Stack Sc95
Stack Sc95
Stack Sc95
While ne-grained concurrent languages can naturally capture concurrency in many irregu-
lar and dynamic problems, their exibility has generally resulted in poor execution eciency. In
such languages the computation consists of many small threads which are created dynamically
and synchronized implicitly. In order to minimize the overhead of these operations, we propose
a hybrid execution model which dynamically adapts to runtime data layout, providing both
sequential eciency and low overhead parallel execution. This model uses separately optimized
sequential and parallel versions of code. Sequential eciency is obtained by dynamically coalesc-
ing threads via stack-based execution and parallel eciency through latency hiding and cheap
synchronization using heap-allocated activation frames. Novel aspects of the stack mechanism
include handling return values for futures and executing forwarded messages (the responsibility
to reply is passed along, like call/cc in Scheme) on the stack. In addition, the hybrid execution
model is expressed entirely in C, and therefore is easily portable to many systems. Experiments
with function-call intensive programs show that this model achieves sequential eciency com-
parable to C programs. Experiments with regular and irregular application kernels on the CM-5
and T3D demonstrate that it can yield 1.5 to 3 times better performance than code optimized
for parallel execution alone.
The authors recognize the contributions of the other members of the Illinois Concert project: Hao-
Hua Chu, Julian Dolby and Mark Gardner. We also thank the anonymous reviewers for their useful
The research described in this paper was supported in part by NSF grants CCR-92-09336, MIP-
92-23732 and CDA-94-01124, ONR grants N00014-92-J-1961 and N00014-93-1-1086, NASA grant
NAG 1-613, and a special-purpose grant from the AT&T Foundation. Andrew Chien is supported
in part by NSF Young Investigator Award CCR-94-57809. Xingbin Zhang is supported by Com-
putational Science and Engineering program of the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
The experiments reported in this paper were conducted on the CM-5 at the National Center for
Supercomputing Applications and the T3D at the Pittsburgh Supercomputing Center.
1 Introduction
Irregular and dynamic problems are challenging to express and program eciently on distributed
memory machines. They often do not t into data parallel programming models, and message
passing requires the programmer to deal explicitly with the complexities of data placement, address-
ability and concurrency control. Fine-grained concurrent languages which provide a shared name
space, implicit synchronization and implicit concurrency control can dramatically simplify the pro-
gramming of irregular applications. Such languages typically express computations as a collection
of light-weight threads executing local to the data they compute (the owner computes rule [19]).
However, the cost of creating and synchronizing these threads can be high. Given a data layout1 we
propose an execution model which adapts to exploit runtime locality by merging threads, eliminating
unnecessary concurrency overhead.
Ecient execution requires optimizing for both sequential eciency when all the required data
is local, and for latency hiding and parallelism generation when it is not. To address both cases,
our hybrid execution model combines ne-grained parallel execution from heap-allocated contexts
(threads) with larger grained sequential execution on the stack. Distinct versions of the code are
generated and specialized for each role by the compiler. The program dynamically adapts to the
location of data and available parallelism by speculatively executing sequentially and then falling
back to parallel execution. Thus, local, sequential portions of the program accrue the advantages of
fast synchronization, resource reclamation and better use of architectural features such as register
windows, caches, and stack memory. Parallel portions use multiple threads executing from heap
contexts to mask latency and limit the cost of synchronization by reducing the amount of live data
that must be preserved during a context switch.
This execution model is general and ecient, integrating parallel and sequential code versions,
and providing a hierarchy of calling schema and interfaces for the sequential versions with a range
of features. The simplest schema is identical to a standard C function call while the most complex
enables user de ned communication and synchronization structures to be executed on the stack. By
examining the call graph we automatically select the most ecient schema for each portion of the
program so that C eciency is achieved where possible.
In addition, our implementation is portable; written entirely in C, it is not speci c to the stack
structure on any particular machine. This execution model is used by the Illinois Concert system [5],
a compiler and runtime which achieves ecient execution of concurrent object-oriented programs.
This system compiles ICC++, a parallel dialect of C++ [14], and Concurrent Aggregates (CA) [8]
for execution on workstations, the TMC CM5 [31] and the Cray T3D [10] simply by recompiling
and linking with a machine speci c version of the runtime.
We have evaluated the performance of the execution model for both sequential and parallel
execution on a suite of programs written by di erent authors with a variety of programming styles.
Our results on function-call intensive programs show that the hybrid execution model achieves
sequential eciency comparable to C programs. Additionally, measurements on the CM-5 and
the T3D for a regular application kernel (SOR) and two irregular application kernels (MD-Force
and EM3D) demonstrate that the hybrid model adapts well to a variety of data placement and
synchronization contexts, yielding 1.5 to 3 times better performance than a purely parallel scheme.
In Section 2, we give the relevant background, describing irregular computational structures as
well as the basic programming and execution models. Section 3 presents our hybrid stack-heap
1 While data layout for such languages is an important issue and an area of much research [15], in this paper we
focus on ecient execution with respect to a data placement.
execution mechanism. The e ectiveness of this mechanism is demonstrated on a number of ne-
grained concurrent programs in Section 4. Related work is discussed in Section 5, and we conclude
in Section 6.
2 Background
ne-grained concurrency, location independence, implicit locking, and rst class continuations. Pro-
grammers are encouraged to expose concurrency (non-binding parallelism) in both blocks of state-
ments and loops. Implicit synchronization is provided via implicit futures [16], which synchronize
lazily on a value or a set of values in the case of a parallel loop. Introducing the futures implicitly
solves the problem of future placement, but dramatically increases the density of futures over models
where they are inserted manually. Object references are location independent and locking is dictated
by data (class) de nitions. As a result, both communication and lock operations are also implicit,
increasing their frequency as well.
For each method, there are two versions: a version optimized for latency hiding and parallelism
generation (which uses a heap context) and a version optimized for sequential execution (which
uses the stack). The heap based version is completely general being capable of handling remote
invocations and suspension, but can be inecient when this generality is not required. The stack
version comes in three avors of increasing generality. These di erent versions and avors use
di erent calling conventions to handle synchronization, return values and reclaim activation records.
Table 1 illustrates these cases.
In the remainder of this section, we describe how method invocations are mapped into C function
calls. Because our compiler uses C as a portable machine language, these schemas correspond to the
output of our compiler. First we will describe the heap-based parallel invocation mechanism, and
then the avors of stack-based invocation. Finally, in Section 3.3 we will describe proxy contexts
and wrapper functions which are used to handle certain boundary cases.
parallel function(...args...) f
invoke method(fcn23,&location1,...);
invoke method(fcn1,&location2,...);
invoke method(fcn7,&location3,...);
... continue heap execution ...
if (!touch(location1,location2,location3,...)) f
... use values in location1, location2, location3 ...
3.2.2 May-block: Lazy Context Allocation
callee_context = may_block_method(&return_val,...);
if (callee_context != NULL) { // fallback code
context = create_context();
callee_context->continuation = make_continuation(context[13]);
return context; // propagate blocking
A A A A A A 2
(i) (ii) (iii) (i) (ii) (iii)
Callee completes without blocking Callee blocks: need to create linkage b/w caller and callee:
1. create callee context (B) and return
2. create caller context (A)
3. store continuation in callee context
Figure 6: Calling schema for the May-block case. The gure on the left shows successful completion,
while the gure on the right shows the stack unwinding when the call cannot be completed.
In the may-block case, the calling schema distinguishs the two outcomes { successful completion
and a blocked method. If the callee runs to completion, a NULL value is returned, and the caller
extracts the actual return value from return val, a pointer to which is passed in as an argument.
If the method blocks, the callee context (which itself was just created) is returned. This is necessary
because the linkage between caller and callee was implicit in the stack structure, and the caller must
insert a continuation for the callee's return value into the callee context to preserve the linkage.
Subsequently, the caller will, if necessary, create its own context, revert to the parallel method
version, and return its context to its caller. Figure 6 shows an example of the calling schema for the
may-block case.
Using this mechanism, a sequence of may-block method invocations can run to completion on the
stack, or unwind o the stack and complete their execution in the heap. The fallback code creates
the callee's context, saves local state into it, and propagates the fall back by returning this context
to its caller which then sets up the linkage.
Context* root_method(...,return_val_ptr,...) {
caller_context = cont_passing_intermed(&return_val,
if (caller_context != NULL) {
return caller_context; // propagate blocking
Context* cont_passing_intermed(...,return_val_ptr,caller_info,...) {
caller_context = cont_passing_method(return_val_ptr,caller_info,...);
return caller_context;
Context* cont_passing_method(...,return_val_ptr,caller_info,...) {
if ( can_return_value ) {
*return_val_ptr = value;
return NULL;
} else { // need continuation
caller_context = create_context_from_caller_info(return_val_ptr,caller_info);
my_context = create_context();
my_context->continuation = make_continuation(caller_context, caller_info);
return caller_context;
B B 2
.. ..
.. ..
A A A A A A 4
(i) (ii) (iii) (i) (ii) (iii) (iv)
Figure 7: Calling schema for Continuation Passing. root method (A) is the root of the continua-
tion forwarding chain, cont passing intermed an intermediate function, and cont passing method
(B) a function which either returns a value or requires its continuation.
The continuation passing schema (see Figure 7) uses an additional parameter, caller info,
which, along with the return ptr, encodes information necessary to determine what to do should
the continuation be needed. The caller info information is simply passed along to support local
forwarding, but if a method tries to store the continuation or forward it o -node, it must be created.
caller info indicates whether the context containing the continuation's future has already been
created, the context's size if it has not, the location of the return value within the context, and
whether the continuation was forwarded.
The caller info is passed through the call chain, and if the continuation is not created (i.e.
the continuation is not explicitly manipulated), the result can be passed on the stack through
return val ptr. The method which replies simply stores the result through return val ptr, and
passes NULL return values back to its caller. The caller of the rst continuation-passing method
(root of the forwarding chain), receives this NULL value and looks in return val for the result,
thus executing the forwarded continuation completely on the stack.
On the other hand, if the continuation is required, caller info is consulted. There are three
cases which must be handled by the fallback code. First, if the continuation was initially forwarded,
the context must already exist as must the continuation (which is always stored at a xed location
in heap contexts). It is extracted by subtracting the return location o set in caller info from the
return val ptr, adding on the xed location o set and dereferencing. Second, if the context already
exists but not the continuation, the continuation is created for a new future at return val ptr which
is at the return location o set within that context. Finally, if the context does not exist, it is created
based on the size information from caller info, and the continuation is created for a future at the
return value o set. The callee may now do whatever is desired with the continuation, nally passing
the continuation's future's context back to its caller.
void non_blocking_msg_wrapper(Slot * buff) { // Non-blocking
result_val = non_blocking_method(buff[0],...)
if (!EMPTY(result_val)) reply(buff[CONTINUATION],result_val);
3.4 Summary
We have described a set of method versions and invocation schemas that support the execution of
many method invocations in a very general programming model on the stack. Important aspects
of this system include customization for parallel or sequential execution, and the lazy allocation of
contexts and continuations. The resulting scheme is ecient, exible, portable and improves overall
runtimes as discussed in the next section.
Call Overhead Fallback Overhead
Calling schema for Callee Calling schema for Callee
Calling schema Parallel Sequential Calling schema Parallel Sequential
for Caller NB MB CP for Caller NB MB CP
Parallel 130 0 6 8 Parallel { 0 8 8
NB { 0 { { NB { 0 { {
Seq. MB { 0 6 8 Seq. MB { 0 79 39
CP { 0 6 8 CP { 0 140 100
Table 2: Call and fallback overheads (at the caller) for di erent caller-callee scenarios, expressed in
terms of SPARC instructions required in addition to a C function call. NB, MB and CP stand for
Non-blocking, May-block and Continuation Passing sequential calling schemas respectively.
narios as the overhead (in SPARC instructions) beyond the cost of a basic C function call2. There
are two components to this overhead: the rst (shown in the left table) corresponds to the situation
when the sequential invocation completes on the stack, and the second (shown in the right table)
indicates the additional fallback cost when the invocation must be unwound into the heap. Sequen-
tial invocations which do not block have cost comparable to a basic C function call and an order
of magnitude less overhead than the parallel (heap-based) invocation (130 instructions). The 6{8
additional instructions for sequential calls are due to additional invocation arguments, and passing
the return value through memory, rather than in a register.
The fallback overheads vary from 8 { 140 instructions depending on the speci c caller-callee
scenario. The unwinding costs are di erent for the di erent caller and callee combinations because
the di erent schemas place the responsibility for heap context creation and state saving at di erent
places. These fallback overheads make explicit the tradeo in using the sequential and parallel
versions. The maximum fallback cost for any caller-callee pair is comparable to the basic heap-
based invocation, so speculative execution using a sequential invocation rst is cheaper in almost all
cases. The same numbers also show that a sequential method version can incur substantial overhead
if it blocks repeatedly incurring multiple fallbacks; thus, reverting to the parallel method after the
rst fallback is a good strategy, especially if several synchronizations are likely.
Program Parallel Hybrid Parallel-Sequential Versions C
Description Version 1 interface 2 interfaces 3 interfaces Seq-opt Program
b(29) 13.12 1.01 0.95 0.70 0.69 1.10
tak(18,12,6) 152.87 11.37 12.08 6.75 6.71 7.00
qsort(10000) 2.90 0.25 0.28 0.23 0.23 0.16
nqueens(8x8) 3.37 0.77 0.80 0.60 0.56 0.38
list-traversal 1.34 1.05 0.81 0.81 0.81 0.78
(128 elements) 1.17a 1.00a 0.87a 0.87a
a without forwarding optimization supported by Continuation-passing interface.
Table 3: Sequential execution times (in seconds) using the hybrid mechanisms compared with times
for a parallel-only and a comparable C program. The hybrid versions represent varying degrees of
exibility: 1 interface uses only the Continuation-passing interface, while 3 interfaces uses all three
interfaces. Seq-opt is a version which eliminates parallelization overheads.
unlocked objects. Since speculative inlining lowers the overall call frequency, it decreases the impact
of our hybrid execution model. However, since it is required to obtain good performance from a
ne-grained model, we include speculative inlining as part of all our results.
Comparing across the three hybrid versions demonstrates the bene ts of a exible interface.
Using a version which provides all three stack interfaces (i.e., the non-blocking, may-block and
continuation-passing call schemas) improves performance by up to 30% as compared to when only
the most general (continuation passing) interface is always used.4 It further shows that the hybrid
mechanisms can provide C-like performance when all data is locally accessible.
Data Locality CM-5 Performance T3D Performance
Block Local vs Parallel Hybrid Parallel/ Parallel Hybrid) Parallel/
Size Remote (secs) (secs) Hybrid (secs) (secs) Hybrid
88 0.083:1 135.58 136.85 0.991 48.99 43.50 1.126
16 16 1.167:1 97.16 88.15 1.102 46.77 28.66 1.632
32 32 3.333:1 83.47 52.15 1.601 43.46 20.70 2.099
64 64 7.667:1 60.33 32.43 1.860 34.94 14.97 2.334
128 128 16.333:1 45.80 19.89 2.303 28.46 12.00 2.372
Table 4: Parallel execution times for SOR (10241024 grid, 100 iterations) on 64-node con gurations
of the CM-5 and T3D. The performance of hybrid mechanisms is compared with a parallel-only
version for varying amounts of data locality (Block Size corresponds to a block-cyclic distribution of
the grid, and Local vs Remote gives the ratio of local to remote method invocations for the layout).
PE 0
PE 0
Figure 9: Hybrid mechanisms for the SOR code: heap contexts are only created on the perimeter
of the block, all internal chunks execute on the stack.
Table 4 shows the performance of the hybrid mechanisms on 64-node con gurations of the CM-5
and T3D for ve choices of the block size. The hybrid mechanisms adapt to these di erent layouts
improving overall performance over a parallel-only version by up to 2.4 times. Figure 9 shows the
reason for this improvement: in contrast to the straight heap-based parallel version where heap
contexts are created in each half-iteration for each grid element, using the hybrid versions, heap
contexts need only be created for the grid elements on the perimeter of the blocks assigned to the
processor (shown shaded in the gure). Computation on the internal elements can proceed on the
stack (shown by clear boxes) and consequently incur signi cantly reduced overhead.
The results in Table 4 also show that the overall improvement from hybrid mechanisms is directly
proportional to the amount of data locality. The speedup of hybrid mechanisms over the parallel
version increases from 1 0 when the fraction of local invocations is 0.077 to 2 4 when the fraction
: :
of local invocations is 0.942.5 These speedup numbers are in the neighborhood of the theoretical
peak values which are determined by the relative costs of useful work, invocation overhead and
5 For very low locality on the CM-5, the hybrid mechanisms perform worse than the straight heap based scheme
because of the large number of fallbacks.
remote communication. For example, factoring out the useful work in the 128 128 SOR block
layout on the CM-5, the maximum possible speedup we can achieve is 2.63 given that on average
a remote invocation incurs 10 times the cost of a local heap invocation. Our measured value of 2.3
comes close to this maximum.
Table 5 shows the performance of the MD-Force kernel using two data layouts. The random lay-
out uniformly distributes atoms on the nodes, ignoring the spatial distribution of atoms. In contrast,
the spatial layout adopts orthogonal recursive bisection to group together spatially proximate atoms.
Our results show that the hybrid mechanisms improve performance over a parallel-only scheme even
for applications with irregular computation and communication structures. Similar to the regular
SOR kernel, the performance advantages increase with the amount of data locality. For the random
distribution, because of poor locality the dominant contributor to the execution time is the com-
munication overhead. Since communication costs remain unchanged by the choice of the invocation
mechanisms, we only achieve a speedup of 1.03 in this case. On the other hand for the spatially
blocked distribution, the hybrid mechanisms enable the computation to adapt dynamically to data
locality, yielding speedups of 1.43 on the CM-5 and 1.52 on the T3D. When run time checks deter-
mine that both atoms of an atom pair are local, the computation is small and entirely speculatively
inlined. When an atom is found to be remote but its coordinates are in the cache, the computation
is larger but completes entirely on the stack without incurring parallel invocation overhead. Other-
wise, communication is required, and the stack invocation falls back to the parallel version to enable
multithreading for latency tolerance. Even for such invocations, the hybrid mechanisms provide a
performance improvement because of a better integration of the communication and computation |
the target method can execute directly from the message handler. Thus, these remote invocations
avoid the overheads of context creation and thread scheduling which are otherwise present.
values carried along the edges. Three versions of the EM3D code were prepared to evaluate the
ability of the hybrid model to adapt to di erent communication and synchronization structures.
Since they are intended to examine invocation mechanisms, elaborate blocking mechanisms were
not used. The rst version, pull, reads values directly from remote nodes. The second version,
push, writes values to the computing node, updating from the remote nodes each timestep. Finally,
in the forward version, the updates were done by forwarding a single message through the nodes
requiring the update.
Table 6 describes the performance of the three versions of EM3D on a 64-node CM-5 and a
16-node T3D. It shows that the hybrid scheme is capable of improving performance for di erent
communication and synchronization structures for both cases of high and low data locality. In the
case of low locality, eciency is increased because o -node requests are handled directly from the
message bu er, without requiring the allocation of a heap context. When locality is high, the hybrid
mechanism can also execute fully local portions of the computation entirely on the stack. The hybrid
mechanisms yield speedups ranging from unity to nearly four times, achieving superior performance
in all but one case where the continuation passing schema is used with extremely low locality on the
CM-5. In addition to the cost of fallback, this combination produces the worst case for our scheduler
on the CM-5.
Overall, the pull version provides the best absolute performance since it computes directly from
the values it retrieves rather than using intermediate storage. The forward version requires longer
update messages than push but fewer replies. On the CM-5 replies are inexpensive (a single packet),
so the cost of forward's longer messages overwhelms the cost of the larger number of replies required
by push. However, on the T3D the decrease in overall message count enables forward to perform
better than push for low locality. The CM-5 compiler performs better on the unstructured output
of our compiler than the T3D compiler. As a result, the cost of the additional operations required
by push and forward has less of an impact on the T3D than messaging overhead. Thus, for high
locality, the hybrid mechanism is most bene cial for pull on the CM-5 and for forward on the T3D
where local computation and messaging dominate respectively.
on the Actor model [18, 9, 1], we believe they are applicable to other programming models that sup-
port implicit synchronization and communication. In particular, this model is useful as a compiler
target. It has a portable implementation and provides a hierarchy of mechanisms of varying power
and cost supporting a wide range of communication and synchronization structures. Moreover, it
can adapt to runtime data layout reducing the penalty for imperfect compile time information, ir-
regular computations and poor programmer data distribution. As the target for the Concert system
it supports both the ICC++ [14] and Concurrent Aggregates [8] languages.
Several languages supporting explicit futures on shared-memory machines have focused on re-
stricting concurrency for eciency [16, 24]. However, unlike our programming model where almost
all values de ne futures, futures occur less frequently in these systems, decreasing the importance
of their optimization. More recently, lazy task creation [25], leapfrogging [32] and other schemes
[22, 3] have addressed load balancing problems resulting from serialization by stealing work from
previously deferred stack frames. However, none of these approaches deals with locality constraints
arising from data placements and local address spaces on distributed memory machines.
Several recent thread management systems have been targeted to distributed memory machines.
Two of them, Olden [29] and Stacklets [12] use the same mechanism for work generation and com-
munication. Furthermore, they require specialized calling conventions limiting their portability.
StackThreads [30] used by ABCL/f has a portable implementation. However, this system also uses
a single calling convention, and allocates futures separate from the context. Thus, an additional
memory reference is required to touch futures. Also, its single version of each method cannot be
fully optimized for both parallel and sequential execution.
While the portability of the current implementation of our hybrid execution model has many
advantages (especially when considering the short lifespan of some parallel architectures), greater
control of code generation would enable additional optimizations. For example, directly managing
register spilling and the layout of temporaries in the parallel and sequential versions could reduce
the cost of falling back from sequential to parallel computation. Furthermore, modifying the calling
convention to support a di erent stack regimen and multiple return values would reduce the cost of
the more general stack schemas. However, we do not expect these optimizations to alter the basic
performance trends.
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