frequency of
incident radiation
2hc ) Slope of the line (: eAV- hau]
mà. mo
(i) Slope of the line = ie, it is a constant quantity and
0) Now from graph, does not depend on nature of metal surface.
2hc (ü) Intercept of graph 1 on the stopping potential axis
Slope, =tane
work function(W) huo
2hc =tant
e e

m Intercept of the line depends upon the stopping

hmtane function of the metal surface.
2c (b) Stopping potential only depends on the frequency of
(i) Now, for work function incident light. If distance increases, it does not affect the
stopping potential.
Concept Appiied (G
Therefore. from graph, (1/ is threshold wavelength on
sraph Vo versus u curve is astraight line with slope ="
hc independent of the nature af the material.

Now take value from eq.(i) 35. On the basis of experiments on photoelectric effect,
two observed features are

33. Below threshold frequency uo energy of photon
(0) The emission of photoelectrons takes place only
when the frequency of the incident radiations is above a
certain critical value called threshold frequency ig, which
is less than work function of metal surface, ie. less than is characteristic of that metal emitting electrons.
minimum amount of energy required to liberate an Above threshold frequency u maximum kinetic energy
electron. So emission of photoelectrons take place only with which photoelectrons are emitted
frequency u of incident radiation
when the frequency of incident radiation is above or proportional to
equal to the threshold frequency un (ii) The maximum kinetic energy with which
photoelectron is emitted from a metallic surface is
involts) independent of the intensity of light and depends only
upon its frequency.
36. Wavelength of incident light, à =412.5 nm
80 Energy of incident light. E= hc 4125nm
1242eV nm. 3 eV
Frequency> Metals Na and Kwill show photoelectric emission because
their work functions are less than the energy of incident
The slope of graph is, tane= VoeVo Concept Applied (O)
(u-) eu-v)
As energy of a photon depends on the frequency of light, The condition for the occurrence of photoelectric
so the maximum kinetic energy with which photoelectron effect is that the energy associated with the photon
is emitted depends only on the energy of photon or on should be greater than the work function of the metal.
the frequency of incident radiation. 37. Using Einstein's photoelectric equation.
eV hu
34. (a) The graph showing the variation of stopping On differentiation, we get eAV= hAu
potential (Vo) with the frequency of incident radiation (u)
for two different photosensitive materials having work or
PAV 16x10-1 x(1.23-0)_656x10-3A Js
functions Wj and W, (W, >W,) is shown in figure. Au (8-5)x1014
38. (a) (0 Zinc, cadmium for à=3300 A
(i) Lithium, sodium hc 1.989x10 25 6.03x10-19
(b) Work function of metal, =4.50 eV 3300x10-10 L6x10-19 3.77 eV
Kinetic energy 6.06 x 10-19 J
606x10-19 Mo and Ni will not cause photoelectric emission.
16x10-19 eV=378eV If the laser source is brought nearer and placed 50 cm
away, then photoelectric emission will not effect, since
Now, K.E. = hu it depends upon the work function and threshold
hu KE. +=3.78 eV + 4.50eV 8.28 eV frequency.
8.28eV 8.28 eV
4.135x1015 eVs-=2002 x105Hz
42. (0) Two features of Einstein's photoelectric
39.E, hu(a) - huo
According to Einstein photoelectric equation. ) Below threshold frequency y, corresponding to Wo
no emission of photoelectrons takes place.
Where, ug is threshold frequency and his Planck's constant. (b) As the number of photons in light depend on its
intensity, and one photon liberates one photoelectron.
So number of emitted photoelectrons depend only on the
intensity of incident light for a given frequency.
(ü) Below threshold frequency no emission takes place.
As there is no photoemission from surface P ie., the
frequency of incident radiation is less than the threshok
frequency for surface P.
(b) Yellow light has high frequency (thus more energy)
than red light. From surface Q photoemission is possible ie.. the
() Yellow light willemit photoelectrons having more Er frequency of incident radiation is equal or greater than
threshold frequency. As the kinetic enerEY of photo
(u) Number of photoelectrons emitted per second is electrons is zero ie., the energy of incident radiation is
directly proportional to intensity of incident light. Since st ufficient to pull out the electron from the surface
yellow light and red light have same intensity number or Work function for surface Q. Wo hu. Q.
electros emitted will be same.
As KE. 0;u10 Hz
40. Since Wo66x 104x 1015-6.6x 10-19 j =4.125 ev
43. Fora given frequency of the incident radiation, the
For case l: .0) stopping potential is independent of its intensity,. ie.
the maximum kinetic energy of photoelectrons depends
on the light source and emitter plate material but is
For case l: =2K* .(0) independent of intensity of radiation. As Kma eVo where
Vo Stopping potential
Substituting (i) in (i). 44. According to photon picture of light, in photoelectric
effect, electron absorbs a quantum of energy (hu) of
radiation. If this quantum of energy absorbed exceeds
the minimum energy needed for the electron to escape
Work function, hchc (2.,-,) from the metal surface, the electron is emitted with some
kinetic energy, the maximum value of which can be given
41. 0) The Einstein's photoelectric equation is given as
Kmay hu - O0 Kmax hu- 0
This is known as Einstein's photoelectric equation. oo is
Since Kmay Must be non-negative implies that photoelectric the work function of metal, whichis the minimum energy
emission is possible only if hu >0
needed by a surface electron to come out.
or vy > where uo = 0. The two features of photoelectric effect which cannot be
explained by wave theory, are
This shows that the greater the work function oo higher ) The instantaneous emission of electrons
the threshold frequency g needed to emit photoelectrons. (i) The existence of threshold frequency for a metal
Thus, there exists athreshold frequency uo h for the surface
45. (0) For P, threshold frequency up 3x 10 Hz
metal surface, below which no photoelectric emission is For Q. threshold frequency uo -6x 10 Hz
possible. So, metal Qhas higher threshold frequency.
(in) Condition for photoelectric emission, hu > o (i) Work function for Q.
or Wo huo - 6.6 x 104 x6 x 1014 =39.6 x 10-0 J
-2.47 eV
(i) The maximum kinetic energy. of electron emitted by so number of photoelectrons emitted depend only on its
light of frequency 8 x 1014Hz is, intensity.
:. Kmax hlu - u)
49. Einstein's photoelectric equation
- 6.6 x 10 (8 x 104- 6x 104
- 13.2 x 10-20 J = 0.825 eV Kman =m
=hu- o hu -huo
46. We know. Wo work function of the target metal
Kax eV, =hu - u) Three salient features observed are

(0) Below threshold frequency uo corresponding to Wo no
emission of photoelectrons takes place.
(0) From the graph for the same value of U, Stoppin8 (ii) As energy of a photon depends on the frequency
of light, so the maximum kinetic energy with which
potential is more for material B
photoelectron is emitted depends only on the energy of
as photon or on the frequency of incident radiation.
(i) For a given frequency of incident radiation, intensity
V, is higher for lower value of light depends on the number of photons per unit ar
of un Here vg VA
v, , u per unit time and one photon liberates one photoelectron,
so Vsg >VsA so number of photoelectrons emitted depend only on its
() Slope of the graph is given by n which is constant intensity.
From eqn. (0)
for all the materials. Hence slope of the graph does not hc
depend on the nature of the material used. Kmax -90
47. The minimum value of the frequency of light below According to question,
which the photoelectric emission stops completely. h
howsoever large may be the intensity of light, is called Kmax
the cut-off frequency.
Given that threshold frequency of metal is fand frequency 2Kma -o ..(ii)
of light is 2f. Using Einstein's equation for photoelectric
effect, we can write From eqn. (ii) and (ii).

N2-)m ..0)

Similarly. for light having frequency 5f. we have

...(ii) )
Using (i) and (i), we find

V2 V2 or
48. Einstein's photoelectric equation is given below.
Work function, Wo =

where u =frequency of incident radiation AV

50. (1) Slope of line Au
m =maximum kinetic energy of an emitted electron Slope of line -
Wo work function of the target metal It is a constant quantity and
Three salient features observed are
does not depend on nature of Y
(0) Below threshold frequency o corresponding to work metal surface.
function Wo no emission of photoelectrons takes place. (ii) Maximum kinetic energy of
(i) As energy of a photon depends on the frequency emitted photoelectron,
of light. so the maximum kinetic energy with which KE eVo hu - huo
photoelectron is emitted depends only on the energy of For agiven frequency V, >V(trom the graph)
photon or on the frequency of incident radiation. So, from equation (i). (KE), >(KE)
(ü) For agiven frequency of incident radiation, intensity Since the metal M, has smaller threshold frequency ie.
of light depends on the number of photons per unit area smaller work function. It emits electrons having a larger
per unit time and one photon liberates one photoelectron, kinetic energy.
51. electrons of atoms of metal on its surface. Energy hu
of each photon is partially utilized by an electron to
become free or to overcome its work function" Wo
and rest of the absorbed energy provides the maximum
kinetic energy to the photoelectron during the emission.
[Topper's Answer, 2022)
52. The amount of light energy or photon energy. The minimum value of the frequency of incident radiation
incident per unit area per unit time is called intensity of below which the photoelectric emission stops ie. kinetic
radiation. energy of photoelectron is zero is called threshold
SI Unit: Wmor Jms-1. frequency (u).
53. Photons : According to Planck's quantum theory of Threshold frequency, Uo= h
radiation, an electromagnetic wave travels in the form of
discrete packets of energy caled quanta.
The main features of photons are as follows: GmKEma hu-Wo
(ö) In the interaction of photons with free electrons, the or. KEmax eVo
entire energy of photon is absorbed.
(i) EnergY of photon is directly proportional to When work done by collecting electrode potential on
frequency. Intensity of incident a photoelectron is equal to its maximum kinetic energy
radiation depends on the number ‘ then the electrode potential is known as stopping
of photons falling per unit area potential.
per unit time for a given
frequency. Stopping potential, V,=Ka
(ii) In photon electron colision,
the total energy and momentum 56. (b): De Broglie wavelength is given as
remain constant. Frequencywofincident
Einstein's photoelectric equation is radiation
Kmax hu - 0 But. p=2mE
Key Points
(As m, 4m,)
The de-Broglie wavelength is independent of the
nature of material particie and charge on it.
Answer Tips
Charge on an d-particde istwo times the charge on
63. (b) : p= momentum, p«1 proton. Mass of an a-particle is four times the mass of
a proton.
64. de-Broglie wavelength
h 68. Given that à. is the wavelength of the photon. The
de-Broglie wavelength of the electron is = h
KE Constant. KE Kinetic energy of electron,
65. According to Louis de-Broglie, wave is associated with
every moving particle. These are called matter waves. ..0)
" de-Broglie wavelength of a charged particle accelerated hc
through a potential difference Vis given by, A= h We know that energy of photon is E= .(i)
Dividing (i) by (i),
For proton and a particde charges are q and 2q E,
69. De-Broglie wavelength of a particle of mass m and
charge q accelerating through a potential Vis given by
.(i) h
From eqn (i) and (ii) ) Here, m, =ma, =e, m, =4m, =Am, q, =24, =2e
1/2 From eqn. (0)
=242 (As m, =4 m,)

6 (a) Wavelength, A=3315 nm

hc 1240 nm-eV
Amx2exV, (:
EnergyE= 3.74 eV
331.5 nm mxexV,
Momentum, p=E3.74x1.6x 10-19 - 2x 10-2 kg ms1
c 3x108 v,:V, -8:1
(ii) Again from eqn. (0) 1240eVnm
h_h Apma; 1 - 4mvaor Energy of light of wavelength 430 nm (E,)= 430
E 2.88 eV
p mv mv
YY, 4:1 As it is for wavelength of 450 nm (Ez)= 1240 eVnm
E,2.76 eV 450
70. For same accelerating potential, a proton and a
deutron have same kinetic energy. For wavelength of 660 nm (E.)1240eVnm
(a) de Broglie wavelength is given by E3= 1.88 eV 660
h We have seen here clearly that E and E, have energy
vm more than required energy for remove photoelectron
from surface.
Mass of a deutron is more than that of a proton. So, So, in both cases photoemission take place.
proton will have greater value of de-Broglie wavelength. 73. de-Broglie wavelength of a particle of mass m and
(b) Momentum, p= 2 mki p«vm
Mass of a deutron is more than that of a proton. So, a
charge q accelerating through a potential Vis given by
proton has less momentum. .0)
Concept Applied (G)
Here, m, =mq,e,m, =Am, Am, q4 2q, 2e
Deuteron consists of a proton and neutron, thus have From eqn (i)
54. For a given frequency, intensity of light in the photon
picture is determined by Aproton maha
y2mE m Aaloha Mbroton
Energy of photons nxhu
area x time Axt malgha 4mproton
where n is the number of photons incident normally on Aproton Migha 4
crossing area A in time t. .
Aaloha Mbroton
Commoniy Made Mistake (A
So, correct option is (b).
Sometime students define intensity as energy per
unit time whereas actually it is energY per unit area
per unit time. To avoid such confusion, go through its
57. (4): A= p p
definition. the graph is rectangular hyperbola.
55. (a) The main features of photons are as follows: 58. (a) de Broglie wavelength is given by :
(i) In the interaction of photons with free electrons, the
entire energy of photon is absorbed.
(i) Energy of photon is directly ö) When velocity decreases, wavelength increases
proportional to frequency. (i) A h h h
Intensity of incident radiation my 2mk 2mevo
depends on the number of
photons falling per unit area per when accelerating potential increases, the de-broglie
unit time for a given frequency. wavelength decreases.
(i) In photon electron collision, Frequency of incident 59. (c): By momentum of conservation
the total energy and momentum radiation
remain constant. MV mVË t mv2 +
Einstein's photoelectric equation is Particle is at rest initially : mv -mV2
Kmax hu- 0 |Pil P2l
(b) Einstein's photoelectric equation : According According to de-Broglie wavelength ¿=
to Einstein, when ight is incident on metal surface,
incident photons are absorbed completely by valence
60. An electron accelerated through a potential Shortcut (
difference 100 V
D In such question we can directly use the value
De-broglie wavelength associated with electron À=22A hc 1240 nm-eV instead of putting absoBte values of
1227 A-
J100 1.227 A
hand c

61. Aproton and a deutron moving withsame speed =Yo (b) For hydrogen atom, momentum, p2 x 10* kg ms1
Let mass of proton m, Speed, v=P 2x10-27
l.6x10-27124 ms-1
Wavelength of proton associated with it ="
(1) [:: my= 2m,) 67. de-Broglie wavelength of a charged particle
myo accelerated through a potential difference Vis given by.
Now, divided eqn. (1) by eqn. (2) . For proton and a particle charges are q and 2q

2m,vo .(iü)
62. A=2M 1
m 1836 From eqn () and (ii)
Key Points
(As m, 4 m,)
The de-Broglie wavelength is independent of the
nature of materiai particle and charge on it.
Answer Tips

63. (b): p=» momentum, p Charge on an -particle is two times the charge on
proton. Mass of an a-particie is four times the mass of
a proton
64. de-Broglie wavelength
68. Given that à is the wavelength of the photon. The
p V2mKE de-Broglie wavelength of the electron is A=
’ KE constant.
KE Kinetic energy of electron,
65. According to Louisde-Broglie, wave is associated with
every moving particle. These are called matter waves. .0)
: de-Broglie wavelength of a charged particle accelerated
through a potential difference Vis given by. À= h
We know that energy of photon is E, = .(i)
Dividing () by (ii).
.. For proton and a particde charges are q and 2q E, A
respectively. E 2mà?heE
69. De-Broglie wavelength of a particle of mass mand
charge q accelerating through a potential Vis given by
J4m,aV ..(0)
From eqn (i) and (i)
0 Here, m, =m, =e, m, =4m, =Am, 4, 2a, -2e
From eqn. ()
=242 (As m, 4 m,)

66 (a) Wavelength, A=331.5 nm

1240 nm-eV 4mx2exV
Energy, E 331.5 nm
3.74 eV
Momentum. p=374x16x102x 10-7kgms-1 -a:1
(i) Again from eqn. (0) 1240eVnm
Energy of light of wavelength 430 nm (E,)= 430
4mva-or E,2.88 eV
D my
mvp Va
Y4:1 As it is for wavelength of 450 nm (E)= 1240eVnm
E,2.76 eV 450
70. For same accelerating potential, a proton and a 1240eVnm
deutron have same kinetic energy. For wavelength of 660 nm (E)= 660
(a) de Broglie wavelength is given by E3= 1.88 eV
1h h .So, A« We have seen here clearly that E and E, have energy
P2mk 2miqV) Vm more than required energy for remove photoelectron
from surface.
Mass of a deutron is more than that of a proton. So, So, in both cases photoemission take place.
proton will have greater value of de-Broglie wavelength.
(b) Momentum, p= 2mki p«vm 73. de-Broglie wavelength of a particle of mass mand
charge q accelerating through a potential Vis given by
Mass of a deutron is more than that of a proton. So, a h (0)
proton has less momentum. P 2mqv
Concept Appiied ((G)
Here, m, ma, =e,m, =Am, =Am,a, 24, 2e
Deuteron consists of a proton and neutron, thus have From eqn. ()
mass greater than the proton
71. According to Einstein's photoelectric effect myA, mxexV,

E=W"-m :V.- 8:1

Since work function of the surface is negligible, the above
equation becomes 74. (a) (0) For same accelerating potential, a proton and
an electron have same kinetic energy. The de-broglie
wavelength associated with same potential Vis given by.
p N2mk 2mqV)
If Ais de-Broglie wavelength of the
emitted electrons, then So, A= 1
K As electron's mass is lesser than proton. Thus A>g
mv /2mE
72. (a) Let, a proton and an a-particle are moving with (i) Momentum, p=V2mk orp< ym
speed U As electron's mass is lesser than proton. Thus momentum
The mass of proton m, m of electron is lesser than proton.
The mass of a-particle mue 4m (b) De-Broglie wavelength of a particle
De-Broglie wavelength for proton, Ay* m, 2= or Àp=h=constant
It shows a rectangular hyperbola.
De-Broglie wavelenth for a-particle, Az= 1227
75. A=DnAA
4mv .

So, we cansee clearly that à1 > V2x9.1x1031 x16x10-19 x5Ox10)

Therefore, proton has greater value of De-broglie 5.49 x 1o-12 m
wavelength due to its less mass. The resolving power an electron microscope is much
(b) There are three lights of wavelength 430 nm, better than that of optical microscope.
450 nm and 660 nm and the threshold wavelength of Resolving power of a microscope is inversely proportional
metal is 600 nm.
to the wavelength of light.
This suggests that to improve resolution, we have to use
As we know that E= shorter wavelength.
.: hc = 1240 eV nm For an electron microscope, the electrons are accelerated
So threshold energy for remove a photoelectron from through a 50,000 V potential difference. Thus the
metal surface (E) wavelength ofelectrons is found to be e10-1 m
Eo2.07 eV As, à is very small (approximately 10 times smaller) for
Eo = 600 nm electron microscope than an optical microscope which
uses yellow light of wavelength (5700 Àto 5900 À). 5. (a):Electrons being emitted as photoelectrons have
Hence, the resolving power of an electron microscope is different velocities. As all the electrons do not occupy the
much greater than that of optical microscope. same level of energy but they occupy continuous band
and levels. So, electrons ejected out from different levels
CBSE Sample Questions come out with different energies. (1)
1. (b) :Photoelectric emission from a given surface of K.E-ma eV, Given, stopping potential, V, 4V (1)
metal can take place when its work function is less than K.Ema ex4= 4eV
the energy of incident photon. (1)
hc 7. Given, à =2000¢ - 2000 x 10-10 m
2. (c):Work function for a metal surface, = Wo 4.2 eV
Given that,o =4.14 eV - 4.14 x 16x 1019 J o h 6.63 x 10-34 Js
4.14x1.6x10-19=3000 A
())=W,+KE or KE.-Wo (1)
3. (a) The variable X on the horizontal axis is collector (6.63x10}x(3x10) L6x10-15eV-42ey
plate potential. (2000x10-10)
The point A on the horizontal axis represents - (6.2- 4.2) eV 2.0 eV
stopping potential. (1)
(b) (b) The energy of the emitted electrons does not depend
upon intensity of incident light, hence the energy remains
Photoelectric unchanged. (1
Current (c) For this surface, electrons will not be emitted as
the energy of incident light (6.2 e) is less than the work
function (6.5 eV) of the surface. (1
Saturation curent 8 From the observations made (parts A and B) on the
basis of Einstein's photoelectric equation, we can draw
-Voa -Vo2 -Vot O Collector plate potential
following Conclusions:
-Retarding potential (1) 1. For surface A, the threshold frequency is more than
Variation of photoelectric current with collector plate 10> Hz, hence no photoemission is possible.
potential for different frequencies of incident radiation. For surface B, the threshold frequency is equal to the
(c) frequency of given radiation. Thus, photoemission
takes place but kinetic energy of photoelectrons is
Photocurrent 3

For surface C, the threshold frequency is less

than 10 Hz. So. photoemission occurs and photo
Stopping potential electrons have some kinetic energy. (3)
(a) De-broglie reasoned out that nature was
-Vo symmetrical and two basic physical entities mass and
radiation must be symmetrical. If radiation shows dual
-Retarding potential Collector plate potential
Variation of photocurrent with collector plate potential for aspect than matter should do so. (1)
different intensities of incident radiation. (1) de-broglie equation, A=
Main implications: _hu
(Ö) Kinetic energy of emitted electrons depends upon For photon, p
frequency. but not on intensity of radiation.
(ii) There exist a frequency of radiation below which no Therefore, "S-\. wavelength of electromagnetic
photoemission takes place, how high intensifyof radiation radiation.
may be known as threshold frequency. (2) h
Explanation of wave nature of radiation fails to explain) AS A=mk
photoelectric effect.
According to wave theory, when light falls on a metal So, alpha particle will be having shortest De-Broglie
wavelength compared to deutrons. 2
surface, energy is continuously distributed over the kqV
surface. All electrons may be ejected only when it
acquires energy more than the work function. So, if 2m, x244
we use low intensity source, it should take hours for mA
photoelectric emission, but photoelectric effect is almost
a spontaneous process i, -2:1

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