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The Muslim World

Section 2

Islam Expands
Terms and Names
caliph Highest political and religious leader in a Muslim government
Umayyads Dynasty that ruled the Muslim Empire from A.D. 661 to 750
Shi’a Branch of Islam whose members believe the first four caliphs are the rightful
successors of Muhammad
Sunni Branch of Islam whose members believe Ali and his descendants are the
rightful successors of Muhammad
Sufi Muslim who tries to achieve direct contact with God
Abbasids Dynasty that ruled much of the Muslim Empire from A.D. 750 to 1258
al-Andalus Muslim-ruled area in what is now Spain
Fatimid Member of a Muslim dynasty that traced its ancestry to Muhammad’s
daughter Fatima

Before You Read

In the last section, you read about the rise of Islam.
In this section, you will read about the spread of Islam.

As You Read
Use a chart to summarize developments that occurred in Islam during the
rule of the rightly guided caliphs, the Umayyads, and the Abbasids.
MUHAMMAD’S SUCCESSORS message of Islam appealing. Others liked
SPREAD ISLAM (Pages 269–270) the fact that by becoming Muslims they
How did other leaders spread Islam? avoided paying a tax put only on non-
When Muhammad died, his followers Muslims. But the Qur’an prevented
elected a new leader, Abu-Bakr. He had Muslims from forcing others to accept the
been loyal to Muhammad. He was given religion. Muslim rulers allowed people to
the title caliph. This means “successor” or follow whatever beliefs they chose.
“deputy.” A successor is a person who 1. How did Abu-Bakr spread Islam?
comes after and takes the place of Abu-Bakr succeeded Muhammad and
someone else. A deputy is an assistant conquered new land to spread Islam
who acts on behalf of a leader who is and reacted when a group attempted to
absent. leave.
Abu-Bakr reacted quickly when a group
of Arabs abandoned Islam. He defeated
them in battle over a two-year period. INTERNAL CONFLICT CREATES A
Abu-Bakr died soon after. But his army CRISIS (Pages 270–271)
began to conquer new lands. By 750, the What disagreements arose?
Muslim Empire stretched from the Indus After the murder of a ruling caliph in
River in India west to the Atlantic Ocean. 656, different Muslim groups began to
Many of the people conquered by the struggle for control of the empire. Ali, a
Muslims accepted Islam. Some found the
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106 Guided Reading Workbook

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Section # continued

cousin and son-in-law of Muhammad, was

chosen caliph. After a few years, he was CONTROL EXTENDS OVER THREE
also killed. The system of electing caliphs CONTINENTS (Pages 271–272)
died with him. What Muslim states arose?
A family known as the Umayyads took After 750, there were Muslim caliphates
control of the empire. They did not follow on three continents. The Abbasids
the simple life of earlier caliphs. Instead, (750–1258) took power and murdered
they surrounded themselves with wealth. members of the Umayyad family.
This created a split in the Muslim The Abassids controlled the lands of
community. modern Iraq, Iran, and central Asia. They
Most Muslims accepted Umayyad rule. built the city of Baghdad in southern Iraq
But a different view of the office of caliph as their capital. They used their location to
also developed. The Shi’a group—the control the rich trade between China and
“party” of the deceased Ali—felt that Europe.
caliphs needed to be relatives of One Umayyad prince escaped the
Muhammad. Those who did not openly murders and went to Spain. Muslims
resist Umayyad rule became known as the known as Berbers already lived there. The
Sunni. Among them were many Muslims prince set up a Muslim state called al-
who felt that the Umayyads had lost touch Andalus. The Umayyads of al-Andalus
with their religion. Another group, the (756–976) controlled parts of Spain and
Sufi, reacted to the Umayyads’ life of North Africa. Another Muslim state—the
luxury. The Sufis emphasized a more Fatimid caliphate (909–1171)—sprang up
spiritual way of life. in North Africa, This caliphate spread to
2. How did the Shi’a and Sunni groups western Arabia and Syria. Although the
arise? Muslims were divided politically, all of
the different communities were linked by
The Shi’a and Sunni groups arose as the religion, language, culture, and trade.
Umayyads took control of the Muslim
Empire. The Shi’as believed that only 3. Who were the Abbasids?
those related to Muhammad or Ali The Abbasids took power of modern
should be leaders, while others who day Iraq, Iran, and centeral Asia
didn’t resist the new rule, called through force and the murder of
Sunnis. members of the Umayyad family.

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107 Guided Reading Workbook

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Section 2, continued

In the years following the death of Muhammad, the Muslims created a

huge empire. Take notes to answer the questions about how Muhammad’s
successors spread Islam during this period of expansion.

The “Rightly Guided” Caliphs

1. What did the “Rightly Guided” caliphs The “Rightly Guided” caliphs elected a
use as guides to leadership? loyal follower known as Abu-Bakr to
be leader after Muhammad. Their
actions were also guided by the
Qur’an, such as their decision to not
force Islam onto others.
2. What changes did they make during During their rule, the Muslim Empire
their rule? conquered many lands, until it
eventually stretched from the Indus
River to the Atlantic Ocean.
3. Why were they successful in their quest Yes, the Rightly Guided Caliphs were
to expand the empire and spread Islam? successful in expanding the empire
and spreading Islam, even though they
did not force it onto the people of new
lands due to the Qur’an.

The Umayyads
4. What ended the elective system of The elective system of choosing a caliph
choosing a caliph? ended when Ali was murdered and the
Umayyad family took power.
5. What changes did the Umayyads make The Umayyads did not follow the modest
during their rule? lifestyle that was expected of Muslims
or leaders. They lived lavishly, and
this resulted in the creation of 2
parties, the Shi’a and the Sunni. The
Shi’a believed that the rulers of the
Muslim Empire needed to be relatives
of Muhammad
6. What led to the downfall of the The Umayyads fell after a rising
Umayyads? caliphate known as the Abassids took
power by force and murdered
members of the Umayyad family.

The Abbasids
7. How did the Abbasids come to power? The Abbasids came to power through
force and by the murder of some
members of the previous caliphate
known as the Umayyads.
8. What changes did they make during The Abbasids created the city of
their rule? Baghdad in southern Iraq as their
capital. They also utilized their

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Section 2, continued

location to control the trade between

Europe and Asia.
9. What major problem did the Abbasids The Abbasids faced tension between 3
face? different Muslim caliphates that had
grown around the world. These
caliphates were in the Middle East,
North Africa, and Spain. Additionally,
a surviving prince of the Umayyads
went and established a caliphate in
Spain with the Muslims there called
the Bebers.

Original content © Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Additions and changes to the original content are the responsibility of the instructor .

109 Guided Reading Workbook

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